RECORD: Darwin, Francis. n.d. Contents Portfolio &c. CUL-DAR200.3.50. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. This was copied for preparation for Life and letters (1887).
Contents Portfolio &c
CD at Xts ─ late at hall [CUL-DAR200.3.1c]
Steudel copy of Nature giving Ref to (page missing) & Dyer letter on Index Kewensis
RWD letter from Leiden to FD about his degree
CD Free Christians at Shrewsbury with letter fr Aunt Caroline & a letter saying it is Care's Eugst[illeg] to CD about Aveling & CD Religion
Fox WD letter giving dates of birth death &c
RWD Hamilton on ─ stories &c
do Miss Metyard [CUL-DAR200.3.74]
Darwins who have taken Degrees at Edinburgh
King (of Beagle) letter to FD
3 pages of CD letters copies means to quote or use in 2nd edit
(1) not able to take holiday
(2) Laurence portrait CD date
(3) Colburn & Voyage
RWD ─ Mrs H. Thornton on
Darwin Emma recollns of Down in 43 or so & old Beagle stories [CUL-DAR251.1106-7]
CD degree at Camb letter from Registrar to FD
CD at Xts Fitch on do service in Chapel
HEL & Em D on CD health
Carlyle on CD good sentence [CUL-DAR200.3.72]
x Darwin Eras to T. Wedgwood lot of copies of letter
Wedgwood T
Darwin C the elder Pus & [illeg]
Dyer to FD on Index Kewensis
CD List by FD of biogr sk of CD [CUL-DAR200.3.64]
CD Parts of letters to sisters copied by FD
GD notes on Darwin family
CD copy of public orator' at LLD [CUL-DAR200.3.35-36]
CD Photo of [illeg] bust good
Sismondi letter to CD or Emma D
Darwin RW statement of what he got from his father
CD Jena Professorship founded by Ritter
CD & Xtianity German newspaper [CUL-DAR200.3.38]
CD Anniversary address 1883 by Chr Rolleston
Heidemann American Sp Sculp did bust letter from
Brunton Inaug address on CD 1883 [CUL-DAR200.3.37]
CD to Aunt Susan Jan 29 1826 Edinburgh [CUL-DAR92.A3-A4]
I am going to learn to stuff birds from a blackamoor
I believe an old servant of Dr Duncan: it has the recommendation of cheapness if it has nothing else, as he only charges an hour guinea for an hour every day for two months
C.D to Aunt Caroline Edinburgh Jan 6 1826 [CUL-DAR154.28]
I want to know how old I shall be next Birthday, I believe 17 & if so I shall be forced to go abroad for one year, since it is necessary that I shall have completed my 21st year before I take my degree ─ Ed
CD to his Father Oct 1825 Edinburgh Sunday morning [CUL-DAR154.68]
We got into our lodgings yesterday evening, which are very comfortable and near the College. Our Landlady, by name Mrs Mackay, is a nice clean old body and exceedingly civil and attentive. She lives in "11 Lothian St Edinburg" and only four flights of steps from the ground floor, which is very moderate to some other lodgings that
we were near taking. The terms are ₤1-6 for two nice and light bedrooms and a sitting room; by the way light bedrooms are very scarce articles in Edinburg, since most of them are little holes in which there is neither air nor light. We called on Sr Hauley the first morning, whom I think we never should have found had it not been (for) a good natured Dr of Divinity who took us into his library & showed us a map, and gave us directions how (to) find him: Indeed all the Scotchman are so civil and attentive, that it is enough to make one Englishman ashamed of himself.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 15 August, 2023