RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1866.09.15-1871.11.21. Ipomoea purpurea / Convolvulus. CUL-DAR78.72-111. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
(10 A
Ipomoea purpurea
Sept. 15th Now 8 7 of crossed & 8 of spontaneously & artificially fert. with own pollen have germinated, showing that original inequality has almost quite disappeared.
Ipomoea all used
(In striking average of seed add those counted last year)
Under nature the flowers wd get crossed by other pollen towards close of flowering like spontaneously set flowers.)
(Sept 24th The second lot of 3 pairs of seedlings have now cast off their seed-capsules & the crossed plants effected this first, except one pair, & in this case the cros crossed plant had failed to penetrate the ground & thus lost time, for it lay loose on surface.)
(Conclusion germination of seed; though those fert by own flower's pollen they were overtaken at the 14th seed by the spontaneously self-fertilised, The seed fert. by distinct plants ha were last, for the 14th seed had not germinated six days after the 14th seed in the two other lots.
Oct 2d. Crossed Plant of 2d pair has begun to climb quickly
― Uncrossed Plant of 3d pair has also begun to do spire!! Wrong
(Twining up iron rods of same diameter.)
[table not transcribed] Oct 5th Oct 12th
(These 3 pairs now up to top staves —)
These cases show exact period of germination of seed makes no difference in g ultimate rate of growth. It looks, if no mistake in transposing the third pair, that both the crossed happened to be less vigorous & the uncrossed much more vigorous than average (Oct. 22d. A at length is a little taller than B. & both 45 inches high)
Oct 14' In second pot with 3 pairs as above, two of the crossed plants have begun two days sooner to twine than their pairs; & of third pair, the crossed plant began an hour or two before its pair; but then this seed had by accident been disturbed after being planted. —) (Oct 17th. The crossed plants of the two first pairs are now within a mere trifle, twice as high as their uncrossed pairs.)
Nov. 16
Total Height of 5 crossed Plants 36 ft. 7 in
Total Height of 5 uncrossed Plants 28.1. (One was injured)
36 ft. 7 in : 28 ft.1 inch :: 7 ft : x = 5 ft. 4 1/2
[In the hand of copyist Ebenezer Norman]
[calculations not transcribed]
I have made the next two calculations on the supposition that the measurements are expressed in feet & inches, though not so marked.
[calculations not transcribed]
This plant one of those which is perfectly fertile when insects excluded & allow to fertilise itself — This [illeg]
Pistil at first projects — & self-fertilisation is effected by growth of stamen. I several times counted the number of seed produced growth by the artificially or spontaneous self-fertilisation & that yield by plants artificially crossed with pollen from a distinct plant, & there was very little difference in the number of the seed.
Weight of seed — germination of seed.
In this condition, before the crossing producing so little or no effect on fertility, I did not expect that there wd have been any difference in the result as far as growth us concerned —
Premise how planted — rods of iron but retaining sticks— of as many as plants— same direction & plant seeds which had germinated at exactly same time.
3 Pots taken — in Pot 2. (one died) —Pot III. curled as soon as as plant of 1 pair had grown to tip of plant stick I measured. Table— In Pot I. (Measured all whole year young — Flowering
[in margin:] Begin with 10 flowers — artific. self-fertilise — regular
(10 C
Pot I. Oct 25. One of crossed plants — flowered.
Oct 26. the One of uncrossed flowered. Nov. 6 Beyond doubt by counting, the crossed plants have flowered much more freely then the uncrossed, as with Mimulus
[table not transcribed]
(The relative numbers & weight of those seeds produced by Pot I & Pot II, these seeds forming the 2d. generation, (the seeds being ranked as infants) are given in Portf. on Germination. — & result of much & little pollen.)
Pot III. Small
Many seeds were sown crowded of both kinds in rather small pot to give them a struggle for existence & only two long stakes given them one for each lot. —
(Nov 1st. One of the crossed has begun twining.)
(Nov. 6' one the crossed stem a little the highest.)
Nov. 16th The crossed now 25 6/8 inches high: uncrossed 21 3/8 high: so not so much difference as I expected.)
