RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1858.09.30-12.29]. Draft of Origin of species, Sect. 8, folio 324. PC-USA-OriginMS324 [CUL-DAR185.142]. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 9.2020, verso transcribed by Christine Chua 11.2022. RN4
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the kind permission of a private collection, USA, and William Huxley Darwin. Formerly on loan at CUL but withdrawn by Randal and Roger Keynes and sold in 2018. From the 2018 Sotheby's auction description: "Autograph manuscript leaf from the Origin of Species. The conclusion to Darwin's chapter on hybridism, including corrections and two inserted passages, 104 words in 13 lines, headed 'Sect 8. Hybrids', 4to (224 x 209mm), 1858-59...erased pencil mathematical notes on the verso, by G.H. Darwin. ...Provenance: Charles Darwin; his daughter Henrietta ('Etty') Litchfield (1843-1927); her niece Margaret Keynes, née Darwin (1890-1974); thence by descent...Sold by order of the executors of the late Mrs A.P. Keynes." Sotheby's, 9 July 2018, lot 357. This manuscript sold for £490,000 to an anonymous collector. (£120,000 - £180,000 had been estimated.) Because of its cultural and national significance, in 2019 the manuscript was placed under a temporary export bar by the UK's Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism. See the case study report here. The same private collection holds:
[c. 1858]. Notes on Huber, Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis Indigènes (1810). Text & image PC-USA-OriginAnts
1858. Draft leaf of Origin. Text & image PC-USA-OriginMS270
1858-59. Draft leaf of Origin. Text & image PC-USA-OriginMS324
1859.11.11. Letter to Adam Sedgwick on sending Origin. Text & image PC-USA-SedgwickOrigin
[1859].12.24. Letter to T. H. Huxley on a manuscript on the evolution of pigeons. Text & image PC-USA-HuxleyPigeons
[1861-62]. Draft of Orchids, folio 192. Text & image Sanders-3.2017Lot96.
1870. Draft leaf of Descent. Text & image PC-USA-DescentMS10
1871. Receipt for Murray's payment for Descent. Text & image PC-USA-DescentReceipt
1871. Draft leaf of Expression. Text & image CUL-DAR185.143
1871. Draft leaf of Expression. Text & image CUL-DAR185.144
1868.02.09. Letter to Asa Gray on Variation. Text & image PC-USA-GrayVariation
The text of the draft corresponds to Origin, Chapter VIII, Hybridism, pp. 277-8. [word at page break in green]
[insertion by Henrietta Litchfield citing 5th edn.:]Origin Chapt VIII p. abb 341
Sect 8. Hybrids
this perfect general & perfect fertility surprising, when we remember how liable we are to argue in a circle on this point; & when we remember that the greater number of varieties have been produced under domestication by the man's selection of mere mere external differences and not constitutional & not of differences in the reproductive system. In all respects, besides fertility, there is a closer general resemblance between hybrids & mongrels. Finally, then, the facts too briefly given in this chapter, do not seem to me opposed, but rather to support the view that there is no fundamental difference between species & varieties.
[bottom of page excised]
[text in the hand of George Darwin?:]
possibly not being equal to the whole parallelogram but leaving a resemblance
This proves that any subdivision of the base of the parallelogram will also represent a corresponding subdivision of the original parallelogram hence if parallel races are to be compared in magnitude it is only necessary that they shd agree in this altitude & be quadrangular in order to u due the comparison be that of their bases moved from this [illeg] that 2 parallelogram which are quadrangular & have
[Full auction description:
"AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT LEAF FROM THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES the conclusion to Darwin's chapter on hybridism, including corrections and two inserted passages, 104 words in 13 lines, headed "Sect 8. Hybrids" and numbered 324 by Darwin, 1 page, blue wove paper, 4to (224 x 209mm), 1858-59, with a pencil note in the hand of Henrietta Darwin giving an incorrect reference to the printed text, erased pencil mathematical notes on the verso, probably by G.H. Darwin, three slits not affecting text, very slight smudging
"...this general & perfect fertility surprising, when we remember how liable we are to argue in a circle on this point; & when we remember that the greater number of varieties have been produced under domestication by man's selection of mere external differences & not of differences in the reproductive system. In all respects, besides fertility, there is a closer general resemblance between hybrids & mongrels. Finally, then, the facts too briefly given in this chapter, do not seem to me opposed, but rather to support the view that there is no fundamental difference between Species & Varieties."
Charles Darwin; his daughter Henrietta ("Etty") Litchfield (1843-1927); her niece Margaret Keynes, née Darwin (1890-1974); thence by descent
In Chapter 8 of the Origin Darwin addresses a fundamental question: what is a species? He opens the chapter by summarising the generally accepted view that "species, when intercrossed, have been specially endowed with the quality of sterility, in order to prevent the confusion of all organic forms". Darwin knew that this natural boundary was key to any argument about the mutability of species, since it suggested species were independently created, and his chapter on hybridism shows that the true picture is vastly more complicated. The key to understanding species lies in their reproductive systems, not in observable physical differences - an important point that is reiterated in the current leaf of manuscript. He notes that the claim of sterility covers two distinct issues: whether two different species can produce offspring, and whether the resulting hybrids are themselves sterile. Species can be forced to hybridise with human intervention, but in some instances species hybridize naturally if their reproductive systems are sufficiently similar. Nor are all resultant hybrids sterile: horticultural evidence for sterility has been heavily influenced by the conditions in which flowering plants were grown and bred and the likelihood of close interbreeding, which itself results in lower levels of fertility. Darwin does not propose an alternative definition of a species but shows how the complexity and variety of life resists generalities and hard and fast laws; a fact which makes the explanatory power of evolution by natural selection all the more extraordinary.
It is characteristic of Darwin's book that key points are made at the end of chapters, as he gradually builds up his argument, and the final sentence of the current leaf provides the radical conclusion to a chapter that had ranged from Victorian hothouses to speculation on the origin of the domestic dog: "there is no fundamental difference between species & varieties". Darwin's argument that species are not fixed and immutable is key to his profound insight into the nature of life on earth. New species can develop through natural selection by splitting into distinct varieties, which then gradually diverge. The difference between varieties within species (which sometimes have difficulty breeding fertile offspring) and differences between species themselves (which are sometimes able to breed fertile offspring) is one of degree, not of kind.
The text in the current leaf of manuscript is found on pages 277-78 of the first edition of the Origin. The manuscript was written between from July 1858 to April 1859 (see next lot), but Darwin later made extensive stylistic changes in proof so here, as in most other such leaves, the printed text differs in detail from the manuscript. This is the only substantial part of Chapter 8 to survive - the only other known manuscript leaf being Darwin's table of contents of the chapter (Honeyman Collection, now Lehigh University Library).
Darwin had no further use for the draft manuscript once the fair copy had been produced, and, like several other of Darwin's manuscripts, this leaf was later used as scrap paper by the Darwin family. The verso has pencil notes on geometry, later erased but still largely legible, that have been identified as being in the hand of Darwin's son George (1845-1912), who went on to hold a Chair in Astronomy at Cambridge.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 22 November, 2023