RECORD: Chancellor, Gordon, Angelo diMauro, Ray Ingle, Gillian King. 1988. Charles Darwin's Beagle Collections in the Oxford University Museum. Archives of Natural History 15 (2): 197-231.

REVISION HISTORY: Scanned by John van Wyhe, OCRed by AEL Data 12.2005, corrections by John van Wyhe and Chancellor 1.2006. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with the permission of Edinburgh University Press.

[page 197]

Archives of Natural History (1988) 15 (2): 197–231

Charles Darwin's Beagle Collections in the Oxford University Museum

City Museum & Art Gallery,
Priestgate, Peterborough

Department of Biology,
University of Connecticut,
Torrington Campus,
Torrington Connecticut 06790, USA

Department of Zoology,
British Museum (Natural History),
Cromwell Road,
London SW7 5BD

Oxford University Museum,
Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3PW.


One hundred and ten numbered lots of zoological specimens and several specimens of rocks collected by Charles Darwin during the second voyage of H.M.S. Beagle (1831–1836) are contained in the collections of the Oxford University Museum. The circumstances which led to their acquisition are outlined. Most of this material comprises "higher" crustaceans but a few other invertebrate groups are also represented. A systematic identification has been made of these specimens and their condition is briefly described.


Following the return of H.M.S. Beagle from her second hydrographic commission in October 1836, much of the zoological material collected on the voyage by Charles Darwin was subsequently entrusted for scientific description to Thomas Bell (1792–1880). In 1862 Bell's zoological collections (including invertebrates sent to him by Darwin) were purchased by John Obadiah Westwood (1805–1893), the first Hope Professor of Zoology at Oxford University, to enrich the Hope Entomological Collection in his care. In 1889 a greater part of this Bell Collection was transferred to the Oxford University Museum's Zoological Collections (Davies & Hull, 1976).

In 1936 some Beagle specimens were sent by G. D. Hale Carpenter (Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology) from 1922 to 1948) to W. T. Calman of the British Museum (Natural History) for examination. We must presume that this material was returned to Oxford, although there is no record in the Hope Department loan catalogue of the transaction and the only documentation of its having occurred is a

[page] 198

letter from Carpenter to Dr Isabella Gordon of the British Museum (Natural History) dated 1945 asking her to look for the material sent to Calman. In 1962 and 1975 further zoological specimens were transferred from the Hope Collections to the Zoological Collections of the Oxford University Museum, and studies of these collections since 1976 have revealed that they contain many of the crustaceans described by Bell, including type specimens, many of which were thought to have been lost (see Di Mauro, 1982). It has been possible to establish that 110 numbered lots of these specimens originated from the Beagle collections. These have been identified by us as far as it has been possible from current literature (see p. 201), and they have been correlated with Darwin's own lists of collections and other notes kept by him from the Beagle voyage.

In addition to the material mentioned above, there are a number of insects in the Hope Entomological Collections (mainly from Australia) labelled "C. Darwin" in his own handwriting which are also part of the Beagle collections. The acquisition of this material is explained by Poulton (1909: 202–3) and formed the subject of the paper on Darwin's insect collection by K. G. V. Smith (1987).

Finally, we have identified several specimens of rocks collected by Darwin during the Beagle voyage and now in the Geological Collections of the Oxford University Museum. These Darwin specimens form part of the Charles Daubeny (1795–1867) collection (see Gunther, 1904:188; 1925:244). These rocks, all labelled in Darwin's handwriting, comprise two specimens (Darwin's dry specimen catalogue numbers 2248 and 2256) labelled "Andesitic trachyte. Baths of Cauquenes, described p. 175 in my Geolog. Observ. on S. America … " collected in September 1834; two specimens labelled "Andesitic syenite; larger specimen from T. del Fuego; smaller one, Cordillera of Chile … " (the latter bears the corner of one of Darwin's green printed number labels); two specimens of obsidian labelled "From St. Helena" (these would have been numbered between 3700 and 3728); two pieces of fossil wood, one labelled "Van Diemen's Land. Lower part of the tree", the other "Peru. Petrified wood".

There may be other Darwin specimens in the Daubeny collection, notwithstanding that the Beagle rock collection in the Mineralogy and the Petrology Museum in Cambridge is almost complete, but since Darwin's name appears nowhere else in Daubeny's manuscript catalogue to his collection, such specimens will be discovered only when Darwin's numbers or handwriting are recognised.


The Darwin zoological material discussed here comprises chiefly crustaceans and a few other invertebrates. Some of these specimens are preserved dry whereas others are in alcohol, but it is clear from Darwin's notes that orginally all the material was preserved in spirits. The dry specimens are stored in cabinet drawers containing the Bell collection and comprise mainly brachyuran crabs filling two drawers, one of which is shown in Figure 1. There are three additional specimens among other non-Darwin material in three other drawers. Several dry specimens are associated with labels in Darwin's handwriting and/or still bear the metal tags with which he numbered them while on the Beagle. Other specimens are labelled in Bell's handwriting and bear his manuscript names (i.e 'darwinii' or 'darwinii n. sp.'); some of these

[page] 199

[page] 200

are visible in Figure 1. Six specimens are associated with brown paper labels (in addition to a metal tag) bearing a specimen number in a handwriting which appears to be that of Darwin's servant and amanuensis, Syms Covington. The spirit material is now all contained in special 'Darwin' jars (see below) (jars 1–9 for the Crustacea, with separate jars for Myriapoda, Arachnida and Annelida respectively); the specimens are individually numbered in small tubes except for a few large specimens in their own jars. Most of this spirit material can be clearly recognised as Beagle specimens. Unfortunately there remain many specimens, dry and in spirit, which are probably part of the Beagle collection but which bear no number or label of any sort and are therefore not included in this paper.


In recent years there has been a growth of interest in Darwin's Beagle collections and the present whereabouts of most of these collections have been established (see Porter, 1985, for an authoritative overview). The bulk of the animals, plants, rocks and fossils which Darwin collected was well cared for when it reached England and, by the standards of many early nineteenth century voyages of discovery, Darwin was well served by the mineralogists, palaeontologists, botanists and zoologists he recruited to describe those specimens which he did not wish to deal with himself, such as the barnacles and arrow worms. One of the few groups of animals from the voyage never properly described was the Crustacea Darwin had entrusted to Thomas Bell (an acknowledged expert on the group) for inclusion in a projected complete Zoology of the Beagle. In the event, only the vertebrates from the voyage were described, of which Bell dealt with the reptiles (see Bell, 1842–43), while the Crustacea sank into oblivion.

It is clear that all the specimens given to Bell were originally preserved in spirits by Darwin, and nearly all the extant specimens have numbers that agree with those listed in the "Catalogue for specimens in spirits of wine" (referred to hereafter as the "Catalogue") and which is today displayed in Down House, Darwin's home in Kent. This "Catalogue" comprises three red pocket notebooks with soft covers and was briefly described by Barlow (1945;265). It is a chronological listing of specimens collected throughout the voyage and the numbers are divided as follows: 1–660 (first notebook), 661–1346 (second notebook), 1347–1529 (third notebook with this last number representing the last specimen entry).