(Nov. 29th Crossed 42 3/4 inches high. — Uncrossed only 32 1/2 high.)
(Nov. 30' First crossed plant flowered, flowers small from starving.
Dec. 3d. first uncrossed flowered. These flowers are remarkable from pistil protruding from curled up petals in large bud;) which does not occur with crossed plants.)
Dec. 16' Crossed 5ft 4 7/8 — Uncrossed 3. 7 1/2
Jan 10th [do] 6.5 [do] 4. 9. — These plants had now reached their full growth; but for comparison with pot I & II, we may say as 6 ft. 5 in: 4 ft. 9 in : : 7 ft: x = 5 ft 2 inch
So that only little rather greater relative inequality than in Pot I & II
All the crowded crossed plants in Pot III produced spontaneously self-fertilised 37 pods with 134 seed ∴ with average of 3.621 seed per pod: these 134 seed weighed 49.3 gr ∴ 100 wd have weighed 36.79 gr
(All the crowded self-fert. plants produced spontaneously self-fertilised (& no insects about) only 18 pods with 61 seed ∴ with average of 3.388 seed per pod (i. e. less average than from crossed plants & far fewer pods); but the 61 seeds weighed 25.4 gr.
∴ 100 seed wd have weighed 41.64 gr ∴ those self-fertilised seeds from the self-fertilised plants, though fewer in number, were heavier or finer than the self-fert. seeds from the crossed plants; & this is odd. Apparently so much fewer seeds being produced they grew to larger size. —
These seeds, if grown, will produce plants of second generation of, [illeg] of of two lots; one self-fert plant, — from self-fert; though few & of one generation & the other lot of self fert. from & one of crossed plants.—
Ipomoea purpurea
March 1- to 10th Germinating seeds of the second generation, from flowers on self-fertilised plants a second time self self-fertil fertilised were sown on one side of pot 1 & 2, & in separate pot 3; & other seeds from crossed plants, a second time fert. with pollen from a distinct crossed plant, all at exactly same state of germination were sown on opposite side of Pot 1 & 2, & in separate Pot. 4. —
April I' Pot I. 2 self-fert plant have begun to twine —
― 2 do 1 crossed plant do do. do.
May 8th Pot I Pot 2 [table not transcribed]
*(a) The self-fert plant was for long time taller than crossed, then equalled & finally exceeded it. by 5 1/2 inches. —
*(b) This self-fert. plant was unhealthy, so case hardly fair yet all 6 crossed plants were taller than all 6 self-fert, plants, but considerably in less degree than last generation. So one generation has made no increase of all— effects of self-fertilisation; probably result of many generations of self-fertilisation.
(In Pot I & II 30 flowers on the crossed plants were again crossed & produced 29 pods with average of 4.31 seeds; but these plants were much attacked by aphides, hence their little fertility. The self-fert plants were allowed to spont. self-fertilise themselves under net & produced 27 pods with average of 4.63 seeds; so there is no increase of sterility after two generations of self-fertilisation. But these seeds conspicuously smaller than crossed seeds in comparison with two generations of crossing. These seeds when grown will form plants of the third generation.) (The self-fert. seeds have this time again germinated rather sooner than the crossed.)
(Ipomoea purpurea 2d. generation)
May 17th 30 flowers on crossed plants have been crossed by other plants in same pot, & 3 self plants have been allowed under net to spont, fertilise themselves. —
May 26th Two sticks were placed to Pot. 4 with crossed plants alone; & the same to Pot. 3. with self-fert. alone
Crossed Plants 7 ft .. 2 1/2 inch & 6 ft .. 11 1/2 inch = mean 7 ft .. 1 in
Self-fert Plants 7 0 1/2 & 4 .. 10 1/2 = mean 5 .. 11. 1/2
We see from this that the crossed & self-fert, when grown in separate pots do not differ much; perhaps hardly at all, for the plant which reached on one of the sticks only to height of 4 .. 10 1/2 may have been dwarfed by some accident. As with mimulus they these plants must be put into competition with each other in confined space. —
Not worth giving
[note in part in the hand of Emma Darwin]
1867. Augt. Ipomoea of Second Third Generation
Seeds of last generation forming plants of this 3rd gen. germinated on sand & planted on opposite sides of Pot I & Pot II.
