RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1854-1855]. Catalogue of the appendages and other parts of Cirripedes, mounted as microscopical slides. UMZC-Histories3.454. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge 2006. Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 2.2022. RN3
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge and William Huxley Darwin.
See the introduction to the catalogue by John van Wyhe.
[front cover]
Darwin (C.)
Xerox copy of this catalogue was made June 1972 and is kept with the slides. R. D. Norman.
Mr. C. Darwin's Catalogue of the appendages and other parts of Cirripedes, mounted as microscopical slides.
The Collection was received on Feb. 20, 1897. Mr Darwin's numbers have been retained on the slides, which have been arranged systematically, in accordance with the order of the species in the two volumes of the Cirripede Monograph published by the Ray Society.
[inside cover]
[pasted in slip:]
Feby. 20th./55/ Sent to Mr Huxley
280 Cornuta
219 Chelonibia appear to complexity glands [illeg]
203 Elminius complex
285. B. tintinnabulum shiny gland
179 origin frame
[page break]
[typed note pasted in:]
Inside cover
A note on the paper used in this catalogue
The full sheet torn in half is then folded to give a convenient page size. The handwriting is contemporary with the Cirripede work. There seems no reason to doubt the record of the slides was made at the time of their preparation.
pp1-18 probably earlier than the rest- in Lady Barlow's possession are children's drawings on the backs of cirripede notes on similar paper to this.
pp. 19-28 the paper closely resembles that used for the full version of the 'Origin' begun "By Lyell's advice May 14th 1856."
The cirripedes were "packed away, began working notes for species theory" Sept. 9th 1854.
Pedunculated Cirripedes appeared 1851
The remainder 1854.
Sydney Smith
1 (a) centre of base of cornuta Balænaris — larva-case?
1. Platylepas Galapagoensis Trophi & cirri
2 --- epiophis vier maxillæ & mandibles
2 (a) X Siphonicella asteria — Trophi — bit of base. 1.2.3. & 6th cirri
3. Conopea or B. Galeatus Trophi & cirri.
4. Balanus tintinnabulum W. Africa Stutchbury— 2 fragments of post. valve of operculum; with the calcified tissue removed; with piece of curtain attached. They are seen externally; but I think must be represented from below by looking through thick glass — some spines can be seen in one corner; not using very high power — The clear specimen was fresh in potash.
5. do — mouth split laterally or transversely open [archivist:] (missing)
6 do — 5 post. pairs of cirri
7. do mandibles with articulation
8 X O Basal membrane & cement, young specimen, showing cement tube ending in slip of membrane
9 X O do -do poor with main trunk barely distinguishable.
10. B. Batavia Stutchbury. Trophi 3 first cirri & 5th pair mouth split open. d'Orbignii
11. O Dictuoles Mr Damon Weymouth — cirri Trophi bit of base balanoides
12. Balanus improvises S. Cruz — Trophi & cirri
13. --- W. from Brook near M. Video inferior — do- probably same species
14. Lepas Balanus balanoides — legs & trophi; with two sets of aborted cirri
15. Chthamalus stellatus Guritti Isd Trophi & cirri: variation in mandible & maxillæ
16. Elminius plicatus New Zealand
17. Chamæsipho columns — do {left hand, Tasmania & large speci, Australia. Hab. unknown [archivist:] (see also p. 27)
18. B. flosculus on Concholepas. S. America
19. Elminius candidus. S. America. Gray on Oyster
20. Chironia cirratus. S. America. Gray: the inner maxillæ & 1st pair of cirri from larger specimen than other parts
21. Chironia cirratus. Mr. Peach Cornwall
[Charles William Peach (1800-1886). Cited in vol. 2, pp. 157; 511.]
22. --- coccopoma amaryllisof Gray locality unknown Brit. Mus.
23 --- amphibile Stutchbury single spec.
24} Chironia? or nos. genus vestitusC. Horn? Gray.
