RECORD: Di Gregorio, Mario with the assistance of N. W. Gill. 1990. Charles Darwin's marginalia. vol. 1. New York; London: Garland.
REVISION HISTORY: Scanned and OCRed 2004. RN3
NOTE: See record in the Freeman Bibliographical Database, enter its Identifier here. The OCRed text of this item has not been corrected and is provided for the time being 'as is' to facilitate electronic searching. The main text of the volume is printed in two columns, each with its own page number. Reproduced with the permission of Mario Di Gregorio, 2004.
[page i]
Key to symbols used in Part one
with the title: | |
a |
book located at Cambridge University Library |
CUL.1900 |
book donated to CUL in 1900: full list in Cambridge University Reporter 15 June 1900 pp. 1079-80; we have included only those annotated. |
Down |
book located at Down House, Kent |
B |
book known to have been on board Beagle |
pre-B |
book owned prior to Beagle voyage but not known on board |
S |
book bears CD's autograph |
I |
book bears inscription to CD |
notes and slips: | ||
b |
NB |
note written on back cover of book |
NF |
note written on front cover of book |
SA (pp...) |
sheet of notes attached between pp. . . |
SB |
sheet of notes pasted into back of book |
SF |
sheet of notes pasted into front of book |
type of marking: | ||
h |
m |
score-mark in margin; md doubtfully intended score-mark (eg 14-16m means 'score-mark against lines 14-16') |
u |
underlining |
w |
word(s) written by CD: wt, at top of page; wb, at bottom |
x |
CD places an 'x' or 'X' in the margin |
o |
CD places an 'o' or 'O' in the margin |
z |
drawing or other marking |
c | CD crosses out part of text of book | |
other symbols: | ||
♦ | deletion: neat scoring through | |
0 | word(s) erased or faded | |
* | deletion: word(s) obliterated/errors corrected | |
t | CD translates text of book | |
x | CD writes/underlines a species-name in the text | |
t | whole margin | |
p | some pages uncut | |
nondescript brown ink | ||
pale ink | ||
dark ink | ||
˂ ˃ | transcribers' editorial brackets | |
□ß | smooth mid-blue paper | |
09Î | rough grey-blue/mottled paper | |
» | pencil | |
brown or reddish pencil | ||
blue or violet pencil | ||
CD's editorial markings on text of book | ||
comment cut or damaged e.g. in rebinding of book | ||
comment damaged because page ripped away | ||
u<-> | whole line/sentence underlined | |
more or less all of passage underlined | ||
count lines from bottom of page | ||
calculations in margin | ||
• | word(s) illegible | |
part of word illegible | ||
○ | uncertain transcription | |
[page ii]
(VOL. 783)
[page ii]
I dedicate this book to
David Kohn who sighted the fish in the first place;
Peter Gautrey who kept the nets in perfect repair, while
Nick Gill struggled to land what turned out to be a whole shoal.
[page iii]
Volume I
Mario A. Di Gregorio
with the assistance of
N.W. Gill
[page iv]
© 1990 Mario A. Di Gregorio All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882.
[Selections. 1990]
Charles Darwin's marginalia / [edited by] Mario A. Di Gregorio with the assistance of N.W. Gill.
p. cm. — (Garland reference library of the humanities; vol. 783)
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: v. 1. Books.
ISBN 0-8240-6639-1 (v. 1: alk. paper)
1. Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882—Quotations. 2. Marginalia. I. Di Gregorio, Mario A. II. Gill, N.W. (Nicholas W.) III. Title. IV. Series. QH365.A1 1990
575'.0092—dc20 90-2970
Printed on acid-free, 250-year-life paper Manufactured in the United States of America
[page v]
Laudata sii, Diversità
delle creature, sirena
del mondo! Talor non elessi
perché parvemi che eleggendo
io t' escludessi,
o Diversità, meraviglia
sempiterna . . .
[page] vi
In the first place I should like to thank wholeheartedly the three people to whom this volume is dedicated, and without whom it would have been impossible. David Kohn conceived the original project - though no-one anticipated the gigantic proportions to which it would grow. Nick Gill, my valued friend and collaborator, has worked as research assistant, general editor and 'typesetter', performing technical feats that baffle me utterly. Peter Gautrey, recently retired from the Manuscripts Room of Cambridge University Library, was always a superb source of warm and knowledgeable support: to this true gentleman, generations of Darwin scholars are deeply grateful.
It is also a pleasure to record our debt to the staff of the Darwin Correspondence project, especially Ann Secord, Janet Browne, Marsha Richmond and Stephen Pocock, who continually sustained us with encouragement and much valued advice and experience. Frederick Burkhardt kindly allowed me to take from the first volume of the Correspondence the list of books Darwin had with him on board the Beagle.
In the early stages my research was funded by the British Academy and later by the Royal Society, for whose support I am duly grateful. The work took us to Down House, where we greatly appreciated the homely efficiency of Philip Titheradge. It is also a pleasure to thank the staff of the University Library, particularly Janice Fairholm of the West Room, and Arthur Owen for granting special privileges of access to the manuscripts.
Last but not least, I should like to record our enormous debt to all the staff, temporary and permanent, of the Manuscripts Room, superintended by our friend Godfrey Waller, and graced by the ever-helpful Jayne Ringrose, and Margaret Pamplin, who found it in her heart to laugh benevolently when my assistant, who shall briefly be nameless, tipped an entire trolley of priceless books and pamphlets across the floor. "Were they in alphabetical order?"
December 1989
[page] vii
Prologue and introduction ix-xxxvii
Part one: catalogue and transcription
table of titles xli-lxi
text 1-895
Part two: index and conceptual concordance lxiii ff
[page] ix
prologue and introduction
[page] x
Some time ago David Kohn had the idea that it would be beneficial to have some kind of outline catalogue to Charles Darwin's marginal annotations. A long story and a number of years later, something rather more complex at last sees the light of day. Like all good stories, ours grew in the telling, and this volume is now intended as the first of three which will provide a complete transcription of the marginalia and a classified map of the whole corpus of annotations. The long story7 by which the original germ has become a projected multi-volume set has involved the gradual addition of new layers, during which the bare catalogue became first a partial transcription and then a complete one, hence now entitled 'Catalogue and transcription'. By a parallel process, what started as a brief conceptual record of the principal content of the annotations in each book eventually gave birth to the huge document which forms Part two of this volume. We felt that the term 'conceptual concordance' would designate our purposes in Part two readily enough; further explanation is given on p. xviii. Finally, however, we concluded that our readers might be unnerved at the thought of a text of this density not having an 'index', and so the hybrid title Index and conceptual concordance' was eventually fixed.
The process has thus in essence been a continuous amplification of an at first very narrowly defined objective - almost echoing CD's request:
"Clean well the pencil marks.- Keep Book Clean. Write smallish on one side, number your pages. " (see p. 227g)
We can fairly claim to have done a little better than that, given the latter-day wonders of camera-ready copy.
CD's instructions here were in fact originally issued to one of his amanuenses, probably Mr Norman, a shadowy figure for whom we came to feel a considerable sympathy. The ground level of our work has been just about as pedestrian as his, in copying everything out to provide the 'Catalogue and transcription' which forms Part one of this volume. At least in Part two, and more especially here in this Introduction, we have the luxury of spreading our wings a little into the realms of interpretation; such joys were not to be for the hapless amanuensis. "Mr Norman end here" (390c), CD instructs whenever the interesting bits seem about to begin.
Having established the foundations of our role, we headed off towards finding our material. The principal locations of Darwin's annotations are the margins around the text of the books, separate sheets or 'slips' of paper, and the front and back inside covers of the books. These different locations, we believe, constitute different layers of annotation emanating in the main from different occasions on which CD paid attention to a book. The 'slips' are now mainly found stuck or pinned inside the back cover - though we believe that is not where they spent the prime of their working lives. The quality and the colour of the paper used for these slips vary, again probably implying different bouts of attention. We have seen fit to distinguish three broad types: smooth blue paper; rougher yellow-mottled grey-blue paper; and the rest (mainly nondescript white or greyish paper). We report the material from these various locations in the following order: notes and/or slips inside the front cover; notes and/or slips inside the back cover; slips attached anywhere else in the body of the book; marginal marks and comments in the body of the book.
[page] xi
As to our presentation of the material transcribed in Part one, we have provided a 'Key to symbols used in Part one' on the sheet at the front of the book. The key is hopefully self-explanatory; the only further detail which needs mentioning is that each column in Part one is numbered, and is referred to as if it were a page.
So much for our code-marks; CD however has some of his own. The capital letters "Q" (for "quote") and "NQ" (sometimes apparently for "not quote", sometimes for "note quote") are frequent. There are also other much more occasional letters, such as "H" (for heredity or inheritance), "S" (for selection), and "D" (usually dichogamy). But others are less fathomable: e.g. brown or reddish pencil crosses: "X means used for 1st volume", he says at a certain point (122c) - but does this apply generally? As with the mysterious coloured ticks (or are they 'V's or 'L's?) which pop up here and there, and the 'O's in the margin in some plant books, we have not thought it part of our job as transcribers to decode these marks, and are indeed thankful to be able to hand such puzzles over to the wider company of Darwinists. It is worthwhile, however, to draw attention to the way these marks run through the craggy mass like thin veins of special little crystals, presumably meaning something.
Our fitful involvement over the years in the production of this material, at computer terminals and in libraries, both in Cambridge and at Down House, has included many hours spent in the U.L. archives themselves - a privilege which facilitated our work immensely, despite the curious effects of the changeless bookstack weather. The project has also survived a double bomb scare, a fire beneath the computer centre which put the tapes out of action for many a long week ('on a shelf gathering dust' becomes in these latter days 'on a tape gathering smoke particles'), and the near-arrest of the assistant author in a certain College library where he was mistaken for the key to a missing case (c/ fn 12). CD's remark to the intrepid Wallace felt at times distinctly pertinent:
"I am astonished you ever returned alive" (842a)
[page] xii
introduction: (i) CD's reading habits
"(from now I shall skip largely)" (812d)
Here we find CD instructing himself to pay only cursory attention to the remainder of the book in question (Vaucher's Histoire physiologique des -plantes d'Europe). What, more generally, has our reading of his marginalia revealed to us about his procedures in reading the scientific books he owned? Given how systematic CD seems to have been, it is not difficult to build a general picture.
CD acquires a book and begins reading. It does not take him long to make his judgment about the quality and usefulness of the book. If, as was quite frequently the case, the verdict was broadly dismissive, he would usually persist, but less intensively and only in the hope of encountering a handful of useful pieces of data: hence the large skipping, or comments to the effect "only skimmed". During this basic reading, intensive or otherwise, the margin is scored and peppered with comments. At the end of the reading, he would now list out the locations of his more important comments and margin-scores on an inside cover (usually the back cover), occasionally adding brief mnemonic notes.
The book will now probably lie fallow - maybe even for a number of years - until the lucky moment arrives for it to participate in the process of data-collection for a CD publication. At this stage, the list of locations is re-examined, and a new, shorter list made on a separate sheet of paper of the most important locations, now with details in the form of long-hand notes about the information to be gleaned at those locations. "I will cease extracting", he says at a certain point (668f), reinforcing our growing impression of him as a kind of intellectual dentist. We have the strong feeling that he hardly ever reread the book itself - a feeling underlined by his exceedingly rare self-instruction to "Read second time" (545c), which would scarcely make sense if he usually did this anyway. However many years later he returned to the book, he was confident that he had already 'extracted' everything of value.
The separate slips containing the vital gems at this point reach the prime of their working lives: we imagine those relevant to the publication in progress now collected in a heap (or in CD's systematic case, no doubt a pile) on the writing table, being finally reviewed. It is at this stage, we presume, that the code-letters "Q" or "NQ" are entered on the slips and/or at the original locations in the text against the items he has decided to use. The set of slips, together with CD's own notes and drafts, combine for a while into 'Portfolios of working notes' for the writing of the publication in question. Once the publication has been pieced together, "slips all put in proper places" (572h) - i.e. stuck for any future reference usually inside the back cover of the now fully-harvested book. A slip may take part in this 'cycle' a number of times - its important underlying content, as we shall see later, being the broad theoretical themes invoked by the data recorded on it.
There are of course exceptions to this general procedure - though not, we feel, all that many; and only two are worth noting specifically. The first concerns books that CD read early in his career, where one is likely to encounter inside-cover comments not referred to page-numbers in the text of the book, making recovery of the original data extremely tiresome. The other, more significant exception is the occasional set of slips stuck into the text of a book - these were quite possibly part of the initial thorough reading, and are there to facilitate understanding of the text, especially anything requiring calculation.
[page] xiii
It is for the wider company of Darwinists to embellish this basic picture of CD's reading habits. Our brief outline here is but the prelude to analysis of his interaction with his scientific library.
We found one annotation particularly evocative as a metaphor of the contents of the marginalia as a whole:
"I suspect reefs of diff strata in diff parts" (536h)
Apart from reminding us of CD's early involvement in geology, this remark suggests a summary of our hypothesis about CD's main mode of 'processing' scientific reading matter: the margins, end-notes and the slips of various different paper types constitute physically discrete strata or layers, corresponding more or less closely to different bouts of attention. Insofar as these bouts imply an accumulation across different 'layers' of time, the metaphor of geological deposition seems quite reasonable.
In fact the layers' concept begins to unlock the inner nature of CD's mode of working with sources: and indeed, we should ideally look upon the whole great corpus of marks and comments not piecemeal, but as a single complex laminate - fused layers not only of time and attention, as we have seen, but also of types of response to the source-material, and also layers of themes reflecting CD's lifelong theoretical preoccupations.
(ii) CD's responses
It is CD's extraordinary single-mindedness, already apparent in his hyper-methodical reading habits, which is reflected in our perception of the marginalia as constituting essentially a single structure. Furthermore, CD had his theory pretty well framed before all but a handful of the books represented in this volume were seriously read. In the main therefore he was not reading to theorise. There are, rather, some half-dozen 'layers of response' we detect in the marginalia.
i) "Many valuable facts referred to proper places" (159c)
CD's principal 'layer of response' to a text, constituting the great bulk of the annotations, was in fact data collection, or 'extracting', to revive the CD term we encountered earlier. At first sight, the sheer detail, quantity and range of these 'extractions' might suggest vicarious activity, but that is absolutely not the case. On the contrary, the whole process was strongly purposive - namely, to assemble a vast store of sometimes tiny points of information in order to illustrate and support the Great Theory. This résumé is, as CD might himself have remarked:
"good but too hasty.-" (578f)
We qualify this résumé to some extent in pointing to the existence of several 'layers of response'; nonetheless we believe the reader will see that 'our man in the margins' appears more relentless, dismissive and self-regarding than his modulated public persona would imply. In a sense this is hardly surprising - anyone's personal notes are likely to have a greater curtness to them than their finished texts. Nonetheless two impressions may merit an airing here.
CD often judged a book on the sole criterion of its relevance to some aspect of his Grand Enterprise: "After p. 109 not one word for me" (675d) he pouts, almost; "This only
[page] xiv
useful for ancient History of Dogs ... I doubt whether any use" (843e-g). There are other not infrequent remarks to the effect that books failing to minister to his need for data are eo ipso pointless - his dismissive sign "O/", meaning "Nothing for me", being tellingly close to the copy-editor's symbol for "delete" (which his sign can also mean when he waxes subeditorial, of which more anon). "Erase from memory" might be the late-twentieth-century translation.
The undercurrent of predation here is notable in itself; but the manner of it - i.e. its near-total absorption in pinning the already-formed Weltanschauung down to fact - leads to the first of our two impressions: that, from quite early on, CD's mind was no longer really 'open' at the level of high theory (however flexible he remained in respect of subvenient principles).
Our second impression is also connected with fixation. As giants of nineteenth-century creativity, two figures in particular make excellent subjects of comparison - Charles Darwin and Richard Wagner.
"What can I have said" (794c), CD might have been prompted to wonder . . .
We shall develop this line more fully later. The Darwin-Wagner similarity of relevance immediately is the power of their obsession with their work. Anything that crossed their paths was to be assessed for its usefulness in the construction of their creative monuments. This is reflected in Wagner's notorious personal exploitation of everyone he encountered. In Darwin's case everything tended eventually to be pressed into the service of the Theory. Thus the parts of his correspondents' letters not dealing with science were crossed out so that they would not distract from his rereading of the relevant parts. Furthermore, when he wanted to study infant behaviour, he began by watching the behaviour of his own son William, whose development, to cite Janet Browne in Kohn 1985,1 he followed "as if it were [that of] a barnacle or a primrose". He even had ladies who obligingly made their children cry so he could watch the infants' reactions. These points tend to amplify our view of Darwin's public persona as a certain modulation of the 'inner man'.
ii) "quite opposed to my views!" (111g)
Connected with the enterprise of data-extraction, and accounting for a large minority of annotations, the second layer of response' we detect is CD's evaluation of an author and his work. These reactions are usually very forthright, again not infrequently self-regarding: "excellent summary of Whole; approves of what I have said" (239b); sometimes rather patronising: "Most interesting indeed quite amusing" (393g); or "Good Boy" (242b); and occasionally downright rude: "if I want to show what rubbish has been written a translation of this will do.-" (485d). There is plenty of generous praise - "all marked wonderful book" (857a) - but on balance negative criticism outweighs the positive variety.
"Unreadably dull" (738b) represents a quite noticeable type of reaction. CD certainly responded to a degree of entertainment - "2d part funny passage" (217d) - and disliked being bored by an author. CD himself is quite often entertaining in his reaction to an author and his work; naturally we will allow the reader to stumble across these little gems. Our own warped sense of humour detects a tendency towards poisonous wit, especially in putting an author down: "ass prevails - one here", he notes on Lucas' Hérédité naturelle (521a), along with a number of other remarks which sound scarcely straight-faced, despite the seriousness with which he took the book as a whole.
However, let us en passant charitably suppose that CD's reference to Haeckel as "Hack" (358d) owes more to abbreviation than to denigration . . .
[page] xv
iii) "World simple" (541a)
CD is evidently more forceful in his marginalia than in his published works, which are the province of what we might call 'Selection with a human face'. He appears aware of this as deliberate: "I must express things diffuse and with a most wearisome pretence to formulas" (516g), he moans, contemplating the requisites of public style. He has to be so to speak 'the Very Model of a Modern Major Scientist' - but in his inmost self he is perhaps convinced that the world is simple, and is quite impatient of all this deference to 'ifs-and-buts'-ism, disclaimers in face of irritatingly incomplete evidence, and openers to the effect 'it is therefore by no means inconceivable that'. CD himself might have thought this comment
"too strong" (425b) —
and it may indeed seem strong in description of someone who after all spent a lifetime reading and writing in meticulous and cautious detail. However, a further example may strengthen the impression; and one basic consideration may help dispel the paradox.
The example is the extraordinary tone of CD's final dismissal of the thrust of "Bronn's criticisms for New Edit of Origin" (181a-182c ) - for example "As I cannot justify my opinions in any one single case, so I need not in any.- is as true as it is severe- Though I can in no single instance . . . explain changes yet the structures &c led me to conclusion.-" (182b-c). And that's that.
The consideration is that CD's 'diffuse and wearisome' complaint (and indeed this last quotation) implies that he had seen more fully and more definitively than he felt able to show. Other evidence for this takes us in the first place back to the Notebooks,2 and specifically to that point where CD, in some apparent haste perhaps propelled by elation, sets down the finally formulated concepts underlying natural selection. He had held the workings of the living universe in his head with a sense of clarity and comprehensiveness hitherto probably given to no-one. He had struggled with the issues for a long while, but now he knew, and knew that he knew: he had the Key.
One probable lasting consequence of these hard-won certitudes of insight was that CD may never have felt in need of an elaborated methodology or philosophy of science, confident enough in his seemingly natural instinct for the relationships between solid evidence, creative intuition, the need for 'wearisome formulas' of ever wider explanatory power and for physically plausible models of the world. That something like this is the case is evident in the marginalia from the near-absence of our third 'layer of response': comment at the level of high theory.
Most of CD's comments at this level are really quite perfunctory, even when he is assessing work he took most seriously, or work by earlier evolutionists. It is as if from the security of his vantage point he would see others working (like Candolle?) on areas too specific to enable an appreciation of the Grand Process: "he has not the Key" (145b) -or attempting (like Chambers or Lamarck?) to scale the heights with an insufficient database and an insufficient respect for physically feasible mechanisms: "It is doubtful whether Lamarck has done more good by awakening subject, or harm by writing so much with so few facts" (477a). CD by contrast had the overview well before he came to the bulk of his reading, in which he was forcing himself by the systematic procedures we outlined before to acquire and retain the detail. He had no great need by this stage to rehearse his case in defence against the theories of others. Even his comments on the higher principles relating to his own theories are in the main quite cursory and matter-of-fact. "The Natural System," he comments during his reading of Herbert (probably during the 1840s), "seeks to know relationship & does not attempt date of separation" (376e), implying that the notion of descent with modification was already to be taken for
[page] xvi
granted, and that any troublesome Grand Concepts found upon the lurk had merely to be pushed into line, or reduced to a purely 'operative' status no longer in control of the debate: "It is succession, not resemblance which makes 'a species'"; and within any one such line of succession "Comes to what I said, amount of difference deserving a name" (630b ; cf 317f). The conceptual pragmatism here sounds almost off-hand. But we should resist seeing it as a kind of opportunistic abdication of the old problems; it is, rather, the considered solution to them. Furthermore, this attitude is applied consistently, in his understanding of scientific method, his whole defence of his theory (see Variation, vol. 1, p. 9), his tiffs with Huxley over experimental proof of natural selection, and so forth. Further thoughts around these issues are to be found in Di Gregorio (1981);3 it can now be added that CD's remarks in the marginalia, and the fewness of them, clarify that his largely unargued philosophical position may owe more to feel, instinct and 'having the Key' than to intellectual decision at a philosophical level. Here the marginalia are the crucial bridge between the raw insights of the Notebooks and his considered but inextensively supported comments on method and theory made many years later.
Such, then, is our third 'layer of response', almost missing. In fact, of course, in a different sense it is there the whole time: it resides, as we shall see, in the thick weave of topics and themes underpinning the whole corpus of annotations, and is thus imprinted
- "diffuse" indeed, and sometimes even "wearisome" - on every comment. However, the thinness of the layer of explicit 'remarks on high theory7 may come as a disappointment to those who turn to the marginalia of a Great Thinker expecting them continuously to overflow with Great Thinks.
iv) "must be a misprint" (295d)
CD may have found formulae tedious, but he was by no means averse to a bit of genteel pendantry now and then. He not infrequently trips a (living) author up on spelling or other detail; more significantly on misquotation of himself. Sometimes these minutiae are noted down alongside more substantial comments which look like scraps of drafts of letters to the authors in question: "Allow me to point out that you have unintentionally misrepresented me . . ." (223g); "I am glad of your somewhat changed views . . ." (838c); "eheu! date wrong" (537h). Our fourth thin but distinct layer is thus a combination of CD waxing subeditorial, and a scattering of footnote fodder for future volumes of the Correspondence* . . .
v) "What I do not understand" (471f)
Here we find CD alluding to a fifth 'layer of response', requiring little comment as such
- a relatively thick vein consisting of translation and/or close paraphrase of the original text, especially prevalent in German books, but not unknown in Italian or even French books either. In the case of German, this may in part have to do with the tribulations of the Gothic script adding themselves to the trials of the language. But in any event, the consequence for the reader is that the number and density of annotations in a book are no clear guide to the importance either of the book or of the marginalia it contains. Hence our annotation of the title page of Part one, taken from CD's annotation of Candolle: "Upon the whole nothing can be inferred from this list" - a light-hearted motto, but intended as a serious caveat. Indeed, any comparison of the entries for Candolle and Gärtner, the latter taking more space, will quickly show that the former is of far greater importance.
[page] xvii
vi) Mention of Gärtner brings us to Darwin's Joke, and thus to our sixth layer, 'general wit and merriment'. It is pleasing to note that CD left a few examples of the art of being serious without being solemn - such as the doubles entendres attending the 'cross foxes' of p. 705h, the 'high fish' of p. 155a, and the Coring sponge' of p. 673d - and that he also shows the tendency of the highly creative mind to put things to itself in a radically offbeat way, as with the comment about the 'man cut in twain' (see p. xxix). However, we will spoil the reader's fun of further discovery only in respect of the aforesaid Joke. It is to the effect that Gärtner, despite the name, was probably not much cop as a Gardener. It is actually more important than its flippancy might lead one to suppose: in the first place, it demonstrates that CD was good enough at German to invent a bilingual pun, and thereby lays to rest the myth of his alleged ineptitude at that language. Furthermore, CD liked his Joke. This we know because he chose to share it with the future mildew of the margins not just once, but twice (374c, 277a-b). 'It is therefore by no means inconceivable' (to coin a phrase) that this implies a simultaneous reading of the books in question. CD was sporadically given to dating his comments; following through the more, and less, serious cross-references may thus eventually enable the making of a workable historical map of the whole of his interaction with his scientific sources. As CD himself remarked, albeit in a rather different context:
"light will be thrown on the origin . . . The meaning of this cd hardly be misunderstood, but I can see is not the period of going into details. " (358f-g)
vii) Nor indeed of going from the marginalia to CD's private life. Our last layer -another almost absent stratum - consists of very rare and insubstantial glimpses (always assuming, of course, that his rapturous "Flora!" of p. 839c does not address a mistress hitherto hidden from history). There are one or two mentions of (genuine) relations, and the occasional name of a pet or other animal. Most of these references analyse details of behaviour - reinforcing our earlier implication that CD was often unable to resist surveying even the domestic scene with the professional eye of a proto-ethologist.
(iii) CD's themes
We meanwhile must now pass back to surveying the world at large. Having provided a brief description of the strata visible in the mass of the marginalia, we need now to look more closely at our first layer, the 'data-processing' to put it crudely, that forms the bulk of the annotations. It is time to investigate its own internal stratification - the layers of themes and topics - and hopefully in so doing to discover what CD might have termed the
"whole key to theory" (164h).
The major layers we are considering here are the great themes and subthemes that CD pursued (or that pursued him) throughout his career. They function like the 'Leitmotive' of a Wagner opera, or, to echo Sloan's not dissimilar analogy:
a complex keyboard instrument with several keyboards and registers, these registers each able to act sometimes in solo, other times contrapuntally, and at times in synchronous harmony.1
A Wagnerian 'Leitmotiv' has a comparable flexibility; the 'Leitmotive' interwoven are the
[page] xviii
constitutive matter of the whole composition, and they are repeated and evoked whenever logically necessary. None of them is ever forgotten or allowed to drop out. Similarly in Darwin's case:
Some themes and registers form dominant melody lines at various times . . . Other themes function more as a basso continuo, often submerged but nevertheless present if one looks closely enough. (Sloan again.)
This procedure enables continuous integration of detail into the whole, and enables detail constantly to refer to the big serious themes - for example the 'Leitmotiv' of the Dragon in Wagner, or that of comparing wild and domesticated animals in Darwin. It is this which makes the exceptional range of research of a figure like Darwin mentally manageable. It also explains the many repetitions and (in)direct references to other parts of their work that both Wagner and Darwin introduce.
We believe we have captured the essence of this continuous state of inter-reference in the structure of the 'index and conceptual concordance' which forms Part two of this volume. The classification headings used in Part two reflect the themes and topics we detected in the marginalia. There is a relatively straightforward list of names of animals (under the category 'fauna', 'fa' in our code), plants (under 'flora', 'fl'), places (under 'geography7, 'grO, populations (under 'humankind', 'h'), and geological epochs (under 'time', 'ti'); and the document is rounded off with a list of people and works cited.5
Interwoven however with these name registers is a classified conceptual index, whose categories were as far as possible inducted cautiously from the annotations themselves, in order to reveal Darwin's 'Leitmotive'. Work on transcribing the annotations in each book was accompanied by noting down the range of themes and topics in play. A brief cipher was developed for each of these topics, and these are recorded for each annotated book immediately beneath its title in Part one. The conceptual index was then prepared by taking each individual annotation and noting down the topics in play there, subcategorising as necessary within the broad categories previously developed, and adding a few new categories relating to CD's other 'layers of response'. The full list of the ciphers denoting these categories and subcategories is recorded on the sheet at the back of the book.
The 'concordance'-like aspect came in when we decided to enter each annotation into the index as a string of topic-ciphers, cross-referenced under each cipher in the string. Thus a statement involving the four ciphers A, B, C and D appears in the document four times, as A-B-C-D, B-A-C-D, C-A-B-D, and D-A-B-C. In this way Part two claims to have preserved intact the entire network of CD's thought.
The resulting document is rather large and very fine-grained. The structure of the entries under each topic-heading is as follows:
A [by itself] [pp.] 12...
and [in combination] 3 4 5 6...
ACE3 6
[page] xix
This arrangement means that those wishing to do battle with the interplay in its full intensity can work from what one could call the 'infra'-structure . . . Those preferring to take their concepts so to speak lying down and one at a time can work with the same references as collected at the head of each entry.
The reader will no doubt be glad that we resisted the temptation to present the whole of Part two in the form of an irregularly branching tree. We did however fall for the idea of using coral- and tree-like diagrams to punctuate our presentation of the way our analysis of topics-in-play breaks the corpus of annotations down into their elementary strands, the 'Leitmotive' of the Darwinian revolution. Thus those wishing to study the logical interactions of the 'Leitmotive' as it were medium rare might do worse than start from these 'clustergrams'.
For our part, let us begin our presentation of these interactions at CD's own beginning:
"Diversity of organisms first condition of nature" (582a)
Variation (V in our code) just is, basic, unargued: "N.B When many pistils, then number variable [when many of any organs apt to be variable; Why. Hairs &c &c vertebrae of serpents" (253d-e). As we shall see further below, this emphasis on the reality of variation is essential to an understanding of the profound change in perspective away from Platonic notions that the 'Darwinian revolution' is all about. Real variation for CD plays something like the role played for Newton by the distribution of matter - the variable density of the universe, to make the analogy sharper.
All characteristics of organisms are subject to variation, the behaviour of animals and plants Cbeh', 'mhp'), not just their physical structure: "Great diversity of instincts of Bees of same genus: variable in species also" (74e); "has seen axial twisting vary in same plant" (592c). Variation, as this last extract implies, distinguishes every organism at least minutely from its nearest relatives, and thus the primacy of variation brings the notion of the 'individual' ('in') to the fore: "as individuals differ in some respect . . . several must be experimented on.-" (267g). If, as Mayr claims, Darwin introduced "population thinking", then what matters for him is "variable populations consisting of uniquely different individuals".6
Variation occurs both in nature and under domestication, as the first two chapters of the Origin readily remind us; thus annotations on variation need to be related to those comparing the variations of wild with domesticated animals ('wd'): "tame cows more milk than wild: organs adapt themselves" (84g); or wild with cultivated plants ('wdc'): "old cultivated kinds tend to vary loose the hereditary quality of goodness" (595h).
This last extract pushes us onwards to take note of reproduction ('fg7, for fertilisation and generation), and heredity or inheritance Che'). If variation is Darwin's 'matter', then heredity, the passing of characters from parent to offspring which holds the chains of beings together, is perhaps his equivalent of Newton's gravity, the unexplained agency holding the chains of objects together. As we shall see below in mentioning pangenesis, Darwin never quite managed to make variation and heredity cohere conceptually -rather as it was beyond the Newtonian mind to conceive of matter and gravity as co-essential. In remarks which seem to show the shutters partly closing on the fully 'open' mind, he insists: "Contrast of adaptation and inheritance" (359f); or again: "Inheritance cannot be cause of variation has nothing to do with it" (514c) - an annotation which effectively sweeps all before it.
[page] xx
diagram 1
In this and the following diagrams we attempt to display some fraction of the densely woven threads of themes and topics constituting the bulk of the marginalia. The key to the topic-ciphers is to be found on the sheet at the back of the book. The diagrams summarise the text immediately preceding them.
[page] xxi
"If all species varied equally all wd be in confusion" (430f)
But they don't: variation is itself variable. In the first place, this means that all is not in confusion - groupings of organisms are discernable, which we call varieties, races, species and higher groupings ('var7, 'vc', 'sp', 'sph'); and this will refer us eventually to definition and classification, or systematics ('sy'). We have observed CD's pragmatism in these matters already; he pauses to praise Lamarck's scepticism: "good remark how arbitrary the distinction race and species is" (477h).
In the second place, the variability of variation has its own correlates, and brings into consideration the size of genera ('nos') and their wide geographical ranges Cgdw'): "but this is the very point that we are considering that large Families are wide rangers & most convertible [but that it is only a few which are wide rangers; the others changed into species] . . ." (115d-e). The whole time, we perceive in the background the fundamental questions of modification and speciation.
diagram 2
"Malthus and Franklin saw the law of increase in animals & Plants clearly" (562h)
The other basic condition of nature, again implied by reproduction, is 'increase' - our category 'no' for 'number7 includes increase and decrease, and in its subdivisions wider concepts such as the 'amount of life'. Increase can be discerned directly in special cases like naturalisation ('gdn'), where introduced organisms Cgdi') at first increase swiftly: "Europe/U. States 716 in 26 years 600 miles of Lat. Many other good facts of rapidity/-" (124d); "Dr D. Owen says newly introduced Plants, first overrun the country & then become scarcer (Ask A. Gray)" (545e-f).
The finitude of any natural context means that there are checks on increase, principally struggle between organisms for relatively scarce resources such as food and space. The basic process of nature is thus increase checked by struggle Coos'): "ie as far as food & climate (& enemies preoccupation by other species) ie conditions allow species & genera to range, so they will range . . ." (703e); "Beasts of prey destroyed others increase immensely, & drive others from habitation" (703f); "Every one of such species wd
[page] xxii
cover ground if no other species present: if rarity here is step to exclusion, then the greater importance of other organic beings is shown" (109d).
The relationships of organism to organism Coo') are not all directly antagonistic; and these complexities constitute perhaps the central focus of Darwin's world-model. Without a clear understanding of the place of the relationships between organisms in the model, one cannot understand either the notion of selection or the Darwinian conception of evolution. CD likes Hooker's "Good remarks on strife of Plants" (404d); and ponders Haeckel's "good criticism on my theory of struggle for existence - says ought to be confined to struggle between organisms for same end - all other cases are dependance -misseltoe depends on apple" (356b-c). CD also painstakingly wrote notes concerning the symbiotic relationships between insects and pollen.
In the competition for resources, death and destruction do not only visit themselves upon the old; indeed, the fate of the variably vigorous young Cy') (including eggs 'fge', seeds 'fgs', etc.) is in an evolutionary sense more significant, because dead young do not mature to reproduce, and thus their variations cease to be inherited. "<Young monkeys and humans> Cutting teeth die from fever accompanying" (700a-b). Killing Cook'), prédation Coopr'), and food Cfd') are also of the greatest significance: "Several Pigeons killed by Hawks are white or yellow vars" (430a). External agencies other than disease ('pat', for pathology) complete the picture - the direct action of conditions Ccc'), interwoven with the indirect action of conditions on food Cfd'): "Many wild Pigs die in Hard winters & in very dry summers" (39b, 40f) - some from harsh weather as such, but most from hunger.
These agencies act most tellingly on variations between closely allied individuals and/or species Cspc'), because these are the most near competitors for the same resources: "closely allied species exterminate each other" (629c).
diagram 3
[page] xxiii
"selection wd act on a trifle" (448c)
The 'mere trifle' of the margins became the 'trifling characters' of chapter 4 of the Origin, which are on the contrary of the highest significance, as CD was fully aware in his comment, and in his collection of many details concerning variation in the colour, size and reproductive power of animals and plants ('tmp'). TSFatural selection' ('si'), the heart of Darwin's vision, invites comparison with the effects and contexts of human selective intervention Cbr7, 'ooh'), and thus refers us back to the comparison of wild and domesticated productions: "such selection cd never apply to wild animals, as every parent must be adapted to same conditions" (509e-f).
One especially notable set of variations in not-so-trifling physical characters comprises sex differences ('sxd') and secondary sexual characters ('sxch'), leading to the topic of sexual selection ('ss'), and thence to the topics of breeding Cbehb') and other social/sexual behaviour Cbehs'). "Huia with Beaks different in 2 sexes & aid each other SS" (99b); "Sexual S. use of barb of fishes as exciting organs." "It is clear that characters sometimes go with sex - as sometimes polydactylism &c - Pouting & Wattle, & so if useful to one sex can be selected & returned <does he mean 'retained'?>" (520c-d). This last point, with its passing mention of deformity, reminds us that some naturally occurring sexual characters, developed in the struggle between members of one sex for the attention or possession of members of the other, invite comparison with artificially produced 'monsters' (W): "a breed of <silkworms of> which females had much finer & not so monstrous wings as in the South" (690g-h).
diagram 4
"I fancy not in time" (2370
Au contraire, time is of the essence. Selective pressures act on an organism all its life -invoking our category of 'organic time and age' Cta'): "Curious case of quick deterioration by neglect in Glamorgan Cattle showing some selection always going on" (885f). However as an evolutionary process, selection acts slowly over historical and geological time ('ti') - "Slow geological change important because domestication shows slowness" (88f-g) -struggle leading in the case of the less well adapted parts of populations to rarity and
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extinction ('ex'), especially again amongst closely-allied forms. "Perhaps a decrease or unfavourable conditions might destroy the intermediate vars . . ." (483c). Selection thus leads to divergence Cdv'); distinctions between populations, sharpened by extinction of intermediates ('ig') as against increase of those organisms in favourable stations Cgds'), permit us to speak of varieties, races, species, etc. This is the meaning of 'adaptation' ('ad') and 'descent with modification' ('ds', 'ts'). "So Porcupine & Echidna Orchis & Asclepias Explanation same, in some degree similar constitution acted on same causes, but in latter case selection comes into play very importantly - Both, however, derived from modified pair" (516g-h).
The existence of 'stations' is independently demonstrated by the observation that broadly speaking a particular spot can support a greater amount of life ('noa') the higher the number of species ('nos') involved. "Much life causes much decay makes strata &c &c & many stations, for different times of year will have species all times of year. good. . . There wd not be many species without stations; yes, how many species can be introduced . . . Creations not easy work thus also shown.-" (110d-f).
It is worthwhile pointing out that CD uses 'creations' here to mean 'natural formations' and does not mean to implicate the Almighty. But equally it is worth pointing out that the facts about naturalised introductions often outstripping endemic and indigenous forms Cgde') (because they are able to colonise untenanted stations) is an important argument against those Creationists ('cr') who maintain that God necessarily made each form perfectly fitted for its circumstances, "because there were localities fitted for simplest animals as well as the most complex, therefore some remained simple, if not created. The incidental good that one race performs to others proves adaptation in Universe." (533g).
diagram 5
"It is important to observe no selection cd aid Horse in Falkland ..." Circumstances favouring selection include high numbers of individuals or species in any sizeable area ('grO (because of competition); or isolation ('is') (because any variation in isolation is subject to changes specific to the location) ". . . or Horses in Paraguay except
[page] xxv
strength of constitution & breeding at diff time of year; but that cd be effected only if a little earlier or later was more favourable" (244f-g). "In this case <isolation> we have fewness of number, sudden change (in organism & external conditions), but on other hand not many to select from.- especially changing island.-" (88g).
Crossing also aids selection: it tends to add 'vigour/ and fertility CphyfT, for plant physiology, and T), whilst inbreeding Cbri') tends to reduce it: "The converse of the law ill effects of breeding in & in holds in Plants.- namely crosses being more fertile -" (836c-d). The subject of crossing takes us also to those of reproduction and transmission Chef): "one might fancy that in Ass crossed with Horse there is a greater potency of race, & that this potency is transmitted more by male in this case than in others. Niata cow transmits with more force than Bull - Pouter cock & Hen equally" (515d-e); also to the existence of sexes ('sx'), the symbiotic relationships between the habits of plants and animals, and so forth, which together account for a very sizeable number of annotations. "Nectar is sought eagerly by various insects . . . The real object ... is to ensure occasional cross . . . Think of number of Insects which feed chief on Nectar!" (472e-h, part of an extended comment of considerable range and detail).
"It may be that lower plants have survived owing to having this advantage of separated sexes." (378h) - sex thus being a topic of capital importance in CD's work. It was related by him to variation in his pre-selection theory of evolution (see Kohn 1980)7 It then remains connected with his lifelong preoccupation with generation (see Hodge in Kohn 1985), and continually surfaces in his mature reflections.
diagram 6
Annotations on crossing and its related concepts are frequently interwoven with those on hybrids Chy') and the complex subject of relative fertility and sterility, distinguishing the possible mismatch between fully competent organs and instincts in an attempted cross from the possible inheritance by a hybrid of incompetent organs or instincts, or impaired vigour. "In Hybrids crossed with either parent, & thus assuming fertility & the ancestral form, yet fertility variable in such individuals ... My point that plants often sterile & yet
[page] xxvi
not unhealthy not touched on.-" (275g-h) "Q for instinct Migratory & Home Thrushes can be distinguished - probably do not cross" (45d); "Certain that Hybrid Canaries & Goldfinches & Siskins will breed inter se [but first young are weak]" (45c).
diagram 7
"Much intermediate variability" (632d)
Many annotations concern intermediate forms and gradations ('ig'). Again, as with variation, we are talking of gradations in behaviour as well as in structures - often interwoven: "on the exactly intermediate manner in which apes walk on Hands - good it might have been asked how cd there have been transition between hand & foot?" (97h).
The theory of gradual speciation by descent with modifications subject to selective pressure should in principle be able to show change ('ch') and transition over geological time, and grades of affinity Caf) between 'types' of organisms ('tma'). Embarrassingly, it is often unable to do so. This refers us back to extinction, and the fact that the record left by geological time is not perfect ('ir' for imperfection of record), so that the fossil remains ('fo') will never be able to reveal the whole story: "It is evident thus very few exceptions at whatever stage a genus or Family commences it is continued till it becomes extinct. This being capable of in fact strongest fact I turn against Imperfection of Record. Perhaps only shows no enormously long blank intervals" (673g-h). "How isolated would the elephant be without fossils . . . Mastodon older than Elephas & intermediate in structure of teeth" (649h-650e).
An important subtheme here is the 'succession of types' and their distribution Cgd'): "the succession of the genera . . . would be like showing connection in Geographical Range, so in space & time- [I did not think of this, till beginning Gasteropods: easy to see to it in other orders] In Fish the law had better be tested by Families" (669g-670b). Another important subtheme in the study of the record is the relationship between shells Csh'), deposition during subsidence Cse') (partly explaining the imperfection of the record) and thence to to the importance of geology generally Cgeo'). It was probably geology that during the Beagle voyage had alerted CD to questions of distribution, through which he was able to connect geology with his early training in zoology (see
[page] xxvii
Sloan in Kohn 1985). His own experience here was vital background to his reading of L. von Buch and the works of J.D. Hooker.
diagram 8
"This is case of animal being smaller northwards" (307d)
The topic of geographical distribution, both as a fact Cgd') and as a process Cgdd'), accounts for a large and very important set of annotations. The distribution of the representatives of common or widely-ranging forms Cspr', 'gdc', 'gdw') displays networks of affinities and reveals the results of geologically ancient community and subsequent transmutation. "Though we cannot explain same species common to Australia & Fuegoe yet the generic connection is in harmony" (391h); "It has always been my greatest fear that there has been so much modification since Glacial that it would upset view.- Some few genera may formerly have been mundane & Tropical & not now so.-" (3981>-c). Distribution therefore refers us again to geological time and changes in conditions ('cc') and geographical features - a striking example is afforded in the comparison of glacial-period distribution and that of present-day mountain-tops.
By way of the subtheme of migration ('mg') and its near-opposite isolation ('is'), we are led to consider annotations on the manifold means of dispersion of forms Cgdd'): direct or indirect pressure from conditions; the action of wind and weather ('ccwO on seeds; the movement of animals and their capacity to carry seeds; sea-currents, icebergs ('ces'), etc.
[page] xxviii
diagram 9
[page] xxix
"Unknown cause prevents man cut in twain from reproducing..." (659h)
Halve a worm, and two may leave the scene of the accident; halve a higher animal, and the result is more likely to be two remnants of a very dead original - what does this imply about the principles governing growth and repair? It used to be said that Darwin did not know enough about physiology CphyO and morphology ('tms') and was therefore left out of the mainstream of nineteenth-century biology (see E.S. Russell in his otherwise fundamental Form and function8). However, the marginalia do not bear this out. He seems to have been especially interested in many aspects of plant physiology ('phyfl'), since they bear on problems related to adaptation: "Movements become so firmly associated with certain external influences such as light & gravity that the latter suffices to cause the same process of growth or movement" (242e). A considerable number of annotations on physiology concern Helmholtz's consideration of the imperfection of the eye, directly relevant to CD's view of adaptations as non-perfect. Furthermore, there are a great number of annotations in Johannes MüUer's Elements of physiology: "Plants going to sleep without the stimulus of darkness strongly analogous to a voluntary action from a diffused nervous system" (615a); "in playing a tune are the fingers connected with brain? or cerebellum" (615f-g).
Physiology leads back to heredity through the hypothesis of pangenesis and the gemmules ('pan'), whose existence CD postulated. This ill-fated hypothesis developed from CD's interest in the 'gemmules', stimulated in studying Flustra under the guidance of Robert Grant at Edinburgh (see Sloan and Hodge in Kohn 1985).1 He retained this interest throughout his life; it surfaced particularly in Variation, and relates in the marginalia to pathology: "on same part attracting same substances, as in Tumours (Pangenesis)" (613h-a); embryology and growth ('em'): "Pangenesis on embryonic limb grafted & developing itself" (225f); cell theory ('ct') and physiology generally: "many gemmules may pass into cells - it certainly appeared in intestines & liver that fat passes into & out of cells" (822h); and monstrosity: "Double monsters Pang" (614a).
diagram 10
"intimate parallelism between the embryonic, zoological & teratological series" (313b)
Embryological resemblance reveals community of descent. Rudiments ('rd') do so also, by implying one-time use falling into disuse ('ud') through adaptive pressures. "Objects there might <be> 100,000 creations as well as one: I agree <but> then these would not have borne signs of common descent in homologies & embryology & rudimentary
[page] xxx
organs." (181g-h). Morphological resemblances and homologies ('horn') demonstrate the affinities of organisms within their 'types': "Tissues of all Vertebrates homologous" (623d).
The concept of descent with modification therefore provides the ground-rules for that holy grail the 'Natural System' - although CD is too cautious to suppose that he could put much flesh on that particular skeleton: "I will not specify any genealogies - much too little known at present" (164a). Although in the Origin Darwin avoided arguing directly against what Russell called 'transcendental morphology' (1916, pp. 103-12), the marginalia throw light on his rejection of Richard Owen's Platonic concept of the 'archetype': "I look at Owen's Archetypus as more than ideal, as a real representation as far as the most consummate skill & loftiest generalizations can represent the present forms of Vertebrata.- I follow him that there is a created archetype, the parent of its class" (655c; italics ours). This annotation focuses Darwin's philosophical emancipation from the Platonic eidos:
According to [this] there are a number of fixed, unchangeable 'ideas' underlying the concept of variability, with the eidos (idea) being the only thing that is fixed and real, while the observed variability has no more reality than the shadows of an object on a cave wall . . . any commitment to an unchanging eidos precludes belief in descent with modifications. (Mayr, 1964, p. xix).9 For Darwin, the 'type' is simply the ancestor of evolving, living forms, and the emphasis is on variety, i.e. the diversity of life, rather than its unity as with Owen.
diagram 11
"How like my Book all this will be" (683e)
we catch Darwin musing quietly. The categories and subcategories of the index were, as we said before, inducted from our attempts to classify the annotations themselves. In our overview here of the principal categories and some of their logical interconnections, we have succeeded, as Darwinists and other conversants will have discerned, in recapitulating the ground-plan of the Origin (with some input from Variation) - i.e. in effect the ground-plan of the Big Species Book 'Natural Selection'.10 Our categories are, it
[page] xxxi
would therefore seem, CD's own to a very large extent. "This book is one long argument", CD says (Origin, p. 492): our argument was that CD's whole career is one long argument - and it is therefore useful corroboration that there are very few of our categories still left out in the cold, indicating that CD's reading, whether for 'Natural Selection' or not, did indeed continuously revolve around the same 'Leitmotive'. This, as CD himself might have remarked, is our
"Key-note of Book" (424c)
One senses further confirmation of this in a slightly curious way from those annotations in which CD collects material for particular chapters or volumes of his own publications: they all look exactly the same. He says, as it might be, 'use in ch. 5' - but ch. 5 of what? These notes, in not differentiating one book from another, suggest that the manner in which CD wrote coheres very closely with the manner in which he read - like a practised vintner sampling continually and laying down the selected vintages to support main courses concocted maybe years later. It is as if he experienced his publications as interim extracts from a single, endless conversation with nature.
Those of our index categories not much mentioned in the above overview in fact fall happily into just three groupings: a) reflecting CD's interest in geology and related topics; b) reflecting the reading which surfaced in Descent and Expression; and c) reflecting our own attempt to report CD's critical, reflective and other 'asides'. Our last diagram thus completes the analysis:
diagram 12 a.b.c
[page] xxxii
Mention just now of Descent and Expression provides a cue for us to add a few necessary words about the marginalia concerning humankind. Although there are many annotations around this topic, it cannot be said that CD was primarily interested in ethnology or anthropology as such. Their relevance is very frequently to other matters, principally variation and sex (indeed the greater part of Descent is about sexual selection). Humankind is just another test-case for the great Theory: "I am beginning to conclude that it is more difficult to account for small variations of man where there is no adaptation than great differences, where adaptation. Consider cases of Rabbits, mere law of growth . . . Nothing is more odd than similarity of Fuegians and Brazilians. Why puma shd range continent invaried and Monkeys differ in every province ... I may contrast Man with Monkeys, for on my theory, the Monkeys have varied" (604a-c). Another example is provided by Mackintosh's Ethical philosophy; here CD relates conscience to habit, both in man and animals. The moral sense is seen from the viewpoint of what we would call 'animal behaviour' - for example the love of parents for their children is related to adaptation and selection. Such an attitude might be of considerable interest to sociobiologists.
It is instructive to see how CD used the great interplay of themes even in his so-called minor books. In Contrivances (1862) CD started with a specific problem, that of pollination. Consideration of this quickly leads to adaptation, and the vast theme of the relationship of organism to organism (insects and orchids). In the background lurk individual variation and the action of selection, within the framework of evolutionary transmutation, the major theoretical problem in play.
The case of worms is even more interesting: one might marvel that someone whose thought had encompassed the most broad-ranging and revolutionary theory in the history of his science should end on such an apparent low - Vegetable mould (1881). But even here the 'Leitmotive' are fully functioning. CD began observing the action of worms in 1827, 54 years prior to his publication, and continued working on them throughout his life (see Gould's revealing foreword to the 1985 Chicago reprint). The book is based on the relationship of organism to organism (worms and leaves), and touches on individual variation in behaviour. Last but not least, the action of the worm totally alters the face of the earth through small continuous changes (gradualism): we see the result of the process but scarcely the process itself taking place (geological history), on analogy with an annotation made many years earlier: "The glacier is a stream, though one does not see the streaming" (630d).
(iv) influence of particular authors11 a) CD as part of the British tradition
Darwin's theory was an ecological one. The views of both Wallace and Darwin sprang from the established natural science tradition, rather than the relatively new laboratory biology. The still-flourishing tradition had its roots in the works of Ray and Willughby and reached its height immediately before and during Darwin's youth - such authors as Kirby, Spence, Fleming, Strickland, Henslow, Blyth, Bicheno, Westwood, Jenyns and Roscoe were familiar to and influential upon the young Darwin. Darwin's approach focuses on instincts (like Fleming and Blyth) and the relationship of organism to organism (like Fleming, Westwood and Strickland), and therefore tends to be an
[page] xxxiii
ecological theory in the manner of Strickland. In Ray's Wisdom of God Darwin discerned the ecological approach he made his own in the Origin; in Ray we find annotations concerning behaviour, adaptation, sex, morphology and the relationship of organism to organism.
The relationship between instinct and acquisition by habit is the main topic to be found in Kirby and Spence's Entomology; here Darwin focused on the problem of neuter insects which surfaces in the Origin: "one may suppose that originally many queens were ordinarily thus reared and a few workers and the instinct is thus retained" (454g-h). Much is to be found on reason in animals as related to instinct, along with annotations on the struggle for existence, selection, speciation, and distribution.
Fleming's Philosophy of zoology also prompted CD to analyse instinct: "it is strange according to my theory that habit which results often of intellectual processes ... is related to instinct, which analogy of plants leads one to believe to exist, independently of intellect" (232b-c); and "The individual who by long intellectual study acquires a habit, & can perform action almost instinctively, does, that in his life time, which successive generations do in acquiring true instinct:- instinct is a habit of generations- each step in each generation, being intellectual" (231h-232a) - where CD seems to leave a loophole for backdoor Lamarckism.
Our emphasis on the influence of British natural science requires a mention of Darwin's reaction to Natural Theology, and especially its central tenet of perfect adaptation. CD read and annotated Brougham's Dissertation on natural theology; but here the annotations mainly concern animal behaviour and pigeon-breeding. It is in Henslow's Botany that he distances himself definitively from 'perfect adaptation': "People constantly speak about every organism being perfectly adapted to circumstances, if so how can there be a rare species breeding power being efficient (food not sufficiently abundant is answer" (369d).
It is clear from the quality of annotation that Lyell was of paramount importance to Darwin's development; in fact Lyell is the most heavily annotated author. Other British authors who had a significant impact on Darwin include Blyth, Yarrell, Blackwall, Newman, Newport, Jenyns, Westwood and of course Henslow; and he had a lot of time for books on pigeon-breeding, whether British or continental.
b) CD and continental traditions
By observing the manner of annotation, we may deduce that CD was confident with French, less so but still conversant with German, and occasionally read some Italian and Spanish.
Only a few annotations are found in Cuvier's Anatomie comparée, and all of them concern morphology. There are a few more in Le Règne animal, concerning behaviour, sex, speciation, morphology and variation. Darwin also possessed The theory of the earth in English. Mentions of Cuvier are often marked in other people's books; but to judge by the degree and quality of annotation Isidore Geoffroy St Hilaire was much more important to him than Cuvier, though it seems something of a 'love-hate' relationship: "Believed in change of species . . . 'Modificateurs ambiants' sur l'organisme'. Yes this is his belief . . . Introduce in Preface" (301h-302a); however: "Remarks on small isld having small mammals . . . forgets Java & Sumatra! I contradict his statements flat" (302d).
CD annotated Milne-Edwards' Histoire des crustacées, accusing him in effect of creationism: "How explains this, except by single creations" (581e). On the same page there is an important annotation concerning isolation: "Without regard to anything else -make a Barrier and you will have different species on opposite sides" (581f). Other Milne-
[page] xxxiv
Edwards marginalia, mainly on issues connected with classification, are found in Introduction à la zoologie générale: "Law of 'economy of nature' 'sober in innovations' has not recourse to any new creation of organ" (582a-b); "on value of characters in classification" (582g); and "Best way of putting superiority.- though each perfectly (?) (Can young be said to be perfectly?) adapted to conditions" (583a).
As far as Lamarck is concerned, his Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres bears very few annotations. More are found in the Philosophie zoologique. Darwin's relationship with Lamarck is very complex, and one should not take the disparaging remarks we partly quoted before as Darwin's only view - ". . . so few facts . . . very poor and useless book" (477a/478a). Basically Darwin charged Lamarck with failure to understand extinction and geographical distribution: "Therefore every fossil species direct father of existing analogies and no extinction except through man!- [Hence cause of innumerable errors in Lamarck]" (478g-h); "Does not pursue this into Geographical Distribution" (480c); but echoes our remark above: "The case of acquired hereditary instincts shows that instincts can be acquired" (478d).
Other important French-language authors are C.L. Bonaparte, especially on the connection between distribution and the struggle for existence; and F. Huber on insect instinct in Nouvelles observations sur les abeilles.
The annotations in German-language books are in the main much closer to translation/paraphrase. Gärtner, Kölreuter, Ehrenberg, Haeckel and others are well represented in his library. Gartner's Kenntnis der Befruchtung is very heavily annotated on variation, fertility, hybrids, and the relation of organism to organism, very often interrelated. Many annotations concern contabescence and refer to Kölreuter: "most important compare Kölreuter experiments and Gaertner's" (253b). Some markings concern dichogamy as seen by Sprengel and Delpino.
Darwin read and annotated Haeckel's Schöpfungsgeschichte, liking its stance enough to mark out passages "good - for the beginning of my Book" (358d); interestingly, there is no annotational evidence that CD thought Haeckel had gone over the top with his 'phylogenies' - rather CD appears keen to play the same game, despite his public caution about 'specifying genealogies': "I shd prefer supposing that both classes descended from forms more intermediate than Dinosaurs & Solenhofen Birds" (359d-e). Incidentally, Haeckel kept sending copies of his publications to CD, who did not pay many of them much attention. Very often in their inscriptions to Darwin in their books German scientists, including Haeckel himself, wrote 'Sir' or 'Professor', not being able to believe that someone as distinguished as Darwin would not be one or the other - or both.
It is interesting too that there is no annotational evidence that Darwin read von Baer's Entwickelungsgeschichte, which is not even in his list of 'Books to read' (see Vorzimmer13). But he certainly read Huxley's translation of the fundamental fifth Scholium. Other German-language authors of some importance to CD include Nägeli, Nathusius and Rütimeyer.
The marginalia suggest that two authors who had an enormous impact on CD were Alphonse de Candolle and Alexander Humboldt.
"I must read some Book on geograph distrib of insects or of one great class" (683e-f), CD instructed himself reading Prichard; it seems that that book turned out to be Candolle's Géographie botanique, probably the most densely annotated work in the whole library, which seems to have been the catalyst for much thinking around distribution, the struggle for existence, isolation, and consequently selection. The annotations in Candolle are difficult, and this is because Candolle is perhaps the only major work in whose
[page] xxxv
company CD is for a while noticeably confused and uncertain at a (quasi)-theoretical level; "A species might abound in some spot and yet be rare over all England, but is this so?" (109g); "Here isolation clearly comes into play; but this does not account for smaller range of plants within Cape District." (118g-h); "As far as I can see (which is very little) isolation of area seems to have little to do with confinement of species!! In this family" (118h); "I never shd look at it under this light; yet perhaps agree with Herbert's views. When there only few species, we must suppose either others extinct, or then few only are yet introduced" (119f); "This bears on few species inhabiting 2 areas, where there are many species - does it not come to this, that widely extended species break into varieties and these become species with confined ranges.- anyhow this shows how complicated a question it is" (120b).
By volume 2 he is beginning to recover his usual slightly declamatory poise: "England formerly connected, hence most plants which could live in England wd have immigrated. If any species had been introduced by Birds within the last century, & was not mentioned by old Books,14 it wd have been thought to have been overlooked.-" (134h-135a); "The more I reflect the more I come to conclusion that antiquity of man one of the most important elements in history of variation.-" (139b).
Finally CD succeeds in 'trumping' Candolle by reference to his own higher-theoretical insights: "He always leaves out struggle with other species.-" (142d); "He looks at extinction as due all to Deluges &cü" (143h). Candolle has approached the 'right' problems, but lacks the focal concept in the understanding of speciation: without the idea of selection it is impossible to make sense of variation, extinction, isolation, distribution and the struggle for existence as forming a single complex nexus. Thus, as we quoted before: "(always this) he has not the Key.-" (145b).
Humboldt, especially in the Personal narrative, got CD thinking about distribution and the relation of organism to organism in the context of isolation, extinction and the breeding of wild and domesticated animals: "Camels abundant in Fortaventura and vegetation different from . . . other Islands - NB Numerous wild asses formerly in Fortaventura" (416f). If Humboldt's almost ecstatic tone excited CD, it seems to have been towards envisioning a raw elementalism incompatible with Humboldt's Panglossian optimism, his falsely a priori harmonious world where adaptations are basically perfect. On the contrary, the raw elementalism is hardly even hidden below the surface: "to show how animals prey on each other - what a 'positive' check . . . Think of death only in Terrestrial Vertebrates . . . Smaller Carnivora - Hawks - what hourly carnage in the magnificent calm picture of Tropical forests . . . Probably two or three hundred thousand Jaguars in S. America What Slaughter! Daily - & as many Pumas" (418f-g).
Thus we end our selection from the marginalia on a rather bloodthirsty note . . .
[page] xxxvi
The basic objective of publishing this 'marginal' material is to contribute to the reconstruction of Charles Darwin's place in his historical and scientific context, and so to facilitate a clear understanding of his importance for modern science. A principal bonus of these volumes will be an enormous increase in the accessibility of CD's primary, unmodulated thinking.
As such the Marginalia are expected to be of interest not only to Darwin scholars, but also to historians of ideas, to biologists, psychologists, naturalists and evolutionists alike. The marginalia show Darwin not only 'alone', but also as part of his historical and social milieu, and as a major protagonist at a vital stage in the development of science. In showing us the material Darwin chose to use or discard, and in recording his assessments of other authors, the marginalia reveal more candidly than any other source the nature of the influences upon his thought, and the methods he used in the formulation and application of his theory.
CD himself was well aware of the potential future importance of the annotations he was making in his personal library. For example, he makes certain, in a letter written to his wife Emma, to prescribe that in the event of his death 'some competent person' should receive 'all my Books on Natural History, which are either scored or have references at the end to pages, begging him carefully to look over & consider such passages, as actually bearing or by possibility bearing' on the subject of the sketch of his species theory, which he had just finished (5 July 1844), when the question of its publication in book form should arise.15
We make no claim to have taken up that challenge as laid down by the Master himself; but it is at least pleasing to feel that he would not have found our exposure of his 'private' scribblings unduly intrusive.
[page] xxxvii
1. Kohn, D. (ed.) The Darwinian heritage Princeton 1985
(chapters quoted:
Browne, J., 'Darwin and the expression of the emotions'
Hodge, M.J.S., Darwin as a lifelong generation theorist'
Sloan, P. R., 'Darwin's invertebrate program 1826-36: preconditions for transformism').
2. Barrett, p. H., Gautrey, p. J., Herbert, S., Kohn, D., Smith, S., Charles Darwin's notebooks 1836-1844 (Cambridge 1987); see Notebook D (especially Inside Front Cover) and Notebook E (especially p. 58).
3. Di Gregorio, M.A. Order or process of nature: Huxley's and Darwin's different approaches to natural sciences Hist. Phil. Life Sei. 3 (1981): 217-42.
4. Burkhardt, F. and Smith, S. (eds) The correspondence of Charles Darwin (Cambridge 1985- ).
5. The University Computer has occasionally had ideas of its own - curious rather than disruptive, fortunately - on where to put items in its sorting of the name registers: the ghost in the machine had to leave its mark somewhere, one supposes. The ghost is clearly no fan of Darwinism, to judge by the capricious appearance of the gooseberry among the place names. This is a genuine accident; we only wish we had thought of it ourselves, in its implication that we do after all materialise under bushes of that ilk, rather than by the agencies of evolution.
6. Mayr, E. The growth of biological thought Cambridge, Mass. 1982.
7. Kohn, D. Theories to work by: rejected theories, reproduction and Darwin's path to natural selection Studies in the history of biology 4 (1980): 67-170.
8. Russell, E.S. Form and function London 1916.
9. Mayr, E. 'Introduction' On the origin of species (facsimile of first edition) Cambridge, Mass. 1964.
10. Stauffer, R.C. (ed.) Charles Darwin's Natural Selection Cambridge 1975.
11. Parts of this introduction, especially this section, are based on a full reworking of Di Gregorio, M.A. Unveiling Darwin's roots Archives of natural history 13 (1987): 313-24.
12. Di Gregorio, M.A. Hugh Edwin Strickland (1811-53) on affinities and analogies: or, the case of the missing key Ideas and production 7 (1987): 35-50.
13. Vorzimmer, p. J. The Darwin reading notebooks 1838-1860 /. Hist. Biol. 10 (1977): 107-53.
14 "old Books": CD had a lively interest in such sources as the Bible, 'classical writers', books on ancient Egypt, and so forth, for information on the antiquity of varieties.
15. Burkhardt, F. and Smith, S. (eds) The correspondence of Charles Darwin vol. 3
(Cambridge 1987), pp. 43-5.
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"Upon the whole nothing can be inferred from this list" (134a)
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table of titles
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"You may shorten name" (342a) Thank you.
Full details of author, title, publication and current location are recorded with each entry in the text. These details also record if the book bears CD's autograph, or was inscribed by whomever gave it to CD; if it was m CD's possession before and/or during the Beagle voyage; and if the book contains uncut pages.
Abercrombie Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers 1838 1
Abernethy Physiological lectures 1822 7
Acébla Les Impiétés 1878
Acharius Lichens 1803
Adams Field and forest ramblers 1873
Agassiz, Alexandre Harvard College catalogue - Echini 1872-74 8
Agassiz, A. Harvard College catalogue - Acalephae 1865
Agassiz, A. North American starfishes 1877
Agassiz, A. Zoology of Challenger voyage - Echinoidea 1882
Agassiz, A., & Pourtalès Harvard College catalogue - Echini, crinoids and corals 1874
Agassiz, Elizabeth and Alexandre Seaside studies 1871
Agassiz, Louis Humboldt centennial address 1869
Agassiz, L. Bibliographia zoologia et geologiae 1848-54
Agassiz, L. Natural history of U.S. - Classification n.d. 9
Agassiz, L. De l'espèce 1869 11
Agassiz, L. Lake Superior 1850
Agassiz, L. Methods of study in natural history 1863 13
Agassiz, L. Nomenclatoris zoologici 1848 14
Agassiz, L. Florida reefs 1880
Agassiz, L., & Gould, A.A. Principles of zoology - comparative physiology 1848
Alder & Hancock British nudibranchiate Mollusca 1845-55
Allen, Grant The colour sense 1879
Allen, G. Der Farbensinn 1880 15
Allen, G. Physiological aesthetics 1877
Allen, Joel North American pinnipeds 1880
Allman Fresh water Polyzoa 1856 16
Allman Gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids 1871-72
Allen, George James Hydroida 1877
Altum & Landois Zoologie 1872
Anderson Yunan expedition 1871
Angelin Iconographia crinoideorum 1878
Archiac Géologie 1834-1845 1847
Argyll Primeval man 1869
Argyll The reign of law 1867 17
Aristotle On the parts of animals 1882
Arnott Elements of physics 1833 18
Askenasy Kritik der Darwinschen Lehre 1872
Aubuisson Basalts of Saxony 1814
Aubuisson Traité de géognosie 1819
Audubon Ornithological biography 1831-39 21
Audubon & Bachman Viviparous quadrupeds 1846 23
Aveling The student's Darwin 1881 24
Ayrault De l'industrie mulassière 1867
Azara Quadrupèdes de Paraguay 1801 25
Azara Voyages dans l'Amérique méridionale 1809 26
B, J.P. Spiritual evolution 1879 27
Babington British botany 1851
Baerenbach Teleologie 1878 28
Baerenbach Naturgeschichte des Weibes 1877 29
Baerenbach Anthropologischen Philosophie 1879
Bagehot Physics and politics 1872
Baildon The spirit of nature 1880
Bain The emotions and the will 1865
Bain The emotions and the will 3rd edn 1875 30
Bain The senses and the intellect 1864
Baird British Entomostraca 1875 31
Baker Botanical geography 1875 32
Balfour Elasmobranch fishes 1878
Balfour Comparative embryology 1880
Ball India 1880
Barclay Life and organization 1822
[page break] xliii
Barker-Webb & Berthelot îles Canaries - Géographie botanique 1840
Barrago L'Uomo 1869 33
Barrande Acéphales 1881
Barrande Brachiopodes 1879
Barrande Céphalopodes 1877
Barrande Defense de colonies 1870
Barrande Distribution des céphalopodes 1870
Barrande Trilobites 1871 34
Barton Geography of plants 1827
Bary Die Mycetozen 1864
Bastian The beginnings of life 1872
Bastian The brain 1880 35
Bastian Evolution 1874
Bastian Origin of lowest organisms 1871
Bate Amphipodous Crustacea 1862
Bateman Aphasia 1870
Bates River Amazons 1863
Baxter Statistics medical and anthropological 1875 37
Beale Structure and growth of the tissues 1865
Bechstein Naturgeschichte Deutschlands 1793-95, 1801-05 38
Bechstein Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel 1840 44
Beechey Pacific voyage 1832 47
Bell, Charles Expression 1844
Bell, C. The hand 1874 49
Bell, John & Charles Human body 1826
Belt Nicaragua 1874
Beneden Vers intestinaux including Bronn Essay on distribution 1861 50
Bentham British flora 1858 two copies 51
Bentham & Hooker, J.D. Genera plantarum 1862-83
Berjeau Dogs 1863 52
Berkenhout Botanical lexicon 1764
Bernard Animaux et végétaux 1879
Bernard Tissus vivants 1866
Bernhardi Pflanzenart 1834 54
Berzelius The blowpipe 1822 57
Beudant Minéralogie 1830
Bevan The honeybee 1827
Bevington Key-notes 1879
Bianconi La Teoria darwiniana 1875 58
Bianconi La théorie darwinienne 1875
- Bible 1838 59
Bigg Spi'wtfZ curvature 1882
Billing Scientific materialism 1879
Binney Terrestrial air-breathing molluscs of U.S. 1878
Blackley Catarrhus aestivus 1873
Blackley Hay /eoer 2nd edn 1880
Blackwall Spiders 1861-64
Blackwall Zoology 1834 60
Blackwell General science 1869 61
Blainville Actiniologie 1834
Blumenbach Anthropological treatises 1865
Blyth Cranes 1881
Boitard Entomologie 1828
Boitard & Corbié Pigeons domestiques 1824 62
Bolingbroke Political tracts 1748 64
Bolingbroke Upon parties 1739
Bolingbroke Patriotism 1749
Bonaparte Pigeons 1855 65
Bonaparte Birds o/ Europe and North America 1838
Bondi L'Uomo 1873 66
Boner Transylvania 1865
Bonnal Uwe agonie 1877
Bonnet Insectologie 1780
Bonnet L'Usage des feuilles 1754 two copies
Boott Carex 1858-60
Borrelli Vita e natura 1879
Bosquet Crustacés fossiles de Limbourg 1854
Bosquet Entomostracés fossiles de France et Belgique 1852
Bosquet Cirripèdes 1857
[page break] xlii
Bostock Physiology 1824
Boudin Traité de géographie médicale 1857 67
Boue Autobiographie 1879
Bourbon del Monte L'Homme 1877
Bowdler Poems and essays 1819
Bowerbank British Spongiadae 1864-72 68
Boyer French dictionary 1816
Boyer RoyaZ dictionary 1819
Brace Dangerous classes of New York 1872
Brace Races of the Old World 1863
Bradley Husbandry and gardening 1724
Brady Copepoda 1878-80 69
Bree Species not transmutable 1860
Brehm Illustriertes Thierkben 1864-67
Brehm Tierleben 2nd edn 1876-78 71
Brent The canary n.d.
Brent The pigeon book n.d.
Briggs Flora of Plymouth 1880
Briosi Embrioni vegetali 1882
British Association TTu'nZ meeting, report 1834
British Association Eleventh meeting, report 1842
- British aviary n.d. 72
British Museum Marine Polyzoa 1852-54
British Museum Mammalia 1843 73
British Museum British Hymenoptera 1855 74
British Museum Coleopterous insects of Madeira 1857 75
Broca Hybridity in Homo 1864
Bronn Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur 1841 76
Bronn Morphologische Studien 1858 90
Bronn Entwickelungs-Gesetze 1858 91
Brookes Insects 1763
Brookes Waters 1763
Brougham Natural theology 1839
Broun New Zealand Coleoptera 1880 94
Brown Botanical works 1866-68
Browne West Riding lunatic asylum reports 1871-75
Bruguières Encyclopédie méthodique 1789-92
Brunton The Bible and science 1881 95
Brunton Digitalis 1868
Brunton Pharmacology 1880
Buch îles Canaries 1836
Buch Norway and Lapland 1813 %
Büchner Aus Natur 1862
Büchner La Théorie darwinienne 1869
Büchner Die Darwinsche théorie 1876 97
Büchner Liebe und Liebes-Leben 1879
Büchner Vererbung 1882
Büchner Man 1872
Büchner Mind in animals 1880
Büchner Sechs Vorlesungen 1868
Büchner Sechs Vorlesungen 2nd edn 1872 98
Büchner Stellung des Menschen 1870
Bücke Man's moral nature 1879
Buckley Natural science 1876
Buckton British aphides 1876-83
Buller Birds of New Zealand 1873 99
Burbidge Cultivated plants 1877
Burchell Southern African travels 1822 1OO
Burgess Blushing 1839
Burke The sublime and beautiful 1823 202
Burmeister Rankenfüsser 1834 tfß
Burmeister Histoire de la création 1870
Burmeister Trilobites 1846
Busch Schopenhauer 1878 J04
Busch Schopenhauer - Beitrag 1877
Busch Naturgeschichte der Kunst 1877
Butler Evolution 1879
Butler Geography 1818
Bütschli Infusorien 1876 jqs
[page break] xliv
Cabot Immature Odonata 1872-81 106
Camerano La Scella sessuale 1880
Candolle, Alphonse de Géographie botanique raisonnée 1855
Candolle, A. de Géographie botanique raisonnée vol. 2121
Candolle, A. de Histoire des sciences 1873 153
Candolle, A. de La Phytographie 1880
Candolle, Augustine Pyramus de Mémoires 1862
Candolle, A.P. de Prodromus 1824-25
Candolle, A.P. de Botanique 1819
Candolle, A. de & A.P. de Monographia phanerogamarum 1878-81
Canestrini Origine deïl'uomo 1870 154
Canestrini La Teoria deïl'evoluzione 1877
Canestrini La Teoria di Darwin 1880
Carlier Darwinism 1872
Carneri Gefühl 1876
Carpenter Foraminifera 1862
Carpenter The microscope 1868
Carpenter Comparative physiology 1854
Carpenter Mental physiology 1874 159
Carpenter Researches on the Foraminifera 1855
Carrière Production et fixation des variétés 1865
Cams Geschichte der Biologie 1872 160
Cams & Engelmann Bibliotheca zoolica 1861
Carus & Gerstaecker Handbuch der Zoologie 1875
Caspari Urgeschichte der Menschheit 1873
Catalogue of the Geological Society library 1846
Catalogue of the British Museum Chiroptera 1878 161
Catalogue of the Royal Society library 1839
Caton Norway 1875 163
Caton Antelope and deer 1877
Cattaneo Darwinismo 1880
Chambers Ancient sea margins 1848
Chambers Vestiges 1847
Chapman, Henry Evolution 1873 165
Chapman, John Neuralgia 1873
Chapuis Le Pigeon voyageur belge 1865
Charpentier Glaciers et terrain erratique du Rhône 1841
Chaumont State medicine 1875 166
Child Physiological subjects 1868
Child Physiological subjects 2nd edn 1869
Children Memoir 1853
Chun Ctenophorae 1880
Clarcke Systematic botany and zoology 1870
Clark Lucernariae 1878
Clark Mind in nature 1865
Clarke Cattle 1880 167
Claus Zoologie 1871
Claus Genealogische Grundlage des Crustaceen-Systems 1876
Cleland Evolution 1881
Coan Patagonia 1880
Cognetti de Martis Evoluzione economica 1881
Cohn Die Pflanze 1882
Colin Physiologie des animaux domestiques 1854-56
Collett Zoologi: Fiske 1880 169
Collingwood China Sea 1868
Columbus Selected letters 1847
Comstock Cotton insects 1879
Comstock Report, U.S. Dept. Agriculture 1879 1880
Congrès internationale d'anthropologie, Bologna 1873 770
Conta Théorie du fatalisme 1877
Conversations on vegetable physiology 1829
Conybeare & Phillips Geology of England and Wales 1822
Cook & King Voyage to the Pacific Ocean 1784
Cooke Mycographia 1879
Cotta Geologie der Gegenwart 1866
Cotta Geology and history 1865
Cotta Granit und Quader-Sandstein 1838 777
Cox What am I? 1873
Crawfurd Indian islands 1856
[page break] xlv
Crawfurd Malay grammar and dictionary 1852 172
Croll Climate and time 1875 173
Crookes Psychic force 1872
Cunningham Strait of Magellan 1871
Curtis The botanical magazine 1793
Cuvier Essay on the theory of the earth 1827
Cuvier Leçons d'anatomie comparée 1799-1805 174
Cuvier Le règne animal 1829 175
- Cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology 1859 176
Dallas Animal kingdom n.d. 178
Dana Crustacea 1853
Dana Corals and coral islands 1872 179
Dana Geology 1863 180
Dandolo Silk-worms 1825
Danielssen & Koren Zoologi: Gephyrea 1881
Dareste Monstruosités 1877
Darwin, Charles translations of his works various
Darwin, C. Zoology of the Beagle voyage 1840-42 182
Darwin, Erasmus The botanic garden 1791 183
Darwin, E. The botanic garden part 2 vol. 2 1789 184
Darwin, E. Phytologia 1800
Darwin, E. Temple of nature 1803 185
Darwin, E. Zoonomia 1794-96
Darwin, Robert Waring Ocular spectra 1786 187
Darwin, R.W. Principia botanica 1810
Daubeny Volcanos 1826
Daubrée Roches cristallines 1860 188
Dawkins Cave hunting 1874
Dawson, James Australian aborigines 1881
Dawson, John Fossil plants of Canada 1871
Defrance Tableau des corps organisés fossiles 1824
De la Bêche Theoretical geology 1834
De la Bêche Annals of Mines selection 1824 189
Delage Crustacés édriophthalmes marins 1881 190
Delamer (Dixon) Pigeons and rabbits 1854
Delgado Terreno siluriano no baixo alemtejo 1876
Delpino Dicogamia 1868-74 191
Denton Is Darwin right? 1881 192
- Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of Mammalia and Aves 1845
Desmarest Mammalogie 1820
Devay Mariages consanguins 1862 194
Dictionary of chemistry (Ure) 1823 195
Dictionary of chemistry (Watts) 1871-72
English dictionary 1770 196
Spanish-English dictionary 1831
Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle 1822-31
Dictionnaire raisonnée des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles 1834 197
Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles: Planches 1830 198
Dillwyn Recent shells 1817
Dippel Das Microskop 1872 199
Dixie Across Patagonia 1880
Dixon, Edmund Dovecote and aviary 1851
Dixon, E. Ornamental and domestic poultry 1848 201
Dixon, Frederick Tertiary and cretaceous Sussex 1850 203
Dobell Vestiges of disease 1861
Dodel Ulotrix zonata 1876
Dodel Die neuere Schöpfungsgeschichte 1875
Doherty Philosophie organique 1881 204
Dohrn Pantopoda 1881
Dohrn Arthropoden 1870
Dolfuss Géologie transformiste-1874
- Domestic mediane 1872
Donders The eye 1864
Donn Hortus Cantabrigiensis 1823
Donnegan Greek-English lexicon 1837
Douglas & Scott The British Hemiptera 1865
Downing Fruits of America 1845 205
Dowson Erasmus Darwin 1861 208
Drayson The last glacial epoch 1873
[page break] xlvi
Dreher Der Darwinismus 1877
Drouët Mollusques marins des Açores 1858 209
Drysdale Protoplasmic theory 1874
Dub Lehre Darwin's 1870
Du Bois-Reymond Johannes Müller 1860
Duchenne Physiologie humaine 1862
Dufrénoy & Èlie de Beaumont Description géologique de la France 1836 210
Duhamel du Monceau Traité des arbres 1755 214
Dumont Haeckel 1873
Duncan, Andrew Dispensatory 1826
Duncan, James Fecundity 1871 215
Duncan, John Analogies of organized beings 1831
Dupont L'Homme 1871
Du Prel der Kampf ums Dasein 1874
Du Prel Planetenbewohner 1880
Du Prel Psychologie der Lyrik 1880
Durand Physiologie philosophique 1866
Durand Les Origines animales de l'homme 1871
Dutrochet Histoire anatomique et physiologique 1837 216
Du val Histoire du pêcher 1850
Du val Histoire du poirier 1849
Du val Histoire du pommier 1852
Eaton Breeding pigeons 1852 217
Eaton Breeding pigeons including Moore Columbarinus 1858 219
Ecker Anatomie des Frosches 1864-82
Edgeworth Pollen 1877
Ehrenberg Mikrogeologische Studien 1873
Ehrenberg Das kleinste Leben im 'Weltmeer 1844
Eichwald Geognostisch-palaeontologische Bemerkungen 1871 220
Eimer Maureidechse 1881
Élie de Beaumont Géologie pratique 1848
Emery Fierasfer 1880
- Encyclopaedie der Naturwissenschaften 1879-82
Engelmann Bibliotheca historico-naturalis 1846 221
- Enten, Schwanen und Gänsezucht 1828
Ercolani Nouve ricerche sulk Placenta 1880
Ercolani Unità délia placenta 1877 222
Erichsen Surgery 1869
Ernest Dictionary, Graecium lexicon 1816
Errera Fécondation des fleurs 1878
Eschricht, Reinhardt & Lilljeborg Cetacea 1866
Eschwege Gebirgskunde Brasiliens 1832
Espinas Sociétés animales 1877 223
Euripides Hecuba 1836 224
Eyton Osteologia avium 1867
Farbre Souvenirs entomologiques 1879 225
Faivre Variabilité 1868
Falconer Palaeontological memoirs 1868 226
Falconer Teak forests of Tenasserim 1852
Farrar Language 1865
Farrier and naturalist 1828-30
Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 1880-81 227
Fayrer Bengal tiger 1875
Fenwick Medical diagnosis 1871
Ferguson Rare and prize poultry 1854
Fernere Darwinisme 1872 two copies 229
Ferris Origin of species 1871
Fichte Die Seelenfortdauer 1867
Fiske Darwinism 1879
Fiske Cosmic philosophy 1874
Fitton Geology in England 1833
Fitzgerald Australian orchids 1877
Fitzroy & King Adventure and Beagle voyages 1839 230
Fleming History of British animals 1828 231
Fleming Philosophy of zoology 1822
Flourens Examen du livre de M. Darwin 1864 234
Flourens Longévité humaine 1855
Flourens Instinct et intelligence 1845 235
Flower Osteology and dentition of vertebrated animals 1879 236
[page break] xlvii
Flower Osteology of the Mammalia 1870
Flügel German-English dictionary 1838
Focke Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge 1881
Fol Fécondation et hénogenie 1879
Folien Life of Charles Folien 1844
Forbes Asteridae offprint 237
Forbes Naked-eyed Medusae 1848
Forel Fourmis de la Suisse 187'4
Forster, Johann Observations 1778 240
Forster, Thomas British birds 1817
Foster & Balfour Embryology 1874
Foster & Langley Physiology 1876 241
Fournier Phanérogames 1863
Francisque-Michel Haras 1860
Frank Pflanzenphysiologie 1868
Frank Pflanzentheilen 1870 242
Freke Origin of species 1861 244
Fremont Expedition to the Rocky Mountains 1845
Frey Histology and histochemistry of man 1874 245
Frohschammer Das Christenthum 1868
Gallesio Traité du citrus 1811 246
Galton The art of travel 1855 248
Galton English man of science 1874
Galton Tropical South Africa 1853
Garrod, Alfred Baring Materia medica 1869
Garrod, Alfred Henry Collected papers 1881
Gärtner Befruchtung der vollkommeneren Gewächse 1844
Gärtner Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich 1849 256
Gastaldi Lake habitations 1865 298
Gaudry Animaux fossiles du Mont Lébéron 1873
Gaussoin Navassa 1866
Gee Auscultation adn percussion 1870
Gegenbaur Comparative anatomy 1878
Gegenbaur Vergleichende Anatomie 1870 299
Gegenbaur Anatomie compare^ 1874
Gegenbaur Wirbelthiere 1864-72
Geiger Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit 1871
Geikie The great Ice Age 1877
Geikie Prehistoric Europe 1881 300
Gentry Birds of eastern Pennsylvania 1876
Geoffroy St Hilaire, Etienne Philosophie zoologique 1830
Geoffroy St Hilaire, Isidore Zoologie générale 1841 301
Geoffroy St Hilaire, I. Anomalies de l'organisation 1832-37 306
Geoffroy St Hilaire, I. Règnes organiques 1854-62 316
Geoffroy St Hilaire, I. Vie d'Etienne Geoffroy 1847 320
Gérard Des Orchidées 1879 321
Gerland Das Aussterben 1868
Gervais Les trois règnes de la nature 1854-55 325
Giraud-Teulon La famille 1874 327
Girt on Pigeon-fancier n.d.
Glen Poor Law Statutes 1857 328
Gloger Das Abändern der Vögel 1833
Godman The Azores 1870 330
Godron De l'espèce 1859 331
Gönne Das Gleichgewicht 1882 335
Gooch Diseases peculiar to women 1859
Goodsir, John & Harry Anatomical and pathological observations 1845
- Gooseberry growers' register 1862
Gosse Alabama 1859
Gosse Jamaica 1851
Götz Hunde-galerie 1853 336
Gould, Benjamin Military and anthropological statistics 1869
Gould, John Handbook to the birds of Australia 1865 337
Gould, J. Introduction to the birds of Australia 1848 341
Gould, J. Introduction to the birds of Great Britain 1873 342
Gould, J. Trochilidae 1861
Gould, William English ants 1747 344
Graba Reise nach Färö 1830
Graduate from Cambridge Darwinian theory 1867 345
[page break] xlviii
Grant Comparative anatomy 1835
Gratiolet Expression 1865
Graves Naturalist's companion 1824 347
Gray, Asa How plants behave 1872
Gray, A. Darwiniana 1876
Gray, A. Botany and vegetable physiology 1857
Gray, A. Botany of northern U.S. 1856 348
Gray, A. Natural science and religion 1880 351
Gray, George Birds of China 1871
Gray, Henry Anatomy 1869
Gray, John Synopsis reptilium 1831
Green Bacton in Norfolk 1842
Greene Coelenterata 1861 352
Greenwell British barrows including
Rolleston Skulls 1877
Greg Christendom 1863
Greg Enigmas of life 1872
Grobben Dekapoden 1878
Grove Correlation of physical forces 1862
Günther Ceratoden 1871
Günther Land-tortoises 1877
Günther Fishes 1880
Günther Reptiles of British India 1869
Guthrie Mr Spencer's formula of evolution 1879
Guy Forensic medicine 1861
Haast Geology of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand 1879 353
Haberlandt Schutzeinrichtungen 1877 two copies
Haberlandt Vergleichende Anatomie 1881 354
Haeckel Anthropogenie 1874
Haeckel Anthropogenie 3rd edn 1877
Haeckel Arabische Korallen 1875 355
Haeckel Siphonophoren 1869
Haeckel Evolution of man 1879
Haeckel Freedom in science 1879
Haeckel Freie Wissenschaft 1878
Haeckel Generelle Morphologie 1866
Haeckel Gesammelte Vorträge 1879 557
Haeckel History of creation 1876
Haeckel Die Kalkschwämme 1872
Haeckel Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 1868 558
Haeckel Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th edns 1870-79 360
Haeckel Les preuves du transformisme 1879
Haeckel Das Protistenreich 1878
Haeckel Die Radiolarien 1862
Haeckel Gastraea-Theorie 1877
Haeckel System der Medusen 1879-80
Hagen Insect deformities 1876
Hahn Meteorite 1880
Hahn Die Urzelle 1879 361
Hall Index fo new general atlas 1831
Hall New general atlas 1829
Hallez Turbellaries 1879
Hancock Brachiopoda 1857
Hansen Adventivbildungen bei den Pflanzen 1881
Harris, George 77ie arts 1869
Harris, Thaddeus Entomological correspondence 1869
Harris, T. Insects injurious to vegetation 1862
Harris, T. Insects of New England 1842
Hartmann Wahrheit und Irrthum im Darwinismus 1875 two copies 362
Härtung Lanzerote und Fuertaventura 1857
Harvey Nereis australis 1849
Harvey Sea-side book 1849
Hasse Elasmobrnchier 1879
Haughton Physical geography 1880
Hawkins, Benjamin Human and animal frame 1860 3^3
Hawkins, Richard South Sea voyage 1847
Head Journeys across the Pampas 1826
Heckel Du mouvement végétal 1875
Hedericus Graecium lexicon 1816
Heer Fossil flora of North Greenland 1869
[page break] xlvix
Heer Flora fossilis artica 1875
Heer Flora fossilis Helvetiae 1876-77
Heer Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens 1870
Heer Le Monde primitif de la Suisse 1872
Heer Pays tertiaire 1861
Heer Klima des Tertiärländes 1860
Héliu La Loi unique 1878 366
Heller Darwin und das Darwinismus 1869
Helmholtz Popular lectures 1873
Hertfrey Botanical and physiological memoirs 1853
Henfrey Physiological botany 1847 367
Henfrey (ed.) Reports and papers on botany 1849
Henle Anatomie des Menschen 1858 368
Henry Experimental chemistry 1823 369
Henslow Botany 1837 \
Henslow Botanical dictionary n.d. 371
Herbert Amaryllidaceae 1837 372
Hermann, Luclimar Human physiology 1875 376
Hermann, H.C. Italian alp-bee 1860 377
Hermann, L. Handbuch der Physiologie 1881
Herschel, J.F.W. Scientific enquiry 1849
Herschel, J.F.W. Natural philosophy 1831
Herschel, J.F.W. Astronomy 1833
Herschel, Mrs John Caroline Herschel 1876
Hertwig Zahnsystem der Amphibien 1874
Hervey-Saint-Denis Agriculture et horticulture des Chinois 1850
Hewson Works 1846 378
Heyworth Man 1866
Hibberd The fern garden 1872
Higginson Out-door papers 1871
Hildebrand Geschkchter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen 1867
Hildebrand Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen 1873 379
Hildebrant Verbreitung der Coniferen 1861
Hinds Regions of vegetation 1843
Hitchcock Geology of Massachussets 1841 381
Hochstetter Reise der Novara 1866
Hodge What is Darwinism? 1874 382
Hodgson Theory of practice 1870
Hoek Zoology of Challenger voyage 1881
Hoek Embryologie von Balanus 1876
Hoernes & Auinger Gasteropoden 1879-82
Hofacker Eigenschaften 1828
Hoffmann, Hermann Zur Speciesfrage 1875 384
Hoffmann, L. Thier-Psychologie 1881 385
Hof mann Liebig 1876
Hofmeister Pflanzenzelle 1867
Hofmesiter Cryptogamia 1862
Hogg Experimental and natural philosophy 1861
Holder Schädelformen 1876
Holland Chapters on mental physiology 1852
Holland Chapters on mental physiology 2nd edn 1858 386
Holland Scientific and other subjects 1862
Holland Medical notes and reflections 1839
Holland Medical notes and reflections 3rd edn 1855 387
Holland Recollections 1868 388
Holub South Africa 1881
Holub & Pelzen Ornithologie Südafrikas 1882
Hooke Micrographia 1667
Hooker, Joseph Botany 1876
Hooker, J. Flora antarctica 1844-47
Hooker, J. Himalayan journals 1854 392
Hooker, J. Introductory essay, flora of New Zealand 1853 393
Hooker, J. Geological survey of Great Britain n.d.
Hooker, J. Flora of Australia 1859 394
Hooker, J. Introductory essay, flora of New Zealand reprint 398
Hooker, J. & Ball Marocco and the Great Atlas 1878 403
Hooker, J. & Thomson Flora Indica 1855
Hooker, William Dawson Norway 1838 406
Hooker, William Jackson British flora 1838
[page break] xlx
Hooker, W.J. & Arnott British flora 1855 408
Hooker, W.J. et al. Supplement to Smith & Sowerby 1831-65
Hope Coleopterist's manual 1837 409
Hopkins Geology and terretrial magnetism 1844
Horner Alluvial Egypt 1858
Houghton Natural history of the ancients n.d.
House of Commons Wild birds' protection 1873
Hovelacque Notre ancêtre 1878
Howorth Mongols 1876
Hromada Vorsokratische Naturphilosophie 1879
Huber, François Abeilles 1814
Huber, Pierre Fourmis indigènes 1810 412
Huber, Johannes Die Lehre Darwin's 1871 413
Hubrecht Nervensystem 1882
Hue Journey through Tartary, Thibet and China 1852
- Hühner und Pfauenzucht 1827
Humboldt Cosmos 1846 415
Humboldt Essai géognostique 1826
Humboldt Fragmens de géologie 1831
Humboldt Travels to the New Continent various edns 1819-29
Humboldt Kingdom of New Spain 1811 420
Humphrey Limbs of vertebrates 1860
Hunt Light 1854
Hunter Essays including
Owen Introductory lectures 1861 421
Hunter Vegetation 1860
Hunter Human teeth 1778
Huot Atlas complet 1837
Hussey British mycology 1849 422
Hutchinson Dog breeding 1850
Huth Marriage of near kin 1875
Hutton Chronology of creation 1850
Huxley American addresses 1877 423
Huxley Crayfish 1880
Huxley Critiques and addresses 1873
Huxley Man's place in nature 1863
Huxley Hume 1879 424
Huxley Classification 1869
Huxley Phenomena of organic nature 1862 425
Huxley Lay sermons 1870
Huxley Comparative anatomy 1864
Huxley Anatomy of invertebrates 1877
Huxley Anatomy of vertebrates 1871 426
Huxley Oceanic Hydrozoa 1858
Huxley Phenomena of organic nature 1863
Huxley Physiography 1877
Huxley Science and culture 1881
Huxley & Martin Elementary biology 1875
Hyatt Tertiary species of Planorbis 1880
Ingersoll The oyster industry 1881 427
L'Institut Sciences mathémathiques 1837, 1840
- International horticultural exhibition 1866 428
Irmisch Beiträge zur Biologie 1853
Jaeger Die Darwin'sche Theorie 1869 429
Jaeger Die Darwin'sche Theorie n.d.
Jaeger Contra Wigand 1874
Jaeger Zoologie 1871-78 432
Jaeger Seuchenfestigkeit 1878 two copies 432
Jaeger Zoologische Briefe 1876
James Du Darwinisme 1877
Jameson Manual of mineralogy 1821
Jameson Treatise on minerals 1816 440
Jarrold Anthropologia 1808
Jeffreys & Carpenter The Valorous expedition 1876
Jenyns Memoir of Henslow 1862
Jenyns Meteorology 1858
Jenyns Natural history 1846
Jevons Logic 1881 441
Johnson, Samuel English dictionary 1826
Johnson, Samuel W. How crops grow 1869
[page break]
Johnston Botany of the eastern borders 1853
Jones Bermuda 1859 442
- Journal of a horticultural tour 1817 443
Jouvencel Genèse selon la science 1859
Juan & Ulloa Voyage to South America 1806 444
Judd Volcanoes 1881
Jukes Geological survey of Newfoundland 1843
Jukes Student's manual of geology 1857
Jukes Student's manual of geology 2nd edn 1862 445
Jukes et al. Record of the School of Mines 1853
Kaspary Natural laws 1876 446
Kater & Lardner Mechanics 1830
Keir Sketch of the life 1859
Kerner Alpenpflanzen 1864
Kerner Flowers 1878
Key & Retzius Anatomie des Nervensystems 1875-76
Kidd The canary n.d.
- Das Kind 1876 447
Kirby Monographia opium Angliae 1802
Kirby & Spence Entomology various edns 1818-26
Kirchhof Landwirtschaft 1835 457
Klein Lymphatic system 1873 458
Klein et al. Physiological laboratory handbook 1873
Kobell Mineralogie 1838
Kohlrausch PfeysiJfc 1877
Kölliker Alcyonarien 1870
Kölreuter Geschlecht der Pflanzen 1761-66
Koninck & Le Hon CrinoXdes du terrain carbonifère 1854 477
Körner Theirseele und Menschengeist 1872
Kowalewsky Anthracotherium 1873
Krusenstern Reise in das Petschora-Land 1846
Kühl Descendenzlehre 1879
Kühne Anpassungsgesetz 1878 472
Kühne Protoplasma und Contractility 1864
Kuntze Speciesbeschreibung und Rubus 1879
Kuntze Um die Erde 1881
Kurr Bedeutung der Nektarien 1833
Kurtz Dionaea muscipula 1876 475
Labillardière Voyage de la Perouse 1791 476
Lacepède Cétacées 1809
Laing Darwinism refuted 1871
Lamarck Animaux sans vertèbres 1816-17
Lamarck Animaux sans vertèbres 2nd edn 1835-45
Lamarck Philosophie zoologique 1809 477
Lamarck Philosophie zoologique new edn 1873 480
Lambert L'Immortalité 1865
Lambert Monde moral 1862
Lambertye Le Fraisier 1864 481
Lamont Sea-horses 1861
Lamouroux Polypiers 1821
Lanciano L'Universo 1872
Lanessan La Lutte pour l'existence 1881
Lanessan Du protoplasma végétal 1876
Lankester Degeneration 1880
Lankester Comparative longevity 1870 452
Lardner Cabinet cyclopedia - history 1830 453
Latham Man 1851
Latreille Fourmis 1802 4&/
Laugel Problèmes de la nature 1864
Laugel Science et philosophie 1863
Lavater Physionomie 1820
Lawrence, John Tte fcorse 1829 485
Lawrence, William Lectures on man 1822
Lawson Lists of seeds and plants 1851 486
Lawson Treatise on grasses 1851 487
Le Brun Conference 1701
Le Couteur Wheat n.d.
Le Couteur Wheat 2nd edn 1872 488
Lecoq Géographie botanique 1854
[page break] lii
Lecoq Fécondation des végétaux et hybridation 1845 495
Lecoq Fécondation 2nd edn 1862 496
Lees Acoustics, light and heat 1877 497
Le Hon L'Homme fossile 1867
Leidy Fauna of Nebraska 1853
Leidy Fauna of Western Territories 1873 498
Leighton Lichen-flora 1872
Le Maout & Decaisne Botanique 1868
Lemoine, Albert Physionomie et parole 1865
Lemoine, Victor Oiseaux fossiles de Reims 1878 499
Lepelletier Physiognomie 1864
Lesson Mammalogie 1827
Lesson Ornithologie 1828
Letourneau Physiologie des passions 1868 500
Lewes History of philosophy 1867
Lewes Physical basis of mind 1877
Lewes Physiology of common life 1860
Leybold Pampas Argentinas 1873
Liebig Organic chemistry 1840
Lindemuth Bastarderzeugung 1878 501
Lindley Natural system of botany 1836
Lindley First principles of botany 1830
Lindley School botany 1856
Link Urwelt und Alterthum 1821
Linnaeus Philosophia botanica 1783 502
Linnaeus Systema naturae 1789-96
Linnaeus Systema vegetabilium 1797
Lippert Religionen 1881
Lisle Husbandry 1757
Locard Variations malacologiques 1881
Locke Human understanding 1726
Loiseleur-deslongchamps Céréales 1842
Lombardini Cammelli 1841 504
Loudon (ed.) Encyclopedia of plants 1841
Lovén tchinoUes 1875 506
Low Domesticated animals 1845
Lowne Blow-fly 1870 570
Lowne Teratological series 1872
Lowne Philosophy of evolution 1873
Lubbock Reproduction in Daphnia 1857 577
Lubbock Addresses 1879
Lubbock Ants, bees and wasps 1882
Lubbock Collembola and Thysanura 1873
Lubbock Civilisation 1870
Lubbock Metamorphoses of insects 1874 572
Lubbock Ova of insects 1858
Lubbock Prehistoric times 1865
Lubbock Prehistoric times 2nd edn 1869 573
Lubbock Scientific lectures 1879
Lucae Fuchs-Affe und Faulthier 1882
Lucae Quadrupeden 1881
Lucas Hérédité naturelle 1847
Luerssen Bofam'fc 1879-82 523
Lunze Hundezucht 1877
Lyell, Charles Elements of geology 1838
Lyell, C. Elements of geology 6th edn 1865 524
Lyell, C. Antiquity of man 1863 525
Lyell, C. Antiquity of man 3rd edn 1863 527
Lyell, C. Antiquity of man 4th edn 1873
Lyell, C. Manual of elementary geology 1851
Lyell, C. Manual of elementary geology 4th edn 1852 528
Lyell, C. Manual of elementary geology 5th edn 1855
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 1830-33 530
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 5th edn 1837 537
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 6th edn 1840 539
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 7th edn 1847 543
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 9th edn 1853
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 10th edn 1867-68 two copies
Lyell, C. Principles of geology 11th edn 1872 544
[page break] liv
Lyell, C. Second visit to U.S. 1849 545
Lyell, C. Student's elements of geology 1871
Lyell, C. Student's elements of geology 2nd edn 1874 546
LyelL C. Supplement to 5th edn of Manual 1857
Lyell, C. Supplement 2nd edn 1857
Lyell, C. Travels in North America 1845
Lyell, James Fancy pigeons 1881 549
Lyman Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae 1875
Lyman Supplement to Ophiuridae 1871
Lyon Homo versus Darwin n.d.
McAlpine Botanical atlas 1882 550
McAlpine Zoological atlas 1881
Macaulay et al. Vivisection 1881
McClelland Indian Cyprinidae 1839
MacCulloch Classification of rocks 1821
McClintock Sir John Franklin 1859 551
Macgillivray British birds 1837-52
Macgillivray Deeside and Braemar 1855 557
Mcintosh British Annelids 1873-74
Mackintosh Ethical philosophy 1837
Mackintosh History of England 1830 559
Maclaren For and against Darwinism 1876
Maclaren Natural theology 1878
Maclaren Chemical difficulties of evolution 1877
MacLeay Horae entomologicae 1819
McLennan Primitive marriage 1865
McLennan Ancient history 1876 561
Macquart Facultés intérieurs 1850
Magnus Najas 1870 562
Mallery Gestures and signals of N. American Indians 1880
Mallery Sign language among N. American Indians 1880
Mallery Sign language among American Indians 1881
Malm Fauna 1877
Malthus Population 1826 two copies of vol. 2
Mantegazza Fisiologia del piacere 1870 563
Mantegazza Fisionomia e mimica 1881
Mantegazza Rio de la Plata e Tenerife 1867
Mantegazza Studii antropologici 1877 565
Mantegazza H terzo molare 1878
Marchand Voyage autour du monde 1792 566
Marshall, William Minutes of agriculture 1778
Marshall, W. Board of agriculture reports 1808
Marshall, William E. Phrenologist amongst the Todas 1873
Marsham Coleoptera britannica 1802 567
Martin The dog 1845
Martin The horse 1845 568
Martin-Saint-Ange Cirripèdes 1835 569
Marx Das Kapital 1873 570
Masaryk Selbstmord 1881
Maskelyne Nautical tables 1802
Masters Vegetable teratology 1869 577
Matthes Wirbelthiere 1861
Matthew On naval timber 1831
Maudsley Body and mind 1870
Maudsley Body and mind 2nd edn 1873 572
Maudsley Physiology and pathology of mind 1868
Maudsley Physiology of mind 1876 573
Mawe Travels in Brazil 1825
Maxwell Matter and motion 1882
Mazaroz Genèse des sociétés modernes 1877
Medlicott & Blandford Geology of India 1879
Meehan Flowers and ferns of U.S. 1878
Meetkerke Guests of flowers 1881
Meitzen Bhawani 1872
Melia Origin of man 1872
Mengozzi Filosofia della mediana 1869 574
Merriam Birds of Connecticut 1877
Metzger Die Getreidearien 1841
Meyen Reise um die Erde including
Erichson & Burmeister Insekten 1834 576
[page break] liv
Meyen Pflanzen-Physiologie 1837-39
Meyen Geography of plants 1846
Meyer Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere 1792 577
Michell earthquakes 1760 578
Miers Travels to Chile 1826
Miller, Hugh Footprints of the creator 1849
Miller, Philip Gardener's dictionary 1748
Miller, William Inorganic chemistry 1864
Milligan A. Corn. Celsi 1826 579
Milne-Edwards Crustacées 1834-40
Milne-Edwards Zoologie générale 1851 581
Mitchell Rattlesnake venom 1861 584
Mivart Skeleton of primates 1867
Mivart Genesis of species 1871
Mivart Genesis of species 2nd edn 1871 588
Mivart Elementary anatomy 1873 589
Mivart Man and apes 1873
Moggridge Ants and spiders 1873
Mohl, Hugo Vegetable cell 1852
Mohl, H. Bau und Winden der Pflanzen 1827 590
Mohl, Jules Études orientales 1879-80 594
Mojsvâr Dolomit-Riffe 1878
Mojsvâr Gebirge um Hallstatt 1873-75
Mojsvâr Geologische Übersichtskarte n.d.
Mojsvâr Daonella und Halobia 1874
Moleschott Circulation delà vie 1866
Moleschott Kreislauf des Lebens \W7
Moleschott & Fubini SulVinfluenza délia luce 1879 595
Moniez Cestodes 1881
Mons Arbres fruitiers 1835-36
Moore & More Cybele Hibernica 1866 598
Moore, Frederic Indian lepidopterous insects 1879
Moore, George The first man 1866
Moore, Thomas Poetical works 1847
Moquin-Tandon Teratologie végétale 1841
Morgan American beaver 1868 602
Morgan Consanguinity 1871
Morren Congres de botanique horticole 1877
Morren Physiologie végétale 1871
Morris British fossils 1854
Morton Types of mankind 1854 603
Moseley Notes by a naturalist 1879 607
Moseley Oregon 1878
Moseley Peripatus capensis 1874
Mosso Kreislauf des Blutes 1881
Moubray Treatise on breeding 1834
Müller, Ferdinand von Fragmenta phytographiae australiae 1869-71 608
Müller, Freidrich Allgemeine Ethnographie 1873
Müller, Friedrich Reise der Novara 1868
Müller, Fritz For Darwin 1869 609
Müller, Fritz Für Darwin 1864
Müller, Hermann Alpenblumen 1881
Müller, H. Befruchtung der Blumen 1873 610
Müller, H. Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Blumen und Insekten 1879
Müller, Johannes Elements of physiology 1838--42 613
Müller, J. Seeigellarven n.d. 621
Muir Supernatural religion 1874
Murchison Silurian system 1839
Murchison Silurian system reviewed 1841 622
Murphy Habit and intelligence 1869
Murphy Habit and intelligence 2nd edn 1879 623
Murray, Andrew Distribution of mammals 1866 two copies 624
Murray, Lindley English grammar 1831
Nägeli Botanische Mittheilungen 1866 625
Nägeli Die niederen Pilze 1877 630
Nägeli & Cramer Pflanzenphysiologie 1855
Nash Oregon 1878
Nathusius Schweineschädeln 1864
Nathusius Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere 1864
[page break] lv
Nathusius Viehzucht und Rassenkenntnis 1872-80 636
Natural history - plates 1824-26 637
Naturalist's library Ornithology n.d.
Natural science, creeds and scripture 1870 638
Natuurkundige Verhandeligen including Fritz Sonnenflecken 1878
Nalidin Hybridité dans les végétaux 1862
Netter De l'intuition 1879 639
Neumayr & Paul Slavonien 1875
Neumayr Fauna des untersten Lias 1879 640
Neumeister Taubenzucht 1837
Newberry Dinichytes 1875 641
Newton Zoology 1874
Nicholson Ophiology 1874
Niemeyer Medicine 1871 642
Nilsson Primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia 1868
Nitzch Pterylography 1867
Nogueira A raca negra 1880
Noire Ursprung der Sprache 1877
Noire Die Welt 1874
Noire Das Werkzeug 1880
Nordenskiöld Voyage of the Vega 1881
Nusbaum Embryologie de Mysis n.d.
Odart Ampélographie 1849 643
Officier du roi Voyage à l'isle de France 1773 644
Ogle Harveian oration 1881
Oken Physiophilosophy 1847
- Our blood relations 1872
O'Neill Refutation of Darwinism 1880
Ontario Province Report on agriculture 1873
Oppert Languages 1879
Ord Colloids 1879
Ordinaire Volcans 1802
Onnathwaite Astronomy and geology compared 1872
Orton Andes and Amazon 1870
Orton Andes and Amazon 3rd edn 1876 645
Osborne Horsebreeder's handbook 1881
Otley English lakes 1830
Ovington Voyage to Suratt 16%
Owen, David Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota 1852
Owen, John (ie Butler) The fair haven 1873
Owen, Richard Anatomy of vertebrates 1866-68
Owen, R. Mylodon 1842 648
Owen, R. British fossil mammals 1846 649
Owen, R. Invertebrates 1855 652
Owen, R. Limbs 1849 655
Owen, R. Palaeontology 1860 656
Owen, R. Palaeontology 2nd edn 1861
Owen, R. Parthenogenesis 1849 two copies
Packard Insects 1868 658
Packard Insects injurious to trees 1881
Page Man 1867
Paget Surgical pathology 1853
Paget Surgical pathology 3rd edn 1870 661
Paley Christianity 1822
Palm Winden der Pflanzen 1827 662
Paolucd Uccelli 1878 two copies 663
Paris Medical chemistry 1825
Paris Pharmacologia 1825
Parker Shoulder and sternum in vertebrates 1868
Parkes Practical hygiene 1873
Parkinson Fossil organic remains 1822
Pauchon Rôle de lumière dans génération 1880
Pennant Quadrupeds 1769
Pernety îles Malouines 1763-64 664
Perrier Colonies animales 1881
Persoon Synopsis plantarum 1805-07
Pettigrew Physiology of circulation 1873
Pettigrew Physiology of wings 1871
Philippi Catalogus plantarum 1881 665
[page break] lvi
Phillips, John Geology of Oxford 1871
Phillips, J. Life on earth 1860
Phillips, J. Treatise on geology 1839
Phillips, J. Vesuvius 1869 666
Phillips, William Mineralogy 1823
Phillips, W. Mineralogy 4th edn 1837 667
Pickering R< --s of man including
Hall Analytical synopsis 1850
Pictet Paléontologie 1844-45 668
Pictet Paléontologie 2nd edn 1853-57 670
Piderit Mimik und Physiognomik 1867 675
Pistor Taubenzucht 1831 677
Planck Seele und Geist 1871 678
Planck Darwinismus 1872
- Plans of lakes and rivers between Huron and Ottawa 1857
Playfair Huttonian theory 1802
Pompper Säugethiere, Vögel und Amphibien 1841 679
Porcher Du Fuchsia 1844
Posnett Ethics, jurisprudence and political economy 1882
Pouchet Human race 1864
Pourtalès Deep-sea corals 1871 680
Powell Indian languages 1880 two copies
Pozzi Du crane 1879
Preyer Blausäure 1870
Preyer Blutkrystalle 1871
Preyer Naturwissenschaft 1880
Preyer Seele des Kindes 1882
Price Old Price's remains 1863-64
Pilchard Physical history of mankind 1836
Prichard History of mankind 3rd & 4th edns 1841-51 683
- Principles of organic life 1868 686
Proctor, Richard Science 1879
Proctor, Robert fourney across the Cordillera 1825 687
Psychological enquiries 1854
Public libraries in the U.S. 1876
Pugin Edifices and buildings 1841
Pulteney Linnaeus 1805 688
Pusey Permanence and evolution 1882
Putsche Taubenkatechismus 1830
Puvis Dégénération et extinction 1837
Quadri Teoria Darwiniana 1869 690
Quatrefages Charles Darwin 1870
Quatrefages Maladies du ver à soie 1859
Quatrefages Annelés 1865 691
Quatrefages Métamorphoses 1862
Quatrefages Nouvelles recherches sur ver à soie 1860 692
Quatrefages Physiologie comparée 1855
Quatrefages Souvenirs 1854
Quatrefages Unité de l'espèce humaine 1861 693
Quetelet L'Homme 1835 694
- Rabbit book n.d.695
Radcliffe Nerve and muscle 1871
Radenhausen Osiris 1874-76
Ram Philosophy of war 1878
Rames La Création 1869
Ramsay Rock specimens 1858
Ramsay Physical geology and geography 1863
Ramsay Physical geology and geography 3rd edn 1872 6%
Ramsay Physical geology and geography 5th edn 1878
Rang Mollusques 1829
Ranke Physiologie des Menschen 1875
Ray Correspondence 1848
Ray Wisdom of god 1692
Ray Memorials 1846 697
Reade, Thomas Chemical denudation 1879
Reade, Winwood African sketch-book 1873
Reade, W. Martyrdom of man 1872 698
Rée Moralische Empfindungen 1877
Reeve Mollusks 1863
Reichenau Vögel 1880
[page break] lvii
Reinke Vegetabilische Substanzen 1879
Rendu Intelligence des bêtes 1863
Rengger Säugethiere von Paraguay 1830
Retzius Anatomische Untersuchungen 1873 703
Retzius Finska Kranier 1878
Retzius Wirbelthiere 1881
Reynier Économie publique et rurale 1818 704
Rialle Mythologie 1878
Ribeiro Noticia 1878
Ribot Hérédité psychologique 1882
Ribot Heredity 1875
Richard Analyse du fruit 1808
Richardson, John Pigs 1847
Richardson, J. Fauna Boreali-Americana 1829-36 705
Richardson, J. & Gray, J.E. Zoology of voyage of Erebus and Terror 1844-48 708
Richardson, Samuel Sir Charles Grandison 1781
Riedel Taubenzucht 1824
Riedel Feinde der Tauben 1824 710
Riley, Charles Missouri insects 1871-77
Riley, C. Cotton worm 1880 712
Riley, C. Locust plague 1877
Riley, James Loss of the Commerce 1817
Ritchie Creation 1874
Robinet Vers à soie 1848
» Rolle Darwins Lehre n.d. 713
Rolleston Animal life 1870
Rolph Biologische Probleme 1882 714
Romanes Theism 1878
Romanes & Ewart Echinodermata 1881
Rosenbuch Physiographie der Gesteine 1877
Ross Graft theory of disease 1872
Rossi Darwinisme 1870 775
Roux Kampf der Theile 1881
Royal Commission on live animal experimentation 1876
Royal Society Catalogue of papers 1879
Royer Homme et sociétés 1870 716
Rudolphi Anthropologie und Naturgeschichte 1812
Rütimeyer Fossile Pferde 1863 718
Rütimeyer Fauna der Schweiz 1861
Rütimeyer Grenzen der Thierwelt 1868 726
Rütimeyer Rinder der Tertiär-Epoche 1878
Sabatier Coeur et circulation des vertébrés 1873 727
Sachs Geschichte der Botanik 1875
Sachs Lehrbuch der Botanik 1870
Sachs Lehrbuch der Botanik 3rd edn 1873
Sachs Traité de botanique 187A728
Sageret Cucurbitacées 1826 730
Sageret Pomologie 1830 731
St Bartholomew's hospital Reports 1875 733
St Clair Darwinism and creation 1873
Saint-Hilaire, Auguste Leçons de botanique 1841
Saint-Hilaire, A. Rio de S. Francisco 1847-48 738
St John Highlands 1878
St John Sutherlandshire 1849
Salter The chrysanthemum 1865
Salter & Woodward Fossil Crustacea 1865 739
Samouelle Entomologist's compendium 1819
Saporta Monde des plantes 1879
Saporta & Marion Évolution du règne végétal 1881
Saporta & Marion Végétaux fossiles de Meximieux 1876
Saporta & Marion Flore de Gelinden 1878
Sarmiento Viage al estrecho de Magellanes 1878
Saussure La question du lac 1880
Savage Religion of evolution 1876
Schacht The microscope 1855 740
Scherzer Im tropischen America 1864
Scherzer Smyrne 1873
Schiff Physiologie de digestion 186
Schlegel Physiognomy of serpents 1843 743
[page break] lviii
Schleicher Darwinism 1869 745
Schmidt, Oscar Descendezlehre 1873
Schmidt, O. Descent 1875
Schmidt, O. Descent and Darwinism n.d.
Schmidt, Rudolf Die Darwin'sche Theorien 1876746
Schneider Der thierische Wille 1880
Schouw The earth including
Kobell Animal kingdom 1852
Schübeier Die Pflanzenwelt Norwegens 1873-75
Schufeidt Tetraonidae 1881 747
Schultze Kant und Darwin 1875
Schultze Sprache des Kindes 1880
Schulz Photographs n.d.
Schwann Manifestation 1879
Scientific layman New truth and old faith 1880
Scoresby Arctic regions 1820
Scott, John Poppy gardeners 1876
Scott, J. Opium husbandry 1877 748
Scott, J. Culture of opium poppy 1874
Scott, J. Culture of opium poppy 1878
Scott, W.R. The deaf and dumb 1870749
Scrope Volcanos 1862
Scudder, John Specific diagnosis 1874
Scudder, Samuel Butteflies 1881
Scudder, S. Names for butterflies 1875
Sedgwick Discourse 1850
Sedgwick Geology of the Lake District 1853 752
Sedgwick Cowgill chapel 1870
Seeley Index to fossil remains 1869
Seeley Ornithosauria 1870
Seemann flora vitiensis 1865
Seguenza Cirripedi terziarii 1874-76
Seidlitz Descendenztheorie 1876
Seidlitz Darwin'sche Theorie 1871
Seidlitz Darwin'sche Theorie 1871 second copy 753
Seidlitz Darwin'sche Theorie 2nd edn 1875
Semper Arbeiten aus Würzburg 1876
Semper Natural conditions 1881
Semper Natürliche Existenzbedingungen 1880
Semper Palau-Inseln 1873
Settegast Thierzucht 1868 754
Seward Dr Duncan 1804
Shaftesbury Man 1749
Sharpe Man 1873
Shuckard Indigenous fossorial Hymenoptera 1837
Sidgwick Methods of ethics 1874 756
Sidgwick Methods of ethics - supplement 1877
Siebold Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden 1871
Siebold Parthenogenesis in moths and bees 1857
Siebold & Stannius Anatomie comparée 1850 757
Siegwart Menschengeschlecht 1873758
Skertchly The universe 1878
- Sketch of philosophy 1868
Smellie Natural history 1790
Smith, Alexander Morals 1835 759
Smith, Andrew Zoology of S. Africa 1849
Smith, Charles Hamilton Dogs 1839-40 760
Smith, C.H. Horses 1841 764
Smith, C.H. Human species 1852 766
Smith, James EngZisfc /low 1824-28
Smith, J. Grammar of botany 1821 767
Smith, J. Introduction to botany 1819
Smith, Toulmin Ventriculidae 1858
Snell Schöpfung des Menschen 1863
Sole Positivismo 1881
Sole Sensazione 1882
Solis y Rivadeneyra Mexico 1790 765
Solms-Laubaeh Corallina 1881
Somerville Physical sciences 1834
Somerville Molecufor and microscopic science 1869
[page break] lvix lix
Soret Pictet 1872
Sowerby et al. British poisonous plants 1861
Spencer Classification of sciences 1871
Spencer Data of ethics 1879
Spencer Descriptive sociology 1873
Spencer Education 1861
Spencer Essays, 2nd series 1863
Spencer First principles 1860-62 769
Spencer First principle 2nd edn 1867
Spencer Philosophie 1875
Spencer Principles of biology 1864-67
Spencer Principles of psychology 1855 773
Spencer Principles of psychology 2nd edn 1870-72
Spencer Principles of sociology 1874-77
Spencer Study of sociology 1877 774
Spengel Darwinismus 1874
Spix & Martius Travels in Brazil 1824
Sprengel Entdecktes Geheimnis der Natur 1793
Stainton Butterflies and moths 1857 785
Stebbing Essays on Darwinism 1871
Steenstrup Alternation of generations 1845
Steenstrup Hectocotyldannebsen 1856 786
Steenstrup & Lütken Coprepoder 1861
Stephens British entomology 1828-29 787
Stephens British Coleoptera 1839
Stephens British insects 1829
Sterne (ie Krause) Werden und Vergehen 1876 788
Sterne Werden und Vergehen 2nd edn 1880
Steudel Nomenciator botanicus 1841
Stewart Philosophical essays 1818 789
Stonehenge (ie Walsh) The dog 1867
Strasburger Cellules 1876
Strasburger Zelltheilung 1876
Strasburger Zelltheilung 3rd edn 1880 790
Strauss Der alte und der neue Glaube 1872
Stricker Handbuch der Lehre 1868-72
Strzelecki New South Wales 1845
Sturm Ragen 1825 791
Sully Sensation and intuition 1874 two copies 794
Supernatural in nature 1878
Survival 1877
Swainson Geography and classification of animals 1835
Swainson Birds 1836-37 795
Swammerdam The book of nature 1758 796
Swank Iron and steel statistics 1881
Swinhoe North China campaign 1861 797
Syme Werner's colours 1821
Tasso Gerusalemme 1821 798
Tayler Christianity 1868
Taylor, John Flowers 1878
Taylor, Richard (ed.) Scientific memoirs 1837
Teale Dangers of health 1878
Tegetmeier Poultry book 1856-57
Tegetmeier Poultry book 1866-67 800
Tegetmeier Profitable poultry 1854 803
Tegetmeier Pheasants 1873 804
Thomas Acrididae 1873
Thompson, J. Ready reckoner 1805
Thompson, William Ireland 1849-51
Thomson Flower garden 1871 806
Thorell Études scorpiologiques 1877
Thorell European spiders 1869-70
Thorell Synonyms of spiders 1870-73
Thornton Linnaeus' system n.d.
- Thoughts on mental functions n.d.
Tieghem Traité de botanique n.d.
Tietze Devonische Schichten 1870
Timiriazeff Essay on Darwin 1865 808
Tornae Chemi 1880
[page break] lx
Trémaux Homme 1865 two copies
Treub Orchidées 1879
Trimen & Thiselton-Dyer Flora of Middlesex 1869
Tschudi Nature in the Alps 1856
Tucker Light of nature 1831 809
Tuke Influence of the mind 1872
Turton British fauna 1807
Tuttle Physical man 1866 810
Twining Science 1870
Tylor Anthropology 1881
Tylor Primitive culture 1871
Tylor Early history of mankind 1865
Tylor Early history 2nd edn 1870 811
Tyndall British Association address 1874
Tyndall Imagination in science 1870
Tyndall Glaciers 1858
U.S. Entomological Commission Rocky Mt. locust 1880 812
Vacek Österreichische Mastodonten 1877
Vasseur Terrains tertiaires de France 1881
Vaucher Plantes d'Europe 1841
Veith Haussäugethiere 1856 815
Verity Changes in nervous system 1839 816
Verlot Plantes d'ornement 1865 817
Viardot Libre examen various edns 1871-81 819
Vincent 1875 Yearbook 1876
Virchow Cellular pathology 1860
Virchow Niederer Menschenrassen 1875 823
Virchow & Holzendorff Vorträge n.d.
Vöchting Rhipsalideen 1873
Vöchting Melastomeen 1875
Vöchting Organbildung 1878
Vogt Lectures on man 1864 824
Vogt Lettres physiologiques 1875
Vogt Microcéphales including Quatrefages' Review 1867
Vogt Aufgänge der Organismen 1870 826
Volz Kulturgeschichte 1852
Vries Kanten oan Sicyos 1880 829
Vulpian & Carville Appareil vaso-moteur 1875
Wagner, Moritz Darwinian theory 1873 830
Wagner, Rudolf Vertebrates 1845
Wagner, R. Zoologisch-anthropologische Untersuchungen 1861 831
Waitz Anthropology 1863
Wake Man 1868 two copies 832
Waldner Deutschlands Faune 1879-80
Walker, Alexander Intermarriage 1838
Walker, Francis Monographia Chalciditum 1839 836
Walker, John and Charles Atlas of British Isles 1837
Wallace Natural selection 1870 837
Wallace Natural selection 2nd edn 1871
Wallace Geographical distribution 1876
Wallace Island life 1880 840
Wallace Malay archipelago 1869
Wallace Supernatural 1866 842
Wallace Tropical nature 1878
Wallich Eminent men 1870 843
Waltershausen Klimate 1865
Walther, Alfred & Molendo Die Laubmoose Oberfrankens 1868
Walther, Friedrich Der Hund n.d.
Walther, F. Das Rindvieh 1817 844
- Wanderings at Kew n.d. 845
Ward Investments 1852
Warington Creation 1870
Waterhouse Mammalia 1845-48
Waterhouse Marsupialia 1841 849
Waterton Natural history 1838
Watson, H.C. Cybele britannica 1847-60
Watson, H.C. Compendium of Cybele britannica 1868-70 850
Watson, H.C. Distribution of British plants 1843 852
Watson, Thomas Physic 1857
[page] lxi
Webb Dogs 1876
Weber Taubenfreund 1850
Weddell Bolivie 1853 853
Wedgwood Language 1866
Wedgwood Understanding 1848
Wedgwood English etymology 1872
Weinland Meteoriten 1882 854
Weisbach Reise der Novara 1867
Weismann Daphnoiden 1879
Weismann Descendenz-Theorie I1875 855
Weismann Descendenz-Theorie II1876 856
Weismann Descent 1880-82 857
Weismann Isolirung 1872
Weismann Berechtigung der Darwin'schen Theorie 1868 860
Wells Two essays 1818 861
Westwood Classification of insects 1839^10
Whewell Inductive sciences 1837 866
White Seiborne 1825 868
White Seiborne new edn 1843 870
Whitney Gravels of Sierra Nevada 1879
Whitney Language 1875 871
Whitney Oriental and linguistic studies 1873
Wichura Bastardbefruchtung 1865
Wiesner Bewegunsvermögen der Pflanzen 1881 873
Wiesner Wissenschaftliche Botanik 1881-89 874
Wiesner Heliotropische Erscheinungen 1878-80
Wigand Darwinismus 1874r-77
Wilckens Form und Leben der Hausthiere 1878
Wilckens Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere 1880
Wilckens Rinderassen 1876 875
Williamson Recent Foraminifera 1857
Williamson Microscopical objects 1847
Wilson, John British farming 1862
Wilson, Owen British Lepidoptera 1877
Winkler Poissons fossiles n.d.
Winkler Tortues fossiles 1869
Wollaston Insecta Maderensia 1854
Wollaston Variation 1856 876
Wolstein Paaren und Verpaaren 1836 879
Woodward Shells 1851-56
Wright Darwinism 1871 882
Wright Philosophical discussions 1877
Wundt Physiologische Psychologie 1880
Wundt Physiologie humaine 1872
Würtenberger Ammoniten 1880 two copies
Yarrell British fishes 1836 883
Yarrell British birds 1839
Youatt Cattle 1834 885
Youatt 77ie dog 1845 888
Youatt Tte pig 1860 889
Youatt Steep 1837 590
Young Natural philosophy 1807 595
Zerffi Development of art 1876
Ziegler Atomicité et zoïcité 1874
Zuckerkandl Reise der Novara 1875
* The annotations in Rolle were reconstructed from Martin and Uschmann Friedrich Rolle 1827-87, ein Vorkämpfer neuen biologischen Denkens in Deutschland Leipzig 1969. CD's copy of Rolle seems to have disappeared.
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ABERCROMBIE, John Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth 8th edn; London; John Murray; 1838 [CUL]
beh, che, fg, h, he, pat, phy, sx, t, ta, ts, y
NB1 Origin of shame & blushing, fear & anger mixed??
NB2 It requires much attention to observe in self an habitual action.
Nothing for Species Book
vi 25m, 26m viii 14r-16m 2 21-22m/21u "organs\mind"/22u "externahbrain" 7 wt/wt* It is clearly common to animals, the dogs * does not doubt, that the smell of a partridge shows partridge there. XX |? 3-6m/w X Is it with animals? Yes. V. p. 8 wb XX His master taking a gun, is to the dog a law of nature that he is going out shooting.- he learns this by his own experience- he learns instinctively, that * |? 8 wt What is cause of difference.- if dogs sees take up hat, it is long before he knows this means to go out of doors.- Association & Causation united somehow. 7-llm/w This applies to animals wb as simple animals must also have causation the conviction of truth may be owing to * simple causes followed by uniform effects, only affecting such beings. 9 4-6m 10 1-Am 12 24-27m 13 4r-5m, 8-13w Hope love joy sorrow 8-llm/w sublime terrible pleasure of imagination 14 19-29m/w do not understand wb Is fear active or passive emotion? 22 4-6m/x/u "wills", wb How far can these be simplefied? 26 2-5m 27 8-llm/w functions of the nervous system, as gravitation of matter. 17-23m/22x, 19-20m/ w 1/2 instincts wb & by these laws, such as of gravity, of crystalline arrangement of particles 28 l-10m/l".../l-10m, wb By Materialism, I mean, merely the intimate connection of kind of thought, with form of brain.- like, kind of attraction with nature of element 29 wt Here organ produces life! - & life & thought intimately related 3-19m, 19-22w ?will my theory apply here? 27w z Generation! 28u "functions", wb Elective Affinity is a thing not analogous to others qualities of bodies, yet is supposed property of * matter, so would I say thought was -from analogy of organs.- 30 l-20m, 21-26m 31 wt/l-9w X From the myriads of animals that have existed We may assume thought as function of matter, & then say, to what function of matter, shall we compare the phenomena of attraction? - This assumption is as justifiable as the other we only know thought, as a phenomenon attendant on structure, & we only know elective attraction, as function of matter. 18x/w X But why should not matter have such function, as plain facts indicate, as well as they have attraction 32 wt What a poor argument, liver continues to secrete bile, & testes same vivifying semen! l-3m, 5-10m/!? 33 wt* a Then animals immortal.- wt xa. As the elective affinity of a salt changes, when its elements unite in composition, so may mind.- 2u "thing mental"/2-4m/w xa 9-29m, 13-29m/22x/wb good 34 l-25m, wb It is sufficient to point out close relation of kind of thought & structure of brain 35 9-13m 39 wt/ 1-llw But some of these impressions may be hereditary.- but they are habitual impressions & therefore * about which there is no consciousness, otherwise, mind could act, without having had perception. & why not? would not simple mind feel lust?- 7-9m/ x, 23-29m/25w emotions? 40 8-14m, 15-17m/ 16u, 17-21m 42 wt whether dog first time smells partridge knows there is something there. 3-7m/? 54 18-29m, wb p. 59 On other hand by attention perception becomes more perfect, & likewise willing does - 55 l-29m, 28-29m 56 14-17m/l-25w ought this not to be expressed as willing becomes unconscious.- as perception becomes unconscious,- so do impressions, & hence ideas, & actions consequent on these ideas.- wb a person whistles - & tricks are wholly unconscious actions.- great effort of attention to perceive them these acts are only unconscious in the steps 57 wt An action becomes habitual if repeated without at same time, without much attention at first as taking off cover to tea-chest. 66 3-21m, 3-4m, 9-llm 67 zt, 21-23m, wb Is Conscience effect of certain lines of action, useful on the large scale having been done on the less scale 80 3u "marvellous", 4-8m/5u "miraculous" 92 18-20m 93 l-9m, 12-26m 94 l-4m 97 28-29m 98 wt X is not an indistinct idea seldom repeated, because unsatisfactory? 2-3m, 11-12X 99 wt like manner we learnt to repeat at school - I think by same association. l-16m/8X, 17u "attention"/w repetition? 101 wt Conception of a view or is a perfect instance of association of many impressions 4-llm, 28x/ u "reverie", ll-29w X As far as the mind is concerned nearly like sleep, the relations of ideas just past not quite so broken - body different state wb argument for mind working always during sleep wb habit must be associated will.- 104 29« "of emotion"/18-24w Does thinking of vexing thing, bring other[page break] 3-4
disagreeable thoughts? 105 18-29m 109 24-28m/x, wb Scarcely ever a new thought arises from this process - only old associations 110 ll-13m, 19-29m/29w imbecility of age? Ill l-4m, 23-29m/x/wt x I know from experience * memory of many unconnected facts is far most easy to me by such local associations. 114 ll-14m/?/14u "are little acquainted"/15-16w what difference? 116 wt A dog. when he has had good hunt after any animal in a spot in a hedge recollects it, & always go there with pleasure & eagerness wb Horse sweating, when he hears hunting horn in stable. Euphrates if he guessed he was going to race by little water being given him mad with eagerness all night. 117 wt Horses wonderful local memory 20-24m 122 2-3m 132 19-24m 134 17-19m 143 wt 3 These cases like Miss Cogans, & serve to show that affections of brain will recall facts in * an individual life after long periods.- l-8m, wb 3 These may be adduced as nearly as wonderful a priori as instincts - an habitual action being repeated would be more to my purpose.-144 14-24m 147 17-29m (Prichard) 148 l-3m 149 l-6m 150 3-8m, 19-29m 151 9-13m/x, 26-29m, wb Exactly like my Father's case of Archdeacon Corbet 152 ll-15m 154 3-7m, 22-27m/?, wb Animals minds are influenced by age, like that of man 155 13-16m/14u "Dr. Beattie", wb X What has he written? 156 5-20m, 18-26m 157 ll-15m, 19-28m 158 20-13m/[...]/w (1)(a) 14-16m/[...]/w (2) wb (a) Does not a bird when it builds its nest, use abstraction respecting place, & softness & elasticity of materials, which are not constant in kind, but only in quality.- 159 l-5tn, 10-13m/llw (a) wb animals have ideas of colour.- mad horse (?Cline) dread of scarlet, of any kind- - Smells, do - 161 19-29m 162 wt Peacock has idea of beauty?- 3-8m/[...J, wb Animals sometimes suffer from abstraction. Thus the Casarca which bores through walls, has an abstract idea of vertical surface of hard earth as the requisite, & does not combine, such conditions as imply a çjiff of earth 163 wb/7-24w When cat pounces & runs after feather, it knows it is not mouse, but does it not use imagination or picture to itself it is.- X -» quote Madam Necker. on playing of children- 164 20-22m, wb What are the feelings of a dog, when he bays the moon? 165 wt When two Male birds are rivalling each other in singing is it not a work of imagination? 167 wt Is not imagination, abstraction of several different parts of several ideas & their unions, instead of as in pure abstraction of same qualities (as colour &c) + several ideas? 23-24m/? 168 27-28m/? 172 l-6m/w common to animals 10-13m 173 l-29m/4-18w very Poor 174 26-28m 175 wt If because such combination is observed in an animal, it is called instincts.- there is an end of argument. l-6m 176 8-24«; Yet imagination must be always checked by reason - otherwise dreaming 9-17m, 21u "Reasoning"/22u "reason", 26-27u "Discursive Faculty", wb I suspect the Paper in Zoological Journal will be worth study.- 177 3-7m 179 wt Perhaps mathematical reasoning does not.- each step there does not require the memory & knowledge of all contingencies,- it is merely to find the step, & then to pursue the deep train.- 4-6m/w requires properly arranged memory XX 181 22-23m 185 12-13m*, 24-29m 187 17w All Poor 17-23w But yet must be thought over with regard to Transmutation of species theory 191 wt Would not simple association of ideas lead to this expectation, which would be believed in till contradicted (which it is not) by experience- 13-19m/14x, 21-22m/-+ /wb Surely all this may be resolved into simple fact we trust our memory, until taught to contrary. 199 wt A man may wish to jump from a bridge to save another, but absolutely will not let him.- Makes the muscles fall, & heart sink - 4-22m 202 across whole page.w See following Pages & Copy all this Zw/wt* H believed - pretty world we should be in!- But it could not be believed excepting by intellectual people - if I believed it - it would make no difference in my life, for I feel more virtue more happiness - Believers would * will only marry good women & pay detail attention to education & so put their children in way of being happy. wt* It is yet right to punish criminals for public good, wt * All this delusion of free will, would necessarily follow from mere feeling power of action.- wt* View no more unreasonable, than that there should be sick & therefore unhappy, men wt* What humility this view teaches tw* A man + hearing bible by chance becomes good, this is effect of accident with this state of desire (neither by themselves sufficient) effect of birth & other accidents: May be congratulated, but deserves no credit wb* P For wickedness is no more a man's fault than bodily disease!! (animals do persecute the sick as if were their fault). If this doctrine were. H 203 7u "consideration"/wt Yes but what determines his consideration?- his own previous
[page break] 5-6
conduct - & what has determined that? & so on - Hereditary character & education - & chance (indepdt of his will) circumstances.
3-8w* Changes of character possible from change of organization llu "desires" "conduct"lw What has given these desires & conduct 13a "agent" but not desired 4-27w* When opposed desires are absolutely equal which is possibility. May free-will then decide.- but it must be decided by habit or wish & these all originate as before 15-27w* Then why does not act of insanity give shame?? wb According to all this ones disgust at villain * is nothing more than disgust at some one under foul disease, & pity accompanies both. Pity ought to banish disgust- P-> 204 29"... 205 l-Am/4...", 15-17m/"..." 206 9-12m, 16-20m, wb* A man may put himself in the way of above accidents, but desire to do so arises as before; & knowledge that the effect will be good, arises as before, education & mental disposition.- wb* One feels how many actions, not determined by will, passion -When the motive power feeble & complicated & opposed we may free will (or chance 209 4r-5m/27-28m (Stewart) 210 wt I presume these first truths are something quite distinct from instinctive knowledge, or passion - as fear of death.- sexual desire -pleasure of affection or charity - l-5m/"..."/ w How many of them do animals possess? 212 10-15m 213* 9w The following pages -very poor 217 14-17m 218 8-17c/12u "required''/ll-14w so much the better! Fee-hunting doctor wb In short that your hypothesis shall be real cause with respect one item at least in group of facts - if it be only possible cause, hypothesis of very poor kind. V. M. le Comte 219 18-20w to 256. wretchedly poor - as far as originality goes 221 3-6m 233 wt Main difficulty of judging probabilities multiplied into probabilities. & the alternatives omitted.- present always, except in mathematical reasoning l-20m/w again the chance of several independent proofs from probability tending to one end, if not true 241 l-5m 251 8-12m, 10-12m/z/w yes 257 wt X| In insanity, there is belief, though opposed by many of the senses - in dreaming, mainly passive belief from absence of evidence of senses 29m/X, 26-29w drunkeness more * closely allied than dreaming 258 wt no, a vivid thought neither pleasant nor painful but merely vivid cannot be dismissed even by strongest will,- is insanity an unhealthy vividness of thought. 7-8m/u "is I insanity", 9-19w they ought not to be classed together, * the reality of the thought or absence of doubt in one case being owing to the weakness« absence of contending impressions, & in insanity opposed to many present impressions. 17m/ -* /wb In Spectral illusions, what is history of kind of impssn 259 wt (a) There is some sophistry here: insane man has perfect consciousness - somnabulism has not- 2-5m/w a 7-16m, 12-17m, 21-23w 5th Drunkeness Nitrous oxide 260 21-22m, wb It would be worth while to write down every dream 275 wt & double consciousness & likewise many which from repetition have ceased to be objects of conscious memory -namely all habitual movements 8-17m/12x/ 17? 287 16-19m, 23-28m 289 l-8m, 10-19m, wb I have a distinct recollection of solving some geological puzzles in my sleep - what it was I forget, which I am surprised at for I have so clear an indistinct notion. 291 19u ' dream"/w ? dream - wb Mem: my father's cases of quick oblivion - 311 wt like the memory after apolexy in some cases -"Clubs are trumps" + V. ante l-5m 312 24-29m (A. Comte) 313 18-20m* 314 l-4m/2u "pleasure"/?, 8-19w No account is here taken of the consciousness of people, that they are insane 315 5a "is not corrected" can not be corrected in the one case, dreaming, 6a "would." , & in the other case, is so vivid, that external world is almost wholly neglected. 10a "state" partially 10a "will." ; insane people do to certain extent vary, & forget the insane train ♦ ideas. 25m "higher states" "mania" fw* My father considers the two as wholly different. 27a "some impression has" any impression is 28a "of the mind" by the mind /wb the thinking machinery acting with unequal & praeternatural force 28a "and" accordingly 316 2a "are calculated immediately to" though often rightly perceived (as in D Ashe & in case of man eating porridge) do not immediately 318 14-15m 320 wt Surely as in passion from fatigue, (or fear from sickness) from long habit some object must be fixed on & it scarcely signifies what it is. 2-Am, 26-28m, wb just as passion of the above kind is generally most unreasonable 321 ll-14m 330 wt low spirits is to melancholia : : passion to mania - frame of mind in the state & any idea fixed on.- 4-7m/7u "occasional cause", 12a "constitutional peculiarities" diseased state of brain. 349 19-21m 355 26-29m 356 2-22m, 13-26m 357 22-23m 363 l-5m 375 wt if an idea was called up, with this degree of vividness, like a concepcion - no one would doubt it was a
[page break] 7-8
concepcion 8-llm/w how completely un-governed 379 lm/w All trash 431 ll-15m 433 2-llm
ABERNETHY, John Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr Hunter's Physiology, and of his researches in comparative anatomy 2nd edn; London; Longman, Hurst Rees, Orme & Brown; 1822 [CUL; ED; 352pp]
136 25m "trowel"/xv a mistake
in same binding:
Introductory lectures in the year 1814 [publ 1821 & 1823]
The Hunterian oration for the year 1819 part of the Introductory lecture for the year 1815 [publ 1819]
ACÉBLA, Alexandre Les Impiétés Paris; A. Ghio; 1878 [Down] p
ACHARIUS, Erik Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichens 2 vols.; Stockholm; F.D.D. Ulrich; 1803 [Down, ED]
ADAMS, Andrew Leith Field and forest ramblers London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1873 [CUL, I by author] ad, beh, fg, gd, mg, oo, ss, tm, v
NB p60, p69*
Sexual Selection Birds good- p76* Q
Rein-deer Horns - 89*
139 S. Selection - Birds Wax-wings - 153» Q
167, 182, 190, 192
SB «> p. 60. Two differently coloured vars. of sable with fur of qualities live in different kinds of wood, & colours apparently of service to them in each case; but both vars. highly variable
p.69. Racoons first expelled & now returning in numbers to cultivated trails.
p. 139 Dung of Bears almost made up of seeds - Dispersion.
p183 Birds common to America and Europe & vice versa- depends on winds, during periods of migration
[page break] 9
p185 - On the Loves of Ants & Aphides 106 4-6m 153 3-4w Reisen omitted 177 " "ProcMV'/xv p545 "3"u "ProcAIII", "6"u "JournM", "8"u "Geol.W"/ wb Last Paper.
vol 4 NB p. 419 Temminck on Indian Archipelago-
62 "226"m 186 "Richardson!"u "1823", "6"m, "13" m 187 "19/20/21 "m, "27 "m, "30"m, "31"m, "Richardson & Swainson.V'u "1831", "Richardson, Sivainson & Kirby.V'u "1829\ Quadrupeds" 419 "20"m 532 "Waterhouse.25/ 33/34" m 533 "58"m 534 "85"m 550 "Westwood.22"m 551 "48/49"m 552 "76"m 553 "86/95/103"m 554 "111/117/118/121/122/125"m 555 "135/153"m 590 "Yarrell.23"m 591 "40"m
AGASSIZ, Louis Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America vol. 1, part 1: Essay on classification n.d. [CUL, I]
af, cc, ch, co, em, fo, gd, geo, in, is, mn, no, oo, or, rd, sp, t, ta, ti, tm, v
SB □ ß, -o-
Agassiz on Classification p. 5 My valuation of Groups 10 Agassiz explanation of Rudiments 15 Ambylopsis very remote affinities, p. 15 Proteus affinities of
24 Admits the Vertebrata p. 31 probably arose with other types. Well may he say what changes (p. 24) has 30 years produced. e> in date of appearance of groups 30 Isolated Fam. of Fishes.- p. 42. do Freshwater abnormals
Admits that conditions do not explain distribution
No class exist without having some cosmopolitan genera
39 On creation of number of individuals
41 Quotes Waterhouse of representation of
all orders by Marsupials in Australia
44 curious tables of relation of Scincus with no relation to geograph. Distribution
49 Aquatic Animals bigger than terrestrial
53 Same species have lived for 30,000
years or 200,000 years as inferred from
58 Chelonians much individual variability
61 On Lungs of spiders not really two kinds.
74. Possible explanation of the strange Mollusc within Synapta
82 On Classification of Fishes
100 & 113 & 115 On Embryological & geological Succession 107 to 111 Classificatory rank & Geolog. Succession.-
102 Lund on succession of Types.
117 On combinations of characters in old
124 Parasites belong to all orders (no Strepsiptera)
(line across page)
162 the sentences from Linnaeus about genera
166 idea of sp. proceeding from single pair almost given up by all naturalists!
172 On the development of parts in order of importance: I suspect * importance applies solely to being important for classification; if so simple case as might be expected.
225 on degrees of resemblance of embryos
3 9-20« "peculiarities I structure", 12-13m/w Geograph Distribution? 4 21-25m 5 2-8w I believe species genera & classes all equally good or false, as one pleases to call it 9-12w Botanists far better authority than Zoologists. 10 22-25m 15 22-22m, 4-26m/25u "Proteus anguinus"/26u "North\Japan" 17 27-31m 23 20-21m/xv Agassiz himself 23-25m 24 4-7m/!, 36-38m 29 13-16m/14a "Classes" in 4 great kingdoms 16-18m 30.a 33-34m/34u "Labyrinthici", wb How large a group 30.b 30u "Goniodonts", 31-34m/31u "Chaca"/wb What? Abnormal? Amblyopsis is so 31 l-4m/ I, 5u "Radiata"/w* Planaria 37 l-6m 38 29-22m/?*/u "class", 22-24m/23u "majority" 39 32-34m/l 40 25-29m 41 12-24m/21u*/w* no 42 19-25m/20u "Labyrinthici"/22u "Cestra-ciontes" 43 27-29m 43.a 27-29m 44 3a/2-13w but is this a natural arrangement? May there not be parallel differences in different countries; those in same countries being really allied.- 45 26-31m 46 8-22m 49 23-25m 53 25-26m 54 8-10m 57.b 32-34m (T.W. Harris) 58 13-15m/13-14u "seen \ identical" 60 9-20m, 18-20!!/19u "tolerable precision" 61 35-36m/m 65 zb 66 6-22z 67.a 31-36m 74.b 26-32 m (/. Müller, De Bosset, Gegenbaur) 75 23-24m 82.a 28-38m 85 2-6m 89 2-2m 94 4-8m 100 2-23m, 24-28m 102.a 29-33m (Lund)/31u "1841 " 104 22-25m 107 25-26m 108 22-25m 109 6-23m, 22-29m 110 9-26m, 30-31m/31u "See\26" 111 29-35m 113 34-36m 114 22-25m, 27-29m 115 4-9m, 25-27m, 20m, 27-29m, 30-34m/".."/31-32u "very I ground" 117 10-14m/14u "Ichthyosauri"/?/w Mere analogy 22-23m, 25c/we 119 29-22m (J. Müller) 120 2-7m 121 wt All rubbish 3-4m/w oldest 22-24w> HEocene Monkey 32-35m 124 7-10m/w Strepsiptera 140 30-36m 148 4-20m 151 13-18m (Cuvier) 162 2-6m (Linnaeus) 163 27-30m 165 6-20m 166 4-9m, 33-36m 167 29-24m, 25-26m, 28-30m 169 23- 18m/w Assumes that these points are not variable
[page break] 11
170 31-34m/!, wb All this discussion merely shows that no talent can really plainly define principles of Classification 171 6-8!/6u "suborders", 12u "sub-families", 15-16m/u "subgenera", 20-21u "large\subdivisions", 23-26m/ !, 33-34m, 38m 172 3-5!, 13-17m, 31-35m 173 26-27m/w • 174 22-24m 175 9-llm, 14-15w but the teeth are in gums 15-17m 189 23-26m/25u "successively\ limited" 194 3m 195 31-32m, 37-38m 221 26-29m 225 6-7m, 11-12m, 15-16m 225.a 24-26m (Huxley, von Baer, Baden-Powell) 225.b 27-31m (Huxley, Cuvier, von Baer) 228 26-32m
AGASSIZ, Louis De l'espèce et de la classification en zoologie trans. F. Vogeli; Paris; Germer Baillière; 1869 [CUL] beh, v
NB 97 0 Animals have conscience and soul
♦ 106 Love making of Snails
380 varieties See s*-
97 27-37m 99 ll-15m (Ehrenberg, I. Geoffroy) 100 l-9m 106 13-20m/13-17[...J 380 3-llm
AGASSIZ, Louis Lake Superior: its character, vegetation, and animals, compared ivith those of other similar regions Boston; Gould, Kendall & Lincoln; 1850 [CUL, I] ad, br, ce, ci, dv, em, fo, gd, geo, hl, ig, mn, no, or, si, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, v, y
NB p. 406 Scratches
SB1 p. 13; p. 34; 36; p. 141; p. 142; p. 150;
p.154; p. 186; p. 192 to 200; p. 239; p. 240;
p.241 ; p. 246; p. 252; 255 to 377; 398
SB2 0 91
Gar-pike-Ganoid of F.W. in N. America
Another rather ancient Fish in F.W. 36 on lowness. because like Embryo.
150 On analogy of recent of N. America & Miocene of Europe
175 List of F.W. Plants of Lake Superior; I doubt whether any use
187* 193 On ant. & post, extremities of the Bat, being alike at early age - so in Birds
195 on relation of embryology to geolog succession.
198 on order in Cephalopods – Nautilus simplest
239 - On entomology of * L Superior - No. American forms.- a common Fauna with Europe & N. Asia - species different but most close (Mem. Kirby thought same) admit identity in Arctic, & most close analogies in L. Superior.
240 on greater range of aquatic Beetles
247 F. Water animals under similar latitudes are uniform as vegetation
♦252 On embryonic forms fish not deserving a separate class.
255 Ganoids &c in F.W.
257 on impossibility of making groups of
equal value
260 Reptilian character of Ganoid, "enbodying prospective view of another class"
265 on Families intermediate in character & in space or position.
285. Excellent case of Percopsis of Chalk, which combined characters, which soon diverged, intermediate between Ctenoids & Cycloids.