In Pot III. four germinating self-fertilized seeds were placed on one side, & 48 hours afterwards 4 germinating crossed seeds were planted on other side
(Now Aug 11. the plants in Pot III are nearly equal & about one foot high.
Aug 12. tallest plant in lot 18 inches high & all 4 crossed have now beaten all 4 self-fert— plants.)
[table not transcribed]
Germinating seeds from 2d. generation were planted in open ground in K. Garden, near each other, but with plenty of fair & open ground, all round late in summer.
Sept 7th the crossed have just begun fully to twine, but not the self. — The crossed have always looked very much X more vigorous & healthy & taller; but neither lot looked well. — Two sticks were given to each lot.
Oct 5 the plants are now all blackened by frost, no difference in Hardiness. — The crossed have twined up to height of 24 1/2 & 22 1/2 inches, The selfs to 15 & 12 1/4 inches
Another lot of seed sown (ie which had not germinated in middle of bed of Candy Tuft (Thread) X all the self, bit one died: now the crossed has twined up 11 inches, & the self not twined at all b only 4 inches high. —
Another lot of seed in a weedy bed & shady, the crossed have X always looked best: now Oct 6th crossed 7 1/4 high; the self have never twined & tallest only 3 1/2 high
These 3 cases show that under uniform conditions, & when the 2 lots were not put into competition with each other, the crossed have immense advantage.—
(In Pot II One self- plant flowered one day before crossed, X which I never saw before. Sept 6th 1867.)
In the same Pot I, placed under net, 30 fl. we on the crossed side were fert. by crossed plants & yielded 26 pods with 123 seed, ie 4.73 seed per pod.
30 flowers were self- & art. fertilised during autumn in greenhouse on the self-plants produced 23 pods & produced 102 seed, ie 4.43 seed per pod; very small difference in actual fertility.
The 123 crossed seed weighed 53.22 gr ie 100 weighed 43.27
The 102 self- seed weighed 38.38 gr ie 100 weighed 37.63
Consequently as 43.27: 37.63: : 100: 87. ie the self seed weight 87 per cent. of the crossed seed.
The 3 crossed plants, besides the 26 fertilised crossed pods, produced 77 spontaneously self-fertilised; so altogether 103 pods.
The 3 self-fert. plants, besides the 23 artificially fert. pods, produced 29 spont. self-fert; so altogether 52 pods. ie only half the number which the crossed plants produced.
The 77 spont. fert, cap. on crossed plants contained 340 seed ie average of 4.41
The 29 [do] on self-fert plants [do] 120 [do] 4.14)—
The lesser production of pods may be accounted for by lesser size of plants, but hardly the fewer seed in pods & lesser weight of seed
(Of The above seeds on damp sand the 2 first, which germinated were selfs. & on the next morning 36 selfs had germinated & only 13 crossed — so the lighter seeds had plain advantage in germination.—
Ipomoea The above seeds from plants of 3d gen. & will form plants of Fourth Generation, after germinating, placed in pots as follows.
December 21.- 1867.-
Pot I. common soil. — Pot II. Peat & sand—
Pot III. clay & manure. — Pot IV common soil, three crossed plants alone. — Pot V. common soil three self- plants alone. —)
(April 3d. 68
Pot I. tallest crossed. 28 inches: tallest self 27 inches
Pot II. [do] only 31 [do] ✔: tallest self only 33 inches
Pot III. [do] 37: [do] tallest Self 28 inches. 25 inches
Pot IV. tallest crossed 26 inches
Pot V. 122 in 113 in
Pot I. tallest crossed 7. feet 2 inches tallest self 6. feet 8. inches
― 2d plants 3.11 ― 3. 8 1/2
3d Plant one was injured.
Pot. II. (Peat) crossed 6.11 — self 6. 1 1/2
4. 11 ― 4.3 1/4
3d Plant injured.
