RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1866].10.27-1868.07.05. Lobelia ramosa. CUL-DAR78.183-185. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Lobelia erinus Gard. Chronicle says is var of Lobelia ramosa (var. snowflake.)
4 Plants in too small separate pots, separate pot under net, late on autumn & did not set well; but I got 1 pod from a cross & 2 pods from artificially fert. with own pollen. The latter contained by eye rather more seed than the one crossed pod. — Did not
Oct 27' 6° P.m. placed on sand. Nov. 2d 6°. P.m some of both lots have cracked their shells, & the crossed have a little advantage rather more of them being cracked.
(Nov. 4th certainly the plumu radicles of crossed seed are now more fully protruded than in any of uncrossed.)
Pot. I seeds were sowed on both sides, (but did not germinate well)
Pot 2. seedlings equal & transplanted — Hothouse
Pot 3. do do. do Greenhouse
(Dec. 1 Pot. 2. Hot House Crossed & uncrossed equal, except one crossed tallest
Pot 1. all equal. — March 31. crossed rather finest
In sand, the crossed perhaps the healthiest.
(Dec 16 Pot. 2. Crossed a shade taller)— see (Back)
(Dec. 30' do do rather tallest.) —)
(Feb. 10th Pot 3. self-fertilised finest. Pot 4. equal.
March 31 Pot 3. do do — do
March 31' 1867 Pot 2. Hot house — Plants coming into flower — The 2 tallest crossed plants about 1 1/2 inch taller than 2 tallest self-fert. plants.
(June 3d. All Plants now nearly in flower & pot 2 done flowering
Pot. I. tallest crossed 10 inches — tallest self 7 1/2
― II. ― ― 27 1/2 ― 24. {Long kept in Hot House
― III. 11 1/2 10
Pot. not numbered numbered sown after others. X} 15. 12.
(In Pot I, III & X. The crossed plants flowered a few days before the self-fert; I believe this was so in Pot. II.; but fact not recorded at the time]
June 25 I now find that almost all the but not quite all) crossed plants produce plenty of pollen; but nearly all a good many of the self-fertilised plants are utterly destitute of pollen; the anthers generally do not cohere (case like Dianthus)— N. B in both D. & Lob. some few of crossed plants may by accident have been self-fertilised).
July 13th
Pot I. now in full flower Pot III. Pot X |
Crossed 22 1/2 inch tallest 16 1/2 22 1/2 |
Self 17 1/2 15 17 |
Lobelia ramosa (snowflake) 1867
On crossed plants of 1st gen. some flowers were crossed & produced 5 pods, (one so bad thrown away, & these 4 contained 0.57 gr. of seed ∴ 6 pods wd have contained 0.85 gr.
On some self-fert. plant, some were again artificially self-fert. & they produced 7 pods (one so bad thrown away) & the 6 pods contained. 0.51 gr. of seed.
Therefore equal number of crossed & self pods contained seed by weight as 100 to 60.
The plants from these seeds will form second generation.
(Feby 14 1868 The seeds were placed in damp sand in two glasses & the crossed seed in both certainly germinated much earlier & more freely than the self-fertilised seed. — In Pot IV. smaller pot. seeds crowed.)
(April 3d /68/ In Pot. 1, 2, 3, Plants about 1 1/2 inches high, (3 or 4 plants on each side) & equal. — But in Pot IV, in which plants were left crowded the crossed are about one-third taller than self: good proof of effects of crowding struggle on result. —)
(April 23d Pot. IV crossed 5 inches on average high— selfs 4 inches high & do not look nearly so fine plants— In other pots the crossed have now decided advantage. — between about 4 inches in height —
Lobelia ramosa 1868.
(May In Pot I, II, III & IV the crossed plants flowered some days before self-fertilised.)
(July 5. 68/ These are measurements of tallest plants on each side in each Pot.
IV |
Crossed. 27 1/2 21 The crossed plant was late but was killed & not measured 21 1/2 |
Self 18 1/2 19 1/2
19 |
Besides difference in height the crossed plants looked larger & finer
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023