All the crustaceans listed in this "Catalogue" are marked in pencil with a letter "C" (Herbert, 1974); this was to enable Syms Covington (see above) to copy out a separate list to accompany the Crustacea collection for the use of the zoologist who intended to study the collection. Our attempts to locate this list have been unsuccessful. It is possible that Covington never prepared the list of Crustacea before he departed for Australia in 1839 but this seems unlikely if the majority of the lists were prepared on the Beagle before she reached England.

There are about 230 lots marked with a "C" in the "Catalogue" but we have only succeeded in identifying 110 of these lots in the Oxford University Museum collections, so that it would appear that much material still remains to be discovered. In this paper, with a very few exceptions, only the 110 lots we have identified are

[page] 201

listed, so that for a complete list of Darwin's Beagle Crustacea the reader must consult Darwin's original "Catalogue".

Another source of information concerning Darwin's zoological collections is the manuscript "Diary of observations on zoology of the places visited during the voyage (of H.M.S. Beagle)", referred to in this paper as the "Zoology Diary" which Darwin wrote concurrently with his more general "Personal Diary" of day-to-day affairs (see Barlow, 1933; Porter, 1985). The "Zoology Diary" is today in the Darwin archive at Cambridge University Library. With the kind assistance of Mr Peter Gautrey it has been possible to examine it and abstract all data relevant to the Oxford University Museum specimens. Since this "Zoology Diary" was used by Darwin in the writing of his official Journal of Researches (first published in 1839) some of its contents are of particular interest. Occasional cross-references to the "Zoology Diary" occur in the "Catalogue"; these are given, for example, as "V. 19(b) " (i.e. vide page 19, note (b)). The text of the "Zoology Diary" today comprises four bound volumes:, DAR 30(i); DAR 30(ii); DAR 31(i); DAR 31(ii); although Darwin's illustrations and index are bound in DAR 29(iii). (See Handlist of Darwin Papers at the University Library Cambridge, 1960. p. 10)

There are two references to Crustacea in a manuscript entitled "Notes on the preservation of specimens", which is bound as the last part of DAR 29(iii) in the Cambridge University Library. These references read as follows: "Not to keep Crustacea with other things owing to the black tinge they give to the spirits". "Crustacea ought to have proof spirits and the Brachyuri well emptied of water & incission in the abdomen". This manuscript would appear to have been written by Darwin before the Beagle set sail, as instructions to himself on how to preserve the specimens he intended to collect.

Finally, a manuscript catalogue compiled by Thomas Bell and in the Hope Library contains Darwinian "Catalogue" numbers entered against Bell's own numbers along with tentative generic identifications.


Darwin's "Catalogue" is written in ink, except for entries 1474 to 1529 which are in pencil (see Herbert, 1974:239). Information is inscribed on each right-hand page of the notebook. At the top of each page appears (nearly always) the date and locality followed by a vertically arranged sequence of numbers and tentative identifications with occasional further information. Sometimes several localities are given below the main entry at the page heading, and occasionally additional information appears on the left-hand page opposite the main right-hand entry. These additional comments are merged with the main entries in the list of Beagle specimens given here (pp 202–226), although enclosed within square brackets. Since these comments were numbered by Darwin, they can be tied unambiguously to, and were almost certainly written at the same time as, the main entries.

A taxonomic reappraisal of the Beagle specimens has been made with the help of study reference collections in the British Museum (Natural History) and the following literature: Abele (1972), Barnard (1950), Bollman (1889), Bott (1969, 1973), Bousfield (1982), Campbell & Griffin (1966), Chace (1956, 1968), Crane (1975), Fize & Serene

[page] 202

(1955), Forest & Saint Laurent (1967), Garth (1946, 1958), Haig (1955, 1960, 1964), Holthuis (1952, 1954), Lucas (1980), Manning (1969, 1971), Manning & Holthuis (1981), Menzies (1961), van Name (1936), Pretzmann (1972), Rathbun (1911, 1918, 1925, 1930, 1937), Sakai (1976), Schmitt (1942), Stebbing (1914), Stephenson & Hudson (1957).

The following entry (taken from page 227) of this Beagle specimen list is given as an interpretive example of the format used. All editorial matter is indented, or italicised within brackets if it interrupts the "Catalogue" text.

1833 March Tierra del Fuego top of page entry in "Catalogue"
551 Sphaeromidae from stones & a Crust. "Catalogue" number and Darwin's
Macrouri. from stomach of a Gadus identification
G[ood] S[uccess] Bay
current editorial comment (in this
instance to explain abbreviated locality)
6/12924 Oxford University Museum registration number
Decapoda: Galatheidae order and family names
Munida subrugosa (White) generic name, specific name, author of species

Remarks: relate to the present condition of specimens and relevant information.

In interpreting Darwin's notes it is useful to know that he took his names for colours from Patrick Syme's edition of Werner's nomenclature of colours (Edinburgh, 1821) and that he also had available on the Beagle Jean Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent's edition of the seventeen volume Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle (Paris, 1822–1831) (see under specimen 1098). Darwin also refers (under specimen 1057) to Juan Ignacio Molina's Compendio de la historia geografica natural y civil del Reyno de Chile … (Madrid, 1794–1795). A complete list of the books available to Darwin on board the Beagle is provided in an appendix to Burkhardt & Smith (1985).


January 1832 Cape Verdes
12 Jan. 17 & 18.: 5 small Crustacea from Quail island
Decapoda: Paguridae
Clibanarius sp.
Remarks: fragmented.

Decapoda: Xanthidae
Epixanthus helleri A.Milne Edwards

[page] 203

Decapoda: Majidae
Micropisa? ovata Stimpson

Decapoda: Majidae
? Herbstia sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes? cessacii (A.Milne Edwards)
Remarks: condition very poor.

[Jan. 22nd]
40 Centipedes Arachnida. NE of Port Praya
Isopoda: Idoteidae
?Idotea sp.

59 Containing Crustacea. Echiura. Siphunculus & white animal allied to it: Actinea.
Fisurella. Chiton. W of Quail Island

Dry 2/14516
Decapoda: Calappidae
Cycloes bairdii Stimpson
Remarks: this may be a new record for the Cape Verde Islands. Chace (1968) gives the range as St Helena and the S. Atlantic. The specimen was labelled by Bell "Cycloes. Cy: Darwinii B. Darwin 59".

91 Crustacea. Chiton. Bulla [Doris deleted?] (see 1477)

1832 St Jago to Fernando Noronha
108 Porpita. v. 19(b) Crustacea [Biphora deleted] Salpa

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition poor.

