RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1867.11.09-1869.09.03. Verbascum thapsi. CUL-DAR78.112-116. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Verbascum Thapsi. Parent Plants raised from seed self-fert under net, so that the seeds now treated of are second generation self-fertilised. The plant set abundance of seed spontaneously. 10 fl were crossed fert. with own pollen & set 10 pods = 9 fl were fert. by pollen from distinct plants of same parentage & all set = 5 fl were fert by pollen of wild plant growing at High Elms & all set. —
Seed carefully cleaned (& mixed before being sown on sand) of 5 pods of each & carefully weighed.
The flowers fertilised by wild plant, were done after the others & weather wet & coldish hence, perhaps fewer number. — N. B seed spontaneously set seemed ripest. (The result from weighing agreed with eye.)
Seed from flowers by own flower's pollen weighed 6.33 gr.
― fert by pollen from distinct plant of same parentage} 5.46
― spontaneously fertilised under net. 4.93
― crossed by pollen of wild plant}. 4.54
5 pods not enough for good average.
Apparently spont. fert. do not get pollen enough. —
Perhaps Bees removed pollen from other plants not under net & so did not get enough in Lot 2.
V. Thapsi.
In large Pot. I. seeds sown, but as only seeds from flowers fert. by wild pollen have germinated; I have Nov. 9th covered up other with layer of earth; & having picked out of wild compartment all the seedlings which had grown covered up part of these with earth.
Pot 2. small equal plants transplanted; self & spont, self fert. all in this pot mingled.
(Dec. 2d 1866 Pot. 2. One of self-fert. is finer than the any of the crossed.) (Dec 30th do. do do.)
(Feb. 10- 1867. the self-fertilised finest plants.)
(March 31 Pot 2 do rather finest)
(See p. 12. A)
Verbascum Thapsi
Planted Sept 18th. 3°. P.m.
Lot I. fert by wild plant — (Sept 23d 3° P.m.) (29th 2° P.m.) (Oct 1. 2 seeds) (Nov. 4.) Many more seedlings have germinated & grown better, both on fine sand & when sown in pot, than in any other of 4 lots. —) (a)
Lot II. fert by distinct plant of same parentage Oct 2d. — Oct 3d. second & third have grown.
Lot III. fert by own flower's pollen (Sept 28' 10° A.m.) (Oct 1' a second)
Lot IV. fert by spontaneously under net. — (By accident much fewer seeds were sown)
Say sown in all cases
(Even when seed of all kind crack at same period the crossed grow so much quicker from first, as now with Lobelia, that if not watched in bare state ie if sown even near surface, it would be supposed that the Crossed has germinated much before uncrossed.)
Verbascum Thapsi. Plants of 2d generation
Nov. 10th 1867. Pot. I (near K. Garden wall)
The plants late in autumn threw up flowering stems & flowered— Plants crossed by wild 6 ft .. 4 in high — self-fertilised 4.5 1/2 — crossed by plant of same parentage 1 ft. 9 (see back) 48 [+] 5.5 [=] 53 5
Pot. II. These plants have not thrown up fully-developed flowering stems; crossed by wild 22 inch high. Self-fertilise 17 1/2 high. (see back)
(Novr. 18th. 1867. I have now sown on opposite sides of Pots III & IV seeds, as in Pot 1 & 2, viz self seed on one side, & crossed seed, I believe (& am almost sure) of the plants of distinct parentage, but not of wild plants on opposite side.)
(May 10 1868 In Pot III. Plants 4 inches high to tips of leaves & quite equal— Pot larger.)
June 7th 1868. Two crossed plants have now flowered in same pot I, whilst the self plant is completely smothered & will not flower for weeks
Pot II. The self plant is finest & tallest, & has flowered before the crossed plant.
Aug 24th the tallest crossed (by plants of same parentage) is has not fruited is only 4 ft .. 6 in high & tallest self is 5' .. 6 high, so much beaten.
48 [+] 6 [=] 54
[calculations not transcribed]
1868 Aug. 24. In Pot. III & IV. (see last page) the young plants have fine large leaves, but are q nearly equal in size. —
Sept 3 1869 I have now measured the plants in Pots III & IV.
Pot III. |
Crossed inches 62 60 5/8 |
Self inches 75 30 4/8 |
Total |
122 3/8 |
105 4/8 |
Pot IV |
73 66 4/8 |
62 52 |
Total |
139 4/8 |
114 |
262 1/8 |
219 4/8 Make grand total
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023