RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Emma Darwin. 1866-1872. 'a sketch of the principal events in my life'. CUL-DAR91.105-106. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2009. Corrected against the manuscript 7.2010. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volume CUL-DAR91 contains early notes on guns & shooting. Darwin's draft of recollections of Henslow, 1861. Notes on the moral sense. Wallace pension. 'a sketch of the principal events in my life' & list of Darwin's works. Loose notes found with CUL-DAR119 'Books to be read'.
This document, written in ink on blue paper in Emma Darwin's hand, appears to be a draft of the biographical entry for Reeve and Walford 1866. A final version is at the Natural History Museum (London) and transcribed in NHM-MSS-HUN.49 and is also transcribed in Correspondence vol. 14. Darwin referred to this as 'a sketch of the principal events in my life' in his letter to Robert Hunt, 3 May [1866], Correspondence vol. 14. Darwin continued to update the list of his publications in this document at least until 1875. Darwin went to London to sit for the portrait photograph. See Correspondence vol. 14, p. 151. For details of this and all other photographs and portraits of Darwin, see the iconography by John van Wyhe in Darwin: A Companion, 2021. See the online version of the photographs of Darwin.
Continued from CUL-DAR91.102-104
(The Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S Beagle edited & superintended by
C. Darwin
1840, consisting of 5 parts
A monograph of the Cirripedia. Part 1 Lepadidae
Roy Soc 1851 p1 to 400.
A monograph of the Cirripedia part 2. the Balanidae. Roy Soc. 1854 p 1 to 684
A monograph of the fossil Lepadidae; Palaeontological Soc.1 1851 p.1 to 86
A monograph of the fossil Balanidae, and Verrucidae Pal. Soc. 1854 p 1 to 44.
On the so called auditory sack of Cirripedes Natural History Review 1863. p. 175
Observations on the structure of the genus Sagitta Annals Nat. Hist. Vol 13. 1844 p. 1
Brief descriptions of several terrestrial Planariae and of some marine species Annals of nat. Hist. vol 14. 1844 p 241
1 Actually the Palæontographical Society.
(General works) Complete to March 27 - 1869
Narrative of the surveying voyages of the Adventure & Beagle 1839; the
third volume of this work consists of "Journal & Remarks by C. Darwin."
This latter vol. corrected & condensed, was published in 1845 by Murray
under the title of "Journal of researches into the Nat. Hist. & geology
of the countries visited by H. M. S. Beagle. 1845" As this work
(On the origin of species by means of natural selection 1859.) Four
five editions
This was [preceded] by a sketch, entitled
"On the variation of organic beings in a state of nature": published
with Journal of Linnean Soc. Vol III (zoolog) 1859 p 46.—
by Professor Bronn & the third by Victor
Carus. Two Three French, two three Russian
& two American editions have appeared, & one in Dutch & in Italian.
(The Variation of plants & animals under Domestication in two vols. 1868) A second corrected
(The Descent of man & Selection in relation to sex in two vols. 1871
(The Expression of the Emotions in man & animals. 1872.
Continued in CUL-DAR91.107-109
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 7 September, 2023