[ Caught at Bahia from Feb 29th to March 17th—]
144 Crab

Decapoda: Grapsidae
Sesarma (Holometopus) angustipes Dana

145 Shells. Crustacea & Fish

Decapoda: Majidae
Mithrax (Mithraculus) coryphe (Herbst)

Decapoda: Xanthidae
Remarks: condition too poor to allow further identification.

[page] 204

Isopoda: Valvifera
Remarks: condition very poor but telson distinctive.

[160…177 Abrohlos. March 29th]
172 Crustacea

Decapoda: Dromiidae
Dromidea antillensis Stimpson

Decapoda: Dorippidae
Ethusa sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

1832 May. Rio de Janeiro

206 Julus (May 5th)

Myriapod jar/12910
Diplopoda: Spirostreptidae
Remarks: fragmented.

222 Salt Water Crab: Julus: Lepisma: Worms. Wood lice. Acari

Dry 105/14517
Decapoda: Portunidae
Ovalipes punctatus (de Haan)
Remarks: the metal tag numbered 223 with this specimen is anomalous since 223 is not listed as a crustacean in the "Catalogue".

1832 Monte Video: August

347 Fish. Coast of Patagonia Latitude 38° 20' August 26th—Soundings 14 fathoms. Caught by hook & Line V. 77.

Remarks: the fish referred to is Percophis brasilianus Cuvier described by Jenyns (1840–1842:23). This fish was "caught by hook and line in fourteen fathoms water on the coast of Patagonia. in lat. 38° 20' " and was noted by Darwin as "when cooked, was good eating". This specimen is no longer in the Zoological Museum Cambridge and is presumably not extant.

351 Isopod (Bopyrus ?) on fish: & [curious Decapod deleted: Porcellana inserted]. can swim tail first: & Amphipode &c: [Habitats on Corallina. same as (347) deleted in pencil: 14 fathoms coast of Patagonia inserted in pencil].

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes sp.
Remarks: condition very poor.

Isopoda: Cirolanidae
Cirolana? urostylis Menzies

1832 Sept: Bahia Blanca
407 Pagurus in a Buccinum

[page] 205

Dry 16/14518
Decapoda: Majidae
Mithrax (Mithraculus) nodosus Bell
Remarks: this specimen appears to have been misnumbered as it is clearly a spider crab and not a pagurid. This species occurs on the Pacific side of S. America far removed from the Argentine locality of 407.

414 Plagusia: body pale.
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Cyrtograpsus altimanus Rathbun

436 Plagusia (two species)
Separate jar/12914
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Cyrtograpsus angulatus Dana

Octob: Bahia Blanca

448 Small Crustacea, from Coralline &c i.e. not pelagic.—
Isopoda: Idoteidae
Idotea? metallica Bosc
Remarks: condition rather poor.

Isopoda: Idoteidae
Idotea? metallica Bosc

Isopoda: Idoteidae

Isopoda: Idoteidae
Remarks: condition poor, only anterior half present.

Amphipoda: Caprellidae
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda: Isaeidae
?Megamphopus sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda: ?Aoridae
Remarks: condition poor.

1832 November. & Dec. Monte Video

475 Polydesmus, dusky red: & Scutigera: found in ship (British?).

Myriapod jar/12922
Diplopoda: Polydesmidea
Remarks: badly broken.

[page] 206

1832 Dec:
491 Crust. Mac V. 98(b) (its young ?) & Crust. Amphipus-off San Blas. Dec. 4th:
Remarks: there are long descriptions of entry 491 and of other Crustacea collected on Dec. 4th, in DAR 30 (ii). The following entry appears in Darwin's "Personal Diary" for December 5th—6th while at sea off Patagonia. "During these two delightful days we have been gliding onwards: but at a slow pace. I have been employed in examining some small Crustacea; most of which are not only of new genera, but very extraordinary ones" (see Barlow, 1933). The crustaceans mentioned are probably those described in Darwin's Journal on page 189 (see Darwin, 1839; Burkhardt & Smith, 1985: 307).

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition very poor.

Mysidacea: Mysida
Remarks: fragmentary.

1832 Dec. 20th Good Success Bay:
507 Crust: (Sphaeromidae) very fine on Fucus. Hermit Island

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: several specimens in one tube with one reference number.
? Dryopoides sp.
Kuria sp., several reasonably good specimens. Gammarideans—one single damaged and
one very small specimen.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Cassidinopsis emarginata(Guérin-Méneville)
Exosphaeroma? lanceolata (White)
Amphoroidea typa H. Milne Edwards
?Dynamenella sp.
Remarks: assorted genera all in one tube, the ?Dynamenella and ?Exosphaeroma specimens are damaged.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Amphoroidea typa H. Milne Edwards

510 Pagurus. Goree Sound
Decapoda: Paguridae
Pagurus comptus White
Remarks: two fragments only.

[page] 207

1833 March Tierra del Fuego
551 Sphaeromida from stones & a Crust. Macrouri. from stomach of a Gadus.— G[ood] S[uccess] Bay

Decapoda: Galatheidae
Munida subrugosa (White)

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma gigas (Leach)

1833 March Falkland Islands
556 Lithobius: [Gonoleptes deleted]: Arachnida: Oniscus.Lumbricus:
Falkland Islands
Remarks: there is a dry amphipod (Dry 90) in the collection which is not associated with any Darwin number, but which is pinned to a small paper label inscribed "East Falkland" in Darwin's handwriting. We have identified this as Amphipoda:Paramphithoidae.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Cassidinopsis emarginata(Guérin-Méneville)

560 Sphaeromida & genus closely allied to Atylus; all under stones: Falkland Isd:
Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma lanceolata (White)

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma studeri Vanhöffen

Amphipoda: Eusiridae
Bovallia? regis Stebbing

589 Crustacea: crawling on Corallines; The long one is of a very curious structure;—
Remarks: condition rather poor.

Amphipoda: Eusiridae
?Pontogeneia sp.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Isocladus calcarea (Dana)

1833 E. Falkland Isd:
601 Cancer.
Dry 96/14519
Decapoda: Atelecyclidae

[page] 208

Peltarion spinulosum (White)
Remarks: there is a large brown paper label associated with this specimen with the number "601" inscribed in Covington's handwriting. Another specimen of this species is represented in the Bell collection labelled "Tierra del Fuego 72" but which does not obviously belong to any Beagle material collected from that region.

603 2 Macrouri. Amphipoda. Sphaeroma.

Decapoda: Paguridae
Pagurus comptus White
Remarks: condition poor, hind-end damaged.

Amphipoda: Ampithoidae
Ampithoe? brevipes (Dana)
Remarks: conditions rather poor.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma lanceolata (White)

Decapoda: Caridea
Remarks: condition poor.

1833 May Maldonado

611 Fresh W Crust. Amphipod.—colour coppery & metallic lustre.

Amphipoda: Gammaridae

617 Lithobius & Julus. Sierra las Animas

Myriapod jar/12933
Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha

Myriapod jar/12934
Diplopoda: Chilognatha
Remarks: broken, only females present.