289. Hardly one Family in which some species are not both Marine & F.W.
292 - case of variability in a Perch, good as for Agassiz
♦317. Esox boreus is made distinct by Agassiz
327. Account for uniformity of Salmonidae by uniformity of conditions
352 Range of Cyprinoids p363
374 Are F.W. Fish of N. America distinct (over) 3.
375. On F.W. Fish being analogous with those of Europe & Asia
377 On shoals created as shoals
13 38-A0m 33 15-16m, 31-34m 34 4-8m, 16-22w Percopsis p. 285 20-23m, 29-32m 36 24-27m, 31-33m, wb * an entomostracous animal is lower than cirripedes 141 36-42m 142 25« "any \ living", 16u "guidance I man", 17-20mllll8u "thelover" 143 18-24m 150 2-6m/!/? 154.a 16m 155.a 3m, 7m, 9m, 11m, 13m, 19m, 20m 156.a 15m, 28m, 30m, 31m 157.a 3m, 5m, 24m, 25m, 27m, 35m 158.a 23m, 25m, 29m, 35m, 36m 151.a 4m, 7m, 8m, 12m, 15m, 16m, 20m, 22m, 29m, 32m, 34m 162.a 3m, 6m, 8m, 10m, 13m, 16m, 18m, 19m, 37m 163.a 8m, 11m, 19m 164.a 9m, 25m 165.a 20m, 32m, 33m 166.a 22m, 23m, 18m, 20m, 24m, 27m, 37m, 38m 167.a 3m, 5m, 11m, 14m, 20m, 22m, 25m, 29m, 30m, 31m, 33m, 37m 175.a 4m, 5m, 7m, 8m, 14m, 15m, 16m, 18m, 20m, 22m, 24m, 25m, 31m, 33m 176.a 8m, 9m, 10m, 17m, 18m, 23m, 27m, 31m, 34m, 38m 177.a 9m, Urn 186 5-9m, 24-27m 187 8-22m, 34-39m 192 25-34m 193 25-28m, 35-AlmH 194 8-18m, 27-29m/28u "equally\fin", 34-37m 195 29-37m 197 2-6m, 14-21m 198 22-26m 199 6-8m, 10-13m, 31-36m 239 7-14m/7-8w see to Plants 10-12-w very singular 14-15w Europe
[page break] 14
first cold I4r-I9m, 23u "many genera", 24u "Europe I Asia", 25m/-*, 34-35^> 239* 3-7m, ll-16m, 16-20m/19u "analogous species", 24-27m/25u "equivalent species", 27-31m/zo Subgenera 33« "Arctic circle", 35-36u "Wie I points" 240 ll-15m, 19-22m, 28-31m 240* 32-37m 246 18-23m/! 247 26-27!!, 27-28m 249 7-8m 252 wt X It comes to this that arrested development ought not to weigh with difference of full development; I doubt truth 9-18m/?/X 255 22-27m/?/23u "ten I species", 29-32m, 34-37m 257 6-13m, 13-15m 258 2-6m 259 14r-21m 260 20-22m, 29-31m/"..." 261 13-17m, 17-19m, 28-30m 262 l-7m 263 32-35m 264 l-4m 265 17-19m, 20-21m[w New Law 15-28m, 32-36m, wb insects wd illustrate this or Plants. Mem. Hooker these are a wandering species is often aberrant 266 22-13m 284 IOw F.W. 285 4a "never" with this exception 6-9m/8u "chalk", 10-12m, 14-15m, 19-21m\w I wonder whether this agrees with Müllers classification, as seen in Owen Lectures XX 24-26m/25u "Ctenoids and Cycloids", wb XX if Fish properly classed, whether so related to geologi. formations. 289 22-25m, 24-31m/24-28w opposed 30-33m 292 15-20m, 26-35m/30-35m 293 30-33m 294 19-23m 295 7-llm (Richardson) 297 24-29m 318 2-6m, 9-llm 327 27-30m/? 328 20-24m 329 2-10m, 7-21m, 23-25m, 27-29m, wb The fact of existence proves some advantage in the two types else one wd outbreed the other.- 348 31-34m 352 22w Yes Sir J Richardson 24-28m, 25X, 29-32m/29-30u/30-33w p. 353 353 15-16m 363 36-37m 374 7-12m, 19-22m 375 16-17m, 16-20m, 20-21m, 23-25m, 27-30m, wb I think Behring St. must have been land before Glacial epoch 376 12-25m, 21-23m, 33-37m 377 16-22m/17-18!!H, 25-28m/w Andrew Smith wb argumentum ad absurdum 398 4-9m/w i.e. W. of Lake Superior 31-37m 406 19"...♦, 23u "eastern"/w N 24u "western"/w S 29-34m/"..." 408 wt Why scratches all N. & S. or near it - for any current temporary or permanent from S. wd not tend to scratch.-
AGASSIZ, Louis Methods of study in natural history Boston; Ticknor and Fields; 1863 [Down, I] af, tm
NB p. 105 Snakes and certain Lizards compared & Lizards and Salamanders Excellent cases of Analogy of Form
105 23-29m 106 9-23m 107 23-26m
AGASSIZ, Louis Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis Soloduri; Jent & Gassmann; 1848 [CUL]
AGASSIZ, Louis Reports on the Florida reefs Cambridge, Mass.; 1880 [Down, I by Alexandre Agassiz]
AGASSIZ, Louis and GOULD, Augustus Addison Principles of zoology: part 1, Comparative physiology Boston; Gould, Kendall & Lincoln; 1848 [CUL] beh, cc, em, gd, hi, sx, sy, t
SB1 p. 5; p. 31; 123; 156; 165; 170; 179; 192
SB2Q ß
Gould & Agassiz
5. On Highness & Lowness.
31. Blind Cavern fishes & Crabs
123 Speaks "if order of formation is in relation to importance" - I infer he think so
106 Male toads carry eggs on Back
157 Admits difference in C. of Good H & S. America, & admits some higher law
165 Arctic Regions not one bright bird or Fish with varied hue proof of action of external conditions.-
179 Rivers of U. States some fish in common, some distinct.
5 21-26m/22u "perfect I proportion", 30-34m 31 21-27m 106 19-22m 123 2-6m, 8-21m/9w (a) 30-34m, wb (a) There is nothing to show this in previous chapter 156 14-21m 157 5-12m 165 4-5m/5u "fish\hues" 170 25-26m, 28-29m 179 25-27m 192 3-20m
ALDER, Joshua and HANCOCK, Albany A monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca parts 1-7; London; The Ray Society; 1845-55 [CUL] em, hi, sh
Part 7 SB
p.25 Larvae in operculated shell
26 ♦
34 * It is sign of lowness an animal undergoing its metamorphosis in a free state - some mollusca undergo a free metamorphosis & in some it is in egg state.-
25 29-32m 26 23-28m 34 27-31m P
ALLEN, Grant The colour sense: its origin and development London; Trübner; 1879 [CUL] ad, beh, cc, cs, fg, hy, oo, phy, ss, t, v
NB1 why shd the exercise of certain gustatory nerves by sugar * give grt
[page break] 16
pleasure & the exercise say of the tactile nerve of the tongue give little or no pleasure NB2 Hybrid - Error This is mere cross fertilisation in Aphys p39*
39? Wiesner - coloured scales of tip of short to moderate height
73 Saaf-maal
131 134?
like Hook.bug new 186
xi 8m, 10m xii 3m 4 wt/l-17w Fritz Müller years ago maintained that surrounding coloured flowers influenced s.s of Butterflies Self Galapagos 12-18m 39 29-22 wz», 19-20? 4, 23-24?, 26u "essentially" 40 13-17m 41 16w ? Lilies 26m "monocotyledons", 28w Pinks 28u 45 29-35w Hazel and PI crimson female flowers 48 3-4m 73 25-28m (Lubbock, Fritz Müller) 131 5-20w I believe specially acquired 18-29m 143 26-32m, 26-28w ValerianO cats 152 5-23w my Copridae magnificent do the splendid Curculid live on flowers 186 l-35m (Wallace) 190 23-24«; Peacock!?
ALLEN, Grant Der Farbensinn introduction by Ernst Krause; Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [Down] p
ALLEN, Grant Physiological aesthetics London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1877 [Down] beh, phy, t
NB 194; 159 appreciation of colour
vii 2-22m viii l-4m 20 14-28m (Bain) 21 2-11m 22 22-2 6m, 28-29m 23 2-29m 24 2-29m 25 2-29m 26 2-29m 27 2-2Sm 36 17-27m 37 l-4m 39 8-9w association omitted 10-13m/?, ll-12m, 19-29m 40 2-23m 42 23-29m 43 2-29m 44 l-29m/19u "nerves I calibre"/w Why? 46 23-29m 47 2-9m, 19-23m 48 22-22m 49 29-24m 67 5-26m 68 2-29m 69 2-29m 70 2-29m 71 l-18m 72 28-29m 73 2-20m 74 2-29m 75 2-3m, 20-29m 76 1-Am 79 25-29m 81 15-28m 82 2-27m 87 12-29m 90 3-29m 91 2-29m 92 2-23ra 99 2-23m 100 2-2 6m 105 23-2Sm* 106 2-20m* 108 24-29m 109 26-29m 111 6-28m 112 2-2Sm 113 22-29m 119 2-22m, 29-27m 120 2-26m 123 19-29m 124 2-25m 125 4-29m 126 2-23m 128 7-23m 150 2-29m 151 2-27m 152 2-2Sm 153 2-29m 154 2-29m 157 2-26m 159 3-27m 161 18-28m 163 23-29m 164 2-29m 165 2-23m, 25-27m 168 27-28m 169 2-9m 194 22-28m
ALLEN, Joel Asaph History of North American pinnipeds Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down]
ALLMAN, George James A monograph of the fresh-water Polyzoa London; The Ray Society; 1856 [Down] p
ALLMAN, George James A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids 2 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1871-72 [Down]
vol. 1 NB 0/
105 37-38m
vol. 2 NB 201 like Galls 201 20-27m
ALLEN, George James A report on the Hydroida Cambridge, Mass.; University Press; 1877 [Down, I by A. Agassiz] p
ALTUM, Bernard and LANDOIS, Hermann
Zoologie 2nd edn; Freiburg im Breisgau; Herder'sche Verlagshandlung; 1872 [Down]
ANDERSON, John A report on the expedition to Western Yunan via Bhamô Calcutta; Office of the Superintendent of Government printing; 1871 [Down, I] p
ANGELIN, Nils Peter Iconographia crin-oideorum Holmiae; Samson & Wallin; 1878 [Down] p
ARCHIAC, Etienne Jules Adolphe d'
Histoire des progrès de la géologie de 1834 à 1845 vol 1 (1847) Paris; Soc. Géol. France
fg, geo, phy
NB Possibility that 0
X 287 seeds
a> p. 287 Blocks actually transported from Terres de L. Philipe & Graham Land
^ Self on Mould/223
222 7u "terre végétale", 7-lOm, 10...", 15-19m/ 16-17u++, 21-29m 223 ÏÏ2« "uo/l2S37" 224 6-7Mcs><-> 287 10-20m/w seeds
ARGYLL, (Campbell, George Douglas) Duke of Primeval man London; Strachan & Co.; 1869 [CUL] beh, ds, h, hi, is, t, ta, tm
NB ♦ p60; 66; 70; 100; 130; 162; 165; 172 to 174; 178 to end; Only Man all used I doubt whether low intellectual state & high moral state would ever concur.-♦ If one of the Lower animals cd reason & he heard that man was ashamed of being a co(descendant)0 with him he might laugh with scorn & ask what of * practices ->
[page break] 18
♦X Degradation of Man In Partricide -Polyandry * Bloody sacrifice Superstitions causing life to be miserable, & abject fear justice by administering poison & other fatal schemes - Despotic government (& abject obedience) with right of life & death)
60 14-15z 70 10-16m 100 l-5m 130 12-16m 131 10-13m/ll-12u "acquire I knowledge"flO-16w No an old Rat does all but transmit, & perhaps this How transmit by example? 132 wt ie state in which we now see savages 1-3m 136 wt I must rest my conclusion on descent & not on traces of savagedom.- wt Say animal nature - not necessarily like present Barbarians, l-4m 139 3-7m 145 10a "use" the fashioning llu "fashioned I purpose"/ w over 147 3-7a/c/m/u/w/x£ 148 4-6m 156 9-13m 162 la "weaker" or smaller 163 6-7w But not the least civilized 165 6-12m 172 10-Um (Darwin) 173 l-7m 174 14r-17m 175 13-17m, wb & for Islds. man obeys usual law of no mammals, in Isld except by boat building races 178 4-6m 180 l-5m , 8-llm, 8-13w No India N. Africa Syria China New Zealand 181 ll-13m 182 13-17m 185 2-5m (Lubbock) 188 13-17m 189 9-14m 190 9-13m (M. Müller) 194 4-8m 199 2-10m (Lubbock), ll-17m
ARGYLL, (Campbell, George Douglas) Duke of The reign of law London; Alexander Strachan; 1867 [CUL, S] beh, he, sx, t, tm
NB1 187; 196; 198 sexual; 203 Argus Pheasant; 206 Narwhal Sexual; Humming Bird tails 246 do; 253; 324, 326 inherited mind; 256 Correlation of Growth NB2 8; 14; 30; 84; 89; 102; 133; 178 (also attached: p. 590 of The Saturday Review, 15 November 1862); »»To be returned
10 14m 13 8m 14 9-12m 30 19m 84 17m/w see p. 285 102 3-5m 133 7-14m/? 136 4z 142 7-8m 171 10-13m 177 6-9m 187 10-llw WryneckO Creeper 196 4-15m 198 5-15m/wt/ l-13w But there is no such thing as beauty, except to eyes of some living creatures 199 24m 200 8-13m 203 5-12m/8u "a sphere" 206 9-16m 212 19-20z, 23m 217 3- 7m 221 19-24m 228 19-23m 232 4-7m 246 6-24m/24u "central feathers" 247 5u "which\the", 7cjw€, 8u "Tufts I of", 9u "greens\ violets", 12-14m, 16-19m 251 20-22m 253 7-24m 268 10-13m/w no no 279 17-22m 285 15-16m/w See p. 84
ARISTOTLE On the parts of animals tr. W. Ogle; London; Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.; 1882 [Down]
ARNOTT, Neil Elements of physics or natural philosophy 2 vols.; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green; 1833 [Down] geo, ve
vol. 1 279 22-28m, 22-29w Volcanoes offer certainly some counterbalance to the effect of running water though perhaps not one equal to it.-
vol. 2, 5 12-15m 10 22m, 30-32m 11 l-4m, 9-18m, 20-25m 19 16-24m 23 22-24m 24 11-13m 25 22-30m 28 3-10m 29 21m 34 21-29m 135 28-29m 198 30-33m 199 l-5m 266 13-16m
ASKENASY, Eugen Beiträge zur Kritik der Darwinschen Lehre Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1872 [CUL] es, fg, gd, in, sx, v, t
NB p. 54
I have only skimmed this Book - too difficult
Supports Nageli on everything
4 11m 7 wt Argues against quite undirected variation l-33w I admit not even individual variation in all directions, as in case of colour of rose - no marked variations is no evidence against some variation in many ways- 8 21m 27 9m 36 11m 53 9m 54 l-15w Yes if strong tendency to vary 12-16m, 13-26w Plants in distant localities remain the same but they cross within same locality 26-32m, wb variation supervenes only by sexual generation 55 2-26m, 2-24w This all in fact explicable 66 25m
AUBUISSON de Voisins, Jean François d'
An account of the basalts of Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalt in general trans. p. Neill; Edinburgh; A. Constable & Co; 1814 [CUL, pre-B] mi
NB p180 Lead volatilised into vesicular cavities of Basalt when used as the wall-stones of a furnace 97 18c/we 180 l-12m 275 8-13z
AUBUISSON de Voisins, Jean François d' raité de géognosie 2 vols; Strasbourg & Paris; Levrault; 1819 [CUL] S: C. Darwin HMS Beagle
co, fo, geo, mi, se, sh, t, ve
vol 1 NF C Darwin
Saussure voyages dans les Alpes Study works of Cordier & Doli men
Strength of salt water diminished on sea coast - Cocos p43
[page break] 19
The Sandstone craters of Galapagos allied to Salses. (salt & mud) but differs in size & some other respects.- p. 189.-
Saussure says laminae & strata of Slates same p291
Cleavage p. 297
Proofs from Orbicular structure of movement in particles of Felspar & Hornblende p. 308
Globular porphyry p. 311
Empty concret. Ferrug. Balls. Chiloe 318
22 (markings signed RF) 28 (some marks signed RF), ÏÏ15-lm 43 5-9ml"..." 61 1Î 8-lm 62 1Ï5-lm 77 ÏÏ9-5m 86 ÏÏ4-Im 189 Zm 291 Ïï10-3m 297 ÎT25-2m 298 Im 308 ÏÏ27-4m 311 3-lOm 318 til2-lm/wb The* spots* C. of Good Hope 442 table.w 46°-47°lat wbu 443 Xwu
vol 2 NF1 Ma> Hydrate of iron
N.B. I see the only way of describing Porphyrys & Greenstones, is by describing each base. & each crystal
Beyond secondary rocks, no page marks without reference; excepting the Volcanic rocks & Mineral Veins
Voyage Mineralogique en Hongroi et Pais
Brongniart Traite de Mineralogie
Breislac Voyage physique en Campania
NF2 (bC\\. Darwin
Secondary formations
Coal form: 276 Conglomerates
Porph. base to Conglomerate 309 Maclure
N. America
Angular concretions of Limestone 346 K. George Sound
Cellular limestone rauchwak 345 angular cavities Coquimbo
Stinkstone connected with 390 gypsum beds Andes
Seashells in salt bed 395
Part of tree silicified 452 part Carbon 0
Hydrate of Iron C of Good Hope 456
do 476
Gold watering 479 Valparaiso
Alluvial salt form 483-485
5 14-19m/x/wb X This is remarkable if all rocks are metamorphised 6 l-7m, Ü13-10m/x 7 17-19m 8 2-5m/w Maldonado Portillo V. p. 15 16-20m, xvb X Analogous to sedimentary beds where quartz sand is alone found pure or lime in masses: What would result from calc. Sandstone? Would calc be removed by Volcanic agency? 15 2-8m/x 25 ÏÏ4-2m/w C of G Hope ÏÏÏx 43 IÎ22-8m* IX, lÏ5-lm 44 13-20m/x, wb It is remarkable no tin in such rocks in Cordilleras.- from Cornwall Tin miners at
Copiapô 47 l-10m/x 48 4-5? 49 5-10m, ÏÏ7-lm 50 ft20-lm, wb two cases- 66 Sx, 7-12m/ w Very abundant 72 ÏÏ10-2m/x 73 l-4m 75 Ïïl6-lm/x 79 wt Not in ChonosO grand form l~3m 80 Ïïl5-4m/x/13u "quelquefois" 83 6-12m/w ChonosO No 85 15-24m 95 fal-lm/x/ w turn over wb Therefore materials must be separated by some process: & not layers of siliceous sandstone & less pure layers- 96 l-10m, 15-20m 100 ^\15-lm/xlwb Falkland Isld- 101 10-20m/18-20m/x 102 l-5m 104 Ïï10-4m/x, wb Mention in T del Fuego the Lydian balls from Laguna 108 Ïïl2-lm/x 109 l-10m/w Maldonado 114 ÏÏ10-3m/x 125 1Î7-3m 132 ÏÏ8-6m/x 133 2-5m, 8-15m 151 l-8m/ w T. del Fuego 154 1\l5-3m/w Andes 155 2-15m 157 tl5-lmlxlw False C. Horn 158 2-7« 189 4-8m/x/x, wb Therefore subsequent action purified it.- 211 tm/x, wb X Ponsonby Sound 212 l-15m 223 l-10m, ft3-2m 224 2-3m 228 Ïïl5-lm 230 14m "druses" 236 6-16m/ 12-16m 276 ÏÏ20-2m 309 6-llm, ÏÏ8-2m, wb Turn over 310 ÏÏ5-2ro 311 l-6m, 15-20m 312 l-llm/6-llm 345 wt Cavities owing to dissolved angular fragments Mem the Coquimbo limestone shows facility or small difference causing redissolution Ïïl5-10m/x 346 13-22m 347 l-8m 389 ÏÏ6-3m 390 l-12m\ 3-6m/5-8m 392 l-10m 395 wt It is clear from fineness of sediment that salt beds true deposits, not Subsided salines 12-20m 452 ÏÏ22-2m 456 ÏÏlO-lm 457 Xm 476 Xm 479 ÏÏ22-1m 483 6-20m 484 ll-15m/m, ÏÏ5-2m/m/w/wb Mem: How universal this character. Copiapo. Galapagos. Patagonea How far is dryness a general characteristic 485 wt NB At Iquique, the fresh water shows that Nit. Soda is not beneath the surface. l-6m, 12-16m, Ïïl5-lm, wb The formation of salt is more probable if the Carb of Soda effervesces. & that may as well as Nitrate of Potash. 520 6>"L'olivine".m, ÏÏ4-lm 523 e»l-9m/w Ascension 7u "globules" 526 A "Uargile".m/w CauquenesO 528 ÏÏ4-lm/wA> Galapagos ÏÏ4-lm/x 529 l-20m/wt These Greystones some of the commonest Volcanic rocks 4-7mi^/m 530A> l-5m/w Ascension 531 10-15mfb>lxi&lmlxlwtb> Ascension 532 5-10m/x/w A 533 wt In Galapagos & Ascension, in Basalts, or at least dark Trachytes 6-12m/x 534 9-15m/x&>, 9-15m/x/ w&> Ascension Ïïl2-lmjzib>lw A 535 wt&> Ascension l-2m/A, 9-18m\m&>lwte 4 Analyses in Beudant 77X ÏÏS-lm/mAi, wb^> Felspar 64 May be taken as percentage of Silica Hornblende 44 Augite 50 536 4-8m/w&> therefore diff. comp. 537 wt (a) Mem The trachyte below wells, decidedly prismatic or irregularly columnar 2-4m, ll-22m/14-17m/w
[page break] 21
(a) ÏÏ3-2m, wb Ascension! Phonolite. My felsp. this state 538 wt The basal hills of oldest series, allied to base of Phonolite cones, St Jago l-4m 539 l-4m, 5-8m&>, 7-llm/w At SSt Jago, not slaty from force of pebbles neither decomposes 13-14*/u "habituellement", iïll-lm, wb * Therefore Ascension not Phonolite 540 2-8m/mez/w(& Characteristic of St Helena 6-12w Phonolite same relation to Trachyte as basalt to basaltic lava tÏ22-5m, ÏÏ2-2m 542 ÏÏ10-lm/wA> Ascension 545 ItlO-lm 548 1\10-lmfl\6-2m&>, wb Mem Ascension 549 wt I think from these descriptions the Galapagos trachytes, must be very singular rocks. 1\15-5m/x 550 ÏÏ22-9m 552 4r-6m/4u "phonolites"/5u "porphyre siénitique", ll-19m&> 560 15-20m/w Steam cause of vesicles 562 7-15m/13-15m/x 563 ÏÏ2 2-2 0m 564 l~4m\wt Does • say that Sapphire are found at the Galapagos?- 565 l-7m 568 3-8m 569 l-4m, 6-llm/8-llm/x/w Van Diemen's land ÏÏ4-2m/w> C. de Verde 573 l-8m 574 15-27/ 575 17-21m 578 3-10m 580 tÏ6-2m/w T. del Fuego 581 wt Wackes being often amygdaloid & therefore porous explains greater decomposition ttll-Sm 582 2-2m 590 1Ï27-2m/m, ÏÏ27-23w Coral Paper ÏÏ23-20zu Coral B Paper wb If trachy, where eruption happen, is generally missing, there is less chance of alternations than if subsiding; agrees with facts in Pacific 591 2-15m/w Is this true? 593 ÏÏ20-2m, wb&> Dolomieu in Voyage to Lipari Isld talks much about effects of Vapour, says deposits crust of oxide of iron or outside fragments. 595 1\8-5z 596 tÏ25-20m 605 l-5m/x 608 l-6m/w St Jago 609 l-6m/w Copiapô wb NB The existence of sea shells on several of the sandstone craters at Galapagos, argument for mud eruptions. 616 ft27-5m 627 ïï22-2m 636 2-20m 637 3-17m/13~17m 645 U-lm 647 ÏÏ25-3m 648 ÏÏ13-5m, 1Î4-lm 649 l-5m, ÏÏ23-6m, ÏÏ4-2m 651 $m/w Mem: YaquitoO Gold Mines 1Î7-6/
AUDUBON, John James Ornithological biography 5 vols; Edinburgh; Adam Black; 1831-39 [CUL, B] beh, br, ch, mg, sp, sx, ta, tm, y
vol. 1, 4 35-37m 5 35-38m 13 36-38m 14 32-37m 15 26-27m, 18-20m, 21m, 22-29m 34 3u "colours]duller" 110 22-28m 113 24-26m 139 22-24m 174 29-32m 175 27u "a\yellow", 34u "fine yellow", 35u "brownish-olive" 193 22-25m, 27-31m/30-31u "equally\sexes", 36-38m, 39u "when \ line" 203 4-9m 216 27m "sides I domestic", 33-36m 221 4-10m, 19-21m, 26-
27m, 30-32m 222 2S-22m, 37-38m 223 22-24m, 16-18m 229 24-27m 233 wt Male all vermilion 2« "male\them", 8-12m, 15-18m 234 32m "whole\vermilion" 235 2m "light brownish-green" 254 19-20m 257 3-4m "Head I blue", 15-16m 280 15-22m 327 27-33m 352 S-22m 377 32-33m 378 7m, 8-10m/8u "brightest I green"'/9u "three years", ll-13m, 14-16m 379 22m "general \ blue" 380 2m* 389 20-23m 393 26m<->, 21-22m 394 19-22m 396 26-27m 486 16-20m
vol. 2 NB 407 Expression Owl puffing out feathers
SB Vol. 2.- Audubon
p10; 22; 51
55 Jay - attend whether young like old in other jays
75, 79 woodpeckers alternately incubating
87 sexes very different & young not like female
89, 92; 143; 153; 170; About sexes of Birds
195 all Thrushes spotted on breast How in Blackbird
198; 202; 326; 364; 407; 420; 450; 475
♦ 493, 497 T. cupido
509; 529; 538; 545
561 do not get mature plumage soon
10 3-5m/3u "allI resembles", 5u "Young\ acquiring" 13 7-9m 22 29-20m 51 23-26m/26u "they\in"/27u "second"\26w sexes alike 55 4-7m, 14-15m/w sexes nearly alike 75 24m "both\incubating" 79 20u "differs from", 26-27m/26-27u "differ I distribution" 87 4-5/20/ llm/u(coburings), 14-15w nest in Hole 25/26/ 17u(colourings) 89 9-17m/10-12w both sexes change 92 6-10m 143 ll-13m/w sexes different & young differ 144 5/23-24/25« (colourings), 20-23m 152 21-23m 170 5-8m, 19-24m 195 29m "female I paler"'/w this common to other species 23-28m/23-24w How are Blackbirds? 198 8-10m 199 20-22u "female \ eye" 202 23-27m\24-25w Sexes differ 275 2-5m, 2-7m 326 8-10m 327 24-25u "generaUwith", 27-32m, 29-30u "generali black''/30m "and a broad", 31u "yellowish", 33m 364 2-3m 407 19-22m 420 34-36m 450 26m "young I orange", 18-21m/21u 474 35m "light \ vinaceous", 36u "hind I part" 475 2m "neck\ blue", 8-9u "lower\red", 16-21m/18u "are", 21-22m 493 l-4m/4u "globular I of", 35-37m 497 21-24m/23u "bird I the"/24u "air \ bladder", 26u "muffled", 27u "refils\receptacles", 31-36m, 38u "than a mile" 498 4m "autumn I much" 509 28m "graduated \ male"/18-20w so with long-tailed Flycatcher 529 9-24m 538 20-23m 545 12u(colourings), 13-24mll4u/16u/21u/ 23u(colourings) 560 25-29m 561 32-34m
[page break] 23
vol. 3 SB Vol 3 Audubon
p133 - Young Birds occasionally breeding 4 years arriving at full characters yet sexes alike
p139; 141 do
174 •» changes in Beak & legs of Ibis during Breeding season
210; 213; 250; 258; 412, 416, 419; 552; 614,
All about sexual Plumage
2 24-35m/"..."/30-32ce/34ce 133 18-21m, 21u "are I brown", 22u "covered", 26-27m 139 29-33m, 33-36m 141 22m, 30-33m/30u "at first"/ 31u "begin" 174 29-34m 210 36-38m/38u "sometimes I dress" 211 l-2m, 2-5m, 16-18m 213 18-20m 250 12m "also I speculum", 28u "speculum greyish", 32-34m 258 22-24m 412 18-26m (Bonaparte) 416 10-15m/w change from 15w change later 419 5-7m, 18-20m* 552 1-Am 614 7-10m 616 12-13m
vol. 4, 18 l-2m 22 20-23m 58 ll-16m 66 25-28m, 32-34m 109 32-34m 114 25-27m, 28-29w no speculum 117 116 4-6u "outer \ margin", 31/34/35u(colourings) 117 3-4m 275 29-34m 278 14-19m 294 35-37m 330 9-13m 389 2-3m 392 ll-12u"general] black", 28-30m 424 32-36m 466 33-37m 470 22-27m 507 3m "destitute] for"/2-6m/w I was doubtful on this head 518 21-25m 564 22-24m 566 3-6m 599 6-Sw+>, 19-22m/20-21u "The I bronzed", 22u "rump greyish-brown" 611 2m, 4-5u*+/2-6m/w yet plumage acquired slowly
vol. 5 NB 456 Parasitic Cow-Bird
602 Migration
♦ 601 Noise to cause alarm Q
SB Vol. 5 Audubon
p.11;63; 176; 183; 210 Jay; 308
Only about Plumage of Sexes
519 Tanagra aestivalis female almost as red as male
10 31-35u± 11 25« "upper \ tinged", 16u "loral space" 18u "light greenish-yellow", 30-33m/30u "loral"/31u "black" 63 33-37m 176 4u "tints\ duller"/4-7m/w other cases 183 2u "part\ forehead", 30-31u "bright I extent" 210 20-29m 308 20-22« "broad I eyes", 12u "in a rather", 13u "is I pale", 14u "parts yellowish-green", 24-32m 454 24-33m 519 2-2m 601 12-16m/Q 602 l-6m
AUDUBON, John James and BACHMAN, John The viviparous quadrupeds of North America New York; J.J. Audubon; 1846 [CUL]
ad, beh, br, ex, gd, ig, mg, no, oo, rd, sp, tm, v
SB1 Qß 34; 38; 40; 59; 62; 67; 77; 131; 143; 146; 191; 193; 216; 218; 220; 221; 252; 266; 268; 272; 304; 358; 265 var in Teeth
♦ 365 Sheep Q SB2 Qß A>
Audubon's Quadrupeds
34. Florida Rat great diversities in Habits & Instincts in different districts 38 Squirrel, curious manner of avoiding a fall, spreading itself out 40 subject to many animals of prey
59 on terror caused by Rattle-snake - 62 on do
77 gradation in teeth falling out in one genus, permanent & small in another. Rudiments
131. graduated form in Squirrel & in Habits
143 good discussion of parallelism in diff. Lat. of Europe & N. American animals
191. Black Rat became rare in N. Am. as in Europe 193
216 Flying Squirrel with additional small Bone,
218 Habits of, 220 269. Squirrels fighting at rutting season (a little lively animal)
272 On Migration of Squirrels
304. On a Mouse becoming domestic & inhabiting Houses.
358. Pigeon which used to breed in communities now by persecution seldom 2 nests in same tree-
title page A> 1846 4 5-7u "marking] numerous" 34 4-22m, 25-27m/26u "holbws", 29-30m/29u "clefts", 34-38m 38 27-22m 40 26-37m 59 2-7m 62 9-15m 67 6-10m 76 29-34m 77 l-5m 109 31-33m 131 26-22m 136 32« "beneath I ruff" 137 2-3m 143 21-A0m 146 22-22m 147 4-6m 191 23-27m 193 l-7m 216 30-32m 218 21-25m, 29-31m 220 l-5m 221 29mA> "three\young", 25m, 25-29m, 33m/u "than]young" 252 19-25m 265 24-29m 266 25-20m 268 tt9-3m 269 3-5m 272 4-23m 304 6-24m 358 22-27m 365 8-19m/ll-12Q
AVELING, Edward The student's Darwin London; Freethought Publishing Company; 1881 [Down, I]
AYRAULT, Eugène De l'industrie mulassière en Poitou Niort; L. Clouzot; 1867 [CUL, I] CS, f
NB 178 & 180 K «»Different fertility of ass & Horse when reciprocally crossed.
178 24-30m, 30m 179 2-2m, 4-6m 180 26-2Sm 199 2m, 4m, 11m, 19m, 24m 200 5m, 6m, Urn
[page break] 26
AZARA, Félix d' Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes de la province du Paraguay 2 vols; Paris; Charles Pougens; 1801 [CUL, pre-B, B?]
beh, br, ce, ds, gd, no, oo, sx, ta, ti, tm, wd, y
vol. 1 NB p3 Tapir striped when young
p136 Puma curls tip of tail when young to spring & purs like a Cat, when scratched.-
3 3-6m 136 9-13m/10u " extrémité \ queue"/U- 12w purr
vol. 2 SB1 09Î
p209; 296,298; 306; 319; 332; 339; 349; 359; 363; 364; 368; 371; 376 - 1783-1796
A) References for my 1 st Vol. copied out
SB2 Qß A
296 Date of introduction & increase of Horses in La Plata p298
332 Wild Cattle Horses in Falklands removing snow
339 on Cardoon & Cattle destroying entire pasture
349 Mares which produce mules get old sooner
359 increase of Cattle in Falklands & dates given »- Introduced from La Plata eu» 360 periods at which + Heifers conceive later in hotter country Q
368 Cattle killed by flies - On natural rate of increase of Cattle in the Estancias
372 Rudiment of Horns in Cattle, descended from Hornless Bull.—
209 7-llmlxv so with all sexual charact 296 9u "1535", 18u "1580", 19-20u "trouvèrent Chevaux", wb Mule Zain-clairs 298 14-15m/u "dix\individus", 16-17m 305 8m, 15m 306 17-22m/19u "zain"/x/w set 24-26Q wb M Dictionary says what it is Dunn? V. p350 Mules are Zain-clairs 307 5-6Q/6-8m/7u "quatre \ Chevaux", 9-10m 308 20-26m 313 21Q 318 18-21m 319 l-3m, 6-Um 324 l-8m/ 5-6Q 332 3-5m 333 6Q 7-10m/9u "leur sabot esf'llOu "poils", llu "point \ blancs", 12u "tous", 13m/u "beaucoup I courts", 21u "CetteI reproduit", 24-25m, 26m 334 l-2m, 18u "dans I corne", 24u++ 335 20-26m/24u "Cabril (chevreau)" 339 7-10m/10u "anéanti le pâturage" 349 24-26m 351 7« "zain-clairs" 352 9-10m, 13-Um/13u "1546" 355 9-llm/lOu "1552" 358 3-4m, 20-21m 359 7-llm, 19-21m/20u "1760", 21u "six mille", 22w no wb 800 - in 15 years - increased to about 6000 -> 360 7-llm/9-10Q 361 l-3m/lu "sombre ou rougeâtre"/Q 9-13m 363 8-10m 364 5-9m 368
ISm, 9-12m 371 8-17m/10-14w Horns go with Males 16-18m 372 8-10m, 20-22QA. 12-16m 373 10-13m 376 22-25m/l-26w see life when in S. Amer, see date of Cattle at M. Video p355. Cattle let lose in 1552 377 wb He visited La Plata 1783-1796-
AZARA, Félix d' Voyages dans l'Amérique méridionale 4 vols and atlas; Paris; Denton; 1809 [CUL, pre-B] beh, ex, oo, sp, ti, tm, ws, y
vol. 1 SB Azara Vol I
p.100 - struggle for Existence.
p.165 - Wasps nests - 215 - worms in navels of Beasts 247 - AYoung Tapirs striped
375 £>- Horses
381 Awild Dog Qe>
386 a>- on some species & others rare of same group-
376 White Horses swim best
100 3-7m 101 17-26m, 19-27m/22u "une\ rampant" 102 l-4m 146 *&26-27m/26u "tendre\rôtir" 147 <&17x 165 17-23m (La-treille) 215 25-27m 216 2-8m 247 2-~4m 373 2-7m 376 5-14m 381 14-17m (Buffon), 19-20Q 386 19-27m
vol. 2 S^ Ch. Darwin
NB O June 1860 Much about Indians
11 6-16m 21 20-24m 22 15-18m/x, 19w see
23 l-5m/x/4w& HearnO 25 19-22m 58 ÏÏ4-
lm, wb Guanys* Guaranys 60 l-3m 64 9m
92 22-27m 93 14-16m, 21u "des Iaccouchent",
26-27m 94 16-18m, 21-22Q 23-27m 95 2-5m,
17u "guanas" 105 12-18m/14u "sourcils\poil"I
13-15w Other Indians do the same 115 20-
25m 116 2-2m, ll-13m/12u "déformé \ vieillir"
179 ll-19m/14-16w more men killed
vol. 3 NB pjJ
I have not read the rest, except Introduction .-
p33 Caracara makes * Vulture disgorge prey Lestris take advantage of natural instinct to disgorge 8 25-29m (Buffon) 33 19-25m/20-22u<+
vol. 4 NB p10. Habits of Woodpeckers
Habits of Musk Duck
Measures of do
I have not read all this Book.-
3 20-21m/ 21u "parcourent Igrimpant", 22u "dominicain I guêpes", 23-24m 253 wt Philomachus cayanus 327 19-24m 328 26-29m
[page break] 28
B., J.P. An essay on spiritual evolution London; Trübner & Co.; 1879 [Down]
BABINGTON, Charles Cardale Manual of British botany London; John Van Voorst; 1851 [CUL] fg, gd, oo, sp, t, tm, v
NB1 Tragopogon porrifolius (p. 188)
seeds of ray & centre very different Verbascum 5 stamens differ in length & structure - in Veronica only 2 stam - in other Scrophs, 4 & of unequal lengths Penstemon
NB2 «> p. 31 Subularia
p. 120 var.; p. 301
120 Similar vars in allied genera
301 Pinus mughus in Scotch Bogs a var. exterminated by present vars?
viiia 30a; p. 65 viiib 17w p148 xi wt This seems all quite artificial 22«; ♦ xiii 29u<->, 21w* xiv 3u<^, 5w Corolliflorae 20u<^ xv 24u^ 4 28u "in I fields" 5 26u "floating", 26w Nor 33m 7 28w Nor 8 26-27m, 34w Nor 9 26m 12 19w Nor 13 14w Nor 27-28m 14 24-15w I. of W. 24w Nor 27m 15 31w Nor 31 2m, 13w& "often I margins", 16w I. of W. 32 4w ? I. of W. 33 lw I. of W. 8w Nor 34 43u^ "spur" 35 ^ lu "the\short", 9u "spur\ straight", 18-19u "spur I end", 34u "cor A cordate" 36 4w Nor «^ 5u "blunt \roundedly", 22u "cor. I blunt", 34u "spur \calycine" 37 3w Nor 4-5u^ "spur \calycine", 27w Hartf 38 24w Nor 43 7w Nor 44 lOw Nor 45 34w Nor 42-43w White Nor 43u "l.\hairy", 44u "calyx\ lanceolate" 46 lu "elongated \ erect", Su "stA calyces", 6w Nor 8-9u<->, 14w Nor 27w Nor? 50 27w Nor 51 lw Nor 20w Nor 54 41w Hartf? 55 22a; Nor 56 7w I. of W. 57 22w Hartf 32w Hartf 39w Hartf 58 15w Hartf 61 29w Nor 62 8«; Nor 15w Nor 32a; Nor 64 lw I. of W. 66 22«; Nor 70 3w Nor, Hartf 18-20w Hartf Down, 37a; Nor 71 27w Nor 72 27«; Nor 73 3m, 40w I. of W. 74 22m 77 7m, 18m, 28m 79 37m 80 35w Down 82 9-23w Down I. of W. 23w Down 29-33w Isle of Wight 87 38w Nor 88 34a; Nor 90 12w Nor 40a; Nor 91 6w Nor 92 19w Mr Norman omit 106 29w Nor 36m; Nor 107 8-9w Mr Norman omit 112 12w Norfolk 113 32a; Nor 114 7w I.W 32a; Hartfield 116 20-23«; Hartf. I. of W. 120 28-32m, 32w I. of W 36-39m, 41w I. of. W 121 2-6m, 2-6w similar vars in allied genera 128 17w Nor 143 32-33w Down everywhere 144 27-29w Down everywhere 32-34w orchis Bank 145 3-7w Below Stonfield Field 22-24«; Down everywhere 33-35w Down everywhere 147 33w Norfolk 151 14w Nor 29a; Nor 152
22a; Nor 35w Nor 153 42w Nor 154 27«; Nor 35w Nor 155 5«; I of W. 28w I of. W 35w I of. W 156 22w I. Of. W? 157 zb 158 z& 159 25m, 29m, 33m 160 3m 166 32«; I. of W. 167 20w I Of W 181 20a; I Of W. 182 16-24m 183 22w I of. W 188 9-lOw I Of. W. 28w I of. W. 192 25w Mr Norman omit 203 33w Hartf. 206 2S-29w Hartf 213 8-22«; Nor. I of. W 29w Nor 215 32w Nor 217 30«; Hartf 221 5w I. of W. 222 22a; Nor 35w Nor 223 20-27a; I think my plants clearly this species 40mfw Nor 224 16w Nor 225 21w Nor 231 26w Nor 232 38w I.W 233 22-25«; I of Wight 234 29w Nor 235 lw Nor 236 3-4w Hartf 30a; Nor 41w Nor 237 38w Hartf 238 22-22«; I of W. 40a; Nor 239 5w Nor 22a; Nor, 24a; Hartfield 240 20a; Nor 241 37a; Nor 244 34-35w 2 vars 245 lm, 6-7m, 37-38w 3 246 4-5m, 23w Nor 248 22-27c, 31w Nor, 38w Hartf 249 7a; Nor 38a; I of W 250 40uj Nor? 251 5a; Nor, 27a; Nor 39a; Nor 252 25a; Hartf 253 18-22c 255 29a; Hartf 256 4a; Nor 28a; Nor 259 5a; Nor 38w Nor 260 2a; Nor 8w Nor 28a; Nor 275 33a; Nor 277 22a; Nor 283 9a; I of W. 285 29-33m, 24-25w I of W. 286 24a; Nor 288 26a; Mr Norman omit 301 26-30m 302 22a; Nor 303 7a; Nor 306 37w Nor 307 6a; Nor 308 25a; Nor 44a; Nor 310 7a; Nor 9w+ Down 22a; Hartf 26a; Nor 28a; Down 25a; Nor 312 9a; Nor 28-32a; Hartf I. of W. 40a; (Var. of dat) 313 24a; (var of d) 26a; I of W 322 3a; Nor 328 4a; Hartf 335 22a; Nor 336 22a; Nor 353 32a; Mr Norman omit 356 28a; var 358 22m, 25m 360 27-28a; omit 365 40-42a; ? var 366 33-34w var 369 24a; var 34a; var 372 20« "flowered\a", Wu "Glumes nearly", 24a/w 1-flowered 373 23m "FIA hairs", 26-27u "l\and", 28u "2\of", 39u "1-flowered" 374 4u "2\fl." 375 22-22m, 22a; water 377 4u "one \flower" 378 26m 379 22-22m, 39m 380 17-18m, 20-23w Down Ch Lane 381 32-34a; Honeygrove Jul 53 382 22-23m, 30-32? 385 24-25m 386 9-20a; Hayes 26-29«; Larch wood 42-42m 387 21~22m, 40-41m 388 7m, 13-14m, 24-25w Hartfield 32-33w orchis Bank 389 3a; Down 20a; =Molica 22a; Hayes 39a; Down 390 42a; Honeygrove 391 33a; passim 39-40w passim 392 5-7a; Larch wood, 24a; wall 44m 394 38-39m 395 2 m, 22-22m, 38m 396 32-32a; Honeygrove 33-34m 397 8-9m, 24m, 30m, 38m 398 32-32m, 42m 399 40m 400 23-24?, 22m 401 6m, 15m 402 27-28a; Beckenham 18-19m, 30-31w Hartfield wb Mr Norman end here 403 wt Mr Norman end here
BAERENBACH, Friedrich von Gedanken über die Teleolgie in der Natur Berlin; Theobald Grieben; 1878 [Down]
[page break] 30
BAERENBACH, Friedrich von Das Problem einer Naturgeschichte des Weibes Jena; Hermann Duft; 1877 [CUL, I]
NB Skimmed P
BAERENBACH, Friedrich von Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philosophie Leipzig; J.A. Barth; 1879 [Down, I] p
BAGEHOT, Walter Physics and politics London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1872 [Down, LS]
57 6-28m
BAILDON, Henry Bellyse The spirit of nature London; J. & A. Churchill; 1880 [Down, I]
BAIN, Alexander The emotions and the zvill London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1865 [CUL] beh, h, si
SB ♦
«3r Bain Emotions & Will
p.5.6 to under qu.
p.111; 119
127, 129 Expression
Laughter 247
Moral sense
254 Moral sense
QA) 267 481- good to quote
269 - social instinct apparently denied by Bain
B. seems to think moral sense acquired during life-time - seems to give too deep a feeling for this wd never resist Hunger, Revenge or lust.—
277; 279; 283; 289; 290; 308
p 270 Mohamedan * woman covering her face
♦ <&> 283 imitation of external government !!!
284 obedience (Monkeys slapping their children)
via 8-10m, 9u "Feeling]misery", 32-33m, 32u "Will" ix 17-20m x 26m xi 23m xii 6m xiii 20-21m xiv 33m xv 23m xxv 30m 5 23-26m 6 wt The love of a mother for her child is a strong emotion, but this is hardly shown by any action or expression, but ready to lead, if her child requires assistance, to energetic or heroic actions. 2-37w a mother may be feeling the warmest love for her child, & yet how is it exhibited? When poets * speak of green-eyed jealousy they must find it impossible to give * actions & plain characters. Perhaps Bain calls love a Sensation & not emotion. > No p. 37 9-
13m, 26u "secondarily automatic" 7 31-33m 8 12-15m 9 12-13m, 34~35m, 36-37m 37 17-21m 54 15-30m, 29m 55 5-15m, 5-9w to make appearance dredful 56 28-31m 58 28-34m 65 19-22m 67 32-37m/w/wb Dog when going to fight; Birds erect plumage; Lynx sets up its back & spits 73 19-27m 111 32-37m 119 32-37m(-+ 120 6-9m, ll-12m, 14-17m 127 25-28m 128 21-24m 129 26-28m 176 34-37m 247 7-29m, 35-37m/-+ 248 10-13m 249 7-22m, 23-24m, 32-33^ 250 6-10m 254 26-29m 255 l-2m, 5-llm 267 l-5m 268 26-29m 269 4-6m, 8-91, 8u "rational appreciation", 22-28m, 29-30^ 270 7-11m, 30-34m, 36-38m 271 7-llm 277 10-14m, 10-llw But what the importance 279 12-14m, 13u "to I pig" 283 10-18m, 20-23m, 22u "performance]social", 26-29m, 36-37-> 284 2-4m, 15-17m, 25-30m 285 3-5!, 4-7m 287 5-21m 289 27-30m, 37-38^> 290 22-2Sm 308 2-14xo so the associated state is advantageous 4-7m, 10-14m, 12u "the blood", 34-35m 309 7-23/ 481 2S-22m
BAIN, Alexander The emotions and the will 3rd edn; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1875 [Down, card from author]
NB 86
xiii 7m xvi 23m xvii 18w(not CD) 86 32-39m 305 3-5m, 3-4u "initial]generally", 30u "play] accord" 309 15-20m, 16u "central brain", 17u "discharge", 17u "solitary streams" 313 23m, 23u "spontaneous workings", 30u "two", 32m "Emotional", 33u "Volition" 314 2-6m, 5u "selection", 16u "why then", 17u "doctrine of", 18u "commencement", 25-28m, 25u "two views", 30u "think it", 31m, 31u "primordial source" 315 23-25m, 23u "accidentally] pleasure"
BAIN, Alexander The senses and the intellect London; Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green; 1864 [CUL] beh, h, phy, t
SB ♦
p 12 Intellect & size of Brain
50 can this bear on sobbing
52 Expression
96 do - theory of -
121 Expression of Man pain; %> & such movements wd get mingled with true expression of distinct emotions
[page break] 31
152. ♦ effect of imagination on the body admirable 1
225 Muscles of eyebrows
264 Expression
274 a child twisting tongue about in writing, perhaps connected with idea of speaking.-
277 V 279 Expression; 288 do; 292-297 do it is expectation of pleasure when* (a dog wags tail before food given him & while eating in quiet) - so when scratched
332 association
411 The mind is never intently concentrated on a merely pleasant idea
626 expression
Bain the Senses & intellect
50 28-32m 52 37-40m 53 27-30m, 27-29w explains frowning 96 29-41m, 31-34"..."/c/ue 121 19-32m, 36-37-* 122 2-6m, 10-13m, 27-30m 152 33-36m 153 9-llm, 10-llw 169 Odours 225 8-18m 264 12-Um, 34-37m 274 ÏÏ4-2m 277 36-39m 278 "sighing", 12-Um, 15-19m, 34-36m 279 14-16m, 16u "excitement \ trembling", 17-19m, 17-18w Müller, 19m^, 23m<^ 280 16-22m 281 l-9m 288 wb In another place he adds 30-37m/30-33"..."I31-33me 292 l-26w general effects of pleasurable, exciting & painful depressing (except at first) hardly in young child. 18-25m 293 4-9m, 21-23m, 24-25m, 24u "specific", 32-33mH 294 5-27m, 11-Uw oh oh 18-20m 295 28-29m/-*, wb Curious that Dog has acquired bark of pleasure & another bark of anger, & another of demand to be let in at door 297 wt sobbing is convulsive inspiration wt because prolonged screams l-2m, 16-19m 332 14-19m 411 8-10m, lOu; 8-14w crying & concentration. Mem problem or understanding a difficulty 626 41-45m 627 8-11m, 15-17m, 20-22m, 26-29m, 31-33m, 34-37m, 37-45m, 42u "features I pre-eminence", 46m/^> 628 6-9m
BAIRD, William The natural history of the British Entomostraca London; The Ray Society; 1875 [CUL] ci, no, phy, sp, t, tm
NB1 Cirripedia p. 50; p. 74; p. 144; p. 248;
p.250; p. 253
p.265 circulation
p.303 XX cementing organ
NB2 Sp Theory; p85*; p189 Rate of Increase in Cyclops; ♦Synopsis Brit Mus 1842; ♦ p. 244 Diaptomus with worm-like body full of Spermatozoa.-; ♦ Apus Nebulia Chirocephalus Cyclops Canthocamptus Caligus Lerneocera
50 14-17m, 29-34m 74 10-15m 81 32m 85 34-38m 127 9w Holwood 144 12-15m 154 21w Holwood 31-33z 187 ll-14m 189 33-34m 248 8-llm 250 9-llm 253 27-32m 265 21-24m 303 9-12m 321 4m, 38w 38
BAKER, J.G. Elementary lessons in botanical geography London; Lovell, Reeve & Co.; 1875 [CUL, I] cc, gd, gr, ti
NB 46 - Alpine plant on Tropical Mtains
53 - Heat-lovers & cold-fearers
90 - plants which have become widely naturalised
99 - certain wide ranging plants
102 - relationship of S. Africa & S. America & latter with Australia, good
109 - independent of present geographical features
46 16-26m 53 8-13m 90 9-22m 99 21-30m
101 10-19m 102 8-12m, 22-27m 103 6-10m,
10-14m, 23-27m 106 6-llm 109 17-24m
BALFOUR, Francis Maitland A monograph on the development of elasmobranch fishes London; Macmillan & Co.; 1878 [Down, I]
BALFOUR, Francis Maitland A treatise on comparative embryology 2 vols.; London, Macmillan & Co; 1880 [Down] (marks by FD)
BALL, Valentine Jungle life in India London; Thos de la Rue & Co.; 1880 [Down]
NB 156, 455
BARCLAY, John An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organization Edinburgh; Bell and Bradfute; 1822 [CUL, pre-B, S] p
BARKER-WEBB, Philip and BERTHELOT, Sabin Histoire naturelle des îles Canaries Vol 3, part 1 Géographie botanique Paris; Béthune; 1840 [CUL] gd, gr, is, no, sp, wd
NB Marked Chapter on Distribution title page wt Barker-Webb 5 7-9m, 9-10m, Ît25w 14. fam 29. spec î\12m/x/u "variai \ autres" 6 16m, ÏÏ7-3w 17 peculiar? 7 8-9m 8 12-15w peculiar species in W. group. î\7-6m, 1Î3-2m 9 1\8-2w broken nature of country species abundant in one isld rare in another 1200 ft of = difference of station = film, zb
[page break] 34
12 7-8m 16 4m 17 20m, 12m 22 ll-12m\w Isolated plants - do not know yet, whether indigenous species or not.- 16-17m, 19-20m, tl3-2m/w X does this mean plants found nowhere else? Galapagos ♦, tt2x/u "espèces I propres" 23 Im, 9-13w So then List of plants on Teyde elsewhere? 24 ÏÏ5« "observations analogues", U14-llm/ïïl4x/u "Canada"/1\l3u "représentent", 1Î20-6w I suppose * plants peculiar (?) to high parts of the Canary 25 \t8u*ß7u*/mfw 7,234 ft Palma 26 l-2m 32 9-10m. 12-13m/w (a) 19-20m, 23-24m, ÎT25-13m, »4-2m/w (a) Does this show course of immigration? 33 l-2m, 3m/w whether peculiar or not 37 tïl3m 50 12-14m, 1Ï6m 51 l-3m, 14-15m/w - See Hooker's list of Plants 58 "Plantes alpines".w Is there any fuller list of Alpine plants? 66 7u "Caldera I Palma", 16-18m 68 12-14m 69 ÏÏ18-15m, 1Î5-3m 70 ÏÏ9-8m 71 5-7m 72 9-10m, 18-19m 74 ftlfoo Salvia Canaries ÏÏ4-2m 75 %m, llu "buissons", ll-12u "provenantIgraines", 15u "fades", ÏÏ9!/u "chétif" 76 ÏÏ9-8m 78 ÏÏ3-2m/w> must read 79 3-4m, 1\l2-lm 80 2-3m, 4-5m 82 13-15m/w not from cultivation 95 1\2-lm/w important Read 97 tÎ2u "quatre\bien"/m/w different stations 103 22-23m 104 S-20m 122 ÏÏ23-20m, U-4m 123 1Ï2m 124 6-22m 167 20-27m 175 î\3-2m, ÏÏ2w Galapagos?
BARRAGO, Francesco L'Uomo fatto ad imagine di Dio fu anche fatto ad imagine della scienzia Cagliari; Corveso di Sardegna; 1869 [Down, I]
title page wt (translation of title) 11 zo throughout page (translation of page)
BARRANDE, Joachim Acéphales Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1881 [Down, I to CD erased and replaced by FD] p
BARRANDE, Joachim Brachiopodes Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1879 [Down, I] p
BARRANDE, Joachim Céphalopodes Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1877 [Down, I] p
BARRANDE, Joachim Defense de colonies Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1870 [Down, I] p
BARRANDE, Joachim Distribution des Céphalopodes Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1870 [Down, I]
3 21-25m 15 22-22m, 23-25m 19 25-27m 111 24-29m 117 32-38m 121 31-35m 137 15-20m (Salter) 163 19-23m, 40-43m 164 5-9m 165 7-23m, 14-15m, 26-28m, 26-27m, 29-33m
BARRANDE, Joachim Trilobites Chez l'auteur, Prague; 1871 [Down, I]
BARTON, John A lecture on the geography of plants London; Harvey and Darton; 1827 [Down, pre-B, S]
4 20-26m 7 4-9m, 5w Oak 22 23-2Sm 27 4-5m 30 12-23m 31 wtu, 22-25m 32 2-3m 36 2-23m 38 23-27m 39 14-26m (Humboldt) 41 6-22m
BARY, Heinrich Anton de Die Mycetozoen Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1864 [Down]
BASTIAN, Henry Charlton The beginnings of life 2 vols.; London; Macmillan; 1872 [CUL,
cc, che, ct, ds, fg, h, hi, phy, sp, t, v
vol. 1 NB xi; xii; 160; 167 on Cellular Theory; 215 do.; Nothing for Man xi 17-31m xii xvt But are these supposed Heterogenic changes due to Environment? 2-20m, 2-27u7 can this throw light or accord with the variability of higher form, as they are compounds of separate units? 160 26-28m 167 23-28m 215 10-16xo plastide Hackels term best, 25-29m 316 25-28m 433 19-22m 456 2-3? Catalogue p
vol. 2 NB1 Nothing for Descent of Man NB2
lix variability of algae
Ixii variation
Ixxxii variation in relation to conditions in Infusoria Cohn
♦31 Drosera
♦79, 88, 596 Pangenesis
255 objection
259 variation
377 Drosera
I think there is a tendency to plasticity var.
but not proved - 594 error on my views
597, 599 variation
604 I admit so far
608 I think I am in error
Frequency of generalised forms in old times
quite opposed to independent origin of the
diverse orders of same class
1 24z 31 2-7m 79 13-23m 88 4-27m 255 25-30w Vorticellae; He omits altogether the conditions; Why not eggs in the infusion.- I do not yet see the reason- 259 12-26m 261 3-9m 377 5-29m 594 3-6m, 4u "heterogeneous" 596 24-31m 597 2-8m 599 20-24m 604 wb like polarities of crystals l-4m 608 14-23m lix 20-30m lxii 13-20m lxxxii 2-34m
[page break] 35
BASTIAN, Henry Charlton The brain as an organ of mind London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1880 [Down] pat
NB 188 Douglas Spalding; 213 Blind Horse - self; 216 my Horse - Isle of Wight 213 14-17m 215 30c/we
BASTIAN, Henry Charlton Evolution and the origin of life London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down, I] p
BASTIAN, Henry Charlton The modes of origin of lowest organisms London; Macmillan & Co.; 1871 [Down, I] p
BATE, Charles Spence Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum London; by order of the Trustees; 1862 [Down, I] p
BATEMAN, Frederic On aphasia, or loss of speech London; John Churchill & Sons; 1870 [CUL] beh, h
NB1 Descent of Man p. 27; 31; 53; 100, 102; 109; 110; 112 Expression; nodding & shaking Heads; p27 Concepts NB2 p111 Gartner
27 4r-5u "fell\ door", 15-19m, 16-17u "memory I substantives ", 18-24zv(CD?) one case of only the infinitive mood being retained 29u "is I cut", wb How does this bear on concepts? 31 2-5m 53 12~16m 100 9-10m, 17-20m 101 17-18u "defect I language", 19-22m 102 l-2m, 3-5m, 16-18m, 19-21m 104 8-llm 109 22-28m 110 4u "commonly unaffected", 6-15m, 12-15m, 12-15w 2 cases l&-21m 112 3-8m
BATES, Henry Walter The naturalist on the river Amazons 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1863 [CUL, I in both vols.] beh, br, cc, cr, f, gd, h, ig, mm, no, oo, phy, rd, si, sx, tm, v
vol. 1 NB p251
SB1 09Î vol.I
p. 20; 23; 30x gradn in worker ants; 52; 55;
68; 99 monkeys not breeding; 102; 182.-
analogy of Moth & Humming Birds; 193
sterile in confinement; 207; 210; 252; 254;
258-262; 304; 312; p 53 Sipo Matador
SB2 i& (not CD)
Bates Amazon vol 1
p. 20 on tropical insects not being more
beautiful & on differences in sex.
23. on worker ants of 3 kinds
27. tunnell under river - 30 gradations
between workers
52 Male & female butterflies haunting
different stations.
55 competition in the Tropics.
68. Trees with buttrefres.
102. 700 butterflies within an hour's walk
182. analogy between Sphynx moth &
humming birds.
207 widely different insects imitating sand in
210 insects of same family having widely
different habits.
252 male crickets being musical to attract
254 a kind of thrush with nest lined with mud
258-262. discussion on variability of
butterflies & on mimetic butterflies.
304. local vars. of butterflies
312. Ditto-
20 7-19m, 20-21u "almost \ only", 21-26m 21 2u "more\coloured", 3-31m, 3u "females\ often", 5u "tropics", 6u "between the", 7u "any temperate" 22 2-10m, 18-22m 23 8-20, 32m 24 20-24m 27 23-26m 30 8-12m, 19- 22m 31 26-29m 51 23u, 29-31m 52 2-12m, 4u "less dense" 53 7-24m, 25u "fig order" 54 2-32m 55 21-29m, 31 -> 56 2S-24m 68 24m, 25-22 m 69 2m 99 20-26m 102 21-26m 182 20-26m 183 5-8m 193 2-6m, 2-3u "paca"/w 2 Rodents p. 202 9-20m, 22-23m 207 23-32 m/-> 208 22-27m 210 13-30m 250 23-26m, 29-31u "Locustidae"/w probably Gryllidae of WellandO 251 lu "Acridiidae", fig.w toothed lobe left wing 252 ll-15m, 15-27m, 31a "crickets" Achetidae wb Cicadidae again different 253 2-2m, 4-5m, 8-9m, 18-24m 254 15-20m/w a kind of Thrush 258 25-30m 259 fig.-> 260 5-9m, 14~19m, 28-31m 261 22-27m
262 ft22-2m 263 4-7m, 14-17m, 21-26m 304
22-31m 312 28-30m 313 2-Sm
vol. 2 NB 238 Toucans; 341 SB1 (not CD?) 39 Palm; 49 Tonka bean: fruits on stems; 51 Palm; 53 General descrip; 169 Bulging palm; 217 Fruit conspic ripe; 218 Gulielma palm; 237 Eriodendron;
263 Turtles eat fallen fruit
SB2 /& (not CD) Bates vol 2.
35 a young savage with instincts of finding
his way.
44 Bees using hind legs to collect mud &
using gum.
46 Parasitic fly - like bee.
61-70 - neuters of termites.
228. butterflies of several sp. males living in
[page break] 38
sunny places & females in wood
e> (CD) 307 Short-tailed monkeys, yet
a> (not CD) 313 range of monkeys separated
by a river
347 butterflies with males 100 times more
numerous than the female.
347 range of butterflies depending on wind
351 gradation in workers of ants
364 great difference in the castes of worker
«s> (CD) 204 man essentially same in mind
284 strong sexual characters. Umbrella Bird
rudiment in female
349 tubes for caterpillars
357 gradation of instincts
SB3 09Î
35; 44; 45; 61-to 70 Termites; 113 sterility;
128 expression; 159; 162 God & Man; 194;
219 Cultivated fruit - by Natives; 228; 313;
347; 351 gradation in workers; 364 ants; *
close mouth & part front of tongue forming
the palate & open mouth suddenly & this
makes the click - open mouth sign of
35 l-9m 44 9-12m 45 13-23m, 29-30^> 46 8-20m, 18-23m, 23-27m 51 3-5m 61 7-Um, 15-18m 65 3-8m, 28-31m 66 5-9m, 19-22m 67 17-27m, 28-31m 113 4-12m 128 29-31m, 31u "tola" 159 20~29m 162 28-31m 178 5-9z 194 16-29m 197 10m 204 l-9m 219 5-12m 228 4-9m, 9-12m 237 3-5m 284 12-18m 307 12-28m 310 24r-29m, 24-26"...", 30-31z 313 17-31m 338 21-23m, 22u "seven I more" 339 22-23m/u "deficiency \ used" 341 7-11m, 15u "considered I instrument" 347 4-11 m, 27-30m 349 22-31m 351 22-26m, 27-30m, 30-32-> 352 21-32m 357 20-24m, 20-22w is it true, stinging 364 14-17m 365 15-20m, 22-26m 419a 20m, 29m 419b 1m, 12m, 26m, 31m 420a 8m, 9m, 19m, 29m, 35m 420b 1Î3-ïm 421a lm, 6-9m, ÏÏ2m 421b 16m, 22m, 23m, 25m, 31-37m, 40m, 40m 422a 1-Am, 9m, 10m, 14m, 27m, 30m 422b 20m 423a l-3z, 16m, 22m
BAXTER, Jedediah Hyde Statistics, medical and anthropobgical of the Provost-Marshal-General's bureau 2 vols.; Washington; Government Printing Office; 1875 [Down]
BEALE, Lionel Smith On the structure and growth of the tissues and of life London; Robert Hardwicke; 1865 [CUL] et, phy, t
NB Used for pangenesis and of no other use
10 24-30m 21 xvt* cell contents l-5w or as some« several authorities object dispute♦ the rejectO the presentO exlion of cells, Beale's term been very useful 14-18u±, 21« "Formed I matter", 29-30m 25 27-30m, 29-30u "composed I tissue" 26 3-7m, 18-20m 27 23-28m, 27u "lastly I surface", 28u "of\and" 28 3-7m 29 12-14m, 13-14u "comparatively I matter", 24-27m 31 3-21w says before it has become completely passive 19-21m 34 wt the germinal matter in a fully developed muscle must be formed or modified by the development of the muscle. 36 ll-13m, 12u "is I or" 37 19-21m 62 wt/l-21w says the nuclei or germinal matter of the various tissues are * continually forming 12-15m, 12u "Cells \parts" 63 21-23m
BECHSTEIN, Johann Matthäus Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands 4 vols, Leipzig; Ernsius; 1801-5 (2nd edn), 1793-5 (1st edn) [CUL]
beh, br, cc, ch, es, dg, ex, f, fg, gd, h, he, hy, ig, in, is, mg, mn, no, oo, or, pat, rd, sp, sx, ti, tm, ud, v, wd, y
vol. 1 NB Blumenbachs HandBuch of Nat
17*; 26 Book; 227, 228 - do.; 232-6 Horse;
241 Canines varying
275; 285,6; 294; 300; 309; 310,12; 324; 358;
362,5; 378; 404; 425; 432; 434; 448; 457;
470; 491 ; 505 to 508 to 536; 546 - Dog
It wd be good to investigate the 4 teeth of
upper jaw of Dogs to see about abortion
Vol I Bechstein - V End of Book for early
p548 to 579 to 702
♦ p609 to 627; end; p. 653
795; 850; 932; 950; 984; 1032; 1046; 1078-
83,1084. Squirrels; 1095 Hare; 1119 Rabbits
to p. 1135-
A Calendar at end with periods of coupling
of all wild animals.
p241 Mares Eye Canine teeth either absent
or very short - sexual & rudimentary
characters variable
(Bechstein Vol I)
p 294 Hinney more like Mother (ie Ass) then
Horse, but ears Horse-like Q/&
p 309 Nine Breeds of Cattle in central
310 Pale-coloured cattle more plagued with
Flies then darker colours
359 She Sheep have horns smaller or none
362 In Hornless sheep some have small
loose Horns
[page break] 40
379 Certainly Ram gives fleece
432 2 Breeds of Chamois inhabiting different
505 Wild & tame Pigs produce fertile
offspring Q
508 Var. of front teeth in Pigs NlQ
530 Sort of pad defending Boars
536 Many wild Pigs die in Hard winters & in very dry summers.-
548 Bitch 5, seldom 4 Q, mammae on each
side - Iceland Dogs different voice (u^)
574 Newfoundland Dog - skin between toes
- Not in Newfoundland, when discovered.
584 time of gestation
638 Stutz - Dogs are easiest crossed with
Foxes Qä>
654 Cats with wavy hairs N.Q
663 Astonishing increase of mice in Isld of
Placida off Naples, when Cats destroyed.
682 In Lynx tufts of hair 2 inches long
795 Ferret procreates quicker than Polecat,
• parent
950 Black & Brown Rat cross in nature Q
1032 Marmot or Arctomy inhabit only highest
alpine height of Europe
1084 Squirrels in same nest, one finds 2
colours, when parents of two colours
1095 variation in upland & lowland hares
1119 Hares & rabbit will not breed after
many attempts made Qa>
1123 Rabbit can produce in 4 years 1274,
1133 Grey* Rabbits turned out after some
generations assume grey colour
26 î\2-lm/wb On variation 227 ÏÏ5?, ÏÏ2?/x/u " deutscher \ ausländischer" 228 3m 233 Su "dünne", 14u "Der\ist", 15u "OhrenIlang", 16u "Mähne dick" 234 l-2m/u "vorzüglichsten] Andalusien", 5-10m/w He means x - Hunter cross 13u "Yorkshire", 17u "die\ haarig", ÏÏ3u "Tigerpferde" 235 9u "Calabrien", Wu "Apulienl vorzüglich", 15u "Polnischen \ gleich", 1\3u "dass\ abnützen"\wx 236 2-7 m, IOw Pony 18u "Holsteinische", 19u "Mecklenburgische" 241 (err. printed 235) 4u "Hundzahne", 6-7u "fehlen \ kurz", 4-6m/w Fem* Mares Eye teeth absent or small: variable Owen says absent 275 1Î5m/u "von Natur" 285 wt There does not appear to be race of asses in each country. 4-8m/w Arabia Donkey very fine 8u "glattes", 12-18m/w smallness owing to climate (Peacocks do not flourish) 286 ÏÏ8-5m/w various colours 294 12u/a "mehr mütterlich" i.e. Ass 12-13w sometimes much mishapen 300 ÏÏ5-lm 309 zt, l-2m/xot 9 Central Europe Kinds of large Cattle 4m "übrigen Deutscher" 310 10-16m/w
These colours more plagued by Flies (I wonder if true) might bring in 312 1\3-lm 324 15-20w Change Bull to prevent inter se 358 5-7m/u± 359 ÏÏ14-13m, ÏÏ9-8m/w Horns in Female fail or are smaller 362 l-2m, 13-17m/w Q Hornless but sometimes appear, & are then not well fixed.- 365 8u++/mlw Hellenius case 378 12-14m/w Sheep with least mark often bring quite dark lamb- like Fox's fact 379 3-10w Certainly Ram gives wool most strictly heredetary \tl3-9m/w not interbreed 404 4-6m 425 6-7m/7u "lang herabhängenden", 16-17m 432 ïïll-lm, ÏÏ10-9m "WeinI höchsten", ÏÏ7m "obersten Theile", 1Î5« "dunkelbrauner", ÏÏ2u/wx, wb might be 2 species 433 3-4u "Feld\Bershirschen" 434 14- 15u "Pyrenäischen\ Gebirge", ÏÏ6-5m/M "SteinböckeI mittlem" 448 15~20w Fallow Deer various colours 449 ÏÏS-4m 457 î\14-10m 458 7-8u "gemeinisch\sind", 6-14m/w Q differences according to habitation 470 4-6m 491 fte-lm 505 llu "abgerundete", 12u "zugespitzte", ÏÏ7-lm/w Pigs wild & tame breed together & offspring fertile Q Qa> 507 flSu "vier", ÏÏ7m "etwas" 508 4-6m/w front teeth vary; sometimes 2 more in upper sometimes 2 more in under 5u/wx 509 M-lm/w Breeds tÎ4-2u± 510 ll-12u "Die\ Schweine", 16u/iox 517 6-15w white sows frequent 15 weeks speckled 18! Q 34m "zweymaV'lw breed twice 529 5-7w Wild Boar Dark colour 9m<->, 12-13w short more projecting ears 25m "hängende Schwänze" 530 10-15w Black hairs have brownish tips ÏÏ13-51...] 534 ÏÏ7-5m/o, ÏÏ4u++/w Twice a year on Heat 535 wt Wild Sow 18-20 weeks 3u "fünf\ zwölf" 536 (err. printed 436) 9-10m, 12-16w Many die of hunger in hard winters 14m "dochlfür", 16u "sechs\acht", 19u "zuweilen\ aussterben" 546 8-16mlw Believes in multiple origin of Hound 548 l-2m/lu "nurI Brüste" 549 5u "den \ murrend"lw voice different. 551 l-6w Fox like dogs like our Spitz 554 6a "2" subspecies Mastiffs 1tl2-lw> Big thick upturned snout; falling chops; slaving mouth; small hanging ears; Breed had flat long neck & thick - smooth short hair 558 6w Pug(?) 559 ïïlw 3d subspecies Hounds 560 4-12w Head round with ridge Ears very long -Body long - claws on after-toes 568 la "4" Spaniel* Poodle 569 8w Spaniel 572 8-10w hairs like Lion 15-16w Danish Dog 573 Ïï2w Newfoundland 574 5-7m/w Q skin between toes 14-15m\w not there in 1622 15-16w Greyhound 576 l-2w Italian Greyhound 578 Ü5-4w Terrier 579 1Î2-lw> Skye Terrier 584 ÏÏ6-5M "neun\Wochen"lw Wolf p. 617 wb 63-70 days 609 ÏÏ10-9m/M "jeder l Backenzähne",
[page break] 41
1\8-5w teeth different from Dog 617 1)22«; 77 days 1)22-20m/1)20w "2\trächtig", ÏÏ9-5mft8u "selbstgegrabenen Loch" 627 6u "Spielarten", 9-10m/u±, tÎ9-5w Q tip of tail variable 1Ï3-2m/ u± 628 3-8m 638 ä> 5-7m/a; Q 653 1)22-Sm/o> differ in habits ïïll-8w degenerate easily ÏÏ6m/wb Tortoiseshell! 654 6u/wx 663 f)20-3m, u>& Extraordinary increase of Mice in Isld of Placida when cats all destroyed.- 674 15m/u "bringt \ blinde" 675 4-8m 682 5u "zwey Zoll"I w ear tufts 2 inches long 702 5-12m/! 786 4u "gewöhnlich Iselten" 795 ïïll-7w more than litis wild MardO on prowlO p786 850 2-4m, 7-8m, 13-16m 932 ll-14m/llu "zweyen Jahrhunderten", 1)2m/«<-> 950 9-llm/w Q Black & Brown Rat W-5m/w Q 984 1)24-7m/ w Water Rats like Snakes inhabit dry & wet places 1032 1)22w Arctomys Marmot 1)20-9m, ÏÏ8-4m 1046 ÏÏ4-2m 1047 3-5m, 7-9m 1078 wi In relation to mankind - we cannot account for it.- 9-12m/w black very common 12u "gewöhnlich]Bauch", ÏÏ3-lm/wb these 3 seem to arise out of cross of red & black, but no evidence. 1079 wt N.B It must be remembered that B is not to be trusted about species 9-10u "mit weissen", ll-12u±/ w* Then this is Fox var. 23-24« "mit\ Schwänze", Ü7-5m/x, iï4u/art, wb when these vars cross offspring intermediately blended.
1\5-3m/wb all the vars of colours cross
1)22-5m 1095 Xw In several cases he has utterly rejected the Hunters varieties & therefore may be trusted, when he admits them. 1)22w He has the L varieties, besides. 1\ll-9u±, 1)2-2 m/-», wb no difference in any respect 1096 7w Nothing f)2m 1097 2m 1119 f)6-2m Rabbits will not breed with Hares, after many attempts 1121 ttS-6m 1123 6m/u "vier\ acht", 14m/u "mehrentheils viermal", 1)7-3m 1128 1Ï5m/u (colours) 1131 1Î20m/w "vier\ Junge" 1133 ÏÏ9-5m/w become grey after some generations. 1136 16u<->/w short ears, round head 18u "oft I lang", 19u/wx
vol. 2 NB p4*; Frisch Birds - Not in Linn
Pigeon PI. 143-151
Cock Tab. 127-137
p400 on Pigeons of this Book to p404
p396 Fowls nothing in Frisch
p1150; 1168; 1170; 1184; 1187 to 1204;
p400 Trumpeter in 1739
p404 some crossing domestic Pigeons I
think read
396 l-4m/w From same parents legs feathered & not. 400 wb Frisch 1739 402 2-
3m/w will cross with others, & has crossed with Trumpeter & Jacobin.- 9u "Schleyertabin", ll-16w It is not true that Hawks cannot catch. 404 5u "weisswarzigen", 5w Pavodetto 8m/w very large 463 "243 ".m 1150 1)20-7m, 1)3-2m/1)2w "triß\voll" 1151 13-14u*+, %m 1168 1)22-9m 1170 22-24m, 1)22-9m/1)22« "habe ich"/Ü9u "gesehen''/w C corone & cornix 1171 6-9w Dwarfs occasionally born ïïll-8m, 1\7u "Jungen\ Alten", 1)5-2m, ÏÏ5u "gemischt \gesteckt" 1174 5-7m 1184 1)27-2m/w crows following a little dog which used to catch mice 1186 "Naumanns Vögel".w where 1187 3« "Raubenkrähe\hat"/3-4m, 9-lOm/u^/w Beyond Ober 1)22u "Sie I grösser" 1189 1)23-9m/w The grey colour only an exaggeration of base colour of all crows 1194 15-16m 1204 f)20-7m 12711)22«; Magpie 1)9-5m
vol. 3 SB Qß
299 Peacock more fertile in India, but
Temminck Gallinaceae better reference
309 Caudal feathers vary in Turkey - Q
316 number of eggs in Tame Turkey
335 Range of wild Fowls - Acosta only
authority for American Origin
337 Fowl has 14 Caudals
339 Breed of Hens with Spurs, good layers
355,6 In Capons, Tail & Comb continue
growing. They • castrate Hens. NB Great
variability of Comb, & in Spurs, variation of
Secondary Male Characters
400 Cocks have not enlarged skull in
Polands, only Hens!
406 Frizzled Cock with split Feathers Spurs
various; Hens have sometimes.
N.B. Ld Spencer has shown how maturity &
size of cattle increased & quite lately we
have seen this in Ducks & Geese- When
no record kept, wd not be observed & yet cd
go on slowly.-
xv Zm/w Read (refers to pp. 293-500) 299 1Î22-22m 309 4u "Anzahlest" 316 ÏÏ5u/wx, wb 54, ie 27 each 335 24u "Acosta"/w Acosta alone says Fowls American 1)2-2 m/u "Morella\Hühner" 337 4u "vierzehn"'/w 14 tail 339 1)8-5m/a; Qa> Breed of Hens with spurs good layers; but the spurs disturb the nest 355 ÏÏ10-6m 356 5-9m 396 1)8« "Kamm\ Fleischlavpen" 399 1)24«äi "angefressenen Kopf", 1îl6-13m/w Canaries î\7-5m 400 5w Has Cocks 8-12w Cocks can withstand this deformity. What says Blumenbach? 10-llw Hen-poultry 1)7u "habeI bemerkt", Uulwx, ÏÏ3ul wx, wb Hahn Huhne 403 4-6m/QÄ> 406 4-8w wing feathers always split 1t22wA> "Japan"
[page break] 43
407 wt Spurs but in Cochin? tuft l-4m/w spurs various Qa>, 4u "sehr langen" 410 25-18m 434 1Ï3-2m/QA> 796 5z
vol. 4 SB1 09t
p3; p13; p14; p. 31 edge of caudal.- coloured
to p. 47 - swallow-tailed Pigeon Pigeons
Canary Birds
p454 difference in disposition of Canaries
p462 - if 2 top-knotted canaries are paired
there come bald or birds with wound on
p465 lay 3-4 times
p468 Hybrids.
487* 487* 478
Bechstein Vol 4
p5 C. oenas Q pairs with tame (nothing said
about fertility of offspring)
p14 C. livia varies most in colour of rumpi &
is not true in this respect Q
17 do not mix* associate readily with Fancy
47 Swallow-tailed Pigeon Q
31 Outer Tail feather on outer edge coloured
like body of Pigeon X
454 Great differences in disposition in
Canary Birds
462 If you pair 2 crown-turned Canary Birds,
crown will be bald, & skull fail.
465 Canary Birds will lay 3- to 4 times (no
* wild Finch will do this)
468, 478 Q Hybrids of Canary Birds, various
genera - Hybrids of Siskin & Goldfinch
breed inter se, but at first small eggs & weak
vii 4~8mjw Read ix "Canarienvogel".m/w Read xi "Zweyter Anhang".m* xii 6-9m 3 tteu "paart I bleiben"/w pairs with tame -> 4 2u "zahnen\zu" 13 Ü9-5m/w House Pigeon with black Bars common in Germany 14 lu "Feldtauben"/wt The field Pigeon great vary in rump l-6m/w For those with blue rumps bring grey, with white & reverse 15 ÏÏ5m/u "bey \ dunkler" 16 15-22w with Bars & white Rump 1/2 wild in towers &c, &c- 17 ÏÏ2-2m
18 8~15w Field Pigeons vary when fed by
man ÏÏ22u "Liebhaber", fÏ5u "gedüpfelte"jw the
chequered Dovecot 1\l2-8m/w, xvb has
watched how the wild vary as he gives order
of appearance, I suppose may be trusted;
but then gives Jacobin! Did he judge by
commonness of variation? Does not say that
crossing avoided- 19 ÏÏ2-2« dass\setzen" 21
1Ï3-2m 23 13-17m/xv chequered ÏÏ7-lm/wb
The ash-grey chequering sometimes
disappears leaving the black chequering
more conspicuous 25 ÏÏ7m/u "grosse\
Feldtauben" 26 7-9m/8-9u*+, ll-14m/w crosses 27 4w 1795 7-12w Swallow thin feathered legs scarcely larger than Dovecot 9u "dünn", llu "kaum merklich" 31 l-4m/w edge of outer tail feathers coloured like body. Like white & black bars. 32 l-2w Satz of Neumeister 35 ÏÏ22u "aber \ über" 47 6w as a Plate, I suppose must have seen it 7-14m, 18m 101 4-5m/5-6u "baldlmehr", ll-13m/? 454 1Î7-2m 462 wt For feathers are parted & the parting gets wider & wider.- 5-8m/Q&>, 9-12m/w Mr Brent believes llu/wx, 12u/wx 465 9-llm/9u "viermal" 466 4m 468 u/wz 469 6wx, 7u "zeugen IJunge", 7-12m/Q 478 (err. printed 487), 3-4m, 16u/wx, ÏÏ4u "Loxia Chlovis" 487 202«^ 903 "Eisvogel".wt to 927 "Fieplerche".w IV
BECHSTEIN, Johann Matthäus Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel Halle; Hennemann; 1840 [CUL, S]
beh, br, cc, es, ex, f, fg, gd, he, hy, in, mg, no, or, pat, sx, ta, tm, ud, v, wd, y
NB1 I thought of comparing rarity of English
6 German Birds after p210
There is very little information, except by
inference, about fertility of the crossed
canary-birds =
NB2 It is surprising how many birds have
been introduced as cage birds
p1 to 7
-20 -40 83,4 105 skimmed
107 Memory; 108 var; 112 do; 114 range;
137; 138; 145; 177,185,155; 192 var; 196;
205; 210; 212; 215; to 253 to 256 to end -
SB Qß <2 sheets)
2 Birds understand each others cries
4 Singing male attribute to charm females
7 Voice of Birds improves by practice Q
20 (he means 40) Remarks on rarity of Cage
Birds breeding, except such as Canary used
to confinement
83 Psittacus large eggs but unfertilised 105
XX 106 Pi* 142Q Different facilities in
learning in Bullfinches p231 Q Different
characters in canaries (as in man) - 267 Q
in Larks taken wild 139 Bullfinch
occasionally breeding
139 Canary male Bullfinch female (Canary
female Greenfinch male p. 145)
185 Male losing sexual character in
confinement - 215 Linnet do. 219. do.
205 Habit Chaffinch has Q different song in
different places - 265 Q Larks sing
differently individually
210 Can cross House & Tree Sparrow, but
[page break] 46
not reciprocal (224 on canaries do) Q
212 on comparative rarity of House & Tree
221 vars of Goldfinch, 222
230 Easier to pair Siskin with Canary of
same colour
Origin of Canaries & Hybrids of (p347) Hybrids) Q
Thinks want of exercise great cause of variation.-
239 Hybrid of Canary & F Species always
takes after latter in colour & shape Q#>
242 good Breeders rare amongst Canaries
247 In Birds reared from nest, either sex will
do to match with Canaries Q
248 Certain that Hybrid Canaries & Q
Goldfinches & Siskins will breed inter se [but
first young are weak]
247* Has himself crossed Bull-finch &
Canaries N.Q
252 Canaries sing till they kill themselves.
262 Several cases of Birds in dark places
losing brilliancy of colour (Ch 7) p. 300 do
289 Garrulus lived 12 years
293 Q for instinct Migratory & Home
Thrushes can be distinguished - probably do
not cross (V Brehm)
312 Nightingale once exterminated do not
reappear (shows less abroad)
318 Nightingale sometimes breed in cage
surrounded by green boughs
319 live to 15 years old - even 25 years
322 Nightingale different Q prowess of
singers, some are night singers, inherited
403N.Q I think mistake C. oenas & livia (No)
But says nothing on fertility of Hybrids
418 case of Quail Breeding
title page tl3m 2 10-17w not aboriginal! turkey & »«-en understand others s*- of fear 15u&> "Zaunkönige verständlich" 3 5-6x, ÏÏ22u "Locktöne"/w understood by many species 4 10-17w from happiness or love ÏÏ22-22w "Denn I Weibchen"/1\l5-llm/w few females sing in widowhood ÏÏ6-5m/u± 5 Ïïl5-lm/wb different species learn with different facilities -» 7 ÏÏ23-22u "weil\ Männchen"/w larynx not so strong in female 1Î5-3« "dass\wird", ÏÏ5a/ wx, ÏÏ5-lm/wb improved by practice 20 ÏÏ8-3m 40 lot V Blaines Encyclop of Sport. (Athe) whether Falcons were bread or continually fresh caught - good case of difficulty of breeding, after thousands of attempts on European bird. l-20xv Elephants occasionally breeding may be compared to the mule occas. doing so 58 6V 61 ÏÏ22V 67 15V 83 ÏÏlOw Psittacus macao ÏÏ5-3m/ÏÏ5-4u "Bei\
unbefruchtet", 1Î2-» 84 2-4m/4u "aufgezogene", 5u "nur\zahnen" 89 Ux/u "pfeifen" 105 26-27m/u<->, 17-20m/x, wb it is known how very long pigeons live in confinement - .-. not diseased. 106 W-lm 108 15-20m 112 l-4m, 1Ï23-3m 114 25-28m 137 ÏÏ20-3m 138 22-20m, ÏÏ24orc, tl3m/u "wie\Vögeln", ÏÏ9-8m/ÏÏ8u+> 139 ÏÏ4-3m/u "bringen\auf" 142 ÏÏ20-5m 144 ÏÏ4m/u "Alter der" 145 2-6m 155 23-2Sm 177 4r-5m 185 1l3-lm/x, wb X I think I have overlooked some analogous facts 192 ÏÏ2m/u "Spielarten" 193 2-2m 196 20-22m 205 10-22m 210 ÏÏ9-8u "ein\gerathen"/w Tree Sparr. 2111t3u "Fringilk montana" 212 9-llm/w still rarer in England 215 9-22m 218 28-22m 219 27-28m 221 1t6-4m 222 fÎ28-24m, ïïllSm, 1t3u "kohkchwan" 224 ^9-5mß6u "wenn\mit" 229 14-16m/15u "DeutschlandIgemein" 230 14-19m/15u "die\gleichen"I18u "sogenannten" 236 ïïl9-18m/u+>, ttSu "ohne\vermehrten", ÏÏ4-3mfÏÏ3u "erzogen. Anfänglich", ïïlu/wx 237 2-4m, 6-20m, 1\ll-8mfillu/wz/wb origin 1Î3-lm 238 U-12u±J12u/wx, 14r-15m/15u "oft ausserordentlich", u8-5m[Ü5u "sehr einfaches" 239 l-2m/Q/2u "Farbe I Gestalt" 242 6-20m/ Q/&/2ÛU "Oder\ spät", zb 243 2-2m 245 6-8m/ 8u "alle\ möchten" 247 wt X F. linaria 6-7m/u "und I Bastarde", 9-18m/15u "Männchen I bei", H23a/wi, 1\2l-l7m, 1\l6u/wz, ÏÏ25-24u "Erfahrung I die", ïïlla/wx, tl5-4m 248 3m/wt F. spinus or Siskin 2a[wx, 3u "wieder unter", 2-3m/Q 5-7m/Q 251 ÏÏ22W "Das\Stube", \tl6m/u "Verschidenheit\ Temperamente", 1Î5m 252 2-3m/wx, 8u "Adern I zersprengen", 9u "herabfallen I sind", 15-21w related song 20-21m/u "derIfortpflanzt" 256 ll-12m/u "Sie\ bei" 262 6m/u "das\gemeissen" 264 12-13m/u± 265 1t8-4m/u± 267 1\3-2m/u++/wb corporeal virtue & vice 282 3-5m 283 ÏÏ3-2m 289 23m/w "zwölf" 293 29-22m, Hl2-19m, 1tS-6m/Q/« "welche \fremde" 294 Zw Nothing said about breeding in dornest. 13w The thrush 299 ÏÏ23-20m 301 2-4m 308 20-21m/u "sind\ Farbe" 309 zb 310 8m/u "bisISchweden", ÏÏ3-lm 311 ÏÏ6-5m/u "wenn I leider" 312 wt The numbers of Nightingales in Europe in summer have no relation to amount of food for them. 5wx, 7-12m/w This helps to show at what period the Sylviadae are destroyed. 15-18mlw think with respect to Malthus. 1Ï26-lOm/w instincts dormant for one year 313 3-4m/u "Da\ reisen" 318 tÏ27-23m/1Î23u "zuweilen bewerkstelligte" 319 2m "fünfzehn", 3u "bemerkt\Orte", 6-7m/u "fünf\ist" 322 25-20m/16u "nun\Schweden" 323 17-20m/17u "Es INachtigallen", ÎÎ22-23m/tt20w "weiss aus", Ü12-llm 329 7-14m/12u "Dieseleiner" 330 2-7m 332 4-8m 333 ÏÏ6-4m 346 tÏ7m 356 ÎÎ6-5m/
[page break] 48
u "einige\um" 362 1Ï20m/u "viel matter" 377 ÏÏ24m/u<-> 383 4-6m 387 16-21m/ 17 u "Varietät" 397 1Î9-5m/w appears not uncommon 403 ll-15m, fÎ8-6m 406 8-9m/w "tritt \ Jungen" 407 ïïll-10m/w Columba risoria 408 8-20«±, U-12m, 16-20m, 1Ï23u " stets" ßl4-12m, Hl2u "grösser werden"'/ÏÏ13-10m 409 3m/w "acfa /öftre", 23-25m, ÏÏ7« "unsere\schön" 411 2-3m 418 12-15mll5u "Jene\aus" 423 17-19m/18u/wx 424 ÏÏ15-14m/ ÏÏ24u "die\ Jahre" 428 ÏÏ22-6m 436 <err. printed 466) ft23-22m
BEECHEY, Frederick William Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific Philadelphia; Carey and Rea; 1832 [CUL, on B] geo, ti
36 39-45m 49 3-17m, 26-31m 120 27-28"...", 28-35m 136 wt Put this note to Matilda Isld wb+ Redo this Some of isld steeper • 18-21w before 49 years 24-25w in 1767 26-30m, 32m 137 wt who was Wallis l-3m 143 wb Here there is no explanation of ledge 19-21m, 27- 39m, 37-42m 160 7-Um, 13-Uu "generaUfathoms", 13-15z 165 16-45m 166 2-45m, 20-22« "instance\ usual", 27-29u± 167 wb 67 2u "equally narrow", 14-17m, 15-17w like hill not Crater 27-22m 168 13-43m, 22-24w Earthquake wave 169 4~40m 170 l-44m T74 35-42m 200 6-25w Note if same occurs to Beagle 15-25m, 15-25m 209 4-25m 211 4-22m 212 38-43m 213 2-2m, 40-43m 231 w& 00 314 44w 180lbs 444 32-37m
BELL, Charles The anatomy and philosophy of
expression London; John Murray; 1844 [CUL,
S E. Darwin 1844 to Ch. Darwin Nov. 28
beh, h, phy, y
NB p. 110 sneering muscles; p. 131 snarling muscles; 158 Pain; Wood-cuts of muscles 99 p. 107 109 p. 261 general title page wb 1844 first Edit in 4to 1806. 2d Edn in 1824.- facing iii fig.wt 13 3m, 14m 38 24-32m/24-31w add or more strictly bones of the jaw in comparison of Negro & European 27a "jaw" two 64 20m 82 7-8m, 12u "alupon" 84 4-5m 85 20-24m/23-24u^, 26-27 ml26u "office" 86 25-27 m, 27 u "emotions I developed", 29a "heart" but why? 87 27-28.', 17-18u "instrument I mental" 88 2-24m, 5w fear 21-23w traces of sobbing, 22-25m, 32-33m, 32"... 89 2-2m, 2...", 3-6m, 11-16m 90 6-8m, 6-7w ie Heart & Lungs 7w Why? 20-22m, 29-30w see C. Bernard 91 9-22 m, 9-22w because screams natural consequence 16-19m, 31-33m, 33u "double"
92 3-4u++, 9-13m 94 28-30m 95 2-3m/2a "of" moaning & screaming, 8-22m, 15-18m, 16u "serves I economy", 21-23m, 22-24m, 22-23u "That I from", 23-26m, 24u "extending) surface", 25u "parts I exposed" 96 3-9w albino negros blush, so not to exhibit expression.-14-15m 98 wt If all muscles are common to apes, this can hardly be case 2m, 2-6m, 20-22m, 23m 99 6-8m, 19-20m 100 3-22m 101 27-28m 102 6m, 18-24m, 26-31m, 24u "straight", 30u "oblique" 103 9-12m/"... 105 17-20m, 24-26m/25u "laughter I sneezing", 24-33"... 106 2-4...", 4-7m, 4c, 9-13m, 13-15m, 16-27m, 29-33ml"..."lwe 107 22-23m, 22-24w in passion distended nostrils 108 19-22m 109 fig.w/wb (explanation of fig.) 110 22-22 m 111 22w M. mentalis 21-25m 114 4-9m 117 28m "expression I speaking ", 19u "modulation I lip ", 21-22m 118 22m, 28m, 28-29m 120 23-28m 121 3-5m, 13-15m, 16-18m, 20-22m 122 6-9m, 9-14m/w, 18-21w & ears not depressed 30~32mfw so threaten other males 123 26-22ml?, 19u "retrovertedleye", 20-21u "sol blow" 126 4-5m, 15-16m 131 2-3m/w because retained 14-17m, 21-22u "Their \ canine" 132 22-25m, 26-30m 133 3-5m 135 2-3m 136 25-29m 137 2-9m/?, 5u **, 7u "they\ eyebrows", ll-14m/U-12w monkeys have? Owen 12-14w frowning good 13-16m, 15-16m, 16w this in man but no but not the M 17-22w I have seen well developed in monkeys incessantly clenching skin over eyes 26-30m, 30-33m, 30-31u "a\animals" 138 4-6m, 41, 4u "arching of", 12-17w I suspect he never dissected monkey. 29u "expressing I fear"\18-20wDog !!! 139 3-5m, 4-5u "muscle\expression", 6u "sign\altered", 14-19m, 16a "oris" or triangular oris 22?, 23u "weeping", 28-31m 140 9-22m, 22-24m, 24-27m, 29-35m 147 l-4m, 6-9m, 16-21m, 28-31m, 31u "system I nerves" 148 l-2w Disputed by Marshall Hall 149 6-8?, 15u "lacrymaU infected"lw not in Babys 31-33m 150 2-3m, 9-28m, 9-2407 upturned corners give look of silly complacency 25m, 29-34m, 29-32m, 30u "elevated shoulders" 151 3-6m, 5-6Q 20-24m 152 zt, 16-21m/w but are very little under the will 25-26m 153 wt in Laughter brows are brought down & arched 2-6m, lw [gr Zygomatic?] 154 10-13m, 10-llu "tremor\ excitement", 28m, 35m 155 7-8m 158 4-8m, 9-12m, 16-21m, 24-30m 159 4m 160 22m 163 24-28m 164 2-5m, 22-24m, 29-33m 165 8-12m 166 fig.w shoulders raised, 8-22m 167 28-401...], 30-40m, 34-37m 168 2-3m 169 4-5m, 10-llm, 13-14m, 21-22u++ 170 3-6m, 8m 171 24-27m 172 8-23m 174 3-22m, 5-20m, 5-7"...", 22"..." 176 8-23m 177 8-26m, 9-20a; no
[page break] 50
muscle keeps still 178 2-4m 180 9-12m 183
14-15tn 185 29m 189 5-8m, 9-12m 190 5-7m,
12-15m, 22-26m, 29-33m 193 10-13m 194 9-
20m, 25-26m 197 24-26m* 198 26-22m 211
2S-22m 214 22m 219 9-25m
Appendix "On the nervous system" by
Alexander Shaw, pp. 231-258
243 25-37m/-> 244 32-36m 248 23-30m 249
22-2 6m 252 2-4m 257 28-37'm
Explanation of plates, pp. 259-265
(u, w henceforth names of muscles) 261 7u, 8w,
15u, 15-16w, 19-21w, 23-26m/24r-26w, wb*
262 2m/w, 12m/w, 14m, 14-15w*, 16m/w,
21m, 21-24x0, 24m/w, 32m/?
BELL, Charles The hand 9th edn; London; George Bell & Sons; 1874 [Down]
37 5m 77 25m 89 24m 111 22m
BELL, John & Charles The anatomy and physiology of the human body 6th edn, 3 vols.; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green; 1826 [Down, pre-B, ED]
BELT, Thomas The naturalist in Nicaragua London; John Murray; 1874 [CUL, S] beh, cc, ds, f, gd, geo, h, mhp, mm, oo, phy, sp
NBl (much not CD)
Page 23 26 Ants
28 Ants helping each other
28 Ants
112 Humming Birds S S
118 Monkey & Eagle - (CD:) give case I do
not allude to Mivart - Probably after
Rengger, just allude to Belt on •
171 Indians
196 Cockatoos protected - Toucan
198 Toucans
209 Ticks
Acacia &. ants protecting them
Nectar protecting plants (CD:) by ants 250 Skunk
260 Glacial
291 Nests of wasps
Butterflies protection & ants & spiders (CD:) resemblance
do (CD:)
Frog protected by colour 334 FW area continuous
NB2 ♦ These references apply only to facts
useful for Descent of Man
♦70 Phaseolus not frequented by Humble-
bees & sterile
p. 333 Wide distribution of FW shells &
207 Romanes
SB a> p. 19 Phalangidae escaping ants by
lifting one after the other their long legs.
23 Blindness of Eciton an advantage in
keeping them together
26 sympathetic help of ants
74. Leaf-cutting ants determines existence of
trees & plants in S. America
77 ants rolling loads down steep slope
79 one of leaf-cutting - p. 83
grass brought by mistake
83 learnt danger by experience from
carriages on Railways
p 119 intellect & art of Monkeys
p 219. Bulls Horn mimosa & ants
p 222 Ants & Melastomataceae
260 Glacial deposits.
291 Birds building close to wasp-nests
316 Mimickry. mostly used p. 383 do.
334. Causes why F. Water productions have not given rise to any new species - not continuous under same conditions
lzb7 2-8m, 3u "polygamous" 19 19-22m 23 23-26m 24 22-20m 26 6-26m, 25-30m 28 24-32m 70 22-23m/26-29«<-> 74 3-26m, 27-31m 75 9-22m 77 2-6m 78 26-20m 79 22-23m 83 26-2Sm, 28-32m 112 5-21[...]\6-21m, 20-24c 118 5-22m, 8Q 23« "Cebus" 119 6-9m 128 3-8m 132 15-19m, 22"..., 22c, 23c, 25c 133 wt Mr Belt says that he watched many flowers during a whole season & 3-4"..."Il-4m, 6-23m 134 14-26w this accounts for the orifice being closed 171 2-24m 196 ÏÏ6-2m 197 29-27m 198 5-23m 206 22-30m 207 5m, 51...A, 24w no no 26w races have 208 23..Jä>, 23-26m 209 9-24m 219 22-2Sm 222 5-22m 250 l-4m 260 22-32m 291 20-32m 316 20-32m
20-24m, 20m "family I as", 12u "Lampyridae", 12m, 13u "genera", 14-18m, 15u "were invariably", 16u "not touch", wb over
7m, 7-14m 320 13-20m, 16m, 16-17u "out\eatable" 321 3-24m, 15-23m 334 22-24w no Water Birds 24-30m 335 22-25?, 26-28? 336 2-2m 383 7-24m 384 25-28m 385 3-6m, 7-161..."'*, 8-25m, 8a "wing" is
BENEDEN, Pierre Joseph van Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux (Suppl. aux Comptes rendus hébd. des séances de l'Acad. des Sciences, vol. 2); and
BRONN, Heinrich Georg Essai "Étudier les lois de la distribution . . . "; Paris; Maller-Bachelier; 1861 [CUL] em, geo, hl, tm, y
[page break] 51
Beneden p
SA (pp. 594-595)
p513 to 542; 555,556; 560; 580 Hot Springs 513 1t6-4m 514 8-9m 516 5-20m, 20-25m, 1Î3— lm/w Bronn preceded 517 l-4m, 7-llm, 10-13m, ÏÏ2w Bronn jpreceded 519 3-4m, 17-19m 520 22-25m 525 ïï9w "division I travail", 1t6-4m (Milne-Edwards)[Ü4u "diversification" 526 20-20zo Best discussion on Highness & Lowness- 20-25m/21u "PourIanimaux"'/22u "minimum \ chaque" 527 l-5m 528 S-9m 534 1-lOxv Ruminants when young have bones typical & distinct - Hence embryo higher than mature animal 13-lSm, 17-24m 536 wt Land animals higher than aquatic 2-27m 540 14-18m 542 5-Um 555 2-9m 556 2-8m, ÎÎ8-5mß6u "un\des" 560 2S-23m 580 Xmlw Hot Spring 581 2-Sm, tÎ4-3m
BENTHAM, George Handbook of the British flora London; Lovell Reeve; 1858 [CUL]
ix 4-9m xiii 20m (Babington), 12-13m (markings not CD, except possibly:) 32 4-7m 71 "Opium Poppy".w Down 106 "2".w W 119 "3".w Norfolk 130 "T'.w Wight 137 "2".w I of 139 "T'.w Isl of Wight 153 "V.w Norfolk 154 "2".m 161 "3".m 163 2-3m 165 "2".w I of W 181 "l".w Down Isl of Wight "5".w Isl of Wight 193 "2".w Norfolk 207 "2".u> Norfolk I of Wight 223 "7".w Somewhere 229 ÏÏ13x/u "in I hairs", î\2x/u "covered \ down" 230 22-22*/ u "less I plant"\w Norfolk 1\lx/u "and" 231 2u "down" 232 9-10m/x/u "and\hairy" 234 "2".w (Hflrf)field 277 "9 ".to Norfolk 279 "V.w Isl of Wight 292 "l".w I of W 315 "8".w I of W 317 "V.w I of W 405 "3".w Norfolk 420 "2".w of Wight "2".w field 453 "2".w^ Down 70 475 "2".c, "3".c476 "4".c, "5".c, "6".c 477 ÏÏ26x/u "Common \ Britain" 478 "20".*, "22"x "22".* 479 "24 "x "25".* 503 "2".w; I of W 525 "2 ".w%> Down 70 530 "2 ".w^ Cambr
BENTHAM, George Handbook of the British flora London; Lovell Reeve; 1858 [CUL, another copy]
BENTHAM, George and HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Genera plantarum vol. 1 i-iii, vol. 2 i-ii, vol. 3 i-ii; London; Reeve & Co.; 1862-83 [Botany School]
vol. 1 ii, 441 30m, 40m, 49m, 53m 442 6m, 30m, 34m*, 37m, 39m, 42m 443 6m, 16m, 51m 444 3m, 6m, 8m, 18m, 51m 445 20m, 26m 446 9-12m, 13m, 24m, 26m, 53m 447 2m, 6m, 46m
448 llm\9-12w also see Linnaeus 449 7m, 30m, 53m, 55m 450 49m, 55m 451 3m, 35m, 46m, 55m 452 26m, 24m 453 27m 456 26m 458 50m, 53-55m 459 2-2m, 7m/w Gleditschia Duchata 460 29m 461 23m 463 29m, 29m, 39m, 45m, 48m, 51m 464 6m, 18m vol. 1 iii, 951 33u "PetalaMmbricata", 35u "Petala valvata"
vol. 2 i, 10 33m 11 9m, 14m 14 22m, 27m, 37m 16 45m 17 32m 21 28m 24 6m, 7m, 26m 25 22m 26 29m 27 38m, 54m vol. 2 ii p
vol. 3 i p
vol. 3 ii (after CD's death)
BERJEAU, Philibert The varieties of dogs London; Dulau & Co.; 1863 [Down]
IBERKENHOUT, John] Clavis anglica linguae botanicae, or, a botanical lexicon London; Becket, de Houdt, Hawes, Clarke & Collins; 1764 [CULR, pre-B, S]
ad 20m ac2 ll-12m, 16-17m ap 22m/u± ar2 4-6m cal 27-28m ca5 4-6m cil 19-23m cl 22-22m co5 5-6m crl 27-29m cr2 8-9m cu2 24-25m, 28-29m, 20-22m dil2 lS-29m em 20-21m er 3~4m, 23m fi2 22m, 18-19m, 21-23m, 24-25m gel 20-22m gll 2-2m, 28-29m ha2 22-23m, 29-20m hi 3m im 7-8m in4 25-27m la3 17-19m li2 25-27m me 23- 24m mul 23-24m mu3 5-7m ob 5-7m oc 2-2m op 3-4m ou 7-8m, 13-19m pel 8-9m pl2 21-22m, 25m pl3 2-3m prl 5-7m, ll-13m pr2 3-4m qui 24-25m re2 3-5m ri 14-15m, 17-18m, zb sel 28-29m se2 23-24m se3 22m, zb se4 26-27m so 5m st4 5-6m sul 20m, 16-18m su3 29-20m to 5-6m tri 7-8m tr4 6m tul 9-22m va2 8-9m vel 22-22m ve2 2-2m, 27-28m uni 20m, 22-23m
BERNARD, Claude Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux Paris; T.B. Baillière et fils; 1879 [CUL (2nd vol. only)] che, phy
77 5-llw glycogen but no sugar in muscles 80 23-28m 327 23-26m 333 27-29m
BERNARD, Claude Leçons sur les propriétés des tissus vivants Paris; Germer Baillière; 1866 [CUL] beh, che, et, phy
NB ♦
The last Chapter on the Heart perhaps concerns Expression.-
[page break] 54
p 369 Ton Muscul Begun p 332 349 will explain blushing p. 337 for Drosera SB (2 sheets)
21 ♦; 22*
164 Contraction of vegetable cell - Drosera;
drawing of cell; Drosera p. 177* p. 210,
177- Wourara affects nerve & not muscle
210 upas digitalis act on muscle
337 Strychnine affects sensitive nerves
Bernard Tissus Vivants
[Hence it is wonderfully important that after
strychnine a tonal does not produce
movement - when most absorbed does do
April 20 1871
p. 310 not contiguity
316 spreading of irritation
321 Reversed nerve current
336.-Bears on spreading of effect of
353 profound contrast between voluntary &
reflex actions.- latter most powerful when
decapitated - Bears on weeping -
358 bears on individual effects of emotions
371 ; 384
397.- so Paget wrong
409 Name of vaso-motor system - 410
457 so quite independent of Habit certainly
so.- But even here it may be habit which
makes nervous power so readily follow this
p354 Action of Brain checks reflex actions of
many kinds Blushing & * as the reflex
action is to keep capillaries closed, if this is
interfered with, there will be blush
p452, 457 Pneumogastrique irritated checks
or stops action of Heart, thus a severe pain
in any part act through the nose
(See H.H. says * thinking about the action
of the Heart interferes with circulation)
Nearest analogy very good for Blushing
My case of sneezing - about breathingO
p 459 direct action on Heart but why, except
for habit, does the * sensitive nerve, acting
on brain influence the pneumogastrique.-
<sr^ very slight sensation initially affects
46* 461, 463 reciprocal action of Brain on
circulation & vice versa; syncope direct for
464 Reverse action & 466 direct action
21 14-21m 22 15-17m, 20-23m 177 3-4m, 21-22m 178 9-12m 210 29u "digitaline" 310 20u "non I " 311 l-3m, lu "contiguïté" 316 6-10m, 13-16m 321 1-7 m 336 26-29m 337 15u "nerfs \ mouvement", 20u "animal I curare", 21-24m 353 17-25m, 20u "augmententIétendue", 21u "souvent I diminuer", wb V -> & p. 358 354 2-5m, 6-9m, llu++, 19-23m, 24-29m, 25-26u "Cest \ réflexes" 355 4-6m 358 l-2m, ll-16w between all the reflex actions ll-18m, 16-18u++, 21-28m/24-28w this is better than Müller wb Allude to Müller & give newer views 370 22-28m 371 2-6m 384 12-17m/12-14w reflex actions very special 397 wt + salivary gland acts by relaxation of arteries 2-8m, 15-18m, 18u "cette I paralysante", 20m/u "mais I sympathique"/w a wb Hence in a blush some nerves from sensorium must paralyse the vaso-motor ganglia 400 wt The experiment of the arrow shows that much not affected only * nerves, but these allow the vaso* capillaries to expand, & this expansion I presume causes flow of saliva 409 24-29m/-+ 410 9-28w I suppose when we burn from sensitive nerve causing impression to the cerebro-spinal ganglia & then paralyse the sympathetic & cause it to relax the vessels 17-20m, wb When we think intently of a part the part of brain which receives the sensitive nerves from part in question is affected, & this * influences the cerebro-spinal ganglia - 411 l-7m, 22-24m 439 15m&> 452 26-29m 453 l-6m 457 22-29m\ ->, 24u "douloureuse" 458 2Sw<-> 459 l-6m, 12-17m 460 19-22m, 21-22u++ 461 14-19m 463 23« "pâleur des", 15-17m 464 24-29m 465 466 2-7m 485 6-12m/7-8w Ton 486 24-29m\ 25-26w Ton? 488 26-27m 489 14-15m, 25-26m 490 14m, 20-26m, 31-32m, 32u "Ton musculaire" 491 20-21m
BERNHARDI, Johann Jacob Über den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung Erfurt; Friedrich Wilhelm Otto; 1834 [CUL] cc, ch, ds, f, fg, gd, he, hy, ig, mn, no, or, phy, rd, sp, spo, sy, t, tm, v, wd
4. Definition of various forms of species Q
7. slight differences going with white var.
8 on Anagallis - argues for A. collina Q
12 one-leafed Strawberry, heredetary
14 on lacinated and curled leaves common
to many genera
30 on Panicum ciliare turns into C.
sanguinale Q
35 on vars. of some grapes very constant
[page break] 55
39 a hybrid grass - rare case
♦45 Erysimum strictum not true
50 on a Pimpinella * being on a var.
66 seedlings of Veronica changed colour - on vars of Veronica keeping true for 10 generations -
68 3 vars with analogous differences study these pages & look to Babington & Steudel will come in after Anagallis
vi ll-14w Denies the universal tendency to avitism 15-19w has no tendency to return to parent form 25« "Chelidomium lacinatum" 2 15u/iox, 18u/xox 3 xob There is no necessity according to my theory that new species shd have not descended from several pairs 4 9-18w Unterart is in fact a doubtful species, probably a species but very little different from other 22-30w "Abarten" a variety which does not tend to go back to parent form. "Spielarten", those that go back in one or more generations xob Does anyone think wild Pampas cattle identical with present stock.-5 l-2u "Abänderungen" 11-6x0 Varieties which do not keep constant, or only in certain ground- 3afxox, 17-25m/18u " so \ Zweifel"/17-25xo These several forms of species hard to distinguish xob Unterart subspecies = doubtful races or * the close species Abarten - hereditary = race (or variety in animals) Spielarten which * are herditary for few generns - variety of Decandolle Abänderungen, which are not at all hereditary - allied to Monstrosities 6 28-30m/ 30u "Rumex\nemorosus"/28-30XO colour of Beet xob compare these with Do they not belong to same Family 7 18-22u*/18-28w 1st turns into last without sowing. When colour more permanent, then accompanied by some slight changes just as Henslow thought wd be See next Page 23-26m/xob not in Spengler This bulbocapnos * Carus produced white seedlings- 8 12-19xo Differences of anagallis phoenicea & arvensis- not proved to be same 23-25m/ 22-30x0 anagallis collina has 2 coloured flowers, believes this though experiment not decisive Q 9 5u "A. carnea"/l-5xo Q This case true 7m/m, 8-13xo fruit, taste & * seed vary in colour & are often inherited 18u "Phaseolus multiflorus"ll8-19m/xo ? colour of flower & seed go together 22-25m\23-30xo doubling not change of organ, but simply increase of petals 10 l-10xo In Datura no loss of * stamens (but may there not be potential stamens?) 14-18xo on Hairs or covering of Plants 12 9u "Trigonella coerula"/ 9-12x0 var. with stalks of leaves with leaflets,
23-26m/23-28xo relative length of stamens good character in this * Fam. but variable in Labiatae.- 29u "Fragonaria monophylla"'/xob one-leafed Strawberry is heredetary 13 2u "folk terna"lxo rarely inherited 19u "Caulis fasciatus", 21u "Sedum cristatum"/21-23xo in this case in some degree hereditary. 24u "Celosia cristata"/24-25xo Cockscomb example in flowers 28u "Triticum compositum"/tob hereditary division of the flower stalk 14 l-6xo Thickening of special parts, as in Cabbages & heading of Cabbages. 9-27xo Same variation affecting so many plants shows, how goes by laws. Lacination hereditary in Sambucus (& in Lettuce & Cabbage) so curled, blistered, &c. lOu, 22«, 23«, 26-27u <«*>, 22-27w not hereditary 20u, 21u, 27u, 28u <u*> 15 xot curled leaves of natural species more regular 3-7xo curled mint by seed had its first leaves not curled-7u*/10-llxo partly hereditary 13u*/12-15w petals only curled inherited 16z, 18u*\18-19xo leaves of in same situation 16 xot variety of Paeony with small leaves 12-15io Is there any Linaria with regular Corolla 30u "auf\ Boden''/xob on rich ground leaves of involucra? end in spikes 18 2u/xox 19 2w*/2-3u "zwei\setzen''/1-Am*, 8-lOm, 9u*, 8-lOxo Probable mistake of Kolreuter's 24-30m/xo See to this D. stramonium & ferox might be quite fertile, but D. Tatula & ferox are not quite but D. stramonium & tatula are. xob If I understand he only assumes about D. stramonium & ferox 20 24-30m/xob When intermediate forms found together, always necessary to bear in mind the chances of their being hybrids- 21 xob If the intermediate forms kept constant then one must be considered an "abart" of the other; if they went back to both parent forms, then they shd be considered as vars. & were result of external conditions * on the two parents; which wd be subspecies 22 25«*/ 16z/14-18xo Organs of these plants make great differences 26 27z 27 19z 28 28u*/xo (a) xob (a) Doubtful whether these varieties, because other species differ in same, but greater degree.- 29 xob Those who are not naturalists think species a well defined entity; show the distinctions of Bernhardt; of Decaisne & Hooker.- H.C. Watsons classification of British close species - then the difference of numbers - Then cases of certain well known genera as Land-shells & Rats - then such flagrant cases as the 2 Oaks - all this difficulty explicable on my theory depends only on ignorance of creations- 30 Uu*/18u*/14-17w Q turns
[page break] 58
after repeated sowing into 20-24w V Steudel to see whether admitted 30u "glatte Abart"/ wb does not change during 12 years 31 2u*/ w not this 5u "Abart"/6-7w this also true llz 32 2m, 6u*/5-13w This is a caryopllea, when it flowers 1st year, & differs in only one floret being awned- leaves smaller 14u* 35 28-29u*/wb changed in 3d sowing to D. glomerata 36 2m 39 25-28m 40 2u "hat\ nicht", 2-3m 44 19-21w wild Cruciferae vary much 23u*/24-26w probably vars 45 33m*/ 24m a/14-21w scarcely abortive much less good species being cultivated from seed 46 3m, 4-6m, 7u/wx 50 8u*/8-13w Kept true for 6 generations, but Steudel makes vaj\ of L Galiicum 16m*, 18m*, 16-18m/16-19w From this seed gave p. magna (Steudel makes var of p. magna- 66 4~8m/w In Veronica colours blue or red & some interchangeable 13w changed its colour 17-18w seedlings changed colour 25-26u±/25-30w Red vars. of these * blue Angallis kept true for 10 generations but may be thought true species; but he seems to think other differences trivial- 67 21-25m/21-28w when colour of flowers alters; so foliage, & when less colour, plant smaller. 68 17-21m/12-28w Like Rubus case & Hilacium. The abarten with red flowers from these 3 species differ from their stammarten in analogous way
BERZELIUS, Jons Jacob The use of the
bloxvpipe in chemical analysis and in the examination of minerals London; Baldwin, Cradock, Joy and J. Ma we; 1822 [Down, pre-B]
106 3clw€ 108 23c/we, 24c/we 141 llc/we 147 16c/we 154 15c/we 214 23c/we 275 15w A wb(not CD)
BEUDANT, François Sulpice Traité élémentaire de minéralogie Paris; Verdière; 1830 [Down, on B] p
BEVAN, Edward The honeybee London; Baldwin, Cradock and Joy; 1827 [CUL, pre-B, S E. Catherine Darwin] beh, oo, wd
NB 352 Crippled Spider purling differently; 384»; 261 taming Spiders & coming to Person for food
261 25-29m
BEVINGTON, Louisa Sarah Key-notes London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1879 [Down]
BIANCONL Giovanni Giuseppe La Teoria darwiniana e la creazione data indipendente Bologna; Nicola Zanichelli; 1875 [Down] p
BIANCONL Giovanni Giuseppe La Théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante: lettre à M. Ch. Darwin Bologna; Nicola Zanichelli; 1875; trans, from Italian by G.A. Bianconi [CUL] ad, beh, gd, ig, phy, rd, t, tm
NB All first part marked but nothing of importance 117; 158;x164, 9x;
I daresay many supposed rudiments have functions
173;x176; 179x; 206; 218; Ruminant stomach - 268 Teeth & Skulls of vars of Dogs - 284 SB <*>
31. number of joints in fingers good adaptation.- while intermediate - shows how well limbs adapted
117. Everything explained by adaptations 164. 169 uses of rudimentary toes to grip in descending mountains 174 no such a thing as a rudiment. 179. on the little hoof of oxen in + soft marshy places.
206. In paddle of Cetaceans, variability of nodules of bone in cartilage 208 plan not uniform, joints in digits 218 explains wings of Bat by Mammiform Nature! & adaptation.-
268. no gradation between Ruminant & non-ruminant stomachs.- see Schiff on Duodenum
title page w 1874 12 8-12m 17 21-24zv Wings of Insects & jaws of do 19 6-7m "nécessité! mouvoir", 7-9w Crustacean & Cirripedes 22 23-27m 23 8-12m, 18-21m 24 18-30w insects a far greater number of pieces end to end in limbs 25 8-10m 31 22-31m 46 wb All this adaptation agrees well with me, & explains cause of general form of limbs 117 3-16m 158 at (page no.), 8-12m/w why not a mere prominence of adjoining bone 164 20-23m 169 ll-15m 173 18-23w but why shd it be a separate bone 25-26m 174 ll-13m, 23-28m 176 22-26m 179 16-21m 186 wb why three bones & not in fin of fish or water Beetle plate facing 186 w why 3 bones? 206 7-22m 208 15-21m 218 18-22m, 19-20u "adaptation]nature" 224 7-10m, 8u "radius I seul" 268 4-12m/w Schiff + shows that the Duodenum, I think, acts for this end; but no structural passage 15-19w Is it not in Kangaroos occasionally ruminant 269 ll-15w
[page break] 59
Is it not in fact part of Oesophagus Schiff 275 6-9m 284 22-28m
BIBLE Cambridge; The Pitt Press; 1838 [Down, the family Bible]
title page (Note concerning children's diseases by Emma)
BIGG, Henry Heather Spinal curvature London; J. and A. Churchill; 1882 [Down, I]
BILLING, Sidney Scientific materialism and ultimate conceptions London; Brickers & Son; 1879 [Down, I]
BINNEY, William Greene The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States 2 vols.; Cambridge, Mass.; Welch, Bigelow & Co.; 1878 [Down]
BLACKLEY, Charles Harrison Experimental researches on the causes and nature of Catarrhus aestivus London, Paris & Madrid; Baillière, Tindall & Cox; 1873 [CUL, I] cc, fg, gd
NB Shows how effective wind is in Transportât of pollen
♦ 75 list of Plants
Effects of moisture discharge of pollen - 127
131 quantity of pollen of Graminae in air Q&
- 132 - chaffO of grasses
pollen at great height - 141 ♦; 147, 8, 9, do.
do. do. - Even alt wind had blown in any
how from the sea
148 on Board Ship
152 error?
157 Buckwheat entomophilous
500 - 1000 ft; more in upper current than of lower [19 times as much] p152 over 1200 at alt 1000 ft
75 33u "Plantago major", 34u "Rumex", 34u "Polygonaceae", 36u "Amentaceae", 36u "Urticaceae", 42u "Graminaceae", 42u "Cyp-eraceae" 127 26-32m 128 10-19m 131 38m 132 16~20m 141 29-37m 147 6-llm, llu "600\ hundred", 14u "500" 148 7-10m, 10-llw p149 149 31-32m, 39m 150 8-13m 151 10-15m, 25-27m 152 6-llm, 15-17m
BLACKLEY, Charles Harrison Hay fever 2nd edn; London; Baillière, Tindall & Cox; 1880 [Down]
BLACKWALL, John A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland 2 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1861-1864 [Down]
vol. 1 NB 0/
vol. 2NB 189,207,355
189 24-27m 207 16-18m 355 30-33m
BLACKWALL, John Researches in zoology London; Simpkin & Marshall; 1834 [CUL, S] beh, br, fg, gd, mg, mn, sp, t, wd, y
NB 3; 16; 29; 33; 46; 47; 51; 62; 73; 74; 80;
83; 86 Journal also; 89; 94; 122; 118; 136;
137; 141; 142; 151; 154 to 162; 174; 176;
190; 204; 227 Journal; 240; 245; 260; 270;
SB 091
158 capacity of piping tunes in Magpie never
used in Nature Qa>
174. cases of Jackdaw Rook & Woodpecker
with monstrous crossed Beaks Q
3 14-21m
16 14-20m 17 l-7m 29 6-24m 33 22-27m 46 wt Hence it will be important to show that Malay Fowls make diff noise from Common. l-4m 47 20-24m 51 8-llm 62 23-27m 73 8-11m 74 24-27m 80 4-10m 83 13-17m 86 wt Nor do all Icteri lay in other birds nest.- Is Molothus pecoris migratory in N. America (Yes I am almost sure Silliman?) 2-7m, wb How easy for an ostrich to learn lay its eggs in other birds nests were there any of same size !!! 87 wt xx There remains to account for young birds expelling brothers- Not invariably so Molothus in Sillimans Journal l-7w Blackwall suspects they do xx 5-13w Cuckoos do not pair - a remnant of Ostrich state 14-20w From 4 to 6 eggs 18-24w No see p. 75 wb The causes of Ostrich laying * in different nests, is the number they lay -Jenner? has said Cuckoos lay great number does Blackwall say so ?? 89 8-21m 94 6-23m 118 ll-15m, wbu 119 6-7m 122 l-5m 136 23-27m 137 21-27m 141 6-12m, 20-27m 142 9-19m 151 23-27m 154 20-22m, 10-22m, 17-19m, 23-28m 155 2-7m, 16-27m, wb The action of the old Pointer, they way look round & have known to go round other side of hedge, shows that they know what they are doing: (my theory will explain all this)— Lord Brougham says not knowing object -one chief criterion of instinct 156 15-22m 158 16-28m 158/159 wb Hence it would be odd if they did not sometimes acquire arts in wild state. The capacity of animals which can be shown by a thousand instances is in this view important- 160 l-6m 174 13-21m, 13-16Q 23-27m 175 l-19m, 9-14m, 9-11Q 176 5-
[page break] 61
25m, 8-lOQ 190 8-15m 191 l-27m 204 9-16m, 12w x wb x What a contrast to Martins & Penguins deserting their young.- In Pointer we see contest between two instincts, standing & springing game 227 7-22m 240 1-13m 245 7-19m 260 2-15m 270 l-4m 301 2-5m, wb Important with respect to Argynauter attaining habit. <£> throughout)
BLACKWELL, Antoinette Brown Studies in general science New York; G.P. Putnam & Son; 1869 [Down, I]
NB 209* 209 25-22m
BLAINVILLE, Henri Marie Ducrotay de
Manuel d'actiniologie ou de zoaphytologie Paris; F.G. Levrault; 1834 [Down, on B, S] p
BLUMENBACH, Johann Friedrich The
anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, with memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens, and an account of his anthropological museum by Professor R. Wagner, and the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M.D., on the varieties of man London; Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green; 1865 [CUL] beh, fg, h, he, si, t, wd
SB ♦
203 Circumcision of Jews heredetary 205 -» Man the most domesticated of all.— 292 <r- good to show how quite ignorant B. was of selection
** 322 tadpoles hatched on back of adult in cells yet have tails!
191 29-30m* 205 24m "is I advanced" 290 22m 292 ll-13m/u "because I purpose", 15u "consequence of" 322 21-35m
BLYTH, Edward The natural history of the cranes London; Horace Cox; 1881 [CUL]
BOIT ARD, Pierre Manuel d'entomologie 2 vols.; Paris; Roret; 1828 [CUL, on B]
vol. 1 title page S
A> (all w are page-numbers) 55 4w, lOw, 15w, 18w, 20w, 24w, 32w 56 3w, 6w, llw, 14w, 15w, 17w, 18w, 19w, 24w, 31w, 33w 57 lw, 19w, 20w, 24w, 28w 58 3w, 13w, 16w, 20w, 23w, 27w, 35w, 37w, 40w 59 5w, 6w, lOw, 16w, 18w, 22w, 25w, 28w, 30w, 31w 60 lw, 20w, 30w 61 24w 62 lw, 4w 63 6w, 12w, 17w, 22w, 30w 64 lw, 3w, 8w, 15w, 20w, 25w, 31w, 37w 87 26w, 28w, 30w, 31w
vol. 2 title page Charles Darwin Rio Plata August 7th 1832
BOITARD, Pierre & CORBIÉ Les Pigeons de volière et de colombier, ou Histoire naturelle des pigeons domestiques Paris; Audot & Corbié; 1824 [CUL, pre-B]
beh, ce, es, f, he, hy, ig, oo, phy, sp, sx, tm, v, wd, y
NB •* p 34 colours in crossing
SB1 Les Pigeons..
p.VII Introduction
It is a mistake to expect a tumbler suddenly
to appear-
p.10; 15; 27 - ask Gould; 30; 34, 37; 54; 58;
64; 80; 120; 158; 163; 164,6 to 229; 235;
Special facts on Pigeons not here included
12 Females show antipathy to certain males
(Ch. 6.)
15 Roman keep Pedigrees of Pigeons Q
32 Account of many crosses
35 useful Pigeons more fertile (45 fear
experience) p. 160 do.
Absorbed in 7 or 8 generations Q°*
Biset produced from complicated crosses Q - One cross the Cavalier always true Q«> 54 Pigeons of different size do not cross readily (Ch. 6.)
120 On Hawks observed to pick out white
Pigeons; hence some owners examine all
158 By high feeding Dovecots rendered as
fertile as Fancy Breeds (Ch. 3.)
165 The sailing Pigeons Q
173. Var of Pouter of which female never
panachés - or chequered Q -»
178 Claquart Q - 221 Turner or Smiter
200 Sub-vars of Nun - colours vary, but
feathers coloured remain same Q
198 argument of intermediate form not being
produced now as proof that both are species
208 Hybrid from Barb & Turbit very fertile Q
211 Turbit fly from Paris to Liege in 14 hours
224 Fan-tails crossed with any others lose
character Q<=s>
235 Sterility of crossed Turtles Q
238 In crossing white & common collared
Turtle, young take after one side exclusively
title page u "Corbié"/w kept pigeons for 45 years vii 26-31m 10 30-31m/wb p. 12 12 2-25"...", 26« "six mois"/16-17m 15 2-2m, 7-9m/8-9w See to this 27 5-27m, 19-20m, 24m/ 24-25w this must be mistake 27-31m/28-29w
[page break] 63
what genus 28 17-22m 30 23-24m 31 15-18m/16-19w effect of cross long continued 27-31m 32 8w common Pigeon wb Nonain -Jacobin 34 6-9m, 9u "à\cavalier", 18-19u "souvent plombé" 35 7-12m, 20-22m, 24-26m, 30-31m 36 wtu, 4at, 6-10m, ll-12w 3d cross 14-17m/16-18w 7 or 8 generations 37 l-4m/3-4u*+/l-2w !how odd QA>, 17-24m/20-25w how odd! Blue bars returning wb p152 description of Biset 54 4-6m 58 24-29m 64 2-3m/////fl "e/ftf" sterility 80 5-10m 120 24-29m, 30-31m 152 2« "ou\pur"/4-5u "toutes\ailes"/ 6-7u "du \ queue"/3-8w Dovecot & Chequered 153 3-5m/4u "Chardin"/3-5w What date 1686 in Ray Billil 158 5-10m 160 2-7m 162 22u "jadis estimé" 163 25-26m, 31m 164 13-14m, 17-21m 165 3-4m, 7-10m, ll-15m/ll-13u*+/ 14u "moins haut"/15u "que\lülois", 17-18u++, 23u "à\argenté" 166 3-6m, 13-17m, 16u "larvae", 23-25m 167 16-20m/17-22w hence not wild, yet well characterized 29-31m 168 l-2m/Q 5-9m/w only colours 169 9-10m, 16-19m, 20-23m 170 l-3m, 22-24m, 29-31m/29u "lesIpanachent" "de\petits"/28-31w not wild 173 7-9m/QA., 9u 174 4-5m 176 3-6m, 15-18m, 22-23m 177 18-22m, 19w variation 22-23m, 25m/26u "milieu\seul" "albngélmince" 178 6-8m/6u, 18u "Claquart", 19u "Columba precursor", 20u "Pigeon batteur", 22-24m, 25-29m/25a "plongeur" p. 165, 27u "enfle" 179 Im, l-2u "ailes \yeux", 2u "chaussés", 3u "blanc", 9-Um/lOu "M. Vieillot", 14-15m, 17-18m 181 l-2m, 8-10m, 21-23m 182 29-22m 184 2m*. "Bagadais", 3-7m/4u "longIcrochu", 7-10m/9u "leur\pates", 25-28w Scanderosa certainly pi. 9 wt Scanderosa 185 5m, 9-10m/ lOu "Tous\peu", 15-lSu "pigeon cygne", 19-20u " et \ moindre"/21-22u " ordinairement \ noir"/18-21w just contrary to Brent 186 22-13m, 15-17m, 24-25u "redoutable" 187 Im, 18m/u "nouvelles" 188 22-23m, 23u "excessivement farouche" 189 2-5m 190 22-13m, 23-28m 193 26-27m 194 4-5w Archangel? 8m, 14-19m 195 21-23m, 23-24m, 24u "têtelvol" 196 5u "leur I court", 15-lSm/ uh, 17-19m/18u "parce I conservent", 19-30m/ 23-24W No blue 197 8m, 20-21m, 23-25w crossing & keeping part of character 24-30m/ 25-29w !? Why narrow shakers? 27a/u "cravates"/w p. 210 27a/u "coquilles"/23-25w v. p. 199, yet nonains so near can be crossed & keep part of character 26u "paons", 27-28u "glouglou", 27-30m/wb are not the characters chiefly trivial? How is it in crossing poultry with crests? 198 whole Zw I do not see this argument. It presupposes that characters of a species cannot be transmitted to a hybrid: I know of no such case; on the contrary it
might be argued those characters were not fixed - requiring both parents to have it wt/ l-6w* This argument for certain number of races - in fact crossing will not do midpage.w Q, Qa> 199 Xw &c pigeons with a Coquille can be produced p197 by crossing a nonain with a common pigeon 9-12m, 13w The Coquille is reversed feather like nonain 16-26m, 17-20m, wb Nuns 200 2-5m/w laws of colouring 201 10-12m, 19-20m/19-26w ! Yet has said that Coquilles will not transmit their peculiarities 204 7-llm/9u "brièveté" 206 27u "carmes I soigne", 24-30m (Buffon) 207 20-21m, 21w Barb? 23m, 26-27m 208 wt/l-2m\w Ray talks of head of Turbit being square - 6-8m, 15-17m, 18-19m/?/18u "morilles en", 25-27m/ 25u "ll\polonais", 28u "ll\nourrit" 209 20-16m/w Certainly Barb - nothing said about being wild 210 12-14m, 18-20m 211 wtu, 1-2w 15 miles per hour 14-17m, 30u "un\ yeux"/w See to this wb u 212 3-6m, 26-27m 213 4-5m 214 16u "bleu", 21-26m 216 9-30w I shd think these were same as Antwerps 218 16-18m 219 4-5m, 15-16m 220 22-23m, 23-28m 221 7a "culbutant" Tumbler 8-9u++, 12-16m, 23~26m 222 3-20m, 24-2 6m, 18w&> Spot 223 27-29m, 26-27m 224 3-5m/Q/!, 7w p. 226 20m, 23-24m 225 4-8m, 9x**, 12-13m, 14-18m 226 3u "faculté\ relever", 4u "moins large", 8-15w There have been several vars of this 24~27m 227 27-29m 235 3-8m 238 18-21m/Q 22-25m 240 4wx, 7w+ %, 8-9wx 8a/ux, 9m/u, 14u/wx, 15-16u/wz, 18-19m/u/wx, 20wx, 20wz, 23u/wz, 25u/wx, 28a/u/wx
BOLINGBROKE, Henry, Viscount A collection of political tracts London; 1748 [CUL. 1900]
(ink marks not CD; the following possibly CD) 4 4-22m 6 ÏÏ20-3m 64 1Î22-3m 65 9-25m 77 22-25m 140 12-20m 177 6-22m 185 IÎ25-23m 187 tt4-lw 189 22-2Sm 213 2-3wi 217 ÎÎ20-6m 219 ÏÏ22-7m 220 24-2Sm 234 1Ï22-5m 235 ÏÏ22-8m 236 9-22m 245 ÏÏ8-6m 247 7-9m 260 25-20m 264 tl2-8m 265 5-8m 266 1\20-5m 271 l-4m 285 8-16m 291 ÏÏ3-2m 292 2-2 2m 295 fl24-8m 311 20-20m 334 3-20m 346 ÏÏ5-2m 347 9-25m 374 ÏÏ24-2m
BOLINGBROKE, Henry, Viscount A dissertation upon parties London, 1739 [CUL. 1900]
133 u/w*. 269 u/w*
BOLINGBROKE, Henry, Viscount Letters on the spirit of patriotism London, 1749 [CUL.1900]
[page break] 65
(ink markings not CD; the following possibly CD)
18 HlO-4m 26 ÏÏ10-lm 49 5-10m 60 flS-2m 73 ÏÏ22-9m 77 ÏÏ3-2m 91 ÏÏ7-3m 92 ÏÏ22-9m 118 S-20m 135 6-Sm 138 ÏÏ20-2m 148 4-9m 157 ÏÏ8-5m 159 2-20m 161 tÏ8-5m 169 6-20m 175 lu "steddy", 4Sm 179 ÏÏ23-Sm 190 20-23m 192 Xm
BONAPARTE, Charles Lucien Coup d'oeil sur l'ordre des pigeons Paris; Mallet-Bacheler; 1855 [CUL] ad, gd, tm
3 - On number of tail-feathers - 16 in
Goura - * Q
21 Birds of E & W Africa often same, but
different at Cape
44 Balancement - long tarsi & short toes in
the Phaps group
50 Zenaida American group - Galapagos
2 26-27m, 30-33m, 32u 3 9-20m, 20-22QA, ll-12m, llu "pattes I plus", 12u "douze", 16u "quatorze \ seize", 29u "s'élève \ seize", 34-37m 4 23u "premièreI sont" 5 5-20?, 25u "orbites nues", 26u "rémige échancrée" 8 14u "quatorze I pennes "/13-16m/w The Pptilopoda ought to have 14 12 27-30m, 32u<& "les I développé", 34-36m, 35u "presque I oeuf" 13 2-3m 19 24m, 25-28m, 15u "douze", 16u "sous-famille", 16u "seule cosmopolite" 20 27-29m, 27u "genre\ deuxième" 21 30-35m 22 21-24m, 30u "Col. livia", 35-36m 23 4-5u "deux\ caractériser"/4-7m/4w orrupion blanc, 5-28m, 8-9u "clair, gris-bleu", 15u "plus d'assurance", 19-21m, 20u "C.Iretrouve", 26u "d'un\ou", 37-39m 25 22-29m, 28-33m 44 3-8m 50 8-12m, 9m, Wx, 9-10w Zenaida at Galapagos good case 51 22-27m 52 25-22m
BONAPARTE, Charles Lucien A geographical and comparative list of the birds of Europe and North America London; John Van Voorst; 1838 [CUL, S]
NF go through this list with D'Orbigny & self
& see what birds common to N. of America
& Europe
NB 35 Nothing in particular on birds
35 26m 45b 19w Galapagos 47w Rio Plata
46b 26w Rio Plata 47b 9-10w Galapagos 27-
18w Rio Plata 48b 25-26m 49b 5-6zt> Rio
Plata 50b 13-14w Tierra del Fuego
BONDI, Augusto L'Uomo: ipotesi sulla origine (teoria darwiniana), considerazioni Forli; Tip. Soc. Democratica; 1873 [CUL, I]
BONER, Charles Transylvania: its products and its people London; Longman, Green, Reader and Dyer; 1865 [Down]
BONNAL, Marcel de Une agonie Angou-lême; F. Lugeol & Cie.; 1877 [Down] p
BONNET, Charles Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophie: insectologie 2 vols.; Amsterdam; Marc-Michel Rey; 1780 [Down, pre-B]
vol. 1 NB 160; 167
130 30-34m, 31u "petit accroissement" 160 18-20m/21u "deux\Eté", 22-24m/23u "jusqu'à\ fois" 163 2-6m/5u "douze fois" 167 20-22m, 24-28m 267 27m 268 25-26m, 24m 269 29m 271 2m, 5m
BONNET, Charles Recherches sur l'usage des feuilles dans les plantes Göttingen; Elie Luzac; 1754 [Botany School, FD]
BONNET, Charles Recherches sur l'usage des feuilles dans les plantes Göttingen & Leiden; Elie Luzac; 1754 [Botany School, FD]
9 l-4m 17 5-9m 19 9-22m 27 2-3m 42 23-25m
BOOTT, Francis Illustrations of the genus Carex 2 vols.; London; William Pomplin; 1858-1860 [Down]
BORRELLI, Diodato Vita e natura Napoli; Enrico Dethen; 1879 [Down] p
BOSQUET, Joseph Description des crustacés
fossiles du terrain crétacé du Duché de
Limbourg Haarlem; A.C. Kruseman; 1854
[Down, I]
BOSQUET, Joseph Description des ento-mostracés fossiles des terraines tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique Académie royale de Belgique; 1852 [Down, I] p
BOSQUET, Joseph Notice sur quelques cirripèdes Haarlem; Les Héritiers Loosjes; 1857 [Down, I]
BOSTOCK, John An elementary system of physiology vol. 1; London; Baldwin, Cradock & Joy; 1824 [Down, pre-B, ED]
[page break] 68
BOUDIN, Jean Christian Traité de géographie et de statistique médicales et des maladies endémiques 2 vols.; Paris; J.B. Baillière et Fils; 1857 [CUL] ce, gd, he, oo, pat, sp
vol. 1 SB Qß
& xliv
l-lii; p. 201
-*p320 •* number of animals killed in
France, showing how one animal increases;
«s» compare with ravages of wolves
p.347; p. 392; p. 406
^ Poor Book
& The introduction gives all the most
important cases; which show that climate &
race affects the constitution; if so why not
the progeny?
xliii 35-38m xliv l-36m Hi 12-38m, 16-19m 1 ^ 9-17m, 23-27m 201 15-20m 320 29-33m 347 25-28m 392 31-32m 406 24-23m, 14r-18m Catalogue p
vol. 2 SB Vol 2
0 295; 317; 321, 322 e> Bouton d'Aleppo
401 «> Negro diseases
445 cs» Elephantiasis
529 «► Deaths of different Races in Ceylon
648 cs> - do in Jamaica.
Most of the local diseases probably ♦ have
local cause but it shows what little causes
act, unperceived by us & act differently on
different races - may as well produce
differns of structure, as such diseases as the
Bouton of Aleppo
295 2-5w<@> strictly local diseases 317 22-15m^r 24-26m^ 321 3-5m& 322 7-19m\w<@ drinking certain water saves from Bouton 401 7u "être\noire" 445 ll-17m 529 35-41m 648 4-llm
BOUE, Ami Autobiographie Wien; F. Ulrich und Sohn; 1879 [Down, I] p
BOURBON DEL MONTE, Jean-Baptiste François L'Homme et les animaux Paris; Germer Baillière; 1877 [Down, S]
SF 63; 65; 71; 72; 73; 79; 81; 87; 89; 90; 91; 93; 97; 98; 99; 101; 108; 111; 129; 137
BOWDLER, Jane Poems and essays Bath; 1819 [CUL.1900]
125 3-6m 130 ÏÏ6-2m 131 l-3m, W-Um 134 fÏ3-2m 135 1-lOm 177 9x, Ux 178 ftëm 223 5x/w 29 227 ÏÏ4x 229 ÏÏ3x 232 3x 235 21-26«/ 26* 239 fl3-2m 240 2-25m 242 5-10m 245 2-20m, 22-2Sm 249 l-8m, ÏÏ25-9m 258 4-20m
259 ÏÏ6-2m 260 %m 264 2x, ÏÏ12x 265 3x 266 5x 268 fî&e 270 2-22m
BOWERBANK, James Scott A monograph of the British Spongiadae 4 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1864-1872 [Down] ad, hi, tm, v
vol. 1 NB Even in so lowly organ, bodies as Sponges B has shown the special uses of the wonderfully diversified & curiously formed Spicula -
(vols. 2 and 3 p; vol. 4 ed. by A.M. Norman)
BOYER, Abel Le Dictionnaire royal françois-anglois et anglois-françois New edn, 2 vols.; London; J. Rivington; 1816 [Down, pre-B, ED]
BOYER, Abel Royal dictionary (abridged) 23rd edn; London; F.C. & J. Rivington; 1819 [CUL, pre-B, S C. Darwin October 29th, 1825]
BRACE, Charles Loring The dangerous classes of New York New York; Wynkoop & Hallenbeck; 1872 [Down, I]
BRACE, Charles Loring The races of the Old World London; John Murray; 1863 [Down, I] h, v
NB 388 correlation of colour of skin; 392
smells emitted by Human beings
BRADLEY, Richard A general treatise of husbandry and gardening 3 vols.; London; T. Woodward; 1724 [CUL, pre-B, each vol. S of R.W. Darwin] ch, fg, phy, v
vol. 1 NB 43* Ash Tree - 199* - White
edging leaves common by graft; 132 black
and white grapes, & striped on same plant;
43 6-8m 132 19-26m 199 2-5m, 21-27m 201
25-37m 202 2-6m 298 15-21m, 15-16w 1724
20-24m, 21-26m 299 zb
vol. 2NBp.16;p.172*; p. 172*
16 26-31m, 39-48z 171 22-30/22u "soft"
vol. 3 NB 1722; 40*; 58 on good from change of Seed; 60*; 90* 40 30-33m 41 7-25m 58 20-22w in 1724 22-32m 59 l-5m 60 2-27m, 7-25w A.O. 1722 22m 90 24-40m index, p. 3 22m, 26m p. 4 25m p. 6 23m p. 7 24m p. 8 18m
[page break] 70
BRADY, George Stewardson A monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands 3 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1878-1880 [Down]
BREE, Charles Robert Species not transmutable London; Groombridge & Sons; 1860 [CUL] beh, ce, si, sp, t, ta, v
NB 78 Variation accidental as far as good of animal is coned
^ Origin
^ 102 Sp. Th.
«^ 132 Origin
^157 Origin
«^ 168 good No; 222 Origin; 222 Sp Theory; 252 aphis
«^168 Look to - may not different castes of ants be produced by different food ^222 on variability of Larvae «^252 on aphides & Ants.
60 6-8m, 18-22m 78 tot He must think other species 4-5m, 5u "uncomfortable", 7m 102 10-29m, 22-24m\22w good 103 4-6m 108 26a/ue, 25-27w time of - no 132 19-32m 157 4a/u "same"/w similarity 7a "these" several 166 3-7m 168 wt& Plant produces 2 forms wb yet wd be due to selection of instincts 15-23m 222 ll-13m, 15-22m, 25-28m 223 26-29m 252 ll-23m
BREHM, A.E. Illustriertes Thierleben 4 vols.; Hildburghausen, Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts; 1864-1867 [Down] beh, br, gd, sx, tm
vol. 1 NB 75 Baboon like spirituous drinks & orang like tea & coffe & wine?
pxxx about polygam? ♦xxxvi about pairing
p261 Baboon & Leopard
p.119 stopped reading March 2d p77 apparently polygamous Q 108 Poly & •
title page S 11 6-9m, 10-Um 23 Urn 25 35m 30 29-30m 33 7m 35 8-9m 39 23-45m, 30u "Siamang", 32u "freudiger" 40 17-23m, 21-22u "seine\an", 23m 47 16-18m 50 21-22m, 24-31m 52 26-27m 53 wt Tail l-3m, 7-8m, 27-31m 54 10-12m 56 l-5m, 9-12m, ll-13m, 20-23m, 31-39m 58 27-23m 59 3~6m, 9-llm, 9-11m, 22-25m, 22m 60 l-4m 61 ll-12m, 11m, 17-18m 62 33-36m, 34-36m 65 20m 67 23m 68 16-20m 70 2m, 26-29m 72 46-48m 74 24-32m 75 2-5m, 2-3w get drunk 12-14m/12-14w distinguish male & female 33ua 76 27-40m, 47m 77 6-9w lives in Tropics 15-20 to 150
Wu "undI Weibchen", 12u "Mantel", 13-14u "die I Mutter", 44m 79 8-35m 80 7-26w Saw them roll down stones, as large as head, so as to close the pass for the caravan - act in concert & use tools.- also defend each other for the males advance 8118-19u<^ 82 wt old male Hamadrya & Geledons fight & tug each other by the long man or mane of Hair, & roll down stones against each other 28-31m 84 3m, 7-llm, 7-14w hits the ground when in passion with open hands - as in Garden. 22-27m 85 wt X Master shown by pretending to strike him, & the pretender instantly recognised.- Mat on shoulders to protect from heat of sun 25-26% 86 l-5z, 9-llw very fond of riding apes 13-19w very fond of Beer - headache after being drunk 44-48w/wb very much afraid of Lizards & Frogs & Lurchen yet very curious like Orang with Turtle- 45-48m 87 wt X one individual of distinguished intelligence - very fond of all young animals - & when kitten scratched him, bit off claws. 12x, 28-31m, 29w about food 34-39m, 42m, wb very clever in stealing & conquered Dog 88 27m 91 3u/w fright 7-20m, 8u "hellbraun", 10-12u "In Igefärbt", 46m 94 25m 96 8m 101 2Sm, 35m 103 27m 107 22-22w Polygamy 108 19u*, 33-34u*/34w%, 40-41u++ 111 22-24m, 24u++ 112 2m 113 23-24z 114 27m 116 22m 119 20m 120 16-20m 124 32m 128 9m, 43-48m, 48u <-> 129 2-6m, 6u^, 35m 130 ll-13m, llu "aufgeregten", 12u "sich\ möglichst" 261 3m
vol. 2, 729 22u "die I Schild" 731 20-29m, 26-28u++, 31-33m, 36-38m, 37u++, 40-41m 732 20-26m, 13u "auf\fallen" 743 13-14w up-curve fig.z, fig.w these ought to curl a little more outwards (see Wallace - correct by him; Reduce Wallace's drawing & face same way with Boar 24« "rückwärts", 17-18u "Diel kurtz", 19u "ragen\sie" 745 25-27m, 25-16u<->, 34u/wx
vol. 3 NB 236 Vidua; 322 Paradisea; 745 Rupicola
236 5-9m, 18-20m, 19u "feuerroth", 23u "roströtlich", 40-44/42-43u "paarweise" 237 3-5m, 4-6w sings when in fine plumage 292 15-18m, 15u "bedeutend kleiner", 16u "ist\auf" 293 4u/wx, 6u/wx, ll-12u^ 325 l-4m\l-2w long feathers 9-12m, 9u "sonderbar I Geräusch" 326 24m "Bennett's", 26-32w cannot bear any dust on feathers
vol. 4 NB 351 Courting of black cock; 991 on Courtship (?)
352 9m, 14-15m/19m 469 2-6m, 18-20w tailfeathers & secondaries 18u "ungemein\
[page break] 71
stark" 473 20m 990 29-31m, 29-30w few polygamous 33u "Da\gibt"/33-37w more males than female
BREHM, Alfred Edmund Tierleben 2nd edn, Grosse Ausgabe, 9 vols.; Leipzig, Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts; 1876-1878 [Down] p
BRENT, Bernard p. The canary, British finches, and some other birds London; Journal of horticulture and cottage gardener, n.d. [CUL] hy
NB p. 21; p. 22; p. 30; p. 109 Hybrid Canaries 21 8-12m 22 19-21m/20u "feather-footed" 30 12-16m 55 7-22m 109 32m
BRENT, Bernard p. The pigeon book London; Cottage gardener office; n.d. [CUL] br, hy, oo, v
NB w<&
Q p4* 13 - Hybrids with C. Oenas
Q 41 - Kite Tumbler after spiling become
46 Trumpeter 1/16 blood not trumpeting
55 - Lace Fantails always give lace to
offspring what a contrast with my Japan silk
60 - The story about Hawks killing tired
Carrion wrong.
