RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1832-1837]. 'Reptiles in spirits of wine'. NHM-405052-1001. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2019. RN4
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced by permission of the Trustees of the Natural History Museum (London) and William Huxley Darwin.
See Reptiles (F9.5) and Richard Keynes ed., Charles Darwin's zoology notes & specimen lists from H.M.S. Beagle (F1840).
Introduction by Christine Chua and John van Wyhe
These notes were prepared to accompany Darwin's collection of reptiles and amphibians from the voyage of the Beagle when handed over to an expert at the British Museum. Even though the inside front cover states Darwin's hand are in some pages specifically, it is not so. Darwin corrected Covington's entries but Covington also uses certain spellings Darwin used, e.g 'broard' by Darwin is always 'broad'. 'Symetrical' is sometimes corrected by Darwin. 'Borbocœtes' remained uncorrected.
[inside front cover]
There are two sequences of pagination in this volume.
The first sequence, pp. 1-13.
p. 1 In hand of J.E. Gray
p.3-11 Probably in hand of Thomas Bell (not verified)
p. 12 In hand of C.R. Darwin
p. 13 In part in hand of C.R. Darwin
The second sequence, pp. 1-25.
p.1-25 In hand of Syms Covington
except p. 4-6 In hand of C.R. Darwin
Notes on verso in ink, when not in Covington's hand, [presumably are by Thomas Bell. The writing at the top of p. 19 (verso) is by Darwin, as are the corrections of Covington's text.
Syms Covington was Darwin's amanuensis and servant on the voyage of the Beagle; he continued to work for Darwin until 1839
This information has been supplied by Dr D.M. Porter, Cambridge (an American botanist) who visited the Zoology Library on 16 April 1981. Similar lists on the birds, fishes and insects are at Cambridge.
[1. John Edward Gray (1800-75), keeper of Zoology at the British Museum from 1840.
Collaborated with Darwin on the Cirripedia]
[2. Thomas Bell (1792-1800), Professor of Zoology at King's College, London, in 1836. Described Darwin's reptiles and amphibians from the voyage of the Beagle]
[blank] 4
[blank] 5
[blank] 6
[blank] 7
4 - 3
plain Half [Burn]
Darwin & Bell
Chilean Reptiles
C.R. Darwin
[blank] 10
[blank] 11
[blank] 12
Received from Mr Bell
In hand of J.E. Gray, 1845.
1022. [ditto]
767 Leiolæmus Bibronii
1063. Leiolæmus tenuis
1064. Leiolæmus pictus
1082. [ditto] Busking on Rock in [Montaeus ] Nancagua
449 Leiolæmus Darwinii Bahia Blanca
399 [ditto] Bahia Blanca
387 Leiolæmus wiegmannii Bahia Blanca
421. [ditto 387 - 718] Bahia Blanca Rio Negro
609 Maldonado. Sand Dunes
672 [ditto]
715 Maldonado ash grey orange & blue splashes
378 Bahia Blanca Sand Hillocks
386 [ditto]
461. Grey orange coloured, blue lateral streak
718. Monte Video, gorge & lateral streak orange
432. Leiolæmus Multimaculatus Bahia Blanca
455. [ditto] [ditto], Monte Hermoso
454. [ditto] [ditto]
393 Proctotretus pectinatus Bahia Blanca
443 [ditto] [ditto]
686. [ditto] Maldonado Port Desire
1196 Proct Chilensis Bell
1167. [ditto]
1208. Proct (nigromaculatus?)
1163. Proct cyanogaster
1172 [ditto]
1062. [ditto]
1192 Proct Chilensis Bell
[blank] 14
[blank] 15
[blank] 16
13 (Gecko) Platydactyles Darwinii; very near Delalandii correctly according with Biron's [illeg]
34 Hemidactylus (also 219) Hemidactylus Mabouia (young)
37 (13) Platydactyles Darwinii
146 Ecphymotes torquatus
151 Snake
152 Bufo semi cinctus (Prince de Neuwied) compare with B. Chilensis.
162 Ecphymotes torquatus
163 Do.
164 Do.
78 Snake
185 horned toad
186 Cystignathus ocellatus
190 Snake
191 Hyla albomarginata (Spix)
192 Bufo Agua 202
193 Ecphymotes torquatus
197 Amph. (Bib) Hyla? very young
201 Snake
202 Bufo Agua
203 Bufo semi cinctus, (152)
204 Cystignathus ocellatus.
208 -
209 Cystignathus ocellatus.
215 Bufo semi cinctus, (152)
270 Spix's figure bad).
341 young specimen (Bibron to send the adult with its name)
217 Snake
218 Ecphymotes torquatus (193)
219 Hemidactylus (34) H. Mabouia
227 Hyla Vauterii
242. Brachycephalus ephippifer
251 Ecphymotes torquatus (163)
259 New genus (palatine teeth in corner) Limnocharis fuscus Bell
260 Do.
261 Cystignathus ocellatus
262 Do.
270 Leposternon (to be well figured especially the teeth)
271 Amph. Bib. in too bad a state to determine
289 Bufo semicinctus (152) Bufo melanotis Bibr
292 Leposternon (270)
308 this number was without any specimen in the bottle
317 Zonopterna Delalandii Pyxicephalus americanus Bibr.
338 Snake
341 Ameiva young.
342 Do
343 Do
344 Cystignathus ocellatus
345 Snake
373 Proctotretus n.s. (386) P. Weigmannii
374 Ameiva
377 Phryniscus nigricans. (Weisman) not figured. Bibr VIII p. 465
378 Proctotretus n.s. (386) 373 P. Weigmannii
383 383 Proctotretus n.s.
385 Proctotretus n.s. (386)
386 Proctotretus n.s Weigmannii probably same as 373 421? doubtful
387 Do 373
389 Bufo semicinctus (152)
397 to be well figured (there are two males & one female (see 443, 686.
399. new with notched scales on the side of neck & abdomen like Pr. nigromac but with two or
three series of inferior labial plates.
461 to be figured – [illeg] see of 399 - for length of tail.
468 [illeg] out (D'Azara) figured by D'orbigny under the name of ameiva cælestina
605 not yet figured.
397 Proctotretus pectinatus
398 Ameiva (374) P. Darwinii
399 Proctotretus n.s. probably not same as 421 (same as 445)
421 Proctotretus (new species) 373 Weigmannii
423 Proctotretus n.s. (probably same as 421) (399) (386)
427 Ameiva (341)
432 Proctotretus multimaculatus or very near it.
433 Snake
434 Proctotretus n.s.- see 1061 P. Cyanogaster
435 Do.
439 Snake
440 Snake
443 Proctotretus pectinatus (397)
444 Ameiva (374)
445 Proctotretus n.s. (386) (374) 399. P. Darwinii
446 Snake
451 Snake
452 Ameiva (341)
453 Proctotretus (n.s.) 421)
454 Proctotretus multimaculatus? 432
455 Do. very young
461 Proctotretus n.s (421) 373 Weisman
463 Bufo D'orbignii young adult 654
464 Do
468 Acrantus viridis
469 Ameiva (341)
481 Snake
605 Adenopleura oculata Pleurodema Darwinii 665. 676.
606 Hyla pulchella agrestis & (figured in Spix or Prince de Neuwied)
607 Cystignathus ocellatus
608 Carococca & Spix.
609 Proctotretus n.s. (386.) 373 Weigmannii
613. Phryniscus nigricans (377)
654 not yet described nor figured (see last vol.)
681 new genus-
682 second species of same genus as 681.