25} — a much injured specimen: regrowing. -
26. Balanus Tenby sulcatus
27 Cranchii do. young & old spec perforatus
28. scutelliformis (2, 3, 4, 5 cirri together.) 1 & 2d & 6th separate: mandible var. with 2 teeth Chamæsipho
36. B. Cranchii. [archivist:] ({missing)
37. Chthamalus stellatus [archivist:] ({missing) (see also p. (27))
Pedunculated cirripedes
29. Scalpellum (Peach). Cirri (the fragments belong to the 3d cirrus. The 3 post pair shown on both faces. Trophi & anal plate.
30. Lepas anatifera (Peach) Trophi 1'. 2. 3d & one arm of 6th cirrus Palpi
31.} Cineras Peach. Trophi & all cirri — Branchii & ear
32} do. Inner maxillæ with muscles: ears:
32. Otion, (by mistake), fragment close to base of ovarian-cement tube, main trunk: showing mamillated structure
33. Otion On both sides of number. — actual base (& larva?) with the most perfect antennæ
of two ovarian tubes — middle Branchii of 1' cirrus to show testes: also the two pouches with 2 larva feet & also a single very perfect larva foot with double antennæ
34 X Otion — left hand — cement gland actually united with ovarian tube — Right hand — true ovarian united to biliary cæca with its cæcum & the ovarian tube before entering peduncle.
[archivist:] (missing)
35. Otion (Owen) Trophi with 1st cirrus — 5 post. cirri outer maxillæ & inner mandible
[archivist:] (for 36, 37, see p. (2))
38. Mitella (Cuming) — Cement glands (aborted) — Trophi included palpi — all cirri in order; the 6th consists of only one arm & tail
39. do — Cephalic or supra œsophageal ganglion very clear spirited
40. Ibla (female) Philippines — Trophi & 1st cirrus, outer maxillæ separate. = tail = cirri, 5th with tip broken off; 2d cirrus with arm cut off & [frayed].
41. do. (male) end of peduncle rt. hand lower side in cement with cement tubes — (Trophi — one mandible has articulations — 6th cirrus not very perfect. good state)
42. do. male Ibla with the larvæ legs most perfect with bottom of free part [archivist:] (missing)
43. end of peduncle of young Scalpellum, with larvæ legs perfect. [archivist:] (missing)
V. figure — 86 &c &c
44. Supplemental male of Scalpellum; antennæ legs under both glasses, & top of capitulum under one. — Under third glass, the post-abdomen of young specimen from Gray's Scalpellum
45. Suppl. male from Thompson's irish specimen, best for drawing (round glass)
[Thompson, William, 1805-52. Irish naturalist. Son of linen merchant of Belfast. 1849 CD to Hugh Strickland, T "who is fierce for the law of priority". CCD4:206. 1849-51, 1856 The natural history of Ireland, 4 vols. 1851 CD in introduction to Living Cirripedia, "The distinguished Natural Historian of Ireland". (Paul van Helvert & John van Wyhe, Darwin: A Companion, 2021.)]
46. do. Gray spec. young larva-like male just prised
47. Post abdomen from peach's specimen. supplement Male
[in margin:] & 86 & 175
48. Pollicipes polymerus Gray specimen with branchiæ) — Trophi & branchiæ, side of mouth. Cirri 1st (2d 3d & 6th maxillæ good with tail.
49. X Brisnæus dorsalis (Babadoes) Trophi — inner max. with muscles. Cirri, 1st 2d 3d, 6th with tail, & fragment of 5th
Also a bit od suppl. brachial valve after acid to show the abnormal conifer like bodies.
50. Dilasmis. Trophi, one inner maxilla more perfect then other. — Cirri; both first pair; both second pair; 3d, 4, 5th together; 6th both of — Tail
51. Heptalasmis Warwickii — Cirri, 6th half broken 4th & 5th together, 3, 2, separate — Tail. = Trophi & 2 first cirri
52. do. Larvæ legs separate in glass nearest figure with 1/8' & condenser well shown. On glass on side furthest from figure a single leg showing outline; fragments dark yellow from nitric acid. In 3d glass 2 legs together to show form & cement tubes entering there, & ultimate shown most obscurely.