•> 36 definition of splash pigeon
13 6-22m, 14r-16m 36 41-A7m 41 22-28m 46 20-31m, 28-31m 50 zt 55 27-31m 60 20-22m
BRIGGS, Thomas Richard Archer Flora of Plymouth London; John Van Voorst; 1880 [Down, I] p
BRIOSL Giovanni Intorno un organo di alcuni embrioni vegetali (extr.); 1882 [Down]
British Association Report of the third meeting of the British Association for the advancement of science held at Cambridge in 1833 London; John Murray; 1834 [CUL, S]
SB Brit Assoc Vol 3; p. 50 x; p. 447; 0/ Octr. 1857
50 17-29m/w Hooker quite agrees 446 25-20m 447 21-26m p throughout
British Association Report of the eleventh meeting of the British Association for the advancement of science, held at Plymouth in
July 1841 London; John Murray; 1842 [CUL] em, fo, gd, hl, ig, ir, sp, t, ti, tm, ts, v
SB1 1841; p. 77; p. 96; p. 173; p. 181 Waterhouse - low in scale; 185 185; 186; 192; 193; 196; 198toend.-SB2 Qß
96 Different form of Vertebrae in ant & post part of column. Ch 7. Kinds of Transition.- 0 173 Owen intermediate fossils - 185 - 196 Summary on do
181 do - animals on confines of groups present great differences 197. Argument (Owen) against Transmutation - Resting on assumed rise in development - Grand discussion.-
201 Embryology of recent Reptiles
resembles ancient
11 49-54m 96 44-50m/? 173 37-45m, 44-47m 181 23u "like\a"/21-27m/l-24w this is like Waterhouses remark that low groups vary much, 29-34m/29-51w according to this, if there were many Monotremes, they wd vary much.- 185 41-48m, 46u "Pleiosaurus"/46w Enaliosaurians 49-53m/50u "other fishes"\w p. 186 53-54^ 186 30-32m 192 36-41m/l-44w As species are long lived (must be!!) so are genera - how is this in Mammifers Badger long-lived - Carnivora in Eocene 193 33u "terrestrial" \31-49wThese cd have been np terrestrial Mammifers for 70 specimens of Iguanodons have been found 196 9-llm, 13-15m, 20-22m, 24-30m, 36-38m, 48-52m Vil 21-25m/33-37m/l-35w assumes the series to be perfect & a tendency to higher development - 198 12-14m/12-42w must confess even on my view imperfection of record surprising - 22-25m, 36-38m, î\8-2m
3-5m, 7-9m, 18-30m, 32-44m, 49-54m
l-8m, 29-33m, 45-51m, whole tw Do those geologists who tacitly think the record pretty perfect - think that there were only 3 Mammifers during Oolitic & only . - Reptiles during Carboniferous & so many in Permean & * Triassic 201 22-25m, 36-41m, 43-50m
202 6-8m/w Falconer ll-15m, 21-24m
THE BRITISH AVIARY London; Dean and Munday; n.d. [CUL]
18 tm/"... 20 8-18m 25 wb 2 32 U-lm 33 6-24m 34 8-16m 40 6-24m 43 4-20m 50 t4-2m 51 2-2m/m 57 ÏÏ20-7m 68 l-4m
British Museum (G. Busk and J.E. Gray)
Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the collection of
[page break] 74
the British Museum 2 parts; London; by order of the Trustees; 1852/1854 [CUL]
Part 1, 39 1-Am 44 18-22m 54 1Î23-22m, ÏÏ9-5m Description of plates, iii "pi XXII".m
Part 2 NB <nof CD)
67 3-5m, ÏÏ22-7m 70 2-4m, Ïïl6-14m 83 26-29m, 24-27m 84 1Î3-2m 94 7-9m 104 3-7m, 16-21m, 19-21m/21..."', 29-33m 105 13-26m, 1Î22-2m 106 l-7m/2-7"..."/2a "seta" & the 2a "observed" • ÏÏ4-2m/ÏÏ3w "avicularialfar" 107 8-llm/zv Both av\(cularium) & vibr<acu/fl> 108 fa We. m
British Museum (J.E. Gray) Lzsf o/ f/ze specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum London; by order of the Trustees; 1843 [CUL] gd, geo, is, sx
Part 1, 2 lu (u henceforth *> 4 lu, llu 5 29-21m/20u, 33u 6 21-25m/21u 7 6u, 16u, 25u, 33-34m/33u 8 lu, 17u 9 29-31m/29u 10 26m, 20m, 24m 11 17-18m/17u, 21u, 26u 12 25m, 32-24m/32u 13 25m, 27-29m/27u 15 25m
Part 2 /rcmf a«d fcacfc Wmc covers.w Seals
NF What seals Kergueles Isd Aukland &
Campbell Isd Azores S Shetland Georgia
Ascension? Falkland Seals - ice-action
NB There is no case of Seal confined to
single isld So not case parallel to Bats.- No
species common to N. & S. but species of
same genus N. & S. - In fact nothing for
p22 & 24 Caspian Seals It is a Northern
genus alone
viib 15-16w Fur seal viii 13-14w representative species in North 22-24m/23u "Ursinus", 31-40m 2 34-37m 3 42^3m 13 23w Packed ice 33m/u (u henceforth place-names) 14 6-8m/17-18m/l-18w Ice does not come to New Zealand 16 23-25m/24u/25u, 41-42m, wb Distance from S. Orkney to Tierra del Fuego 17 4u 22 31-39m/32u/33u/ 36u/37u 24 wt good case as identical species in p. viz p. vitulinus Hardly because may have ranged further formerly 9m, ll-13m, 36-37u 34 41-42m\41u, 43-44m/43u 35 31-33m/ 31u/32u, 41u, 45u 37 21-24m/21u, 38u, 40-43m 43 20-22m, 24-32m 45 38-39m
Part 3, viib 29m, 23w ? common viiia 27m*, 36w C Aegoceres 38m/u/w Aegoceres viiib 16-17m, 19-21wt& C Dar & * 29-32m, 32wt& Smith 34m/w Babing 36-37w Colours ixa 4ml w Colours 48 <m henceforth sex-differences) 4u, 6u, 8u, Wu, 18u 100 5-6m/5u, 36-40m/36-37u 104 30m 106 37-40m 124 20m 128 2m 133 2 m,
5m 134 22m 136 6m, 25m 137 30m, 35m 139 26u 141 7m, 24m 142 33m 143 5m 144 26m, 26-27u 146 33m, 40-42m<& 147 25m, 30m 148 29m, 20m 149 6m, 7m, 24m, 27m, 20-22m 150 7-20m, 8u 151 35m, 36-37u 152 24m 153 4-5m 157 9m, 25m, 26m, 27m, 29m 160 25m, 32m, 37-40m 171 36m "in male only" 172 37-40m 177 35m 179 25m, 23-25m, 42-43m 185 20-22m, 28-30m 216 40-43m 220 29-31m 242 24-28m
British Museum (F. Smith) Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum London; by order of the Trustees; 1855 [CUL] beh, fg, mhp, oo, sp, sx, tm, v
NB ♦ p225 Ask about accidental other
species s*- they lay their eggs
16 ♦ How far mixed; 46; 114; 117; 118; 144;
158, 161; 108 to end
SB2 üß
16 Mixed colourings of 3 genera & 5
species. Wd not blindness of instinct lead
them to become parasites
46 The bee whose larva preyed on, does
not interfere with Parasite Bee Q
117 The parasite closed nest in some cases
158 Great diversity of instincts of Bees of
same genus: variable in species also Q
174 Males in one genus, female in another
hard to distinguish
185 diversity of Habits NQ
211 Bombus diversity in nests Q
225 on occasional presence of working Bees
of different species, in nests of others Q
1 7m "added I one" 2 wb for Apidae p 113 16 wt Fabre believes certain Sphexidae occur only parasitic 2-5m, 9-10m, 13-15m/13u "a mixed", 18-22m 46 2-22m, ll-13m, 25-30m 56 zttb 114 20-21m/w Hibericum 117 19-23m, 26-32m 118 14-22m 144 25-30m 145 26-25m 158 10-14m, 10-28w variable situations of nests ll-28w variable in species & genera 22ma, 34][/ua 159 9-22m, 22m*, 23u "burrows I banks ", 20m, 25-26u*+, 44-46m 161 10-14m, 10u*, 12u "underside I lying" 173 32-37m 174 18-22m, 23-31w In Andrena it was the males which were so difficult to distinguish 27-30m 185 wt Megachile a leaf culture, what diversity of Habit- ll-14m 208 22-26m, 29-31m 209 42-46m 210 22-26m 211 44-46m/wb Build in different situations & use moss -> 212 6-22m, 14-18m, 43u/w 2 213 15u/w 3 25u/w 1 36-39m/Q/36-38u "in\ numerous"/wb These varieties are males females 8c workers 214 23w 1 32-40m, 32u,
[page break] 75
37u/w 21/2, 40u/w 1 215 7-llm/8-10u, 21u/w 2 33u/w 3 36u/w 1 216 22m; 2, 29w/h; 2 32«; 1 217 23w 0 34m> 1 38w 0 218 22m; 2 30w 2, 32w 1 219 25w 11/2 29m; 11/2 31 w 1 221 2m; 2 Ww 1 26w 1 26-30m 223 4m; 1 9m; 1 llw 1 33z^ 224 33w 2, 38w 1 zb é? 225 4m; 1 18-30m, 18m, 22u "workers" 226 22m; 1 24m; 2 26m; 21/2 227 22m; 1 34m; 2 39m; 1 229 18w 0, 24m; 11/2 230 27m; 0 32m; 11/2 34m; 1 231 22m; 0 32m; 2 36m; 2 233 7m; 1 23m; 3 26m; 2
British Museum (T.V. Wollaston) Catalogue of the coleopterous insects of Madeira in the collection of the British Museum London; by order of the Trustees; 1857 [CUL, I] is, sp, v
Whole Introduction marked ♦ p85 note Canal Elateridae Telephoridae vii ll-19m, ll-13w dele these 3 vars. 26-18w add 5 vars. viii 6-20m ix 3-4**, 7*, 14-15w Italics 26u "far", 25-28wu x tt23-22z xii 32-36m xiii 12-14m, 19-30m xvi wt The species f. on all 3 islands, are all rather indigenous 4-9m 1 zb 207 wt The numbers to left hand are the vars. to each species added from great Book & corrected in few cases.- Omit in counting all those marked by one or two Asterisks (a.s counted) 5*, 10.3 (ie, line 10, CD writes '3' to left hand), 17.4, 30.1, 34.1, 42.4 208 2.2, 5*, 10.1, 12*,
20.1, 23.3, 31.1, 34.1, 39.1, 52*, 53.5 209 2*, 4*, 17-19c, 26*, 39.1, 43c, 44c 210 5.1, 39.1, 42.1 211 5.2 212 29*, 30*, 40* 213 22*, 22.2, 29* 214 22*, 27*, 20*, 27.2, 29* 215 6.5, 14*, 25*, 33*, 41.1 216 26.4, 29.2, 22.2, 27.2, 28.1, 50.1 217 25*, 27.2, 34.1, 35.1, 40.1 218 22.2,
32*, 43.1 219 20.2, 27*, 20*, 26*, 28*,
29*, 34*, 35*, 36.2, 42* 220 7.2, 20.2,
23.5, 28.2, 42.2 221 7*, 29*, 31.1, 38.4, 39.2, 43.1, 44.2, 45.2 222 22*, 24.2, 27.2 223 7.2, 27*, 27*, 28*, 33.1, 44.1, 53* 224 2.2, 24*, 26*, 46*
Catalogues of the zoological collection in the British Museum 8 zb
BROCA, Pierre Paul On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus Homo London; Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts; 1864 [CUL] f, h, he, hy
SB 25 Definition of fertility in hybrids; 38; 39;
40; several statements to this effect - quote
when I speak of inferiority of Mulatto under
18 21-26m 25 29-34m 27 29-36m 30 12-18m
33 23-26m, 28-32m 36 9-25m 37 19-24m 38
5-22m, 22-26m 39 28-22m, 32-33m/w Proc R 40 28-30m 49 7-22m 60 7-34m 63 20-23wz, 22« "indirect communications" 66 15-19m P
BRONN, Heinrich Georg Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur Stuttgart; G. Schweizerbart; 1841; 2 vols, and atlas [CUL] ad, af, beh, br, cc, er, es, et, em, ex, f, fg, h, he, hy, ig, is, mg, mn, oo, sl, sp, sx, tm, ts, ud, v, wd, y
vol. 1, xviii 22-23m 378 31-33m
vol. 2 NF When in doubt for reference see Index to first time name is mentioned SB <20 sheets, numbered 2-10, 12) 2
Bronn. Geschichte Th. 2 Cross means useful
a p. 93 cage-birds deprived of light become black & snow insects from * same cause do-
p.96. birds black from food & being in dark places, generally assume proper colour next year.- (Bechstein)
X p. do (b) nestling goldfinches in cage covered with cloth all became black, resumed colour * next month do (c) fe» male pyrrhulas took on plumage of female in cage (other cases analogous) (d) Hence light has influence, & whiteness of polar animals perhaps effect of snow-light Negros!!
Introduce discussion.- though polar animals may have been created white & beetles under stones black, we yet know that it is possible they may have been so altered.-Against relation between tadpoles & Siren X Q (e) Beetles become darker & darker (traced by gradations) till black on snow-covered 7000-8000ft summits of Alps.- but thought species by some authors - so in going to pole: hence climate, though opposite effect on Vertebrata, such beetles must in pupa or larva state must be long under ground 3
p. 99 (a) yellow var of Zygaena not found at Erfuhrt, but common in south Germany.-
(b) accounts for increase of cattle in
Australia from greater birth of cows to Bulls
3-to-1 & in Man ??!
(c) Rabbits & Hens breed much offener, in
domestication, with food &c, than free
p.100 (a) quote Roulin on infertile geese,
when taken into America & Garcilasso for
hens not procreating; though now become
fertile, yet game-cocks from England are
[page break] 78
less so.-
p.101 (a) late eggs of butterfly produce a
different variety from early eggs
p. 102 (a) much food increases fertility:—
mountain sheep produce only one lamb;
whilst lowland more & if former brought into
good pasture, even in first year produce
more than one; on other hand, Marsh-sheep
taken to mountains retain fertility for 3-4
generations [How opposed to Doubledayl] X
X109 Hares larger & smaller in Woods &
p110 Most important: Gloger thinks similar
differn in feathers of wing in Ducks,
especially Musk-Duck differences between
migratory & stationary birds of same
species.= X
p111 change in stomach in owl for vegetable
food (a) X wh. caused it to perish X alludes
to milking of cows - I may say difference is
sudden in La Plata
(b) In pig-races, wh. have many young more
tits give milk than in less fertile races.
p113 X Difference in Habit of single & many
p. 113 (a) Rabbits much ferreted (?) taken to
live in farms (F. Cuvier): anyhow a variation
in habits
117. Latent instincts in animals become feral
<&ie tarnen ess
p. 117. It is important to consider whether
the male in plants or animals (V. Koelreuter)
can propagate the sportive tendency,
because if so it will show, that the varying
tendency in the generative system, under
domestication, is the effect of impregnation
& not the womb influence. In fact if fish &
silkworms vary much, it cannot be foetal
influence X|| (Yes it may in Egg), nor indeed
in birds, as the mother only influences the
egg by its warmth, after a very early stage:
p.118 (a) origin of most varieties of plants,
through sports by unknown causes.
p. 118 (a)(a) attribute sporting of apples &
such like to the transplanting, pruning &c,
wh. they have undergone, [no. corn sports
as much as anything)
p.119 when a man has once got an 0
variation (a) (or through bastardising), then
he can easily go on raising more & more, ie
variation tends to increase, [this comes very
near to my facts]
p119 (b) No character resists variation in
cultivated plants; in lesser degree in wild
state: cannot compare effects of nature
during course of years, with our during a few
X|| p. 120 (a) is said, that Dahlias at first sported on single characters, & then in less degree in all: this very important, from analogy to wild (& whether relations of subgenera to genera)
X 121 variability of heredetariness in weeping ash & Peach
p123 (a) cases of sports in Dahlia flowers; & of whole plant producing different coloured flowers Geranium do - Dianthus - case of wild Achillea do
(b) apple with no petals or stamens, but 14 styles; fruit peculiar, when impregnated. p124 (a) curious account of seeds of a Carduus sown - one young plant came up different, & the seedling for 3 years from it same, & then on same soil lost one of its chief chlv 6
p 127 (a) subsequent offspring of a mare, affected by having once produced a mule. & sow so affected from a cross with wild Boar & on two races of dogs p. 130 (a) tailless fowls appear to have an abortive unformed, knotty projection, instead of the Cuckoo-Bone
p.130 (d) left wound snail can pair with only left - but young are right, in Helix pomatia (contrary to Sowerby)
p. 131 Tail feathers in waders & webs sometimes X vary in number - Gloger & Hodgson (references)
p132 (a) case of carp (which bred true) with 4 times larger scales in lines, with some places bare X - call Looking-glass Carp.-X p. 132 (b) Indian races of sheep & oxen where female hornless - he compares it with deer-tribe.
X p. 132 (D) cow lost left horn by suppuration, afterwards had three calves with left horn a mere stump attached to skin. X p 133 (a) Bug generally apterous, found in marshes with wings elytre bred in a house produced offspring with abortive wing v M DictionaryO [case where we know what an abortion] 7
p 135 (a) - remarks that the nature of the affinity in plants, wh. favours crossing is not known - because
p141(a) Gartner not external similarity, some of the closest species have not offspring when crossed; & because some genera, especially amongst the Monocotyledons will scarcely cross! (b) No cross of two species produces as many seeds as the * true species; yet
[page break] 80
above says it is sometimes easier to get fertile seeds, through cross, than with no cross.-
p136 (a) remarks on uncertainty of Koelreuter experiments, how many trials necessary - first flowers fail - K. saying all that are fertile are vars., is arguing in circle-Good summary of Crosses = 141. (b) genera crossed with difficulty p146-(a) [good summing up of results of Hybridisation
(a) seems to think, the more remote, the crossed species & the more intermediate the offspring, the less fertile they are & more subject to monstrosity which particularly affects generation svstem(?) p147 (b) -How odd it is hybrids crossing easier 0 parents than 0 8
It is important to show in Azaleas, in (p.147) Lilacs, in animals, that the sterility is not due to tendency to vegetate or to increase of fruit &c- but to some direct influence on propagating system.-
p. 147 (b)(b) remarks from Köl, that variation in hybrids, depends on the parents (or parent?) having been domesticated, or tending to vary -
p148 (X) It wd be easy to take 100 double flowers & count, which has male & which female part most affected p. 152 (a) From Koelreuter, hybrids self impregnated, others lose or retain their small fertility, or approach to one parent in form & gain in fertility
p152 (B) Lindley on Hybrids not propagating in the 3d generation. X p154 (a) - hybrids not intermediate between parents (as by Koelreuter) but seldom!! in some parts like father, in some like mother Gartner 9
155 (a) Gartner. Hybrids the more fertile the nearer they take after the mother-side, less so, the nearer after the father side Hybrids go back to Mother side ! Herbert says just different
155 (B) says Hybrids from same species differ (??) & that the facility of impregnation depends on the selection of the sexual organs, & not as general relations. Reverse crosses similar offspring p. 156 (a) He says some species of a genus * impress their characters on hybrids, much more strongly than other species (does not d'Orbigny assert this in some Indian Races?) p156(b) He says either return to mother, or lose their procreative faculty
X p156 Passiflora more fertile with other pollen than own.
p. 164 (a) in making hybrids the female
generally resists male; so that male donkey
must be painted like zebra to cross with
mare zebra
Mares will only take stallion-donkey in dark,
& stallion horse must never have * seen
mare before - alludes X(d) to physical
difficulty of crossing some races
X(e) Buffon says that female foxes, dogs, &
wolves though in heat drove off with bites
the males of other species.
(f) Cuvier says Dingo & common dog wont
breed, though often * couple (they will in
Australia) & Zoolog Garden of London good
X ||See to authority
H. case of dog pairing with chained wolf
X p165 crosses of Domestic Cock with other
Birds & Finches
p172 (a) Case of some crossed by boar
(perhaps previous impregnation) had one
tame pig & other wild &c &c
X p168 variation which comes on with age
appear at corresponding age •
X p. 169 & 172 BB - Mongrels have the
character of (but many exceptions) (rest 0)
hybrids have character (rest 0)
It is an old argument, but never to be forgotten, that we must look with our gained experience * on the history of the world, as an * animal of years duration must on the variation of domestic animals he wd never suspect such a thing.
p184 (a) Ammon reckons on colours of of
horses being certainly true if only two
generations are known true
(b) white hens, peacocks, mice all come true
(D) contrasts fruit-trees - gives Van Mons
case of 35 years selection producing all
good fruit - (natural mongrelising he does
not notice) & trees bore fruit sooner
p185 (a) High-heel boots, have affected form
of childrens feet in Germany! Thaer
p186 (b) Shepherd-dog instinctively *
rounds sheep
X (a) mongrel sheep-dog & pointer for
several generations pointed at Birds.
(e) varieties sometimes cross whilst wild;
white hares in Cornwall &c
♦ Have parasitic plant genera wide range as
Waterhouse says parasitic insect do have
[page break] 81
SB 09t (4 sheets, numbered 1,11, 13,14)
56 on mixing of Salt & FW Fish in Baltic
58 do. & of shells & Crust in Caspian
69 changes of colour & quality of fruit from
77 Doubling of flowers, discussion on.
83 changes of flowers on mountains, intense
colour, plant less size, but larger flowers
85 cases of plants changing by culture.
Lobelia & Ziziphora (Refer to in note) Q
89 Summary on changes of Fur of animals
under changed climate
107. most important case of variation of Fish
96. Hawk in Berlin went back to earlier
170 X 8 generations absorb another race, in
which one blood is 99.62 of whole
- strong case of sheep taking after Ram in
reciprocal cross X
- on crosses not intermediate: on horns
going from father X
177 Description of Hybrids wolf & dog
179 Particulars on Hybrid Canaries &
I have used all this Book for Hybrids
187. feral dogs soon reclaimed (Schomburgk)
-Bechstein says Zeisig more readily pairs (Ch. 6.) with * green than with yellow Canary Birds
Brehm's subspecies not merely geographical Races
190. White Hares of Cornwall.- (must allude
to Bronns Gesichte in Preface; if soon
Gartner, Kolreuter, Decandolle Huzard.-
Hooker's works - Lyells Geology. Isodore G.
St. Hilaire
195 References to G.St. Hilaires doctrine of
external cause causing change
210 Horses swim 7 German miles
216. on accidental migration of Lemmings,
insects &c
223 References to falls of inorganic bodies
224. Lost animals - Turtles - & Birds on
225 Reference to Hawk Case Fontainbleau
- R. Brown on Gulf seeds germinating
229 case of Head of Bos m. washed on
shore of Greenland shows course of iceberg,
with respect to plant common to White Mnt.
& Greenland.-
234 Excellent accounts of falls of seeds, with
236 Fish & Crab Rain
247 Remarkable that N. Holland more plant
common to Europe than S. Africa -
explained by me 14
252 on Relation of Red Sea to Med
iterranean - Wiegmann Arch/- on distrib. of
insects & Lacordaire-
Alpine climate not very like polar.
Snow region in Alps 12 plants, many more in Melville Isd
-Table of heights & Latitudes to show correspondence
272 Duration of Seeds vitality of 284 number of seeds - kind of animals which have most - number of eggs in Crab-Fishes
286 number of mice one pair can produce in year
- increase of cattle in America with dates 293 Destruction of forests by insects 297 - on insects destroying crops-
Rein-deer killed by insects
Mice destroying trees
302 increase of mice, followed by increase of weasels
505 causes of extinction, yet not real for they do not apply to rarity
v 9-12?, 14-18m, l-26w Read all on this problem vi 4m, 23-26w Read vii 20-24w Read viii l-30m, 18-23w Read xi 2-12m/w Read & marked 28 xot Tobacco plants in 5 years wd cover all Germany 29-31m/30w (a) 54 8-10m, 13m/u "die Pflanzen", 19u "lange", ÏÏ2-lm/xv (a) xob Trees not killed by cases of shells of seawater - did annual seeds spring up again? ask Mr Higgins 55 7-17w sea & freshwater shells mixed together 56 14-20w on Fish inhabiting salt & F. Water 26-27«<->, 32u*+/30-35xv Cyprinus in F. & salt water 58 21-40m, 23-28w Caspian Fauna genera of salt & fresh fish & Crust & Shells 43-44m 59 28-40m*, 30-Alxo changes in vegetation -spread of a grass when forests cut down 65 12-17x0 (Must skim previous Part May 12 -45 Begun 69 23-31m/xo dark red Rosa became streaked with white by earth colouring 29-31m, 32m, 35-38m, 35u "1837", 44xo Is this good authority? wb X other cases of flowers changing colour in diff: soils, xx case of grape strongly manured cow-dung, alum, horse-chips &c changing from small * yellow-green, with flatened grapes into large watery dark blue grapes 70 zvt A Different manures affect greatly melons in quality 2-10m/3u "Gewürz \zartheit"/xv A 72 xvt sugarcane & * Pineapple seedless, from antithesis of sap & pulpy fruit l-4m, lu "Ananas", 2u "verwildert\kleine", 29m 74 2-27xo instances of different parts, with
[page break] 83
parenchyme enlarged by culture, as in Cabbages & Plums 16-27m, 28-29u<^, 29-30m, 35-39m/w These trees did not produce fruit, from luxuriousness of vegetation 75 1-2u<^, 8-13m/zv cutting trees makes them fruit. 76 19a/u/wx, 16-28m/w on change of sex in dioeceous plants 77 l-21m/4r-17w on doubling of flowers 27-30m^, 27-35w old & new seeds differ in producing double flowers 78 ll-26w did seeds produce female plants - large fruits is opposed by antithesis to seeds 79 35u "dasselbe Individuum"/35-37w loose or gain hairyness 81 20-22m/19-25w European biennials changed into annual in Crete 82 11-17 m/llu*/15u "Weiss"/16u "Hibiscus]weisse"\17u "Roth"/w Lilacs when put in hot-house changed from white to red 21u "Wimmer", 28-38m, 44-45m\w (I have not thought worth quoting) î\2w/wb all facts on next page I believe taken from this wb R. Brown believes in great alterations in flowers on mountains 83 4-7m/w dwarf from growing on high mountain 9-13w leaves change a little 20-26w Hairyness increases on heights & in wet places 27-29w other time lose them 30-35m/iv Colours of flower - stem darker 37-45W flower larger sometimes though petal smaller even twice wb x from above changes many varieties have been considered as other species 84 19u "Nessel I dioica"/16-22m/ w Link says southward Urtica dioica changes into U. caudata 42m 85 wt (a) Lobelia lutea from England flowered for 4 years in Pawlowsk, did not seed, was divided into 3 plants, & they lost their lance-formed teethed leaves & has broad, egg-shaped leaves, with different flower; became the L. bellidifolia 2-7m/Q 9a\u*\10aluh\7-12m\w Both. C.G.H. flowers diff. colour diff time of flowering 30-33m/w Form, direction & connect less affected; great influence on instincts 39-40m 86 22u "kleiner] unfruchtbarer"/23-24m!?/24u "die Grad"/17-28w Animals on limits of proper climate less fruitful!? and less size. 31-37w Peron's case of shells altering in size in Australia 37-38m/wb On increase & decrease in size in Helix's on Alps 89 wt European goats in high mountains have some fur 7-14m/10-16w on change in fur in European animals in Himalayas midpage Q 40-41m, 45-46m, xvb this Page summary of facts on fur 90 4u*/4-6m/4-9w looses hair when old 6-10m/9-19w Pigs with different hair in different parts of S. America 16-20m, 19u "weit I Winterhaar", 26-30m/w No cause for Angora wool 42m 91 25« "Gloger"/14-21m/w almost all beasts undergo some change in winter in colour 19u "tropischen
Gegenden", 20u "höherIsind", 21u "helle\ grauweise", 22u "Polen" 93 8m, 14-16m, 28-33m, 28w (a) 38u/wb% 94 3-16ml2-9w animals at pole become white 23-36m\21-32w birds do all or in patches 95 l-5w Men, horses & Birds white with age. 12u "Eichhörnchen"/9-15m/w some darker by age & by hot climate, 20-27m\w other colours change in birds by climate 28m, 29-32m/w head, neck & eyes change colour 43m/43-44w Gloger - much praised by him 96 wt a Hawk went back in Berlin to an earlier plumage 3-6m/5u "zurückschlagen", 9w (a) 12ua/15ua/12-15w Galapagos Finches Black 17a/u/wx (b) 22-23m/w (c) 27-30mj28-29w d 32-33u "Osw. Heer", 36-39w e Quoted 97 l-18w/wt ! Most of these observations are vitiated by doubt of what are species - reason against my going into details 23« "Viele dieses", 14-lbu "Systemen]worden", 31-33w Quoted 40ma 98 7ua, tt7m 99 ll-13m/w a 29-31m/w (b) 38-41m/w (c) 42-43?? 100 12-16m/16u "Schafe"/ 13w (a) 38m/w Gloger wb on different singing in same Birds 101 24u "Freyer"/10-14m/w In Ray has written much on Butterflies no authority 15-19m/16-17w (a) 22-26m/w effects of good food chiefly through young 32-36m/w affects flesh more than bones 102 25-16w (a) 26m 105 14-26m/w on change in Merinos in France 8c Holland 106 26wx 107 wt This case so important as to be quoted 10-12m/13-14u "grosse] entstanden" jllw (a) wb (a) the intermediate form between * these two supposed species, found in a ditch where one species had been turned in. Yarrell. vol I alludes to these two fishes & gives summary of their differences 109 2-4m\ 2-6w made from many individuals 13-17m/w birds black from seeds 27u "Bombyx]viel", 28u "B.IBlättern", 35m/u "Waldhafen\Hirsche"/36u "Gebirge", 48m/wb x wood-hares larger than field-hares Mem: Fox of Highland 110 20-23m\20-22u "Schwung]Truthühnern"/ 23w Musk duck 25-29m/29u "Gloger"\33u "S.109"/30-33w toes & membrane (a) wb p109 Alludes to different figures of Mountain & plain cattle 111 5w (a) 19-20u "bis] Werfen "/18-25m/w tarne cows more milk than wild: organs adapt themselves 34-36m/w (b) 40m/w Greyhounds in Mexico 112 5u "Scheue"/4-8w domestic animals loose cunning 113 4-14m/w case of dog walking on hind legs 18-24w Beavers difference when single & in company 26m/w (a) 28-30m/w+ Ducks 115 23-33w original temper &c of wild dogs different 116 24u "Menetries", 41m/u "Isis 1832"/39w ?read? 117 wt So Rabbit in Falklands, Horse in La Plata Latent
[page break] 85
instincts- 2-22->, 13-16m/w Young wild Cuba dogs reared are tame !! 25-26m, 33-34m/u "Aber I mögen "/w !! No 40-41m\u "Hopkirk\Isis 1819" 118 3-6m/w* understand? 9-10m/9-15w sports on single branches hereditary (a) 21-23m/w (a)(a) 119 2-8m/5w (a) 11-17 m\13-14u "dass\ vorkomme"/12-17w (b) not understand 20u "1790"/21u*/20-23w ? Dahlia history of 30-33w flowers of two colours on 1 plant 33-34u "DA trug", 34-38m/w sported extraordinarily 39m 120 wt First affected single parts, then all parts of plants but in less degree l-2m, 4-6ml4u "6'-7'"/5u "3'^4'"/3-5w by selection 7-12w period of flowering earlier 42-44m, wb (on Cabbage-varieties) 121 22-32m, 22-25w weeping Ash hereditary 29w not hereditary 31-34w Weeping Peach hereditary Qä, 38m/ u "Versuch\Monographie"\w Potatoes 41-44mfo 122 ll-19m/w cases of leaves soldered up like Nepenthes 123 2-3m/wx, 5-9m/6w (a) 10-llu "eines I Weiss", 13-14m/u "rothgefärbten IJahre", 14w Geranium Dianth 20w (b) 41m\w (a) 42-43m/w (b) 45m/u "Ann.\XX"/w Oranges 124 21-22u++/w (a) 23-26m/24w (b) wb (b) very curious, seedling became smooth instead of hairy; but it was found in ensuing summer, that it was hairy in spring & smooth later in summer 127 20-22m/w (a) 23-24m, 45-46m/ wb Dog cases 128 34-35m, 39m (Blumenbach), wb skull of tufted Holland-Hen monstrous bladder of bone (yet sexual) 129 15-16m/16u "mehrerl Knochen", 42-44m 130 l-3m/2w (a) 12m/13u "Schlegel"/w (b) 24-23m/w some moveable part in tortoise variable 25-30m/w These genera of Bell only monsters 33-36m/w (D) 37-38m, 41m/w (D) 131 î\12-10m/w (a) 132 wt Now see whether number varies in different species 3-5m, 6-12m/8w (a) 26« "Lambert"/16-19w skin with spines 21-22m/u++, 31-33m/w (b) 35-37m\ QA./w (D) 39m, 42m/w (D) 133 22w (a) 135 15-16w not cross! 17u "Pelargonium /18u^l 17-1811, 18-21m/w Herbert 26-30m/27w (a) 36-37m/w (B) 136 9«*, 22m "deren I fruchtbar", 24-39m, 33-35u±/w (a) 42-43u "den\ Petropolitanae"/w (a) \\2-lm/u/wb Novi Commentarii? 137 44-46m/? 138 l-12w Herschel experiments appear valueless to me 34m/w What result 140 32« "Dr Gartner", 43~46m 141 lu "oft I leicht", 10-13m, 10-14m, 13-14m, 13-15u "keineswegs I A"\w seldom so many seed as in pure cross (a)(b) 21-25m/w all changes take place more slowly 26-29u++, 31u "600\30" 144 5w (a) 17-18u "AlleIpraecox", 25-26w Monocotyledon 26-34m, 36m, 38m, 39-40m, 43-46m/w Amaryllis
145 1-lOm/wt/l-lOw all sterile except 2 cases, as are pure Amaryllis on account of tending to bulbs; How does Herbert find this? 40-45m/w Look to Passiflora Rosa 146 16-35m/28w (a) 37~42m/w 1824 to 34 8£. Bailliere 147 l-2m, 4-6m/w (b) 20-22m, 38-42m/w (b)(b) î\5-lm/w/wb tendency to monstrosity; is not this like large fruit of Pears 148 wt Most often sterile on male side 2« "am häufigsten", 2m, 10-17m/w greater * vegetation power of hybrids 152 7-12m/9w (a) 38m/w B 47m 153 4u "Henschel", 5-7m, 44u "Nie I zeigten", wb Hybrids never intermediate as in Koelreuters !! V p. 138
9u "Gärtner", 22-25m, 27Q, 29-30u "einzelne Water"'\22-31wFruit never affected by a cross in the plant itself 36-37m/u "kommtIüberein", 41-42m, 43m*, wb effects of crossing varieties exceedingly uncertain
l-20w History of variation of mongrel maize, not very important 30-33mj31w (a) 38-41m/39w (B) 43-44m, 45m/w Gartner 156 l-5m/2w (a) 7-9m/8w (B) 26u "genannten", 27-30m, 27-28u "ganzen I Form", 30u "Saamenstaub I Früchte", 35-37m, 36-40m, 36u, wb Grt fertility of Hybrid Passiflora than with own pollen 157 29-31w wild Hybrids 40m/w Authority for all 158 wt/l-lOw How curious the number of natural Hybrids in Gentianella & Verbascum & Conicus I doubt whether some of them are not varieties & Zygaena in insects 22-22« "dasslverband", 13-19m, 18-21m, 18u "hat I Mutter", 18u "Charaktere", 19u "Kelch I ausgenommen ", I L> 27m/w some character like one parent & some like other 22-23u "in I den", 31-32u "scheint I unfruchtbar", 36u "Fruktifikation\ Vaters", 37u "es\Saamen" 159 23-26« "Habitus\spuria", 16u "Fähigkeit]Saamen" 28u "Die\Charakter", 37u/wz, 39-40u/w% 160 wt/lu "auszubilden"/l-4w parents must live together 5-8w* L. marshy fields 6«*, 22-22« "bald I Mittel"/22u "häufig \ ähnlicher/9-25w are not these varieties? they are fertile 291... 161 2-3m, 2m* 162 14wx, 17-42w curious case of change,- but possibly a hybrid - (not like the Asphodelus case, of Linn Soc) for it has a seedling, 24-25« "angebliche Verwandlung", 21u "blüheteX zinnoberroth"', 22u "purpurroten ", 25-26u "blüheten I Streifen ", 30u "aberIals", 39u "SchneevogtIzwar", 44m 163 8-14m 164 3-6m/4w (a), 9-11m, 12-13m/w (d) 16-17m\w (e) 19-20m/w (f) 22-23w She-wolf or dog, 22-23u, 25m/w (h) 31-32Q/33-34w p 132 35-38m/27-37w are these species? 40m*, 42m 165 14-15m/w Bechstein!!! 17mjw * minute account 18m/w minute account! 25m, 37m, 45m 166 5-6Q/6m, lOw 1 12w 2
[page break] 88
16w 6, 19w 9 168 10u^/wt Peculiarity which comes on with age, are hereditary at same age wt/l-9w self-acquired peculiarities scarcely ever transmitted !!, 8u "allen\ zwischen", 13-lSm/w sex determined by strength & age of parent 27-30w on sex of offspring 169 24« "Varietäten-Kreutzung"/w intermediate 16w (B) 18-20w varying when parents vary 21-25u± 170 wt/fig.w 8 generations transform one race to another (so Kolreuter says in Species?) Q<& 8-9u<^-, 10-11QA, 15-19m/20u*/13-20w strong case of sheep taking after rams ie sex. 23-33w cases of odd hereditariness not intermediate in claws & horns 28-30u<^, 32u "gehörnte Kuh", 32u "ohne Hörner", 33u "stall\Hörner" 171 2-5u±, 14-15m, 27-29u "Em I Nachkommen", 31-32m, 32u "Godine", 32u "'vorzugsweiseIgleichen", 44-45m, 45wx, wb Probably good, as he trusts to numbers (Read) 172 2-2«<->, 4-10m/6w (a) 22-22«; Royston & Carrion Crows 12-13u<->, 15u "aber\Fällen", 16u/wx, 14-20w Q considers them as varieties Newman must be consulted. 24w B 24-26u<^/27w (e) 34-35u±, 43m, 44m 173 12w Fish 24« "beruhet I von", 20w female 174 8-9u*, 13-14u "viele I Junge", 28-30u±, 33u/wx, 39u "auch\ legen", 42u "keine Eyer" 175 18u/wx, 24u/wx, 32u "gleichen I alle", 33-35m/34u "ein I ähnlicher", 34-35u "ein I ähnlicher", 35u "zuletzt I zwischen"/33-39w is this not effect of which bird is father or mother, 43u "sind fruchtbar" 176 20« "sechs \ Mutter"/10-12w Lumbar vertebrae 27« "doch \ beiderlei", 29-31u± 177 14~16m, 27^0m/28-45w 3 Hybrid wolf-dogs from one litter differed in form & instincts : female bore young to a hound 28u "war menschenscher", 30u "Kopf", 39u "andern I Kreutzung" 178 l-5m/w other cases of dissimilar hybrids 5u "Charakter", Su "sanfter", 9u "nur\zeigen", 19-40w Minute account of hybrid of Cat & Martin not infrequent - seen in copulation!! 179 10-32m/ 18-20w A, 38-39u "sich I ausgemacht "/34-40w Crosses of Canaries & Finches breed with one parent ÏÏ2m/w See to this ïïlm/w About breeding of Musk & common Duck wb A history of hybrid of canary & goldfinch hybrids wb Says the Hybrids of Musk & Common Duck can breed. 181 5-10m/w Hereditariness of extra fingers 10-34w How wonderful! the cell shd have such power Often good instance of peculiarity appearing in grandchild- 182 l-28w Much of my sort of argument about return to parent-forms- 30-34m, 35-38w Crow cases 42u*/40-43m/w Koelreuters case 183 wt (my remark) 2-5m/w
reasons in circle 23-27m*/23w+ remark, wb cases, as sixfingered or case where only one parent has peculiarity ought to make one cautious about saying there is so strong a tendency to return to parent form. 184 5-6u "2161Pferden"\8u "nurI Junge"/15u/5-14w only 11 out of 216 pairs produced foals of different colours (b) 23w (D) 24-25u "dass\ scheine"/! 185 13-24w account of what selection & crossing have done like my skeleton 30-33m/32w (a), 35-41m/35-45w mutilation hard to inherit yet believes in tailless dogs from this cause!! 47m, 22-23u "gehörnten I zurückschlägt "/wb which did not go back: no wild permanent vars go back 186 12-15m/13w (b) 17-18m/w (a) 21-23m/w (e) 24m "S.190", 26-30m/w race of one horned wild stags 37u "Gmelins", wb (a) some species resisted culture for 2-3 years - but with proper culture returned to parent-form - 187 5m/wt/l-5w perhaps often cross now with dogs if inhabitant & so with horses. 20-22« "aberIRassen", 15u "Schomburgk"/16u "nachI Ohren"/13-15m/12-17w wild dogs in 1st generation tame 29-33m/w seems to think new species are formed. 188 6u "Brehm's", 30-32m, 33-35m, 33-34u "nach\ paart", 35u+, 37-39m/38-39w Brehm subspecies 189 l-28w/wt These sub-species are not exclusively geographical vars or species 5-18m/16u*/18u "aus I diese"/7-15w case where Brehm splits old species into 2 29« "tinnunculus\einen", 19-30w 4 subspecies (See Gould) Bronn seems to consider them varieties 30u "Sie\Klima", 34u "meisten IJäger", 35u/wx, 38u "nach \ und", 39-42m/39u*/40-41u "Bär I Striche" 190 3« "nach I Couche"'/wt Must see to this. l-2m/w Hares differ 3-Sm/w White Hare 33-37m/35w a 39m, 41m, wb Slow geological change important because domestication shows slowness 191 wb I begin to suspect too slow, except in sudden immigrants x- In this case we have fewness of number, sudden change, (in organism & external conditions), but on other hand not many to select from.-especially changing island.- 192 l-33w seems to think that some species may be varieties 193 22-22« "viele \ Spezies "/w tortoise-genus, 42m 195 23-26m, 24-25u++
202 19-21m, 32-35m/w double creations
probable wb remarks that 2 must have been
created of bisexual animals - [Multiple
Creations must not be treated dogmatically]
203 14m/u "Candolle Sohn", 15-21m/w
believes whole surface covered with new
species 204 26-29m 210 wt plants distributed
along rivers l-3m, 32u "71 Meilen "/30-35m/w
[page break] 90
Horses swim 211 33wx, 34-35u*+/w whether same one does not know 216 l-29w in certain periods animals congregate & migrate in no fixed direction or fixed time hard to explain 31-34m/33u "O.IVV.", 35-36m/w (a) wb (a) In these cases Congregating always announces intention to migrate, though when in years, when number not great, there is no tendency to congregate 222 29-39w congregate & migrate, when food &c fails in own country 223 17-18m 224 16-18w Lost Turtles 26-31w Lost birds on continents 225 3-4m, 30-32m, 40m, 41m 226 6-15m/w Eggs of mollusca may be attached * fuci & wood 227 wt x said that maize was floated to Japan l-2m/w x 229 wt (a) quadrupeds carried on ice may transport seeds- 3-13m, 6-10w (a) White Bears. Wolves. 15-21m/w Bone washed to Greenland on ice so cd seeds 38ulwx 230 ll-13m, 28-40w If Storm Petrel so often blown inland, other birds might be blown to sea wb The real cause of surprise in birds, insects & light seeds, that not more distributed. 231 19-24m/23u "leichter \ schliessen"/22w (a) wb distance to wh. pollen is carried bears on seed transportation 232 2-20m/2u "Lupinen" 4-10w cases of pollen-showers 18u "vor I Feldarbeiter"/16-25w This bears on seeds. Meteoric paper of Coniferae- 233 zb 234 3-5w rain of seeds 9-llm/llu "die\ waren", 14-18m/18u "zum\ Art"/14-20w corn raised in Africa fell in Spain 15u/wx, 21m/u "Schleffen", 41m/w Read 42m/u "und \ 217", 43m 235 32m 236 16-21w Crab & Fish Rain 237 7-10w Fish Rain 24« "zweiIlebend", 27u "Fischen\Fröschen", 28u "und\lebend", 29u "lebend" 238 9-llm, 12-15w Frog Rain 241 15-19w Fish eggs perhaps stick to Birds 20u "50\Genera", 21u "mit\Saamen", 26-31m/w amount of birds with seeds killed by others 245 27-28m, 29m, 37m, 41m, 42m* 246 14-15u<-*/5-20w ?? shells in America & Pacific 25-28m/26-27u "ziemlich]besitzen", 37m, 39-40m 247 8u *, 9-1 lw wider genera 13m*, 18-19u<->, 26u "3851 von", 31u "nur \ Arten", 33-35m, 33u "701590", 40-Alm 248 6-7m, 9-llm, 19-20u "unterI Europa", 27u "Ursus\ Fischotter", 28-32m/29u "beiden Wiesel"\29-30wtwo weasels 37m, 43m 249 23m "reicher\ ist"/24u "je\ seine"/ 23-28w Hooker says no no! N. Zealand 251 24m/u "22 \Reiche", 41m 252 5-6m, 7-8m, 17u "Fischen"/18u "Korallen gemein"/19u "500"/ 20u "32"/17-21m/15-27w Red Sea & Mediterranean Phillipines make shells more in common 36m 253 11-lSw climate of mountain tops differ much from Polar
Regions 254 17w in 48° wb Snow regions of Alps only 12 phanerogam whereas Melville Islds & Spitzbergen much richer 255 5w+ exclusively confined not peculiar %w Heer on insects of Alps.- ♦ The number of peculiar insects appear very small at the great heights - most peculiar species at bottom 256 24-27m/25w (a) wb (a) Larger the continent, larger the animals - Australia & S America contrasted with Java & Borneo !!! 272 wt Duration of seeds 273 38-42m/w old seeds reviving 278 25u "Spallanzani's Versuchen"/25-31w no fish eggs keep more than 2 months dry ÏÏ2m, ïïlm, wb account of a disconnected pool annually dry & annually repeopled with Fish 284 16u++/14-18m/w Less propagating powers by ostriches !! wolves I! x 19-21w because not destroyed 29u "ihres hundert"/28-34w number of seeds from a 1000 year old trees wb x number of eggs compensate viability chance« of destruction in full grown state & youthful state & egg state 285 18-19m, 18m*, 19m*, 29m*, 30m*, 32m*, 32m*, 33m*, 42m "Polygamic]Hühner", wb How evident protection of womb does in place of many eggs (yet rats) 286 22m "Feldmaus", 12u "5110", 15-21m, 19m, 34u "27 Jahre", 35u "4000-8000", 36u "35.4M"'/wt, 37u "65.1 Besitznahme", wb One is always astonished at geometrical increases 287 2a "Rudel" flocks l-2m, 40-42m/u "Lyell's Principles of Geology" 288 38-41w impregnation 42-45m, 42u*, 43ut 293 7u*, 8-9w destruction of forests ll-18m, 22u/wx 294 5-10w Forests destroyed wb To see what injury horses do & sheep to young plants I have often wondered how anything grows up 296 11m 297 l-3m, 17u "von I Engl.", 18u "land einwärts", 18u "200", 38m*, 39m, 39u "den I unmöglich", 43-45m 299 29-32m, 29u "Rennthiere", 31a "Drittel"/u "soIstirbt" 300 32-36m, 33u "FeldIMaus", 35u "bedeutende junge" 301 15-19m/w Epidermis in Caterpillars 302 6m, 42m 303 wt Weasels increased Im "Wiesel", 2u "Mäuse" 505 25-28m/25w (a) wb (a) all these great causes given of extinction, yet none of these apply to rarity & therefore (with exceptions) to extinction
BRONN, Heinrich Georg Morphologische
Studien über die Gestaltungs-Gesetze der
Naturkörper Leipzig und Heidelberg; 1858
[CUL, I]
409 10-llwx, 13-16m, 19w no 19m "bisher gänzlich entgangen"
[page break] 91
BRONN, Heinrich Georg Untersuchungen über die Entwickelungs-Gesetze der organischen Welt Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1858 [CUL]
SB ♦ p78 Oken Grant 1835 use my copy d'Alton, Unqer 1852; p. 80 ? 79 36m 80 34-37m, 34wx
BROOKES, Richard The natural history of insects London; J. Newbery; 1763 [CUL, pre-B,S]
BROOKES, Richard The natural history of waters, earths, stones, fossils and minerals London; J. Newbery; 1763 [CUL, pre-B, S]
(w<&; not CD; give melting-temperatures of various metals; u mainly names of metals] iv 34~37w, 34u v 26-28w, 26u xxiv 27-30w, 27u xxvi 19-26w, 19u 25 8u, 9u, 13u, 30u 26 4u 98 26-32w, 29u, 29a 102 15w 110 15w 111 5-10w, 8u 114 31w, 31u, 32-38w, 37u 116 2-3u, 2-5w 117 3-9w, 3u 122 38-41w, 38u 128 15-16w, 15u, 23-24w
BROUGHAM, Henry, Lord Dissertations on subjects of science connected with natural theology 2 vols.; London; C. Knight & Co.; 1839 [CUL]
ad, beh, br, ch, cs, fo, h, hi, no, oo, phy, sh, si, t, ti, tm, y
vol. 1 NB1 Is there anything odd in the nidification of Penguin Duck.- M. Miller says so - we want cases of this N.B. some birds feed their young with different food from what they eat themselves - this paves the way for explaining habits of solitary wasp, * in this book considered -good plan thus to take one example-Ask Fox to obtain information about Tumbler Pidgeons. cross them.-NB2 1 ail to 54; 70; 77; 79; 84; 91; 102; 107; 108; 116; 119; 123; 121, 122 to 134 to 138 to to 143 to 155 -> 161, 167; 179; 188; 196; 203, 204 -> 208; 216- Journal =; 267; 244; 332 SBÜß
Q 17 Case of solitary wasp feeding young with spiders & caterpillars, good better than Birds feeding different food Q 28 Brougham definition of instinct [Insects life too short for much experience or gained habit]. Though habit may do something for higher animals not needed for most complex instincts
Q 30 Instinct - (47 do &, 52) 70, 203 Q 77 Mathematical work to show how perfect the Bees cell is 79 contrast with man making a plan - p. 244.
Q 117 good instinct - chicken pecking circle
inside shell cannot be an habitual action;
208 young alligator snapping/ Chicken
seeing, walking, pecking at early youth reflex
Q 124 Intelligence
Q 196 On Abstraction in animals
Q 219 On the form of Bee Cells
All Q
7 ll-17m 8 wt therefore growth an instinct!! 5-7m 9 wt or rather apparently voluntary -analogy from ourselves would lead one to consider voluntary 2-3m 11 ll-15m 15 ÏÏ22-lm 17 wt In whatever way I create my instincts & habits, or changes in brain's structure, the instincts must have been formed step by step on account of effects of crossing 19-25m, wb excessively hard to account by habit - 24 4-22m, 5u "ml number" 28 l-7m/w/wt this hardly applies to S. American horse cantering wb Yes the gratification of an habitual action.- or even without it, but disagreeableness of prevented - One sees this in dogs - 29 16-21m/17-23w but why does she like half killing them 30 wt Spallanzani & the Bat is good to exemplify what I mean l-2m, 5u "instant"/5-7w false in Bees 7-12w Here is common confusion of means 32 12u "cylindrical cells"/? 33 15-25m 42 19-25m 43 l-12m 47 13-23m/w no -retriever action does not apply to it 22-25m/? 48 wt Yet S American Horse cantering * would be called instinctive. ? will not my definition, of that which, according to our own consciousness, wontO be done with deliberation. l-6m 51 14~18m/Q 52 10-18m, 21-25m, wb is it not that most instincts happen to have some end in view? 70 ÏÏ5-1m, wb applicable to habit 77 wt very wonderful - it is as wonderful in the mind as certain adaptations in the body - the eye for instance, if my theory explains one it may explain other. 2-27m 79 5-25m, wb some wax-working woman worked under a cloth, & so made likeness by touch 84 21-25m, wb take the case of chicken being born with powers of sight, which man only acquires slowly - we can see no reason why man shd not be born so - this might be worked into good case 85 2-29m, wb also lamb walking & baby not - the movements of lamb in womb could never teach it to balance body - an act which must be most difficult 91 12-14m 102 10-25m 107 12-22m 108 18-25m, wb Casarita boring through mud walls - swallows building on wet places -116 l-13m 117 15-24m/21-22u "and\end"/23-
[page break] 94
25m/16-21w hard to account by my theory 121 12-18m, wb Blackwall has seen same thing 122 4~25w the blindest instinct, birds building nests, is somewhat adapted to circumstances 22-24m, wb I am surprised at this being called intelligence 123 8-17m/9-Ww See Rengger 124 3-6m/4-5w Yes Rengger wb* 125 3-7m, 8-12m 134 22-25m 137 14-25m/23w/wb Blackwall - No 139 23-25m 140 2-23m 143 wt x it is a faculty 5u "examined \Instinct"14-7mlw very false x 29-22m 145 29-25m 146 l-7m 147 22-25m 155 22-24m 161 27-25m 167 22-25m 179 6-lOm, 14r-23m, wb always compare savages 188 23-25m 189 2-5m, 13-18m/15u "which\ kindred", wb Have animals taste? dogs like looking out of window 196 8-19m/13-14w dont understand 197 3-7m, 3-25"...", 5u "Judgment I Reasoning", 9-25m 199 wt Rengger shows that monkeys domineer over dogs, like men over other animals 203 15-18m 204 6-22m 208 24-27m 216 l-6m 222 2S-22m 225 2-4m 229 20-25m 231 23-25m 233 14-22m 235 27« "trihedral" 241 22-25m 244 7-19m/ll-12u±/llwf&/12-13w<&ec, wb astonishing on my Th. that infinite attempts should have reached that perfection which mathematics requires - this instinct has same relation to geometry, which the eye has to optics 245 8-llm/8-9u "not I rhombus" 264 18-20m 265 l-2m/lu "but\three" 267 22-18m 270 20-26m 278 9-14m 279 20-25m 332 9-13m/w the instincts of young Cuckoo are like those of larva wb The instincts of the young of anims are probably remnants of instincts of ancient larva-state P
vol. 2 NF Sä
NB 52; 56; 65; 66; 84; 108; 183
84 Rattle of Rattle-snake; if given to paralize
prey by fear useful; not given to warn
animals - go on to say Tri-
gonocephalus to show case.- Ch. 9
108 Vis Medicatrix
52 ll-18m 56 wt Man's mammae !! abortive wings, under * united wing-cases !! l-8m, 13-26m 65 13-23m, wb Preservation of life! 66 l-15m 84 5-10m/w curious instance of injurious structure 108 2-25m 109 2-23m 183 wb/tw How many times have shells been changed in Europe since Eocene? Mammals probably greater number. & how many at present & how many during Eocene - We might calculate how many have lived in Europe alone yet only 160 have been found fossil
BROUN, Thomas Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera Wellington; James Hughes; 1880 [Down]
BROWN, Robert The miscellaneous botanical works 2 vols and vol. of plates; London; The Ray Society; 1866-1868 [Down]
vol. 1 p
vol. 2 p
273 3-5m 278 16-21m, 33-37m, 37"... 279 wt
•, l-3m/lu "some confidence", 6-8m, 12-14m
281 2-Am
BROWNE, James Crichton The West Riding lunatic asylum medical reports London; J. & A. Churchill; 1871-1875 [CUL] beh, ds, phy, sx
vol. 1 NB 95 Blushing; 8 Death of males important for Descent 8 5-12m, 13-15m
95 27-28u "nitrite of amyl", 29-33m, 33u
"bright I face", 34-36m, 38-39m, 45m 96 5-7m\
5u "eyes I excited" 97 32-39m, 40-44m
vol. 2 NB for Cicuta p5 or Conium
Maculatum (u^)
27 * Conia acts on the Motor centres of the
Brain but I tried HyosycamusO
81 Poisons in animals & vegetables
297 & Singing preserved when voice lost
& Drosera
v 13m, 15m, 22m, 27m vi 3m 27 l-2m/u
"firstly I periphery" 81 20-23m/22-24w Frank
has shown 39m 82 14-18m, 17-20m (G.
Harley) 83 6-13m, 29-34m 84 20m 297 16-
17m/10-21w Dr J Crichton Browne 31-33m\
32u "to sing"
vol. 5 NB 0/
vii 4m, 8m, 10m, 17m, 19m, 27m, 31m
BRUGUIERES, Jean Guillaume Encyclopédie Méthodique - histoire naturelle des vers 1 vol in 2 parts; Paris; Panckoucke; 1789-1792 [CUL, pre-B] v
vol. 1 part 1 title page "sixième" corrected to premier 163b 23w/wa 164a 15u*>, 49-55w B. not tulipe? 164b 27uts 165a 32u* 166a 29-33m, 29u*/39^£lw var. B. balanoides 166b 35u/w var. tintarlyO 56u* 167a 13-15w var. lentenabulus 167b 22w 168a 2-2m, 22ha 168b 2-2?, 31-32m 169b 29uA 170a 6-8m/
[page break] 96
8u*/6-9w Probably a ChthanalusO 23-24m 170b 35-38w Conia? Tetradila serrata? 171a 2Sm* 172a 38u A 305 2m
BRUNTON, Thomas Lauder The Bible and science London; Macmillan & Co.; 1881 [Down, I] p
BRUNTON, Thomas Lauder On digitalis, with some observations on the urine London; John Churchül & Sons; 1868 [Down, I] p
BRUNTON, Thomas Lauder Pharmacology & therapeutics London; Macmillan & Co.; 1880 [Down, I]
BUCH, Leopold von Description physique des îles Canaries, suivie d'une indication des principaux volcans du globe Paris; F.G. Levrault; 1836; trans. C. Boulanger [CUL] geo, ve
NF Etna albite lava also produce pumice, p. 328
NB ♦ See Burney - for Shortland world Solomon Isld -
155 25-28m&> 156 24-27m/& 159 27-2Sm, 22-32m 162 9-22m, ll-17m&>, 31-35m 163 2^m, 6-23m, 29-35m, 29-31m 168 27-33m&> 170 3-6mto, 23-27m Y7\ 24-31mto 173 7-2Sm, 32-35mA> 178 4-23m<& 181 12-18m** 182 32-33mte 183 32-35m/32u "écailles striées" 184 1-18m 185 2-5m 190 15-20m, 3Ù-35m 191 22-27m, 18-22m/w (A) 192 13-22m&> 193 28-35m&> 196 22-35m&> 197 9-15m/llu*0* 200 6-26m 201 3a "l'autre" (of W) l-9m, l-13m&>, 20-22m, 20-23m 202 25-29m#>, 30-33m 206 20-25m/!&> 207 25-26z 212 19-23m&> 215 24-27m 216 28-35m&> 277 25-28m 283 25-2 9m, 26-29m 293 24-35m, 30-35m&> 294 2-20m 295 12-28m, 28-35m 300 5-22m 323 S-27m 324 2-4m 327 2-2m, 21-22m, 31-33m 328 2 m 329 2-3m, 14-16m 333 27-30m, 31-32m 334 22-25m, 34-35m 335 2-3m, 7-8m 336 9-22m 339 29-35m (E. de Beaumont) 340 l-2m 342 23-2Sm 343 33-35m 346 2-3m 349 31-34m 350 2-3m, 5-6z, ll-14m, 15-16m 351 7-20m 354 24-27m 355 3-6m 356 20-23m, 22-25m 358 35"...A> 359 9..." 373 26m 374 7-22m 386 22a "Island" Same as Amargura Krusenstern 392 32-34mtt> 393 l-10m* 398 6-20m 400 20-25m 403 20c "Ouest"/10w east 404 30-34m, 31-35m 405 2m/3-7m/2w Mathews Rock 406 25-27m, 24~30m 407 10-14m, 17w Lava 32-34m 409 5-8m 411 29-35m 412 2-3m, 23-25m, 22-27m, 29-32m 413 20-25m 415 22-24m, 27-31m 416 5-7m 418 17-20m 419 2-3m, 30-32m,
34-35m 422 2-3m, 2-2m, 17-23m, 33-35m 423 32-35m/Q/33-35m 424 2-2m, 27-29m 425 25-28m, 2 9-22 m, 34-35m 426 2-2m, 33-35m 427 2-3m 428 9-24m, 9-24m 429 18-22m 430 23-27m 435 9-22m 442 6-22m 443 2-8m 446 27-22m 450 26-31m 451 8-23m, 23-27m 452 23-20m, 22-25m 455 2-22m 456 17-24m 457 2-6m 458 2-7m 460 6-23m, 24-29m 466 2-25m 467 2-26m, 29-32w Valparaiso Earthquake 30m, 33-35m 469 26-33m 470 25-34m 471 2-4m, 7-22m, 12-35m, 17-20m, 23-25m, 34-35m, wb XX 472 5m, 10m/8-25m 475 5-20m 477 S-23m 480 2-8m, 22-27m 482 4-9m, 4-8m 483 23-31m 485 24-32m 486 16-20m 487 26-29m, 28-29m 488 13-lSm, 19-20m (Humboldt) 490 3-Sm 491 29-32m 494 2-22m 501 9-23m, 20-24m 505 33-35m 506 2-2m, 19~20m 508 29-32m, 29-33m 514 28-20m 519 wb Does not some one describe Volcanos in S. Shetland besides great crater; New Isld Discovered 1839 by Enderby's Ship; St Pauls or Amsterdam seems quite omitted.; Proby Isld - Isd North of Bonin Ramilla on coast of Ascension - Matthews Rock
BUCH, Leopold von Travels through Norway and Lapland during the years 1806, 1807 and 1808 London; Henry Colburn; 1813; trans. J. Black [CUL, on B, S Charles Darwin M. Video Nov. 1832]
xvi 19-20m, 24-25m, 28-29m xvii 16-17m, 30-32m 94 8-20m 236 7-20m 306 S~26m, 26« "fruit I maturity", 16-17m, 27-28m, 27u "not\ well" 307 5-9m, 7u "presented]fruit", 8u "barren"
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Aus Natur und Wissenschaß Leipzig; Theodor Thomas; 1862 [CUL]
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Conférences sur la théorie
darwinienne de la transmutation des espèces
Paris; C. Reinwald; 1869; trans. A. Jacquot
ad, beh, fg, h, ig, phy, t
NB 79 good sketch of Häckel's views on first organisms & spont. Generation 114 Helmholtz Eye not perfect
Man 123 Schaafhausen - Gorilla 1/2 way between erect & quadruped.-
How difficult to young child to stand upright - 124 do - on milk teeth of man
132 self-reflection or consciousness
135;137; 144
all Q
[page break] 98
title page z 79 3-29m 114 27-32m 123 30-33m 124 4-llm 129 wt Büchner L wt 39? 132 6-llm 135 S-2Sm 137 30-32m, wb higher apes & lower races of man -> 138 2-8m 141 6-9m 144 30-32m
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Die Darwinsche Theorie von der Entstehung und Umwandlung der Lebe-Welt Leipzig; Theodor Thomas; 1876 [CUL, I] P
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Liebe und Liebes-Leben in der Thierwelt Berlin; Hofmann & Comp.; 1879 [Down, I]
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Die Macht der Vererbung Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1882 [CUL, I] P
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Man in the past, present & future London; Asher & Co.; 1872; trans. W.S. Dallas [CUL] h
NB Nothing need be quoted - Nov 1873; All
on Man; 120 very good' resume; 142; 156;
119 34-37m/37w quote 120 l-4m 142 13-25m
156 12-17m, 25-30m 266 3u "Dr. Lisch", 13-
15m, 17-25m
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Mind in animals trans, of 3rd edn by Annie Besant; London; Freethought Publishing Co.; 1880 [Down] beh
NB 159 on instincts of ants
159 1Ï2a "are" ie pratensis 36-42m/->, 20-41w
& yet pratenses taken as pupa 160 10-13m,
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie der Verwandlung der Arten Leipzig; Theodor Thomas; 1868 [CUL] beh, ds, ex, h, ig, oo, t, y
NB ♦
179; 180; 190; 195; 198; 202 good when described; 210; Schaafhausen Book & Rutimeyer Paper SB •> ♦»
p. 179 Man first dentition like Apes- conclude * feed on Plants 180 ss> All used Man
p 90 on Self-consciousness of Savages 195 on the exactly intermediate manner in which apes walk on Hands - good It might have been asked how cd there have been transition between • hand & foot?
198 interval will get greater between man &
higher apes, from extinction of latter
p202. Rutimeyer apes interval between
Catarhine & Platyrhines.-
210 The milder disposition of young apes,
perhaps only like mildness of young
Carnivora - Bücker
179 12-15m, 12-Uw ask Huxley 24« "auffallende", 15-18u "indem I hat", 17-20m, 23-26m 180 24-22m 190 llu/wx, 15m, 15-25m/w asks whether savages reflect on relations of things 195 wt Gorilla intermediate in upright position - if not existed wd not be kn l-5m 198 wt/3-12mll-14w interval between Man & higher apes will get greater, from death of lower races & higher apes. 201 9-20m 202 22-26m 203 5-7m 205 25-26m 210 wb The milder disposition of all young apes only like young tigers or lions - perhaps does not indicate descent from a mild form-P
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie der Verwandlung der Arten 2nd edn; Leipzig; Theodor Thomas; 1872 [CUL]
title page 18u ^
BÜCHNER, Ludwig Die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur; 2. Lief "Wer sind wir?"; 3. Lief "Wohin gehen wir?" Leipzig; 1870 [CUL]
NB Reichenbach (rest 0)
170 - (Lamarck before him)
2. Lief p
BUCKE, Richard Maurice Man's moral nature London; Trübner; 1879 [Down, I]
BUCKLEY, Arabella B. A short history of natural science London; John Murray; 1876 [Down]
BUCKTON, George Bowdler Monograph of the British aphides 4 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1876-1883 [Down] oo, sx
vol. 1 NB p. 71; p91 Dimorphism.
p.71 Some Plants not often attacked by
aphides - even very poisonous ones
71 20-23m, 17-23m, 23-26m, 33-39m 91 4-
27m, 36-37m
(vol. 2, p; vol. 4 published after CD's death)
[page break] 99
BULLER, Walter Lawry A history of the birds of New Zealand London; John Van Voorst; 1873 [CUL] ad, ben, br, ds, gd, mg, oo, phy, sx, t, y
NB1 p29 Protective Colour of Birds
p56 - affection between paired Birds S S. Q
p66 - Huia Qa> with Beaks different in 2
sexes & aid each other SS
NB2 p74, 76, 78 migratory Birds to N.
81, 84 spreading of a species
93 - Rats destroying Birds
Nothing for Descent
NB3 167 Birds with good wings, but
incapable of flight
219 male colours on one side fainter & the
Bird feeds laterally SS
224 Courting of Pied Oyster Catcher, not
278 - Gulls catching Moths
SA (pp. 2-3) Qß
p. 1; 15; 19; 111; 117; 121; 137; 163; 165
SA (p. 372; •»> p. 29 Stringops large wings
but no muscles for flight - colouring
assimilative must be protective from Birds of
Prey, whilst resting during the day
Part II
p.74, 75, 78 Cuckoo summer immigrant
believed to be partly parasitic in incubating
but not feeding its young
p.81. Birds, Zosterops which has spread
from S. Isld. rapidly
84 Changed Instincts, also, has become
permanent resident
Believes rats by destroying much chief cause of decrease of •
Anthornis or Bell-bird - decorates nest with Brilliant feathers.
Part III & IV
167 Weka good-sized wings, but incapable
of flight.
29 l-4m, 6-7m, 8-10m, 16-19m, 17-25w why as no beasts of prey Rats? There are Birds of Prey 33 9-10m 55 15-23m, 37-42m 56 14~19m, 20-23m, 25-26m 66 19-29m 74 29u "another I visitant", 31-34m 76 ll-16m 78 19-22m 81 l-6m, 6u "indigenous", 7-llm 84 6-15m, 20-25m 93 13-17m, 24r-26m, 31-34m, 41-43m 94 7-9m 95 22-26m 167 6-10m 219 33~41m 224 ll-20m 242 14-17m 278 6-16m
BURBIDGE, Frederick William Cultivated plants, their propagation and improvement Edinburgh & London; William Blackwood & Sons; 1877 [CUL] fg, hy, phy, v, y
NB p. 34 size of seeds effects on growth of
58 grafting, rules of
#> species which will graft
95, 96 - on Variability
132 «> - Hybrids dying young
155 <*> - on Hybrids taking after either
33 26-33m, 28u "Dr Gustav Marck" 34 l-48m 35 3-9m, 5u "Professor Lehmann of Munich" 58 9-18m, 14w Recipient 19-30m, 32-38m 95 4-17m, 18-27m, 28-39m, 42-A3m 96 14-45m 132 18-34m 155 2-Um, 5-16m, Wu "comes I most", 26-31m, 38-43m 156 13-18m, 26-33m 157 36-43m 159 29m P
BURCHELL, William John Travels in the interior of Southern Africa 2 vols.; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; 1822 [Down, pre-B, S] fg, tm
vol. 1 NB p529, 536 wonderfully hooked seed; with woodcut; 529 grapple plant 27 8-9m 101 27-29m 124 23-24m 158 4m, 12-14m 259 l-3m 409 16-17m, 27-28m, 34-35m 427 13-14m, 24-27m 428 22-24m 429 10-llm 529 fig.m 536 10-14m
vol. 2, 59 l-6m, 10-12m 69 26-27m 71 32-33m 72 11m, 16m 73 13-14m 74 28-31m 78 12-13m 172 21-24m 173 zt 207 7-13m 450 22-27m
BURGESS, Thomas Henry The physiology or mechanism of blushing London; John Churchill; 1839 [CUL] beh, cc, cr, h, he, phy, sx, t, ud, y
NB1 p. 1 Youth more liable - care more for
opinion of others
Sighhing - Grief
NB2 ♦ p10 Expression
B says Blushing Hereditary in one family
(both parents being never subject) except
when one child diseased with cyanosis
heart» -
SB1 p. 1 Youth blushes
10 Description of fear
Female blush most
Designed by Creator, as check Th^ ♦- In Ezra & Nehemiah - Bible
♦31 scar in negro blushing
♦ 33 Mulattos
♦34 Otaheitians
38 Albinos blushing - (Iris)
43 Circassian do - disuse Th^
48 Morbid sensibility Th-»^
[page break] 102
50 Power of accusers ♦54 Causes
56 Infant do not blush, but redden with passion (evident do not blush) (old age no£o)
61 Hereditary
/&> 62 Blushing no proof of guilt x«^ 68 Rage, expression of - Rage
114, 122 Why face blushes more -
125 Exposure to air
128 whole body glows
133 Sensation on face before blush
134 Concomitants of Blushing & Sham (ie Shame)
Over (over)
p156 - only a moral stimulus excite blush (not a passion) not shrugging shoulders (no shyness) commonest of all causes or self consciousness -
177 Decline of blush
N.B. Personal remark makes a person blush more than anything self consc
♦ This is differently on my view that vanity
does not cause blush - it is on depressing
self-consciousness which alone causes it -
No a pretty girl who thinks a man is admires
her will blush - One is more sensitive to the
ill-feeling than good opinion of others.-
*> 180 says depressing cannot be called
either exciting or depressing
» ♦ 182 Herditary blushing 10 children
a> ♦» tear-ducts in youngest
*a> •«Sk 187 upbraiding shy people makes
them worse
a> 188 Edgeworth quoted (good)
All about Blushing except p68 Rage
SB2 a Burgess on Blushing p 10
in regard to voice in Aeneid
"Obstupui, steteruntque comae, et vox fau-
cibus haesit"
Will the albinism observed by Dr B
Dr B "the strength alters the •"
a> Dr B observed with + two albinos that th
"caused them to blush deeply.-
1 9-20« "sensitive\conscious" 10 10-20m* 11 8-llm 23 l-3m, lu "children and females" 24 3-5m/w see to this 8-llm, 9-13"..."/12-13w » 25 7u "Ezra", 8-llm/w Ch IX.6, 20u "blush"/ w Jer Ch VI v. 15 26m "a I wrought" 31 21-24m, 21"..:% 22a/c/w/23a/c/23-25 "..."*, 28-29m/-* 32 24-27m 33 5-8m, 13-16m 34 29-22m 38 23-26m 39 13-lSm, 15m, 20-25m, 29-* 40 4-8m, 4u "ears", 9-12m, 20-22m, 29m
43 6-9m, 13-lSm 48 24-27m 49 3-7m, 12-15m 50 16-19m, 17u "presence\accusers" 54 wb nearly all cases, his real & false blush, connected with what people will think of one - Remorse does not cause blush.- 56 8u "hereditary", 13-lbm, 15-lSu "of old age" 57 9u "idiot", 13-Uu "but \ blush" 61 l-5m, 15-18m 62 6-llm/l-llw/wt no test of guilt because the thought that the other was thinking of you suffices to cause it 68 22-22u "flushed] fire", 17- 18e "My I rage", 19-21m/u "heart I rage", wb glittering 69 22-23m 114 9-23m, 19-24m, 20-23w effects of use or Habit 122 2-20w but neck & ears colour 5-23m 125 20-29m 128 7-22m, 20« "epigastric" 133 2S-20m 134 2-20w> mental agitation which affects heart and respiration 6-8w+ & Gratiolet good 10-llm/w* p. 349 & 366 22-28w (awkward gestures) stammer peace of mind lost 156 wt He may shrug his shoulders voluntary - he may pretend to laugh 6-7w affecting "to his mind" 9-12w no shyness 177 13-20m 180 21-25m 182 2-22m 187 19-23m, 22-24m/^> 188 l-4m/2u "countenances", 5-7m 189 21-26m/24u "frequently wept"
BURKE, Edmund A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful, with an introductory discourse concerning taste, and several other additions London; Thomas M'Lean; 1823 [CUL.1900, I by G.V. Jackson] beh, sx, t
NF ♦
The morality & Metaphysics of Ambition } ? I am going to Italy next Summer Sublimity
NB1 Simple Ambition instinct of excellence over other men satisfied (1 ) Pride, ditto, with comparison to other men so as to undervalue them. (2) Fame, desire that (1) should be generally known. & acknowledged (3) Vanity, [do] (3) with undervaluation of others, or overvaluation of yourself (4) Arrogance a determination to show pride without real pride having been attained Conceit - pride without foundation and on trifling subjects?
•♦ But the ideas raised by these words refer to peculiar kinds of character NB2 He can see reason why instincts (sexual) of animals stronger than in man -because not having any notions of beauty to keep them in right line
these involve feeling triumph The»* feeling-oof-» Sublimity akin to feeling of pure (1)
[page break] 103
gratified ambition - connected preeminently with consciousness of being a sentient being arising from many ideas- each preeminent of its class.- [feeling of triumph at being a sentient being] brought on by the thinking faculty by being very active & exhilarating (hence aided by bodily conditions) with power to look inwards = Euclid too absorbing = yet conclusions from mathematics sublime - Gravitation sublime -thinking on subject If pleasure from a source not well understood, sooner look to yourself & hence sublime -
iv 6m, 8m vi 8m 55 9-17m 56 13-21m (Scipio, Cato) 57 21-25m 58 16-20m 66 zt 103 ll-25z 114 14-15Z 115 2-25z 162 13?/u "objects small" 163 5-10m 191 13-14m (Tommaso Campanella)
BURMEISTER, Hermann Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenßsser Berlin; G. Rainer; 1834 [CUL] em, fg, phy
15-17m/w eggs not contemO impregnated
3-5m 16 28-29m 17 20u "Organe" 18 3-5m\w eye becomes double 19 4-6m, 20-23m 20 20-24m/w feelers & eyes thrown off 21 10-llm, 23-27m 22 3-6!! 23 17-19m/xv no trace of seam in shell 24 23-27m/w calc. plates 25 l-4m/w epidermis on all young shells 26-30m/w Ovaria within young shell 27 5-6m 28 ll~17m/w eggs in different state in different parts 29 l-2m 30 13-15m/14u "Gräten"/w fish-bones 16-29m/w Burmeisters description best of mouth.- 31 14-18m/w cissi all alike 35 22-26// 37 2-3m, 15u/wx, 16u/w*x, 22-26m 38 4-€m, 19-20m 40 22-14m/w case of moth 22-29m/w pretty good 41 2-3m, 14-16m/w so cissus ant. are longest 19-20w rest of cissi similar 45 22-23m 49 23-2 6m 50 13-16m/xo compare with Cyprus 26-28m 51 26m, 26u "Stomatopoden", 27u "lässtlder", 28m 28m 53 5-6m, 12-13m pi. facing 60 wt i
BURMEISTER, Hermann Histoire de la création Paris; F. Sary; 1870; trans. E. Maupas [CUL]
656 30-33m 667 31-36m
BURMEISTER, Hermann The organization of trilobites London; The Ray Society; 1846; trans. Bell & Forbes [CUL] co, ig, sp, t, ti, tm
NB p37 & 38 Species Theory
p.37. The earlier geological types present
peculiarities of various existing groups
passing into one another Good Remark to
1 zb 33 3-Am, 3-4w 3 37 26-28m, 37-^2m 38
l-6m, 12-17m, 12-17xv Mollusca! Corals
support this
BUSCH, Otto Arthur Schopenhauer München; Fr. Basserman; 1878 [Down, I] p
BUSCH, Otto Arthur Schopenhauer: Bätrag zu einer Dogmatik der Religionslosen Heidelberg; Fr. Bassermann; 1877 [Down] (p
BUSCH, Otto Arthur Naturgeschichte der Kunst Heidelberg; Fr. Bassermann; 1877 [Down, I] p
BUTLER, Samuel A. Evolution old and new London; Hardwick & Bogue; 1879 [Botany School, FD]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
BUTLER, Samuel A. A sketch of modern and ancient geography for the use of schools 4th edn; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; 1818 [CUL, pre-B, S]
title pages (much illegible scrawl) v 2w 4004 vi 2m, 7m vii 37m, 39m, 41m via 4m ix 11m, 21m, 25m x 4m, 28m, 33m, 40m xi wt (dates), 5m, 45m xii 7m xiii 23m, 27m xiv 9m, 27m, 42m xv 27m, 22m, 25m, 32m, 38m xvi 5m 10 wbu 11 wf 12 11m 13 23m 15 26m 17 22m, 27m 20 8-24m, 17-20m 31 wtu 32 20m 33 7m 34 28m 35 20m, zb 36 3m 37 32m 39 24m 40
2 m 41 22m 43 3m 51 7m 63 zt, 2-15m 64 zb
67 24m 84 24m 85 28m 89 22m 93 20m 97
22m 99 26« "Ennius"/w 169BC 100 6w 281
104 wt (note about events of 264BC) 122 zt 146
27m 148 2u "Thucydides", 2-9w son of Plorus
an Athenian died 391 before Christ 149 3m
151 6m 153 24m 154 22-20z, 23-25w 449 died
BC 155 5m, 17m 158 26m 159 7m 160 5m 161
2m 162 22m 163 27m 164 26m 166 22m 168
2m, 23m 169 22m 185 wt (dates), llu "Apelles
and Hippocrates" 186 7-20w> (dates), 9u "Zeno"
191 wt/8w (dates), 7u "Diogenes", 8u
"Mithridates", 18m, 23u "Punic war"/w&>
218bc 192 30u "Mithridates and Strabo", 32«
"Pompey", 30w/31w/wb (dates) 193 27«
"Lucullus", 18u "Mithridatic", 9-16w/17-19w/
wt/wb (dates and events BC) 194 23u
"Anaximenes"lw, 26u "Themistocles"lw (dates)
[page break] 106
195 21m 196 20m "Strabo"/w (dates) 199 lm 202 27m 209 20m 210 26m 237 wt • 240 2z 241 zt 243 zt 249 xvt/5-8zv Mani Mane Mane Mane 251 wt 251 253 7w Aegyptus 254 wt&> Dr Darwin 255 wt darwin 258 27m
BÜTSCHLI, Otto Studien über die ersten Entwicklungsvorgänge der Eizelle die Zell-theilung und die Conjugation der Infusorien Frankfurt am Main; Christian Winter; 1876 [CUL, I] fg, phy, sx
title page 22u "Bütschli", 16u "1876" 207 28-32m 208 5-12m/w for a renewal of youth & a reformation of parts 209 18-22m\18-19u^, 27m 210 20-23m/20-22u<-*, 19u "Vereinigung] Actinophrys", 22u "scheinlich\Encystirung", 31m/30-33w Give Butschli first & Enger & then Carter 211 29m, 22-28m/22-23u "dass\ ist"(27u "Verjüngungsepoche"/26-30w this is just what he has said about Infusoria wb According to this view Conjugation is a renewal of youth & size which gradually decreases & propagation thus division.-Process seems analogous 212 2-llm/w same process without conjugation or with 2 spores formed 214 17-22m/22u "denlde Bary"lw the first man 17-22m/w He fully admits that conjugation is the first step to sexual copulation 215 3u "Dagegen"/5u "wirkliche Befruchtung"/3-7m/w not so * with Proteus infusoria &c &c 10-17m/w seems here all for connection of conjugation & sexual reproduction 22-24m/u "dass\ erkennen"/w Conclusiv 32u "1838"/m (J. Müller) 216 3-6mjw seems to say that conjugation of infusoria is the same with s. generation 8-9u<-> 219 9-261...], 25-26u "erhalten I Fortpflanzung" 252 wb p. 207 to 219
CABOT, Louis The immature state of the Odonata 2 parts; Cambridge, Mass., University Press; 1872-1881 [Down]
Part 1 NB 0/
CAMERANO, Lorenzo La Scelta sessuale e i caratteri sessuali secondari nei coleotteri Torino; Ermanno Loescher; 1880 [Down, I] p
CANDOLLE, Alphonse de Géographie botanique raisonnée 2 vols; Paris; J. Kessmann; 1855 [CUL]
ad, af, beh, ce, che, ci, co, cr, es, ds, dv, ex, f, fg, fo, gd, geo, gr, h, he, hl, hy, ig, in, is, mg, mhp, mn, oo, phy, se, si, sp, t, ts, v, ve, wd
vol. 1 NB1 p478 His * Geogrph Regions
As there are only 3-5 Ascension Plants, &
I think DeC speaks of several inhabitants, it
is one of strongest case of many introduced
NB2 Philology pxxii; p. xiii; p. xiv to end of
p535. Decandolle Memoir vol X on
SB Mem. Carrier Pigeons caught at Dover -
See McGillvry number of seeds in crop.
That Transport does little for continents, but
much for isld. is what I shd have expected.-
In Compositae & all others.- Proportion of
seeds with plumes & small seeds ought to
be great in islds; even if not same species.
It may be possible to take two great groups
for comparison of range, it cd be useless, I
think to compare orders of Vertebrata
SA (pp. 528-529, 5 sheets)
5. Sous-regions (c0&> showing) 34 species to
3 Sous regions (ee<& showing) 28 species to
» 4. Sous-regions (u showing) 40 species
to Fam.
This again is hostile, contrary to largest
Families do not extend furthest
SA2-5 09Î
SA2 &
»Vol I p 516 Decandolle
(numbers of species in certain families totalled)
Water Plants seem to make large proportion
of Monocot. - wide ranges
Taking the 23 Fams. of Dicot. & 4 Fams
Monoc together, with more than 500
species; we have 27 Families, with species
inhabiting more than 2. regions
[page break] 108
(calculation that) 4.5 is the standard of all Families whatever (over) ^00 +
SA3 p. 512 of Decandolle; (list of numbers of species, and totals; namesfa, ee®3>) (over)
» I think if Families are used, whole world or Continents shd be used as field of Compositae. But I cannot say why I think so a> May 1. 56 I have taken the Families (p.512. Decandolle) on other side (above) from Drege (Flora B.2. 1843). There are 21 (one omitted) Families, which have their species ranging over a * larger number of the 20 divisions, into which the Cape District is divided, there the average (viz 1.6 regions) * range of all the Dicots. & Ferns together? - These 21 Families have each on average 126.2 species, but if the Compositae from having more than double number of species be subtracted; then the average is only 77.1.- There are other 37 Families which range * less than the general average mean of 1.6 & these have 87.9 species to Family. So that nothing can be inferred safely from these results, * Families being too large.- [If we give a reasonable number to the Compositae, viz 500 species, then the average of the wide-ranging Families is 96.7] SA4 <Aj and ^>) Vol I p. 516
(continues totalling numbers of species) This gives for the 23 Families of Dicot with some 500 species, that the proportion of species * per cent which inhabit more than 2 regions is 4.3. The standard for all Dicot being 4.1.- If we * consider the * 7 Families marked •^ which I consider Tropical, & which have less means of spreading, for Tropics divided, we find these 7 large families have only 2.0 per cent species widely spreading, so that means of distribution come into play, & the remainder, wd be above 4.9. Those of Tropical Families, have 6044 species & only 124 in more than 2 Regions.-(over)
Picking out Families with more than * 500 species, no of species, no of wide rangers (list follows, with species names and totals, some marked •^
SA5 Dicoti only. Families with under * 50 species.
(list follows, with species names and totals, and number of wide rangers) (over) (continues list from SA4; calculates that)
The standard of all Dicots is 4.1
^ General Conclusions
&> Families with more than 500 have a little
above average of wide rangers & Fams
beneath 50 rather fewer wide rangers, than
average - But there is far greater difference
■a- according to nature of Family itself, than
its mere size.
N.B. Decandolle does not use the very small
Families, here used in his average.
SA6 » (pp. 560-561)
Cruciferae - p. 550
(table of totals of species and those in more than
2 regions in various islands)
N.B. If the Labiatae & Polygonum worked
out this way, it wd show * in how isolated *
spots some species of each Family occur.-
= 33/100 agrees nearly with Decandolle
I conclude islds must either have some easy
way of getting inhabitants or double
creations are tenable
(another similar table) Compositae, p. 552
= 22 per cent leaving out Canary Isd only 13
per cent.
xii 24m xiii 12-17m xiv 7-10m xv ÏÏ9-5m/w true xx 30-33m xxii 34-36m xxviii 29m, 34-35w Individuality xxix 16-17w Cultivated Plants 32m xxx 21-22w Definition of species 45 19-33m 47 16-21m(FD), 23-25m 62 6-7w(FD) 72 8-12m/10-llQ 14-22m 84 8-22m/ 8-9? 85 7w say read 88 ÏÏ3-2z 116 36-39m 117 6-8m, 13-16m, 27-30m, 37-39m 118 6-9m, 16-21m 144 l-4m 147 4-7m, 9-10m, 17-25m 156 llw+ say read 183 4w* say read 200 20-26m 201 l-7m/3-5w examples of causes 28-32m 202 25-29m 203 36-38m 238 24-30m/w Read 39-40m 246 18-26m/w DoesAi this refer to America? if so • or to Islands? 247 2-7m, 6-8m 250 20-28m/w I do not think even at lower limits except approaching a Desert 264 10-llm, 12-16m/ 12-13u "enfin\nord"/15u "on I fait", 16-21m 268 9-llm 270 16-31m, 28u/29m/w Spain 279 Ww says read 305 20w say read. 316 34m/ 32-34w theoretical average of minimum height 34m/wb I have no doubt native 326 30-37 m\-+ 329 24-22 m/-> 330 l-7m 334 4w I only read 337 6-7m, 9-10m/9u "lat.\degrés", 15-16m, 15u "sel connaît", 25-28m, 27u "environ I trente", 30m/u "bord I degré"'/-» 338 5m, 41-43m 339 wt Island Saxifrages 2u "auxIouest", 3u "la\ Asturies" 340 15-20m 341 23m 343 7-22m 394 20-24m, 32-34m 395 22-25m 397 20-22m, 23-24m, 25-28m, 32-38m, 39m/-> 398 29-33m 399 8-15m 406 12-18z/w (circle with compass points marked), 31-36m/
[page break] 110
31u "8495", zvbee, zb (oval with compass points marked)/wb 4 times elongated E & W 407 7w arctic ll-13m/12u "Montagnes \Japon", 14u "Turquie d'Europe", 37u "Caucase" 408 25-18m/16-17w S. America 410 16-19m 411 25-29m, 31-32m 412 3-6m, 12-15m, 38-42mj40u "Sierra-Nevada" 416 ll-13m/15-17m/7-20w so make Alpine Plants of N America, so means more wonderful 24-26m 417 ll-16w* -But Asa Gray's Alpine plants are more than this alone. 35-38m, wb The southern hemisphere of Hooker 418 5-lOm, 10-12m, 25-28m, 30-33m 419 wt All used in the Chapter on Sociability - Struggle for existence -Stations & wt Not used on proportion of genera to range 422 l-2m, 26-29m, 36-39m 424 36-40m 428 31-35m/32-33Q 431 38-39m 444 29m 447 28-34m/-+ 448 8-10m, 22-23Q 15-18m, 18-20Q 21-23m, 35-36m 450 24-27m 453 12-17m/12-13Q 21-26m, 27-36m 454 2-5m, 6-7m, 24-26Q/26-31m/26-37w Every one of such species wd cover ground if no other species present: if rarity here is step to exclusion, then the greater importance of other organic beings is shown wb p463 near confines become rare necessarily, but yet, (at least sometimes) social; see top of p462 (Q) 455 6-16m/8-9Q*/wt Not Q 22-23m, 26-28Q 31u "caractéristiqueIblé" 456 lu "dans\ cultures", 14u "Plante I champs", 40-44m/Q 457 15u "ne\absolu"/15-16w because impossible 458 l-3m 459 16-18w I shall not Q. this 28u "espèce I sociale", 20-33w a broad distinction in terms between répandu or diffused, & abundant or social, (a) see p. 463 wb (a) Does former depend chiefly on physical conditions the latter on other species ??? The latter must chiefly on other species, except where, perhaps conditions very peculiar. 460 26-28m/36m/Q/25-38w/wb I am inclined to think that H.C. Watson facts go only to show that most widely diffused are diffused likewise most in smaller areas: hardly descends to such minute areas as field. A species might abound on one spot & yet be rare over all England, but is this so? 461 4m/u "nuisent", 19u "directement I indirectement", 6-29w It comes to this, whether there are * many social plants in good common soil? 25-26u "toutes I grand"/25-28m/ <-, ll-12m/14-15m/12-20w Alder in Larch-wood, but this must imply adaptation, else wd not grow up. 23-24Q/w Mangrove forests 27-29m, 31u "les\alpines", 34-38m/36u "paraissent I abondance "/38u "d'être I moins "/31-39w This is fact of same kind as not being dwarfed 38u±/wb This is opposed quite to view that each form more depends on other
organisms than on external conditions, wb ie great numbers to live wb But on the extreme limit of a desert, then plants grow separately, I think 462 l-4m, 3-4m/4u "isolés I étroite"'/wt meadows very full of social plants 3a "espèce" but not of all life? 5-9m/Q/wt Q when a form can once live, then it may be social from mere number of seeds. & occupation- 22m "en\isolés", 13-16m/w (a) -> wt (a) As long as conditions exactly same, in relation to physical nature & other species & its own * excretions, then of course there will be many individuals, & so be social.- 23-24« "causes I locales"/12-15w This must include other species. 19-23m/18-31w Except (z) at the Cape, it seems the more fertile the land, the more diversified the flora; & according to me, it is more fertile of production in life in part because more diversified.- (z) The forest of firs grows slowly, for land poor & cold. ÏÏ2-lQ/wb case (z) explained by diversity of stations, such as occur in all dry regions.-as stated before 17-34m/w I cannot but think the number of species, depends in part on the goodness of conditions; but why I do not see; much life causes much decay makes strata &c &c & many stations, for different times of year will have species all times of year. good. ÏÏ22-9« "surtout I station", ÏÏ5-2u> This is cart before horse?? There wd not be many species without stations; yes, how many species can be introduced, wb a field of grass cannot be called so rich for so many genera. - (a damp rich tropical soil & a damp cold poor soil ought to be compared) 463 wt The many cases of introduction of new species into islands, shows the simple free-road to, from elsewhere created, is important element-Creations not easy work thus also shown.-My theory shows how slow & difficult it must be.- Supply not equal to demand.- 8-9w all this discussion strikes me as unsatisfactory, from struggle with other species, not being here prominent. 10-llw Not Quoted 14-18m/ w depends, I think, on beating other species 24a "répandent" no doubt one element 25a "vent" Yet Compositae confined, 14-18m\l, 7-23w He shows towards end of Book, that genera increase with no of species - but not I think with individuals - yes for mean density & decay create other stations) 20-25m, 26-29m/28a "communes" but not yet social; but sociality and commonness bound together, for perhaps hardly one absolutely social plant to exclusion of all others, except such as Mangrove 1Î6-5«; but yet it seems when does appear is sometimes social.
[page break] 111
î\4u/a "estlrare" Yet social plants occur near limit ïïlu "de\ elle", wb A great diversity of forms will follow from adaptation to different stations (supposing free inroad), as well as from supposing a great amount of life, for the latter creates many stations, %w Would not under same climate a uniform good soil support more diverse forms than uniform poor soil & climate? 464 l-4m/wt/l-7w No hardly - flatly contradicted by his social Plants. 8-llm/w thus if compositae abound in many countries it must be due to their organisation; but if * the species in certain countries are more or less common due to conditions 20a "les" different 12-18m/w Does this not imply that habits of species have more in common than they really have?-wb* One sees a Railway cutting temporarily covered with plants (in most cases only the natives of seeds) next year there wd be more seed, yet the abundance soon ceases.- here struggle comes in. 465 wt these tables refer to species being very generally dispersed within their own region of habitation.- 2-3Q 2nd table "composées ".w largest family 6u "1 sur 4", 10-15m/w It wd be very curious to see what result wd follow from genera, calculated in this manner by averages ll-12u "mais I sensible"\12-14m\14u "soit\100"/15u "18\45", 13-15X*, wb Can Families include too great a range of adaptations to answer for such calculations?? The resemblance in Families may be due to parentage? 466 l-10m/w Tropical Families have nearly as many common species as non tropical Families.- This shows how little adaptation to climate goes through a Family, table " Phanérogames ".w standard table.w Here again it is clear that largest Families do not have greatest number of common species Ïïl2-7m, 1Î4-3u<->, ÏÏ2-2m 467 lm/l-4w & yet it may be social!!! p. 462 7u "17,8"/w ie below the average of all Phanerogams. 9w ie average llw the very small families have more than average!! 12~13m/w quite opposed to my views.- table "Phanérogames".w standard table.w Here again same general law 468 table.m/w This goes as it shd do 2nd table "phanérogames".w/wb These are 2 largest families & they have nearly 1/2 the common species, but single spears in other Families are excessively common 469 27-31m/w Doubt whether Watson not too large. 34-35m, 40-41m/w doubts. 470 wt Ask Hooker about paragraph 3.- what it means 8-llm/ 10-llué, 13-14m, 16-17m, 18-20m/18-19u "moyens] remarquables", 20-23m, 19-24w I
cannot believe, much is due to this??? Yet it must be part element.- 23a "Quant" to common species of 23-26ml?, 27w * What does he mean 31-32m/??, 34-36m/w but excess of numbers very small 37~39m, 40-43m/Q/wb "species with restricted range are not common" ie confined range & rarity go together. î\2m/î\4-lw/wb propagating by number may account for this to certain extent 471 wt Only those social plants which inhabit common ground are the difficult ones to understand, if such exist near limits la "sociale" certainly if conditions peculiar l-3m\ l-8w It shows that sociability does follow other laws than * commonness; how can they help each other, or injure others? 4a "espèces" Can means of propagation come into play 4u "circonstances locales", 5-8m\w diffusion depends more on climate 7-8w This like Benthams cases on Pyrenees. 16-21m/ Q, 34u "c'est l'abondance /34-37'm/w social plants most easily affected 472 wt If this fact of social plants entirely disappearing be true it shows again that there must be some other law.- It is analogous to social plants suddenly appearing on their limits wt If sociability depends on other species & not on external conditions, then very slight change might determine their existence 2-2m/6-9m/8u "par \ naturelle"/l-16w It is like change in Oyster Beds.- I cannot believe; flatly contradicted by History of shells.- No this seems to apply exclusively to plants social or not social in same area.- Is not part of this that social plants now conspicuous, espcially in forests midpage.w But it cannot be that every individual disappears from field 16-22w It looks as if one individual protected another, & so this wd lessen when preyed on by insects &c: Trees, wind- 24-28m/24-30w Everyone knows how hard to rear few ears of corn in Garden.- my Radish seed from apparently mice ft22-7w cross impregnation n7-lw/wb are social plants very defined in their adaptations: It has been shown I think greatly depends on number of other species adapted generally to same sort of conditions. wb/Zw - But why none in tropics; because oldest climate, & all species mostly perfectly adapted: most of the facts come to adaptation in preponderant degree- wb These several cases seem to show that all the individuals of social plants disappear together owing I presume to rotation - 473 wt The Paris is well fitted as shown by its mere presence; it is social from numbers of seed sown: this I conclude must be
[page break] 114
governing element, but easily overlooked in Tropics where more closely adapted species.- 2-12w Destroy 5/6 of English plants & many wd become social which are * not so now.- 4~32w These two Pages not worth quoting 23-25m, 23-25m/w of rotation 28-29m/29u "sur I considérable", 31u "de l'Europe", ÏÏ4-2m/!, wbfl\15-lw I wonder whether Cardoon is social in Europe? & spotted thistle of Pampas? If so it wd seem to be merely * excellent adaptations, like when Railway cutting first exposed, due to seeds, wb Fennel - Hooker & Bentham say yes. 474 l-2z/w ordinary shape (oval), ftSu "endémique"Jm, ÏÏ6u "sporadique"', 1Î3m 475 1-2m, 21-26w difficulties in defining areas & terms 476 2-Am, 10-13w Before making any calculations whatever skim over to p 519 26-35m/28u "mais \ rares "/33u "espèces I aire"", wb Introduction 478 wt/l-5w Now the question is whether this applies to means of transportation or adaptation, probably the latter; for plants seem to have such power of spreading.- The adaptation must be to struggle with other species & not conditions 4-5u "de\famille"l5-9m/7w (a) 479 wt The transportation is a theoretical question & implies single origin, & probably not considered by Decandolle. In Birds, according to Goulds idea, was considered with means of transportation.- The very nature of the areas, some continuous and others disconnected, shows he did not consider means of transportation. 22-23m/ 22-25iv Can it be right to run them together.- 22u "Archipel indien"/23u "Nouvelle-Guinée"/24-25m/?!!, 26u "Nouvelle-Zélande"/26-27m/w are these distinct 32u "Bermudes" 480 2-26«; without knowing whether areas connected by continuous land or separated by sea, the results seem to me useless. How different cases of plants common to India, & Africa or tropical S America & ones common to Europe & Siberia, must make some difference. 481 2-13w Thus far it seems that intertropical species do not range so far as temperate (but tropical lands * more divided by seas?) not the American provinces, table.w very regular laws indicated by this table. 484 7-11m, 15-17m/15-32w Q I cannot think why; this fact keeps very constant, see note below, when more species discovered so that a given percentage in each Family are sporadic 486 l-4m 488 table.w R. Brown 489 table.m/w Aetheogames = Mosses, Fern, Hepetiae, ÏÏ25-5m/ïïnu "730"/Uu "dont\ Lurope"ß7u "8"/Ü14-11wm 490 table.m/wu,
wb ?? So Auckland isld more in common with other countries, but less with Europe -If this community is the S American, it accords with glacial, having been subsequently peopled. Kerguelen ought to have been most with S America & less with Europe - See next Page.- So he counted ones about Glacial agency. 491 2nd table.m/w These must have come from North. 493 table.w/wt (What a contrast with the 730 Phanerogams of N.Zealand more water, more coast - more higher mountains.) Dryness alone most important element, but not enough to account for this difference table "Phanérogames".wet, table.w Far larger proportion common to Europe than in N. Zealand & Auckland Isd; So far more species in Larch wood, than in all Falkland or Tristan I or Norfolk Isld. Only 272 in Society Islds ^18-lw this shows how much free access determines the number of species: is not this against former continuity of Land. table.->/5u "soit\100", 5u "soit 22", table.^>/1\5m, Uu "1843", 1\3-lw/wb 5009+1686=6595 species of Phanerogams The fewness of European plants very interesting as compared with all land further South. Was not Africa the old Tropics? The glacial climate & ice action explains the greater community in other regions. 494 wt Von Buch only -» Canary Isd Dicot 322+Mon 59=381 species. 496 table.m (Dicotyledons)Jw so that Kamtschatka & Labrador have nearly same number of species in common with Europe. (Mem Iceland all in common) 497 2-3m/u "Remarks I plants", 15-18m, 1\2-lm, table.m/?/-*/wb what a contrast with Alpine Plants of N. America 498 l-16w These contrasts of numbers, show that islands never united to mainland 17-23w* contrast with Falkland Isd 18-31w Feroe 192 Dic+80 Mon=272 a contrast with the Oceanic islds 499 ÏÏ9-6m/wb Is this owing to closer adaptation? or longer existence of simple plants, & .-. part of existing means of dispersal. wb/Xw Means of dispersal & adaptation are all confounded - in Cryptogams at least, means of dispersion wd come into play. Xw The cases from which he argues are in very many cases islands; & even when same species occurs in 2 continents * means of distribution must come into play- 500 8-12m, 17-lSm, 21-29m, ÏÏ2u "mesure\découvertes"'/Ü2-lm/wb/Xw I cannot think cause of this. Perhaps it is only that certain species of genera range far, like certain families in order: but why as discovery progresses, does the relative
[page break] 115
proportion keep constant? Does the
proportion hold good in different countries <-
I shd think it was only chance that more
wide rangers * were found & more local
species. 502 wt can this have anything to do
with Glacial Period? carried by ice from
Tierra del Fuego? - but none could go from
New Holland. At Glacial period New Holland
very favourable for introduction of temperate
plants. l-4m, 6-8m, table.w some compositae
have wide range.- 503 l-3m/2u "dont\
France"/l-3w water-plants (condition more
uniform) 4-6m, table-title.w This is the more
important comparison? table.m/w These very
large & natural Families have only a few: (a)
table.w/wt These 13 Families have 149
species on average: they have 37 species in
common with N. Holland, or average nearly
3 in common with N. Holland 2nd table.w
These 33 Families (those with less than 15
species being omitted) have 1541 species
on average only 47 species each & not one
in common wb (a) N.B. There is another
element, besides facility of transport, the
durability of same form. No - but this is the
very point that we are considering that large
Families are wide rangers & most convertible
[but that it is only a few which are wide
rangers; the others changed into species]: I
see I have not clearly relation between very
wide rangers & variability.- as in water
plants. Indeed if wide rangers are only
generally variable, then some wd be identic
at great distances. 504 2-4m/->/wt Even if
these are added to list on other side, the
Families, which on average have larger
number of species, have most in common
with New Holland.- 3u "Lemnacées"/4u
"Hydrocharidées"/5u "Lythrariées", 5u
"Alismacées"lw water. 505 table.u "Composées" lw some wide rangers table.w It is evident that the Glumaceae most widely spread. & I shd think means of distribution must come into play, second table.ÏÏ4-2m/->/w compos. 507 14~16m/15a "austral" which are common to Southern islands & Europe.- 508 wt N.B. Pritchard shows the * mntains go partly E & W in Lat 10° N.Africa. 9-15m/w 96/7000 What a contrast with T del Fuego. 18-19u "et I Cap", 20u "ou \ antérieures", table.m (Salsolacées)/w Here again; must be owing to means of transport, table.c "Fougères" "Phanérogames" "Composées"/wb These 16 Farn, (with species in common with France) having 2222 species have 139 species per Family; ie nearly twice as large as those families which have not one: there wd have been none if Compositae had not
been omitted table.m "Composées"/w so many omitted 509 wt The Cape & Europe valuable, because have means of distribution, cannot be so important as when islands are compared. - No Sahara - but how in glacial period.- table.w These 41 Fams. with 2895 species, have on average only 70 species to Famy. (wd it be worth great labour to calculate by genera.) llu "pourImoins"\w on account of smaller Families not giving true averages 0 calculate this 2nd table.c "Fougères" "Phanérogames "/wb These 21 Fams. having species in common with Cape, having 2438 species have an average of 116 species; if we * leave out Compositae as so numerous (at least at Cape), we have 20 Fam with 1960 species each Fam. has 96 species - (ie double of those Fam. with no species in common) - see over 510 2« "151 moins"/table.m/wt These 24 Fam. having 916 species (with none common to Cape) have an average of 38 species each 4[..., 2nd table.m "Composées" 511 table.w*, 2nd table.w see over There are numerous very small Families with very many species in common, which wd make case the more hostile 2nd table.m "Graminées...26"/w can this be accurate? wb These 13 Fams (in left half) have only 36 species to Fam. & have 255 species in common to N. Africa wb These 13 Fam (in right half) have 52 species on average & only 243 in common. Here then the larger Families have fewer species in common with America. First hostile case. 512 16-25m/w These two groups might be contrasted 1ri3u "Documente\1843"/ÏÏ10u "plus\(a)"/ïïl3-lw/wb I might work at this Dividing the Plants into 2 groups of those ranging above the mean 1.6 those ranging beneath the mean - (Being continental wd depend not on means of transport) & not tropic come in, or so much astounding range of water plants ïïlm, wb Would it be possible to work out this in genera??? Taking for instance the genera found in 2 & upward sous-regions & see what average of species such genera have, ie of general average of genera, or give or take those Genera found in only one sub-region 513 wt N.B. Hooker says Dreges Book is great Book with elaborate distrib: (perhaps in Linn Soc) & he will lend me; good to work out genera larger & small for distribution.- Does not give genera, only Families 5w 22 6-7m/w omit this in calculation 9w+, 18w 37 Ledebour $12-5w* I feel sure that this wd be hostile to view that largest Families range furthest 1r$-4m/1t2w This is mean 1Î2w "63661près"
[page break] 118
514 wt F. Water Plants demonstrate that some element quite distinct from numbers of species, come into play in wide distribution. Is not same thing observable in Salsolaceae? love of salt? 515 wt This table gives the proportion in each of the named Families of the wide ranging species to the whole number of species in the Family.- 516 l-39w This table looks * hostile Can my view be applicable only to single continuous regions; if so, Cape of Good Hope & Russia wd be excellent- 517 20-22w V. note p. 519 * anomalous 518 table.m "9 à 7,1" "1 à 0"/w These 2 might be compared table."l à 0".w But these seem mostly tropical 519 3-9m, 9u "dans I infère ", 18u "Calyciflores I compliquée ", 20-23m/20-27w according to this one ought to compare * size of Families in same great division & not as I have done in great totals. 26-29m, 28-29m, 29-33m 520 13-15m, 29-32m/30-38w Marshes cannot be so uniform in conditions. But Marsh Birds visit 521 11-14m/w ie Marsh Plants 16-17m, 23-24u "la\ salés", 35-36u "lesIgrande" 522 table.w Table of acquatic & Marsh Plants 34-35u++/w This looks like conditions 8-10m 523 8-llm/w conditions & means of transportation here explained. 20u "plantes annuelles", 38-39u± 524 4-5m, 8-llm, 12-14m/?/13u "plantes\ arides"/14u "semblent"/13-23w why? few other species or inhabitants, this wd apply to water-plants & sea-side plants.- ft4-lm 525 12-15m, 17-18m, 28-34m 526 table-title.m/u 527 Xw Trees often dioicous chance transport of one seed insufficient Might be tested by other dioicous Plants. ÏÏ6-lm/w Trees most limited. Herbaceous plants next - annuals most widely - can live in hot countries during their winter wb Does not this depend on means of dispersal, as annuals for very conditions of life must have great means of dispersal.- wb Trees depend less on means of dispersal 528 table.w Have these big seeds? What can reason be? Mostly Tropical 529 2-3m, 10-llm, 21-22m/ 22-23u "quelmer", 32-35m/w/wb What can reason be Higher developed & more changeable 530 2-3m, 5-6m/w small seeds 531 table.w In same Families distribution according to annual & herbaceous & trees. All accord in same general Result.- 532 12-15m/w no general rule means of distribution greater or less 18-20m/w seeds in proportion small 20w/l-20w There is, also, relation of size & highness in series.- Because big requires more food & is therefore a flourishing organism.- ÏÏ25-2wV-»/ïï9-5w (a) If I am right on size, wd go to show wind.-
But then Compositael! Yet here the * transportation comes into play; but then the Genera ought to be widely distributed. How is this.- This ought to be worked out in Decandolle -» or better look to Flora of islands & see whether genera of Compositae more usually the other genus. ÏÏ5u "peut-être beaucoup", Mu "reproduction\dissémination", wb (a) Means of distribution coming in so importantly is quite in accord with Barriers (ie the stopping of distribution) being so effective; so beyond anything the most important 533 llu "Ailes"lw or pappus 22u<->, 17-18m, 26-27m, 29m/w This does not concern wind 32-33m, 38m/w I wonder whether in Royal or Linnean Soc- wb If I am able to add anything new to Decandolle to means of transport, it will show how curiously imperfect our knowledge is- 534 4-6m, 7-10m 535 wt Wind generally accompanied by Rain will the pappus then cause seed to stick?? table.w I must study distribution of genera. ÏÏ24-2m 536 wt (a) Note/ the proportion of genera with single species with & without pappus nearly the same: if transported by pappus & transmuted, then ought the most genera with single species with pappus l-20w As these calculations include many continents, the seeds cannot be more transported than others. 5-7m, 19-25m/Xw /. Pappus, therefore, would seem to act like hooks which can transport to only short distance: remember no transport avails except it be to unoccupied land: no false look at introduced plants ÏÏ27-20m/tÏ22-20m, ÏÏ9m/w (see last page) ÏÏ5-3m/w (a) 537 6-9m/6u "2,2"\7u "2$", 9m, 13-14m, 17-18m, 20w Range rather small 20-21w therefore rather peary I shd think 538 l-2m, table.w In same Family species with fleshy fruit have widest range; is it because animals eat them? 31-32m, 38-39m, wb without Isld are specially considered, I hardly dare trust these discussions, for my purpose, as adaptation must so overrule powers of dispersion 539 2m, 3m 540 3-7m/3-7u±/w what complication. 541 ÏÏ5-2m 544 23-26m, 33-37m/w Russia may be considered as new country peopled from whole South 545 3-5m, 28-34m/29-37w Here isolation clearly comes into play; but this does not account for smaller range of plants within Cape District. 38u "Flora, 1843" 546 16-22m 550 table.w As far as I can see (which is very little) isolation of area seems to have little to do with confinement of species!! In this Family 552 wt Here again it seems perfectly insulated regions have the
[page break] 120
wide-ranging species in greater proportion; this cd happen whether formerly connected by land, or chance introductions: No if isld was only a bit of a continent, it would not be so, but if it received species, then it wd have wide rangers ■**■%*, left half of table: 17m, 18m, 21m, 26m, 28m, 29m, 30m, 42m, 45m, 48m, 49m, right half of table, 12u "purement insulaires"lw New Holland Mem 13-16m, 20-26m/! 554 tot Here again the less the connexion between the areas forming one group, the more species they have which are generally wide rangers or Isld generally possess large proportion of wide ranging species, table.m, 2nd table.m/wb Caledonia + 555 table.w 59 regions ÎÏ2m<->, ÏÏ4m/wb IThis exactly opposite result to top of last page 558 table.w This agrees with Bentham 559 18-19m, 25-28m/w uniform bad conditions & means of dispersal 37-40m/w can think of no explanation * wb Give this as example of unexplained facts or law 560 8-9m, 12-13u<r+/12-25w great regions more separated, but how can this bear on distribution within Cape Region. The very wide rangers which inhabit different great regions will a fortiori inhabit the smallest.- 23m/a "proportion" of wide rangers 28-32m, 33-37m, 33-36m/w/wb North most united before Glacial, or rather by ice action during glacial, and Before Glacial action 561 l-4m/3u "Crucißres"/4m/u "Composées"/3-13w* try this with really oceanic isld say only volcanic isld - It is here done: no great difference 10-llu "présententIautres", ll-17m, 20-26m, 28-30m, 35~40m/38-39Q^/35-40w I shd have looked at this just contrariwise wb I never shd look at it under this light; yet perhaps agrees with Herbert's views - When then only few species, we must suppose either others extinct, or then few only as yet introduced. 562 l-4m/l-10w All this opposed to groups with largest number of species having widest rangers 26-17« "indiquent I petit"'/17-18m/16-20w This perhaps comes into law that great wanderers are very great wanderers. 32-36m/37-40m/30-38w in fact isolation by deserts or climate or sea equal 563 l-3m, 12u<*, 13*, 20-30m 564 15m/w introduced 36-38m/w 1/2 world 567 46u 569 46-48m (Hooker) 573 44-46m 579 32-37m 581 24-25m, 36-39m/38u "d'un \ cultivé" 582 3-4m, 9-13w 47/117 acquatic or semi-acquatic ! 26-33wu, ^14-13mf\15-7w This looks as if due to * unoccupied site ^2-lm/wbu 583 3-4m, 18m 584 2-5m, 15-17m, 21-22m/21u "en Abyssinie", 30-33m, 30-35m, 38-40m 585 2-3m, 15u "La\Légumineuses"/15-17m, 19-21m\
w (a) 26-27m, wb (a) yet how extraordinary the law lately developed, that where there are few species of a Family, then average range is greater than when many.- species occur.- The latter are local vars. considered as species 586 l-3m/Q 3-6m/5u "aIbaies", 12-14m, 15-16m 587 22-24m, 22-29m/22-24w very local plants 34-39m 588 13-14m/12-32w This bears on * few species inhabiting 2 areas, where there are many species. Does it not come to this, that widely extended species break into varieties & these become species, with confined ranges.- anyhow this shows how complicated a question it is 22-25m, 36-38m/37u "restreintes I vastes" 590 28-30m/27a "la" Mediterranean 591 22-23m, 22-23m, 30-31m/u "120001 existent", 34-36m, 36-38m 592 7-llm/w Labrador lately colonised, 22-26m 594 14-16m/13-20w This is important for shows creation by adaptation does not explain, see p. 599 28-30m 595 2-7m 596 2-5m, 36-37m, 37-39m 597 ÏÏ22-20m/ÏÏ22-9w No, because opposed to generally contest within same Families:- One Family may fail over world, animals or insects allied over world. ft22u "Rutacées", til2u "Zygo-phyllacées"/ïïl3-5m/w (a) wb (a) Here is case in ease with which var. changes into species; & tending to extinction: Rutaceae & Zygophylleae small orders in alliance of Rutaceae, which has several small orders wb Antiquity of sp. anoth cause. Most complex problem 598 18-21m/18-25w seems to attribute much to simple fact of ancient existence. 30-34m/w contrasts these islands in range 37-39m/wb here comes in creation: they are new in North. 599 2-4m, 24w Marsh Plants 26-28m, 29-30m, 37-40w/wb speculation, which I shall introduce on Fish, bears on this; changes of River courses: most lakes connected with streams- How many fresh water deposits with recent shells.- ÏÏ2« "aux causes' '/wb why, mere hypothesis 600 2« "ou I espèces "/2-4m/wt/l-7w I think many acquatic plants are social, which is proof not fully occupied; see to this I remember it is in salt-marshes, water-lilies Reeds & Flags &c. 9-llm/w whirlwinds 23-28m, 38u "Protacées"/38-40m 601 5-7m, 23-25m, 28-29u "commeIplantes", 29-31m/w no evidence for this 32-34m 602 table "régions arctiques ".m/u "Petits I espèces "/?/w recently unoccupied area "régions tempérées".m/?, "régions australes".u "Petit nombre"/?/m/??!, ÏÏ3-2w "les Iextrême"/m/wb .: closely adapted: parasites opposed to this.- 603 table "marais ".u "Uniformité I physique"/m/Hl/w why this was contradicted "plantes nivales".m/Il,
[page break] 121
"foräs".mlu "époque I glaciers"/!! 604 table-title.m, "Organisation simple".m/wt I see he always thinks simple organisation & ancientness corelated. More probably is related to adaptation to diverse conditions. I presume complexity or highness & close adaptation go together. 605 38m, 44m, 46m
CANDOLLE Géographie botanique vol. 2
NF Read & write sketch & look over; Read Hooker Galapagos New Zealand & Flora Antarctica SF09Î
a When this read skim over (make index); Reread Hooker N. Zealand & & Fl. Antarctica &» Galapagos; Skim my own portfolio; Then read my own old sketch, & write essay
compare D.C. list of introduced Plants in America & see whether they abound in vars. & whether large genera: taking average of species with vars. in whole U. States Flora -but those very sparingly introduced ought to be excluded.-
NB p. 1130 ask; 1179 * ask *; 1332.- Error (about Potatoes
* on absolute numbers in small distant islands-
If Decandolle cd be trusted we shd have * greatest difficulty to transport seeds from isld to isld in same archipelago & as most volcanic archipelagoes are rising we shd have the wondrous spectacle of a naked isld somewhere in ocean.-tsolation most important, as preventing migration & so altering conditions, & making gaps in economy of nature, & quite secondarily causing organisms to vary. Also few individuals would aid in checking crossing, especially the bisexual.- A vigorous wider spreading spec, & which consequently varies, when isolated, under most favourable conditions to vary. Possibly isolation not long enough in many cases, as in Alps & F.W. Fish- Few individuals for isolation, & this gives bad chance of new forms, but time wd make up for that.-
SBl 09Î A.
Index to Decandolle Chief Points
p.72 p. 117,8, 147, 201, 203 Adaptation to external conditions, chiefly climate, showing how differences of temp, will affect differently diff. plants, on trees exposed to whole year cold hence (I shd think, dwarfed p. 264 more height no influence; hence alpine plants show nature of former Glacial
land better than arctic plants.
-p.268. humidity.-394-418 *
xC 238 on difference in leafing &c of Beech
in Madeira. Read essay 397?
246 on sea not determining limits of plants in
250 Nothing said about sterility of plants at
lower limit of range [ask Watson or
Decandolle at some future time] shows limit
dependent on other forms.
=» though they are sterile at upper limit
270 Alpine Plants. 316-327, 329 Polar &
height limits are corresponding in different
species; 407 Japan Mts; 412 Spain -
°» p416 bears on general forms of area of
Plants.; 490 Bears on Glacial Period
XC 337 Limit of cultivation of maize
343 on N. American vines, European does
not succeed.
» x means used for 1st Volume
x^ 406 only few plants have elongated area
xC 422, 428 Qe> Adaptation to conditions;
447 Qe> alternation of natural Crops» 453
e> Struggle between Fish & Water Plants
» p455 why more species in dry than humid
456 Corn Plants, list of
xC 457 to 465» on abundance of species,
or Social Plants.- my discussion on
selection of diversity of form to amount of
life.- p. 470 to 473
» p465 Book on the subject to consult)
465 to 470 Op» on relation of frequency &
largeness of genera; bears on extinction.-
503 - 509 in connection with very wide *
ranging genera or Fams. & large genera.
see infra
x^ 476. When species in 2 distinct countries
are generally in intermediate - ratio of wide
ranging species & families. Families which
range furthest, without regard to obstacles.
There is p484 great distinction between
Weak species & very widely extended
species, ie when a species is once a
spreader it spreads widely. 490 Proportion of
N. Zealand & Auckland Is. &c with Europe &
& 505- on expansion of absolute numbers
within Larch wood. On relations of polar
districts to each other. 496» Labrador,
Kamtschaka & Europe 499 Low plants 519
<w^> Qp» range furthest °» with exceptions
p500.- 498 Bears on former continuity of
Islands & continents.
» Decandolle • plants not being spread N
x«*fc 502 on introduction of glacial plants into
N. Holland p. 507/508 contrast of Cape & T.
del Fuego in European species.
[page break] 123
x8^ 502 some Compositae wide rangers.
♦ 508, 509
503. 509. On largeness of groups & wide
ranging. 511 hostile.
» 514. & highness & lowness in plants
other causes determining range.- also
greater division of Tropical land.
519 on wide range of acquatic plants 522
good index.- do Marshes yet not so uniform
521 sea-side plants do
527, 532 Trees much limited; herbaceous
plants next; lastly annuals - good MS.
remarks. Bears on distribution of F.Water
533 to 540 on * Range in relation to nature
of seeds
544 to 563 * Range in different countries as
Russia & Cape &c & Islands
563 Plants which range over 1/3 of world
p.582 47/117 semi-acquatic/ p584 108/117
in N. temp & arctic lands, where land
continuous, good to show effect of continuity
- so good remark on same plants 584 being
found on the intermediate islands
587. Azores less endemic sp. than Canaries;
Faroe has none - cases of very local
SB2 Qß •C• (4 sheets, numbered 2-5)
Alph. De Candolle for 2d & 3d Vols-
590 Species which inhabit other areas
besides Mediterranean, inhabit all its
594 shows extension of acquatic plants
cannot be explained by uniform conditions p.
599 do
595 winged Compositae not large range p.
600 small seeds widest rangers 596 not
I arge-fruited seeds.
597 to 600 On sp. of same Families having
small range in very different countries, but
that they come into competition with nearly
same Fam.- Good about dominant species
spreading:- Long & Good Discussion on this
Vol 2 Naturalisation, by Nature & by Man
608 Each sp. not perfectly adapted to its
own home, & [good] good MS remark
physical causes cannot engender new
species perfectly adapted
613 seeds blown up 5400 feet & effects of
currents of sea (Madeira to Canaries) note 616 20 years in F. Water alive
action of Birds on transportation in
various ways. (p769 admits agency of Hooks
797 good)
624 seeds alive in earth.
629 Cases of naturalised plants confined to
few localities in new country. [Cardoon,
Guava Peaches & Oranges several cases
631 Few disjoined species, & even species
of same genus generally in same country
Cases of aboriginals, which are often injured by weather or do not ripen seeds, [this again shows want of perfect adaptation in indigenes.
Curious case of irregular distribution chiefly F. W. Plants: [Birds now rarer] good suspicion, one may say that means wd be now less effectual.
637 List of plants which have spread
recently moderate distances
645 List of nat. plants in Britain [compare
with Hookers list * of nat. Plants f. in
Australia *
698 Resume on do. 83 certain - 10/83 from
America & Discussion on causes.
709 722 Nat. at great distances, in various
countries; Europe/U. States 716 in 26 years
600 miles of Lat. Many other good facts of
rapidity/- 720 Monte Video cases, when
became social/ Juan Fernandez on
Australian list.
723 Plants nat. in Europe since * date of
Columbus; from all countries (Compare with
Australian List)
742 Resume on do. 64 sp. good in contrast
to many on islands (None from any island)
No p. 754). The introduced sp. are wide
rangers in home
746 Plants nat. in N. America (751 Nat. plant
in many countries & wider range than its
own nat.)
754 Resume of do. p755 (proportion 122:
35) of plants of 2 worlds.- Proportion of
Fams. of Nat. Plants nearly same as of
indigenous in Europe.-
(p.759) the naturalised plants here again
wide rangers in Home
761 Plants probably from merely scientific
reasons nats. by nature in Tropics of Africa
& S. America
796 Resume on - shows very few cases
from continent to continent.
797 Again rule that naturalised, were
originally spread widely & have naturalised
798 On difficulty of succeeding in natur
alising a plant. When tried intentionally good
to show importance of struggle
804. The species which * have become naturalised belong it seems to Fam. which
[page break] 126
have not wide average nat. range; but that
does not concern me * on account of
specification; if the individual species have
that is all
Overlooks time See MS remark.
Alph De Candolle for Vol 2. &3.
807 Recent Fir trees extinct in Ireland &
Shetland Isd - Faroe & Nut-trees.-
995 cases of trees with Disjoined ranges
(Alpine, Glacial & 996
Disjoined acquatic Plants
999 After Glacial period more lakes - p 1024
Eriocaulon 1027-1029 - Nymphaea W. Plant
range of.
1007 Disjoined Alpine Plants to 1019
1019 Alpine Disjoined Species (but some
partly glacial) connected with being aberrant
forms. p1035 get Hooker to look over lists.
1025 Inter-Tropical Disjoined species.
1030 Cyperus polystachyus hot soil. Mem.
Hooker Himalayan Cyperus in Hot Springs -
shows a genus adapted to become fitted for
peculiar site.
1034. No sp. common to S America & S.
Asia, unless also fd in Africa - why on
theory of creation? good
1036 Sp. common to Mauritius, Madagascar
& India, do. difference is in Bourbon &
1047 Good discussion on Disjoined species.
1047. Species common to N. and S. not
found in Tropics. Glacial: Antarctic ocean
1055 Conclusion on Disjoined Sp. races
1056 on ancients causes of dispersion,
remarks in general
1062 on antiquity of species - old Trees
1067 Brongniart on relation of American &
Europe in vegetation fossils
1092 to 1104 On Origin of Sp. Extinction,
1097 Concentration of close species the rule
1110 Multiple origin of species (1116 do)
1127 Genera more real than species.
some analogy intimated between all species of genus (1131 do) see my reference below 1145
Disjointed genera - 1132 Metropolis of genera with wandering species
1133 small genera with few far separated species fGlaciall a difficulty here.
The bigger the genus the wider its area of extension; specially if it has subgenera
Relation of area of genus to that of its component species
1141 Genera confined to single isld with several species-
1141 Case of Genera with very wide & very narrow Ranges: Average range.
number of individuals not guide to aboriginal country, but number of species is so.
External characters go with consti: differences, as shown by crossing & grafting.
1146 Cannot explain by any cause Distrib. of
Families. 1149
Distribution of Families like species of a genus.-
Outlying genera abnormal or aberrant
Single species ranging far taking place or representing or equivalent in distribution many local species in other cases.
Alph De Candolle 2d & 3d Vols.
1158 Fams. with immense ranges & local
List of small Fam. with few genera & few
species (Aberrant)
1161 Concentration of genera - not range in
proportion to number of species.
1165 I suspect lower Fams. more broken??
good if I could show as it could be due to
increase in number of species in higher
Fams.- No. Higher Reptiles, higher Mollusc.
Higher or more Reptilian Fish most broken: if
contest within each Family it would be so.-
1170 Definition of Dominant families, which
have most species.
1172 on number of species to genera & to
Families in various areas.
1176 On proportions of species of Dicot &
Monocot in different countries & Islands
1180 Something in common with regard to
Temp, even in all Monocot. & Dicot. So on
(1185) Mountains 1188 Humidity chief
relation in the Mono. & Dicot.
1189 to 1233 On the Dominant Families in
various countries & Islands.
1233 Discussion on & good M.S. remarks.
1236 The richer in species any area, the
greater the no of Families, ie more diversity
in inhabitants
1237 Under unfavourable conditions the
great & dominant Families only survive.
- The Dominant Fams. over world are not always in same proportion to most numerous; they seem to be the increasing Families-
1238 On how far the dominant Fams. are
affected by climate. The most dorn, seem
now very complex. 1241. Even in Tropics
Leguminosae, Compos. & Gram, are the
dominant Fams.
1247. Local dominant Fams, at Cape &
[page break] 128
Australia (1251 for cases)
1249 good sentence, cannot explain
proportion of Fams. in Islds by conditions.
1252 Arctic Regions very peculiar conditions
yet very few peculiar forms, no Fam. Good
1254 Excellent Table of "characteristic"
Fams. (not found elsewhere) over whole
world 1258 Detailed Table.
1267 On families with double & treble
1267 Glacial
» 1268 good Glacial 1269 Cape at base of
1271 Total no. of species in areas of various
sizes (1273 small areas)
1275 same sp. range more widely in
Sweden than in France 1276 still less widely
at Cape & S. Australia
1279 & 1282 On number of species in small
1278 Africa, tropical poor in species & very
poor in characteristic Fams. (for latter see
1254 & 1268)
1287 On proportion of no. of species to
genera in various countries & 1288 Islands.
1289 good discussion bearing on the
problems of more life supported by more
forms (1298) and generally on insular
Forms.- 1293 often monotypic - ie
preserved from extinction. 1297 Islands
First great Division of Distribution of World are not related to Climate, like the forms of land.
remarks Old & New Worlds greatest division.-
Alph De Candolle (Vol 2. & 3 of mine)
1313 Plants of Europe in relation to Glacial.
1326 Glacial
1326 Lyell on most ancient sp. most
Vegetation of Madagascar allied to India
Africa & America never united all points to ancient Broken Land.
- Many species in common to Mountains of W.Indies Glacial. California & Chile
& 2 on Plants of Pacific islds
Ligneous Lobelia in Tahiti
Submerged countries when elevated have uniform vegetation
admits some species are derived by modification
1340 Cause physique of present period one of subordinate importance. Feb. 17th 1860 I have now abstracted whole grand Work.
SA1-10 (pp. 878-879)
* p72 Hence dwarf?; 84; 116,8; 144; 147;
200 - influence of other species overlooked here & in similar cases.-202 & so here. A cause which prevents more than 1/20,000 seeds vegetating or giving full-grown plant- «s^ Here in this page: preoccupation overlooked. How little climate explains what species are common & what rare in same district - When ground preoccupied seeds of other plants wd have to arrive at period, when not in full vegetation.- good1^
♦ 246; 250; 264, 68; 270; 326; 395; 397;
406, 408 to 418; 422; 447 to 474 to )
p465 DeCandolle Books to see whether
frequency goes with genera, as it does in
Families, not in latter markedly in larger
Boreau Flore du centre de la France
Miquel Disquisition Geograph Bot de
Plantarum Regni Batavi Distrib 1837 Lugd:
Furnrohr Flore de Ratisbonne in Naturhist.
Top. Regensburg 1839
+ De Plantis Salvadoricis 1830 Ev. Meyer
Meyer on Cape Plants p509 & 512
SA3-6 091
Oct. 15/55/: As every organism struggles for
life: the individuals of every species, will try
to adapt itself to several stations (of course
chiefly wide-spread species will meet with
such) for thus more will live. Why a species
cannot adapt itself to all stations, depends
probably on hereditary laws & actual
chemical nature of its body.- But it may be
said * more wilN> live by being adapted to
several stations; I think this is obvious; we
might kill probably many species adapted to
flourish under trees
» (or food of which species wd disappear &
decay if they not present)
without proportionally more trees - (or more
chemical change, best measure of amount
of live) * living- The better the conditions
the more the life; & the more the life,
probably the more the forms
» see p 462 Tome I Decandolle why? I
cannot prove this
» (at least the more the small diversity of
forms ie species, the more the great
diversity ie genera, but not in same ratio.
- though the latter (ie number of forms) chiefly
[page break] 130
depends on diversity of conditions, & * for plants, at least, as Decandolle fils (over) has shown are most in warm, dry countries. Under peculiar conditions, small stations, there may be a good deal of life & yet few forms,- as in arctic seas- do the forms live throughout seas? or are they not short-lived. Why have Lakes few forms? no tides, not much diversity; no estuary of brackish water
» The question which I cannot answer is, why under bad climatal or soil conditions there shd be fewer forms than under good climate & soil, ie when little life, few forms but most diversified in stations.—> (to SA4) * I think Decandolle explains why fewer social plants in good climate & soil, viz where more species there will be more neat adaptation.—> (to SA4) I can see in case of salt marshes, because like small isolated isld (for salt-marshes are isolated by conditions themselves) there has not been room for creation: all the salt-marshes in world under approximately similar climate wd make but a small workt-All F.W. Lakes of same climate (besides too much separation) are likewise small.- Land fitted for heaths small - Even arctic seas small, especially if killed in winter-SA4 -» (from SA3) My old question why so much life in North Seas, & so few forms, is probably in fact an illusion, the eye struck by number of same species. One is surprised to see any life compared with arctic Land-(Small area only bad from fewness of individuals giving chance of new forms, hence this is opposed to isolation being advantageous)
-» (from SA3) In bad climate & soil, the amount of live, from slow growth probably smaller than it appears & number of forms perhaps really in proportion to quantity of live considerable.- It has acquired a great laboratory to make all forms - Perhaps once there was no arctic Regions.- Hence few Alpine plants on really isolated Mountains.-this caused by slowness of creation Caspian biggest brackish water & a good many species. (over) A
We may move to discussion on number of species. (N.B. few species, but many individuals in salt marshes) with the distribution of mammifers on premise that I exclude Cetacea, Chriopter & Seals?) The presence of Bats * very strong case-e> is not Madagascar a great opposed fact to my views of distribution of Mammifers -
perhaps so large as to rank with Australia -very separate & mammifers very like.— (The way the Inula & Alders & Gorse, appeared in patches, shows seeds a very important element)
Ought the law of * common plants belonging to large families, as is faintly case with Decandolle facts, to be common to large genera. A Family may & does contain many genera not increasing, but then a genus may & does contain many species not increasing. If on average genera contain forms more closely allied, & either decreasing or increasing more regularly, then the law wd hold more with genera than with Families - How does a Family increase by the genera increasing & splitting up & other genera dying out &c Family turns into an alliance by a few portions only increasing .-. I think law always better tested by genera than by Families.-
Some agricultural green crops are said to be advantageous because they smother weeds Here abundance of seed is important SA5 a> Feb 15/57/: In every small area * if not of some extraordinary nature, there are many genera to species, ie much diversity in organisms & no great number of individuals in relation to species - Sqr yard of Lawn - a single wood - * a coral islet - an islet of any kind.- This depends on most * life being supported on small area-aaa But if the site be very peculiar, the former part of law fails, & species not very different as on Heaths - saline plains Cyperaceae as in Hots-pools (Hooker Himalayan Journ) there peculiar adaptations will come into play: In these cases * there are also generally many individuals in comparison to species because only few things can live there. * (over)
Diversity of sites great cause of most numerous species (D.C. explains well effect of dryness). Subject to this I shd expect & believe it is, that most species when most life, for as organisms are so intimately related to organisms this will in itself cause more species. And this bears on unfavourable conditions, as Arctic Regions &c SA6 aa If the site be small, & somewhat peculiar * as compared to rest of world, As in arctic regions (near winter) Alpine summits - Lakes of F. Water - then there will be many genera to species, & very many individuals to species.-
why is this I believe because laboratory small; if in nearly whole world, with myriads
[page break] 131
of individuals selection has effected what we see, we could not expect so much for restricted *sites, specially if of no great antiquity: as Arctic Regions - [N.B. this is contradicted by islands; No but into these forms transported from other countries come into play] Possibly unfavourable conditions may come into play, but I doubt from case of Lakes-(over) m> p462
SA7-10 (numbered 2-4) Nouvelles Recherches sur les lois on distribution des formes végétales Humboldt, Sw Acad Sei 19 Feb 1821. p. 6 Notre imagination est singulerement frappée de la preponderance de certaines q'a cause de leur facile reproduction &cc (would aid no doubt) "Fallacy. There is something quite unknown about social plants. The cause of such cases in the Mangrove is nearly obvious = in pine forests in N. America, which when cut down for few years only bear oaks cactus & Bamboos = in our heaths. I think that it is simply, that there are conditions of some peculiar nature to which only few * species adapted. Yet how comes it that in Northern parts of Europe & N. Zealand Ferns are so preponderant. Where a species is so obviously well adapted & abundant, there seems no tendency to form new species. A species to form new ones, ought to have been widely spaced under different conditions, & not simply numerous under the same, though peculiar conditions 2
||^ I think this explains the absolute want of relation between abundance in individuals & species of the genus?: it shows that new species not formed by mere chance or laws of simple propagation I suspect the line of succession in making a new family may be this & not branch out till * a new & useful form is formed.
p.9 Generic forms numerous on Mountain summits (- small area)» as in Glacial region: there must be a cause » (as in Dark cases, Blind Fauna, as on Coral islands also)
A) why such peculiar & ill-fitted situations "reçoivent des colons d'un grand nombre de genres". * Why do not several * species of same genus become adapted, I think it must be because same spot can support more life under very widely different forms - Take glacial region or dark cases» - can support
1 nocturnal 1. diurnal carnivore - one grain-feeder * &c&c (There is something very remarkable in this & very different habits imply generally different genera.(a)) (back of 1)
» -» On this view the small number on Coral Isld is due to not - suitable conditions, & prob to few arrivals. (2 again)
p.16 Under a given latitude & in either the old 3
or new world (which in several families have different proportions between the families) <«») if we know the number for instance of the Leguminosae, we can judge of total phanérogames. e> not in Patagonia (Hooker) (back of 2)
(a) We can understand this in animals & we must suppose something analogous in plants though not intelligible to us. (3 again)
p.22 The proport. numbers of the great families are the same in Germany & France; hence the species of Leguminosae, Cruciferae & Umbelliferae, which appertain exclusively to Germany, must be replaced by other species of the same families in France. Again France has 1700 or 1800 more species than the German list, & yet their additional number must be proportioned in same manner as whole. (calculations follow)
» All this ought to be advanced as creationist facts (over)
New species not having been created in Aegypt since Mummies & Pyramids is less result of physical conditions having remained unaltered, than of other organic beings having remained the same.-4
p.23. Taking even few square leagues near Berlin having only 900 species. Vide last page.
These facts show in most astonishing manner how if a new species has to be created, or more strictly perhaps to be introduced (ie if a gap be left in economy of nature) how it will depend on the character of every other plant in country - (Think of this with respect to animals, whose place in the economy of nature we understand better) The point is to consider what old species could be introduced *, their subsequent modification is a separate question.-
[page break] 133
Shows how a gap in Nature is a fixed &
difficult point
(table of calculations follows concerning
proportions of Monocotyledons, Cyperaceae,
Compositae and Rutaceae in the equatorial zone
of the old and new worlds)
How does this list bear on above remarks
does it not invalidate it? Wonderful
adaptation of some kind is shown.-
m, P466
SAH (pp. 980-981) Qß
(list of species) Unknown according to
SA12 (pp. 1020-1021) 09t A
p.1020: The case of Geum - Veronica,
Myosotis - go to show that Mediterranean
was land during Glacial Period.- as does
Mouflon on Sardinia.- & some Alpine plants
(in former page) on the Mediterranean islds
- Perhaps bears on connection with
Abyssinia.- sub-alpine plants on opposite
side of Gibraltar - read J Smith? on change
of level at Gibraltar
SA13 (pp. 1078-1079)
Changed habitsA
Decand*A (9.)
Edin. New Phil. Journ. 61/70 fish salt water;
Zoologist p. 20 do
Quatrefages Unite p79 Goose laying at new
6. Colin 1/426 animals accustomed to new
food; Gard. Chronicle 1841. 291 Cherries
vegetating earlier under Heat
SA14 (pp. 1232-1233) 09Î ^>
All these tables with under nearly same
climate, the similar proportion of great
Families impress my mind, very strongly how
the existence of every species, depends on
fixed laws & relation of organisms.-
Especially the latter respect, when we see
how considerably different the countries are
- It shows too by what laws the creation of
new species will be governed.-
The proportion of the great Families in the Atlantic islds, impress strongly my mind as an argument in favour of continuity. Only coral isld (most of which probably at one time have been immersed) shows that different groups only are allowed to live. & seeds from adjoining country wd be in proportion to that country.-SA15 (pp.1238-1239) 091 ♦ (table concerning Compositae and Leguminosae) As Legum are generally good sized seeds * I have made out this table of all the islands in foregoing list & it certainly seems very
doubtful how far size has anything to do with transport - But then floating; & crops of Birds come into play -Upon the whole nothing can be inferred from this list
608 wtltw (a) it might as well be argued that plants do not change under domestication because not perfectly adapted to man's use. De grants complete adaptation is proved not to hold good arguable, & yet argues because there is room left for new species, no change can be effected. On contrary, it might be argued if every country had its species perfectly adapted, then there wd be no cause, or means by selection to change species.- Ill- good l-3m/3u<& "Causes I actuelles", 4-7m/6u "L'adaptation complète", 8-10u "et\ébranlées"Hlw (a) 609 2u "passagères\ adventives", 30m/30-39w [The many plants which can live & the few which can propagate, shows that seedlings or life of seedlings the most crucial part of existence] CD. 610 34r-36m 611 l-3m, 12-17m 613 38-49m (Boussingault) 614 6-10m, 25-30m 615 2-3w Spiders webs Fall of pollen CD. 15-17m/ 16u "101lieues" 616 31-33m, 35-36m 617 10-12m/?, 27u "courant\Canaries", 31u "l'est\etc" 618 12-15m, 36m 619 wt In MacGillvray even Carrion Crow attacked a flying wounded Grouse 3-5m/4w (a) ll-12m, 21-24m, 32-36m 620 28-35m 623 10-12m, 28-30m/30u "transport llégère" 624 20-25m, 34-37m 625 l-3m/2u "magasin] graines" 628 30-36w Peaches Oranges La Plata Guava in Tahiti 629 l-2m/lu++, 15-21m, 23-26w shows difference of conditions 27-36m 630 25-28?, 24-31m/27u "Ce I rarement" 631 1-Am, 7-llm, 18-24m/24w& JoyO 632 17-18m\w of irregular distribution 18-22w* I do not see that owing to non-transported 24-29w very curious details in following pages 633 27-30m 634 14-16m/15u "enclavés dans"/16u "vent\ le", 21-25m/<^, 31-35m/31u "hypothèse"/33u "autrefois I facile "/35u "accidentelle I disparition "/ 31-39w Only one fact for this hypothesis 37-39m, 40u "à I certaines"\wb What an hypothesis 635 wt If herons eat fish with seed, such means wd have been more energetic formerly, when country wild- 2-5u±/19-22m/-*l2-7w less time equally good theory 9-10m 636 9-10m 645 wt p. 703 He excludes plants growing only in cultivated ground, very correct. 3-10mlw Big type certainly not. 687 l-3m 698 9u "satisfaisant] probabilité", llu "quatre-vingt-trois "/w 83 22m "avant] siècle", 15u "10 venant "/w 10/83 Amer 26-28m, 31-33m 701 wt (b) England formerly
[page break] 136
connected, hence most plants which could live in England wd have immigrated. If any species had been introduced by Birds within the last century, & was not mentioned by old Books, it wd have been thought to have been overlooked- 30-37m/w (b) (a) So very recent since 1700 xob (a) But is there not some arguing in circle for it is the very probability of being introduced by some one chief argument 702 20-25m, 26-27m, 27-28m/ !, 33-34m/! 703 6u "55", 6u "en 1724", 12-13m, 39-40tn 704 6m, 7-20m, 26u "trois mille"/w Cent? 27-31m/30-35xo How can this be told - look at connections, before any ancient Floras 31m "alpine \ aquatique" 705 7u "manqueI exactes"/6-8xo this shows the means he uses 706 8-9m, 36-38m 707 5-8m, 16-18m/xo shows conditions 19-22m/xo proves too much 24-26m 708 l-3m, 8-13m, 17-21m, 32-35m, 36-40xo even in same country difficult 709 xot (a) if all true, either doubt creations, or new isld do not form; but new isld do not form.- 3-6m/xo by wind or animals llu "devaient I rares "/xo (a) 17w These are only a few of the best cases 711 2m/u "1629" "1623", 5-8w age of early good Floras 9-10m/10u "p.\1627", 37m/u 716 22-27w in 26 years 600 miles of Latitude Ch. 5 718 28-33m 719 12-13m/13u " quatre \ après "/xo Ch. 5 18-19m, 23m, 26-27m, 29-30m* 720 17-22m/19-20u "ne\Montevideo", 27-28m, 32-38m 721 4-5m/3-9xo Falkland Isd Azores? Canary Isld How many (See next Page) 7u "le I ordinaire", 18-22m, 30-35m 722 9-18m, 21-23m/22u "espèces I naturalisées ", 24-28m, 29-32m, 38-39m (Hooker) 726 25m, 30-31m 731 7-llm/w on account of Hybrids.- Ch. 9. 18u "la I résolue", 19-20w<-> 732 17-18m/18u "de 1857", 19-20m/u<^, 42m/u "les I comme", 48u*-> 733 l-4m/lu<->/3-4u<->/l-4w what does Bromfield say on this? 40-42m\41u "c'est\ blanche" 734 7-15m, 16-17u "appuient \vue", 20-24m, 30-32mß3m, 37u "que I Stramonium" 742 6-9m/8u "64 espèces", 17-19m, 30m/u "grand" 743 38-40m 744 l-5m, 6-8m/7u "181 siècle", 19w (1) 20w (2) 18-24w I think this Law wonderful; but not applicable (?) to island- 25w (6) 29-30m, 31-36m/w These introduced species are wide rangers in their own countries. 745 9-llu++, 12-14m/w Q6 746 18-21m 750 14-17m 751 23-31m 754 34-36m/35u "à 184"/37u "172\12" 755 16a; 35:172 18-20m, 35-36m 757 8-10m, 22-25m 758 6u "184", 7-12m, 30-33m 759 17-22m, 34-37m, 39-40mlQ 760 lu "561 nouveaux"\2u "Parmi\sont"/l-3Q 30-34m 7fil l-4m, 23m 762 3-4u "l'ancienImonde", 6-9m/6-7u "aux\ sont", 9u "très I inconnue"'/w This may be
natural 15-16u++/18? 763 26u "les courants", 28-36m/30-33xo currents from Africa to America & reverse 764 20-25xv Current of Pacific from Hooker 38u "de\l'ouest"/39u "dirige\Sandioich"/zvb But as trees come to Carolines 765 7-15m/9w currents 19-21m, 23u*+ 766 5-8m, 15w The Disjointed Species appear in further list, where there is no good evidence of true partition 769 14-16m/13-21xo I see he admits often hooks are powerful agents of dispersion. 773 4-9w Rhizophora on 2 sides of America 774 23-25m, 26u "peu\ genre"/25-28m 796 8-10m/10u "et\ Océan l8-22w opposed to my idea of storms. But so few & agency of man so difficult to eliminate, that the case is not important. 19-21m/21u "est \égard" 123-38x0 All this shows that sea is a very effectual Barrier, when wide. How then islands in open ocean. Wind from isld to isld?- 28u "était I tropicale", 30-31m 797 10-llm/llu, 13-15m/12-17xo makes the case of such plants, peculiar to Isld, the more striking.- 17~22m/-+/xob This often mentioned before & shows truth of rule, that when a plant ranges widely, it can range very widely Ch. 7. Acclimatisation 798 3-4m, ll-15m, 18-21m/xo not on islds 31-32m 799 l-7m, 33-38m/^> 800 30-34mlxo so could live 801 xot/l-15w Could I get list of Naturalised Plants from Lowe for Madeira; for Canaries - Webb & Berthelot; for Azores St. Helena. Sleeman - Watson: it in his publishO lists Bojer has done it for Mauritius- This cd be important as showing means of distribution & as showing inhabitants of islands not well adapted. 802 4-5m, 16~18m/xv already disseminated 803 28m/28-29u++/Q 804 xot I fancy the Compositae agree with my law that Compositae have as class narrow range, & few the species of range widely. No, my law was that when the species range widely the class ranges widely. But plants will not serve. Except so far how species range narrowly & I fancy genera range narrowly. 3-6m/5xo (a) 27-32m/xo time, time (a) he argues for 2 or 300 years last 100 only known at all well.- xob The Azores has 100?? European plants, if 1 transported in 1000 years then 1000 wd get in a hundred thousand years.- Who will pretend to think * real species has existed, so short a time? 805 23-28m/20-25xo Bears most importantly on origin of cultivated species 29-30u*-> 806 9-10u<+, 17-25m, 24-25u "le\encore", 40m/u "Il\espèce" 807 21-27m, 29-33m 809 18-21m, 24-28m 810 ||^/wt N.B. Most domestic animals & Plants can withstand most diversified climate, & therefore (like
[page break] 137 138
accidentally transported plants) they have probably wide range & therefore are very unlikely to have become extinct or be unknown. l-5w Mosses only. Animals accidentally transported by man. 4-7m/l-5w Generally conspicuous * & certainly useful, xxx 6-llw* Shows that are becoming extinct belong to small broken genera.- This not 15w (Good to compare all this with Bentham's article) 20-24m, wb xxx Might say probably not local species 811 -> (from p. 810)/wt I suspect it will appear for Decandolle that the originals have not wide ranges; but I suspect Decandolle in the following discussion.- To make this argument perfect, they ought to run wild. Nor fowls & Fancy Pigeons do not run wild. 815 19-27m 826 9-13m, 15-17m, 23-25m 827 4-7m, 8m, 20u " combien \ par" J20-24m/w not selected except size & colour of root 32-33m/33u "pendantIaltérées" 831 38-A0m 832 lm, 4r~6m, 11-Um 835 5-8m 836 13-15m, 18-19m 838 2-5m 840 1-7m, 15-19m\19u "estimés généralement", 20-21m/21u "origines\Choux", 26-27m 842 12-16m/w yet all cross - must be created in Hybrid Chapter. 22-24m, 26-31m/27-28u "de\oleracea"/26-35w Here comes in argument * as in dogs, that reputed parents are closer than variations 32-36m/36u "Systema"/? 843 27-34m 844 3-11m 848 20-25m, 27-31w See in Gartner about fertility. Nothing - 34-38w Not known wild positively - wb Hence not likely that the numerous varieties shd have each wild prototype 849 9-12m, 16-17w Not known positively wild 850 7-19w The fertility of the N. chinensis being American bears on the vars. in China (not known wild there) 854 wtj l-18w I shd remember that * edible vegetables may be killed out by being eat up.- in times of famine at least annuals, but then seeds in ground, as Decandolle remarks. But annuals do not appear in winter time during famines - 857 13-15m/ 23w<-> 863 34m/w Citron 35-39m/36u "d'espèce\celle", 40-A2m 864 21m/u++, 29-30m 865 5-6m/u/w (2) 12-14m/13-14u++, 28-32m/ 28w (3) 866 33-38m, 41-44m 867 19-21m/19w bitter orange 868 8-13m 869 22-23m/22w Sweet orange 30-36m, 37-38m/w -shows how he believes in hereditariness 39-40m 870 6w 4 10m, 15-21m, 22-24w Sp. ? 6 24-25m, 26-27m 871 4-6m, ll-12m, 28-29m/29u "Bergamotte", 30-34m, 35-37m 872 18w & Crimea 21-22m, 23-24m, 25-27m, 32-34m, 40-A2m 873 wt/l-3w I daresay wild • Secy -Boucher de Perthes in same Library. Hort. Soc. Agricult Soc, Antiq. Soc. 4-6m/5u
"Reynier"/4-6w Worth reading for Cattle &c 875 16-19m/17u "multitude\ces" 876 12~18m, 29-33m, 34-36m/w Flora Jamaicae? 37-38m\ 36-40w good case for no doubt an eastern Plant 877 2-3m, 3-4w Poor 3-5m, 6-7m, 10-15m, 23-24m, 26-27m/26u "plusieurs espèces" 878 20-21m, 27-30m, 34m 879 37-40m\38-39u "faveur \ sûr "/39-40w/wb Hence probably derived from single species 880 10-12m 881 4-9m, 30u "Malum\ils"/29-31m 882 6-7x^/ u** "hort\121", ll-14m, 15-18m/16u "Théo-phraste\ avant" 883 35-37m^/x*& 884 3-8m/x*» 885 3-7m/x^, 13-15m, 22u "en 1857"/ 22-25m, 27m/x^ 886 U-12m/12u "S'il\ espèces" ll-31w/wt There is strong difference in Laburnum & Orange? & apple cases the tree goes on producing separate fruit & blended fruit. But this case (together with several stones of seed) makes Peach & Nectarine different far more analogy with Sports. In LaburnumO case it is not pure yellow which produces pure purple; it is a mixed tree- 19-22m, 30-35m/w Peaches & Nectarines 35-46m\w\wb I shall have to read all Gartner on this subject ÏÏ9-2m, ÏÏ6w^ "Journ 7tt5u^ "V"/ÏÏ2u^ "18511299 "/tÎ3-lm*& 887 ll-14m/x*&, 17-21m, 35-A0m 888 23-25m, 26-32m 889 24-27m, 33-35m, wb Great cause of doubt in fruit trees is escaped seedlings 891 l-2m 897 16-20m 902 27-31m 910 ÏÏ12-9m/ïïl9-6w (In Loudon good account.) confined range. Probably single origin, good to point out amount of variation. ÏÏ23-22m/ÏÏ9-7m^ 911 l-4m, 14-15m/ll-14w This good as well as gooseberry ÏÏ24u "1557", tÏ22u "2597" 918 20-21m, 35-37m 919 25-26m 920 4-6m/4-8w Forster must be read again 921 32-34m 922 2-7m 923 7-9m, 15-16m, 37-40w Mem Schomburgk in Guyana 925 24-30m 926 4-9m 928 4-7m (Lindley), 12-13m, 16-18m/17-18u<+, 21-26m, 26-31m, 35-37m/w Read 929 2-3m, 5-6m, 8-12m/9u "1501froment", 15-24m/17x*&/15w old vars 28-33m/28-29m/26-32w Does not stigma & anthers with pollen protrude what for if not for external fecundation in fine weather. 30-31x*&, 35-37m, 39-A0m 930 l-10m/4-5x^/tw ? see the accounts of Australian savages how they try everything - Look at Carrot, Parsnip. Gooseberry - I am sure I have read somewhere of savages getting grass seeds.- Zizania aquatic (?) in N. America How large. 10-16m/10-llx*&, 17-21m/w yet do not run wild- 25-26m/x*&/26-27u "non\ changé"/27-29m 931 4u«& "2822"/x^ 932 10-18w Only 1 of the 4 species found on any good evidence wild.- So that at least the 200 or 300 sub-vars cannot have wild
[page break] 140
aboriginals 16-21m, 22-25m/20-26w I doubt whether language can be trusted? so far as he does. 25-31m/w It is clear that one arrives at maximum 1Ï3-2m 933 4-6m, 7-8m, 15-16u <->, 32m, 39~40m/39u "Bull.\66"/x^/w I have read this 934 16-24m, 38-40m 935 5-6m, 12u "hexastichon"/13u "distichon"/14u "vulgare", ll-13x/w*& 3 sp. 23-24x^/24-26m, 28-30m, 33-34m, wb The more I reflect the more I come to conclusion that antiquity of man one of the most important elements in history of variaton.- 936 xot+, 17-18x^/18u "VHordeum distichon"/18-20m/w 1 or 2/4 f. apparently wild.- 21-24m, 31-34m, wb Lindley or Loudon makes probably only one species of Rye 937 19u "Econ. Eg." 938 ÏÏ20-3m, ÏÏ2-lm 939 6-7m, 15-16m, 34-38m 940 12-17m, 30-31x^/m, ÏÏ2-2m 941 15-17m, 35-37m 942 18-21m, 22-23u ++, 28u +•>, 31-32x^, ÏÏ3-lm/ w see about European vars. 948 1Î9-6m 950 5-7m, tÎ7x^/1Î6u "avait \ considérable"/ÏÏ5u "aujourd'hui I nouveau", ÏÏ5-4m, 1Ï4-2m, tl5-lw Did I not find it in elevated deposit? 951 20m, 13x/15x^/ll-18m, 19m, ÏÏ15-14m, ÏÏ12m, ÏÏ22-8m, ÏÏ4-2m 952 25-29m 956 20-22m 957 36-37m 960 19-22m/20u "localité] auteur" 961 25-27m 962 1-Am, 18-21m 966 20-25m 969 20-21m/21-22u "grande I Rouge" 980 4-6m, 18-20m 981 table.m/w (notes Bentham's opinions as to wildness, affinities and principal locations of species listed; so also pp. 982, 983) 982 wt Plants not mentioned by Decandolle Celery - (Medlar known wild) Cynara cardunculus (Pistachio nut origin unknown) Anel or Fennel Asparagus Atriplex Isalis linl & Ricinus Castor-oil Plants (origin doubtful) 983 l-3m, 4-7m (in text below table) 984 21-23m, 25-28m, 29-34m/30u "157", 34-35u "21185"/ 35-40w omit in my calculation, though several authors, I think, wd not put in the 85 985 2u "321aient", 9-10m, ll-14m/12u++/ll-18w comparatively modern. .*. this which at first appears a very important original is not so important.- 14-15u*& dans \ connus "/m^, 20-27m, ^3-lx^/U-Au *+/??ftl2-lm/till-8w against creation for man? 986a 5m/?, 9m/?, 14m/?, 18m/? 986b 5m/?, 12m, 13m, 19m, 20m 987 lAm/wt/l-6w Celery not cultivated in Tierra del Fuego Potatoes not south of Chile, because not being civilised for culture No S. America, but Incas far enough & long civilised. 988 l-2w But I think ground cultivated in La Plata when discovered 4-lOw How many of these cultivated along Cordillera - Look to this. 9w Tomato ÎÎ4-2m 989 lm/w This all used 3-4m, 6-8m, 10-Um/ w exactly the same as in Pigeons 15u "XVIe", 16m/16u "choux\courges", 19-22u±/
21m/15-21m/w but no evidence that have not reappeared 23-27m, 27-29m, 29-37m 990 5-9m/7x/wt x He seems to have overlooked the indirect effects 2-2m, 3-4??, 15-21m/w But this all implies such perfect communication 28-34m/28-29u "ou I communication "/ 27-37w Here he admits faulty communication. This argument equally applicable to var. arriving in one country 32m "si\autre"/ 32a "spontanément" in same country IÎ5-2m 991 6-8m/?, 16-17u "Quand] agriculture"/14-24w ! How can he pretend he knows origins of agriculture.- (Celts are thought to be agricult.lists) ÏÏ7-2m/a> How can he tell no change.- No * selection 992 2m, 3-7m/4w quote 8-16w So when one attends to any species, instantly one begins to get new varieties- 14-15m/u "seulement]origines" 993 28-20« "examiné] transport"/!, 24-25m 994 20u "occupé"/19-20m/w forgets wild 23-26w In Keeling Isld some larger fruited trees 995 7u "en Sardaigne"/5-7w So Decandolle thinks these species distinct 22m, 23-24m, 26-27m, 32-33m/32u "Quercus Suber",33u "il\Madère"
1-Am, 10-llm, 19-20m/17-22w Pigeons might transport Beech most or Oaks ïï6-2m
14u "Bourbon]Maurice"/13-15w ? How if not Fact? 13-15m/13-25w I think there must have been some great subsidence here.- I might ask Maury about soundings between Mauritius & Bourbon. 26-27w wingless Birds
4u "Bourbon, Maurice", 22-25w He does not bring in depths.- 999 wt I think soon after Glacial epoch, country with more lakes, like Finland?? 16u "en Abyssinie"/17m, 21-23m, 28-30m/29u "flottent]germination", 33-36m/36u "aux I Shetland" 1000 8-9m/9u "à l'île", 14-15m, 18-19m, 14-25m 1001 3u "en Lithuanie", 6-7u "nord]Italie", 17u "la]du", 24-28m/24w Extinction 32w Extinction 34m "dans I méridionale", 39u "en Algérie" 1002 2m "au I Espérance", 2u "dans \ Amérique", 34-35m 1003 wt Sea breaks with F.W. lagoons often bordering coasts.- l-2m/w Extinction? 7w Extinction (?) 29-22m, 29-32m, 37-38m 1004 10-13m/w wd surely stick on birds 22-25m, 32u "mûrit]de"/31-34m/w Birds pick up ÏÏ2-2m 1005 25-27m, 20-21m, 23-25m, 29-33w must conclude belong to causes geological or anterior ÏÏ8-2m 1006 l-4m/2-3u "l'autre] montagnes", lOu "d'immenses"/lim, 23-24m, 27 u "première hypothèse", 28-29m/28u "chaque] espèce" 1007 5-8m, 8-llw D.C. speaks of 300 leagues = 15° Lat. 22-23«;» nearly 20° between Lapland & Switzerland. 17-18m/w Hence 108+18/685 not altered since glacial epoch 23m "purement"/22-24m/w I do not understand whether these 124
[page break] 141
exclude the Swiss 26u "arctico-alpines"/26-27m 1008 wt (It being only genera & not species in common on Borneo & Australia, is a difficulty.-) wt Not one of these is Atlantic isld. Wu "au Caucase", 17u "Carinthie"/zu where 22m "variété d'Amérique"/w Extinction ÏÏ2w "monts I centraux" 1009 13-15m/13-19w this shows I think,-former land transport & not by icebergs 32u "Corse" 1010 24u "Sierra-Nevada" 1012 2-4m/3u "arctico-alpines", 15-16m/15u "3\lieues", 22-23u++/19-26w This seems to me to presume that we know the causes of struggle far better than we do.-26-29w* Elsewhere far less of these 30-36w mountains & therefore probably other species take their place Mm 1013 l-2m/wt of course for implies first wide extension. 5-9m, 14-16m, 28-29m/29u "les\Abyssinie"/30w There are mountains in Ab of 10,000 ft wb Are there many genera in common between Abyssinia & Europe not fd in intermediate country? 1014 14u "Sinai", ÏÏ3-2m 1015 l-2m, 7-8m, 16-17m, 24-28m, 29-33m, 34-36m/w my facts go only to genera.- 1016 l-7m, 18u "aux I pieds "/l 9u "dans I montagnes "/20-25w This must have been imported during glacial period (a) 28u "Abyssinie I pieds ", 31-32m, 37m/w extinction 38-40m/w since glacial ITlm/w "aux \ hauteurs "/w (There are also alpine insects wb (a) This good argument against connection by land or if land connection a very long one for cold & warm plants, so plenty of time for immigration of everything whichO cd immigrate us land quadrupeds.- 1017 l-4w Mem: if seeds transported by icebergs * it wd be irregular.- 5u "Sommités"/5-6m/w extinction since glacial 8-9m/w extinction llu "montagnes"/10-llm/w extinction since glacial (?) 16-17w Extinction since glacial. 24m, 30-36w one of the species which has transmitted down Andes crossing by Behring Straits 1\6-5w extinction since glacial 1018 4-7m, 9-10u "L'identité\ quoique"/?!, 14-16m/w extinction since glacial 24-29m, ÏÏ4-2m/ÏÏ2u "déposé\impalpables" 1019 13-17m 1020 wt The fewness of these cases show how usually habitat continuous 3-10w Spain & Greece & Palestine. Extinction 15-19m/w alpine in Spain & Taurus 22-23w Extinction 26-27w extinction 32-33w extinction 36w extinction 39m/w extinction 41m/w extinction 44u/45m/w partly alpine wb Those with x seem most likely to have been separated by extinction, but they do not seem very good cases or worth calculating for extinction.- (x against Minuartia dichotoma, Viscum cruciatum, Solanum persicum) 1021 wt All
these 16 cases are Spain of Western portion of Mediterranean 2w some extinction? 6x, 8-9u "sur 16500", 12x/w do 15m/x, 21u "habitantIsablonneux", 27m/w true 29-30u<^>/ 28-37w Depth not excessive Now the islds in Mediterranean are not simply volcanic isd \_ think, but fragments of other rocks. See Map of Europe 39uh/39-41w species of Atlantic isld. 38a "p." none mentioned./ mentioned at p. 1016 1022 2-8m/w After giving Spain & W. Mediterranean Give Spain & Ireland.- 7u "car I montagnes "/3-8w During glacial period by Rennells current.- hence might have travelled by land during glacial period. 10-12m/w Great Genus 10-llw See S. America 13-14m, 20-22m/16-22w has only 3 species Decandolle makes a Family: Lindley a subfamily.- with 5 genera 25m/23w Great Genus 27u "à\famille", 30u "des\Népaul", 28-29w Extinction 1\10-lw/wb Genus of 3 species Saurureae Rich., Alismaceae Rich, (so I suppose very peculiar) genera. Lindley gives only 4 genera to Saururaceae. It really might be worth while to work out the Spanish cases. No not worth.- ÏÏ4u "Etats lou'/w this refers to these 2 last cases entirely dying groups. 1023 l-4m, 5-7m/w He always leaves out struggle with other species.- 9-12w a great genus: Lindley 9 genera in Eriocaulaceae 22u/21-24w Decandolle puts genus in the Family 28-30m 1024 wt F. Water habitats not being well stocked less likely to become extinct.- 2-2m, 3-4m, 7u "la\Eriocaulon"/7-9m, 10-13m, 19u "mais\ quantité"\14-20wLarge genus not small sub-fam in Lindley.- (now thought peculiar species?) tt22-29m 1025 4-5u<^, 12-13u "dirai\impossible", 28u "sigue\les" 1026 24?, 28? 1027 1?, 40-42m 1028 10-llm/lOu "Lieux humides", 19?, 26u "Lieux humides"/?, 32? 1029 wt/Xw If these are transported accidentally what hundreds of thousands of genera requisite- May one speculate on excessive antiquity of F.W. Plants-Continents were all once united theoretically.- It seems most improbable that the great laws of Creation shd be different for simple elements of aquatic Plants.- Is there any geological evidence of Water Plants being older? There is something in relation to land & F.W. Mollusca, I think; Morris would know. ?The genera of F. W. Molluscs are most ancient 3u "Il\humides", 5-6u "lesIhumides", lOu "Lieux humides", 31u "terrains humides ", 35u "les I humides " 1030 3u "montagnes I Indes ", 4u "montagnes I intertropicales ", 12-13u "même 120° "/14-15u "où\Antilles"/ll-14w Ischia Volcano 1032
[page break] 143
23« "humides", 18u "graines", 21u "humides", 34u "humides", 37u<^>, 39u "prés humides"
1033 4u "Lieux humides", 10-15w I see one
Dicliptera in Keeling Flora 22-25m, ÏÏ3-2m
17-18m/-*/19-21m/w why if creation.