622 Oniscus. Lithobius. Scolopendra. rocky hills.—

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Isocladus calcarea (Dana)
Remarks: very poor condition.

Myriapod jar/12936
Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha

1833 June. Maldonado
667 Julus (2 species) Lithobius

Myriapod jar/12937
Diplopoda: Chilognatha
Remarks: condition very poor.

[page] 209

737 Crab. caught in dry hole in one of the low islands of the R. Parana. above Rosario:—
Dry 26/14521
Decapoda: Trichodactylidae
Dilocarcinus (Dilocarcinus) pagei cristatus Bott

753 Crustacea, inhabiting the above [mouth of R. Negro Coral inserted in pencil]
Amphipoda: Caprellidae
?Caprella sp.

1834 Jan: 8th:—
782 Various marine productions. 4 or 5 miles from shore; 19 fathoms; Lat. 48°56'.
786 Crustacea found with (782)

Arachnid jar/12940
Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Isocladus sp.
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: specimen very small.

1834 Jan:
800 Crust. sea beach. [P. Desire]

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma sp.

Isopoda: Idoteidae
Edotea sp.

801 Crustacea. pelagic. Watchmen Cape L. 48°.18'. [Caught at night. could not catch any by day. under similar circumstances: small white Entom. [numerous inserted] creeping (?). Small white Ento: with long antennae very numerous at night Lat 51°.53' Long 68°11'.—]

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: headless and breaking up.

Cumacea: Diastylidae
Diastylis sp.

802 Crust. Isopoda.—I believe certainly was on the body of a large dog fish. colour above. mottled greenish grey & tile red, edge [dark brown inserted]. [Same locality as last.—]

[page] 210

Isopoda: Cirolanidae
?Cirolana sp.

1834 Jan: Sts. Magellan.—

810 3 Crustacea; Amphipod, with three spines, mottled pink & white; Hab: [St Gregory's Bay. Sts of Magellan 15 fathoms.]
Amphipoda: Eusiridae
?Bovallia sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda: Caprellidae
Remarks: condition poor.

814 Crab. white "above tile red" with pimples of "art. blood do. " eggs color of yoke of egg.—[Near Elizabeth. 5 fathoms.]

Dry 99/14522
Decapoda: Lithodidae
Paralomis granulosa (Jacquinot)
Remarks: Elizabeth Island is in the Straits of Magellan. The specimen is associated with a brown paper label in Covington's hand and inscribed "814 Spirits".

815 Crab. mud colour: eggs bright "scarlet red". [Near Elizabeth. 5 fathoms.]

Dry 100/14523
Decapoda: Majidae
Eurypodius latreillei Guérin-Méneville

820 Crab. Macr. [Port Famine]

Dry 104/14524
Decapoda: Galatheidae
Munida subrugosa (White)
Remarks: see Barlow (1965: 231–2, 250) for transcriptions of DAR 29 (ii). MS pp 30, 32, 56 which refer to Crustacea in the stomachs of birds. This specimen (820) is specifically referred to as from the much distended stomach of a "Puffinus".

822 Crustacea. Cape Negro
Annelida jar/12948
Polychaeta:? Amphinomidae
Remarks: condition rather poor.

1834 Port Famine
830 Crab, black "brownish orange with purple, " legs. mottled "orpiment orange"

Dry 108/14525
Decapoda: Majidae
Eurypodius latreillei Guérin-Méneville

833 Crust: Schizopod. St Sebastian Bay. Vast numbers. 12 Fathoms snow white except black eyes. [Caught at night:—Here there were very many Whales:—5 miles out at sea.—]

[page] 211

834 Crustacea. S of C. Penas. 11 fathoms. 3 miles out at sea; caught at night. [Largest & most abundant specimen color [pale deleted] red. like half-boiled crab; excessively numerous: (833) & 2nd sized amphipod (with dark blue eyes & back) also very numerous.]

Amphipoda: Hyperiidae
Parathemisto sp.

Mysidacea: Mysida
Remarks: fragments only.

1834 Feb: T. del Fuego

837 Crustacea, 13 Fath. 2 miles from shore, caught at night.—Cape Ines. Feb. 19th.—

839 Crust.—some miles to South of (837) under similar circumstances. (ship at anchor at night). [The Amphipod (largest & most specimen) excessively numerous. in different places, different sorts appear predominant.—Viz this species here.— a Shizopod [?] near St Sebastian (833.834) & other at C. Penas.]

Amphipoda: Hyperiidae
Parathemisto sp.

Decapoda: Galatheidae
Munida gregaria (Fabricius)

841 Crust: one mile from shore, caught by night. East of Wollaston Isd.

Amphipoda: Aoridae
Lembos? fuegiensis (Dana)
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda:? Hyperiidae
Remarks: very small and fragile.

Amphipoda: Hyperiidae
Parathemisto sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Dynamenella? eatoni (Miers)

842 Crust. on Corallines. low water mark on Corallines. Wollaston Isd.

Arachnid jar/9858
Pycnogonida: Nymphonidae
?Nymphon sp.

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition poor.

[page] 212

1834 Feb: Tierra del Fuego

850 Crust: 1 mile from shore: 16 F[athoms] caught at night. NE end of Navarin Isd. [Is the small & most numerous specimen with rudimentary legs the young of (834).]

Copepoda: Calanoida (2 specimens)
Mysidacea (1 specimen)
Stomatopoda (pseudozoe larva, 1 specimen)
Decapoda (larvae, several specimens)

Decapoda: Galatheidae
?Munida sp.
Remarks: condition rather poor.

851 Crust: from sea-weed &c at bottom. 16 Fathoms. NE end of Navarin Isd.

Arachnid jar/12960
Pycnogonida: Pycnogonidae
?Pycnogonum sp.

Decapoda: Caridea
Remarks: condition poor.

Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Isocladus calcarea (Dana)
Remarks: specimens tightly coiled.

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: small and condition very poor.

860 Crust. Mac. V. 217

Decapoda: Hippolytidae
Nauticaris magellanica (A. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: specimen damaged and incomplete. DAR 30 (ii) p 217 reads "March 1st. East end of Beagle Channel.—Roots of Fucus. G. Back "Hyacinth & brownish red" with oblong. marks & spots of gem-like "ultra-marine blue". one white transverse mark & longitudinal one on tail; 1st great legs. same colour as body but penultimate limb centre part white edged with "do blue". antipenultimate ringed with white. "do blue" & "do red". other legs with basal limbs faintly ringed. but ultimate limbs orange.—Sides with oblique stripes "reddish brown". Animal most beautiful.— "

[page] 213

1834 March. Tierra del Fuego

867 Crust. Brachy. & Macro. Hab: East end of Beagle Channel

Decapoda: Palaemonidae
?Palaemon sp.
Remarks: damaged.

Dry 25/14530
Decapoda: Atelecyclidae
Acanthocyclus albatrossis Rathbun

Dry 27–9/14527–9
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: a manuscript name is attached to the specimen "H. leachii (Male) Darwin 867".
Hymenosoma leachii Guérin-Méneville is a synonym of Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius). See also 917.