683 second species of same genus as 681
615 Ameiva (341)
621 Hyla pulchella agrestis (606)
623 Snake
631 Pseudys paradoxa Wagler (mas)
639 Snake
644 Snake
648 Ameiva (341)
649 Acrantus viridis (468)
651 Phryniscus nigricans (377) not figured
652 Hyla Vauterii (227)
653 [Upodermotes] n.s.
654 Bufo D'obignii Bibron 463
663 Snake
665 Adenopleura oculata Pleurodema Darwinii (605) 676)
666 Anops kingii Bell
672 Proctotretus n.s 373
673 Snake
674 Snake
675 Snake
676 Adenopleura oculata Pleurodema Darwinii (605) 665)
679 Snake
681 Diplolæmus Bibronii
682 Do
683 Diplolæmus Bibronii
684 Diplolæmus Bibronii (681)
685 Do
686 Proctotretus pectinatus (397)
687 Proctotretus n.s. (434) var? P. gracilis Bell
688 Adenopleura n.s
778 Pleurodema bufoninum
731. 732. 734. to be examined by Bibron
765 to be figured, also 773
769-70-71 to be figured see Bibron III p 403
773 to be figured
689. Toad Amph. Bib. Bufo Agua B. jun Bibr
705 Snake
715 Proctotretus n.s. (421) 373 Weigmannii
718 Proctotretus n.s. (386) 373 Weigmannii
720 Snake
730 Snake
731 Bufo Chilensis?
732 Do
733 Do Snake
734 Bufo Chilensis (731)
735 Ceratophrys Uperodon marmoratum
736 Do
764 Diplolæmus Bibronii (681)
765 Ceratophrys, marmoratum. Proctotretus Kingii Fitzingerii
766 Proctotretus new sp. multimaculatus almost certainly probably certainly not Bibronii 767
Kingii examini
767 Proctotretus n.s. Bibronii
768 Diplolæmus Darwinii Bibronii Mihi (681)
769 Gymnodactylus n.s. (Gaudichaudii) to be figured
770 Do.
771 Do.
772 Proctotretus Fitzingerii (765)
773 probably same (766)
774 Leiuperus salarius
778 Adenopleura n.s. (688) Pleurodema bufoninum Bell
783 Diplolæmus Darwinii (683)
803 Gymnodactylus n.s. (769)
812 Diplolæmus Darwinii (683)
948 Adenopleura n.s. (688) Pleurodema bufoninum
[ ]
1024 not yet decr? or fig?
1063 to be figured see the [illeg] of [history]
1076 new genus
949 Proctotretus Fitzingerii (765)
950 almost certainly the same (see 766)
951 Proctotretus n.s. ??? surely Fitzingerii (at least the same as 765)
986 new genus see 1170 & 1176
1021 Proctotretus n.s. (434)
1022 Do –
1023 Amph. Bibr. Cystignathus nodonus?
1024 Adenopleura n.s. Pleurodema obscurum 1088. 1168. 1213
1025 Bufo Chilensis Bibr. n.s.
1041 Snake
1053 Snake
1054 Snake
1060 Bufo D'orbignii young
1061 Proctotretus n.s. (434) P. Cyanogaster P. Cyanogaster
1062 Do
1063 Proctotretus tenuis. ? Bibron IV p 279
1064 Proctotretus pictus (same as mine from Capt. King.)
1076 New genus [illeg] Rhinoderma Darwinii
1082 Proctotretus pictus (1064)
1088 Pleurodema obsurum Adenopleura n.s. (1024) 1168) 1213)
1090 New genus –
1117 Amph. Bibr. Dorso impresso punctato Cystignathus roseus
1118 Bufo Chilensis young
1119 Amph. Bibr. Bufo jun. (Ly. B. Agua C?)
1120 Amph. Bibr. New genus Ellipticeps alsodes monticola.
1136 probably New genus of Hylidæ. Hylorina sylvatica
1163 Proctotretus n.s. (434) P. Cyanogaster
1168 Adenopleura Pleurodema obscurum (1024) 1088) 1213
1170 New genus Cycloramphus n.s. ? (986) Borbocœtes Bibronii – n.g. [Borborocœtes]
1171 Proctotretus n.s. 434 P. Cyanogaster
1172 Do
1198 to be figured
From 1271 to 1315 Galapagos.
1271 Genus Holotropis of Bibron (Leiocephalus genus of Gray founded on bad character says
1173 Proctotretus n.s. (434)
1176 Borbocœtes grayii new genus same genus as 986. & 1170 but diff. species.
1177 Amph (Bib) Cystignathus roseus
1178 new genus Rhinoderma Darwinii (1076)
1179 Do Rhinoderma Darwinii
1187 Snake
1189 new genus Rhinoderma Darwinii (1076)
1190 Do (1076)
1191 Amph. Bib. n.g. Batrachyla leptopus
1192 Proctotretus Chilensis
1194 Microlophus Lessonii young
1196 Proctotretus Chilensis var. (1192?)
1197 Do
1198 Proctotretus tenuis (1063) Bibron IV p. 279
1199 Snake –
1200 Amph. (Bib) n.s. Litoria glandulosa
1207 Proctotretus nigromaculatus Fitzingerii (765) young
1208 Proctotretus n.s. (767)
1213 Adenopleura Pleurodema obscurum (1024) 1088) 1168 1213
1230 Microlophus Lessonii (1194)
1233 Snake
1271 Holotropis n.s. Leiocephalus Grayii
1279 Holotropis n.s. allied to microlophus - Leiocephalus Grayii
1280 Holotropis n.s. 1271) very young Do.
1281 Do. 1271
1294 Snake
1295 Snake
1296 Holotropis n.s. (1271)
1297 Do. 1271
1300 Do. 1271
1301 Snake
1303 Holotropis n.s. (1271)
1305 Amblyrynchus cristatus young.
1308 Snake
1310 Snake
1342 not described or figured
1354 [illeg]
1358 some mistake in number 1358 said to be Tiliqua Casuarini to be figured from the
specimen in Zool Soc.
1315 Amblyrynchus Demarlii Bibron IV. p. 197
1342. Platydactylus (Bibr) Gehira elegans of Gray not desc?
1348 Snake
1349 Cystignathus ocellatus.
1350 Hyla Peronii
1351 Amph. Bib Hyla Fucsa??? too bad to be determined
1352 (Amph. Bib) Cystignathus Georgianus jun.
1353 Grammatophorus barbatus
1354 Tiliqua sucurii (Cocteau) J. tæniolata gray
1355 Grammatophorus muricatus
1358 Tiliqua Gasperini (see opposite page)
1359 Tiliqua ? named by Bibron but not fig?
1363 Snake
1364 Grammatophorus barbatus young (1353)
1397 Amph. (Bib.) Cystignathus Georgianus Bibr (Crinia Georgiana, Tschudi)
1398 Hyla Amph (Bib) Hyla Jacksonianus Bibr.
1399 Amph. (Bib) Hyla Fucsa??? too bad to determine
1446 Rana Mascariensis Bibr
1452 Cordylies griseus
1453 Scincus travittatus not figd
1454 Gerrhosaurus sepiformis not figd
1455 Bibron to write about
1456 Do. Rana Delalandii
[blank] 32
1024. 1088. 1168. 1213 Pleurodema obscurum descd Bibronii certainly
778. 688 Pleurodema nod bufoninum Descd
605.665.676 Pleurodema oculata Darwinii – Descd
377. 651. Phryniscus nigricans Descd
476. 1179. 1189. 1190 Rhinoderma Darwinii Bibr. new genus Upper and under side of
1076. Descd. To be figured under side if 1189)
652. 227 Hyla Vauterii. Bibr. MS. very near Baudinii accounting to
Bibron's description of the latter. Descd
191 Hyla albomarginata
456 Rana Delalandii Bibr for 368 Cape of G.H. not figured Descd
269 Limnocharis fuscus n.g. Palatine teeth behind the [noses] Descd
735 Uperodon very little marmoratus. It can scarcely be identical for for so different locality.
1446 Rana Mascariensis Descd ?
606. 621 Hyla agrestis - both to be figured. Descd
1170 Borbocœtes Bibronii - Descd
1176 Borbocœtes Grayii Descd
1342 6 Naultinus Grayii - Descd
444. 374. 398 7 Ameiva longicauda Descd
2 Amblyrhynchus cristatus Descd
1 Amblyrhynchus Demarlii
9 Cyclodus Casuarinæ
5 Gymnodactylus Gaudichaudii
8 Gerrhosaurus sepiformis
3 Leiocephalus Grayii
4 Centrura flagellifer
[blank] 34
Charles I. Galapagos Arch.