6u "endroits marécageux", 8-lOm, 12-17m/w small genus Lindley small Sub-Fam. & put it with (?) in another small Fam. 26-30m, 33-41m 1036 l-3m, 4-6m/w Double creation, subsidence in Pacific 10-12m/9-19w either on coming or on going off of glacial period: species might have travelled by Arabia &c Canaries Isld 180 miles from Africa- 20u "à\Mariannes"/21-24m/23-24u^/ xx/zv Primulaceae; moderate Family 34m, 36u "sont\Mascareinhes", 39~40m, wb good to compare list of Mauritius & Bourbon to see difference like difference in Galapagos &c 1037 9-llm, 15-17m, 22m*, 27-28w Supplemental list 30-32w These seem all less certain- 1038 17u <-> 1039 ll-12m, 23-25m 1047 l-2m, 4u "ilI monocotylédons", 5-6m, 9-10m, ll-14m, 15-181...], 19-201..], 201...], 21-22m, 21u "êtrelhygrophiles", 25m, 27m, 28-35m, 39u "des\existes", 40-41m 1048 20-25m, 35-37m, 38-40m 1049 22-22« "Pour\ Maloiunes"/w Var. of islds 35-48m\48u "sept, parte" 1050 3-8m, 9-12m/12u "IUlithosperm", 22-28m, 30-31m, 33w Arabia 34-35m, 39u "Lieux humides", 48u "sericea\peine" 1051 2-2m/2u "Les\maritimes", 2u "Lieux humides", 6-7m, 19-20m, 31-35m 1052 2-6m, 33-40m 1054 8-23w There is something very odd in Family resemblance with Cape: quite beyond speculation.- (u henceforth place-names) 8u, llu, 12u, 14-15m, 16u, 22u, 23u, 24-25m, 27u/28u/26-29m/w cirripede in this predicament 30-31u, 31u, 33u/33-36m/34u, 38-40m, 43u, 45u, wb How little is known: power of floating & duration of vitality in saltwater 1055 lm/u, 14u, 15u, 16u, 29-30m, 42-44m 1056 2-3m, 4-12m/10-16w The separation of areas depends entirely on anterior causes? ie no means of present for transport. 1057 12-16m, 25-27m, 31-34m, 35-37m 1058 7-18m, 23-26m, 28-31m/32-34w Does not mention small number on islands. 1ÎS-5m, Îî4-2m/w If we cd believe in antiquity greater, this wd be explained- 1059 3-7m\ 5w (a), wt (a) If I remember right, Compositae wider range in Europe & Siberia than at Cape - if so formed into distinct species in latter.- 1060 3-7m/w Gerligg wd give opposite presumption 20-35m/w oh! oh! Look to shells analogous formations. East & West N. & S. America.- India- not exactly contemporaneous 1062 1Î26m, wb He looks at extinction as due all to Deluges &c!N 1063
29-31m, 32-39m 1064 l-14m, 14-20m, 23-24m, 38m/w (FD), 40-Alm 1066 39-41m (linger) 1067 wt Lyell refers to Murchisons Paper on Alps 4u "pliocenes d'Oeningen"/w Oeningen. 9-14m, 15-19m/!H, 27m, 31-34m 1069 4-7m/5w+/u "mais insuffisante", 15u "la\ manque" 116-17 m, 26-27u "prennent\ importance"\28-29m1070 21-24m, 25-28m, 29-32m 1071 7-17m/10w See next Page 18-21m, 25-29m, 30-35m, 40u "ville, village" 1072 24u "nousIépoque", 24u "'avecIdonnées"J24-32w Not one of these characters agrees with primrose & Cowslip 26-40m\w Jhe definition; but practically, & as far as my subject is concerned descent & creation come into play. 33u "positivementcommune''/wb Here creation comes into play No 1074 14-17m 1075 22u "zoologistes", 18m/u <->, 23-25m, 32-33m 1076 9-10m/10u "la\commune", 19-22m, 28-31m, 28-31!/29-34m, 34-35m/35u "pollen\ bouton"/?, 37m/u "quod\creatae" 1077 3u "hybrides"/w oh 4-6u "et\qu'on"/5-9m/6-9m/ 8-9u<-+, ll-12u^/w So he wd not argue from quadrupeds 19u "la I succession ", 34-35u "Ainsi \ seulement "/35-36m/w even in Hybrids 1078 wt there is no separation between domesticated & wild variation 6-8m, lOu "variations I races ", 15-18m/15u "On I même"/ 16u "années"/14-31w variations are fleeting changes in Individual: Probably answering to * (shell in brackish water) size in animal and wool - or blackness in Bird fed by Hemp seed 29-30m, 33-34m, 37m 1079 2-2m, 6-9m, 12-13m, 18-20mjw not hereditary 22m "perdentItoujours", \\3m,^i\4-2w Horse-Chesnut origin known. 1080 19u "à I multiples", 18-20m, 26-27u "variations\variétés"/26-29m/w ie can be propagated by grafts. 30-38m 1081 wt If this cd be trusted, it wd be very important.- l-6m/l-4w Chance seedling surely must have been raised?? 5u "jamais I semis ", 14-23m, 31-33m 1082 7-13m, 25-26m, 30u "asperges"/w asparagus 34-37m/ w Race = sub-species 1083 Im/x, 2-4Q 8-14m/9-10Q 16-21m/17u "pourpre"/x/20-210 21-24m, 24-29m/26w any crossing? 34-36m
1084 20-23m/w very good & new 38-A0m
1085 8u "curieuse I rarement", 17-20m/20w
only requires selection. 21-23m, 25u "est\
dans", 30-32 «<->, 32-33u "imparfaits\borné",
34-35m 1086 7-13m/7-20w For my view I do
not want races, only more variability: these
introduced plants are excellently adapted, for
they hold their ground in a well stocked
country. 19-24m/19u "conditions \ tendent", 24u
"depuis I siècles "/22-25w because adjoining
continent stocked 27u "cette chimère"/28-
30u<->/25-30m/w Azores plants. Himalaya
[page break] 146
Rhododendron Ceylon Plants. ÏÏ7-4m, wb The Kidney Bean objection goes for nothing; those who bring it, seem to think that climate acts on all: it is selection & we know not that colder climate has anything to do with production of hardiest varieties, yet I believe climate does gradually harden plants 1087 3-6m, 23-30m, ÎÎ2w "influence du climat "/wb (always this) He has not the Key- 1088 5-6m, 7-12m, 33-35m 1089 16-20m/15-16w Bears on old glacial period 25-31m/25-35w I suppose he means they wd not have been created not to extend for they cd not have extended, owing to their isolation.- 1090 lml ?, 8-9m, 25-30m, 36-37m, 38-39m 1091 6-8m, llu "c1est I cultivé" 1092 12-17m, 20-23m\w Shows not shadow of evidence in shells !! 1093 10-16w not isolation in case of trees; many species in same island.- 18-22m, 25-32m/26-27u "distinctes \ autre", 38-40m 1094 7-8m, 10-13m, 14r-24m, 34-37m, 39-40m 1095 10-13m, 16-19m, 29-32m, 33-35m, 37-40m/w same argument as Cuvier about Dogs 1\5m/ wb but many think these are only varieties 1096 wt (a) It must be most rare, when species gets isolated & sports suddenly: I shd think favourable but diverse conditions (referring chiefly to other co-organisms) but numbers in the sport not great.- 5-6m, 8-10m, ll-18m/w In fact he here follows man's method of selection too servilely.- 14-18m/!, 19-22m/w islands 20-25w (a) Isolation chiefly requisite to get new conditions. 23-30m, 32-34m/32-33u++ 1097 l-3m/w This necessary for if contrary was rule, they cd not have descended.- 4-6m, 6-10w (a) (Antelopes same case at Cape) 9-14m/12-13u "cause I naturelle"flOw Selection 17-24m/14-21w This exactly the reverse argument of old Decandolle about Araucaria ÏÏ24w Yet in Compositae we have case of Centaurea in H» Hieracium & ÏÏ21-lw Get Watson to give some particulars about Hieracium: see in marked list, how many doubtful vars. ÏÏ8-lm/ ÏÏ22-3zo What is Henslow composite plant which has a palustr species or * Kierecium. (he means Hieracium), wb (a) Elevation slow * subsidence, every continent has been many times divided into islands. 1098 7-8m/8u "isolement" 17-llw ie avoiding crosses.- yet he says many are impregnated in bud.- 9-12m/!! 1099 24-26m, 32-38m/35-38w always overlooks selection.- 1100 2-6m, 7-8m, 16-18m, 31-33m, 39-40m 1101 10-14m, 22-31m\ 27-28w Well stocked countries 34w (time) 36-38m, 39m 1102 6-17 m, 20-30w I do not see any good in discussing this hypothesis.- There is so little analogy in a
plant taken suddenly 29-30mlw false ÎÏ20-2m/!? 1103 22-23m, 29-39m 1104 24-31m, 32-37m 1105 6-8m 1110 36~40m 1111 wt (a) Those geologists, chiefly continental, who believe that species all destroyed by catastrophe, upset the whole theory.- 5w (a) 30-33m/w just like shells, with increasing knowledge all upset. 34-37m 1112 2-5w Mem. India & Africa 35-37m 1113 2m/3-5m/ l-9w Mem. how little is known about Chalk. Hooker is much opposed.- It is like arguing about Mammifers- 1114 3-8m, 21-26m 1116 l-5m, 17-22m, 24-27m 1117 18-20m, 29-32m/ 33-35m/28-40w All this agrees with my theory, but I confess I do not see much weight to argument concerning facts of introduction accidental. 1119 l-4m 1121 22-25m/25u++ 1124 l-5m/?/wt This shows how little he appreciates real antiquity of world.-27-31m 1125 9-22m, 18-21m 1126 27-28m 1127 24-22m, 27-30m 1128 2-6m, 16-22m 1129 l-2m/2u "complète", Um, 18m 1130 wt Glacial Th. 3-4m/w Ask 9-23m 1131 3-4m/3u "individus Ifaits"/2-8w ie you may have many species & few individuals; or reverse.- 22-23m, 15-20m, 22-23m 1132 8-10m, 13-15m, 16-18m, 21-23m, 22-24m, 26m, 29-30m, 31-32m/31u "Les Idispersés", 32u "plus rares", 39-40m 1133 wt Are these aberrant genera? 2-2m, 4-6m/6u "et\ Brésil"14-7w small genus with wide range, & species itself wide ranger. 9w cold period 14-16m, 21-23m/22-23m^, 24-25m, 30-32m/26-40w/wb opposed to my doctrine but how little we know of agglomeration of individuals - The number of species will always depend on anterior causes, of individuals or actually existing causes.- t4-lm\wb Yet as far as H.C. Watson's Cybele goes, it wd appear so.-1134 3-7m, 8-12m, 18-22m/w on the number of genera in a region.- 27-29m 1135 l-8m 1136 table.w but here comes in old cause of doubts that regions, not divided according to apparent obstacles of transport. 7-8m* 1138 l-5m, 7-llm/12-16m/7-18w a good proof that with wide diffusion differences supervene -all showing slow transport.- 1\15-9m, 1Î4-3u "la\ reguliere" 1139 l-3m/w General conclusion 21-23m, 24~27m/24-39w see next Page So that perhaps (he admits) it is only in the less large genera (ie growing genera) that extension of * one of species affects course of genus 1140 3-6m, 10-llm, 17-26m, 28u IUI 18-19m, 22-30m 1142 ÏÏ23-22m/->/ l-14w area of genus thrice size of species .X * X Perhaps really six times as great as species 1143 4~6m/w How little he understands extinction. 26m "isolement", 17-
[page break] 148
29m, 33-35m/34u "un \près" 1144 2/'-29m 1145 24-27m 1146 6-10m, ll-15m 1147 31-32m 1149 24-30m/25u^/28u "n'est\océan", 38-A0m 1150 23-24m, 25-26m 1151 8-10m/w This like species of a genus 19-21m, 27-31m, 35u "qui\Fissenia"/36u "doit I rapporté"/ 34-35w seems abnormal genus 1152 wt In Steudel Bontia put in many Families 3u "à l'extrémité"/w small Fam. 6u "Bontia"/5-8w Is Bontia abnormal in the Myoporaceae 7u "Sélaginées"/7w small Family 8u "Gym-nandra"l8w abnormal 23~24m, 28-30m, 31-32m 1153 l-5m, 16-19m 1154 12-15m, 17-18m, 23-27m, 30-33m, 35-40m 1155 27-28m, 33u "soit\100"/35u "2, 5"/36u "7 1/2", 36u "12 l/2"/31-40wlwb There are more species of Graminaceae in Holland, than in France, but far more individuals of Graminaceae. & so fewer Leguminosae even of individuals than of species. 1156 22-25m 1157 26-27m 1158 16-18m, 29-30w Families with confined ranges 36-37m 1159 16-19w I doubt whether cd have been exterminated elsewhere 20w above 300 species 1160 4~6m 1161 7-8m, 22-25m, 26-29m/27u "d'une\régions" 1162 22-27m 1164 14-16m, 24-26w Examples of above 1165 25-28m/25-32w Monocots. much more broken families Lower Families more broken: so Ferns, Equinatae &c. more distinct.- 1166 l-3m 1167 24-28m 1168 22-24m 1169 ÏÏ3-2m 1170 20-23m, 24« "caractéristiques", 22u "l'absence", 25u "Enfin I familles", 27u "de\Fougères" 1172 12-17m/12-21w Bears on numbers in small isld - but yet the diversity of forms bears on adaptation 27-29m/29u "diminue" 1174 ÏÏ8-5m 1177 8-10m 1178 wt for World 83/17 table.m "Grande Bretagne"/.w Penny Encyclop. 83,827 sq miles table.m "Nouvelle-Zélande"/.w 8600 sq miles - Crawfurd 1179 table.w I wish I knew real size (of islands) so as to see as compared with continents real miles of inhabitants, (rest of table has dimensions of islands marked), wt* Make out or ask author whether mere relation to distances from mainland does not influence number of species wbu 1180 19-23m/20-27m/19-35w These are important as showing something common in constitution of the grandest division of Veg. Kingm. 1181 2-4m, 29m 1184 ÏÏ9-6m, tÎ9u "de\Monocotylédones", 1Î8m "beaucoup\régions" 1185 27-29m 1188 26-28m 1189 29m "prédominantes"Iw Definition p1170 1194 2nd table.m "Amentacées" 1195 3rd table.w This very different proportion 1197 3rd table.m "Légumineuses" 1199 1st table.m "Crucifères", 3rd table.m "Composées" "Scrophulariacées" "Renonculacées" 1200 1st
table.m "Graminées" 1202 3rd table.m "Légumineuses" 1203 3rd table.m/w about size of Canary Isd 1204 1st table.m/w/wt Compare Sardinia & Canary Isd too Big 1206 2nd table.m "Rosacées" "Composées" "Amentacées" "Renonculacées"l.w very curious 1207 2nd table.m "Sur 157 Phan" "Rubiacées" "Ver-bénacées"/w very peculiar 1208 first table.m/w These families prevail irregular 1209 3rd table.m "Salsolacées" 1210 3rd table.w Cambridge has 866 sp. m/wb How much more pure wb Same general proportion as elsewhere 1211 1st table.m/w How the orders of the Families agree.- 1212 1st table.m "Rosacées" "Amentacées", 2nd table.m "Légumineuses", 3rd table.w Rosaceae seem to abound in N. America 1214 2nd table.m 1215 2nd table.m "Orchidées "/.w Compositae not here 3rd table.u "57 Fougères et 9 Lycopodiacées"/.w hardly any Compos. 1216 2-2m "Composées"/!, 3rd table.m "Acanthacées" 1217 1st table.m "Orchidées" "Rubiacées"/.w like New Guinea 1218 1st table.m, 2nd table.m "Malvacées" 1219 2nd table.w Malvaceae prevail in W. Indies 1220 1st table.m "Mél-astomacées" "Malvacées", 2nd table.m "Orchidées", 3rd table.m "Euphorbiacées" 1222 3rd table.m 1223 2nd table.m "Scrophulariacées" "Rosacées" "Crucifères" 1225 22m "Mél-astomacées", table.m "Protéacées" "Eparc-ridées", 1\2-lm 1226 table.m, ÏÏ3m "29° lat. S." 1227 1st table.m "Graminées" "Malvacées" "Aspholédées", 2nd table.m "Scrophulariacées "/.w None .m "Myrtacées", ÎÏ3w "Scrophulariacées", ÎÎ2m "Epacridées" 1228 1st table.m/w very peculiar 1229 3rd table.m "Cypéracées" "Géraniacées" 1230 table.m "Graminées" 1231 3rd table.m "Myrtacées" "Solanacées" "Berbéridées" 1232 22-24m, 18u "316"/18-20m, table.m "Composées" "Caryo-phyllées" 1234 l-24w He seems to think great object to get picture of country 1235 23-25m, 21-31w ie the number of Fam., making half the Flora, ie about 7 or 8 this number depends on richness of species in Flora ÏÎ2-2m "nombre Wert"/w so he considers these islands have few species 1236 15-18m/12-24w This wd have been more useful to me if a]l Families had been counted. I do not see how it bears on me- 1237 ll-14m/10-16w Hence under unfavourable conditions the great & increasing Families chiefly prevail 22m "Prédominantes"/w Définit p1170 22-25w These must be the growing Families, either over world, or in some regions- but sometimes peculiar regions.- 26-32w Hence the predominating Families do not depend
[page break] 150
solely on the number of their species. 1238 l-2m 1239 wt When one sees Legum. Compos. & Graminae. increasing one can hardly doubt that complexity of vegetation is increasing & getting higher.- 13u "à I Maurice", 17-23m/w Falkland 19/100 Juan Fernand 25/100 Tristan 9/100 25w+, 26-28w Madeira 13/100 Azores 111/2/100 I think these facts overcome the fact that individual species are not widely disseminated, because they are correlated. 1\15u/w & Timor & New Guinea 1240 17-19w Perhaps replace Compositae fÎ20-22m, î\6u "Les\ces" 1241 lw tropical l-2[...], 3u "nos I tempérés", 7u "Mélastomacêes", 13-16m 1242 24r-27m 1243 1st table.m, î\4-lm 1244 l-2m 1245 17-24m 1246 28u "la Nouvelle-Zélande"/?, ÏÏ4-2m 1247 15-24m/17w Cape 1248 2~5m, 13-14m/14u "sont \ représentée", 29-32m 1249 19-21m/w ie, I presume in proportion of Families fl7-6m, ÏÏ5-2m 1251 16-20m, 21-24m, 21-22u "presqueId'espèces", 27-30m 1252 18u "la\ boréal", 19u*, 17-20m*, 34-35u "Comme I arctique"/34-36m/w new forms do not arise under unfavourable conditions. 1253 4-17m/w It is rather small region, like Lakes, as well as unfavourable.- In middle tertiary still smaller area. Perhaps sea round Pole - If there be circumpolar sea, on some theory Probable- 1254 23u<->/23-24m/12-19w These imply the most fundamental & longest separation, excepting so far as difference may depend on conditions 26u "enumeration", 27m, 28w 3 33m*, 35-36m/wb Except that Isld no islands seem to have any characteristic Fam. 1255 l-2w 4 3-6m, 7u "intertropicale", 9-13w 16 Fams highly characteristic add one for Chile 18-19m, 24-23w only 4 ♦ highly characteristic î\10-9w 5 ÏÏ4-3w 5 1256 1-Sm/wt Looking at plants on I or at animals, taking most distinct forms. It is clear I think that S. America excluding S. extremity most distinct - then Australia (2), -Asia (3), - Mediterranean (4), Cape (5) (temperate N. America 6) - But Decandolle does not consider very small Families. 1257 27-29m 1258 wt These right-hand tables apply to number of species in each Family, compared to world: conditions must influence to considerable extent.- table.m, "Renonculacées"'.w Refers to other division where found & in order "Onagrariées".w equal "Cactacées".w *high land 1259 "Uvulariées" .w 13 beginning with 2. ie more preponderant in N. America than in any other region. 1260 table.w 20 beginning with 3 1262 table.w 30 beginning with 4 - many peculiar 1263 table.w seem very distinct from
temperate old world.- 1264 table.w (numbers of species) 1265 wb 34 - 10 with 10 or * more predominant than in other countries 1266 1Î4-2m 1267 lOu "Families I principaux"', llu "15"/14u "3"/ll-14w This looks as if ancient connection by East old world- 15u "families Iprincipaux", 27-29m/w&> Glacial tl4u "6"Im, wb I doubt whether had better be used 1268 wt I believe no revelation in science will be more wonderful, than the ancient history of geography of world, when we can feel sure that individual species & genera are descended from one common point, when we know more of means & facts of distribution of all organisms.- l-15w Behrens St in Eocene Period.- llu "ensuitel avec"/10-13m/w Glacial 18-27m/14-35w Only the wider spreading Families have reached Africa. This looks as if Africa peopled at late times from Asia; & that at very ancient times there had been much communication between Asia & tropical America- 20u "intertropicale12"'/26u "15"H/17w very old till-8m 1269 3u "1", 38-39m, 42m 1270 9-20m, 13-lSm 1271 table-head.w or 75 miles wbtc 1272 table.m "Nouvelle-Zélande" 1273 table.m 1275 2-4m, 6-llm/w ie same species range more widely over Sweden. 1276 3-7m, 9-15m, 19-22m, 24-27m 1277 36-38m 1278 3-5m, 15-18m, 32-34m 1279 9-1 lm, 32-37m 1280 ll-14m, 21-23m 1281 6-8ml6u "les Malouines", 23-25m/21-24w In archipelagoes all islds never in action together $16u*+, ÏÏ25u^, ÏÏ22u^, 1Î20w^, 1Î2u "Hooker's 1242 ", ïïlO-lw I cannot at all admit enough to kill vegetation more than Madeira. Look at Etna, Vesuvius or even Sandwich Islds.- 1282 wt/ Xw It might be argued that there has been fully as much or more creation than could have been anticipated, on theory of some unknown ratio of creation to area (but such theory is complicated by relationship of immigration to creation). Those who do not admit possibility of immigration, but believe in multiple creation, wd be most puzzled.-Then antiquity comes into play it may be said that islds near continent not old enough to have creations- (a) Etna very old But generally if no new species exist in isolated islds looks as if some land - It can't be assumed that each isld very old- Xw Even theory of creation is complicated by the relationship to easy immigration- & by affinity to adjoining lands. l-2m, 3-6m, 9-13m, 14-16m, 21-30m/24-25u "ont\élevées"/ 26-37w volcanic soil very rich, except when too dry. How fertile Mauritius & Society Islds 1283 l-9m, 19-20m, 30m 1284 ll-19m/2-25w
[page break] 151
* During glacial epoch the conditions of low country must have been * more similar, ? from length of days ?? & absence of peculiar united to present alpine climate ? than to present arctic regions.- There must always have been some arctic regions 1285 2-3m/2u "200J000" 1286 19-21m 1287 table-head.w what a pity not real number 3w p1271 table.m/! 1288 table.m/w very curious 1289 wt\ l-26w What I want to show is that when little life can be supported, most can be supported by very different forms; when more life, more forms; but not so different, as less differns in the conditions to be filled up- 10-12m/llw of course 14-16m, 19m, 20-23m/w more fertile the country, more species in * each genus. 25-27m, 28-32m, 33-37m/w In short in + species are created easier than genera 1Ï4u<->/w; with poor countries this doubtful ITlOfl "pauvres" in species not in fertility Ïï10-lw/wb My vars in Keeling good case, showing that species might come in closest approximation? wb It seems whatever causes may be, whether nature of country, or difficulty of immigration, & slowness of creation, when few species, many genera: must be only the different causes, I shd think.- 1290 3-7m, 8-llm, 15-21m, 36-40m/w these causes rather different. 1291 4r-7m, 14-17m/w I do not think subject here approfondi 21-27m, 30-31m 1292 l-2m\ la "proportion" in Falkland 14-18m/l-18w/ivt This looks as if isolation was not so important as many individuals.- a large archipelago Quite a continent - most favourable of all chiefly rising, but att>-. -» Small outgrowing island may be most favourable, & yet make but * few species difficulty of immigration of forms to become modified 29-31m, 33-35m/34u± 1293 wt In quadrupeds, no Batrachians: - Aptéryx & Curious Parrot - Extraordinary Parrot of Pacific Dodo & other birds of Mauritius, -where for from not flying have become insulated. Can insulation be more related to peculiar conditions than to mere crossing.-17-23m/14r-21w One sees not only created so different ie very abnormal from ocean or islands (a) 25-31m 1296 table.m ïï'ïle de Madère et Porto Santo" 1297 3-5m, 6-9m/w but this does not go to cause 16-17m/16u±, 19-20m, 21m, 22-23m*, 23-28m/29-40m/23-40w/wb If we reject accidental introductions, I argue impossible, but look at Keeling Islds.-We shd conclude that in enormous period, certain genera & Families wd increase, & extinguish the various ones introduced & so bring proportion to average wb Think of
effect of reuniting America & S. Africa, or New Holland 1298 19-29m, 24-27m 1299 29-20m/19u "de chaque diluvium" 1301 8-9m, 10-11m 1304 34-37m 1305 5-6m, 32-36m, 38-41m (E. Meyer) 1306 36-39m 1307 l-2m 1308 ■wt Climate was first idea, just as adaptation was first idea to explain structure of bodies -neither position of an organic being depends on adaptation to conditions, nor structure, both show * a ruling however, viz descent. 1Î3-2m 1309 <- (to p. 1308)/wt (a) It is very important to show that the first great divisions of world are not according to climate, but geographical.- 4-5m/w (a) 7-8m, 15-17m, 28-29m, 32-34m 1311 l-3m 1312 26-29m/27u "le\septentrionales" 1313 8-9m\%w The relation being between North & Alps & England, looks perhaps more like land: * only north colonised subsequently. We must remember before it was warmer.- & apparently with more American vegetation.-The uniform extra outer vegetation, wd have been driven South. Baffin Bay then a great separation. & Iceland & Greenland Faroe, must have been peopled subsequently to Alps & old lowland of Europe ll-14m, ÏÏ6~lm
1314 29-37m/?l29-30w transported by ice
1315 34-38m 1316 28-34m, 35-38m 1317 18m
"districts montueux" 1318 3-8m/l-6w Land of
Mediterranean rest on much better ground.-
18-30w !! This is poorest speculation in
whole Book 1319 15-18w But these
Compositae hate damp. 35u "espèces I
anciennes" 1320 5-9ml!!, 10-llm, ^7-lm 1321
17-20m, 22-26m, 26-27u++, 34~37m 1322 25-
30m 1326 6-18m (Lyell), 27-34m\w covered
with ice different from Kerguelen Land 1327
29-33w ?more likely cold, from neighbouring
great continent- 1328 14-20m/16u "AlphA
341"\14w Hills of Java? 26-29m, 1\3m/w What
evidence 1329 l-5m/w yet quadrupeds so
distinct- 13-lSm, ÏÏ2-lm 1330 8-13m, 27u
"aux\Antilles"/24-28m/w agrees with extinct
Mammifers 32-33u <-> 1331 l-5m, 4-9m, 25-
28m, 33-38m 1332 l-5m&\l-5m\4-5"...", 7u
++/w What kind of seeds.- 23u<& "Lobéliacée
ligneuse", 15-16m/12-21w Do not more
complicated plants change more rapidly, like
Mammifers.- ÏÏ9-8m 1333 6-10m, 23-27m/25u
"Avec I imagination", 29-32m, 37-38m 1334 6-
20m 1335 4-6m/l-21w ie that the species
were once common to all the islands: I
cannot believe this: it wd make species too
numerous; & not applicable to variation:-
This is good argument, the existence of
vars.- 1336 l-4m, 5-7m\5-llw why shd the
species supposed to have been identical
have become extinct & not the others? 9u
[page break] 154
"à\ espèces", ll-12u^, 15-18m/16u "inexplicable Ila" 1337 4r-8m, 28-30m/29u "Sainte\ Afrique", 31-32u "laquelle I précédé", 32-A0m 1340 9-llm 1346 3-7m, 17-19m/18-19u "que\ utiles", ÏÏ2-lm 1361 î\3m/w Longifolia on Ischia p. 1030 1362a 6u "982\986", 11m, 12m, 13m, 14m, 15m, 16m, 18-19m/18m/19m
CANDOLLE, Alphonse de Histoire des sciences et des savants, suivie d'autres études sur des sujets scientifiques et particuliers sur la sélection dans l'espèce humaine H. Georg; Genève, Bale, Lyon; 1873 [CUL, I] beh, gd, h, pat, sp, v
SB p7 species generally in groups in the same country
357 - 358 - 361
Selection of Barbarians & uncivilized man * Somewhere in Vol.
7 24-31m/w no separation a disparity 10 29-23m 11 30-31m/31u "volIailleurs" 316 28-33m 321 8-9m 322 1-5?/3u "robes I dames", 21-24m/ w Cuckoo answers this question 357 ll-16m
358 19-23m 359 2-4m/3u "manière régulière"/
3-4w certainly not Su "barbares", 7-8u <-> 361
6-12m 482 wb Return by atavism of tendency
to disease & about vaccination quite new
CANDOLLE, Alphonse de La Photographie Paris; G. Masson; 1880 [CUL, I] mhp, tm, v
NB 38 Notes; 81 Variation; 185 Cotyledon of
Conifer in appearance multiple
197 198 Bloom
38 1-7m 81 23-2 6m, 32m 197 26-27m 198 5-
CANDOLLE, Augustine Pyramus de Mémoires et Souvenirs Genève; Joël Cherbulier; 1862 [Down, I to FD] p
CANDOLLE, Augustine Pyramus de Pro-dromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis 2 vols.; Paris; Treuttel & Würtz; 1824-1825 [Down]
CANDOLLE, Augustine Pyramus de Théorie élémentaire de la botanique Paris; Déterville; 1819 [Down, pre-B, ED]
NF Preserve (CD?) v 27m vi 28m
CANDOLLE, Alphonse de, & CANDOLLE, Casimir de Monographia phanerogamarum 3 vols.; Paris; G. Masson; 1878-1881 [Down, I in vol. 3] p
CANESTRINI, Giovanni Origine dell'uomo 2nd edn; Milano; Gaetano Brigola; 1870 [Down]
CANESTRINI, Giovanni La Teoria dell' evoluzione Torino; Unione Tipografico-Editrice; 1877 [Down] p
CANESTRINI, Giovanni La Teoria di Darwin criticamente esposta Milano; Fratelli Dumo-lard; 1880 [Down] p
CARLIER, Antoine G. Darwinism refuted by researches in psychology London; Jarrold & Sons; 1872 [Down, I]
CARNERI, Bartholomaeus Gefühl, Bewußtsein, Wille Wien; Wilhelm Braumüller; 1876 [Down] p
CARNERI, Bartholomaeus Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus Wien; Wilhelm Braumüller; 1871 [Down]
NB 0/
CARPENTER, William Benjamin Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera London; The Ray Society; 1862 [Down] p
CARPENTER, William Benjamin The microscope and its revelations London; John Churchill & Sons; 1868 [Down]
CARPENTER, William Benjamin Principles of comparative physiology 4th edn; London; John Churchill; 1854 [CUL] ad, af, beh, br, ce, ci, dg, die, em, fg, fo, gd, h, he, hl, ig, mhp, mn, no, oo, pat, phy, rd, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, ts, ud, v, wd, y
NB p. 480 Regrowth of thumb - Doubling of Germ SB109Î
The difference between high & low in Fish, I think, is whether other classes are considered besides Fish. * So many insects, It is very odd how many inhabitants of Fresh Water - Gasteropods -Insects - Spiders - Plants are land-productions metamorphosed & not marine productions. How few have passed on to the Sea. Hence so few Radiata in F Water The Sea has Whales, Seals & Penguins & formerly Lizards, Sea-Snakes, Turtles p. 3; p. 15; p. 16 to 42 to r; p. 257; p. 271; p. 273,7; p. 291; p. 309; p. 313; p. 317; p. 319;
[page break] 156
p.322 to p. 332; p. 359; p 377; p 405; p 413;
p 425; p 433; p 448; p. 458; p. 467; -470;
p.476 to 480; 493; 546; 553; 561; 569; 571;
573; 575 to 585 to 610 to end
SB2 Qp\2 sheets)
(1) 16 on highness & lowness
79 - High Fish. N.B. I think on this subject
there is much difference whether we look to
Fish alone or to other classes ??
92 same number of cervical vertebrae in
Giraffe & Whale - As in Reptiles only 2
sacral vertebrae in Kangaroo
96. top - special from the general in
101 Rudimentary & not developed used as
synonyms, [as well to talk of * the final s in
generitive, which is rudiment of his, as
prophetic of new change, as in Rudimentary
102 Compensation,- Balancement (only
107 Fossils approach nearer to Archetypal
form & to embryos of recent forms p110
Examples p. 112 old forms intermediate or
rather with various characters combined,
which are now separate [an admirable
summary chiefly from Owen on this subject]
p 117 Summary of do
122 Even Carpenter believes plethoric
population breeds less. Q So did Hugh
Miller; must fight against
131 Even the most specialised organs retain
other & more general powers Q
257 On 3 Kinds of Lungs in Fishes NQ
271. same organ, viz. heart, in 2 Classes
developed at very different rate.
272, 277 Branchial vessels in loops in young
chick like those in Fish or tadpole
279 Branching from aorta very variable in
320 Gradation in Respiratory organs NQ
Wings of insects Branchiae: ReuseO of
swimming bladder & originalO fraena into
322 respiratory organs in Arachnidae &
Vertebrates NQ
332 Branchial slits
359 Pagets explanation of Rudiments (false)
[over] Carpenter Comp Anatomy lent to L.K.
405. Atrophy of muscle & bone when nerve
cut of hind leg of Rabbit
413, 425, 433 Glands are f. of utmost
simplicity in lower animals - Mammary,
Biliary & Urinary
448 thinks light of larvae of glowworm for
Birds to feed on them ! Q
458. Q Birds quits eggs when temperature
71° or 72° - not instinct or feeling? 465 Q
The "proper electric current" of frog has
curious analogy with electric discharge of
467 Q Electrical Fishes 470 471 Explanation
477 to 79, 80 I had better allude to
Spallanzanis experiments of regrowth to
show nisus formativus
480 On Double Monsters being a division of
one.- Good discussion on Nisus
493. Abstract of M. Thuret on sexes of Fuci
(Chapt. 3)
553 Medusae generally have sexes separate
561 Synapta hermaphrodite differently from
* all other Echinodermata
569 Hermaphrodite Byrozoa F.W. false
573 Salpidae Dichogamous 574 Lamel-
libranch generally hermaphrodite 575
Davaine Carpenter seems to doubt their
Dichogamy p. 577 Pteropoda require
congress of two 589 Planaria do
577 Eggs of Linnaeus can be dried up &
590 On Ascaris 64 Million Eggs Q
592 Dorsibranchiate Annelids dioicous,
Tubicolae do. being fixed by Water - 595
Myriopoda do.
602 In White Ants, soldiers are Pupae NQ
608 Some Acaridae hermaphrodite water or
610 Fallopian & Placenta foreshadowed in
627 Explanation of 2d young taking after 1st
Chapter on Development might read to see
on law of most developed soonest +
633 Orchis case, another instance
635 Decandolle says the more common &
robust plants vary most
690 Secondarily automatic - mastication
without will
693, 4 Definition of instinct - 696 Relation to
habitual (N.B. origin seems chief difference
between * instinct & Habit
726 Different position of eyes, show I think
all org never cd become sensorial NQ
730 Eye of Cephalopods Q
734 Eye avoids spectral aberration &
chromatic aberration
title page wb 1854 xvii zb 3 5-10m/6u "totally"/7u "evolution" 9 2u "the I of" 10 4-7m 15 19u "functional"/a "and" internal 16-19m/ 18w (a) wb But why shd analogy or functional correspondence be so much more
[page break] 158
than homological or structural correspondence?? 16 24u "Lemna"/15u "Zostera", 17u " degraded"\16-21wI wonder whether really: is there much abortion? 28u "Tree-Fern" I29u "Lemna\ Zostera"/27-31m 17 52« "gradelin" 18 l-3m, 6u "homogeneousness", 15-16m/13-19w I have misunderstood Von Baer 48-50m (Budd) 19 45-48m 20 25-28m 23 4-6m 25 30-35m 29 8-15m 42 14-19m/16u 50 23-27m 58 22-31m 60 29-35m 62 29-37m 63 2-5m 79 26-32m 85 8-12m 87 9-23m 88 49-50m 89 42-44m 90 48-50m 91 37-40m 92 20« "7", 23u "ll\20"J12-16m, 35-40m, 44-46m 93 6-22m, 13-16m, 47-50m 95 7-20m, 45-49m 96 5-9m, 32-38m/34u "regarded I general", 38-40m 97 8-22m, 29-*2m 99 22-25m 101 6-12m/w Electric organs Poison glands 33u "rudimentary", "underdeveloped"/33w not synonymous 41-48m 102 34-36??/36u "principle I compensation ", 38u "occasions "/40u "accompanied"\42-51wThese do seem to me good examples 104 32-39m/34u "teeth" 107 13-17m, 28-31m/30-31u "archetypal generality", 40-41'm ♦ 109 21-25m, 23-26m 110 2-6m, 15-19m 111 2-8m, fig.m, 22-39m, 40-43m 112 3-8m/6u "not \ lowest", 15-18w ask Huxley 40-44m (Forbes) 113 22-22m 114 5-22m, 23-28m/! 115 2-4m, 27-32m, 34-37m 116 2-4m, 5« "but\type" 117 29-42m, 29-32m/31u "osculant]forms" 122 22-27m/?/Q 128 27-30m 130 4-Sm 131 32-36m, 38-47m 137 20-29m 142 42-*2m 143 2-3m, 13-20m/w Falkland Islds - Elephants 32-37m 159 9-23m 257 32-42m 258 1-llm/w The foundation for another kind of Lung 261 16w Fish?, 18-20m/18-19u "Lepidosiren" 264 23-27m 271 25-30m 111 1-9m 277 26-39m, 44-50m 279 4-9m 290 33-38ml"..."lu "rate of life" 309 10-15m/w Double organ 313 21-24m 316 25w see p 325, 23-27m* 317 38-50m 319 42-52m/-> 320 2-3m, 29-34m 322 27-32m 323 21-26m, 30-34m, 45-48m/-> 324 5-22m, 27-32 m 325 not variable organ & a transitional group 3u "all\ developed"/5u "Lepidosiren"/4-9w So ranks as Reptile & not Fish 14-22m 326 fig.w snakelike Saurian 332 21-34m 333 30-37m 359 23-31m, 33-43m\w But why present cases of undeveloped glands. 43-35w/wb Rudiments of wings of insects. Rudiment of bone, when so much matter of same kind excreted, wb Rudiment of teeth in young growing whale, when so much phosphate of lime wasted, wb Rudiments in plants! more cellular as a rudiment of a style. Rudimentary instincts. 377 39-45m 405 33-A0m, 41-52m 413 27-32m, 29-31m/30u "simple structure" 425 2-Sm 433 44-52 m/->, wb organs 434 2-4m 448 49-53mf Q 458 30-36m/w not instinct 465 18-25m/19-
20Q 467 33-38m/33-34Q 470 5-10m/6-8Q ^TL 7-43m/13-14Q/9-10w see p 455 476 36-41m, 51-55m, 54u "subjected I influence", 54-55u "has I species", wb But the domestic varieties keep constant under their proper condition. 477 22-31m, 33-39m/36u "not I larva", 45-46m/ -» 478 7-25m 479 wt for 6 fingers 2-2m, 22-24m, 42-48m 480 2-29m, 22-22m, 33-A3m\34u "thumb double"\35u "each\perfect"/37u "along\ nail", 43u "formed" 481 20-23m, 22u "possessing]rudiments" 493 26-33m 546 7-20m 553 40-A2m 561 39-AAm 569 33-37m, 38-40m/39u "visceral cavity", 40-44m, 48-50m (Van Beneden, Allman) 571 10-16m/13u "within I cloaca" 573 18-23m/20u "ovarial testes''/21u "not self-fertilizing", 25-28m 574 37-41m 575 l-3m/3u "ostensible co-existence", 8m, 10-16m, 19-23?/m/21u "ovalrecognised"/ 23u "which\place", 27-32m/31u "which\find"/ 32u "generalishell" 576 37-39m/38m/u+, 42-43m 577 23-25m, 29-31m/30-31u "being\ fertility", 32-34m 585 43-47m, fig.m 587 wt Phillip Philip 35-39m 588 8-26m 589 24-29m, 30-41m 590 22-25m/Q 592 26-27m, 32-34m, 41-45m 593 2-3m/3w "inlPlanariae" 595 33-36m/33u "Uyriapoda"\36u "dioecious" 599 wt Larvae not being simply embryonic but likewise adaptative is never noticed.- 602 8-11m 608 43u "Acaridae"\42-45m\wland or water? 610 24-27m 611 5-8m 613 20-27m, 27-33m 615 3-5w noU applicable only in Vertebrata? 5-7m, 27-30m 616 42-46m 627 40-47m/42w (a) wb (a) Grafting nearest analogue, does not support this view Do you think if you injected blood from one into other it wd make hair grow different? 628 27-38m 632 9-24m 633 U-22m, 48-50m 634 8-12m, 24-27m, 36-A0m, 43-48m 635 2^m, 32-33m, 32u "611 species", 38-43m/45u "are common" 637 3-8m, 26-36m/w not if nothing better possessed 638 29-32m, 49-51m (Owen), 68-70m 639 40-A5m 690 8-23m/ "Medulla Obbngata"/10-llQ&, 17-19m/19u "684" 692 31-38m 693 25-31m/27u "immediate I sensations ", 28u "intentional adaptation", 43-47m/45u "noI required", 48-52m 694 4-8m, 14-17m, 17-29m/18-23w sensori-motor connected with Instinct. 25u 696 31-37m/32a "these" habitual 698 7-24m, 17-20m, 22-45m 699 35-38m 702 20-24m/20-30w dogs turning face on one side not see another petted- 708 10-13m, 23-27m/19-26w Fear of punishment 726 15-19w Mysis Cirripede 18-30m/20-34w difficult to explain, except on general diffusion of perception. 730 28-22m, 26-28Q/26u "iris", 29-30m, 49-51m (Skbold) 734 ll-18m, 28-33w wonderful! 30-36m
[page break] 160
CARPENTER, William Benjamin Principles of mental physiology London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1874 [Down, I]
CARPENTER, William Benjamin Researches on the Foraminifera (extr.); 1855 [Down] p
CARRIÈRE, Élie Abel Produdion et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux Paris; Libraire agricole de la Maison Rustiane; 1865 [CUL,
ce, es, die, ex, fg, he, hy, sx, tm, v
NB 21; 30; 28; 34 to 58 very good,
wonderful on Bud-Variations; 65; 66; 69; 70
Bud variations; 72; 57 Cytisus Adami
<@ p 21 & 30 on Dichogamy (rest 0)
SB •» p. 28. on influence of Father - on
colour &c. goodish evidence in certain cases
p67 On Hybrids presenting quite new
characters Relation to Doublecross
Many valuable facts referred to proper
places -
6a 16~23m 21b 36-57m/40-44w colouring self-fertilised 48-50m 28b 4-12m 30a 27-32m, 32-34mé?l30-38w& in cold weather pollen matured later, 35-44m, 37-41m&/40u "gelées" 30b 36-49m 31a 28-32ml"..."&/29c&l32c&l 28-32w ie not crossed 34a wt Bud-variations l~18m/2-7w Chrysanthemum 35b 12-14w Roses get list 36a lu "Baronne Prévost", 3u "cinq variétés" 37a 27-28w Cherry, 51-55m/w does not revert perfectly 37b 10-llw 3 fruits 38a Ww Plums 38b 10-llw Grapes 49-57m, wb Apples show 39a 6-10w Haricot Maize & Potatos 23-38m/w But this is by seed 38-41m/30-34w variable when sown by seed 39b 15-18m 40b 28u "sur\sur"/25-29m/w Maize 29-36m 41b 2-13m/5-6w Potatoes 42b 10~16m 54b l-3m& 57a 26-33w Hycanths 57b l-2w Cytisus 4-6rn, 12-14m\12-13x&, 19-24m, 33w+ New character 36 36-37m 58a 21-34m, 21-22m, 23-28w X& Bud variation Effects of conditions 64a 46-58m* 65a 76-82m/xvb Varies or breaks like tulips or Vidua 65b 63-73m 66b 67-76m/71w ie wb strongly heredetary 67a 4-34m 69b 33m, 46~55m, 61-71m, 75-78m& 70a 6-13m\w Double flowers 28-32m, 33-40m/w form of bud variation like tulips, 44-50m/41~42w conditions 70b 15-19m/13-25w moss Rare for seed 24-25w by seed 43u "Moussense partout"/40-45m/w Bud var 54-61m/w Bud var 65-73m\66-67x&\ 75-79m\75-76x&\78-79m&\wb good like his case of Radish - Causes of Variation 71a 25-30m\30x&\25-26w Bud var. 44-66m&\57-61m/! 72a 32-39m/32-39m*&!33-34x&/32wlwb Barbary; this is in principal buds, not aH
affected conditions wb Causes of Variation Use these new facts under Var. under Nature 72b wt change slowly 2-3m, 6-13m, 12-23m^/15-20m/20-23m/ wb These facts of beech & Barberry bear more on relation of conditions to inheritance 27-30m, 31-40m
CARUS, Julius Victor Geschichte der Biologie München; R. Oldenbourg; 1872 [Down, I]
CARUS, Julius Victor, and ENGELMANN, Wilhelm Bibliotheca zoologica 2 vols; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1861 [CUL]
vol. 2 p
979 58-64m 1070 43m 1792a 26m 2000b 61m, 78m 2001a 1m, 2m 2026a 52-55m 2030b 64m (Morren) 2039a 3m (Newport), 4m, 38m 2129a 35m (Wallace), 39m, 40m, 41m
CARUS, Julius Victor, and GER-STAECKER, CE. Handbuch der Zoologie Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1875 [Down, first vol. only] p
CASPARI, Otto Die Urgeschichte der Menschheit 2 vols.; Leipzig; Brodhaus; 1873 [Down] p
CATALOGUE of the books and maps in the library of the Geological Society of London London; R. & J.E. Taylor; 1846 [CUL]
NB1 Read p109 Darluc Hist Nat Provence
112 Risso on Ranges
p.111 Cirripedia Lamarck
In the Presentation Copies in list given in
Journal Feb 1851 - Many useful to M
p8, Linn Trans of Normandy
Good Journals
Agassiz Recherches sur les Poissons
Fossiles - of Old Red Sandstone p. 60
Calcutta Journal of Nat Hist vol 3 & 4
NB2 107 (he means 109) Diet des sc nat
109 Forbes Star-fish
Loudon, Arboretum
Buckland's * Bridgewater Treatise
p67 Pictet Pal.
Bowerbank - Plants of London Clay
R. Agricult Journal - Edinburgh - other
Wernerian Transactions & Other Journals
Boston Journal
xii 8-9m/w marked 36-37m/w marked 3 15m\ 16w read 4 38m/w read 5 19m 6 41-42m 7 1-2m, 30m/w read 8 13m 9 2-7m/4wA> Hooker
[page break] 161
for 8w read 12-16m, 19m/zo read 21m/w read, 27-29m 12 24-25w I do not think worth reading 25m, 35m/w read 13 6m, 8m, 17mlw read 46m 14 5m/w read 6m 25 38m 33 26m 58 5-Sm, 20-22m 60 2-8m 61 4m, 28m 65 20a; vol. 2 22-22m 66 35-36m 67 28-29m, 4(M2m, 42u "in vol. 4", 45m, 48m 68 33-35m 106 28m 107 9m 108 7m, 24m, 23m, 27m, 32m, 41m 109 6m, 18-19m, 34m 110 40m 111 3m, 27m, 33m, 39-40m 112 49m 113 22m
209b 53-55m (Brocchi) 210a 4m (Broun) 217a 18m (Lea, J.)
CATALOGUE of the Chiroptera in the collection of the British Museum (G.E. Todd); London; by order of the Trustees; 1878 [Down, I] ig, tm
NB xvii Gradations in complex Nasal
appendages of Bats
xvii 21-35m, 36m xviii 17-26m xix 10-19m
CATALOGUE of the scientific books in the library of the Royal Society London; Richard & John E. Taylor; 1839 [CUL, S]
NF E.W. Strickland 31 Robert St Chelsea
Mondays & Thursdays
NB1 Hills Essay on Natural Hist 1752;
Montagu Testacea; Libr in Royal
NB2 Brickells Nat Hist of N. Carolina
Whewells Bridgewater Treatise
read Lawrence Lectures on Man 1819
Read Harlan medical & phis Researches
Edwards, sur la charactere physiologique -
des hommes des races diverses p. 497 -
1829 - read - 2d Edit 1841 is to be
James on man physiologically &
spycologically considered
Edinburgh Hort Soc & Highland Soc
p 387 List of Hort & Agricult transacts
Lindley's Horticulture ??
p.721 Forster on Migration of Birds
505 by Isode G. St Hilaire
p740 = Amoenitates Acad.-
p767 Stillingfleet Transact do -? read
p.639. Asiatic Journal Hooker says good.
NB3 p 396 Decandolle papers
p 552 Quetelet sur la loi de la croissance de
p.758 Quetelet sur l'homme et le
développement de ses facultés
Dubois voyage
Lichtenstein's Travels read
Loefflings travels Louisiana
Mackenzie north PoleO
Ramond's voyage on M. Perdu
Natural Hist.:
p581 Barton's fragment in Nat. Hist.
583 Catesby's Nat Hist of Florida
585 Linnaeus on study of nature
Virey's Philosophie & Histoire Naturelle 1835
a miserable book according to Brougham -
Lawrence Lect on Man
538 Meckel
474, 582 Blumenbach: must be read-
582 Buffon.
449 Pallas Spicilegia Zoolog
510 Haller
contents page 9mjxv, llm/w, 12m/w, 13m/w, 14att, 15m/w, 17m, 18m/w marked 387 3-32m, 7m, 9m 388 20m, 23m/? 393 33-36m 396 48-53m 398 23m 400 6m 401 37-38m, 42m 403 43m 404 44-45m 405 8m, 29m 406 37m/w read 408 38m 409 53m 410 42 m 411 50-51m 412 8m 414 3m, 5m, 7-10m, 8m 415 37m 416 6m, Urn 418 23m\w read 29m 420 24m, 32m 421 7m, 50m 422 4m/w read 425 38m, 40m, 42m 428 lm/w read 20m, 16m/w read 18m 429 40-41m 430 33-34w read 431 27m, 18w (one Edit 1619) 19-21w Recommended by Blyth 432 22m, 24m, 26m, 28m 433 28m, 42m 434 42m 435 30m/w read 38m/w read 439 32-33m, 44m 440 20-21m, 22-24m, 32m/w read 441 Im/w read 20m 442 16-19m, 26-29m 443 26-29m, 43-45m 444 14-20m/w Read Pigeons & Fowls 445 22m 447 22m, 31m 448 20m/uA> "1788-1806", 14m/w read 46m/w read 52m 449 3-20m, 9m, 43m, 46-47m, wb Shriften Berlin! p. 589 450 35m 453 48m/w read 454 17m/w read 18w vol 2 has the •, 20-21m, 22-26w Has this cirripedes? 28m 455 20m, 22-23m, 29m/w read 456 25-26m 457 25-26m/ w read 19c/w 8to x 44m 461 27m, 18-19w read 29-22m 474 54m/wb QuotedO by Prichard 497 10-12m/llw read 505 47m, 49m 506 38-39m/38w read 512 21-23m 513 22m 522 44m 524 32m 538 14-27m/16-30w Dr Holland says some good views on generation See which vols 23m, 27m 556 20m 566 20m 581 37m 582 8m, 19m/w read 42-42m 583 6m, 19m 585 29-30m, 41-42m/w read 587 38m, 43m, 47m 589 26m/w/22w vol 1 & vol 5 590 32m, 36m 591 46m 593 2-3m, 8m, 18m, 34m/w read 598 9m, 48m 599 53-55m, 53m 600 17-22m/16w read 23a "Agriculture"/ m/29-34w this followed by Archives 54m 601 22m, 52m, 53m 602 24m/w read 614 47-49m, 48m 636 45m 637 28m 638 6-9m, 53-54m 639 22m, 23u "1816-1832", 49-53m, 48-49m/wb
[page break] 163
Hooker says good 640 26m 651 23m 652 36m, zb 653 7m, 16m 655 49m 656 4m 657 42m, 47w read 54m 658 9m 659 7m, 32m 660 6-13m, 15m 661 43m, 47m 662 26m 664 26w read 665 6m, 25m, 29m, 44m/w read 50m/to read 666 22m/w read 42w read 43m 667 24m 668 35-38m, 50m 669 42m, 53m 670 2m/w read 671 39m 672 47m 674 25m, 29m, 36ml 34~35w read, 38m 676 3m/4-7xo I suspect appalling on separation 677 22m, 32m 682 44-47m 688 25m 689 26-28m 721 26m 740 25m/21-28w Lyell believes Broderip has Engl, translation 744 5m 767 38m
CATON, John Dean A summer in Norway 1875 [CUL, S, I]
NB 0/
CATON, John Dean The antelope and deer of America New York; Hurd & Houghton; 1877 [Down] beh, br, ce, v
NB p. 46 Antelope weeping; 90; 156; Deer not breeding in Parks 294; do- 304 46 33-42m 47 3-10m 90 26-31m\w analogous var. 156 32-42m 157 30~37m 158 27-32m 294 27-22m, 22-32m 295 9-24m, 22-28m 304 22-24m 305 2-4m, 6-9m, 12-15m
CATTANEO, Giacomo Darwinismo: saggio sulla evoluzione degli organismi Milano; Fratelli Treves; 1880 [Down] p
CHAMBERS, Robert Ancient sea margins Edinburgh; W. and R. Chambers; 1848 [Down, I] geo
21 25m 100 3-9ww\3u "847", 26-27w 1202, say; 1210 110 27-29m 113 22-23m 115 2-2m/ w p61 of mine 5-8w also entirely overlooks my arguments for the terraces 124 23-27m 157 9-10w 968; 821-6 25-27w 628; 706 187 2m, 28m 189 3m 328 3-5wu, ll-22w average interval 20ft. 330 wt/tw 27ft interval on average & each observ. * has for 5 or 6 ft of variation, so that real interval not more than 10ft table.m/xvee, wbu
[CHAMBERS, Robert] Vestiges of the natural history of creation 6th edn; London; John Churchill; 1847 [CUL] ad, ci, ds, em, fo, geo, hi, is, t, ti, tm, ts, v, y
p.67; 90; 123; 186; 195; 209; 225; 235; 249 Key of Book; 268; 274; 276; 280; 281; 283; 286; 290; 301; 307; 312; 319 p494; 501
The idea of a Fish passing into a Reptile (his idea) monstrous.-
How easily a soft cirripede might give rise to Balanus Segments of shell - if loose wd be lost
I will not specify any genealogies - much too little known at present.
Never use the word higher & lower - use more complicated, as the fish type (& not a mere repetition of parts) where cartilaginous forms are higher for being nearer reptiles & consequently mammalia.-SB2Qß
90 Embryonic Reptiles now have biconcave vertebrae, extinct form had do 209 Inherent impulse to advance from oldest & simplest up to highest - & inherent impulse to become adapted. Quote in Preface. * 249do 225 compare with tadpoles metamorphosis.
235 Yarrells Birds Gull getting thickened stomach Vol. 3 p571 Quotes Pennant on Trout in Galway getting thickened stomach. Was it Trout? Yarrell Fishes vol. 2 p. 57 thinks Gillasso only a var. inner cuticle only undirected.
274 Monomyarian Molluscs before Dizaria -latter higher?
Young Gasteropods all alike when very young (Forbes) in Jameson's Journ
Nucleus of Cephalopods shells is also spiral like Gasteropod (Forbes) Carpenter Gen. Physiology This about Cephalopods, important for it shows what precursors were: see if accurate
280 Dibranchiate Cephalopods commence in
Oolitic 281 Cephalopods change quicker
because higher
301 Talks of nature being equally ready to
go back as well as forward
307 Cecilia is a snake-like Batrachian
494,2 Curculios - Corydalis & Libellula &
Scorpion in Coal
367 Remarks on isld not having mammals &
less perfect life but really I need not allude
to such Rubbish
67 22-29m (Agassiz) 90 5-8m, 17-20m 123 22-26m/22-25w See to this in true chalk 179 27-26z 186 8-14m/w new creations !! 16-22m 195 4-5m/w is not Pecten very old 209 2-26"..." 4u "inherent "/l-8m/w quote to show difference V. Whewells remarks against this 22m "inherent" 219 22-261...] 220 23f... 221 3..J 225 5-12m/w whole key to theory 229 26f... 230 24...] 231 10m/10-14l...], 17-211..] 232 91..., 20-251...] 235 22...], 20-22m\w Yarrell! 249 23-26m 267 17-18??!/18u
[page break] 166
"exclusively marine" 268 2-7 m, 7-18m (Agassiz) 274 ll-21m 276 9-17m/12-13w Forbes 277 14-26m/24w Carpenter 278 6-20m 280 20~24m 281 2-16w I must allude to all this 283 12-15m 286 l-17w It is strange error that generally he looks at every form, as having started from some known form. 19-23m 290 l-3m 301 7-llm, 15-17m 307 20-15m/w I forget this Amphl? 312 l-3w Hence many Turtles transformed!! 4-9m 319 l-3m/ III, 17-20m/!!!/20w oh 340 5!!/u "walrus" 409 ll?/z/u "monkeys\houses" 494 10-22m 501 7-8m 505 Sm, 22m
CHAPMAN, Henry C. Evolution of life Philadelphia; J.B. Lippincott; 1873 [Down, I]
NB 0/
21 8w 22 30w 25 13-15"..."/15w Haeckel 86
2-5"..."/4w 100 13w/c 102 32w/c 130 28c 170
(untranscribed words not CD)
CHAPMAN, John Neuralgia and kindred diseases of the nervous system London; J. & A. Churchill; 1873 [Down, I]
NB 0/
xiv 21m xv 8m, 17m xviii 3m xx 5m, 6m xxiv
21m, 23m P
CHAPUIS, F. Le Pigeon voyageur belge
Venders; 1865 [CUL, I, S]
SA (pp. 170-171) (conversions of km to miles) a> nearly say 35 miles
George calculated these and average rates per minute for 20 selected flights the rate is 1066 metres per minute which gives per hour as above
59 18-24m 86 24-27m 87 l-2m, 3-7m/5w Instincts 20m "certains mâles"\9-24w u, 23-25m, 24-27m 133 wt Verviers to Lyons 156 22-25m 159 2-3m 161 9-26m 165 19-20m, 24u "kilomètre I minute", 28m 166 18u "soit\ märes", 23m/u "925" 167 7-10m/w but due? 168 22m/u "947" 169 l-4m\lu "Espagne"J2u "Liege", 5u "1 kilomäre" 171 wt* which is kilometers?; average of 20 flights u, 5-6m/ w* =366 metres?
CHARPENTIER, Jean de Essai sur les glaciers et sur le terrain erratique du Rhône Lausanne; Marc Ducloux; 1841 [Down] P
CHAUMONT, Francis Stephen Bennet
Lectures on state medicine London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1875 [Down, I]
NB 135 Beer; 165 cistern
CHILD, Gilbert W. Essays on physiological subjects Oxford; Combe, Gardner, Hall & Latham; 1868 [Down, I] beh, he
NB Consang. Marriages
CHILD, Gilbert William Essays on physiotegical subjects 2nd edn; London-Longmans, Green & Co.; 1869 [Down, two copies]
NB 0/ P
CHILDREN, John George Memoir of J.G. Children Westminster; Josiah Bowyer, Nicholas & Sons, for private circulation; 1853 [Down]
CHUN, Carl Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 2. Ctenophorae Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1880 [Botany School] p
CLARCKE, Benjamin On systematic botany and zoology London; J. Bale & Sons; 1870 [Down]
CLARK, Henry James Lucernariae and their allies Washington; Smithsonian Institute; 1878 [Down] p
CLARK, Henry James Mind in nature New York; D. Appleton & Co.; 1865 [Down] af, ct, fg, he, ig, si, sp, tm
SA (pp.94-95)
p.61,66 Pangenesis; 81 do; 85 shows how
numerous gemmules must be for carrying on
to next generation Not all used up in
formation of the animal.- This view of
division of single egg, & not union of 2, is
now very generally admitted.
Planaria cut in two says it is true budding
♦ 203 Snails asymmetrical.-
263 Lepidosiren, affinities
279 projecting instead of selecting
Lereboullet consult
272-276 Doubtful on intermediate forms in
lower classes
279 projecting instead of selecting
61 16-18m, 25-29m, 30-31u*+, 32-36m 62 2-4m 66 16-20m 81 22-23m/23u "fissi-
[page break] 168
gemmation", 33-35m/-> 82 16-18m\ll-19w but with budding, I suppose for formation of eyes 32-35m 85 15-17m, 25-28m, 30m 86 1-5m 93 24r-26m/25u "budded out", 29-> 94 15-17m 203 13-16m 267 9-15m 272 l-4m 273 1-13m T7f> 10-21m 279 23-30m
CLARKE, J.W. Cattle problems explained Battle Creek, Michigan; published by the author; 1880 [Down]
CLAUS, Carl Grundzüge der Zoologie 2nd edn, 4 vols.; Mauburg und Leipzig; N.G. Eltwert'sche Universitäts Buchhandlung; 1871 [Down, S] p
CLAUS, Carl Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage des Crustaceen-Systems Wien; Carl Gerhold's Sohn; 1876 [Down]
CLELAND, John Evolution, expression and sensation Glasgow; James Maclehose; 1881 [Down, I]
COAN, Titus Adventures in Patagonia New York; Dodd, Mead & Co.; 1880 [Down]
NF not yet entered in Catalogue of Books
Forme primitive della evoluzione economica Torino; Ermanno Loescher; 1881 [Down, I] P
COHN, Ferdinand Die Pflanze: Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Botanik Breslau; Kern; 1882 [Down, I]
COLIN, Gabriel Constant Traité de physiologie comparée des animaux domestiques 2 vols.; Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1854-1856 [CUL] beh, es, fg, he, hy, ig, mn, no, oo, phy, sx, tm, v, y
vol. 1 SB p. 131, 5; p. 142 to p. 160; p. 192; p374; 426; p617; 426; p614 Londeners Walk Watch while Snail fixed in crevice pulled in 3 directions to free itself V. 2d Vol for Abstract
127 9-10m* 131 10-12m\l-12w none to aid another animal without that aided itself 13u "ait\inutiles"/w V. p. 134 15m "susceptible! essentielles", 26-31w wildness in aboriginal Galapagos Birds- 32-33m 134 35u "animal sanguinaire" 135 27m, 29-31m/29u "mulet\ dans"/30u "espèce I cactus"" 142 10-14m\ll-12w no gradation 143 30-31m 144 27-31m 145 wt I have seen young Ourang at looking
glass 4~7ml5w (a) 147 31-34m 151 29-32m 160 23-16m 192 16-20m 374 35-39m 426 2-5m, 13-18m 614 wtu, 12-18m\14u "bout\ douze"/16u "dix! vingt"/17u "une\fois" 617 wt my notions not half so odd as life of Parasite; bred in fish & matured in cormorant xvtce, lu "les\membraneux", 4u "le héron", 3-5m/w V. next Page ll-15m, 33-40m, 34u "pylore\étroitesse", 35u "duvet\poils" 618 6-9m
vol. 2 NB Book p 405; p492; 496; 529; 530
to 548; 614
374 On Hinny neighing on account of shape
of Larynx
426 How soon animal gets accustomed to
any particular food-
614 - excellent on length of time grain kept
in crop of Turkey - 18-20 hours -
617 Hawks throw pellets because pylorus so
Vol 2.
492. M. Desfossé on hermaphrodite Fish
529 case of hybrid of Horse & Cow NQ
author admit clearly only monster
530 Qc» on ovules in mule
532 Vauban calculated produce of Sow in 12
years at 6 millions - on rate of increase
Guinea-Fowl - on sterility of fat animal Ch.
3 Tegument of eggs of wild Peacocks
536 on characters of Mongrels so like
Gartner Q
537, 539 Hinny more after ass than Horse
540 Horns transmitted from either parent
542 The older races transmit most surely
614 10 Mammae in Rabbit, Dogs &c
405 44m (Geoffroy St Hilaire and Cuvier), wb Has Waterhouse got it 492 12-15m 496 17-22m 497 28-37m 529 l-2m, ll-24m 530 5-12m/8-9QA, 15m (Aristotle), 29-31m 531 18-23m, 29u "tigre! lion", 34-36m/35u "font\ sanglier", 45m\u ''fait Ioeufs''/-» 532 2-6m, 26-30m, 27m]w Sow?? 36-37u "engraissement! oiseaux", M-lm 534 10-15m\ll-12u "Suisse! Poitou" 535 28-31m, 34-43m/41u "d'une! portée" 536 l-4m, 5-7m/5u "intermédiaire"/7u "mélange!fusion"I5~12w how like to Gaertner, 14-17m, 15u "taureau!Jura", 25-30m, 31u "mulet!âne", 39u "deux!cotés" 537 lOu "le! mamelons", 18-19U++, 35-36m, 40-41m/40w variable 43-45mj44u "incontestablement I prédomine" 538 7u "l'hémione mâle", ll-12m 539 2m "bardeau!mulet", 3u "la!exceptées", 31-34m, 40u "cheval!Hartmann", wb Hartman
[page break] 170
is a German Book which I have seen referred to elsewhere 540 13-15m, 19-21m, 37-39m, 38u ± 541 36-38m 542 18-19m, 30-32m 543 l-3m, 14-18m, 38-40m 544 14-19m/ 17-18u "boeufï breton"/24-26m/l-27w It certainly is not true that one can get as perfect offspring as parents 548 l-6m 614 17-19m, 21-23m, 40-45m 627 32m/?
COLLETT, Robert Zoologi: Fiske Christiania; Grendall & San; 1880 [Down] p
COLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China Sea London; John Murray; 1868 [CUL] beh, gd, ss
NB 173 Electric snake
Butterflies attracted by dead specimens S. Selection
182 Referred
I have read as far as p 260 (very little) 367 all inhabitants of the Sargasso basin 374 Flying fish Habits
1 11-Uz 173 27-34m 182 6-9m/"..." 183 4-6m/5-6u "frequent battles" 367 12-21m 374 17-21 m 375 32m 376 9-12m, 24-29m 377 14-19m end of booklist wb 64
COLUMBUS, Christopher Selected letters ed. R.H. Major; London; Hakluyt Society; 1847 [Down]
COMSTOCK, John Henry Report upon cotton insects Washington; Government Printing Office; 1879 [CUL] beh, gd, mg, oo, phy, tm
NF extra-floral glands; moths boring into
melons-> 84-85; 86-87; 90-91; 97; 89 great
powers of flight of moths; sweet juice
eliminated -319-320
NB 84 Extra-floral nectar-glands
89 Migration of moths grt distances
117 do & distribution
120 do
213 ants destroy enemies of cotton
320 to end with Bibliography.
84 10-22m, 41-46m 85 2-12m, 19-26m, 28-
32m, 38-47m 86 4-21m 89 l-16m 117 7-13m/
13u "Argotis annexa" 120 27-32m 183 26-29m
213 28-30m 317 wb W. Trelease 320 22-26m
325 14-22m, 31-38m 326 l-7m 327 5-7m 331
3-7m, 21-25m, 38-43m, 44-46m 332 24-30m,
40-47ml? 333 l-5m, 9-15m, 45m 336 Urn
COMSTOCK, John Henry Report of the entomologist of the United States Department of
Agriculture for the year 1879 Washington; Government Printing Office; 1880 [CUL] ab
NB 203 Change of Habits in insect; 246 do 203 25-28m 246 17-23m, 18-19u "At\ acquired"
CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL d'anthropologie et d'archéologie préhistorique (Bologna, 1871) Bologna; Fava & Gavagnani; 1873 [Down, I by Cappellini (secretary of conference)]
540 lm 542 13m
CONTA, Vasile Théorie du fatalisme Bruxelles; G. Mayolez; 1877 [Down]
CONVERSATIONS on vegetable physiology vols. 1 and 2; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1829 [Botany School, pre'B, FD, E. Catherine Darwin in vol. 1]
CONYBEARE, William Daniel, and PHILLIPS, William Outlines of the geology of England and Wales Part 1; London; William Phillips; 1822 [Down, pre-B]
(a few editorial marks, not CD)
COOK, James and KING, James A voyage to the Pacific Ocean 3 vols.; London; W. & A. Strachan; 1784 [CUL]
vol. 1 NF This Work was given on its first publication by Josiah Wedgwood Esq of Etruria to Erasmus Darwin M.D. of Derby and is given to their Grandson Charles Robt. Darwin by his Father in 1840
COOKE, Mordecai Cubitt Mycographia, seu Icônes fungorum vol. 1; London; Williams & Norgate; 1879 [Down]
COTTA, Bernhard von Die Geologie der Gegenwart Leipzig; J.J. Weber; 1866 [CUL] af, ch, gd, geo, sp
SB p. 198; 200; 208 good; Geology, change of species; closely allied species; Die Urwelt der Schweiz Notes pinned 198 10-12m, 14-15m 199 24-30m 200 21-23m, 31-33m 201 17m/14-16w all found together 207 4-12m 208 l-3m/2u "dort \ Kreide", 13-15m\13u "sechsmalige", 21-25m, 25-27m 209 2-2m, 21-23m/22a "ausgedehnten" Sea 210 34m 221 28m
COTTA, Bernhard von Geology and history London; Trübner & Co.; 1865 [Down]
[page break] 171
COTTA, Bernhard von Die Lagerungsverhältnisse an der Grenze zwischen Granit und Quader-Sandstein Dresden und Leipzig; Almoldische Buchhandlung; 1838 [Down, fragment]
COX, Edward William What am I? A popular introduction to the study of psychology London; Longman & Co.; 1873 [Down, I] ct, fg, hy, phy
64 \[12-8m/w One pollen gr not enough 66 l-13w I hardly understand what you mean by germs 68 18-19x/16-18w hybrids 70 19-21m/14-21w fused together 71 2-5m 72 3-16w influence of nerves - Plants 73 26-28ml 27u "must be"
CRAWFURD, John A descriptive dictionary of the Indian islands and adjacent countries London; Bradbury & Evans; 1856 [Down] br, gd, geo, is, se, v, ve, wd
SA (pp. 216-217)
10; 14; 15; 16; 28; 32; 38; 46; 56; 59; 73; 74; 86; 88; 92; 101; 107; 113; 119; 121; 122; 123; 125; 92*; 135; 138; 143; 144; 145; 152; 153; 171; 172; 217; 220; 225; 255; 256; 268; 269; 278; 288; 291; 298; 306; 316; 318; 320; 407; 417; 420; 433; A volcanic mountain wd undergo enormous degradation when subsided; Penlth note sheet missing SA2Qß
See map at beginning Very many facts show that very large quadrupeds will not exist in the smaller islds
Mountains heights & nature of
Zoology of archipelago
38 Bantam Poultry came from Japan
112 History of Cock ÇW
119 Genus Cervus
121 Dog NQ
125 Duck no wild ones, Penguin common
136 Elephant of Borneo described by
145 Goose not breeding in Manilla
Hog, wild species of
Horses many breeds of, not aboriginal
255 Cat of Malay Q
268 Marian Isld nothing about aboriginal
288 Monkey wild species of
316 Ox tribe
10; 11; 16; 88; 28; 31; 46; 56; 59; 74; 217;
225; 92; 279; 337; 143; 171; 220; 291; 298;
306; 318; 321; 407; 417; 420; 433: (names of
mammals of different islands)
10 57-62m/59u± 11 40-43m, 46-50m/46u± 14 40-43m, 45-47m 15 20-28m, 30u±, 35u±, 40-41m, 45-51m/51u "Babirusa", 53u±, 56-62m 16 l-6m, 4-9m/5u±, 13-17m 28 52-61m 32 3-10m 38 26« "It\Java", 23-27m 46 58-61m/61u "the\cat" 47 lu "The\hog" 56 42-48m, 44-51ml46u "hog" 58 37-43m 59 20-43m 73 52-59m 74 4-19m 86 54-59m 87 7-15m 88 22-20m 92 40-45m 101 14-18m 107 12-20m 112 51-56m, 61-63m/Q 113 l-3m\lu "among\ rudest"/2u "domestic state", 2u "bears I species"/ 3u "Sumatra", 4u "Java", 4u "MalayI Philippines", 5-18m, 18-20m/19u "Malays I Javanese", 21-28m, 29-31m, 31-37m/35u "do\ such", 42~48m\44u "in\Hindostan", 51-56m 119 l-16m, 4u "Cervus I Cervus", llu "The\ belongs" 121 46-62m 122 5-llm, 58-63m 123 4-9m/8u "crown-pigeon" 125 9-llm, 12-20m 135 52-59m 136 l-18m 138 l-3m 143 10-16m 145 49-57m 152 19-29m 153 26-62m, 32m\u "ThereI breeds", 33u "one\to", 36u (u henceforth place-names), 37u, 40-41Q 43u, 44u, 48u, 49u 49u, 52u, 54u 154 20-24m, 42-51m 155 13-18m 171 47-61m, 61-64m 172 14-21m 217 12-17m 220 26-29m, 33-40m 225 40-52m 255 44-51m, 50-52m 256 13-19m, 31-38m 268 14-21m, 51-58m 269 14-18m, 37-39m 278 60-64m 279 4-6m 288 4-19m 291 26-27m 298 7-24m, 36-A5m 300 22-25m, 31~40m 306 58-60m 316 9-26m, 22-29m 318 19-24m/20u "about I miles", 29-34m/29-31w Depth 320 52-58m 321 6-9m 337 54-59m 407 3-5m 417 32-42m 420 54-61m 433 26-31m
CRAWFURD, John A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language vol. 1; London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1852 [CUL] ben, gd, geo, is, sy, ti, wd
NB ii; viii; xcv; civ; clxxxiii; ccvii; ccxl - on
animals of Isd; ccxlviii; ? cclii area of New
Zealand; ccliv; cclx; cclxii, & iv
civ at Lucon no horse or Oxen — only Hog,
Dog, Goat, Fowl & perhaps Buffalo
xcv Timor said to be primitive
ccvii Horse wild probably feral in Celebes
ccxl Domestic animals of Pacific
cclv &c on men colonising islds in Pacific
cclix Dogs of N. Zealand same race of in
Society Isd
cclx Traditions of introduction of esculent
plants into N.Zealand
cclxii In Marianne group natives use Fish
Bones for arrows /. not deer x
cclxiii Fowls wild or feral, probably from
wreck, as Cat then found?
ii l-6m iv 3-8m v 20-23m, 24-26z vi 22-26m,
[page break] 173
27-29z viii 19-22wu, 34-38m xcv 28-31m civ 25u "absence", 26u "buffalo", 27-30m clxxxiii 25-27m ccvii 3-5m ccxl 23-27m ccxli 27-30m ccxlviii 7m, 19-22m cclii 18-22m, 19-21m/20a/we ccliv 27-30m cclv 25u> Sandwich cclvi wt Yet Sandwich had dogs, Hogs & Fowls wt Probably the frequency of being cast adrift wd make it obvious that, the Polynesians had better try to preserve animals..- 2-6m cclix 15-17m, 20-23m cclx 2-2 2 m cclxii 8-13m, 15-24m/w see to Magellans voyage about Deer cclxiii 8-9m, ll-15m cclxiv 6-8m, 23-30m, 34u "hog I wild", 35-36?
CROLL Climate and time in their geological relations London; Daldry, Isbister & Co.; 1875 [Down, I]
NB Glasgow Geolog. Soc. iv.313 p7; Athenaeum Sep 22. '60; 32 xii 30-32m 25 10-llwu, 17-19w (not CD) 331 9-14m 332 6-9m (Geikie and Jukes)
CROOKES, William Psychic force and modern spiritualism London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1872 [Down]
CUNNINGHAM, Robert O. Notes on the natural history of the Strait of Magellan Edinburgh; Edmonton and Douglas; 1871 [Down, I] beh, gd, is, y
NB a (page numbers ^>)
p56 Live terrestrial insects in sea when I
found them
94 Young Logger-Headed Ducks can fly but
lost when old
131 says Upland Geese do frequent lakes
by the sea
195 lizard in T. del Fuego.-
56 9-12m/9u "live beetles", 15-17m 94 29-32m 131 l-5m 195 6-10m
CURTIS, William The botanical magazine, or, flower-garden displayed 2 vols, in one; London; Stephen Couchman; 1793 [Down, pre-B]
CUVIER, Georges Essay on the theory of the earth, with geobgical illustrations by Professor Jameson 5th edn, trans, by Jameson; London; William Blackwood, Edinburgh & T. Cadell; 1827 [CUL, pre-B, S]
281 1-Amßw C11 9-llm*/24w C21 282 9-10m 283 7wZ10wA 19-21w 5, 6, 7 284 15w
8 22-22«; 9 285 7w 10 12-23m/17w 11 18-21m 345 21-23m 346 20-25m 347 2-9m 354 29-31m
CUVIER, Georges Leçons d'anatomie comparée vols. 1-5; Paris; Baudouin; 1799-1805 [CUL, pre-B]
(most w apparently not CD) vol. 1, 14 20m 16 18m 18 26m 21 29m 22 2-3m 23 2m, 2m 24 5m, 9m, 10m, 14m 25 5m, 9m, 10m 26 22m 29 22m 36 29-20u<-> 37 26c/ a&>e 46 27c« 50 23m, 24-27u ± 51 23m, 29m, 20u "irritabilité", 24m, 28u "poissons", 29m 52 3m/5m/l-5w Quant ils font sauter tout hors de l'eau 6u "n'ont aucune" 62 lla/cfte 92 26-27m, 30m 93 3u "sont", 4m/u "parallèles", 5-6u "leurs extrémités" 94 4m, 5m 95 22u "moindres", 23u "véritablement", 24m 96 3m, 6u "auxquelles", 7u "aprèsImort", 8m, 12m 97 2m, 3m, 5u "le fibre", 6u "de\corps" 98 29-20m, Um 99 llu "temps", 13w (not CD), 15m, 18u "dont", 18u "nerfs", 26u "insensibles", 27m 100 26m/K "nerfs", 18m/u "fonctions", 19u "dépendent", 20m/u "médullaires" 101 9-20m/ 9u "charnue", 14m, 23m, 24m, 27u "fluide", 28m 102 2m, 15m, 19m 110 9m/w oiseaux 111 20m/w oiseau 25-27m, 28m/w remarque 29m, 30m 116 22a/ce 120 20m 122 23mA> 124 24a& (not CD) 125 24mA> 133 18u "sensibilité] irritabilité", 19m, 25m 134 22m, 22a; (not CD), 15m 135 3m, 19u "le milieu", 20m, 27-28m 137 2m, 17m, 19m/u "tous sens", 29m 138 2-2m, 5m, 7m 139 29m "cordes", 25-26m/26u "mêmes" 140 25-26m 141 28-29m 144 24a/ cA« 209 4-6mà> 248 26-27m 256 20u "preuves", Um 276 22m 288 25a; remarque 343 20mA> 365 22-25w&> (not CD) 449 3-Am 463 22m "poches", 13u "qui" 464 24m 465 22m "muscles", 23m, 23u "muscle" 466 2m/M "et s'alonge", 3m, 10m 472 23-25m 476 5-6m, 19-20m\w (not CD) 480 28m 484 8u&> "déploiement I certain ", 1 l-12u&> "et I opposé " 486 22m "talon\étendre", 12m, 14u "fournit] immobile", 15-16m/w marquez 23m/we 488 8u "soulever", 9u "extenseurs", 10m, 22m/u "homme" 489 6-7m/7u "et du", 8u "talonI arrière" 490 #> 9u/c "gauche"/9w d. derrière 22m 494 26-27m 497 23-29m/25-26w A 501 lluto "certain point", 22m/& "seroitl élastique" 508 20m, 24m, 27m "leurs I que"II..., 18u "pieds sont" 509 7-8m 510 24m "LaI mouvement", 15-16u±+, 25-26m 511 5m "avant d'arriver", 6u "le premier", 7-8m, 27-28m 512 5-6m, 9-llm, 25m 513 26-27m 514 3-4m, 8m, 11m, 15u "les\dans" "martinets\fous", 16m, 23-24m, 30m 515 2m/M "inflexible", 4u "centreIgravité", 5u, 6m, 8m, 11m, 15-16m, 17u "inférieure] corps", 22m/u "os", 23u "cylindre]creux"/23-
[page break] 176
24w&> (not CD), 26u "aériennes" 516 l-2m, 2-3u "traitant des", 5-6m, 10-llm, 12u "entre", 13u "expansion \peau", 15-16m, 24~25m 517 2m, 3u "grêle I centre", 10m, 24-25m 522 24uA> "156", table.wen]
vol. 2, 38 14c/w à noter 93 21-22m 94 5m, 30m 95 3m, 10m, 12m, 22« "sensations" 96 12m\w% 97 18m/u "rendre", 20u "nerf simple"/ w gen 23w à noter, 24m, 26m/u "plupart des", 28u "renflemens", 29w à not 30m 98 2w%, 4m, 8m 103 23u "médullaire", 24m, 25~26m 104 15u "médullaire", 16m 105 29m 106 5-6m, 20m 107 13-14m, 14m, 24m, 25-26m/25u "consommer" 108 7m, 8u "substance essentiellement", 9-10m, 13-14m, 15w noter 24m/w* 109 lxv électrique 3m/u "isolés", 4u "conducteur", 5m, 6u "cohibans", 10m 110 25m "branlement", 16m, 20m 111 5m, 10m, 19u "autres ordres", 20m, 24m/u " contracte"lw facture 29u "des sensations", 30mju "portion I nerf" 112 3m, 12m, 13-14m 113 8m 115 9m 117 24m, 27a/c«É, 21-23w (not CD)
vol. 3, xxi 29-30m 38 9m 46 4m 154 20-24m 156 24-29m 402 20m 407 3m
vol. 4, 308 4m 309 23m 319 25m 331 22m/zo (not CD), 13m/w (not CD) 364 15-17z/20-22z 374 24m 486 22m, 23u "que\fils", 24u "membranes I unissent", 25u "trachée"
CUVIER, Georges Le Règne animal 5 vols.; Paris; Déterville; 1829 [CUL, on B] beh, sx, tm
vol. 1, 151 26-28m 214 20-24m 219 30-32m 220 9-2 2 m, 27m 227 25-28m 228 5-7m, 13-16m 306 23-28m 458 2-4m 459 20-22m 460 24~25m 462 22-22m 496 9-23m 560 8-24m
vol. 2 NB p. 78
Q & G Cap Freycinet; L'Uranie (wrecked in
Falklands); S. Astrolable
Peron, Lesueur artist; Baudin - Australia
Lesson & Garnot voyage de Coquille Capt. -
viia 34a; 1 viiia 33xv 2 viiib 32a; 3 ixa 29w 4
ixb 7w 5 22a; 6 29w 7 xb 25a; 8 28w 9 36a;
10 xia 22a; 11 25m/o? 12 xib 2m, 6w 13 25a;
14 xiia 2a; 15 22«; 1, 32a; 2 xib 20a; 3 37a; 4
xiiia 23a; 5 12 24-27m 28 23m 30 23-2 7m 54
20-23m 60 3-4m\u <->, 6u "comme \ femelle" 65
20-22m 66 19-20m 73 8-20m 81 25-29m 83
22-25m 88 28-30m 101 5m/a?A> • 103 3-5m
104 29-31m 106 9-22m 107 24-27m 110 32-
36m/Q 111 20-22m 112 24-26? 113 20-27m
114 5-7m 119 4-6m 189 zt 237 21-24m/23u
"s'enfleIsaison" 247 22-27m 255 22-23m 333
15-18m, 23m/w Cape Fairweather
vol. 3,11 23-25m 14 25m 15 26-27mA> 17 20-24m 29 22-25m 33 l-4m, 20-25m, 26-28m, 23-25m 35 3a; 50 7a; 57, 20a; 58 28a; 66 36 2a; 70 22a; 110 29w 113 20-21m 39 7-9m 40 25-27m, 31-33m 42 21-23m 44 3-5m, 7-9m, 14-16m 46 24-26m 47 19-20m 48 8-9m, 25-27m 51 6-8m 55 25-2 7m 59 8-2 2 m 60 4-7m 62 28-22m 68 27-29m 78 4-9m 81 23-26m, 22-25m 84 16-20m 87 21-24m 91 2-6m 166 ÏÏ20-9m, ÏÏ8-7m, 1Ï3-2m 168 17-22m 170 2-4m 175 20« "douze paires" 177 25-28m, 27m 179 26-20m 207 26-27m 225 20-24m 228 2-4m 229 2-5m 235 4-7m, 10-12m 238 6-20m 266 23-25m, 30-31m (von Baer) 276 22-23m 300 20-23m 301 2-4m (Lamarck), 15-16m 302 20-22m 306 6-7m, 9-10m 308 23-26m 318 5-23z, 22-24m 339 1Ï4-2m 348 22-22m, 1Î4-2m 350 9m, 14m 373 ÏÏ4-2m 375 26m, 29-22m 379 2m 380 19-22m, 32-33m, 35-36m 385 20-23m 386 7-20m 392 20-23m 400 24-27m 402 27-29m, zb 403 3-5m 404 22-23m 409 23m 413 27-20m 415 2-4m 416 4-6m 422 7-20m 426 3-20m P
vol. 4, xvii ll-12mjw Schiropoda, 99 33 23-27m 44 20m 51 22-22m, 26-29m 67 22m 76 tt9-6m 79 4m, 5m 82 2u± 84 24-28m 91 9m, 10m 92 23-26m 95 32m 97 20m, 25-27m 100 7-20m 108 24-28m 110 4-6m 117 22m 118 8-9m 119 9m, 22 m, 26m 120 7m, 24m 121 24z 122 19-20m 123 32a; 2 124 27-28a; 3 128 6-20m 132 27-28Q 133 6m, 9-10m 135 9-20m, 22m 136 6a; 3 138 24m 140 3m 141 24m 142 4-8m 151 24a; 158 154 28-32m 158 22m 171 26-30m 229 3-6m 234 22-25m 235 21-22m 236 2-5m, 17-18? 240 24-29m 241 9-22m 242 20-22m 244 7-9m, 32-34m 247 2-4m, 20-22m 250 25-27m 251 23-25m 254 4-5m 255 29-30m 257 27-28m 258 5-8m, 12-15m, 24-26m 259 22-23m 261 22-24m, 32-33m 270 21-23m, 33-37m 273 27-28m 275 9-22m 278 29-22m 281 6-8m, 25-27m 286 2-5m, 16m 287 27-30m 289 20m 290 2-3m 334 4-8m, 28-29m 335 5-6m 337 24-27m 338 26-20m, 28-30m 341 27-29m 346 27-28m 542 30-39m 543 2« "mort I fuite"
vol. 5 NB p. 305 Leon Dufour has written on
stinging instruments of ants
p.291 - on antennae differing in male &
female Cynips in no. of Joints.-
206 23-25m 305 31-33m 399 23-24o; 2 403
29a; 3 408 5-7o; 5 415 20a; 8 25-27a; 9 423
22-23W 10
THE CYCLOPAEDIA of anatomy and physblogy ed. R.B. Todd, 6 vols.; London;
[page break] 178
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1835-1859 [Down] beh, phy, tm
vol. 2, 221a 6-12m, 8-9u, 62-66m 221b l-7m, 34u, 44u, 47u, 49u, 51-54m/54u, 56-59m, 61-69m, wb the lower eyelid acts during laughter 222a 17-26w very little about it, seems to depress eyebrows & causes frown 21-26m, 65-68m 222b 10-14m, 15c, 38-A2m 223a 26-31m, 54-55u 224a 9-13m, 24-28m 224b 6-9m, 12c/we, 50-55m 225a 31-33m 225b 27m, 33-35m 226a 48-56m 226b 3-9m 227a 6-10m, 53-56m, 62~69m
vol. 3, 90a 21-30m 93a 38-43m 94b 24-25u 98a 13-17m 566a 55-58m 566b 41-51m 722, 723 w(FD) vol. 4, 1415a 43-44u, 44m 1415b 29-32m, 30«, 35-37m/35u 1424a 3S-42m 1424b 24-27m 1425a 42-50m, 54-59m 1427b 16-24m, 31-40m, 44-51m 1427a S-22m 1428a 53-58m 1496b 4-22m, 29-36m 1497a 38-42m/ 39u 1499a wte, 2-6m, 57-61m/60u 1500a 30-34m 1500b 2-*m, 40-46m 1503a 25-29m
vol. 6, 301b 50-57m 302b 35-40m 303b 9-13m 304a 10-13m, 12u "vermiform" 304b 24-28m/25u 317b 37-42m 318b 24-36m/28u 334a 3S-47m 642a 35-37m/"..." 642b 2-5m, 2-S"..."/7c 643b 26-29m
DALLAS, William Sweetland A natural history of the animal kingdom London; Charles Griffin & Co.; n.d. [Down] p
DANA, James Dwight On the classification and geographical distribution of Crustacea Philadelphia; C. Sherman; 1853 [CUL, I] gd, hi, sp, t, ti
1557 No species in common to W. America
& central Pacific, except few cosmopolites
1498 On number of species in Torrid zone
1501 less numerous but higher
1504 Tropics most prolific in Crustacean life
1528 general discussion on above heads
SA (vp. 1588-1589; part of a letter from f.D.
1498 35-39m 1501 28-29m 1503 36-38m 1528 2-24m 1529 2-9m 1531 4-5m 1533 wtu, table.m "Hyas", wb Right (also totals in each column totalled) 1536 table.m "Cyclograpsus" 1538 table.m "Lithodes" "Paguristes" 1542 table.m "Jaera" 1543 table.m "Amphoroidea" 1544 table.m "Anonyx" "Gammarus" 1551 30x^/30-39m/34u, 39u (place-names), 35-37w Before Glacial B.G. 1552 7m, 7m, 9m, 12m, 31m/w Med & Japan 33m, 40m/w Med & Japan 1553 2m/w>, 3m/xv, 5m/w, 7m/w Med & Japan 8w 36 species with enormous ranges zb 1554 4x*&/3-9w 42 sp with curious ranges.- belong to many genera 1557 2-5m/ 4-5x*±, llu+>, 23x*&, 28-33-w Evidently far more relation between E. & W. America than in shells & more species in common: but I can hardly judge 35-37m* 1558 19-24m/ 21x^. 1561 3w a temperate genus 3x*&/w New Zealand & America 25x*& 1564 30x^ 1567 18-19x*& 1569 20-22w New Zealand & S. America 12x^, 16w do 29*^, 26u "eighty-one", 29u "thirteen\Japan"/x*&/w - New Zealand & Cape 30u "three"/x^ 1570 3x^, 13x^ 1574 7a "above" 33 7x^/w 33 species in common 15-17m, 19x^/19-22xv It is a difficulty so few being common to Europe & Cape 29w 12 Natal & Japan 1576 29u«§* "eastern I Australia", 25-28w New Zealand & America 29x/?*& 1578 22« "Hymenicus I near"/ 21-32w No representative case can be made out, as for common Antarctic land; New Zealand & America ÏÏ23-Sm/fÎ22u "over twelve"I$9x*&ß9-7w are any of these southern genera I wonder 1\lO-8w p. 1561 & temperate genus of Amphoroidea ÏÏS« "Cyclograpsus"/wb is a wide ranger, Mid Pacific Florida ÏÏSw "Paguristes"/wb wide ranger ÏÏ7« "Betaeus"/wb Indian Ocean
[page break] 179
torried 115« "Palaemon"/w torrid wb Cancer none torrid N & S. America Ozius torrid 1579 3xV« "Ozius \Xantho", 13x^/u "Lithodesl Galathea"/w range equator wards? ÏÏ8-lm/u/w (ranges and climatic zones of species named) 1580 28-29x^ 1581 4u "Glyptonotus"/ 3-4x*&, 6x^/13x^/6w New Zealand & Cape & S. America 1582 7x^/10-llx*&/8-9w & Turtles &c 1583 8x^, 12x^, 18-19x^/19u "noil zone", 21x^, 27x^/w New Zealand & America 27-28u "Amphoridae\ Ozius"/x*&, 35x^ 1584 9x^, 13c "Horn"/w G Hope 22-23x/26-27x/36x^/38u "Japan" 1585 4x*&, lie "Horn" Good Hope 16x^, 27x*& 1586 13-14x^, 21-22x^, 29-30x^, 32-33x*& 1587 23-25m/13-14x^, 24-25x^ 1588 33-34x^ 1589 3-4x^
DANA, James Dwight Corals and coral islands New York; Dodd & Mead; 1872 [CUL, I] geo
NB p. 365; p. 308 Loyalty Isld Quart Jour. 1847 p. 61
7 26-30m 108 8-10m 116 9-13m, 13-16m 158 l-2m, 10-llm, 31-32m 171 12m, 15-17m 184 22-26m 193 27m "Metia or" 199 9-10m 219 12-14m 259 23-16m 267 flfim 273 25m 301 9-18m, ll-12m, 15-17m, 30-33m/33u "westernmost islands" 302 22-26m 303 3-7m, 10-13m, 14w why not 23u "occur\are", 30-31m 304 20-23m, 18-25m/23w why 305 9-12m, 13-14m, 16m, 20u "Tatoa\volcano", 28-32m/30u "evidence \ very" 306 6-8m, 12-14m, 14-17m, 20-22m 307 7-9m, 12-13m, 18-23m 308 25-29m 309 16-19m, 23-24m 310 6-22m 311 29-32m 317 S-20m 320 24-29m 321 26-20m 322 2-4m 323 17-23m 324 2-6m, 9-22m, 27-32m 325 ll-13m/ll-15"..."/12u "deep bays" 326 16-20m, 24-25u "Tutuila\coral", 28-32m 327 6-22m, 25-26w I do not trust this evidence?? 17-22m/18u "wide reefs", 26-31m 330 28-31m 331 wt Mr D also shows on authority of Mr Hale that * these islanders seem to be here held * where certain • on Ponape were sacred l-8m/4-8"...", 9m 333 22-28m/22u "the lagoon", 29u "two feet", 31-21-* 334 2-4m, 16-18m/18u "six feet"/ 14-21w This wd protect the leeward side 25-26m/w From Keeling Isld 25a "Metia" or Aurora solid coral rock 27-32m/29u "northeastern" 336 12 w "three hundred", 26u "Rurutu", 28u "high", 29u "lower eminences", 30u "hundred", 30u "three hundred", 32u "part basaltic" 337 5-8m/6u "All\ Tonga", 10-14m/12u "layer I thick", 31u "one\height" 338 4-7m, 14-17w Samoan elevtn 2 or 3 18u "two\three" 339
26m "proof\elevation" 341 22-24m 342 24-26m(24u "fourIsix" 343 29m "onelhas", 32u "full I feet" 345 27-37m 346 wt The nature of the slope - (Galapagos •) Tasman - birds Of atolls 35119-23m 365 l-7m/l-2u<^/4u "of\ Hawaii" 394a lm 394b lm, 3m 395b 23m, 22m
DANA, James Dwight Manual of geology Philadelphia; Theodore Bliss & Co.; 1863 [Down, I]
DANDOLO, Vincenzo The art of rearing silkworms London; John Murray; 1825 [CUL, pre-B]
NB 23; 244; 270
23 20-27m/22-23Q 244 2-3m 270 7-22m 349
DANIELSSEN, Daniel Cornelius and KOREN, Johan Zoologi: Gephyrea Christiania; Gradahl & Sohn; 1881 [Down] p
DARESTE, Camille Recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités Paris; C. Reinwald & Cie.; 1877 [Down, I]
DARWIN, Charles De Afotamming van den Mensch (The descent of man) trans. H. Hartog Heys van Zouteveen; Delft; Van Ijkema & Van Gijn; 1871 [CUL] p
DARWIN, Charles En Naturforskares resa omkring forden (Voyage of a naturalist) trans. G. Lindström; Stockholm; J.L. Tornquist; 1872 [CUL] p
DARWIN, Charles Het Ontstaam der Soorten (The origin of species) trans. T.C. Winckler; Haarlem; A.C. Kruseman; 1860 [CUL, I] p
DARWIN, Charles Origine délie specie (The origin of species) trans. G. Canestrini; Torino; Unione Tipografico Torinese; 1875 [Down] P
DARWIN, Charles L'Origine dell'uomo e la scelta in rapporto col sesso (The descent of man) trans. M. Lessona; Torino; Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese; 1871 [CUL] p
DARWIN, Charles Über die Entstehung der Arten in Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn (The origin of species) trans. H.G. Bronn; Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1860 [CUL]
[page break] 181
af, ce, er, et, ds, em, ex, fg, gd, ig, oo, phy, rd, sl, sy, t, ti, tm, ts, v
SF 09Î «► (4 sheets)
Bronn's criticisms for New Edit of Origin Objects that I cannot precisely say why two species of Rats Hare & Rabbit assumed by selection their present characters - very true I can in no case say this - we know so little of use of parts & laws of correlation.- But I confess, I thus evade every special difficulty. Why one gets round and another pointed leaves.
Objects that in case of two varieties still living in abundance side by side how can intermediate races + have been exterminated - But are there such cases, excluding such vars as albinos.- Do not they inhabit distinct countries or stations - surely this is general rule.-
Do you believe in Brehms sub-species. Have you seen them?
Thinks that variation arising from external conditions are linked together by intermediate - not those produced by n. selection.-
Why of two cells, primordial, one got volition & sensation & other did not-Says I ought to answer * whether my primordial forms were created as eggs or full-grown &c- Admits that vegetable-cell wd come first. (over)
I think Schmidt says the eyes not so completely grown, at least form more related to those of external world * near extreme of case - *
I shd never suppose with respect to his supposed changes in 2 Rats, that first longer or shorter tail & larger ears were acquired, but that all were modified together.-» Might I not ask Creationist why tail longer or ear shorter? I could not ask this of him who believes that God makes his creation different for mere variety - like man fashions a pattern for mere variety.
Objects there might ® 100,000 creations as
well as one: I agree ® then these would not
have borne signs of common descent in
homologies & embryology & rudimentary
Some mistakes about my supposing several
glacial periods- Permian & Chalk
"Why shd the process of development have
always caused one race rats in all different
parts of world" I do not believe so - N.
Zealand & Australia.
♦«3> I cannot see force of your objection
because one cannot explain origination of
life - the far grandest problem of any - why
it wd not be gain to explain or account for
forms; if this could be done - so we * do
not know what selecting is, but • this its
I fully agree to your final sentence - & I fully
admit the many awful difficulties in my view.
Certainly, as he grants ® that both rats
descended from one common parent.
As I cannot justify my opinions in any one
single case, so I need not in any.- is as true
* as it is severe-
Though I can in no single instance, (except
by conjecture, as longer legs of Hare for
fleetness & not • - longer ears to hear with)
explain changes * yet the structures &c led
me to conclusion.- Laws of Variation will
hereafter be understood far clearer
1 wt With
p (missing from p. 463)
DARWIN, Charles The zoology of the voyage
of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of
Captain Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 1832 to
1836 London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1840-1842
ex, gd, ig, mg, sp, ti
Part 1, 9 wt 4 apparently the Olivallaria auricular of d'Orbigny 19-20u "Oysters''/«?•, 22-23c/xve, 22-37m 17 23-28m* 28 lOc/w already alluded to ll-13m/a "Toxodon" in several cases it deviates from 29 la "Rodent" 55 23-22 m, 20-25ml20w a Pachyderm 24a "Macrauchenia"/w animal 72 33-37m 74 29-22 m 107 2-2m, 37-39m
Part 2, 17 31-36m 35 23-25m 48 22wA> 12 73 2w 28 81 3-6m
Part 3, NB S Representative species p31; 85*
85 capital Glacial Representative, not quoted 113 Beaks of woodpeckers muddy at base 67«^ intermediate var in intermediate regions 16 (u=colourings) 4u, 5-6u, 9-10u, 10-16m/10-12"...", 29-34m/33u 31 22-23m 34 7-8Q 66 29-20Q 67 29-30Q 83 22-24z 85 9m 108 26-27a; Matutina 27c "ruficollis" 113 32m/Q 143 20-22Q
Part 4, SB1 •*
Important to find out those genera which have no marine species or migratory species. In these distribution must offer great difficulty.- Are there many? Feb./56/
[page break] 183
SB2 Galapagos Fish (list of species)
SB3 Qß ®>
♦ p340 odd about Alpine forms becoming
less numerous (rest 0)
F.W. Fish
p3 True Perch in S. America
p18 Dules R Tahiti - other species Java
p79 Atherina Valparaiso - some in brackish,
some salt species
p114 Poecilia Cyprinidae Lebias S. America
p120 Mesites Nov. Gen.
p123 Tetragonopterus
p131 Aplochiton F.W. Genus Falklands & T.
del Fuego
p142 Anguilla N. Zealand
Part 5, 2 12w 111 4 lw 2 5 lw 3 6 16w 4 7 16w 5 8 lu/5-6u (colourings), 9-14m, 27w 6
lw 7 11 lw 8 12 20w 9 13 23w 10 14 31w
15 33w 12 17 lw 13 18 7w 121 41 3-4m 5110-12m
DARWIN, Charles (end of German translation of Beagle Journal?) [CUL] pat, phy
298 l-17w thinks palm sap owing to life being continued 299 14-23m/w in Challen Id a well person new arriving made all sick -believe in New Zealand
DARWIN, Erasmus The botanic garden part 1 and part 2 vol. 1, bound together; London; J. Johnson; 1791; and part 2, vol. 2, 2nd edn [CULR, pre-B, S] fg, gd, mhp, sp, sx
NB p. 8; p197; p200; p202
Species of Plants p. 4 to 7; 10 to 26 to 40;
p.60; 75; 125; 147; 169; 185; 186; Abstract
Dec 1857
p3 & 4 female bending down; p. 5 In Genista
the pistil Bending round to stamens which
last shed their pollen; p. 6 Labiatae similar
observation; p. 16 On Arum preventing Flies
escaping (Ch. 3); 60 seeds of Tillandria
found sticking to trees; 169 Amoen Acad on
Rams giving fleeces
vol. 1 title page wb Second * part 1790 which was published first 8 23-31m 9 1"..." 197 15-17m 17u "the\bush", 20-21m 198 1Î5-lm/w(FD) 200 14-16m, 21-22m 202 17-20m, 22-25m ( White)
vol. 2, part 1, 4 18-20m 5 8-llm, 15-18m, 20-24m 6 9~12m/8-15w These facts do not appear to me impossible, though Sprengel
denies them 7 12-17m (Linnaeus), 19u "with I only" 10 ll-15m 12 15-18m 14 12-15m, 19ml u "two\different", 23?/u "approach\pistil" 16 ll-20m 17 30-32m/31u "letter\with" 26 ÏÏ4-2m 38 20-22m 20u "Caterpillars which", 26-27m 26u "The lark" 39 llu "those I green" 60 22-24m 23m "with\on" 75 tÎ4m 76 8-9m 107 15-19m 121 ll-15m 125 20-22m 146 23-25m 147 15-23m 148 18-20m 149 7-9m 169 19-20m 185 2-6m 186 4-21 m
DARWIN, Erasmus The botanic garden, part 2 vol. 2; Lichfield; J. Jackson; 1789 [CUL, pre-B]
DARWIN, Erasmus Phytologia London; J. Johnson; 1800 [CULR, pre-B, S] beh, br, ch, che, es, fg, mhp, pat, sh, sp, spo, sx, tm, y
NB 45 leaves closing in rain 95 96 99 102 106 108 114
116,8 - direct action of pollen of beans V. fabaO
137 148 181 324 320 350 379 451 452 501 532 535 541 543 545 568 570 579 583 p207 215 Phosphorus not enough attended to but he thinks shells contain an abundance 217 use of StrawO SBÜß
106 Q Case of broom other plants bending pistil to late anthers, I doubt 116 Most curious case of rows of Beans, crossed Bath Soc. vol. 5, p. 38 451. 1746 a Mr Cooper selecting his vegetables with care, & evidently independently (shows how it may have gone on) & with this care, does not find any change of seed, necessary. Quoted from Communications to Board of Agriculture 532 On Gout produced by intemperance, children can bear less. 568 Phytolacca 1 species with 20 stamens, another with 10, & another with 8 & 8 Pistils & another dioicous - Properly Decandria & DecagyngiaO
2 3~4m 45 9-13m 55 10-12m 76 31"."132m 77 l-3m, 9...", 27-29m 79 29-32m 95 l-12m 96 lO-lèm/w will not account for sporting 97 16-19m/w How do Horticultures propagate these 99 l-3m 102 l-5m 106 ll-32m/w shows that stigma long remains susceptible of impregnation 107 l-9m 108 10-19m, 28-32m (Bonnet) 109 6-9m 114 13-18m, 21-32m 115 24-32m 116 l-3m\3-lm\llc "See\work"l 22-28m/2-28w important shows extent of crossing 117 21u "Vol. I Academic"\18-21m (Schreber) 118 5-7m, 20-29m/22u "plants\his"
[page break] 186
119 4r-8m 137 7-15m/llu "Fordyce" 148 29-
22m 181 2-5m 207 19-20m/19u "universally I
vegetables"/20u "sufficiently\to" 209 25-26m
211 6-8m 215 6-9m, 7m 217 6-20m 316 23m
320 2-*m 324 24r-32w so that Sir G. Sebright
explanation of ill effects of breeding in & in —
same as my grandfathers for diseases in old
trees 350 3-9m, 29-31m 379 27-32m/? 433 2-
2m, 6-7m 451 l-5m/w good 7-24m, 19-23m,
28-32m 452 2-5m, 25-30m, 28-29m 467 9-
22m 501 16-18m/18u "after flowering" 531 2-
9m 532 10-15m, 19-25m 533 24-2Sm
(Linnaeus) 535 2-4m (Linnaeus)/4u "Tracts\
Hist." 541 2S-22m 543 2S-25m 545 26-29m/
26« "Philos. I Nature" 557 7-20m, 2S-22m, 22-
25m/24u "old organizations", 30-32m 559 5-
8m 568 4w Fish? 6-10m/6u "the\organs"/w is
this so? 9w Lamarck 22-30m 569 2-26m 570
2-3m 577 27-29m 579 17-20m (Murray) 583
DARWIN, Erasmus The temple of nature London; J. Johnson; 1803 [CULR, pre-B, S; 2 copies, one unmarked] beh, cr, phy, tm
NB 0/
p54 In Man fundus not over opening of
urethra; 63; 134
notes p. 1; p. 18; p. 25
124 Love your mother as yourself
54 consonant to the dignity of the Creator of
all things
120 Machine to speak
87 Reference to my Father on Spectra
p11 - advantage of * Power Microscope
54 22-23m, 26-28m/24-28[...] 63 26-27m 68 22-28m 73 23-27m 124 23-22m (Socrates)/17-21[...]/18c/19ce 134 5-8m, 5-6m Notes, contents "270"m, "295"m 1 20-21m 11 5-9m 18 3-7w external or internal yolk sac - means of passage= 6-8m 23 2w* Read 25 25-29m 33 3w* Read to p. 36 45 20-23m 120 7-14m/8-12"...",21-27m
DARWIN, Erasmus Zoonomia 2 vols; London; J. Johnson; 1794-96 [CULR, pre-B] beh, cc, ch, ds, gd, he, ig, pat, phy, sx, t, tm, v
vol. 1 NB1 23; 24; 46; 50; 52; 55; 57; 103; 104; 108 Malebranche gustation; 114; 130; 142; 140; 147; 148 Expression; 150; 152 Expression; 154; 160; 162; 190 I must show habits descended and then 0; 192; 201; 203 whole chapter on sleep very good & all
marked; 214; 242; 253; 265; 267; 268; 269; 423 expressions; 425; 427 - good yawning; 483; 487; 502; 504; 505; 509; 510; 517 NB2 p. 183 centipedes cutting worm into 2 pieces
SA (pp. 504-5) Qß
140 Q An infant soon forgets to suck - if calf once sucks cannot be • up by hand 160 Q Kitten covering spoonful of water. EttyO shaking foot, when it heard water 191 Compares Music with Instinct & when putting nose into glass 504 Lamarck concisely forestalled by my Grandfather
508 Teats on sheath of Horse (& in Mule) - Plato thought that all animals Hermaphrodite
12 24-29m 23 7-20m/8w (a) wb (a) This is strange as hungry men never dream of hunger 24 6-32m 46 6-22m 50 17-19w instinctively so 52 2-4m 55 12-15m/w the mouth alone repeats the sensation 57 8-10m, 13-29m/29u "whole skin" 58 l-9m/w hope is mental desire 99 27m, 31m 103 22-25m, 29-32m 104 7-26m 105 19-31m/23-27w does habit imply having ideas? 106 30-32m 108 22-25m/w as soon as we became locomotive 114 S-25m 139 8-27m (Haller) 140 5-7m, 20-26m (Harvey, Hippocrates) 148 14-18m 150 5-23m 151 22-24m 152 18-20m/w Sir C. Bell says because he looks back 154 12-14m/w ling to dogs in S. America 30-32m 160 15-22m 162 27-22m, 28-32m 182 9-22m, 29« "flesh\instincts" 183 9-27m 190 28-31m 191 wt There appears to be perfect gradation from concatenated movements of which is only partly unconscious.- to those which by no effort can be recollected yet, but yet one does by instinct & habit.- 2-5m, 7-2 2 m, 23-25m/a; & indeed the more she does the better wb all this is the reverse of intellectual power 192 19-24m 194 8-27m 195 24-28m Vil 4-6m 199 21-24m/w no consciousness ÏÏ4-2m 201 19-22m 202 25m 203 2-24m 207 22-27m 208 4-20m 213 4m/x 214 22-23m 215 23-26m 216 19-22m 219 l-5m/2u "tremulous convulsions" 242 22-25m 253 2-2m, 4-7m/w tastes hereditary do 16-20m 255 15-18m/w* tooth on edge sound, when earth is crushed between teeth - hear similar sound 265 4-8m 267 13-20m/18-19u "sensation"/w* I think this is 22-23m/w only by drying the mouth 268 20-23m, 24-27m, 28-31m 269 21-25m/22-27w is there or not a muscular contrivance to expel this 270 16-23m 273 26m 339 ÏÏ7m 356 14-17m/w Vjde 359 3m 387 29m 409 7m/x& 421 22m* 422 7-20m, 14-16m/14u "exertion
[page break] 188
of", 24r-25m 423 15-19m, 29-31m, 32m/w over 424 25-32m 425 7-9m, ll-24m, 27-31m 427 zvt yawning, streching fidgets (see Dr Holland) convulsions affecting the voluntary muscles - muscles of jaw, perhaps soonest brought into action & likewise perhaps connected by associations with * digestive powers & therefore soonest gives relief. 7-9m/w hence yawning attacks these muscles 431 24m/x 433 5m/x (Helvetius) 435 9m/x 455 9m/x 456 15m/x&> 483 26-28m/27u "polygonum viviparum" 487 10-19m 500 22-24m/[...]/23u "lactescent women" 501 l-5[...], 3w (not CD) 502 13-26m, 26-31m/w Bell Bridgewater Treatise argues against this 503 8-16m, 25-28m 504 6-16m/12-16"..."/ll-13w Lamarck!! 505 l-3m, 5-7m, 7-llm, 12-18m 506 wt Sir Charles Bell perfectly confutes all this 7-13m/7-23w May be quoted, to show no more wonderful.- if merely proved a law of nature we are accustomed to the former. I attempt to show means - which is impossible in the one animal 507 7-10m, 10-llm/x/w variation 19u "learned"\19-20wwhat an assumption!!! 508 ll-32m 509 4a "generation /wt aided by endless attempts, of which only few are preserved.- Vide Hume's works 1-Am (Hume), 17-24m 510 27-32m/w This pro» the Dr 511 l-8m 512 25-26«; sex of Bees changed by food 514 3-22m 517 8-14m
vol. 2, 40 4-8m/5w(CD?) 43 2-6m 46 22-25m 145 l-19w (not CD) 352 27-32m 573 2u/w (not CD)
DARWIN, Robert Waring New experiments on the ocular spectra of light and colours London; J. Nichols; 1786 [CUL]
DARWIN, Robert Waring Principia botanica; or, a concise and easy introduction to the sexual botany of Linnaeus London; Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme; 1810 [CUL, pre-B]
DAUBENY, Charles A description of active and extinct volcanos London; W. Phillips; 1826 [Down, pre-B] geo, mi, ti
94 21-25m/22-23w A 95 6-12mA>/8-9w A 104 30w&> Miocene 105 25-27m, 23-31m 170 25-16w (not CD) 171 13-14w (not CD) 180 18-27w Covington copy 28-39m, 28-34m, 30-39m/ "..."/36-37u "frequent I matrix" 188 ll-15m/w A 265 13-22m 266 7"...", ll-24wto This is correct is taken from chart of the Azores by Reade 13-24m (von Buch), 20c/we, fig.w* fathoms 24"..." 267 zb 270 27-33m, 33m 272 ll-12m/llu "Madagascar" 273 2-2m 312 9-
16m 313 20-26m 323 16-17m/w Carteret in new Britain V. Krusens*- 324 wt New Britain Carteret saw spouting l~4m, 5u "Ahryn", 7u "Tanna" 325 22-29m 326 2-6m 334 28-27m 343 27-30m 350 2-35m 351 2-22m 361 22-25*/25m, 27-35m/34we, wb * Do either of these periods include s*- Caracas & Quito case of connects- 386 9-llm/10u "pearly lustre", 26-28m, 35-37m/35u "nepheline\ leucite" 387 18-27m, 26-33m 388 2-6m 401 2-12m/2-5w* Not in shifting sands 402 20-35m
DAUBRÉE, M. Études et expériences synthétiques sur la métamorphisme et sur la formation des roches cristallines Paris; Imprimerie Impériale; 1860 [Down, I] p
DAWKINS, William Boyd Cave hunting London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down] wd
NB Used; 77 Domestic Anims; 78; 137; 382 77 25-31m 78 2-8m 137 2-23m, 25-22m 382 25-29m
DAWSON, James Australian aborigines Melbourne; George Robertson; 1881 [Down, I] beh, oo
NB White louse beaten out by black louse -
p.90 Change in Habits in Opossum
13 2-5m 90 25-33m
DAWSON, John William The fossil plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian formations of Canada Montreal; Dawson Bros.; London; Sampson, Low, Son & Marston; 1871 [CUL, I]
74 21-32m 77 8-13m 80 7-20m, 22-26m
DEFRANCE, M. Tableau des corps organisés fossiles Paris; F.G. Levrault; 1824 [Down, I by F.W.H.] p
DE LA BECHE, Henry Thomas Researches in theoretical geology London; Charles Knight; 1834 [CUL, on B] che, geo, mi, t, ve
NB1 Every mountain chain may be considered as the ruin of an earthquake aided or obliterated by time! It is vain to bring first & other causes to bear they are comparatively insignificant.— ♦ 192; 198; 219; 242; 252; 293; 297;
[page break] 190
greenstones traversing granites serious drawback -
NB2 ♦ 12 Spec Grav of Limestone-; 13 on Sulphur; 34; 43; 44; 53; 58; 95; 97 to 100 to 109 &c. Cleavage; 128; 131 When considering M. chain; 141 Hence value of unitary System enters; 147; 151; 177 futility of lake theory well shown
12 30-34m 13 24-30m 14 l-13m 31 ll-12w of silver 34 5-9m 43 l-12m, ÏÏ5m/wb If so absence of ice in Arctic region proof of heat of bottom 44 l-4m 33 30-34m 58 7-27m/22-16w I cannot understand this 15-22m/17-18w No 19-33m/xA>/wb<& Study Mr Palmer's papers in Royal Transactions 60 19-20m, wb Something wrong because breakes from sea and swell nearly similar 61 l-31m&> 62 2-33mto 63 2-22m/&, 15-27m&> 74a 15m 74b 4m, 9m, 10m 75 ll-12m, 12-14m 93 wt Iquique l-13m 95 wt with respect to obsidian 3-30m 96 5-27m 97 19-28m/25u "subsequently"/??&>, wb whilst soft because lime blends with clay wb Iquique wbfi> anhydrite 99 14-22m<&, wb&> Fissure seen otherO to determine convulsing action.- Hence veins of quartz in many rocks. 100 13-33m/32-33m, wbe* Hollow concretion 10112-17m 103 3-8m 104 2-15m 105 14-33m& 109 4-25m 111 22-30m 128 wt Falkland Isd l-8m 129 6-22m, 12-15z 130 24-26m 131 4-llm 132 10-31m 136 ll-16m 141 17-26m 147 13-25m 149 28-34m 150 wt Hence carbon removed from primary rocks - hence hydrogen & nitrogen 151 wt X Thence all the bituminous rocks, layers of shales, because carbonic acid decomposed water 10-26m 160 15-28m 177 6-24m, wb applicable to Terraces 192 26-33m 193 l-33m 194 l-15m, wb formed by beaches 198 wt as long as stream rapid form gorge straight (why?) then zigzag, widen it, but could not produce sloping tub 12w V. p200 200 ll-18m, 19-21m, wb* hence gorge straight 212 12-31m 213 l-15m 219 10-31m 220 U-19m 221 13-32m 242 24-28m 243 l-9m 252 wt<& where underdraught not too strong.- 5-23m/H, wb&> how can the part above the sea determine the action, submarine part may do so.- 267 16-28m 292 wb Mem. carbonic Acid in Springs- 293 12-19m, 33u/"...", wb Insist upon thickness in Cordillera however difficult to understand 297 2-17m 407 23-27m&/24a& "Voluta" 0/
DE LA BECHE, Henry Thomas A selection of the geological memoirs contained in the Annals of Mines London; William Phillips; 1824 [Down, pre-B] p
DELAGE, Yves Contribution à l'étude de l'appareil circulatoire des Crustacés édrio-phthalmes marins Paris; A. Hennuyer; 1881 [Down, I] p
DELAMER, Eugene Sebastian (Edmund Saul DIXON) Pigeons and rabbits in their wild, domestic and captive states London; G. Routledge & Co.; 1854 [CUL] br, che, geo, oo, v
NB1 Carbons; Salt & Old Mortar & gravel to
Runt; Turbit?; Almond-Tumbler; Carrier;
Fantail; Powter
NB2 p. 1; p. 2; p. 22; p. 38; p. 51; p. 53; p. 66;
p.68; p. 69; p. 70; p. 72; p. 75; p. 77; p. 82; p. 95;
p.114 good one Rabbit outbred other; p. 133;
95 Rabbits probably in Caesars time in
114 If Warren stocked with Grey & Silver the
latter will soon be bred out (on var. beating
another Ch. 5)
141 Rabbit with longest ears known 22
inches and this length of ear great point.-
136 do not breed true.
1 19-23m 2 20-35m/22u "Columella" 3 29-33m 14 zb 17 23-25m 18 27m, 28m, 31-32m, 35m, 37m 19 3-4m 22 10-14m 30 14-lSm 32 34-35m 33 7m, 35m/u "twenty inches" 34 2-25m, 34-39m, wb Brick next Pan 35 22-23m, 30-32m 36 22-24m 38 12-17m, 25-27m, 27-28m 41 23m, 37-38m/38u "bay salt" 42 26-28m/27u "cumin" 43 22-24m, 15-16m/16u "old mortar" 44 22-24m, 30-31m 46 9-22m 51 28-33m 53 24-31m, wb marked to end 54 38-39m 56 2-7m, 8-12m, 21-23m/21u "pair"/22u "two I more", 34-39m 57 8m, 26-29m, 32-34m 58 9-2 2 m 59 27-29m 61 22-24m 63 2 6-19m, 21-39m 65 l-4m 66 8-16m, 27-29m 67 29-36m 68 2-22m, 25-35m 69 3-22m, 33-37m 70 15-20m, 34-38m 71 25-31m 72 30-35m 75 27-25m facing 76 fig.w fig.5 Copied from Mr Delamer 77 28-39m 81 24-25m 82 7-20m 95 12-22m 114 9-25m/20-22QA> 133 20-39m/-> 134 15-22m/18u "Angora rabbits" 135 24-2Sm 136 6-23m, 9-18m, 12-15m 137 2-6m, 13-17m, 33-36m 139 33-35m/33?/u "seveteen\ ear", wb See next Page 141 5m, 32-33Qä>, 36-39m, 36-39m
DELGADO, Joaquim Filippe Nery da Encarnaçâo Sobre a existencia do terreno siluriano no baixo alemtejo Lisboa; Academia Real das Sciencias; 1876 [Down, I] p
[page break] 191
DELPINO, Federico Ulteriori osservazioni sulla dicogamia nel regno végétale Milano; Giuseppe Bernardoni; 1868-1874 [CUL, S] ce, et, fg, mhp, oo, phy, sx, t, tm
NB1 a
e> p. 16 Utricularia (rest 0>
91 Goodenia
170 Passiflora princeps
p177 In Liguria 1/3000 of Ophrys araneifera
only get seed; a good many more near
188 Marcgraviacea
224 Ceropegia
62 George«s>0 Has seen Bees, not Bombus
visit flower of Trifolium.-
NB2 On Anemophilous Flowers (very full &
NB3 337; 342 Pontederia trimorphic
Cephalantera Grandiflora^ - p149, 150
154 - ^ male more conspicuous & visited
123 + 124 Ophrys •»
(here also Pt 2)
orchids p61-62; p60 Laburnum
L. MortigonO
NB4 A Arumi p18
SB &; ♦«>
p61 Great Laburnum flower
Serapias perhaps gnawed
Calyx commestible long discussion on 121 says Sprengel right & M. & I wrong about nectary & lower flower only visited False drops of nectar.
Cephalantera ensifolia
Waechter - news of explosion of Neottia See Part I on Ophrys
Much on Orchids in Delpino Part \_\ 211f Observazioni
Part 1, 6 4-9m 14 23-26m 15 20-22m 16 2c/ at, 30-35m 22 11-Um 29 29-32m 33 14u/wx 35 11-Um 51 19-21m 52 2-7m 59 23-29m 62 l-9m 75 24-26m 118 22-23m 119 5-8m, 35m 121 27-31m 122 l-2m 144 23-27m, 29-35m 148 7-10m 149 27-29m 158 15-17m 173 3-Sm Y7i> ll-13m 177 16-24m 188 6-8m, 15-16m 198 7-8u/wx, 10u/wx 202 4-6m 229 26-29m 258 31-33m
Part 2, fasc. 1, 22 7-9m 24 13-lSm 25 25-18m, 23-25m 37 2-6m fasc. 2, title page w 21 Ruppia 24 59 31-35w cells 60 32-35m 61 29-32m (Fritz Müller)/29-35w Kind of powder attraction to visit looseO cells 62 7-20m, 23-27m 63 4-27m (CD), 20m, 22-31w Calyx &
Petals attractive to be gnawed 121 6-34m/w thinks H. Müller & self wrong & Spengel right about false nectary - says only first flowers visited & then bees find out mistake - and that only few pods get 122 2-16w says cold accounts for bursting of Epidermia cells within the nectary 30-31m, wb Other plants with false * & true nectar- pollen both on same plant. Mem How long it is before nectar secretes 123 l-29w Despises idea that nectar an excretion & supposes false drops are rare excretion.- (Mem. common Laurel &&& Vicia.- wb Shining swelling like nectar & drops of true nectar on same plant. - thus explains case of Ophrys - Liperzia a case - I shall believe when insects seem to try & suck. ♦ 124 22-27m 149 9-42mj9-391...Jlw C. ensifolia 4 pollen-masses.- Viscid matter from stigma probably besmears backs of insects & thus pollen is carried 150 lu "Periplocea"/l-4m/w like Orchids 13-A0w W apparently did not know of CK Spengel, but was well aware of necessity of insects for fert. of Orchids & describes well the fert. of Neottia, viz. explosion of • 154 10-llm/w Read 25-32m, wb It explains male fl more conspicuous than female fl so as male to be visited first 155 28-34m (Buchan White, Spengel) 158 34] 210 23ce 337 not Dimorphic one protogynous & proterandrous 2-3m\[ 338 30-35m 342 2-4m 343 15m/xv Read 27-28m/ 28w Read 344 2-7m, 21-24m, 24-29m/25-26w Read 346 22m, 12-14m/15w Read 347 29m/a; Read 348 8m, Wm/w Read 24-25m 349 25ml w Read 351 31m
DENTON, William 7s Darwin right? Wellesley, Mass.; Denton; 1881 [Down]
DESCRIPTIVE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the fossil organic remains of Mammalia and Aves contained in the Museum of the Royal College of England London; Richard & John E. Taylor; 1845 [Down, I by President and Council]
DESMAREST, Anselm Gaétan Mammalogie ou description des espèces des Mammifères Paris; Veuve Agasse; 1820 [CUL, pre-B] beh, hy, phy, rd, sp, ss, sx, sy, tm, v, y
NB <♦ up to "»">
p481 ; p840 to; p. 499; 434; 437
Dog p190; Cats p233x • Tortoiseshell; 391
414 Hybrid Zebra & Horse
499 Ox
p347 Rabbit white star on forehead
Important So silver grey has this when
[page break] 193
young on head - I think Fancy rabbits have star on forehead No Brent says not particularly often 439 Cervus of Marianne Isld »a- p193 (he means 198) Canis jubatus with curl of Hair along back female not differ from male Sexual selection
p392 Babyroussa female with lower canines smaller than male.- Wd Bartlett kn any waits (ie weights) & body proportions of animal SBÜß
190 Classification of Dogs - nothing particular, but I daresay good 233 Tortoise-shell cats all female 347 Young Hares always white star on Forehead (Silver Grey Rabbit has this) 391 Mongolia Pigs when young are striped 414 Hybrid Zebra & Ass band on legs 421 Corsican Pony small 430 Cervus elaphus smaller than common form
437 Cervus Marianus bad specimen -Sumatra species very close to 480 Goats, Horns absent in female of some Races - Horns differ in sexes & abort in some vars, either in one or both sexes 488 Wild Mouflon. Female either with small Horns or destitute of do 500 Little Zebra, Horns rudimentary periodically cast (like Deer Horns) Do not mow but grunt
504 S. American cattle several varieties! Perhaps from different stock introduced
47 wt Primates to p. 107 61a 17-19m, 18-20m 61b 20u& ±, 48-50m 65a 42u&++, 53-54u<@ "sommet I crête" 65b 2-2« "parties \ chair", 4-16m/4u "Sensiblement \ petite''j8-9u "crêtes I saillantes "/12-13u "canines petites "/ 12m/w Canines 26-17« "là\occiput", 29-30m/ u "indice I vertex"jw yet male 66b 6-15m, 16-18w see p65 20-24m/21u "par \ touffus"/ 22u&<r> 67a 21-23m 67b & 14-15u "dont\ cornet"/w ear 45-491, 50-51u "poib\haut" 68a l-4m, l-3m\2u& 68b l-2m 69a 38-42 m 69b 35-36m, 36-37m 70b 34-35m, 44-51m/44-50m 71b 19-30m/20-21uA> "par I pelage" 75a zt, 3m, 24-27m 75b 4-8m&, 17-18m 79b 28-35m* 80b 35-37m 98a 21-29m 100b 20-22m 101a l-6m 107b 34-36m 189b 26-28m 191a xvt xxx 195; xx 292 191b 37-38w Greyhound 192a 26-27m 193b 17-20m/18u "Chien courant", 38-42m/39ud 194a 24-27m 195a 30-31m/30u* 195b 8-9m/8u*/8-9u*, 34-41m/36u*, 46-50m 217b 28-30m 219a 50-52m&, zb 223a 37-42mt& 233a 3-5m, 22-23m, 43-49m, 50-51m 233b 23-24m, 30-31m, 37-38m, 50-53m, 55-57m 241b 3-7m 241a 25u "mâle adulte",
27-28u "Carinél moyenne" 243a 27« "improprement \ blanc", 20-28m, 20-23u±, 27 u "marron\noir"/29u "restelest", 33u "bifurcation Iles", 51-52m 246b 25-29m 249b 46-51m 250b 42-44m*»l43-44m 253a 9-2 2 m 256b 46-47m 267b 24-27m 304b 35-38m 347b 2-4m/w is this not common character of Rabbits? 349a 49-52m 349b 55u "Mais\ terriers" 350b 4u "neIterre", 46u "queueI dessus" 351a 43-44u "uneIjoues" 351b 8u "ne I terriers", 37u "un\sous" 352a 27« "ne I terriers" 387b 48-50m 390a 25-28m, 23-24u "canines I defences" 391a 31-33m/w Ro» Qä>, 44-46m\44u "oreilles", 44u "très pointues" 391b 2« "Siam", 2u "Guinée" 410b 27-29m 412a 23-24m 414a 12-22m/15u "la\membres" 421b 24-29m 425a 32-36m/33-34Q<& 427b 5wA) 429b 15-17m 433a 46~48m 434b 38-A0m, 44-50m 435a 40-47m 437a 3-6m, 12-13m, 19-25m/20u "envoyé I Sumatra "\2lu "à I voisine" 438b 53-55m 445a 22-27m\23w Horns 36-38m 450a 22-25m 452a 37-38m/w female hornless 453a 10-13m/w hornless 453b 53m 454a & 42-43m/43u "Corine" 455a 27-28u "brosses I pouce", 38u "brosses I larmiers", 37-39mlw Horns smaller 455b 32« "celles I minces"\w Horns smaller 32u "les I corine"/w& p454 457b 28-30m/29u "dans \ seulement"/w 17 species 466b 28-33m/30u "dans I sexes "/w 2 species 468a 30-34m, 44-45u "existant I seulement" 470a 3-7mj4u " couleur \ généralement" lw Hornless 470b 30-34m/32-33u<-*/w Hornless 471a 3~4u/m/w 1 species 471b 12-13m, 41-42u "quelquefois\femelles" 473b 28-29« "Comes\sexes" 476a 54-55m/w Hornless smaller 477b 42~44m 480a 45-47m 481a 32-34m 482b 34-37m/34-35u "les I uniformes" 483a 31-35m, 47-50m/48u "qu'en\ étant", wb x differ in sexes & abortive in some vars. 483b 27« "Point I temps" 485a 22-25m, 23-24m 485b wb 10 varieties in world 487a 43-46m 487b 33-37m/34-35u "des I mâles" 488b 25-27m 491a 8-22m, 45-48m, wb 8 vars with subvars. no particular account of French vars. 492a 3-7m 493a 23-27m 498b 30-32m 499b 19-21m, 27-29m 500a 20-22m, 22-24m, 24-26m, 30-31m, 33-40m 503a 2w Holland wb 16 French vars of which one said to be introduced from Holland - some of these vars. have sub-vars. and there is appearance of truth about whole account. 503b 42-47m 504b 3-22m, 17-20m, 29-31m, 41-45m 505a 20-26m
DEVAY, Francis Du danger des manages consanguins 2nd edn; Paris; Victor Masson; 1862 [CUL] beh, br, he, mn, pat, t, v
[page break] 196
NB p97 Close interbreeding cause of
p103 Albinism very unsightly inheritance
p116 correlation of Deafs & Blinds - Cats
see Boudin p125 Deaf-mutes
p141 Ohio laws against marriage of cousins
97 24-28m/25-26Q&>, wb Fish & Dogs are 103 7-8m/8u, ll-18m 117 26-28m 119 17-20m 125 21-24m/7-24w if true cause of variability 141 21-26m/23Q 142 3-2 2 m
A DICTIONARY of chemistry compiled by A. Ure; London; Thomas Tegg; 1823 [CUL, pre-B,S] che
NB1 00
Mem 1880 Assuming our well water to contain 15gr of Hard * Matter per gallon (some water contains 20) it would require 20gr (say 21 gr) or t sample to gallon to precipitate the Lime - It is said that oxalic acid is poisonous when 2 or 3 drachms (ie 60 x 2 or 3) are taken. NB2 00
ix 28-29u "Evaporation]dew" xi 5-9m 74a 20c "by"/10-59w carb of amm of shops carb A 55 Amm 30 Water 15 75a wt Nitric acid 731/ 3 262/3 nitrogen 8-46w Org carb of am 56 carbon & 43 ammonia wb Amm 82 nitrogen 17.6 hydrogen 75b 49u++ 80a 59u "= 4.5" 157a 39u "17.64" 385b 9m/u "16° colder" 386a 44-46m 386b 43-A6m 387a 25-39w swandown best substance 387b 36-39m, 40u "Charcoal I rust", 42-43m 578 wt00 582a wt Ammon. a-Chrom. a 10m*, 11m, 12m, 14m, 15m, 16m, 17m, 18m, 19m, 20m, 21m, 22m, 23m, 24m, 25m, 27m*, 28m* 584a 2-26m, 45-50m 587a 26-29w/35-36w/52w/57-58wf64w (weights of meteors) 587b 3w/4w/7w/19-20m/w/24-25w/ 34-35w/37-38w/41w/45w/51w/55w/60w (weights of meteors) 588a 4-5w/12w/16-17w*/ 22w/31w/36w/54w (weights of meteors) 806a 17-18W00, 19m, 30m, 37m 806b 18m 807 zb 810 wb 100 = 180 811 table divided by red and blue vertical lines, wb x/x/x/xâ> 814 4-lOw00
A DICTIONARY of chemistry compiled by H. Watts, 5 vols. & suppl.; 2nd edn; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1871-1872 [Down] che, phy, tm
vol. 1,118 33w00 125 wt Morphine 591 5-7m 727 28-30m/29u "1/1000" 781 15-26m 866 41-46m, 54-62m 922 36m
vol. 2, 21 56-64m 639 ll-13w Albumin &
Oxygen 60-64m/62u "homogeneous substance" 640 30-37m/32-33u "albumin I composition " 643 47~49m 829 25-27m (Liebig)
vol. 3, 721 28-33m, 55-60m
vol. 4, 199 57-60m/60u "and I acids"\w I used best of common 730 3-7m
vol. 5, 349 37-40m 950 16-33w the products of organic • which have played their part in the animal organisation 20-21u "the\ oxidation" 1016 l-6m, 18-21m 1019 5-8m 1020 65-66m 1021 2-7m supplement, 974 4-13m
A DICTIONARY of the English language compiled by S. Johnson, 2 vols.; 4th edn; London; W. Strahan; 1770 [Down, S of Josiah Wedgwood]
DICTIONARY of the Spanish and English languages compiled by Newman & Barrett; 5th edn, vol. 1, Spanish-English; London; Longman, Rees & Co.; 1831 [CUL, pre-B]
NB rebotar to rivet; chiquechaque, a Sawyer 75 12-17m, 60-62w rummage 84 wt nasty, narky 446 30-32m
DICTIONNAIRE classique d'histoire naturelle vols. 1-17; Paris; Rey & Gravier; 1822-1831 [Down, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1] beh, gd, sx, tm, v
vol. 1, 17b 17-22m/19-20u "Cellel analogue" 323a 52u "Aurifera", wb no Gymnoflora. 323b wt 1815. 3u "Lepas", 4-9m 324a 16m, 20m, 28m, 32m
vol. 2, 145a ll-15m/15u "Balanus" 146a 45-48m 451a 5-22m, 13-15m, 23-25m
vol. 3 SB Article Chameau; 450 Nothing; Balancement; Bones & Hair correlation; But see the references to "Anatomie" & "Armes" 97a 20-24m 98a 9-13m/10u "bifurcus" 376b 39u "au \ mai", 41-43m, wb males an interval of eight mnths 447b 18-21m 448b 28-33m 450a 19-21m, 21-26m/w In BromptonO Dog reverse 49-52m, 50-54m 451a 52-54m 451b 6-9m, 24u "deux\garrot" 452b 20-23m, wb 3 varieties 454a 53u "Don\Theran" 454b 27-29m, 43-45m/43-44u "une \Alpaca", 50-54m 455a l-6m
vol. 4, 8a 18-24m (Cuvier)
vol. 5 SB 274 on Cyprinus; 277 on varieties of Gold Fish -
118a 24-26m, 27-28m, 24-25m, 28-32m, 34-41m, 43-47m 261b 2-5m/3u<-> 262 2-5m 274a
[page break] 198
9u "guère que" 274b 21-27m 275a 49-52m 276b 27-40m, 47-54m 277a 2-10m, 8-10m, 14m/u "une grosse", 20-A3mßl-33m 277b 18-20m, 46~47m 278a 3-5tn, 8-9m
vol. 7 SB 499. frog introduced from Madagascar into Mauritius
120a 17-21m, 47-49m 120b 5-9m 121b 28u "quinze \ queue", 35-39m/36w Ptel 122a 32-34m/32-33u^> 122b 15u "une\ retardé"/13-16m/Q 137a 24-25m 487a 26 "Greffe".w read 488a 24-29m 499b 46-54m
vol. 8, 274a 29-32m, 31-34m, 33-34m, 36-37m 324a 17-18m 329b 23-24m 336a 30-54m 405a 29-32m, 34m/u "M.S.Ch.E."/wb Kol-reuter#> refers to these 405b 2-7m, 26-28w Potato, Dahlia 28-38m/29-39m/29u "les espèces" 406a 7-17m, 39-40m 406b 4-8m, 8-21m, 43-47 m\46u "ovulesIavortés", 52-54m 407b 5-10m/??(7u "de structure" 467b 8-22m/ w teeth like points
vol. 9, 150a 48-53m 151a 9-16m/9-16m 324a 36-42 m 324b 22-25m 428a 25-26« "seconde I mâchoires "
vol. 10,121a 3-6m (Buffon), 15-23m, 30-34ml 31?/32u "entièrement" 121b 3-5k> only colour 34-36m, 37-38m 492a urt What direction did it arrive How many degrees of Longitude 30-32m 569b 33-43m
vol. 12, 305a 43u "clitandre", wb Preface 305b 23-24x, wb Preface 39-44m/w explanation of differn. 48x/u "rétinacte", 50-54m/ 53?lu "Belardia" 306a 18-21m, 22-23u "il\ loge" 307a 14-21m 307b 16-19m, 42-50m
vol. 13 NB Lesson; 419 Sea Elephant Penny Encycl & Vries; 402 Stemmatope F. Cuvier & GrattonO
361a 22-26m 361b 24-20m, 22« "plages", 22u "entièrement découverte" 402b 40-43m 418a 45-54m/46-47u "à\amours" 418b l-5m, 32-37w Polygamy 39-41m 419a 23-24m/««->, 25-28m 610a 38-40m/38u "Rana Pipa"
vol. 14, 10a 25-27m (Lamarck) 10b 48-52 m 131b 29-30Q
vol. 15, 18b 30-32 «<-►, 33-34u "entièrement I verdâtre", 35u "roux", 36u "élevées"
vol. 16, 195b 24-25u<-> 194a 45u++ 196a 48u "Tetrao lagopus" vol. 17 p
DICTIONNAIRE raisonée, étymologique, syn-onymique et polyglotte des termes usités dans les sciences naturelles ed. A.J.L. Jourdan, 2 vols.; Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1834 [CUL, on B]
vol. 1, 286a 45-49m/47-48u "nom\Candolle", wb Coelosperms 286b 2-2m 342a zb
DICTIONNAIRE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES, Planches Paris; F.G. Levrault; 1816-1830 [CUL] che, v
NB Vol with Conia 1818 Lépadiens w PL. 115, fig. 3.w x (2) back of plate 2 same size as B tulips in Brown - 2a good size for valve; all same size Balanides (first plate) wt PL 116/&, fig. 2.w I largish fig. 5.w versicolor or Mitra colur. back of plate 1 .-size of B. suleatum in Brown 4.- size of B. perforatum in Brown Balanides (second plate) wt PL 117/&, fig. l.w 3d size fig. 4.w 2d size
DILLWYN, Lewis Weston A descriptive catalogue of recent shells arranged according to the Linnean method with particular attention to the synonyms 2 vols.; London; John & Arthur Arch, Cornhill; 1817 [CUL, pre-B] gd, v
vol. 1 SB A (CD copies out detailed summary of distinguishing features of the following 35 shells: Chiton, Lepas, Pholas, Mya, Solen, Teilina, Cardium, Mactra, Donax, Venus, Spondylus, Chama, Area, Ostrea, Anomia, Mytilus, Pinna, Argonauta, Nautilus, Conus, Cypraea, Bulla, Valuta, Buccinum, Strombus, Murex, Trochus, Turbo, Helix, Nerita, Haliotis, Patella, Dentalium, Serpula, Teredo) (untranscribed w: CD writes "B", meaning "British")
25w 8 7w 11 6w, 20w 12 lw 13 22k? 14 9w not British 22k? not B 20w, 21-22u "interstices", 23w 15 3m, 4m/u "communis"/w no 6m, 17w, 19w (2) 37w copied! 40m "and I f."/w 16 7w, 10-15w (3) var of crenatus or balanoides 22k?, 17-19m, 25w, 30-36w (4) B. punctatus? -Yes 37-38u "substances\ abundance" 17 6u "Lepas borealis"l-^lwt L. borealis lw, 4-8w is this Ch. ChthamalusO 4-5w (5) 29k;, 20k; (6) 28u, 41-42m/41w, 42w
18 2m, 2-9u?* can this be CranchiiO 26-18w CranchiiO 29u "narrow glove-like", 32w (8) 35-36w, 37-39w = sulcatus 19 9m\uto "p. 101", 15u "striatus\Brit"/?*», 21-22m/21u "Cape\Bruguiere", 29w not recognisable 20 20-24w amphitrite? var cupidusO wb not to be recognised 21 7-15c/6-10w not to be recognized 29-22w B. amphitrite? or idoneus? 32m/31-34m/w this is curious 22 11-Uw var of tint 27w*, 28-32w vbx of tint 38k;, wb 9 24 zt, l-8m, 21w 25 28-20// 26 24-25?/u "Kurile Islands" 27 22k; 28 25-27w I 27m, 27-36m, 28m/w 1806? 30-32k? 1815? 29
[page break] 200
24a; 30 5w, 27w, 34m 31 llw, 13u "Montagu test"lw&> 1803 22w, 22-23w • of Lamarck 25-26u "Ellis 1557" 32 3-5w var llw 33 20a; Lithotrya, 12-14m/13u "p. 197", 25w, 30u "Seba"/28-30w 1734-65 29m/w 1815 30a "Poli." 1791 33u "membranacea"lw 1808 35 7w 36 40a; 38 lxv, 6u "striatus", 26w 40 3w 41 20a; not B 24m; not B 17w 42 16xo, 38w 45 24a;, 26m "distorta"/w Ligula 36a; 46 8a;, 21w, 30w 47 3a;, 26«;, 20m "Ligula prismatica", 29w, 32u "Ligula substriata" 49 29a;, 22m "Mya pictorutn" 50 25w, 29w Mya ovalis 52 16w 55 lw, 17w 57 22a; 58 29w, 41w 59 32a; 60 7w, 22w 64 24«; 65 6w 69 30«; 70 26«; 77 24w 79 2-2«;, 5u "Solen vespertinus" 81 25«;, 28a; Tenuis 86 20a;, 22-23w Pandora inequivalvis 89 33a; 90 20a;, 24m "Tellina Laskeyi", 41w 91 22m "Tellina inaequistriata", 23w, 29u "Tellina squalida", 41w 92 30a; 94 25a; 95 22a; 96 8w, 13u "Tellina polygona", 37w 99 2a;, 28a;, 39a; 100 25a;, 38a; 101 2m "Tellina solidula", 21w 102 27a;, 23m "Cardium discors" 103 27a;, 33m "Cardium arcuatum" 104 20a;, 25m "Cyclas cornea", 41w 105 5-6w Cyclas lacustrus 25a;, 28a; Cyclas amnica 113 27w 114 24a;, 40a; 116 5a; 123 22a; 127 29a; 130 30a; 131 4a;, 26a;, 30a; 138 3a;, 8m "Cardium"fa Edentula 304 5w, 12u "Mya Pholedia"
DIPPEL, Leopold Das Microskop und seine Anwendung 2nd part; Braunschweig; F. Vieweg und Sohn; 1872 [Down]
DIXIE, Florence Across Patagonia London; Richard Batty; 1880 [CUL, I]
DIXON, Edmund Saul The dovecote and the aviary London; John Murray; 1851 [CUL] at, ben, cr, cs, phy, si, sp, t, tm, v, wd
NB1 Read Willughby & Aldovrandi Latham
NB2 Columella 8/8 Ch.; & Pliny L10.53; &
Varro 1X/2; & Aelian B3/15 Greek
Read Read Aldovrandi in Royal Soc
Willughby in Royal Soc translated by Ray
Read Latham Royal Soc.- Sloane Birds of
Jamaica not in Royal- Brisson Aves p437
Royal 1760
Read - Ray; Frisch some German Book
mentioned by Riedel
Read - Albin Royal p428 1731-38
p57 -18 days - Cocks on nest at 2 oclock
SB1 Mr Dixon
How Carrier taught to cross the sea.-
p.165, p166 ♦ rather hard to accuse of
Atheism because created - worthy of
quoting - are you not open to same on
account of feathered pigeon legs. - or even
more or less feet - Can you show that you
p.275 do not in this exalt "the idol nature in
Turbit p77 wd be good to get.
