RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [list of specimens collected, numbered 1801-1830] / Passage of Animals & upheaval. CUL-DAR34.129-130. Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe. (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe, edited by van Wyhe 8.2011. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

See the introduction to the Geological Diary by Gordon Chancellor.


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825 Orchis damp woods

Mount Tarn

1801 - 2 -3 - 4. All fragments of one sort of special Nautilus. — I saw one N. of P. St. Anna. twice as large

1805. 6 — Detached fragments of same species

1807. 1808. — Univalve. —

1809. Bone of Echinus (?)

1810 — Common sort of coarse slate — North of P. St Anna Rocky Point

1811 — Greenish blue coarse sleat with fragments of a branch

812 Grewwacke angular greenish fragment, with last

(829) (Fish pale yellowish brown. muscles on sides pale coppery. [sketch] about mouth, branchial covering tips of Pectorals & Ventrals reddish orange. — Hook caught Port Famine first time seen. — iris brown1

1 Specimen in spirits 829 in Zoology notes.

page in pencil

129 verso

(830). back brownish orange with auricula purple" legs mottled "orpiment orange"1

Passage of Animals & upheaval. That beds on East side should be formed (& then upheaved) is probable owing to West current:

I do not think. S. beds were formed by gradual deposits

it is generally strange a big pebble occurring in fine sandstone:

occasional current? & no pebbles being brought down; currents being sufficient to transport them?

E. T. del F. results from wearing of old alluvium???

Straits were certainly once connected & allowed animals to pass. —

X There was a main grt channel

[illeg] Harbor. R. Negro (hence from Elizabeth island) [other] Harbor is a NE by E

1 A crab. Specimen in spirits 830 in Zoology notes.


line; in which materials were deposited, & afterwards furrowed:

(N.B. after very first elevation which upraised Patagonia 900 ft bed, sea began to make diminish & separate C. Gregory. C. Monmouth. Brunswick Peninsula. —

then x

peak elevation, might time the more southern channel??? create a north [illeg] & this included animals: ???

On uplift — probably elevation where numerous more exist into dry land. — Sea might have them

Open sea would then extend more westerly. Channel would have been larger, though water. useless. By Possession passage all open. Animals pass. Tides recut passage in old valley; (cliffs. head of St Julian in St Sebastian). St Joseph. being (depth??) & open bay?? —). Fresh elevation choke up the old passages: present channel commences

130 verso

Because it does not follow for certain that valley in deep undulatory country; after passages in the mountains are barred up: should be same now existing? — But it is probable: —

The change (alas) seems to have been from N to S. —

In the NE by N old channel, action of tides by mountain choked up, being altered

C. Negro isthmus (higher than Elizabeth Is?) was elevated C Negro & South shore was a low continent. — Animals passed

action of tides soon eat through Elizabeth Island & Sweep-stakes Foreland? —

The southern basin must have been a great elevation (to break channels), then simple action of degradation. —

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022