RECORD: Hoare, Charles. 1877.11.20. "Darwin;" the sunset of thy life is cheered. CUL-DAR140.1.24. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 4.2023. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin.
"Darwin;" the sunset of thy life is cheered,
By recognition;— Honours never sought,
Though nobly Earned; will make thy name revered!
Few have so gallantly for Science fought;
Maligned, abused, with falsehoods too assailed,
Disdaining answer;— but Truth has prevailed.
Science is honored in thy triumph!—all
who "think", must thank thee, for what thou hast won;
Tis not alone, mens minds released from thrall,
Humanity is raised, by what you've done;—
Before,— All life, seemed tainted at its fount;
Now, — none can guess, how high, mans mind may mount.
Unfettered by a Faith, that all debased,
By teaching, man was born degenerate;
Life's highest error, you at once effaced,
And soon mankind your name will venerate;
Not for release from mental slavery
Alone;— but your dauntless bravery!
[Engraving of Darwin, Nature, 1874.]
[Repeat of p. 1]
10 Stamps
Accept this tribute from a humble man,
Tis earnest, as tis honest; may you feel
Its warmth;— you little know, how many scan
your work, with admiration of the zeal!
With which your life in Truth's cause, has been spent,
Nay, let us say, it has been only lent.
The Harvest of your Fame, is yet to come;
Now,— is the Seed time of the facts you've sown,
Posterity has yet your worth to sum,
When the Truths ripen; then it will be known,
What mankind owes you, for your contribution,
To its advancement, based on "Evolution."
Charles Hoare
York Villa, Lower Avenues
20 Nov 1877.
To Chas Darwin Esq
LLD, FRS &c &c &c &c
On his visit to Cambridge
Nov 1877
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 13 July, 2023