RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.08.09-1867.07.13. Calceolaria. CUL-DAR78.46-47. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Calceolaria, plants raised from seed, called common mixed a plant under net, & spontaneously set its own pods—
Six flowers fert. by pollen of own flower & six by pollen of a distinct plant of same general appearance in greenhouse.— owing to minuteness of seed, & adhering to capsule I could not compare quantity carefully in the two lots; certainly not much difference
Aug 9th 7° 30' P.m — planted in sand in same glass—
Aug 14th 2° 30' P.m one of the crossed seeds just cracked shell.—
— 16 7° 30' A.m. one of the uncrossed seeds has just split. (Interval 1d + 15h.)
But case unsatisfactory — one cannot judge from one out of thousands of seeds foolishly planted; & more of crossed seed by a [illeg]accident were sown than of uncrossed — 4° P.m a second uncrossed seed. = Aug. 18th
One of uncrossed seed has germinated far more fully than crossed of which 2 or 3 seeds have only cracked shell
18th 3° P.m. In uncrossed 3 seed fairly sported one in 2/10 of inch high, & of crossed, though much more numerous, as one has just escaped out of seed-capsule. Uncrossed certainly have an advantage in germination. (over
Aug 22d 3° P.m. a great number of seeds have now germ. in both lots & formed cotyledons; by holding up to light both lots in as nearly equal a state as possible; if any advantage the uncrossed have it & so I picked up one or two tallest: now planted on each side of same pot & placed in greenhouse. —
Sept. 21st By holding pot horizontally I can now see that clump of tallest crossed plants are taller than tallest clump of uncrossed.
Sept. 28 —The largest leaf of crossed here shown & some others very nearly as large — largest uncrossed also shown — Considerable difference.
[Figures] Crossed crossed Uncrossed uncrossed
Oct 14th Largest leaf on largest crossed plant is now 1.8 inch long & largest of uncrossed only 1.05 long; & several crossed plants have larger leaves then this. —
(Nov 14th. The difference is now more conspicuous, for largest crossed leaf is 2.9 inch & of uncrossed only 1.9.)
(Dec. 30' Crossed finest plants.)
(Feb 10th. crossed tallest & finest.)
(March 31 Plants look bad too confined — almost equal in size & vigorous)
May 1' do. (Now placed in large pot)
(June 3d. — The plants were turned out without disturbing ball on May 1' into much larger pot, but still look very unhealthy. The crossed plants, however, alone have thrown up 3 flower stems, one of which the tallest is 12 inches high; but flowers miserably small. —)
(July 13' Tallest flower-stem of crossed 19 1. 2 inch
[do] [do] of self- 15. do)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023