RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.08.01-1872.11.05. Mimulus. CUL-DAR78.17-40,42-45. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2. 2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Mimulus, seeds bought as mixed vars were raised all in same pan in greenhouse & covered with net — vars. nearly similar, except in tint of colour. Flowers yellow spotted with orange-brown.
They are fertile when not artificially fert.
Six pods fert, with pollen from same flower
Six pods ― ─ … from distinct plant
All 12 flowers produced pods.
Seeds too numerous to count, but placed in equal watch-glasses the crossed seeds perhaps appeared rather most numerous. Weighed in chemical Balance, the whole lot of Uncrossed seed weighed .81 of grain, the crossed 1.02— difference 0.21 ie, not far from quarter of weight of uncrossed seed— The crossed seed must be plumper & so be so much heavier for in bulk certainly not nearly a quarter more.
Seed of Both lots sown in 2 glasses & put into Hothouse & my Study on Aug 1st 3° 30' P.m—
Aug. 3d. 1866 7° 30' A.m. Both lots in my study & in Hothouse have germinated; & crossed & uncrossed seeds at same time in about same number (2 or 3 in each) & in equal degree!! Certainly Uncrossed as much, or more, than the crossed. —
Mimulus luteus (raised at Kew) mostly typical var, those with much seed are var Youngana
A few days ago Aug 7th or 8th a parcel of both crossed & uncrossed Mimulus seed were placed with the sand on which they lay, both in same pot on 2 sides separated by zinc partition & covered by Bell glass. The soil well mixed & equally watered — Both sides equally exposed to light— Now Aug. 14th the crossed on average are grown much the best.
The tallest group of seedlings being exactly 1/2 inch high, whilst tallest of uncrossed are exactly half as high or 1/4 of inch
(Sept. 11th. of Three of four of tallest crossed plants of exactly equal height are now 4.75 inches high. Of the uncrossed two the tallest plants are one (another only a trifle shorter) is only exactly 3 inches high.)
(Sept. 21st. One crossed plant has now flowered (24th two others.)
(27th Six crossed plants altogether have now flowered & whole lot parted by fence from other lot look wonderfully bigger & more vigorous.) 29th. Nine plant now in full flower) 30th tenth flower & first of uncrossed; so that ten crossed plants ie great majority in pot have flowered before 1 uncrossed; & the first at interval of nine days.) (Oct. 1' second & Oct. 3d, third uncrossed plants flowered)
Oct 12. Only 4 plants of uncrossed have altogether flowerED & very poorly. —
Mimulus. Dec. 31. The plants described in two last pages have now been cut down close to ground: of the crossed the 4 tallest very nearly equal in height & measured on average 7 5/8 (so dwarf; & of self-fertilised the four tallest not so equal measured 5 7/8 inches in height.)
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Mimulus. 1867.
The plants which have been so minutely described were grown in small & shallow pot or rather pan. They were a a few month or two ago transplanted into in mass into two sides of a large pot with good soil: both lots are now quite equal & about 3 1/4 inches in height. Hence it wd appear that the great inequality was owing to one starving the other.
March 15' still equal & of large size, if any difference self-fert. the finest; I suppose from now having plenty of soil not having been exhausted by growth & seeding last summer
(March 31 do. do in appearance. The self-fert. are going to flower & will flower before the crossed plants!!!)
(June. 14' Both lots allowed to seed spontaneously: I carefully got of seed of 8 pods from each. Some of the best Selfs seemed as many as the crossed; & some of the worst of latter seemed quite as bad as poorest self. —
When all seeds of both lots, put into separate watch glasses, no difference to eye; but all the seed (over)
of 8 crossed pods weighed exactly 1 gr. whilst all of Self — plants, weighed between 8 & 9 / 10' of grain ie about 15 per cent. less. — Hence self-plant yet seem more sterile in slight, degree than the crossed; both having been spont. self fertilised. —
Mimulus seed which will form plants of — 2d. generation (a) Nov. 1866 Back
Lot Plants from self-fertilised flowers again fert by pollen of own flower
139. many bad & small seeds hard to count
128 do ― do ― do ―
Decr 30' 222 seeds — All these poor, but
(Of these self-fertilised plants, two flowers were fert. by pollen from distinct of same lot in same pot; & the po one pod contained rather more than seed than the self-fertilised & the other not known, but seed finer
Plants which had been crossed & now again fert. by pollen from distinct crossed plant growing in same pot.
