RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1855.03.31-1859.01.05. Catalogue of Down Specimens Notebook. EH88202576. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker. Corrected and edited by John van Wyhe. RN3

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of English Heritage (Darwin Collection at Down House) and William Huxley Darwin.

[front cover]

Box 9

Catalogue of Down


[inside front cover]



March 31 Moved 3 Primroses 1855.  out of thick by sand walk.

Planted them & dunged them behind Tool house — shaded from afternoon Sun.—

Also transplanted from young wood within sand walk, 3 fine Cowslips—

Primroses taken out of a  shady shaw.

Transplanted & dunged a wild Teazle..—


Shaded one of the Cowslips, so as to grow it like a primrose

Sow seed of Primula in August


Put Guano on Primrose & Cowslip

Kept one Cowslip under partial shade

Aug 24. R' hand Primrose & Cowslip in flower




April 9th Put 2 small flower pots with Frogs Spawn buried 12-18 inches in damp earth: pots & earth well watered. in one pot layer of larvæ still in egg, leach-shaped with distinct traces in most of Branchiæ. — In the other Pot some of the stiffened jelly & less developed larvae, which onthe 5" at 5 P. M. had been put on paste-board & kept since in Passage Hall.—  The Pots only losely surrounded by earth, & place where when rain, water comes in.


On same afternoon I got ova spherical & placed a little & much in two pots in same hole, marked with little sticks, furthest from walk.— Also some in pot in cellar, under sawdust & on open floor.— well wetted, cellar very dry & dark.   May 9th. All above dead & gone.—  April 5th I put frog-spawn on whgty Brown paper & it became in 3 days became quite dry & put in water did not revive. Others placed on cartridge Board, revived after 3 days — Others on the cartridge after a week, when jelly had become stiffer, but not dry became well developed & I have no


doubt wd. have done so after 10 days, but in 14 days they had become quite dry & wd. not revive. The Spawn had been placed on floor in N. Passage to Hall, where it is cold, but with good current of air. Most of the larvæ on the cartridge Board had become slightly developed, being of shape of Planariæ before being dried.




In March, 55, when snow on ground, the moles threw up great heaps of earth, a small flower pot saucer ful, produced 2 grasses & 2 Dicot. plant.—

Some earth 6-8 inches in open field, beneath closely pressed & eaten turf produced 1 Dicot. plant.— The turf itself about 1 1/2 inch thick, so thus well buried, being about boundary line between the mould & rockclay. Even to 18-20 inches deep, worm holes with black earth.




May 15/55/ Put brown snail-shell, which had operculum almost closed in weak salt-water for an hour & then in pure salt-water in bottle in wine cellar — Jun 15 dead & putrid.—




June 11th Received from Fox a 7 days old Aylesbury Duck uniform yellow with trace of Brown.— It wd. be very curious to compare length of intestines in Aylesbury & Wild Duck.— Round Bottle marked A.—

June 26th. Wild Duck, bred for some generations, by Fox, 7 days old.— Marked No 2. on tin-foil in Bottle with the young Pigeons.—
No 3d   is the 10 days Powter
No 4.   is 7 days old White Dorking Fowl

Lead Label


Nr    7 day old Cochin China  5. 

July 29   6: Call Duck 7 day old Sebright Bantam  
Gold Spangled gives Sir J. having                
7   —     Call Duck

Aug 22d.   8 Dorking of very best breed:

Sept 24    9.   Spanish Chicken. 7 days old. from H. Hemmings.
Throat yellow.— Bill black. Legs greenish.— feathers black with yellowish tinge below.— a line below the figure 9.— according to Tegetmeier this is a Minorca & not true Spanish.— Yet so, like will, I think do.

Oct 7./ 10   Barb. 10 days old.

Oct 10th/  nor 11   Swallow. 7 days old; probably small for age as died a natural death


Oct 14'' Nr. 12. Game chicken.— 7days old

Oct. 28. Nor. 13, Dragon 10 days old

Oct 18'  No' 14. Swallow 10 days old

Nor. 15 Spanish cut, for skeleton

Nor. 16 Turbit fr Mr Baker. Nov. 1855. skeleton

Nor. 17 Pouter Mr Bult for skeleton Nov. 26 1855

Nor. 18. Pouter from city man. good fancier for skeleton

Nor. 19. Pouter deceased fr Mr Ewan. for skeleton



Dec 18th Marked the 2 young Barbs with wire on left leg.— The young one before marked being marked on right leg.—
Jan 28.  56 marked 2 young Tumbler. 1 Hatch with wire on Right legs.—


No 20th-Almond Tumbler 10 days old. My own Bird Dec. 15' 1855  

No 21. Columba Œnas.—   Stock Dove from skeleton. Mr Brent 3 years old.