Mr Norman copy out on height in column or from paper
Pot III. (Clay) crossed 6.10 — self 4.8 1/2
― 5 5 1/2 — self 5.3
— 5. 8 ― 4.4
40.10 4/8 35. — 6/8
(see back)
[in margin:] see next Page & add on & copy out height & add up
(May 20th. 68. Some germinating seeds of this generation (see p. 10I.) were sown, 6 at each corner, of square Box with old Brugmansia; earth so poor & full of roots that the plants could hardly live— too poor, yet sweet-peas were able to live. — Our 1/6 of self- seedlings lived & grew only to height of 1 1/2 inch & did not flower. Of crossed seedlings 3/6 lived & grew to height of 2 1/2 inches, & to my surprise produced wretched small flowers, without even attempting to twine.)
[This note is in part in the hand of Emma Darwin.]
Ipomoea (Plants of 4th Generation)
I cannot conceive why almost all the plants have done so badly & why so little inequality.
Pot. IV & V. show that 4 generation have of self-breeding have done the plants very little injury
Pot IV with 3 plants in small Pot of crossed parentage
Height May 4th
Amount 40. 10 4/8 7.3 5 .. 4 1/2 3 0 1/2 sickly 56. 6 4/8 |
} These plants 4th Generation allowed spont to fertilise produced 40 pods. seed not counted. |
Pot V. with 3 plants in small Pot of self-parentage 4th. Gen.
Height May 4
Amount 35. — 6/8 6 .. 11 6. 1 6. 0 1/2. 54. 1 5/8 |
} These plants as above produced 42 Pods So no accession of sterility, or of decrease of size. —!!!! |
The Plants in Pot I, of the above 4th gen. had 12 fl. crossed by distinct plants in same pot, & 8 fl. by pollen of plants growing in clay, & 8 by plants growing in peat; so that 28 fl. were crossed & no great difference between them in number or size of seeds. These 28 fl. yielded 20 pods containing 4.75 seeds.
— 30 27 27 fl. were self-fert. under net & yielded 21 pods, containing 4.47 seeds; so that no great difference in fert. in any respect between crossed & self-pods, & proportionately more self-fert flowers produced pods
Convolvulus 1868
Plants of 5th generation from seeds of 4th Generation.
Pot I, II & III crossed & self- on opposite sides.
Pot IV & V Plants raised from seed crossed by Peat-plants, & by clay-plants matched against plants raised from seed crossed by plants growing in same soil.
(Aug. 24. I was unfortunate with germ. of seeds of clay & peat.
In Pot IV. alone one on each side grew, that crossed by pollen from peat-grown reached height of 8 ft .. 10, whilst that from soil reached only 7 ft. 9 inch: not enough to judge by)
observed experiment as before.
[table not transcribed]
[calculations not transcribed]
Convolvulus. 1868
The plants of last page ie of 5th generation in Pot II:
(20 flowers were crossed & yielded 18 pods with 70 seeds, ie average of 3.88 seeds; but omitting 3 pods with only one seed average rises to 15 pods 4. 46 — Five pods contained 6 seeds.
(24 fl. were self-fert. & yielded 8 20 pods with 88 seed i. e. average of 4.40 seed; but omitting 2 pods with only 1 seed average rises 18 Pods to 4.77 — Eight pods contained 6 seeds. —
Hence the self-fertilised plants self-fert have actually gained in fertility!!!
Besides the above crossed flowers
The 3 self crossed plants produced (with average of 3.37 seed per pod) 105 pods + 18 = 123 pods
The 3 self- plants [do] (with average of 3.00 seed per pod) 12 pods + 20 = 32 pods
Altogether the self artificially self & spont. fert. flower on crossed Plants produced 424 seeds. —
Altogether the art. & spont. fert fl. on the self-plants produced only 120 seeds.
(N. B. As one of self-plants was diseased & stopped growing this does not tell much.)
Plants of Sixth Generation from seed of 5th. Gen—
Pot I Crossed flowered first in this Pot & in Pot II. & III.