A fine crossed pod contained 796 seed with only a few bad. —
I have no, doubt some other pods contained 700 seed. —
N. B All those pods self-fertilised & crossed are probably less fertile than they shd be from being so late in season.—
These Plants from these seeds when grown will be grandchildren of first plants experimented on.
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Close of Feb. 1867. —
Seeds of 2d generation from the self-fert. plants again fert. (for numbers see p. 5. C.) with pollen from same flowers & other from crossed plants again crossed with pollen from crossed plants were sown on opposite sides of Pot. I. & of in separate pots 2 & 3.
Pot 2. self-fertilised Pot 3 Crossed
March. 10' The crossed plants in both cases have come up more freely & earlier through the sand. —
(March 31st The crossed are now the most numerous & plainly finer & taller plants.)
(May 11' In Pot I Plants now partly in flower & partly in large bud, with both kinds on opposite sides; there is great general difference; but all the plants are small, from the pot being small & many being germinated: the crossed average about 4 inches high, with one plant to top of shoot 9 inches high, another 8 & 2 or 3 7 1/2 inch high; whilst on self-fert side, average height only about 2 1/2 inches with one plant alone a good deal taller than the others, & thus 7 1/2 inch high.
(In pot. (3) with all the plants crossed, the tallest was (over)
nearly 7 inches & another 6 1/2 high: in Pot. (2) with all the plants self-fert. the tallest plant was 6 inches & in the self-fert Pot (2) much fewer plants had come up, & consequently leaves were bigger & finer, yet no plant so high as in crossed Pot; nevertheless not nearly so great (There is very little difference in general aspect.) a difference between these two pots as between the two sides of Pot. I In both lots, of so the crossed plants have flowered much more freely & earlier than the self-fertilised.—
Jun 25' In crossed Pot II 111 flowers were produced; in Pot III, self-fert. 91 flowers were produced. —
(In pot one I the 12 flowers on the crossed plants were again crossed & yielded 12 pods (& very many spont. self fertilised): 12 flowers on the the self-fert plants again art. self-fertilised yielded 7 capsules & 12 spont. self. (= 19 pods from whole lot). Seed Seed of seven pods of a crossed capsules on crossed plants were placed in watch glasses & were conspicuously produced very much many more (I daresay half again as much) seed than those of the art. & or the spont. self-fertilised capsules on the self-fert, plants (these 2 latter producing nearly equal quantity).
(Aug. 11th. 1867. Pot. I the plant were cut down & repotted in very large pot, like last year, & now when 5-6 inches high are about equal, like last year)
(Aug 25. The crossed decidedly finest, but not nearly as much difference as in small pot; one self-fert only one inch shorter than tallest crossed, which is foot high —Crossed have flowered first.
(5F) (49 (5F
Mimulus. Seeds from 2d. generation, which will make plants of the third generation, both crossed & self-fertilised were sown on July 20th. — 2° 45' P. m.
Pot I. Seeds sown on both sides of Pot at same time
Pot II. The crossed 2 days after self-fert. Plant
Pot III do 4 days do do.
(July 28th I also planted some seeds of both kinds after germinating in open ground, & on opposite sides of Pots, with a Marygold & Fuchsia, with the roots of which pot was well filled, so as to expose the two lots of Mimulus to a struggle with another plant.) N. B The two lots of seeds, when placed on damp sand germinated at same time)
(Aug 11'. Pot II. seedlings .4 of an inch higher & now equal in Pot III, self-fert, the finest.) —
(Aug. 25th. Pot I crossed altogether finest & tallest
Pot I & II crossed the tallest but not finer
― Pot. III. tallest crossed 4 inches high. — tallest self 3 inches; but the self-fert are the finest plant with largest leaves.
