RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 10.1835. Geological diary: Appendix to P 212. CUL-DAR37.796-797. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2024. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. This document, part of the largest scientific document composed by Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle, is written mostly in ink. Where pencil was used instead this is noted in the textual notes. Marginal notes are here integrated into the text.

Reproduced with the permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.

See the introduction to the Geological Diary by Gordon Chancellor.


1835 October  Appendix to P 212.

XXX In La Plata I have only proofs of a very small rise in raised beach of shells & those scattered ones which are collected to be burnt for Lime.

Brazil       At Rio de Janeiro, the flat form of some of the valleys & the low land abounding with shells, distant from the sea, in which old trees are growing, have been induced others as well as myself to suspect a small change of level.–

At Bahia (& SF Salvador. there is a small Tertiary formation. the organic remains of which belong to the Recent period (?) & which - elevated a few feet above the sea.–

Humboldt Vol II P 213 Pers. Narr has described a Tertiary formation near Cumana: perhaps this is recent.– There would appear to be some triffling elevations now taking place during earthquake. "The great earthquake of 1797 produced some changes in the configuration of the shoal of Morro Roxo, near the mouth of the R Bordones.– Similar swellings were observed at the time of the total ruin of Cumana, in 1766.– At this period, the Punta Delgado on the southern coast of the gulf of Cariaco, was perceptibly enlarged; And in the Rio Guarapiche, near the viliage of Maturin, a shoal was formed, no doubt by the

XXX] pencil.

Humboldt 1819-1829, vol. 2, p. 213.  


Pagta Peru} M. Lesson Zoolgie


action of the Elastic fluids, which displaced and raised up the bed of the river."—

Vol IV P 472. We are tempted to believe there is some truth in the general  historical tradition of the Indians, that the sea beat against the rock of Encaramada."

P 556 When we hear, that "at a height of " a hundred, sometimes at a hundred and thirty ft. above the highest present increase of the river black bands & erosions, that indicate the ancient abode of the waters." Of the Orinoco are found..— This takes place has been observed wherever the river has forced its ways through the mountains, as at Carichana, San Borja &c &c. — When Humboldt compares the ancient supposed size of the Orinoco to "arms of inland seas" perhaps he may may perhaps point out the true cause.—

Lyell III . 133 However this may be there is no doubt of recent elevation within whole over the W. Indian archipelago. The Leeward Isld & Jamaica: & Honduras on the main: On the East Coast of Mexico, Sea every where retiring" where M. Ferrer found near New Santander shells & moving sands 10 leagues. surely there has been some vertical uplifting  (a)                                              to cause so great a seccession.—


(a) Mr Greenough in address to Geolog. Soc.1 States that Capt Bayfield found terraces 60ft above the sea in the Gulf of St Lawrence.—

Has not Mr Conrad found recent deposits over whole surface of United States.

What are the extensive plains of Diluvium containing bones of Quadrupeds on the NW coast of America found by Beechey.— Are they not marine? like those in East T. del Fuego, Chonos Archipelago &c? —

May we from these data conclude the whole of the Americas have risen some few ft. since the epoch of existing shells?—

(Burchells elent at Santos RN. p 134)2

Elevation in St Domingo A 183

(Mem. Mr Hughes South of Florida — New Providence)

1 Greenough 1834.

2 Red notebook, p. 67.

3 Notebook A, p. 18: "Journal de Physique, et D Histoire Naturelle, Courrejolles….Mountains on west side of Domingo formed of coral limestone, with interstices yet emptty."

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File last updated 24 October, 2024