Crossed 7.9 feet 7.7 |
Self 4. 2 1/2 feet 5.5 |
(The 5th Plant killed on one side)
Pot II. N. B. In this Pot one of selfs (viz A below) was s (on nearest side) was several inches higher than the opposite crossed, but the latter gradually gained & when 3ft both 4. ft 6" the two were equal} & then the crossed gained slightly on self, but ultimately lost a trifle
Crossed 6 ft : 7 in feet
7:4 |
Self 4: 2 feet 7: 3 (A) 5: 2 |
Crossed 7: 3 1/2 feet 4: 6 1/2 4: 0 1/2 |
Self 5: 4 1/2 feet 3} 3: 2 1/2} aphides stopped growth |
add viz these 3 Pots
Pot. IV. This pot was placed in Greenhouse near outside & weather was cold, & all 3 self were killed, & 3 crossed have survived & are twining though injured.
Pot V. This pot. similarly placed, with 6 plants on each side. (over)
Pot V. (continued) Of the 6 crossed 4 are now twining, & of the 6 selfs only 2 — Some were killed at first other died in a week or two —
The crossed flowered first, but from being more crowded, did not grow so high as the 2 selfs — now (May 9— 1869.) the selfs are only two inches higher than the crossed.
(May 28. 1869 in Pot V. tallest crossed 3 ft .. 11 in high; tallest self 2 ft .. 8 in)
In the two Pots IV & V together 7/9 of crossed survived & only 2/9 of selfs. —
36 [+] 11 [=] 47
[calculations not transcribed]
Convolvulus 1869 Same Plants of sixth generation; fertility of. — The plants were unhealthy & I do not think there are materials for comparing fertility.
The very tall self Plant (A) does not seem to be at all sterile. —
[Datasheet and calculations not transcribed]
(I believe all the self-plant which were art. self-fertilised 9 in number produced pods)
Ipomoea Plants of 7' Generation from seed of 6th generation:
[Table, mostly excised not transcribed]
It is curious how all the self Plants are dark purple including offspring of A, whilst the crossed are slightly diversified in tints — like case of Mimulus.
There was no difference in period of flowering on either side.
(N. B. Lettington informs me that the self-plants of Convolvulus produce much less pollen than crossed; but that the tall self-plant A produce plenty of pollen, He suggests that a little pollen might have got on union & affected growth.
[calculations not transcribed]
Ipomoea on last page. These plants of the 7th. Gen. after growing to full height & having been fertilised became from aphides very unhealthy & many pods did not fully set,— so that nothing can be said safely of their fertility
11/12 of crossed pods on crossed plants produced pods with 4:33 54 seeds on average
16/22 of art. self- flowers on self plants produced pods with 2.87 seeds on average: but 11, probably selected fine pods, spont. self-fert. contained average of 4.27 seeds.
The children seed of Tall plant A (of last page) 7 taller were intercrossed, ie distinct tall plants were crossed & 9/10 produced pods with average 3.22 seeds A
Also 9/12 art. self fert, produced pods, containing 4.0 seeds, (but too few to judge)
The plants from these seeds will be Grandchildren of first Tall Plant A—
Ipomoea Plants of 8th generation from Plants of 7th generation see p. 10 P. — (June 1870)
[table not transcribed]
**N. B. The much greater vigour of the crossed Plants when fully grown was shown much plainer by many lateral branches & thickness of stems at base, (I compared all plants in all Pots than by mere length. —
Also it must be observed that I did not measure plants when young enough, when from 12 to 24 inches high, the selfs had a great advantage over the crossed — part from from premature growth, though germinating at exactly same time.—
With respect to fertility of the plants on p. 10 R.
{15 fl, on crossed plants were crossed & produced 13 pods containing average of 4.84 seeds
15 fl. [portion excised] were self-fert. &
produce [portion excised]pods (only on upper parts
of stem [portion excised] contained only 3.66.
seed [portion excised] but too few to judge by.
(Also [portion excised] numbered self plants were grown in the separate pots & so had no struggle, & 12 flowers self-fert, produced 10 pods, containing average of 5.1 seed so not absolutely so sterile as the crossed plants, crossed.
Aug 6' 70. The above self & crossed seed we were germinated on sand, with selfs decidedly precocious, — many more germinating before the crossed; though the seeds appeared equally fine.—
[calculations not transcribed]
(1 Back of p. 10R
à These are plants described & measured on p. 10R. & p. 10S.