The Mimulus seed died in Marygold pot, in Fuchsia pot, now Oct. 6. 1867 crossed much the finest, yet very small plants.)
(Nov. 10th. 1867 The crossed plants in Fuchsia Pot measured to tips of leaves now 2 inches. The self. only 3/4 high.) (Dec. 30. 1867 the finest crossed 3 1/2 inches high; finest self 1 inch high.)
(April 23. The crossed still much the largest plants but the self flowered first.)
Mimulus Plants of third Generation.
Sept 8 1867.
Pot I. Crossed tallest plants 4 1/2 & 5 inches high tallest self 5. crossed flowered first (Nov. 10th. The plant have now done flowering; the two tallest crossed 12 & 7 1/2 inches; two tallest selfs 8 & 5 1/2.)
Pot II. Sept 8 Crossed tallest 5 inches Self. tallest 4. Crossed flowered first. —(Nov. 10th three tallest crossed 12 1/2, 8 3/4, 9; two tallest selfs 8 & 5 inches)
Pot III. Sept 8 Crossed 5 1/2 inches tall; self 5 1/2. In this Pot 3 the self are quite as fine, with larger leaves than the crossed. But the crossed flowered first. — For some reason none of plants so fine & not so great difference between them as in former cases.
(Nov. 10th, Three tallest crossed 11, 10, & 8 inches; three tallest selfs 12, 8 1/2 & 7 1/2.)
Sept 30 Of above 30 self-fert. & 20 crossed. — The crossed plants were crossed from pot to distinct pot. —
The 20 crossed pods pods all set & 10 pods yielded 1. 33 gr (accurate) of seed
The 30 artificially fertilised pods (& some were not fert. on the plants in all 3 Pots) yielded only 26 pod & 10 yielded 0.87 gr of seed; that is rather under 2/3 of weight, (for .884 wd have been the 2/3. — I compared & placed in row in watch-glasses the contents of of
(The ball of earth in Pot III. was moved out & put into rather larger Pot, & plants when withered cut down. — Now, April 3d 1868, the plants are grown to good size, but not flowered, & the crossed are very decidedly the finest.
(Jun 21' 68. The above plants have now flowered & withered, two or three of tallest crossed plants were each 13 inches in height two of tallest selfs 11 & 8 1/2 inches — The crossed have produced spontaneously superabundance of pods: the self very few & poor pods. — They must be counted: 8 pods of crossed & self were placed in watch-glasses & the worst of crossed were decidedly better than best of self. The seed from the 8 self-plant pods 0.22 gr of sand
―… 8 crossed-plant pods 0.65. gr of seed. —
of the 10 crossed pods, putting best on left; & then compared the 10 self-pods; the best of the latter were not equal to best of crossed but there were 5 pretty good Pods; & the worst of crossed was better than as good as the sixth in row of self pods.
I casually looked at all the other self-pods & very many were poor, now in larger portion than half—; so that the sterility infertility of self- shows itself in either fewer pods setting, in many containing very few seed, & with none quite as good as crossed.
Compare the crossed plants, in same pot, raised from seed crossed between Pots with common earth, & crossed with plants in peat & clay.
Plants of 4th Generation, from seed of Third
Pot I common earth as before— Seeds sown, Cool Hothouse
Dec. 30' 1867 There was usual inequality in Pot I & II. but plants were not thinned enough & much drawn up. (April 3/68 tallest crossed flower stem 8 1/2 inch; tallest Self stem 5 inches.)
Pot. II. common earth (April 3. 68 tallest crossed flower-stem 6 1/2 inches: tallest self stem 7 inches— So self tallest!!!
In this plant, especially, a var with crimson blotches has almost supplanted the others: I remember formerly there appeared one such plant on crossed side taller than others, & I suppose it seeded very freely & thus has supplanted others; or to a new var. has appeared.