Linn Syst. Nat (my copy) vol.2.769. vars of
Pigeon. Read
(over) p. 6; p. 11 to 184; p. 237; p. 247; p. 428
14 Pigeons feral in Norfolk Isld Qa
88 Case of Phas. colchicus & versicolor in
Q. Review 1850 - cross between the two
Pavos Qa>
97 Some crosses Runt, Fan-tail & Nuns
155 Blue Rocks do not like other Pigeons
(Ch. 6/. p. 156Q
247 Guans very tame, but breed slowly
428 Every Goose domesticable
6 20-22m, 26-32m 7 l-3m, 7-llm 11 22-27m 12 31-33m 13 6-8m 14 7-22m, 20-22m/Q 15 26-32m 16 22-24m 17 2-3m, 8-22m, 17-20m, 28-30m 18 22-25m 20 20-22m 27 25-27m 33 22-24m 54 26-28m/27u "five\old" 55 2-2m 57 5-20m, 22-23m 58 3-5m/3u "eighteen days" 64 4-8m/6-7u "These\eye", 10-12m 70 23-24m/ 23m "lt\a"/14u "ever become" 71 2-3m 72 22-23m 74 3-6m/l-15w no argument of what wd take place by caging 9-22m, 14-16m, 21-26m/17-27w there is now little object in selecting new slight vars. 76 2-23a; even if we admit several species; these must have altered. 29-32m/31w no 77 2~4m, 13-16m, 18-20m 79 20-22m, 26-27u "Short-faced"/? 80 27m "more"/24-27m/w Geology!! 81 23-26m, 28-30m 82 25m "the\be" "1637", 17u*/18u*/ 19u "Persian I Turkish", 19u "not"/17-24w yet never feral 83 13-15u/14-15m 85 lOw 7 llw 8 22a; 9 23a; 10 24a; 11 25a; 12 - p120 87 10-14m, 28-33m 88 2-6m, 9-12m, 27-20m/QA> (Blyth), 28-32m 89 5-6m, 10-17m, 19u "Willughby"/w Date 22-23m/23-24u "than\ six" 90 19-22m 91 2-4m, ll-17m, 20-24m, wb It wd be worth to ascertain numbers in all the species in Brit. Mus. 92 16-20m 93 6a; 1.31/2 20a;A. 11 28m/«; 1.111/2 94 2-6m 96 ll-13m/12u "second degree", 14~16m, 17-19m, 23-25m 97 18-21m, 22-25m, 27-29m, 30m 98 18-19m&>, 24-27m\26u "Runts I may"\w var. 99 26-27m, 29-32m 100 3-6m, 24m "are\ black", 28-31w 2 vars. & subvars. 102 29-31m 103 4-6m, 22-24m, 29-32m\31-32u±* 106 4-llm/4u "mottled", 27-28zA>, 33-34m 107 2-4m, 8-llm, 23mA>, 24-27m, 31u "Dutch\bill" 108 22-24m 109 2-3m 110 25-26m 111 24-26m, 29-32m 115 2-5m, 19-21m, 20-22m/w No 117 8-24m 118 4-20m, 9-23m, 23-26m, 27-23m 119 6-8m 120 25-28m 122 22-25m
[page break] 202
123 2-5m/3u "very I them", 9-15m/w Nothing about powting 126 4-10m 132 22-31w How the Seas? 27-32m 133 24-27m 136 16-23m 137 2-4m/l-15w because direction not known or acquired but they probably cd guide themselves if this known 17-23m/? 139 24« "fleshy excrescences", 20-22m/21u "still I slim" 140 9-11 m 141 7-9m, ll-12m, 26-29m 142 5-7m 148 17-19m, 21-24m, 26-28m 152 27-33m 153 l-4m, 13-Um 155 5-8m, 25-30m 156 20-25m, 16-19m, 24-27m/26u "attributed \ Moore" 157 2S-22m 158 l-3m 159 26-28m 161 wt Bull-dogs wd not go wild 2-6m, 12-14m, 29-33m 162 29-32m 163 2-4m 164 25-29m, 31-33m 165 l-10m/3-6w does Blyth say so 27-28m, wb this ought to be considered a 4th species, if affines be a species.- 166 2-6m/w How close! 7-23m, 15-19m, 31-33m/w I wish certain 167 l-3m, ll-14m/13u "remarkable! struck", 25a "intermedia" no. • 168 7-26m 176 l-5m 184 5-7m, 12-13m, 25-27m 237 6-22m 247 5-20m 252 27-2Sm 428 27-22m/Q
DIXON, Edmund Saul Ornamental and domestic poultry: their history and management London; The Gardeners' Chronicle; 1848 [CUL, I]
beh, br, cs, ds, ex, gd, he, hy, mn, rd, si, sp, sx, t, tm, v, wd, y
NB1 ♦
Though, perhaps or probably several of our
domestic breeds may have descended from
several wild stocks, yet I think others cannot
probably have come from their crossing - on
account of one absorbing the other & without
systematic selection, the difficulty of making
thus any true Breed.
NB2 x; xiv to end; p34; 48; 69-79; 83; 87;
90; 97; 101
p. 188 good case of Hereditary accident with
Fox thinks Cochin, Spanish, German,
Bantam originally distinct breeds
GGese p142.
SB1 p. 103; 110a; 112; 118-122; 125; 128;
137; 139; 146; 174; 183; 188; 196; 200; 202;
205; 251; 264; 273; 277; 281; 285, 6; 291,
2; 300; 305, 9
p.314, p. 200A Cross-bred Fowls sittings
p8 Peafowls fighting & preening their
34 - The chicks of Norfolk & Cambridge
Turkey different
48 Old Canada Geese wd not breed with
Audubons, unless the young of same
species whereas the young of same species
79 Guinea Fowl rolling strong eggs into Nest
87 Slight variation in China Goose
101 & 103 Contrast in Teal & Wigeon
breeding in confinement
111 White Peafowl of inferior size
115 3 vars of China Goose (so the goose
can vary)
118 Duck could fly in Columella's time Of
Mem «er Read all about Ducks
122 - Become feral in Marshes Q/&
137 Goose origin of - Apt to pair quite as
widely with other species as own Q£>
139 Gander always white - - Prolificacy
increased by high feeding
146 Barnacle Goose is increasing in power
of breeding in confinement
183 Cocks not created in Aristotles time
202 Hybrids between Guinea-Fowls & Fowls
♦ 253 Chickens of Spanish Fowls 264 of
Dorkings 273 Cochin 277 Malays; 285; 287;
306; 309; 325 of Polands; 324 chicks of
273 Cockrels of Cochin do not show
rudiment of tail feathers till oldish Q^
325 Golden Polands partly webbed O«^ Q^
326 Distinction of sex comes on late in
Polands (true) Q^
81 Peahen makes first advances to Cock
x 2-7m, 13-15m, 26-30m xi 5-7m, 10-13m, 16-17m xii 24-30m xiii rot Look at the oxen of every different country of Europe - look at dogs of do - look at men - if their variations are denied - my work might be closed 2-12w Mr Dixons opinion & Van Mons show permanence of varieties, it has same effect on them, which wild species has on naturalised, I know the feeling myself.- 22-26m xiv 13-18m/9-20w tell him about Bulldogs xix 3m, 5m 8 ll-13m, 14-17m/15u "frequently \ other", 17-19m 12 3-9m, 8-12m 34 22-23m, 35-38m 48 20~22m 49 4-7m 59 35-38m 60 33-35m 63 3-8m, 18-20m 66 25-27m, 29-31m 69 2S-20m, 27-28m 72 20m, 30-35m& 76 33-35m 79 7-9m 83 9-10m/10-llu "tubercle I neck", 24m/u "harsh I ceremonious ", 34-37m 84 6-20m, 24-26m 85 2 6-2 7m, 35-36m 87 7-13m, 16-17m, 25u "clanging\ trumpetings" 88 9-20m, 34-38m 90 21-24m 97 4-22m 101 2-3m, 18-21m 103 8-10m/w contrast with Widgeon 110 3-26w Thinks original species now dead 22-24m 111 2-2m, 4-8m (Lamarck), 20-24m 112 22-26m 113 22-28m, 29-33m 115 2-6m, 9-22m, 22-23m 118 15-24m, 27-32m/Q& 119 5-7m 120 25-35m 122 18-36m/24-26w NQ#- 125 27-29m, 29-32m/30-32QA> 126 6-28m 127 35-38m 128 24-39m (Audubon) 136 31-35m, 36"... 137 2-4m/
[page break] 203
Qa/3...", 2S-22m, 23-27m 139 5-7m, 13-15m 142 19-23m 146 3-9m 150 5-8m 152 19-23m, 19-24m/20-21Q& 173 35-38m 174 22-22m, 26-24m, 35-37m 176 22-23m/23w No 32-40m 179 17-18m, 29-31m, 30-32m 183 2S-35m 185 29-36m, 37-38m 186 23-27m 187 37-38m 188 25-21«, 20-23m, 22-26m/22u "grew" 189 22-25m 190 26-38m 196 29-34m 197 ll-23m, 35m 199 32-33m 200 2-5m, 30-33m/Q&>, 35-38m, wb He does not appear to have any facts- 201 24-27m 202 17-21m/w NQ 36-38m 203 l-3m/2u&> "five\ ears", 4w&> 1 7w&> 2 9-10w£» 6 205 23-27m 247 3-Sm 249 5-7m, 29-30m/w pencilled & spangled 251 wt seem very upright - apt to jerk their heads 33-34m 252 2-3m 253 2-2m, 8-16m 254 33-34m, wb I saw Aug 55 an Andalusian Fowl all slate colour 255 8-18m/w Spanish Fowl 34u "blue\ colour" 264 2S-22m 265 17-20m 273 7-9m, 14-18m, 24-26m, 33-35m 275 8-22m 277 36-38m 281 34-38m/-> 285 31-32m 286 29-32 m 287 21-25m, 31-33m, 34-35m 288 14-18m 289 9-20m, 18-20m 291 3-9m, 33-34m 292 7-9m 305 26-2Sm 306 20-22m 308 16-20m/18u "Aldovrandi", 26u "CoraUGreys" 309 9-22m, 36-38m 310 33-35m 311 22 m 312 18-19m/?, 26-29m, 31-34m 314 20-23m, 24-27m 315 9-23m 316 22-25m 318 9-22m, 23-27m 320 5-8m/Q 321 26m, 25-28m, 30-34m 323 3Sm 324 18-20m/18u "white breasts" 325 20-23m/QA>, 26-28m, 29-38m 326 S-22m, 29-22m, 33-36m 327 2-5m*> 332 20-23m 333 28-33m 342 2-23m
DIXON, Frederic The geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of Sussex London; R. & J.E. Taylor; 1850 [Down, I by R. Owen]
DOBELL, Horace Lectures on the vestiges of disease London; John Churchill; 1861 [Down, I] P
DODEL, Arnold Die Kraushaar-Alge, Ulotrix zonata Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1876 [CUL] fg, sx
NB 125; 126 I must allude to this 124 22m, 35-38m 125 24-32m/w if the sexual zoospores do not copulate, yet they germinate 126 2-4m, 3-8ml3u "Pringsheim", 11-14m 127 2S-32m
DODEL, Arnold Die neuere Schöpfungsgeschichte nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Naturwissenschaßen Leipzig; F.U. Brodhaus;
1875 [CUL, I] sl, tm
ix 27m 112 wt In Grey seedling a few hairs on the leaves, as a protection, may determine which out of a 1000 seedlings will survive 2-5m 115 21-22m P
DOHERTY, Hugh Philosophie organique: l'homme et la nature Paris; Didier & Cie.; 1881 [Down] p
DOHRN, Anton Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 3. Pantopoda Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1881 [Botany School] p
DOHRN, Anton Untersuchungen über Bau und EntWickelung der Arthropoden vol. 1; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1870 [Down, I]
DOLFUSS, Gustave Principes de géologie transformiste Paris; F. Sary; 1874 [Down, I]
DOMESTIC MEDICINE, a handbook London; Bell & Daldy; 1872 [Down] p
DONDERS, F.C On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye trans. W.D. Moore; The New Sydenham Society; 1864 [CUL]
NB 573*^ 574 19-10m,wb 10
573 2S-22m 574 6-27m, 26-28m/27u "tension I accommodation", 32-35m, 37-40m/38u "without"
DONN, James Hortus Cantabrigiensis 10th edn, ed. J. Lindley; London; C. & J. Riv-ington; 1823 [CUL, pre-B, ED] mhp, tm
facing 66 w (CD?) NB Lobelia in Linnaeus is Syngenesia monogamia £> & Lindley says stigma with rings of hair wipes pollen out of anther in same manner as in that order (many other markings, presumed to be by ED)
DONNEGAN, James A new Greek and English lexicon 3rd edn; London; Sipkin, Marshall & Co.; 1837 [Botany School, ED]
DOUGLAS, John William, & SCOTT, John
The British Hemiptera London; The Ray Society; 1865 [Down] p
[page break] 205
DOWNING, Andrew Jackson The fruits and fruit trees of America London; Wiley & Putnam; 1845 [CUL]
ad, ce, es, ds, fg, gd, he, hy, no, oo, pat, phy, si, sp, spo, sx, sy, t, tm, v, wd
NB1 262 Walnuts
NB2 Catalogue of Books at Beginning p. viii
SB1 Catalogue of Books p. viii; p. 10 to 12;
p55; 60, 9; 75; 106; 115; 116, 9; 124; 130,
4; 139; 150, 3, 6, 8; 161; 171; 176; 184;
192; 195, 6, 8
Does Thompson give origin of Fruit Varieties
D It is important as showing what in small
things makes variation, is the sporting from
true kind, when grafted.
202; 210; 215, 6; 220; 248; 250; 252, 4, 6,
9; 260, 3, 5; 278; 280, 4; 304, 7; 310, 12,
17; 317, 29; 330; 340; 356, 8; 366; 379;
396, 99; 419, 21, 22; 447, 8; 460 to-> 5
p.469; 470, 3* to 502; 517; 524, 25, 31;
542, 7; 553, 7
p.5 On fruit-trees not being true, when
grafted - Good
Facts against. Van M. viz old var. producing good plants
Crossed apple with fruit different at 2 ends
60. Every district has its fruit best adapted to
it. (Mem: Chinese)
75. A marked American Apple
116 Italian tender apple - Several hardy
ones mentioned in County of Wick & p. 124 -
Several sub-vars mentioned as (p. 130)
several Reinettes &c
150 Difference in hardiness in Almonds p473
in Peaches <m^> p488 do Raspberries p. 517
- Strawberries p. 533
157 Hardy apricot
176 American Cherry p. 184
äj 192 Sporting Cherry
195. Cluster Cherry; a flower has several
pistils & each produces a fruit - Flemish
peculiar cherry
a 198 a var. of cherry liable to attack of
insects more than other vars.
220 Mildew stops culture of Grapes in U.S
248 The wild native vines differ in quality
p.253, p254, 259/p.261. do. vars of wild
256 A cross between old world & new world
270 Purple Plums much most attacked by
certain diseases, never yellow vars. Many
vars. of Plums raised in America p289, 292
& Peaches <u<^> p. 469
284 - Siamese Plum - attached together on one stalk
304 Groups of Orleans Plums, when known to have descended - many plum hereditary 317 Pears not native, many vars - Pliny says * heavy most only good when cooked 422 Washington, a very distinct pear discovered in Hedge
r^ 462 The yellow disease originating with American Peaches 466 Yellow Peaches much most affected
470 Classification of Peaches by glands on leaves & serration & size of Flower-476 Most Peaches either free or clingstones, but one is on same tree always either*a> bothA cling or free xx scores of instances cd be given of this
492 Some Peaches very variable by seed, others constant & so it was with Plums 501 Smooth-skinned fruit destroyed by Curculios «■ over (over)
502. Nectarine from Peach & now true by seed
525 on selection turning Hautbois hermaphrodite
553 Northern Apples will not do in Southern States
viii 33-37m xi 5m xii 28-29m xiv 27m 1 zb 2 5m/u "chance when" 3 22-24m, 37-42m 4 20-Um, 35-37m, 45-48m 5 16-22m, 19-29m/22u "toiof", 23-28m 6 15-19m, 24-25m, 33-35m, 4&-48m 7 4-8m, 10-12m/ll-12u "subdue\ luxuriance", 16-17u "he\shortens"/w this does not look like excess of food 18-20m/19u "vigourItrees", 29-31m, 36-42m/w why more in America than in Europe 8 6-8m, 9-10m, 40-45m 9 34-37m/zo are these species V. table 40-42m, 43-47m/w any case of crossed species like this 10 l-2m 55 l-2m/lu "single I moths" 60 5-9m/w Is this selection or adaptation, latter I think 69 16-17m, 27-28m 75 ll-13m 106 4-5m 115 28-29m, 32-33m, 36-37m 116 36-37m 119 14-15m/w sub-var 124 23-24m 130 21-22m, 37-44w\wb 4 Reinette; several Pearmain; several Russett; several Sweeting; p. 139; Spitzburghs 134 wt 4 ll-13m 139 32-35m 150 4-9m 151 5-9m
20-23w Study all. I have only skimmed
43-45m 154 ^ 2-4m, 3u "have litle", 6u "Stone I bitter", 35-39m, 39-41m, 44u "adhering somewhat", 45u "Kernel sweet" 155 ^ 7u "Kernel bitter", 12-14m, 15u "compressed", 32u "Flesh separating" 156 12-16m*&, 13-15m 157 24m, 31-35m, 38u^ 158 19-21m 161 13-16m 167 l-3w p9. Heart & Bigarrieu have been
[page break] 208
crossed by Knight 171 25-29m 176 2-5m, 3-6m/6u "called" 184 10-15m/13-15w Mem Graft 189 18-21m*& 192 6-llm 193 5-8m, 9-11m 195 l-5m, 39-40m, 41-42m«&, 48mH«& 196 4-6m, 34-36m, 35-37m 198 16-17m, 24-26m 200 35-37m*& 202 4-lOm/w I suppose only one original species & no possibility of Hybridising 204 15-22w vars in size of berries & bunch colour sweetness & time & fruiting 25-26m 205 7-9m 210 12-13m/13u "perhaps I hardiest" 213 10-llx/10W»i» "one fourth" 215 25-28m/27u "1491 considered"/ 28m^, 38m, 40-45u± 216 4m/u "Early", 20u "obovate"/22u " oblong"/24u^ "oval" 217 * 14u "hangs", 33u "flavour\rate" 220 31-34m, 36-41m 248 25-36m 250 46-48m 252 34-38m/ 34u "Prince I describe" 253 2-7m, 23-24m/23-24u++ 254 15-18m/24-28m/30-34m/l-37w all this sporting must be in state of nature & seized by Selection as owing to little general cultivation of country 255 l-3m, 35-37m 256 17-18m/17-18u "habit I here", 24-41w Ascertain whether this comes under the Fox (V. Labrusca) p. 253 group or under some other (V. adlum or Prince), if so case of two species blended by crossing, though unintentionally crossed. 25-26w p240 Old World Grape; a native Grape 257 43-44m/ 44u*+ 259 l-12m 260 7-10m 261 2S-22m/Q*> 263 3-6m, 20-41w the number of American plums really surprising wb x it cannot be extra food which makes so many new vars. of apples Peaches & plums in N. America -V. further on - climate or soil very favourable 265 33-35m/^>, 39-46m 266 22-27m 267 48m 270 9-13m/7-21w colour & constitution - is there not something about peaches & nectarines? 42-46m 271 29-30w 1 272 22-23w 2 30-31w 3 41w 4 273 ll-12w 5 275 7w 6 27a; 7 27-28w 8 37-38w 9 276 ^ 9-10m, 40-41m 277 22w> 10 24-26m, 38w 11 278 31w 12 32-33m^, 34-35m, 43-45m 279 3m/3-Au "has I shoots", ll-12m/12u/[...], 33w 13 280 31-32w 14 34-40m, 34-39m 282 4-5w 15 33-34W 16 284 15-19m/17w 17 31w 18 35-36m^ 285 Wm/u "handsome round", 22m 287 39-40w 19 289 13-19m/13xv 20 38w 21 291 28-32m/28w 22 292 29-20«; 23 22-33m 293 5w 24 18w 25 24w 26 35m; 27 296 8-9w 28 299 29-30w 29 300 7m, lOw 30 301 8-9w 31 302 5-6w 32 303 22u> 33 37w 34 304 6-38m/w There have been several cases of fruits thus classed, where reproduction is known or inferred 305 l-3m/w 35 307 wt I have noticed that most of the varieties differ in all respects as well as in fruits 2-2m 309 3-4w 36 13w 37 33w 38 310 12-13m*&, 41-45m 312 37-39m 313 36-38m/w 39 314 7-
8m*± 315 26-27«; 40 317 24-26m, 39-46m, 46m 329 7-22m 330 l-6m 340 l-5m 356 29-25m 358 4-8m, 12-14m 366 33-38m 379 34-35m 391 37-46m 396 37-39m 399 S-9m 415 33-36m 419 3-6m/w numerous cases such as this 421 40-44m 422 23-25m, 23-2 6m, 19u<+ 442 19-25m 447 3-5m 448 39-42m 460 17-19m, 21-22m/22u "twenty years", 25m* 461 44-48mH 462 27-22m, 23-24m, 36« "established I question", 39-40m/43-44m/39-45w new disease originated in America 463 7-9m, 2S-29m, 31-33m/32u "many \peach" 465 37-38m, 41-42m 466 25-27m, 20-22m, 23-25m 469 10-15m^, ll-13m, 17-22m, 26-28m/21-30w almost certainly though probably derived from Eng. seeds 41-48m*& 470 2-4m, 23-26m, wb I rather doubt how far genealogical wd be best it wd be the most scientific classification of varieties even putting crosses on one side wb 4ss for p. 475 not hereditary 473 20-22m 475 20m, 36-Alm, 36-41m*±, 37w&> H. 40u*& "absence I glands" 476 14-18m, 30-31w many American kinds 478 22-22m 485 32m&> 488 29-32m/30u "garden I New" 489 20-22m/20mA>, 23u "is I variety", 34-38m/34-38m^/34m^ 492 23-24m&/22-29m/w others contrast p489 p494+ 493 2-5m 494 2-5m^, 2-5m/4-5m&>, 7-9m/7u^ "reniform", 15u*& "without glands", 25-27m, 44-45m/45m**/u "frequently\ with" 496 22-22mA> 501 12-14m, 15u** "smaller", 26-31m<&, 27-29m, 33-35m/34u "all I soils", 39ui& "Vol. 14, p. 53" 502 23-26m«&, 24-25m/24u "was\a", 36-38m*&, 37m 505 ä> 29m, 35m, 37m 510 23-25m 514 21-23m 517 17-18m/w V. p514 523 34-38m<& 524 2-6m, 2-4m^>, 22-23m, 26-30m^ 525 ^ <«*> 25-27m, 17-18m/ 18u, 19u, 21u, 22u, 23u, 33-47/37^40w selection producing 526 lw N American
527 22-23m, 22-23m^/23u+>, 28u "seeds\
imbedded", 35-37m/36u "Fruit I size", 38u+*
528 25w Surinam 531 7-8m, 7-8m*&, 20-21m
532 2-3m/3m**/2w Pine 23-25m 533 3-5m
534 22-24w English origin 37-40m«& 535 25-
27m 542 26-29m 547 42-42m 553 35-Alm 557
DOWSON, J. Erasmus Darwin: a lecture London; 1861 [CUL.1900]
NF6 Dec 1871
DRAYSON, Lieut-Col. On the cause, date and duration of the last glacial epoch of geology London; Chapman & Hall; 1873 [Down, I]
DREHER, Enger Der Darwinismus und seine Stellung in der Philosophie Berlin; Hermann Peters; 1877 [Down, I]
[page break] 210
DROUET, Henri Mollusques marins des îles Açores Paris; Baillière; 1858 [CUL] gd, sh, sp
NB 8 No Fresh-Water Shells 9 Many land-shells Endemic - very few Marine - peculiar
Species common to Mediterranean Canaries & Antilles
Much Sargasso weed p26 2 sp of Littorina
8 31-32m/u "illAçores" 9 9-13m/12u "Antilles", 23u "139", 25u "75"/w 5/75 new 29m "70\30", 30u "inédites"/31w perhaps more endemic 11 5-17m, 22-24m 12 5-6m 13 8u "nombre I doublé" 24 19-22m 26 3-6m/3m, 11-14m 34 17-20m
DRYSDALE, John The protoplasmic theory of life London; Baillière, Tindall & Cox; 1874 [Down, I]
DUB, Julius Kurze Darstellung der Lehre Darwin's Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1870 [Down]
NB 0/ P
DU BOIS-REYMOND, Émil Gedächtnissrede auf Johannes Müller Berlin; Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaft; 1860 [Down]
DUCHENNE, Guillaume Benjamin Mécanisme de la physionomie humaine, ou analyse électro-physiologique de l'expression des passions Paris; Jules Renouard; 1862 [CUL (Plates at Down), S] beh, h, phy, t, y
NB 2 woodcut of facial (rest 0)
Duchenne 8vo Edit
Part I
p.31. showing absurdly how all examples
38 * describes facial muscles continuous.
seem quite aware of many sources of error
- Huxley says discovered muscles.
Part II
p8. eyebrows - move least under will
-29 separation of pyramidal & frontal
36, 43, 53 antagonism of sourcifier & frontal
75 triangular of lip
(not CD) 180 On the pyramidal bringing
down the brows
184 In a false laugh the zygomatic is alone
Part 1, 5 4u "1805"/4-5m, 6-7u "a composé" 20 15-18m 22 22-26m/w only one muscle used!! 26 17u 18-19m 18u 29 15-22m 31ÏÏ22-l"..."/1\10-6u±/ ttll-2m 1Î12-9«;* (as in the many Limb movements of our limbs.) ÏÏ22-6m/!/ w* good to show how theory fails 1Î5-lw+lwb* Praise his book. Well-known for other excellent Treatises, & add much undervalued, in my opinion, by other writers - a vast step in advance wb\ After speaking of the movement of the limbs, he turns to the ph. of the face, & remarks 33 20-22m 34 17-20m 36 10-12m 38 l-5m/w All muscles continuous - says it is an illusion 25-26m 39 l-3m, 7-8m, 21-23m 40 ll-14m 42 ll-25m 43 l-34m, 17-18m/17-21w in Laughter upper palpebrae, also; but these diurnal in young because associated with intense & painful attention. 47 3m/iv eyes 51 13-16m 52 20-12m/w No. endurance 53 7-10m 59 3-5m
Part 2, 2 fig.w (identifying little and great zygomatic) 8 15-17m 16 12-15m 26 2u "ces I gonfle"lw by mere corrugator 27 7-8m/8u++ 28 5-8m 29 7-22m, 23-25m 30 5-8m 31 8-10m 32 3-6m/w The contraction of orbiculars by themselves do not give look of Hardness 36 7-9m 43 8-llm/3-16m/w Judging by his experiments, the movement does seem entirely due to something which I suppose opposes sourciller 18-21m, 23-26m 44 2-2m, 3-5m, 6-7m 53 l-3m 56 20-2 2 m 61 22-24m 62 15-16m/15u "paupière inférieure", 17-22m/ xv See Large Plates 63 13-14m, 21-26m 73 16-18m 75 15u "lèvre", 16u "peu\avant", 20-21m 76 l-4m 78 20-23m 85 7-20m 87 22-25m 89 20-22m, 25-27m 90 6-23m 91 6-9m, 10-13m 92 23-27m 104 22-24m 105 l-3m 106 3-6m, 26-27m 107 21-23m 176 23-26m/w the eyes being open to see 180 14-21m 184 23-27m
DUFRÉNOY, Pierre Armand, and ÉLIE DE BEAUMONT, Jean Baptiste Armand Léonce Mémoires pour servir à une description géologique de la France 4 vols.; Paris; RG. Levrault; 1836 [CUL (vols. 3 and 4 only)] geo, mi, se, t, ti, ve
vol. 3 SF1 ♦
There appears to me great force in De Beaumont opposition to lava basalts (which certainly have been most fluid) stretching into wide sheets at inclination as great or narrow streams of lava on planches of cones
p.255. says superficial basalts of Auvergne resemble those of submarine at Teneriffe ?? forgets flatness of bottom of sea-
[page break] 211
p.254. Proofs of recent elevation at Canary Islds -(over)
p256 M. Babbage says part of crust, when volcanic forces have acted most likely to be elevated -
With respect (p257 &c) to thinning out of lava, round craters of elevation, not at all satisfactorily explained
It is very foolish giving one theory to any craters of elevation -States that beds thicken towards source -are strata upset at Cantal? Yes-The foundation of Theory original explosion Says Vesuvius &c all active volcanos put out of the question by both parties. C. Prévost p. 315 Bull. Soc
SF2 Are the lower trachytes of M. Dore subaqueous?
p.241. Cantal different streams, unequal contradiction to first statement Good god leaves out the Sea Says Basalt must have had greater fluidity -Which agrees with supposition of being under water -p.243. Basalt Terrestrial p. 246 Cause of no cones subaqueous Good. (over)
Is it certain Basaltic platforms lavas of Ccantal flowed in air? Is Cantal perfect crater is basalt so uniform
He himself slightly contradicts himself on latter point.
His rigid comparison with Etna alone most unsophisticated
p.217 important on inclination of lava without becoming basaltic
243 15-22m/19u "plaines I plateaux" 246 12-19m 287 18-23m 288 21-26m 291 l-8m 295 15-19m 302 22-24m, 25-28m 303 l-2m 309 zt
vol. 4, SB1 (6 numbered pages)
Elie de Beaumont Recherches sur les
Terrains volcaniques des deux-Siciles
a Vol. IV. Mémoires pour servir a une
description géologique de la France
p57 M.G. Rose first published fact that
(Annales des Mines 3° Tome viii p3) * lavas
of EtnaA Labrador Pyroxenes & some
peridodt, fer TitaneA
also Stromboli & some streams in Auvergne
a have lava of same constitution
p95 as far as argument has yet gone, no
proofs of the ancient lava being ancient -
a N.B. though no proofs every one seems
to consider they are ancient
- & therefore all this argument about small
quantity of recent ejections trifling
p98 says the successive ejections only tend
to make cone of Etna L° of 8.- or rather *
uniformly less than Central gibbosity - p. 97
compare it with * volcanos - ??
a seems to leave out of question case of all
eruption being from centre
2 (top line 0)
can scarcely doubt AscensionO a * cone if
eruptive, but no proofs
(part a) The whole argument appears to me
founded on assumption that eruptions must
always have * proceeded from the same
points as they now proceed.-
p.102 Theory of Etna given in few words
p103. dike theory, p115, p116 clearly given
p.106 matter thrown applicable to separate
volcanos in Cordillera
p.118 — Theory well given of Etna: ask will it
not explain domes of Trachyte
p331 (he means 131 - text erroneously has 331)
dike ought to incline * outwards in Val del
Bove a if the strata had been originally
nearly horizontal
p331. parallel Bands of cellular rocks in
dikes from stretching a - theory of Keihan's
p133 Etna dikes are often accompanied by
faults - how are Cordillera dikes? a in this
respect? » great difference in formation a
of the kinds of dikes
p.132, some dikes join like roots to
*| Dikes generally run to ENE & therefore
the elevation (cause of them) does not tend
to form "noyau centraux
p137 Valle del Bove like the Taoro in
p141 argue badly against cavity under Etna
142 - then argues fluid near surface, &
hence eboulement of Val del Bove; & hence
elevation of noyau centraux (non sequitur)
p144 are not centres of elevation, now all
given up (see Bull. Soc) Noa are they not
all Eboulement-
p.145 Wishes now to consider dikes as mere
feeders of ancient lavas
a & forgets by his own argument they show
p. 149 argues that dike T the union not
minutely •; viz thickness at point of junction;
coarseness of lapilli at spot
a the loss of parallelisms * which he says
would surely happen if streams hot flowed
[page break] 214
over great slope, rests on supposition of
lower cones being points of eruption instead
of solely upper ones.- *, is their * breadth
* is a quality so explained
p151 Volcanic cones are generally from 18°
to 40° in inclination
p158 the argument of gibbosity from his own
showing here, may be invalidated because
this is tending to form two kinds of slopes,
where * everything takes place from one
p161 -Talus depends on form of fragments
a> & is the same in air & under still water !
p161 - curious error repeated at 182 in
reasoning could not have been formed
beneath the sea because they are recent -?
Perhaps they overlie Tertiary strata??
a Gradual elevation of the slope would
exactly counterbalance the decrease of
slope from the thicknening of the end lava
stream at bottom of cone.-
a There is a fallacy (165 166) in arguing as
if Val del Bove» was entirely formed from
loose matter & not partly from lava
p182 says streams have great horizontal
extension - how ascertained - a by section
at head of valley
p.188 seems to consider * elevation of Etna
quite sudden
p.doÄ) line of elevation in Etna - not true
"crater of elevation"
p191 considers Val del Bove engulfed like
192 considers subsidence of Val del Bove
like the pits formed on the crevasses in Etna
- *
thinks elevation sudden because of discordance between ancient & more modern lava.- N.B. part must have been gradual whether dikes point to centre or not
Think it was so because subsidence probably sudden why was it not for collection of gaz
ä> De Beaumont talks of the play of the
fragments on Etna excellently expressed
a> Etna must consist of two volcanic hiv
from the point of eruption having changed &
the older part dislocated & inclination of
beds - added to from distension.-
SB2 Dufrenoy
p.286. Somma extensive 26° strata 23°-30°
349. Tuft of pumice Siliceous infiltration
354 soda in Vesuvian formations potash in
Volcano of Camp-Phlegreens Read Naples
geology in Lyell
356 Trachyte first, Somma beds 2 Trachy 3.
Veins lava of Ischia Vesuvius & Mt Nuovo
p.361.- I conclude when the great eruption
of Vesuvius took place, there was
accumulation of Pumice & Trachyte Matter in
Upper part of Volcano - Somma being base
of ancient great cone, the summit of which
was trachyte. If Teneriffe fell & was then
then blown out, first great eruption would be
trachyty & the central one might be basaltic
like flank- Study Lyell - The tuft on Somma
shows central trachyte mass.-
p374. Lava streams diffuse composition or
surface - in body -
p.382. Feldspar & Albite not * in Lava! .-.
little Silex
Compare the Analyses of the substances
from upper & middle part of stream p372
112 12-15m 131 26-28m 173, 174 (pages cut and restuck) 175 wt (CD transcribes part of p. 174) 178 12-15m 183 21-27m 191 19-20m 272 15-18m 371 l-8m
Traité des arbres 2 vols.; Paris; H.L. Guérin & L.F. Delatour; 1755 [CUL, pre-B]
vol. 2, 233 21-22m/21u "racines I endroits"
DUMONT, Léon A. Haeckel et la théorie de l'évolution en Allemagne Paris; Germer Baillière; 1873 [CUL]
NB 15
7 2-5z 15 12-16m, 26-27m
DUMONT, Léon A. Haeckel et la théorie de l'évolution en Allemagne Paris; Germer Baillière; 1873 [Down] p
DUNCAN, Andrew The Edinburgh new dispensatory Edinburgh; Bell & Bradfute; 1826 [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin 1826] che
106 25m, 27-33m/29u "pounds I grains ", 39-41m, wb Correct by Almanac wb+u 107 10-12wu, ll-14m/w Correct by Almanac 110 ivtcc 111 wt 8750 = 1 Pint of distilled water ie 1/8 of 101b or 70,000 Zw&> Penny Encyclop says 280 grains Zw<& Mr Baxter says 1 fluid oz of distilled water at 60F certainly contains 437.5 gr. apothecaries or
[page break] 215
FI oz; ce, wb correct I do not doubt x 437.5 x • Almanac wbt& 1 fluid oz contains 455.77 grains 480 grains
DUNCAN, James Matthews Fecundity, fertility, sterility and allied topics Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1871 [CUL, I] beh, br, ds, no, sx, t, v, y
SB °»
53 Variation of weight of infant according to
age of mother
59 of length of do according to do.
100 on Twins produced chiefly by women
between 25-29 years old.
252 on ages at which women may marry &
produce only Malthusian numbers of children
NB 53; 59; 64; 100 Summary on Twins; 262;
334 Important Descent; 382 do. Death of
53 7-15m 59 8-12m 64 14-24m 100 18-23m
262 25-30m (Malthus) 297 23m 302 6-2 2 m
334 13-21m 382 24~25m
DUNCAN, John Shute Analogies of organized beings Oxford; S. Collingwood; 1831 [Down, on B, I to Lord Widmouth]
NB 54
54 25-28m
DUPONT, Edouard L'Homme pendant les ages de la pierre Bruxelles; Macquardt & Cie.; 1871 [Down]
45 5-llm, 16-24m
DU PREL, Karl Freiherr Der Kampf ums Dasein am Himmell Berlin; Denike; 1874 [Down] 2nd edn; 1876 [Down]
DU PREL, Karl Freiherr Die Planetenbewohner und die Nebularhypothese Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [Down] p
DU PREL, Karl Freiherr Psychologie der Lyrik Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [Down] p
DURAND, Jean Pierre de Gros Essais de physiologie philosophique Paris; Germer Baillière; 1866 [Down, I]
NB 0/
NB 32; 88; 138 Eyes imperfect Helmholtz; 90; 93; 138 Lamentin, 141 Hallotherium allied to; ♦ 137 Steenstrup on Sole & Turbit SB 88; 158 on Eyes imperfect; 93 The hinder legs of Lamantin subserve as tail 141 on gradation in structure of Talpa, with figure of Humerus
43 32cä> "pas" 64 16w& qui 88 7-12m/w Does this apply to normal organ p. 332 90 18-25m 91 9-10m 92 26u/xe 93 5u "queue anatomique", Su "résidu \ destitué" 129 6m/w (refs. to figs.)&> 130 Wa/w, 12a/w (refs. to figs)f& 131 la/w, 2afw, 7ajw (refs. to figs)&> 132 4a/w, 5a/w (refs. to figs.)A> 137 10-Um* 138 11-Um 141 19-25m 144 28-32m 158 2-6m
DUTROCHET, René-Joachim Henri Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire anatomique et physiologique des végétaux et des animaux Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1837 [Botany School]
DUVAL, Joseph Histoire du pêcher et sa culture Paris; De Roret; 1850 [CUL]
NB Nothing
DUVAL, Joseph Histoire du poirier (Pyms sylvestris) Paris; De Roret; 1849 [CUL] phy, wd
p.2 Certain Pears known to have been wild
«3> 32 p41 p47*<&
Two Pears which do not take well on Quince
2a 61-64m 2b 16-20«, 44-57m, 59-64m 5a
49-52m 32a 31-39m 41b 4-12m 47a 32-42m
48a 22-30z
DUVAL, Joseph Histoire du pommier et sa culture Paris; De Roret; 1852 [CUL] beh, wd
NB 0/
2a 2-8m, 57-59m, 57-64m/w origin probably of orchards
[page break]
DURAND, Jean Pierre de Gros Les origines animales de l'homme éclairées par la physiolgie et l'anatomie comparatives Paris; Baillière; 1871 [CUL] ig, phy, tm
EATON, John Matthews A treatise on the art
of breeding and managing tame, domesticated
and fancy pigeons London; the Author; 1852
beh, br, cs, em, f, he, phy, si, t, ti, tm, v, y
NF1 Annals & Mag. vol. 19 1847 p. 105 variability of Pigeons
NF2 Of noblemen &c p. vi coming after p88 NB1 p. 62. Powter grand Passage; p. vi NB2 Facility of * crossing & Keeping Breeds pure - Value as Carriers -It will be all important to find whether the vars. vary in the points, which characterise them as vars. Questions
About fertility of crosses; Young Birds; Feathers in tail of Fan Tail. NB3 First Part
p iv; p xiv; xvii Buy; p26; p34; p. 40-50, 52-to; p. 62 Second Part
p.iii to vi; p21 - Important about not telling qualities of Birds in nest.-; p. 22; p32; p. 37; 41 2d part funny Passage noblemen & gentlemen vi of Almond Tumbler (not CD) SBQß
Special facts on Pigeons not given always x XV advice to young Fancier to keep to one kind (Ch I) 1/2 quoted S%> 40 Total length of Carrier Q 46 On tendency to degenerate in highest-bred breeds, ie selection not perfect S«^ 49 Mayor on flight from Bury St Edmunds to 1 London in 2 1/2 hours
51 Length of Pouter Q 65 Fashion varies
56 On ill effects of not intercrossing Pouters
p.v about changes effected during last 100
years Q
vi "the field is as still open for competition as
it was 100 years ago" Q (on limit of
9 Advice to keep on Goldfinches head S1^
x 11 Advice to young Fanciers not to try for
too much Q S^
11 on great variability in feather in Almond
Tumbler - a Selected first & now variable
21 on difficulty of judging young Tumblers
33 believe many of the shortest beaked
birds perish in egg Q (Ch 6)
p.32 Beak may still be shortened S1^
Part 1, iv 4r-6m xv wt Hence many vars. 2-3m/2u "this I knowledge "/3u "Turlœ I Morocco " vi 21-23m, 37-Aim xvii 4-9m, 23-24w&> This Yarrell has 27wA> "1765"/...][..., 30."][...,
36m/w I have Delamers work published by Routledge 40u "Bees I Rabbits"'/->/36w Buy it wbfa A Treatise on Domestic Pigeons, London Printed for the Proprietors (no date) 2.6.old. lent me by Mr Evans - before 1809 for owner name has this 26 26-29m 34 48-49w 1765 40 wt Did old Aegyptians keep Pigeons? 8-9m/8u "Tavernier", llu "but \ the", 22-26m/23u "fifteen", 33-35m 41 wtec, 3-4m, 34-38m, 48m 43 28-30m/30u "of \ half" 44 25-17m, 19-21m, 29-32m, 33-36m 45 18-23m 46 l-3m, 31-37m/32-33u "there \ back"/34u "cast offs", 39-41m, 42-A5m 47 l-5m 49 2-3m, 10-13wu, 17-18m 50 8-14w very different from now 27-28m\28u "Horseman I Cropper" 51 2-3m, 9-llm, 15w in 1765 21-22m/22u "wantingI quarter", 41w<£, 41-42u "mere\ inches", 42u "seven I it", 43u "in I length", wb Ask Mr Bult 52 l-3mll-Ax^lw MarredO 27-29m 58 2-4m, 9-19m\9-43w The Horseman being thought by some to be a cross between Carrier & Powter 21w Dutch Powter 59 2u "English\ miniature" 61 33-41m 62 20-24m, 35-38m 63 18x^, 21-25m/22x^ 64 2u "jowlter\eye"/l-8mlw Rollers? 33-34x<^, 39-42m 65 l-3m, 5-12m/8-9Qi&, 15-17x^, 29-33m/31u "bald I beard", 40-44m 66 4-9m 67 2-2m 68 35-38m 70 5u "turned I duck", lu "bending \swan", 8-llm/9u "his I bird", 29-30m 71 3-6m/4-5u "three I long", 5-7m, 22-27m\23u "Runts I Runt"/27u "have\half", 41-43m, 45-46m 72 22« "and\more", 12-14m, 23-26m 73 3u "blues"/wt probably bars 2-2m, 5-7m, 40u "sometimes blue" 74 9u "six\feathers", 20u "there I blue", 21-23m 75 8-24m, 29-30m, 33-34m 76 2-Am 77 19-21m, 22-24m, 30-31m, 36-37m, 45-47m 78 wtee, ll-12m/u "six\tail"/ w var. 81 3-8m, 26-27m/2-28w This shows variability in the tumbling fraternity 5u "though\this", 12-14m, 20w Probably the same as Finnikin & Tumbler 23u "Dutch\ Drager", 24-27m, 48-49m/49u "Archangel" 82 5-22m, 6-8"..." 83 4-22m, 51-56m, 51u "Antwerp I sharp", 52u "sharp \ cunning" 84 2-4m/lu "Roman nose" 86 44-49m
Part 2, iii 41-43m v 46-56m/46-50m*/47u "seven-eighths", wb V. p. 9xx vi 6-9mQ<&/6-7"...", 30-36mjxj'"...", 49-51m 8 19-21m/14-21w ie variable 9 5-6m, 8-12m/xx/u "five-eighths", 13u "three quarters", 16-18m, 19-26m/"..."/20u "the\beak" 10 6-13m, 51m 11 3-6m/3-4"..."/Q&>, 7-10m, 12-16m, 25-29m, 34-38m, 40-45m 20 50-52 m 21 l-9m/6-8m 22 37-41m 32 50-57m 33 13-17m/w Q Ch 6 37 47-55m 41 34-40m
Part 3, ii 14-16m
EATON, John Matthews A treatise on the art of breeding and managing tame, domesticated, foreign and fancy pigeons London; the Author; 1858; [CUL, bound with:] MOORE, J. Columbarinus, or the pigeon-house, being an introduction to a natural history of tame pigeons London; J. Wilford; 1735 [pre-B] beh, br, cs
NB p60 Pouter; carr p44 Carrier
Frontespiece Tumbler 100 Barb; Jacobin;
Fantail; Turbit
SB 78 Qä)
86£d Fashion goes in extremes with
Fanciers- Q«&
120* in Beards
Qaj 145 Blue Tumbler bred from Splash
Cock & Kite Hen see p.
78 53~61m/55u "original Columbarian" 79 24-30m 86 43-55m, 57-60m 120 48-53m 127 42-45m 145 3-6m
ECKER, Alexander Die Anatomie des Frosches 3 vols.; Braunschweig; F. Vieweg & Sohn; 1864-1882 [Down] p (some marks by FD)
EDGEWORTH, Michael Packenham Pollen London; Hardwicke & Bogue; 1877 [Down]
EHRENBERG, Christian Gottfried Mikrogeologische Studien Berlin; K. Akademie dr Wissenschaften; 1873 [Down, I]
EHRENBERG, Christian Gottfried Vorläufige Nachricht über das kleinste Leben im Weltmeer, an Südpol und in den Meeres-Tiefen Berlin; L. Voss; 1844 [CUL, I in each part, S] gd, geo, ve
Part 1, 3 9m 4 23m, 32m 5 9m, 17m, 26m, 34m 6 1m, 21m 7 8m, 14m, 23m, 25-28m, 29m 8 9m 10 27m 14 27m 15 3m 16 23m, 15-16m, 31-36m (Darwin) 18 8m, 13m, 25m, 36m 19 8m, 32m
Part 2,12 21a\c%
Part 3 title page w Nothing
Part 4 title page w Matter Dust
Part 5,11 32-34m
Part 6 title page w Patagonia -Infusoria- B. Bianca - Pampas 10 19w&> 25 11 15-19w with some fragments of Infusoria 12 14-16m/ 4-16w volcanic character more clear & number of Infusoria increase each time 13 13u/wx 14 5u "verglühter", 25c "A", 26-32m/ 27c "B", 27m/wx, 29m/xvx, 30m/wx, 31m\w, 32u "8"w (locations of species), 33u x, wb land
forms 15 3w though near 8u "Süsswasser", 9u "verschiedenen", 10-16m, 14m/w, 15mlw, 16w (locations of species), 25c&> "A", 26~31m/29a& "B"l 30m/27xv p90 wb p. 175 16 wt no. Infusoria 2-4m, 2m, 2m, 4m, 5-6w 13 7-9m/7u/ wxl9u/wx 19 22-26m, 19-24m, 34-38m*
Part 10, 51 Sfl/CfÉ &
part 11 title page z 333 26m/26c/w€ 339 12a/ c€ A 359 9-25m
Part 12 title page w Nothing
EICHWALD, Eduard von Geognostisch-palaeontologische Bemerkungen über die Halbinsel Mangischlak und die Aleutischen Inseln St. Petersburg; Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft; 1871 [CUL] p
EIMER, Theodor Untersuchungen über das Variiren der Maureidechse Berlin; R. Stricker; 1881 [CUL, I]
204 20m 212 20m 219 2m
ÉLIE DE BEAUMONT, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Leçons de géologie pratique Paris; p. Bertrand; 1845 [CUL] beh, ch, geo
137 22-27m 140 22-27m, 22-24u "terre\ diminution", 26-29m, 27-30"..." 141 16w Buildings 17-19m, 19-20u++, 23-27m, 29-32m 142 l-7m, 2-3"..." 143 23-32m 145 23-32m
148 24-29m, 25-26u "permanence I végétale"
149 S-23m, 22-25m 150 l-5w has changed
very little 2-6m, 3u "Van 451 " 152 wt He did
make sections, & I shd thought may have
been steeper 2-6m, 30-32m 153 2-4m 160 wt
Tumuli in many parts 164 4-9m 165 1-llm,
17-22m 168 6-20m, 6-29w I think earth-
castings when they come to bottom of slope
must be carried away 169 21-25w He forgets
new Humus formed 182 26-32m 187 29-33m
189 20m 226 29-32m
ÉLIE DE BEAUMONT, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce Note sur les systèmes de montagnes les plus anciens de l'Europe Paris; 1848 [CUL]
124 17-29m
EMERY, Carlo Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 2. Fierasfer Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1880 [Botany School] p
ENCYCLOPAEDIE der Naturwissenschaften Breslau; Trewendt; 1879-1882 [Down] p
ENGELMANN, Wilhelm Bibliotheca histor-ico-naturalis vol. 1; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1846 [Down] gd, wd
NF Äj^0
NB1 Any of Nillson in French?; 305 Is
Nillson's Handbook in German or Swedish?-
I think not; 367 Wagner on Geog Distrib of
Mammals; Pritzel Thesaurus Literaturae
Bot. 2.2 (in Athenaeum Club); Steudel
Nomenciator Bot. 33 in Linn Soc.
NB2 Tidsshrift p133
Danish Tra. p57
p289 Vermischte Zoolog, includes domestic
Ancheria p749
Sardinia p157
p531 ; p. 636; 73; 142
ix llmlwifa, 12m 38 46m, wb England &
Amer p38 France p61 48 9m 57 52m 61 35m
103 27m 133 22m 157 49-53m 240 wt% 303
6m 304 3m/w Meyer - got 45m 311 48m 320
31-34w 1st edit about 1816 36m (Cuvier), 38-
39w this is mine 338 39w€ 339 43m/w out of
print 341 39-47w\wbu, 44-45u "1789-1813"
429 42m 486 32m 527 31-32m, 41-43m (F.L.
Delaparte) 531 30u "RAXXXIX" 554 3-7m
149* 19m 754b 5m 785b 44-48m
ENTEN, Schwanen und Gänsezucht Ulm; Ebnerschen Buchhandlung; 1828 [CUL] f, v, wd
NB p. 25; 28,36; 78; 83; 87; 143; 144
p25 Goose sometimes top-knot
p36 Wild Goose 10-12 Eggs p28 tame lays
p87 Tame Duck will lay 80-100 Eggs in year
p143 Details of Rearing wild Ducks in
Sweden - Tiburtius reared them for 3
generations & they did not vary in least in
taste or feather.
25 22-24m 23« "selten isabellgelb" 14u "Straus" 28 î\7-5m 36 !Î20-9m 74 lu "un"I? 78 ÏÏ20u "wilde\Art"/ü 79 24u "BusMKopfe"/ w what tl20u "hängende", ÏÏ3-2m/ÏÏ3u "China\ Vaterland" 83 ÏÏ4-lm/w/wb one considers the handsomest tufted Ducks those, whose tufts are made of many little tufts. 87 6-20m 143 13-15m/15-25w Has reared & formed useful Ducks from wild Birds Q/& 144 5-10w Have kept for 3 generations feathers & taste like wild Ducks
ERCOLANI, Giovanni Battista Nuove ricerche sulla placenta nei pesci cartilaginosi e nei mammiferi e delle sue applicazioni alia
tassonomia zoologica e all'antropogenia Bologna; Gamberini & Parmeggiani; 1880 [CUL, I] p
ERCOLANI, Giovanni Battista Sull'unità del tipo anatomico della placenta nei mammiferi e nell'umana specie e sull'unità fisiologica della nutrizione dei feti in tutti i vertebrati Bologna; Gamberini e Parmeggiani; 1877 [CUL, I] p
ERICHSEN, John Eric The science and art of surgery 5th edn, 2 vols.; London; James Walton; 1869 [Down]
ERNEST, J.A. Dictionary, Graecium lexicon London; J. Rivington; 1816 [Botany School, pre-B, ED]
ERRERA, Léo Sur la structure et les modes de fécondation des fleurs Part 1; Gand; C. Annot-Braeckman; 1878 [CUL, I] v
NB 212; 62, 65, 66 Cleistogamic Flowers; 70; 117; 144; 123; Plantago 170 variation passing from Entomoph into Anemophilism; 129 Table of terms; 133; 146 Index of terms; There is also much on variation of Pentstemon
62 3-29m 65 5-25m 66 26-28m 70 22-24m 84 22u "à I guêpes", 24u "Linaria sriata" 85 4u 111 2-23m (Sprengel) 122 27m 123 5-27m, 18-21m 124 6-20m 133 5-22m 135 28-30m 136 26-27m 154 22-29m 196 22c "portaient" 212 24-31m 213 20-24m
ESCHRICHT, Daniel Frederick, REINHARDT, Johannes Theodor and LILL-JEBORG, Wilhelm Recent memoirs on the Cetacea ed. W.H. Rower; London; The Ray Society; 1866 [Down]
NB not read
57 32u 66 23-27m, 22-24m/22u, 30-39z 74 6-
9m 78 26-31m
ESCHWEGE, Wilhelm Ludwig von Beiträge zur Gebirgskunde Brasiliens Berlin; G. Reimer; 1832 [CUL, on B] gd, sh
NB 36 66 486 Shells at Bahia & St Pauls The last chapter I have marked, but must be read again carefully 36 6-12m/7u "aufgeschichtet"
469 24-25m 471 5-7m 472 2-2m/u "Bergbau I getrieben" 478 7-9m 479 22m 483 2-22m 484 9u "Granitmassen "19-16m/u "nichts "115-16m 486 6-2 6m 488 9-23m, 34-3Sm
ESPINAS, Alfred Des sociétés animales; étude de psychologie comparée Paris; Baillière; 1877 [CUL]
beh, co, in, oo, or, si, t, ts, wd
47 Instinct of Aphides
54 Actions performed without distinct
reasoning - good
&> 196; Much on instinct
& the mental qualities of animals &
individually on sexual selection, but I have
not read all carefully.
* 305; 308; 317
(over) ♦ &
Except in the coral instance I do not believe that either corporeal structure or mental ability are + due * to the preservation of single individuals
a> I have never alluded to the very useful work of definition, but it seems to me that the term social ought to be confined to * animals which are induced» to * live together through mental attributes, independently of any physical bond, & if so corals &c cannot be said to be social even in the lowest degree, any more than the buds on the same tree.- but it is rather beyond my line of work, being too philosophic or •
I have now read your work, but I have nothing particular to say It seems an interesting & very valuable Work & you have been great adaptible in acquiring great knowledge from all sources. Every one alluding to the mental power & nature of animals wd be bound to study it./p54 As you hardly admit to principle of evolution we view all subjects from such widely differt points of view, that it is not surprising that we should often differ. Allow me to point out that you have unintentionally misrepresented me at p. 47 I have not discussed the origin of the instinct of domesticity, & have only alluded to them with respect to the question whether the aphides have any advantage from giving to the ants the socialO instinctsO I shd have added differs from conscious
14 2-5m 47 26-24m 54 24-32m 55 2-22m 57 7-27m 196 l-9m& 300 7-13m/w fear makes cluster more together? 305 l-8m&> 308 1-3m<@ 309 wt a Cat & a Dog brought up together will love one another 9-22m«^, 22-23? é? 317 8-12mé? 351 12-18m
EURIPIDES Hecuba Oxford; J. Vincent, H. Slater, J. Mawman, Deighton & Sons; 1836 [CULR, S Charles Darwin, Christ. Coll.]
(here and there, translations and paraphrases of text)
EYTON, Thomas Campbell Osteologia Avium 2 vols.; R. Hobson; Wellington, Salop; 1867 [Down]
FABRE, Jean-Henri Casimir Souvenirs entomologiques, études sur l'instinct et les moeurs des insectes Paris; Ch. Delagrave; 1879 [CUL, I, S] beh, v
NB p122; p. 129; p174; p. 211; p241; 271, 2 SB •» 121 p. 122 124 variation p. 122 124 Instinct good; 129; 176-177 some variation of; 211 on finding way; 241 ; 318. » 168 cutting off Antennae; 172 shutting up cell; 177 parallel case
title page u (author, title) 73 26-27m 121 31-35m 122 wt Gauchos killing by pittingO 6-17m, 36m 123 19u "criquets I habituels", 36m 124 l-3m 125 32u "dernier siècle" 126 28u "guêpe" 129 33-36m 168 31-35m, wb antennae or palpae when former cut off 169 17-20mll9u "tous\palpes", 30-36m/-» 170 2-5m/3-4u "six\oviscapte", 19-22m 171 34-36m 172 9-15m, 17-22m 174 2-13m 176 31-36m 177 1-Am, 14-22m, 25-31m 211 15-24m, 27-29m 241 25-32m, 33-35m 262 14-29m 271 21-28m, 32-35m 272 27-32m 274 ww 296 18-26m 297 18-24m 299 26m 311 8-21m 315 30-36m 318 28-32m
FAIVRE, Ernest La Variabilité des espèces et ses limites Paris; Germer Baillière; 1868 [CUL, I] et, em, f, he, phy, spo, sx, t, v
SA (pp. 12-13) 091 £>
Dom. Animals
Faivre Var. des Espèces
♦ ^ p. 44. various sports enumerated some
good.-; p. 100 on certain cuit, plants which
lose their character in certain sites
p71. for Pangenesis, on special action of
poisons CI. Bernard ♦«»
♦^ p 111. Pangenesis on embryonic limb
grafted & developing itself, p. 132 do; p114
on permanence of new race of Datura Tatula
obtained by Godron.
♦<b> 119 Cases of Reversion by seed.
155 vitality of pollen
^112 good (on Canna)
7 13-20m, 36-37m 10 36-37m/30~37w Termites 8 forms!! 22 2-9m 23 l-14w or rather a state of Direct action Polymorphism 16-31m 25 36m 44 24-28m/26-27w Sport 36-38m/w Sport 45 4-7m, 12-17m\w Sport 37u "Carrière"\37-38m 71 35-38m 90 9-16m 95 27-35m 100 10-37m 101 2-18m 102 21-36™ yet has said before few + natural races!! 103 ll-21m 110 33-35m, 36-37m 111 wt Pangenesis l-4m, 38m 112 l-6m/2u "membre anormal"I4u "cette I plan"\l-2wPan 114 11-
15m 119 9-16m 132 34-37m 133 10-17m 141 33-35m 155 12-Um, 25-28m, 36-37m 156 15-19m 158 15-18m, 16u "Balisiers", 16-19w Canna Diet, class. 159 9-llm, 19-24m, 26-30m 177 8-15m, 18-22m
FALCONER, Hugh Palaeontological memoirs 2 vols.; London; Robert Hardwicke; 1868 [Down, I in vol. 1] tm
vol. 1 NB 577 Canines; 581 xv 18m xvii 16m, 18m, 20m, 28m
Sil 24-25ml25u "canines I jaw" 581 33-40m
vol. 2 p
FALCONER, Hugh Report on the teak forests of the Tenasserim Provinces Calcutta; F. Carbery; 1852 [Down, I]
NB 30 30 ll-22m, 25-31m 31 34-39m 32 20-24m 33 6-10m
FARRAR, Frederic William Chapters on language London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1865 [Down, I] beh
NB Gesture language 104 104 l-19m 113 w (not CD)
THE FARRIER and Naturalist edited by a member of the Zoological Society of London 3 vols.; London; Simpkin & Marshall; 1828-1830 [CUL, pre-B] ch, si, tm, wd
vol. 1 NB Those struck out read in Vol 1; 338*; 380 ♦; Q 452♦; 466 change in Wool in sheep; 469*; 547* - Guinea-fowl on St Helena in 1588
338 l-3m/Q 380 6-13m 452 wt All Q 17u "the sorrel", 20-21m, 26-28m\26u "often" I27u "black\dark", 28u "often"IQ 32m, 45m 453 lu "sorrel", 3-5m, 25u "tinctured I claret" "brown", 25-31-*/31u "dappled", 39-41-^ 455 5u, 7-8m\7u "fallow", Wu "because\goes", 12u "thence I backed ", 19-21m/19u "fallow I duns "I 20u "faintly dappled", 40m 456 26-30m\w Q colour 466 32-Alm 467 l-7m 469 33-35m 547 21-22m, 26-27u "pintados"
vol. 2 NB Dog
♦ 151; 349; 365; 368; 379
Allude to Wilson Essay
151 25-33m 349 26-31m 365 24-26m 368 10-
14m 379 20-24m, 39m 380 7-12m
vol.3 NB ♦ 17; 115
Rabbit & Hare not crossing Qä>
17 9-20m, wb no selection by men 115 16-
FAUNA UND FLORA des Golfes von Neapel, Monografien 1-4 Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1880-81 [Botany School] p
FAYRER, Joseph The royal tiger of Bengal London; J. & A. Churchill; 1875 [Down, I]
FENWICK, Samuel The student's guide to medical diagnosis 2nd edn; London; J. & A. Churchill; 1871 [Down, FD]
FERGUSON, George Illustrated series of rare and prize poultry including comprehensive essays upon all classes of domestic fowl G. Ferguson; Beaufort Library; 1854 [CUL] af, beh, br, cc, er, es, dg, f, fg, he, hy, in, si, sx, wd, y
NB I must be careful about trusting this
man.- Mr Tegetmeier says not known as a
Farrier. Mr Brent does not know, but says he
offered to sell Coops & Aviaries - so must at
least have kept Birds.-
Tegetmeier has commented The whole Book
a pack of lies & compilations
SBl 091 ♦*>
iv*; iv; v*; v; vi*; p. v*; vi
23; 27; 31; 32; 35; 49; 67*; 69*; 75, 75*; 82;
85*; 91; 93; 108; 151; 162; 163
♦ /& see p. 27 to explain
a a good deal of remarks on Polish
Spangled Cock & Hen; Cocks & Hens
almost always different Spangling v. wild
Hen which is I think barred
(e»; ♦/&) Cuckoo Poland; Cocks & Hens
almost always different from part Spangling
& barring plannedO in Hens
SB2 317; 320; 333; 342
(äj; *e>) Always put after Page names of
Breeds (Shangae) (Game) &c; connect
perhaps * by dots (See p. 27); Clean
well the pencil marks.-; Keep Book Clean.; Write smallish on one side, number your pages. (over)
♦ a ->^ Mr Norman put in name at top
171; 172 *; 176; 177; 186 ♦ £> Good
example of Malays; 187; 192; 201; 206; 230;
254; 260; 262; 277; 281; 284 ♦ KissingO
each other; 296 see Weight of Malays 297;
299; 302; 304*; 305; 311; 313
<<&; ♦e>j Look at weights of Malays
SB3 Qß ä)
p vi. no ancient selection Q«s>
p. 23 Black-red Cock Shangai resembles
game Q»
- 27 on power of male Cochins in courting
shy females
35 Shangai eggs granulated Q»
49.- slowly feathered
75 Prefer breeding from bad bird of good
pedigree to good bird with bad pedigree
83- experiments on interbreeding Spanish *
causing Degeneracy.
93 Grey Dorking like male X«^
108 about ascertaining & selecting flavour of
flesh when killed * preserve brother: with
respect to neuter insects.- X8^
162 Fanciers select each point to excess, a
little peculiarity * valueless - a great more
valuable or. - quote.- X8^
172 All birds more readily acquire than lose
a peculiarity.- Polish Fowls heads very
hereditary » see Poultry Chronicle a> Easily
grafted by a cross
186 O^ Malay Hen 10 caudals - crow
peculiar.- individual differences
192. Deist - believes of multiple origin Q»
201 Hybrids with Pheasant - Lies <u.«s>)
285 on proportion of Male & Females -
Males in excess.-
297 Eggs of Black Bantam different shape
302 Cuckoo Bantams Q»
311 Highly-bred Birds - many eggs
313 - change of locality lessens injurious
effects of interbreeding
317 Freemans Game stock degenerating
from interbreeding
iv 14~20m v 23-30m, 34-35m/34[... vi 1-lOm/ 3-AQ 23 13-17m 27 l-6m, 20-24m, 26-33m 28 l-10m 31 16-21m 32 8-17m, 18-23m 34 12-13m 35 ll-21m 49 22-26m 67* 28-33m 69* 30-33m 75 30~33m 75* l-4m 82 24-32m 83 2-5m 91 5-8m 93 31w Grey Dorking 32-33m 108 5-llm/Q 151 22-27m 162 24-32m 163 2-3m, 4-15m 171 19~28m 172 5~12m 176 28-33m/30w Dixon 177 3-27m 186 7-20m, 29u "13"/28-32m/w see Bantams 187 17-22m 192 2-5m 201 4-29m 206 20-29m 230 25-28m 235 20-26m 252 33u "The\varies" 253 lu "from\ cream", 7u "hens I unusually" 254 26-31m 260 4-8m, 13-16m, 17-18m, 18-24m 261 15-25m 262 24-33m 111 32-33m/wb Pencilled H. 282 l-4m, 7-llm 284 31-33m 285 l-2m, 9-15m 287 6-22m 296 2-6m, 15-17w Cock & Hen same plumage 19-22m, 29-33m 297 15-22m\ 19z 299 8-22m 302 wt Cuckoo Poland mentioned l-3m 305 ll-15m, 23-26m 311 30-
33m 312 l-5m 313 5-10m, 20-29m 317 22-32m 320 3-9m 333 l-8m 342 7-22m (67* means second p. 67 etc.)
FERRIÈRE, Emile Le Darwinisme Paris; Germer Baillière; 1872 [Down]
NB 0/
FERRIÈRE, Emile Le Darwinisme Paris; Germer Baillière; n.d. [Down, another copy]
FERRIS, Benjamin G. Origin of species, a new theory Ithaca, N.Y.; Ithaca Democrat Print; 1871 [Down]
FICHTE, Immanuel Hermann Die Seelenfortdauer und die Weltstellung des Menschen Leipzig; 1867 [Down]
xlvi 9-46m\10w%
FISKE, John Darwinism and other essays London & New York; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [Down]
FISKE, John Outlines of cosmic philosophy based on the doctrine of evolution 2 vols.; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down]
vol. 1,129 7m, 8m
FITTON, William Henry Notes on the progress of geology in England London; Richard Taylor; 1833 [Down, on B?, I]
FITZGERALD, Robert David Australian orchids vol. 1 i-vii, vol. 2 i, iii, iv, v; Sydney; Thomas Richards; 1877- [Botany School, I] f, fg, gd, sp, tm
vol. 1 i, 1 26-27x0, 27m, 28u*, 34u*/34-39m, 35-38m/36-41w How in other parts of range? 40u "in\seed"/x0/w seed with every 44-A7ml44u "or\ time", 49-5Om/x0 2 wt Is this native rate - Try with own pollen F. Müller & Scott (in Fs letter one is perfectly fertile if own pollen placed on stigma) 2-3m, 34-40m/?, 50-52m 3 l-5m/x0, 5x0, 12x0, 16x0 \w0 rare 4 l-6w As the seeds did not germinate, it cannot be told that nat fertilisation occurred 13-15x0, 16-17m, 26-30m, 47-49m+0 Pterostylis longifolia 8-9m, 14-19m/15u "from\half"/16u "one\five", 22-27m/22u "instantly carried"/24u "two I pollen", 33-35m, 36-39m, 40-42m, 43-44m Caladenia dimorpha 7u "lip I column", 7-9m/"..."/w Genus like 20« "without]such", 24-26w are
not the calli nutritious
vol. 1 ii, Spiranthes 15-17m/x/16-17u
"touchlstage", 20x/u++, 23-27m/x/26u "under\
fertility" Adenochilus 14-16m/x Saccolabium
vol. 1 iv Thelymitra 13-17m/16u "have\the",
18-25m, 28-A2m
FITZROY, Robert and KING, Philip Parker
Narrative of the surveying voyage of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle 3 vols and appdx.; London; H. Coburn; 1839 [CULR, 2 copies of vol. 3, one marked by FD] gd, geo, gr
vol. 1 NB ♦ 2; 8; 56; 136; 140; 204; 210;
258; 306; 328; 337; 363; 375; 385; copied
SB (not CD)
2 25-27m 3 21-27m 6 3-6m 8 2-4m 56 32-34m/w Feb 57 22-24m 58 2-3m 59 5-7m 87 24-26m 133 29-33m 136 6-10m, 29-34m 140 9-22m, 19-20m, 22-28m 204 20-28m 210 18-25m 258 22-26m 306 3-9m 307 22-26m 328 9-22m 329 9-20m 337 lu "some\which", 14-21m/16-21w 168 ft!! 42ft 126 28-31wu 343 7-8m 363 20-23m 375 20-28m 385 l-6m 398 24-30m P
vol. 2 NB1 ♦ 251; 277; 415; 418; 420
copied out
NB2, SB (not CD)
39 30-31m 43 23-25m 65 5-7m/w no 131 (markings not by CD until) 251 33-34m 277 30-33m 412 20-25m 413 20-23m, 2S-20m, 22-28m, 33-36m 414 2-23m, 15-23m 415 l-7m, 18-20m 420 5-15m 421 2-7m, 33x/u "twenty toises" 485 32m 486 27-2Sm 488 22-23m 490 23m/m/u "1832" 496 27-30m 498 22u "James Island", 12u "side I Charles", 8-14m/w the leeward side compared with 502 9-llm, 35-37m 504 19-22m 505 15-18m/16u "northwest", 30-34m, 36-37m
vol. 3 NB 209 & 210 Law of succession of life in S. America
153 Distribution not always
(many markings not by CD, except) 153 2-4m
154 27-22m 184 wbu 185 wtU 201 wtU 209
4-6m 210 6-9m 215 32a "The"\31-33c\31-37w\
wb puma, with the condor on its train follows
& preys on the guanaco (Habits of.) 216 2-7c
272 16-17m, 25-26m 273 9-20m 307 wbu 460
4-7m (Henslow) 556 3-4m 585 3-25m
Appendix NB p. 145 p. 143 p. 146
131 2-20m 132 ll-20m(CD?) 143 3-22m 145
25-2Sm 146 22-26m
FLEMING, John A history of British animals
Edinburgh; Bell & Bradfute; 1828 [CUL, pre-
br, tm, v
NB p. 264 -Analogous to Pigeons - on vars of Helix nemoralis coupling together.-(untranscribed w are -page-number references) 59 9w, 37w, 42w 60 4w 94 lw 116 20w, 33w 117 lw 148 15w 162 13w, 35w, 49w 177 wt acanthopterygious 22w, 37w 178 lw, 19w, 29w 202 2w, 8w, 29w, 36w, 39w 203 lw, llw, 22w, 38w 224 A 9w not in this volume 12w 225 A 4w, 8w, 9w, lOw, 14w, 15w, 17-19m/w, 21w, 25w, 26w, 28w, 29w, 31w, 33w 226 A 12w, 25w 264 13-20m/16u "Reverend\ Sheppard"/14-16w Linn Trans? 27-29wu 281 a 33w, 34w, 36w 296 a 3w Scutibranchia 12w, 13w, 15w, 20w, 27w, wb Cryptobranchia Heart entire detached from rectum Scutibranchia Heart with two auricle traversed by the rectum. 297 a> 12w, 16w 328 A 5w, 12w, 17w, 23w, 29w, 32w, 36w, 39w 329 A lw, 2w, 5w, 8w, lOw 381 A llw, 22w, 29w, wb Siphonida. Cloak more or less closed forming syphons .... 408 382 a lw, 9w 408 A 2w, lOw, 26w 409 A lw, 17w, 32w, 43w 410 lw, 7w, 14w 467 A 23w 472 A 3w, 7w, 9w, 13w not in this volume 473 a Sw>, 20u>, 12w, 13w, 18w, 20w 474 9w, 17w, 20w 505 A 2w, 3w, 5w, 7w, lOw not in this volume 506 A> 9w, 24w, 27w, 35w, 43w 528 A 3zü, 5w, 12w, 19w 538 A> 20zy, lSw, 23w, 27w, 31w
FLEMING, John The philosophy of zoology 2
vols; Edinburgh; Archibald Constable & Co.;
1822 [CUL, pre-B, S in both vols.]
beh, br, cc, fg, gd, is, mg, oo, phy, sx, t, ti,
vol. 1 NB1 See Class Index in next volume. NB2 almost all first relating to Instinct 20; 50; 52; 221; 224; 229; 231, 2; 236; 241 - good; 246; 254, 6 to 268 to 274; 277; 298; 302; 308; 409; 425; 427xx; 429; 430; 432 20 10-15m, 27-34m/30u "instinctive\injuries"/ 28-32w how loosely worded 50 19-21m 52 15-18m (Linnaeus) 220 8u "Association I Ideas" 221 2-6m/6u "recollection", 9w dreams 224 19-23m/?, 23-26w* 225 2-8m/w how known? 229 7-9m, 32-33m 230 26-30m 231 23-27m 232 4-9m/w like Audubons Water-Dog 20-17w Old Greyhounds will not run if Hare starts at a distance 233 25-31m 235 23-32m 236 5-llm/w shamming death + My Rio de Janeiro spider shows insects know their 241 %w/wt The individual who by long intellectual study acquires a habit, & can perform action
almost instinctively, does, that in his life time, which successive generations do in acquiring true instinct:- instinct is a habit of generations,- each step in each generation, being intellectual for in lowest animals some intellect? No] 23-25m/27-28m/u "rather I impulse"/ %w the distinction between these habits perhaps important wb It is strange according to my theory that habit which results often of intellectual processes, -Habit may result from any train ie only incidentally effect of reason or (of intellectual processes) - is so related to instinct, which analogy of plants leads one to believe to exist, independently of intellect.- 243 5-9m, 10-16w How wonderful young of Kangaroo sucking 247 wt/l-6w & turning round before sleeping - covering dung &c show that principle may possibly be laid down that every instinct preserved is not changed & some of these may once have been important. 7-10m/x 254 4-6m, 7-8m, 31-34m 255 12-13m 256 19-23m 257 l-4w station & home confounded 258 29-32m/w monkeys pulling things to pieces - looking behind looking-glass 259 28-32m/30u "immediate\ individual", 33-34m 261 8-14m, 26-30m 263 l-2m/w monkey with dogs 265 wt the sudden way insects recover from feigning death shows it is not effect of fainting - do insects such as Byrrhus contract their legs in dying??? 3-7m, ll-12m, 12-13u "Affections\ pain", 14-17w !!! Baby's affect, to Mother!! 268 l-3m/w difficult to be accounted for 9-12m, 19-22m 272 27-31m/w difficult 273 27-20m 274 4-7m/w dogs - wolves porpoises 277 9-13m/w By nerves in * some compound animals 298 2-6m 302 9-lSm/w !!!dogs running Hare p304 304 18-21m, 29-35m 305 20-27m, 23-30m 308 24-26m/21-28w What are active powers? 309 l-6m 409 19u/a "neuter"/17-19m/w of both sexes my theory like plants 425 l-4m/w Has true Eggs 15-17m/15u "toi confined", 19-29m/w I think infusoria properly breed 426 l-2m 427 5-18m/13u "Soc.\268", 23-30m/w argument not conclusive also x by flowers not being permitted, wb Hypothesis - such plants were originally long lived and have become annual, having been transported (by nature) to cold climate. 428 ll-14m/w* in course of time, every 25-28m/w this is merely same as successive buds on trees 31-34m/33u "acotyledonous", 36-38m, wb Hence one can only say - strongly tempted to believe, only true reproduction is seminal- 429 wt/l-6w makes vast distinction between plants & animals 7-9m/8-9u "preventive\
aversion"'/w ?assumed V. p. 430 note.- 27-29m, 29-34m/? 430 7-8m, 29-30m, 30-32m/ 32u "which \ exhibited" 432 9u "procreating", lOu "of species"/10-12w only applies to plants
vol. 2 NB1 The sexes of Nightingales
arriving at different times, is illustrated by
sexes separating as in chaffinches, where
there is no migration.-
NB2 good Chapt on migration of Birds
5; 6; 8; 10; 12; 30; 33; 35; 40, 3, 4.; 108;
140; 149; 355; 356; 362; 379; 407; 530; 535;
578; 618
231 C. cornix breaking shells
& 233 All here excellent illustrations of
reason in animals-
241 some good remarks on instinct
10 Horse in Zetland pregnant only biennually
42 Flight of Birds Rate of - Hawk-case.-44 On birds knowing time & direction 149 on masculine instincts in old Females 356 Fecundity of Fish
5 24-30m 6 9-10m/10u "excite\vomiting" 8 22m "produced \ stature"/w sometimes 14-16m, 19u 10 20-2ÏQ 24m "his I year"/25u "twelfth"/ 26u "above\years"/24-29m/w How other horse - goodish - How in cattle 12 9-33m 13 16-20m 30 8-16m 32 34m "leafing I elm"'/28-34m (Linnaeus, Stillingfleet) 33 l-5m/2u "leafing\ sycamore", 19-24m, 31-33m 34 wt/l-5w These facts show how much influence small differences of temp - have upon -distribution of Birds 5-9m 35 2-22m, 21-24m, 30-32m/w Zoology of those Islds 36 l-7m, 9-13m 41 l-8m, 25-34m 42 wt In Montagus Diet it is said from Dr Show that a Falcon of Duke of Cleve flew out of Westphalia into Prussia in one day - but this too vague. 4-37w In Montagu Col. Thornton estimated that a Falcon after a Snipe went at rate of 9 miles in 11 minutes = 49 miles per hour but independently of numerous turnings 43 3-7m\ w all correctly quoted 8-13m, wb "certainly 100 miles is not beyond a fair computation for migratory continuance". Montagu. 44 7-26m/15-19w =very good= 20-23w Pacific also wb proves a faculty - useless in indulge in mere conjecture as has been done, showing * that electrical currents 108 9-llm, 30m, 31u "fallow-deer", 32m 109 25-27m 140 5-30m 149 3-16m, 19-21m
355 l-4m 356 l-4m, 20-35m 357 21-24m, 27-29m 362 l-5m 366 28-32m 379 10-12m/w Secondary male characters 21-22m 407 21-
24m 530 6-8m, 35-38m 535 6-10m, 33m
578 14-23w is presence of neuters universal
in these genera
619 4-8m/w possibly serve for reference 10-
16w See about Royston Crow
FLOURENS, Marie Jean-Pierre Examen du livre de M. Darwin sur l'origine des espèces Paris; Garnier Frères; 1864 [CUL]
NB 48 64 nothing
48 l-5m 64 8-9m 65 l-9m
Catalogue p
FLOURENS, Marie Jean-Pierre De la
longévité humaine et de la quantité de vie sur le
globe Paris; Garnier; 1855 [CUL]
br, ch, es, f, geo, he, hy, pat, t, ta, tm
p120; p130; p146; p. 148; p156; p. 173; p185
109* 143 Hybrid Dogs & Wolves sterile from 4th generation - p. 156 - Q p144 On Prevalence Q of types in crossing Assen &/fa Horse/fa Dog & Jackall &c &c
145 reduced in 4 generations to pure form Q
148 It is succession, not resemblance which
makes "a species". (Ch. 4)
185 vis medicatrix
title page u (author, title) 50 tÏ25-2m 84 $w/ wt How utterly the law fails in insects, How in Birds? Pigeons mature very quick; yet they live pretty long 104 ÏÏ4-lm/H 105 5-8m 106 tTllM "le thur"/mi-8m 108 ÏÏ6-lm 109 6-12m, ftà-4m, ÏÏ2-lm 120 4-15m 130 V-lm\wb Has a Man seen an escarpment worn by the sea? 134 wt argues against an inherent tendency to change. 135 6!/u "aucune\ espèce", 9-lOm 140 1\l5-lm/wb Yet Cuvier believed in Dogs. 141 Ïïl5-lm/w (a) wb (a) shows only the difficulty of deciding 143 ÏÏ2m "dès la lw at wb context shows this meaning 144 wt This shows, means in & in. The interbreeding may have aided, only aided, the natural sterility of the Hybrids. l-2m/w (a) 4m "bientôt", 6u "Mes expériences"/6-8m, 12-13m, ÏÏ20-9m, U-6u±, tÎ6-2m 145 3-6m, 7-16m, 18-19m/w crossed with pierpoints Q/&
146 2m "bientôt", 4u "bientôt" 148 M-4m 149
12-13m/? 154 ÏÏ22-20W 156 4-8m, 9-12m/w
161 male 133 fern tÎ7-5m 157 wtu 173 l-4m
185 10-15mlw always forming the bones &
therefore capable of forming a lost part V.
FLOURENS, Marie Jean-Pierre De l'instinct et de l'intelligence des animaux 2nd edn; Paris; Paulin; 1845 [CUL]
beh, br, es, ex, f, h, hy, mg, sp, t, ta
NB p. 26; p. 32; 50; 57; 85; 88; 97; 101; 106; 110; 130; 141; 175 (he probably means 173); 191; 200
27 Condillac on instinct Q
32 Instinct a Primitive Force, Q like
50 man alone reflects
57 Q/& F. Cuvier has compared instinct to
Habit - Well discussed
85 On Breeding of Monkeys & Hybrids in
confinement, 88 do
97 On Breeding of Chacals & Hybrids of
101 Camel & Dromedary produce sterile
106 Breeds of sheep all fertile & with
108 Zebra - crossed with Cattle Hybrid
111 Q Beavers always amassing material in
121 Thinks Fox & Dog will never couple p
131 Dog & Wolf sterile from 2d generation
(Think of savages)
191 Cat exercise Kitten with Mice NQ
200 He saw bear wash poison off cakes NQ
26 12-15w He thought it actual habit 27 7-9m/w in that generation 32 15-18m 47 vot bird modifying nest not migrating 18-lSm 50 17-20m/l-21w except by consciousness of oneself, how can this be told? if not there are no proofs that animals do not reflect 57 8-llm 58 3-6m, 13-20m 60 He "habitude"! llw intelligence 19-21m 85 (at top of page a portion of The Times is stuck, concerning Duke of Northumberland giving Cercopithecus griseo, Grivet, and C. viridis to Royal Surrey Zoological Gardens; dated 10 August 1847), 10-12m/w p. 88 14-17m 88 4-9m/6u "makilblanc" 97 ll-14mll5u++, 18-19m 101 3-4m 106 4-6m, 19-21m 107 16-19m 108 6-7m, 12-Um 110 9-13m/Q 111 9-llm 114 2-5!/m, 11-Um 116 2-Sm, 9-15m 121 9-15m 130 wt/l-lOm/w no doubt Pallas theory presupposes the extinction of many aboriginal species 14-23w only tenable by getting a little blood of some other species in.- 131 7-10m, 20-24m 132 14-17mll-18w the Pig good to state Pallas hypothesis from. 133 19-21m 141 ll-13m 173 18-20m 191 ll-12m 200 l-2m/lu^
FLOWER, William Henry Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the osteology and dentition of vertebrated animals contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England part 1; London; David Bogne; 1879 [Down]
FLOWER, William Henry An introduction to the osteology of Mammalia London; Macmillan; 1870 [CUL, S] af, ds, phy, rd, sx, tm, v
NB 64 Caudal Vertebrae *
p.265-268 - good for * plates of
Homologies of Limb-Bones
270; 279 Analogy; 291 Rudiments; 294
Descent 325 spur of male Echidna
296 Ligamentum teres
303 Rudiment
321 foot of Marsupials origin
SB a Flower Osteology of Mammals
p.265-268 excellent figures of Homology of
Bones of Limbs
♦ p. 270 va
p279 - good case of analogical resemblance
in bone of foot
p.291. Rudiment of Limb in Cetacea, used
for attachment of Bone of Penis
p.296 List of animals which do not possess
Ligamentum teres to thigh-bone - Orang is
one. Have I not read case in Man doubtful?
Mivart says cavity in Orang & Chimps
303 Rudiments of Limbs present in an
ancient Sirenia, but absent in all existing
64 13-15m/14u, 18-21m 270 24-30m 279 l-8m 291 25-33m 292 5-10m 294 12-17m, 22-24m 296 l-7m 303 l-6m, 15-17m, 18-21m 321 28-33m 322 l-6m, 7-12m 323 l-33m 325 3-5m
FLÜGEL, Johann Gottfried English-German & German-English Dictionary part 1; Leipzig; G. Liebeskind; 1838 [Down] p
FOCKE, Wilhelm Olbers Die Pflanzen-Mischlinge Berlin; Gebrüder Borntraeger; 1881 [CUL, S, I]
464 5m 483 20m
FOL, Hermann Recherches sur la fécondation et le commencement de l'hénogenie Genève; Henri Georg; 1879 [Down, I]
FOLLEN, Eliza Lee The life of Charles Folien Boston; T.H. Webb & Co.; 1844 [Down]
FORBES, Edward On the Asteriadae found fossil in British strata (offprint) [CUL, I] at, ds, em, fo, sp, t, ti, tm
p.458 &c
A) p526 This paper must be read after
looking over Von Buch
to end - I am not at all convinced by it -
SB2 Qß
458 Crinoidae & Echinidae essentially
- Knowledge of Fossils confined to N America & Europe, evidently one region.-460 Silurian star-fish a recent genus 526 Table of affinities of Echinoderms, showing that does not go with age p531
457 lu "Asteriadae", 2u "Forbes", 12-16m 458 l-6m, lOu "chronomorphic", 14-20m, 42-43m
459 21-25m, 35-38m, 43c "corresponding"/w&>
Silurian 460 ll-13m 461 3-12m 463 33a&
"Lower" 464 5c "Lower", 21c "Lower" 526 not I
table.wfo How absolutely without Law is the
development of groups ie nothing like *
embryonic metamorphosis lu "Echinidae"/
wt&> doubtfully palaeozoic p458 lu
"Asteriadae"Iwtfa existing genus Bala. .-.
oldest p. 459 3m/w carboniferous ?Older?
table.wfa Silurian table.w I do not see why
Cystideae may not have been the parent
form & given out 3 lines; as well as be
inserted between Crinidae & Echinidae.
table.m "Crinoideae"/w Lowest order + order
wb I do not see why Cystideae placed above
Crinoideae; the only sd. argument ought to
be derived from simple organization.- 527
25-27 mi^ 531 16-23m0», 33u "first"/w I fancy
not in time 532 11-121, 13u "negative \ polar",
24-36w absolutely unintelligible 533 8-9!/9u
"exactly I value", 15-171, 38m, 39-40!
FORBES, Edward A monograph of the British naked-eyed Medusae London; The Ray Society; 1848 [Down] sy
NB ♦ 40 Remark on nomenclature
FOREL, A. Les fourmis de la Suisse Zurich; Zürcher & Furner; 1874 [CUL, I] beh, es, em, fg, he, ig, no, or, pat, phy, r, sp, sx, tm, ud, v
SF Qß ->
Kreisirrenanstalt Munich
13-19 121-134 144-147 116-121 258-269
272-274 «3T276-283 285-293 299-300 308-
310 341-351 314-315 371-374 386-388
391-396 440-449 443
SB1 Qß •«•
All marks from beginning to end
SB2 •*
p. 14 on differences of worker Ants
p.123 Brains of male female & neuter very
135 Ants clean each other, 152 take old
nests & modify them to their own use
p.203 Make or work on roads.- 206 invent
new methods & vary their work.
208 adjoining colonies friends 248 in cutting
off heads of other ants - knows position of
249 courage varies according to number of
community. 250 * attend to slightly injured
ants - leave badly wounded.- 251. Friendly
ants rather perish than attack each other for
food. 258 263 allied ants of distant species-
274. In fighting tactics of different species
different. 280 association of 2 species
286 On ants recognising each other for a
time & at last forgetting - Huber error
296 A few ants determine course of others -
301 signal communicated
304. Ants get mad with rage when fighting &
are calmed by the others
307. Stupidity of Rufescens in not taking
cocoons on ground, because will try to find
entrance to supposed nest, p. 321 number of
slaves 20,000-25,000 under 1 year by p.
rufescens They examine previously the nests
to be attacked.
343 In one genus concludes that all crossing
except between Brothers & sisters male
cannot leave Nests (dimorphic!) (but I think
courting •)
p341 a slave-maker.- 347 gradation towards
perfect slave-maker.
p.359 F. sanguina number of slaves very
variable p. 363 Errors of F. Smith
363 Different tactics of 2 species in fighting
365 364 var of rufa F. rufa normally makes
slaves 366 * number in nest -
367 sick one attended to by comrades 367
373 Mixed colonies, not explained.
394. Nymphs of Ants cannot open cocoon
for themselves, without aid from others,
often aid them in removing the skin
397 same female fecundated by several
males - 398 fecundated female does not
enter old nest
399 females fecundated are often caught &
brought back by force to natal nest, & these
must have been fecundated by males of
same nest.
[page break] FOREL
417 not known how new colonies established.
419 very curious evidence how rarely ants of distinct nests intercross. 421,422 Ants protect their Aphides from all enemies - so mutual service. 440 excellent summary of Whole; approves of what I have said of origin of slave-making 441. thinks atrophy of ovaria in Neuter may be due to development of their brains.- 441 trace of castes in neuters very general -about intercrossing 446 Indecision of Mind & Struggles between opposed instincts.
14 9-26m, 18-24m 15 l-4m, 6-8m 7u "règle\ distincts", ll-12m, ÏÏ6-4m 18 16-20m 19 1-Sm 123 1Ï2S-26m, ÏÏ23-20m 135 1Î24-22m 152 11-16m 203 6-8m/8u "travaillent Iles" 206 10-12m 208 5-llm, 12-17m 209 ÏÏ6-2m 248 15-19m 249 fÎ22-9m 250 1-Am lu "exceptionellement", lÏ3-2m 251 10-12m 258 ÏÏ2S-25m, ÏÏ9-5m 262 2-3m, 10-14m lOu "fraîchement écloses"/llu "travauxIdes", 18-20m/19u "troisIjours" 263 3-7m 274 ÏÏ24-22m/ÏÏ24M "tactique\ est"/w of different species 280 ÏÏS-2m/w association of 2 distinct species 286 15-20m 15-16u "Voilà I origine" 287 l-4m lu "compagnes\mois", 18-22m, 23-24m 296 ÏÏ18-14m/ïïl8u "la\donnée", 1\3-lm/î\3-2u "elles I arrière" 301 1\l2-7mß10u "un I toutes "f\\9u "dans I direction "\w clearly signal 302 ÏÏ25-22m 304 ÏÏ20-3m 307 8-lSm, 16-18m, 20-24m, ÏÏ7,/u "esclaves I reconnurent" 308 ÎÎ22-Sm/ÏÏ20M "Revue\scientifiques" 321 11-lSm, ^7-4m 325 5-6m/w ponte larva 26-18m 17-18u "tandis" 343 ÏÏ4-2m 344 l-5m, 1Î7-5m/tt7u "P. rufescens" 347 ÏÏ3-2m 359 1Ï8-4m 360 4-9m 362 6-8m 363 2m, 4-Sm 6u "faisaient \ du", ÏÏ5-2m 364 24-25m, 27-20ml8u "savoir\plus" 365 ÏÏ2S-26m 366 ÏÏ9-3m/ttSw "5000\500JOOO" 367 27-29m, ÏÏ6-2m 369 ÏÏ24-22m/ÏÏ24-23M<->. ÏÏSm 373 tÏ20-2m 394 7-22m, 13-20m 395 lT23-9m/ÏÏ22-22u "sel sew/es" 397 20-22m 398 4-5m 5m "deIdiverses" 399 ÏÏ25-22m, ÏÏ20-9m, 1Ï7-5m 400 fÏ2-2m 402 1Ï24-20m 417 22-25m 418 ÏÏ24-22m 419 22-2£m/m 421 5-8m, 9-22m, ÏÏ22-9m 422 7-9m 436 ÏÏ2-2m 440 ÏÏ14-6m 441 2-7m 5« "teldu" 6m "atrophie \ secondaire", 10-12m, 18-20m, 21-23m 442 îm, 15w Sexual differences ÏÏ27m<->/ ÏÏ25m "travail \ tout "fÏÏ9-6m/w not transmitted, but given to neuters & thus indirectly acquired by by males & females, very curious. ÏÏ5-4m, ÏÏ3m "am I autre" 443 8-9m/w I ought to read again about Strong, testaceus 20-23m, 19-22m/21u "dans I manière"'/22u "d'une\d'autres", 24-26m/w & most dominant on earth ÏÏ3-2m 444 2-20m 3u "tandis\ besoin", 9-12m 445 22m "les Isont", 1Î20-2Sm,
ÏÏ23-22m, V-Am, ÏÏ3-2m 446 3-25m, ÏÏ20-7m, ÏÏ7-4m 447 2-3m
FORSTER, Johann Reinhold Observations made during a voyage round the world London; G. Robinson; 1778 [CUL, pre-B, S] beh, co, gd, geo, gr, is, se, sp, ve, wd
NF Classes Islands p14
a> p. 27 Tanna volcanic and has I certainly
think elevated coral on coast
NB ♦ 21; 22; 179; 183, 5; 187, 9; 193
187 Besides two domestic Mammals only
Bat in Western isld; & Black Rat in Society,
Friendly & New Hebrides p188 in Tanna 2
species of Bats.
p188 Hogs of same breed in the several isld
193 Natives of Society & Friendly Isld catch
& tame Pigeons & Parrots -
14 2-23m, 7u (place-names)/5-8w Maatea a little to SE of Tahiti V. p 93 8u (place-names)/ xv close together 17 4-5m 20 2-2m 23 18-23m/20u "formed of corals" 24 2-5m*> 26 20-23m 27 26m 69 8-20m 70 2S-22m 147 7-26m/ 7m "one\only"/w V. 173! 20-24ry NB In Cooks voyage nothing is said about Forster landing here 27m "Turtle Island"/15-20w ?ought this not to be written Savage Isld In journal (his own) says passed by it, no anchorage 155 28-23m 173 8-16m/10-llu "raised\ water"/13u "grew \ without" 179 27-29m/-> 180 2-5m 183 18-21m/w stuck to rocks 185 22-24m 187 4-6m, 18-19m 188 7-9m, 16m/14-16w implies same var. 17-20m 189 8-16m/9-10w implies same var. 193 9m "at I size", 12-15m 229 25-28m 235 5-9m 237 24-2 7m 238 2-7m, 26-27m 251 23-24m 326 2-3m 327 28-29m 364 22-23m 384 tÎ7-5m 403 4-5m 432 22-23m 450 23-25m 459 6-8m 554 ÏÏ9-8m, Îf2-2m 560 2-4m 561 22-2 6m 562 20-26m 567 2S-29m 569 9-22m 588 25-22m 589 1-Am
FORSTER, Thomas A synoptical catalogue of British birds London; Nichols, Son & Bentley; 1817 [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin 1826] SP, y
facing 2 îoa The Ringtail in Turton's British Fauna is made a distinct species, under the name of Falco Pygorgos - as does Lewin & Wolcot facing 11 wA 77.78 These are considered by Turton, on the authority of Dr Latham, as only the young & very old ones of E. Nivalis
FOSTER, Michael, and BALFOUR, Francis
M. The elements of embryology part 1; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down]
FOSTER, Michael, and LANGLEY, J.N. A
course of elementary practical physiology London; Macmillan & Co.; 1876 [Down, I]
FOURNIER, Eugène De la fécondation dans les Phanérogames Paris; F. Savy; 1863 [CUL] die, fg, gd, mhp, oo, sx
NB 56 Read; Fert of Lilium
p.52.- Lopezia curious contrivance for
♦ 61 Drosera
68 ♦
73 Flowers under water make ball of air -
♦ 117 to 130
61 Parietaria like Nettle (wind)
on fertilisation of grasses
120 Moicous like Dioicous in fertilisation Cucurbita Pepo monoicus & dichogamous
52 15-20m 56 2-10m 57 25-30m 61 2-13m/5u "acide cyanhydrique"/5-6u "lesIacides", 23u "Pariétaires" 62 12-21m 66 6-11 m 68 13-25m (Hofmeister) 70 3-9m/l-5w no doubt wd visit occasionally 73 10-14m 117 18-25m 118 14-16m, 26-31m 119 22-26m 120 9-12m
FRANCISQUE-MICHEL Du passé et de l'avenir des Haras Paris; Michel Lévy Frères; London & Edinburgh; Williams & Norgate; 1860 [CUL, S] beh, v, y
SA (pp. 81-82; a fragment)
NB 7 Horse imported into France 705-7
47 different colour valued by end of 15th
X/& 50 Arab do
♦ *> 84 only end of 8th century -
Charlemagne gives precise valuation about
Stallions; 90 Prince of Wales bring a Stallion
in 1305
SB ♦ p7; p. 47; 50; 84; 90; all classed
title page u (title, author) 7 2-4m/3u "arabis", 15-19m 47 6-8m, ll-13m/12u "liart pommé" 50 wt/5w*/7w (not CD), 5-10m/w arab superstition about calves Hoof 51 19-21m&> 84 l-2m, 6-7m/6u "desI reproducteurs", 11-12m 90 9-1 Ou "Edward I Canterbury", ll-23m/ 13u "et\äalons", 15u "beau I servir", 16u "prêter"/20u "bien Iramèneront"
FRANK, Albert Bernhard Beiträge zur Pflanzenphysiologie Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1868 [CUL, S] mhp, t
5 26m 8 26-28m 9 30-31m 10 20-26m/w 1 28-31mjw 2 11 14-20m 15 27-28m 16 30-31m 17
26-28m 19 ll-21m/14-15u "mussIauswärts", 25-27m 25 23-33m 26 26m 32 ll-12m 38 22-25m 39 25-26m 42 15-18m 43 8-14m, 22-23m&>, 24-25m 46 13m 47 22-24m 54 33-34m 55 30-32m&> 56 U-17m 57 3-5m 59 7w 15/9 17-27m, 28-30mto 61 15-17m, 21-22m/21u "Dielvöllig", 25-26m 70 table-columns.,w V X' V X 72 17-23mll7-19m/18-19m 76 6-8m 77 wt Good Boy 78 23-25m/24u "inneren Schichten" 80 4-19w inverted radicles, quite perpendicularly yet moved downwards 81 1-4m/wt Explains by growth not being equal all round 83 32m 85 18-27m/21u "Heliotropismus "/24u "Geotropismus " 86 4-5u "hängenden] trauernder"/w geotropic 23« "Sie\ während"/12-14m/w capable during whole growth 88 7m 90 17-20m 91 2-6m, 17m, 19-26m/20u "Decandolle", 23w br 97 lm, 3-5?, 24-27m, 26u "concentrirte Zuckerlösung", 27u "Krümmung unverändert" 98 wt+,l-3m, 12-14m*
FRANK, Albert Bernhard Die natürliche wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen Leipzig; Hermann Weissbach; 1870 [CUL] ad, beh, cc, mhp, phy, t, v
From final chapter
p.90 Organs will grow in all directions some favourable & some hurtful - will change into favourable position - I suppose individ. movements.-
Movements become so firmly associated with certain external influences such as light & gravity that the latter suffice to cause the same process of growth or movement, good/ like instinct - compare with chicken seeing food & eating it an associated habit in this case over (over)
We must say that we + take nearly the same general view as Frank does about the manner & means by which all the parts of plants adapt themselves to the position in which they stand & to external agencies; but with this considerable important difference that we now know that each growing part is continually in circulation, ie bending to all sides, & if it be advantage to a part & to the plant, for it to bend in any direction with respect to the remainder of the plant, or to any external agency, if this agency produces any effect which can be perceived by the plant, then the circulating movement can be modified to or for such agency, or the time of such movement can be modified in
[page break] FRANK
atten.O to such agency as in the shape of *
Leaves.- no darkness may be cause, but
not of direction.
SB2 Qß A
A.B. Frank Die Naturliche Wagerichtes
Richtung von Pflanzentheilen 1870.
p.2 speaks of sense for attraction
says position of all horizontal stems due to gravitation & light; but at
Light always preponderant over gravity 20 Fragaria stolons see to this movements very slow.
leaves stand at right angle to light -inclined when light strike one side
leaves rise up in darkness - ie are apogeotropic & light causes them to be horizontal.
in short an organ will put itself in any position with reference to light which may be advantageous; but then the rising in the evening is odd.
52 twisting confined to petioles.- & not to
jointsO how different from Pfeffer.
62, 64 leaves of tree which do not rise in
75 Hofmeister nearly discovered trans-
verseO - geotropism & Heliotropism
2 wt a sense for attraction of gravity 2u "ein\ßr" 17 12-18io&> at least often get into horizontal position by epinasty 18-23m, wb Nothing * else 18 10u<^/10-12m 20 22m, 33-34w Fragaria 35-39m, 40u "erfolgende\ gediehen", wb takes place very slowly 21 9-13m, 13-16m 22 10-12m, 24u "vertical aufrecht" 23 7u "Achsen", 14-19m, 24m 24 8-9m, 26-27m 25 33-38m 26 14u "aber \ die", 15u "der\gleich", 24-27m 27 25m "horizontaler Richtung" 28 31-35m, 36m, 38-39m, wb He overlooks epinasty 29 17-20m 30 27wA "eine Incurvation", 29-32m 31 A 7-8m, 12m, 14-16m, 36-38m 32 A l~4m, 34-37m 33 A l-2m 34 A 17-22m 35 8m 36 A 12-16m 45 18-21m, 21-22u "Beziehung I steht", 24-27m/w inclined when one side shaded 29-36m/31-33w evidence of 46 ll-16m/w leaves rise up in darkness 15-24w & is an apogeotropic but says that light causes them into horizontal 52 9-15m/10-llu "eigentliche I übernimmt"/l-12w * twisting confined to petiole; *, 19-21m/19u "der Stiel"/17-25w How different from Pfeffer
53 l-10m/w Use of compound Leaves 14-
17m/w especially when fixed by tendril
19-21m, 33u "Clematis"/->/22-25w Mutisia
Bignonia Fumaria O 55 11m 59 23-28z(zb,
34-39w This might be tested by Klinostat 60
3m, 28-38w/wb This is the same thing as
epinasty Origly caused by light afterwards
guided by geotr. 62 26-30m/23-34w I thought he said rise in darkness 32-33m/32u "Letztere] und"/33u "ihreI horizontal" 63 32-35m/33u "wenig I aufrechter" 64 lw in darkness 3-7m, 8-13m/8-9u "durch\können"/12u " ausgeprägte \ Lichte", 13-17m/14u "Schwerkraft ILicht", 35-39m 73 5-8m/6u "Achsen"pu "anderer\ durch", 10-15m, 23-27m 74 21-27m 75 l-3m/l-2u++/2u "Hofmeister" 76 15-19m, 25-32w goes on growing 34-37m/w fulvinus I believe error Pfeffer 77 llu "der\in"/14-17m/ ll-17w seems to consider it a direct result and not mere excitement 26-30m/27-28u "Transversal]Heliotropismus" 78 34m, 35m<-* 81 wt I seem always to consider the movement direct effect of light 5m, 9-32w this assumption appears to be merely lazy so it is 85 28m 89 Xw He believes that the individuals which originally chanced to have, for instance, plumule erect & radicle vertically downwards, would survive; but this as yet does not apply to movements, & still less to cases like sleep-movements.- 90 2m, 3m
FREKE, Henry On the origin of species by means of organic affinity London; Longman & Co.; 1861 [Down, I]
FREMONT, J.C. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-'44 Washington; Gales & Seaton; 1845 [CUL] (p beh, br, gd, is, si, y
NB1 It might well happen, as in Horses of Falkland, that the old animals might live at ease & not be driven to search new countries, open to them (as is evidently the case with the Buffalo) and the pressures are chiefly falling on the young.- It is important to observe that no selection cd aid Horse in Falkland.- or Horses in Paraguay except strength of constitution & breeding at diff time of year; but that cd be effected only if a little earlier or later was more favourable NB2 Windhom Mountain Lat 43°N; 84; 124; 174; 144 166»
Abstract Feb 57
p144 The Buffalo only crossed R. Mountains lately owing to persecution
84 44-51m 124 45-49m 144 43-46u±, 49-53m 166 wt*/Xw* Previously there was good evidence of the Buffalo having been driven into new districts by Hunters one race of Indians much obliged for this
FREY, Heinrich The histology and histochemistry of man trans. A.E.J. Barker; London; J. & A. Churchill; 1874 [Down] p
FROHSCHAMMER, Jakob Dos Christen-thum und die moderne Naturwissenschaft Wien; Tendier & Co.; 1868 [Down] p
GALLESIO, Georges Traité du citrus Paris; Louis Fantin; 1811 [CUL, pre-B but read later: S C Darwin Feb 1842] cc, es, f, fg, gd, hy, ig, mn, oo, or, pat, spo, t, tm, v
NB1 p146 Orange; 143 32; 40; 46; 62 to 85 to 167 line across page (hereafter page-numbers by CD but some words possibly not) 193 to 222 Hist of Citron, marked but unimportant to 286 - ditto ditto
p.292 &c &c Sweet Orange different from bitter & later introduced p. 297 * Origin of Sweet orange p. 321
p.327 to end
p.359 the only passage on acclimatisation of orange
NB2 Nothing important in all these extracts below the cross line -» (to NB1 line across page)
Nov. 47 I think that experiments cd be worth looking over again.-Look at the Synoptical Tables first-SB 09Ï
34. Sweet & bitter oranges & almonds & Peach & nectarine always true 40 orange fruit affected by pollen of Lemon! 46 crosses with pinks analogous, striped & some pure white & red. 67 The Lemons which depart most from type, (or are monstrous are sterile) p331 147 Mixed orange, lemon & citron °» 359 curious case showing how slowly & rarely real attempts have been made at naturalisation (u^) a poor Book
30 23-25m 31 ll-13m 32 18-20w It is not different in W Indies 20-22m, 22-24m 34 1-2m 40 18-23m 45 24~26m 46 l-5m/w Like chrysanthemums latter prbly a cross of 2 vars. 12-16m 47 a. 12-15m 62 9-15m/10u "grande] mélanges"lw polyadelphia *, 23« "nombre infini de races" 63 9-llm/9-10u "plusieurs] événements" 66-67 ivt xox according to this view, a plant as soon as it became accustomed to new conditions, would produce more seeds, & therefore in most cases would produce + less fruit & hence would be said to degenerate!! 66 7-Um, 16-17u "ils\variétés"I15-22W* shows how little weight he puts to character of sterility 25-29w for he certainly admits * varieties distinct from hybrids 18-19m/w both hybrids 66-67 u>frA>, part e» * This is quite new view of varieties being born sterile, it is
[page break] GALLESIO
certainly case with many pears, apples &c &c not due to mere effects of conditions on the actual + plant, but + is born with xx tendency to be sterile (& hence good fruit or fine double flowers are produced) - think Kolreuter found certain individual hybrid-crosses * more sterile than others, thus if pear seeds are sown, some seedlings are more sterile than others 67 3-4u "celles\ stérilité"/l-5rn, 13u "leurs I toujours", 20-21u*+, 22-28m, Xwfo in animals out of conditions no case of offspring being born sterile (? do not perhaps get full fecundity for some generations?) but in plants it is very frequent case ||= very importante view - e> xxx XOX 68 17-18u ''pour I distinction''/w fiato oxen!! 71 10u<r> 73 7-10m 83 2-5m\2u "ces noms"/ lu "innombrables" 85 4-8m 90 27u "plusieurs siècles", 28u "conservée" 91 lu "variétés", 3-5m, 3u "Dès\ colline", 5u "multiplier\ semence", 6-7m 92 26-28m 95 7-8m, ll-18m 96 2-3m\3u "souvent" 97 16-20m/ 19u/wx 100 15-17m 102 20-22mlu±/wb This is not like Kolreuters certain hybrids 103 3-8m 109 12-Um 116 20u "vulgo Pomum" 117 19-20m/20u "jamais pu" 118 3-5u±, 9-12m 119 12-14u±/10-16w Every one of his hybrids as yet conjectural wb Has the Bergamot seeds?? 121 9-llm/10u "lUsemence" 125 27-28m 126 l-3m 129 4u "n'offre\jaunes" 130 14-16m 133 24-25m/u "ils\dépine" 135 4-5?, 22-23m\u<* 137 8u "feuille \ crépue", 9-lOu "la\limonier", 12u "orangier", 21-23m/23u "hybridesIse", 26u "variées\proportions" 140 18u^, 23-24m/24u "en \ 1270" 143 22-28m\ 22u "Ses \ espèces"/23u "blanchâtres" 146 Su "1644", 24-27m 147 6-Wm/l-lOw/wt X are the several cases of citrus above given with flowers & fruit of different * forms cases of hybrids sporting.- ll-20m, 22m "aussi \ point "I 24~28m/25u "une\de"/wb/8-28w These are extreme cases of sporting & hybrids - no more probably like Laburnum - like mottled Hollies sporting back to pure leaves 148 1-2u "arbre\formes", 4-7m\7u "oranges\sans", 14-16m/15u "orangers\cédrats", 18-21m, 22-25m 154 6-7u "qui\ d'épines", 7-10m, llu*+ 155 4-6u "etIordinaires", 8u "quelquefois\ semis" 156 19-21m/20u "couleurI de" 157 3-5u "ne\chäives", 6u "c'est\fécondation"'/7u "ill pépins", 8u " se \ semence"/5-8w not a hybrid because no ways intermediate 9-24m\23-25m 158 27m/u "exclusive \ Chine" 159 25-28m 165 13u "du\de" 166 7-9!I9u "qui\espèce" 167 18-19m 194 10-llm/llu "en Médie" 197 17m, 18u "Palestine" 198 19-20m/19u "Théo-phraste"/20u "description dans" 203 4-5m 207 l-2mj2w conjecture ll-23mll7-20u±/7-22w
proofs of old cold climate V. Arago 25u "que\vigne", 28u "elle\point" 208 3-5m, 6-8m/7u/? "certainement" 210 20-21m 217 8-15m/8a "Paludius"I15u "dansIsiècle" 218 14-16mfl5u "le\quatrième" 222 20-22m 223 3-5m/4u "plus I transmigration" 227 12u "MadèreI Canaries", 13u "dès 1463" 252 20u "1383", 22-24m 257 5-8m 270 13-15m 287 14-17m 292 9-12m, 16-19m 293 ll-16m 295 l-6m 297 5-13m/8u "de I transmigration" 321 10-llm 326 27m 327 l-3m, 9-llm, 15-16m, 22-24m, 26-28m 329 l-2m 330 6-8m 331 4-6m\6u "celui I stérilité", 8-9m/8u "cette\ singulière" 334 l-6m, 18-22m, 25-30m 344 9-22m, 24-26m 345 llu "d'Acosta", ll-22m, 22-25m 349 7-10m, 13u "l'Espagne", 14u "un\ orangers", 16u "tous I greffés", 19u "demi\ commencé", 20w to sow seeds of Sweet Orange 1Î3m/M "oranger\Sauvageon" 351 15-17ml 15-16u "Dans I adroite" 352 l-7m 355 11m "1709\Ligurie" 357 4-6m, 7-8m/xv in Liguria 17u "unelportât" 359 l-6m
GALTON, Francis The art of travel, or, shifts and contrivances available in wild countries London; John Murray; 1855 [CUL, I, S]
NB1 (by FD)
NB2 91 Authority; 115
2 7-9m 3 l-3m, 6-13m 4 13-14m 5 23-26m 8
31-32m 9 12-15m 14 10-14m 15 7-8m/7u 16
5-12m 17 l-3m, 26-28m 18 26-27m 26 5-6m
31 25-29m 35 23-25m 91 16-17m 115 25-30m
GALTON, Francis English men of science: their nature and nurture London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down, S]
(markings not by CD)
GALTON, Francis The narrative of an explorer in tropical South Africa London; J. Murray; 1853 [CUL, ED]
GARROD, Alfred Baring The essentials of materia medica and therapeutics 3rd edn; London; John Walton; 1869 [Down, FD]
(markings not by CD)
GARROD, Alfred Henry The collected scientific papers London; R.H. Porter; 1881 [Down] p
GARTNER, Carl Friedrich Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Befruchtung der vollkommeneren Gewächse 1. Teil; Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1844 [CUL]
cc, es, die, em, f, fg, gd, he, hy, in, is, mhp, no, oo, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, v, wd
NB a> *» N.B. p 137. on varieties of
Verbascum crossing » used
p.212 Fruchnoten (ie Fruchtknoten) =
Germen; griffe! = stylus; narbe = stigma
SB a Oct. 1855 This book abstracted &
abstracts & references distributed.-
SA1 (pp. 622-3)
This is Index of whole volume
p75 on Honey to p92.
p. 104 on time of shedding pollen
to p119 on contabescence
to p128 on richness of pollen; 137 on pollen
varying in species & individuals of Dianthus
p137 on fertility of vars of Verbascum
according to colour
to p. 148
p.220. p222
p242; p250 on concepcion. to p. 253.
p.328 on periods of concepcion; to p367
p.440 on abortion p. 444
See over Page
(over) p528 on * dispersion of Lychnis
(quoted from Tausch) diurna & vespertina in
hermaphroditism.- I presume the number of
seed here refers to cultivated Plants
p539 on crosses taking place at distances
p.550. do
p560; p564
p571 on crossing &c to 577. do.
p598. on number of seed in Lychnis
vespertina-diurna; p600
p366 self-fert often fails in * Lycium,
Tropaeolum, Mirabilis & Campanula &
Lycium -
All these references have been recopied out
into papers in * Hybrid Chapter
SA2 (pp. 622-3) Qß
136 368 386 497 - 138 - 134, 135; 136;
386 567 595
•^ p. 128 on quantity of pollen.
135 Each embryo requires more than one
pollen grain -
226 Narben-fuchte (ie feuchtigkeit) secreted
from stigma at various points
236 secretion of stigma of Nicotiana took
months to dry - so very different from that of
256 Reichenback Vol.I p. 120
345, 347 quantity of pollen required for full
351, 600 Successive application of pollen
for Orchids
♦ In Corn & Hemp Fields & Palms clouds of
pollen p107 •
p116 Contabescence
SA3 (pp. 622-3)
Dichogamy Gärtner Kenntniss s.539 on
plants 6-800 yards fertilising each other very
good. P551? p573-577
xi 6m/w Read 7-lOm/lOw Read 12-15m/13w Read 17m/w* Read 20m/w Read 21m/w Read 32m, 33m/33-34w because it will show crossing 34m, 35m/w read 36w read, 37w read
75 2w read 18-21w nectar before opening of flowers 76 5-6w after pollen 18-19u "Wandelbar fanden"/w secretion variable *, no doubt due to conditions 24u*/24-25m/w no * secretion 31-38m/w sometimes honey in hermaphrodite, but not in unisexual flower of same species. Sometimes in male sometimes in female 77 7-13m/w quite absent in many flowers 78 14-15w increases * flower falls 79 l-7m/w quite sterile Hybrids have nectar 80 l-10w They do not seem to know about Vetches 85 9-16m/w does not think nectar can be accounted for by for insects alone to favour fructification 87 9-Um/llu "Tilia europaea"/8w No nectar!! 22-22u "Tilia \odorata"/ll-14w small & nectar do not go together 89 wt generally the period of concepcion, the spreading of pollen, secretion of honey, & opening of flower all together. l-4mßu "den meisten", 8-10m/w often put out by circumstances 26m, 18-20w Sometimes nectar before opening of anthers 23u "Leguminosen I Cruciaten "/23-26w In these most nectar, when pollen is mostly or quite shed.- 90 22-27w Thinks no relation between secretion of Honey & density of Pollen - many Families have no nectary 31-34w no relation in quantity of pollen & nectar 91 l-2u*/w Pollen not dusted yet much Honey 3u "Dichogamen"/4u*/4-7w Male flowers of these no nectar - but females have 8-9m/w castration no influence on nectar 12-14w Absolutely sterile Hybrids have nectar 18u "Leguminosen]Cruciaten"/ 19u "Dehiscenzl Anther en"\17-19win these nectar begins after opening of anthers. 20-21w But then in Legum: pollen is brushed out by stigma 26-30w When fructification has taken place nectar ceases though pollen not shed. 95 10-llm 104 U-16m/w pollen shed before opening of flower 19-33m 106 4u*/5-8m/8u "verstäuben"/l-8w Pollen usually dispersed in air, except in families where of large size as these. 10-14w a cloud * 1 1/2 inch in diameter 107 22-25w clouds of pollen in corn & Hemp fields. 108 12u "6-8"/ll-15w
[page break] 251
emptying the anthers takes these hours.-109 12-13m/u "Malvaceen\scheint"'/w wind much influence 113 23-28xv castrated flowers seldom visited by Bees, than even quite sterile Hybrids 117 lu, 2ua, 3-4w Contabescence of anthers 17-19w colour often changed of anther 27u*/26-27w sometimes filled with Water 28-29uh, 31w grain ill-shaped 118 311 /l-3mjw even no pollen anther shrivelled up. 5-8m/w rarely sometimes only 1 or 2 anthers or 1/2 anther thus affected 13-16m/w Generally all flowers affected 17-22w When one flower has one another affected, all flower more or less affected. 25a "superbus" Europe 25-36m/33-35u "Wenn I haben"/26-27w gradations in contabescence 29a "barbatus" Germany 119 wt N.B The contabescence probably due to effect of conditions on parents, at least in many cases.- l-4w these anthers can be perceived at earliest period of development 10-12w affections permanent in individuals 14-15w except in Silène 17-19w cannot be altered by cuttings &c or in new soil &c 19-20u\ah Europe, England, Germany/w These species continued so for 4 years 22-23u*l 22-31w a plant taken out of wild of Lychnis did not alter in the least. 22-32w Nor did these alter when moved from pots to plain ground. 1\8-5w Doubts whether hereditary, for experiments give different results 1-25wj This is a point of resemblance to Hybrids which keep sterile during whole life.- wb A All this vehemently against my notion of change of conditions, indeed, almost disproves it- I am not so sure any peculiarity wd be propagated by layersO 120 7-Ww concludes since an individual in earliest stage.- 10-15io seems to occur in all plants, but more common in some than others, & most common in Hybrids. 14u "Caryophylleen"/w most common in free & cultivated Caryophyllea 18-19u> next cases 20a* England, S. Europe, Britain, Italy 22-23u±, 27u*, 28-30mM28u "Unfruchtbarkeit I Gewächse", 34-36m/w/wb In these female flowers, sometimes stamens occur in same state as the contabescent flowers 121 17-28w In these, contabescence hastens conception period, & praecosity of stigma always connected with contabescence; yet perhaps not necessarily allied 122 8-23w Contabescence has no destroying influence on female organs: but this not universal, for has observed instances with both sexes imperfect, very in -» (to "Verbascum", "Dianthus"), 12u*/10-17w These species with quite sterile stamens produced normal
number of seeds & no more wb Contabescence no effect on lengthening life of plant, even when conjoined with female impotence 123 wt [Must never forget the great fact that exotics most subject to these affections.] l-5m/w above shows that contabescence confined in its action to the stamen alone. 7-10w Generally female organ not affected, when stamen are contabescent 20u*/16-22w many have attributed this affection to planting in damp earth; but his found in light sand on mountains 26-30w These plants produced more pollen when nourished by pure water, wb (no doubt cause of contabescence, must be very early in life of plant, we know that state of plants one year determines its fruiting next year CD) 124 2u*f2-17w These plants were quite sterile for 4 years on female side but produced pollen.- affects from it became quite contabescent & female organs remaining sterile Ïïl6-lw/wb 3 of this plant was quite fertile & all flower & * twigs which had flowered were cut off, & then all the flowers which came were more or less contabescent & many with precocious stigma & small corollas: (a) subsequently perfect flowers were again produced- (b) Repeated same experiment with same results next year 125 14-16rn/w (a) note on last page 24m/w (b) 26-28m/26-33w never saw a male of this species with contabescent anthers, thinks therefore state is connected with hermaphrodite condition 126 5-12w/-*/wt Thinks that contabescence of Hybrids & pure species must be something distinct. It is evident there is no difference in appearance in the two classes of facts 12u "Treviranus"/ 14-19w Trev attributes to fungi; G. inclined to think this is a secondary cause. Leaves it all unexplained 127 wt Pollen when some degree 0 part gathered & placed in water or in transplanted plants, but female capacity much more easily injured -l-llm/4w (a) 128 wt I do not doubt this shedding has caused belief in impregnation in closed flowers CD. l-3m/w In these anthers shed pollen when closed. A 12u "ungekörnter"/ll-13w ungrained pollen powerless 23-24m/23-30w Richness of pollen always great [I think can only be explained by crossing.] Of course dioecious & Monooecious plants must be excepted IÎ3-2u "8-20", ÏÏ2u "80-96"\w has ten times too much 129 32-34m/w some monoecious plants little pollen 131 29-35w no relation between size of stigma & quantity of pollen 132 29-33m/w quantity of pollen has no relation to wind or insects 133 7-8m, 10-
12w little pollen few seeds 20-22w few seeds richer in pollen 31-32tv many seeds little pollen 134 6-7w many seeds much pollen 135 22« "ein Eychen"/ll-15m 136 22«*/23«*/ 12-16m/w great size of pollen; yet size varies greatly in some of the species. 24-28m\w size of pollen no influence on hybridising 30m "Kleinheit I Unförmigkeit"ßlu "bestimmten"/ 321 I 137 ll-13w Pollen different in Petunia 16-21m, 21u "Tulpen", 16-25w Pollen generally same throughout genus but different in different species of Dianthus & in varieties 34-36m/31-35w most important compare Kölreuter experiments & Gaertner's wb good pollen known by bright colour as well as regular shape 138 25-35w Proved that pollen in same species of different shapes, but G. doubts whether all effective 145 15u "Caryophylleen", 16u "48\kräßig", 17u "Conception"/w 4-6 days 20u "dritten", 33u "9."/w 9 days 147 6-16m/w Henschel's cases in fact showing natural crossing; did Henschel castrate? if so useful facts.- 148 9-16m/w in water all the grains do not explode, but some become transparent 153 wb Finished from 104 - to 153
220 21-37w N.B When many pistils, then number variable [when many of any organs apt to be variable; Why. Hairs &c &c vertebrae of serpents] wb Nature does not keep count 222 15-22m/w says anthers open in Labiatae before flowers open & implies impregnated then 226 ll-15m 229 wb Read to here 236 9-llm 241 9w Read 242 5-12w concludes * all C.C. Spengels dichogamy depends on the abnormal praecosity of pistil!! 247 28-35w Mere opening of stigma of Mimulus does not show yet ready for impregnation 250 17-26w power of conception varies in individuals, sometimes absent without apparent cause 251 3-7m/2-13w want of power of concepcion most often observed in exotic from warm countries, as in examples, but sometimes observed in home plants. 17-28m/w influence of fresh air, & light seems necessary to fertility of some plants, as in these when placed in pots in chamber, though pollen was produced. 27aim/w (a) ftëw/arc, wb unhurt roots appear very important for concepcion for plants + if they have not * mourned over transplantation, But seldom give good seed.- has often experimented on this.- 252 wt In many cases Plants in pots with roots coming out of vent-hole in bottom, taken up with greatest care, & with pots placed in saucer with water, though development of flower
continued as much & pollen good was produced, yet ovarium was * remained undeveloped & unfertilized - so never in cut-flowers in water 253 wt But Digitalis has stood transplanting out of open ground into pots, & has yet retained capacity of being fertilised- l-7m/w (a) wb Chester Read wb/ -> (to "Brassica Rapa") But roots were left p333 wbH (to p. 252, 23m/ 31-34m) cases of Coniferae producing seeds in cut flowers & cases of Monocotyledons plant doing same.-328 l-14m/w From general way of speaking of coincidence of stamens & pistils evidently does not believe in Conrad Sprengel 23-28m/w In these Fam. pollen shed & partially spread on stigma before flower opened ÏÏ5-Im/w occasionally within flowers 329 1-Sm/w/ wt In these sometimes corolla ready before stamens 9-18m/w Pistils generally ready after stamens ÏÏ7-3m/wb The relation of development of flowers & organs of fructification not very fixed, especially in Exotics 332 Urn, 13-20m/w From this it almost follows that artificial self-fructification was done in House 333 l-2m/wt Many plants more fertile in wild state than in Garden or greenhouse. 22-Ï2« "Gràsern\u.s.w./13u*/ 14u*/15w Nothing 5-15m/w In some, rich food makes more seed, in others a withdrawal of food. In former, those with dark. 26« "Henschel"/w Has written on the above 335 ll-12w aid of insects overrated by some, underated by others 23-24« "Labkten\Irideen", 35-16m/20-25w admits to considerable extent service of insects in impregnation wb Ch. Morren worth reading 336 22-31m 337 4-16m/w In most flowers stamens & pistils so near together that by the twisting of anthers must be impregnated; & the co-temp ripeness of both bears on this point. 20m 338 12w Campanula 344 ll-16m/ 14-15u/llw Kolreuter 22m, 25-27m/24-31w In these genera, one stamen suffices to impregnate all ovules 2« "Geum"/w 1/8 345 23/w 10 pollen 26-27w failed 30w 20 pollen ÏÏ2-2w 30 gr failed 346 wt Malta 1-lSw Some grains seem used to exact position of capsule &c 5u "Vierzig"/w 40 25-26« "die\ versehen", 28-» (to p. 347, ÏÏ20), 21-29w In Malta 40 grains required for even imperfect impregnation 347 6m, 23w S. p. 351 ÏÏ9w saturated 349 6u "15\20"/7w failed 24-25« "30\35"/w failed 26u "vierten", 34u++ 350 36u "nicht I von" 351 5-8m, 16u "wiederholte" 353 22m, 27-31m/w signs of fructification slower after evening fructification than after morning fruct. Is not this like Hybrids.- 358 32u*/31-36m/w/wb became more fruitful & almost
exclusively female by the destroying of male flowers - Bernhardi has observed opposite in Cannabis 364 ÏÏS-2m, wb When seeds few number constant, when many seeds variable.- Law of variability - Lower animals, generally most vegetation. 365 1-lOm/w/wt (a) In artificial impregnation number of seeds + often more variable, accounts for it by isolation out of free air ll-15m/w But in some cases can hardly account for difference 17-20m/w some * are as fruitful in Chamber as in free 22w not castration wb All above shows how easily & inexplicably fertility is affected- Xw All these observations show that he must have considered all causes affecting his standard of comparison for Hybrids xvb «sr p. 600 important experiment showing the repeated application of pollen necessary for full impregnation & this is not done artificially 366 23-25m/22-23w How observed pollen out of another individual in these 3 genera more efficacious ie advantage of crossing - ïïll-lm/wb artificial self-impregnation often entirely fails, for reasons quite inexplicable - Very odd that he never seems to have included Primula in this Category.- 367 6m, llu/wx, 12u "verharren", 14u/wz 439 wb Read & skimmed 440 15-18m/w Thinks quantity of pollen merely for security of impregnation. 20-23m/w But pollen is perfected. 441 29-23m/w abortion commoner by artificial than in nat. fruct. 442 36u "500 Eychen"l33-36m/w In polyspermous plants, always some ovules abort- (0 443 23-24u*/27«A/22-35m/2S-26u; curious experiment try to remove fertile flowers & see whether sterile wd become fertile 444 28-33m/w cuttings &c give plants apt to abort 33-34w luxuriant fruit 459 36m 528 ft20-3m/u> p618 Tausch in Flora 1833 p. 225 533 2311 535 26-32w 1 2 3 539 wt above 500 experiments we thought it sufficient if our experimental plants were from 6-800 steps from their like kind, when castrated, but was much deceived 8-llm/9u "hinreichend"/w (a) ll-12u "derIhatten", 16u "zweV'lw 2/2 flowers 20-22c^/w 0/2 23-25w 3/5 flowers gave good seed 32a; 2/2 35w 6/9 540 Xw [numbers of flowers giving good seed, as previous page], 1Ï3-2w 25 were impregnated wb In these castrated flowers no doubt stigma wd remain far longer ready for impregnation than in hermaphrodite yet it shows how much pollen of same species is carried to same flower (V. p145) 550 table.wu, " After-befruchtung 202" lw Very striking this many out of 520 flowers dusted with foreign pollen wb No doubt others refer
to pollen left in flower or brought from outside 560 ÏÏ4-3u*jw Is this Lilac, if so no seed. Yes it is 564 9-10m/12uA/8-17w Many exotic plants produce fruit but no seed, rather owing to bad pollen than female organ- 565 zt 571 34u "Frühzeitiger"/34-36m/ 33-34w precocious good word wb Power of concepcion in frühzeitig stigma causes impregnation before flower opens 572 2-6w stigma in such cases goes on growing 20-26w chief cause of after-befruchtung lies in act of Castration. 573 10-12m/8-15w has observed after fruct in Nicotiana when 80-100 yards distant; on account of fineness of pollen.- 16m/w read. 574 5-35m/13-15w all cases of after fruct. 16w\26w\2Bw\32w\wb (number of species and genera totalled) 575 2w\ 1-Awu, U-Um/wx 576 4« "520"/6u "202 Afterbefruchtung"Iwt 499 (remains 29 whose seeds did not grow) wb 8 577 wt 8 31w 70 wb The fewness of these after befrucht have compared with those given before in experiment out of doors, show that the latter received pollen from other flowers, I think 598 5-9m(7u "234" 600 5-17mjw repeated impregnation necessary to full impregnation of Tropaeolum 604a 23m\w Kolreuter on Contabescence 25m/w What books is this of Sprengel V. Pritzel (I have looked & there is none) 610b 26-27m, 30-33m, 34u "1838 Vol XIl" 611b 6m, 36m 618b 42-47m, wb on distribution of some LichnisO 619a 3m/wt Mustel on fruit in glass cases not having seed
GÄRTNER, C.F. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich Stuttgart; 1849 [CUL]
af, br, cc, che, es, et, die, ds, em, ex, fg, gd, h, he, hy, ig, is, mhp, mn, pat, phy, oo, rd, sl, sp, spo, sx, sy, t tm, v, wd, y
SF a Oct. 1855 * This work is abstracted &
abstracts distributed, except the Bundle
herein enclosed.
e> p521 top. p524 on germination of Hybrid
seed. & all seeds.
The abstract has been carefully compared
with those of all Kölreuter & Herbert &c &c
NF1 Gaertner Bastard When read make
Abstract; & read one abstract of Koelreuter
& make abstract of Herbert & look over
Portfolio When finished read Berkeley
Criticisms on ...
NF2 I think began Sept 15/54/
1849 a>
NF3 p602 Mothers name first p. 444 Definition of Gemischte & Zusammengesetze Bastarde & Ausnahmen typus p502 Better definition & examples Griffel style
p.602 Nicotiana glutinosa female mother -perenne male father
p429 Explanation of Kolreuter "aufsteigenden Grad" absteigenden grad p. 451 NB Books of great importance to Refer to Note 62 67 17 p. 734 of this Book p. 157 Seeds long retaining vitality p142 See to this important p577 fertility of dogs
Has he ever experimented with the umwandelung of Varieties? a p. 640 Genera which produce good pollen & ovules & yet require pollen of other species to fertilise them p. 418 Ask Author
p.387 Digitalis for comparison with Herbert There are facts on variation.-Ask Author: p. 84 Were any of the Mongrel Peas reared? p. 92(?)* Stet p. 102 =Table of Primula= p577 p578 p. 579 86 duration of pollen 322 Maize p292
Treviranus ought to be read. He seems a Lamarckian. SAl (p. xvt)
The real odd thing is in Hybrids, that not * varieties not thus affected & 2d that offspring are sterile.
Does he give any case of two wild varieties when crossed, producing a more variable offspring than two true species? in first generation, because the difference in variability he makes so important distinction in vars & species (p581) (over) Hybrids
Does pistil or stamen ever become monstrous?
Stigma * becomes more divided In Hybrid offspring Does Male sex sometimes fail & sometimes female or always both equally? which more often Relation of Hybridisation to Variability Dissimalirity of Mongrel offspring Did Kolreuter cross many Silène vide p. 140 of Gaertner?
