RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1871. Receipt for Murray's payment for Descent. PC-USA-DescentReceipt. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Scans provided by the owner of the manuscript. Edited by John van Wyhe 9.2020. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. From the December 2012 Heritage Auctions description: "1 page (8 ¼ x 7 ¾ in.; 210 x 197 mm.) Auction 997004 | Lot: 1235." Reproduced with the kind permission of a private collection, USA. The same private collection holds:
[c. 1858]. Notes on Huber, Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis Indigènes (1810). Text & image PC-USA-OriginAnts
1858. Draft leaf of Origin. Text & image PC-USA-OriginMS270
1858-59. Draft leaf of Origin. Text & image PC-USA-OriginMS324
1859.11.11. Letter to Adam Sedgwick on sending Origin. Text & image PC-USA-SedgwickOrigin
[1859].12.24. Letter to T. H. Huxley on a manuscript on the evolution of pigeons. Text & image PC-USA-HuxleyPigeons
[1861-62]. Draft of Orchids, folio 192. Text & image Sanders-3.2017Lot96.
1870. Draft leaf of Descent. Text & image PC-USA-DescentMS10
1871. Receipt for Murray's payment for Descent. Text & image PC-USA-DescentReceipt
1871. Draft leaf of Expression. Text & image CUL-DAR185.143
1871. Draft leaf of Expression. Text & image CUL-DAR185.144
1868.02.09. Letter to Asa Gray on Variation. Text & image PC-USA-GrayVariation
This very rare document is the receipt for Darwin's earnings for the first edition of Descent. It is in the hand of a clerk of his publisher John Murray and signed by Darwin in the unusual form of "Ch. R. Darwin" over an inland revenue one-penny stamp. The text of the recto of this receipt was published (from a photocopy) in Correspondence vol. 19, p. 102.
50a Albemarle Street
Feby 23. 1871
Received of Mr John Murray the Sum of Six Hundred and thirty pounds for the first edition, consisting of 2500 copies, of my work on the "Descent of Man'"
Ch. R. Darwin
Feby 23 1871
Darwin Ch
Descent of Man
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 22 November, 2023