RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1937. [Letters to Basil Hall, 1840 and W. C. Williamson, 1848]. Maggs Bros. Autograph letters: historical documents…no. 646. London, p. 29. 

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed and edited by John van Wyhe 10.2023. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here.

[page] 29

350 DARWIN (CHARLES, 1809-1882). Naturalist and Author.


3 pp., 8vo. Upper Gower Street, 7th January, 1840. £10 10s.

An interesting letter giving particulars of the positions of islands in the South Seas.

[To Basil Hall [7 January 1840]]

"…Sulphur Isld is laid down in the chart of the Lor Chro Archipelago in 27o 56' N.

128 . 27' E. of Greenwich. (as near as I can take the degrees with compasses).

There is also, in the general chart of the Northern Pacific a Sulphur Rock (position doubtful) in 31° 28' N. and 142° 18' E. Greenwich.

There is (in the plan of Japan and adjacent islands) a "I. du Volcan" in' 30° 44° N. 130° 24' E. of Greenwich which would give nearly the same Longitude: when connected to Paris obser. as that you mention. I have an indistinct recollection that this isld was formerly called Sulphur isld." Etc.



 4 pages, 8vo. Down, 12th February, c. 1872. £8 10s

A most interesting letter discussing specimens of mud, &c., which he is sending his correspondent.

[To W. C. Williamson 12 February [1848]]

"…I am sorry to say I cannot find the lagoon-island calc. mud & suppose I must have sent all to Ehrenberg. I enclose a specimen of the calc. encrustation from Ascension: larger specimens are infinitely more frondescent.

"The coarse moulded & glazed particles of corals, &c., which you sent me from the gold coast resemble the matter thrown up on the shores of Ascension.

…As you are interested in the disintegration of shells, &c., I send you some specimens from K. George Sound in Australia of fine winnowed particles of shells passing into white impalpable powder & afterwards becoming half crystelline by rain water. I also send a crystal of gypsum from one of the great natural salt-lakes in N. Patagonia: within this crystal there is some mud, and very likely some infusoria, as animals inhabit this lake of brine." Etc.



1 page, 8vo. Kent, 23rd December, N.Y. £2 10s

Regarding the printing of one of his works.

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 29 October, 2023