RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.08.17-1868.04.27. Red equal-styled Cowslip. CUL-DAR78.65-68. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
Red equal-styled Cowslip — Plant no'. 41; Seed fert & sowed 1866. — Seed on put sand. Aug 17th 2° 30
(Seed fert. by short-styled common cowslip a Het. U. Aug 27th 7° A.m. 12° 30' a second one seed well germinated.
29th 7° 30 Three more seed germ. —
31' Seven altogether have now just germinated.
Sept 2' these seeds considerably more advanced than 2 lots below —
(Seed fert. spont. & nat by own pollen this is in fact a Het. U.
Sept 1' 7° 30 Three seeds just germ. — germinated first
(Seed fert. by pollen of long-styled common cowslip— this is a Hom. U.
Sept 2d. 7° 30' Three seeds germinated.
Germinating seeds of 2 first above lots, planted in same pot on Sept. 3d.
(Now Oct 3 The crossed seedlings have certainly larger leaves than the spont. fertilised, but they are rather less crowded.)
I sowed Oct 17th. 1866 seed of Plant 39. Red equal-styled Cowslip, both self fertilised in 1866 & Het. crossed by short-styled common Cowslip ∴ by distinct plant — Mem. Red Cowslip is in fact self-Heteromorphically fertilised
(No. 37 is a true mid-styled plant: 39 is a short-styled plant, which spont. produced many capsule & is of same nature as a mid-styled, as explained in my paper to Linn. Soc.)
Also raised seed of two lots of plants
No' 37 red equal styled Cowslip, which during 1865 was self-fertilised & fertilised by both pollens of common cowslip & so no doubt wd. be Het. fert. by distinct plant.
(March 31. No 37. self-fert tallest; perhaps crossed finest. In the 2 other pots equal or nearly so.)
Red- Equal-styled Primula
[table and calculations not transcribed]
The 1st set Nov. 6th The self-fertilised seed of Red Cowslip. no. 39 (see back of p. 9) have certainly germinated much more freely, but perhaps are hardy more advanced than those crossed by common cowslip, but some of latter well up. —
(Dec. 1' The crossed plants have largest leaves, but then they are more have come up more thinly.) pla
(Dec. 16' Crossed now decidedly the finest plants)
(These are self-seedlings are 2d generation of self-fertilisation)
The plants were turned out, but not separated & planted in Orchard in Autumn of 1867
(April 15. 1868 The crossed plants in all 3 Pots have flowered before the self-fertilised; in the 2 Pots furthest from walk, flowered much before & incomparably finer Plants with much taller flower-peduncles. — In 3' Pot nearer walk, the plants are more equal in size & vigour.)
(April 27th. — no 37 Furthest from walk.
Crossed plants produced 14 scapes, of which tallest 10 inches high
Self plants [do] 6 [do] 6 1/2 [do] —
(These plants (as well as following on next Page) were allowed freely to be fertilised by many surrounding plants & vars, — They were in Pots, & so did not produce many pods, & did not contain very fine seeds.
These crossed plants produced 163 pods, & 10 of them included on average 16.2 good seed
The self plants produced only 6 pods which included on average 14.8 seed, but so poor that hardly any cd have germinated & hardly ought to have been counted.) /over
The [illeg] existence of this plant gives the opportunity, otherwise impossible & which I gladly seized, of ascertaining the difference between seedlings from a legitimate union of the pollen & stigma in the same individual, & between two distinct individuals. — Begin with "Of course in all ordinary cases in di or tri-morphic plants it wd be a legitimate can be effected only between distinct plants
[calculations not transcribed]
(Red equal-styled Cowslips)
No 39 — middle plant from walk
Crossed plants produced 12 scapes, of which tallest 8 1/2 inch
Self- plants [do] 2 [do] 5.
(But the 2 latter scapes did not produce a single good seed. —)
No. 37 Plant nearest walk
Crossed plants produced 7 scapes, one much taller than others & 7 1/2 inches high
Self plants produced 5 scapes, of which tallest 10 1/2 inches
(The crossed plants produced 43 pods, of which 10 included on average 33.3 excellent good seed.
The self plants produced 26 pods, of which 10 included on average 20.5 seed, & not so fine seed as the seed from crossed plants.)
(If I had measured all scapes results more striking) — (1873)
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023