1301. - Snake
608 Maldonado. R. Plata
1452. - C. of Good Hope
133 Bahia Brazil
468 M. Video
615 North of Maldonado
427 Bahia Blanca North Patagonia
452 Do. Do
648. - Maldonado 649- is this 649, if so Maldonado if 609 also
343 - M. Video Maldonado
341 Fish!!! 341
342 Fish!!! 342 343
1355 N. South Wales
1353 [do]
1364 Van Diemen's land
146 Bahia Brazil
193 Rio de Janeiro
163 Abrolhos islets, Brazil coast
162 [do]
218 Rio de Janeiro
257 Rio de Janeiro 251 Rio de Janeiro
454 Bahia Blanca Pat:
458 fish!!! M. Video 455 - Bahia Blanca
772 P. Desire Patagonia
992 [illeg] animal!!! 994. Crab !!!! wrong number
951 central Patagonia
950 [do]
760 [illeg] speciemen !!! 766. Port Desire
373 Bahia Blanca
708 Maldonado 718 Maldonado
378 Bahia Blanca
715 Maldonado
672 do
609 do.
421 Bahia Blanca
387 do
1063 Valparaiso
444 Bahia Blanca
812 P. Desire
683 Central Patagonia
1454 C. of Good Hope
1315 same as Galapagos
432 Bahia Blanca
773 P. Desire
445 Bahia Blanca
386 do
707 Port Desire
397 Bahia Blanca
1198 Concepcion Chile
461 Monte Video
399 Bahia Blanca
1358 Van Diemen's Land.
1208 Coquimbo Chile
1061.62 - Valparaiso
1194 Copiapo North Chile Iquique Pem
1230 [do]
1453 C. of Good Hope
1305 Chat Id Galapagos
949 Leiolæmus Kingii - Patagonia River S. Cruz
1172 Valparaiso southern Chile
1173 [do]
686 Patagonia
1082. Leiolæmus tenuis Chiloe Archipelago
387. 373. 671. 378. 609. 718.
715. 461. 386. 421.
373. 378. 386. 387. 421. 461
609. 672. 715. 718
Proctotretus Weigmannii Darwinii
1063. 1198. Pr. tenuis
397. 443. 686. Pr. pectinatus
765. 766, 772. 773. 949. 960. 951
432. 454. 455. Pr. multimaculatus
767 Pr. Bibronii.
1207. 1208
687 Pr. gracilis
386. 461 Pr. Weigmannii
399. 445 n.s. (like nigromaculatus) Pr. Grayii Darwinii
1062. 1163. 1171. 1172 Pr. cyanogaster Bibr.
1207 Pr. nigromaculatus
1062. 1163. 1171. 1172
1082. 1064 -
Pr Chilensis
397 443 686
n.s Kingii 765
d Pr. Chilensis
d cyanogaster
d pictus 1064
d tenuis 1063. 1198
nigromaculatus 1207
d n.s Darwinii 199 445
d Wiegmannii
d n.s gracilis 687
d n.s Bibronii 767
d Fitzingerii
d Multimaculatus
d pectinctus
(signifer not in either collection)
[not transcribed]
[This is the start of the second sequence:
pp.1-25 In hand of Syms Covington, p. 4-6 In hand of Darwin]
1832. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
13. Gecko. (Hemidactilus Cuv)
24. Lizard, Porto Praya.
25. Do.
34. Gecko. Red hill do
37. Gecko. with mended tail. Porto Praya.
123. 124. Lizard. Fernando Noronha. Feb. and March
139. Lizard. Bahia Brazil Do.
146. Hyla (Laurenti) shot running up a lofty palm. Bahia. March
(is a lizard, Paraguira smithii)
151. Snake. given to me by Mr. Wilkin of Samarang.
152. Frog. (Barnetti Cuvier?)
153. Lacerta March. Bahia
162. 163. Ecphimotes (?) Cuvier. March. Albrolhos Id.
164. 165. Lizards. Do. Do.
166. Agama. Do. Do.
167. Gecko. Do. Do.
Rio de Janeiro
178. Snake. Socĕgo. called coral snake.
Socĕgo is on the Rio Macaè and all the places lie on the road to it. North E R. Janeiro April
183. Lizard. Socĕgo [April]
184 Frog. Do. [April]
185. Ceratophis (Cuvier) April
My specimen inhabited the dark and moist forest round Socĕgo. Its habits were rather those of an English toad than a Frog. All its motions slow and feeble; proceeded by short jumps. Colours in the spirits have become rather fainter. Iris bright copper colour.
186. Frog. Campos Novos April
190. Snake. Botofogo do.
191. Hyla (Laurenti) Do. Colour greenish stomach yellowish April.
192. Frog. Botofogo. Iris yellow, with black March.
April Bufo agua.
[some text by Darwin]
193 Ecphymotes torquatus. also 163. 164. 162. 146. & 251. 218
202 Bufo Agua for me - being common.
202. 209. 261. 1349. 607. 186. 262. 344. Cystignathus ocellatus
[208 377 illeg 454 35 1119 1360 1445 1271 to 1315 - in pencil]
1832. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
193. Lizard. Botofogo April.
197 Frog. Do.
201. Coluber (Cerberus) May 5th (Cuvier) R. Macaè
202. Bufo agua (Bombinator?) Cuvier.
colour on back "dirty Lemon yellow" toes particularly inner fore one dark brown. Iris
black spotted with golden yellow. Rio Macaè. April.
203. Bufo. (Bombinator?) Cuvier. Iris yellow; its note is in a high key appears to be emitted
through nostrils; during which time the throat is much enlarged, and the tympanum
slightly so; nostrils partly covered by a valve. May. Rio de Janeiro.
204. Rana. Extremely strong beneath pale above in the fore, parts yellowish green,
hinder greenish yellow; angular markings 1/2 yellowish 1/2 "chestnut brown". Iris
golden yellow with black markings. May. Rio de Janeiro.
208. Hyla. On the back, a band of "yellowish brown" width of head, sides copper yellow;
abdomen silvery yellowish white slightly tuberculated; beneath the mouth, smooth
dark yellow, under sides of legs leaden flesh colour. Can adhere to perpendicular
surface of glass. The fields resound with the noise which this little animal, as it sits on
a blade of grass about an inch from the water, emits.
The note is very musical. I as first thought it must be a bird. When several are
together they chirp in harmony: each beginning a lower note than the other, and then
continuing or a harmony upon the two (I think these notes are third to each other).
May. Rio de Janeiro.