June 5 1870. Convolvulus Pot III
(Plants of an 7 & 8 generation)
From one of numbered Pots compared 2 self & 2 crossed widely open flowers: in the self the anthers had hardly dehisced & the quantity of pollen not above half in the anthers if crossed plants, & I think pollen-grains smaller. — And anthers of crossed looked very much larger.
June 8 examined anther pair from Pot. III
Anthers of crossed a little over 7/100 long & nearly nearly 8/100 broad — anthers of self- plants a little over 8/100 long & under 5/100 broad; but then the latter had not as yet dehisced, so measurement not fair
The anthers of self seem to dehisce slower than those of crossed.
(N. B the lattermost Pots contain self & a crossed Plants both offspring from gigantic l self Plant A.)
June 8th examined anthers from the crossed & self Plants in Pot C. equally good those of self- rather the finest, being (not yet dehisced) 6/100 broad, whilst the crossed were about 5 1/2/100 broad
Plant A /over
The sterility of the self-plants cannot be due to small seed of last year as, it was observed in Plant of last year. — (L. noticed that the giant plant (whose children were in Pot C.) was not sterile last year; so A increased fertility with increased size. N.) (See p. 10 P. about pollen)
June 10' Compared anthers from self-fert. in Pot E with those from self plants in numbered Pots Pot I in both a self & crossed flower are also which, flowers in both had naturally closed A & begun to wither; several of the anthers in both had not dehisced, & pollen not by any means all shed from other anthers; perhaps requires insects agency for its removal. Anthers self from Pot E a little quite as longer A as those of crossed self plants (from other Pots)
June 11' Examined crossed fl. from Pot III just withered & closed, all anthers beautifully dehisced, but pollen very little shed, it adheres to the opened anthers.
Also compared flowers not yet fully opened from crossed & self in Pot. III — tallest anthers of crossed nearly 10/100 long & 6 1/2 /100 broad, & looked fatter than the anthers of self, which were 9/100 long & 6/100 broad; but these latter looked good & wd all have dehisced I think with plenty of pollen.—
(3 (p 10 R
Convolvulus Pot I. June 20 1870
Compared 2 anthers from crossed which were both 10/100 long with 2 self- anthers which were 9/100 & 9 1/2 /100 in length.
(These plants were covered with net & the self have clearly shown given proofs of sterility, 15 flowers, (th first produced) were self-fertilised & 8 dropped off! whilst of 15 flowers on the 2 crossed plants, which were intercrossed 14 have set— Some of the lowest or earliest flowers on these 2 crossed plants were not touched, & they have spont. produced pods — so that it is certain the self-plants are much more self-sterile than the crossed Plants.)
Jun 20' I compared 2 young anthers of crossed & self in Pot E (ie, A giant stock) & length the same viz 11/100 of an inch; & F, compared pollen from 2 anthers from Pot B. & the pollen-grains all good in both.
N. B. Lettington in last generation was sure that less Pollen in self- Plants /over
June 23 I compared pollen from 2 crossed & 2 self flower from numbered Pots, & cd not perceive any difference in number of seed grains. —
Ipomoea. June 1870. Grandchildren of Tall self-plant of sixth generation A at p. 10n. — The self-Plants are eighth self-fert gen:— The crossed plants are children of cross between two of the tall self children of seventh generation. (A)
[Table excised]
[calculations not transcribed]
Grandchildren of Hero from the self-fertilised children of Hero
grandchildren from the a crossed [illeg]cross between children of Hero
Ipomoea. Oct. 21. 1870. — Plants of 9th Gen. from plants of 8th gen. see p. 10 R. for parents
(In all 5 Pots the crossed plants flowered first.) — The great difference in size between crossed & self, probably due to seed of last generation, being small which led to premature growth. — It is very remarkable that in Pot. IV. we have one self plant exactly equal to crossed, & another self in Pot 3 too has grown very vigorously. — It is very remarkable that on most of self plants, the flowers are slightly monstrous; with stamen adhering to corolla, which (This not fair for crossed well & sick is often split, & does not open properly. — (Some few were in this state even on the tall self- Plants.) These imperfect flowers have not been self-fert.
