RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.08.11.-1872.05.14. Canna warz. CUL-DAR78.48-63. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
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Fertility of Parent plants
p 7. self-seed (9) heavier than se crossed. Heavier
crossed germinated before self
p 7. B good enumeration of seed
― self-fert. more numerous — castration.
p. 7. D enumeration of seeds.
self- Heavier Heavier
p 7 E
p. 7 F enumeration
self- Heavier & particulars. Heavier
p 7. H Self- flowered first
Enumeration of seeds.
Crossed / self
[text excised]
Canna Warz… 1866 on same plant 2 fl fert. with own pollen & 2 with pollen from distinct — Plant — The uncrossed contained 9 & 8 seed & the crossed 9 & 3, but latter pod evidently bad — Nine of uncrossed seeds weighed heavier than the 9 crossed seeds in the one good pod— Soaked for 12° in warm water on Aug. 11th & planted at night & put into Hot-house. — Aug. 18th. 7° 30' A.m. one of crossed seed has blown out small circular portion like lid. — (21' 4° P.m. a second lid burst of crossed seed)— (22' 7° 30' A.m. (a third lid burst open.) (22' 7° A. m. a fourth lid)
Nov. 14' a few days ago I covered the seed with sand & now this morning one of the crossed seeds has germinated!! (15th 2 others crossed) (16th by uncovering sand I found two uncrossed germinating, planted these & the two last # of crossed. Hence crossed have almost two days start of uncrossed.) /over
Dec. 2d. Of 2 crossed & 2 uncrossed; which were transplanted & I am sure injured from being too old, two are dead; of 2 survivors the uncrossed is most advanced & has large leaves.)
(Feb 10' 1867 The One of the 2 self-fertilised, nearly twice as tall as the the one surviving crossed plant, but they were injured in transplanting.)
(March 31. one of the The self-fertilised plants much the finest.) & so continued till end, ie till flowering
(It is not improbable, that the crossed plants were really self-fert for pollen is shed very early & lies close to stigma, & they fertilise themselves without any aid.
Canna Warz. August 1867 — Crossed plants (as supposed, again supposed to be crossed) Self-fert plants spontaneously self-fertilised
Aug 15 Seeds of both lots sowed
There is no evidence in either of these lots of the seeds being really crossed. Two lots sowed Aug. 15' on opposite sides of pots.
[table not transcribed] White Thread Crossed / Black Thread self-fertilised
Ordinary Plant, probably from self-fertilised seed. [table not transcribed]
Canna Warz. 1867. Nov. 15. During past summer I opened some flowers in bud & removed all own pollen, & afterwards several times fertilised stigma with pollen from distinct plant, yet from 4 or 5 crossed I got only 3 pods containing on average 5 seed with max. of 6. —
Several pods on same plants, at same time, spont. self-fert, gave average of 14.2 seed with max. of 20, & only 2 pods contained only 4 seed in each. —
I presume opening flower in bud was highly injurious! Soaked & planted seed this day. —
(Nov. 18. 14 Pot I, II & III, some with in each 5 crossed seeds, & several on opposite side of the self-fert seeds cracked—)
(Nov. 20th Pot 4 & 5. seed crossed by Lettington, when flowers were mature & spont. self-fert. seed, sown on opposite sides of these two Pots.)
(April 2' /68/ The canna crossed by me & Lettington are now about 2 feet high, yet no difference between crossed & self)—
May 1- to 10 1868 I have been carefully observing the Canna, & especially in the plants from self-fert. seeds, many stigma get no pollen, as it is deposited a little beneath stigma; & no insect visit the flowers — These flowers dropped off & produced no capsules. But even a very few grain suffice. — There is no movement or curling of stigma. —
(Aug' 16 1868 another [illeg] plant has parts so arranged, that as soon as bud open the stigma is found covered with own pollen)
Canna Warz.
In Pot I (see last page) self-plant flowered much first: ditto in Pot. V.