22 Dragon, believed to be 12 hours old at most, in spirits Jan 20th 1856

23. Black beard cock.– very highly bred. Harrison Weir: only 9 primaries — 10 tail feathers. Hind toe seem long.
   1 primary very little longer than 3d shorter than 2d.— certainly 11 secondaries
I nearly certain Mr Bults Pouter has 13 secondaries & much longer under wing coverts.—  

24. Jacobin Red. From Mr Baker. do Skin

25 26 Jacobin Black. (poor spec.n) Mr. Baker skeleton


I observe in pigeon 24-27 the relative length of secondaries & primaries varies.— I think alula very long in Jacobin whose eggs are very small.— 14 or perhaps only 11 secondaries in Pouter 25 on both sides.— 13 caudals.— but more secondaries than in 27. Secondary wing coverts very longer in Pouter. The wings of Jacobin certainly longer, taking legs as standard then in Antwerp.—

Feb 11. 56/ marked right leg of Squeakers with wire, offspring of Cock Pouter (with right leg) & hen fanTail (wire right leg)

Also marked left leg of squeakers of Hen Pouter (old Bird) which is paired with cock Pouter but evidently crossed by white cock fan-tail, their being no other White Bird.—


25. — Pouter, Mr Bult Skin (nearly 1 year old) body to be skeletonised.—

26 see Back

27 — Mr Christy Hen. Carrier, said to be from Antwerp with cross of Dragon.— skin

28 Tongue, Trachea & bronchi of a Runtish Pigeon, I shd guess 2/3 Runt, bought from fish man. Feb 12/56.—

29. Rock Dovecot Pigeon (I think chequered) which had been shot, from Mr Baker, probably leadenhall market — Skin. Feb.13/56/

30 Tongue of do in spirits

31. White collared Turtle Mr Brent. skeleton old cock.


32. Pencilled Bolton Bay Hen. from Mr Brent. Feb. 15./56/ Skeleton

33. Archangel Pigeon. from Mr Tegetmeier. neither history, or age or sex Known.—

Canary caught by Mr Wollaston in Madeira in open air. for skeleton

35. Rabbit from Madeira Porto Santo from Mr. W. Skeleton

36. do do P. Santo. skin.

37. Golden spangled, black bearded Poland Cock bought for me by Mr. Tegetmeier at Stevens sale: a very good Bird.— Topknot, however too white


38. Lop-eared Hare coloured Rabbit, from Mr. Turnbull for skeletons. (Feb 27 56) see notes on.—

39. Canary Bird. 3/4 Belgian. Mr Brent. (Feb 28 56) — rather larger than wild — no other difference. On one side 1st primary longer than all others.— 9 primaries 12 caudals. Upper mandible a trace more flattened along the ridge — Skeleton.—

40. Wood Pigeons 1 & 3d Primary equal. 1st very little shorter than 2d. 10 Primaries — 12 caudals tail longer in proportion. Skeleton.—

41. Scanderooon Mr Baker skeleton

42. Tongue of do.


43. Almond Tumbler, bred by self— alone 6 months old: skeleton: (March. 6th 1856.) — perhaps wd. have grown larger.

44. tongue of do.—

45 Barb 1 day old March 6/56/

46. Wing. left of (32) Pencilled Bolton Bay

of (37) Golden Spangled do

47. Hamburgh Poland

48. Cochin Cock. from Mr Brent. excellent bird

49. Wing of do

50 Hen Dragon. (my Bird) bought from Mr Brent.— Skeleton

51. — Tongue of do.


52. Cock Jacobin, /My Bird. March 20 56/ for skeleton

53 tongue of do

54. Spot my bird for skin

55 tongue of do

56. foot of do for skin between toes (left side)

57. Old Cock Barb skeleton

58. Left leg of do

59 Tongue of do.—


60. Old Cochin China Hen. (Mr Turner) Skeleton Ap. 9th 1856.

61. Bit of back, os coccyx. & anus & Bit gland of Rumpless fowl

Boiling Potash for half an hour,  will eat away much flesh & allow bones to be counted, but they will separate.—

But I now find that other eggs were put under. (It is not rumpless Fowl.)