Do not two Hybrids breed easier together sometimes than each with self - for this wd upset Gaertners explanation of weakened pollen.-
SA2 (pp. 728-729) A> «a» For p. 178
(a list of species, and some editorial comments) (not CD; note on application of the terms
"calycantha", "communis", "veris" and
» (C.C. Babington)
vi 17-21md viii 26-29m/29u "Uebereinkunft"/ w great agreement in animals & Plants in Bastardising xi 6-7m xiv 21m xv 15w Compounded 5 ll-12w confirms Köelreuter 7 15u/wx 8 7-19m/xv under apparently similar circumstances produce difft quantity of seeds. Hybrids few seeds 26-27u++/24-28m/ w these have succeeded only once or twice. 9 12-14m/xv cause of failure chiefly in female organs. 10 l-2m, 5/7/8u/un, 21-22w* Herbert p. 371 22u/urt, 25-29w all injurious influences more injurious to hybridising. 11 wt N.B. As damp & rain so injurious to fructification it makes it odder that flowers are not * regularly impregnated in closed state, for they can be impregnated häufig in this condition. In cases of Campanula which are impregnated in bud, are these foreigners? & wd they open in own country, 22« "häufig\ Blume" 12u "bloss", Uu/xvx, 22u/vn, 25-29m, 31u/wx, 33u/wbx, 34-35m 12 10-12m/w some effect of variability on hybrids Q 14-17m/w no great difference in hybridisation of wild & cultivated 19u/xoz, 28-31m/w Disputes Herberts case of fertile hybrids 35u/wi, 35-37m/w thinks has mistaken the fertility of some hybrids, with the results of a first impregnation. 13 lu/un, 2-5w some hybrid fruits are richer in seed, than the fruit produced by first union. 3/6/9/23/27/31u/un 14 30u/wx 15 5/10/24/26u/wx 19 21u/wx, 23-26w condition of pollen on stigma changes sooner or later according to relationship 21 hu/wbz 22 9u/wx 23 5u(zvz 28 17-21w fruit falls off, from imperfect impregnation 29 6u/ wx 30 wt It is not Hybrids - but Hybrid-fructification. Most important distinction which I have overlooked. 18-21m/w Hybrids never produce full abundance of seeds. 21u/mx 32 7-10w Hybridisation requires all outward circumstances favourable. 34 7u "fremden"/w Never the least effect- 35 23w no mixed effect 33« "rustica"/w female prefers paniculata 32w female 33-34w prefers Langsdorf 43 22-27m/w pure & hybrids out of same capsule, but no tincture. 45 ll/27u/xvx 46 5-6m 50 l-8m/w Q case of variety with characters like other species 3u Ansätzel Zähne" 52 20m "dreifach \gemischten"/8-10w 3 sorts in same capsules 55 l8-22w* Herbert believes in tincture 56 2-16«; This is what might have been expected mere physical difficulty?? 17-28w This slowness is important as it is character in parents & not
[page break]
in hybrid. 29-32m/w injures the other ovules 58 28u/iox 64 lOu "einem I Pollen", 12u "rustico\Langsdorfii"l7-14w In Hybrids father or mother's pollen makes own powerless, so does quite foreign pollen sometimes 15u/w%/ 16u "erotischen", 20u/a "Lobelia" Example 15-22w In some pure, specially exotics, own pollen will not impregnate, whilst that of other undivided, or even other species, get own pollen good- 28u "W. Herbert", 28u "Zephyranthes "/27-31w p. 355 so Herbert with Zephyranthes but not good example see xx next Page. 32u "Bosse", 32a "Hippeastrum"/ wb Amaryllidae p. 371 - in this case it is Hybrid with hybrids 33-34u "Passiflora" 65 wt xx This like Herberts Zephyranthes case; p. racemosa can be fructified by pollen of coerulea, but stigma of coerulea cannot be fructified by pollen of racemosa or by its own - we may say female organ of coerulea injured. 3u/wx, 5-9m/w xx 10-12m/w takes the view given above xx 13/14/19/25u/wx, 21-23m/w compares with snails 66 28-31io seldom any pollen has no action on stigma 67 5-9m/w sometimes stigma decays & flowers fall without slightest fructification. 68 16-20w gradation of affinity shown by time of decay of stigma & flowers 69 27u/iox 72 9-19w Thinks the fruit of hybrids is not due to pollen-influence, but to that power of forming fruit, which the most sterile hybrids without any pollen do produce Repeated p106 73 1-3m/w mother not more powerful than pollen 13-15w Hybridising generally no effect on seeds. 22-24w apple half sour half sweet.-28/29/31-32u/wx, 29u "Hess", \-34wcastrated pear-blossoms in orchard bore much fruit, showing crossing 35m/w thinks experiment not careful enough 75 10u/wx, wb Disbelieves (perhaps very truly) all these cases of direct effect of pollen on the mothers fruit.- 76 llu/wx, 19u "Pelargonium"/w Qäj sport in 23u*/w sports in 24uh, 28u*/w sports in wild 77 2/5/9u/wx 78 l-5w Discussion on Koelreuters 3 cases of seeds directly affected by Hybridisation. 14-15m/w seeds vary much, wb Disbelieves seed ever really affected; the only difference he has ever observed being solely in size.- 80 wb see p499 & p135 81 $w* This most important, * if crossing varieties * has had anything to do with diverse coloured seeds, then they are crossed naturally by Bees.-wb+ Has tried Wiegman experiments with quite different results, ie seeds never affected see next several Pages ïïlOw All a mistake. ÏÏ7-6m/fÎ6w "reine"/w* The self-impregnated flowers gave same result as the
castrated & cross impregnated & these showed colours altered 82 l-2m/w most constant vars. 19-25m/w here seeds were coloured 28m/w+ were these mongrels 83 2-3/5/10/16/34U (colours of seeds) 84 lu/wx, 20-24m/22u/wx 85 10-llm/w & Berkeley's 10u/ wx, 13u±/w see account p. 14 15u "geringer Fruchtbarkeit", 18-25w plants from Wieg-manns Pisum oticia he rather thinks varietats-Bastard rather than a hybrid, because, flower impregnated with common impregnation & pollen of Vicia had no effect. 29w ie offspring of Wiegmans Piso-vicia 86 25u "sondern I war"jw Conclusion mere variety, & says nothing about mongrel. 30-33m/w cd not make any of them cross. 31m/ wb Loudon makes these distinct species besides vulgaris 87 lu/wx, 6-8m/w Leguminosen opposed to Hybridisation 8-12w If then mongrelising takes place easily; yet cannot at all between Wiegmanns hybrids 13-15m, 18a "annua" Cruciferae 18-21w W doubts about seeds in Matthiola what to say 19/21/23/25u/wx, 33u "einer I die"/ 31-35m/wb Mays not affected 88 wt also Berkeley did not artificially cross.- 89 wt xx It seems he does fully admit that cross fertilisation does in Pisum affect seeds, & as Wiegmann did not artificially impregnate, shows that Peas, when * not castrated, are crossed naturally. Be sure read Book mentioned in note 62 p734 (How strange considering sweet Peas) 9xx, 12/15/21u/wx 90 17-19m/w female sterility transmitted in cross. 17/18/19u/wx, 30-35m/wb The tinctures on half-bastards of Koëlreuter, Wiegmann & Herbert are upset.- 91 10-17 m/w Father & Mother element more powerful in some 11/ 16/17u/wx, 21-26w Hybrid pollen more effect on own stigma than on other pollens; but the converse no effect 31-33m/w another severe case of different effects. 92 8u "Lych-nicucubalus"'/w Hybrids, I suppose lOu "Lychnis diurna", 22-24w colour & size of pollen no relation to fructification 28-30m/w most important see his other work. 28u "Varietäten "/wb speaks p181 of species so holds good with species too From table at end really species 30u "fruchtbare"/wb more fruitful, .-. crossing cross colours less fruitful .-. perhaps Hollyocks thus accounted for. So he says most distinctly in his Beitrage p137 in regard to Verbascum. 93 19~20w (a) wb (a) Koëlreuter * confused imperfect impregnation in the first cross, with the imperfect fructification of Hybrids, but this shows how similar the case is.- 94 5-12w imperfect fructification differs from no fruct, in
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seeds being more perfect 7u "Grosse", 9-llm/10u "ohne\worden", 17-20m/u±/w first cross * never quite fertile as of cross of pure species. 96 10-12w no relation in state of capsule & state of seed. 17-27xv fertility of original act of hybridisation so different, that even in flowers of same plant, that it is difficult to make scale of fertility or consequent relationship, wb (a) * Grades of Fructification, imperfect to normal & perfect pollen no more effect than foreign dust; occurs even not seldom in species of same genus, "from want of sexual affinity"- (mere words) 97 3-4m* 101 1&-I7u "er\aus"/Q 20u "schwachen I Leben", 21-24w out of many imperfect seeds & 1000 buds apparently perfect, * not one germinated. 25u "nichtl gekeimt" 102 l-2x/wt every gradation of imperfection in capsule with one or more seeds, capable of germination. 4-7mjw Important 7u/wx, 12-14m/w most fertile hybrids 103 2u "Sageret", l-2w See to this Annales des Sciences Nat 105 2-6m/wt can the effect of pollen of plant in producing capsule be analogous to Ld Moreton's case? 108 llu "Morton", 12-17m/w Morton attributes power of hybridisation to capacity of domestication.- 109 9u "grosser"/8-9w greater number will not hybridise llu "700", 12u "250" 12a "Bastarde" different sorts? 1\l4u "versagt", Ïïl3-llm/w unions which failed with Kölreuter 110 Ü15-14u "eine\ Elemente"/w a certain sexual harmony necessary for union.- (I presume in contrast to general affinity) ÏÏ4wx, ÏÏ5-3w pollen does not adhere to stigma 111 8-15w even when pollen does cling to stigma fructification very often fails In hybrids the stigma fails 1t10-9u "wie I scheint "/w (a) Ïï10-9w Only certain individuals can be hybridised wb (a) I cannot but think hybridisation commoner with animals than plants.- 112 3u/wz 113 22m "Prof.", table.w shows natural crossing ïïlOw 14 genera 1\9u "AllelSamen", ÏÏ9-5m 114 lOu/un, table.c/w no scarcityO table.w List of Families which have admitted of hybridisation 115 table.m/w failed with these, but experiments not numerous enough to show cause.- 116 table.u "Primuleae"/w easy table.w Fams. of easy manipulation 5-7m/w capacity for hybridisation not liesO in Family Character.- 10u/wx, 13-18w* In families with regular species, subdivided into not real genera, most hybridisation 19u/wx, ÎÎ9-S«*/ Ml-6m/w The spec of most natural Families very • resist hybridisation 1\2u/w No hybrids in Compositae 117 22m "Apocineen"/w is not this * Vinca 25u\wx, 26-30w thinks
Orchideae & Asclepiadae wd be hard to cross, from structure of flower 119 7u "Gymnogramma", 17w Disputes from hybrids, thinks only variations observed only in Gymnogramma 120 16-20w Dioecious less easy hybridised than hermaphrodite 121 3-5m/wt The capability of * fructification * lies in more special character, than those characterising any whole family 2-4m, 13m 122 2-10w No distinct relation between polyspermous & oligospermous plants & capacity for hybrid, fruct.- 123 wt Dioecious plants a longer capacity for impregnation, wt I see uses Dichogamous = Dioecious 2-2m/ m "in\Blüthe", 4u "neun", 5u "zu Conceptionskraß" "Lecoq"/w a book on Hybrids ÏÏ22-9m/rt> (a) wb (a) Dioecious plants less capable of Hybrid-fruct: at least than some hermaphrodite 125 7m, table.w (asterisks added)Iw other observers have suceeded, though he failed 126 8wx, 9wx, ÏÏ6-5m "Aquilegia"/w* Hooker thinks all same species \\10-lw/wb closely allied genera differ greatly in tendency to hybrid-fructification several examples & I believe quotes Kolreuter but observes only few species in each experimented on.- 127 6-22m 128 2nd table.m, 8wx, Wu "Afterbefruchtungen", 13-14u/wz, 15wx, 3rd table.mlw All this shows that when anther removed, how much crossing can take place from adjoining plants - i.e. intermarriage 129 lwz 130 ÜU-lOmlw I do not know whether Kolreuter or self, he suceeded anyhow. ÏÏ7-5u*/w Dichogam crosses ÏÏ2m "wiederholten Versuchen" 131 lwx, 3we, 2-3u "vergeblich\ hatte /m/w (a) wt (a) Reverse case which always failed with Kolreuter succeeded once with him,- but was very difficult Hybrid Plants no ways different - 14we 132 4-12w none of these bigeneric seeds germinated, though some had embryo Ïï10-4w only ones known Bigeneric crosses we 134 ÏÏSm 135 ll-14m/w universal law that pollen of parents fructifies hybrids more then own. 20we 136 IÎ3-2m/M "Canis\Mouflon"(wb ram or he goat 137 ÏÏ3we 138 wt (a) Against limit of genus being determined by power of crossing, even Herbert does not pretend all species can cross, though when any true species do cross, he says they must belong to same genus - so the "reverse crosses!! & cases of Crosses which after years succeed only once, go against law of genus by crossing being connected. 8-22mjl2-15w sense given above (a) ÏÏ3-2m "innerenl Arten"la "in" power of uniting depends on 139 l-2u+*\w Hence a sexual & systematic
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relationship 15w<t, 17-20w genera formed of diverse * characters 140 wt When two genera have united, the species do not always in these genera readily unite. Tormentilla & Potentilla, though so close, will not unite, lwe, l-3m, 6-16m/->, 17-30w it is quite wrong to infer because some species within a genus, will cross that all will; generally only a few. Herberts cases, however, rather contradict this. Hippeastrum, Azalea, Calceolaria 141 wt (a) Sections of genera will sometimes unite & sometimes not l-5m/w (a) Ü18-10m/16-14w Sections of genera ^8ß6w*€, ÏÏ6-5w "blauen \gelben"/m, ïïïu* 142 8-12w in his Treatise speaks of species see to this 9-11??, Um/u/w+x, 13/ 15we, 13a "Pepo" pumpkins 14a "Citrullus" Water melon 15-17w Girou succeeded in these 15wt, 19xvz, 20-30w The list of sections of genera which will not cross, shows no necessary relation of genera & crossing.- 143 6u±/6-15w sexual affinity belongs only to species, & often to only individuals, & cannot be externally recognised. Different Times of flowering do not prevent hybrids. ÏÏ3-2w», wb+ Bush with plant? 144 Inn, 3-Sw annual, biennial & perennial cross. 16-19w evergreen with deciduous cross 21wx, 22-32w many hybrids wh succeed in summer, & fail in Autumn -some succeed so seldom may be called accidental. 1Ï2-3m, ivb the most different varieties can cross.- 145 3u*/w can cross 14m "Lecoq"/w see to this 147 ÏÏ12-10u "Nicotiana\glauca"/15-7m/w Pollen of some plants can impregnate others, but not be impregnated by them. t7-lm\w case of Nicotiana which will neither impregnate or be impregnated by other close species, wbt& 8 specs 148 ïïlw "jene"/wb species 149 wt Van Mons thinks stability in first generation & variability in first distinctive character of species. 1m "diese"/xv varieties 8-llm/xv analogous to some organisms not varying in domestication 8-10u±/9-15w some hybrids as these keep constant in 7th & 8th generations but this rare.- 14xvz, ÏÏ12m "Blyth"/w see to this ÏÏ10-9xvz, ÏÏ3wx, wb I had better give cases of closely allied & identical species in different climates to show species, & very different species in similar climates to show not direct effect of climate 150 lwx, l-15w I quite agree very near or identical species may have been created, but this has to be decided. 14m/M/ xvt, 20xvx, 17-22m/xv (a) 20-30w Seems to agree with Blyth, I must study him - xvb (a) A great power of place - attraction has no
relation to geographical range.- in direct opposition to my view, but agrees with Hooker on Compositae. 152 9/llxvr 153 5/ 6wx, ïïlOorr, ïïlu*->/w genera with many doubtful species 154 2/6wx, fÏ7/ÏÏ6wr 155 18xvx, ÏÏ5WT 156 1ri2/trnwT 157 ÏÏ4-lm/xv seeds long retaining vegetating Power 158 l-12m/8-12xv Wheat-seed identical Ïïl4-8m/w These plants identical before So cross with recent. 159 Ïïl7-13m/w says varieties go back 160 fllSurc 161 lxvx, ÏÏSwn 162 ÏÏ17xvx, ÏÏ9wx 163 lOwz, 15u "nahe verwandte"/xv♦ hybrids from close species when united with another, show their differences even plainer than whilst pure 8-llxv I think it means only the result of A.B.C where % differ from each other (a) 15u "nahe verwandter", 18-19u "z. I fulgens"/15-21m, 21-22u "geben \ Bastarde", 22-28m/w Remarks This very odd if these close species descended from common ancestor. ÏÏ8-3m/w The existence of species consists of fixed sexual relation to other species wb (a) Is there any case of two close vars. when united to a 3d var. producing very different mongrels. 164 llwz, lSwx, 17-18u "die\ fruchtbar", 16-20w Kolreuters Law of sterility can hardly be accepted. 24ua/w do they seed? 23-30w These 2 Penstemons though so like, as to be considered varieties, cannot be crossed. wb «" || rarely certain individuals will not be impregnated see G. Beitrage. 165 5wx, ÏÏ17-13m, wb X There are two p. gentianoides in cultivation the one commonly so called is the Hartwegi so misnamed - the true gentianoides is rare in cultivation differently shaped and not red 166 9u "der\seie"/8-12m 167 ^14-llmlw nearly related but will not cross ÏÏ4w "H. Lecoq" 168 l-5w I fancy that this is only that parents have originally crossed. 3wx, 12u/a "Vareitätsbastarde" I do not understand, are circumstances * as the second generation of species - bastard Will explain more afterwards 13wx, 14-24w Holds good with some wild + species which fructify each other but do not sport like true vars whereby these plants are characterised like true species. 19-26mjw Get information on these - wild * species Fertility tested by himself ÏÏ6m/w (a) wb (a) Genera with species agreeing in Habit, as above, hybridise most, Yet some species of these will not cross. 169 4-8m/w These species cross easily, yet other others of the genus, will not cross. 9-17w Though power of crossing sometimes goes with external resemblance yet the most natural Families & genera as here do not hybridise well.- 14-
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16u*r 1\l3wx, Ïïl2m/w Hybridises differently 171 2« "Umbellaten"/w No Hybrids tried on Umbellifera Ïïl6-12w Thinks wd hybridise from being so variable ÏÏ9« "Cruciaten"/ÏÏ9-5m/w all failed 172 1Î27« "Labiatae"I17-10w Labiatae little tried, but I know that Mimulus has succeeded 173 l-4m/w Most Natural Family 9-llm/w all failed ÏÏ20u "Sageret" "Lecoq"/w quotes from Sageret 1\9u/w%, ÏÏ22-9mfWll-lw Sageret & Lecoq has found vars of Cucurb. will not cross promiscuously (References hardly bear out conclusion) 174 l-6m/wt cases of only few species in very close genera uniting, new species which are hard to specifically characterise- table.w cases of very close species * or more exactly, species having the same habitus which will not unite.- ÏÏ5w*, fÏ5-2m, wb cases of species having very different habitus which do unite, chiefly from Herbert, except darksO 175 2-7m, 9xox, 1\l4-7m/w So Kolreuter shows, that propinquity does not go with power of hybridising \\6-lm/w other examples of the same law 176 ll-13m/w so says Morton of Beasts 14-20m/w The non-success of reciprocal impregnation clearest proofs that hybridisation not * result of affinity. Ïïl3we, ïïll-3w cases of non-reciprocal fructification 177 2a "Langsdorfi" cannot be fructified by the 4 named sorts, though it can fructify them & some easily. 10-20m/w even when mutual crossing does take place in closely allied species, yet facility not alike (this is new) 22w*/m/w closely allied, yet unite with difficulty & will not be reciprocal. 178 rut* |(officinalis & acaulis not in Loudon.- p721 officinalis = veris = Cowslip - I see it is barely possible without consulting Babington to know which is which wt Here are vars which will not unite l-2w Most important 3-4u/wx/w on Babington's authority see Table 4-8m/w* Compare these very difficult 10-14m, ll-15w very different in Habit, yet unite easily.- 179 7-llm/8w Herbert lOu "Cereus", llu "schon längst", 13-19w Cactus or Cereus Melocactus Echinocactus, Echinopsis, Phylocactus 20u "H. Neubert", 21-22u "Cereus\Ottanis", 24u*, 24-25u*, 25u*, 27-28u*, 24-28w Neubert has succeeded in these crosses 180 3-6m/w Mongrels sport & he has seen same thing Cucurb. 1t29-26m, ÏÏ22-&1? Flowers very unlike yet cross ÏÏ4-2m/ w Colours of Verbascum 181 l-5m, fÎ9u<->/m 182 9-13m/w These succeeded with G. having failed with Koel: Ïï10-2m/w shape of pistil no effect in hybridising 183 ÏÏ7-3m/w> size of pollen no effect 184 ÏÏ6-5m 185 ÏÏ7/1Î6/
ÏÏ2iut 186 6-8m/lÏÏ8w cause of Hybridising a Vital action & allows that the sexual relations is mere word 15wz, 19-20u "sondern I beide"/ m, Ïïl2-lm/w Summary but nothing new 187 l-15m/w Summary but nothing new Ü16-8m/ w cases when fructification has taken place, once after repeated failures.- 188 6-14m/w cases of plants differing chemically, compare this with difference in their sexual affinity lOwx, 15wx elective affinity 189 13-20m/w The closer or less close affinity, is shown by action of pollen on stigma & corolla.- 1Ï20-7m/w a chain of graduated affinities 191 20-13m/w* Yet in table does not put K. but i a 15-17m/w reverses with fewer seeds 194 wt Fertility of Hybrid, * is in even less reation (ie relation) to affinity of parents than facility of first * union or hybrid-fructification. It seems no relation between case of getting 1st hybrid & this hybrids fertility. This is case with the common Mule.- 4wz, 7wx elective affinity 3-13m, llu "manche"/12u "leicht"/10-15w many plants easily cross, whose hybrids are quite sterile ll-16m, 16u "sexuell\ verwandt", 16u "49", 17-18u "waren\ fruchtbar", 22-25m/w and fertility of similar Hybrids very variable 25wx, table.w Hyb. fruct. of great difficulty wb I think Verbascum is case in point. 195 ïïl&-14w seeds in pure * parent cross ÏÏ15u "80 \ 120", 1\l2u "paar\ Samen"lw numbers of seed Hyb.fruct. * when crossed ÏÏ20w "151"/ÏÏ9u "29"/wb numbers of seeds in reciprocal <u£>> Hyb. fructification wb (hyb.-fruct. best expression) wb (pure, fructification) 196 wt ** Bad simile We might as well as deny that the different were really different, because they had no "elective affinity" (I use word of Gartner) whereas other two had strong elective affinity & wd unite & make a third- 4w sexual non-reciprocity of the "elective affinity".- 197 wt The reciprocity of sexual alliance is not only different in strength, but is often entirely deficient l-4m, 6-8m, 12-24m/w cases of slight unequal reciprocity in very closely allied species, some even thought to be varieties, table.m/w cases of more unequal reciprocity 198 1\10-lw cases of sexual non-reciprocity 199 4wx, 14-15u*/w most striking example ÏÏ23w (a) wb (a) Special potency of pollen to impregnate other species of genus occur in Verbascum nigrum & Geum * coccineum 200 wt In cases of entire sterility of one side of the reciprocal union, the other side generally only slightly fertile.- l-4m 201 wt (z) || The absence of perfect reciprocity even in nearly related species, shows that male & female
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power of union do not go together: but the difference of male & female has no effect on the hybrid offspring 8m/w (z)-> 202 î\16-lw/ wb Hybrid A + b, crossed with pollen of C, hybrid is always like C. Repeated on p. 273, & speculates, but does not explain says vital power of Hybrid is subordinated to the pure species.- 203 wt (a) N. rustica will not unite with N. glutinosa, but hybrid N. paniculata -rustica, will with glutinosa, & the character of rustica is seen in offspring.- 8-12m/w (a) ÏÏ7-5w -> do 205 l-13w as in Primula & Verbascum (?) But thus question of what species are is begged - 15u "Kölreuter", 16u "hybride Befruchtung", 14-17w First cross + never bring so many seeds as nat. fruct. ÏÏ4u "jedem Eichen"'/w from each 1Î2-2m, wb Remarks that Herbert's Crinum was not growing in own climate - But he says every ovule was impregnated. 206 2-4ml4u "Calceolaria bemerkt", 1\12-5w The number of seeds in Hybrid though dependent on conditions does not pass certain maximum 207 wt (a) Can judge of scale of elective affinity by number of seeds in hybrid-fruct., as compared to normal fruct. l-18m/w (a) î\16w%, ÏÏ9u "nicht constant", ÏÏ8-7u++, ÏÏ2-2u<->, Ïïl5-lm, wb an average of seeds taken from a number good plant growing in open nature 208 tl5-12mlw seeds variable in colour & size wb as far I understand this, properly to count good seed, all ought to be tried by germination & growth, but then more elements of growth & death of seeds come into play 209 ÏÏ22-6m, wb on account of unfavourable conditions, we take maximum of seed of hybrid cross. 210 l-6m/w always requires repeated experiments.- ftl3-8m/w only single instances of these unions. 211 2x, 13-22m/w in wild Plants number of seeds do not differ so greatly as to cause much difficulty in estimating numbers. ÏÏ5-lm/w There are * differences in flowers of same plant in being impregnated by foreign pollen.- 212 3~8w as individuals differ in some respect, as last page, several must be experimented on.- 8-9m/u<^, 16-19m/w cases of individual plants wh were femally sterile î\14-lw as the difference between nature & artificial self-impregnation is never so great as in Hybrid fructification; he has taken wild plants as base of calculation, which seems to me to be an error. tt4-3u "selbst I käme "/wb Effects of crossing every plant by self injurious.- see Beitrage p. 366 213 ÏÏ24m, ÏÏSwt 214 Zw Sexual affinity calculated by maximum of good seeds till further experiments ever increase this
maximum fÎ7-2m, wb experiments shd be tried at different times on different plants. 215 wt (a) Take average of number of seeds capable of germination under normal circumstances as the standard for comparison of best fruits 5u "vollkommensten "/m/w (a) 14u "keimungsfähigen", ÏÏ6-2m/ÏÏ4« "20 Versuchen", wb very important, if this smaller number be not due to * art used in the fructification. 216 table.a "polline" naturally * impregnated table.w Scale of sexual elective affinity, inferred from maximum seeds from hybrid-fruct, not from Hybrids themselves 217 î\8-3m/w (a) wb (a) Gartner thinks that these tables of affinity show that pure species are aboriginally formed sterile.- It is contradicted absolutely by his vars. 218 ïïlw Silène of Steudel wb Here a genus more fertile than other species wb 777/7000 219 wtu, table.w 3 genera before other species 220 4u "Kreuzung"\w with G. & Kolreuter implies reciprocal fertilisation ÏÏ2-lm/wb cases of non-reciprocal fructification. 221 17w Reciprocity holds good generally when hybrid is intermediate in character. 20-23m/w Reciprocal case ÏÏ3-2m/w (a) wb But when hybrid takes after mother or father type, then reciprocity will not take place.- This seems very curious 222 4w Mother type 6-9w Father-type most numerous. î\14-llm/w (a) ÏÏ7m, wb I fancy that the predominating power of one of 2 species, as shown in the hybrid - prevents reciprocity.- But there are exceptions. 223 l-24w self & Köelr. find the reciprocal crosses exactly alike. 29« "allgemeine"lw This is general rule, specially in wild plants, which are not varieties. 22-23u "Abweichungen IFarbe", 26u "Ausnahmstypen", î\10-lw/wb Difference from animals as Mule & Hinny also hybrid animals differ in same litter; but in animals all half domesticated 224 l-5w Diff in animals & Plants owing to sexes separate in animals. Wl6-12m/nl5u "Differenz I Habitus", Xw In comparison of sexes we must suppose habit the same, & form of parts direct result of sexual peculiarities. Whiskers in Man!! ÏÏ7-6m/w Hybrids varied wb Whiskers & Mane cannot be thus accounted for wb No difference in Habitus of Plants, when sexes separate (because I say do not struggle for female: so lower radiata. 225 8-12m/w exceptions to uniformity of reciprocal crosses $18-8w curious exceptions in Genus Digitalis; not reciprocally alike 227 17-20w slight variations in hybrids 228 24m 230 1\l7-l2m/w Double flower raised from male or female 231 wt Differs from animals for sex no effect on
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Hybrids 4r-9m/w a 10-14m/w see to this 232 13-19m/w Form of hybrids stable in 1st generation 20-24m/w -» does not hold good with animals. 233 8-lOm/w experimented with wild plants 234 Xw/wb It is proved by long course of his & Köl's experiments that bastard even in 1st generation from same parents are always alike; & return in constant course to either parent when repeatedly crossed with such. -> (a) Thinks this evidence of permanence of species; but I do not see more than ordinary generation keeping true; perhaps tests the trueness in another way: but a plant does not vary in first generation, when part out of normal conditions. ÏÏ23-4m/w; (a) Notice this argument 235 wt (a) Hybrids unions therefore follow same law in first generation as the union of pure species.- 5-7m/w a 6wx, 9-19zv Thinks the few exceptions to this normal structure of hybrids is due to variation 29-21 m\u±+\w (a) Ïïl3-5m/w (z) wb (a) Rather hard, it seems to me to draw distinction; but Gaertner (z) urges the resemblance of Hybrids made at same time & after long intervals from same pure parents. 236 8-14w The normal Hybrid type keeps constant in succeeding generations only in the most fertile hybrids, generally. 237 lwx, 6-14w very rarely sometimes single sports in a set of normal hybrids out of same fruit; & 9u "einzelneI Bildung", llu " sehr\ einem", 12u " doch \ mehreren" 238 2m/u "Digitalis, Lobelia''/wt only genera in which these exceptional types have been observed: (z) These exceptional types from same species always resemble each-other!! 12-15m/w (z)-> Ïïl2-6m/w on two years a peculiar yellow rare, so unlike as might be thought different kind. The mother type prevailing 239 12-17w From this cross obtained common normal & abnormal type. 240 5-8w one species of abnormal type, wb I observe that these abnormal types often take after one parent 242 2-5m/xvt 2 plants of Passiflora differed from each other. 243 6-8m/6-12w neither father nor mother exclusive influence on abnormal types but depends on likeness to one or other. 15-27->, 19-22m/w These abnormal are not vague, but fixed production. ÏÏ7-lm/w similar unlikenesses occur in these several cases 244 11m, 16-23w <sr abnormal types generally quite sterile; (this very curious) W~4w compares these abnormal types to atavism ÏÏ6/ÏÏ4urt 245 ll-15w In abnormal types like both parents but most like one. 246 2wx 247 ïïlôw (a) These varieties seldom repeat each
other. 1\9-7m/u +->/w They occur chiefly in such species as are so closely allied, as to be held mere varieties wb The irregularity of reappearance, & slightness of differences seem only distinct differences with his abnormal Hybrids of the previous chapters.-249 12-16m/w (a) wb (a) The abnormalities in Hybrids has observed only in plants, long cultivated in gardens, & not in wild plants; but I remember that only one side wild in Kölreuter is sufficient 250 ïïll/ÏÏ6wz 251 20-25w not seldom * in Hybrids one side or species prevails over other; & their prevailing is not accidental but is constant. 252 ÏÏ4-lm/ -*/wb most difficult which of two parent-forms a hybrid comes nearest to 255 3-7m/ wt Does not believe that Hybrids are ever unlike both parents 256 ÏÏ20-15m/w cases where one side in Hybrid preponderates. til4-13u*/w strongest instance w-6mlw (a) wb (a) N. paniculata is almost lost in N. paniculata-vincaeflora, whereas in N. quad-rivalvi-vincaeflora, vincaeflora is almost lost.- 257 5-7m/w Father type in this mixture prevails 13-16w seldom in Hybrid two parents of equal force. 258 wt (a) When two hybrids * unite, & one offspring takes almost exclusively after one side, hybrid is sterile, lwz, 5-7m/w (a) llu*, ll-12u*, 14-18m\w* one spec took most closely after father; was fertile. 259 13-16m/w Hybrids generally higher than pure; seldomer dwarfed. 261 4-5m/w Hybrid Verbascum generally woolly in Pots. 262 ^13-lw odd that this hybrid no rudiment stamen, considering structure of both parents. 1Ï5-3m/ w (B) wb (B) Female organ generally shows no signs of imperfection even when perfectly sterile. 264 1t10-9m/u++ 265 9u "Thiervari-etäten", 19-21m, wb The entire differences, of different authors in ascribing more or less to Father or Mother shows there no real rule. 266 1tl5-12m, ÏÏ25-14"...", 1Ï23u '"pater major"/w seems pretty true 268 nl7-llw in Plants neither father or mother has exclusive influence 269 fll2m 273 3m, 5u "oben\202", l-24w See in Kolreuter whether vars. with a species give very similar Hybrids - 19a "Specifische" (a) 19-20u", 23u "Stramonium \Tatula"/22-25m/w (a) different species because hybrids different Ïïl3u "ganz\Bastarde", ïïll-9u*/w These with N. glutinosa give quite similar product & therefore considers them vars. ÏÏ9a "asiatica" not in Loudon ÏÏ9/w and these vars. of rustica wb (a) (On Datura see my Abstract of Kolreuter p. 8/Bis) I see no reason why varieties shd not equally show this
distinctness in same way. Does not Ancon sheep impress offspring very remarkably?? 274 11-15W External conditions no special influence on character of Hybrids. 275 4-8w Hybrid Dianthus more stabile than other genera- 12u*/w * Mongrels follow different laws to Hybrids 13-16xv Digitalis peculiar in its sporting, & exceptional. ÏÏ27-25m/o> G TtSiy In embryo plant no alteration in Hybrid from Mother ÏÏ7-6m/w embryo of mother wb G Thinks the by far greater number of normal to abnormal Hybrid types opposed to their resulting from external circumstances. 276 zvt In Hybrids, form of the cotyledons affected 277 12-19m/w differ 20un, wb/Zw I think children of pure parents, thus go after either one or other or intermediate but as he says for Hybrids how + difficult to judge & compare 279 Ïïl7-10w Exactly intermediate in number of segments of Pistil, & in sterility of stamens î\7a "ruber" of same parents 280 wt In the cross Lychnis quite prevails over Silène, so that Hybrid is like var. of the Lychnis 2-4m, 7m 281 table.w Really intermediate Hybrids Kölreuter thought they too many intermediate tî9-4m/w most difficult to settle whether plant most like Father or Mother 282 2-5m/wt commonest in close species 19w When one part more resembles (but is never identical with) Father, another the Mother; this part this, that part that &c-
9-15w This gemengte character constant in those species, where it occurs. Ïïl6-lm
3w sterile 14o, 18w sterile 20-22«<->, 22o, 24o, 27o, 30o 285 13-14w Puts strongly how these 3 classes blend into each other.. 14w When a hybrid most strongly resembles either parent fÏ2u "decidirt\ mütterlich", wb These terms used when the two have been crossed not reciprocally - Relativ-vaterlich &c used, when they do cross reciprocally & takes after the father in cross specified.- 286 10-15m/w No relation in closer resemblance to Father or Mother to fertility of Hybrid 15-17m/15-23w reciprocal crosses take place though * the offspring take decidedly after one parent. 20a "syphilitica" Decided types generally sterile, but not always as in Lobelia \\4w strongest example ÏÏ3-lm/wb * These Hybrids, * are a cross of Hybrid * & a third species - ♦ How is it called when two Hybrids cross? 287 6mfw strongest case 288 5-9w some exceptional types * come into this class. 289 wt Perhaps gemengte (or 2d class) the commonest p. 282.- 4m/w (a) ÏÏ7w> (a) wb (a) So there are species of genus which a prepotent fertility * power on other species; so others have predominating
influence on structure of Hybrids; but these
two are not connected 290 5u "Gat
tungstypen", 4-10m/4-25w These kinds
specially influence structure of Hybrids of
other species, as -> These are generally
very distinct species- Even these are
sometimes overborne by other species; or
rather there is a series of these gattungs-
types 291 l-2m/wt Even in the mixed types,
one part now resembles one parent, now
another part the other parent- 292 wt No
relation between facility with which A will
impregnate B or be * impregnated by it, in
different cases, & the resemblance of hybrid
to the parent.- 10-17m/10w (a) ^2-lmlwb
This seems a Lamarkian 293 lwx, 1\10m 295
wt (a) Always something new in appearance
of Hybrids; but not absolutely new, but
appear so from odd unions & opposition of
parent forms l-3m/w (a) 7-9m/w (a) 27m
"Mirabilis"lw cases of in 17-20w N.B Both
sporting genera 296 Ïïl8-llm/w Day sleep of
Lychnis blended * & modified 297 15-20w
power of reproduction by shoots &c Much
exceeds that of pure parent 298 ÏÏ8«
"Morton" ft8-3w Dogs vary from 10-6
nipples; thinks owing to crosses 301 Ïïl7-12w
Colour variable often, in crosses & •>
unexpected 302 13-20w Variations in colour d
in Hybrids 303 13-18m/w flowers do not take
after Mother or Father in colour.- ÏÏ2u±fi4- %
lw/wb Some simple Hybrids retain in 4
successive generations their colour as in
Dianthus &c. But generally (next Page) case
very different; colour most variable 304 wt >
variation said to keep true.- Vinca rosea a
store Plant. Syringa Lilacs p743. The Book
quoted probably cd not be consulted 2-5m/
-*/3-4u "Vinca \coerulea", 8-14m/w very
variable colours in successive generations of
Hybrids 19-24w complex Hybrids even more
variable in colour. tÎ20w "zusammengesetzten"I
Ïï10-4w These hybrids take almost always
colour of father. 305 wt Sports l-5u±, 3-7m,
8u "dreiIverschiedenen", Ïïl4u*/w Sport 306 \
ÏÏlOm, ÏÏ9-7m/w (a) wb White flowers commoner here than more South.- 307 wt ** Important on account of * Kolreuter Verbascum Lychnite with white flowers rarely with yellow on sandy Places - (So Kolreuter case goes for nothing) l-4m/w (a) 8-12m/w seed from yellow gave chiefly white 14-20ml w when crossed colours did not mix, but came pure yellow or white 6-20w See 3d Fortset. p. 35 308 ÎÎ23-22« "gelbe\ Blume"/w vars. 309 ïïlO-6m/Zw In Henslows List considered as varieties: I am nearly sure has been experimented on. Watson in Cybele
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seems to consider them distinct: says perhaps or probably 2 species both varying. Refer to experiments of Magazine of Nat Hist V. p. 493. & VIII.634 & Phytologist 2.164 ÏÏ6m/ÏÏ20-6w Ask Babington- 310 Ml2-8m/w colours changing during summer 312 ÏÏ25u>e 313 10-12w Blue & Yellow seldom unite 19-22w curious ways colours unite. 323 wt (a) In Mongrel Maize self-impregnated seeds of two colours 6u " selbst"\4-8mlyo(a) 324 4-27«; in 2d generation of Hybrid Maize seeds variously coloured 325 ÎÎS-4m, wb It is decided that seeds of Zea not affected immediately as in Pisum. Yet Next Page 326 15-17m/16u "wie\Pisum", fo-2m/w The Peas in second or hybrid generation varied in colour independently of immediate action of Pollen.- 329 1\8-7m/w (a) wb (a) Hybrids are affected especially in Male organs, with exceptions 332 5-22w anthers & pollen in appearance sometimes good yet hybrid quite sterile 333 ÏÏ9« "Liliaceen"/w often mentioned ft9-5m/ÏÏSu "und\ Gewächsen", ÏÏ9-2m, u*/1Î9-lw In these plants, pollen, though in appearance good yet no impregnation follows ♦ (may be faculty of female organs) CD] pollen though swells, does not burst, in water, yet admits it may be owing to female organs, or structure of roots 334 10-18m/l-18w But in cases, where plant can be impregnated by other individuals or species, we can infer pollen is bad. 22« "candidum" p745 Duvernoy 18m, Ïïl2-8m/w In most fruitful hybrids, pollen is unequally developed.- 336 6-9w The contents of pollen grains commonly fails. ÏÏ6-2w seldom give out contents when placed in water 339 wt (a) In this hybrid M. Jalapa-longiflora, own pollen more powerful than own concepcion power.- 2-7m/w (a) 340 18-21m/w in Hybrid Birds no spermatozoa ÏÏ6-lw thinks in animals as in plants, male organs more deficient than female. 344 13-17m/w even in most fruitful hybrids normal number of seeds never produced & always mingled with bad ones. \\14-llm/w compares this fact to result of Hybrid fructifications. 346 7-10w Kolreuter failed in this Reversed experiment 347 1Ï24m 348 29m 350 î\7-5m/u "dass\vermögen" 353 8-12m/w Power of fructification in Hybrids always weakened 17-22m, wb Speaks of bisexuality as quite exceptional in vegetable Kingdom- 355 wt (a) insists male organs more & earlier affected in Hybrids than female 10-15m/w (a) 356 17u*/15-19w case of pure species with female organs impotent while male perfect 22u*/w so Passiflora tï9w "freien \ erzogenen''/ÏÏ8u*/w so this ÏÏ2-lm/wb
On other side pollen fails, yet female organ quite perfect & potent; in some Dianthus, this happened only with individuals plants.-357 Xm/w The wonderful cases, where in Lobelia, Verbascum & Zephyranthus, pollen wd not impregnate own stigma, but wd impregnate other species; these * stigmas being also impregnated by pollen of other species ftS/f^we 358 wt (a) The foregoing cases seem chiefly in plants brought from a warmer climate.- l-4m/w (a) 5-9m/w Such anomalies much plainer in Hybrids 14u++/w Hybrids 3 forms of sterility 17-18w cases of I. 359 lu*/l-5w case in single individual of the Hybrid ^20-lw Gaertner has great advantage that the sexual organs certainly are weakened, as producing so few seeds fo-3m/w (B) 1\2u, fou/wx, wb (B) Puts this under category, that male less potent than female in each case; but surely Herberts is more true, viz advantage of crossing. - See to Herbert- 360 wt (B) In this III. pollen of Hybrid wd not act on self, but in both parents; & pollen of latter impregnated Hybrid, accounts for this (not as I shd by advantage of crossing, & which I still think must hold in Herbert's case) but by believing (& it is probable) that both male & female organs weakened & cd not act on each other but only pure parents, or even the Nicotiana on a 3d species. 4u/w (B) 5-8w Is there any parallel III case in pure species? 10-25w These (I, II. & III) cases in Hybrids wonderful parallels to what happens in joining pure species!!! 361 wt (a) Reurges male organs fail first & most in Hybrids 2-4m/w (a) 17-20m/w says above * analogous with animals 22m, ÏÏ13-10m/w (B) ÏÏ8-2m, wb (B) In Dioecious plants not hybrids, in females, male organs sometimes imperfectly developed, yet can fertilise; but in male rudiment of pistil never acquires power of conception. 362 l-25w/wt In L. Vespertina, in female flower, the rudiments of stamen much smaller than in L diurna, & consequently only in latter are anthers sometimes found. Does not this well show that a rudiment has something essential & real in it - Very Good We can prove Mammae in Male to be a reality.- Wings in insects & Here we can prove in another way. Gaertner somewhat suggests in Carrot to cut off the fertile flower early & see whether other flowers wd become fertile. At p345 & p. 330 long description of crosses of Dioecious plants study it all.- 1\l4w (z) 1Ï22-5w Similar changes take place easier in Monooecious than in Dioecious 363 15xx,
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1Î22-8w In doubling male organs always change first wb Reasons why male organs more affected than female; seasons quite worthless.- May it not have some relation to Falconers Law of external parts first affected 364 wt accounts for hybrid breeding easier with parents than with self by own pollen having less strength; so in cases as below (zz) l-6m/->, ÏÏ8fit7u*/m/w (zz) ÏÏ5a "333" 357 1Ï5u4>, ÏÏ5-2m, wb I cannot see how his explanation holds good, for the pollen of L fulgens (s.64) did impregnate two other pure species. 365 wt (a) says much experience has shown him that hybrids, after 8-10 generations, have their procreative powers weaker & weaker; & hence cannot be prolonged.- (But then all crossing avoided) 4m, 8-13m/13u "wie\hat"/!/10w (a) 366 2w quite sterile ll-15w Some individuals of these Hybrids quite sterile! 'Wlô-lw/wb Degree of fertility in most Hybrids, except the quite sterile, generally very variable, even in Hybrids from same capsule & reared alike (This shows how innate, & is opposed (written over "compared") to its being a character of species, as species.) - (P) Hence different accounts by different authors, as follows,- 367 wt A) This unfixedness of fertility of Hybrids, their special character, & not observed in pure species.- 5-6m/w A 13-23m/13w (B) wb (B) Some Hybrids, produce only seed at end, or middle, or (generally) beginning of their flowering, & are at other times sterile.- This a peculiarity, confined (when so pronounced) to Hybrids.- 368 î\10-7[]/w Does not believe 369 wt Cases in pure Dioecious plants of changes in sexual relations l-3m/w (a) 7-12m/w Female sterility of D. Japonica transmitted to offspring in Hybrids, \\7-3m, wb Hybrid Plants which produce an extraordinary number of flowers & are quite sterile; caused by sterility p. 372 370 wt Same thing sometimes occurs in pure species l-6m 373 wt ??ln Hybrids crossed with either parent, & thus assuming fertility & the ancestral form, yet fertility variable in such individuals; in the successive generations.- 2u "eigenen", 5-8m/w (a) 377 wt (a) seems to attribute sterility of Liliaceous Plants to state of roots.- 23« "der\Liliaceen"/w (a) ÏÏ5-2m/w all sterile Cape of Good Hope Oxales 378 wt My point that plants often sterile & yet not unhealthy not touched on.- G. gives only obvious cases of infertility. 12-15m/w Hybrids in pots more fertile than in open ground. 20-22m/w In fruitful years more birth from domestic
animals 24m, ÏÏ4-3m, wb More often cause of infertility on male than female side; as in Caryophyllea & Verbascum 379 12-16m/w cases when pollen good but female organ 27u "manchenIunseren", 20-30w often in exotics, pollen & female organs are ready at different times, & so can be impregnated artificially X Ïï10-7m/w insects less important than wind!! ÏÏ4-lm/w Infertility through long cultivation by layers &c wb * Would he say that C. Sprengel's facts were due to climatic influences? 380 lwx, 2-5w Reported by Reichenbach 10-30w case of wild Verbascums & in pots, with certain flowers sterile & certain fertile; cannot explain, like Kolreuters cases 381 Ïïl3-10w Female mules in warm country breed. tt7u "erwähnt \Crax"/ 7-5m, fÎ4-2w> Black swan with white 382 6u "männlichen"/w Male Hybrid pheasant sterile 15-19m/w Morton thinks relation between capacity of Hybridising & domestication ÏÏ5u "Fruchtbarkeit"lw (a) wb (a) Fertility a fixed attribute of pure species (in natural conditions CD) Mem. cases of moss not breeding, (these are probably Dioecious) in Hybrids a varying attribute. 383 3wx, 7u+/w fertile according to Kolreuter 384 22-24u<-», 15-19m/16u "immer", l&-18m/w In pure species artificial impregnation has not always yielded full number of seed 1\7-5m/x[ft10-5w I do not think G had Green House he always speaks of ZimmerO wb Hybrids always less seeds than pure parents, as in following examples.- 385 wt See in Beitrage p398 Lychnis vespertina - diurna gave with own pollen 234 seed. l-4m/w see to Kolreuter about Datura 3u "200-280", 4u "600-800", 7u "192 "18u "2101 Samen "/7-8m/w differences between natural & artificial impregnation ÏÏ6-2m/w (B) wb (B) Great differences in different individuals of same hybrids & in different years, in fertility striking.- 386 2m, Ïïl2u++/î\14-12m/w Genera with most fruitful Hybrids 387 lu*/wt Henschel says this fertile, but reverse quite sterile. See Henslow. 13-20w No relation between fertility of pure parent & the facility of uniting, or with these Hybrids having fertility IÎ22/ïï9wn 388 lwx, 5-8m/w Hybrids nearly as fertile, but never quite as pure parents.- table.w The reverses of these not equally fertile. "Lobelia".w (K) in Table "Matthiola".w This not in list -> as repeated at p. 402 -> The table is probably wrong "Verbascum".w Some great mistake Not in List!!! wb in little degree fertile, which is commonest case 389 table."Verbascum".-> to previous table, 8u "Absolut unfruchtbare" 390 table.w/l-5m/w
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The above numbers show that in Hybrids greater inclination for sterility than for fertility. \l9-7m/14-3w Fertility so variable at different times, & in different individuals, that simple classes of fertile & infertile Hybrids will not do. 391 wt (B) Here are 4 cases, in which other authors find fertility whereas Gaertner finds great sterility: was he bad Gardener? 5-10m/w various striking cases of difference fertility, as found by different authors. 8u "unseren", 8w (1) 9u "total steril", llu "bei uns"/w (2) 23« "bei I total", 14-19m/w one year so fertile as to self sow, in next year very sterile. ÏÏ24« "immer total"/w (4) (B) 1Î6-3m/P, wb (P) cases of Hybrids out of same capsule, of different degrees of fertility & some quite sterile.- 392 7-15w In the greater number of Hybrids sterility belongs more to the individual than to the kind; (ie some are or may be fertile) ÏÏ24-3w in same category stands fact (x) that Spring or first flower of Hybrids only bring seed generally. 393 5« "ersten Früchte" 7u "40 Samen", 8u "2-3"/w Examples of above laws % ïïll-6m/w In pure species the difference in no. of seeds in early & late flowers inconsiderable ÏÏ9u/wx
7m, 8-14w Variability of Fertility cannot be accounted for by luxuriance 17-20w In pure species, when periodically infertile not very luxuriant 1\4-3m/wb Fertility does not stand in inverse relation to their Luxuriance
9-14w Herberts' case of fertility after 16 years might be due to pollen of pure parent. \\6-lwNo art or * culture will alter or improve the organs of generation in Hybrids.
lOwx, 16z, w-7w Fertility does not go by genera ÏÏ5wa, ÏÏ4u±, ÏÏ4r-lm 397 ÏÏS-2w The inequality of fertility in hybrids from same generation, shows that fertility cannot depend on outwards circumstances 398 2-4m/l-8w Hybrids in pots easier bear seed than in open land, because too much luxuriance thus checked ll-16w tried experiment to see effect of different culture &c & cd perceive none.- 399 wt *& \\ Certainly a priori, one wd have expected a gradation in fertility of hybrids & old mongrels as Dogs In Gaertner Tables there is appl to this. 4m, 1Ï22wrc 400 3-23w> Contradicts Wiegman that maternal or paternal types fertile individuals sterile. ÏÏ23-Iw Chief conclusions (1) Unfixity of fertility in same hybrid The varying form of the * Hybrid is the abstract which can be divided into following classes. 402 ÏÏ2/ÏÏ2m 403 4-6m 404 ft2-2u<-> 405 wt (a) Hence resemblance of Hybrids to either parent no marked influence on fertility.- luh\w male 5-7m/w
(a) 1Ï20-22m, tÎ20w (B) 1Ï20-3m, tilOw Examples ÏÏ7u "256", 1Î5u "diesen l Bastarde", ÏÏ4m "absolut unfruchtbar", ÏÏ3w Examples ÏÏ2-2m/ÏÏ2« "49", wb (B) These authors think law of relation between fertility of Hybrids & the affinity of parents; but if we judge of latter by seeds yielded, there is no relation to fertility of Hybrids when reared from them 406 9-10m, 9-llm/8-13w We conclude that fertility of hybrids stands in no near relation to * elective affinity of parents.- 25x/16-19w Yet strong exceptions on next page 20-30w When plants cross easily both ways, hybrids most commonly fertile. This fertility seems to depend on resemblance in Hybrids of parents, but with exceptions 407 wt (a) In Hybrids from reversed crosses, even when quite like each other, Yet fertility not same, & in one case even on one side quite sterile. X «• Important as shows not in essence of Hybrids- 2-12m/10u++/w Yes for see p. 385 13-16m/w Ease (he probably means Case) when reverse cross easy, yet Hybrid sterile 1Î6-2m/w (B) wb (B) From * facility of union cannot infer fertility of product 408 9-10u/8-13w It seems that systematic affinity of Parents favours the fertility of Hybrids see p. 410. ÏÏ7-5m/w Above law it seems has been discussed table.w see p. 414 Hybrids from these have remarkable fertility & were considered by Kolreuter as varieties, wb When we consider these facts we might conclude that fertility of Hybrids indirect relation to affinity of parents 409 2-20«; But on other side (-» this other side seems most strong) many close species will not unite, & (2d) that some species will unite & produce more fertile hybrids than more closely allied species, examples. 18-20m, Ïïl3-12m 410 lu "Herbert", 5-7w Examples as before 12][, table.w Examples of nearly related species having hybrids quite sterile 1ÎS-4w Most unlike dogs breed & produce fertile offspring. tlm/wb concludes that likeness in Habitus cannot be ground cause of fertility or sterility of Hybrids. 411 22m "constitutionellen"/w considers this an unknown element ÏÏS-5/n, wb Repeats that as fertility varies in Hybrid from same parents, it belongs to the individual & not to the Kind 412 wt Even in quite sterile plants in both sexes, yet flowers remain longer when stigma dusted with pollen of either pure parent so in truth not utterly ste.rile 2-7m, 8-llm, ÏÏ8-lm/w argues against the several explanations of Herbert of special cases of sterility 413 14-18w not on account of evergreen & deciduous leaves. 414 23m, table.w considered varieties
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by Kolreuter from fertility "Datura", "Malva".zv ia (others).w o o means not tried by Gaertner "Dianthus".w XX 2nd table.w o not tried These 2 are added, though Kolreuter cannot dare to call only vars. ÏÏ4m "parum vel", wb XX. V. My M.S. p. 19 on Kolreuter, showing that all Botanists agree in thinking these only vars. 415 table.w/wt ia But as several of these are probably rare it is very important that G. says not so fertile as pure parents, for we get then a series table.w also highly fertile Hybrids "Matthiola".w Bentham says var. 3-5m/w but yet not so fertile, in any of above cases, as pure parents. 3u "allen diesen"/3-10w Yet he has not tried all Koelreuters must mean these last alone 4u "ausgezeichneten", 5-6u "nietnals\hervorbringen" 417 wt (a) Agrees with Herberts constitutional doctrine (which I think means only some internal difference. 3-8m/w (a) 418 \ll2-8m/w (a) 5-2m, wb (a) The most fertile hybrids always lose fertility in successive generations.- some sterilish plants if artificially fertilised increase in fertility 420 12-25w In 2d & other generations of Hybrids, fertility becomes unstable & often less, so that even parent-pollen will then have little or no effect. This sterility, however, varies much in different individuals & depends especially on the individuals 23-18m, ÏÏ9-6m/w A \\5-2m/w Fertility never greater in 2 generation, than in first, ttlurt, wb (A) In Mongrels, fertility even greater in second generation, than in first, see further on; for this perhaps implies less fertility in crossing varieties.- 421 wt (B) This decrease of fertility in second generation has been observed in less fertile hybrids of Nicotiana, & fertile Dianthus hybrids, as in example given. As this is only second generation cannot be due to want of crossing.- l-4m/w B 8-9m/w So in animals according to Morton 15-25w sometimes fertility increased after repeated artificial impregnation in succeeding generation, but this plant has commonly gone back to either father or mother type 20wx, 25-27m/w D wb (D) Many very fertile hybrids propagate themselves, with unaltered type like pure species, as in list, but always with decreasing fertility. 422 3-4m, 5-lOm/w In 2d & succeeding generation hybrids sport much * ^6-lm, wb some remain like hybrid others go back to either grandmother or grandfather 423 wt (a) The * manner in which type divides, & goes back, varies much.- 2-8m/w (a) 13u*lw offspring of this varied more than from reverse 15u*/w greatly & î\15-9m/w
Kolreuter compares these with hybrids crossed with pure parents. 424 15-21m/w The exceptional or abnormal hybrids, when fertile, generally produce normal hybrids. ÏÏSm 425 12u*/12-16m/w with own pollen 4 seeds with pollen of D. barbatus 10. seeds.-16m "29 gute"/17u "67 hervor" 116-17 mll6-23w so again, & thus often.- & likewise so with very fertile hybrids.- 1Î8-3w> & so with quite sterile hybrids, corolla remains longer when dusted with either parent pollen.- 426 11-14w examples as last page Ïïl2-lw/wb when parent & hybrid pollen mixed, latter rendered quite ineffectual, so that no need to castrate; just like when foreign & own pollen applied to a plant, own eliminates quite effect of the foreign.- This Curious. 427 wt (A) Pollen of a third kind will sometimes produce more effect, than own hybrid pollen. l-2w (A) 3u*, 5u*/3-6w 13 seeds with own pollen; langsdorfii 16 seeds. 18wz 428 15-19m/13-30w The pollen of the two parents has no regard to their sexes in the effect they produce, but that pollen, which has most power of metamorphosis or umwandelung, which will be discussed afterwards, I suppose that pollen which soonest converts hybrid into pure species, produces also most seeds in Hybrid. ÏÏ18-7m/tïl3iu A wb (A) Niger again variability of offspring of self-impregnated hybrids.= so mongrels are.- 429 l/2/4wn, 12m "aufsteigenden", 16wx, 17-18u "väterliche Bastarde"'/w Paternal Hybrids - are offspring of pollen of * same species twice ÏÏ6m "V'lwb If this * hybrid had been crossed with pollen of atro-purpura, it wd have been a "Muterliche Bastard" or "absteigenden" grade p. 451 430 l-8w by Father pollen more seed generally then by Hybrids own pollen, but generally not so many as in first cross of pure parents 14u "einfache", 15-17m/w much unfixedness in this class of Hybrids 17m, 18-30w Like second generation of simple hybrids, these Paternal Hybrids vary much & differ much in fertility, out of same capsule. So very different results from repeated experiments with same species. 431 l-3m/l-10w The more fruitful hybrids vary less, & go back more to paternal type, but have often reduced fertility, as, - examples 9wx, $T7-7w When they take less after paternal type & are much less fruitful, so vary much.-generally under 3 types, in accordance with resemblance to ancestors & parent.- tlOu "schwächeren"/? 432 wt Different species have different tendency to communicate their variability; old cultivated plants 9~llm\w (a)
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ÏÏ24-2m, wb In these cases the * type which normally approaches to father or double pollen side is less fertile 433 wt I am not quite sure that these two pages are fully understood 8-13m/w Here the type which came nearest father was most fertile. 17wx, 18-25w all sorts of variability in type & fertility 1Ï2u 434 2m, 16-20m/w It is clear that fertility does not always at all increase * in resemblance in succeeding generations, with t«^X ancestor ÏÏ22« "fünf"fl\16-12w 5 different types out of this "paternal" hybrid 1\10-8m/w Here case of coming near the paternal type with considerable fertility 435 wt A Commonest rule or appearance in this stage of conversion is that the more the hybrids differ from mother & approach the paternal type, the more they suffer in fertility.- Thinks the reverse more probably really the law. 12-16m/w A 18wx, Ïïl2-6w Female organs recover first their powers-ÏÏ4-2m, ïïlu+/wb Fertility in this in such as -> always very variable 436 4r-8w Examples of above variability in fertility 10-30w These "paternal" hybrids are when self impregnated, generally more fertile, than in former generation, & of themselves tend to approach the paternal type; ie even when self impregnated & are variable in structure. 1Ï20-9« "in\Generation", 1tlO-3m/t18w B wb B This particular hybrid came by itself more fertile, which he seems to consider normal result of repeated impregnations of own pollen 437 wt Think the above like avatismus in Animals l-4m, 8-9u "in I Generation", 8-12w when go back to Mother, not quite & unequally. 16wx, ÏÏlOztrc, ÏÏ9w "Puvis" "Van Mons"[Ü9-4w So these authors wrongly dispute tendency to avatism 438 8-12w Thinks all variation from cultivation when free tend to go back. 19/20wx, 19-22w tends more to mother than Father ÏÏ20-4m/ÏÏ9u> (A) ttearr, wb Happens oftener with same genera than with others; never in the very fruitful Hybrids- 439 6u "Lavateral Generation", 7-lOw This first time more to mother in another case more to Father. 14r-20w In these going back progenyO of Hybrids, fertility less, sometimes gone, never increased. ïïl3/ÏÏSurc 440 lOwz, nl6~4m, ÏÏ9wx, wb I believe he here argues that going back of Hybrid offspring, & of varieties not crossed, is evidence of aboriginal foundation form of species. «er So it is some evidence - V. p. 455 my Note. Good. 441 wt Thinks the former Laburnum case a proof of sterility of species & tendency to go back. l-3m, 9/ lOwz, ÏÏ23-3w The occasional approach to
father in simple Hybrids or in second generation of Paternal Hybrids, is rarer than the approach to the mother. 442 8-13w amongst simple Hybrids Those that approach Father are more sterile. 19ull9-20m/w These are apt to tend to Father 1T22-lw The Paternal Hybrids in 2d degree which go back to father have increased fertility. These cases liable to error. 443 6wx, 6-9w All the above facts like avatismus in animals. 444 lwz, ÏÏ3-2m/1Ï2w "weiteren Generationen", wb in very fertile hybrids these goings back to mother or father have not been perceived, so prevented apparently by strength of sexual organs. 445 wt (A) These goings back agree with the Abnormal types, except these latter are the result of the crossing of pure parents: they also are very sterile. 2-3m/w Law of variation 6-7m/w A T7-20w In successive generations more variability ÏÏ23w*/iï23-22w These sorts of Hybrids give most variation. ttSw D. barbatocarthusia,-carthusium. ÏÏ7« "väterliche Bastarde", ÏÏ7-3w variation seldom then in last case (* next Page on do) ft2w "paniculatorustico-glutinosa"/ wb These hybrids always with one exception approach father (or 2d species) & commonly totally sterile Yet I think they were sometimes more fertile than with own pollen.- 446 4m, 6-10w Male more power in causing variation than female. ÏÏ24-6a> Cause of variability lies in act of generation perhaps aided by circumstances 447 ÏÏ26ua/ Ïïl6-12w not to be distinguished from pure N. rustica, but less sterile ÏÏ8u*/ÏÏ8-6w & even in this generation less fertile z/wb Mother Father« pure * paniculata Grand Father ♦ Mother Gt Gr. Mother (3) Grt Grt grandFather (4) was paniculata 448 l-8w Different species are changed at very different rates with the paternal type, but this varies in same species 449 3wx, 8-10m/3-lOw colour of flower does not vary more in later generation than in first, which is different from other variability ÏÏ25w A 1Î7u*/ tt7-2o; Even some of these quite sterile in both sexes wb A In some case, especially such as are slow to be converted, the fertility is lessened, especially on male side, even when hybrid has gone back nearly to paternal type. 450 wt A Such Hybrids with own pollen improve fertility & of themselves go nearer the paternal type, lm, l-12w Even some fruitful paternal hybrids in 3d degree were quite sterile on male side. Generally with higher degree of Paternal hybridism, so much more fertile. 14ua/w A tt23wx, ÏÏ22u*, wb In each paternal degree this became
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more sterile on female side, because it approached D. Japonica which is naturally sterile on female side. 451 tîlOarc 452 l-4w More fertile than corresponding paternal Hybrid 9~12w varies more * than paternal hybrid x-> chinensis-barbatus female barbatus male table.w These bore 6-15 varieties Ïï10-lw Most of the vars have approached very close to pure maternal type 453 wt xxx I shd think caused by female side of Hybrid being most fertile & other side being crossed with same type, through a male, caused their greater fertility. & is partly proof of more fertility on female side. 8m, 10-14w More fertile than corresponding Paternal Hybrids xxx 17-28w But even here amongst those most closely resembling Maternal type, quite sterile individuals are found. Here also male side fails in fertility more than female. ÏÏ22-9m/w A wb A In further generations, when self impregnated, become of themselves more like mother & more fertile & less variable- 454 10-20w The more fruitful stick to the hybrid type longer than the less fruitful. Rate of going back varies according to Kind 455 wt/l-5w A Neither vaj\ shd be an aboriginal form. This makes me believe the reported fact that Mongrels go back: Bell insisted on this to me one day, in regard to Pigeons, & I think Dixon did. ««■ So Gaertners remark that this proof of Real Species fails, for applicable to Varieties 2-15w -» But it might be said that one var. was an ursprungliche forme.- 8u "zur Stammmutter", 7-18w The law that these (I fancy both paternal & maternal, anyhow the latter) of themselves, self-impregnated go back to type of Mother, most important. (A) 22-23w The metamorphosis of one species into another like a variety into another seems opposed to species being something distinct as Entity- XX %-5w In Toilets case of Malay Fowls so long affecting breed is case of a van with stronger tendency than others to go back, like species wb XX It is argued that the sterility of hybrids, shows that species are a distinct entity, then surely the points in which they agree, may be fairly adduced to show that they are not essentially different 457 lOwz 458 ÏÏ7-4m/w (a) wb (a) The rate of metamorphosis depends chiefly on the species employed; but also in less degree on the variety (This rate has narrow limit) of the individuals employed; on account of different degree which they go back in type 459 13-16w The shorter the period of Metamorphosis the less variable 26m, 19wx, ÏÏ24-22m/ÏÏ26-5a; In
reverse cases, the metamorphosis at different rates, even though the hybrids from the reverse * be alike. Thinks this proof of aboriginal creation. ÏÏ2-lm/w A wb A Always approach to type of ancestral form before organs of generation quite perfected; ie these are last restored. 460 wt It is not likely we shd understand the slow restoration of the generative organs, as long as we remain so ignorant regarding the esesential action of these organs; & why two sexes necessary.- 8-10m/6-16w Not seldom quite like pure parents & yet even quite sterile, specially male organs; sexual organs universally * in some degree affected 22-22u "alien I Ausnahme", ÏÏ16-12m/w Law, that male organs not only more easily affected but slower restored. ÏÏ7-lm/w do not understand. 461 Xw extreme variability of fertility during the umwandelung, not connected with any law.- Never suddenly appears by a jump. Yet one almost exception by Kolreuter, with unusual approach to pure type, and Gaertner one other case with relatively little approach to pure parent. These cases show that the gain of fertility * is due to peculiarities of the individual 27-22u± 463 wt (A) As in first generation, decided types (Given in last page & p285) arise close to one parent, so it is evident the number of generations required for metamorphosis must vary much. 6-12m/8w A table.w on average 464 tt23-7w As far as yet known never requires more than 6 or 7 generations t10j7wx, 6m 465 wt A Attributes the variability not entirely to the difference of the going back of individuals, but also to variability due to long cultivation, for has not perceived it in the wild-growing, nor in the more fruitful hybrids.- ll-19m/12w (A) 1îl4u "oben\220", ÏÏ23z, ^13-lw In reversed crosses, even when hybrids are alike yet they are not metamorphosed with equal readiness, which shows some difference in their nature -> ÏÏ2-lu<^/w example wb+ Thus Dianthus 466 wt Hybrids may be considered as a united brother & sister 17wx 467 wt/l-lOw Would not "Reduction" good be term for Umwandelung = inversion in Diet. -» Absorption by Father form wt Reduction by the Father or of mother or by paternal pollen or maternal pollen 7-10m/7-17w (B) Fertility of hybrids stands in no special relation to capacity for metamorphosis: Examples- very sterile & yet in 3 power almost reduced to D. car. 13ua, 16u "dritten Grade", 20-24m/w fertile but require 5 powers &c &c ÏÏ2m, ÏÏ2w other
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reasons for (B). 468 ÏÏ8-5m/w A wb (A) Generally with less * "sexual affinity" of first pure parents the Reduction * slower, & the reverse with * more fertility 469 8-10w Exceptions to * last rule Ïïl5-12w Examples of above rule 470 wt Foregoing examples show no fixed relation between periods of Metamorphosis & sexual affinity of Plants.-l-2m/iv A 8u "der I Typus"/6~15w A species with this power of producing a decided type will reduce a species in the reverse manner 1Î23-20ra/w There is also relation to systematic affinity of species, wb Systematic affinity must mean "likeness of characters externally visible. 471 î\14-6m/w Examples of last Rule 1Ï3-2w> Exceptions to 472 wt (Q) The different powers of reduction in hybrids from reversed crosses, show no fixed relation to "systematic affinity of parents 9-13m/w Q 473 wt (B) Returns to parent-forms through self-impregnation are very slow, & require many generations. ll-15m/w (B) 23m 474 6-10m/w The goings back seldom observed in wild plants when experimented on 22a "428" 438? 13-20w Conclusions (1) Facility of Reduction not absolutely depends on sexual or systematic affinity.- (2) Returns more often to Mother than Father. ÏÏ8-6w Not all embryos affected alike. 475 Zw I suppose he wd say there was a hatred in the Vegetable Kingdom to these crosses: perhaps his argument directed against those; like Herbert who believe in hybrid origin of species. 2wx, 16-17'u*/13-18w In reduced hybrids traces of parental character may be yet discovered. 19wz, 1\l3-8m/Üll-10u '' unzweideutigen ''/w (a) fïlorc, wb Thinks the Reduction of species affords "unequivocal" proof that the limits of species confined & fixed. How curious. I can see force in this argument in reductions by self-impregnation.- 476 lwx, l-6m/w Excessive care in preventing parent pollen, Kept in chamber.- 1\9-8w The old stories of Grasses changing into each other.- 1Î4wx 477 8wx 478 5wx, 4-6w Hornsuch defender of transmutation 13wx, 17u "Berg" 496 Ü7w/ ÏÏ4w/wbx, wb Amongst seed of Vetch, some chickpea, which produced 2 vars. like Vetch 497 \\7-5wAmongst the seeds he found 4 vars. 498 18-23w 4 vars of Peas, very slightly different, raised out of bought seed-499 8~16w no variously coloured seeds produced & it is clear he wd like pairs to prevent crossing ÏÏ22a "51" 3 correct ÏÏ3/ ÏÏ2wr 500 (fn nos corrected), wt (a) Remarks that many plants when put out of proper conditions do not vary, & those that do, their
union retain & power of union suffer much less 7-10m/w a ll-16m/w Cases of change of Form chiefly in Lecoq 16-18u±/m/w these very fixed 1\l4wx, î\10-8w long cultivated plants as î\6u "Cerealien, Leguminosen"f\\4-2u "Dianthus\Tabacum"/m/w vary 501 lm/wt same cause makes them + easily depart from normal Bastard-type 7-9w varieties tend to go back; no facts given 8wx, (fn nos corrected), Ïïl2-6m, wb Quotes Herbert, that domestic variations do not affect organs of generation 503 22wx, 23-24w There are 6 of these classes. 504 5-8w Simple Hybrids of own type 2nd table.w I cannot think why Reduced Hybrids per patrem are here omitted wb -» (a) & (b) Hybrids alike & so also (c) or Reduced Hybrid per matrem. 505 9m, Urn, 23m/w (C) 506 wt (a) It is only the quantity of blood from either side which makes a difference. 4-17w Thus these are alike (a) But when one factor is more powerful in its influence, then there is a difference, as. 12-17m\w very variable & generally very sterile with exceptions. 507 Iwx, 2m/u "ausIFaktoren", 19u "'sindIsteril"/ 15-19w Excessively variable & generally absolutely sterile 22-23w compounded. 3 species same as last only mother a hybrid Ü2-lm/wb In type always (yet a prepotent type in any species has some influence) go to Father: * but in different degrees.- (So Kolreuter also says) fertility varies generally little.- 508 4-5u "vermittelnde"I3-5w are very distinct from class 5 6-10m/w In this subclass the 3 pure parents are somewhat allied table.w very little fertility in one foiling case very considerable fertility ÏÏ2-2-* 509 ÏÏ7m, ÏÏ5w (A) wb (A) In the second subclass, species are used which will not cross without the intermediate & 3d species, & therefore are very little allied in sexual affinity.- These always most closely resemble pure father. Excessively sterile 511 14-19m 512 13-15m/w a tendency to vary even in individual plant 17-24m/22w (a) wb This extreme closeness to father very singular & against ordinary laws of Hybridism, explained by greater potency of pure pollen of Father, as likewise is shown in the 3d class, in which Mother is pure & yet it seems no leaning to either side. 513 ÏÏ29-22w* It seems that where pollen pure & ovules hybrid, then appr to pure & less variability î\9-4m/m, wb not so variable, apparently owing to the potency of effect of pure parent.- 514 wt A Conclusions (1) that hybrid ovule or pollen cause of variability. (2) that the pollen, even of hybrid origin has preponderating influence over
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female !!! I do not see how second conclusion l-6mlw (A) 5wz, 6m 515 4wz, table.xo Here whichever species has the most typical strength, the offspring resembles it -quite sterile table.w Not one is Double 516 table.w 4 species united table.w In this the several offspring resembled all four parents table.w Excessively variable, no two individuals alike. Fertility lost. 517 wt It is clear that the more complicated the unions the more variability ensues. 1Î24-22w Hybrids can be told from pure only by variability 1Ï6w "schon I ersten ", ÏÏ5-3u "niemals I Arten "/m/w repeated over & over again ÏÏ2m^ 518 2m^, 3m%>, 8m*&, 20-23u<~», 14m«&, 15m*&, 16m**>, 17-18m/w not more subject to mal-conformation than pure species 18-19u*-> 519 wt Some hybrids can be much more easily impregnated when growing in pots than in open land, because too much luxuriance checked.- Good instance of ease of effect of too much luxuriance l-7m/3w (a) ÏÏ4-2w some seeds look poorer 520 l-10w of these many seed fail quite or seedlings live very short time or rather longer or only just flower 16-17w examples of above Ïïl3-4w The above one exception to rule, & may be due to greater susceptibility of outer causes 521 Ïïl4-13u++/x, ÏÏn-20w "Sageret\aus"/ïïll-9m 522 lu♦, 18u "11 \ Bastardarten "/m/x/1-18w+ Period of germination in Hybrid seeds very various 523 13-14m/x, 1ÎÎSm "Bastardsamen I Art "/Ïïl8-16m/x, ÏÏ15-13m/x/ î\13-12u "weil Iwerden", ÏÏ12-llm/w (a) 1ÎS-5->, wb The typical strength of a species over the other is shown in affecting period of germination of Hybrid seeds 524 13-17m, h6-15u "daher\grosse"/til6-8m 525 1Î4-lm, wb Hybrid seeds do not appear to keep so long as pure seeds 526 ÏÏ4-2m/w all observers agree about luxuriance of hybrids 527 5w long stems ÏÏ22-S«? Easily propagated by cuttings &&c ïï9m "stocken sich"Iwb Even in stocks "make offsets" ÏÏ7-6m, Mu "Seitenästen" 528 8-9w Proliferus 17-23w Thought to be related by Kolreuter to sterility of Hybrids 21wx, ^9-lwlwb Opposed to this is the fact that luxuriance begins before development of sexual organs I do not think this objection 529 3-8w (3) all very sterile hybrids are not luxuriant 12-17w (4) These hybrids which are most fruitful are the most luxuriant Ïïl4-10w concludes luxuriance a peculiar quality of Hybrids. Ü9u/wi 530 4-lùw Hybrids flower earlier with exceptions 531 13-19w unseasonable flowers This is odd. Is it not like double flowers? till-4w stamens & stigma increase in number
sometimes, but not both wb rare exceptions to above, when very distinct species united. 532 13-25w Kolreuter accounts for above by sterility, but doubts as most fruitful * Hybrids, are those which produced most flowers 27« "diejenigen Bastarde", wb * Yet these are in some degree sterile 533 ^16-8w absolutely sterile hybrids have * their flower long preserved, when dusted with pollen of either parent- 534 $15-13w Flowers longer ÏÏ2-2w some exceptions 537 Ïïl8-5w Because Bees freely frequent quite sterile hybrids, for Honey, thinks no close relation between dissemination of pollen & nectar. * Might as well as say elytre not connected with protection of wings, because present in apterous insects Itllw "Fruchtungsvermögen" 539 ÏÏ6-lm/w Thinks Kolreuter wrong in concluding these are only vars 540 1\20-I5m/ ÏÏ20-5w Never gives so many seeds as pure parent. As pure species are often sterile sterility cannot be taken as proof of hybridism 541 wt can offer no explanation of Sterility l-6m 542 wt Duration of plants whether 1 or 2 years always very variable 3-5m/5u "Koch", 7-17w Hybrids longer lived, strong character of such plants, as below ÏÏ4-3u<-> 544 ÏÏ3-2m, wb attributes above partly to sterility, but - 545 4-15w objects that some quite sterile are only annuals, & objects that castrated parents have not life prolonged. 17wx, 16-18m/w (a) ÏÏ27-22w In crossing hermaphrodite to 2 unisexual plants sexual organs repaired, wb In dioecious plants organs imperfect of one sex. in Hybrids perfect, but functionless 546 wt Hybrids become decrepid in successive generations. l-4mlw (a) 1\l5-lm/w Hybrids can bear cold better than parents, which is connected with their tenacity of life 548 5-lOw However Some hybrids from little related species are tender. 549 ft2S-27u "denI Tulpen"/w These vary during life of individuals but then variable flowers ÏÏ26-2«; In This Hybrid (perhaps only a mongrel iy) some of the flowers in middle of summer & autumn went back to Mother in flowers 550 3-5w other cases of above 14-17m/w Suspect the 2 Tropaeolum only vars, yet very different. ÏÏ7-5m/w a ÏÏ7a "specwsissimo" female 1t7a "phyllanthus" male wb (a) This hybrid for first three years had angular 5 sided stigma, & then became like Phyllanthus.- 553 12-13u+>/15u*/10-20w cases of hybrids in which type has kept very constant, in this case for 10 generations, but with lessened fertility 19x&>, 21x&>, ÏÏ8-4w above only examples of progeny of hybrids
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not varying 554 2-18w Fertility even more variable than other characters. Rarely becomes more fertile in 2d generation but generally, even in most fertile Hybrids, much more sterile. 556 wt The tendency to go back, he argues, wd prevent new species being formed by variation; but overlooks any mention of selection picking out the new form adapted to new end.- l-5m/w (a) -> î\16-8w Local & constant varieties are different as long as new conditions are present, but change them & the species will go back 557 wt (a) as opposed to those who believe genera are made by crossing of species, brings case of Verbascum with species most difficult to distinguish, yet most sterile.- l-6m/w (a) 9-15w Thinks monstrosities not occurring more in Hybrids than pure species, though Kolreuter did think so.- 558 wt Has made 1000 artificial impregnations l-2u "anIBefruchtungen" 559 Ïïl7-13w cases of Dwarf Hybrids enumerated by Kolreuter 561 llu*/14u*/ll-16w The doubling of calyx & colouring of do., even in these genera, not once observed. 564 wt Hybrids become double like pure species-Does not seem more apt to be double l-3m/ 2u "Jäger"/wt Has described double flowers in all classes. 565 8-12m/w rare case of double hybrid, if parents single 1\ll-8m/w sparing & retarded dusting with pollen, most apt to bring double flowers 1\5-2m/w (a) wb (a) Hybrids more inclined to double than * pure species 566 10-15m/w It wd appear that this stock was impregnated by Plants 100 yards off - 567 7c/w£, til4c/we, ÏÏ23-7w luxuriant growth no doubt necessary for doubling, but some other cause shown to exist *3-lm/w near Hot Spring several Plants double 568 l-4w cases of wild flower double ïïâwx 569 wt (a) This seems to agree with male organs being most easily rendered sterile in Hybrids. 4-7m/w female organs more often spared from changes in double flowers (a) 7m, 10-14w The coupling of stamens in Hybrids the opposite of Doubling. t10~5m/w Pistil more often converted into Petals in pure species than in Hybrids. 571 Ïïl3-10m/w Monstrous Sea-hound with 2 heads 572 7-10w It is remarkable that vegetative strength owing to sterility does not disturb rest of flower nl5-lw The Pollen & ovules themselves must have to be modified: the variation is not due to mere mixture of two kinds of cells ÏÏ3-2m/w/wb very strange that corolla as altered * stamen is not modified in Hybrids, wb In the second generation of Hybrids we have much
variation, which is kind of monstrosity 574 wt xxx This remark very curious & bears on what I have shown The large genera var most. I do not know whether remark applied to wild or tame. If wild * as I fancy all is right. If tame it wd indicate that my explanation of spreading & favourable conditions must be superseded by some new law. Could it be tested by Loudon, ascertaining the proportion of genera with single species, by Lindley??? l-2w Shd this rule hold for domestic plants, then we may account for it by variability being necessary to improve plant. 2-3w As I thought of doing with Domestic animals. Wd it be good to take domestic Plants & see proportion of species to genera??? (or do it all by Loudon, that wd be best) according to Nat Family & whole Kingdom. 5-7w Maize has one (or two Molina!?) species) 8-10w Rye has only 2 species Rice only one? î\12u*/w Hardly vary at all anywhere 1\10-9u*/w These vary vastly î\10-4m/w (B) ^\7-4m/w xxx (a) ïïlw aescutus Horsechesnut la "macrostemma" Red Horsechesnut wb (a) Q Some have thought that single species of genera do not vary (Man!) much, but case of Platanus given wb (B) But the Platanus of Pavia have more than one species as far as I can find out 575 wt Admits the crossing in cultivation must check the ausartung of plants but doubts whether this holds in wild Plants!!! 1-9m, 15-18m/w variation affects every part of Plant. Î\l3-7w crossing of species & varieties an evident cause of variation ÏÏ4-lm/w variability quite * owing to mongreling than to external agency 576 l-3m/w Van Mons 2 kinds of variation 13-17m/w some varieties are constant but crosses of where vars. very variable 18-22m/w White Dahlias not one white seedling \ï3u "zum Theil" ß5-lm/w/wb all agree that vars cross & produce partly more fertile * offspring, than the pure parents.- But exceptions as on next Page 577 3a "von "/wt at p. 87 says these two vars grown in garden always kept pure. 3-4u "Cucurbita\major", 3-8w These unite with great difficulty, but offspring very variable & fruitful 8-10m/Q&>, 8-10m/w says some vars of Dogs, some crosses are more fertile than others Ask 14-18u*/w K. calls these stabile vars. (Gaertner the following; some Botanists consider as species 22« "unserer I fortpflanzen"/w finds like Herbert the vars of Hollyock constant. 23u "Lychnis"'/24u "phoenicea"/w (A) *, 1Ï22-5m/w Mongrels like offspring of simple Hybrids, only more variable, (which surely might be expected
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CD) ÏÏ6-lm/w case of variability in varieties wb (A) These true species in relation to variability like Mongrels, in fertility like Hybrids.- Yet Lychnis is wild & not cultivated Plant see p. 582 at top 578 wt In Cucurbitae, on same plant often two kinds of fruit in shape & flavor lu*/l-4m/w (B) 6wx, 7-8u^/ w Important 8w intermediate & this is commonest in close species see p. 283 13u ''früher''/16m/9-20w The uninjured & often increased fertility of mongrels, accounted for by luxuriance of Hybrids (I do not see this) & says he finds garden Plants varied from crossing vars. are earlier than ordinary vegetables. (The earliness is hardly same as greater fertility.) ? ask tableV to each line/w On account of greater but not equal to pure species fertility. Kolreuter considered these as only vars: * G. thinks from actual experiments * only the Hyosciamus as true varieties, because by cultivation one turned into other, wb Steudel makes agrestis a Synonym of H. niger G. says they turned into each other 579 5-6u*/w same conclusions regarding these 7u "Bastard", lOu "Bastarde"/llu " absolut "/8-14w says fruitfulness of Hybrids not absolutely * proof of parents being only varieties 7-8m, 9-llm/ w ask author, I fancy means only some fertility, wb Examples of Hybrids very fertile but not as fertile as pure parents wb* These are not hybrids, but nearly the union of two pure species. 580 table.w The hybrid from these quite sterile 1\20-lw seems to admit quite the crossing of varieties left to themselves & may be cause of return of vars to parent forms, says mongrels in their variation in successive generations may be classed like the Hybrids, which he has classed. 581 wt Says besides infertility Mongrels differ from Hybrids in * varying in the first generation whereas Hybrids vary in 2d or in paternal & maternal reductions. He gives no case of wild varieties, when first crossed varying more than mongrels; at least I cannot remark any. l-4m/w (a) 6u "andere\Bastarde"/w in other respects like Hybrid only more like to pure species. 8m, 10-25w He evidently considers these very important characteristic differences (just respecting p. 273) between * crossing species & varieties 1\4-lm 582 l-4m/w mainly repeats p. 577 9-10w more accessible to impregnation of other vars 12-13w More tendency to revert to parent form 14-17m/w more variable 18u "gewöhnlich"/18-19w commonly more fertile 1\6-lm/w (a) wb (a) Lecoq states great variability in Iris,
supported by observations of Berg, hence suspect that there may be variety-bastards -So necessary to show no need of crossing look at Potatoes & Maize & Rice!!! * 585 4-7w The smaller proportion of Hybrids are "intermediate" 586 î\14-12m/w speaks of law of both organs being ready at same time! 587 2a "VJimmer" * 15/ all foiling numbers wrong fïlOroe, wb see Corrigenda 589 16c/ we 590 2uts/w Natural Hybrids 5-8m 591 7-17m/w cases of Verbascum self-formed Hybrids, yet offspring these Hybrids excessively sterile. 598 1\l5-llm/w (a) wb says not know how long & in what limits keep true, but wheat shows how long can be preserved under same conditions. 601 8-lOm/w The inner nature of Plants cannot be judged from outside.- 602 4u "paniculata"/3-6m/w He puts Mother first & Father after, some have followed an opposite course 605 î\8-3m, wb Thinks the facts of Hybridisation show that original species forever remain true 606 6-7wfa all Q ÏÏ4-lm, wb as varieties can generally be propagated, as known for centuries, any alteration, if they ever occur, requires careful observation.- 607 1\8-3m/w (a) wb Points in which grafted Plants do differ from same raised by seed 608 6-10w sometimes less fruitful, sometimes more.-10?, 16u "vollkommenere"/17u "zahlreichere"/ 18u "Geschmack\Früchte"/16-22w seedlings generally bear more perfect & more numerous seeds than when grafted. fll3-7u> sometimes life rendered longer, sometimes shorter ÏÏ4-lw longer in foreign trees 609 10-14m/w evergreen oak grafted on common cast leaves & Daphne laureola flowered in winter 15-22w effect of one Pear grafted on an earlier kind was to make it actually later! 23wx, ÏÏ10W* 10 true is right %wx, \\3c/w<£ 611 ïïllu "Oleander"/w cases of mottled leaves affecting the Stock. 613 5-9w Even the wood keeps distinct at place of grafting.
2u "allein \vermischte"/5u "selbstIzu"/l-lOw a statement that two kinds of grapes -branches split & joined longitudinally produced striped fruit & crossed foliages. G. does not believe. 1\8-5w other similar cases
9-13m, 1tl2-9u7 objects that these are cases of sporting ÏÏ5-2m/w ughO 628 5-25w case of sport in common Laburnum with flowers like C. Adami Is not this like the orchard case? Were they sterile? The sport & parent in Austrian Bramble are sterile. (Herbert has shown are sterile, in Hort. Journal) wb (B) He is dreadfully puzzled about the Laburnum case & says not analogous to anything known 629 4-12m/8w
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B Ïïl4r4w Power of grafting * much longer than of hybridising; even very different genera (A) (It makes it the more remarkable that certain vars. shd. not do well together.) ÏÏ22/ÎÏ9w«ê, ÏÏ7/1t6arc, wb (A) I think I have heard it said same Family, wb Syringa Fraxinus Olea Chrisanthus - all Oleaceae 630 wt The relation of the different kinds which can be grafted on same stock is very different from the relationship on which hybridisation depends 2-7m, 8m 631 7-13w A certain affinity necessary beyond doubt. 22c/ we, î\16w%, ul5u "organischen Structur", ÏÏ9-8u h'diel Individuen füll-5w The above influences not only possibility of graft, but * fructification & duration of life if5-2m, ÏÏ6w "Familien-Affinität"'/wb Family affinity, though greater difference between the graft & stock in wood, yet permits the graft. 632 8-9m/u "schlagen \ Diel"/Q/3-13w great difference in powers of grafting. Pear & Apple though altered will with difficulty graft.- Difference in reverse case 18w Will not hybridise. ÏÏ25-12m/w can be grafted but not hybridised 633 llclwi 635 5-7m/5-12w Puvis speaks of grasses modifying but not exactly crossing. Has Wiegman shown that grasses cross? 1\10-4m/w 2 colours in turnips not capable of crossing 639 1t24-22m/ÏÏ24-2w Genera which have perfect pollen & ovaries, but produce commonly no good seed, but will produce if impregnated by pollen of same species, specially by pollen of another individual 641 î\4m 648 9-12w Mainly how they worked p. 354, 369, 374) 25m "Herbert"/m/w See 651 i\8-7m/u "Unkenntnis \ Gewächsen", wb Ignorance of process of fructification in some plants has caused * failures 653 wt cases in wh he failed but others succeeded 4-7m/7u "oben \ 126", 1Î23m 654 9-13m/w has never seen ill effects from castration, except when all castrated. ÏÏ9-5m/w (a) wb Dichogamous plants less * capable of hybridising; & very liable to crypto-hermaphroditism.- 655 l-20w (Can the pollen of another individual or var overpower own pollen?)- 8-9m/8-12w Best generally to castrate at moment of opening of flower. 29« "Leguminosen", 20u "Malvaceen"'\18-22wNecessary have cut or open or partly or wholly cut away petals 22-23u<^>/25-28w Oenothera Epilobium Fuchsia Clarkia 22-23m/w (a) (Quoted) ÏÏ9-7w Lecoq says pollen of Fuchsia not shed for 3 days after flower opened t5-lw even whole corolla can be removed without injury to seeds wb (a) Anther * ripe before opening of flowers in these Families & the fructification takes place not only some
hours, but even days before flowers open. Then how do Cruciferae & Peas cross?? 656 16w Pincers 657 14-18w cut with scissor or pull off stamens, not touch anthers 658 ÎÎ26w (a) ÏÏ4m, wb Stigma of Lobelia in own climate seldom protrudes till lost capacity of being impregnated, & hence species bears no seed, but if anthers drawn over stigma produce plants.- I think this is meaning. 659 l-2m/w Pistil grows in Geum after impregnation. tÎ25-22w By many plants pollen & ovaries not ready at same time IÎ7-4m/w Impregnate easily, because Pollen keeps its strength wb Stigma generally ready when flowers open, but sometimes not ready for some time afterwards 660 9-12w Repeats impregnation several times. 662 wt Cultivated in Pots so thus excluded from cross impregnation l-4m 663 î\9-lm/w The artificial impreg of many flowers on same plant injurious to it.- 664 wt (a) The impregnation with own pollen, * fertility always greater than in any Hybrid, & equal or at least near Natural fertility, but sometimes less.- Really this accounts for the (i a) of Hybrids.- 2-10m/w (a) 20m 665 ll-15w Plants to be fertilised in chamber facing S.E. 666 Ic/wz 667 ll-15w Many Hybrids bring seed in Pots, but not in open land. 670 Im/wt Isolation only superfluous in exotic plants when only one present 4-5u "Die\Nothwendigkeit"/2-8m/w speaks of the absolute necessity of isolation (& so does Lecoq) which all shows how some crossing goes on. 8m, 14~16w cutting off all flowers injurious 674 (fn nos corrected) 675 3m 677 (fn nos corrected) 678 ÏÏ5"®" 679 4u "ganzen Habitus", 5u "M. longiflora", 14u "5,2", 15w intermediate 26m "22,5", 27m "3", ÏÏ20-9« "Farbe\Jalapa", Ü8u*+, 1Î20-5m/w seed of this Hybrid returned to two distinct parent forms. wb+ & so in Maize I am nearly sure 2. vars of seeds in Mongrels 683 1Î28-25w fertility varies more in different experiments. 684 wt (Get Hooker to read over this list) There are important facts * in this Table not noticed in my abstract or results. 3-7w instances of series of fertility 12-13w count how many pure species have (K) when self impregnated See whether any difference in two vars., I have seen to Verbascum 22w Mothers name first ÏÏ22w succeeded with Kolreuter 1\llw = arvensis Loudon Cat. ÏÏ20w = arvensis Steudel ÏÏSm "9", 1\l5-3w I do not think same species Herbert succeeded see p. 653 are these the English species? (yes.) t?2w no of flowers no of fruit wb See how many genera no result, & genera I believe
[page break]
with close species: this bears on vars. wb I shd trust this more * (see case p. 706) more information given ? of results of self impregnation The very near to approach to (K) & yet the rarity of actual (K) makes me think the effect of artificial fecundation. 685 wt Hooker thinks that probably Canadensis & atropurpurea, are merely synonyms: Hooker thinks Canadensis & vulgaris distinct 5w Siberia 8w var. Hooker 9w of vulgaris ?? 12-13w Steudel var of atro-purpurea 14w This means hybrid crossed by Father 22w What Ask author Steudel makes var of atropurpurea 26w/27w var of vulgaris 28w var of atropurpur fl23?, ÎÎ20?, Ïï3w var. of vulgaris wb viridiflora is a Siberian species of Pallas var. of atropurpurea according to Steudel 686 wt In this country Hooker says C. littoralis or maritimum is considered a very close but distinct species Iw var of vulgaris 3m, 12-15m/w Steudel makes synonyms 13w Prop. Poll fl23-27w Dr Hooker considers undoubtedly vars. except steticumO Ü22w Prop pol \\19wwild var ftlSw Prop poll w wild var î\16-lw In text p. 197 & elsewhere Maritimus is spoken of as crossing with C. Behen Must be a misprint, anyhow C. Maritimus = S. inflata according to Steudel.- Ü15w very different Hooker ÏÏ24«, fl24-2u? all these i a &c are from crossing varieties, wb (species names equivalent to Silène inflata Steudel) Some authors think Silène italicus, pilosa There is nothing in Loudon Catalogue to make me doubt the conclus 687 19m, 25w = incornis of Kolreuter 688 wt Asa Gray considers the D. tabula as var of D. Stramonium & introduced into America Dr. Bromfield in Phytologist says he has tried every gradation between these two forms & yet here not fertile (K). This then is case of some sterility, if we are to trust the same class of facts as we infer sterility from- %w See p. 385 for degree of sterility of D. tabula & stram 1Î23zu ActaO ÏÏ23w = plumaria Linn. 689 1Î20u> Prop. Poll 695 17w Prop. Poll. 696 ItlSw Croatia ÏÏ22U;*, fllw perhaps var. 697 wt [p.225 Much important on reciprocal crosses in Digitalis.] llw var of last Lindley makes 22zü perhaps * var 17w some think var of 2. last 17w ambigua of Kolreuter p. 175 ambigua anyhow probably distinct 19/20w perhaps var î\19w var. of ferruginea ace to Lindley 698 2m/wt = angustifolium Steudel (u henceforth: numbers in cols. 2 and 3) 6u/w Prop pol 7u, 6-15m/w crosses more fertile than with own pollen. lOw Yet Newman says quite fertile 15u/w Prop. poll. 22w Prop. Poll, flSw Dr
Salter Bell says quite fertile Phytologist 699 18m, 1\l9w = niger 1\l8w = niger Probably vars. ÏÏ23w = niger? ÏÏ22w = niger fl22-22w perhaps vars. wb p. 578. G. says agrestis = albus as known by experiment - Steudel makes albus distinct - 700 lOw = undulata 1\20w I think* Herbert p. 345 succeeded & they sowed themselves. Ïïl9u/!, 1\l3-l2m, î\8-7m/w Prop. Poll 701 \tl3mdfx*, Vx/w Prop, poll 702 7-8md, 11m, 1tl8w Prop, pollen 1Î23m/w Prop Pol 1Î20w This is speciosa fertile according to Herbert p. 346 703 14w = sylvestris 15w Prop pollen 15-20m/w see my slip of Paper about Synonyms 18w yar. self im 20w = dioica 23m, 24w = Silène nicosa 1\l8m, Ïïl3w = Silène wb It is evident from Steudel that Silène, Lychnis & Cucurbitum all most closely allied 704 9w p385. contradicted 1\16-12m/w Here it is evident that first cross normal 1\l6-7m/w Prop, pollen
705 22m/23m/25m/23-25m/w see Beitrage
p598. & compare with p. 385 of this Book.
Shows that (K) is quite correct 1Î23/ÏÏ22/fl22m
706 4u\l-4m\w What differences 29«, 20m/!!,
24m/u, 25m, 27m, 19-27w (This very
important) see Koelreuter about this. 23m^,
30m^, î\19x/w Loudon ten week start O
ÏÏ2#m, 1\16x/w smooth fl25m, î\7m/w Prop,
poll, wb These seem distinct + 707 2m/w
Kolreuter raised them 4m/?, 25m/w Sageret
raised them p. 35 î\5m, wb according to
Steudel nearly all these are true sjpecies of
Nicotiana 708 26m/w f 29m 709 \\15m711
1\9m/w*» Prop p. 713 4m, 9m 717 27w =
Lamarckian • 718 22-23m/w p. 168 some
authors think vars. 1tl9u/m/w Prop tl8u,
tl8-llm/w More fertile than with own pollen
î\12u/m/w others have succeeded 719 6w<é,
9w or cocanus 16w cocanus 20w = vidacea
St 22m/w see Herbert p. 379 More fertile than
either parent 720 3w = vulgaris 14-30m/w
Here are plenty of undoubted vars.
producing only i a.- Great effect of artificial
impregnation or separation in House. 14m,
15m, 20m, 21u<^/m, 29m, 30m, 32m/w This
really only cross between two peas 32m,
33m, 34m 721 wt number of Flower wt of
Fruit 5w Prop. Poll 15w Prop pollen 22w vars
fertile 1\24w Florist var of Oxlip. Oxlip
primrose 1\24w Not normal or K fl23-22m,
^20-19m^, î\17-15c (c henceforth: entries in
cols. 2, 3 and 4 crossed out), 1\l4w Oxlip 1Î23-
3w p. 247 it is evident that he did cross
elatior & officinalis, Table not correct 1Î23-
22m, fl22c, ÏÏ20c, tÎ9-8m, Îl7-5m/w cowslip
fl4u> cowslip Elatior fl4-2m<&, wb* If this be
elatior calycantha, most strange 722 wt I see
he has not tried Primula proprio polline 3c,
[page break]
4c, 5w Cowslip 6w primrose 6-7m&, 8c, 9c, Ww Oxlip var 22a; Oxlip. 16w = floridum ft26a; Prop. poll. ÏÏ25a; Silène inflata Ïïl4m/w
ÎÏ23a; S. pilosa 1Ï22w S. italicus 723 26w Prop Polline ÏÏ20a; Prop. poll, wb I see Moerch considers same species p549 Gaertner says perhaps only varieties 724 wt It is impossible to make out whether vars. albus & luteus are put first & second on principle or by chance 3u^, 3-4w*, 4w Yellow? Yes says p. 280 5-7md, 10w+, 8-14w* Colour? If Yellow half agrees & opposed to rule of vars. of same colour most opposed 22w agrees with 20-25m, 30w 1845 1827/ 18 Hl4w Blattaria flSw Colour? ttfim/ wb Steudel make = virgatum, which is yellow ^lx^lw 286 161 725 3-4m, 9w yellow 20-13md/w opposed to rule 17w Probably yellow, both parents being yellow 17-27w Even Babington admits there are 2 coloured vars of V. lychnitis 20m, 26m, 29^>, 30c (c henceforth: whole entry crossed out), 32c/w These lines merely guiding 34c, 37c, 39c, ÏÏ23/tl7/îr4/tÎ3/1Ï2c, ÏÏ20/frS/fÎ6/ÏÏ5/fr2m, wb 226 182* 119* 142 x^ 726 lw Colour see Index not in index 29m, 25w yellow 26-28md/ a;*, ÏÏ22w yellow ÏÏ9-tt20->, ÏÏ9?, 1\9c, wb 234 x«§*> 83 727 3w yellow 5m, 6-ll^>, 7-8w opposed to rule llc/w why luteo put first? 15w Purple 28w yellow 1\20w why luteo put first wb 179* 201 x%> 68 728 wt years no of flowers number of seed lw bright yellow 2m, 4-9^>, 19w yellow 20-23^, 22-28^>, ÏÏ23-22m^ (first 4 columns)/w x^ 138 84 ÏÏ22a; = Scrophyll î\8-lm/ÏÏ8-lmi&/w vars yet all i B.
i g. wb 22 730.b 62m, 73m 734 62w at Hort Soc? account of experiment with Peas, see to this 67w Berg Read variation of Leguminosa 17w Read 736 82m, 110-112m 737 229m, 237a;* 138 140-141md, 145/146m/ w Read 149-152m/w Herbert *, 152 Worth reading or consulting p. 145 of Book 257a; See to this Blyth 738 186-188m/w seeds retaining long vegetating power 191w Omalius disputes vars going back 207w See to this 3m^, 25-26w Read Girou on vars of Cucurb crossing Sageret do not crossing 26x^ 740 X.10m/x/w Read 742 18-19m/x 743 XVIII.15x 744 27m/w Read on curious sport in Oenothera 47-48mlw Read on the 2 Anagallis being vars. 745 ll-12m 746 XXI.2w Read 3m/w Beitrage 6-7m/w Read XXII.l-2w Read 747 17w Zuccarini on sterility of Oxalis from C. of Good Hope 22w Read 24-25m/w Read 27a; Read 28w Read XXIIIJw* Read 22a; Read 748 98-99m 752 59m/w But opposed to much alteration Perhaps worth reading 54m/a; cases of transformed plants
p.500 text 55a; nothing 56m, 57m 753 22m/a; on duration of seeds 754 8).5m, 10).3w p. 540 755 13).13m/w read 756 XXXWlmd, 3w See 4w very important Puvis 6w Read 12-17m, 17w Sageret read 29a; Herbert 20a; Read wb* To get titles it will be necessary to look over these notes at beginning of these notes, for it is impossible to make out by Index the titles 757 23a; Read? 45a? Theophrastus on crossing plants: how old! 52a; I dare say V. Baer quoted by Lecoq in V. Berg 52a; on variation of Iris 759 XXXVlIlw Read Link on relation of grafting to Hybridisation 3a; Puvis Read?? I have got impression that Puvis no good authority 760 46a; Read? 53a; x Read 761 64a; Diel XXXVIII.5 Puvis on crossing of grasses 22.a> x Beitrage on pollen & Stigma being ready at different times 762 45a; Read 763 Blyth.m 778 Lychniti-pyramidatum.m 781.b 2m^ 789 Vater.w 253 790 "Wahlverwandtschaft".ulw "Elective affinity" Chemical term Diet.
GASTALDI, Bartolomeo Lake habitations and pre-historic remains trans. C.H. Chambers; London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1865 [Down]
NB 0/
GAUDRY, Albert Animaux fossiles du Mont liber on p. Fischer & R. Tournouër; 1873 [Down, I] ex, ti, tm
13 25-27m 75 6-23m 89 2-2m, 26-32m 91 29-23m 92 29-31m, wb Yes these are old forms generally verging to extinction Jäger 93 2-3m 94 9-25m, 28-32m 96 l-4m
GAUDRY, Albert Animaux fossiles et géologie de l'Attique Paris; F. Savy; 1862 [Down]
GAUDRY, Albert Les Enchaînements du monde animal dans les temps géologiques Paris; F. Savy; 1878 [Down, I]
GAUSSOIN, Eugene The island of Navassa illustrated Boston; 1866 [Down]
GEE, Samuel Auscultation and percussion London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1870 [Down, probably FD]
GEGENBAUR, Carl Elements of comparative anatomy trans. F. Jeffrey Bell, revised & with preface by E. Ray Lankester; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1878 [Down, I] (markings by FD)
[page break]
GEGENBAUR, Carl Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie 2nd edn; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1870 [Down, I]
v 25m, 26m
GEGENBAUR, Carl Manuel d'anatomie comparée trans. C. Vogt; Paris; C. Reinwald & Cie.; 1874 [Down] phy
NB 37 fibre-cartilage
37 21-24m/22-23u "tissu Ifibreux" 38 ll-15m
GEGENBAUR, Carl Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere 3 Hefte; Leipzig; 1864-1872 [Down, I] p
GEIGER, Lazarus Zur Entwickelungs-geschichte der Menschheit Stuttgart; F.G. Gotta'schen; 1871 [Down] p
GEIKIE, James The great ice age 2nd edn; London; Daldy, Isbister & Co.; 1877 [CUL, I, ED] geo, t, ti
NB1 v
362 Glaciation S. of Thames 3640 GlaciationO 30 0 Glaciation 0 405; 427; 0; 521 ; 548; 550; 554 NB2 427 Post-glacial Mammoth & Rhinoceros; 547; 564
226*; 374* Erratum?; p. 14 at top. at • you speak of glacier theory before iceberg theory; but I heard of iceberg theory & alluded to icebergs in S. Am. at last • of &c but glacier theory 415* Hoists; Axel BIytt also p. 545*
Skertchly What a first-rate observer whom I believe always • on sound observations 484 Glaciation in S. Hemisphere; 506 Stones standing on end 12 20m 34 22m 78 6m 85 4m 101 zb 133 2m 191 29m 226 12-23m 227 37m 326 22m 374 24a "certainly", 14c "posterior", 14w+ anterior 386 15-20m, 22-38m 415 37-^2 m 416 20m 427 24u "postglacial", 27-31m, 29u "mommoth\ rhinoceros" 442 7-8m 485 2-9m 487 8-9m 488 22-23m 491 26-29m 492 24-26m, 20-22m 496 23-25m, 29-31m, 36-37m 499 5-7m 502 20-22m 504 16-18m, 25-27m 505 32-35m 506 25-22m 511 22-23m 521 2-5m 524 2-5m, 23-26m 527 19-23m, 24-29m, 31m 528 6-20m, 26-20m, 27-30m 529 2-3m 530 4~7m, 8-10m 531 . A-6m, 31-34m 532 5-7m 533 28-20m 534 29-
20m 540 20-25m 541 16-18m, 27-30m 542 2-4m 545 3-23m, 42-A5m 547 26-30m\w subsequent to great glacial deposit 548 2-3m, 29-31m 550 2S-22m 551 ll-15m, 37-39m 554 2-2m, 23-24m 555 15-18m 556 3-6m, 26-28m 559 4-7m 563 S-20m, 2S-22m 564 18-23m, 27-30m 565 5-7m 567 34-37m 568 44-47m 613 18z
GEIKIE, James Prehistoric Europe: a geological sketch London; Stanford; 1881 [CUL, I] geo
NB1 132 - brick earth covering gravel; 165
409; 414; 432 or (500); 457; 335 & Chap
loess (Mackintosh Erratics of England as far
as Wolverhampton)
Mr. Kerr p230 Falkland Isds frequent
As a bay the Severn floods from melting of
snow more turbid than from rains.
101; 111; 112
NB2 166 Richthofen
(rest by FD)
38 6m 50 3-8m, ll-14m\12-13u "equable\ times" 54 S-22m 75 ÏÏ25-22m 89 tÏ9-6m 101 20-22m 102 4-8m 111 24-27m 112 î\7-4m 114 13-18m\w Conclusions 117 8-22m 118 23m 132 ÎÎ3-2m 154 23m 165 22-23m 166 2-5m 167 20-23m 239 ^7m 260 ÏÏ22m 261 zb 263 16-20m 335 ÏÏ7-2m 347 25m 355 8m 414 ÏÏ26-23m, ÏÏ20-3m 420 fï22-9m/z (drawing), V-3m
22-25m/z (drawing), 20-24m/z (drawing)
20-25m, ÏÏ20-7m, tl2-2m 425 Ît22m/u "Oaks" 428 5-8m 432 5-7m, 15-17m 435 2-4m 457 9-25m 461 tÏ23-29m, ît27-26m/1Î27u "consisting \pine", 1Î22-7'm 462 ll-15m, 17-21m/20-21u "rot I bogs" 483 ÏÏ2-2m 486 ÏÏ3-2m 487 î\7-3m 488 7-9m 495 ^14-10m, îilm 544 24-26m 552 9-22m 553 ÏÏ22-9m 554 tÎ9m 555 22-25m 561 1Î9-6m
GENTRY, Thomas G. Life-histories of the birds of eastern Pennsylvania Philadelphia, 1876 [I] [CUL.1900] beh, v
NB2 I have read only first part
Very Dull
Variability of nesting
Principes de philosophie zoologique Paris;
Pichon & Didier; 1830 [CUL]
af, er, em, he, ig, mn, rd, sp, tm, v
[page break]
SB aß
65 Curious statement on what plan animals created (good to put at end of Chapt. 6) Qä) It is proper to speak of him shortly as M. Geoffroy
214 Law of connexion invariable
215 Properly speaking there is but one
Q Monstrosities, always resembles other species (allude to this in Ch. 7)
speaks of ultimate form of species as irrevocable!
218 Does not seem to attribute Unity to inheritance for speaks of it as Law
11 3-10m 12 4-15m 19 5-llm 32 18-30m (Milne Edwards) 33 5-10m, ll-15m (Savigny) 49 8-12m (Laurencet, Meyranx) 55 26-29m 56 19-22m 57 1-Am 59 23-27m/w ancestral & modern types 61 19-23m 65 12u "par\ composition", 14u "ressemblance", 23-24w Curious words 26-29m, 26"..., 27Q/&, 27u "bien I fécond "/28-29m, tub I demur to this alone 66 l-4m\la "nature"/wt all this will follow from selection. The unity of course due to inheritance 69 18-31m (Cuvier, Serres) 71 12-24m 83 3-16m 111 18-22m 114 18-23m 115 l-7m 209 l-6m 210 l-20m/wt/l-5w As it appears to me strongest argument against G.H. is existence of trees, which are so hardly separateO from animals 214 4-6m 215 l-5m, 16-28m/21-23Q/26u "développement naturelle" 216 l-15m (Tiedemann, Serres)\8-9u ''irrévocablement' '/!, 17-21m 217 18-26m 218 xvt All this is not G.H. writing but he approves & publishes it 4-18m/10-12!/10u "laisser I distraire "Il 1 u "des I organes "Il 4-15u "parI imposée", 18-21m, 24-26!/25u "créés 219 25-30m 111 l-16m (Cuvier)
Essais de zoologie générale Paris; De Roret; 1841 [CUL, S]
ad, af, beh, br, er, ds, f, gd, he, hy, ig, in, is, rd, si, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, v, wd, y
NB ♦ Read 420 to 468 again
SB 09t
83 With respect to rudiments Vicq d'Azyr
says native does not depart from primitive
90 old Geoffroy states never new organ - in
relation to Electric Fishes 94 "Nature always
works with same materials"
142 on parallel series by * Geoffroy
165 Goethe believed in Balancement
167 Believed in change of species, as did
old Geoffroy. "Modificateurs ambiants" sur
l'organisme". Yes this is his belief 247
Introduce in Preface
257 Distinction between tamed & domestic
260 On animals not breeding. Rein deer
good case of animal not spreading not
interfering with being domesticated in Ch. 2.
M.S. add to case of Goose
281 argues well that F. Cuviers doctrine of
Sociability not only key to domestication 286
292 Pallas Spicilegia zoologica
(over) 2
Art. Mammifera Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. -on colour of domestic quadrupeds
Cat intestine longer
Dog with splitO nostrils
306 We have no case of Spaniel or Blood
Hound & with Savages (CD)
344 Mammals in close sub-groups do not
differ much in size
350 Remarks on small isld having small
mammals - see how small isld have
mammals in Malay Archipelago 353 forgets
Java & Sumatra! I contradict his statements
flat - think of S. America formerly.
382 insists on difference of size in allied
dogs. 381 Table of measurements- All I
need say is that author has insisted strongly
on differences in size, compared to wild
433 Old Geoffroy on degree of influence of
external conditions on species - Mem. Acad.
Tom. xi.p.93.-
(over) 3
442 Madagascar a fourth continent
445 Ceylon same mammals with India
491 On spots &c on young quadrupeds
493 Cross between gold, silver & common
pheasant just mentioned Q
496 Cases of ten species of Birds which
have assumed male plumage
506 changes of habit in old Hen, like cocks
513 Horns growing on old female Deer
516 - His law of Mongrels & Hybrids. N.Q.
7 5-8m 49 13-14m/?/w what 14-30m 73 20-21m (Newton) 75 3-6m/3-15w This argues against descent of species being held by the Geoffroy sect of Philosophers 76 26-28m 77 15-19m 79 28-29m (Leibnitz) 81 3-8m/4-6?, 25-32m (Herder, Démailla, Cuvier) 82 20-23m, 26-27m (Vicq d'Azyr) 83 2-2//« "généraU regret", 6-llw compare with Pig with solid Hoofs- 23-25m, 29-31m/24-31w compare in this respect skull of Greyhound & Bull-dog-wb Decrease in size of Frontal Bone in Hornless ox: strictly analogous to the intermaxillary bone of man- 87 14-19m, wb
[page break]
compare this fundamental idea with what
Decandolle has shown has taken place in
Cabbage- 89 7-llm 90 17-23m/17u"il\
nouveau", 27-28?/u "sélaciens", wb see
previous note for reference 91 6-7?/7u
"polyptères" 94 9-10"...", 10-llm 96 22-24m
(E. Geoffroy) 142 19-22m 143 3-17m/7-10?, wb
why Man more perfect than coleopterous
Beetle or Bee 144 18-21m/19u "semble" 146
18-20m 147 23-28m (Serres) 148 27-29m
(Blainville, Cuvier) 151 ll-17m 153 8-10m
(Goethe), 23m (A. Saint Hilaire)/w Botany 165
19-25m, wb What is developed more in
Apterix in consequence of little wings.-??
166 l-9m 167 10-llm/u "Goethe" "Buffon et
Lamarck", 12-15m/13u "modificateurs
ambiants" 18u "1822", 23u "docteur Koerte"/ 20-25m/w see this in Goethe's Works translated by Martins 169 13-17m (Duméril, Blainville, Goethe) 199 15-21m 200 7-lSm 202 2-9m/3-4? 203 3-7m 205 8-21m 207 15-17m 232 25-28m (W. Edwards) 237 4-12m, 16-21m/w assumed 26-28m, 29u "quelquefois\ nuls" 238 13-17m/19u "espèces sauvages", 23-24m/24u "variables I inégaux" 239 27-29m, wb* true wild varieties, would be equally ready to sport wb How comes it that there is species to every small variation of conditions? - so it is - How another question 240 l-9m/l-2u "rigoureusement fixée", 16-19m/w does not allude to selection 27-29m/w Man some involuntary selection 24118-23m 243 25-27m/ w don't understand wb rest of this section Nothing 244 12-17md 246 24~29m (Bureau de la Malle) 247 12-17m, 26m (Buffon, Goethe, Lamarck) 257 la/u "apprivoisement"/wt tame wild l-2m/la/u "captivité"/wt chained wild 23-24m 258 1-Am, 10-llm, 25-26u "civettes\ marabouts"'/w Guanaco 259 wt capital cases of non-breeding l~3m/3u*, 6a/u "guépard"/5-6w hunting leopard 6-12m, 8-9u "éléphant", 17-19m, 27-29m, wb In case of Elephant, cannot be considered as weakling - when we consider feats in war - less so than the stunted elephants in North India - 260 wt/1-19w Ferret not very tame yet breeds -not less tame than many of Renggers quadrupeds- 18-20m, 19u "mais I race", 24-25m, 25u "mais Imêmes", wb The effects becoming hereditary, show, that apprivoisement "tameness" has an effect on organization: hence is new condition. Hence sterility= 261 5-15w we must not assume camel could not 15-28m/18w Buffalo?? 21u "partout"/w Camel?! 22w Rein Deer. 23-25m, wb The present great diffusion, so different from other mammals, renders probable this is effect of acclimatisation - contrary of
camel, shows not necessary. 263 12-14m 265 12-21m, 22-29md 266 lw*/3-8w Aperia breeds readily in S. America Rengger 267 6-8m, 13-16m/16a "oie" Canada & Chinese Geese 18-21w Fallow & Rein Deer? omitted 269 12a "lama"/8w 2 spec 13u "l'yack"'/w Hybrid? 23-24u "temps immémorial" 272 fig.m 274 l-5m, 15-17m\16-17u^>, wb Neither Cat, nor Ferret social 277 6-7w Guinea pig No 8-13w Ass does yet - ferret - Rabbit = Fowl - 9u "sauvage /9-10m/w because not of much use 278 27-28m 279 l-5m (F. Cuvier), 8u "solitaire\domestication"/8-10w yet many quite tame ll-28m/llu "chat\furet" 280 2-5m, 28-29m 281 l-2u±, 5-6u "importance exclusive", 8-9w Zebra ll-13m/12w untame? 282 3-6m/5u "alimenter", 16-19m, 24-29m/w opposed by monkeys wb this doubtless much easier in social intelligent animal -feeding on vegetable food- 283 8-llm/w no, not in wild ducks 15-25m 284 16-19m, 22-26m 285 l-3m, 5-15w this last argument certainly shows that these species, as well as families probably were not easy to "tame". ll-13m, 14-17m, 17-22w Guanaco, would make one think some species happened to be as easy. 18-21m 286 l-4w is this so? Lord Spenser 4-5m, 9-14m, 23-25m 287 9-12m, 22-29m/22-23u "plus I avantage"/ 25u "et I soumettre", wb Australian dog shows by what little advantage may be induced to take pains- 289 2w<->, 6-81, 14-16m, 27-28m 292 24-26w In Royal Soc Library? 25-27m (Pallas)/u "Spicilegia zoologica" 293 12-14!/u-^ "fixité \ espèce"/w in France 14-15u "que\ encore", 19-20m/u, 21u "variations", 22-23u "dénuées I variations "/w 1- p. L; 2 p. 294 294 wb - only assumed there not proven - 295 2u "intensité", 9-lOm (Cuvier) 296 wt would say descended from several wild types.- 1-5m, 10-12m/l, 16-22m 297 3-5m, 13-14m 298 9-12m, 15-20m 299 3u "crâne\ supérieurement", 6-7w sudden varieties 9-12m/9u "autre\palmées" 300 22m, wb The principal value of this Sect to me is showing other motives besides facility of variation, has determined the domesticated animal - & therefore that variation would probably have occurred in nearly all, which must have been selected.- 303 Im/u "de Pallas", 13-14m/?, 17-22m, 23-28m (Roulin) 305 13-16m 306 10-15w non-selection ll-20m 307 wt The following sections not very important.- 312 24-27m 313 8-9m/9u "si\ réussissait", 26-28m (Temminck) 314 6-8m 315 26-27m/w no notice of selection 320 wt Mr Blyth 10?! l-3m/u "six espèces" ll-12m/llu++, 19-21m (Duvaucel, Cuvier), 29-30m 324 13-15m/13u "à I degré",
[page break]
wb Spanish ass & Sykes little ass 339 wt All these sections vague & of little value to me 12-17m/w Lizards unevenly so 340 3-6m, 13-19m/w Whale & smallest porpoise 342 20-12m 343 5-18m (Blainville), 13x\-^\wb in short in sub-genera no great diversity of size 344 l-9m, 4x, 22-26m, 27-29m, wb like what Lund says anciently was in Brazil- 346 4-9m, 15-26m, wb Polar Bear! 349 7-24m, 17-18m, 24-26m, wb* was S. America once desert.- like Siberia 350 6-7u "très-petites"I?, 20-24m 351 l-5m (Virey)/2-3u "ceux I déserts "/w S. Africa 352 17-24m, 20-24m, wb Bull grows large in Falkland ?- Horses smaller.= are the White Bulls very large? 353 22*, 13-15m/w Java!! Sumatra 21-25m, 26-28m, wb X It is odd no fragment of continent - is it effect of few only being supported - their inter-breeding destroyed by men - Auroks decreased in Russian Forest 354 24-28m 355 21-23m/22u "cerfs" 356 3-5m, 9-12m, 17-20m 363 14-32m, 16-18!!/m, 17-25m 364 10-15m 366 l-3m, 24-29m 367 9-24m 368 16-22m 369 8-11 m 370 14-24m/w all very loose 371 3-6m 374 22-24m, 24-28m, wb Mountains = Northern plains 375 12-18mjw How dreadfully false when thinking of Sumatra 376 wt Mega-lodon!! 377 26-29z 378 2-22zy Fatness element peculiar to domestic animals & Greater Prolificness 22-23m/?/w<->, wb Domestic animals are forced into more various uses & exposed to more varied conditions, hence change of size more - but differs only in degree & not kind 379 7-12m\ w The subsequent remarks well prove this = 23-27 m\25-26u*+, wb because not selected for this end- 380 16u "de chacal"/15-16w S. America! 382 7-23m, 14-16m, 21-23m, 26u "au furet", wb do they differ more than Cats.- 383 25m (Dureau de la Malle), wb Before referred to 384 8-10m, 15-29m 385 /& wt/l-14m/w Aug. 1841. Saw Shetland Pony exhibited. Whose at withers I measure was 32 1/2 inches (& less in centre of back) -Beautifully formed - I presume have no aboriginal horses. 4a "taille"/8-9w 34.9 English Indes «^ 22m/« "froides"'/w No India 24« "est Iconnu" 386 5-7m 387 25-2Sm 388 9-22m, 20-23m 389 15-20m, 28-29m 390 29-24m 392 16-20m 393 2 2-2 7m 404 24-29m (Villermé, Haller), 28-29w/wb & doubtless hereditary 405 2-m 407 10-25m/13-16? 415 24-28m ill 22-24m 430 9-22m 433 24-26m (E. Geoffroy) 434 2-7m, 7-24m, 16-24m (Cuvier) 435 2-6m 437 l-10m/3-5w dont understand 12-20m, wb He overlooks successive creations - not worth arguing against such a view as this pretended one of
Cuvier 438 2-5m, 17-20m/? 440 1-3m, 8-llm, 15-18m, 27-28m 443 22« "archipel Indien"/10-16w How absurd remarks India & East Indian islds 25-28m 445 12-22m 459 3-6m/5u "dans\individus", 18-24m 489 6-26m 490 wt/ l-9w The case of Irish Hare which turns when old, makes one suspect not final cause Acquatic birds being white V Dr Fleming - At least my theory will prevent those animals being white wh would be so injured by it- 3-7m/x, 27-28m 491 13u "seul"\w ?? 25"..., 15-32m 492 S-22m, 20-24m 493 22-26m/23-24Q 495 9-22m 496 9-20« "femelle \ paon", 14u "poule", 14u "canard", 20u "dix espèces", 24-26m, 27-29m (Yarrell) 498 22-27m 499 27-29m 500 2-2m, 25-27m 501 22-23m 504 l-4m, 10-13m, wb good case of adaptive sexual structure 505 18-21m, 24-26m 506 S-22m (Home), 28-32m 507 2-2m 510 4-8m (Edwards) 511 20« "poules d'Inde", 19u "encore"jw Blyth 513 8u "paons"! 15-18m, 22-29m/29u "chevreuil" 516 6-24m, 17-22m/20-22u±/19-20w N.Q.
Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de
l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux 3
vols and atlas; Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1832-37
af, beh, br, et, em, f, gd, h, he, hy, ig, in,
mn, phy, rd, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 NB Have I read the Philosophie
p. 241 Book = Edwards Suites Races
(?p.677 Book worth getting? most cases
seem given in text) ??
p.711 Coll of Surgeons worth consulting
16 wt Embryology 2-2m 18 ll-14w What is difference? 24« "l'âge embryonnaire"/m, 15u "l'âge foetal" 22 8-14m, 14-32w I do not see how the reverse could be effected even if doubt monsters start from the germ 30-32«± 23 8-22m 24 6-7m, 15-16m/16u "Loilsoi" 25 2-3m/m^ 39 12-17m/13u "qui\ses", 18-19m, 24-28m/u± 52 14-18m, 25-26m 53 2-3m 59 29-33m 60 2-llm/5u "leur Ià", 31-33m 61 30-32m/31-32u "un I même" 62 5-22m, 30m 64 28-31m/28-29u "on\rudimens" 104 13-25m, 17-20m, 27-32m 105 26-32m/x, wb x I ought to apply it to Varieties 115 18u "un\placés" "l'habile anatomiste", 20-22m/20-21u^, 32-> 116 16-18m/18u 129 22-23m/22« "extérieur I congéniales ", 30-31md/31u "sont I congéniales " 131 16-20m/18u "foulelcas" 143 9-14m/9u^/ 13-14u± 147 7-9m/8u "maisIans" 152 22-23m, 15-17m, 19u "Dans I vieillesse", 21-23m,
[page break]
25-26u "fort\moyenne", 27u "dont l'un", 28u "lui", 31-33m 153 8-12m, 31m 154 4-12m, 5-8m, 10-12m/llu "dessus]moyenne"/12u "à\ nain" 158 25-27m, wb p. 164 exception 159 6-9m/8-9u "bien I élevée", 16-18m, 21-30m 160 7-10m 161 13-32m 164 8-10m, 22-27m 165 7-22m, 21-22m (Blumenbach) wb Rengger gives plenty of cases 167 9-17m 183 16-19m, 26-32m 184 9-12m, 28-32m 185 24-27m 186 2-3m, 14-16m 189 4-8m, 15-16m 190 7-15m 191 22-26m, 29-33m, wb The Laws of growth & reproduction being so allied, may it explain any of the facts of sterility? Hybrids not 192 5-22m, 28-33m 193 29-33m 196 4-16m, 22-24m\22u "transmissible"'/23u "Il\point" 208 24-31m 210 17-20m, 23-25m 211 2-4m, 17-21m 213 l-4m, 19-33m 215 4-15m 216 5u "particulier", 6-8m, 29-33m 217 l-3m, 3-8m, 14-16m/15-16u "maisItempérés" 218 29-31m 219 9-12m 220 6-9m/9m 221 l-6m, 8-13m, 21-26m, 32m (Dureau de la Malle) 222 22-24m, 23-25m 223 9-17 m\w This is case of animal being smaller northwards 19-24m 224 30-33m 225 5-9m 227 S-9m, 25-27m, 26-32m 229 3-26m 231 22-23m, 24-27m, 26-31m 236 26-33m 240 20-26m, 27-31m, 32w (Last page) Coll of Surgeons. 241 33m (Milne Edwards), wb New Edit? Never published Balliere 242 13-20m/13-16u±, 21-27m, 28-31m 243 2-3m, 8~24m 253 4-8m, 21-23m, 24-26m 254 2-3m 255 28-32m/w corn==cutter 258 26-28m, 29-33m/30u "dogues" 260 32-32m 261 2m, 8-10m, 19-22m 262 wbu 263 7-8m/7u "frèresIpesait", wbu 269 5-12m, 23-28m 270 6-7m, 32-33m (Aristotle) 272 6-8m/ u±, 14-17m T75 30-33m 274 l-4m 276 28-29m/Q 278 2-2m, 29-31m (Meckel), wb There seems gradation between Monsters of this class & varieties. 281 2-5m, 5-7m, 14-22m/Q 282 2-3m, 24-25m 284 2-2m, 22-22m, 23-24m, 23-22 m, 22-24m 285 20-24m/Q 286 2-20m, 26-30m 287 9-24m, 18-20m/Q 22-24m, 26-28m, 28-31m/28-29u++, 29-33m 288 3-6m, 15-18m, 30-33m (Serres) 289 7-2 2 m, 29-30m 293 21-26m 294 8-25m, 30-31m 299 2-2m 305 26-28m 306 3-6m, 13-18m/16-22w I do not agree 29-28m 307 2-7m, 25-27m (Schreber) 311 7-8m 315 17-19m, 23-25m 316 32-33m 317 20-28m 318 ll-14md, 20-23md 319 28-29m 320 22-24m 324 7-9m, 10-12m, 20-23m 525 3-5m, 25-27m 326 23-25m 328 23-26m, 31-34m 334 29-30m 335 3-4m, 22-24m 337 wt Bay horses Goats Pigs Cows 2-3m/? 328 2-6m, 12-14m 344 6-llm/7u "caractères] maladies", 28-32m/20u "était\mâle" 347 27-24m 392 25-20m 400 4-6m, ll-16m 404 27-29m, 30-32m (Meckel), wb X outer reversement not so explained 405 2-9m/4-
6??, 24-26m/24-25u "c'est \ uterine" 408 29-22m/20u "cils \ sourcils" 409 23-24m 410 27-20m, 21u "de l'irritation", 22-24m, 27-28m/w shows how common. 411 12-14m/?/13u "bouc", 15-16m, 28-30m 413 27-30m/29u "combienlsituation" 414 5-8m, 16-21m 415 22-24m, 25-28m, 21-23m, 25-26m 416 25-27m 417 2m 418 8-9m, 13-25m/w This wd go to show that any part which has changed much will tend to change more. 16-18m/Q 420 23-27m, 23-32m 421 4-26m, 24-32m 429 12-14m/ w bears out embryological view 29-31m 430 22-25m 431 2-3m 434 17-20m/18-19u "le\ mâchoire", 22-25m/25-26u "'deIsurnuméraires", 27-30m, 33u "la transposition" 435 2-5m 436 26-29m/27-28u "fréquemment" 437 2-6m, 22-23m, 19-23m 439 8-10m, 31-32m 440 18-23m 441 24-25m (Serres), 32-33m 445 ll-19m, 15-16m 447 23-25m 450 18-26m 452 8-9m, 13-15m (Breschet) 453 16-18m, 26-27m 456 20-21m 459 wt/l-4w X there have been endless remarks such as this; but they appear vague, considering what endless diversity the whole series of animals must present. 5-7mix 462 3-6m 467 2-2m 470 22-23m 473 23-25m 478 3-4m, 14-15m 479 29-22m 480 2-2m, 9-20m, 26-28m 483 16-17m, 20-21m 484 2-33w/wb Q Avoiding term of "development excentrique" I ought to say that variation parts, as trunks & branches of arteries & nerves, depend in some degree upon which are first developed in embryo, the first being most constant. 23-2 6m, 22-25m 485 l-33w\wt No case of hereditariness in any of these varieties, but then hard to discover how seldom father & son dissected. ll-12m, 16-17m, 27-29m 4t96 5m, 8-llm 508 4-7m 509 2-3m, 13-15m, 17-18m 515 24-26m 527 2-5m 528 5-8m 531 10-13m, 18-21m 532 2-5m, 22-25m, 22-25m 536 17-22m, 29-33m^ 537 25-30m, 31u^ "affinité]soi", 32mH^ 538 27-22m, 19-21m 540 22-25m/Q 24-32m, wb This perhaps may bear on some organ single in some animal & double in another.- V. Cuvier Anat: Comp: wb see next Page 541 3-4u "ordinairement médiane", 16-25m/17-18Q 32m (Martin) 542 3-7m/5u "médiane"/9m/l-9w/wt some other cases of monstrosities have been given in Man & Mammifers 544 24-26m 545 25-26m/Q 546 12-15m/Q 548 25-26m 549 2-3m 550 19-24m, 30-32m (Dr La Roche) 552 10-15m/3-15w See what Müller says on this Theory 31-33m 553 2-5m, 25m, 17-26m, 32-33m 557 29-32m 558 2-9m 561 24-30m 564 2-3m, 3-5m 565 3-7m 579 2-2m, 22-25m 580 18-21m, 26-31m 581 23-26m 582 3-6m/5u "bienIpoissons" 583 2m, 21-25m, 27-28m, 29-33m/30u "nés I portée" 588 26-29m 589 24-30m
[page break]
599 6-8m 601 15-17m, 28-33m 603 2-2m 604 4-8m, ll-14m 605 14r-18m 606 14-18m, 29-31m 607 24-26m/zv+ This is hereditary Diet: Med: Sei: wb This tendency to monstrosities by arrest of development, is perhaps allied to "avitism".- No, sporting back of hybrids, where germ affected shows no connection with arrest of variation 610 6-8m 613 l-3m, 4-5m, 7m 614 l-2m 622 7-llm, 13-16m, 22-26m 623 l-2m, 5-6m 624 8-13m 630 14-17m/ 16-17u<-> 631 5-7m, 18-20m, 22-23m 632 2-2m, 3-6m, 13-Um 634 2-2m/2u<-> 635 13-27m (Meckel)/18-20Q 21u "cuisse I pied", 32-33m 636 l-3m, 8-15m, 29-32m 637 22-24™, 28-31m 638 2 -9m, 27-28m 641 25-27m (E. Rousseau) 642 17-22m, 25-27m 643 27-24m 644 5-9m (Otto), 20-23m, 22-27m 645 23-16m/14u "au Iplupart", 26-29m 648 6-7m, 20-22m, 2S-32m 649 24-26m 650 2-3m, 2-6m, 9m, ll-13m, 28-29m 651 20-24m 655 22-22m 656 27-30m 657 2-5m, 28-30m 658 l-4m, 26-28m (Borel, Danz) 659 l-8m, 22-24m, 28-29m (Gavard, Soemmerring), 29u "chez I nègre" 660 3-6m, 12-17m, 26-29m 662 7-22m, 22-23m, 15a "général" of homologous organs varying 16-17m, 32-33m 665 8-9m, 10-12m, 14-17m, 22-25m 666 12-13m, 16-20m, 24-26m 667 2-6m, 13-18m, 27-29m 668 2 m, 5-7m, 23m 669 20-23m 670 2-3m, 3-9m 671 8-23m, 26-29m 672 27-29m 673 4-5m^, 16-19m, 20w Another 22-22*^, 22m, 23-26m 674 2-4m, 26-27m/x^ 675 24-28m 676 22-23m, 24-25m 677 7-8m/8u "rudiment", Wu "orteils\ arrondi", 13-14u++, 17-18m/18u "que\fille", 33-35m (Béchet) 678 2-23w inheritance of diminished fingers 3-6m, 4u "leurs\ incomplètement", 10-llm, lOu "étaient rudimentaires"'/llu "Le père", 12-13m, 16u "de moignon"\w rudiment in the father 22u "réduits "I21-22w in granddaughter 26-29m\ 26u "par diminution"/28u "par augmentation" 681 17w to 702 682 3-6m, 4-5m, ll-14m, 13m 683 13-15m/3-29w How often have light monstrosities accompanied grave ones. 30-33m 684 3-20m^, 12-13m/x^fu "le chien" 685 wt x<& quite regular so is to be counted 17-18m/x^ 686 30-31m 687 3-4m, 9-llm, 13-15m 688 26-28m/x^ 689 l-2m/x^, 8-10m/ x*&, Wu "trois doigts", 18-19m^/19u^ "cinq", 20-22m, 31-33m/x<& (F. Cuvier), 32-33u++ 690 6u "deux", 7x^/u "cheval", 13-15m, 17-22m, 18-22m^ 692 20-22m, 19-22m\ x*^, 25-32m/zv rudimentary organ variable 30-32« "presque]terre" 693 2-2m, 3-4x^, 6-8m/x^, 10-llm 694 2-2w two thumbs 2-7m, 9-10x^, 23-24m, 28-29x^, 33m (Beckstein) 695 6-8m, 15-16x^ 696 14-18m, 20-21m 697 23-25m 699 20-24m 700 8-10m, 14-15w
grandchildren 20u "quatrième génération", 23-26m, 28-29m, 30-31m 701 l-2m/x^, 3-4m, 13u*+, 14-16m 702 lu "poils", 5-6m 706 27m 710 16-22m, 24-25m, 29-31m/w yet no abortive parts 711 2-3m, 9-12m, 14u "même d'hommes", 16u "M. Percy", 25u "se développe", 28u++, 32-34m, wb Consult for Cows 712 22-25m 716 7-9m, 26-28m 717 20u "des oiseaux", 23u "oiseaux"/!?, 31-33m 718 8-10m 719 23-25m 111 3-5m 722 18-21m, 22-23m 729 22-25m (Jussieu), 30m 730 20-22m 731 14-18m, 7-10m/9u "rudimentaire" 736 3-4m, 13-16m 737 S-22m, 23-27m (Martin Saint Ange)
vol. 2 NB1 200 Classification
NB2 "Traité élémentaire".w X
SB1 Abortive organs
Period of Monstrosity supervening cause of
Are rudimentary parts more variable than
other parts?
(over) 26; 44; 60; 63; 110; 134; 137; 144;
196; 210; 214; 221; 223; 224; 229; 233; 234;
243; 249; 251; 262; 288; 344; 375; 382; 393;
395; 399; 403; 407; 409; 413; 415; 441; 464;
470; 477; 512; 519
Use the word anomaly for his variations or
often Monstrosities Usage "anomaly" is not
quite correct
SB2 09Î
1 Vol 2
29 shells to left in vars. & species of same
57 & 110* on change in habits in old Hens
110 on Carps with imperfect female organ
like neuters (Ch. 9)
210 on rudiments of limbs. 223 hereditary in
224. some rudiment almost always present.-
395 do.
413 certain monstrosities more common in
certain species than others,- quite
The intermaxillary bone when it appears in
man is only a rudiment, & yet it occasionally
appears so here we have a tendency in a
rudiment to appear
SB3 09Î
Vol I Study of Monstrosities
39 admits that arrests of Development do
not apply to variation.
104 Correlation of Monstrosities
dispute M. Vernière
Monst like other animals X1^ 285 Carp. X^ 276 Q Compensation Ch. Kidney & super-vent capill
♦ 281 Most abnormalities in abnormal
[page break]
294 young spotted old mature
♦ 418 organs most change in position which
during normal development change most
484 X«^ Q<& Parts earliest developed vary
least because later formed affected by
635 Muscles of arms when monstrous take
after legs - Homologous parts X^ Q
692 rudimentary organs variable
Vol 3.
352 X«^ trunk so frequent in Pig.- relation
between monstrosities & varieties
392 first forms tend monstrous because late
organs must be affected by first formed
(Andral)A X^ Qa>
402 correlation of Monstrosity without
apparent cause X^. Q
(over) 406 ♦ distinction between amount of
development & of position
437 Monstrosities resembling lower animals
26 5-7m, 8-10m/9-10u++, 14-21w Sowerby facts show almost hereditary 25-27m 27 3-5m, 8u "Canalifères", 12u "cinq I que", 14r-16m, 16u "très I nombre", 29-32m/31u "Helix nemoralis", wb over -» 28 22-25m 29 l-2m, 2-3m, 7-8m, llu "genre \physes", 17-lSm, 26-27m 44 17-21m (Serres) 57 8~9m/7-llw does not Yarrell say that they fight? 23-25m 60 14r-15m, 15-36w p. 57 & 110 There is analogy (?) in change of instances of old Hen-birds & mules, with instincts of neuter insects & castrated cocks 22-23m 63 17-21m 110 20-25m (Gaspard) 134 14-29m 137 13m/u "de\ séminale" 144 l-7m 196 14-17m, 26-33m Vil 15-17m (Blainville), 18-21m 210 24-25u "très-rudimentaires", 25-27 m 211 l-2m/lu "rudimentaires", 24-27m/26u "soudés I eux"\27u "rudiment" 214 12-13u "d'un moignon", 13-15m/13u " terminé \ par "/14u "imparfaits I rudimentaires" 221 21-23m 222 28-30m/28u "de\non" 223 2-4m\w hereditary rudiment 3u<^, 6u "moignons I courts" 224 l-2u<^>, 2-7m/4u++ 228 23-30m 229 3-9m (Schenckius), 27-29m, 33^> 230 15-19m/16u++ 233 22-24m, 28-32m 234 l-2m, 3-5m, 23-28m 243 3-4m/u "on I inférieure", 13-14m, 14u "soudés I longueur", 16u "plus fréquemment", 21m/u "soudés", 31-33m/33u*+ 249 ll-14m/14u "renferme\deux", 17u± 251 12-14m/14u "par\ non" 262 6-9u±/wt/l-13w does not hereditariness prove this, or may same cause affect embryo in its growth? 7-llm, 20-21m 288 18u "de Veventration", 20-24m, 31-32m, wb xx often before remarked Monstrosity in one part it seems, causes
monstrosities in may other parts 289 12-13xx/u++ 344 2-7m 375 17-21m, wb May be mentioned as one of the laws governing variation = in what cases have we double organs in one species becoming single in another. Womb? 382 9-13m/9u "représentés", 27-28m, 28u "lesIdes" 383 17u "atrophieI complète", 18-19m, 18u "nasal", 19u "représente I extérieur", 22-27m/-^> 385 22« "à I l'extérieur", 12u "Intérieurement contraire" 393 15-25m (Meckel) 395 23«^, 14-18m/16u "attentif I toujours "/l 7u "cartilages informes ", wb It is remarkable that many of the former monstrosities of the head, not uncommon with man has never been observed in animals 399 3-4m, 29m 403 wt/l-7w There is most evident gradation in this sort of rudimentary organ 9-llm/10u "elles\ rudimentaires", 12-13u "LesIcelles" 407 l-9m\ w this may be very important 410 22-30m 411 ll-14m/12u "lapin" 413 3u "pourquoi", 7-8u++, 15-18m 415 15-20m 441 3-6m/4-6u<+ 464 17-21/18u "atrophie complète" 470 22-24m 477 25-27m 512 7-22m 513 4-5m 519 l-4m, 27-32m 536 23-20m 537 16-18m/16u "en général", 28-33m 549 20-25m, 29-31m 550 27« "Elles\dépourvues" 551 l-8m, 10-llu "mais\constatée", ll-12u "c'est\dentition" 552 13-16m, 17-20m 560 7-9u "car I distinct", llu "l'autreIcontraire", 12u "parties accidentelles", 18-24m (Meckel)/18-22u± 561 27-22m 562 28-33m (Bichât) 564 22-25m
vol. 3 NB 187 Zoology Double Headed
Owen says this book inaccurate - M. de
Serres not to be trusted; some truth in law of
Excentricity V Müller - Meckel good authority
p.503 Try experiments on eggs galvanize
SB1 09Î (3 sheets)
1 Vol 3
111. The perfect union of one leg or arm of
some double monsters very striking
284 - on some double monsters breeding,
opposed to their sterility but then it is the
one perfect which breeds 377 fertile
350 domestic animals, like man, have
numerous variations in veins
352 monsters occur differently in number &
head in different species - a trunk specially
common in Ele* Pigs.- 355 in wild animals
very few monstrosities - there is evident
relation between monsters & varieties
392. organs or parts later formed, always
must be affected by causes producing
monstrosities. Quote Andral - on first formed
[page break]
least monstrous - (shows most monstrosities do not come on very early) 402 on coexistence of monstrosities, without any evident relation of parts. (over)
406. distinction between arrest of development & of formation
437 Q cases of monstrosities in man resembling Lower animals resulting from permanence of embryonic condition 448 - intimate parallelism between the embryonic, zoological & teratological series. 456 again insists on law of number varying in part when numerous, & being in itself variable
456 Summary on laws governing variation -generally rudiments - (hence cause does not act very early)
462 On homologous parts uniting both in monstrosities & in Nature.- Do not some account for this by division of cells at some period of growth??
479 on germs being originally monstrous 499 arguments for monstrosities being produced late & 500 Read, 503 See Ray Catalogue).- 506,7 (over) 3 Tom. 3
347 - throws over imagination having any effect on nature of monstrosity. 392. Q 593 - summary of Laws of monstrosity, nothing new
604 on parallel series in zoology 609 good instances, showing how easily final causes may be falsely invented. SB2 Owen
de Soi pour soi - Centripetal Law -Balancement des organs - M. de Serres -old Geoffroy; Isidore; - Meckel; - Cams (over) Vol 3 I.St.Hilaire. Anomalies p. 89. p. 111
p. 134 shows how all parts go together 138 143 151
172 - at 267 œ skim chapters to 349 246 257 261 264 279 284 321 350 to 359 376 to 279 391 to 418 428 to 547 551 p592 p. 597 p. 602 p. 604 p. 606 p. 608
89 7-9m, 18-20u "restent\grêles", 24u "ellesI même", 29m 90 l-3m 111 8-14m/x, 25-26m, wb the perfect union of the two adjoining arms or legs of some of these monsters, is very striking. 134 25-29m 135 6-7m, 32-33m (Serres) 138 4-8m 143 22-24m 151 23-27m 172 wt X this, I suppose consists of two limbs united, p. 157 8-llm/9u "ce\membre" 187 4-5m, 25-27m (Pallas) 246 ll-14m/5-28w case of a perfect * individual bearing
another head with no trunk on it - How curious this new course of the arteries 22-14m/u±, 21u "n'avoir I aucune" 257 9-12m, 29-31ml? 261 14-17m/17u++/12-26w because the jaw is generally only developed in these parasites - good instance of this Law of "soi pour soi" wb V.p.285 where this is discussed. X N.B I dont see why if a jaw, considered as an amorphous mass, be considered as an individual - why not an additional finger shd not? He wd answer because as additional finger makes asymmetrical part of the perfect individual:-yet why not law of "soi pour soi" put this finger in proper place - improbable 264 2-12m, 20-21m/21u "mais I oiseaux", 22-24m 279 24-26m, 27u "chez \ grenouille" 284 2-3m, 4-6m, 12-14m, 16-19m, 20-22m 285 28-32m 286 15-17m, 17u++ 321 14-21m, 13u "des\ originairement"/15u "qu'un seul" 118?Iw what 18u "épigénèse", 22-28m 350 4-6m/5u++, 7-9m, 7u "ses I vaisseaux", 10-12m, 10-llu "sinonImoins" 351 29m, 20u "3,000 naissances" 352 21-23m/22u± 353 3-5m, 7-11ml x/Q 17-20m, 22-24m, 29m 354 l-3m, 8-9m, 13-15m 355 l-7m/2w* not domesticated ? 8-14m, 20a "classes" Mammifers & Birds 22-24m/23-24u±, 28-33m 356 6u "quelcerf", 7u "lièvre I taupe", 8-9u± 359 15-17m, 28-31m 376 25-27m 377 l-2u++, 11-lSm 378 9-10m, 14-17m, 25-28m, 30-32m 379 3-4m, 7w», 8u "sont\ectroméliens", llu "donc\de", 12u "monstruosités ectroméliens", 15-20m 391 16-18m/w (a) next page 392 1-Am, 5-8m/xéP, 7-9m, 9-10m, 17-19m, 20-22m, 25-28m, 29-30m, 31-32m (Andral)/Q 393 l-5m, 6-8m/w a * 9-12m, 29-30m/u<r>, wb (a) * Does not this explain variability of hair-size &c &c ? Q 394 17-20m, 22-27m, 32-33m (Serres) 395 2-2m, 5-6m, 7-18w surely in embryos the heart is hear to beat very soon? V. Müller 397 7-22m 398 27-31m/w (a) (B) wb (B) Therefore applicable to any part, as skin, which has no central, uniting point 400 17-20m, 24-25m 402 4-8m/x**/"..."/Q 403 28-30m 405 l-6m/2-3u±, 7-9m, 20-21m, 22-23m, 29-30m 406 2-4m, 15-16m, 31-33m 407 2~4m, 16-18m, 22-24m 408 20-22m 414 20-23m, 24-29m 415 2-5m 416 8-9u "faite\féminin", 9-12m/10u "de\ hémitéries"/w clitoris? 13-15m, 22u "et\ douteuse"/14-24m/w pooh! a tailless animal excess of development because man has no tail!! 417 22-26m, 19-22m 418 23-26m 428 24-29m, 21-23m, 28-30m 433 3-7m, 30-33m 434 22-26m 435 24-28m 436 23-25« "Les I supérieurs"/?, 17u++, 18-24m/20-23Q 437 2-5Q ll-17m/llu "pariqueue", 15u "absence\ biliaire", 22u "cloaque", 22u "la\matrice", 18-
[page break]
26m/25-26u "bifurcation \pénial", 28-30m, 30-33m 438 l-4m/lu "parI des", 5-23m/13-15?/ 13u "laIprofonde"/14u "diverses cavités" 439 2-10m/5-7?, 15-20m/18-19w pooh! 20u "chezIanoures", 21-27m 440 23~27m 441 10-llm, 15-27m/19xv pooh! 448 21a "embryonnaires" He means embryological 21u "lesIespèces", 24-25u±/20-30w What is this? No variation from a likeness of the parents can be strictly normal - 449 4-5xv V. next page xxx so be cautious- 8-10w all this he considers only analogy- ll-13m, 16-17m, 20-26m 450 9-15m, 18-20m (Serres), xvb NB in case of limbless, tailless, fingerless races (& reverse) the hereditariness must come on at nearly same age (as in horns) for the early foetus has not these parts.- 451 l-19m, xvb xxx according to the bearing of this discussion, there wd be only an analogy, between a man become fat by much eating, or large & one born * fat or large; * which I think is false?- 452 5-llm 456 22-31w What is Owens law? about these organs? is it that the reduction of these organs is one step in development 24-27m/Q/26u "variabilité anomale", 27-31m/30u "constante \ importante" 457 l-4m, 5-llm/6-7u±, 9-13w & more chance of exposure to new conditions? 24-16« "pari spinal", 15-20w when any connection but not in so pairs 23-25m, 28-33m/32-33u++ 458 2-3m, 4-10m, 14-20m/ 18u "que I conservés", 19u "rudimentaires\ formations", 27-28w no examples 29m*+, 30-32m 459 l-4m/lu "avec\des" 460 5-27m, 29-31m 461 29-32m/32u "seulement" 462 8-9m/u "semblables I analogues", 18-20m, 21u "Loi\soi" 463 9-22m, 24-25m/25u "chezIcomposés", 26-28m, 29-31m 464 20-22m, 28-30m 465 30-33m 479 27-28m, 18~31m, xvb I shd think the cause must be often anterior to impregnation 499 7-9m, 16-17m, 24-27m 500 xvt/l-Uxv Hereditary * legless Dogs & Men with polydactylism show that germ can communicate such tendency 2-3m, 14-16m, 18-33w according to this male wd have no influence in producing monstrosities 22a; see Ray Catalogue 22-24m/m, 25-27m/25u "t.xxxiv"/26-27m/27u "t.\511", xvb Study this to see whether small deviations as long legs &c were produced - In plants we know it is from treatment of parents & out of generation - 14-16xv m 501 l-4m, xvb I must allude to m this when I give my view of cause of deviations to parent treatment before impregnation 502 ll-13m, 14-16m, 13u "soit simples", 14-15u "atrophie\yeux", 22-26m 503 2-3m, 2-4u<*, 27-30m/28xv Where? 506 26-28m 507 xvt/l-5w In plants it
may be said gestation of seeds causes anomaly - but seeing what effect male pollen can do, I shd greatly doubt 2-9m, 22-14w This applies to all slight deviations 22-25m, 20m, 21-22u "qui \ même", 22-23m, 25-28m, 29u "delanciens" 510 23-27m 515 2-3m, 4-27m, 21-23m/22u "nilentièrement" 516 2-6m 521 4-7m 522 29-31m 523 4-8m, 9-Um 524 5-8m, 18-20m (Serres) 526 2-7m 529 25-27m 530 2-6m, 8-14m, 28-31m/29u "problème complètement" 531 l-3m/2u "cette I force" 534 4-6m 541 4-8m 542 22-23m, 14-17m 543 23-26m 545 23-25m, 24-27m 547 3-5m, 15-19m, 25-30m 551 24-27m, 25u "congéniaux\ originels" 592 3-6m, 29-31m 593 2m, 22-27m\ 26-27u "que \ nombre", 29u "père \ soi", 32-* 594 6« "Théorielarrêts" 597 9-22m, 32-33m 602 19-22m (Cuvier), 29-30m, xvb X Reflect of the possibility of classification of monsters (and many other + artificial things) is showing that classification may be quite independent of any theory of origin, as I suppose is implied in Natural Classification 604 7m/u "parallélismeIséries", 12-17xv agrees with Forbes 13-18m/18-19u±, 20-24m, 30-32m 605 22-23m 606 3-Amßu "cette \ que" 608 7-8md/xvt* 11-15x0* rather attributes species to monstrous births than to small changes. 28-29m, 28u "profondeur", 29u "espèces animales", 7x-> 609 23-24<-X, 23-25m, 22u "encore \ intelligence", 24u "qu'ils I la", 26u "ne I que" 613 23m 614 29m, 28m, 32m, 37m 615 3m, 9m 618 5m Catalogue, 1 ll-12xv Read Skimmed» through
Histoire naturelle générale des règnes organiques
3 vols; Paris; Victor Masson; 1854-62 [CUL]
br, ex, f, gd, geo, h, he, hy, ig, in, is, si, sp,
sx, sy, v, wd
vol. 1 NB Read
♦ 4; 10; 14; 431; a miserable Book - all
words, words, words
Abstact Feb. 58
5 Dog not mentioned in Genesis
14 Goats with pendant ears
4 24-25m 5 20-21m 10 4-7m 11 20-24m 12 2-
3m, 4-8m 14 22-24m, 25-29m 431 20-24m,
21-22m, 24-27m
vol. 2 NB On Man 167 to 260 SBÜß
On extinction I have too much overlooked subsidence of isld like St Helena &c volcanic outburst &c &c vol 2
[page break]
[page break]
185 a> Rank of Man «s> Man
How are teeth in Sirenidae - yes they have but not very ample * naked? Man Elephant
216; 243a ManA; 287; 304; 311 to; I apply races only to domestic productions
♦ 383 to 438 History of Believers in
modification Say that I shall notice only the
m conspic writers - when I began I had no
idea of rest of catalogue
♦ p.431 - to p. 438 Isidores own argument
that species change.
♦ Ä, 441 ; 448; 474, 476; 482, 485,
■sr«^ 488 a -> Reference about White Ants important for me; 498 - Must include sexes Explain that I use his race in particular man
185 2-23w (Linnaeus) 213 24-26m 216 l-7m, 9-llm/8-14w variation & sexual difference going together 17-19m/17u "lion-marin", 25u "cravate \gau"/21-26m/w I thought some sexual differences in Monkeys?? vide my Notes- 27-28m, 30-31m, wb How in young Nylgaus V. Andrew Smith wb Mem. Eyebrows Paget's fact- 217 2-5m, 6-llm 243 2-7m, 18-20m 244 13-18m 287 l-2m, 22-23m 304 29-30m 311 14-20m/w yet very slight differences even if inherited wd hardly be called Races - 312 ll-15m (Kant) 321 25-18m 326 22-24m/23-24u± 328 18-22m 329 2-4m 333 7-8m 337 wt (a) not really known under nature, because inheritance not thus ascertained = sub-species or species 2-3m, 6-8m/w (a) does for species 9-15m 347 23-25m 383 6-8m (Buffon) 386 4-9m (Buffon) 387 6-2 0m, 12-15m 388 2-6m (Buffon) 390 23-22 m (Buffon) 393 9-22m, 13-14m/w this will do for variation 394 7-20m 396 18-23w a collection of individuals which perpetuate * themselves for considerable periods * & which are sufficiently unlike other forms to deserve in the opinion of Naturalists a nameO So with varieties Add found in state of nature. 399 2u "Daubenton", 5-9m 402 16-18m 405 25-27m, 26« "2802I2S03", 19u "1809" 406 27-29m (Goethe), 27u "était\partisan" 408 6u "besoins", 7-9m, 26-29m (Lamarck) 416 22-14m/w No change now 418 25-27m 423 22-22m (Cuvier) 431 5-6m 432 20-23m 437 26-19m/w not distinguished from race 441 25-26u> Definition of species 448 8-9m/8-12w This refers to alternate generation & larvae &c &c 17-20m (Leuckart) 465 25-27m (Meissner) 474 22-23m/w sexes 476 7-20m (Gould)l8-9xv variable? 477 5-9m, 12-14m, 31-32m 478 ll-15m/w variable?? 481 7w Drilus 8-14m, 14-15m 482 26-33m (Latreille) 483 25-30m (Desmarest, Audouin, Milne
Edwards) 485 wt (a) Andrew Smith case of Birds of 2 size - Azara's case of Moloths Land-shells are all Dimorphism- 6-10m/7w (a) 23?/« "mâles" 488 16-18m, 19-20m (Lespés) 489 2-3m 498 2S-20m
vol. 3 part i NB Oct 19 1860a.
I have selected • for my 1st volume on«^
Dom^ animals^ - Must be all gone over
again & Indexed Especially for Hybridisation
very good.-
Cats hybrids p. 177 Used
22 9-20m 23 26-29m 27 18-22m (Dareste), 29-31m 28 25m, 2&-27m 29 26-29m 34 3-5m 45 18-19m/u "Tels I soie"'/w silk-worms artificially fed & well domesticated 25m 46 9-13m, 20-22m (Aristotle) 47 24-25m, 28-30m (P. Julien), 28u "quaranteIsiècles" 48 7-8m, 13-15m 49 12-15m/13w no selection 50 8-10m, ll-13m 51 2u "dix\oiseaux" 52 7w Colour in mimicry 8-10m/w colour & size in Turkeys 20-22m 55 2-3w Swan not varied 56 20-22m (Varro) 57 20-24m, 32-33m 58 20-22m, 29-22m (Pictet)
10-13m/w Guinea Fowl not much variation
4-6m, 13-15w Peacock no variation 22-23m (Aristotle) 61 28-29m (Pucherau) 62 7-9m/8u "Zend-avesta", 13-14m/m, 21-23m (Link), 22-23m (Pictet), 33u*+ 63 28-30m (Aristotle) 65 17-19m/17-24w Chinese swans not known form not perfectly 67 20-21w Llamas 69 21-26m (Albert Geoffroy, Linnaeus) 72 6-8m/w Guinea Pig Origin unknown 73 9-15/w Ferrets probably Polecat 75 l-3m/w Rabbit not in Greece or Italy 13-14w originally Spanish 24-27m/29u "îles IBaléares"/ 25-30w rabbits in France & Spain before our era 77 18-19m 78 8-10m 79 23-25m (Hamilton Smith), 31-33m (Fitzinger) 82 wt/1-3w Savages may reclaim animals Caffres nato Oxen - Dogs - Pacific Ocean Ascension Dogs - Pampas Indian take to Horses so readily 7-20m, 13-16u± 83 4-9m (Dureau de la Malle)/7-8w N.Q. 20-22m 84 9-22m/Q 85 l-4m, 20-24m (Fitzinger) 86 22-26m 87 2-4m (Pallas, Güldenstädt)/2-3Q 88 23-25m 91 20-23m, 15-23m (Pictet) wb Why shd not name of conquering races become modified & transferred 95 29-32m (Joly, Pidet)/31u± 96 2-3m 97 20-23m/w Blyth 98 3-8m 99 2-20m, 2u "Cretzschmar" 100 31-33m (Link)/w Dog wA All Q 28-22m 102 2m/u "uneIoreilles" 103 7-9m/w How about spots over eyes 106 6-23m 107 2S-30m (Pliny), 35-37m/Q 108 3u "tellTilesius", 6u "chiensI africains", 7-9m/9u "Ehrenberg et Hemprich", 15-19m, 25u "kaukasischen Schakals", 27-29m (Güldenstädt) 109 8-9m/8u "Rueppel", 9u "C. simensis", 10-14m/w like Greyhound 110 33-
[page break]
35m (Broca) 111 29-32m 112 l-4m, 6-9m (Bellingeri), 14-16m, 22-30m (Cuvier) 113 2-6m (Flourens), 14-17m 114 l-2m 115 19-23m/ Q 121 29-30m/w too few recent 123 6-8w Rabbit Coney Bird 7m, 12-13m, 27u "en\ transitions "/w Only Habit 154 15-19m 155 16-20m (Aristotle, Pallas), 27-29m (Dryander) 157 15m/u "L'hybridité\tétras", 21-22m 158 8-9m/ 8u "dindonIfaisan", 15-16u++ 159 6-8m, 11-12m 160 22-23m 161 3-4m/??/w see * pp163 4u "surtout I bouc", 19-21m 162 9-12m 163 4-5m 164 7-Sm 165 2m, 23m 167 29-22m, 25m 168 2-3m, 18-20m 169 29« "menstruation"
32-34m (Hunter), 33u "Wolf\are"/w Dogs
10-12m, 13m, 14-15m/w Dogs 173 2m//, 24-25m 175 35-36m/36u "baudet\sans" 176 26-2Sm 177 18-19m/Q, 21-22m 179 22-24m, 29-31m/w Pheasants 180 2-4m, 7-9Q 9-24m/ ll-13w Pigeons crossed 25m*& (Bureau), 29-30m^ 181 5-23m 182 9-23m (Gloger) 197 7-9m 199 6-9w same rules hold in individuals 12-15w * The rule holds with squirrels 27-18m 200 2S-23m 203 7-9m 204 4-8m 206 23-29m 207 2-3m, 6-8m 211 24-26m (Broca)/w see p. 222 216 22-26m/w Dogs & Wolves 2S-30m (Buffon) 217 2-3w? Q under Dog 4-5m (Flourens), 13-18m (Flourens), 27-29m/w Chacal & Dog 30-31m (Duvernoy), 31-34w Q under Dog 218 2-8m, 16-17u++ 219 2m, 23-24m, 20m, 25-27m (Francisco de Therau) 220 9-10u++, 24-29m (Weddell, Denis) 221 29-22m 222 l-2u++, 18-19u±, 27-31m 223 2-2m, 4u "trois I eux", 5-8m, 9-10m, 19-21m (Broca), 24-26m, 28-32m (Rouy) 225 l-4m, 18-20m, 28-30m 226 3-9m 227 21-23m (Lecoq) 228 27-20m, 21-23m 229 4-8m, 10-13m, 23-27m 234 6-Sm 254 12-28m/13-15Q/u "1784" 16u "sur\ jaune", 18-20w selection 27-28vm 259 22-18m/14w atavism 27-32m (Roulin) 260 2-7m (Cantal) 261 9-22m
vol. 3 part ii SB1 09t
322; 328; 336 to 377; 402; 407,409; 427;
434; 438; 41; 446; 450; 461; 469; 472;
476,8; 482; 498; 507; 529
A) 330 Falcons or Hawks caught at long
distance from home.
->^ a Variability of species in state of
& (Not abstracted)
#> 402 changes in naturalised Helix » -
May bear on Madeira & p. Santo peculiar
species -
322 3-22m 323 ÏÏ2-> 324 ÏÏ2-2m 328 5-22m 330 9-27m 332 2-6m 333 2-2m, 7-20m 335 2-5m 336 ÏÏ3-2m 337 6-22m 338 26-22m 340 22-27m 342 ÏÏ29-9m 345 ÏÏ25-22m 347 ÏÏ24-
22 m, 1t9-6m 348 2-Sm 350 2-7m, 23-29m, 20-25m 351 2-3m, ÏÏ23-7m 354 ÏÏ8-2m 357 ÏÏ22-6m 359 28-22m 360 6-22m, ÏÏ20-5m 365 20m, tÎ3m 370 ÏÏ18-16m, ftS-2m 373 9-23m 376 Ît29-24m 377 20-25m, ÏÏ5-2m 402 ÏÏ27-20m 403 ha Is this allied to Madeira or Porto Santo close species 7-25m 407 6-25m 409 10-20m 427 2-5m/o; But how kn parent ÎÎ22-9m\^>, 1Î3-2m 434 tt3-2m 435 4-6m, ^12-6m, 112« "2834" 438 1Ï7-2m/QA> 441 22-22m 446 20-25m/m, ÏÏ2-2m 447 26-28m 448 tab.w six times as long - tail not included wbee 449 tf23-7m 450 ff25-20m, ÏÏ9-4m, ÏÏ3-lm/m&> 451 5-9m/m, 18-21m, ÏÏ3-2m/->A> 453 l-6m/3-6m, 14-22m 455 5-8m, 1\8-lm/m 461 ÏÏ3-2m/ÏÏ2u 469 tt8-3m 472 17-20m 476 tÎ7-3m/QA> 478 ÏÏ6-2m 479 l~4m 482 12-14m/w Cart-Horse & Race Horse 498 22-25m 507 8-23m 529 3-27m
travaux et doctrine scientifique d'Etienne
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire Paris; p. Bertrand; 1847
ad, af, beh, em, geo, ig, mn, rd, sp, tm, v,
NB1 p. 69; p. 121; p. 134; p. 139; p. 157; p. 212
to p. 218; p. 229; p. 238; p. 245; p. 258; p. 281;
291,4,7; to 312; 332 336 to 357- Omalius
d'Halloy on changes in species
NB2 Read 428; ? 454 Book G
135 all organs, are same modified &c
139 never a new organ, with respect to
Electrical organs
Relative position & mutual dependence, more important than forms or functions in ascertaining homologies - "Un organ est plutôt anéanti que transpose" - (small changes)
Law of Balancement, quote Goethe -attributes Rudimentary organs to Balancement
229 Teeth in Birds, 238 291 monstrosities made by shaking eggs &c 294 Meckel in 1812 proved that monstrosities were arrested embryonic states 298 On affinity of same part in Monsters the same 302 in Monsters, & in normal states 337 It wd seem that Geoffroy has not propounded change of Species No p. 345 347 Local conditions only causes of change 350 "Leur monde ambiant" 353 "It is problem for future"
1 26« "2772" 69 20-22m 121 26-28m 134 22-28m 135 22-22m 139 16-18m/?, 21-29m 157 6-20m 212 9-llm/l-lliv in ascertaining
[page break]
homologies 22u<-> 213 wt (a) because small changes will not transport 3-4m, 7-8m/w (a) 28m 214 14-16m/!/16u "affinités électives", 24-25m 215 l-8m, 12-13m/??/u+* 218 3-7m 229 15-17m 238 6-8m, 25-28m 245 l-2m (Savigny), 24m 258 13-18m 259 l-3m/l?/ 2u "différences] est" 281 13-15m, 14u "subordination]caractères" 290 18-24m/21-22u "surtout]verticale", 24-25m 291 22-22m 294 6-2 6m (Meckel) 297 20-24m 298 14-21m 299 22-25m 301 25-20m (M. Serres) 302 3-5m/w (a) 24-26m, wb (a) if true parts gradually brought near wd become confluent- 312 8-11m 332 16-20m 336 7-12m/7w Cuvier 337 wt (a) apparently, this refers to theory of change of Species 2-7m/3w (a) 33823-25m/ w see Catalogue at end 339 22-26m 341 28-29m, 22-23m, 24-27m 345 2-2m, 16-17m/w Mutability of species. 20m "2828", 24-25md, 27-28m 347 l-4m, 9-12m 348 16-20m (Lamarck)/19u "regret", 21-22u "prêter]même" 350 wt (a) Compulsory changes of condition & habits, as in domesticated animals. 6-22m/ 9uA> "monde ambiant"/8w (a) 26-28m 351 8-22m 352 12-13u±, 13-15m/14u "Lamarck"/15u "des limites", 23-24m 353 6-9m/9u "ou\ encore", 10-12m 354 6-8m, 8m, 16-18m, 27-29m 355 2-5m, 13u "d'un]nouveau", 15-17m/ 16u "où]eux" 357 2-4m, 26-28m 423 33-39m/ ? 427 27-38m 428 l-40m 429 2-2m, 20-21m/w not much I shd think 454 29m, 31m
GÉRARD, R. La Fleur et le diagramme des Orchidées Paris; Faculté de Medicine; 1879 [Down, I]
GERLAND, Georg Über das Aussterben der Naturvölker Leipzig; Friedrich Fleischer; 1868 [CUL, S] beh, cc, ex, f, h, he, oo, pat, si, sx, ud, v, y
NB Left off p. 124* * 136
NB2 t& On Man alone
♦ p37; 56; 89; 122, 3, 4
SB <8 sides; not CD)
1 Introduction - List of dying out Races
Includes all cases from whatever cause - no
special account of causes
2nd Receptiveness of savage races for
miasmal illnesses, which arise
spontaneously on the meeting of savage &
civilized races
This first gives a great number of accounts
of spontaneous illnesses. & of the greater
ravages of moderately hurtful European
illnesses - His theory to account for this - is
not that there is some noxious influence
emanating from the civilized races
caused by their being shut up in ships etc - but that we are all innoculated, as it were, from our earliest childhood with the germs of all kinds of infectious disorders - but that we partly by inheritance & partly by use are able to possess these germs in a latent state -These same germs being quite able to infect savage races. He gives in proof of this -that certain illness seem only to appear at certain intervals - that the
innoculation only lasts a certain number of years & then wears out when we are again liable to the attack of this epidemic (I suppose under certain conditions is understood - H.E.D.)
(expanding on "latent state") because we have assimilated their nature to ours & so they are not wholly inimical to us.
4 3 Directly brought in diseases The same
principle applies to directly brought in
infectious & contagious diseases The first
introduction was the most violent but they
continued to rage furiously -
The worst of all the smallpox It broke out in Mexico 1520 brought by a slaver - raged then carried to Antilles where it raged amongst the natives without killing one European -
Waiz says Smallpox has killed more than near * drinking together in America, at least 1/2 perhaps 2/3rd of the Population.
5 According to Meinecke smallpox broke out
spontaneously in New Holland
We now come to the original illnesses of * savage races An illness raged in New Zealand before Cook - but illnesses are rare
A gall fever raged in Central America every 100 years (4) Treatment of * Illness in Savage Races All dangerous illnesses are made worse thro' mistreatment
6 In America steambaths with cold washing
directly after nearly always killed the
patients. In Australia they only exorcise evil
spirits whom they suppose the cause of all
illness - They pretend to draw a bit of stone
out of them. They kill the bewitcher & rub
the bewitched with his suet. Or to bleed
away the Magic They are cleverer in outside
injuries & serpent bites -
They are buried before they are dead in Feejee so that they mayn't bother the living. In the New Hebrides they kill delirious patients so that
7 they mayn't infect others - In Melanesian it
is all taken for work of demons, tho' they
practise bloodletting & such means- *
In Polynesia the sick are not cared for. In
[page break]
Mukuhiva they hold the nose & the mouth of the sick to * keep the * spirit or life firm, only in New Zealand they know better how to manage - They used hot springs, light food, & rubbing of the limbs - In Tahiti they hold it wicked to take Medicine - but they 8 are clever surgeons The Mexicans are acquainted with Medicines- but put more faith in magic- The drawing out of the stone found in Haiti & Brazil as well as Australia. The Botokuda in Sth Am. alone use natural means Steambaths all over America Real Doctors & magic doctors The Hottentots consider it all as the work of evil spirits - & they & in the Antilles draw out the stone (or here bone) as in Australia In America & Africa they punish unsuccessful doctors
SA (pp. 52-53) Qß; A (4 sheets)
2 *&
Ch VIII p48 infertility of woman only cause of
dying out- intermarriage in Botokudos -
general misery & hard work of women -
Lactation - &c &c -
Killing children (u^) Knisteno kills female
Children to save them being brought up to
misery - Pooh -
(u&) Guianas kill 1/2 children of both sexes
- [In Upper Paraguays kill all children but
own according Azara, (u&) hence race
almost disappearing] p51
[Abipones save - not more than 2 children
(u&) - Indians do not speak of child murder
[Darish says women p. 53 kill * children *^
to save their beauty: also in Upper Paraguay
Azara (u&) says p. 51. - Proof of Indian
women valuing their own beauty.]
Many other cases of infanticide.-
[p.54 in Melanesia only bring up 2 or 3
children] & many other islands of Pacific
much infanticide - especially Tahiti - I I &
some women had killed 4, 6, 8, or so *
» p57 Infanticide in Sandwich Isd
1 Austerben - Gerland - 1868
Great extinction of many races -
p.8 Poeppig "poisonous breath of civilisation"
||^ p. 10. Williams says healthy ships, bring
disease, & not infectious disease - #^
H«^ s.12 If an Indian tribe is once reduced in
number, generally becomes extinct -
Tschudi in N. & S. America found this to be
the case - In N. America some exceptions.-
Ch. 2.-
Known diseases introduced. Especially
small-pox in America - & in all parts of
Ch. 3
\& *^ Children suffer in health in p. 27.
Proportion of women to men in Australia
according to Grey 1 : 3 - others says as 2 :
3 - female infanticide practised. <w^>
Women little food - long Lactation -
Many causes against health, & so we can
understand why numbers of each tribe not
great & no increase, but as he says does
not explain actual decrease.
e> Galton too unsettled to work
Sexual selection
Tattooing, about being so ugly.