Dry 3/14526
Decapoda: Majidae
Mithrax (?Mithrax) sp.

868 Crust. Amphi. & Isopod. Hab: do. [i.e. as for 867]

Amphipoda: Aoridae
Lembos fuegiensis (Dana)

Amphipoda: Talitridae
Transorchestia ?chiliensis (H. Milne Edwards)

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Dynamenella? eatoni (Miere)

1834. March. E. Falkland Isd.

903 Crab. South Coast of E. Falkland Isd.

Dry 101/14531
Decapoda: Majidae
Eurypodius latreillei Guérin-Méneville

917 Crust: caught as all these marine productions by pulling up roots of kelp.

Dry 32/14534
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: the specimen bears a label inscribed "H. Leachii (female) Darwin 917"; several legs are missing.

Dry 31/14533
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: appears to be a juvenile; all legs missing.

[page] 214

Dry 30/14532
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: specimen bears another label inscribed "E. Falkland I. (female) 175". The number is probably Bell's.
Amphipoda: Aoridae
Lembos? fuegiensis (Dana)
1/9857 & 9877
Amphipoda: Eusiridae
Bovallia? regis Stebbing
Decapoda: Paguridae
Pagurus comptus White
Remarks: only head region represented.

1834 June Port Famine.—
980 Crustacea. Kelp Roots.
Amphipoda: Eusiridae
Bovallia? regis Stebbing
Amphipoda: Ampithoidae
?Ampithoe sp.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma studeri VanhÖffen

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Dynamenella ?eatoni (Miers)
Remarks: fragmentary.

1834 July. Chiloe
993 Crust. Scolopendra &c &c

Decapoda: Bresiliidae
Bresilia sp.

Myriapod jar/12967
Chilopoda: ?Scolopendromorpha
Remarks: condition poor.

Myriapod jar/12968
Remarks: condition very poor.

997 Crab. Brachy: both species tinged with dark crimson red [Kelp roots.]
Dry 6–7/14535–6
Decapoda: Xanthidae

[page] 215

Gaudichaudia gaudichaudii (H. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: bearing a label inscribed "Xa. Gaudichaudii?
Chile? Darwin 997".

999 Crust. Kelp roots

Decapoda: Alpheidae
Betaeus truncatus Dana

Decapoda: Caridea
Remarks: condition very poor.

1000.1001 Squilla: often caught when fishing with nets here; given me.

Dry 102/14537
Stomatopoda: Squillidae
Pterygosquilla armata (H. Milne Edwards)

1005 Small Crust: at sea off Valparaiso, taken chiefly 3 or 4 feet beneath surface. [day time inserted]. [some minute ones are curious]

Mysidacea: Mysida

Decapoda: Caridea
Remarks: condition poor.

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition poor.

Annelid jar/12975
Polychaeta: Nereidae
Remarks: condition poor.

Remarks: not identified.

1027 Vaginulus V. 272 [see also 1180]

1028 Crust: adhering in numbers on under side of Asterias (1031)
Isopoda: Idoteidae
Edotea magellanica Cunningham
Remarks: the association with Asterias may be fortuitous.

1834 Aug: Valparaiso
1029 Crab, above dark "Cochi. R" legs "Hyacinth & tile R" front pincers purplish.

[page] 216

Dry 107/14538
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Grapsus grapsus (Linnaeus)

1030 Crab, whole body mottled with "Carm. & purplish R"

Decapoda: Cancridae
Cancer polyodon Poeppig

1057 Fresh-water Crust. —Mac. —[Mentioned by Molina as the builder. The mud which it brings up in making its burrows is placed so as to form a circular wall several inches high round the edge of mouth of burrow. —Burrow in marshy field generally near a brook.]

Dry 56–73/14540–57
Decapoda: Aeglidae
Aegla laevis talcahuano Schmitt
Remarks: this material includes both Darwin and Hugh Cuming specimens and it has not been possible to attribute specimens to the relevant collectors. The specimens are all associated with the Catalogue number 1103 (q.v.).

1058 2 Scorpions. Gonlipla. Scolopendra Julus. under stones. Mountains [the largest Julus emits much yellow fluid with very pungent smell like mustard.—]

Myriapod jar/12976
Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha

Myriapod jar/12977
Diplopoda: ?Spirostreptidae
Remarks: fragmentary.

1834 Nov. & Dec. Archip: of Chiloe

1078 Crab

Dry 93/14558
Decapoda: Cancridae
Cancer plebejus Poeppig
Remarks: the specimen has a brown paper label inscribed in Covington's handwriting "1078 Spirits".

1084 Crabs in the greatest numbers under stones.

Dry 48/14559
Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes tuberculatus (Guérin-Méneville)
Remarks: labelled "P. striata Mr Darwin" and on reverse "1084".

Dry 50–1/14560–1

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes tuberculatus (Guérin-Méneville)
Remarks: labelled "P. sulcatus n.sp. Darwin" and on reverse "1084".

1093 Onisci. F. Water Leaches &c &c

? Copepoda
Remarks: only a fragment extant.

[page] 217

Arachnid jar/12978
Arachnida: Araneae
Remarks: legs detached.

Annelida jar/12981
Annelida: Hirudinea

Myriapod jar/12979
Chilopoda: ?Scolopendromorpha
Remarks: fragmenting.

Myriapod jar/12980
Diplopoda: Chilognatha
Remarks: badly broken.

1098 Crust: amphipod; burrows & feeds in the leaves of a Fucus [Growing like the Durvilleae utilis Dic. Class.—Plates.]

Amphipoda: ?Dexaminidae
Remarks: very small.

1101 Lumbricus. Oniscus Scolopendra. C Tres Montes

Arachnid jar/12985
Arachnida: Araneae

Arachnid jar/12986
Arachnida: Araneae
Remarks: some legs missing.

Annelid jar/12984
Annelida: Oligochaeta

1103 Crabs. F. Water stream [C. Tres Montes] [see under 1057]

Amphipoda: Gammaridae
Melita sp.

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Exosphaeroma? lanceolata (White)

Decapoda: Hippolytidae
Nauticaris magellanica (A. Milne Edwards)

Decapoda: Paguridae
Pagurus edwardsi (Dana)

1104 Crust. pelagic colourless C. Tres Montes [Caught in day time in harbour several yards beneath the surface]

Copepoda: Calanoida
Remarks: condition very poor. In Darwin's field pocket-book (see Barlow, 1945:229) there is the following entry dated 27th November 1834: "Small crustacea, purple clouds of infinite numbers pursued by flocks of Famine Petrels" (see also Darwin, 1839:355).

[page] 218

1109 Crustacea pelagic; nighttime; [13 fathoms at C. Tres Montes]

Mysidacea: Mysida

Decapoda: Hippidae
Emerita ?analoga (Stimpson)
Remarks: the number assigned is uncertain. The specimen was marked "177" probably indicating its Bell Catalogue number. Number 177 in that Catalogue gives "Isopoda" and "Darwin 1109".