(Crossed sick so no fair comparison) Now — The precocious growth of last gen. not inherited. — The monstrosity generally consist of 1 or 2 stamen adhering to corolla, with coloured foliaceous expansions— corolla split & irregular; in one case one sepal coloured. — Hardly any self-plants have produced spontaneously self-fert pods. — No monstrous flower on the crossed Plants. One fl on crossed Plant monstrous
[calculations not transcribed]
A [calculations not transcribed]
(Colour of Hero, showed no cross as I at first suspected)
(10 (U.
Ipomoea. The flowers on the 15 self Plants on last page not self-fertilised, & 7 produced no pods, containing on average 4.14 seed. — These done solely for keeping up stock. —
All the 15 self- spontaneously produced (some covered up & some uncovered). 40 pods— to those may be added the 7 from art. self-fertilisation, though doubtful whether all wd have produced spont. pods, but we will say that the 15 self plants produced 47 Pods. —
All the 15 crossed plants priced 152 pods, but then 36 flowers were crossed on those plants, & this is the same 1/78 as if they had been gathered; they wd no doubt have produced some 30 pods spontaneously; so that it may be said the crossed plants wd have produced 182 pods whilst the selfs produced only 47 pods. — [insertion:] they had produced 33 pods.
On these 15 crossed plants, 18 fl were crossed in normal way with pollen from other crossed (white thread) plants & produced 16 pods, containing on average 4.68 seed, of which 100 weighed 31.29 gr.
On these 15 crossed plants 18 fl were also crossed with pollen (white wool) from plants raised from new seed from Cattell, (producing producing nearly same coloured flowers, & which must have been exposed to very different conditions from my nine generations) & these 18 flowers yielded 17 pods, containing each on average only 3.70 seed, of which 100 weighed only 30.12 gr; so certainly the new pollen has not added to fertility & fineness of seed.
Ipomoea. April 7. 1871. Seed placed on damp sand, taken from plants of 9th generation (p. 10 T) & which will produce on one crossed on side plants of 10th generation,
(These plants seeds consist of will form plants from crossed plants crossed by another crossed plant of same generation]
(And secondly plants from same crossed plants fertilised by pollen from Cattells new plants, see bottom of last page.)
(Ascertain period of flowering, & growth, & spontaneous fertility.)
(May 22 most plants now just beginning to climb round sticks.
p & all following remarks apply to plants crossed from seed crossed by Cattell's plants.
Pot 1. much tallest
― 2. do
― 3 rather tallest
4— taller
5. much the tallest
6. (crowded) much the tallest.
see next Page for measurement
Plants on last page.
In Pot IV. Plants became unhealthy from some unknown cause especially on crossed side, & experiment, not fair. At first (see last page plants crossed by Cattell plant were taller than those the intercrossed
Red cross means flowered first two crosses means same time.
I took by chance Pot V. & collected all pods, spontaneously fert. in greenhouse, uncovered large & small, (some not some very small & hardly worth counting on both sides: the 3 crossed Plants produced 104 Pods & 3 selfs only 69 Pods
Also same for crowded plants as many as could grow on all the Plants on both sides of the large Pot. VI. The crossed produced 165 [+] 104 [=] 269 Pods — the self only 85 [+] 69 [=] 308
[calculations not transcribed] (over)
Mr Norman glue one piece of page to bottom
[Right side of the page excised]
I counted all the
some few so small
that probably wd
Hence the weight of 85
Pot V. 3 crossed plants
― 3 self plants
Large Pot VI. All the cross
All the
[calculations not transcribed]
so excess of seeds.
[calculations not transcribed]
[calculations not transcribed]
Pot 10 subtract
Ipomoea. (April 19' 1871) (see last Page) for plants now growing
Seeds from 8th gen. (p. 10S) of tall Self Plants A
(N. B the pods from which these perfect seeds taken 10 in number contain were 52 in number, ie on average 5.20 in each A pod, with 5 pods containing six seed: these facts given to show fertility of these self-plants self-fertilised of 8th generation)
These seeds will produce tall A plants of 9th. generation; & these will be (1) again self-fertilised — (2) intercrossed (3) crossed by plants raised at same time from seed from Cattells; & the height of latter will be recorded; these hights were about the same as tall A Plants
(The fourteen fertilised seedlings
(10 flowers on self crossed by Cattells plants produced only 7/10 pods containing on average 4.85 seed, with 3 pods containing 6 seeds.)