Pot III. Pure Peat. Dec. 30 67 The seedlings did miserably; all the selfs died & most of crossed.
Pot IV. Red Clay, mixed with dung. Dec. 30 1867— There is not nearly so much difference between two sides as in Pot I & II.
(April 3d. 68 All the plants are much dwarfed & have are not yet in flower.; but the crossed side considerably the finest.)
(April 23d now in full flower; the two tallest plants 5 1/2 & 5 inches, & two tallest selfs 4 3/4 & 5 inches; but as in other Pots, plants blotched with crimson on crossed side have almost supplanted others.)
These plants in Pot IV, always remained dwarfed & flowered later than Pot. I & II.—
Mimulus Plants of 4th Gen. from seed of 3d
The In Pot I & II, 20 flowers were self-fert & produced only 15 pods. — The seed in 10 of these pod weighed 0.68 gr.; (& in the 5 others appeared about the same)
On the crossed plants in Pot. I & II, 12 flowers were crossed, & produced 10 pods containing 1.71 gr of seed, & therefore more than twice. This result agrees with appearance in watch glasses; for only 2 of the pods of self equalled the worst pods of crossed.
On the crossed plants in Pot I & II, 12 flowers were crossed with pollen from crossed dwarfed plants in clay in Pot IV. & produced 12 pods containing rather less seed than in flowers which were crossed between Pot I & II; but far more than the self-pods. — All this looks as if these plants were decreasing in fertility. —
Lettington cross fertilised chiefly the smaller yellow flowered Plants but was obliged to take some of the large red-blotched flowers)
Mimulus 1868 Plants of 5th Generation from seed of 4th gen. p. 5. L.
(July 10' 68 In all 3 Pots the crossed flowered considerably first) (No difference between Clay Plants & common Soil— crossed Plants.) in Pots 4, 5 & 6.) (Aug 23 68 Again I can detect no difference in the 3 Pots between the opposite sides)
Aug. 24. 68
Pot. |
Crossed |
Self |
I. |
7 many red vars. |
8 red var |
II. |
4 1/2 |
7 red vars |
III. |
5 1/2 |
6 1/2 red var |
From some cause, extreme heat of summer, the plants grew miserably.
On self-side, most of the plants were nearly white & blotched with red & hence their greater height as in last generation. In Pot I. this was well shown by the crossed being taller than in other pots & here the crossed were chiefly red.
The experiment has failed owing to the appearance of these red variations & their greater size. This has proved a most unfortunate choice.
(Sept. 26' Seeds casually examined of above plants apparently from being so crowded & grown during very hot summer in small pots, both the crossed & self plants very sterile. Many 18 flowers were crossed, but only 7 pods produced — 24 were self-fertilised & produced only 7 pods.
All these contained but few seeds & very bad ones; but the pods from crossed flower certainly contained somewhat more, but hardly better seeds. — The plants spontaneously set Ø
some pods under net; viz the self-plants altogether 6 pods, but the crossed plants produced a good many, & these certainly contained more seed, yet not very many, than the self-plants: one pod, however, of the latter was good & contained a good many. — Hence we see that the self-plants, though growing as well in this generation as the crossed, were certainly were not so fertile as the crossed plants. —
[Repeat of 5Mv]
Mimulus Plants of 5th (6th) generation from seed of 4th (5th) Gen. —
(Dec. 6' 68/ — Plants in the several Pots from 2-3 inches to tips of leaves, & no marked difference on either, but Selfs have the advantage is any. — (Attend to spont. fertility)
(April 1'. 1869. The self on whole decidedly the largest & most vigorous plants — in half the Pots the self- & in half the crossed flowered first.) (When full grown the selfs very decidedly the largest, & tallest plants; but I know not reason)
(Ap. 20. 69. All have flowered & not one plant on either side belongs to old variety; one on self side makes some approach to it, but is not exact — Larger plants, larger flower & spotted with red— on whitest or yellow corolla, instead of being spotted with coppery brown & smaller flowers.) (But the change is more complete on self-side)
(The plants were cut down & repotted; & now Aug 5th I see that it is on self-side that all the plants have white flowers spotted with crimson; & which have changed in growing bigger & in not being injured by self-fertilisation.