53 [Chamailasmis] fusca 6th 3d 2d 1st cirri = Trophi —Cuming Philippines. Chthamalidæ [archivist:] (see also p. 27)
54. X Smilium, Trophi — H 1st 2, 3 & 6th cirrus broken tail & penis
55. X do — Larvæ legs of attachment from mature specimen; left hand specimen most perfect seen from within peduncle.
56 X do — young specimen attached between tergal valves of old one- Trophi cirri shell & larvæ-legs.
57 Brisneus [illeg] Philippines — Trophi cirri, 1st 2d 3d 6th & tail
58 ------- Cantæ. Sydney Stutchbury — Trophi & cirri 1st (the pari), 2d, 3d, 5th 6th broken with tail.
59. Brisneus rodiopus trophi — 5th 6th & fragment of 2d & 3d cirri
60. Catophragmus trophi — 6th cirri broken, 3d, 2d, 1st tail.
Lepas Larva Antarctic expedition/ Lepas
61 a fragment, consisting solely of ultimate separate of V antenna, showing plumose structure, capitally shows cement tube entering antennæ.
62. X Eyes & eye — apodemes for drawing --- good
63. Antennæ of larvæ; (furthest from muscle good shows cement tubes, well covering from end of segment ended every part except spokes) (poor spec) — There is a fragment of cement plate near number worth studying showing a piece of cement tube with hairs
(a) 64. antennæ — showing bifurcatory & inoculating spokes beautifully (much injured) — also tubes at end of antennæ [archivist:] (see also p. 10)
65. X Larva just before assuming cirripede structure — pair together of 1st cirri or legs — 2d & 3d pair together — one cirrus of 4th pair [archivist:] (missing) --- very good for legs & even folds on thorax
66. Mouth of same stage as 65 — cirri & trophi of young cirripede dissected out of above. [archivist:] (missing)
64 exhibited on dorsal surface & does to show manner in which basal segment lies over disc
I some one spec. the ultimate segment appears composed of two parallel confluent limbs or segments
Antennæ seen in following specimens
{61 63 64 + -good 71 + 75 79 80 +
Larva of Lepas continued
67. (moderately good) Tail of same stage as (65) with 6th pair of cirri.
68. various cirri (no way particular) of same stage, showing type of 2d to 6th pair
69. X Abdominal surface of larva of same stage as (65); this is specimen almost spoiled which I so carefully measured & which will do for drawing. (a) (other specimen) Eye preserved well [archivist:] (see also p. (12))
70 X do. tail very good much better than 67 with basal segments of body good for drawing [archivist:] (missing)
71. do one antenna, showing plumose species; plain do, the 7 one the heel & cement — spokes — all very clear.
72. Abdominal surface, seen from within of post. abdomen of larva showing singular articulation or apodemes & very complicated mouth also seen from within;
73. X do — a Larva which has just naturally moulted its shell & eyes. —shows the new valves & peduncle (for drawing) also shows the form of sack of young cirripede; but the young larva legs are yet attached & old sack cannot be made out
Very good This is the most important spec. [archivist:] (missing)
74. Very good now in Bottle segment transverse of body, showing eye-apodemes & eyes — the folded side in the anterior side eye-capsules are quite loose from carapace.
75. Eye, spoiled after potash to show inner ocelli & good antennæ, showing specimen on outer sides ofmain limb & form of end of basal artic where united to parasitic male quite spoiled
[archivist:] (missing)
76 — basal joint of antennæ & eye-segment, well cleaned with potash. quite spoiled. [archivist:] (missing)
Larva of Lepas continued
69. (a) Larva just ready to moult split into two showing young cirripede & old larva legs almost spoiled — an indented bit of corium shows when larva chitine turn is inflected. the Eye is very well shown in spec. furthest from number — shows incipient ovaria & imperfectly course of stomach
[in margin:] Ears show when turned upside down
77. X (Larva xx good body now in Bottle after potash, shows fold of mouth well.) — 2 larva in shell; one shows well [actin] of antennæ, eye-apodemes & form of body, before young cirripede forward. [archivist:] (missing)
78. same (spoiled) as xx of 77 — perhaps equally good. - [archivist:] (missing)
79. X Part of valve after acid of very young cirripede — That fragment, which has corium attached is seen from outside & is best to compare with the valves before calcification, as seen in (73) — shows antenna [in margin:] good for [prinodia] [archivist:] (missing)
80. Disc of antennæ, showing spokes beautifully & corium that other specimens under other glass is ear with accidental spine. half spoiled
81. Eye with muscles — depression cut off. goodish
82. Thorax & legs cut longitudinally to show ephemeral segments — spec. pretty good for abdomen nearest number external & best view (There is spec. in little bottle in spirits to show fold almost spoiled
83. X Specimens split into two one shows stomach & cæca very well. — for introducing into section very useful [archivist:] (missing)
84. antennæ (& young shell) of larva of Lepas [illeg] on ball of fishes. Gulf weed dry Stutchbury
85. legs of larva of Lepas & antenna Stutchbury
86. X Top of sack good of Supplemental male of Scalpellum. Vulgare excellent thorax & thorax driven out of sack
Larvæ 1st stage Scalpellum v.