67. Fan-tail one day old (?) May /56/

68. oil-gland in ray of Barb, believed 1 day old.

69. Wild Rock-Pigeon. (Skin) from Shetland Id. Dr. L. Edmonston. May 31. 56

70  Left leg of do & tongue of do.

71. Skeleton of Body of do.

72. Angora Rabbit, from Mr Stephens sale. skeleton. June 3d

73. Speckled Grey Dorking Cock. skeleton: W. Fox. June 3d

74. Wild Rabbit, Down. Mr Salomon— small (not young?) June 4th)

75. Cock Belgian Canary about 9. month old. Mr Brent.— Jun 10

76. Turbit. from Mr Baker Blue with Band. Skeleton My Bird /

77. Tongue of do.


78. Blue Swallow Mr Baker. Skeleton: June 13. 1856.

79. Red Spot, bred by myself— 3-4 month old. June 13th 56/ Skeleton

  Barb from   Mr Orens. I think youngish one year old from Mr. H. Weir. Skeleton

80. Silver Turbit. Mr Wicking skeleton.

81. Chicken of Polish Fowl. Mr Tegetmeier: just chirping in egg. Jun 22/56/

82. Fantail. Mr Baker. Skeleton. June 23r (2 Turbit sent at time)

83. Seraitahook or Sultan Hen Skeleton Mr Brent. 1 year old. June 27th /56/

84. Silver Pencilled Bottom Grey or Hamburgh Hen 4 years old Skeleton Mr Brent. do

85. White Dorking Bred. Hen 5 years old. Mr Brent. Skeleton .do.

86  Game Hen. (dusky) 1 year old. Skeleton. Mr Brent. June 27th. 56

87. Red Swallow Mr Wicking per Mr Orens July 11. Skeleton

do.    do.    do.      88  Blue Swallow. white bars


89. Hook-billed Drake. Skeleton. July 19./56

90. Tongue of do.

91. Rabbit, good lop=eared Doe; 11 months old from Mr Brent.

92. Pencilled Bolton Bay or Golden Pencilled (ie Hamburgh) cock. 2 years old. Mr Briggs property, from Mr Brent Skeleton, July 30th

