RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1.1835. Geological diary: A[nna] Pink Harbor. CUL-DAR35.274-276. Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe. (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker and John van Wyhe. Further editing by John van Wyhe 5.2011, 2024. RN2

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. This document, part of the largest scientific document composed by Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle, is written mostly in ink. Marginal notes are here integrated into the text.

Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

See the introduction to the Geological Diary by Gordon Chancellor.


A. Pink Harbor. — Jan.y 4th [1835] — 11

The rock is very same as the mica slate with thick layers of quartz at base of great granite range, sometimes finer layer, such as the specimen united with the granite. — Was intersected in a WSW & ENE line by a dyke of blackish-fine-grained greenstone (2464). — I have no doubt, from external appearance, that I saw other dykes. — The cleavage where most regular, was inclined at a small ∠ 5°-10° (or were horizontal) to the E by N: where in some places where more highly inclined it dipped more northerly, even to NE by N: This locality is some miles to the ENE of the high granite mountain of the ESE & WNW ranges

1 Beagle diary pp. 277-8: "4th The NW winds continued to prevail & we only managed to cross a sort of great bay & anchored in an excellent harbor. — This is the place where the Anna Pink, one of Lord Ansons squadron, found refuge during the disasters which beset him."

Footnote by Keynes: "The small merchantman or pink Anna accompanied Anson's fleet on the voyage in which after capturing the Spanish galleons laden with treasure from Manila, he completed the circumnavigation of the globe. Earlier in the voyage, after rounding Cape Horn in April 1741, the ships were scattered in a severe storm, and the badly damaged Anna was repaired here at Port Refuge before proceeding to the rendezvous with Anson at Juan Fernandez Island. A copy of Richard Walter's account of Anson's voyage, published in London in 1748, was in the Beagle library, and CD had recorded that he had finished reading it on 22 May 1832."

274 verso

Seals feed on whole food — Terns do — owl — others on squids or sepias —


The otter weighed 9 & 1/2 pounds

Potatoes — long diameter 2 inches

Large Voluta in otters paw.

[sketch] Dyke



Therefore it is considerably to the North of it & probably uninfluenced by it. The direction is similar to the general one on coast but the dip directly opposite. — I cannot account for this any more in this case than otherwhere. — It gives probability to my supposition of a previous dip to elevation. — The dyke is allied in direction to that of Midship Bay? —

Jan. 5th [1835] — Small island Head of ship

Mica slate here in close contact with a great dyke, dipped to about NE (it may be observed even the irregularities are normal). The mica slate here in one place passed into the rock which I have called Ampelite (another point of identity). The mica slate is cut at about right ∠ by a dyke 8 to 10 yd wide, which can be traced for some distance therefore some distance.

The dyke runs SW & NE (seems to be

275 verso

Goats of Ynche: all nine or less (pretty uniform ferruginous brown many with white mark in front & some with one on lower jaw. — otherwise very much of one appearance as wild animal. The upper jaw line of forehead in all much [illeg] for which cause I have preserved it. —

∠ of Corcovado about 33° with power of 3 peaks 25° — do — ؟ same as Osorno

Mellamoy— said to be volcanic —

Lows harbor


A. Pink Cove Harbor (3

continued on main land; is of very nearly same constitution — then euritic, one which traverses the granite at "Patch Cove"; Its base is either white feldspathic (2466) slightly more granular (2465) or euritic with numerous octagons of quartz & crystals of feldspar. —

The direction is nearly opposite at str. ∠s to each other: — (If dips were merely chance, why do we not find occasionally here a West dip? or at Patch Cove a South one?) —

There seem to be other dykes, composed (z) of a greenstone. White feldspar abundant (2467). —

(It is now certain that the porph: euritic did form dyke in granite. —

(z) This dyke as seen in running out appeared to strike SW & NE: formed large islands & even a ridge of hills.

276 verso

Grebe-like petrel in Lat 44°30'. — outside of islands. — Chonos. Archipelago —

The sandstone excepting the concretion appear quite non-calcareous 2470: 71
even in the harder sorts such as (2469). — 2472: 73

NB. Jan. 7th saw broard flat topped, gently inclined cone of snow: with horn on one side. Crater broke down. — bore E by S (true) Lat about 43°30'. — evidently volcanic —

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 14 December, 2024