87. Larvæ [archivist:] (missing)
88 — do. excellent tail 2d leg 3d pretty good inner antennæ well shown — 1st leg wd do x perhaps — Best spec. for artist to draw both pairs of antennæ & position of base of 1st leg
(89) & he must add œsophagus for this [archivist:] (missing)
(90) good for eye & its muscles — 3d leg very good & inferior spiny joints of abdomen [archivist:] (missing)
(91) good for eye alone — this glass view upside down shows position of eye & muscles with respect to inner antennæ. So artist draw first for 88, add œsophagus from 89 & eyes from 91
Proteolepas - -Parasitic
92. & 100 — Vide below antennæ & part of antennular threads ultimate segment separate, at end — near upper surface
93. Piece of ovarian sack & out tissue with muscles — pieces of so-called antennular tube attached still to outer tissue — showing testes
94. — Part of Testes & quasi sperm receptacles
95. Alepas cornuta (normal) Trophi
96. do do all cirri in order; penis, tail: separate glass rudimentary ramus of 6th cirrus
97. antennæ — on one side two together; on other 2 separate
98. mandibles with 3 teeth & inner maxilla
99. X one supraœsopha ganglion, rudimentary eyes.
100. Proteolepas — compound mandibles — compare the two spec. — in the best the first great tooth of middle maxillæ is broken off - & only 3 teeth are seen in in lower or outer maxillæ. — attend where the torn membrane shows length of free part of this compound organ. - [archivist:] (missing)
101. Antifera (no 2) Peach — Trophi — 6th 1. 2d & 3d cirri — anal plates.
102. Anatifa hillii (no 3) Stutchbury Bristol ship — Trophi 1st 2d & 6th cirri
103. Anatif (no 4) Brit Mus. Dr Robertson Antartic expedit Lat 39ºN Long. 33º Trophi, 6th 2d & 1st cirri
104. An. (no 4) var. [dutila]. Capt Gray. Brit Mus, young Capt barely 1/2 inch — cirri showing banded appearance —
[in margin:] no. 2 & 4 — lepas Anatifera 103 L. Hillii
105 An. no 4. Larval antennæ of (104) antif. 4 L antifa showing 2 pulpy horns proceeding from ult. segment
106 An. no 5 (australis) New Zealand 6th 2d & 1 cirri, trophi
107. Anat. (no 7) sulcata 1' 2d & 6th cirri & trophi
108. anat. do (6), anserifera, young stumpy [sucated] var. capitulum only 1/2 inch long —trophi, tail, cirri