This is very curious variation, especially if it proves inheritable (a) it is exactly the reverse of the variation in individuals plants of Lobelia, Verbascum &c. which Gartner & Kolreuter have proved occur, namely their becoming utterly self-sterile, though having good ovule & pollen.
(see next Page for fertility)
The case has become a contest between 2 distinct vars. —
(a) The white var. with blotched may have had aboriginally this character, & not acquired it.
Mimulus Aug 8. 1869— Fertility of Plants of last Page viz of 6th generation from seeds of 5' gen.
All the pots were put under net, so as to be spont. self-fertilised & owing to much greater vigour & size of the self-Plants, these produced 81 Pods; whilst crossed produced only 55 pods. — I compared in watch glasses 9 of these spont. fert. pods on the self & crossed plants, & they produced rather more seed, but not in any marked degree. —
12 fl. on crossed plants were crossed & produced 6 pods; & so did 12 fl on self-plants, art. self-fertilised; & here, I think the crossed flowers yielded rather more seed; but not in any marked degree.
Also 12 fl. on the self-plants were crossed by pollen from other self-plants, but these did not yield quite so many seed as the sp art self-fert. plants, fertilised by pollen from same plant.
Mimulus of 7th Generation from seed of sixth. gen
Aug 9. 1869. seed from the last page was sowed on opposite side of 3 Pots. — crossed on one side & self-on other — to see of greater size & vigour of self continues for another generation.
[Table not transcribed, right section excised] October 28' 1869
(N. B Again all the self ar white with red Blotches & the crossed of various tints. —)
This 2d measurement of same plants to tips of leaves, growth complete, made Dec 15. 1869 (Plants thrown away)
Measured to extreme tips of leaves; several flowers now out. —
The seedlings were thinned & only a few left on each side. —
At first no difference; but the selfs came up rather before the crossed. —
Lettington is convinced that in first generation there were none of the nearly white var with coppery red blotches, which now form the whole lot on self-side. — A new Var
[calculations not transcribed]
Mimulus. Dec. 1869 Self- Plants alone
The tall white & red-flowered self plants were exclusively experimented on. — These plants belonged to the 6th Generation p. 5.O 20 flowers were crossed with other self plants growing in distinct pots & produced 16 pods ie 80 per cent.
25 fl were fert. with own pollen & produced 17 pods i.e. 64 per cent: opposed to their apparently lessened fertility of the self-fert. pods, 11 10 pods of these & of crossed union compared in watch glasses, & they ie the self-fertilised decidedly contained more seed, & fewer of the pods contained very little seed. The whole 10 self contained a decidedly greater mass of seeds than to 10 crossed.
[table not transcribed]
May 13 /70/ some of many of plants just in flower, measured to extreme summit of growing axes. — Seeds were germinated on sand & carefully selected. —
[table not transcribed]
In covered Pot VI. 3 tallest on each side measured
These plants must have been the seventh generation
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Mimulus. 1870.
Same plants as in foot at base of Page 5Q. now June 6th 1870 measured to upper edge of calyx; growth now completed.
[Table excised]
(N. B the self-plants in Pot V, is were self-fertilised: 29 20 flowers then treated & produced 19/20 pods with plenty of excellent seeds!!
The plants which will be raised from these will be the eight generation of self-fertilisation; & they will be crossed again self-fert & crossed with pollen from Kew or Chelsea Plants to see, if the cross does good, & those seedlings will be the ninth generation.
65 44
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Mimulus. 1871 Self-plants in Pot V. last pages were self-fertilised & yielded seed & produced plants of eighth generation of self-fertilisation. Firstly These plants produced spontaneously a good many pods with plenty of seed.