(14 flowers on self were intercrossed self with self, & 11/14 produced pods containing average of 4.72 seeds with 2 pods containing 6 seeds.)
(10 fl. were fert. with own pollen & yielded 8/10 pods containing average of 4.37 seed.) with 3 pods containing 6 seeds.)
(21 pods spontaneously self-fertilised under net, contained average of 4.47 seed with 10 pods containing 6 seed.)
No apparent reduction in fertility in the self- seeds of 9th generation, & no gain by cross with distinct strain. —
(A Self Plants)
Ipomoea on last Page— seeds germ on sand will be 10' generation of selfs
[table not transcribed]
Crosses mean no seeds were planted. —
Those plants from having been unfortunately planted late in autumn grew miserably & very unequally & I do not think results can be fully trusted.
They were from same cause very sterile — see about fertility on Back. — They were allowed spont. to fertilise themselves, & few or no insects about. —
(X means flowered first
— means that one plant had grown to top of stick & the opposite was then measured.)
(On Feb. 9th, so many of the plants had stopped growing, & others looked so unhealthy that I measured whole lot.)
(See back for fertility.)
See also separate page (10YY) for Calculation on Height—
It would be worth while to strike out all plants under 36 inches in height & get average height.
The 25 plants crossed by Cattell produced 31 pods & 101 seeds
The 17 intercrossed plants ― 27 do & 79 seeds
The 22 self- plants ― 28 pods & 101 seeds
So no difference in fertility; but it wd be fair to exclude all plants under 36 inches high
So I believe that these little plants produced no pods; & if so (excluding all plants below 36 inches in hight)
13 plants crossed by Cattells produced 31 pods & 7.3 seed per pod average
14 intercrossed ― ― 27 5.64
14 selfs fert. ― ― 28 7.21
& in this way the crossed by Cattells are the most fertile
[calculations not transcribed]
Ipomoea. July 1872. Calculations of plants measured on p. 10y.
If all plants under 36 inches high excluded
then 13 crossed by Cattell, averaging 56.02 inch in height
― 14 intercrossed ― 55.35. do
― 14 self-fert ― 53.03.
And we have seen the very fair way of that fertility of crossed by Cattell a little greater. — This seems very fair way of calculating. —
On other hand if all plants below 50 inches in height are excluded, we get as follows
there are 7 plants crossed by Cattell, averaging 65.37 high
― 8 ― intercrossed ― 63.2 ―
― 6 ― Self-fert ― 66.86.
(So that no result whatever can be got from my measurement. — If all plants of all heights are taken, I believe intercrossed highest, then self & then crossed by Cattells.)
(p 10y
[table not transcribed]
Ipomoea, Few seed of self (not tall Plant A), & crossed again crossed in usual manner from 9th generation; so these plants will be 10th generation — only 6 on each side
[Table excised] seeds germ on sand & planted in beginning of July 1871. —
The crossed plants in this pair sick with crumpled leaves, & the self- plant extra vigorous
Nov. 21— 71
The 6 crossed plants in Greenhouse spontaneously fertilised produced 101 ripe & unripe, large & small pods. weight of 100 (by calculation 454 gr
The 6 self plants produced 88 pods
*zz weight of 100 463 gr. (so rather heavier) (not worth noticing)
The stems of the 6 crossed plants after pods gathered & with very few leaves weighed. 2683 gr
The do of 6 self- plants weighed 1173 gr [x] 2 [=] 2346 so less than half.
*(zz) The larger part of pods produced by the one very fine self— its opposite being the diseased crossed — it wd be fairest to omit this pair in [illeg] height.
[calculations not transcribed]
[calculations not transcribed]
[repeat of 10z]
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 29 May, 2023