209 Rana. Do.
[some text by Darwin]
219 Same as 34 Comma see 6
227. Hyla Vauterii - see 652
242 Brachycephalus ephippifer, (Brachycephalus is Fitzinger's name, Ephippifer being Cocteau's.)
259 probably new genus - palatine teeth in the corner
270 To be well figured (Spix's fig. being bad) and particularly the teeth.
292 see 270
[some text by Darwin]
Rio de Janeiro.
1832 Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
215. Bufo. Is very like (203) differs in not having pale dorsal line between darker ones; and
in having dark transverse marks on the legs and obscure angular one behind head.
May. R. de Janeiro
217. Coluber (called the coral snake.) Do. Do.
218. Steltion. Do. Do.
219. Gecko (Hemidactyles) Do. Do.
227. Hyla. Palm trees. Do. Do.
242. Bufo. colour intense "Dutch orange" wooded summit of Caucovado Do.
[Darwin's handwriting - illeg buried in the]
251. Lizard. June. Do.
259. 260 Rana, brooks in forest. hind toes edged with membrane, and curiously subdivided at extremities. (Acari buried in the skin) Do. Do.
261. Rana. from the forest. Do. Do.
262. Rana. Do. Do. Do.
270 Leposternum (Spix) Taken in the ground with other specimens, whilst digging in the
garden. When placed on turf made no attempt to escape, but on soft mould soon (like a
worm) forced its way into it. Do. Do.
271 Rana. (forest) Do. Do.
272 Lacerta, Do. iridescent with blue. Do. Do.
289. Bufo (Bombinator). Back: "deep orange and Chesnut brown" beneath pale, with dark
mark between front legs, behind tympanum and under eye pale with dark marks. legs
banded slightly with black. Iris yellow. tongue large, fleshy. Was found under piece of
bark in forest. far from water. Motions slow, jumps. from the rich colours. the animal
presented a curious appearance. Do.
292. Leposternum same as (270) June. Do.
308. Gecko (Hemidactyles)
317 Zonopterna Delalandii? Pyxicephalus americanus
344. Cystignathus ocullatis
374. 398. 444. Ameiva. ?Bibron to send the name.
Monte Video
1832. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
314. Bipeda (Cuv) Hysteropa. Dic. Class. under a stone. Rat Island. July. M. Video.
317. Bufo. open plains with horny plate on hind feet. Do. Do.
338. Snakes (2 species). Back with black dorsal band; on each side is one of a pale "tile
red"; then a black: then primrose yellow and then the black central abdominal one.
Other species is above dark "yellowish brown", beneath pearly white.
August. Do. Do.
340. Monitor (Ameiva?) Living in a hole, not near any water: very thin and half torpid.
Do. Do.
341. 342. 343. Lacerta (palatine teeth small) under stones. Mount. Do. Do.
344. Rana. Mount. When frightened, puffed itself up with air. Do. Do.
345. Coluber. Mount Do. Do.
373 Iguaniens; approximate to Quetzpales (Cuv). sand hillocks Sept. B. Blanca
374 Lacerta; on sides two dark red streaks; tail red. Do. Do.
377 Bufo; appears to approach in its characters to Breviceps (Cuv) No tympanum or Parotid
is [visible] mouth pointed. The colours of its body were the most extraordinary I have
ever seen in a Reptile: general tint "ink black"; soles of feet, base of, & some scattered
irregular patches, on, the abdomen. The most intense "Vermilion Red", back with few
scattered spots of "buff Orange". - The appearance of the Vermilion colour was as if
the animal had crawled over a newly painted board. This toad inhabits the most
dry and sandy plains of Bahia Blanca, where there is at present any no appearance of
water over lodging.
[377 in Darwin's handwriting]
389 203. 215. 152 289 Bufo semi cinctus Prince de Neuwied compare with B. Chilensis.
397. Proctotretus pectinatus 443. 686. 2 males & 1 female - to be well figured.
1832 September: B. Blanca: Reptiles in Spirits of Wine
377 having for any time. Crawls about during the day. - In the month of June (1833)
I found at Maldonado (Northern bank of the Plata)
(613) several more (specimen 613) of this sort extraordinary looking reptile. They are
not uncommon, crawling about the dry sand dunes: When placed in a pool of water,
were scarcely able to swim & I think in a very short time would have been drowned. -
The eye is jet black. The number & size of buff orange marks were slightly different,
sometimes more & sometimes less than in those of B. Blanca.-
378 Lizard same as (373).
383 Coluber: (Heterodon Cuv?) above dark cream coloured, with symetrical marks of
dark brown; beneath with black & bright red irregular patches. The first of the
maxillary teeth much developed & distinct. Mouth very dilatable. - Was caught whilst
eating a Lizard. Inhabits the dry sandy plains of Bahia Blanca.-
[377-383 in Darwin's handwriting]
384. Amphisbena; in sandy hillocks near the sea; same colour as earth worms. Bahia
385 Iguaniens, same as (373) Septr Do.
386. 387. Same genus as (385) but different species. Differs in having orange coloured
gorge, faint lateral stripes of blue; and general markings. B. Blanca. Septr.
389 Bufo. Marshes, the Fort. Body "oil green" with spots and bands of pale blue. Do. Do.
397. Agama. This is the most beautiful lizard I have ever seen; back with three rows of
regular oblong marks of a rich brown; the other scales symetrically coloured either ash
or light brown! Many also irregularly
Bahia Blanca
- South of the Plata
- or Northern Plata
[in pencil, in Darwin's handwriting]
421. 453. 715. 461 Proctotretus n.s. probably the same as 423 &c
423. 672. 399. 387.445 386. Proctotretus n.s. probably the same as 609 &c
432 Proctotretus multimaculatus or very near it. also 454. 455.
1832. B. Blanca: Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
bright emerald green.— beneath pearly with semilunar marks of brilliant orange on throat.
B. Blanca. Septr.
398. Lacerta. (same as 374). Do. Do.
399. Lizard. (variety of 373?) Do. Do.
421. Lizard. Rio Negro
423. Lizard. B. Blanca
427. Lacerta (of different species from 374) - Do. Do.
432 Lizard
433 Trigonocephalus, not uncommon on the sandy plains & hillocks of Bahia Blanca: Body
above marked with a chain of "umber brown" patches, the intervals being "wood
brown". From the triangular nose & brightness of the eyes, aspect most fierce &
hideous. - The pupil of the eye consists of a vertical slot. The iris is mottled & coppery.
- This reptile inhabits holes, is slow in its motions, but strong & very courageous; as
long as it retained life, upon being irritated with a stick it would with [widely] dilated
mouth & protruded fangs strike the wood with violence. - The aperture of the fangs is
on the anterior surface & elliptic in form. The tail is terminated by a pointed hard
button. The animal when irritated constantly vibrated the terminal part to the length of
about an inch, of its tail. The vibrations were very rapid & as the animal glided through
the dry grass, rushes or small brushwood, a rattling noise could be distinctly heard to
the distance of six feet. This vibration of the tail was the constant result of irritating
accompaniment of anger or surprise in the animal. How beautifully does this snake
both in habits & structure connect Crotalus & Vipera: -
In the stomach of this specimen there was the remains of a lizard.
[432-3 in Darwin's handwriting, dated 12 October in F1840]
[blank] 50
1832 Septr Reptiles in Spirits of Wine
Bahia Blanca.
434. 435. Lizard (Galactis?) Above "liver brown" with latero-dorsal pale streak; thighs of
hinder legs pale yellow.
439. Trigonocephalus, same as (433) October.
440. Coluber. Belly plates yellowish; dorsal scales with central band greenish, tip black
sides pale; back mottled greenish. Do.