93. Fan-tail 18 hours old.—

94. Game Cock. excellent Mr Edwards, cross of Red & Black Brest. Aug 10th

95. Almond Tumbler 1 day old or less. Aug. 12th. (I do not feel sure not tainted by former Cross with Barb)

96. Common Pouter 1 day old. Aug. 21st



97. Old fashioned Canary (Skeleton) Mr Brent. Aug 22

98. Victoria Runt. Mr Tegetmeier. Aug. 26th (Skeleton)

99. Hen Silver Runt Baily (own) Aug 29th

100 do. Tongue of.—

101.Tailless. White Cock. (Tenby) Skeleton, 3d

102. Buck Rabbit Fancy (no relation of N.r. 91) lop-eared — hare-coloured Brest. Sept 12. MrBrent

103 Canary Bird Turn-crowned v. Bechstein p. 399. vol 3. do do.  — like wild but yellow beneath

104. Black Bald-head — Mr Orens. Wicking — Skin. Sept 13 th 56

104 Bis tongue of do.



105. Blue owl. (Orens.) Skins. Sept. 13th

106. Reg M Silver Bald-head Tumbler. skeleton (Orens) do

107 Red Magpie Tumbler (Orens).            Skin  do.—  

108 Rabbit Duke of Grafton, Sandown Breed, from Mr Norman. Skeleton

109 Does Rabbit , Hare or Spanish 5 year old Mr Young of Southampton, Skeleton

110 Red Tumbler fr. Mr Cotton. Skin Oct 7th


own Birds}

111. do    do                             Skeleton

112 Bald-Head common Tumbler Mr Baker skin  do

113   do              do              Skeleton



114. Red. Turbit — Orens. Skin  Oct 20th

115. Blue black fn white tail Oct 10 (paid for) Oren. Tumbler, (not bald-Head) Skeleton

116. Red Runt from Castang; pretty large. Oct 15th /56/ Skeleton

117. Himalaya rabbit. Zoolog. Gardens Oct 22d Skeleton Doe.

118  Mallard. purchased.   Nov 1.   Skeleton      

119. Aylesbury Drake. Hemming's do    do      

120 Fort of Mallard

121 White Fan-tail Skeleton Nov. 6' good Bird

 through Mr Tegetmeier from Mr Esquilant from Calcutta  said to be very good.—



122. White Call Drake (from Baker) Skeleton Nov 7th.—

123. African Cockrel. Dr. Daniell. Sierra Leone 124. Spanish or Minorca Cock. H. Hennings.

125. Roller — Skin

126 Dun Dragon   My own breeding ful grown Skeleton

my old pair.— Nov 7th

127 Frill-Back Skeleton

128 Frill Back  Skin

129. Col. King Dovecot, from Hebrides. Skeleton. Nov. 17th.        

130 Spot. Hen   My own.     do       Dec. 5th

131 Trumpeter Cock.   My own. Mr Cotton   do    do      

132 Laugher. fr Mr Brent  do    do          


133. Blue Carrier. Mr Corker. Skeleton 1' Rat Bird. Dec 8'/56/

134 — Tongue of do

135. Silk Hen— black skinned. fr Mr Brent. Dec. 16th— Skeleton

136. Tumbler old Black Cock (my own) Skeleton Dec. 30.

137. Runt, died in hatching, from Mr Tegetmeier. Gullivers Bird Jan 18. 57

138 Black Buenos Ayres Drake. (Carstang) Skeleton Feb. 13th. 57/

139. Chick of Negro Silk Fowl. about 12 hour before Hatching; for comparison of plumage

140 Young carrier Pigeon Mr Hayne, in act of Hatching Feb. 23d 57.

141. Blue Cock Carrier (own) bought at Annerley Mr. Eaton Skeleton. Feb 25

142 Wickings German Pouter Cock — Skeleton Feb 25

143. Barb Red Cock First Rate Mr Corker Skeleton March 2d.


144. Penguin Duck. Baker. Skeleton. March. 21. /57/

145  do  trachea of do Duck

146 Carrier, Cock. Mr Haynes 1st rate Bird.— Beak before cut was 2 inches long. from corner of Eye. Ap. 3d. Skin 61/2 years old.— Best bird he had ever seen.

147. Shetland Rut. Dr Edmonton. Skeleton. Ap. 12th

148. Hen Carrier bought at Annerley (Mr. Eaton.) Skeleton. Ap. 17th—

149. Black Nun Skeleton from Annendale House Ap 21st—

150. Cross. Trumpeter & Turbit. Skeleton May 14

151. Rabbit — Shetland Isd Skeleton Dr Edmondston

152 Silver Gray Rabbit Skeleton French from Zoolog. Gardens. June 4th.


153. Sultan Cock. a day old from Mr Brent. Skeleton. June 4th 1857.

154 —Carrier Pigeon. — Mr. Hayne. 6 hours old. June 18

155. Chicken of Black Rumpless Poland. Tegetmeier— just chipping egg. July 5

156. Scanderoon. own from Baker pied. Hen. Skeleton Aug. 23 /57/          

157. Fort of do.—

158. Barb My own bought at Annerly. Skin  Baker Sept 11. 57/

159. Pigeons from Madras W. Elliot. with reversed feathers Skeleton

160. Bussorat Pigeon with great Eye. Skeleton Sept 11. /57/ W. Elliot.

do  161. Caffer Cock, with reversed feather. Madras. W. Elliot.