Isopoda: Cirolanidae
Excirolana? chilensis Richardson
Remarks: condition poor.

1110 Crabs: The Amphipoda red coloured under putrid kelp.—

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition very poor.

1834 Decemb. Isd. of Inchin. North Part of Tres Montes

1114 Crustacea (littoral)

Amphipoda: Gammaridea
Remarks: condition poor.

Decapoda: Majidae
Pelia? pacifica A. Milne Edwards

Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)

Isopoda: Sphaeromidae
Amphoroidea typa H. Milne Edwards

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Allopetrolisthes? angulosus (Guérin-Méneville)

1124 Crustacea. by night: pelagic in harbour several feet beneath surface. [caught in middle of cove]

Decapoda: Alpheidae
Synalpheus spinifrons (H. Milne Edwards)

1127 Crust. Mac: caught in middle of cove, beneath surface, at night, must [be excessively numerous, because both great herds of seal & Tern appear to live on them; Above light purplish black, mouth, joints, rings of abdomen & all thin places, fine purplish red:—Anna Pinks [?] Harbor. Jan 4th.—]

[page] 219

Dry 74–5/14562–3
Decapoda: Galatheidae
Munida gregaria (Fabricius)
Remarks: specimen 74 has the chelipeds present but detached. The specimens are labelled "Gr. gregaria Chili? Darwin" and on the reverse "1127". Gr = (Grimothoe) was the name once given to the late larval stage of Munida gregaria.

Dry 80–1/14564–5
Decapoda: Diogenidae
Clibanarius? panamensis Stimpson

Cirripedia: Thoracica
Remarks: badly damaged.

1835 Jany. Chiloe

1152 Crab. above uniform dull red.

Dry 92/14566
Decapoda: Cancridae
Cancer plebejus Poeppig

1155 Balanus. buried in a [stick?] [& a Crust Macrouri deleted] [see 1499]

1164 Amphipoda: Crust: feeding on dead crab on sand beach at Cucao-Chiloe

Amphipoda: Talitridae
?Talorchestia sp.

1166 Hermit Crab: Chonos Archipel.

Decapoda: Paguridae
Pagurus? perlatus H. Milne Edwards

1835 Feb. Valdivia

1180 Vaginulus V. 272(a)

Remarks: this entry is an anomaly because there is no reference to Crustacea.

Dry 23/14567
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Hemigrapsus crenulatus (H. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: unnumbered but associated with label inscribed by Darwin "Valdivia".

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes edwardsii (Saussure)

1195 Crab-Coquimbo

Dry 52/14568
Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes desmarestii (Guérin-Méneville)
Remarks: specimen inscribed "P. Darwinii Mr Darwin" and on the reverse "1195".

[page] 220

1203 Squilla Coquimbo

Separate jar/12440
Stomatopoda: Squillidae
Pseudosquillopsis? lessoni (Guérin-Méneville)

1835 Coquimbo

1209: 210 Crabs

Dry 22/14569
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Hemigrapsus crenulatus (H. Milne Edwards)

1212 Scolopendra: Julus
Myriapod jar/12994
Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha
Remarks: fragile.

1214 Scolopendra. Julus Valparaiso

Arachnid jar/12995
Arachnida: Scorpiones

Myriapod jar/12996
Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha

Myriapod jar/12997
Diplopoda: ?Spirostreptidae
Remarks: fragmented.

1223 1224 Crabs. [Coquimbo]

Dry 106/14570
Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae
Pseudothelphusa sp.

The following specimens are not numbered but are almost certainly from Peru

Dry 21/14571
Decapoda: Pinnotheridae
Pinnotherelia laevigata H. Milne Edwards & Lucas
Remarks: this rather poorly preserved specimen is associated with a label inscribed by Darwin "Lima". It could therefore belong to any of the samples from Peru known to have contained crustaceans (possible numbers are 1247, 49, 50, 56, 57, 1262). The specimen has been mistakenly placed next to specimens labelled Trapezia.

Dry 9–10/14572–3
Decapoda: Xanthidae
Pilumnoides perlatus (Poeppig)
Remarks: labelled "Pi: perlatus Peru? Darwin".

1835 July. Lima. S. Lorenzo

1247 Crab, above purple, legs speckled.

Dry 95/14574
Decapoda: Cancridae
Cancer plebejus Poeppig
Remarks: bears a brown label numbered "1247" in Covington's hand.

[page] 221

1249 Crab. white, back with purple punctures & legs marked with paler do.

Dry 97/14575
Decapoda: Portunidae
Ovalipes punctatus (de Haan)
Remarks: bears an attached broken metal tag which reads ". . 49" and which we presume to have been originally 1249.

1250 Crab. beautifully marked with dark Lilac purple. in regular forms, colour brighter on legs. [Crab. very common, when taken draws all its legs close to its body & shams death.—]

Dry 109/14576
Decapoda: Calappidae
Hepatus chiliensis H. Milne Edwards
Remarks: an attached brown paper label is inscribed "1250 Spirits" in Covington's hand.

1835 August Lima—

1256 Crabs. Coquimbo Mr. King.

Dry 53–5/14577–9
Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Allopetrolisthes angulosus (Guérin-Méneville)
Remarks: labelled "P. unidentata n.s Mr. Darwin".

Dry 15/14580
Decapoda: Majidae
Microphrys sp.

1259 Crab. Mac. [Coquimbo]

Decapoda: Alpheidae
Remarks: some legs missing.

Decapoda: Bresiliidae
?Bresilia sp.
Remarks: slightly damaged.

1262 Decapod Notapod [Callao]

Dry 49/14581
Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes sp.
Remarks: labelled "P. elongata. Darwin".

1835 Septemb. Galapagos. Chatham Isd.

1269 Fish. See (1270)

1270 Crust Parasit on Fish (1269)

Copepoda: ?Siphonostomata
Remarks: in fair condition. Jenyns (1840–42) remarked that all Darwin's fishes reached England intact and that each had a numbered tin label attached. Specimen 1269 was described by Jenyns as Cossyphus darwini (now Pimelometopon darwini

[page] 222

(Jenyns)) and is in the British Museum (Natural History); accession number 1918.1.31.11.

Dry 79/14582
Decapoda: Palaemonidae
Remarks: fragmentary, not numbered but labelled "Galapagos" in Darwin's handwriting. Possible Galapagos numbers for crustaceans are 1277–8.85. 90–1, 1316.

1835 Sept. Galapagos.—Charles Isd.

1298 Scolopendra. dark reddish brown grow to 14 inches long.—

Separate jar/12998
Myriapoda: Scolopendromorpha
Scolopendra galapagoensis Bollman
Remarks: it is interesting to note that this specimen was collected more than 50 years prior to the description of the species by Bollman in 1889; the holotype locality is Chatham Island (United States National Museum number 594).

