RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1866].11.04-1868.06.20. Lupinus luteus. CUL-DAR78.192-196. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Lupinus luteus
Two seeds from cross with distinct plant (by caps with pollen) growing close by; & g 9 seeds from self-fertilised from same plant as above from 2 pods on same whorl with fertilised pod. Planted Nov. 4th 2° 15' P. m. —
No. 1. Nov. 7th about 2° A.m. germinated. but planted 24° before others
No. 2, No 2. died) 3. germ at 2° Am Novr 7th
No 4. germ. at 7° 30' A.m. Novr 7th
― 5. germ. at 2° P.m. Nov. 7th
― 6 Uncrossed— germ. at 4° Am. Nov. 8
― 7 do. germ. at 7° A.m. do
― 8 do. do at 7' ― Nov. 9th. — uncrossed seeds. germinated first
― 9 & 10 Both crossed on 7th ― Nov. 10th
(Dec. 1st Pot I No' 10 crossed same height (viz 4 inches to base of leaflets of tallest leaf) with no 4 3 do not & taller than other plant— No 3.)
(Dec. 1 Pot 2. Crossed no 9. 3. 6/8 inch high, (as before) No 8. 3.0 inch high & taller than other plants, germinated [illeg] day
(Dec. 30th Plant no' 4 is now a shade taller than no. 10.)
(Feb. 10th Plant no' 9 the finest & much most healthy of all 3 plants
― — — 10' do do do. do. —)
(March 21. Crossed plants no 9 & 10 are now on point of flowering, but only 9 inches high & healthy — It is clear planting in autumn in greenhouse most injurious: One of self-fert plants, which is very unhealthy, yet is going soon to flower is 8 inches high: all the others are wretched & will mostly die. —)
(June 3d Only 1 self-fert plant set pod, a single one. One of Crossed Plants produced 5 pods & the other 8 pods & pods finer.)
Lupinus luteus. 1867.
The crossed plants, were again crossed, & four flowers produced pods with 4, 3, 3, & 3 seeds.
The self-fert plants spontaneously produced under net many pods; containing 26 pods contained on average 4.08 seed, (with several pods containing 5 seed)— Hence self-fertile more fertile, but this often occurs with Lupinus, as they apparently require successive applications of pollen, & own pollen was brushed away. —
These seeds will be give plants of 2d generation
(May 10' /68/ in all Pots, plants 4 inches to tip of leaves & crossed rather finest & tallest. — great difference in plants in red Calceolaria Pot)
(Jun 20 In pot I, II & III The self have flowered first!)
(see next page for measurement)
(31 C
Lupinus luteus. The plants on p. 31. B in greenhouse have now arrived at full height. —
some germinated seed was planted on each side of pot of Calceolaria
Crossed 21 1/2 — 18 in.
Self 20 — 9 1/2.
So that of all 8 eight matched plants the crossed in every case the tallest.
(The plant were left to fertilise themselves uncovered in greenhouse, where few Bees entered & they set very badly & produced only bad & empty Pods.
All the crossed Plants produced only 9 good pods containing 31 seeds, average 3.4.
All the self Plants produced only 7. good pods containing 5 21 seed, on average 3. 0 3. 5 seed. per pod.)
[calculations not transcribed]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023