162. Burmese Hen, from Miss Watts from Mr Brent. Skeleton Sept. 20th


163. 4, 5. African Dovecots Skins

166. Wild Antrom Rabbit, sent me by Mr Patterson Skeleton

167. Black B. Ayres Drake. Mr Brent. Dec. 29. — 57 Skeleton

168 White Call Drake (W. D. Fox) Feb. 24. (58) Skeleton

169 170.} Young Rock Pigeons about 20 hours old from Col. King

The white little crested Rumpless Fowls are pure Turkish—

The black crested rumpless Fowls are cross from black do & Poland Cock

Mr Tegetmeier.—  


171. Malay Hen Mr Brent. Nov. 11. 1858.

172. Silver laced Poland Cock. Mr Tegetmeier. Jan 5 /59/

173 White-silk Hen with Black skin & comb.


Live Pigeons

1.   Young Nun

2.   Young from Cock White Turbit & Trumpeter ♀

3.   Runt Red ♂.  White Trumpeter ♀

4   Barb black ♂.  Red Spot     ♀ (Killed)

5   Barb ♂    do   ♀  

6.   Red Runt ♂  white Trumpeter ♀

7  8  cock Bl Barb  ♂. Almond Tumbler ♀ —Dead.—

9.   White Turbit ♂  White Trumpeter ♀

10.   Barb black ♂  Red Spot ♀ 2d. Brood.

11. Dun Dragon (Pouter-Faintail) ♂ (Pouter ♂ Fan ♀) (Pouter-Fan.) } Sept. 29th 1856

12.   do    do

13   Pure Pouter. from old Pair

14    do    

15.   Pouter from old pair, apparently pure

16    Black Pouter from do, (crossed with Barb.)—


17.    From (Pouter Fan) & x (Fan — Pouter) like from Pouter, but throat only vestige of white much less rose — toes not

 feathered. Belly         & legs white. — Rump white — several primaries white Killed

12 caudals.

16 bis   Pouter ♂.  Fan-tail ♀ Middle. toes on one leg feathered

15 caudals

toes feathered  do do. 17   

19 caudals

18   Nun tarsi & claws almost black has got 1 feather on middle toe of one leg.

19   First Birds Hen from Pouter ♂.  Fantail ♀ (Hen) Aug 28 /56/ 13 caudals see 38 Blue Turbit ♂.  Brownish Black, Almond Tumbler ♀ —

20   Barb ♂ — Spot ♀

21 do  do  (Killed) very pale coloured    

 Red Tail  22   Trumpeter ♂  Spot ♀ 

23    Black tail  do (Killed) do      see 39.— Barb ♂.  Fan-tail ♀

24   Barb ♂  black Fantail ♀

25   Almond Tumbler I thought pure offspring, but seem to have trace of Barb. (form has head of Hen Almond.—  No I think pure


26   Red Runt♂  Trumpeter white ♀  Sept. 23./56  

27   Laugher♂  white chequered with Black Fantail Crested ♀

     Dragon Dun ♂  Brown Barb ♀  died

28 " Black Bird  died  Oct 24/     Sept. 23  "  d. /56/

    Killed by accident — dirty brown colour See 40 28   Dragon ♂  Reddish Barb ♀

Oct 6th}

29 Barb ♂. Faintail ♀


30 do do

31 do March. 20      do     

32   Barb. brown crested ♂ — Fantail ♀

(April 20th — five following labels) 33   Dragon ♂  Red Barb ♀

34   Blue Turbit & Trumpeter white Slate chequered

35   Nun ♂  ♂ Blueish Red Brother Killed

36    Hybrid (Barb ♂ Almond Tumbler ♀) x (Red Runt ♂  white Trumpeter ♀)

Black Brother Killed      

     white chequered Laugher

37    Hybrid (Barb ♂  Fantail Crested ♀) Barb (Sister Hybrid)

 (died) Black all over       17 tail-feathers    


37.   Trumpeter white ♂  Blue owl♀

Chequered — white streak to Head        June 14


38.   Turbit white — Hybrid (Trumpeter ♂ + white Turbit ♀) — produced this Bird, but I think must have had cross from a Jacobin June 15

39.   Nun ♂  — Red Tumbler ♀ June 15

40   Hybrid (Barb — Almond Tumbler /♀  x Hybrid (Barb — Spot) ♀ June 15

41 41 } White Trumpeter ♂. Almont Tumbler ♀


43   Black Barb ♂  German Pouter ♀ pale

44   Hybrid from   (Barb-Fan ♂ + Hybrid Barb.♂  Fan ♀

Sister      Brother♀                      

45   Hybrid from (Runt Red ♂  Trumpeter ♀ white  + Pouter & Fantail)

46   Hybrid    Barb. Fan ♀  + Barb. Spot ♂

47   Red Jacobin ♀  (Trumpeter white ♂  Turbit ♀) ♂?

48   Trumpeter black mottled ♀  Almond Tumbler ♀

49   Nun ♂.  Red Tumbler ♀

50   (Barb-Fan) x (Barb-Fan)

51   (Runt ♂  Trumpeter ♀) — (Pouter ♂  Fantail ♀)

52   (Runt ♂  Trumpeter ♀)    (Barb ♂ — Almond T ♀)

53   (Barb ♂  Spot ♀) — (Barb ♂   Almond T ♀)


54. (dead) Mottled Trumpeter & Almond Tumbler ♀

55. Hybrid Barb-Pouter. ♂   Roller ♀

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 28 November, 2022