Secondly there are 12 flowers white Thread on these self plants were intercrossed, one with another, & produced 8 pods — Thirdly 12 flowers white wool were crossed by pollen of plant f raised from Chelsea seed (so exposed to different conditions from my plants) & produced 9 pods — But so many pods were mouldy I could not decide which pods produced most seed, but I rather think the simply intercrossed plant (of (2d lot) produced most.
N. B. The Chelsea plants mostly same var, as mine, but corolla yellower & blotches a little redder; perhaps in part from fewer grown in same pot, rather taller than my plants. Two of the taller Chelsea plants now to tip of shoot measured 26 3/8 & 24 inches; whilst 3 of mine measured 17 2/8, 19, 13 4/8. — I think probably my plants reduced by long similar conditions.
The plants on next page will be 9th Generation.
Mimulus. Ap. 16. —1871 — The seed mentioned on last page put on sand to germinate. — The spont. self seed germinated first, viz on April 14; then that the seed from flowers crossed by Chelsea plant; & now considerably behind the others (i. e much fewer seed & in less degree) the mutually intercrossed.
Ap. 15th. The difference now very conspicuous; perhaps the crossed by Chelsea pollen in advance of all; certainly the intercrossed in the rear.
Ap. 16 — The crossed by Chelsea certainly ahead of all — many more young plants, showing trace of green, & nearly all the seeds, broken & sho beginning to germinate. The backwardness of the mutually intercrossed is very curious. —
(May 22d 71. compared young plants about one inch & less high.
The following remarks all apply to those crossed by pollen of Chelsea Plants
Pot I. much finest ― II. equal ― III. much the finest ― 4. do ― 5 do ― 6 rather the finest |
Pot. 7. much finest ― 8 rather finest ― 9 about equal 10 (crowded) much taller & finest
see next Page for measure
taller from greenhouse
Mimulus plants on last page measured, up to summit of stems, no flower — growth completed
[Table excised] Pot Crossed by Chelsea Intercrossed Self-fert
Little red crosses mean first flowered — 2 crosses at same time — Hence self- in only 1 Pot flowered first.
The great height of crossed by Chelsea plant, is matched by much more branching, much larger size of leaves & somewhat larger flowers. The mother plant [illeg] coloured with red patches the Chelsea ♂ yellow with similar red patches; the yellow primordial colour, & in all offspring from Chelsea plant in all 10 Pots flowered yellow; so prepotent in this tint. — In Pot X. seeds germinating in all degrees & not germinated planted together & much crowded, so here growth of seed & growth of plants all included.
The 3 tallest in each compartment measured
[table not transcribed] not yet added up in either colour (over)
[Right side of page excised]
Most of these pots were
& plumped out of
intercrossed sufficient
3d are either
cut down
thence crossed
moderately is
yet flowering
quite late in autumn
did so.—
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[calculations not transcribed]
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Mimulus — Plants on last page.
All the good pods which were produced were collected
On crossed by Chelsea — 272 —
Intercrossed — 24
Self-fertilised — 17!
8 pods of each lot were carefully seeded & put in separate watch-glasses — Crossed by Chelsea much more seed than intercrossed; & the latter more than self-fert. — Only 2 of latter moderately good, about as good as worst of Crossed by Chelsea.
All the seed from the 8 pods of Crossed by Chelsea Weighed 1.10 grain
do do. do do Intercrossed 0.51
do do do Self-fertilise 0.33.
Most Several The above Pots were in autumn put out & bedded in open ground, now Dec. 23 /71/ after the severe frost all the Crossed are regrowing & shooting vigorously from the roots, whilst all the Intercrossed & Selfs are completely dead!
Mimulus. 1872
Some of the fine plants raised from crossed by Chelsea pollen, were fertilised by own-flower pollen, & other flowers were fertilised by pollen from another plant flower on same plant Seed germinated on sand & planted in usual way
[Table not transcribed, partly excised]
Measured Nov. 5th 1872. up to top of shoots.
(Red Cross flowered first)
(These planted too late & not fully to be trusted.)
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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 2 September, 2023