442. Trigonocephalus, same as (439) Do.
443. Lizard, same as (397) Do.
444. Lacerta, same as (374) Do.
445. Lizard Do.
446. Trigonocephalus, same as (439) Do.
451. Coluber. (same as (440). Do.
452. Lacerta, Punta Alta. Do.
453. Lizard, (Quetzpales? having palatine teeth) Do.
454. 455. Lizard. Monte Hermoso In its depressed form and general appearance, partakes of
(Octobr) some of the characters of the Geckos.
Colours above singularly mottled, the small scales are coloured brown, white, yellowish
red, and blue, all dirty, and the brown forming symetrical clouds. Beneath white, with
regular spots of brown on the belly.
Habits singular, lives on the beach, on the dry sand, some way from the vegetation.
Colour of body much resembles that of the sand. When frightened, it depresses its body
and stretching out its legs & closing its eye tries to avoid being seen; if pursued will
bury itself with great quickness in the sand, legs rather short; it cannot run very fast.
M. Video November.
461. Lizard (?) with palatine teeth; gorge orange
463, 464 Bufo d'orbigny young (Bibr)
468 Acrantus viridis [illeg] d'Azara figured by D'orbigny under the name of Ameiva
Maldonado North bank of the Plata [in pencil, in Darwin's handwriting]
605. Adenopleura oculata - see 665
606. 621. Hyla figured in Spix or in Prince de Neuwied?
608. Carococca of Spix
1832. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
M. Video Novemb.
colour; abdomen and 2 dorsal longitudinal bands pale orange.-
463. 464. Bufo, in the marshes B. Ayres; belly dirty yellow, with Do dorsal line; note very
high; odour singular & fetid.
468. Ameiva. Back emerald green, with black patches and white lines; lateral ventral scales
bright blue. M. Video.
469 Lacerta. (common on Mount) Do.
474 Amphisbœna, under stones in ground. M. Video.
November or December.
481. Coluber. San. Blas. coast of Patagonia (The Schooner)
Maldonado. May. 1833 and June
605. Frog, above prettily marked with dark olive green above and greenish white; on hind
thighs and base of body a little red.
606. Hyla, above emerald green, beneath white, on sides a black and silvery stripe, also a
shorter one at corner of mouth; under side of hinder legs, and side of abdomen
marked with black spots, tympanum brown, iris gold-colour. Hind feet semipalmated.
They frequent in great numbers the open grass camp, also marshes. These can never
ascend trees, for they such are entirely wanting.
607. Rana. Brown, with circular and symmetrical marks of black. always in immediate
neighbourhood of water.— Same as in Brazil?
608. Bipes. Beneath white gradually shading into a light brown above, with four dark brown
lines, the 2 central ones being the broadest was caught near the water of a lake.
motions inactive.
609. 718. 385. 373. 378. Proctotretus n.s.
613. Phryniscus nigricans
631. Pseudys paradoxa mes. Wagler.
649 same as 468. young
648. 452. 343. 427. 341. 615. 342. 469. young of Ameiva
? the adult to be sent by M. Bibron
651. 377. 613 Phryniscus nigricans Weigm.
1833. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Maldonado. May & June.
609. Quetzpales, sand dunes.
613. Bufo. (diaboliens!) same as (377)
615. Ameiva or Lacerta, (allied to Centropiæ) Rio Marmagaja. Banda Oriental.
616. Amphisbœna in ants nest; under stone.
621. Hyla. (same as 606?) but body silvery white instead of green.
623. Coluber. Colour of a uniform blackish lead colour, with an opaline bluish gloss; beneath
pale, at the junction of the two sorts of scales the gloss is best seen; differs from the
following one in shape of scales, & proportionate length of tail &c.
624. Coluber. The commonest species in this country; is not same as taken at Bahia Blanca,
reaches to be 3 or 4 feet long. The first maxillary tooth is very large; by aid of
microscope I saw a narrow deep groove running down on convex surface. Is it for
conveying poison?
Specimen of tooth is in pill-box (1320)
631. Rana. Eye very prominent; behind and by the side of them fine green markings; body
brown with black markings; beneath silvery, with lateral band Do.
639. Coluber marginal letters refer to back of page [in Darwin's handwriting]
644. Coluber [do.]
648. 649. Lacerta. Ameiva sides of body light rich brown, with black marks, a longitudinal
white line on each side; within these and the inner brown for two thirds of anterior part
of body there is a fine emerald green colour, are these 2 specimen the same, differ in
form of scale of Head.
651. Bufo. Same as (613)
(a) Coluber. Beneath cream-coloured with irregular rows of blackish dots, as if of interrupted
chains; above all the scales, "yellowish" half "wood brown", with lateral darker band on
each side; chiefly on anterior part of body, the interstices between scales, are coloured in
symmetrical small spaces of white, "tile red" and black, (the latter most strongly
marked); this gives a singular mottled appearance to the animal. Inhabits not
uncommonly the sand dunes.
(B) Coluber. Above "clove brown" shading beneath into pale; on the sides and back, there
are regular black spaces with yellow specks; likewise whole length of body two narrow
dorsal ribbons of "saffron yellow"; on under side of tail a broad central band of "tile and
half scarlet red",- there is also on the back a faint trace (chiefly shown by interrupted
chain of specks) of a similarly coloured band. Upon taking this animal out of spirits I
observed in its mouth several small worms; as there was a tight ligature (to kill it) round
the neck, they could not have proceeded from the stomach. In the mouth of another
Coluber (623) I noticed one alive (the animal being strangled as the former one), and if I
remember right it crawled like a leach by the aid of its extremities.
[8 lines crossed]
Common in the swampy plains between Sierra Ventana and Buenos Ayres. Jan 7 1834.
1833. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Maldonado. May & June.
652. 227 Hyla Vauterii Bibr. fig of Spix? Above coppery brown, mottled with black, which
latter colour is most distinct on hinder thighs; on sides of body extending over the
tympanum a blackish brown band; iris coppery on edge of upper mandible white line.
Caught under stone.
653. Rana. Gen. Upoderonotor – n.s Body above light greenish yellow, with lateral brownish
black band and distinct circular patch on sides before the thighs. These are obscure
longitudinal marks on upper surface of thighs and the under is tinged with
reddish orange. Caught under a stone.
654 Bufo. D'obigny Bibr not yet described unfig. Above yellowish green, with central line on
back more bright: pimples brown; beneath yellowish. Under stone. Same as at M.
655. Amphisbœna. Always under stones.
- June –
663. Coluber. Above dark "Pistachio green", with central narrow dorsal line of bronze;
beneath "aurora and half vermilion red" but mostly on posterior half of body,
altogether very beautiful, open camp.
665. Bufo adenopleura oculata Bibron not fig?
Elegantly marked with black and pale green; colours most vivid on the lumbar glands;
hinder thighs with little tinge of orange on softer parts.
666. Amphisbœna Anops Kingii (2 species) one has vertical ridges on nose; differ in
proportion of tail.
673. Coluber. Above "sage green" shading into beneath "Siskin green", most beautiful.
681. 682. 764. 685. 684. a species of new genus to be named Bibronii.
683. 793. 812. 768. second species of same genus to be named Darwinii-
[in Darwin's handwriting]
1833. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Maldonado. June.
674 Coluber. Scales generally dirty "oil green" the interstices on the sides and edge of
ventral plates, dark brown, these brown interstical spaces, likewise form numerous
irregular transverse bars on the back; the sides scales themselves in those parts being
brown; beneath with dirty "siskin green".