1835 Otahiti

1332 Fresh water. Prawns

Separate jar/12442
Decapoda: Palaemonidae
Macrobrachium sp.

1333 Fresh water shrimp & one marine.

Decapoda: ?Palaemonidae
Remarks: specimen damaged, the number appears to be incomplete (e.g. "13. . ") and could refer to either Tahiti or New Zealand.

December Bay of Isds.—New Zealand

1346 Crabs-tidal rocks

Dry 47/14584
Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes elongatus (H. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: labelled "P. violacea Darwin 1346".

Dry 45/14583
Decapoda: Xanthidae
Daira perlata Herbst
Remarks: unnumbered and has two labels, one inscribed by Darwin "New Zealand" and the other "Mr C. Darwin" by? Bell is doubtful whether this specimen is from New Zealand.

Dry 41/14585
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Paragrapsus gaimardii (H. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: not numbered (see below).

Dry 91/14586
Remarks: this and the previous specimen are unnumbered but both bear labels

[page] 223

inscribed by Darwin "Hobart Town". There are no crustaceans recorded from this locality in the "Catalogue".

April Keeling Islands

1403 Crabs; the Decapod is nearly white runs like lightning. with erected eyes on the white sand beaches: Hermit crab, coloured bright scarlet frequent a particular univalve. & swarms on the coast & in all parts of the dry land far from water: Another Hermit Crab is likewise found inland [its front legs form a most perfect operculum to its shell.—]

Remarks: there is no hermit crab in the collection from Keeling, which is to be regretted in view of the above observations and comments in the "Personal Diary" for April 2nd (Barlow, 1933; see also Darwin, 1839: 544).

Dry 40/14587
Decapoda: Ocypodidae
Uca (Planuca) sp.
Remarks: unnumbered female but labelled "Keeling Isd" by Darwin.

Dry 38/14588
Decapoda: Xanthidae
? Actaea sp.
Remarks: unnumbered but labelled "Keeling Isd" by Darwin.

Dry 35/14589
Decapoda: Ocypodidae
Austruca lactea (de Haan)
Remarks: unnumbered but may be from Keeling or Tahiti.

Decapoda: Ocypodidae
Ocypode ceratophthalma (Pallas)

1836 April. Keeling Isds.

1418 Various crabs. beneath stones.

Decapoda: Portunidae
Thalamita admete (Herbst)

Decapoda: Alpheidae
Synalpheus sp.

Decapoda: Caridea
Remarks: condition very poor.

Amphipoda and ?Caridea
Remarks: condition very poor.

Decapoda: Porcellanidae
Petrolisthes? nobilii Haig

[page] 224

1428 Crab. V.362

Remarks: unfortunately this famous species Birgus latro (Linnaeus) appears not to be represented in the Oxford Beagle collections, but we feel its importance merits its inclusion in the present list. An account of this species is given in the "Personal Diary" (Barlow, 1933) and in Darwin (1839).

1835 May. Mauritius.—

1450 Crab

Decapoda: Xanthidae
Zozymus aenaeus (Linnaeus)
Remarks: bearing a brown paper label inscribed "1450 Spirits" in Covington's hand.

June Cape of Good Hope.

1460 Fresh Water Crust. Amphipoda.

Amphipoda: Gammaridae
?Melita sp.

Decemb 1836
Remarks: the following entries are all in pencil and, according to the date, must have been made after the Beagle reached England (see Herbert, 1974: 239).

1477 (91) Crust. St Jago

Stomatopoda: Gonodactylidae
?Gonodactylus sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

Decapoda: Xanthidae
Micropanope sp.
Remarks: condition poor.

1489 number lost. Crust. Falkland Islds.?? [East S. America inserted].

Arachnid jar/9862
Pycnogonida: Pycnogonidae
?Pycnogonum sp.

1498 Crab. Keeling Isd (?)

Decapoda: Coenobitidae
Coenobita rugosa H. Milne Edwards

1499 (1155). Crab.—Chiloe.—

Dry 76–7/14491–2
Decapoda: Galatheidae
Munida subrugosa (White)

[page] 225

Remarks: these specimens are labelled "M. Darwin in Chile? Darwin" and on the reverse side "1499". Bell (1847: 196) referred to "a new species obtained by Mr Darwin and through his kindness, is in my possession" and, on page 207 of the same publication, to the "existence of a new and elegant species which I find among the fine collection of Crustacea procured by my friend Mr. Darwin".

1500 Crust Brachyuri. Mauritius Dr Page

Dry 11—13/14593–5
Decapoda: Xanthidae
Leptodius sanguineus (H. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: associated with the label inscribed "Chl: Darwin 1500". The species was originally referred to the genus Chlorodius. Dr Page has not been identified.

1502 Crust. Brachyuri. Mauritius Dr Page

Dry 25/14596
Decapoda: Grapsidae
Sarmatium sp.

1503 Crust. Brachyuri. Mauritius Dr Page

Dry 14/14597
Decapoda: Majidae
?Microphrys sp.
Remarks: listed as "probably Mithrax" in Bell's MS catalogue.

1504 Crust. Brachyuri. Mauritius Dr Page

Dry 36/14598
Decapoda: Ocypodidae
Uca (Thalassuca) ?vocans (Linnaeus)
Remarks: labelled "G. vocans Darwin 1504" and is listed in Bell's MS catalogue as "Gelasimus vocans".

Dry 37/14599
Decapoda: Ocypodidae
Austruca lactea annulipes (A. Milne Edwards)
Remarks: unnumbered but next to Dry 36.

Dry 33/4/14600–1
Decapoda: Hymenosomatidae
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius)
Remarks: labelled "H. Darwinii (n.s.) Falkland Is. Darwin 1504". This is an error since the number refers to Mauritius.

Decapoda: various families as listed below

Liomera rugata (H. Milne Edwards)
Trapezia ferruginea Latreille
Chlorodiella niger (Forsskål)
Atergatopsis? signata (Adams & White)

Carcinoplax sp.

[page] 226

Galathea sp.

Majidae and Xanthidae undetermined.

1507 Hermit Crabs [Mauritius]

Dry 17–20/14602–5
Decapoda: Xanthidae
Trapezia digitalis Latreille
Remarks: labelled "Tr. Darwin 1507".

Separate jar/12443
Anomura: Coenobitidae
Coenobita rugosa H. Milne Edwards


Dry 8/14606
Decapoda: Xanthidae
Eurypanopeus transversus (Stimpson)
Remarks: labelled "Xantho laevis n.s. Darwin 1544".


Separate jar/12441
Decapoda: Palaemonidae
Macrobrachium sp.
Remarks: these last two mentioned entries must have received numbers subsequent to the return of the Beagle but were not entered in the "Catalogue"; the last number recorded in this is 1529.


We are especially grateful to Mr Jimmy Hull whose impeccable curation of the Darwin spirit specimens has helped considerably towards the preparation of this paper. We also thank Dr Tom Kemp, Curator of the Zoological Collections, for giving us every facility for the study of this material and for his continual encouragement.