3 Sexual selection
||#7*^ Arevi kill (Tahiti) all female children:
Tahiti kill in order to keep (u&) beauty.-
Wonderful amt of infanticide, in whole
Pacific. Laziness one of main causes of
infanticide - particularly kill girls - old
custom - Thinks religious motive -
||^ p. 82 Natural physical conditions do not
destroy races, viz T. del Fuego &
Sense of Justice very strong in Savages -
shown even by Revenge - Depression of
Spirit causes extinction.
Mutual wars - infanticide - Unfruitfulness &
long Lactation - diseases brought by
Europea - drink &c Depression - Dissolut
Tribe when once reduced seldom revives
Famine.- Unhealthy life - Hostile +
appearance of Whites most hurtful of all -
Psychical effects most important
Introduced diseases - When several causes
so act effect marked - * Savage races are
not increasing, so always must be much *
extermination going on, & a little addition
from * advent of Whites, turns the balance
4 Sandwich Isld Population not decreasing
Said to be increasing in Tahiti. Tonga not
decreased Feejie Keep up.-
(The following passages are annotated with literal translation and/or close paraphrase of the text) 1 (title) 3 12-20, 25-43 4 19-29 5 23-22, 32-41 6 wt, 3-8,11-27, 37-44 7 wt, 2-4, 6-14, 25-36, 39-45, wb 8 8-14, 27-42 9 20-44 10 wt, 1-23, 27-45, wb 11 wt, 1-20, 7-19, 25-40 12 wt, 1-17, 20-30, 30-45, wb 13 wt, 1-8, 3-14, 13-19, 18-40, 19-23, 26-39, 41-45 14 wt, 1-17, 1-17, 16-22, 21-41, 38-43, wb 15 wt, 1-16, 18-22, 25-29, 31-40 16 wt, 1-15 17 22-20 18 22-20, 24-27, 33-45, wb 19 wt, 4-8, 22-27, 30-36, 40-45 20 5-25, 2S-22, 25-33, 35-40 21
[page break]
5-22, 24-29, 26-35, 32-34, 37-42 22 1-5, 11-13, 15-24, 31-45 23 2-5, 8-17, 19-24, 29-34, 35-43, 39-42 24 7-26, 22-24, 28-29, 31-40 25 3-26, 4-22, 26-2S, 25-27, 29-34, 40-45 26 xvt, 8-12, 16-21, 31-45 27 25-20, 22-32, 36-45 28 wt, 3-8, 14-18, 36-45 29 2-5, 24-2S, 22-23, 25-29, 31-43, wb 30 wt, 4-8, 11-22, 25-28 31 wt, 3-8, 10-24, 20-33, 31-38 32 22-26, 39-45 33 3-8, 17-30, 32-45, wb 34 wt, 2-3, 8-45, wb 35 1-4, 6-24, 28-39, 45-49 136 2-5, 9-24, 18-35, 36-40, wb 37 wt, 1-2, 10-45, wb 38 wt, 5-
24-25, wb 39 wt 48 wt, 4-20, 22-43, 32-38 49 4-8, 10-15, 17-19, 29-45, wb 50 2-22, 24-
24-38, 36-45, 40-45, wb 51 2-23, 3-5, 15-26, 18-31, 28-45, wb 52 3-29, 22-39, 27-29, 43-44, wb 53 1-4, 8-14, 15-17, 18-24, 25-36, 27^3, wb 54 wt, 2-4, 8-15, 23-30, 35-45, wb 55 wt, 3-17, 19-21, 24-45 56 wt, 3-4, 6-13, 14-21, 23-34, 39-45 57 wt, 8-13, 15-27, 29-32, 34-45, wb 58 wt, 5-23, 26-33, 41-45, wb 59 wt, 1-7, 11-26, 29-37, 38-43, wb 60 wt, 1-10, 11-20, 21-23, 25-31, 33-45, 40-45, 41-45 61 wt, 6-15 79 wt, 1-29 80 wt 81 23-24, 28-39 82 wt, 1-6, 10-24, 26-31, 40-43 83 7-22, 24-33, 23-42, 35-45, wb 84 wt, 1-19, 10-17, 20-23, 21-26, 30-32, 34-41 85 6-45 86 wt, 14-22, 25-35, wb 87 2-45, 28-45, wb 88 2-22, 18-32, 37-45, wb 89 wt, 1-9, 1-14, 19, 21-33, 34-39, wb 90 wt, 1-7, 9-13, 17-29, 30-35, 36-38, wb 91 wt, 1-36, 40-45, wb 92 wt, 4-23, 28-32, 37-45, wb 93 wt, 1-36 94 wt, 1-45, wb 95 wt, 1-3, 17, 19-32, 25-40, wb 96 wt, 16-29, 31-45 97 wt, 1-45, wb 98 wt, 1-27 112 wt 115 24-32, 36-38, wb 116 wt, 1-45, wb 117 wt, 1-45, wb 118 wt, 1-45, wb 119 wt, 3-9, 16-32, 34-45, wb 120 wt, 1-45, wb 121 wt, 1-45, wb 122 wt, 1-11, 12-38, wb 123 wt, 1-45, wb 124 wt, 1-18, 16-38, wb 125 wt, 1-43, 20-43 126 wt, 1-45 127 wt, 1-45, wb 128 wt, 1-45, wb 129 wt, 1-45, wb 130 wt, 1-45, wb 131 wt, 1-27, 4-45, wb 132 wt, 1-40, wb 133 wt, 1-34, 5-45, wb 134 wt, 1-16, 24-40, wb 135 wt, 1-14 136 wt, 1-45, wb 137 wt 138 wt, 1-3, 9-43 139 wt 141 27-45 142 wt, 3-43 143 wt, 1-45, 34-45, wb 144 wt, wb 145 wt, 1-9
GERVAIS, Paul Les trois règnes de la nature: Histoire naturelle des mammifères vols 1 & 2; Paris; Curmer; 1854-55 [CUL] br, ex, gd, h, hy, si, sp, sx, t, ti, tm, v
vol. 1 NB p. 282,285 Rabbits for Dom. A. title page /& Tome I 60 S-23m 61 4-6m/w apparently not sexual 62 3-5m, Ïïl8-16m 63 fig.w see Back X 2 rubicondus 64 wt Seven figures * rubicond & marked with X fig.w (1)X comatus 67 6-20m 68 fÎ5-2m 74 lm/u "favoris", Ïïl4u "barbe\descend", last fig.w X
78 23-24u "pygerythrus", 29u "rufo-viridis" 79 lu& "cynosurus" 89 ÏÏ29-23m 91 18x, 24n/u "que\ colore" 102 ^12u& "boursouflures I mexillaires" 103 5-8m, Ïïl7-15m, tl6-15u& "leur\ blanche", Hl3-12u&++, Ul-9mß9u& "rides", Uu& "par\ même", ÏÏ7^4m, î\3u& "Malbrouk\Grivet"lw0' p. 78 Cercopithecus 104 zt, 2-5m, 7-9m, top fig.w X 6 ÏÏ4m/u& "menton Ijaunâtre" 105 2-5m/4u "leurI rouge", 17u "G. Cuvier", 18-21m, 24u "aux\jeunes", 1Î6-4m 106 lu& "la\verdâtre", l-2u "Dans\ généralement"/w of Hair 3-4u&^, 5-7m 107 17-18u& "âge\ olivâtre", 19u "simulant I perruque", 20u "reste \camaie" 108 1Ï2-2m/tt<-» 110 Ïï5-2m/fî5w "Chez \ plus"fl\4u "lesquelsI une" 119 top fig.m/w well-coloured M. chrysurus 120 20-22m 124 last fig.w X 3 128 top fig.w X 4 last fig.w X 5 150 20-25m
279 24m "doigts", 15u "de dernière", 16u "de\ dix", 19-20u "six\supérieures", 21-22u "cinq\ inférieures", 1Î6-5u "que\noir", ÏÏ5w "noireI dessus", ÏÏ4u "sontIavec" 280 3u "de\oreilles" 282 9-25m/w Every part of Europe has its peculiar Hair (ie Hare!) 283 3-8m/8u "sauf\ pointe", 12u "deslRussie", ÏÏ20-26m/tÏ2Su "oreille''/ÏÏ27u "noire" 284 22-22u "I/Ioreilles", 20u "un\noire", ft«« "le\noir", ÏÏ5u "le\noir" 285 20-2lu "sauf \ des", 15u "ses I an", 16u "sauf \ oreilles", 24-25u "avec I année", 31u "Lepus brasiliensis", 33-34m, 1Î6-5u "leurs I fermés" 286 9-10m/10u^, 16-20m, 24-28m, tt4-3m/« "conséquentlombaires" 287 2-9m/u± 288 9-12m/10u "sans\songt", 18u "Sa\ oreilles", 19-20m, H22-21m, Hl7-14m, ÏÏ24-22m, 1t6-4m 289 4m/u "comme\Nord", 10-llu++, 16-18m 292 ^25-23m, ÏÏ29-25m, ÏÏ25-23m, fÎ22« "le\ Espérance", ÎÎ3-2m
vol. 2 NB p144 ancient Horses Selection 153 Hybrids - 2 Genera 140 Canines in Equidae absent in females 146 colour of Colli of one breed - forked stripe on shoulder of Zebra 150 vars of Ass
title page wt Tome 2 52 22-23m/23u "sont I arrière", til8-15w 6/7 1\3-lmrt\2u*/w 5/6 53 "Cynhyène".w 6/7 55 2-4m, ïï20w "solitaires I bandes" 56 3u "réunit\individus", llmju "soixante I jours", t23-20m, ÏÏ23u "Doué\ naturel"ß21u "iUlieux" 57 ÏÏ3-2m/1Î2w<-> 58 tt26w*, ÏÏ24u "pas\séparé, ÏÏ15-14u "Loup\ sinus"/w C. Sinensis Sinensis 1Ï4u "àI inférieures" 59 top fig.w 6/6 60 8-11 m 61 7-25m/w; variable in races of Man 9u "M. Nordmann". 21u "On I Chacals", IÏ23m*, ÏÏ22u*, 1121m "ChacaUMorée 62 23u "énumèreVa", 23-25m/w* I.G. add C.
[page break]
sinensis like Greyhound 27m 63 ÏÏ22« "Chien crabier", î\7-4m 64 4-5m, 22m/u "bien préférable", ÏÏUm/u "au Chien" 65 til7-12m/w if one extinct species could be believed in, one might accept these doubts 66 6-10m/Q ÏÏ24-20m/Q/ÏÏ22« "que I genres ", î\20-19m/w V. p. 76 7/8 Molars 1Î2S« "six \ dernière" 67 Ü27-26u/"..." "Je\objection", 1\l9-l7u±/m/Q ÏÏ23-12u "ilIdomestique", Ïî7u "Le\hyéroglyphes", Hu restéIBabyloniens" 68 IÎ9-5m 69 It6-1 m, ÏÏ3-2m/Q<& 72 6-7m 76 l-4w 7/8 î\9-6w 4/3 87 ÏÏ22-20m, î\7m, î\4m/u*, ÏÏ3ma 88 3-5m, 8-10m 89 2-2m, 4-Sm 138 27a; All used for Ch.3. on Horse 139 1Î26m/« "dont\ rudimentaire", ÏÏlOm/u "sorte 16/6" 140 2-3m 143 1Î20-20m/QA> 144 Xw Classical period pairs taking in breeding 145 4-8m, 6Q 9-12m, 13u "v.29" 146 22« "la \ Camargue", 13u "'noirâtresIpoils", pl.Zebra.w Fork of shoulder Stripe here much plainer 150 ÏÏ25-9m 151 28«* 153 20-22m 177 5-7m/5u "mais I vrai" 178 l-5m 183 13-18m 187 ÏÏ22-22« "sans I souche", fÎ28« "chanfrein", ttï6w "«ne I caractères", 1\4u "aI Afrique" 189 3-8m, 24«a, 25m*, 1Î22ma, ÏÏ20m/w "/brfUsie", fÎ24-22m 191 2~5wï, 24m/w (1) ÏÏ22-20m, 1\9w/Uw/ÏÏ7w/ î[3wu 192 6-20m 236 «rt Nothing to quote about Pigs 7-23m, 1Ï23-20m/ÏÏ22« "être\ espèces", ÏÏ8-2m 237 3-4m 238 6-9m/m, ÎÏ27-24m/m, 1Î8-3m 239 2-2m, 9-22m, 17-20m, ÏÏ6-4m
GIRAUD-TEULON, Alexis Les origines de la famille Genève, 1874 [I by author; CUL.1900]
GIRTON, Daniel The new and complete pigeon-fancier: or, modem treatise on domestic pigeons new edn; London, n.d. [CUL] beh, cs, pat, sp, v, wd
NB /& Nothing Ap. 1857 7 19-22m 9 30-34m 10 wb describes the Blue Rock by the name of Stock dove 12 32ae 14 8-19m, 22-24m 15 2-3m, 22-23m 17 20-22m, 28-30m, 34-35m 18 l-5m, 14-16m 19 13-15m, 36-38m *14 l-3m, 7-9m *15 23-26m\w education *16 37-38m/wb Seems to consider all the Horsemen & Dragoons crossed breeds Can this be so considering how true? *17 17-20m, 31-34m *18 10-19m 20 3-8m 22 20-22m, 34-36m 23 l-4m/lu "with I long", 28u "four I length", 31u "the I Roman", 34u "table" 24 8-12m, 13-15m, 30-32m 31 5-7m 32 7-9m 33 2-3m, 4-5m, 5-6u "the I better", wb so that for me, it is immaterial whether originally different species, as these qualities differ in each.- 34 4-7m, 29-30m, 30-31u "much\
name", 32-35m, 36-37m 35 22-24m 36 2-7m, 17-18m/u "/ess I thirty"\w Varies 35u "neck\is" 37 19-20m, 23-25m, 33-34m 38 13-17m, 23m, 33-34m, wb This & following shows that domestication has produced much effect.-39 24-32m 55 18-31m/w a curious treatment for apoplexy 57 15-17m, 23-27m
GLEN, William Cunningham Collection of Poor Law Statutes 2nd edn; London; Shaw & Sons; 1857 [Down]
12 13-15m, 31u "three", 35-38m, 45-47m 13 10-13m/10u "two guardians ", 23-27m, 31-34m, 42-45m 14 l-5m 15 2-3m, 22-24m 17 8-2 2 m 19 22-25m 22 22-29m 23 5-26m 25 24-26m, 27-30m, 45-47m 26 l-5m, 30-33m 27 43-49m
4-14m\9u "but \ money", 20-25m, 45-46m
30-33m, 36-38m 32 20-25m 33 2-3m 34 24-22m 36 9-25m 46 12-20m, 32-36m, 43-46m 47 5-7m, 9-14m, 21-25m, 27-32m 48 7-24m, 31-39m, 43-46m 49 2-3m, 33-38m 50 7-24m, 36-40m 52 9-22m, 24-28m 53 3-7m 55 35-^2m 57 39-48m 58 26-29m 59 24-29m 63 32-38m 64 32-36m 65 26-32m 66 26-31m 67 10-14m, 42-45m 68 44-49m 69 13-16m, 18-22m 70 25-27m 71 3-7m/3w ie under 7 years old 19-20m, 33-36m, 40-43m 72 5-8m, 23-25m 73 l~4m, 7-10m 74 26-28m, 32-38m 75 25-30m 76 26-32m, 34-38m 77 27-29m, 35-38m 78 14-18m, 29-31m, 44-A6m 79 23-29m 80 24-27m 81 43-46m 82 18-21m, 45-46m 83 4-6m 87 20-27m, 35-^4m 88 21-26m 89 24-34m, 42^5m 90 30-33m 93 32-33m, 38-39m 95 20-23m 97 43-4gm 98 20-25m 99 28-30m, 40-48m
GLOGER, Constantin Lambert Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's Breslau; August Schulz & Co.; 1833 [CUL, on B]
br, cc, fg, gd, he, ig, no, pat, rd, sp, spo, sy, ta, tm, ts, v, wd, y
NB Only skimmed very poor Book all
Graba's Ornith Voyage Feroe
p42; p. 44; p69; p. 74, 75; 89; 98; 103; 113;
138; 140
23 tints of plumage vary with Climate
Nillsson on variation of Beak in Tetrao saliceti Q
many short-tailed birds have 1 or 2 pairs of extra-caudal, (as Kingfisher) can this be compensation or rudimentary, (allude when I talk of important* organs being few & not variable.-)
[page break]
69 References to Bruch's papers (I have
74 on changes of Ducks wings & feet,
tamed & Geese according Bruch
103 on spreading of sparrows with
cultivation in Russia
143 corvus of Faroe & C. cornix
Appendix systematics at end on doubtful
157 on Tetrao saliceti & scoticus being same
species Q
SB2 722. on variability of Head & Beak
Brehm made some of his species from
single specimens & dry specimens.
722 Colymbus 18 or 20 tail feathers
731 Beak & length of * prom) in Anser
segetum variable - so it is with domestic
733 tail feathers increase in number in
Colymbus with age
a Is Anser segetum supposed part of
domestic goose.-
Bruch in Isis 1828 Band XXI
do Isis 1829 Band XXII
p.629 Caudals increase with age. variable in
Anser segetum - 16-20!
p.152 on the Sparrow Ch 4
xv 27m/w* Begin xxxi 3m 2 Zw/wt Defines "Ausartung" - a deformity, as white or cross-billed sparrow, not hereditary - not affecting all individuals under any circumstances - not exact relation to true characters [this not true as all deformities have such relations]-"Abanderung" - is, as a Spanish sparrow, where change is superinduced from climate on previous organization, & affects all; & young inherit it, & gradation into common character can be traced. Alpine plants wd have Abänderung yet not hereditary Monsters are hereditary Vague distinction wb All sports wd be Ausartungs - In Abanderungs the change will * I shd think, supervene by effect produced on mature animal during generation.- 3 wt 1. Variety directly dependent on external influence 2. Variety indirectly so dependent & directly on propagating system, %m\w p. S. I think the upshot of his distinction, is whether the change be produced, at early period through propagating system being affected, or whether, during one or more generations, the mature being is affected & altered. 5 ÏÏ3« "wirklichen", fïlwr, wb true & imagined, true & false, constant & changeable skull-differences 15 6m/l-17w it appears that warm countries affect colours like age. 33-38m/w late arriving XX wb XX Quails from
hot south country with red throats. 21 2x 22 20-25m/w Nut-hatch more blue in warmer countries 23 art X I might say according to Gloger plumage varies little according to climate wt Green seldom brighter in hot countries-x l-3m, 22x 24 5-llm/w legs & beaks in difft climates vary in colour 25 19m 27 28m 28 21-29m, 7-Mw About 1/5 of Kolreuter's white-variegated in Faro!? & yet these do not pair together 29 3-7m, 4u "Schwandrorsel (Amsel)"/l-7w This Bird in Italy has in first month white bar over tail 8-29m, 29-30m 42 14-17m/w thinks same species 44 10-33w Nillson does not think Tyrol have same as Northern 69 20m (Bruch)/w V. Read 26m "Varietät durch"/w Whistling Duck 29-31m/w Bruch good See to this 34u "Pfeifenten"/34-39w Nillson says out of 30, Beaks differ in all Q 31m/39mlwb Both Read 70 13u "gar \ mehr"/7-13w many short-tailed birds have a pair of extra tail-feathers. 17wx, 20u/? "14 oder 13", 17-25w 3 out of 12 had 14 or 13 tail-feathers instead of 12 Kingfishers in Dictionary. 74 18m/u "etwas\ Flügel"/17-20w Goose shorter wings what compared with?! 27m/w Duck 31-34m/32-33u "doss I langt"\33-34u "fast Ierreicht" 75 2-2« "Füsse\aber", 3u "schwimmtIgeworden", 7u "plumperen" 76 24-25m/w Isis 89 15-25m/8-24w Nillson - Tree sparrow in N. is found about houses in greater numbers, than common sparr 98 14-20m/l-23w all cuckoos eggs in different years differ 103 24~30m/w spreading of sparrows 113 41m 117 4-5Q 138 16-34w number of deaf & dumb vary extremely in diff parts of Prussia 140 31-33m 141 14-lSm 143 25-28m 152 3-22m 157 33-37m/33ulwx/33-35Q
GODMAN, Frederick du Cane Natural history of the Azores, or Western Islands London; John Van Voorst; 1870 [CUL] p mg, ti, tm, v
NB Variation -p19
Dentition Summary on
Birds - 330
- Coleoptera - 335
Immigration of Birds - 337
Upper Miocene - 338
°» formed in full size at close of Glacial
Period - e> 340
=» Wandering of Insects & Birds - 341
19 26-33m, 32-34m 20 9-22m, 18-21m, 30-34m 25 23-27m 43 23-27m 330 3-2Sm 331 4-22m 335 2-7m, 29-24m 337 25-29m 338 2-14w They seem much more modern than Madeira 340 29-33m 341 5-27m
[page break]
GODRON, Dominique Alexandre De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine 2 vols.; Paris; J.B. Baillière et Fus; 1859 [CUL] ad, beh, br, ce, ch, es, ex, f, fg, gd, geo, h, he, hy, ig, in, mg, no, or, si, sp, sy, t, ta, ti, tm, ts, v, wd, y
vol. 1 SB1
p10 - History of Believers in Mutation
19; 30 to 58 to to 260
♦ no marks
341 ; 346 to end of volume
ä> Book of Gervais referred to. on Zoologies
(over) p10 History of * Believers of Mutation
SB2 Qß; Â>
Godron sur l'Espèce e> All abstracted for my
1st vol. separately.-
Vol I
36 change in range of Sparrow
11 on naturalised plants from hotter
countries becoming extinct - one good case
of plant naturalised, yet not getting seed -
like Ivy under nature
90 curious special adaptation to particular
localities in plants p. 95
120 & 124 Batrachian Ranunculus 2 kinds of
Leaves,- means of transition to pre-Glacial
134 Puerile to quote Pompeian & Aegyptian
remains, as nothing in antiquity
148 cases of seeds long buried coming up
160 case of + ancient variety of Mercurialis
168 on the facility with which Aegilops
triticoides is produced
181 Hybrids of Partridge - p. 183 cases of
copulation of distinct molluscs so no
repugnance under nature p. 196 Hybrid
195 (he means 193) Antiquity of Common
Mule in Bible
247 references about Hybrid - Papers
249 Fertility of Hybrids p250
» 391 No stripe on Black Ass
title page lu/6u (author, title) 10 lu "Fries"/ l-2m/w Believes in Mutability 19 4r-7m 30 3-7m 34 8-9m 36 6-15m 37 7-9m 38 2 2-2 6m 39 15-22m/w Fish same in different kinds of Water 28m/ 28m/->&> 40 2-6m 41 17-22m 43 l-7m 44 20-23m 46 19-26m/w These are not natural acclimatisations 47 5-8m/w acclimat 48 9m, 22-24m 58 l-2m, 12-15m/w like Peloria; what does Ruta belong to? 27-30w analogous variations 61 l-5m/w several analogous facts before & after this. 64 3-5m/ w variable in genus 10-15m/w var. in individual. 21u "une\monstrosité", 31-35m 65 S-7m, 15m 67 6-llw Cases of plants with
wider ranges identical- 12-18xv Alph D.C. of course gives infinitely many cases 77 8-15m, 20-24m/w this is like such cases as Ivy naturally ranging where cannot fruit 78 24-27m/w not really changes 85 17-23m/w I think other characters of Alpine plants 27-23m/18w on mountains 90 l-5m, 13-20m 95 5-15m/w shows how ignorant we are 118 4-8m, 19-28m 120 lO-Um/w Mentions 2 organs 121 12-15m/w analogous variations 124 26-22m/17-18w 2 forms 125 27-28m 127 6-10m 134 19-24m/18-29w nothing whatever compared to geological facts puerile to quote them. 148 19-22m 149 22-29m 154 24-29m 160 xvt Did he observe its origin l-4m, 4-8w Has it spread or increased?? 21-24m, 22-25m, 25-26m (Marchant) 161 5-9m, 15-17m 168 22-26m 169 3-6m, 21-26m, 30-31 -» 170 16-23m/w shows how much crossing 27-29-* 171 2-7m, 31m 172 7-18m 173 32-> 174 4-11m 179 tut This wd be very good argument if we did not meet such difficulty in well-known countries 2-7m/5w (a) ll-16m 181 27-24m 183 2-3m 193 7-8m, 9-llm 196 5-24m 238 2-9m 239 2-18m 247 24-25m, 26-27m 249 23-27WI 250 3-6m 251 22-23m 252 22-27m 260 25-27771 261 2-22m 336 16-18w&> All used about dog 341 22-25m 342 4-7m, 18-27m/21-22u "I'arcadelarquée''/Q 346 19-22m 348 7-22m 352 l-5m 355 5-10m, 17-18m 357 wttt> All used about dog 8w All used Cats 358 23-24m 359 26-2Sm 362 6-8m 363 4-6m, 8-10m, 12-13m, 27m (Cuvier), 28m (Gervais), 29-30m/ Q 364 8-10Q*» 365 26m/26-30w&> All quoted except antiquity of certain Breeds 367 26-29m 368 3-9m, 24-26m (Cuvier) 369 17-20m, 29m 370 2-5m, 9-23w give summary of facts for arguments - gradation of domestic race - fertility crossing when tamed, & character of those gone wild- Q/& 374 14-20m 375 10-22m/?, 27-28m 376 2-20m/4-5Q*> 377 22-23m, 28-29m 378 2-3m, 4a "Cheval"/9-14w All Q in Ch. 3 on Horses 379 2-9m 382 25-29m 387 17-18m 389 6-7w p. 391 Black Asses no stripes 391 25-27m 402 15-18m, 18-27m/22-23Q 406 5-7m, 19-21m, 22-25m, 27-29m 407 6-7m 409 26-2Sm 416 23-29m 441 21-27m 442 2-4m, 20-24m/Q&>, 25-26m 443 20-26m, 27-28m/w Black less common 30m 444 5m, 25-27m 445 6m 446 22-22m, 27m 458 22-26m 459 27-22m 460 8-10Q ll-13m/12u "2700", 18-20m/19u "1494" 461 7-10m/w is this race 9-18m/15-17m/w Dandolo 18-19m, 20-24m/ 20-23m 462 6-7m/6u "leur forme"/7u "bien\ fournir", 8-10m, 12-lSm, 25-27 m/19-25xv Quatrefages (They do not stick their eggs) 29-30m 463 4-5m Catalogue p back cover 38-44mto (Boudin)
[page break]
vol. 2 NB1 Melon p. 62; 95 Apricots; 84
Dahlia see Loudon Encyclop.
NB2 56 Pea
NB3 0 Gosse p. 301
» 246 to 337 About Man good.
e> 374 character of races of Man
p.300 Case of Man exaggerating natural
p.322 argues against effect of introduced
women into Harems.-
p.326 differences in chiefs of Polynesia
♦ Book p. 251 Castelnau Auguste G St
a> Godron vol 2. sur l'Espèce
» Much about Man, good. [All abstracted for
my 1st vol.]
a 98 good case of bitter almonds not being
eaten by Mulots & therefore sown in
Preference for wood Q®
4 23-24m 6 21-23m 9 22-24m, 26-27m, wb effect of scanty milk when young - given in puppies - But is this hereditary? 22 12-17m/ w Cresy's fact 27 l-7m 28 7-15m 30 l-4m 35 30m 40 29-30m/w read 43 l-6m/2w Zebra? 44 2-6m/w this is his argument everywhere 9-10w Pouters 49 22-25m\-> 50 l-6m 52 23-29m, 25-27m 54 12-13m/w Turnips & Rape ?? 24-27m 55 3-6m/w B. canpestus oleifera 9u "Colza", Wu "Chou-Rutabaga", 10-14m/w Swedish Turnip 27-28m (Metzger) 56 21-24m 57 22-2Sm 58 9-23m 60 23-27m, 23-26m 63 12~13m/X^, 20-23m/20-29w differs in selected part -» so in cabbage it is only selected part, which differs 64 4-8m, ll-16m/ w analogous variations in distinct species 18-20m/"..."&, 26m, 28m^, 30m^ 67 22-22m, 22m/w selection 69 5-8m, 12-22m 70 ll-12m\ 9-17w How are Bulbs of Hyacinth in contrast. I think they can be recognised. 71 8m 72 l-5m, 7-9tn, 12-17m 73 6-8m, 14-17m, 27~29m 74 13-16m, 21-24m 75 5-19m, 6-7m/ 6u^ "exactement parallèles", 7-16w if these all real species, still odder that not known wild 16u^ "présente I races", 22u^ "sont\ espérances"lw Triticums 76 2u "Nous Ipatrie"'/w Rye 77 10-12m, 18-25m 78 15-16w 3 Hordeum 19~20w 2 Oats wb 5 Triticum + 1 Rye + 3 Hordeum + 2 Oats all in N temperate parts of old world.-! = 11 species + one Hordeum & common wheat apparently known in wild state 79 9-10m, llu "panicule\ serrée", 13-14u "pourvues I d'arête", 14u "albumen", 16-17u "ne\caractères", 19-21m 80 21~23m, 29-31m 81 7-20m 82 18-20m, 21-22m 84 3-8m, 26-28m 85 8-12m, 20-23m, 27-
29m, 30-31m 86 3-8m 87 2-3m 88 wt In single flowers selectors only try for size brilliant colour & regularity of shape wt In Thyme I have noticed grt differn in shape of corolla & * stigma 7w • run regular 7-9m, 8-llm, 19-20u "reproduisent I stérile", 21-25m, 22-31m 89 26-30m 90 l-3m, 26-29m 91 2-5m^/3-4u "encoreIaiguillons" 93 18-21m 94 23-28m 97 l-4m 98 15-18m/w good selection 100 23-29m 101 24-27m, 20~22m, 24-27m 102 3-5m, 13-I5w&> what a proof of powers of variability 18-21m/w but so it wd be in France & England. 103 14-17m, 18-22m, 23-25m 106 3-20m, 26-29m, 21-25m 107 l-9m, 12-13m 216 10-Uw Form of shin & heel of Negro 26-32m/->, 18-21w could not be produced by Selection 25-32w Different amount of Beards before mentioned - views of Hue's 217 l-llm/9-llx^/w Conditions with colour 246 26-2Sm 247 5-8m, 10-llw Migration 22-25m 248 9-22m, 12-14m, 18-19m, 22-24m, 23-28m, 25-27m 249 9-13m/l-18w These American facts diversity of very good to show not climate - We simply do not know 15-20m 250 l-5m, 8-12m (Humboldt) 253 ll-14m/w like sexual selection 254 19-21m/w Migration good to show race 255 3-6m/w this looks like sexual selection 261 3-8m 263 23m 265 2-6md 266 2-6m 268 wt This agrees with poorness of colour of productions of Galapagos & Patagonia - But then how in Chiloe? & Tierra del Fuego 3-8m 269 3-10m/w Compare tropical Africa & America -Tasmania 275 3-6m 276 2-5m, 13-18m, 19-21m/20u "mais I toujours", 28-31m 277 wt my notion of correlation & darkness of skin not applicable to Tasmanians for healthy climate, migration- 3-llm/5w (a) 24-27m 278 8-12m, 16-22m 279 2 0-11 m 280 2-2m 282 22-25m 283 4-8m 285 8-9m, 22-23m, 25-28m 288 7-23m 289 20-29m 297 2-6m 299 6-27m/9u "deux "/13u "incisives "/15u "phalange I doigt "/ ll-15w mutilations not hereditary Q 300 5-7m, 7-8u "ce \ naturelle", 9u "laideur"\w no
18-25m, 27-28m/22-30w/wb This wd be good to show Man exaggerates peculiarities
27-30m/? 308 8-9m/8u "poitrine", 11-14m, 15-21m 311 2-6m 313 2-9m, 28« "quel climat"\18-21wbut how vague 20-25w p308 wb It may be said if conditions of life can do something, why not make Pouter & fantail, but we see no corresponding difference & we cannot believe this it seems incredible to me - especially in case of pigeons, & this other agency which is a real agency I have shown selection suffices for 322 13-20m 324 27-28m 326 15~25m 327 22-27m 333 15-
[page break]
22m 334 l-4mfw Jews 336 17-21m 337 12« "genre"/9-16m/zv food & exercise 17-21m/w intellect, vistas & happiness 374 19-24m 375 12-15m
GONNE, Christian Friedrich Das Gleichgewicht in der Bewegung Dresden; R.V. Zahn; 1882 [Down] p
GOOCH, Robert On some of the most important diseases peculiar to women London; The New Sydenham Society; 1859 [Down]
GOODSIR, John, and GOODSIR, Harry
Anatomical and pathological observations Edinburgh; Miles MacPhail; 1845 [Down] p
THE GOOSEBERRY GROWERS' REGISTER for the year 1862 C. Leicester; Macclesfield [CUL] v
NB 192 London; Dwts; Pennyweight; 210 Hamp.O; All * these named gooseberry won Prizes the one year winner? 205 wb 38 206 wb 35 207 wb 44 208 wb 36 209 wb 34 210 4m, wb 39 211 wb 17 wbu 243 kinds
GOSSE, Philip Henry Leiters from Alabama, chiefly related to natural history London; Morgan & Chase; 1859 [CUL] beh, gd, oo, pat, v, wd
NF (list of synonyms and antonyms)
NB 106; 146; 161; 191 odd flower; Moths
sucking Melons 229; 280 Mules; Beaver fur
SB i&
p106 Partridges laying in Hens nest
146 Aegeria with appearance & manner of
flight like wasp
161 Picus eating fruit passionately
229 Moths sucking wounded Water-melons
106 2-14m, 28-35m 146 4-25m 161 9-16m 190
22-24m 191 2-5m 229 24-29m 280 8-15m 300
GOSSE, Philip Henry A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1851 [CUL, S] ab, gd
NB p. 91 Enquire; 339; 340; 386 PigsA>; 418A; 430X; 442, 3; 447; 469; Singing 168 ♦ Wool of Sheep - Colour of Cows - Sea-Horse rabbit SBQß
339 The Alco - or Mexican Mopsy, white woolly var. wd. only associate with another
Dog of its own Breed - becomes passionately attached to single individual Qa> 340 Feral Dog of E. Haiti different from St Domingo of Col. Smith; thought to be an aboriginal S. American feral Dog Q 386 Feral Hogs of Jamaica Q 429. Haiti tradition of Frogs brought by shower - alludes to Moreau case 431 Frogs imported & spread in several W. Indian islds
441 Rabbit feral Q but not common - Slate-coloured Qa>
447 European Ferret rendered useless from their inability to overcome Chigoe infestment Q
469 On the indigenous Capromys of W. Indian islds.—
91 ÏÏ23-20m 331 2-3m, 6u "absolutely mute", ll-20ml llu "Alco"l 12u "from Mexico", 19-22m, 21-22u "a\eye" 332 7u "Mexican Mopsy" 335 24m "Agnaral Surinam", 28-30m/Q 338 28-32m 339 2-5m 340 24-27m, 29-32m/29u "Dog\Haili"/Q 30-31u "FeralI Domingo" 386 5-7m, 15-20m/Q 389 2-2m/Q 9-22m, 29-20« "well-toothed" 428 3-9m 429 19-22m, 24-27m/ 26u "bull-heads" 430 9-22m, 23-28m, 31-33m 441 27-29m/Q 442 4-8m, 7u "deeply"/Q 443 6-10m 447 4-9m 469 21-28m, 31m catalogue p
GÖTZ, Theodor Hunde-Galerie 2nd edn; Weimar; Eduard Lobe; 1853 [Down]
GOULD, Benjamin Apthorp Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American soldiers New York; Hurd & Houghton; 1869 [CUL] cc, f, gd, h, he, phy, tm, v, y
NB All for Man Chapter
93; 107; 115; 116; 126; 131; 132; 134
Height; 207 Colour of Hair; 256 length of
legs - not rank; 288 do in Sailors; negro
298; do - arms 301 ; do foot 302; Pelvis of
Indian 310; do 316; Inferior vitality of
Mulattoes - 319; Summary of eyes 359;
Size of head 371; Size of Lungs Negros
471; Pilosity of Negros Q 569»
SB Qß; •♦
x^ p93 Different stature of men of W.
Virginia & New Jersey
x^> 107 115 growth longer continued
x^ ♦ 126 Causes of statures xp.136 do.
x«^ 134 sailors stunted
[Even so simple an affair as stature depends
on concealed conditions.- Yet a direct
nature for transplanted infants affected]
& (Military Statistics)
[page break]
«► 206 colour of Hair & Eyes, seems effect of conditions
256 Length of legs in white soldiers, the most variable element in stature
288 Sailors in comparison with soldiers have longer legs & shorter arms, in a degree entirely disproportionate to difference in height
289 Neck greater.- chart - waist & hips small.- 290 instep thicker.- Direct action.-298 in Blacks distance from tip of finger to patella differs much from Whites
Blacks - Length of Humerus
do great length of foot («<&)
310 Red men very long arms - palms very broad
Table of Summaries
Length of two sections of arms
319 Summary in words on differences of
races » less Vitality of Mulattoes
358 Better Summary
371 Size of head varies with stature, not in
same proportions
471 different capacity of Lungs in Black &
Whites <w^>
569 No difference in pilosity between Black
& White but this is the U. States-
[U. States Sanitary Commission]
91 27-34m/u> p109 & 111 p115 36-40m 93 13-22m 107 8-13m, 35-36m 111 ll-21m 115 9-15m 116 3-8m 125 4-8m 126 5-llm, 16-18m 127 4r-5m, 6-8m 131 5-7m, ll-15m, 18m 132 3u "agency \ influence", 12-16m, 31-33m
134 12-14m 206 ÏÏ18-lm 207 4r-16m 256 ÏÏ5-
lm 288 5-llm, wb These cases not known to
be inherited 289 5-7m/ 5u "girth"/6u "3"/7u
"breadMhips", 24m/^> 290 21-25m 298 25-
30w ie distance from tip of finger to patella
32-33W see p. 253 299 l-5m 301 16-18m/
17zv*, 26u "fore-arm"/w*t& humerus 30-32m
302 13-15m 310 6-8m, 19-22m, 32-35m 316
2w Summary Table 317 7-15m 319 12-13m/zv
Mulattoes 24-28m 359 4-9m, Uu/we 371 12-
19m 471 10m, 15-18m 569 9-10m/w Pilosity
12-lSm 620 ÏÏ25m 640 wb 9
GOULD, John Handbook to the birds of Australia 2 vols.; London; by the author; 1865 [CUL] beh, br, ds, f, si, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, ud, v, y
NB 145 variation in nests
SB ♦
97 female larger & brighter Gould ^ Vol I
118 Merops Young
124 Dacelo Y & sexes
130 Halcyon Y
135 - good case Kingfisher with sexes cur-
iously different - young male like female
136 sexes with different.. Kingfisher
140 Y
How are young in species in which tail
differs in colour. & ring-neck.
[When adult obscure 2 like I think young
always alike] no
Sexual Selection
145 Y; 168; 177; 181
193 Y complex changes; 196; 200 sexes
210 males conspicuous & shy Q
213 2nd year males assume plumage; 215
256 sexes & Y
260 sexes alike young different; 266 do
277; 278*. W&
300 Menura visits same mounds
310 tail & nest of Menura
317 N^ Nest dome - yet female obscure -
strongly against Wallace *> Splendid Birds
during Breeding Season
(I have erased recently all marks I must look
over volumes.)
[I may put the case that many Birds which
differ sexually build domed nests.- & many
which do not differ & are not brilliant also
build such nests.]-
395 female less than half size of male Q
419 castanotis
442 Bower Bird - Give figure to 461
457 Beauty causing shyness Q
471 Corcorax displaying himself to utmost
advantage •^
(It wd be well to look apropos of nest,
whether many of Honey-suckers are bright -
597 peculiar noise made by wings by males
602 female never beautiful
[In same genus with sexes alike, & young
either like or unlike adults.?]
All about Sexual Selection
94 21-25m 97 l-6m 99 12-15m 118 21-22m, 32u "this\deep" 119 2u "blackSblue" 124 10-25m 125 12-15m 130 8-llm 134 5-10m, 15-17m/w very fertile 31-35m 135 6-9m 136 26-34m 137 22-25m 140 7-22m, 29-22m, 30-32m 145 15-17m, 30-35m 162 3-7md 168 23-25m 169 24-28m 181 8-9m, 16-18m, 18-19m, 33m 182 23-25m 193 20-21m/20u "brown", 22-26m/25-27u±, 28-30m 196 3-8m/3u "throat I back"/4u "jet-black"/7u "uniform\head", 20-22m "throat I grey" 197 20-22m 200 22« "CamphegaelGraucali", 23u "sexes I colour" 210 3-7m/Q 213 22-24m 214 22-26m 215 28-31m
[page break]
249 l-2m 256 24r-27m 260 8-llm/8u "sexes I alike", 8u "young"/10-14w observe bird 266 19-23m/w get/observe birds 277 lu "sexes I considerable", 17-19m 278 31-33m/32u "black\ scarlet" 279 6-13w how is rest of plumage 15-20m/w common to both sexes whilst others differ more 280 l-4m 285 9-13m 287 12-13m, 21-23m 290 22-26m 294 26m, 18-21m 300 26-29m 301 23-26m, 32-34m/33u "appearance]roofed" 302 15-18m 303 21-26m 308 8-13m, 22-23m/22u "powerful I voice", 24u "own I beautiful", 24-26m/24u±, 29u "of] grounds" 309 l-3m/2u "domed", 33-35m 310 2-3m, 30-34m 311 ll-14m/13u "and\in" 312 9-llm/12u "domed\one" 317 wt (a) many species all so far as known differ greatly by sex & build dome nests 6-9m/w (a) ll-13m/ 12u "build dome" 318 19-21m, 24-27m 319 28-29m/28u "which I shaped" 320 6-28m 323 24-26m, 33u "dome" 324 18-22m 325 3« "dome-shaped" 340 5-7m/6u "opening]side" 341 27-29m 358 29-22m 359 26-29m 362 2-5m/2u "dome-shaped" 363 32-34m 364 29-20m/19u "domed" 365 25-27m 374 2-4m/ 3u "domed", 33-34m 383 4-6m, 7-9m/7u "recommended]observer", lOu "domed form" 386 27-28m/27u "entrance]about" 387 19-20m 388 17-19m/17u "dome-shaped nests" 389 3-5m 391 9-12m/9u "of\form", 18-19m/18u "are] similar" 395 16-19m/17u "which]size" 407 3-5m/4« "dome-shaped" 414 7u "Plain \finch", 16u "domed form", 19-20u "absence]female" 418 2-5md/3u "pendant"/6u "offer" 419 27-29m/u "upper]white" 440 24-27m 441 3-6m 442 wf B. genera no doubt co-descendedO by some ancient bird, which acquired their strange instinct. 2-3m 443 23-26m/24u "differed"/25u "third larger", 30-32m, 33-35m 444 2-4m, 3-6u±, 5-7m, ll~12u±, 16-17u "which] males", ll-14m, 19-20m/x^, 26-27ué?++, 29m^/ué? "pick]leaf", 32u& "opening] the" 445 8u "blue-black", llu "velvety] shining", 14-lSm, 20-23m/w Eyes 25-27m 447 22-25m 448 2-6m, 7-9m/8u "both]these", 9-12m, 22Q 22-24w^<-» 449 24-28m, 26« "2 112] long", 22x^/22-23u "flying] side"I "..., 27-29m/28u "the\pink" 451 l-2m/2u^ "three] in", 3u& "beautifully] grasses", 5-6u "bivalve\by", 10-16m, 10u& "stones] within"/16-17u+>/17x*&, 21u& "round", 23-24m/24u "formed]individuals" 452 26-28m 453 8-26m 455 l-2m^/lu*& "thick]4", 2-3m/3u& "SnaiU berry", 9-12m, 10x*&, 10u*& "41 high", llu& "some\berries" 457 20-24m/Q 26-27u "two\ conflicts" 458 26-32m 459 25-28m 460 5-9m, 22-25m 461 2-6m, 8-llm, 21-26m 464 24-27m, 30-35m 471 20-24m 478 23-24m, 25-27m, 30-33m 483 29-22m 486 8-17w
generally beautiful & nest not domed, I think. 495 22-22m 496 33-35m 497 23-27m 502 24-27m, 31-33m 504 5-7m/6u "rest I shaped" 509 26-27m, 30-31m 525 6-7m 526 31-32m 527 26« "of birds"/15-17m/w nest open & cupped 531 32-33m 534 22-25m 535 22-26m 542 22-26m 547 9-20m, 18-20m/18u "denuded"/19u "knob"/20u "less lanceolate" 556 2-6m 562 3u "on\shaped", 6u "in]top", 17-22w beautiful birds 21-27m 567 22-25m 573 23-26m 574 25-27m 581 2-2m 588 24-25m 597 2-5m/3« "a hundred" 602 22-27m 603 32-33m 604 2-2m 607 2-2m 617 6-22m, 20u "the]brown", 30-31u "upper]rufous", 33-35m/33u "tail]white" 625 4-6m/w* 633 30-32m
vol. 2 NB 538 New Zealand many * anomalous Birds
6 18-22m/19u "yellow]centre"/20u "crest" 7 18-22m 10 7-20m, 29-22m 12 3-4m 14 33-34m 17 33-34m/w and white cockatoo 18 5-16m/8-llw Generally different 20 6-9m, 16-19m 22 4-5m 25 4-5m, 29-31m 28 20-23m/ 20u "the plumage" 30 10-12m, 32-34m 31 27-29m 32 2-5m, 10-llm/u "thighs]green"/w var 36 22-24m, 25u& " the] scarlet", 33u& "throat]red" 37 3-5m 38 24-27m 40 31-32m\ 31u "rich]glory" 41 29m 45 34-35m 46 l-4m, 4-7m 48 32-34m 49 32-33m 54 7-22m, 24-27m 55 27u "beautiful bird" 56 Xw Hence It does not seem as if variation had occurred early in life, but had crawled backwards or invaded the young. & it seems whenever this happens it invades both sexes - & ceases to be limited to one sex.- tÎ5-2m/tÎ5w one of the most Beautiful spec wb In other species of genus young very different - very beautiful. Shows not descent - from differently coloured ancestors 59 ll-14m, 33-35m 61 22m, 24-25m 63 22-24m 66 24-25m 67 20-21m 68 25-28m 70 8-20m, 32-35m 72 3-5m, 20-21m, 22u "band\less", 23u "conspicuous]blue", 24u "bordered]above" 74 25-27m 76 18-20m 77 5-6m 78 19-20m 82 24-2 7m 83 12-14m, 32-35m 85 25-2 7m 87 35m 90 35m 92 2-4m 95 19-20m 97 18-29m 99 34-35m 101 21-22m 102 32-33m 109 22-22m, 24-25m, 29-30m 111 2-2m 112 2-3m 113 28-31m 117 22-23m 119 7m 121 29-31m 129 30-31m 132 26-28m 134 22-24m 143 28-29m 144 24-26m 147 25-28m 149 22-23m 154 27-33m 178 16-20m 180 28-32 m 183 4-5m 186 6-9m, 20-22m 187 29-22m 188 20-22m 191 20-23m 200 6-7m 203 6-8m 212 7-20m 213 30-31m 215 22-25m 220 8-22m 228 30-33m 232 23-25m 234 4-6m, 23-25m 236 33-35m 255 15-20m 264 19-23m 275 20-26m 276 28-22m 283 33-35m 285 28-31m 295 29-32 m 312
[page break]
33-35m 319 26-28m 329 7-8m 333 24-28m 335 18-21m 337 27-32m 351 24-25m 355 27-29m 359 24-26m 360 29-32m 362 2S-22m 363 31-32m 364 2-4m 366 24-26m 373 16-18m 378 25-27m 380 6-8m 383 13-17m/14-15u "this I perceptible", 21-24m, 33-34m 384 26-29m 433 zb 491 22-24m 497 25-29m 500 32-35m 502 25-28m 503 23-2 7m 505 20-25m 511 26u<->, 29-32m 513 6-8m 520 22-23m 527 5-8m 530 24-2Sm 531 13-15m/13-14u "straight I tea*" 538 27-32m
GOULD, John An introduction to the birds of Australia London; Richard & John E. Taylor; 1848 [CUL, I] ex, gd, in, mg, oo, sp, sx, v
NB p. 8
SB1 p. 8 to 18; p. 23; p30; 36; 51; 64; 70; 75; 82; 101; 112; 134
I have forgotten to observe the relation of range of genera & species SB2Qß
10 Smooth Trees accounts for no Woodpeckers
10 Many representative Birds in Australia of those of North, (but I do not know, whether f. in intermediate region: I did ask. 15 Vars of Birds in Tasmania, migrating in one & not in other Ch. 6 23 Strix numerous in species & individuals in Australia
36 Grauculus of Tasmania 51 vars of Anthus 70 vars of Cacatua - 75 -101
64 Law of representation in Australia chiefly holds E & W
71 Nestor of Philip Isd extinct 82 Megapodium 3 species Q or rather genera - all male keep for hatching. Description of Habits
8 22-27m 9 15a/8-13xve (not CD) 10 25-28m, 38-49m 11 3-5m 15 2-3m, 6-27m, 29m, 37-38m 16 2-2m 17 2-2m 18 42-43m 23 22-31m/ l-31w this wd look as if number of species & number of individuals were related - not so in plants 30 12-20w I daresay true 32-46m/w+ Hence in mundane genus - close species represent each other in different parts of same continent 36 2-4m 51 41-45ml 42u "extra-tropical regions" 64 28-36m 70 39-44m 71 23-24m, 38-40m, 42-45m 75 41-42m 82 39-42m/w mother attends them p88 83 35m/u "12-13" 84 19-20m 85 5-7m-88 3-7m 89 27-29m, 38m 90 46-A7m 91 9-lOm/lOu "lat\ South", 21-23m, 25-26m, 29-30m/29u "six feet" 101 27-29m 110 23-26m 112 2Sm\ wt what authority? 122 table "Name of species".w You may shorten name, table "Number of Volume and Plate".w This column nothing (pp. 122-33, many entries in column headed "South-eastern Australia or N.S. Wales" marked with a cross) 134 25-30wee, 34-36m
GOULD, John Introduction to the birds of Great Britain London; Taylor & Francis; 1873 [CUL, I] beh, cc, ex, fg, gd, is, mg, oo, si, sp, tm, y
NB ♦ 23 S. Selection SB <=»
5,7,8 On migration
7 Birds not common in parts of England
where not formerly known.
11 Destruction of Birds during severe winters 13 Protection of certain species unduly increases other species 16. On slight differences of Birds of Britain & Europe & on small size of insular Birds
Eggs in Holes generally white; but others white as with Wood-pigeons & exposed.
Water-birds can swim at once; & one kind of grouse can fly almost at once.
5 15-24m, 33-39m, 46-50m 6 44-49m 7 5-9m
8 l-7w So France is not S. 14-21m/10-20w
In Ireland no 25-29m 11 15-20m, 31-37m, 45-
49m 13 20-22m 16 2-9m, 12-22m 17 7-9m, 8-
12m, 12-14m 21 19-26m 22 2-7m 23 2-Sm 42
GOULD, John An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds London; Taylor & Francis; 1861 [CUL, I] beh, es, gd, ig, in, sp, sy, t, tm, v
NB1 All references seem here abstracted.
Those not struck out, all refer to slight
variations & doubtful species- No doubt
many of the doubtful species could be
cleared up by more specimens.-
141 ♦; 146 var; 158 var; 161 var; 164 do;
167 do; 170 do; 174 do; 176; 177, 8 do do
174 tips of 4 central tail feathers, tipped with
dark green
Mem vast numbers of species are known by
only few spec.
would it not be worth while to quote all the
cases of doubt -
State that many of the doubtful forms would
be cleared up. & considered distinct, on
other hand would be connected by
intermediate gradation.
♦ 7; 9; 14; 18; 19; 20; 22; 52 Vars & close
61 var; 62 do; 67*; 74 * close species; 83
do; 86 var; 89 var; 91 var; 98 do; 102 do;
[page break]
106 do; 109 do; 112 do; 116 do; 118 do;
120, 126* Salviae; 127 var; 129 var; 136
var; 138 var
NB2 Mr G. says * he has never noticed
vars; but then he admits some slight
individual variations & if he find 2 forms for 2
districts ever so slightly different, they are
called species- In the same district at same
time, seem to be similar
variation hardly can occur; -> (to NB1, 61
States as the Groups have been carefully
monographed - & also confined to warm
part of our Continent, good to consider *
what amount of doubtful species were
offered - Then state within same region
could hardly vary, on account of crossing -
SB •*
p.7. Humming Birds very confined ranges.
Juan Fernandez p. 141
West Indies distinct species.
14, 17, 18 Great sexual differences: given
exhibition of * p. 20 nest ornamented with
♦ 22 singing & beauty not together
p.20 nest loaded with stone to make Heavy
6 keep level
«s> 28 pugnacity
p.35 sexual * similarity
52 do e> females in excess
67 e> do female more beautiful gorget than
75 » do
120 more than 20 males to 1 female - male
very gorgeous.-
ss> 49 Males Shafts of feathers expanded in
7 5-32w Humming birds very num. &
confined ranges 35-> 8 30-36m 9 20-28m,
31-32m 14 37-45m 15 xot Bates Butterflies
when underside displayed this is beautiful 2-
2m\m&, 24-29m/24u*/25u "pierce I bases"'/28u
"Bourcier\bird" 17 21-25m 18 l-10m/5u
"beards", 14-19m, 19-23m, 30u "blue ear-
tufts", 33u "bearded", 43-46m/44u "undertail-
coverts", 49-50m/50u "from behind" 19 6-8m,
9-15m, 17-21m, 24-26m, 41-50m/42-44"..."/
43w of the nest 47-52c<-> 20 l-3m, 36-43m
22 ll-16m/l-13w because the charm suffices
Nature never extravagant 18-39w However
fighting & beauty go together p. 28 28 46-
50m/w males? 29 16-22m/19-20u "perceived\
fastened", 23-26m 34 31-33m 35 l-3m 46 21-
27mdl 26-28m 49 32u*, 33-36m, 41u
"similarity \ appearance" 52 19-22m, 37-42m\
42-47m/18-47w so that weapons of war
might be gained even when males few 61
12-15m 62 8-llm 64 35~40mf26-43w Males or females more numerous? 67 17-22m, 35-38m 74 25-32 m 75 25-29m 83 38-43m 89 24-26m 91 37-38m 98 28-32m 102 15-16m, 21-25m, 41-44m 103 15-17m 106 26-32m 109 23-15m 110 9-10m, 13u^, 14u "white\four", 17-20m/18u "That I sole", 23-25w see p102 for AndesO • case 37-38m 111 4-9m/6u "attractive as may be" 112 29-32m, 35-39m 113 32-36m 116 5-9m 118 l-8m/6w only 119 35-38m 120 ll-13m 126 ll-16m 127 38-41m 129 31-34m 136 42-44m 138 40-44m 141 27-35m 146 26-29m 158 26-31m 161 7-10m, 20-22m 164 28-30m 167 15-20m 170 18-20m T74 40-42m 176 l-3m 177 16-18m, 22-23m 178 2-5m, 30-33m
GOULD, William An account of English ants London; A. Millar; 1747 [CUL, pre-B]
2 13w MyrmecO
GRABA, Carl Julian Tagebuch geführt auf einer Reise nach Färö im Jahre 1828 Hamburg; Perthes & Besser; 1830 [CUL, on B] beh, br, gd, is, mg, sp, tm, v, wd
50 to 67; 62 wild Pigeon; 80; 102; 106; 118;
150; 187; 205
51. The White Raven not fixed (Magillvray 3/
745) Descript of - other ravens drive away,
only at Faroe as pair together
56 anthers varying in measurements & tints
♦ 63 C. livia varies (read)
65, 80 Larus 2 spec, varies much in beak &
tarsi Q
103 * seldom found 2 birds of same kind of
same dimensions - took great pains on 100s
of specimens
107 another capital case of Uria, see to this
Q (p150 another case of 2 forms breeding
118 Colymbus, beak & tarsi variable Q
205 there are migratory Birds in Faroe Q
The Pied Faroe Raven is analogue of
Hooded Crow & Jackdaw & Magpie(?)
title page w+ See about Pie-bald Raven mentioned in Macgillvry Vol. 3 end. Does Ch. Martins in Voyage to Scandinavia mention this Bird.- p70 1 wb*& Read 38 16-23m 50 25-28m 51 16w vol 3 p 745 of Macgillvry 27-29m, 24-25m/24u "nicht\auf"/ 25w not a fixed species 52 20« "Der\ stark", ll-12m, 15u "sehr\vorne"/12-16w agrees pretty well with Mac. 25-28m/w exactly same
as Mac 30m/u "hornweiss" 53 26« "diel mittlem", 20u "Schwanz", 21w black in Mac. 23u "rein schwarz"'/w agrees 25u "Krallen\ weiss", 27-30m/w varies 54 wt very curious being produced only at Faroe 9-10m/w ornithologist lOu "Vieil. \Brehm"/llu "Brün-nich"/w have named it 14-17m/u "gewöhnliche] vorkommt"'/w pecking him away 20-23m/u "dossIerhält", ÏÏ4-2m/u "ein\Junge" 56 27-29m/w measurements not here to be trusted 57 2-Au "Mai\übrigen", 8-9m 59 l-3m 62 18-21u "das I behalten", 18-25w Description 63 17-26m/20w varies 24u "eine"/ 25u "eine Andeutung"/ 25-26m, 27-28m/28u "ist I gemein" 65 22-27m, 29u "Knochenbildung", wb skeleton 66 4-7m/5-6u "die\ wirken", ll-13m/w very rash to trust to measurements on dryed skins 19-24m/w does not trust to measurement without they are constant over 25-30m, 26u "Papagei-taucher"/wb Puffin 67 4u*, 7-9w differences of 2 specimens- 22-27m/24u "1 11/12" 80 13-15m/14u "5 Linien" 102 22-30m/24-25w Variation 103 4-8m/7-8u "und I wären", 22-26m, 23-25u "hunderteI untersucht" 106 20u*, 22-24m, 25-26u "halben I Zoll", 27w*/Q wb Faber wb See MacGillvry for other localities 29-30m/30u<-> 107 lu*+/wt/l-7w Uria ringvia var of U. troile. is certainly only a variety, though he at first doubted 8-17w MacGillivray 5 p. 328 with picture of head. Q 7-9u "einigen\Auge", 16-17u++, 19-21m 118 21-22m 146 14u "dunkelbrauner "/10-13w 2 other chance visitors 22-25m/w Goldfinches arrived 150 6-8m/Q 187 8-12m/9u "die Hälfte" 202 19m 205 wt Faroes about 160 miles from Shetland & further from Iceland 7-10w in Iceland I think many migratory Birds ll-12mf u*+/w migratory Q
A Graduate from Cambridge The Darwinian theory of the transmutation of species London; James Niskett; 1867 [Down]
GRANT, Robert Edmond Outlines of comparative anatomy London; J.B. Baillière; 1835 [CUL]
NB (back cover of each of the four parts)
Part 3, Catalogue, 18 25m 19 40m 20 6m
supplement to Catalogue, 1 16-17m 3 20-
13m, 45m 6 25m, 29m
GRATIOLET, Pierre De la physionomie et des mouvements d'expression Paris; J. Hetzel; 1865 [CUL, S] beh, he, pat, phy, t, v
NB1 Book 14; p. 311 Book; p135
NB2 p. 123 Hensleigh; p137; 161; p. 167
Dyspnoea; Englehart; MouthO Bl
title page lu/3u (author, title), wb See p436 for Lecture 7 l-4m, 22-25m 12 8-10m, 15-20m, 21-25m 14 17-20m 15 4-12m, 15-17m 17 5-8m/w rolling eyes 18 15-19m/? 19 17-19m 23 25-26m, 18-20m 24 3-5m, 10-21m 26 18-23m 35 19-25m/22 "... 37 l-9m/..." 42 8-13m 43 9-12m 47 5-13m, 14-17m 51 12-15m/w p256 p346 52 l-8m, 12-23m 53 9u "presque] regard", 10-12m/10-llu "mouvements] sensibles"/12u "tête inclinée", 13u "chairs du", 14u "flasques" 65 18-25m/"..." 66 2"..., 4-8m 73 3-5m 75 12-15m 78 8-13m 79 12-Um/w colour changes suddenly in Turkey 21-22m, 23-25m 81 l-7m, 15-17m, 19-22m 82 5-8m, 20-23m 83 10-15m 84 8-13m 85 10-14m 90 6-7m, 24-25m 91 4-9m, 17-22m 92 6-25w Have the capillaries muscular coats? Does Beale discuss this? (of course) 20-25m, wb This view of nervous power merely general 94 l-7m/l-5"..."/4w oh 16-19m 98 6-10m/8w Cats 14-lSm 99 3-6m 100 15-20m/? 101 2-8m 104 21-25m 105 1-Am 106 7-20m 113 6-8m 115 5-23w seems to say that noise of laughing & crying the same 117 9-23m, 19-20m/?/u/wx 118 9-13m/w hence close eyes 22-25m, wb Bell wrong on expanding chest for effort 120 wb retardation of circulation 121 14-18m/5-17w to check the circulation 29-22m 125 22u "bâillement" 126 4-9m, 13-16m 127 5-7m 129 9-llm/w trembling at dawn of life ÏÏ2u "l'action]froid" 144 wt to see distinctly l-4m 145 l-4m 146 4-7m/w tears too bright light 152 5-8m 155 8-25m 157 4-7m 160 14-25m 161 22-29m, 23-25m 168 24-22m 186 17-25m 187 21-25m 188 l-3m/!/..." 189 13-24m 206 29-22m 207 wt This is Key-stone inherited 2-2m, 4-7! 212 24-25m/"... 213 2-4m/l-5...", 16-19m 217 22-24m 218 19-24m 221 22-23m 230 4-11 m 232 4-6m, 10-12m 233 8-9u "oublient]respirer", lOu "cet\qui" 234 ll-14m 247 18u "excessive tourmente", 19-25m/-*/wb shortest injured limb 248 2-5m 250 8-15m, 22-25m 251 3-7m, 20-25m 253 6-9m, 23-25m 254 4-6m, 7-9m/w astonishment I doubt 19-24m 255 3-4m, fig.m/w like Husckke 256 8-22m 257 5-9m 264 5-12m/6-8w Piderit 21-25m 265 17-20m 268 2 2-2 6m 283 wt to 287 20-24m, 18-23m&>/20w do 23-25m 284 6-20m, 10-15m, 22-25m/w • (afcowf placebo effect) 285 20-29m 286 wt The wish to stop crying increases it - 2-4m, S-20m 287 20-llm/w Lemon 289 13-15m/14u "M. Chevreul" 290 20-25m 311 5-7m 322 23-2Sm 323 22-18m 324 14-18m/15m/14-18u± 334 6-21m/8w
[page break]
opposite feelings 335 13-15m/10-17w anger does the same 16-21m, wb Is it not because it has led to action see Note in Portfolio 336 5-10m, 17-21m/21u "pousse I affreux", 24-25m, l-25w can pain be said to excite an animal - yes if not accompanied by fear whipping of a horse shows it - * collapse soon follows wb (See Bell) 337 17-25m 338 4-8m 345 18-23m 346 11-Um, 19-23m 351 wt Antithesis to humility l-12m 357 10-12m 358 20-24m 359 wt hides his face 3-6m/w shame 16-18m, 20m, 22-25m, wb hiding thus is wildness & distinct from shame, which makes a blush 360 l-3m 362 l-6m 369 15-18m 370 14-19m 376 16-25m 378 21-25m 384 24-25m 436 5-7m 438 wb p253 Hippocrates: cannot feel pain in 2 places at once
GRAVES, George The naturalist's companion London; Longman, Hurst, Orme, Brown & Green; 1824 [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin August 4th 1825] p
GRAY, Asa Botany for young people: part 2, How plants behave New York & Chicago; Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.; 1872 [CUL,
fg, mhp, oo
NB 17; 18; 34; 42; 45; 12 error 12 21-24m/21u "is I right" 17 2-6m 18 31-33m, wb No, because a tendril that has caught nothing coils 34 16-23m/w insects & pollen 37 20-21m 42 5-15m 45 28-37m (Linnaeus)
GRAY, Asa Darwiniana New York; D. Appleton & Co.; 1876 [CUL] cs, t, v
NB1 Westminster R July 1875 NB2 357-58 Design & Purpose Raindrops 157 Cloth 85
p338 about variations wearing out of once-crossed
iv 7-9m 11 4u<& "he"/w Dana 357 29-31m 358 19-33m
GRAY, Asa First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology New York; G.P. Putnam & Co., and Ivison & Phinney; 1857 [CUL, I] ct
NB 51 Sarracenia; 165 Proteine 49 20-24m 51 29-38m 120 l-6m 123 14m, 25m 127 34u "whole \ ovary", 38-40m/39u "orange I berry" 130 19u "Caryopsis\ Grain", 23u "Indian corn", 26-29m/26u "hazelnut", 29u "in I husk" 165 17u "Proteine", 23u "as\ lining", 25u "Protoplasm" 210 27m
GRAY, Asa Manual of the botany of the northern United States 2nd edn; New York; 1856 [CUL] gd, sp, sx, t, v
NB 257 Q var. of Azalea
p80 Rhamnus dimorphic clearly
♦ p123 Crataegus wrong
Asa Gray
Phanerogams (calculations showing) 2.6
species to genera; 134 Families
(line across page)
Introduced by Decandolle on whole U States
(calculations similar to above)
SB2 A> (not CD; lists of species naturalised
from Europe; some calculations by CD in pencil
similar to above)
(o = marks by Mr Norman identifying plants naturalised from Europe; most m/u mark "common")
4 22u 6 4md, 17m/u, 36m/u 7 5m/u, 38m/u 8 4m/u, 16m/u 9 llm/u, 13m, 28m/u, 35m/u 10 Wo, 18o, 27o, 32o 11 19m/u 12 3m/u, 6o, 12o, 24m/u 13 Ho 14 26m, 30m 15 18-26m/w These remarks mean nothing 19 36o 21 21m/ u 23 4m/u, 18-19m/u 24 12m/u 25 lo, 8o, llo, 14o, 20o, 33o, 40o 26 lo, So, 17m/u 27 7-8m/u 28 6m/u, 8o, Wo, 13o 30 9o, 16o, 35-36m, 36m/ u, 39u 31 4o 32 31 m/u, 32m 34 13m/u, 35m 35 22m, 23m 36 lo, 5o, 15o, 21o, 24o, 27o, 28o 38 26o, 20o, 36o, 39o 39 lo, 5o, 24o 40 4o 41 13o, 17o 42 24m/u 43 6m/u, 10m 44 8m/u, 13m/u, 18m/u, 24m/u, 25m, 27m, 35o, 39md 50 22m, 28m/u 51 35m/u 52 26m/u 54 28o 55 3o, 9o, 31o 56 22o, 29m/u, 31o, 35o 57 lo, 9o 58 22o, 28o 59 6o, 21m/u, 26m/u 60 4o, 9o, 23o, 31o 61 22o, 24o, 29o 62 20m, 24o, 27o, 33m/u 63 lOo, 15o 64 19o, 24o 65 22m/« 66 2o, 5o, Wo, 16o, 21o 67 33o, 37m/u, 40o 68 lo 69 lo, 36m 72 9m/u, 15m/u 73 22o, 19o, 22o 74 9m/u, 13m/u, 17md 75 23-24m/u 77 35m/u, 41m/u 78 6m, 8m/u 79 3-4z, 6u "Flowers often polygamous", 41o 80 wt long-style & short pedicels is more Masculine wt In R. catharticus 5-6m/u 81 40m 83 23o, 38m 84 35m 85 5m/u 86 30m/u 87 22m/u, 36m, 46m/u 91 19m/u, 33o, 38o 92 25o, 20o, 25o 93 6o, llo, 16o, 22o, 25o, 33o, 37o 94 5o 98 2m/u 99 24m/u 100 27m/u, 30m/u, 41m/ u 101 22m/«, 24m/w, 32m, 41m 102 2m/u, 17m, 42o 103 5o, 9o 104 4m 105 10-llm/u, 21m, 24m, 27m 108 28m/u, 30o, 40m/u 109 30m/u 112 22m/«, 26o, 29md, 43m/u 113 22m/u 114 3m/u 115 3m/u, 22o, 28o, 31o 116 26m/u, 30m/ u, 42m/u \YJ 30m, 42m/u 118 23m/w, 29m, 31m 119 5m/u, 41m/u 120 2m/u, 12m/u, 28m/u 121 8m/u, 26m, 28m, 29m/u, 36m/u, 43m/u 122 30m/u, 36m/u 123 lo, 6o, 14-26w NB This
[page break]
was omitted by me 27o, 41m/u 124 7m/u, 10m, 13m, 17m, 34m 125 16m, 17m, 18m/u, 38m/u, 40m 126 2m, 4m, 8m, 33m/u 128 23o 129 5m/u 130 llm/u, 19m, 39m/u 131 8m, 9m, Wm/u, Urn, 13m/u 132 7m/u, 21m/u 133 4m/ u, 31m/u 134 6m/u, 30m/u 135 6m, 7m, 8m/w 3 136 24m 137 4m/u, 9-lOm/u, 34m 141 2o, 18m/u 143 24m/u, 30m/u 145 42m/u 146 39m 150 30-31m/u 151 25m/u 152 lo, 8o, 30m/u, 33o, 41o 154 29o, 35o 156 2m, 8m, Urn, 23o, 28o 157 lOm/u, 13m/u 158 22m/«, 26m/w, 27o, 34o 160 2m/w, 22m/« 161 24m/w, 27m/«, 28m/ u, 34m/u 164 3m/u, 23m/u, 41m/u 165 22m 166 28m/« 167 22m, 24m, 34m/u, 42m/u 168 20m/u 170 9m/u, 21m, 22m, 24m/u, 29m/u, 36m, 43m/u 171 2m/u, 12m/u, 13o, 40u 172 2-2w DD 7w DD 8m, 21m/u, 25u, 33-34m/u/w DD 173 22w DD 26m, 30m 174 3w DD 4m/« 176 4o, 33o, 41o 177 3o 185 29m/u, 26m 186 25m/w 188 24m/« 189 9o, 18o 190 6m/u, 28m/ u, 36m/u Vil 13m 192 20m, 23m/w, 20m, 24m 193 22 m/«, 27m/«, 37m, 45m/u 194 20m/«, 29m, 20m/u, 27u, 38m/u 195 22m, 27m/u, 36m/ u, 38m 196 25m/u 197 6m/u 198 8-9m/w, 22 m/ «, 26m/u, 31m/u, 50m/u 199 5-6m/u, 26m/u, 34m/u 201 22 m, 22m/u, 27m/u, 32m/u 202 28m, 28m, 33m 204 23m/w, 29m, 30m, 31m/u 205 6m/u, 22m/w, 39m/u 206 29m/w, 22m, 22m, 26m/u, 31m/u, 40m/u, 44m/u 208 lo, 5o 210 20m, 38m, 46m/u 212 24m, 25m/« 213 2-3m/u, 5m, 8u, 9o, 37m 214 26m, 27m/w 215 20m/« 217 40m, 42m/u 218 27m, 27m/«, 24m/u, 40m, 41m/u 220 45m 222 4m/u, 28m/u 224 7m/u 225 4o, 22o, 24o, 22o, 23o, 29o 226 4m/u, 5o, 8o, 15o, 22o, 29o 227 lo, 35m, 37o 228 4o, 26m/u, 30m/u 229 24m/w, 22m, 22m/u, 23o, 33o 230 6m/u 231 5o, 23m, 25m, 27m, 20m/u 232 5o, 22o, 15o, 19o, 25o, 34o 233 5o, 38m 234 4m/«, 22o, 28o, 31o, 34o, 41o 235 lo, Ho, 17o, 23o, 25o, 31o 236 3m, 19m, 27m 237 7m/u, 20m/u, 33m/u, 42m, 43m/u, 48m/u 238 6m, 8m/u, 16m/ u 239 39m/u 240 22m, 24m 241 5m/w, 8o, 15o, 20o, 25o 242 27m/u, 45m/u 244 6m/«, 20m 245 5m/u 247 20m, 35m/w 248 27m/« 249 24m, 26m/u, 37m/u, 42m/u 250 2m, 5m, 7m, 9m, 26m/u 251 22 m/«, 29m/u 252 44m/u 255 38m/w 256 3m, 8m, 28m 257 7m, 9m, 17-19m, 36m/u 259 34m/u, 37m, 38m, 39m 260 5m/u, 19m/u 261 20m/«, 24m/w 262 19m/u, 28m/u 263 27-28m 264 23m/u 268 22o, 36m 269 2o, 23m, 27m 270 22m 272 24m/w, 40m/w 273 4m/u, 27m/w, 25m, 26m, 28m/u, 44m/u 274 9o, 25o, 40m, 41m/u 276 Sm/w 277 29m/u 279 2o, So, 23o, 25o 280 22 m/« 281 28m/« 283 22o, 30o, 35o, 39o 284 22m/u, 24o, 20o, 26o, 29o, 35o 285 42m/« 286 38m/u 288 7m/u, 36m/u 290 23m/u, 32m/u 291 6m/«, 24m/«, 26o, 29m/«, 23o, 27o, 32o 292 39m/u 293 9m/«, 22m/«,
27m/u, 35m/u 295 42m/« 296 22m/u 298 27o, 32o, 42o 300 2m/w 303 27o, 22o, 28m 304 2m/ «, 20m, 24m, 28o, 34o 305 22m 306 23m/«, 26o, 34o, 37o 307 3o, 7o, 13o, 27o, 40m 308 7o, Wo, 16o, 30-31m/u 311 32o, 40o 312 3o 313 38m/« 315 26m/w, 32m/u, 35o, 43o 316 3o, 23o, 29o, 33o 317 6m, 22m, 25m, 28o, 38o, 42o 318 lo, 12o, 15o, 17o, 22o, 26o, 34o 319 40o 320 4o, 8o, 13o, 17o, 24o 321 33o 322 2o 324 4m, 22o, 30o, 43o 325 25-2 6m/w, 27o, 24o, 32o, 36o 331 29m 333 23o, 28o, 40o 334 4o, 29o, 34o 335 8m/w, 40m 336 18o 337 8m, 25m/w 340 5m, 13m/u, 21m/u, 23o, 29o, 32o, 40o 341 lo, 13o, 16o, 23o 343 33o, 41o 344 3o, 9o 345 20m, 36m/u 346 36m/u 347 2m, 35m/u 350 29m/«, 28m, 29m, 30m, 31m/u 352 28m/w, 26-27m/u 353 6m/w 354 4m, 5m/«, 14m/u, 25m/u, 36m/u 355 23m/«, 35o, 43o 356 24o, 30o 357 34-35m/ w 358 8-9m/«, 28m/« 359 26m/u 361 28-29m/u 362 42o 363 23o, 20o, 26o, 32o, 39o, 44o 364 9o, 17o, 21o, 25o, 29o, 35o 365 24m/«, 20o 367 24m/«, 29m, 37o 368 22o, 29o, 25o, 29o, 36o, 42o 369 3o, 16o, 22o 370 5m 372 6o, 20m/«, 24m/«, 28m/w, 35m/u, 44-45m/u 373 20o, 27o, 36m/u 374 4m/«, 5m, 9m, 22m/u, 29m/u, 41m/ u 375 12-13m/u, 20o, 33m/u, 35o 376 lo, 38m/ u 377 24m, 27o, 33o, 39o, 45o 378 27o 379 22m/w, 36m/« 382 4m/u 383 20m/«, 34m, 35m, 37m/u 384 28m/«, 22m, 30m 386 27m 387 6m/ u, 13m/u 388 3o, 22m/w, 35m, 41m 389 2o, 27o 390 4m/u, llm/u, 15m, 40m/u 396 2m/w, 24m/ « 397 24m, 27m, 29m/«, 39o 398 29m/«, 24o, 28o 399 7m/w, 23m/u, 36m/u 401 8m/«, 34m/w, 40m/u 402 28m/«, 42m/« 403 2m, 22m/«, 29m/ « 404 22m, 37m/u, 40m/u 405 2m/w, 4m, 9m 406 29m/?, 22m 407 3m/u, 12m/u, 18m/u "hybrid", 43m/u 408 23m/u, 39m/u 409 2m/«, 26m/w 411 22m/« 412 33m/u, 34m 413 5m/w Omit whole genus Mr Norman 418 38m/w 419 28m 422 2m/«, 8m/u, 15m/u, 20m/u 423 22 m/« 425 22m, 22m/u, 39m/u 427 22m, 22m/«, 37m, 37m/u 428 8m/u, 48m/u 430 ll-12m/u, 21mfu 431 26m/«, 20m/« 432 22m/«, 37m 433 22m/u 434 24m, 24m/u, 40m/u, 44m/u 435 2 m, 24m/«, 30m/u, 31m 436 4m/«, 22m/« 437 28m 438 6m/ u 439 17m/u, 18m, 20m, 21m, 22m, 23m, 31m, 31m/u, 32m, 33m, 41m/u 441 26m/w 442 2-2m/ « 444 22m/« 445 28m/w, 23m/w, 30m/u, 39m/u 446 20m/«, 28m, 36m/u, 45m/u 447 37m/u, 43m/u 448 25m/«, 45m/u 450 20m/«, 37m/« 452 24m/w 453 9m/w, 20m/« 454 20m/u, 25m/u, 40m/u 455 6-7m/« 456 42m/« 458 28m/« 459 22m/w 460 25m, 27m, 20m/u 461 3m/u 462 22-23m/«, 24m 463 26m, 29m/« 464 23m/«, 29m/ «, 22m 466 lo, 7o, 28m/u 467 24m/«, 22m/u, 33m/u 468 29o, 28o, 37o, 43o, 49o 470 4m, 38m/w 471 5m/«, 20m/w, 27m, 27m/« 473 43m/ u 474 2m/u 475 2m/«, 25m/« 476 39m/u 479
[page break]
37m/u, 39-40? 480 8m/u, 17m/u, 32m/u 481 21m/u, 28-29m/u, 37m/u 482 Urn, 25m, 27m/u 483 20m/u, 32m, 34m/u 484 28m, 29m/u 485 Um/u 491 26m, 27m/u 492 35m, 37m/u, 46m/u 493 23m/?, 35m/u 494 lOm/u 495 lm/u, 16m 496 12m/w, 24m, 27m, 29m/u 497 2-3u/3m, Wm/u 498 7m/«, 17m 500 3m/u, 22m, 24m/u, 45m 501 24m, 26m, 28m/u 502 9m/w, 14m, 16m, 17m/u, 27m 503 18m/u, 30m 505 26m/« 506 32m/u 507 23w Mr Norman omit 510 20« 511 6u, 30u, 31-32m 512 6u, 24u 513 9m, 19u, 23u, 31u 514 28u, 30m 515 6m, 7m, 8m, 9m, 11m, 12m, 16u, 37u, 41u, 43u 516 22m, 24m/w, 27u 517 9m 518 25m, 28m/« 519 20m/«, 23« 521 32«, 46m 522 7«, 7m 523 25-26m 524 20m/u 525 34m, 36m 526 21«, 14~18w Naturalised 527 4« 530 24«, 32«, 43u 531 25u, 35u, 40u 532 27m, 29u 534 29m, 22« 540 4-5m/u, 8m/u, 27m\u, 41o 541 lo, 9m\u, 17o 542 4m/w 543 3Sm/w 544 2o, 10m, 24o, 29o, 34o 545 8m/u, 12m, 42m/u 546 4m/u, lOm/u, 15m/u, 44m/u 547 22m/« 549 3m/u 550 24-15m/u, 39m/u 552 2m/w, 22 m, 25m 553 32 m 554 22o, 18o, 20o, 30o, 32o, 40o 555 zb 557 15o, 22o, 34m 558 20m/u, 33m, 36m 559 26m/ u, 34m/u 560 2m/u, 9-lOm/u 561 24m/w 562 33m/u, 42o 563 28m/u, 33o 564 2o, 39m/u 565 4m, 20o, 22o, 42m 566 2m, 7o, 28o, 33o, 38o 567 4-5m/u, 17m/u, 25o 568 29m/« 569 3o, 7o, llo, 29m 570 43m, 44m/u 571 5m, 24m/u, 40m/u 572 25ml? 573 28o, 24o, 30o, 33o, 41o 574 22o, 29o 575 6o, 20-22m/« 577 29o, 22m/«, 26o, 29m/« 578 20m/w, 22m, 29m/«, 34m/u 579 20m/«, 25m, 18-19m/u 580 23m/«, 34m/w, 46o 581 20o, 2So, 23o, 27o, 31o 582 23m 583 25m/ «, 23m/« 584 23m/«, xvb Here Mr Norman ends
GRAY, Asa Natural science and religion New York; Charles Scribner's Sons; 1880 [CUL, I]
80 22-27m 84 22m
GRAY, George Robert A fascicle of the birds of China London; 1871 [Down, I]
GRAY, Henry Anatomy, descriptive and surgical 5th edn; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1869 [Down, probably FD]
GRAY, John Edward Synopsis reptilium London; Treuttel, Wurtz & Co.; 1831 [Down, S] p
GREEN, Charles The history, antiquities, and geology, of Bacton, in Norfolk Norwich; Josiah Fletcher; 1842 [CUL, I Charles Darwin from C. Lyell]
GREENE, Joseph Reay A manual of the sub-kingdom Coelenterata London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1861 [Down, I]
14 0 27-31m/31u/w viz. Protozoa
GREENWELL, William British barrows Oxford; The Clarendon Press; together with ROLLESTON, George Description and figures of skulls Oxford, The Clarendon Press; 1877 [Down, I] p
GREG, William Rathbone The creed of Christendom London; Trübner & Co.; 1863 [Down]
NB ♦ (CD?) 31; 75; 85; 117
GREG, William Rathbone Enigmas of life London; Trübner & Co.; 1872 [Down, I]
GROBBEN, Carl Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Männlichen Geschlechtsorgane der Dekapoden Wien; Alfred Holder; 1878 [Down, I] p
GROVE, William Robert The correlation of physical forces 4th edn; London; Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green; 1862 [Down, S]
GÜNTHER, Albert Description of Ceratodus London; Taylor & Francis; 1871 [Down]
GÜNTHER, Albert The gigantic land-tortoises (living and extinct) in the collection of the British Museum London; by order of the Trustees; 1877 [Down] p
GÜNTHER, Albert An introduction to the study of fishes Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1880 [Down, I]
GÜNTHER, Albert The reptiles of British India London; The Ray Society; 1869 [Down]
122 30-33m/30-31u, 33-38ml33u/35u/36u/38-39u 123 9u 125 27« 128 23« 130 23-24«, 20-21u 131 3«, 7-9u 132 9-12m, 18-21m 134 22-31m 135 5-7m, 16u, 18u, 27u, wb • 136 3-6m 143 32u, 34«, 36u 386 19-21m/20u 413 15-17m/15u, 26-28m, 35~36m/35u, 37-39m
GUTHRIE, Malcolm On Mr Spencer's formula of evolution London; Trübner & Co.; 1879 [Down, I] (markings by FD)
GUY, William A. Principles of forensic medicine 2nd edn; London; Henry Renshaw; 1861 [Down, FD]
[page break]
HAAST, Julius von Geology of the provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand Christchurch; The Times Office; 1879 [Down]
HABERLANDT, Gottlieb Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entivickelung der Keimpflanze Wien; Carl Gerold's Sohn; 1877 [Down, I]
NB (not CD)
33 30-31m, 34r-35m 42 9-10m/9u "viele"/10u
"Verbreitungsfähigkeü" 43 13-16m, 33-37m 45
ll-13m, 23-25m 50 26-29m 60 35-3/'m 62 21-
25m 68 36-37m 83 31-32m 88 32-34m 98 35-
HABERLANDT, Gottlieb Die Schutzeinrichtungen in der Entwickelung der Keimpflanze Wien; Carl Gerold's Sohn; 1877 [CUL] cc, che, fg, ig, mhp, pat, phy, t, y
SA (pp. 52-3; 2 sheets) Qß A
Dr Haberlandt Schutzrichtungen 1
p.23 The hypocoty of Phaseolus first
geotropic & then apogeotropic do not allude
to, as may be different in different plants
25 The coats of seed by rubbing roots
causes bending which increases geotropic
bending - compares with what Sachs says
about Earth, p. 26 shows by drawing what
takes place, (mem diff. with Peas.
48 seedlings resist frost wonderfully
52 Winkler & Irmisch - the sinking of
hypocotyl. axis in Earth - shorten so that
cotyledon drawn into Earth
66 must break through Earth, or at least find
cracks to pass through - Brakes through
bowed to protect growing point p. 69 do. -
explain grasses breaking through the ground
by turgency & stiffness of cotyledon.
69 Plants with hypo<gtfisdi) cotyledon break
through ground bowed - The convex side of
arched hypocotyl turn up through
72 Helianthus annuus weight of Cots, cause
79 - Allium true Knee in the Cot.
79 experiments with cutting off Cots of
Barley repeatedly & did not Kill
(over) Haberlandt p. 94. Cots of Lupinus
anatomically intermed between sub-) &
hypo(gäisch) Cots In Leguminosae all
gradation between the 2 states
98 The 2 sides of Cots, not usually so much
differentiated * as in true Leaves.
title page vot Can Nutation help seedling rise through earth wb p. 4; 12; Time 160; xvO 29; Dry 61; Mangroves 63; Climate 64; See
Wiesener chlorophyll 2 10-13m 3 l-3m 4 10-13m 7 7m 11 12-lSm, 18m 12 26-28m 15 2m, 31-34m 16 7-llm 17 12-15m 18 35m 23 32-37m 24 8m, 25-29m 25 14-23m 29 27-30m 30 21m, 30-33m 35 lm 37 16-18m 39 6-8m/7w (FD), 33m 43 27m, 33-37m/w weight of seed 45 6u "trockenen", 10-13m, 34-35m 48 7-10m, 10-14m/12u "Je\alter", 17-19m 49 12-16m, 27-38m 51 20m 52. 31-35m 53 l-6m, 11-15m/12uA> "hypokotylen "/14u^ "Verkürzung I Keimachse" 58 7m 61 l-5m 66. 13u "bergenden I Erdreichs", l-14w may not sensitivity to light of PhilexiaO serve to find way through cracks 30m "genannte Keimblattscheide"\21-30wshort* stem bowed to protect bud at end 1Ï4w "27"/wbx 67 28-30m/w This explains grasses getting out of ground 69 wt Put * He attributes most importance to older part & partition of young plant. We have learned much from this valuable essay, though our observations tend to differ in some points l-10m/6-8u "rückwärts I nachfolgt"/ Um, 17-18m/12-24w This is utterly different from my view 12-24m/17-18w do not understand 28u "Raumverhältnisse\xvird" 70 10-15m 71 14m, 36-40m, 36-40m/wb So he knows nothing of my Nutation 72 24-30m/w weight of Cots cause stem to bend 75 15-19m/10-20w He evidently considers this the sole Nutation 76 19m, 22-27m 77 1-Am, 20-25m/20u "Keimblatt ", 24-26m/24-26u "mittelst I Rede ", 33-35m/35u "Sachs I Experimentalphysiologie" 79 6-13m, 21-25m\w bears on my light experiments 85 12m 88 14m 94 4m, 14-19m/w Lupine cotyledons anatomically 25« "grünen, vergrösserten"/17-18u++, 23u "Rückbildung", 25m/u "ausser\bau", 31-32m 95 wt Gradation 2-22m, 17w Bean 96 26-30m, 26« "Aussenseite"/26-29m 97 25m 98 l-16m/w Different function of upper & lower surface -the Upper much more active 18u "der Transpiration", 29-31m/w in Cotyledons 32-35m
HABERLANDT, Gottlieb Vergleichende Anatomie der assimilatorischen Gewebesystem Berlin; G. Bernstein; 1881 [Down, I]
HAECKEL, Ernst Anthropogenie oder Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1874 [Down] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Anthropogenie oder Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen 3rd edn; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1877 [Down, I] P
[page break]
HAECKEL, Ernst Arabische Korallen Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1875 [Down]
NB 20 20 29-36m
HAECKEL, Ernst Zur Entzvickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophoren Utrecht; C. Van der Post Jr.; 1869 [CUL] ce, ds, em, mn, phy, t, v
NB p. 79 Regrowth
p.80 & elsewhere extraordinary tendency in
Larvae of Medusae to produce monsters &
98 Monstrosity throwing light on primordial
NF ♦ p218; 220; 232; 233; 243; Best
passages Häckel (cannot refer to this book -
only 120 pp.)
36; 73; 80; 92; 97; 100; 103
79 6-12m 80 14-22m/w Slight changes in
conditions cause monstrosities 81 3~4w new
structures arise 98 15m/18-24w Monstrosity
throwing light on primordial parent-form
HAECKEL, Ernst The evolution of man 2 vols.; London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1879
[Down] tm
vol. 1, 169 ll-13w does not satisfy me 181 8m 220 21m 280 14m 287 7-25m, 17m 389 28m 394 22m
vol. 2 SB 321 about differences between spiral tendril & notochord
HAECKEL, Ernst Freedom in science and teaching prefatory note by T.H. Huxley; London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1879 [Down]
HAECKEL, Ernst Freie Wissenschaft und freie Lehre Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1878 [Down, I]
HAECKEL, Ernst Generelle Morphologie der Organismen 2 vols.; Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1866 [CUL, I in vol. 1]
af, beh, et, ds, em, fg, h, in, oo, pat, phy, rd, sp, ss, sx, sy, t, tm, ts, v, y
vol. 1, xxvii 3m/4w skimmed 5m, 22m, 36-39m/36w R to 39-43m\41ia R xxviii 2-5m/4w R 22m xxxi 21m
280 6-15m
vol. 2 SB Band 2.- Ernst Häckel
♦ p.36 add spores to test of means of
propagation, or proof of internal separation
given not to Hackel; 59 on eggs of insects of
many cells
a. Vol. 2
p.242 colour of pelagic animals
Selectio feminina
Sexual selection; 246 do good a> Cop 239 good criticism on my term of struggle for existence - says ought to be confined to struggle between organisms for same end -all other cases are dépendance - Misseltoe depends on apple.
259 Law of Perfections
270 Rudimentary organs; 272 do
(over) ♦
In man Chapt I might add as proof of theory
- "the progressive perfection or development
of organic beings" - their diversity or
[Under Man - allude to fullest description of
Rudiments ever given by Hacked]
p278 Rudiment in Man & injurious, in what
animal fully developed? Propose vermiform
of intestine - see Todd Encyclop Man Cops
Rudimentary organs to p. 285.
361 Book order C_op_A>
xi 22m, 29-33m, 33m, 35m, 36m, 37m, 38m, 41-46m xiv 9-13m/llw R 49m xv l-20m xvi 13-17m, 36m/w R
cli xvt abstracted cliii 4u++/xvt it is indisputable l-3m (Huxley) civ vot says if no prejudice no one wd doubt affinity with tailless or anthropomorphic apes - 8-10m/5-13w next division of tailed &. tailless apes of Old World 28u "Gesässschunelen"l25-30w anthropoids no callosities on rump 44-51m/w Men sometimes have large canines, wbx elvi 9-13m/8~15w none of these existing anthropoids is ancestor 36 33-42m/24-42w Formation of spores a distinct process 37 7-9m, 10-Uu "so I strenger"/w ? Spores of Ferns?? 59 Wu "aus\zusammengesetzt"
P . •
171 20-22m 242 18-42w Sea - Pelagic
animals of many classes colourless &
transparent - good 243 38-42m/wlwb larvae
which are pelagic colourless and not the
adults 245 10-13m/llu "menschlichen", 17-
21m, 27u "Wamme\Stiers"/27-31zv dewlap
of Bull a defensive weapon!! 30u
"Schnabelthiers"/35-37w ornithl * 246 26-
[page break]
32m\w X women ornament themselves to attract men 33~41w women the most beautiful & song 247 16-22m/w may act materially on both sexes 28-30w acts on intellect 253 3-12w Divergence or Differentiation of organs * explained, as I have done for species 259 l-10m 270 8-18w organs become rudimentary as slowly & as by as many steps, as they are first formed. 272 9-26w not only organ, but whole individual may be said to be rudimentary. 275 l-25m/6-8w eyes rudimentary 277 8-9w Limbs rudimentary 278 27m, 28m, 32u "Menschen I rudimentärer", 33u "Processus I Blinddarms", 36-40m 279 26-42m/28-32w rudiments of sexual organs in both sexes 284 l-20w eg Parasitic animals are rudimentary wholes. 305 2-10m 427 ll-20m 428 22-38m, 22-28w line of descent 429 2-21m
HAECKEL, Ernst Gesammelte populäre Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Entwick-elungslehre 2. Heft; Bonn; Emil Strauss; 1879 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst The history of creation trans, revised E.R. Lankester, 2 vols.; London; Henry King & Co.; 1876 [CUL, S in both vols.] ad, ce, es, hy
vol. 1 NB (w not CD) 43A; 49 facts for D; 52; 108 Baer; 117 monde ambiante 5 27m 43 We/we 49 21-22m 52 19-20m 109 9x/u "Baer" 117 4u "ambiant" 118 13-18m (Naudin, Lecoq) 146 17-20m/w no 148 5-6?, 19w no 160 27m 165 22m catalogue, 79 wt hybrids crossing - ApercaO & sheep & goats wt p118 Saporta & Gaudry 8-21w Adaptation bad term 80 wt 160 wb 13
vol. 2 NB 45 very good
(by ED) errata 71; 16; 195
93; 106; 108; 111; 340?
1 4-6m, 7-8m, zb 11 23m 45 4r-22m 71 29-
20m/19c/we 76 27c "by"/x 93 21-22m 106 27-
29m 108 23-24m 109 2-2m 111 29-30m, 31u
"Gnetuml Ephedra" 112 3-4m 195 22-23m/c/
wt 197 8m 235 20m 340 7-9m 375 32m 408
HAECKEL, Ernst Die Kalkschwämme 3 vols.; Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1872 [CUL, I in vol. 1] ds, in, phy, sp, v
vol. l NB 381 cause of var. 382 grt. var. of Sponges; 385 do. 462 on origin of Sponges
381 25-30m 382 15-37m/w variability of Histology of Elementaries 383 22-28w variable in the species & in the individuals 384 28m 385 22-39m
462 30-33m/31u "homophyle"
vol. 2 p
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1868 [CUL,
ad, ds, em, ex, h, he, hl, ig, in, is, mn, or,
phy, r, rd, ss, sy, t, tm, ts, v
NB1 p240 I must no about embryology
♦ 390; 409; 437 to 509
NB2 ♦
a> 469 Classification of Mammals; 492 .... of
Quadrumana; 501 Genealogy of Man.-
Read 1st Chapt
p228; 390 to end
good p. 5 - for the beginning of my Book
Nothing about Sexual SelectionOO
p.230 reduction of parts an advance in
p235 imported rudiment-Lung
p446 anomalous forms surviving in Rivers.
p457. Manner of descent of Birds
Placentata descended from several
481 Contrast of adaptation & inheritance
Lion & Sea-Lion
482 Intermediate forms
Man all used.
vii 2w Read ix 32u> I have read x ÏÏ6w I have read $3m xii 29a; Read xiv 32m/w Read xv 29m, 32m xvi 12-13m, 13-15m 5 24-27m/?/16-28w (a) Perhaps begin my Book wb When theory generally accepted I say light will be thrown on the origin of man & his history. * The meaning of this cd hardly be misunderstood, but I can see isO not the period of going into details, now that the views 12 23-26m/14-27w List of Rudimentary Organs p
228 26-32mßw I shd think more differences in + civilized individuals than in savages (?) Bates 230 3-5m, ll-19w lessening of number a result not cause of development 231 30-33m/31-32u "die\ Rückschritt" 235 l-7m/wt Very important organ a rudimentary Lung ll-12u±/w ovaries 22-23m 236 3-5w See to this 251 17-23m, 18u "Organen", 19u "Kiemenbogen", 9-17w Branchial arches
[page break]
20u/wx, 27-31m 252 19-20u "drei\ Schwanzwirbeln" 253 3-9m/4-7u "muss\ Stammes", 21-29m 256 l-25w the lower forms change more slowly than higher Applies to Man (or I think terrestrial)
390 19-32m/22-29w single origin most probable 409 20-29m 437 3-4m/u*/w This last remnant of class 16-20m/17u "Pallas Nachtschmecke"/18u, 24m, 28u*, 33m/u "während\embryonalen" 438 l-3m, Wu "weil\ noch", 27u "merkwürdig übereinstimmt''/25-28w embryology of Amphioxus 439 wt X I shd say creations like larvae of Ascidians gave rise to Vertebrata 5-9m/w x Both groups out of same sources 442 29-33m/w Selachians parent-form of all chief Vertebrata 443 24-27w Selachii only in remnant 444 33at 445 6-8m/w Selachians parent form 13-16m/14u "Urfischen"/12w Selachii 446 9-13w Rivers 447 12m "Flussfischen", 10-12m/w Rivers 14u " Zwischen \ Amphibien", 14-16m, 17uh/w Rivers 22-24w separate intermediate class 448 22-12« "Stammformen \Wrbelthkre", 16-20m/18u/a "Lurchfische" Lepidosiren 450 22-25m 453 23-2 6m 457 wt I shd prefer supposing that both classes descended from forms more intermediate than Dinosaurs & Solenhofen Birds 16-19mjl8u "zweifelsohne I dieser" 461 20~23m/21-22u "Ornithodelphien\ unterschied" 462 4-6md/5u "Jurazeit" 463 wt Man has cloaca 2-6m/6u "zwölfte Woche", 8-10m/w Breast bone like Birds 19u "eine\ Klasse", 27-30m, wb absence of teeth a change 469 24m/w Hydrax 471 lm 472 17m 473 27-28u^ 474 wt X Placentata descended from several implacentata or Marsupials 6-10m/w thinks X 475 27m 481 wt contrast of adaptation & inheritance Sea-Lion & Lion - 10-16m, 21-25m/w separate Lemurs from Monkeys 27-30u± 482 l-22m/w intermediate forms, leading to various orders.- 26m 495 27-33m 496 9-23m, 20-23m 497 22-25m 498 l-3m/2c/u "Rolle"/we, 7-8u "doss I kann", 21u " Affenähnlichkeit \ Menschen", 22u "einen Wolke" 499 28u "Rolle" 503 10~12m/llu "abgekürzte Vererbung" 505 9-llm/9u "entfernter" 506 8-llm, 18-22m, 24-26m, 31-34m, 35-37m 507 2-3u "theilweisen\ Behaarung", 2-3w loss 28u "aufrechte \ Sprache"/26-31w 2 chief points upright position & speech 33u "Kehlkopfs"/wb Head of windpipe 508 6-7u "hohere\ Extremitäten", 8-llu "IndemI Sehens", 18u "Veränderungen Gefolge" 509 17-19m/18w (a) 25-26u "den I erblicken", 26-27u "August Schleicher", wb (a) Remember a special part
of Brain for speech 510 18-20w speech polygenitive 29u "Sprachen I Ursprache", 30-32m/wb but we know nothing about lost primitive tongues, during earliest stages. 511 15-21m/w my argument & Huxley 512 20m, 25u "Afronegern\findet", 29u "Mongolen", 30u "Mesocephali", 31u "Amerikanern" 513 25-43m 515 lu "meistenIAsien", 2u "daslOrt", 22-26m/23w islands 517 ll-12m 518 6-9m 520 20-24m 554 19m
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 2nd edn; Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1870 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 3rd edn; Berlin; Georg Reimer;
1872 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 4th edn; Berlin; Georg Reimer;
1873 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 5th edn; Berlin; Georg Reimer;
1874 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte 7th edn; Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1879 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Les Preuves du transformisme, réponse à Virchow trans. J. Soury; Paris; Germer Baillière & Cie; 1879 [CUL, I]
HAECKEL, Ernst Das Protistenreich Leipzig; E. Günther; 1878 [Down] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Die Radiolarien 2 vols.; Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1862 [Down, I] p
HAECKEL, Ernst Studien zur Gastraea-Theorie Jena; Hermann Dürft; 1877 [Down, I]
HAECKEL, Ernst Das System der Medusen 4 vols.; Jena; Friedrich Manke; 1879-1880 [Down, I]
HAGEN, Hermann On some insect deformities Cambridge, Mass.; University Press; 1876 [Down, I by A. Agassiz]
HAHN, Otto Die Meteorite (Chondrite) und ihre Organismen Tübingen; H. Laupp; 1880 [Down]
[page break]
HAHN, Otto Die Urzelle Tübingen; H. Laupp; 1879 [Down, I]
HALL, Sydney An alphabetical index of all the names contained in a new general atlas of fifty-nine maps London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Browne & Green; 1831 [CUL, on B, S]
nb wee
170 col. 3 23m 251 col. 1 41m 285 col. 1 60m, 61m 287 col. 3 53m/u "Sarstedt"
HALL, Sydney A new general atlas London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1829 [Down, on B, ED]
HALLEZ, Paul Contributions à l'histoire naturelle des Turbellariés Lille; L. Danel; 1879 [Down, I]
HANCOCK, Albany On the organization of the Brachiopoda extract of communication by T.H. Huxley; 1857 [Down, I] p
HANSEN, Adolph Vergleichende
Untersuchngen über Adventivbildungen bei den Pflanzen Frankfurt a.M.; 1881 (said to belong to CD but no indication) [Botany School]
HARRIS, George The theory of the arts 2 vols.; London; Trübner & Co.; 1869 [Down, vol. 1 only, I] p
HARRIS, Thaddeus William Entomological correspondence ed. S.H. Scudder; Boston; Society of Natural History; 1869 [Down, I by editor] gd, v
NB var insects do not vary in all localities
201 joints of Antennae variable - 201
125 l-4m 201 wt joints of Antennae variable
HARRIS, Thaddeus William A treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation new edn; Boston; Crosby & Nichols; 1862 [Down, I]
HARRIS, Thaddeus William A treatise on some of the insects of New England, which are injurious to vegetation Cambridge, Mass.; John Owen; 1842 [CUL] beh, em, in, oo, sp, sx, ta, tm, v
NB Orthoptera 121-to 133 128 Katy-did calling 133 Fiddles of Locusts
SB 56, The weavil of N.A. attacks the introduced Pea
59 Remarkable variations in sexes & individuals of Brenthidae 68- variable instincts
121 - Males musical Grasshoppers; 124,125 - Males
128, 132,33 I fancy these musical instruments, which are secondary sexual differ much in 2 sexes - Rivalry of Males x^ 165- musical male Cicada 315 - Night-Moths dull coloured 373 - Larvae of Hymenoptera spin from lower life like Caterpillars - same structure in very different groups.
24 27-28w(CD?) At what season 26 Wu "dors", Wu "darers"/? 56 17-20m 57 5-7m 59 26-28m, 28-29u "even I sex", wb How in different species? of genus? 68 34-35m 69 l-6m/2u "variable instincts" 121 35-38m 124 29-31m 125 l-5m, 31w* 128 5-8m/5u 132 lw Acrididae 23u "the males" 133 9-15m 165 17-20m/18u "The I organization", 26-28m, 34-37m 315 33-34u*+ 373 12-Um
HARTMANN, Eduard von Wahrheit und Irrthum im Darwinismus Berlin; Carl Ducker; 1875 [Down, two copies]
HÄRTUNG, Georg Die geologischen Verhältnisse der Inseln Lanzarote und Fuerta-ventura Zürich; 1857 [CUL] gd, is, v
NB a 142 Differences of Plants in Lanzarote & Fortaventura Remarkable
HARVEY, William Henry Nereis australis, or algae of the southern ocean London; Reeve, Benham & Reeve; 1849 [Down, I]
HARVEY, William Henry The sea-side book; being an introduction to the natural history of the British coasts new edn; London; John Van Voorst; 1849 [CUL]
66 6-16m/Q 27-29m/Q
HASSE, Carl Das natürliche System der Elasmobranchier Jena; Gustav Fischer; 1879 [Down]
HAUGHTON, Samuel Six lectures on physical geography Dublin; Hodges, Foster & Figgs; 1880 [Down, I]
[page break]
HAWKINS, Benjamin Waterhouse A comparative view of the human and animal frame London; Chapman & Hall; 1860 [Down]
HAWKINS, Richard The observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt, in his voyage into the South Sea in the year 1593 London; The Haakluyt Society; 1847 [Down]
HEAD, Francis Bond Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes London; 1826 [Down, pre-B]
126 8w O 127 4w oh 8-10z, 12-13w Oh 128 lm 129 6m/u, 13w R
HECKEL,, Edouard Dm mouvement végétal Paris; G. Masson; 1875 [Down, I]
NB Vol of Trans PhylllO 19 22-24m 49 3-7m, 9-15m
HEDERICUS, Benjamin Graecium lexicon London; J, Rivington; 1816 [Botany School, pre-B, ED]
HEER, Oswald Contributions to the fossil flora of North Greenland, being a description of the plants collected by Mr. Edward Whymper during the summer of 1867 communicated by Professor Stokes, F.R.S.; 1869 [CUL, I]
HEER, Oswald Flora fossilis arctica 6 vols; Zürich; Wurster; 1875 [CUL]
HEER, Oswald Flora fossilis Helvetiae vols. 1-3; Zürich; J. Wurster & Co.; 1876-77 [Botany School]
HEER, Oswald Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens Stockholm; p. A. Norstedt; 1870 [Botany School, I, FD]
15 27m T7 13-15m/13-14u
HEER, Oswald Le Monde primitif de la Suisse trans. J. Demole; Genève & Bale; 1872 [CUL]
HEER, Oswald Recherches sur le climat et la végétation du pays tertiaire trans. C.T. Gaudin; Winterthur; J. Wurster & Co.; 1861 [Botany School]
HEER, Oswald Untersuchungen über das Klima und die Vegetationsverhältnisse der Tertiärlandes Winterthur; Wurster & Co,; 1860 [Botany School, I]
ad, af, ce, ex, fg, to, gd, geo, gr, is, mg, no, or, sh, sp, t, ta, ti, tm, ve
NB Read from p. 115 to end SBQß A>
Oswald Heer N.B. Hooker says the Mull Flora Miocene according to Heer allied to that on W. Coast of Greenland. p. 116 to 120 In Iceland various Miocene Trees - with American character like rest of Europe N.B. During Glacial period would Mediterranean & Ara-Caspian joined with Black Sea prevent S. migration of temperate plants & thus destroy many forms whilst in N. America would have remigrated from N. Or is it not that greater area of Old World has caused greater advancement of consequent extinction. Odd Horse surviving in Old World & it & Rhinoceros extinct in New World.
Madeira Tertiary flora Diluvial not many so ancient as Iceland. Thinks some of the fossil plants formerly lived in Europe
N.W. American fossil pi. like those of Europe. Subtropical up to 50° North
124 At Eocene period European Flora not American (NB Nebraska lower Miocene shows affinity with Europe.) In India Miocene feeble American character which is stage in Upper Miocene - Pliocene - disappears at diluvial period.
It seems one palaeotherium in under-Miocene period.-
Considering the well-proved warmth of Miocene period, the hot parts of world were probably very large & number of tropical forms ought too to be very large
List of Tropical forms together with cold forms which now flourish on Madeira which show how they could have lived during Glacial in Tropics. Mem. C. Moore list at Sydney.
list of trees which can bear our climate, but of which few bear ripe seeds.
Willow seeds perish if not sown immediately - showing on what odd particulars distribution, for instance to N. Zealand, may depend.-
general conclusion & comparison of state of Europe during Miocene Period
135 Miocene Insects American same general results as from Plants
Apparently Zones of Tern, in Europe during Miocene as now
Reference to paper on Arabo-Caspian since Murchison & Co
143 On Proportion of American forms now in N. Europe from Martius
[page break]
144 On connection of Europe & N. America
in Diluvial Time - On relation of several
Atlantic Isd in formation of plants to Europe
- on greater relation to Europe than to Africa
- On relation of living Madeira shells to
extinct European species.- Relation of
Madeira plants to American
148 on separation of shells at C. Cod.
Arguments against Hopkins deflected Gulf-Stream
Arguments against Lyells views on World Temperature from change of Land.-
116 19-23m/21u "Liviodendron\islandica"/w American? 32u"Platanus aceroides", 38u "Rhus" 118 3u "Pinus\Mx.", 6u "entsprichtI Nordamerikas", 7u "amerikanischen", 9u "Allel Islands", Wu "sind \ Formen" 119 20-22« "nord \ Tulpenbaum", 23u "Juglans bilinica" 120 13-24« "jetzigelhat", 9-15w Tertiary vegetation of Iceland, like rest of Europe a decidedly American character l6-2lw+ Iceland existed as Volcanic Is. in Miocene period. 121 lw Not so ancient as Iceland Plants 12-13u "LaurusIverschwunden", 18u "muss \Zeit" 122 l-4w N.W. American plants like European 3-7m, 16-21m/18-21u± 124 18u "eocenen", 19u "diel amerikanischen", 21u "untermiocene", 22u "subtropischen", 27 u "grossentheilsl Arten", 28u++, 32u "Deri deutlicher", 34u "pliocenen", 35u "nochl subtropische", 37u "Déridas", 47u^ 126 44-45u "reicht \ hinauf" 127 13-29w considering that range of Hottest countries was so great during Miocene - the number of species in Equatorial regions ought to be very great; had they not been destroyed during Glacial period. 128 wt There are truly tropical forms which flourish in Madeira, so cd have borne the Glacial climate. At Sydney some tropical forms live. See C. Moon letter to me. 129 7-19w All these trees can bear much colder climate than own, but do not get ripe seeds 46-47m/47u "reift \ Früchte" 131 41-42m/w Willow seeds perish immed. if not sown immediately 132 20-22« "unteresltreffen" 135 2w Insects 4u "PflanzenweltIübereinstimmen", 30-33m/w American Insect-forms 136 29m 137 23-24« "Bewohner Igeben", 17-22w Zones of temperature as now in Europe during the Miocene period 42-45m 143 33-34m, 46-48m, 50-54m 144 22-23m/23u++, 28-29u "erstensl Insel", 31u "weitaus I Bowdichiana", 32u "einer I Art", 34a "sie" IL., 38-39u<+, 41u*+
145 3m, 4-8m/w Relation of Madeira Plants
to American forms 17-20m/w Land-shells like
tertiary land-shells of Europe 2S-45m\28u
"527leinheimisch" 146 41m/u "Zur\solche",
49-51m, wb It is remarkable extinction of Rhinoceros & Horse in America & not in old World, as there seems to have been more extinction & replacement of forms in New World than in old. 147 l-3m/lu " australisches"l2-3w Australian forms in Madeira 46-48m/w&> Hooker says no Pittospora is Indian.- 148 40-42m 149 7x, 45-51m\w Remarks against Hopkins deflected Gulf-Stream 150 l-8m/l-2w World Temperature
HÉLIU La hi unique et suprême, l, Genèse terrestre Paris; Brasseur; 1878 [Down]
HELLER, Karl Bartholomaeus Darwin und der Darwinismus Wien; Universitäts-Buchhandlung; 1869 [Linnean Society of London]
HELMHOLTZ, Hermann Popular lectures on scientific subjects trans. E. Atkinson, introduction John Tyndall; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1873 [CUL, S] ad, che, phy
NB 219 imperfection of eye; 227 do.; 269
do.; 390 do.
234* like Drosera - pressure Good - chem
action & Heat
Nothing for Descent
♦ Mrs Treat preserved T.H. Farrer Answers
to Donders Heimholte
219 10-20m/10-14"..." 227 23-24m, 26-30m,
32-34m 228 3-22m 234 6-10m (Johannes
Müller)/w so with Drosera 235 15-18m 269
14-23m 372 23-27m 390 5-18m 391 15-19m
HENFREY, Arthur Botanical and physiological
memoirs London; The Ray Society; 1853
cc, fg, he, hy, phy, spo, tm, wd
NB xxi, xxii &c; 2; 8; 23; 42; 94; 307; 310;
Book 312 X important; Book 317 X? to end
of part
346; 352
116; 118 Books on Divergence of Leaves
SB üß
xxi Statement that C. Adami produced by
budding - doubts p. 317 to 320
xiii Nat Hybrid in Laburnum
3 Teeth in Whales
42 Littorella lacustris never flowers under
310 Hybrid Ferns
312 Single-leaved Fragaria
312 On Hereditariness in Sports of certain
[page break]
my view of cultivation, putting luxuriance very strongly forward Ch I
xi 10-llm, 22-27m xii 2-llm, 18-21m, 25-260 xxii 2-10m, 14r-16m 2 32-38m 3 37-38m 4 40u/we 8 22-29m 23 34u "multiplication" 24 12-25m 39 22-25m, 30-34m 42 9-14m, 21-27m 45 7u/we 46 10-12m, 33-36w p xxiii 81 33-35m 94 1Î5-2m 95 7-17m 97 33-36m 108 30-41m 115 42-43m 116 22-24m, 27-29m, 2S-31m/28u "Principles]6" 117 3-6m, 9-22m 118 wb (Fibonacci numbers in plant organisation) 119 23-30m 195 ll-18m 307 36-3Sm 310 29-32m, 41-45m 312 20-21m/21u "Godron", 41-45m, wb Henfrey cannot trace this essay 313 5-16m, 21-24m, 32-35m, 40-A4m 314 5-12m, 21-27m, 25m, 29m, 32-39m 315 2m, 6-10m, 10-llm, ll-23m/13-15w seems to think 15-16m, 20-21m 316 14m 317 l-3m, 5-9m, 18-19m/19u "Horschuch's\plants", 21-23m, wb A. Henfrey says that Hornsuchs essay is long & formal essay in the earlier numbers of the Ratisbon Flora for 1848. Ueber Ausartung der Pflanze- 318 36-39m 319 9-22m 320 2-8m 322 4-14m& 347 19-20m 352 34-38m P
HENFREY, Arthur Outlines of structural and physiological botany London; John Van Voorst; 1847 [Down] ct, gd, phy, tm
NB & Aquatic PI no epidermis no fibro-vascular bundles - but elongated cells no stomata
HENFREY, Arthur (ed.) Reports and papers
on botany London; The Ray Society; 1849
gd, mn, oo, v
NB p. 471 Hooker on Conifers in S. Hem.
p263; 285; 289; 313; 319; 320; 361, 2; 384;
386; 388; 418; 421, 2; 427; 435, 7; 447;
450; 465; 468, 9; 4*
263 on variable twisting in Solanum
385 Remarkable distinction in E. &. W Flora
of C. Colony (as in Australia
388 Flora of Azores
422 Central European Plants on S. Nevada
& Pindus - p447 - 450 Endemic Alpine
- Hooker on Islands having wooded plants
of Compositae.- Summary of -
435 Thistle of Pampas not social in Europe
437 Rhetian Alps 106 Phanerogam in 23 Fams - 468 Cordillera 250 sp in 50 Fams.
468 S. American Alpine forms at great
height in Cordillera, with Arctic forms
469 Hooker on resemblance of Vegetation of
Pacific isld being more apparent than real.
471 Hooker on Coniferous Tree of Australia
263 10-16m 284 29-22m 285 7a "case"/7-10m/ w ie when style developed before corolla 15-18m 286 12-13m, 14-17m 289 20-22m, 25-26m, 28-30m 313 27-28m 319 21-29m 320 2-5m 361 27-37m 362 6-9m, 31u "general Japanese", 38m 384 29m "Rubus"/27-30m/25-28w Is this f. in Tropics 385 6-23m 386 20-25m 388 l-6m, 29-35m 389 38m 390 4-7m 418 27-29m, 22-29m, 29-32m 419 4-6m/w no. ♦ Antarctic Lands ll-12m, 30-36m, 36-38m 421 27-33m/32u "provided the"/33u "with\ climate", 39-42m 422 S-22m, 36-39m, 40-43m 423 l-4m 427 27-29m 435 5-7m 437 l-5m 445 27-29m 447 20-24m 450 16-24m/w species Alpine 465 5-12m/w not isolated Mountain 468 26-30m 469 15-28m
HENLE, Jacob Handbuch der systematischen Anatomie des Menschen Braunschweig; Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn; 1858 [CUL] phy
NB p135-162
133 wt (a) Muscles all blended together 2-6m/w (a) 21u/wx 135 wt to be reduced to 2/3 - sides cut off where I have put pencil lines (preparation of fig. for reproduction), ll-13m/w see Back 136 4w pyramidis 6-17w The Pyram is not attached to skin between Brows - I must refer only to movement, however, caused. 34m "sehr dünne"/35u "sehnig"/36w sinewy 40wi/m "M. pyramidalis" 138 38u/wx, 42-44m, 45-50w/wb (a) It does not seem clear what muscle acts in those who can move their ears. 139 6w (B) 35-42m/38w (a) 142 fig.m/we 143 33m, 34-36m/ 34u "M. malaris"/35u++ 144 5-7m/6w (a) 32-38m/34w (b) 145 fig.w (names of muscles) 146 14m, 38-43ml38-39u<* 147 32m, 33u "bedeckt I orbicularis" 148 fig.m/w* (names of muscles) 149 wt All the 3 previous muscles (ELS) sometimes equally draw up nostrils as the levator prop. 22m, fig.m/w (names of muscles) 150 24-34m/w hardly distinct from Platysma 151 3-5m/w (a) 7m 154 22m "M.I sup." 155 22m 159 3-18w Nothing particular
[page break]
HENRY, William The elements of experimental chemistry 2 vols.; London; Baldwin, Cradock & Joy & R. Hunter; 1823 [CUL, vol. 2 only, pre-B, S]
HENSLOW, John Stevens Descriptive and physiological botany (Lardner's Cabinet cyclopedia) New edn; London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1837 [CUL]
ad, ben, br, cc, che, co, es, dg, ds, ex, f, fg, fo, gd, gr, he, hy, is, mhp, mn, oo, or, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, ts, v
NB1 ♦ Are there yellow hyacinths for there are blue & pink-?
The purple Dahlias show approach to the third colour or blue ?
Does Desmodium gyrans. p. 166 sleep * Zostera* is one of family, not peculiar characters & Ground-NuU the most hostile flower p. 278 to non-intermarriage theory Does not flower under ground
NB2 ♦ People constantly speak about every organism being perfectly adapted to circumstances, if so how can there be a rare
♦ species breeding power being efficient
(food not sufficiently * abundant is answer
NB3 ♦
If my argument see previous page be pushed to its extreme it will include every organic being - which is unfortunate. Geograph: range has ceased to argue for this &c &c &c- Transmutation of organs have done so.- That is criterion a> How close an analogy between dicotyld. seed. & bulb.-food in each case laid up in a modification of leaves, for a germ
I do not understand whether the bud makes the leaf, in the axilla of which it stands? p. 79
Where can I find many facts about monstrosities in plants bearing on laws of abortion degeneracy & adhesion
Continue description of woodcut NB4 Ask Henslow
#>; ♦ The simplicity in ultimate structure of Vegetables very remarkable 2; -» 11 - ? Marchantia -; 28; 51 ; 52; 56R -*; 58; 71; 79; 98; 118; 114; 140; 163; 169; 188; 195 reference ask Henslow - coral; 201 ?; 186* ?; 220?; 221?; 223; 233; 236; 241; 249?; 253; 254; 256; 259; 261; 263?; 266 266?; 272?; 276?; 279?; 281; 286?; 288?; 290?; 294?; 300?; 303; 308; 312 [49 Twining stems]
p173. Water will not freeze till 16 1/2° in capillary vessels authority? - in relation to
roots melting. Spiral p175. SBtJß
p. 130 Variation in Phyllotaxy - Flower pentamer. & tetramerous.-15 cylinders becoming Hexagons & Dodecahedrons - for Waterhouse view p169 Poisons-
114 Cotyledons of Sycamore due to division 167 Dionaea^ Knight gave bits of Beef to Fly-Catching Plant.
220 Night-flowering plants with lurid flowers - Cereus with splendid flower only at night Coloured ??
The pulp round many fruits does not accelerate their growth
Exceptions to damp closing pericarps
1 zb 2 21-27m/wb Phen Life 1 Physiological description of organs in themselves & in different animals 2. Theory of çotransmutation of organs, not separate, or Descriptive Botany relation to habits & conditions, which cannot be told by consideration of separate organs. 1113-18m/ ? 49 fig. 41.roLeft hand Right H 51 12-17m 52 6-10m/w tree of life 56 4-7m 57 3-17m, 18-21m 58 l-22m, wb How can tuber be distinguished from sporule of cryptogams? by being organ for its production? 71 3-8m, 9-10m 98 3-18m 105 7-9m/8-9u "is I stone" 107 l-6m/3-4u "Lindley" 113 7-10w V. p268 13-19m 114 22-25mJ24u "proven I subdivision" 118 ll-29m/26-29m/l-29w is this merely apparent, will be said that parent never was regular flower? 120 ll-17m/w find out some true species which is distinguished by bearing thorns 26-36m/w all this might be put strongly to favour my theory 121 l-15m 122 l-7m 126 8c/we 127 16u "twenty-one", 31-34m/32u "eight", fig.\ I 128 wbu 130 8-llm/ 8u "few cones", 15-17m 132 19c "9/34"/w 13/ 34 22c\m\w 21/54 (he means 55) 163 19-38m 164 l-10m 165 22-23u "but \ depressed"/21-24m/w try this with Ether ïïlu/wb Drosera has duct But Dionaea not so 166 6-12m/w Does Desmodium gyrans sleep 24-28m 169 l-5m, 7-27m, 33-39m 173 14-20m 186 14m "carbonaceous matter"/15-19w whence derived primarily 188 12-19m) l-21w touching mutual impregnation 193 l-31m/10-26w try with Corallina wb if Corallina do, then doubtless the Nullipora will, although living in 200 fa. 195 ll-20m/13u "feet", 17-19w where described 17-21m/wb relates to the three colours in varieties 201 19-26m/?J23u "free\ exceptions", wb State in new Edit - case of species having pure colours 220 2-4m/2u
[page break]
"night-scented stock"'/wt Is this peculiar variety 221 29-38m, 38u<^/w is there a bag here? wb how like vipers 222 21-27m, xvb describe (See Humboldt) Argument for one origin how curious the similarity in products between animals & vegetables is - 223 22-27m 232 16-22m/w Oak & Chestnut - Chartworth Vol 2 233 37-39tn/wb will it ever check flowering or more especially fruiting?]]—> 234 l-5m 236 28-31m 237 8-19m 238 19-22m, 24r-29m 240 2-12m, 29-30m 241 l-9m 249 22-24m, wb How do you reconcile this with Lemna 253 ll-22m (De Candolle) 254 24r-36m 256 12-21m 259 30-35m 261 19-31m/23-26w where related 262 l-8m, 10-Um, 23-30m/30u "in succession", 32-39m/37u "Stylidium", 38-39m/ wb I examined this at Maer 263 l-2m/wt/l-4w has opposite tendency * fact (a) 26-27u "the influence"/w Subularia &c &c 33-38m/wb How can these cross - 264 l-15m, 26-33m 265 12-16m 266-267 wb Then it is certain whole grain of pollen must be wafted even as in Palm!- where 30 miles apart 272 15u "ovaries"/w ovules? 18-20m/19u "ovules\ abortive", 31-35m 276 l6-22m, 25-33m 277 22-27 m/24-25u "pseudospermic I provision "/w how 28-31m, 33m\u "compensation I which" 278 13-16m, 29-39m T79 21-26m/22w hermaphrodite 24-26m, 24c/a "produced I the"/ w&> is carried wb&> But Die Class says that the Arachis flowers above ground 280 18-22m 281 l-6m 286 13-27m 287 16-21m/?/20-21u "scarcely differ", wb Azalea, Rhododendron, Lychnis & Cucubalus? 288 3-9m, 13-18m/18u "marked I species''I16-23w is not this arguing in a circle \\ll-3m/wb From the not greater number of hybrids in Dioecious might it not be argued that there might be super-foetation by the more fertile pollen?- tt5fl "we /wb a great exception Herbert & Knight 289 16-23m, 26-35m 290 4-12m/w argue against this 22«; who? 12-23a; Most strange doctrine, when we reflect on animals.- Potato - Dahlia even granting two species wb sowing Ribston Pippin * a ribston pippin but not quite like, is produced 294 3-24m/w periodical! + opening of flowers even in dark does not harmonize with this 300 32-35m/w No 303 wt Compare St Helena in distance with Sandwich Isis 10-19m 308 1-18m 312 22-32m/19-27w See Bowerbank's work wb What is the character of my Van Diemen's Land Fossils 313 28-29md
HENSLOW, John Stevens A dictionary of botanical terms London; Groombridge & Sons; n.d. [Down, S]
NB £o Lancinata not given
HERBERT, William Amaryllidaceae London; J. Ridgway & Sons; 1837 [CUL] ad, beh, br, cc, ch, cs, die, ds, dv, f, gd, he, hy, ig, mhp, no, phy, sp, spo, sx, sy, t, ta, tm, ts, v, wd
NF In Letter talked to me of an Appendix -
NB1 Read whole Memoir
p.8; 28; p. 32
411, 12, 16 - Supplement
Any Plates of Hybrids
136 &c &c description of the Hybrids
V. Hybrid in Index
NB2 411 Labels for Gardens
a> Oct 18/55/ This Book has been fully
abstracted & the abstracts distributed-
p412 Case of Hybrid sporting into character
like other species Q
p416 Hybrid from Rhodora Canadensis &
Rhod. Ponticum in Flower
8 3-30m (Lindley), 32-40m 18 20-33m 19 1-8m (Jussieu), 20-27m, 37-39m 28 38~44m 29 2-17m, 22-27m 32 32-38m/38u "on I ripened" 211 18-26m, 27-35m 283 12-19m/12m/13m/ 15w fertile Hybrids 20m/21w infertile Hybrids 284 l-3w note p. 412 335 4-7m (Kölreuter)/w in * 1775 & following years 7-8u 336 30-31u "hybridising I offspring"'/w* what in varieties?! 337 wt (a) I see in Journal he in fact gives up genera - ie thinks some genera, which will not cross, have probably descended from one stock 3m/w (a) 6u "any I intermixture"'/w Fowl or Peacock! 9u "to\ genus"/9-18w Grouse & Pheasant all one genus, if term genus thus ill-used some other term must be invented. 29-30m, 34-38m/37-40w Polyand 41-42m/ 41-42m/w/wb (botanical terms) 338 16-18m/17-27w not known probably because changed gradually - same answer can be made to those, who say. when was species made? 37-3SQ 40-41m/w ? where published 40u "Mentha"/wb Pallas specifies the Labiatae as plants which cannot naturally be crossed. He must, however, be refer to Snap-Dragons 42m/wb No Papilionaceous flowers Some Mono-oecious & Dioecious... 339 19-24m, 42-43m/ 43u "father" 340 l-2m, 5~7m/5u "black\pony"/ 5-12w instance of my law of variation agreeing other species of genus 30-33m/32u "31 sterile"/33u "quote\constitution", 34-36m 341 wt (a) contains remarks on acclimatizing of plants lu "Sweet\Britannicus"/m/w (a) 6-9m, 9-10u "naturally[approximated", 10-15m/ 12u "isolated"/15u "ready to intermingle", 33-37m/34u "varieties]prevented", 41-42u "did\ sterility" 342 wt + is this not error: does not
[page break]
constitutional difference confer some difference in innermost organization, or rather on whole organization l-4m/3-4u "greater\others", 7u "constitutional"/w + 8a "botanical"/w ie external 16-32w It might be worth while to consider native conditions in Kölreuter 23-24u "dissimilar I genera "/w Crinum 27-32m, 41m 343 wt Animals & plants are domesticable because not rigidly adapted, & these are easily hybridisable.- 1-2m, 5-15m/10-14m/10-ll"..."&, 16-17m, 1\l4w Crinum Ïïl2-4m, wb/Xw Habits &c determining sterility (& hence probably intermarriage in some degree) is very important, as solving the case of willow wren & explaining great importance generally solving question of habits in determining what is species - a fact tacitly admitted by all naturalists. Habits being not fixed in domesticated animals, or indeed in plants, not exactly related, * to the varying conditions causes the greater facility in being crossed- 344 17-23m/18w Calceolaria 29-30m/u "abundantly fertile"/"...", 32-34m 345 wt * Loudon both of Europe, figured in Bot. Mag. 99, & 2183- 2u*/w * Linaria 3-5m/M±/ w Mexico Penstemon 4a "gustifolium" Louisiana lOu "whole I which"'/ll-14m/13u "offering \fertile", 22-28md/22w Cereus 42w Cucumis 346 5-Smlu "reproduces] abundantly "/wt Did I not examine this at Maer ??? 4u/a "special"/wt p. 352 properly Lowii 17.1455 Herbert Bot. Reg. 4a "speciosa"/4-7w Bot. Mag. 3604 this reference from Loudon 12-14m/12-13u "that I genera", 15-17m, 18-23m/18-20"...", 36-43m/x/wb X This would all apply to animals, but breed is. not introduced with this consideration.- 347 wt We know there is something in intimate structure of Marsh Plants which renders it wholly impossible to live in dry & vice versa with dry. & as * crossing * makes constitution half way, it affects the most important part of whole structure, - even as much as form of heart or other vital structures.- 4-5u "In\parents", 12-18m/w How exactly similar to giving dash of courage to greyhounds by Bull-dogs blood 23-24u "accidental]seedling"/23-31w This is like sudden appearance of cowslip from primrose it is analogous to Australian dogs, producing piebald young. 25-31m/26w X 33-34m, wb X against my theory.- change, however, is sudden - & not many generations.- From foregoing facts, about constitution we should expect such changes to be slow. & likewise any attempt to change aquatic to dry plant This is only one
particular, in others the change? wb/35-42w See. Sir J. Banks Vol I. Hort. Transact. Laurels not raised by success, generations 348 20m "connectedI membrane"/ll-Um/ll-21w Now does this tendency to sport in hybrids decrease after several generations of same appearance same fact as in varieties of animals where crossed.- 22w/24w&xn, ÏÏ9-lm/w must be read 1\9m/w&> read 1Ï7-67..J, ÏÏ5] 349 6u "the\out"/w 3 13u "cross-bred seeds", 28u "coverings"/w 3 32-38m (Gaertner, Hedwig, Kölreuter) 350 l-8m/4u "full\seeds"/ wt I doubt whether Gaertner now allows this. See to it- 25-31m, 25-28m, 38-43m (Gaertner) 351 S-llm, 27u<& "every ovule"/15-17w impossible to be more fertile 26-29m/ m**/22-27m/26u*/27u "big revolution"/29-30u "Datura\laevis"/26-30w x Crinum Datura wb Might not Gartner have been a bad Gardener & so not had his plant so healthy - I think Herberts positive facts outweigh negative: he knows so well causes of error & trusts to nothing but appearance of hybrid plants- 352 8-10m/7w Lobelia 9-14m, 14-16m/15u "seeded abundantly", 18-19m/u " Wiegmann \ language"/w* Enquire at Linn Soc 23-26m, 28-32m, 33-38m, 41-43m, wb does the multitude plants preserve them, by allowing very many impregnations, the stigma keeping its power - with respect to wheat 353 2-8m/w Note in Philosoph -Transaction, about White Blue Peas 354 9-18m (Gaertner, Wiegmann, Knight)/12u "is I erroneous"/13u "oat"/16a "racemosa" Scarlet 18-22m/"..."/22u, 24-28m/w This must be functionally dichogamous. 27m "Calceolaria"/ 24-28w In Calceolaria * stigma ready before * pollen 29u/a "Pelargonium]Aktroemeria"/ 29-33w in these * stigma ready after pollen ÏÏ6-2m/1Ï4M* 355 3-5m, 8w Zephyranthes 13-17m/w This shows two sexes differently affected by conditions: are sexes ever unequally affected in Hybrids.- 15-19m, 23-25m 356 <m*> lu/3u/4u/7u/wt Crinum, Hippeastrum 20-24m, 21u "accidental impregnation", 29-35m 357 <m*> wt Pelargonium l-5m, 8-12m, 9u, lOu, 14u, 14-17w see Sweets work on Geraniums 20u/21u, 24-25u±, 27][, 29w Passiflora 32-37m/34u "not I fruit"/w !! my notion of fruit improving 358 wt Note p. 411 ll-12w Gladiolus 10-15m/13-22w seems to leave out of question, greater indelibility of some stocks than others 16-24m/21-24m, 25-30m, 36-40m/w good step in series of infertility 359 19-20m/20-23w Rhododendron Rhodora Azalea 30-32m, 38m/u*/w Nicotiana 42-43m 360 6-llm/6-14w I am sure I have heard of some such
[page break]
facts in animals: new characters educed this is constitutional ? difference 21-23m, 1Ï12-lOmfltUu "fragrance", 1tS-6m/1t6u "very\ number", 1Ï2-1« "Altaclarae" 361 5-8m/5u "profusion", 42-43m/u<^ 362 ivt I should think it impossible that many hybrid permanent species were produced from the conditions of the place seldom being better adapted to the hybrid than to either parent. l-3m, lu "important", 4u "themselves I situation", 15][, 15u "Rosa", 21-24w Rosa nothing particular 25-31m, 4311/u "honeysuckles" 363 7][, 8u " magnolias" lw Magnolia 7-ll]llw&> Calceolaria 13u "Calceolaria", 23-43m/35-36u "thereforelthereof"l26-30w (a) Q wb (a) My rule of variation from domestication producing changes analogous to those found in other species of same genus, thus is seen to hold good with varieties produced by crosses 364 5-7m/3-8w there is a case of different constitutions crossing 16-22xv Calceolaria Loudon makes 12* many species & many vars. 23-30m/26-27u "they\ sorts" 365 6-9w Gaertner tried only few, but fertile WH/w Gladiolus 366 9u "floribundus", 18-21mfw (a) 27-31m/w Is this fact owing to these being double 33-43mj34u "almost"/36u "double" 137u "pink"/39u "although\together"I 34-38w these if single, or quite fertile would be true species wb/tw (a) Now this shows that some * species will not cross (which cannot be accounted for by constitution), which yet by their appearance must be forced into one genus - || on other hand we have seen most remote forms forced into one genus - shows definition of genus will not serve & shows power of crossing has no close relationship to affinity, (even of constitution) but to some other causes - age - 367 27-28x0 Camellia 369 31-43m/35-36Q*», 42-43m 370 wt X weakly analogous to successive generations fixing peculiarity 1-5m/2xo X 23-36m/24-25w Turnips 371 tot B. This may be wellO introduced in my views of all organic beings marrying - 4-7m[7-14m\ 5-12m/10xo B 6-12m/w Mr Knight makes very same remark Vol I Hort. Transact. 15u "different I aspect "\15-22m, 27-32ml27-34m/w in this case of hybrids tested probably by slight infertility (a) 1t6u "pollen I another "/fl6-lm/w my theory explains this: because offspring differ in the two cases, in one going back to parent, & in * other remaining constant ÏÏ3« "stock" But they do not yield so much seed with pure parent ÏÏ3« "fecundate them", ÏÏ2« "themselves" still stronger when with a 3d species ÏÏ2a "fertilise"/tob but they fertilise less wb Probably stigma would
actually prefer pollen of other plant; as stigma + remains open to choice - & as in Mammalia bred in & in, loose passion (but I do not know whether prefers other kind)-372 7-10m, 18-31m, 30-36mlxo No. note p. 375 38-43m 373 xvt XX I think these facts only show that constitution, or internal differences are far more important than external.- 23-30m/25w XX 28xo Nerine 28-34m/31u "Loxanthus", 1t4u "conformity", 1Î4w "41 mule''Ixo XX tÎ3w "verified" 374 3a "feature"/xot namely the difference of the perianth being centripetal or centrifugal, in addition to * its distortion 6xo P 8]l/w Heaths 9-12m, 25-29m/27u "reférable \genera", 33-38m/33~34u "The I especially", ÏÏ5u "complete fertility"/Zw/wb P As constitutional differences, probably, show * greater distance of common ancestor, than external differences, so as these constitutional differences can be readily discovered by facility of crossing -such facility admirable assistance.- in same way habits of animals so useful. 375 l-7mjlu "sixteen"I7u "1835", 34-35m 376 10-16m/xo last step in series of infertility ÏÏ4-lm 377 1-2m/xvt It is analogous to the seedling Camellias recovering their simple flowers 8-16m, 18-23m, 35xo Nicotiana 1t3-2m/tÎ2-lm/ ïïlu++/xob Variation in * unimportant character 378 3a\u "different power"/xot Gaertner p. 262 says false l-lbm\l-7w* case of the passing of a plant from one Linnaean class to another, wb NB See P p. 374 The value of crossing, as a test of genera &c is of little value, as the Natural System seeks to know relationship & does not attempt date of separation 379 xot (a) This cross in Gaertner i a, & i g. ie less than (K)a normal. May not much be attributed to skilful gardening ?? 9-13m/w Petunia (a) 12a "P. nyctanigenaeflora" Hardy 11a "phoenicia" frame ll-13m/13u "than I parent", 14-16m/15-17u±, 20-23ml21-23ml21-22u "mlitself", ÏÏ6-4mß7wß3-lw anagallis failed with Gaertner; Hibiscus not tried by G 380 ll-14m, wb Hybridise sensitive Plant & sleeping Mimosa & then try my experiment - 402 8-12m, 21-24m 411 23-33m, 37-41m\37w p. 358 412 2-7m, 33-40m/35-37Q 38-40m 416 52-55m/w considered by Lindley a true genus Catalogue (New works in course of publication by James Ridgway & sons, April 1837; scored on last page against Forbes, Horticultural tour through Germany, Belgium and France)
HERMANN, Ludimar Elements of human physiobgy London; 1875 [Down]
105 10-13m
[page break]
HERMANN, H.C. The Italian alp-bee G. Neighbour & Sons; 1860 [CUL] beh, ct
NB a Cells Instinct &c & Marked 6 9-12m, 19m/u "Yellow Alp-bee", 21-23m 7 1-Am, 25-27m 8 17-19m, 21-24m 10 3-5m, 10-Um 11 29-30m/29u "2j000" 24 10-16m/ 15c/w (not CD), 31-36m 25 l-9m
HERMANN, Ludimar Handbuch der physiologie 6th vol., part 2; Leipzig; F.C.W. Vogel; 1881 [Down, I]
HERSCHEL, John Frederick William A
manual of scientific enquiry London; John Murray; 1849 [CUL]
161 21c/a "surprising"/w some degree of 22c/ we
HERSCHEL, John Frederick William Physical geography Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1861 [Down, FD]
HERSCHEL, John Frederick William A
preliminary discourse on the study of natural philosophy London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green & John Taylor; 1831 [CUL, onB]
25 8-19m 35 20-27m/22u&> "depending I will" 93 Wm/w yes 1833 135 21-28m 136 2-8m 167 24r-31m 182 l-20m (Bacon) 287 27-33m 351 5-12m, 29-33m 352 l-7m, 16-20m/16"...
HERSCHEL, John Frederick William A
treatise of astronomy London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman & John Taylor; 1833 [CUL, S 1838]
118 3-10m, 24-30w%
HERSCHEL, Mrs John Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel London; John Murray; 1876 [Down]
HERTWIG, Oscar Über das Zahnsystem der Amphibien Bonn, 1874 [I by author] [CUL.1900]
101 101 257 (over) 0/
HERVEY-SAINT-DENYS, Léon d' Recherches sur l'agriculture et l'horticulture des Chinois Paris; Allonard & Kaeppelin; 1850 [CUL] si
NB 23 219 dates; 229 speaks of History of Chinese standing wQ 1000 years
SB cm
229. ancient precise Rule for selection
p.219 This great Encyclop was published in
1737.- but it is compilation
p221. Name of this Encyclopedia
23 5-6m/u "Ma-touanlin" 24 zt 219 3-5m 221
2u (title) 229 9-Um/lOw^ Plot 12-14m/12-
13m 239 8-9m 254 4-7m 255 7-9m
HEWSON, William The works of William Hewson, F.R.S. ed. G. Gulliver; London; The Sydenham Society; 1846 [CUL, I by editor] phy, v
SF (later from Gulliver)
NB Blood corpuscles nothing particular for
me, I think
p.218 p. 238 vars.«> in vars. X in Do
218 5-7m, 18-19m, 35-37m 219 10-13m 236
39-40m 237b 47m, 48m 238a 23m, 24m, 23m
238b 2Sm, 20-22m, 27-29w very variable wb
what var. 239b wt send blood 6m, 46m/w
white* owl wb* which is white owl 241b 20m
HEYWORTH, Lawrence Glimpses at the origin, mission and the destiny of man London; Williams & Norgate; 1866 [Down, I]
HIBBERD, Shirley The fern garden 4th edn; London; Groombridge & Sons; 1872 [Down]
HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth Out-door papers Boston; James G. Osgood & Co.; 1871 [Down]
HILDEBRAND, Friedrich Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1867 [CUL, S] ce, es, die, ex, fg, hl, mhp, oo, rd, sp, sx, ti
NB p37^; 28 abortion of Rag Floret of Compositae for •; p20 Digitalis most fertilised by pollen first on closed stigma 1 2S-22m 3 20-22m, 20-22m, 24-26m 4 8-22m 5 10-19m 7 wt Dioecious & Mon. plants flower in Spring, when little honey in other flowers 2-2m, 24-25m, 26-27m 9 23-25m 11 l-3m/wt Consider Thyme a case of Polygamia 6-18m/ll-25w each kind of flower on separate tree -» ash-* tree? 12 7-20m 13 wt It may be that lower plants have survived owing to having this advantage of separated sexes. 6-7u "mehrIzwittrigen"'/w Doubtfully Thinks Hermaphrodite earliest state 9-22m,
[page break]
ll-12ml ll-15w (a) Lower plants oftenest have separated sexes 30-31m 14 20-23m/ 21u "Mehrzahl", 23-24m 15 3-7m/4w Sprengel 30m 16 14-17m (Sprengel), 18-24m, 27-28m 18 8u "Protogynische", 10-llm, 21-32m 20 12-16m 21 12-20m 22 13-17m, 18-23m 23 21-25m, 27-30m 24 9u "Protrand-risten\Blüthen"/5-17m/xv Rudimentary organs 14-16m 25 13-15m 26 10w& p11 11-Uml 10-16w In Thyme anthers of Herm-aphroditeO flowers developed before the pistil 14-17m&, 16-29m 27 6u "alle\sind", 11-15m 28 14-25m/15-18w Compositae 17u/wx, 19u/wx, 20u/wx, 26-34m 32 l-4m, 17-25w more dichogamous than non-dichogamous!! wb 2 divisions when anthers lie so close as to fertilise the stigma & when distant from stigma 36 32-33m 37 12m, 12-13u "dk\ übertreffen", 19-22m, 27-34m/30-31x**> 39 23-33m 40 lSmd, 23-27m 42 l-10m& 43 13-16m 45 3-6m, 10-15m 48 ll-14m/5-20w In Cruciferae, manner in which anthers open checks self-fertilisation 51 lm, 5-7m 53 11-15m 54 fig.w Viola tricolor 56 12m, 20-34w D does not know the self-fertilisation by movement of petals. 57 17-21m 59 10-15m, 15-18m 62 19-22m/w Does not Cyclamen self-fertil. 63 7-9m, 31m/w BorgniO 67 26-29m 73 20-21m/w Dimorphic 74 l-4m, 28-29m, 32m (Walz) 77 12-14m, 23-25m/w waterflower 28-31m/w come to surface wb instead of flowering under water, as we see is quite possible. 78 14-16m 79 29-33m 80 1-28m 82 16-19m/l-20w adduces Snails - I think must have been primordially self-fertile 13-16m, 12-2ÙW Thinks flowers are hermaphrodite to favour crossing - one to favour seeds.- like bulbs &c 84 17-19m 86 13-17m 87 4-9m 90 4-10m, 14u "Alter \ Gesetzes"\w age of law
HILDEBRAND, Friedrich Die Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1873 [CUL, bound together with previous item, I] ad, fg, gd, mhp, oo, phy, sp, sx, t, v
NB p5 & 6 List of authors on Means of
p36; p. 80; 104; 107; 112; 114-117; 129 to
150; 155 to end
SB <=»
p. 5 & 6. List of works on Means of
36 fruits eaten by birds on trees - those
which stick to furry coats on branches of
Herbs (p. 160)
80 fruits with Arillus (My case)
104. wonderfully many adaptations for
scattering seeds fleshy fruits more open.
107. fruits which do not open have only 1
112. fruits do not become coloured or tasted
until ripe. (Like calyx of Polygala) & shell of
seed hard as a protection
114. good remarks on coloured fruit
116 wonderful economy in the means of
distribution - nothing superfluous & vary 2
ways - confined to the female flowers
129 - Bears on what useless Q
Cases of same sp. with 2 means of distribution
Means often differ much in allied plants.
150 When many seedlings of same sp.
struggle together all weakened, not different
sp. kill each other more easily - & thus good
of distribution.
151 & parents close interbreeding
2 12-14m 4 11m 8 2m 9 zt 13 3m 20 20m 26 23m 36 l-7m 41 17m 48 8-10m 52 15-16m 57 21-23m*z 61 4u* 73 3z 79 17mA> 80 2-12m 90 26-27m*» 99 25-26m 101 27-29m 102 22-25m 104 17-30m/w all sorts of adaptations to scatter seeds 29m 107 l-2z, 3-5m, 23-31m, 33-34m 112 3m, 12-15m/14u "hervortretende") 15-16u "derI Geruch", 16u "angenehme Geschmack", 26u++ 114 18-22m/19u "Aspara-geen\ Früchte", 25-29m 115 5-7 m** 116 3-6m\3-4u "an I Früchte", 24m/20-26w Great economy in superfluous adaptations 117 1-4m, 17-20m/17-18u<+, 23-31m 125 12zA> 129 19-26m 130 26-30m 144 22-34m/ 23-29w on same Plant 145 l-16m/w Means of Distribution often differ much in allied Plants 150 5-12m/l-34w When seeds of same kind * sown together all struggle together & all weak - not so when different kind for then the strong kill the weak 151 22-26m 155 28-33m 157 ll-14m, 18-20m 159 14-22m, 17-20m/21u "ausbildet nicht" 160 3-4m\u^\w Hooker 6u "Vögel", 7-10m/7u "an\strauch" 161 8-12m/u± 162 wb [When pollen is brought from a distance commonly - it is possible that means of distribution wd be less necessary CD]
HILDEBRANT, Gustav Die Verbreitung der Conifer en Bonn; Carl Georgi; 1861 [Down] p
HINDS, Richard Brinsley The regions of vegetation, being an analysis of the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connection with climate and physical agents London; G.J. Palmer; 1843 [CUL, I] gd, no, sp
[page break]
11 Greenland 2 species to genus
36 Species of European genera in Mexico
distinct - like other alpine regions no
peculiar Family & few genera (Like lakes &
Arctic regions
48 Mountains of Brazil vitis, Galium, *,
Gaultheria (Nothing)
54 Alludes to Pisidium or Guava at Tahiti -
Vaccinum & Fragaria on Sandwich Isd
- 47 species in Low Arch, belonging to 40 genera & 27 Families (small size few individuals & therefore not new species)
94 Relations of Abyssinia to Cape of Good
H. Protea, mesembryanthemum
NB1 What has Schow written, who is so
often quoted on Bot Geog.??