675. Coluber. Ventral plates fine "vermilion red", becoming paler towards the gorge, with
black specks on each side; sides "greenish grey" back reddish grey, with central
"blackish grey" line; head and upper side of neck, "umber brown".
676. Bufo. Same as (665) True. [Darwin]
677 Amphisbœna; larger one paler coloured. It appears there are now three species.
679. Coluber. From Port St. Antonio (2B. 679. to 69.2
Specimens collected on coast of Patagonia by the small Schooners. There is some
mistake in the numbering by (692) occurring twice and (688) being omitted.)
681B. Agama. General colour blueish grey with tinge of rust colour on back. broad
transverse bands, with white undulation behind them.
682B. 683B. 684B. 685B. different species and specimen of Agama. coast of Patagonia [Darwin]
682B. Agama. General colour not so blue, with pointed bright yellow indentations in hinder
part of brown band.
683B. Agama. General colour rather darker; back dark brown with central light reddish
longitudinal band with small transverse ones branching off.
[blank] 60
1833. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
684B. Agama. Pale reddish grey, brown transverse bands, yellowish white posterior
685B. Agama. General colour especially tail much redder; (All these Lizards were caught at
NB Port Desire in beginning of January, by the officers in the small Schooners).
686 Lizard. on back transverse rows, each with three semilunar rich brown marks, edged
with cream colour; lateral line of same colour; about head traces of bright green. Pt.
687. Lizard. Mud colour with lighter lateral line. Do.
689. Bufo. Head remarkably flat; dark grey, with much blacker & symmetrical markings. Rio
690 Bufo. Slate colour, with dark markings.— Rio Chupat. Engaño Bay.
All the above specimens were collected by the officers in the Schooner under the command of Mr. Wickham; during the summer of the year; the colours of each were stated not to have altered, only now to be less vivid.
Maldonado. June.
702. Coluber same as (623) large specimen.
705. Coluber same as (639).
706:8 Amphisbœna
710. [3 lines crossed]
713. Bipes.
715. Lizard. ash grey, with dark brown mark and specks of orange and blue.
716. Bipes.
718. Lizard.
731 & 734. Bufo Chilensis? - same as 732 which M. Bibron will examine.
735. Ceratophrys marmoratus Uperodon ornatum
736 Do.
1833 Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
720. Coluber. Ventral plate "greyish black", sides pale primrose yellow; back with three black
bands and two intermediate "tile red" ones; behind head with collar of pale yellow; round anus collar of black. Maldonado June
729. Snake. Rio Negro.
730. [Vivora] Colour ash grey with regular corresponding marks of rich brown edged with
black. Buenos Ayres.
731. 732. Toads Do. Do.
733. Snake: Do. Do.
734. 735. 736. Toads Do. Do.
Port Desire Jany 1834.
764 to 768. Lizards taken in numbers dry stone plain of Port Desire
764. Lizard. Back with double semilunar transverse marks of "gamboge yellow"; before
which, irregular patches of black, intermediate spaces, blueish-greenish-grey, mottled
with black and rust colour; belly "primrose and gamboge yellow". Common genus.
Sluggish, often asleep.
765 Lizard. Back with 13 snow white transverse lines; intermediate spaces most beautifully
sparkling with green and orange, iridescent. centre of each scale black; belly orangish
"tile red", clouded and net work black.
766 Lizard. Numerous jet black transverse bands, intermediate spaces, grey, and very pale
reddish brown, belly grey.
767 Lizard. Blackish grey, with medial line black; row of marks of same colour on each side
of this, and marks on the sides.
769 Gymnodactylus 770, 771 The same 803 same new species ?
772 Proctotretus Fitzingerii 765. 949. 1207. Bibron's specimen [illeg] less carinated scales -
766. 773. 950 - The same? almost certainly - but to be compared -
[Darwin's handwriting]
1834. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Port Desire. Jany
768. Lizard. Whole body and tail ringed with "french grey", before which rings salmon colour,
with anterior edge indented with "primrose yellow; before this dark brown, anterior
edge jagged. then as before french grey &c &c. Beneath whitish except tail which is
ringed; under the chin spotted with white.
769. 771. Gecko. (New sub genus?)
Centre of back "yellowish brown" sometimes with strong tinge of dark green, sides
clouded with blackish brown; in very great numbers under stones, cannot climb up
glass. makes a grating noise when taken hold of. After death looses its darker
A specimen, being kept for some days in a tin box, changed colour into an uniform
grey, without the black cloudings. I thought I noticed some change after catching and
(a) bringing home these animals; but could not observe no instantaneous change. (a)
772. Lizard. Three whitish grey longitudinal bands, between which there are square black-
brown marks in pairs, which together with lateral marks, form transverse bands;
intervals grey and pale rust; belly grey and black, mottled, and with a tinge of orange.
773. Lizard. Seven or eight very irregular transverse rows of dirty white, intervals blackish
brown, grey and rust. sides more mottled with yellow. Belly blackish grey, sides of
belly orangish.
803. Under same stone found a very black variety and another one "Hair brown" with tinge of
(a) green; mottled on sides of back with "Oil and Pistachio green" centre of each patch
brownish black. Being kept for 3 or 4 days, not the slightest change of colour was
778. 688. 948. New species of Adenopleura different from the other two species. [Darwin]
774. Leiuperus salarius
956. Protrocteus n.s.
1834. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
774. Rana. Back blackish; flanks with three or four circular marks of black. young
individual, is bred in and inhabits water far too salt to drink. P. Desire. Jany.
778. Rana, back greenish brown; with pale medial line and sides pale Do. P. Desire. Jany. a)793. Lizard. V: 210 P. St. Julian. Jany.
803. Gecko. same as (767). P. Desire. Do.
812. Lizard. P. Desire. Do.
948. Bufo. high up river Santa Cruz.
Beneath white, above "yellowish, with some chesnut brown"; black punctures; lumbar
glands, rather coppery with large "liver brown" marks, upper part of thigh, faintly as
glands; under &c flesh colour.
I daresay, nearly the southern limit for this family.
949. Lizard. central Patagonia up river.
Blackish grey, with pairs of square black marks: four irregular longitudinal yellow lines;
beneath blackish grey with waving black lines. S. Cruz.
950. Lizard. Above do do, but with white longitudinal lines, and belly orange. S. Cruz.
951. Lizard. Above with three broader whitish lines, pairs of irregular square brown marks;
intervals dirty orange; altogether much paler coloured; beneath coloured as before.
S. Cruz.
986. Frog. above pale "umber brown" sides with angular spots of dark "chesnut brown"
behind the eyes; others paler on sides and on thighs upper part of eye golden; throat
brown. Chiloe. July.
1021. Lizard. "yellowish brown," with dark brown markings.
Valparaiso. August.
[some corrections by Darwin]
(a) Belly rather silvery white, with very fine waving lines of black; back with very indented
brown bands, between which spaces grey with stains of "lemon yellow". Head figured
brown and lemon yellow.- upper surface of feet yellow, tail ringed brown and white &
grey.— Port St Julian.
1025 Bufo Chilensis Bibr. n.s.
1060 Bufo D'orbigny young
1063. 1198 Proctotretus tenuis - common in Chile.
1064 Proctotretus pictus same as Capt. King's also 1089
[1025, 1060, 1063, 1198 and 1064 - Darwin]
1834. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Valparaiso. August.
1022. Lizard. brown nearly chesnut. This is of a very common size & colour. Is it young of
1023. Bufo. Pale dirty yellow. Back blackish brown, over eye as far as behind front legs jet
black band.