Thanks are also due to Mrs A. Smith of the Hope Department Library for making available the Bell archival documents and to Mr Peter Gautrey of Cambridge University Library for allowing us access to the Darwin archival material, for which he cares so expertly.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England have graciously permitted the published extracts from the Catalogue contained in the Darwiniana at Down House and we will forever remember the rainy winter afternoons spent studying this, and the particular kindness of Mr Philip Titheradge, the Custodian.

We also thank Miss Monica Price, Assistant Curator of the Mineralogical Collections at the Oxford University Museum, who drew our attention to Gunther's (1925) reference to Darwin material in the Daubeny collection, and we thank Mr Ivor Lansbury of the Entomological Collections who showed us some of the Darwin insects in his care.

[page] 227


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BARLOW, N. (Ed.), 1933 Charles Darwin's Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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[page] 228

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Index of identifications

Actaea sp. 1403
admete, Thalamita 1418
aenaeus, Zozymus 1450
albatrossis, Acanthocyclus 864
Alpheidae (undet.) 1259
altimanus, Cyrtograpsus 414
Amphipoda (undet.) 1418
Amphinomidae 822
Ampithoe sp. 980
analoga, Emerita 1109
angulatus, Cyrtograpsus 436
angulosus, Allopetrolisthes 1114, 1256
angustipes, Sesarma 144
annulipes lactea, Austruca 1504
antillensis, Dromidea 172
Aoridae 448
Araneae (undet.) 1093, 1101
armata, Pterygosquilla 1000
bairdii Cycloes 59
Bopyrus sp. 351
Bovallia sp. 810
Branchiopoda (undet.) 1005
brasilianus, Percophis 347
Bresilia sp. 993, 1259
brevipes, Ampithoe 603
Calanoida (undet.) 850, 1104
calcarea, Isocladus 589, 622,
Caprella sp. 753
Caprellidae 448, 810
Carcinoplax sp. 1504
Caridea (undet.) 603, 851,
ceratophthalmus, Ocypode 1403
cessacii, Petrolisthes 12
chilensis, Excirolana 1109
chiliensis, Hepatus 1250
chiliensis, Transorchestia 868
Chilognatha(undet.) 617, 667,
Chilopoda (undet.) 993
Cirolana sp. 802
Clibanarius sp. 12
comptus, Pagurus 510, 603,
Conchostraca (undet.) 1005
Copepoda (undet.) 1005, 1093
coryphe, Mithrax 145
crenulatus, Hemigrapsus 1180, 1209
cristatus pagei,
Dilocarcinus 737
darwini, Pimelometopon 1270
Decapoda (larvae) 850
depressa, Plagusia 326
desmarestii, Petrolisthes 1195
Dexaminidae (undet.) 1098
Diastylis sp. 801
digitalis, Trapezia 1507
Dryopoides sp. 507
Dynamenella sp. 507
eatoni, Dynamenella 841, 868,
Edotea sp. 800
edwardsi, Pagurus 1103
edwardsii, Petrolisthes 1180
elongatus, Petrolisthes 1346
emarginata, Cassidinopsis 507, 556
Ethusa sp. 172
Exosphaeroma sp. 800
ferruginea, Trapezia 1504
fuegiensis, Lembos 841, 868,
gaimardii, Paragrapsus 1346
galapagoensis, Scolopendra 1298
Galathea sp. 1504
Gammaridea (undet.) 103, 491,
507, 611,
801, 842,
851, 1005,
1110, 1114
Gaudichaudia 997
Geophilomorpha (undet.) 1058
gigas, Exosphaeroma 551
Gonodactylus sp. 1477
granulosa, Paralomis 814

[page] 230

grapsus, Grapsus 1029
gregaria, Munida 839, 1127
helleri, Epixanthus 12
Herbstia sp. 12
Hirudinea (undet.) 1093
Hyperiidae (undet.) 841
Idotea sp. 40
Idoteidae (undet.) 448
Isocladus sp. 786
Kuria sp. 507
lactea, Austruca 1403
laevigata, Pinnotherelia p. 220
lanceolata, Exosphaeroma 507, 560,
603, 1103
latreillei, Eurypodius 815, 830,
latro, Birgus 1428
lessoni, Pseudosquillopsis 1203
Macrobrachium sp. 1332, 1616
magellanica, Edotea 1028
magellanica, Nauticaris 860, 1103
Majidae (undet.) 1504
Megamphopus sp. 448
Melita sp. 1103, 1460
metallica, Idotea 448
Micropanope sp. 1477
Microphrys sp. 1256, 1503
Mithrax sp. 867
Munida sp. 850
Mysida (undet.) 491, 834,
1005, 1109
Mysidacea (undet.) 850
Nereidae 1005
niger, Chlorodiella 1504
nobilii, Petrolisthes 1418
nodosus, Mithrax 407
Nymphon sp. 842
Oligochaeta (undet.) 1101
ovata, Micropisa 12
pacifica, Pelia 1114
Palaemon sp. 867
Palaemonidae (undet.) 1270, 1333
panamensis, Clibanarius 1127
Paramphithoidae (undet.) 556
Parathemisto sp. 834, 839,
perlata, Daira 1346
perlatus, Pagurus 1166
perlatus, Pilumnoides p. 220
Petrolisthes sp. 351, 1262
planatus, Halicarcinus 786, 851,
867, 917,
1114, 1504
plebejus, Cancer 1078, 1152,
Polydesmidea 475
polyodon, Cancer 1030
Pontogeneia sp. 589
Pseudothelphusa sp. 1223
punctatus Ovalipes 222, 1249
Pycnogonida (undet.) 786, 1346
Pycnogonum sp. 851, 1489
regis, Bovallia 560, 917,
rugata, Liomera 1504
rugosa, Coenobita 1498, 1507
sanguineus, Leptodius 1500
Sarmatium sp. 1502
Scolopendromorpha 617, 622,
(undet.) 993, 1093,
1212, 1214
Scorpiones (undet.) 1214
signata, Atergatopsis 1504
Siphonostoma (undet.) 1270
spinifrons, Synalpheus 1124
spinulosum, Peltarion 601
Spirostreptidae (undet.) 206, 1058,
Stomatopoda (pseudozoea) 850
studeri, Exosphaeroma 560, 980
subrugosa, Munida 551, 820,
Synalpheus sp. 1418
talcahuano laevis, Aegla 1057
Talorchestia sp. 1164
Tanaidacea (undet.) 589
Thoracica (undet.) 1127
transversus, Eurypanopeus 1544

[page] 231

truncatus, Betaeus 999
tuberculatus, Petrolisthes 1084
typa, Amphoroidea 507, 1114
Uca sp. 1403
urostylis, Cirolana 351
Vaginula sp. 1180
Valvifera (undet.) 145
vocans, Uca 1504
Xanthidae (undet.) 145, 1504

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