109. Anat. no (8) dilatate trophi & cirri var. anserifera [archivist:] (missing)
110. do no (9) Spirulæ — var of a sulcata
111. do no (10) Kæmpferi. trophi, cirri, tail
112. do. no (12) ovatus trophi, cirri & tail
113. Anat. Australis young cirri & trophi I thought it a new species
114. Ant. ascicularis. peach. Cornwall. Capt 6/10 long 1.2 3 cirri & trophi
115. Anat do. var. villosa Bennetts voyage
116. Anat. fascicularis — supra œsoph ophthalmic ganglia & eye, & infra-œsoph ganglion
117. Anat. fascicularis (ear) acoustic sack.
118. Anat. fissa — (mandillæ broken) — 5 post. cirri together. (2d 3d 4th 5th together) 6th separate & broken: tail.
119. Pœcilasma (vol Heptalasmis) Grayii (coll. of Surgeon) Trophi & 1st cirrus.
120. P. Hept. Lowei (Madeira) Trophi — 1st 2d & 6th cirri & tail
121. Pœcilasma crassa (do) Trophi 2d arm (3. 4. 4th together) fragment of 6th)
122 Lepas muricata — Trophi & all 6 cirri: 6th cirrus broken
123 Alepas minuta, all Trophi, all cirri (6th broken) 1st cirrus with Branchiæ — tail.
124. Ibla Cuvieri — all cirri (6th broken) (5th separate) tail Penis — Trophi — the outer maxillæ & nose & sliced) in spirit in bottle
125. Ibla cuvieriana — male trophi & cirri & anus & pore of penis: all together do.
126. Scalpellum ornatum 1' cirrus 2d & 3d together. 6th in small fragments — a 2d pair, one ramus of which under size — trophi.
127. X Scalpellum orbicular 1' 2d 3d 4th & 6th cirri in order - trophi
128. do. Complemental male Scuta & areæ & body.
129. X Scalpellum (calantina/ tomentosus 1' 2. 3. & 6' cirri — trophi all.
130. X do. Tegmen of Comp. Male.
131. X do. animal of trophi & cirri
132. Pollicipes cornucopia — trophi, cirri, tail (spoiled)
133. P. elegans trophi with branchiæ from side of mouth & one from under 1st cirrus — Cirri, 1'. 2, 3, 6' with tail
134 Pollicipes spinosus (Jardin des Plantes) Trophi & concept fold 1'. 2. 3d. 6 cirri & tail
135. Pollicipes sertus N. Zealand Cuming Mus. Trophi & cirri & tail
[archivist:] (for 136-140, see p. 21)
Sessile C.
141 Balanus natalensis 1, 2. 3 & 6' cirri — mandible maxillæ labrum [illeg]
142. B. coccopoma amaryllisdo do. all trophi
143. B. [illeg] amphitrite (white var.) --- do --- do
144 B. eburneus --- do --- do
145. B. tulipa --- do --- do
146. B. lævis --- do --- do
147. B. nigrescens --- do --- do
148. B. Polianus --- do --- do
149. B. spongicola --- do --- do
150. B. psittacus --- do --- do
151. B. variegatus --- do --- do
152. B. glandila --- do --- do
153. B. occidentalis --- do --- do
154 B. Aden --- do --- do
155. B. crenatus elongated var. B. 2486 --- do --- do
156. B. balanoides do Tenby --- do --- do
157. B. galenthus --- do --- do
158. B. modestus var of B. amph? do --- do
159. B idoneus. Capt Kollett spec do --- do
160. B. pæcilm. --- do --- do
161. B. [illeg] (1' pair- lost) do —
162. B. venustus --- do --- do
163. B. vestitus large spec. Australii B. run. trophi
164. B. culmus --- do --- do
[archivist:] (for 165-169, see p. 27)
136. Pupa Cineras vitiata 2 prehensile antenna of Pupa, well preserved seen on upper & under side — And on 2d glass 2 ears of do, seen in two ways - & 2 other antennæ
137. Acoustic sack of Alepas minuta
138. Lithotrya nycobarica — trophi, 1' 2' 3. 6' cirri
139. {Dichelaspis (Heptalasmis) orthogonia: trophi & 1' cirri — fragments of 5th 6th 2d cirri.
140 Scalpellum rotilum, trophi & near fragments of various cirri # (Bis)
170 Acalcia squalicola — trophi mandible good & branched filament - & bit of basis of peduncle showing lines of splitting
171. (do) Trophi inferior spec. — 3' pairs of cirri maxillæ & mandibles
172. (do) branched filament of peduncle — Ovarian frænum; 1 cirrus one ramus ./.