1024. Bufo. "yellowish and broccoli brown" with darker brown marks; broad medial dorsal
band of pale "gallstone yellow". Lumbar glands "saffron yellow" with jet black marks.
1025. Bufo, dirty "wax yellow" clouded above with blackish grey; when taken or handled
utters a gentle plaintive repeated note, like some bird. Are found beneath stones.
1041. Snake, above "wood brown" with 3 band of "umber brown", ventral scales, with double
arches of black, the rest coloured pale yellowish green.
1053. Snake, four longitudinal bands of dark brown, 2 central ones broadest, elegantly
connected transversely.
1054. Snake, one central broad, dark brown band.
(- September and October -)
1060. Bufo. Bright yellow lines and patches; and red punctures.
1061. 1062. Lizards.
1063. 1064. Lizards. The latter, above blackish; posterior half of body with many scales
mottled with brilliant blue; anterior half with do greenish blue; these brilliant colours
are nearly absent, by degrees in different individuals, (excepting a few scales on the
1173. 1061. 1062. 1022. 1021. 687. 434. 1172. 1163. 1171. 435. Protrocteus n.s.
1076. 1179. 1178. 1189. 1190. n.g.-
1834. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
in some individuals as (1063), which is simply brownish black, with transverse black bands- basking in sun on rocks in mountains. Nancagua. Septr or Octobr
1072. young Frog. like Fish. Tadpole [Darwin] Do. Valparaiso.
Archipelago of Chiloe Novr - Decr
1173 Lizard from Valdivia [Darwin]
1076. Frog.
1082. Lizard.
1086. Frog. Under side; throat, breast and cheeks rich chesnut brown, with snow white
marks; thighs of hinder legs blackish with do marks, legs yellowish also with do
marks. Upper side, pale iron rust colour, with posterior parts of body, thighs and
anterior marks (one triangular and other transverse) beautiful bright green. iris rust
colour; pupil black. eyes small. appearance very pretty and curious. nose finely
pointed. Jumps like a Frog, inhabits thick and gloomy forest. Island of Lemuy. This (1835) species is excessively common in the forest of Valdivia, seems subject in its colours to
remarkable variation.
[1086, 1835 - M. Gray considers these different species - Darwin]
(1178) Specimen (1178) under surface posteriorly jet black and snow white marks, anteriorly
rich chesnut brown; above cream colour, with triangular slightly darker shades and
small marks of green. (There is a point in all at joint of hind legs. iris of all is rusty (1179) red):(1179) Above cream-coloured, without shade of green, hinder legs yellow;
beneath all black with different shaped marks of white: another, beneath anteriorly the
brown is replaced by bright yellow. upper surface instead of cream colour, rusty red
1090. n.g?
1118. Bufo Chilensis young. see 1025.
1120 New genus
1136 probably n.g. Hylorina sylvatica B.
1834. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Archipelago of Chiloe Novr & Decr.
darker triangular shadings. All die soon in confinement.
1087. Frog. on back a longitudinal narrow, bright yellow line; above blackish brown.
1088. Frog. in forest Pleurodema obscurum
1090. Frog. forest, bright dorsal longitudinal line of yellow; beneath orange tint.
Archipelago of Chonos. Decr.
Island of Inchy, North part of Cape Tres Montes.
1117. Frog. Same Locality, as Bufo (1118, 19) but base of mountain. above pale rust colour,
with obscure dark angular shading. Band of fine chesnut brown, reaching from nose,
cross eyes and over the tympanum.
1118. Bufo. and 1119. Do. Back pale "chesnut brown"
1119 with three longitudinal bands of "gamboge yellow" edged with black; marks of do on
legs and on greenish sides, under jaw "primrose yellow", belly do with rings of black,
or may be considered as black removed with very numerous circular yellow patches:
Feet and very base of belly orange. The stripes of yellow, often are irregular and
(a) become five in number. (a) Look behind page [Darwin]
1120. Rana. From same great height and Locality, or (500 to 2500 feet elevation) beneath a
stone; on centre of back, strong tinge of grass green which shades on sides into a light
yellowish brown. Eyes very large. Iris coppery.
1136. Frog; above fine "grass green"(1835) mottled all over with copper colour; which
nearly forms two longitudinal bands; beneath entirely a lurid reddish lead colour. Iris
(a) Are exceedingly abundant all over the clear (from trees) damp mountains of granite, "Anna Pinks Harbour" or [Partch] Harbour; crawl about eating during day time, and make noise like Englishman does to encourage horse.— When first touched, many close their eyes, arch their back and draw up their legs (as if spinal marrow was separated) I presume as an artifice.— They are chiefly remarkable from the curious manner of running, like the Natter Jack in England and scarcely ever jump; neither do they crawl like a toad, but run very quickly.— Their bright colours give them a very strange appearance.- Abound at an elevation from 500 to 2500 feet.
1168. 1213. 1088. 1024. Adenopleura north same specimen as 665. not yet desc. un fig?
1176. probably n.s. allied to Cystignathus tongue & teeth difft.
Dec 1170. (I think cystgnathus T.B) Borbocœtes Grayii
[1168..., 1176 - Darwin]
1835. Jany Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Archipelago of Chonos.
eyes very prominent large: mouth very much rounded; jumps; inhabits thick forest.
1163. Lizard. Pale, with dark brown spots and two lines upon back of a blueish colour.
Chiloe. Jany.
1168. Frog. Valdivia; above "ash grey" with blackish brown marks oblong on back. Do. Do.
1170 & 986 Frog. same genus as 1176 - difft species - both new. [Darwin]
above reddish brown with blackish marks on back. Do. Do.
1171. Lizard, pale "chesnut brown" with two cream coloured longitudinal bands on back;
emerald spots on sides; belly greenish.
Valdivia. Feby
1172. Lizard (Do?) without emerald spots. Do.
1173. Lizard. Sides, head and tail black with brownish obscure marks, down back row of
pairs of small do coloured marks. centre of back obscure mixture of colours, edged
with dirty green; belly yellow, throat greenish, both freckled with dark spots.
1176. Frog. forest: above "ash grey", posteriorly with "chesnut brown", marks, sides and
under surface, white and pale brown mottled.
1177. Frog. above bright rust red, beneath fuscous. band over eye along side, and lumbar
gland blackish brown: forest. Do.
1178. 1179. Frog. See account of Frog (1086) Do.
1187. Snake, sand dunes. Concepcion.
Above light brown, with three narrow ash coloured bands, bordered with a darker
There are two lizards without number from great height on Cordillera -viviparous- [Darwin]
1192 Protroctretus Chilensis.
1194 Microlophus Lessonii young - 1230 Do.
Pr. Chilensis var. B
1196. 1197 probably same as 1192, says Bibron
1208 Protroctere n.s. 767.
1279. n.s. allied to Holotrepis microlophus.
1835. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
shade of brown; belly very pale with a row in centre of triangular black marks; on cheeks two oblique lines of do.
1189. 1190 Frog. same as (1178) Valdivia
1191. Frog.
1192. Lizard, deformed double tail. Guasco.
1194. Lizard, nearly black, common on sea beach Copiapo.
1196. 1197. 1198. Lizards. Concepcion.
1199. Snake. Island St. Mary. Do.
1200 Frog. Concepcion.
1207. 1208. Lizards Coquimbo.
1213. Frog. Valparaiso.
1230. Lizards Iquique Peru.
1233. Snake. Traversia South of Mendoza.
Colour primrose yellow with broad jet black bands which contain bright scarlet red
square marks, belly black, excepting beyond tail, where rings of black and scarlet are
continued all around.
Scarlet brightest near head. young one.
