RECORD: Darwin, C. R. & Emma Darwin. 20.05.1865. [Notes for his physician, John Chapman]. UVa-Darwin-Evolution-3314-1.43. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe. RN2
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of University of Virginia Library, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library and William Huxley Darwin. With thanks to Joseph Azizi.
"Chapman, Dr John, 1821-94. Physician and publisher, specialist in dyspepsia. 1851 Acquired the journal Westminster Rev., which became important in the debate about evolution. 1865 Spring and summer, CD tried his ice-cure. ED marked in her diary "Dr Chap" in 1865 May 20. Another appointment was noted on May 28 1865." Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021. This note has been published many times but is most correctly transcribed with important notes in Correspondence, vol. 13, Appendix IV.
Age 56-57. — For 25 years extreme spasmodic daily & nightly flatulence: occasional vomiting; on two occasions prolonged during months.
[pencil insertion in margin:] Extreme secretion of saliva with flatulence
Vomiting preceded by shivering, hysterical crying dying sensations or half-faint. & copious very palid urine. Now vomiting & every paroxys of flatulence preceded by singing of ears, rocking, treading on air & vision. focus & black dots All fatigues, specially reading, brings on these Head symptoms ?? nervousness when E. leaves me.
(What I vomit intensely acid, slimy (sometimes bitter) corrodes teeth.)
Doctors puzzled, say suppresssed gout Family gouty. No organic mischief, Jenner & Brinton.
Tongue crimson in morning ulcerated— stomach constricted dragging. Feet coldish.— Pulse 58 to 62— or slower & like thread. Appetite good—not thin. Evacuation regular & good. Urine scanty (because do not drink) often much pinkish sediment when cold — seldom headach or nausea.—
Cannot walk above 1/2 mile— always tired— conversation or excitement tires me most.
Heavy sleep — bad day.
Eczema — (now constant) lumbago— fundament— rash.
Always been temperate— now wine comforts me much— could not take any formerly. Physic no good Chalk & Magnesia. Water-cure & Douche — Last time at Malvern could not stand it
I fancy that when much sickness my stomach is cold— at least water is very little Warmed.
[in Emma Darwin's hand:] I feel nearly sure that the air is generated somewhere lower down than the stomach & as soon as it regurgitates into the stomach the discomfort comes on—
[in Emma Darwin's hand:] Does not throw up the food.
Instruction — How soon any effect? long long continue treatment?
[endorsement not in Darwin's hand:] Charles Darwin 20 May 1865
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 14 January, 2023