RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1924. [Origin draft for sale and letters to Weir, 1869, Allen, 1879, Sharpe, 1851, and an unrecorded letter, et al]. American Art Association. The collection of the late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania part three.

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 11.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here.


309 Darwin (Charles—English Scientist)

A sheet of Original Manuscript from the Origin of Species, with heading, transitional habits. Entirely in Darwin's Autograph, consisting of about 225 words written in ink on one side of a folio sheet of blue paper. Unsigned; [Also] Autograph Letter Signed,—C. Darwin, 3pp. 12mo. Down, Bromley, Kent, 15th [Dec. 1845. To Mr. Sowerby]. Together, 2 pieces. Exceedingly Interesting Mss. Page From the Origin of Species.

[This may be the draft of Origin of species, Sect. VI, folio 201. Lehigh-MS-ALS-Darwin-C.18xx which is the only known draft sheet with this heading in circulation at the time or since.]

[Unrecorded letter to John Forbes Royle? See similar letter to Forbes [12 April-17 May 1847] in Correspondence vol. 3.]

The letter reads in part,—I am very much obliged for all that you have done for me.—I will send the Carrier on next Thursday Morning for the Parcel.—I beg to enclose, with thanks, a cheque...

310 Darwin (Charles)

Three Autograph Letters Signed, C. Darwin and Charles Darwin. 8vo, 6 1/2 pp. collectively; Photograph portrait (head) of Darwin laid in. Together, 4 pieces.

Fine Letters. Darwin's views as to the Origin of Species when first enunciated met with great opposition, but his theories variously modified are now held by the greater majority of naturalists. The Autograph Letters comprise: (i) Beckenham, May 13, [1869] To an unnamed person, on heredity and kindred subjects; (2) February 25, / 71. Beckenham. To an unnamed person, acknowledging the receipt of two Reviews of his book, The Descent of Man; (3) Down, Beckenham, March 19, 1876. To an unnamed person stating,-- The longer I live the more I come to believe in inheritance. I have some orderlings [?] in my own composition, and I wish that I had transmitted more of it to my offspring.

311 Darwin (Charles)

Autograph Letter Signed, Charles Darwin.

3pp. 8vo, Cardeon, Barmouth, North Wales, July 1st [1869]. To J. Jenner Weir, Esq. Bust portrait of Darwin laid in. Together, 2 pieces.

[To J. J. Weir 1 July [1869]]

Fine Specimen, In this letter he mentions his ill-health, and much of interest concerning the migrating of birds. The letter reads in part,— . . . You will see by this address where we are and where we remain all this month. My health got so bad that I could do nothing at Dover and we came down here for a change of air, but though the views are delightful and air admirable, as yet it has done me no good, and I am fit for nothing. . . How wonderfully complex the action and reaction of the elements of all organic beings are, and what a fine field for Narration. I have had an answer from Mr. Swagsland of Brighton and he most fully conforms about the mode of our migrating birds; he has never known an instance of the females arising first. . . Etc.   

312 Darwin (Charles)

Autograph Letter Signed, Ch. Darwin.

3pp. 8vo, Down, April 2, 1879. To an unnamed person.

[To Grant Allen 2 [May] 1879]

Very Interesting Letter About the Hairless Faces of Certain Monkeys. Refers to his Descent of Man. It is something wonderful to me to hear of anyone defending Sexual selection, which, such is my stock of conceit, I have still full confidence in.

313 Darwin (Charles)

Two Autograph Letters Signed, Ch. Darwin.

8vo, 4 1/2 pp. Together, 2 pieces.

Fine Letters, (i) Beckenham, Kent, Down. November 2, To an unnamed person, requesting some Belladonna and Digitalis for an experiment; (2) April 17, 1882. To an unnamed person, relating that as far as I have seen well-fed domestic dogs do not revisit their buried treasures. A dog when burying food makes a hole (as fir as I have seen) with his front legs alone, & shovels in the earth with his nose, so this then is no effort. . . I see that I have omitted to thank you for very courteous kindness towards me. [To William Watson, 1882]

314 Darwin (Charles)

Five Autograph Letters Signed, C. Darwin, Ch. Darwin. 8vo, and 12mo. Two bust portraits and one full-length portrait of Darwin (seated) laid in. Together, 8 pieces. Fine Collection.

[unrecorded letter, before 1868]

(1) November 15, (1892)[sic] To an unnamed person, requesting him to look in index of Vol. 7, 8, and 9. . . of the Second series of the (Transact?) of Hort. Soc & see if there is a paper of M. J. Barnet if so, be so good as to send a volume to me;

[Darwin cited Barnet 1826 in Variation 1: 351 and 353.]

(2) February 28, 1860, To Dr. Booth, with addressed envelope pasted on inner leaf. With mention of having read some proof sheets for a friend; (3) Beckenham, Kent, October 24th, relative to the peculiarities of birds; etc.

315 Darwin (Charles)

Autograph Letter Signed, C. Darwin.

3pp. 4to, Down, Farnbourough, Kent. October 16th. To D. Sharpe Esq. With addressed portion on last page.

[To Daniel Sharpe   16 October [1851]]

Splendid Specimen. Reads in part,—I am very much obliged to you for telling me the results of your foliaceous. . . & I am glad to hear you are drawing up an account for the Royal Soc. I hope you will have a good illustration or map, of the waving lines of junction with uniform dissected clearly. . . .

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 3 November, 2023