1263 Snake. Little. Callao August.
Septemb: Galapagos. Chatham Island.
1271. Lizard, above brownish obscure coppery black: mottled with dirty white, so as to form
two irregular white bands on each side. Crest coppery. Before arm jet black fold. Head
and throat very dirty blue. Belly do yellowish, under lowest side of do white.
1279. Lizard. above cream coloured and pale brown.
1280. Lizard. (both common.)
1300 - 1271 - 1281 - 1303 - 1296 - 1280 - 1297 -
Holotrepis of Bibron new species - (Leiocephalus gen. of Gray, founded upon bad characters)-
1835. Septemb. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
- Galapagos –
1281. Lizard, certainly distinct species; above dusky olive green, mottled with blackish
brown; belly cream-colour, with band on each side of fine orange; patch of do beneath
throat. Sand dunes. Chatham Isd.
Charles Island.
1294. Snake. two dark "Liver brown" stripes separated by lighter brown; on each side of
these, pale "yellowish brown", stripes edged again by the 'Liver brown", which shades
beneath into pale "clove brown".
1295 Snake; sides "clove brown" back do tinged with "yellowish brown" marked with circular
patches of "blackish brown", forming a double band.
1296. Lizard. Upper part, "clove brown" passing with "black brown" with black spots, sides
tinted lightly with orange; some scales of crest near head white; belly whitish, whole
throat before front legs glossy black.
This is commonest variety; black spots on scales not unfequently are arranged in
sinuous transverse bars and sometimes longitudinally; vary in numbers much.
1297. Lizard, above "Hair brown" mottled with "yellowish brown" (sometimes arranged in
longitudinal bands) throat light black; on each side intense orange mark.
1300. Lizard, perhaps variety of (1296), above greenish sooty brown, mottled with yellowish
brown; clouded and spotted with jet black; fold before front legs, do belly yellowish,
some have side of face coloured orange.
1305. Amblyrhynchus cristatus – jun.
1315 Amblyrhynchus Demarlii Bibr. IV. p. 197.
1342 Platydactylus of Bibron Gehira elegans of Gray in Zool. Soc. not described nor figured
1354. Tiliqua sucurii of Cocteau I. [Læniolata] of Gray not figured
1355. Grammatophorus muricatus torque
1356 Hyla Peronii
1364 Grammatophorus barbatus jun. 1358 do.
1835 Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Charles Island Sept.r
1301. Snake. sides "clove brown", belly pale do. ridge of back narrow band of do. bordered
by sinuous margin of "umber brown".
1303. Lizard. above "blackish brown", beneath yellowish edged with orange, throat black.
1305. Black Lizard (for dissection) V. 333 This specimen for Mr Owen [Darwin]
James Island.
1308. Snake; on back two yellowish brown bands between which and on each side dark
"umber brown"; belly pale.
1310. Snake; centre of back, one dark "umber-brown" band, edged with black each side
"clove brown", shading into the whitish belly.
1315. Lizard. V. 336 For Mr Owen [Darwin]
1342. Lizard, whole body fine green; lines in trees; is said to make a laughing noise.
Bay of Islands. New Zealand. (1836)
1348. Snake. New South Wales, Jany.
1349. 1350. 1351. 1352. Frogs. Do Do
1353. 1354. 1355. Lizards. Do Do
[All crossed below]
1358. 1359. 1360. 1361. Lizards. Do Do V. 346
1362. Lizard. V. 347 Do Do
1363. Snake V. 348 Do Do
1364. Lizard V. Do. Do Do
March King Georges Sound.
1388. Lizard, caught in trap baited with cheese, frequents rocks near coast.
1397 Frog, centre of back rich brown, lateral bands of pale orange, under which a narrow
irregular line of the brown, orange brightest on flanks, hinder thighs and legs.
1358 Tiliqua Camarini (figure the specimen at the Zool Socy. being c better specimen)
1359 –Tiliqua ? named by Bibron not fig?
1836 Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Hobart Town. Van Diemens Land. Feby.
1358. Lizard. Scales on centre of back, light green with brown, edged on side with black;
scales on upper sides of body greyer and with less black; on lower sides reddish; belly
yellow with numerous narrow irregular waving transverse lines of black, - These lines
are formed by the lower margin of some of the scales being black: Head above grey,
beneath whitish. Motion of the body when crawling like a snake. – not very active: in
stomach beetles and Larva: common in open wood.
1359. Lizard. Two longitudinal black bands, marked with chains of yellowish white spots;
upper parts of sides irregularly black with do. marks: belly whitish, tail simply brown. –
Soles of feet pale, coloured.
1360. Lizard. Above pale brown, with very numerous little transverse undulating irregular
black narrow bands; sides richer brown, - tail same as body but paler: soles of feet
1361. Lizard. Whole upper surface, dark blackish brown each scale with 4-6 most minute
longitudinal streak, - (The black colour far prepondant) Belly reddish: throat white:
soles of feet black.
1362. Lizard. Same genus as (1358). – Colour – slightly dark "Wood Brown" with central
longitudinal band, crossed by about 5 broad every irregular bands of "Umber Brown":
tail with do and generally darker. – Beneath paler with most obscure undulating black
lines: top of head reddish Brown. Iris orange, purplish black:-
[blank] 84
1836 Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
Animal so torpid and sluggish that a man may almost tread on it before it will move. –
I lay down close to one and touching its eye with a stick, it would move its nictitating membrane and each time turn its head a little further; at last turned its whole body, when upon a blow on its tail, ran away at a slow awkward pace, like a thick snake and endeavoured to hide itself in holes in the rocks. – Appears quite inoffensive and has no idea of biting: held by the tail; collapses its front legs, close to body and posteriorly. – Stomach capacious full of pieces of a white mushroom, and a few large beetles (8) inactive such as Curculios and Heteromerous gana:- Hence partly Herbivorous! – Not uncommon on sunny grassy hills:- Tongue coloured fine dark blue. –
1363. Snake. Above coloured "Hair Brown with much Liver Brown." – beneath mottled grey.
The abdomen being burst in catching the animal; a small snake, appeared from the
disrupted egg; hence Ovoviporous [Ovoviviparous]: Is not this curious in Coluber?-
1364. Lizard. Along the back, a space ash coloured, which contracts over the loins; in centre
of this chain of transverse marks, connected together, of the richest brown: within
these marks, white spots and central pale brown line down whole back:- sides mottled
with all the above colours.
Belly ash, with few minute longitudinal dark streaks: Head with transverse ones of the
dark brown: Common
1398 Hyla.
1446 Rana Mascariensis Bibr
1453 Scincus trivittatus – 1452 Cordylus griseus
1454 Gerrhosaurus sepiformis? not figured –
1456 Leptomerus – new – not fig?
1456.1457 Rana (Bibron will write about it)
1836. Reptiles in Spirits of Wine.
I believe also at Sydney. –
March. King Georges Sound.
1388. Lizard, caught in trap baited with cheese, frequents rocks near coast.
1397 Frog, centre of back rich brown, lateral bands of pale orange, under which a narrow
irregular line of the brown, orange brightest on flanks, hinder thighs and legs.
1398. tree Frog, above, with irregular marks of bright green, margined with copper,
intermediate spaces, pale silvery brown.
1399. Rana, above bright green, brown streak along the eyes, hinder thighs orange.
Mauritius May.
1445. 1446. 1447 Frogs; swampy places, near the sea; extraordinary high jumps.
Cape of Good Hope. June.
1452. 1453. 1454. Lizards.
1455. 1456. 145791458-1459. Frogs.
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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 19 November, 2023