173. Lepas fascularis — bottom of two peduncles — bit of cement tissue — orifices of cement-ducts
174. Dichelaspis pellucida — trophi & 1. 2 3 & 6th cirri.
175. X Scalpellum vulgen Compi male top of sack Eye sperm-receptacles — a thorax none very good
176. X Scalp. vulgen Com. male top of sack. goodish
177. Antennæ best of all, (a pair) from Hermaphrodite Scalpellum
178 Lithotrya canto — scales of Peduncle
179 ovarian grœna of Lepas anatifera — old ready to moult & new with corium. [archivist:] (missing: "lent to Mr. Huxley" 1855)
180. Ear of conchoderma virgata
181. Mandibles with muscles & maxillæ of Pollicipes mitella
182. Scalpellum villosum Comp. males Coll. of Surgeon
183. Ibla Cumingii Male Trophi & cirri
184. Scalpellum ornatum, whole male.
185. male of Ibla quadrivalvis (Sovas) tail & penis
186 do. — male larvæ - & young larvæ
187. do. do. do. mouth of latter very good.
188. lbla quadrivalvis — (dry spec) trophi
189. Pollicipes cornucopia prehensile antennæ
Only Pedunculate
Except [illeg] Catophragmus Proteolepas
190. X Conia porosa (1) (given by Gray to me) 4 cirri & trophi.
191. Conia (5) rosea do
192. Conia (4) purpurascens
193. Conia (12) serrata
194. Conia elegans X (Stutchbury Red Holiotis) 2 sets of cirri vart porosa
195. Conia (13) Right-hand cirri, the perfect set — a first & other X cirrus to left-hand. I. porosa var paletteus
196. Conia X porosa left hand Galapagos right Philippines reddish var.
197. Conia (14) costata trophi & cirri
198. Conia (15) cæruleseus --- do ---
199. Conia (16) vitiola --- do --- Stutchbury & Isidore
200. Conia (14) costata [archivist:] (see also p. 31) bits of base after acid. O
201. Elminius plicates — cirri of young
202. --- simplex Cirri & trophi
203. E. Kingii — Bases for cement-tubes O [archivist:] (missing: "lent to Mr. Huxley" (1855)
204. Acasta glan from Sowerby pair of 1 cirri
205. X A. Sulcata Cuming Sydney pair of 4th cirri — 1 of 6th with 1 ramus cut off. — with trophi the larger pair of mandibles are from [illeg] W. Indies Stutchbury
206. Acasta lævigata Red Sea [Melcalf] 1 .2. 3. 4. & 6 cirri & trophi
207. A. fenestrata Philippines do do
208. A. purpurata from Sowerby do do
209. A spongites Pat-land B. Mus do do
210. A cyathus Madeira Lower (young)
211. Platylepas bissexlobata. Stutchbury spec from Honduras or Manatee 4
212. --- decorata Galapagos Isld
213. Tubicinella trophi 1. 2d. 3d. 4 & 6th cirri of latter one remains
214 --- basal membrane O
215 X Xenobalanus globicipitis trophi & cirri 3d cirri with rami separated
216 Chelonobia patula trophi 1. 2d. 3. 4' & 6 cirri, latter one remains
217 --- testudinaria do do do
218 --- caretha do do. do.
219 Chelonobia patula part of basal membrane with anal-glands [archivist:] X (missing: "lent to Mr. Huxley (1855")
220 Chthamalus stellatus (Swanage) 1. 2d. 3d. 4 & 6th cirri & trophi
221. C. scabrosus Chile. Cuming
222. C. fissus California
223. C. intertextus Philippines
224. X C. antennatus Twofold Bay
225. C. dentatus Algoa Bay
226. C. cinatus Iquique
227. X Chamæsipho columna Mauritius (?) vide no 17
165. B. improvises (?) var Z. Mus. Stutchbury.
166. B. quadrivittatus Trophi do
167. B. denticulatus idoneus Trophi & cirri
168. B. plexuosus — mandible post. do
169. Pachylasma giganteum trophi 1'. 2' 3.' 4' & 6th cirri
53 [Chamaslasmis] brunnea Philippines
60 Catophragmus
92 — 94 Proteolepas (100)
17. Left hand Tasmania & large Cineras Australia
15. Chthamalus Guritti
17 Chamæsipho
28 [Thurolelpas]