April 1868
In Pots marked Aug. 67. crossed by Lett. self-flowered flower first. —
May 20- 68. Crossed Plant flower stem 25 2/8 high — self-flower stem 28 inches high. But these plants have been much injured by tobacco & snails. —
I have been observing stigma; in 2 flowers pollen adhered below stigma & without not a grain got X on stigma: in a 3d flower, a little got on stigma; so fertility much depend on relative length of stamen & pistil. —
(Jun 14th I see have flowered or will flower in all six Pots. X the self-fertilised before the crossed!!!!) what can be cause
(July 10. Flowers stems of most now completed & old
Pot. |
— Crossed |
— Self |
I |
30 7/8 |
31 |
Castrated & certainly crossed by self |
II |
34 |
33 |
do |
33 1/4 |
probably crossed |
IV |
crossed by Lettington, perhaps too old |
V |
21 |
32 |
do do |
VI |
25 1/4 |
28 |
Probably crossed. — |
169 7/8 |
184 |
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Canna Warz. 1868. New set of Crosses, made chiefly on the former self-fertilised plants. — All the flowers which were crossed & art. self-fertilised were done within 24° after expanding, but I daresay some of them were done too late & were already self-fertilised spontaneously.
(25 flower were crossed & produced 16 pods, containing 141 seed ie average 8.81 seed: with max. of 21 & 17 min of 1. — but these extremes were unusually blended together.)
(26 fl were artificially self-fert & produced 15 pods containing 131 seed, ie average 8.73 with max. of 14 & min. of 2.
Hence apparently slight & not trustworthy increase of fertility from crossing.
(The 141 crossed seeds weighed 266.78 gr ∴ 100 wd weight 189.2 gr.
The 131 self seeds weighed 249.17 ∴ 100 wd weigh 190.2 gr.
Therefore no sensible difference between seeds: —
(June 6' 1869. The young new plants about 6 or 7 inches high to tips of leaves present no advantage on crossed side.)
Canna Warz.
November 16th 1869. Plants mentioned on last page
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Canna Warz. 1869. Autumn — new experiment
I crossed with pollen from distinct plant 29 flowers (seeing that no pollen on stigma & young flowers) & obtained 19 pods, containing 200 seed, maximum 24, minimum 1, average 10.53; but if 2 pods be excluded each with one seed, average rises to 11.64.)
31 flowers were fert. with pollen from same flower & produced only 15 pods, containing 107 seed, with max. of 16 & minimum of 1— average 7.15
Excluding 1 pod with 1 seed, average rises to 7.57. —
Weight, 200 crossed weighed 407.3 gr; therefore 100 would weigh 203.65
(106 self-fert seed weighed 219.3 gr.; therefore 100 would weight 206.88. Therefore the self-fert seed weight rather the heaviest, & there are on average fewer seed in each capsule. But to test this I divided the crossed seed into 2 lots— one containing 106 seed from pods, containing 14 seeds & less & these weighed 212.9 gr, 200 so that almost exactly 2 gr. each.
The second lot contained 94 seed from pods containing 15 seeds & more, & these weighed 194.4 gr. had each seed weighed 2 gr, the weight would have been only 188 seed grain, so that here the the seeds from the finest pods were themselves finer, or heavier. Hence the slightly greater weight of the self-fert seeds cannot depend on the pods containing a smaller average of seed. —
Canna Warz. — Plants raised from seed got at p. 7F & measured during winter & early spring 1870-1871 up to base of Pods— — but they did not flower at same time & I unfortunately cut down most of plants, after flowering & measuring, & then the plants left, had no or little competition & sometimes threw up very tall flower stems. — Some seeds were sown & when plant came up at same time, these were left— Other seeds were allowed to geminate in water & when two germinated at same time, they were planted on opposite sides, & these are much more trust-worthy. — The plants have now (March 3. 1871) all been cut down, & will be allowed to grow again in hopes of fairer measurements
(See next page for the present measurements).
Canna Warz — see last Page
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Canna — same plants as last page 7H — Pots retained for second flowering
measured to base of calyx of uppermost flower
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These plants after beng measured as in 2 first columns, were all cut down & allowed to grow again & have now May 14 /72/ been measured again to base of [illeg]
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1 germin
self-fert flowered first
del about time of flowering
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023