37 Ch stellata Britain shell
228. Chamæsipho scutelliformis vide no. 28 also.
229 Pachylasma aurantiacum, trophi: 1. 2. 3. & 6 anus & caudal appendages
230 Octomeris angulosa 1. 2d. 3d. & 4th cirri
231. Catophragmus polymerus do
232. Balanus balanoides var. aden / [illeg] W. Thompson 1. 2d. 3d. 6th cirri
233. B. crentus C of Good Hope Krauss
234. Verruca Spengleri Madeira 2 6th cirri 14th minutus, 3rd 2d & fragment of 1st — some Trophi
235 Verruca Strömia Red Sea 1. 2. 3. 4. & 6 cirri & trophi
236 Verruca nexa W. Indies 1. 2. 3. 4. & 6 cirri & young animal
237 do do very young shells to show primordial valves [archivist:] (missing)
238 Verruca Strömia 1. 2. 3. 4. & 6 cirri & trophi. Much of Cirri excellent
239 Verruca lævigata 1. 2. 3. 4. & 6 do & do
240. Alcippe lampas: Edge of orifice & bits of membrane to show stars.
241. 3 post. cirri & bit of membrane of thorax [illeg] (rectum) & rudimentary pairs — after poles (2 [illeg] together)
242. Pupa — abdomen — Poor dissected [archivist:] (missing)
243. Mouth, parts of [illeg] cirri very poor after potash (not very good)
244. Cirri & caudal appendages in pairs with muscles & inner maxillæ with apodeme
the 6th pair has been in potash 1 or 2 cirri good.
245 Pupa & very good separated antennæ, seen from ventral surface [archivist:] (missing)
X 246 2 males (1 with penis out)
X 247 2 males one torn & penis torn out; & end of thorax cut off — antenna attached & separate; animal under cement.
248 1' cirrus with muscles. (5th with abnormal 4th pair) 6th torn after 6th & caudal appendages) (& orifice after potash for drawing)
249 Horny discs
X 250 Male & Pupa along side each other with excellent vesicula & testes [archivist:] (missing) & [illeg] pupa of male: [illeg]
X 251 Pupa of male after potash. (antenna good) [archivist:] (missing)
252 Two males, not very young: old moulted, larva case.
253. Very young male, apparently just moulted [archivist:] (missing)
254 Several males.
[illeg] = Cryptophialus
255. Pupa of males & perfect male & parts of do — male squashed one seen ventrally & perfect: other dissected
256. Larvæ, just before metamorphose
257. Oesophagus dissected open
258. Oesophagus, showing teeth & mouth
259. Cirri [dissected] longitudinally [archivist:] (missing)
260 2 perfect specn having been in acid & potash & pupa & male poor.
261. Half-orifice with Bar: Whole orifice from above nostril end of orifice —
262. all Parts of mouth — best for drawing — showing greater maxillæ well & maxillipeds
263 Parts of mouth after Potash; 2 mandibles 2 innermaxillæ one with apodeme — old stomach & [illeg]
264. Prehensile antenna of male Pupa
265. Several male & Pupaæ
Anatomy Bal. tintinnabulum
266. Supra œsoph. & Ear
267. Trina ovarium. two 1' & 3d pari of Cirri for much
268. Supra œsoph: gang.
269. Nervous system of Bal. Tintinnabulum
270 One Eye of do [archivist:] (missing)
271 & perfect acoustic sack of smaller spec Disected Ear & nerve of Coronula diadema
272 Whole nervous system of do. do.
273. Acoustic sack & external orifice of Coronula diadema
274. Coronula diadema much to best supra. œsoph. ganglia. & ophthalmic chord & ganglion: medium-sized specimen Coronula diadema
275. do specm — infra- œsoph ganglion.
276. Bal. perforatus testes & 2d cirri
277. Pupa antennæ & eye Lepas australis collected by myself
278 do. Thorax & legs & mouth [archivist:] (missing)
279. Thorax of Pupa after Potash [archivist:] (missing)
280, 81, 82, 83. Basis of Coronula balænaris [archivist:] [280 missing: lent to Mr. Huxley (1855)"]
284. Base Bal balanidæ (America)
285, 286. Cement-Glands of Bal. tintinnabulum [archivist:] (285 missing: lent to Mr. Huxley (1855)")
200 Tetraclitella costata
213 Elminius Kingii
219 Chelonobia
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 19 November, 2023