NB2p.11; p. 14 to end
11 l-2m 14 16-20m 15 2-7m 17 17-20m 20 27-28m, 28-29m 22 27-29m, 30-31m 24 26-17m 25 4-7m 27 12-13m, 16-18m 30 13-19m 36 8-9m, 13-14m/12-18w Contrast this with species being same further north; also T. del Fuego 17-19m/u "It I genera"'/9-16w so lakes & Arctic regions 21-23m 39 6-llm/7u "stronger I than", 18-20m 41 17-19m 43 23-32m/27u "ribes, rubus"/28u "andromeda"/29u "vaccinium"/30u "berberis" 44 20-22m/21u "of\abies" 47 21-34m/24-25*r/26-31w* No European forms xvb see to this 48 6m/7?/4-5w not species 49 20-24!/22-26m 54 14-17'ml 12-20w compare with mountains of Brazil p148 V. Von Martius 27-28m 58 10-13m, 15u "ribes\vaccinium", 17u "salix", 18-20m, 23m, 28-31m 62 l-2m, 16-17m, 31-34m 63 13-15m, 27-33m 64 l-2m 68 7-10m 71 l-3m 74 15-18m, 28-34m/w some of these are American .-. ought they not to be considered mundane 79 17-20m, 20-22m 81 23m "salix I viola"'/w mundane. 2S-29m 82 26m 83 9-llm/llu "stronger I India" 87 26u*+, 31m 88 24-29m 90 20-22m 94 20-22m 98 25-28m 101 9-12m 102 4-8m, 12-13m 104 l-4m 115 23-28m 117 32-34m 119 2-20m 121 24-29m 122 22-25m 125 9-12m 128 4-5m/4u "dwarf \ stunted"/w so in Himmalayah 130 15-18mfl5u "Sempervivum"/ 17u "sedum" 133 19-25m 135 17-18m 136 26-20m/17w odd 27-34m 139 7-20m, 29-31m
HITCHCOCK, Edward Final report on the geology of Massachussets 2 vols.; Amhurst; J.S. & C. Adams; 1841 [Down, I] p
HOCHSTETTER, Ferdinand von Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde ... 1st vol., 1st and 2nd parts separately; Wien;
K.K. Hof & Staatsdruckerei/ Karl Gerold's Sohn respectively; 1866 [Down] p
HODGE, Charles What is Darwinism? London and Edinburgh; T. Nelson & Sons; 1874 [Down]
HODGSON, Shadworth H. The theory of practice 2 vols.; London; Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer; 1870 [Down, I] p
HOEK, Paulus Peronius Cato The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger: 10. Report on the Pycnogonida London; Longmans & Co.; 1881 [Down, I] p
HOEK, Paulus Peronius Cato Embryologie von Balanus Leiden; E.J. Brill; 1876 [Down]
HOERNES, Rudolf, and AUINGER, M. Die
Gasteropoden der Meeres-Ablandungen der ersten une zweiten Miocären Mediterran-Stufe 3 parts; Wien; J.C. Fischer & Co.; 1879-1882 [Down, I by Hoernes] p
HOFACKER, J.D. Über die Eigenschaften welche sich bei Menschen und Thieren von den Eltern auf die Nachkommen vererben, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Pferdezucht, mit Beiträgen von F. Natter Tübingen; G.F. Dsiander; 1828 [CUL, on B] beh, br, cc, es, fg, h, he, pat, phy, sp, sx, tm, ud, v, y
SB Hofacker
10 on Heredetary colour of Horses; when
forefathers for some generations of same
colour, more easily transmitted. p94
15 on confining of animals of 2 colours &
offspring taking after one or other NQ
34 on handwriting heredetary Q/fe
83 of Hybrid NQ canaries Birds propagating
for 4 generations: inter se? Q*
98 on changes of colour in calves from
parents of two colours, with age Qai
107 on stags with one horn, producing a
Family of. Qa>
7 27m 8 l-8w Shape of hoof &c &c hereditary 10 l-6m/5-10w approximate colour 22-23« "dem\seyn", 23u "nur\sich", 27-28m\ 28u "5.87"/wb colour of forefathers appearing easier in colts 11 l-5w/wt Horses of different breeding establishments of different colours 12 wt Chestnut appeared when neither parent chestnut 7u/wx, 8u/wx, (u: "Goldfuchs" and "Hellfuchs") lOu, llu, 13u, 14u, 15-16m/ u, 18m 13 17x<&IQ&>/w Chesnt ll-27w cases
[page break]
of new colours appearing 14 7~8u "braunen\ Braun"'/7-llm/w brown mare always bore chesnut foals 27« "Mausrappen", 17u "Braunen"/16-19w Mouse-black from black & brown 26-27m/xv piebald 15 l-6w not so with Horses 8-llm/w like Hollyocks 13-14m, 15-23u± 16 lm 17 6-llw great tendency (without white young destroyed) for all animals to become white - 23 7-8w Mulattos smell like Negros 22-26m/w odours of different parts of body hereditary 24 4u "Rheumatismen I Catarrhen ", 25-27m/18-27w when both parents fat young fat very early. 25 26m/u<-> 29 12-16w great strength hereditary 30 wb Genius not hereditary -[How many qualities together make Genius!] 32 3-13w Hereditary genius 23u "Bach\50", 24u "Bernouilli" 34 8u "Handschrift"/6-15m/w handwriting hereditary 35 4u "Brugnone"/l-7m/w recommends starting horse not to be bred from. 14-22w cross of pointer & shepherd dog, after many generations when become like sheep dog still pointed birds 36 21-29w/wb short & high heredetary (produced by manner of life) 37 8-10w diseases of eye hereditary in horses. 39 21 u "Grösse\Geschlechtstheile", 23u "leichtI gebären"/22-23w facility of birth hereditary 43 l-2m/w 20 female cats for one male 60 25m 80 2-23u> sex of plants influenced by conditions 83 17-18m, 29-30m 84 8m/w genera 18u "Perlhahn", 19m/u "Haushenne", 20u "Jungen der", 25m/w gen 89 6u "Absicht \ Grösse", 10-llu "Junge \ Zebra" 6-12m/w hybrids of one kind resemble father & of other kind, mother 12-13m, 21m, 27-29m/w Fineness of Hair after father 90 8-9u "Den I Vater", llu "Den\Mutter", 13u "DieWater", 15u "MutterI Ohren", 18u/wx, 23u "Schweif", 23u "Mutter" 91 2-4m, 6-llm/8-9u "ZahU überwiegt", llu "7:2", 12u "3:1", 13u "16:3" 93 3-4m, 14u "keine Bastarde", 20-25m/23u "Statur"/24u "LängelBeckendurchmesser", wb Pelvis 94 wt/l-24w stallions transmit qualities more than mares, because generally former of long-continued good breeding but mares are less so & crossed. 16-25m 96 7md, 8md, ll-14m, 15md, 19m/u/wx 97 wt/l-5w Duns hereditary colour - but these are picked cases of hereditary transmission of colour (u: colours in 3rd column) 3m/u, 6u, 8u, 9u, 10-12m/12u, 22u, 23m/u, 27-29m 98 19u±, 20u±, 23-24m/u± 99 4-5m, 14-15m 100 3-4m, 6u "Männchen" 101 6-9m/w men affected by producing one mule 102 22-25m/w children like first husband 105 19-20m/u "oderIhaben" 107 8-9m/9u "Burdach", llu "Nabelbruch", 13w Hare-lip 21-25m/w one-horned stag Qa>,
26Qa> 110 (u = names of diseases) 13-23m\13u\ 14u/18u/19u/20u/21u, 22u/22-23u, 24-27m/ 24u/wz, 25-28w tendency to bleed on small hurts 111 7« "Roz"/w glanders 9-10u "Exostosis I tarsi", llu "Exostosen", 20u<-> 112 9m, 23-28m/26-27u " weder \ Schauher", wb discussion on hereditary venereal diseases probably, when from father, not actual mother. 114 16u "nurWater", 17-18u "nur\ nachkommen" 123 22-24m 130 8-13md/8u "nur Raçen" 140 3-18w many old nations married their near relations
HOFFMANN, Hermann Zur Speciesfrage Haarlem; De Erven Loosjes; 1875 [CUL] cc, che, es, ds, fg, gd, he, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, v
NB All abstracted
p.53 Papaver somniferum self-fertile
p66 On Causes of Variation & Range of
Viola lutea & tricolor
11 Adonis aestivalis self-fertilised prot-
Look over, some references for Good for
crossing Book
p4 What he considers evidence of specific
form ! p27
causes of variability
17 on the form of Anagallis blue & red arvensis cd not cross them ! 22 Range of & differences of -
3 18-21m/w no - Cytisus adami 4 12m, 21-23m/22u "Blosse\Nachweis"/13-27w It comes to this that without direct evidence of descent from 1 to other forms must be considered as species! Blood Hound & Fox Hound * 7 l-5m/w external conditions do not influence when no relation to chemical nature of soil- 9-23m, 24-25u "sondern\ Erscheinung", 26m/u "unabhängigIImpulsen"/ 24-36w Excites not direct cause !! like an illness excited on effect of a poison which I have said 8 13-14u<+, 12-17w thinks reversion prevented by successive changes of structure. 11 24-27m/24w Adonis 17 23-25m, 17-21m, 29-34m/w did not cross 18 6-10m/6u "Bemühungen\kreuzen", 26-34m, 27-31m 19 2-7m, 22 m, 14-17m\w crossed with no result 30-32m/31u++ 20 5-6u<^, llu "isochronisch" 21 29-31m 22 2-4m/3u "sich\ decken" 26 30-32m 27 wt yellow berry holly also nearly constant .-. according to his rule a species! 3-4m/u± 28 3-7'm/w reverted to parental & typical form 22-24m/w only evidence that it is a var. is above 30 34-37m 32 7m 43 32m 46 22-26m 47 23w Papaver
[page break]
alpine 24r-37m/27-30w Covered with net 37^> 48 3-10m, 14-17m/15u "anscheinende I bei", 17-21m/w Protandrous state variable 50 24m 53 28u " Selbstbefruchtung \ kann", 33-34m/33u "keimten sie", 35u "72\producirten"/34-38m 59 5-7m 61 26m 66 2-4m 68 12-20m, 23-26m, 37-38m 69 19-22m 70 4~7m
HOFFMANN, L. Thier-Psychologie Stuttgart; Schickhardt & Ebner; 1881 [Down, I]
HOFMANN, August Wilhelm The life-work of Liebig London; Macmillan & Co.; 1876 [Down, I]
NB not read
HOFMEISTER, Wilhelm Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1867 [Down]
HOFMEISTER, Wilhelm On the germination, development and fructification of the higher Cryptogamia trans. F. Currey; London; The Ray Society; 1862 [Down, S] fg, tm
NB 439; 406 pollen-tubes of Conifers; 415
280 26-29m 284 lm, ll-13m 285 7-9m/8u
"third internal" 286 l-2m 287 5-7m, 12-13u*+
289 l-5m, 20-23m 290 14-16m, 32-36m 293
17-lSm, 27-29m 294 28-30m 295 2-5m 296
27-31m 297 8-llm/w archegonia 298 2-3m
299 22-25m, 36-39m 406 15-20m 415 12-17m,
18u "endosperm", 19-21m/21u "end\second"
439 13-22m
HOGG, Jabez Elements of experimental and natural philosophy London; Henry G. Bohn; 1861 [Down, S of Henrietta Crofts-Adel]
HOLDER, H. von Zusammenstellung der in Württemberg vorkommenden Schädelformen Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1876 [Down]
HOLLAND, Henry Chapters on mental physiology London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1852 [CUL] beh, y
NB Chapter on instincts - (Notes &
References in M.S. notes -) Nothing Else.-
234 Family trait long inherited
214 change of * sobbing in child; & so with
laughing, pain primary
223 Habit, good
91 24c/w (not CD) 201 5-8m, 24-26m 203 2-4m 204 17-20m 205 6-7m, 10-13m 208 27-
32m 209 22-24m 210 26-30m 211 22m "automatic\action", 12u "from instincts", 17u "congenital propensities" 213 2S-22m 214 23-28m 216 33-35m 220 22-24m 222 8-10m, 27-32m (De Candolle) 223 2-5m, 28-31m 224 19-22m, 24-25m 234 5-22m, 27-29m/Q 244 21w instrument
HOLLAND, Henry Chapters on mental physiology 2nd edn; London; Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts; 1858 [CUL, I] beh, mhp, t
111 Effect of attending to any part
237 Habits in plants
239 do to quote Habit & Instincts compared
p212 Read whole Chap of Instincts & Habits
79 26-27m (/. Müller) 81 2-4m 83 4-8m, 23-26m 85 28-32m 86 23-25m 87 25-27m 91 24-18m/15w 193 93 4-6m 104 17-29m, 23-27c, 29-31m 105 2-6m 106 6-9m, 14-19m 111 25-20m/15u " effect \ circulation"/16u "suddenly direded"/17u "often I immediate" 228 22-28m 237 23-30m 239 5-23m 246 29-31m
HOLLAND, Henry Essays on scientific and other subjects London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1862 [Down, I]
HOLLAND, Henry Medical notes and reflections London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1839 [CUL] beh, he, pat, phy, sx, y
10 Strong sentence on Heredetariness - 22
18 Child most like parent in feature &c
inherits its diseases
20 Hydrocele transmitted through female
25 Form of hereditariness occurring in
children & grown up people at same age
33 Disposition of members of same Family
to be affected similarly under like Maladies
35 Hereditary diseases appearing at same
x 25m/c/w«È, 27m xi 3m, 5m, 9m, 11m, 13m, 15m, 24m, 26m 1 20m 10 20-27m, 24-28m/ "..." 13 10u/10-Um (Whewell) 16 7-23m 17 15-21w faulty texture of skin, hare-lip stratismusO all hereditary 18 4-8m, 9-10m, 10-13m, 19-23m 19 2-26m, 30-32m 20 5-7m, 9...], 20-27w blindness often hereditary gives cases also deaf & dumb. 32-33m 21 wt disease of heart hereditary, 4 brothers died
[page break]
between 60 & 65 - another case in their generation - obesity hereditary - cutaneous diseases hereditary - 7-8m/w case of Patella was wanting to father & son. 10-15m, 18-25m, wb are men more exposed - hence Rheumatism & haemorrhage?? more intemperate.- hence gout- 22 10a "effect" 14-lOm/w Pellagra of Lombardy gives Reference 20-23m/'"...", wb Diabetes. Prout & Co * Self say hereditary asthma. 24 22-24m/25-28w enlarges this strongly wb Suicide seems on sufficient evidence to have tendency to become hereditary Pinel Dr Rush D Burrows 25 l-31w Chomel rates as high as half proportion of rheumatism cases where patients have suffered 21-24m, wb Make some remarks about diseases, not connected with particular stimulus, being hereditary, as gout, scrofula. * 26 wt/1-26w»> I presume more men, than women are subject to gout, to * rheumatism & to haemorrhagic tendency? l-2m, 12-15tn, 29-33m/4-34w* Consult this.- to see whether predisposing causes act chiefly during manhood, as in gout, in relation to secondary male character wb speaks of cases where a child escapes hereditary, disease (& likewise resemblances in countenance) for one generation 27 28-32m 31 23-28m 32 l-5m 33 24-30m 35 1-lOm/x, wb x Boerhave gives cases of schirrus, icterum & melancholia, at certain age in same family 36 29-33m 37 wb H. says looking over works of Morgagni gives many cases of hereditary diseases to which he incidentally refers. 65 8u "attention"/10u "direction I consciousness "/8-10m, 22-25m 66 l-5m, 13-15m 67 3-7m, 16m, 22-24m 68 2-5m 69 l-3m 70 8-10m, 20-22m 323 wtQ These muscles which are subject to involuntary action (so eyelids & eyebrowO) are not subject to Pulse.
HOLLAND, Henry Medical notes and reflections 3rd edn; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1855 [CUL, I] beh, hi, in, pat, phy, ta, y
NB1 276 Mind & Body cannot work hard at
same time
NB2 19»
24* Wonder that all not inherited
31 Hydrocele per female
inheritance at corresponding age & in same
Family - 33 Ask - 44 good
♦ 36; 40
xiv 3m 5 10-llm 9 8m, 32a "way", wb as to the duration of Life, and the influences upon
health of individuals & communities the various physical & moral conditions to which they are submitted 11 4w fully 12 14-17w0, 24-31w0, 30c/we 13 23-24m 19 ll-14m 24 14-16m 31 25-29m 32 6-9m 33 l-2m/w at early age? 7-9m/w eyes 19-21m, 22-24m 35 28-30m 36 26-29m 40 30-32m (Chomel) 41 lm, 16-18m 42 2-3m 43 14-15m/w 49 16-18m, 21-22m 44 wt When peculiarity appears in several members of family without having occurred in parents it is clear comes on at same age - and it is form of inheritance 1-2m, 5-6w same age 6-10m, 13-16m, 22Qa>, 30-32m 45 25-27m 49 l-5m 50 21-25m, 28-33m/29u "certâ I schirrum "/31u "icterum "/33u "certâ aetate" P
HOLLAND, Henry Recollections of past life London; Spottiswoode & Co.; 1868 [Down, I]
HOLUB, Emil Seven years in South Africa 2nd edn, 2 vols.; London; Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington; 1881 [Down] P
HOLUB, Emil, and PELZEN, August von
Beitrage zur Ornithologie Südafrikas Wien; Alfred Holder; 1882 [Down, I]
HOOKE, Robert Micrographia London; James Allestry; 1667 [Botany School, pre-B, ED, FD]
3 19-21m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Botany London; Macmillan & Co.; 1876 [Down, I]
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton The botany of the antarctic voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror in the years 1839-1843: 1. Flora antarctica 2 vols in 1 binding; London; Reeve; 1844-47 [CUL] af, ds, ex, gd, ig, in, is, no, oo, phy, sp, sy, v
Hooker Antarctic Flora
1 Auckland & Campbell Isld - Arctic Plants
4 Ranunculus with hooked seeds - curious
23 case of wide difference in proportions of
Nat. orders in Falkland & Aucklands
30 case of plant common to highest
mountains of New Zealand (G)
53 Myrsine common to Cape. Abyssinia &
[page break]
56 Gentiana eminently alpine & yet not common * N & S low-lands
Veronica with 3 stamens sometimes
Remarkable variations Ch 4
73, 74 No alpine plants in S. p. 74 (Gl.) North
much richer in species than the S. - even in
S. America - 75 N. Zealand very poor Flora,
contrast with Australia-
97 One Arctic group common to S. varying
in N. but not in Campbell Isld N.B I notice in
Webbs Canary isld that often only one form
of a varying plant is there found
114 A species varies more in one country
than in another p. 271, p115 or not varies in
116 Variation Ch. 4 varying in one country
more than in another
211 All Antarctic Lands take after T. del
Fuego, except Auckland & Campbell Isd -
217 Plant extinct at St Helena between
Hookers 2 visits Few species to genera
generally in isld
246 True Arctic plant or representative in T.
del F. p. 280 do
268 Acaena with beautiful hooks confined to
Kergueles Land &
Wandering species a> from Australia.-exiled sp of Decandolle
On representatives & identical species going together 277 On relation of number of individuals to species 278 Very good cases 288 Plant constant in leaves in Falkland, very variable at R. Plata
306 A form from one country unites two in
another country
315 On confined range of Senecio species,
yet genus very large range
327 American Epacris, very distinct form.
387 Tussack group so eminently fitted for
cattle as to be on road to extermination in
country where no quadruped (Hooker) often
Hooked seeds
390 At Chonos Isd the flora unite but Dr
Hooker remarks no blending of forms as if
from descent Ch.6.
549 On affinities of Lyallia of Kerguelen to
Bolivian Plant
vi 18-19m/19u "Crozet\ volcanic" vii 15-16m/ 15u "vast I continent" 2 32-36m/w great difficulty 4 13m/u "uncinati"/w/ V. Plate 15-17m, 20-22m/w var. 41-43m 5 35-39m (H.C. Watson)/36-38u± 7 4m 10 6-8m, 16-17m 11 6-7m, 12m, 22u "species I one", 33-34m 13 5-7m, 9-llm, 17-20m, 38-39m 15 10-12m, 28-29m/28u "decidedly\form" 18 13-15m 22 41-42m 23 3-10m 30 25-26m 33 2-7m 35 16-22w Mr Norman not to be counted with varieties
- nor any species introduced as notes 37 25w not count, in Norman 39 25-27m, 43-45m 40 24-26m 53 3-8m (De Candolle) 54 22-27m 55 26-30m, 28-30m, 31u "Indeed I genera", 33-35m/34u " confined \ Andes", 41u "blue-flowered" 56 l-2w How alpine a genus! 3-8m, 9-llm, 14-15m 57 6-11m, 41-44m 58 11-17m 61 7-8m, 10-12m, 33-35m 62 9-27m, 9-12m, 14-16m/16u "3-valved" 66 37-40m 67 6-9m, ll-13m, 20-22m, 33m/w var 41-42m 73 36-43m/40u "on\occur"/w explain 74 l-5m, 6-11m, 12-15m/13w whence paucity 21-25m, 28-31mlw+ S. America even isolation compared 39-44m 75 l-3m, 10-12m, 14-15m, 16-18m, 21-23m, 26-27m/26u "exuberant\ necessarily", 29-30m 78 4-9m 80 27-29m 82 4-8m 83 l-4m 85 16-17m/16u "most\L.", 20u "L.I Tasmania" 90 20-23m 92 37-38m 97 14-15m, 17-18m, 19-21m, 24-28m 101 34-36m 103 25w Mr Norman end here 104 21-23m 106 l-3m 107 15-16m, 35u "500 miles", 40-42m, 44-46m 109 32-37m\33u* 111 24-27m
112 ll-14m, 21-22m/21u "natural\ cannot"
113 vi)t Mr Norman nothing to be counted in
this part 16-17m, 25m, 34-35m 114 6-9m, 25-
30w This Lycopodium may have travelled
along Andes 115 3-5m/4u "like\does", 27-
28m, 41-44m/43-44u± 116 7-8m, 14-15m, 17-
18m, 31-32m, 35-36m, 46m 117 7-8m, 9-13m,
16-21m, 23-25m, 26-27m 118 7-9m 119 15-
16m 124 38m 126 37-39m 127 22-23m 129 wt
Mr Norman, nothing to be counted in this
Part 132 18-21 m 134 8-9m, 15m 141 22-22m
145 wt Mr Norman not count this part 146
20-23m 162 3-5m 167 26-2Sra 169 32-32m
209 8-10m 210 l-4m, 1m 211 4-7m, 9m, 15-
16m, 20-22m (Humboldt), 22a "west"lu "west\
stream"/w East 24-25m/25u "Gmelin's 'Flora
Siberica' " 27u "approximated I geographical "/w
1000 miles 29u "flanks I Himalayan"\30u
"Tristan I Cape"/29-31m/w not flanks, but
opposite side of continent 33u "Sandwich"jw
in Labiatae & Lobeliaceae 39-42wjwb
actually same species? very good yes Have
a list 40-41m\u±\w CynocususO a grass 212
22« '"North\ Antarctic" Iw Panama? 23u
"granitic"/?, 36-37m, 39-40m 213 28-29m 215
21-25m/?/w do not understand 216 23-25m,
25-27m/27u "twenty I plants", 29-32ml29mj29-
30u±, 36-38m/37u "16,062 feet" 217 2?/ma, 5-
9m, 22-24m, 26-27m, 30-32m, 34-35m, 35-
40m, 37-40m 219 16-23m/18?/u "Colobanthus"
"fossil" 221 33x^/u 223 28-33m 224 26-28m
225 20-22m, 26-27x/26u "This I plant", 39m
227 9w var 33-36m 228 18-20m, 40-41m 229
33-39m 230 8-9m, 14-17m, 21-23m, 24-25m,
26-28m, 29-31m 231 31-32m 232 26-28m, 28-
29m, 39-42m 233 l-4m, 31-32m, 35w not
[page break]
count as var. 240 21-25m 241 15-16m/16u "American Andicola", 30-35m, 37?/u* 242 2-4m, 6-10m (De Candolle), 22-23m, 34-35m 245 32-40w This is first European genus with no evidence of other species on Cordillera of Chili or Peru 246 4-5m, 21-22m, 26m, 27-28m, 35-36m 247 6-9m, 9u±, Urn, 15u "excluded North", 33m/w var, 37-41 m 248 10-12m, 43m 250 27w var 29~30m 251 l~9m/ 14w var 2 18-19m 252 20-22m 253 3-Am, 8-12w I think these are Oxalis in the Cordillera of Peru 27w var 259 12-13m, 30m 260 l-2m, 8-10m/7-12xv I suppose not found in intermediate districts 25-26m, 32~33m/32u "maritime", 35-37m, 38m 261 3-5m, 9-J.Om 262 13~14m, 21-25m, 34m 263 26-27m, 39-41m 264 3-4m, 13-14m 267 38-39m 268 2-5m, 18w var. 19-20m/20u "South Georgia", 38-41w/wb A plant with hooked seeds confined to Kerguelen Land. V Plates beautifully hooked. 270 6-7m/w var 31-33m, 42-43m 271 l-2m, 4-5m, 16m, 20m, 23-25m, 26-27m 272 Im, 7-8m, 13~22w another case of plant skipping the intermediate parts of S. America. 28w var. I 40m 274 5m/a "another" 3d 8u "even I rudiments", 32u<^, 38m/u "same species" 275 25-28m, 35-37m/36uA/w large range 36-37u*, 39-40m, 41m/m, wb This not holding in Birds, is argument against much accidental transportation 276 3-8m, 9~12m, 30w var 40-41md 277 9w var 37-39m/w it may be if all individuals of all the species be counted. 278 2-3m, 5-7m, 8-12m, 19-20m 279 5-6m 280 22w var. 3. 27-29m/29u "of\ America", 34m, 39-40m 282 20-21m/21u "ml flowers" 284 21-22m, 30-31m/30u±, 37-38m 285 3m 287 21-23m, 25-26m, 31m 288 4-6m, 7-8m 289 wt Nothing marked in this Part 302ii 8-9m 303ii 24m 305 16-19m 306 l-3m, 16w2 vars 18-19m, 20-21m, 25-27m, 28-29m 307 23w var. 1 308 33-34m 309 14w var 1 312 26w var I 313 2w var 1 12w var 1 315 17-21mfl9u "both\flowers", 22~25m, 31-33m, 36~38m, 38-39m 317 8-9m, 9m, 12w var 322 32w var 323 8w var 32m, 35m 324 2 0-2 2 m, 19-20m/! 326 31w var 1 327 22m, 37-39m 328 2~4m 329 29w 1 species 36w do not count this 331 l-5m, 26-28m, 40-44m 334 U-Um/w water-plants 21-24m/23u "perhaps" 335 23-26m 336 2-3m, 30-32m 337 16~17m, 27-30m, 35w var 338 27~29m 339 2-2m, 9w var 22-23m, 29w var 2 340 wt Though we cannot explain same species common to Australia & Fuegoe yet the generic conection is in harmony -: hence the identity of some species with Europe is in itself probable 2-2m, 14w var. 2 24w 4. 341 27-2Sm 343 24-26m 344 36-39m 345 25-29m 346 23-26m, 27-
22m 347 14-16m, 19-20m 352 38w var 1 354 19-21m, 39-40m 361 8w var 363 28-30m 368 6-9m, 25-29m, 32-36m 370 2-4m, 35w var. 1 372 35w var 373 17w var 1 378 7-2 2 m 379 llio var 5 381 34w var 3 382 23w var 3 384 19w var I 386 17-20m 387 2-7m 389 15w var 4 25-27m, 33m/w Mr Norman end here 390 16-20m 391 34-36m 392 32-33m 393 20-22m 394 23-25m 395 27-2Sm 457 17-29m 543 7m, 9m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Himalayan journals 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1854 [CUL, I in vol. 1]
af, beh, cc, ch, gd, geo, gr, oo, no, sp, t, ti, tm, v
vol. 1 NB See index for case of coloured
24; 28; 30; 101
109 - Tropical & temp vegetation
159; 248 Glaciers; 257 Cedar & Deodar;
293; 314 - Cocks crow; 380; 400
p221 - Poa annua & Shepherd's purse 314;
380; 400; 221
24 4-9m 28 6-8m 30 31-33m 38 5-22m 101
28-32m 109 24-26m, 24-27m, 30-33m 159 28-
30m 221 6-20m, 23-25m 248 29-33m 257 5-
7m, 24~37m 293 30-34m 314 8-20m 342
26md/a/w+e 380 18-23m 398 10-24w about
500ft* 262ft see 440 vol 2. 24-34m/31u "of I
English"/34c "Dioscorea"/33-34u "Saponarial
Dioscorea", wb 2 not English 400 10-14m
vol. 2 SF Qß
p18 Mixture of Tropical & temperate plants p39 & N. American genera & Japan.
25 Himalayan Reptile allied to N. America
p.305 do
67 gathered 47 plants without rising - 30
average in England - alludes to struggle.
92 few Mammals in moist cold atmosphere.
96 Bengal Toad rise to Tungu - a good
height Q
255 Rose on plain of Bengal - Salix in
Terai, shows how little form related to
climate Q
280 Khasia flora richest in India, owing to
very various sites
281. ♦ Primrose & cowslip not one species
on Khasia mountains (Hence very ancient
according to my view & hence probably
aboriginal) some change at early period of
302. A judge will tell whence Elephant came
(Ch. 4)
336 Stylidium an Australian genus with 1
species here.
[page break]
NB1 Mixture of Tropical & tern plants - p. 18
25; 26
On mixture of European, N. American &
Japanese forms 39
67 - on no. of plants in limited species
92; 96; 150; 255; 281; 302; 305; 314 flowers
underwater; 312.& 317
Mixture of Tropical & temperate plants - 319
333; 336; 415
p.281 On Khasia range H. speaks of
Primrose & Cowslip!
♦ p251 & Poa
NB2 p38 rippled sand
18 24-30m 25 31-34m, 34-39m 26 31-34m 39 l-4m, 6-25m 57 24~27m 67 24-27m, 31-36m 92 4-llm, 16-21m 96 19-23m 150 12-16m/12u "double"/14u "twins" 255 20-26m 281 6-8m, 32-33m 287 9c/w£ 302 6-18m 305 21-27m 312 6~7m 314 26-36m 317 30-31m 319 28-33m 333 15-21m 336 ll-13m, 25-27m 415 9-25m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand London; Lovell Reeve; 1853 [CUL]
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Memoirs of the geological survey of Great Britain vol. 2, part 2; [CUL, I] gd, geo, ig, no, phy, v, y
399 Tasmania 200 miles long has four times
as many flowers as New Zealand 900 miles
long (& higher mountains)
410 Venation generally very important in
Ferns; but differs in older & younger forms of
some species - kind of transition - Ch. 8
SB2 *
Prelim good - upright ferns but distinctly
large separated
Ferns drifted being greatly objected to by
whom.- Why not allude to Bunbury & Lyell
on N. America
I valuatedO the Owen
Most interesting indeed quite amusing
Whole Plates
I wonder you do not suggest aquatic plants
appear to meet so well all the same case
with leaves of fern & cones-
(over) 391-392; 399; 410; 429; 437
title page w Hooker Carboniferous Plants n.d 391 28-22m 392 5-9m, I7~l9m 399 25-27m 410 24-29m, 30-33m 411 2-3m 429 29-33m 437 29-39m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton On the flora of
Australia (introductory essay to flora of
Tasmania), London; Lovell Reeve; 1859
cc, ch, che, co, es, gd, geo, hl, ig, is, no, oo
se, si, sp, sx, t, v, wd
SB1 Qß (24 sheets)
I intended in this but to copy out all Falkland
& T. del Fuego plants on parallel lines
(lists of plant species and their sexes)
(on p. 24 of lists) This list has been marked by
Hooker for close species.- NB See what big
genera are left out.- They ought not to have
been left out for mem. highness.- But
Hooker does not know CarexO or UrociniaO
so these ought to be left out- Leave out
genera with single species.
SB2 Qß •»
Hooker Flora of Tasmania
V. no two countries present all vars. of same
sp. on common p. xiv
- But - marked vars. on confines of range
- simplest groups present most variable
vi. more unstable than stable forms - social plants constant
vii no relation between isolation of group & closeness or definition of its species.
- Extinction allows us to define groups.
ix conditions of cultivation are not really
xiii one var constant, the other var. of same
sp. variable.
xv. Flora of isld not nearest related to
nearest mainland
xvi. great contrast between Hebrides & Fidji
xvii Effect of dampness in extending range
of Tropical products
- Has used glacial hypothesis for New
Zealand Mountains
xviii Fuegian species not entering Mexican
xix to Geological succession - no
xxiv Many plants are higher (so-called)
plants reduced.
On Highness & Lowness
xxvii Richness of Antarctic in forms - xxviii
not so very peculiar a Flora as thought to
xxix Peculiarities common to same orders in
diverse parts of world.-
xxxi on similar proportions in great groups
(due to battle of life)
xxxiii xxxiv Relation to Africa - xxxv Invaders
in S.E. Australia
xxxvi No of species to genera in Australia
[page break]
wide rangers in Tropics - Hooker thinks not material to know Look to A De Cand - Again I suspect very few confined to hottest parts of Tropics, which might be expected from range in Australia & C. of Good Hope.-There must be discussion in Alp. D.C. on range of Tropical plants compared to temperate.- if the range were given N. & S it would be best.- But America from Atlantic Ocean complicated problem.- xlix 15-18m 1 3-7m, 7u/9u*, lOu "Malayan Peninsula", 13-16m, 20-23m, 26-28m, ^7-2m, î\3-lm/î\2-lu "greatlgenera" li 8-llm/w most favourable in conditions & larger 12-13m/x, 17u "1700", 20-21w Eyre'sO desert between tl2w wonderful lii " Acacia".w 82/133 sp. "Eucalyptus ".w 55 liii 18-19m, 22-23m, 25m/ w in S.E. a much more mixed & imported Flora liv l-4m, 17-20w (a) One intruding dominant form might well destroy several closely allied representative species. ÏÏ22-20m\w (a) ÎÎ22-20« "It\area"/m/x/w yes because dominant forms wd only invade the land.- tl6-12m/w was not S.W. corner an archipelago with representative species like Galapagos or Madeira & p. Santo with respect to land-shells??? He hints at this further on. wb Indian Tropical plants formed in big area & fitted for Tropics & not for temperate parts have invaded & almost exterminated Australian Flora of Tropics.-Further on states that Indian Flora (as distinct from Malay) is formed in low part of Malay Isd wb (a) Pampas & N. temp. Europe & Siberia are all lately tenanted lands by dominant species & are not number of species few?? Perhaps different case altogether lv 9?, 16~19m, ÏÏ5-2m lvi î\20-19m lxxxiv 3-4m, 15-17m, 19u "fully one-fifth", 20u "one-tenth", î\21-18m, ^14-llm lxxxv 2-5m, 14x, 18-19m, 23-25m, ÏÏ15-llm, ÏÏ9-5m lxxxvi 1Ï3-2m lxxxvii 6-9m, ll-13m, 15-17m, 18-19m/w This looks again as if S.W. corner was original focus of Australian forms 1Î22-20m, 1\l8-lm/w very striking looks to me conclusive that never continuous land.- x wb x we can with some probability suppose that plants wd have marched along continuous land- but we know hardly anything about march across seas.- lxxxviii 9-12m, 15m, 19-24m, 25m/u "eastern", ÏÏ9x/w it looks as if more transport during Glacial Period -Icebergs Îll2-10m/w dominant invaders lxxxix 5m/u "theory] migration"/w You do not know effect of Salt-water on the seeds- 20-llm/w ? I do not understand 15-18m, 1\3-lm xc l-2m, i\2-lm xci ÏÏ9-6m xcii 2-5m/w some excessively ancient connection xciii 7x/u
"220] genera"/w+ Hooker believes only few 8a "are"/wt almost exclusively 4~6m, 7-llm/w But I suppose many found in Tropics??? -see p. xcviii for same question xcv wt/l-15w I wish I knew which of these genera are not found in lowland Tropics & include species representative of those f in northern Europe or N. Asia for on Glacial view these have been modified since Glacial period, (next page 38 identical species are given) It has always been my greatest fear that there has been so much modification since Glacial, that it wd. upset view.- Some few genera may formerly have been mundane & Tropical & not now so.- %w For Glacial strike out all those marked Trop. Strike out those marked with * Are many of these genera monotypic like the identical species - ?? Water plants ought + perhaps to be struck out - no. not so if not found in Tropics. X This mark means species identical with Europe (*) but the water plants not struck out. because not marked by Hooker xcvi (similar markings, no w) xcvi-xcvii, SA (note for Hooker, 8 April 1860 on numbers of supposedly post-Glacial genera not found in Tropics but common to Europe and Australia) xcvii 3u "38"lw These plants immigrated during Glacial period.- "Montra"x/w Water "Alioma"x/w Water "Glyceria"x/w Water ÏÏ6-lm/w Hooker says about 18/38 are monotypic ÏÏ2-2m/w "great]plants" xcviii 2-24m, 2u "them] alpine", "Taraxacum ".m/w composi great range tab.w These genera I presume not found in Tropics? wb* The species in S. Africa seem not to be identical - is this fact or want of knowledge of species are your facts taken from Drege? xcix 20-21m c l-4m/w Arctic Plants 22a "30" Fuegian 14-16m, 20-22m, 22a "is" doubtful 23-27m ci 12-15m, tÎ9-6m, (mark by FD) cii 2-4m/u "types]migrated"/we, 11-12?, IÎ24-22m, 1Î2-2m ciii %m civ l-2m/u "and] Islands", (mark by FD), ^9-lm/w good about Struggle cv l-4m, a> ÎÎ5w "unoccupied I England"/w were these spots bare? cvi 2-3m/??, l-21w «a** very good showing how many of the same species are naturalised in Australia & U. States with very different climates; opposed to your conclusion cvii "38"m, "51 "m cviii "78, 79, 81, 85, 89,92, 93"m, Xw Several Indian plants & US shows us such grt necessity of constant introduction of seed, rix "115"m, "139"m, wb No remarks on cultivated plants!!! cxii 14wu
(bound with previous item) HOOKER, Joseph Dalton Introductory essay to the flora of New
[page break]
xli Exclusive Tropical orders are all Indian. See MS note liv
xlii Great range of many tropical sp. because are much Extinction during Glacial, good see MS note Ask Hooker.
I Entire want of reciprocity between India & Australia
li Wonderful difference between S.E. & S.W. Australia
liii to Iv In S.E. a much more mixed & imported Flora: The invaders have destroyed many indigenes
Ivi Tasmanian list classed geographically Ixxxiv Discussion on. On European Plants, much modification in Tasmania Ixxxv The Alpines of the mundane genera are more variable than the Alpine & Australian genera- Perhaps the latter existed before Glacial epoch.-
Ixxxvii Wonderful facts on absence of Aus. Plants in N. Zealand- showing non-continuous land. Dominant invaders in N. Zealand. Ixxxix Lord Howe's Island.-Ixxxix Antarctic Plants xcii & xcviii S. African forms: (u^>) relation with respect to Glacial period
xcv & xcvii Important lists bearing on Glacial.- Many monotypic * in Australia xcviii Grand list bearing on Glacial distribution V. good remark p. cii c. not reciprocity in Europe with Australia (over) Hooker Flora Tasmania pci Relation of fossil & recent plants ciii Discussion on Glacial Flora civ Good remarks on Struggle for Existence cv. On Naturalised plants good- M.S. Remarks on.-
cx Many Native Esculent plants SB3 DSi •»
C. Darwin References to whole in Abstract of 4to Pamphlets
v llm/u "andlboth", 14-15m/w proof? chiefly from variation in arctic countries 1\5-4m vi 10-llm, î\19-17m/w crossing vii 4-5m, 7-8mr ll-16m, tl5-llm viii 3??/u "a \ unalterable", 18? lu "weakened \ exhausted", î\19-18m/w ? without selection doubtful Ü18-17x/u "the\ inhabits" wb x I doubt whether holds with animals.- With Elephant it does perhaps- ix 5u "neglected"/w with or without propagation by seed?!! 14m/u "original I apple"'/w good 15u "extent\Roses"/m/w where are facts on roses? ÏÏ20-29m, Îll7-12mjw good ÏÏ3-lm/w good x 21-22m/?? xii 1î5?/u "different provinces ", 1Î3« "more I permanent ", ÏÏ3fl "permanent" & more easily disseminated xiii 3-5m/w4 do not understand î\21-29m/w Battle
of life pretty equal.- 1Î6-4m/w Does it differ beyond having bulb.- xiv l-3m, 1\l8-l7m, ^12-llm xv wt Is there not Epacris in Sandwich: how allied to Fuegian genera of Epacris? lu "very", 2u "often", 3a "Africa" yet African, & islands, barren 5u "some\ forms", 8a "found" exceptionally 8u "Tristan d'Acunha"/w Is it not nearest to America? 1-8m, î\ll-9m/w/wb As coral islands themselves are included, they will generally have subsided, at intervals & been stocked by sea-borne plants & coral-soil very peculiar.-.-. In Indian Ocean comparison not valuable. xvi l-15w An isld so lofty & ancient as Tahiti, whether rising or sinking must have been long peopled. l-15w Hardly facts enough known - some islands rather near continent included.- (Marianne & Caroline Isd ought to be included.- & Gambier Isld) 5-7w I doubt whole case ÎÎS—2m xvii 3-7m/w Effects of dampness on range - 9-20m, ÎÎ5-4m xviii "29"m/w I doubt because the temperate forms have crossed the Equator in old & new world, & tropical orders still exist in both ^5-lm xix "Lycopodiaceae".m xx lu "genera"jw & Devonian not different 13u " cone \ Araucaria", 15u "Cretaceous", 16u "Juglans"/w Juglans old & intermediate 18u "Characeae"/x/w Lyell says in Middle Purbeck xxi 7m/u "900", ^18-Um xxii l-2m, 4-9m xxiii î\16-14m/w good tl2-9m xxiv l-3m, 5-15m/w Highness & Lowness. î\19-17m/w I have somewhere discussed this Ît10-lm/w good a Highness & Lowness xxvii î\ll-9m xxviii 9-20m/17-18u±, ÏÏ22-18m, ^15-llm, î\6-3m xxix l-3m/w peculiarities common to Orders xxxi 3-6m, 9-12m/w Shows relations of organisms most important in battle of life. 18-19m/w A Farmer in Australia would I presume follow same rotation of crops at equal * intervals in N. & S. xxxiii 12u "South Africa" 111-17 mlw curious 19-20m, î\15-14m/m, flfte xxxiv l-10x/w Those with cross aboundedO next most in S. Africa This looks as if affinity to S. Africa had come round by N. Îtl5u "the genera",/w chiefly mundane orders, xxxv w Invaders, with more species modified, w This makes difference look considerable w & all over World Alph De Candolle xxxvi 6m/u "six", (in table lb)c "Cruciferae"/w Coniferae w+ How many species xxxvii 2m/x xli î\9-7m xlii 8-10m/w must take old & new worlds as distinct categories. Xwjwb What a number African & some American NB great extinction within Tropics during Glacial explains vast range of many tropical plants in at least old World Ask Hooker.- Whether there are not many
[page break]
Zealand (reprint of)
cc, ch, ex, f, gd, geo, in, is, no, or, sy, t, v
NF pxxxiii Note Definition of "Antarctic" I
have I think been misled, & often in doubt by
not knowing this definition earlier
Plants common in New Zealand & South
America but not European
(not CD, annotated by him xvith locations of
species listed; 6 sheets)
Abstract no 20 (6 sheets: abstract of Botany of
the antarctic voyage "Flora Novae-Zelandiae",
not this Introduction)
ii "Chapter l".w J Lubbock you had better skip this first Chapter x 16m/u "reproduce] processes", 17m/Q 17-23m, î\22-17m, î\12-8m, ÏÏ5-2m xi l-3m, 5-6m, 8-9tn, tl4-12m, ÏÏ22-9m/Q U-5m, Î\lm/Q xii 17-19m/?, fT4-2m/Q xiii 5-7m, ÎÎ22-20wî/1Î22w<-> xiv wt shows that vars. * on these different in different countries 3-6m, 12-14m xv l-5m, 7-Sm, tlO-9m xvi 13-18m, ÎÎ3-2m/ÏÏ2u "transport I sex" tarn xvii 2a "typical"/wt of that species 2Q/u "we\common", \\16-14m, 'fttë-lOm xviii 7m/u "of\seas"jw V. Harvey Whether absent in Tropics Ît22-20m/w Decandolle 250,000 I think! 9u "did\Zealand" xix tl7-16m, 1\8-7x^/m/w how many common to North? ÏÏ6m/ u "greater\ peculiar"/zv see further on. ÏÏ4-2m/ x^/Uu "100 genera"/î\3u "confined to", î\2iu "one species", ÎÎ2a "species''/wb different?? if different points to some ancient connection.-xx 2a "so"/wt comparatively 2a "Africa"/wt about 1600 miles! 2u "placed I Africa", l~4m, 4u "Antarctic", 4-5m/u "New \ Australia"/x^/w Does this remark extend of Fuegia? 4-5m/ x^/w exactly like White M & Europe, circumpolar cold 8-10m, ll-14m/x, 15-16u "many I Tasmania", 18-19x^, 22-23u "individuals] scattered "/w Yet Decandolle says often social! ff22w<->/a "related" they wd not be 2 natural orders, if there were many connecting links.- Ïï10-8m/x, ÎT2w<-> xxi 23u "the\birds"/w are these land Birds. I think not. U-7m/x xxiii 14-28m/14-15x^/20!/u^ "Chili", î\16-13m xxiv 2-3m, 9-13m, 14~15m, 18-23m/w division of Alpine Floras 2Sx^, 29*^, 18a "Those" regions or flora 18-19u "none\Arctic/w ||^ But surely there are northern European forms.- 22a "Alps" X^ would you add Auckland & Cambell Isd & Kerguelen land? No 22u "mountains"'/w see Meyer 23u "Pacific Islands"/w Sandwich? ÏÏ22-6m/w* do not quite understand i\9u^/w which ftSa "difference "/wb ie show more species to be in common ÏÏS?/u "three", Îl7u "they"/w in difference 1Î7-6u<-> ÏÏ4u "Fagus"/
wb X^ why These are Java, N. America, Europe. Give up wb Mem. Beech leaves before Glacial in T del Fuego xxv lu/a "the I islands"/w which?^, 9-16m/10-llQ 16u "thel islands"'/w which^ T del Fuego? 20u<->/w -Can this be from change of seed? * (Mention under my Ch.6) 22u "Sonchus"/w vide (& algae) ÏÏ22-20x^, î\ll-7m/w/wb very curious. So mammals in the 2 Americas - & Australia. Decandolle. Australia. & even C. of Good Hope - Might it not be that NO temperate plants of S. shores of Australia wished to get still further south & far from wishing to get north. Yes. The tropical plants wd crowd the equator & some few might cross. Hence Borneo plants wd have come from equatorial regions, wb The mere numerical preponderance of N. forms, from form of land wd account for it wb It wd make great or some difference whether northern or southern forms first occupied the gaps in the Tropics; when once occupied, S. forms wd have little chance of holding their own then. wb If it require time for some degree of acclimatisation than I think it wd certainly make difference wb But being driven out wd not make any difference in spreading, wb If cold first came on on N. side? I think it wd explain, wb No: it wd be that the southern plants wd be not driven out by by fresh arrivals from further south, or only feebly so. Yes», tl9u "are] transit", ÏÏSu "have I altitude"/ w attributes apparently to * altitude xxvi 25-18m/w if an individual dies suddenly, is his formation sudden? xxvii tÎ22-20m, 1Ï20u "Myrtaceae"/w any species in common p. xxx 1 in common ÎÎ20u "Epacrideae"'/w p. xxx some in common fÏ20w "Protaceae"/w do -not one only 2 altogether? -> X8^, 1\9-4m, ÏÏ20-2-»*, wb This is all fully answered at p. xxx p. xxx. Compositae & Orchideae Australian genera. Surely there is considerably more affinity to Australia with Tasmania than to any other quarter of World, both in same species & genera Yes p. xxx: this was very impressive in looking over the Flora, vide Strezlecki whether Eucalyptus formerly in Tasmania NO xxviii 4u<r+/w ie very distinct. 5-7m/!, 8-10m, 1Î29-17m/w So at C. of Good Hope very many bushes. xxix title.w Endemic Tf20u "Phaenogamic", î\20-16w more than * 2/3 of which peculiar or 507/730 ÏÏ22« "genera", ÏÏ22« "Australia" fülle " otherwise"/w great inaccuracyO & making order. î\8u "twelve species"/w & 5 genera î\4u "Dammara", ÏÏ2w^ xxx wt Are many of the 60 European species Annuals lu "New'] Caledonia", 3u
[page break]
"but Thuja", 6u "Atlantic"/w Canary Isd 20« "one \ species "/w X1^ of these Calceolaria seems the only special one to S. America why not Fuchsia mentioned 10-22« "Mimulil Ourisia", 13-14m/u++, 16u "and I Australian", 19-20u++, 22-27m/24u++/26-27u++, ÎÎ25«^, 1Î22ra/w* 76 genera are S. American - of which 17 not in Australia (pxxxii) or in Old World. ÎÎ22->/fîl5-22w Q pxxxii* as well as in number of genera* Therefore I infer N. Zealand in species, as well as such genera as Fuchsia & Calceolaria, more allied to S. America than is Australia X?^, Wll-^/wb have you lists? 22a "American" of which only 12 not in Australia, & 29 (some of them unaltered forms from old temp: antarctic land. Yes) not Europe; & 39 not in Antarctic wb X1^ of those 89 common (-> 17/76 of the genera to which these 89 species belong, are confined to New Zealand (ie not Australia) & America. .-. are not Arctic see Q. p. xxxii This shows, again, much affinity betwen N. Zealand & America - It clearly is not transport direct from S. America to New Zealand which has caused affinity. V.(Q) pxxxii) to N. Ze. & S. Amer, there are 29 not in Europe; (-> How many of these not f. N. of Equator? see opposite page for 7 of the 29 species; are there more?) which are these? are they N. Asian, 1 is N. Asian, or are they all southern forms, or almost mundane except Europe Ïïl2-7m/w p. xii. Flora Antarctica there is said to be Arctic forms in Auckland & Campbell Islds ÏÏ20a "above" of the 50 indicate no particular affinity ft9a "4" These seem all world to me but wd require cold fl9a "species" come direct to each from North ÏÏ9w Are these all Australian? <w^> pxxxii, 17 may have come by Sea. ÏÏSw - Therefore the affinity is not closest by now coldest regions.- Yet affinity by mountain plants. 1\7-6u "decided I species", ^6-5u "genera I also ", ^3-2u "2401 countries " xxxi l-2m/w The making of species & conditions renders this doubtful.- * Galapagos • though 8w & Casuarina 9-llm/ w very wonderful; but yet we know not means of transport viz duration of vitality. anyhow not continuous land.- 22a "Clianthus"/w a Legum, & most rare Family in N. Zealand. l2-13u++/w Has Norfolk Isd many Leguminosae in common with Australia 24«<-> 20u "admirably \ transport "/w ? generally killed by sea-water; yet some Float & Mimosa sensitiva survived 50 days. 23u "landI between"/22-24m/w ie in negative point of view, which wd be very strong if we knew means of transport.- 22-24w X^ R.
Brown has said some survived. Gulf-Seas 27u "Edwardsia" 28u "thelCarmichaelia" 29u "feebly I plants", fî24X^, ÎT23u "89", î\13u/a "some"/wb 26 confined to Southern temperate Zone ÎÎ23« "Myosurus aristatus" 1\l2w 7 TTSc "former"/w N. Zealand ÎÎ8« "representative ", ft#-6m/ÎÎ7-6« "is I shown ", Uu "Fuchsial Calceolaria", ÎÎ5^X^, ÎÎ2« "76" xxxii 2a "17 "/wt yet only 12 species not f. in Australia (I shd think from N.Z going further south) l-2m/w (Q) V. p. xxx(Q) la "found" either 2a "Australia" || lc "elsewhere", 2X^, 2c "latter"/w 17 3a "form" some groups 4X<^, 7-9X^/u±, 9a "European" ie 29 24-25« "Many I numbers", 17-24wee, 19-20u "161 were", 21-22X, 23a "five" which are the 5? Sonchos Prl Sanaxicum Cotula 23-24m/u "Thelso", 24a "ones" in N. Zealand?? ÏÏ24-9m, \\8-4m, î\4u*/wb Have these become since extinct in Australia or have they arrived by other route: Australia has many European plants not f. in New Zealand, xxxiii 2« "European\Australian", l-5m/w absent in N. Zealand 7-8X^/X^, 7-14m, lOu "Thosel Europe"jw - come from North 13XX^fw either from Common source of Old Antarctic land. 25-26—>, 17-19m/17a "those" species 20a "these" antarctic 20a "genera" but not genera f exclusively in South 20a "50" genera 22u "Drosera "/w such genera may be representative, from • in North. ÏÏ8-5m/w Definition '\\4-3m/x^, ÏÏ4->/wb & we have seen New Zealand contains some 17 not in Australia xxxiv-xxxv (marks against nearly all lines, indicating location of species listed) wt X^ Would you mark genera f only S. of S. Tropics with S. - only N. of Tropics with N. Excepting mountains within Tropics ♦ would you mark the Genera not f. North of Equator* S. Tropics? wd it not have made it much more interesting of the identical species had been put in. Ïïl7-12w very strong case (p80) only one other species known wb This very strong Antarctic genus (p128 F.N.) with species on all the S. lands including Tasmania wb p. 154. N.Z. very remarkable alpine plants of N.Z. Tasmania, & Fuegia, nearly allied to extensive Australian genus of Stylidium. xxxv wb X«^ 7 North having representative species 18 Mundane & doubtful 25/50 Southern genera (There are 5 cases of representative species between S. America & * Australia & not occuring in New Zealand.) xxxvi l-13w S 14-19m/X^, 20-31m/24u/a "New Caledonian" great subsidence of 28-31m/X^, î\5-lm/m, ÏÏ2« "Epacrideae" xxxvii tab.m/w see average
[page break]
number of species tl6m/u "that I genera"'/w This variability is rather different from actual vars. for if very polymorphous, vars. are not designated. 1tl2-llm/ïïllu "necessarily vague", î\8m/u "that I tendency", 1\6~im, ÏÏ3u "and \ variable" xxxviii l-2m/w How in N. America? 3-5m, 8m/w more variable 12m, 14-15?'lu "geographical \ characterize", 16-17m, tÎ4w "Banksialform" xxxix 1\l2-9m, 1\4~2m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton and BALL, John
Journal of a tour in Morocco and the Great Atlas London; Macmillan & Co.; 1878 [Botany School]
NB Geographical Distribution; 417 to 446 whole discussion
1 l-10m 417 24-36m 420 l-6m 421 11-17m, 25-29m 436 l-7m 440 28-35m 441 4-8m/6u "half" 445 l-6m, 23-28m 446 U-23m
HOOKER, Joseph Dalton, and THOMSON, Thomas Flora Indica 2 vols.; London; W. Pamplin; 1855 [CUL, vol. 1 only, I] af, cc, ch, ds, ex, fo, gd, hl, ig, in, is, no, oo, phy, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, v
NB1 ♦ If very few temperate European plants occur in S. Africa probably Africa hottest part of world during Glacial period: but Heath * extended over whole -The connection of Flora of Old & New World before Glacial period, when temperate forms inhabited now * arctic regions - probably by Beering St -
Hookers remark, somewhere, that flowers whose organs are only a little metamorphosed from leaves are most variable is only part of general law, that lowest * organisms most variable.-Glacial epoch; p. 87; p. 101; p. 103, 4; 104 Khasia & India & Java; 105 Japan & China; 108; 113; 253; 126; 235 NB2 ♦ Mayatts cinquefoil strawberry advertised
p.11?; p. 13; p 19 to 43; p82; 87; 91 to end of Introduction
p.2; p. 22; p. 28; 56; p89; 91; 165; 171, 2; 186; 207; 217, 8; 222; 226; 233, 34; 240; 243 to 248 Ask Hooker; 251 ♦; 258 «- (to NB1) Glacial
SB Qß (last three references on separate small sheet)
over (Flora Indica)
p.13. Remarks that local Botanists new species makers (Ch. 4) p. 24 Says generally plants vary more in one climate than another (Ch. 4)
- Cannon, (he means 'canon') Similar climate
in distant areas not inhabited by same or
similar plants
p26 Plants of N. Zealand more variable than those of India
Dry hot lower hills of central India poor in species
Individual variation (Ch. 4)
29. Organs least modified vary most XX
30 Cedar of Lebanon & Deodar
30 Division of vars. of more permanent
which accompany change of locality ?? (Ch.
32. Change of value in timber - Oak
worthless at Cape
32 Great change in medicinal properties of
Plants in different climates
37 Many extraordinary instances of
deficiencies, as no Oaks & Pines - Caution
about Islands. Woodpecker & Vulture in
41. India & Java formerly continuous! Argues
against chance introduction as too
harmonious;- * look at dispersal of
41. Good remarks on strife of Plants
82. Mean temps of Equatorial Zones (?) for
Glacial - at 30° of Lat. 1 for each Degree 1°
for 300 ft .-. 3000 = 10° of Lat
87. Lower Himalaya & plant of Ceylon at
8000ft, often identified (Glacial)
India very general sort of Flora (& very central site CD)
Local numerous assemblages of species only connect on temperate & subalpine districts
99 4000-6000ft truly temperate veg. supersedes Tropical
113 Connection of Africa & India, especially
mountain plants p. 129 do p152
114 Cases of identical & representative
species in remote & exceptional areas
- Abnormal very wide rangers but
disconnected?? «s> p. 165 do *a>
237 In Khasia orchids 1/12 of vegetation
(line across page)
p2. On Highness & Lowness - Low variable
28 Ranunculus species of widely diffused,
therefore variable Q
165 The most perfect species in group ought
to be used for classification
171 Organ of vegetation, as wood of no
value for classification
207 - Orders of limited extent point in many
directions, just like Cucurbitaceae of Wight,
though he took distinctness as element.-
217 Berberis aplexus of species (Ch. 4)
[page break]
Berberis some species evergreen, some deciduous & some variable - (so in Privet ? & Oaks). Q
Marked vars of Berberis vulgaris (Ch. 4) 233 &A) 34äi on remarkable structural differences in member of same Family. p. 234
237 Point of classification
240 All water plants wide rangers & variable
The Glacial references are marked at end of
p248 "structure of grave interest in a
Physiological point of view, but of no weight
in systematics"
249 Connecting link between two Nat. Fam.
259 Corydalis one of few genera with many
species in Himalaya, in which majority are
remarkably distinct.—
Introductory essay, 11 28?'/u "descriptions", 29u "definitions" 13 5-10tn/w Shows how vars. & species run into each other 22-25m 19 2ù-23m 20 3-6m, 23-27m 21 2-llm 22 3-5m, 20-22m/!, 24u "but I in" 23 1-Am 24 26-18m/16u++, 20-27m/22-23m 25 4r-5m, 8-10m/ 8w What ll-16w ? Yet parentage of scarcely any oldest plants known 16~24m/20w (a) 32-36m, wb (a) All very good against mere climate or change in conditions.- 26 4~8m, 9-14m, 35-36m 27 2u " dry] lower"/2-8m/w How absolutely opposed to Gardner & Bromfield 9-10u "Suchlis", 12-17m/14w (a) wb (a) Everywhere existing conditions of existence thought to be cause 29 3-6m/5-7Q 9-10m, 9-33m, 15-16m, 32-33m/32u "leaves] bracts"/33u "perianth" 30 7-llm/llu "2", 12-20m/16-18u "habit I exposures", 28-34m 31 2-4m/w Why put under 2d Head? 32 6-9m, 16-21m 33 21-24m 35 17-23m 37 22-30m 39 26-29m, 23-24m 41 2-5m, 8-10!, 9-llm, 14-19m/ 15-23w are not oceanic currents Harmonious Look at drift deposits.- 42 l-2m/u "is\ continuous"/??, 3-8m, 19-21m 82 5-9m/w See next Page 83 l-2m 87 9-22m 91 8-20m/10-16w India & Africa oldest parts of world 92 27-30m/w Have you list ? Several species of same genus? 32-36m 93 2-10m, ll-16m 96 33-36m 98 29-32m 99 10-llm, 25-28m 101 2-5x^/2u "Gentiana"/3-4m 103 22-28m/22x^/u "Malay peninsula", 32-36m/33x^ 104 l-4m/w can they have travelled up? 18-23m/w When these connected the few Australians arrived in Ceylon 105 6-9m, 11-Um, 19-23m, 25-29m/26w (a) wb (a) I suppose these species are found in temperate China: this is important.- 106 l-2m/wt I presume absent in Tropics 108 l-3m/lx^, ll-22m/17x^ 109 2-4m 112 10-Umd 113 15-22m, 27-30m/27-28u
"mountain] Africa" 114 8-llm/9u "Few\ identity", 10-16m, 20-24m/18~30w Wandering species seem to connect whole world.-together 32-34m, 35-36m/36u "identity] species", wb Identical Species & representative going together. 115 22u "representation", 28u "Chilian species"/29u "representatives"/26-30m/w are these genera Chilian 116 Ic/a "Western" East/ 120 5-8m, T7-21m\l5-23w during cold period wd be driven here as last refuge 126 (ua) 22u, 12u, 13u*, 13u, 17u, 19-20m 129 27-34m 133 2-7m 152 24-28m 165 19-20m/20w (a) Xw It is only species common to distant points of continents, & when accidental sea-carriage out of case. wb/24-36w It wd be worth seeing in all such cases, whether there were small aberrant genera, indicating extinction. There were cases before in Book. (Myrsine at Cape & Abyssinia a case ??) 170 22-27m 173 28-33m 235 23-27m, 20-23m 237 3-6m 253 l^m/x^
vol. 1, 2 wt 2. 22-33m, 39-46m/41^5Q 22 44-47m, 49-51m 28 43-47m 29 25-28m 33 29m 40 8m 46 (ué) 27u, 18u, 19u, 22u, 23u, 27u, 28u, 29u, 32u, 33u, 34u, 35u, 36u, 37u, 38u 56 28-32m 89 20-23m/22u* 91 8-llm/w here, I think, some temperate forms occur 157 zb 165 35-37m 171 41-46m, 53-56m 172 45-53m 186 9-22m 207 38^43m/w like ancient Fossils - There are living Fossils 217 46-52m, 53-55m 218 30-3Sm/34-36Q 219 3-6m 222 3-8m 226 35-39m 233 32-37m 234 24-26m, 27-30m, 34-37m, 38-39u "explained] apparent" lw What mean? 237 3-6m/3w What? 37-41m 41-50m 240 2-2m, 5u "thalamiflorous polypetalous", 6-7m, 21-27m, 33-35m/33-34u "all I ranges ", 35u "from I stamens" 241 46m 243 Zm/w If these characters did not vary & so in BarberusO they wd be good species. 247 2-2m 248 2-6m/2-A"...", 26-31m 249 10-12m/llu "being] structure" 251 41-45md/w* Is having a style a peculiarity 258 wt owing to corydalis 2-3m, 45m 259 2-3m, 33-34m
HOOKER, William Dawson Notes on Norway 2nd edn; Glasgow; George Richardson; 1838 [CUL, I by J.D. Hooker]
HOOKER, William Jackson The British flora 4th edn; 2 vols.; London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans [Down, FD, 1st vol. only]
HOOKER, William Jackson The British flora 4th edn; London; Longman, Brown, Green &
[page break]
Longmans; 1838 [CUL, S C. Darwin April
f, fg, gd, mhp, no, phy, v
NB1 178 variety
NB2 Galium aparinaO hooks on seed & leaves Agrimonia? I should doubt acting as hooks In end of August flowers of Lathyrus Nissolia do not open * have petals + 1/2 size of those in spring, & of a very pale dirty purple, but yet get seed, are produced abundantly. NB3 p. 35*
(untranscribed w: W meaning Water-plants) 1 21w 2 7w, 23w, wb* some water 3 2w* Marsh 7w* water 40w* water 5 34w, 41w 6 Iw 8 14w, 27w, 40-Alw 9 8w, 18w, 28w, 37-38w 10 9w 11 31w, 38w, 46w 12 4w, 13-Uw, 46w* Marsh 13 20w+ Marsh 25w* Marsh 15 4m, 16-19m 16 32-37m, 38-A3m, 45m 17 5-9m, 36-39m, 43~44m 18 5-8m, 10-16m, 19m 19 29-32m 21 lw, 6w 24 7-9w, 28-29w, 47w 25 6w, 25w, 37w 26 8-9w, 17~18w, 25w, 37-38w 27 13-14w, 21w, 32w, 47w 28 23-24«; ♦, 30-31w, 38-39w 29 4w, 28w, 34w, 40w 31 6w, 12-13w, 18-19w 33 15w, 38-39w 34 43-45w 35 l-8m/4-5w%, 44-46m 36 10-14m, 22-25w 38 28-30w 40 24-26w 41 llw 50 13-14w, 41-42w 53 26-27w 54 30-33w 57 38w* 58 2w4 60 ll-13w, 24-25w 66 42-45w 68 8w, 17w, 34w, 43w 69 6w, 16w, 23w, 27w, 33w 70 6w, 19-20w, 31-32w 71 lw, 18w, 31w 73 7w 74 20-22«; 75 4w*, 9w*, 14w* 89 5w 90 25-26«;, 25-26«;, 33-34w 93 8-2 0m, 23-24«;, 29a; 95 24w, 32w, 40-41w 98 27-28m/w Below Barston 100 22-23«;, 46-48w 101 23-28«; Eastbourne 107 44w 108 4-5«; 110 8-20«; 111 43-45w 112 5-6«;, 45a; 113 4w 114 29a;, 36«; 115 8-9w, 26w, 34w, 43w 116 9-1 Ow, 20-21w 118 22-23W, 30-32«;, 39-40w 120 ÏÏ2-2a; Down, Aug 45 129 28-29w 130 20-22«; 131 17-18w 132 22-23w, 34-35w 133 6-7«; 137 35w 138 4-6«; 143 6«;, 38-39w 144 4-5«;, 22«;, 23a; 145 8-9w, 31w, 43-A4w 146 4w, 14w 147 20«;, 34«; 148 29-20«;, 29w 150 32-33«; 151 6-7w, 15-16w 152 26«;, 22w 153 3«;, 9a;, 20m;, 34w 154 21-22«>, 25-26«;, 33-34w, 41-42w 155 9z 160 29-31m 161 3«;, 27-28w, 34-35w 162 22«;, 25-27«;, 35-37«; 164 42^2«; 165 28w 166 32-33w, 43-45w 167 22-22«; 172 37-39w, 45-46w 173 42-42«; 174 20-22«;, 30-33w 178 28-30m 179 2u 181 20-22«;, 20«; 190 23-25«;, 36-38w 192 22«;, 18-19w 206 7-9«; 208 33-34«; 215 3w, llw, 19w 216 32-34«; 217 17w 218 27-28w, 33-34w, 42-43w 219 2-3«;, 32«; 220 39-40w 226 44«; 227 7w, 18-19w, 26w, 39w, 45-46w 228 22-23«;, 32-33w 229 29«; 232 42-43w 235 27«; 237 42-42«; 238
29w Down 36w Down 239 2«; Down 23«; Down 28-29w, 35-36w 240 20-22w 247 40-42m 249 27-28«;, 22-23w, 37-38w 251 24w 253 27«;, 35«;, 42«; 254 2-2«; 262 27-29«; 270 9-20«; 273 zb 274 24-27w Down Aug. 29th 281 25«;, 47w Down 282 33w, 34-36w+ 284 25w very common 289 5w Down 292 2-4«;, 20-22«; 296 42-43w 1V7 42-43w 298 24-25«;, 42-42«; 299 3-4w, 36-37w, 42-43w 300 5-6w, 39-4ÙW 301 30-32«; 302 27-28«; 303 20«; 304 9-20«; 305 28-29«;, 26-27w, 40-41w 306 38-39w 307 2«; 313 7-9w Down common 25«; Maer/& Down 27w Beechy Head 314 35-37w Down June 22/43 46-48w 315 3w;ä) Maer 15w+&> Maer 29«; Eastbourne 35«; N. Wales 43«; Down 316 2-7m, 8-18m, 22-24m, 27-32w Down June 25/43 27-29w Down June 15/43 38w Down 317 3-4m, 37w Down 318 27-28«;, 27«;ä) Maer 43-A5w Down May 21/54 319 22-22«;, 30w Down 320 8-20«;, 28-29«;, 26-28«; 321 28«;, 24w, 29w, 39w 322 6a;, 22-23«; part W 28-29w Marsh 33-34w Marsh 323 33«;, 42a; 324 6w, ll-12w 325 wb 9 water 3 marsh 328 40w, 47w 329 7m, 9w, 19w, 30w, 47w 330 6w, 14w, 19w*, 30w 331 3a;, 3w* Bogs 22«;, 24a;♦ Bogs 32«;, 33w+ Bogs 332 5w W/Bogs 28«; W/Bogs 36«; W/Bogs 44«; W/Bogs 333 25a;* Marsh 27a;, 27w Marsh 29«;, 44w* Marsh 45a; 334 4«;, 5«;* Marsh 34«; Marsh 45«; Marsh 336 6a; Marsh 40w Bogs 337 3a; rocks 24«; Marsh 27w Water 42a; Bogs 338 20a; Bogs 27w Marsh 35a; Bogs 42w Marsh 339 22a; Marsh 48a; Marsh 340 7w Marsh 48a; Bogs 341 20a; Bogs 342 33-34w 343 22«;, 33w, 41w 344 42u "watery"/ w Marsh 345 4a; 346 32a; Water 347 7w, 20w, 29w Eastbourne 30w 348 4w* Down 350 35-37w part Marsh 351 32«; Marsh 352 9w Marsh 27w, wb 1 Water 3 Marsh 354 39w Marsh 355 14a;, 35w, 45w 356 36a; 357 22«;, 43w 358 24a;, 27w, 41w 359 35a; 363 29a;, 42a; 364 3w 365 5w 370 34-35«; 375 43a; Bogs 376 30w 377 4w, Wu "wet rocks", llw, 32w, 34w 378 30w Water 379 26w, 31w, wbu 434 2m/w 398 29«; 403
HOOKER, William Jackson, and ARNOTT, George Arnott Walker The British Flora 7th edn; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1855 [CUL] sy, v
NB Q 486 Variability of Zannichelliae 166 "39".m, "5".m 167 "7".w 8 "28".m, "23".m 168 "39".m 486 27-22m/Q 560 9-22m/ 6-20«; In 4th Edit, this is a Bromus 27-28u<-*
HOOKER, William Jackson et al. Supplement to the English botany of the late Sir J.E.
[page break]
Smith and Mr Sowerby vols. 1, 2, 4, 5; London; J.D.C. & CE. Sowerby; 1831-65 [Botany School]
HOPE, Frederick William The coleopterist's manual London; Henry G. Bohn; 1837 [Down, I] p
HOPKINS, Evan On the connexion of geology with terrestrial magnetism London; Richard & John Edward Taylor; 1844 [Down, I]
HORNER, Leonard Alluvial land of Egypt London; Taylor & Francis; 1858 [Down, I] p
HOUGHTON, William Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients London; Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co.; n.d. [Down, I] p
House of Commons Report of the Select Committee on wild birds' protection London; House of Commons; 1873 [Down, I by CD. Groom Napier] no
NB Dr Groom tells me that there is much in this volume about the increase & decrease of Birds of last year in England 48a 24-30m, 32-43m 121a 50-53m
HOVELACQUE, Abel Notre ancêtre Paris; E. Leroux; 1878 [Down] p
HOWORTH, Henry Hoyle History of the Mongols part 1; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1876 [Down, I] p
HROMADA, Adolf Die vorsokratische Naturphilosophie und die moderne Naturwissenschaft Prague; Druck der Stadthaltereidruckerei; 1879 [Down]
HUBER, François Nouvelles observations sur les abeilles 2 vols; Paris-Genève; J.J. Paschoud; 1814 [CUL, pre-B] beh, che, em, f, fg, oo, no, phy, sx, ta, v
vol. 1 SB 171 Queen killing sisters 10
minutes after Born -
184,198 can sting each other without being
killed, but risk is run.
190- How Bees treat strange Queen
220 Queen killing larvae of other Queen
231,235 mistaken Instincts
♦ Not abstracted
169 2-3w Read 171 ÏÏ6-2m/ÏÏ6u "peine\
minutes" 184 10-22m 190 tll-9mß10u "la
reconnaissent" f\12-9w their own Queen %w
W. Fox says workers know strangers 198 1-5m 200 5w Read 208 l-2w Read 220 9-18m/ w V.224 V-lm 224 3-7m, ll-13m 225 4-9m 231 %8~2m 235 1Î5-2m 359 1Ï3-2w Read* Read 360 l-3w Read
vol. 2 NB 104 - Wax secretions piling wax 140 seems to consider architect a different
SB OSR <2 sheets)
p426 to 430 Very good
43 ♦ show same peculiarity appearing in
many + Evidently different for old & battered
442. Bourdon workers lay only Males &
444. Ants always killed by copulation
It seems quite possible that the 1 st row may
be formed differently, as they cannot
initiateO work with usual number of Bees
66, 67, 69 X Instinct 188
98; 110 Vide PI 4; 120; 141 to 187; 211; 215
219 Instinct bending comb
286 The fallen comb
222 to 226 size of Drone cells.- gradation of
size before & after. 3 or 4 rows or when
Honey abounds (247) Bears on W. Indian
234 to &c
238 inclination of prisms to base not yet
inserted - distorted.-
342 Ventilation 357 to 360
374 Bees begging for Humbles
Huber proper Bees have very acute smell -
On First Wall p110, 146-141
n thus
2/3 of diameter of cell
175 repeat over & over again edge rounded
of outer margin of base of first cell
235 ribbon of wax surrounds whole comb
when bigger
(over: drawing of small circles and hexagons) (words here indicate that this is a scrap torn from the abstract of a different book and re-used)
66 15-20m 67 l-2m, 7-llm 69 5-8m 98 9-12m 104 20-25m 108 ll-18m 109 13-22m 110 6-9m, 6-8u "six I cellule", 12-13u "mais\ elevation" 120 6-8m 140 3~8m, Wu "lesI architectes" 141 19-21m/20u "petite cavité", 21-23m 142 3-5m/3-4u "bords I cire", 8-9u "mais\alongés "jw this will be the posterior face 14-15u "aantlalongé", 17m/9u "del diamètre"lu "portion \ brute" 143 wt n [He speaks of this as connected with a independently of walls] 3-5u "Le\rectilignes",
[page break]
4-13m/5-25w If the sides of separate cell one are angular before other cells formed fatal to my theory, opposed by my facts.-yet Icaria; but Icaria only becomes angular after some cells formed 20-23u "douées\ épaisse", 23~25m, wb [This is very last part excavated!!! that they begin near where 3 planes meet.] 144 22-23« "ainsi I autres "lw I presume simultaneously 146 2-5m/5w<->, 22-24m 147 18-20m 148 16-17m/17u "uneI droite" 149 15-23w when (1) cell only 2/3 of diameter in height ie. 2/3 of total height what will acquire 150 3-4u 151 7-8u++, 17-21m 152 16-18m, 21-23u±/w* Queen cells 153 2-4u++l2a '■'derrières''/wt or posteriors 12-22ml 12-13u "tardèrent I partie", 18-19m, 23-24u "Ala", wb [I believe never done, except when cell added or where Bee can stand] 154 4-7m 155 ll-18m 158 19u "approfondir I cavités", 22~25m 159 23-28m 161 tl2-lw]wb [Here he speaks as if 1st cell completed before any trace of other 2 above on same side, & one above on opposite side, inaccurate 164 5-9m/5u "maisIelles", 8-llm/ 9-10u "elles I cavités", 17-19m 165 2-2« "dont\prolongés", 3u "tandis", 9-12m/9-10m/ w<->, 16a/ulzvx, 22-24m, 23-25u*+ 168 6-7m/w 1st cell of 2d row 7-8uj8a "mais quelques" other 15-25w He speaks as if one hex outline of 3 rhombs always first formed, ♦ but says nothing about these being zig-zag 169 2-5m/4~8zo so that they begin on level of base of prisms 7-llm/l-llw Error here hexagon before excavating Ïï6-3m/w Error ÏÏ5-3m/w/wb it seems that this rhomb was completed on one face before the face in 2d row was begun: I doubt this. 170 Xw [Here it is clear, that he thinks hexagonal outline completed before excavation begins tl2-2m/ wb it is clear that they perfect one rhomb & then other two 171 wt/l-Sw I may say after outline of trihedral pyramid formed; & added to, the outline seen through wax guides according to Huber the excavation of the base & making the internal planes 2-3m, 7-#«<-> 172 2-5m/4-~9w ie first of 2d row on posterior face 173 20~22m/21u "d'abord arrondi"/io always round 175 %w [Error - in fig 21 he draws hexagonal outline with no pyramids!! î\8-6u±/m/w but then all outlines obtained * from adjoining cells 176 12-16m, 18a "élevant "/18-23w first an arched line, then converted into 179 2u "aucune\ bornent" 180 wt/12-18m/l-19w Here he shows he thinks hexagonal outline at first up & down vertically 15-16w of pyramid bases 182 20-24m/21u "alternativement" 183 14-17m/16u "l'obscuritéIgâteaux" 184 6-14m/12u "creuses\
bloc", 22u "uneIdes" 185 8-22«*+ 186 8-25m, 16-19m 187 wt [I doubt about wax being added in successive stages.] 5-llm/7-llm 188 2-7ml4-5w Internal 211 l-5m/w How can this be considering Drone cells & other irregularities? 215 6-9m 219 10-17m, 18-20m 222 l-6m, 24-25m 223 2-3m, 9u "trois\ quatre", 14~15m/14u "à quatre" 224 7-8m/8u "formes bizarres" 226 15-16m/15u "iUpoute" 227 7-22m 228 4-8m/w because cd not stand to measure?? & edges rounded?? 234 23-27m, 20-25m 235 10-16m, 23-25m/w/wb the little wall of first wax surrounds the whole comb 236 5-8m 237 15-20m 238 3-5m/4-5u "quatre]cinq" 242 l-3m/w/wt no pyramids like case in Fig 2 PI IX 247 6-8m/w Drone cells 250 7-22m 252 wt All about Proportions except words about fallen comb. 256 12-16m 286 19-25m 287 23-25m 288 26-29m 294 26-20md 295 24~25m 318 (err. printed 317) 3u "alquart" 342 wt Has shown by laborious experiments; that Bees require constant ventilation on acct. of carbonic acid, & that they do ventilate the Hive. 2-24m 343 2-3m, 24-25-> 344 27-28« "dans] tout" 357 5-9m, 13-16m 360 20-24m/w only workers know how to ventilate 374 22-26m 426 12-16m/w Hated & killed by other bees 428 26-27w<->/ 12-19w shows |vast| number affected same way 430 7-16m/12-13m 433 22-25m 442 22-19w Many workers of Bourdon fertile & lay only male eggs 444 3~9m
HUBER, Pierre Recherches sur les moeurs des fourmis indigènes Paris; J.J. Paschoud; 1810 [CUL, pre-B] beh, ce, em, in, mg, oo, phy, sp, sx, v
20 3-7mP. 60 14~17m/14u "fourmis rouges", 18m, wb F. rufa in tree at Moor Park 61 10-12m/llu "représentent]l'enfance", 14-lSm 75 4-20m 77 9u "au sexe", 12-Uu "donnent] mâles" 79 9-llm/10-15w differs in larvae of different seasons 22-24m 80 21-24m 84 26-20m 85 24-26m, wb Differ in species & variable in individuals 88 ll-14m 110 4-7m, 8-10z 111 20-24m 114 6-8m, 9-llw Virgin Queens 22-25m 115 5« "cet]leur" 116 22-24m 118 25« "le plus"/16-19m/w Free Queens feed themselves 144 wt Migration 3m/u "puis]femelles" 145 24^> 146 23-24m/w Make roads 150 25« "quatre mois", 17-19w 4 months afterwards 22-24m 151 2«<->, 9-10m 159 4« "fourmis"/5-6u "ontId'armes"/4-6m/w what genus? 7-9w V. Latreille Treatise 165 9-23m 173 17-24m 179 26-29m 181 7-8m, 15-17m 183 23-24m 186 5~9m 188 9-20m/9u "les I manoeuvres", 20-23m 189 7-22m 192 5-
[page break]
8m 193 24^> 194 4-10m 195 24-* 196 3-6m, 8-10m 201 wt X Coverings for Aphides on stems. 8-10m/x 204 19-22m 205 19-21m, 22-24m/-> 206 5-7m 207 l-4m 210 23-25m 212 22« "krve\nymphe" 213 l-5m/2-3w like M 215 2-5m 216 3-6m/4u "indifféremment]ces" 219 22-23m 228 1-Am\3a "soin"jwt of the males & females 229 7-12m/12u "gardent I mW" 230 2-8m 231 24-26m 232 24-27m 233 9-11m, 12-14m 234 l-3m, 8-10m, 15-16m 235 8-9m, 19m, 21m 239 20a "retour" without Booty 20-22m, 27-22m 240 22-22m 241 l-5m, 7-20m 242 9u "noir-cendrées"\w F. fusca 24a "mineuses" F. cunicularia 243 20-21m 244 2-4m, &-10m 245 7-20m 251 6-22m, 10-12m, 15-16m 252 7-llmßu "rarity", 18-24m 253 2-4m, 11-Um, 17-19m 254 13-16m, 17-19m 255 4-6m, 22-23m 257 12-14m, 15-18m, 23-24m 259 3m, 26-22m 270 8-llm/xvt/l-15w They must mistake the amazon workers, for males or females, for these are fed by their own workers. 14-15m, 16-18m 271 16-17m/16u "une fois", 24m 276 3-6m, 18-20m/w different? 22-22« "que I cendrées ", 23u "comme elles" 277 3m, 4u "quelquefois", 5m/u "la\ auxiliaires"lw different 7m)w* What says 8w F 13x/u "certaines]fourmis", 15u "on\troupes", 18-20m, wb X it is remarkable any ants preying on & keeping slaves of same species 278 22u "cendrées" 279 2u "et\ captivité", 1Ï3« "assiégées]assiégeantes" 282 7-23m 283 6-9m, 18u "cent\pas" 284 2-4m, 7m, 9-10m, 12-14m, 19-22m/19-24u±, 23-24m, wb not due not knowing road 285 3-5m/4u "fauves", 20u "mineuses"'/2Ù-24m, wb F. cunicularia 286 3-5m, llu "sanguines] roussâtres", 13-16m, 19-22m 297 3-6m/4-10w & variation in individuals as F. Smith shows 300 2-7m 310 20-24m last plate w*
HUBER, Johannes Die Lehre Darwin's München; F. Leutner; 1871 [Down]
NB 0/
HUBRECHT, Ambrosius Arnold Willem
Studien zur Phylogenie des Nervensystems Amsterdam; Johannes Müller; 1882 [Down, I]
HUC, Evariste Régis Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet and China London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1852 [Down, S]
DIE HÜHNER und Pfauzenzucht in ihren ganzen Umfange Ulm; F. Ebnerschen; 1827 [CUL, pre-B]
dg, fg, gd, he, hy, ig, oo, phy, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, v
NB p1 to 21 Rest Nothing
SB 11 Crested Fowl either wattles or beard,
parent no beard easily killed by Hawks:
cannot see them for tuft & can hardly see to
12 Breed without Middle long tail feathers
17 Black-boned degenerate in Germany Qa>
20 Hens with spurs NQ
4 wb How many eggs has wild F.? 6 27-28« "vierzehn"/w 14 tail feathers 9 wb (14 kinds with subdivisions) 11 wb The tufted fowls prevent fowls from seeing food & will grow them, & be easily killed by Hawks, who ever would have thought that a tuft on head wd determine whether fowl shd be more easily killed by Hawks.- 9-22«; has either flat-tufted or feather beards 18-20m/Q&>, 23-25w Pure breed no wattles 12 wt Some think little wattles because nourishment go to crest -2-4m, 5u "mexikanische"/5-6w all Mexican Hens said to be of this race 24-27«; sometimes feather footed & always rough skin 27«; varieties of Tufted Hens 28« "brabantische", 20u "goldfarbige", 22u "Gewöhnlich", 28w Large Birds 32-36w/wb in this & longtail feathers wanting & other tail feathers smaller wb I shd think these were Gold & Silver speckled Hamburghs 13 22m, 28« "Kolo"/13-23w Long in legs with small Body & red flesh with ornamental Beak. Like Philippine Hen. 14 26u "Steissbeins", wb Tailless hens, shortening of coccyx is the cause 16 7-10m/8w (a) 21-23m/22w (b) wb (a) In crisp Fowl Hen has no tail!? wb (b) Wooly Hen, black legs & comb common in China, Japan, &c 17 wt Black-boned Fowl degenerate in Germany Qa>, 2-2m, 5-9m/w Mongrels intermediate 22«; bantams 17-20w naked feet very small 20w do. 22«; feathered feet 24-28w Feet very short Belly almost touches ground- wb Feet wonderfully feathered 18 22-22« "einen]Schwanz"\19-22w Hens from isthmus of Panama 19 5-20«; Philippine Hen with excessively short legs, wings scrape ground 22« "Hamburgische", 13-21w Belly & legs like Velvet very sharp Beak, tuft of feathers over ears Legs & feet blue with yellow soles. 13u/wx, 24m, 25u "paduanische", 26-29w/wb is as big again as foregoing double comb & tuft of feathers Rough Voice 20 wt Bahia Hen race of Padua hen 2« "Persischen I Peguanischen "\2-6m\wYet their feathers very late 9u "türkische", 10-llw Beautiful feathers 20u "Sansevarre"/w white
[page break]
comb; under other comb. 22-23w very big eggs 27-28w Hens spurs like cocks wb [I suspect all this copied from some Systematics Book] 21 wb See Linnaeus Syst Nat (my copy) vol II p. 737 for good references Bright & Pallas & Willughby 3-4w 5-toed breed spur divided 65 zb«&
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von Cosmos 2 vols., trans. E. Sabine; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1846 [Down] vol. 1 p
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von Essflf géo-gnostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deux hémisphères 2nd edn; Paris & Strasbourg; F.G. Levrault; 1826 [CUL, pre-B, S] geo, mi
176 10-13m/llc "0"/12m/w E 27-22m, 32-33m 326 24-26"...", 28-32m 327 9-12m, 14-16m, 18-19w A 25-26m/25w A 31-32m/w A
328 1-11"...", 4-5m/z/5u "grès schisteux", 6-
11 m/6u "nids I roguous "pu "juxtaposition "Il 1 u
"rubanée", 23m/u "zones parallèles" 122-24"...",
30-33m/w No centre to mine wb A. do.
Obsidian nodules no centre 329 l-3m 334 6-
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von Fragmens de géologie et de climatologie asiatiques 2 vols.; Paris; Gide, A. Phian Delaforest, Delaunay; 1831 [CUL, on B, S in both vols., vol. 2 Chas Darwin Monte Video Novem: 1832] geo, mi, sp, t
vol. 1 NF1 Metaphysics
NB2 Interesting parts begin p. 84; The Andes
NB1 27; 53; 97
NB2 Species theory 0/ March 57
7 wb Metaphysics 27 14-16m 53 l-8m 74 2-
20m, wbu 95 14-20m 97 6-17m/7-8w seems
high 133 20c "horizontales "/w secondaires 137
12c "amphibole"/w Diorite 144 15u "Teneriffe"/
w TolimaO
vol. 2 NB 320; 331 ; March 57 0/
320 12-14m\13w 1200-1500 327 wtu, 13m/u
"260-270", 15-16W0C 328 15-18md, 19-20m
329 8-12m 331 7-13m/10-llu "d'un\la"/12a
"Barrière"/w 1560 23a "Mysore"Jw 2400 361
wbu 385 20-25w 386 l-20m&> 387 15w 62d
560 15-19w*/wb*ee 621 18-19m
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent during the years 1799-1804, by Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland trans. M.H. Williams, 7 vols.; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; 1819-29 [CUL, pre-B and on B; vols. 1 and 2 (1822, in one binding), vol. 3, 3rd edn (1822), vol. 4, 1st edn (1819), vol. 5, 1st edn (1821), vol. 6, 1st edn (1826), vol. 7, 1st (1829); I in vol. 1 by Henslow: J.S. Henslow to his friend C. Darwin on his departure from England upon a voyage round the World 21 Septr 1831] [CUL] af, beh, br, cc, co, cs, ex, fg, gd, geo, gr, ig, is, mg, mhp, no, oo, se, sp, sx, sy, t, v, ve, wd
vols, land 2 NB 177, 186 SB
Vol I p61
121 top
123 bottom
Abstract at end of last Vol
125 m
195 m
262 b. The diffusion of volcanic Dust
explains diffusion of Lichens.
270 m- an oak allied to that of Thibet. How
transported was acorn - Volcanos show
elevation, this subsidence - hence Continent
extended nearer.- Pidgeons bring grain to
Norfolk - Maize to Arctic America Nutmeg -
Grain like fishes falls in India, (a)
274 - When studying Geograph of Canary
Botany look to this part.
(a) Bruce describes East of Nile daily, whole
troops regiments of enormous dark glittering
+ pillars of sand, raised by whirlwinds
274. Camels abundant in Fortaventura &
vegetation different than from * other
Islands - N.B Numerous wild asses formerly
in Fortaventura. Vide Early part of Chapt.
(line across page)
2d Vol
p269 - Goats; 276 t-
vol. 1, 60 28-30m 61 26-22m 98 10z 171 26-29m/19m/"...e» 172 2m/... "a> 199 15-16m/w Geology 203 23-24m 205 21-20z 212 10-13m/ w quote on craters of elevation 219 9-llw A 222 ll-15m/w&, A 240 8-12m 262 19-27m
vol. 2, 9 4-20w 35° to 25 or perhaps 30 to 20 called by seamen Horse-Latitude because subject to calms in which horses die for want of water, food & are thrown over s*-19 5-9w00 177 wb 6 in year 186 7-9m 187 24-26m 207 4-19m 208 9-17m 209 25-29 210 2-6w 213 5-24m 214 19-22w Agrees with
[page break]
equatorial rise 20-27m 217 a 4"..., 12-27m, 28-31.circled 218 4... "a» 219 22-28m 224 27-22m 225 3-22m, 7w&> February 19w&> (1797)? 2O-21W00, wb Guadaloupe to Quito 1650 miles in BorneoO Rialza to • 53° of Lat = 3180 m *- 226 wt (a) Guadaloupe & Cumana 400 miles St Vincent to Caraccas * 370 - 3-llm/w About 400 miles 16-20m/? 227 12-19m, table.w/wb+te 229 3-16m 269 19-23m
vol. 3 NB1 July 6 1881 to p417; April 3
1882 finished
NB2 360; 383; 491, 2, 8, 9
14B Allude to this, when saying, the causes
of the progress of intellect from Monkeys to
Man is inexplicable.
p42. Aug 1872
48. M.
63. note
71 Mr Milne
P.205 Sleep of Leaves
106. t
227. M & note, like Indian Castes
229 b. expression thinking
360; 383 Q; 491-9 *? Silla of Caraccas
48 9-24m, 25-27m 106 6-22m 205 20-28m 227 18-24m 229 19-30m 316 wf 332 25-30z 333 lm, 25-29z 360 wt Thus man has trained plant to its own destruction.- Nature makes seeds somewhat palatable to ensure dissemination 5-9m 383 wt Birds sing better in one district than in another 5-18m 491 2-13m 492 l-4m/3-4w see (a) 493 12-20m/12m/ w (a) 17-18m, 21-23m, 23-26m/w ? do not understand See original wb (a) Have not probably plants migrating from equatorial mountains to both temperate zones & not vice versa - 494 6u "befaria"/w spec, different V x 497 22-22m 495 «-23m, 24-2Sm, 22-26m 496 2m, 5-6m, 10m, 12-21m, wb a rising mountain, (like isld in midst of sea) affords a station free for seeds to germinate, from other mountains- We may consider all seeds equally wafted, but their growth in most cases is prevented. 497 l-21m/5w x wb The distrib. of alpine plants, (considering elevation) can only be compared to imagining case of new continent. A desert isld has never been found.- 498 2-4m 500 wt The Befaria is other species 2m, 11m, 15m 520 22-25m, 22m, 22-23m
vol. 4 NB 84, 6; 106; 111; 173; 231; 333; 336; 351; 380; ♦ 384 Geolog. Cop.; 422;
437; 441; 447; 459; 484; 489; 506 p. 466-522 ornamentation by Savages 527 Tears Monkey; 528 - recognizing pictures of insects
5 22-25m 6 3-8m 11 8-16m 20 24-2 9m 21 2-
8m 27 10-Um/w 630 miles 29 17-20m 30 2-
18m/4-6w with Chimbrazo 32 29-32m 36
23u£> "2796", 27UÄ. "1796"lw 4.1797 28u\wto
"1811" ? 1812 30ujw^ "2822" ? 1812 45 20-
29m 46 2-25m 84 28-20m 106 2-3m 111 18-
21m 112 2-2m 116 ll-15m, 12-14m 173 25-
22m 231 13-24m 232 8-llm/8w V 246 246 2-
9m 333 19-24m 336 18-19m/u, wb in
Paraguay cannot run wild 351 29m 380 24-
27m 384 13-18m/14-15w Like Patagonia 422
15-20m, 18-19m 437 22-30m 441 24-28m 447
28-20m 459 28-30m 466 14-17m, 17-24m 489
22-23m, 16-20m/17-18u "three I tortoises "/20u
"thirty I millions" 490 ll-13m, 19-21m 506 2-
5m 514 7u "furnishes \ colour" 515 5-9m 518
27-22m 522 22-26m 527 7-22m, 16-17m, 22-
28m 528 23-29m 556 ll-28m/15-19u±
vol. 5 NB 79; 80; 81; 98; 101; 107; 110; 161; 180; 193; 221; 352; 410; 440; 503; 540; 565; 585; 590; 620; 672 17 20-23m 18 25-29m 24 15-17m/w Yes 25 2-3m, 22-23m 26 19-22m 79 3-4m/w like Guanaco 80 28-20m 98 13-20m 101 2 2-24m, 19-22m, 24-26m 107 2-4m 110 24~28m/! 161 17-21m, 27-30m 180 6-21m 181 26-28m 183 24-27m 193 6-20m 221 24-30m/w & Ml & p. 225 222 2-2m 225 24-29m 352 3-7m 410 2-8m 440 3-24m 454 2-6m, 2-25m 456 2-22m/ 2-5w Chili 457 l-2m 459 2-22m 503 8-26m 540 ll-15m/w V p543 541 26-29m 543 5-22m/8« "squirrels", 8u "parrots"/9u "macaws"/ 7-8w so dispersed 565 10-16m, 17-20m 585 5-25m/9-22w good to give idea of number 590 Xw To show how animals prey on each other - what a "positive" check. 8-20w Think of death only in Terrestrial Vertebrates $w/wt Smaller Carnivora - Hawks - What hourly carnage in the magnificent calm picture of Tropical forests. Let him from some pinnacle view one of these Tropical how peaceful & full of life 23-25m/wb Probably two or three hundred thousand Jaguars in S. America What Slaughter! Daily - & as many Pumas 620 20m, 12-14m/w 33yr 672 3-9m
vol. 6 NB1 Nothing respect to Species
Granitic areas of Parime p526; p604
NB2 390 Geolog - before any general view
6 Patagonia
71 17-32m 73 2-6m, 10-26m 74 4-7m 99 26-30m 100 2-26m 101 19-23m 102 14-30m part 2, contents page p. 392.m, p. 624.m 409 wtu,
[page break]
20-29m/"..." 411 15-19m 417 l-10m 421 23-14? 422 26u "Vincamarca", 17~21m/''..." 423 26-29m 425 2-8m 441 28-30w 461 1-llm 464 2-3m, 29-30m 465 15-18m 466 2-7m 471 27-19ml"..." 503 22-23w 300m 600 26-22m 504 2a "25,000"/wt some error 519 2-20m 526 25-27m, 22xv 1020 23-30m/26w 420 527 l-8m, l~18ml8-17m 529 7-27m 531 2-26m 532 2-30m 533 2-29m 535 2-28m 543 2-22m 579 2-29m 581 2-5m 582 8~25m, 22-25m 583 2-22m 586 2-5m 591 2-30m 592 l-30m/l-16m/llu/?, 19~30m/w I think most decidedly so Either way, but in each spot one direction far more prevalent 593 2-3m, 6-9w not necessarily so, but since appears frequently to happen 27-18w Change as gradual or sudden 19-20m, 28-31m, zb 594 2-30m, 9-20m 595 zt, l-28m, 16-18m 596 2-29m, 17~25m, wbtt 597 2-3m, 8-9wu, 23-28m, wb n.28 604 24~31m, 24-25m, wb p504 25000 square leagues 609 22-25m 631 22-20m (von Buch) 645 13-20m, 20-25"..."f& 646 6-20m
vol. 7 NB 51 - Coral
86-to 90, 291, 309, 320
75; 439
Humboldt Vol. I
275 - Suggests the former union of
Canaries with Mainland
Vol. 3. p48 Male animals giving milk
106 The male wh. reasons best
227 good remarks on races of Man,
especially in mountains, who do not
intermarry with others keeping uniform.
383 Monkeys differ in disposition greatly -
from certain isld can be tamed easy
360 Birds * destroy corns owing to
goodness of seed.-
Violet on Peak of Teneriffe common to Pyrenees
Silla of Caraccas has alpine plants of same genus as lowlands
497 On relation of Befaria of Caraccas, are specifically different from those of Bogota Vol 4 p. 173 Gyrocarpus, one S. America - 1 India - 2 Australia (Has been put into many orders) some have made order for it & one other genus
p336 wild cattle on Llanos, in relation to Paraguay
422 Alligators males kill each other in love-season (Ch.6)
489 Turtle * lay 100-116 eggs-Vol 5 101 The Pulex penetrans distinguishes a new arriver from Creole 193 On great destruction of Cattle, so that Farmer beggared by Bats, & those increase
favoured by Drought - lilyO?
352 Birds do migrate in Tropics
410 Near social plants, generally a few
stragglers, at least with trees
503 The Colchicum always solitary amongst
grasses: allied plants social.
591 Black Jaguar said never to mingle with
others (vars keeping distinct
Vol. 6. & 7 Nothing
51 16-26m/25c "fathoms"/u "20\30"/w ??? feet 52 l-15m/8?/8-9u^/9?lllc/ wt/Q 25-30m 53 28-31 m 54 2-25m, 26-27m 55 26-28m 75 24-27m 87 9-30m 89 3-23m 134 3-34m 291 4-22m 309 4-29m, 27-28m 319 9~22m 320 2-25m, 22-26m 369 23-24m 434 21-25m 439 4-22m 480 2-24m
HUMBOLDT, Alexander von Political essay
on the kingdom of New Spain trans. John
Black, 2 vols.; New York; I. Riley; 1811
[CUL, pre-B, on B, S Chas Darwin Buenos
fo, geo, mi, se
vol. 1 NF Height of town of Lima above
Callao. 582ft p25
Fall of R. Magdalena in feet - p23
<& p. 63. Elevated Shells
63 2-23m
vol. 2 NB Tome Saltpeter Concepcion
259 4-9m, 12-19m 261 6-16m 345 4-6m, 33-
36m 346 12-20m 347 5-23m
HUMPHREY, George Murray Observations on the limbs of vertebrate animals Cambridge & London; Macmillan; 1860 [Down, I]
HUNT, Robert Researches on light in its chemical relations 2nd edn; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1854 [CUL] cc, gd, hy
NB p. 215 to p. 239 (p.238 Abstract); p. 376; p. 378
217 2-3m (Daubeny), 5-8m/8u "its illuminating" 226 2-22zo Salt those plants as Silène which have maritime species 13-20m\ 21-23m/24m/14-24w one might alternate the glasses 229 25-28m/w when 234 36-37m 235 2-3m, 24-26m, 19-23m 236 22-26m, 32-37m, wb This wd do instead of picking off flowers 237 wt Look over annuals & consider which are easiest raised. Werner looking glass? 7-22m, 10-llm/w (a) 14-20m, 15-18m, wb Make Hybrids under red glass. 238 9-20m, 22-36m, 23-36m 239 25-26m, 24-26m, 29-32m 376 5-20m, 17-22m 378 4-29m 379 27-32m
[page break]
HUNTER, John Essays and observations on natural history, anatomy, physiology, psychology and geology and
OWEN, Richard The introductory lectures on the Hunterian collection of fossil remains 2 vols.; London; John Van Voorst; 1861 [CUL] beh, es, et, em, he, phy, sx, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 NB Add to Hubers case -p.50 Wasps recognizing each other like by ants Expression 144 Relation of lapping & sucking with form of lips, so as to expose teeth
185 Oxen compared to Cows & Bulls of same breeds with respect to neuter males (line across page) Sexual character
♦ p185 -> 236 Castration of Bull, short
curled Hair on face
♦ 194 Zebra painted for Ass - very good
245 On split Lizards tail will form 2 tails
267 Expression
Hunter remarks p. 194 male more eager than
female p194 ||"she requires being courted"
to give her desires."
p236 Description of Eunuch
xiii 3-14m, 17m, 34-40m xv 8m, 9-13m, 24-30m 45 l-3m 50 27-33m 144 2-14m 185 24-29m/w Oxen of Black Cattle larger than male & female 42m "and I not" 194 18-20m, 22-27m, 28-30m 236 l-12m, 14-23m, 26u "his\curved" 245 20-24m 267 31-32m P
vol. 2 NB p. 2 Negro small extremities &
p. 135 Musk Deer has ruminant stomach in
embryological condition
322 Geese crossed with wild
461 «^Humble-bees 6 or 8 different sizes in
2 20-35m 3 l-7m, 14-19m 135 35-38m
HUNTER, John Memoranda on vegetation London; Taylor & Francis; 1860 [CUL, I] phy
NB 1 proof that * shoot in same line with trunk does receive more sap than laterals;
(also w by FD) 117-19m
HUNTER, John The natural history of the human teeth London; J. Johnson; 1778 [Down, Robert Darwin]
HUOT, Jean Jacques Nicolas Atlas complet du précis de la géographie universelle de Malte-Brun Paris; Aimé André; 1837 [Down, ED]
HUSSEY, Mrs Thomas John Illustrations of British mycology London; Reeve, Benham & Reeve; 1849 [Botany School, S]
HUTCHINSON, W.N. Dog breaking 2nd edn; London; John Murray; 1850 [CUL, S] beh, pat, sp, v
NB 24 line on page & rather narrower lines
Sir B. Brodie
39 Pointer which not taught wd move round
to opposite side of thicket Q
46 Retriever killing one Bird to bring other Q
111 Dog running straight to bring anything
dropped & not on trail
144 Puppy pointing by self Q
279 Different breeds of Dogs more liable to
distemper Q
Hutchinson on Dog
SB2 33;39;46; 111; 143; 279
9 25-26m 33 23-25m, 26-28m 39 25-28m 46 8u "two partridges" I12-17ml "...", 19-23m/ 21ce/21-22"...", l-26w Colquhoon Moor & Lock - exactly parallel case 48 7-121...], 17-23[...], wb 231 words 111 10-25m 143 19-24m, 27-31m 144 5-6m, 10-12m, 14-lSm 279 27-31m, 40m
HUTH, Alfred Henry The marriage of near kin London; J. & A. Churchill; 1875 [CUL] beh, ce, phy, ta, v
SB a Ch. VI; 285 with respect to pigs attributes the result to fat. *; 297 M. Legrain; 302 Reference to Journal 86 l-9m, 7-10m/8u "relative ages" 138 3-6m (Darwin) 142 23-31w animals have no such horror 143 25-32m 146 25-26w oh 152 20-23m 157 28-31m 272 20-22w began with 300 sheep 24-28m 274 17-23m/22u "sign\ degeneration" 278 21-32m 280 18-22m 281 13-17m 282 4-22m 283 5-8m 284 22-34w differences in different animals like difference of withstanding changed conditions 285 25-31m 286 7-15m 291 5-10m 295 l-15m 299 1-6m/w 3 generations of Brothers & sisters 7-20m, 19-22m 300 3-4m\3u "fifth generation", 27m/x, 31u "paired" 301 l-2m, 14-16m 302 3u "sixth", 7-14m 305 14-18m 307 18-21m 312 23-28m
HUTTON, Thomas The chronology of creation; or, geology and scripture reconciled Calcutta; W. Thacker & Co.; 1850 [CUL] gd, h, sh
NB 202*
202 case of Shell, which can bear heats of
[page break]
plain & ascends above 10,000ft of Himalaya SB2 202; 408; 407; 410; 413 202 25-2/'m/Q 407 6-11 m 408 l-4mfw antiquity of man 410 l-5m 413 10-13m
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry American addresses London; Macmillan; 1877 [Down] p
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry The crayfish London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1880 [Down, I]
NB Good facts in last chapter on Geographical Distribution - Japan & S Hemisphere &c &c
8 l-2m 10 14-15m 17 18m 19 21-24m 20 9-10m, 23-24m 22 7-Sm 31 17-18m 32 26-27m 33 13-14m 35 7-12m 36 10-12m 39 4-6m 43 8-9m, 10-12m 71 17u "fibrous tissue" 99 3-8m, llajct,12c€/"..."
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Critiques and addresses London; Macmillan & Co,; 1873 [CUL, I] t
NB1 (by FD)
NB2 287 Material & formal morality Used
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Critiques and addresses London; Macmillan & Co.; 1873 [Down, ED, I to ED]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Evidence as to man's place in nature London; Williams & Norgate; 1863 [CUL, I] af, beh, em, h, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, v, y
NB ♦ p. 65 Diameter of H. Ovum
74-73 ribs; p. 110 Owen's quotation
SB1 23 specific characters which man-likes
have in common
24 affinities
27? 26 when possible (Dutch)
X 38 Expression
Boston Journal Nat. Hist, vol IV & 1867 (he
means 1847) Dr Savage (p.211 Huxley 46
X 48 Expression picking up 50
49 Polygamous
65 to 119
Look at all scores before writing about man
137 Correlation of frontal sinuses & strong
144 good reference (p.46)
♦ Reduction of Wise-tooth
SB2 Man 34 43*ä>
Species th 40 a> variability in skulls of *
Read Lubbock - Wallace - Lyell - Prichard
- Pickering - LoringO
21 32-36m 23 21-35m/25u "their I than" 24 8u "possess calbsities", 10-12m, 14u "into\ excrescences", 27-30m 26 lm 27 9-12m/w masculine chants 13-14m 33 15-20m 34 1-3m/l-2u, 4~7m 35 16-21m, 27-32m 38 12-13m/w The expressive face of young Orang 32-37m 39 17-19m, 21-24m, 27m 40 17-22m\ 22-28m/14-28w Important as bearing on causes of difference in Man 41 32-34m 43 19-21m/w warts? 33-36m 44 8-9m, 15-17m 45 3-6m, 30-31m 46 l-4m, 35-36m, wb On Chimpanzee p. 21 48 18-21m/19-20u*+, 20-26m, 26-30m/27w Expressions 49 20m/u "the\sex"/w Polygamous 21-23m/w sexual selection 50 5u "a\yell", 8-12m 52 7-9m, 13-14m 59 16-23m 65 19-29m, 34-36m 67 19-22m 70 9-12m/l-llw Key-note of Book 26-28m\w Africa 74 31-35m 77 4-7m 81 4-7m 84 1-7m, 10-15m 90 25-28m 91 4u "to \ deep", 6u "as I man", 18-20m, 19u "a I foot", 29-32m 92 13-16m, fig.w fig.20 93 l-2m, 3-7m, 14-17m 94 6-9m, 12-16m 95 ll-15m 102 l-6m 103 14-17m 104 zb 20-25m, 27-32m, zb 106 11-16m 109 18-23m 110 16-19m, 28-37m, 28-30u "conceive\ growth", 31u "or I degree" 111 l-4m 119 2-7m 137 6-29m 144 35-36m 153 13-36m, wb Skulls in some races fixed in others variable - Rutimeyer wrong about Orang brachycephalic
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Hume London; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [Down]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry An introduction to the classification of animals London; John Churchill & Sons; 1869 [CUL, I] em, h, phy, rd, sp, sy, t, tm
NB Sp Theory p. 53 Natural system? 65 - Digit in Fishes 73 Mammary Glands 77 to 85 on Classes 87 Class of Mammalia 93 Placenta - 99 class of 99 Man ♦ Primates
6 wb* 53 32w "rudimentary"/w nascent 65 4~8m 73 21-23m 77 25u "Articulata", 26u "Arthropoda" 78 13-14m/13u "Annulosa" 81 8u "Echinodermata\scolecida", 18-21m/19u "Annuloida" 85 29-30w*, 29m, 30-31m/w* 87 15-18m 88 13-15m 89 l-4m 93 l-10m 99 4-10m, 17-19m/18u++
[page break]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Our knowledge of the causes of the ■phenomena of organic nature 6 vols; London; Robert Hardwicke; 1862 [CUL] oo, tm
vol. 1 title page 5-12m 16 19-20z, 29-32z 20 19m, 21-26m/22u "limits"
vol. 2 NF (not CD) 38 25m 48 lm
vol. 4 NB Phil 1813
vol. 5 NB1 Fan-tail have tail & feather fixed
in relating points; 111 too strong; 113; 122
very good on Relations of all Beings in
struggle of life
NB2 122
111 27-31m 113 8-9m/9u "absolutely]one" 115
2m 122 2-32m
vol. 6, 143 lx/u "Sanscrit" 151 8m/w (not CD), 28m
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Lay sermons, addresses and reviews London; Macmillan & Co.; 1870 [Down, S]
(other marks by FD)
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy London; John Churchill & Sons; 1864 [CUL] af, fg, phy, tm
NB ♦ 15; 19; 62; 69; 72; Character of Fishes Birds; 288 (by FD); 140, 143 visceral arches; Have read the last Ch. p. 298 SB <*,
15 Sponges true sexual Process 19 Infusoria do
62,64 Fishes & Amphibia hardly distinguishable - (good case telling how unlike say a Frog & Salmon.-)
Birds are aberrant Reptiles.
Hiatus between Birds & Mammals.
72 Mammae extreme modification of sebaceous glands-
298 Result on homology of skull compared with Vertebrae
15 29-33m/29w Sponges 19 4r-7m, 10-12m 62 26-37m 63 l-36m 64 8-16m 69 9-12m 70 35-37m 72 ll-15m 75 29-30m/29u "Arthropoda" 76 18u<^<-> 81 9w^ "Coelenterata" 80 8-13m/ w<^ Molluscoids 31 u "Molluscoida" 140 22-22m 289 l-3m/lc/we/3c/we 298 2-7m
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry A manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals London; J. & A. Churchill; 1877 [Down, I, S, FD]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry A manual of the anatomy of the vertebrated animals London; J. & A. Churchill; 1871 [CUL, I, S] fo, ig, tm
NB p174; 248; 375; 387; 461; 469; 482; 484; 486; 491; excelent abstract of the Anatomy of Apes
174 gradation in characters of Vertebrata of Amphibians in amphicoelus nature 375 Intermediate types, Hippotamidae 387 Toxodon show how impossible to construct animal from parts of skeleton 461 on outer & upper incisors some falling out in certain Lemurs - Others permanently have only 2.
76 2-4m 79 zb 115 30-36z 174 22-28m 248 36-38m 375 32-38m 387 16-25m 409 32-36m 461 35-37m 469 l-3m/3a "Cynomorpha"/wt all • 482 7-24m 484 37-39m 486 30-37m 487 18-21m, 27-37m 491 30-31m 492 22-26m
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry The oceanic hydrozoa London; The Ray Society; 1858 [Down]
NB 0/
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry On our knowledge of the causes of the phenomena of organic nature London; Robert Hardwicke; 1863 [Down, FD]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Physiography London; Macmillan & Co.; 1877 [Down] geo
NB 10 variation of compass 10 17-20m
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry Science and culture, and other essays London; Macmillan & Co.; 1881 [Down]
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry and MARTIN, H.N. A course of practical instruction on elementary biology London; Macmillan & Co.; 1875 [Botany School, FD]
HYATT, Alpheus The genesis of the Tertiary species of Planorbis at Sceinheim Boston; Boston Society of Natural History; 1880 [Down, I]
[page break]
INGERSOLL, Ernest The history and present condition of the fishery industries: the oyster industry Washington; Government Printing Office; 1881 [Down]
L'INSTITUT: Sciences mathématiques, -physiques et naturelles 2 vols., 1ère section; 1837 and 1840 [CUL] p cc, cs, fg, fo, gd, geo, gr, ig, mi, no, sp, y
vol. 1 SF a Paper Boards in volumes;
L'institut & Year on Back
255 (he means 253) Mammales of W. Indies -
a Sorex in Cuba & Rodents
285 Blocks of Granite in S. Shetland - proof
of S. Continent
149 a) wt Humboldt wt Andésite Mexican albitic Trachyte 156a 27-25mA>, 17-20m 173 wt&> Edwards on Corallines 192b 3~13mi& 205b 26~38m (hortet), 39~54m 206a 6-17m 243a 2-70m 243b 4~62m (Buffon, Lartet) 247b 47-59mi& 248a 66-71m& 253 a wb Cuvier says genus Capromys confined to Cuba West Indies Gervais. 253b 20-40mfa\34-39m
273 wt&> (names of various metallic salts found
in mines) 279 wt Blocks transported on
Shetland 283b 35-43m/"..."&> 297b 51-54m
315 wt 319 320 a Brongniart fossil
vegetation 319b 16-22m 320a 63~69m/? 320b
44-51m 321a 8-20m 330b 46~53m&/48-55m
(Ehrenberg) 331a 50-62m/51-61m&> 346a A
39-46m, 53u "beaucoup] arrondis", 61u
"radeaux\glace", 62u "desId'eau"'/w of facts?
68-71m, wbfo surely a local circumstance
346b ll-15m 367b a 27-52m 369 wt Analogy
of Molluscs with Vertebrata 371b 9m/u
"centripète"/? 374a 22-62m 405a <& 10-25m
417b 47-70m<& 418a l-38mt&
vol. 2 SB 221 Cross of Cerf & Axis
274 Bees in Nova Zembla Baer
345 Isopod Crustacea 800 young
408 Prévost has crossed two Ranae, but not toad
49 wt 53 53b 21-31m 57 tot 58 84 wt 87 87a 32-35m 101 wt p106 106b î\28~26m, Ü21-23m 133 wt p137 137a 20-24m/24uA "13", 30-32m 143b 40-42m 149 wt p154 & 151 151a 19-22m (Kirschleger) 154a 3-6m 157 wt 159 159a ÏÏÏ4-5OT 165 wt 169 169b 22-20m (Wesmael) 173 wf 175 175a $m 181 wt Read 189 urf 193 misprint V. 189b 3~4m, 8-9m, 14-16m, 22-24m, 24-26w just like PIN- 29-33m, 35-39m 193b 39-42m 205 wt 207, 211 207a 49-54m, 62-67m 211b 62-67m 213 wU 218 Geology 218a 33-42m 221 wt p221 221a 43-44m 221b l-3m/3u "zoologie générale" (I. Geoffroy) 229 wt 232 232a 28-29m, 32-35m,
49-50m, 54-57m 233b 26-22m 237 wt 242 Geology 240 242a 4-llm/5u "le\servant" 255 wt 256 256a 13-14m/u "par\germes" 269 wt 271, 272 271 wb Nylgerres?? step to S. Hemisphere wb** I suppose Nylgerries vegetation is analogous to Cordillera according to Humboldt - European genera, species all different geographically (considering revolution in climate) Mountains of Caraccas, further than with European, like the s*- 271a 59~66m 271b 5-1 lm, 30-50w West Indies mountains in relation to Caraccas - Tierra del Fuego: is more connected 53~57m 272 wb No doubt M Martins papers on the vegetation of Alpine in Europe *- 272a 37-39m 272b 7-22m 274a 34-36m/w Means of crossing plants wb Look in Index for former paper by M Baer on some plants not flowering 274b 9-15m, 50-70m 275a 10-16m 293 wt 293 293b 5-22m, 19-42m 301 wt p303, p306 303b 24-2 6m (Martins)/14-19w This author wrote in Bibliothèque Genève 20-23w 2d paper abstracted in L'Institut 306b 15-18m, 27-30m, 47-51m, 54rA7m, 58-60m 313 wt 316 316a 63-68m 321 wt 321 321a 33-37m 322a 42-45m/43u "non I Phoque", 62-65m 329 wt 336 336a 23-27m 345 wt p345 345a 23-25m 381 wt 381 381b 42-43m 389 wt 392, 394 392a 58-60m 394a 58-60m 405 wt p408 408a 24-27m
437 wt 444 444b 35-58m, 61-62m, 65-69m
INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION and botanical congress London; Truscott, Son & Simmons; 1866 [Down]
114 35-39m 115 28-32m 117 30-31m
IRMISCH, Thilo Beiträge zur Biologie und Morphologie der Orchideen Leipzig; Amrosius Abel; 1853 [CUL] fg, oo, phy, tm
SA (not CD; pp. 78-9; tr of part of fn; then:)
(Compare A Brogniart's treatises on these
plants ety -) that however Brown's opinion
(in which Brogniart agrees with him)
according to which the fruitful stamens of
Cypriped belong to a different whirl, than
does the Stamirodium,
is the one, in accordance with nature - the
history of development also most clearly
NB 25♦ Birds nest not parasite; 78 View of
Anther in Cypripedium; 55 Epipogum
vii 39m, 40m viii 24m, 26m, 27m, 39m 22 23w R 25 36w not parasite 55 6-9m 78 44-46m
[page break]
JAEGER, Gustav Die Darwinsche Theorie und ihre Stellung zur Moral und Religion Stuttgart; Hoff mann; 1869 [Linnean Society of London, I]
JAEGER, Gustav Die Darwinsche Theorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion Stuttgart; Julius Hoffmann; n.d. [CUL] ad, beh, es, no, oo, sx, v
SB (following from p. 63) X old Black rat with Aegyptian parent, the colour was not originally black - Now the Hanoverian Rat occasionally produce a blue-black var & it is said this var is rapidly increasing - so that he believes will sooner or later supplant the common brown var.- This he attributes to much greater difficulty in Cats seeing the black var. in the dark in Houses.-NF p86 Crossed marked Pig (this book only 64pp)
14 5-20m 16 20-22m* 18 18-27m 19 3-29m 20 3-29m 21 14-26m 39 8~15m (M. Wagner) 55 4-27m 56 l-25m 58 9-23m/12-21w Measured legs & neck of Flamingos & p. very variable the long-legged being the more numerous. 23-25m 59 l-13m/w The male chosen or favoured by the female 13-26m/w J; who has had not much experience with animals, * states that he has observed a male silver pheasant which * had been victorious, had been chosen by the female, had its ornamental plumage spoiled & * immediately his rival got the upper hand & led the flock. 60 22-27m 63 24-27 m\wf& From comparison of X-> (rest on SB)
JAEGER, Gustav In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand Stuttgart; E. Schweizerbart; 1874 [CUL] ad, beh, br, cc, ch, cs, dv, em, hi, in, mhp, oo, r, si, sp, ss, sx, tm, ud, v, wd
NB 106 Climbers; 243-244 Expression
SB1 09Î <*>
p.4 to 16 on ammonites &c changing in
successive strata & on variability
p.29. variations which were perpetuated
without selection
p.33-39 causes why fruit & flowers not
made very large by nature, as under
40. Selection cannot act on embryo, in
relation to environment
48. explains how use increases a part.
52. thinks insects feeding on a new kind of
plant, wd gain a new odour & wd then not
cross with other individuals
69 Eggs of silkmoth vary in resisting cold
70. Several pigeons killed by Hawks all
white or yellow vars.
86 Higher form can adapt Characters &
range further??
90. In all divergence there is always
advance or rétrogradation of organisation
114 nictitating membrane a necessary
constituent of Eyelids
SB2 (an apparently unrelated fragment)
SB3 «*
on account of view of constant (old) forms &
variable forms considers dorn, plants & •.-
The grainO a fixed form, but many allies -
The • fixed very isolated - Plants wd be
best - Is any cultivated & variable plant
p102 good nectar
All marked
p243 Expression
p106 Climbers
(over) Many marks; p38
p.115 on use of skeleton of Vertebrates its
p. 130-134 Sexual S. use of barb of fishes
as exciting organs.
176 to 183 Each new modification
necessarily throws back the embryological
stages, unless whole evolution is longer -
(not so with insects)
4 23-28m 5 l-3m, l-23w It is a mistake to assume all species variable - Yet domestic 20-24m, 28-30m, 34-36m 8 23-26m/25-26u "nämlich variirende" 9 32m, 33-36m/w/wb It may be no selection alsoO wb If all species varied equally all wd be in confusion 10 5-16m/7-21w very false calculations, number of species wd not arise Case like RussiaO 11 29-36m/w 2 periods 1) of plasticity & 2) invariant 12 wt It is strange all animalsO shd have lost their flexibility at same time 5u "Biegsamkeit"/w flexibility 14m, 18-21m/18-36w if long exposed to same conditions form hardens & loses plasticity - how came it so many domestic forms vary. 29-30u "sondern I Art Im, wb variation makes the form new & vigorous. This is like effects of crossing (a) 13 12-15m/w (a) 14 wt This is proof that the variable forms have given rise to many species. l-4m 15 8-14m, 20m, 26-30m/w (a) wb (a) Yet Terebratulae very old & yet very variable: so Foraminifera 17 4m 29 7-9w without selection 15-18m/w with selection 30 3-12m/? 33 22u "Stiefmütterchen"\ll-22wNot
[page break]
good soil for many generations- often start from too large fruits- Pang 34 25m 38 15-21m, 27-30m/24-36w no naturalist could improve variability in characters not possessed by the forms 39 4-7m/l-5w/wt To make gigantic gooseberry like gourd tissue would have to be allowed & roots for supply 40 6-llmlw cannot act on embryo before Birth relation to external conditions 48 4m, 32-35m 49 l-8m/3-5w blood increases in 33-36m 52 12-20m/13-24w odour of mint probably easily changed, & thus wd not pair with old stock. 53 29m 69 20-26mlw Eggs varied in their resistance to cold. 70 13-17m/ w struggle between nestlings & Caterpillar 21w (a) wb (a) found several pigeons killed by Hawks & all were white or yellow vars!! 86 27-36m/14-36w Higher forms can range further can adapt themselves more? 87 8-12m/w extermination only when(?) 88 5m/l-8w* On progressive development 90 6-9m 92 lm 99 18m 102 Zw & protected from rain & evaporation & stored for use - & saving of Honey from other preyers 22-27m 103 l-5m, 19-22m/w to decrease number of visiting insects very good 104 22-31m/8-29w Thinks visitation by insects searching for pollen might cause secretion of Honey- 106 24-28mll-29w Plants growing in shade have thin stems - a character of climbing plants -no movement of Axes by wind 107 10-14m/ 7-28w Fruits stronger leaves support the plant 114 9m, 28-29« "nothwendige\ Augenlider", 17-21m/w The nictitating membrane a necessary constituent of Eyelids 115 24-31m\w thinks I am wrong 117 26-26ml29w (a) wb Roaring to disturb prey & then to track them?? & so with Rattlesnake 130 17-24m 131 24-23m 133 lm, 4-8m/7-9u, 8-30w Thinks males are sacrificed to protect female for good of species??? 32-36m 134 8~29w Brillian male butterflies decorated to save females, whilst laying??? 163 23m 176 wt With each new change - process of evolution necessary thrown backwards - not so with insects 3-22m, 22-25m 183 2-7m 190 24m 218 20-22m 240 13-18m/w Instinct of Dogs to scratch backwards variable 242 1-llm/2-3w Expression 244 wt good criticism -an habitual movement implies nervous force - I ought to say nervous force independently of any use 3-4m, 35m 245 18-19z, 23m 246 2-27w accuses me of confusing Reflex & partO-voluntary movements 250 17-26m 251 10-19m
JAEGER, Gustav Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Zoologie 2 vols.; Leipzig; 1871-78 [Down] p
JAEGER, Gustav Seuchenfestigkeit und Constitutionskraft Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1878 [Down, I] p
JAEGER, Gustav Seuchenfestigkeit und Constitutionskraft Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1878 [CUL] p
JAEGER, Gustav Zoologische Briefe Wien; Wilhelm Braumüller; 1876 [Down] p
JAMES, Constantin Du Darwinisme ou l'homme-singe Paris; E. Pion & Cie.; 1877 [Down]
NB 0/
JAMESON, Robert Manual of mineralogy Edinburgh; Archibald Constable & Co.; 1821 [CUL, pre-B, S] che, geo, mi, se
NF1 A Charles Darwin Esq. MD, FRS, ASS??» Member of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh Honorary Member of the Royal Plinian Society NF2 Tusus * Contrarius Ceriltrum Giganteum
(« = mainly colours of rocks etc) 4 Ww is this emitted from the Trap Rocks near Edinburgh 6 18w Is found in the oldest primitive rocks 10 22-27w Owes its deliquesance to the Lime & Magnesia Blue & Red colours are owing to the Iron 11 17w Rock salt has never been found in Scotland 17 7w Sub Sulphate of Alumina 23 7-8w Easily distinguished from Marble by yielding to the Nail wb Easily mistaken for Satin Spar but can be distinguished by its softness 28 10-llw melts like Ice Before the blowpipe 36u "rare/w very 29 wt All Alum is not prepared from this Mineral 29w Always associated with Volcanic Rocks 32«, 35u, wb * Fluor - called so from being used as a flux 30,19-201...], 19-26w False Topaz (& according to their respective colour are called false gems.) 31 lOw Chlorophane 32 lw Phosphate of Alumina wb Phosphate of Lime was formerly thought to belong solely to the Animal Kingdom: & after that, it was thought to be an animal formation 34 wb * First discovered in Arragon 35 6-18z (drawings of crystals), wb Fragments of Arragonite will scratch Calcareous Spar. 36 3«, 29u, 30-31z 37 2w Iceland Spar 38 20-21w Never contains organic remains 39 wt A block of Statuary Marble values 200- 4-llw while marble equal to the Sarian is found in small pieces
[page break]
in Sutherland 40 34m, wb The Break-Water at Plymouth is composed of this rock; & therefore is much attacked by the Pholas. 41 wt Sometimes this limestone contains fragments of shells such as the Nautilus &c, & gives rise to a very beautiful appearance.-it is called Fire-Marble 20w Is supposed by some to be of volcanic origin 21*, wb * It is disputed whether this mineral is caused by fusion; or by fragments of a broken strata ejected by the Crater 42 18m/z, 19-21w Formation of distinct concretions 29a; occurs only in Secondary rocks wb * Is only found in very small quantities in Scotland; but is found in great quantity in England 44 l-4w The Flint only occurs in 3 upper deposits 9w The newest of the Secondary Rocks llu, 19w Extends from Flamborough Head down to Sidmouth 20*, 20-21w so-called because it is found emitting through rocks So called from Agaric 45 3-4u/w in Salisbury Craigs ll-12w does not yield to the Nail.- 31w is continually forming 46 7-9w generally diverging 32* 47 24w * Nearly all Rome is built of a compact Variety of this Mineral 28-30z, 31-33w Formation of the Concretions 48 31*, wb * Easily know by its pearly lustre 49 24-26w * So called from Lucullus a Roman Consul who proved these sorts of Marble 33u "fetid"/wb Owing to Sulphurs Hydrogen wb * If the variegated specimen be immersed in weak Muriatic Acid The limestone is dissolved, but the animal matter remains.- 50 22w Owes its colours to bituminous matter 26w Often globular 51 19-27z 52 wb : It is Carb. of Lime with Alumina & Silica met with in the Coal Series 54 17w also accompanied with Copper Pyrites is called Copper Slate 20-23w Owes its dark colour & bad smell to animal matter 55 wt Extends for a very great distance in Europe & varies extremely in thickness 5w Magnesian limestone 13-14w Called so from Dolumin a celebrated French Geologist 22-25w Is harder & heavier than limestone 30w sometimes it is slightly flexible 31-32u 56 7u, 16*, 18w Only occurs in Secondary Rocks wb * The Cathedral Walls of the City of York are built with this mineral 57 llu 58 26« 59 16u 62 27-28u 63 14-15w The Damascus Steel is supposed from this mineral 29u 70 l-3m, 28w from Dr. Withering 71 30w 2 also in Shropshire 72 20-21w Something similar to Porcelain Earth easily distinguished by its great Sp. Grav. is called Cawks 74 llw Is of most common occurrence 77 wb Calcareous. Fluor. Heavy. Spar, often occur together 78 14-18w Alestone looks like some varieties of
Quartz, but of course much softer called so because the first kind that was described was of a blue colour wb (The term Sparry is nearly synonymous to Foliated) 82 4*, 34-35u, wb * Occurs most abundantly in the upper parts of the vein 88 3w has lately been met with in Brazil 4* 89 wt * Have not I a specimen of this in my Cabinet? wb (Nearly all these Lead Spars are daily forming: thus Spades &c have been found coated with Carb: of Lead) 98 17w Carb: of Copper 106 4w to shine 14w Arceniate of Copper 20u, wb * By a late Analysis appears to be Phosphate of Alumina 107 7w * Phosphate of Uranium 108 5-9c 114 4-7z 115 17w x Phospate of Iron Vivianite x/zb 118 lu, 2u, wb Occurs in isolated irregular pieces in different strata.- 119 5w Talc is derived from a Japan word meaning Tallow 12u, 13u, 18w (Greek), 25u, 26u 120 9-14w Nearly always contains Magnetic Iron Ore 121 4-9w often accompanies & is intermixed with Shock-crystal 24a/w dark copperish 122 14w in Calton Hill Arthur Seat Pentland Hills when heated changes into a red which is used as a pigment 26u/w pearly 35u, 36u 123 wt Crayons are prepared from produced Talc mixed with the various colouring matters 17w The Chines ornament their walls with ground Talc wb (Rouge is made by extracting the colouring matter from Saffron by Carb. of Potash praecipitated by Acetic Ac. + sediment is well mixed up with powdered Talc) 124 2-3w made into Culinary Vessels 12-13w Used for coating Furnaces in Norway 126 5w & in by • Shropshire 127 Wu, 24-15w Case 2nd of the Museum begins here 32u 128 18-21w occurs sometimes associated with Volcanic Rocks 35w * from its scaly structure wb very beautiful 129 5w rather unfrequent 26u/w X Foliated Structure 130 7w lustre inclining to Metallic 131 3u, 28*, wb * looks like Bronze 132 15u, 30u/30-31w Copper colour 133 12u, 16w occurs as a constituent of Greenstone 134 16u 135 llu/w colouring matter 32-33m 136 20-24w Called so from a Dutch officer who first discovered it in the Cape of Good Hope ÏÏ6x/wb x generally botryoid & internally diverging 138 17u, 28w rests upon Calcareous Spar in drusy Cavities 139 32« 141 5u, 6u/6-10w named White Garnet generally assuming the form of Garnets 22u 142 2u/*, 4-6w * The lava generally contains a good deal of Soda, whereas the leucite contains only Potash 22m 143 34-36w The crystals are generally twin placed cross-wise 147 12-15z, 12u, 16u 148 wb (Supposed Zeolites to be formed by
[page break]
infiltration) 153 4w Warellite. Appendix II P333. 9ujw Signifies a Rock 154 13w from the mountain Adula 156 6w appears to have suffered heat 22w One of the most abundant minerals in the Crust of the Earth 157 9u, 26-27w contains Soda not like the other Felspars, Potash wb Potash was first detected in the Mineral Kingdom in the Lepidolite 158 l-2m/16w this perhaps ought to be a distinct species 159 3-5w Salisbury Craigs * the White variety 160 lu, 2~5w Braid Hills Pentland Hill There must be some 100000 tons of Soda in this rock 23w is met with in the centre of solid granite & deep in mines 161 28-29w For the process of making Porcelain see Jameson's System. 165 3w from shining 8-9w The green colour in the secondary rocks of Edinburgh is caused by augite 21u, 34r~35m/w colours owing 167 22-12w from Coccus a grain 170 25u/zv blended in other rocks Refers to its toughness 28-29w contains much less Magnesia than Augite 172 6u, 7w from occurring in Basalt 8u, 20w Arthurs Seat 27u, 29u T74 2-3w from a mountain in • land 26u/z 175 21-22w is composed of very minute crystals of White Hornblende 176 4w mountain leather 12xo Hornblende 30u 177 30w from Pistachio -green 32u "green" 178 33u 180 22u 181 4w Lapis Lazuli. App.Il p. 317.- 10xv from Andalusia in Spain 182 6-7w might perhaps used as a substitute for Emery from Saussure. 28-22«; Case 3rd of the Museum begins here.- 183 wt * Spinel occurs by far most beautifully near Equator 9w * Spinel Ruby 12a, 24u\w Colouring matter 32a/w The most beautiful specimens wb (many gems are composed of Alumina) wb * The most beautiful specimens was in possession of JosephineO 184 27u, 32w is highly crystallized Alumina 185 9u, 27u, 33-34w must be distinguished from the Spinel is an uncrystallized Sapphire 186 3w Chiefly composed of Alumina 10-12w may be supposed to connect Emery & Sapphire 188 wt I think it not impossible that some time Diamond will be found to be a vegetable secretion 2u, 3u, 6u 189 15*/wb * Said by some to have been the universal solvent 190 î\ll*/wb * when polishing on the wheel it flies into pieces which the true Emerald does not 191 29-30m/30u 192 10*/wb * Beryl is well described by Pliny 193 3-9w is an old Saxon word expressing the disagreeable sound caused by the friction of two pieces of Quartz 194 14*, 17-18z, wb * It is Silica coloured with Iron Manganese 195 llw in its upper part 15-19z, 33-34«; very rare in
Secondary & Tertiary rocks wb * in Specimens from Dauphigny have one very large acuminating plane the 5 others being almost evanescent 196 wt sometimes encrusted & interspersed with Chlorite 8u, lOw are distinguished from Topaz by inferior Sp. Grav. & Hardness 12*, 18w never occurs crystallized 26w Silica coloured by Manganese wb * When put in dry places, exposed to the light looses in a few years looses its colour 197 wt X The massive variety is easily distinguished from all other minerals by its superior hardness 4-5w A flexible variety occurs in Arthurs Seat 21w from its light green colour- 198 îtll*/wb * Common Quartz impregnated with Iron 200 2w wood petrified with Hornstone wb (The Tick tree in Calcutta has been known to form a strong Mineral, like Woodstone) 201 8u/w owing to Bituminous matter 12w is often traversed by veins of white Quartz 17*, 18w That variety which is free from veins is used for touchstone wb * by comparing the streak of the pure gold, with that of the specimen essaying 202 wt is of rare occurrence in Scotland owing to the scarceness of Chalk 20-23«; The base of pudding of stone in quartz; the concretions flint 23«; from Calcedon in Asia Minor 16x, 18u\18-21w where blue is called Sapphirine by the Jewellers wb x The dendritic variety is called Mocha Stone from a place in India or from a German word signifying moss, this appearance is owing to Iron & Manganese 203 lx/wt x is mentioned by Pliny as a different mineral 4u\w owing to Nickel 27w from its colour 204 14u/14-16w The green colour is owing to Green earth 25w origin of name disputed 29u/*/wb * mentioned by Dr Clarke as occurring near Cairo in great plenty 206 2x/wt x Clay long exposed to heat 14-15w is Quartz combined with Alumina î\4x/zblwb x some varieties are called Eye-Stones 207 wb (All these Romboidal quartz when heated & thrown into water, splits in direction of its cleavage) 208 31w is daily forming 210 6w (minute portions have been found in Scotland 30-32«; has lately been found in Mexico & Faroe Islands 212 23-26w distinguished from Jasper by superior lustre 213 20«; in New-Holland 18w from Menil, a hill near Paris 214 23-24w from Obsidian a Roman 215 5-8m/w Colouring matter & Carbonaceous matter 26«; often imbedded portions of Pearl-stone 25w from its resinous appearance 25x/wb x black colour owing to Carbonaceous matter 216 3w in Arran 218 7w the crystals resemble the head of an axe
[page break]
219 26u, 33*/wb * Is Chrysolite in a less perfect form. 220 wt Meteoric Iron often contains a mineral like Chrysolite or Olivine - 12w near Edinburgh - Arthur Seat 13w Borate of Megnesia 29m, 36w always 221 15u/w Bubulite wb (Boracic Acid is found in Salisbury Craigs) 222 llw occasionally contains a little Boracic Acid 18w from a village in Saxony. 224 27w signifying a Gooseberry 225 19w from |xeX,ao niger 226 2*/wt * From the different colours it undergoes under the blowpipe 227 wt Many of the Carbuncles of the ancients are garnets: the origin of the name signifying its shining in the dark is erroneous, this word sometimes refers to the Quartz & Sapphire 228 6-7w from its beautiful red colour 18u, 25w is called the Bohemian Garnet. 232 25*1 wb * not unlike Hyacinth distinguishes from yielding to the knife 234 9w from oxide of Titanium 236 22w Oxide of Copper 238 30w Oxide of Tin 240 wb Distinguished from Tin Ore by its stump being of reddish brown colour; Tin ore having a yellow grey colour 243 r/wt Streaks yellowish 33w (Streaks a distinguishing character) wb Occurs in Magnesian rocks, such as Talc & Serpentine- 244 5-6u, 10u/9-10w The magnetic property only occurs in rocks near the surface.- 31w when pure, affords 70 per cent of Iron 245 lOw in Salisbury Craigs 24-15u, 28u, 32u 246 wt (The Magnetic Iron Ore occurs in greater plenty in the North. The Specular in the South) 17-19w occurs in plates in the crevices of Volcanic Rocks, as. Vesuvius 19*/wb * distinguished from Mica by the rigidity of the Plates 250 18w Hydrate of Iron 18*/wb * Makes better Steell than the two former varieties 254 7*/wb * Is well adapted for making cast Iron 8w is daily forming in boggy places 263 28w Occurs in newer formations than the last.- 266 wt formed of crystals; in this mineral, by cubes 2u, 13w because when struck gives out sparkes 19w Arsenuent of Nickel 273 2x/wt x decays more rapidly than the other varieties 274 18u 275 wt does not afford sparks with steel lOu 280 2w x continues to be formed by aqueous means 289 24u 294 36w associated with Native Arsenic 295 29w along with compact Gypsum 296 wt Every time volcano emits sulphur mostly in form of Vapour.- 298 wt (all the insects inclosed in amber are extinct.) & different from those now alive 299 22w Pitchford & Coal-Brook, Dale 300 wt The walls of Babylon were cemented by melted Mineral potash 6u, 19w Mineral Caoutchouck 301 18w the remains of
ancient trees.- 302 lOw but must be mixed with some connecting matter 303 31w common Coal 304 5w the most common variety wb Is of older formation than the Browne.- (was formed before Mammalia Aves Amphibia but there existed fishes & shells) 305 8-9u, 29x/wb x little Bituminous matter 307 wb The Browne coals when burnt emit a very bad smell The Glance Coals never contain vegetables were formed before vegetables existed 317 14-19w Iron Pyrites is often disseminated in it is then mistaken for gold 23w * Lapis Lazulis has been met with in Vesuvius wb Origin disputed, whether formed, or merely broken fragments.- 333 6-7z 337 22u/w not homogeneous 338 34r-37z, wb a basis including crystals 339 5-8z, 9-llw a basis containing cavities or other foreign substances of an amygdaloidal form 29-30w vid: the secondary rocks of Arthur Seat 32-35z, wb * the grains joined without basis or cement. 340 10-12z, 13-15w A Slaty B Granular 17-21z, 19-20u, 25w of rarer occurrence 26u/w Base granular 31u/w Base slaty 341 2-5z, llw of frequent occurrence in the Carlton Hill zb 342 35*/zb 344 wb (Hydrogen & Nitrogen are emitted in greater quantities in some Volcanic countries) 346 16~25z/25w Hornblende 26w Felspar Syenite wb (Felspar is distinguished from Quartz by its inferior hardness, yielding to knife) 361 15w These four rocks generally occur in the order here placed minute scales of Mica 365 25w according to the formation or is this state of crystallization 369 28w so called from its resemblance to the colouring of Serpents- 370 wt a mixture of Marble with Serpentine is called Verde Antique.- wb Magnesia occurs in the greatest quantity in the newer Primitive Rocks as Serpentine 371 29-30w perhaps ought to be considered a variety of pormilica Greenstone 377 5w is clayslate with imbedded fragments 6-10z 382 wb 1 Old Red Sandstone 2 Mountain Limestone 3 Bed Conglomerate 4 Magnesia Limestone 5 New Red Sandstone 6 Shell Limestone 7 3rd Sandstone formation 8 Oolite 9 (Sand Clay Marl.) Chalk Marl 10 Chalk formation 383 lOw 1 384 wb It is disputed that this rock is of the primitive series 385 33u 386 4u, 17*\wb * Sometimes contains Iron Pyrites, which from its decomposing entirely unfits for building 387 wt x The Trap in this formation is composed of Augite & Felspar Wu/x 392 29w 7 394 lw 9 15w 3 396 13w 7 398 5w 9 35w 10 399 13w 11 405 3w an earthy greenstone 410 wb
[page break]
h se rocks 9eneral|y occur in the old Red ^ dstone also in Mountain Sandstone San tJrTies in still newer rocks) 411 17w
s0farv Rocks 412 24w also contains aMQ stone & Browne Coal 413 9w * The PU doni Clay is of this formation 101...], wb * L°n pyrites, Sulphate of Lime & Iron occurs !rorLjS mineral, also sometimes Amber & in wne clay also various seeds of tropical Br0 ts also Crocodiles &c &c & Cocoa Nuts P'^le' 415 22k; of considerable importance ■the arts for making millstones 26m 418 24*1 in * -y-ne only Human Fossil Skeleton known w found in this rock 420 3-22«? Beds of W^S mineral occur in the Meadows & Coates lhlS cent in Edinburgh 28-29w differs from ^rfLrs Clay in containing Sand 421 19z, ?t Iw n0W disPuted 423 10*/wb * Occurs i the more Northern countries never
■nfl fOund 'n the TroPics 424 25w tneir
■ability bein9 diminished 29m/w 6 425 28w vaMms on Water 426 2S-20z, 22-23w the
SVHer of their P°sition 28*(wb * has often 0 n mistaken for red Pumice Stone 34x/wb
bee med by the attrition of different minerals X s 4-5^ aPPears t0 nave Deen sublimed wb Tne lead mines in Flintshire
h oDSnire are situated chiefly in Mountain
■ estone 444 16-17w are mentioned by Lllî1nV of the older writers viz Herodotus
served them in Aegypt also Ovid remarks
m 445 2-3w Quadrumana none have yet
1 n found- 446 2x, wb Bears are of rare
be urrence in alluvial strata 447 25-26w
Mother species has been found Europe
•üiiiltaneous with the Elephant Tapir
oh-noceros 452 l-5w this is the animal that
vent the destruction of the Human race. Pre 6 distinguished from theMammoth by
Indians belief that the Gods destroyed to
hercu'ar teeth- 455 wt The Owl & Buzzard
o I3w one nave these generally found in
tertiary formations of Paris 456 7w in the
the of Sheppey 458 wb The teeth of Sharks
found in great plenty in the Limestones
T Malta 460 Ux/wb x Nearly all insects
are found in this mineral are now
0' _,« fminri in thic minorai are» nri\M
- . ct except as some say the common Ant
a-llw Mr witnam has in his collection a
cimen of Amber containing a small
ïleton probably a reptile- 25-26w In one
S Mection in France there is 3560 specimens
C°d nearly 5000 have been described- 461
aI] All the fossil shells are now extinct.- 466
h Fossil organic remains are those included
r any formation sometimes they are
in rcely altered but generally a portion of
Sh animal matter is extracted often the
whole substance is removed & merely a cast remains sometimes it percolated with some Fossil matter & then it is named petrified.. 504 7-11m, zb 505 whole page.z 506 whole page.z
JAMESON, Robert A treatise on the external, chemical and physical characters of minerals Edinburgh; Archibald Constable & Co.; 1816 [CUL, on B, S C. Darwin Feb 13th 1826]
JARROLD, Thomas Anthropologia: or, dissertations on the form and colour of man London; Cadell & Da vies; 1808 [CUL, pre-B] h, tm
NB p. 87, 90, 110, 115, 116; 191, 192
freckles; 216 grey eye formerly more
32 23c 33 15a 87 28-33m 90 15-20m 91 26-
18m 110 20-24m 115 20-24m 116 20-24m 190
32-36m 191 1-Am, 24-27m 192 28~32m 216
JEFFREYS, Gwyn, and CARPENTER, William Benjamin The 'Valorous' expedition London; Taylor & Francis; 1876 [Down, I]
JENYNS, Leonard Memoir of the Rev. John Stevens Henslow London; John Van Voorst; 1862 [Down, I]
53 23m/]/[... 54 4...]/w B 5-171...], 18m/[... 55 7w B 7-9[...]
JENYNS, Leonard Observations in meteorology London; John Van Voorst; 1858 [Down, I] p
JENYNS, Leonard Observations in natural history London; John Van Voorst; 1846 [CUL, I] beh, em, ex, gd, h, mn, no, oo, tm, v, wd, y
SB1 ♦
Introduction good writing
Squirrel eating little galls
Variation ♦
Like your remarks on givens - on statistics
p. 162 Martins (1)
210» Cy> & some Carabus
p313 Mem breaking leg
p315 Planaria (land species)
Barometer Brit. Assoc.a>
(over) 38; 51 to 60; 76; 100; 108 &c; 114;
131; 137; 147; 150; 162; 168; 188; 210; 221;
216; 266; 278; 290 Arachnidae do not
undergo any such metamorphosis; 318; 321;
[page break]
SB2 38 Birds using NQ material at hand &
adapting nest to situation
54 One cat rejoicing in Bat, another
indifferent to it Ch.6.
Polecat devouring Eels p. 55 some parallel
facts. Rooks p. 150 feeding on Fish p147 on
78 Rabbits with incisors grown very long -
Monstrosities Ch 5
100 Pheasant betraying place of roost Q by
screaming (mistake of instinct) ♦ Hen
Clucking on Egg
107 On destruction of Rooks & Sparrows &
yet no diminution Ch.5
114 Destruction does not fall on very young
Birds Ch.5
137 Abnormal NQ nest of long-tailed tit.
162 Caged Birds carrying bits of thread &
stick in Beak Q£d
168 Increase of turtle Doves since 1823.
212 Abnormal Gold Fishes
278 Flies hatched in gentlemans intestines.
318 On sudden great increase in Water
Shells. Ch.5
321 Ransome case of cistern with molluscs
324 On difference in habits in closely allied
38 31-32m/32u "Bolton's Harmonia" 51 18-23m 54 9-llm, 26-27m 55 19-21m 56 29m 60 l-3m/2u "rare" 64 18-19m 76 18-20m 100 9-11m 107 17-21m 108 l-12m, 16-19m 109 3-8m, 13-23m, 24-25m, 26-31m (Wagner) 110 29-32m 114 26-30m 115 5-18m, 23-27m, 28-30^> 116 8-13m 117 2-3m, 6-7m 131 3-5m/w V. p. 134 134 7-9m, 19-20m 137 15-18m/w unusual? 147 14-17m, 23-27m 150 10-12m 162 2-9m/Q 163 7-19m 168 6-12m 187 29-26m 210 24-26m 211 ll-12m, 15-19m, 32m 212 l-8m 213 l-9m, 17-22m, 30-32m 216 26-29m 217 24-25m 221 3-7m 266 22-25m 267 25-26m 278 25-26m 279 25-27m 290 21-23m 318 8-12m 319 9-llm, 21-22m 321 23-27m 324 4-7m (p. 329 ff., markings presumed not by CD)
JEVONS, W. Stanley Elementary lessons in logic London; Macmillan & Co.; 1881 [Down]
JOHNSON, Samuel A dictionary of the English language london; C. & J. Rivington; 1826 [CUL, pre-B]
JOHNSON, Samuel W. How crops grow London; Macmillan & Co.; 1869 [Down, FD]
JOHNSTON, George The natural history of the eastern borders: vol. 1 botany London; John Van Voorst; 1853 [Down]
JONES, John Matthew The naturalist in
Bermuda London; Reeves & Turner; 1859
beh, cc, fg, gd, geo, is, mg, mm, oo, sp, ta,
tm, wd
SB Qß, a
Jones' Bermuda
ix Sea-Birds tame on discovery of Isd
x Hogs run wild & swarmed p. 1. 3 mice
p12 At discovery 1609 no rats & mice
12 to 16 to On migrations of Bats -
occasional (like Birds)
27 to 84 Migrations of Birds (p174 Blank
30 European Lark killed in Bermuda! p45
Land-Rail do
43 variation in tail-feathers in Snipes
67 case of wanderers of same species as
70 case of enormous migrations 72 do
76 probable rate of flight in Plover during
migrations 30-35 miles per hour
98 Scincus no Batrachians
115 Honey-bee perhaps Apis caffra
121 Only 3 nocturnal Lepidoptera
133 Antigua Orange-trees all destroyed by
coccus p. 117 Ants very destructive to Rabbit
172 Imported poultry all die
190 Sapindus saponaria not growing in
foreign Gardens, raised from sea-drifted
seeds.— Gulf Stream occasionally wanders
from course & brings timbers to Bermuda
191 At Azores trees torn up by roots & 2
dead were washed ashore (See Bate)
SB2 *A
ix; x in 1609; 11,2 Bats; 12; 27 to 38; Read
to 66* to end; p190
«■A No peculiar Birds; good
«stäj Audubons flight across Bays cutting off
distance explains case.-
vii 4-6m ix 23-26m x 4~7m 11 A 5u "exception I domestic"/5-7m 12 ll-14m, 19-22m, 26u±, 27-31m 13 9-23m, 17-18m, 26-31m 15 4-6m, 12-15m, 18-Zlm, 28-30m 16 20-22m 27 4r-8m, 24-27m 28 25-30m 29 3-9m, 8-llm 30 20-25m 33 17-20m, 23-26m 34 10-28m 35 14-18m 36 22-26m 41 22-25m, 27-29m 42 9-23m 43 4r-5m, 12-15m/w S. BrobsiniO 44 1-Am, 7-10m, 19-26m 45 7-14m, 19-22m 46 29-31m 62 27-30m 65 5-7m 66 2S-32m 67 2-7m, 10-14m, 17-20m/18w imitation 22u "flock"/?, 25-29ml26x&> 68 24-26m, 19-20m, 24-26m 69 4-7m, 24-28m 70 3-6m 72 5-8m, 15-19m 73 4-9m 74 27-31m 75 22-25m, 29-31m 76 15-16m, 30-31m/31u "moderate]thirty" 77 8-9m 80 27-22m 81 22-
[page break]
23m/w go to Jamaica 82 30-31m 84 12-17m
98 6-8m, 25-26m 115 l-4m 117 7-1 Om 121
20-21m 133 20-26m 172 16-28rw& 174 2-Sm
190 4-6m, 9u "pine timber", llu "mahogany",
29-31m 191 4-8m
through some parts of Flanders, Holland and the
north of France in the autumn of 1817
Edinburgh; Bell & Bradfute; 1823; London;
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown
ch, fg, he, hy, spo, ta, v
NB 25,48,84; 67,8; 107; 134-; 178; 185;
193,5; 205; 293,5; 308; 328; 331; 363; 419;
423; 459; 470,72; 495,6; 538 Don on Elms
107 Purple Beech Hereditary
185 out of 1000 seedlings 1/2 dozen good
Hyacinths & Tulips is reckoned good
196 on the rearing of Tulips, certain whole
classes have come a certain Breeder, I may
say even in most sportive plants, more
hereditariness than generally supposed
293 Brussels Sprout has been true for 400
years 295 a sub-var rendered true
459 Paradise & Doucin original dwarf vars of
495 The varin Lilac Hybrid between common
& Persian
25 7-13m 48 12-lSm 67 3-7m/xvt Weeping Cherry mentioned before 68 13-lSm 84 23-15m 107 î\9-6m 134 ÏÏ25-20m 178 Ü5-3m 185 1Î25-23m 193 ÏÏ26m/u "J.B. Sickler" 195 2-4m\ u±, ^2m\u "A\explained" 196 2-3m, 8-23m, 25-27w±, 18-21m, Îtll-Sm 205 20-25m 293 ÏÏ22-22m 295 tÏ25-23m, ÏÏ4-2m/ÏÏ4u "only\ most" 308 ÏÏ22-20m 309 5-10m, fÎ25-22m/1Ï23-22u "proving] bad" 328 U-4mjUu "PA Corsica" 331 \t10m/wb will here probably treat of change of seed 363 2-2m 419 ÏÏ22-2m/ ÏÏ22w "SalixIrevolutis" 423 2-3m, 6-8m 459 U-3m, ^2-lm 470 ÎÎ2-2m 472 4-5m, 14r-15m, ^7-6mju "seventy", î\2-lm 473 6m/u "130", î\7m/u "forty" 495 ff2-2m 496 20-22m 538 20-27m
JOUVENCEL, Paul de Genèse selon la science. La Vie Paris; Gamier Frères; 1859 [CUL] he, hl, hy
NB 99 highness & lowness; p283 - see
Isidore Polydactylism Two cases of mules
given with polydactyl Hoof - can this be
Isidore Geoffroy 1/691 gives several cases
• in pure Horse - so facts nothing
99 20-23m 283 20-27m
JUAN Y SANTACILLA, Jorge and ULLOA, Antonio de A voyage to South America trans. John Adams, 4th edn; London; John Stockdale &c; 1806 [CUL, vol. 1 only, on B, I by FitzRoy] beh, gd, oo
NB 9-20
0 Journal 17.1826 (untranscribed w apparently not CD) iii 22w "is \remain" vi wbec 21 7m 24 A 6-7m 25 A 2m 26 A 27m, 27m 27 A 23m, 35m 28 25-33XO 29 A 4m, 12-13m, 15-16m, 31m 30 A 6m 31 ä 9m 32 & 4-5m 33 A 20m 35 A 6-7m, 17-18m 36 A 6m, 13-Um, 17-18m 39 A 9m, 27m 40 A 23-26m 44 5-17w 52 17-21m, 31-32m 53 24-26m 54 14-18m 55 6-8m, 9-11m, 17-18m 56 2-2m 57 16-33iv 58 35-36m 59 2-23m 60 32-36m 61 2-5m, 14-29m/w snakes in Jamaica 62 2-22m 63 2-6m, 9-28m 64 23-25w Jigger Chigoe 65 24m, wb exaggeration of pain caused by insect sting in Carthagena 66 24-24ry 67 24-37m 68 20-24m 69 29m 71 5-9m, wb Thinks mistake They have only one crop in year 72 22m, 26w Pineapple 74 4m, 7-30m, wb Some description as to planting and mode of gathering is necessary 77 13-18m 92 26-27mlw, 28u "The I irregular", 30-32w 97 17w 123 27m, 28-30m 132 19w • 255 wtu 277 A 29-39m 278 A 2-34m, 26-27m
JUDD, John Wesley Volcanoes London; C. Kegan Paul; 1881 [Down, I] se, ve
NB Volcanoes along coasts, greatest pressure Fissures due to general elevation
JUKES, Joseph Beete General report of the geological survey of Newfoundland London, 1843 [CUL.1900] [I]
NB p. 130 cleavage
143 Boulders
145 rest on clay &c
130 U-2m 143 20-24m 145 5-9m
JUKES, Joseph Beete The student's manual of geology Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1857 [CUL] fo, gd, geo, hi, ir, sp, t, ti, tm
NB p160 to 165
SB 09Î
p160 to 165 on interruptions to Deposition
177 on length of time of Deposit
254 good remark on Denudation
275 Denudation - some very ancient
[page break]
antiquity world
317 Littorina bright colours in Tropics dark in
321 - generic areas inexplicable
387 on breaks in resurgence of fossils &
388 foundations not strictly contem
poraneous before &c
389 law of succession same at all times 390
391 imperfection of record
393 Higher groups as well as species more
limited in time
395 - one fossil in extreme Arctic Regions
399 do x-> (to 388)
♦ 489 to 503; 565
489 breaks in 3 stages of Purbeck
503 Breaks in succession -» (to 399)
565 on antiquity of world
160 23-27m 161 18-21m 162 35-40m (Emmon) 163 8-13m, 23-25m 164 19-23m, 26-29m, 27-39m, 30-39m, 10-39w This is strongly supported p167, 168 by small area of most beds 165 11-Um, 27-32m 177 30-35m 254 13-24m 275 16-24m 317 26-38m 321 21-25m 387 1-Am, 15-20m 388 36-45m 389 26-30m
390 31-35m 391 23-26m, 37-40m (Owen) 393
10-19m 395 31-38m 399 4-12m 489 29~34m
503 l-10m 565 8-18m, 21-30m
JUKES, Joseph Beete The student's manual of geology Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1862 [Down, I]
NB414; 402
Begin & read at p425
414 22-29m, 29-31m 415 40-44m (Owen) 416
14-29m 444 fig.w Crust Plant Pol
JUKES, Joseph Beete, DE LA BECHE, Henry, SMITH, Warington W. and HUNT, Robert Record of the School of Mines vol. 1, part 2; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1853 [Down, I by Jukes] p
KASPARY, Joachim Natural laws; or the infallible criterion London; J.A. Brook & Co.; 1876 [Down, I]
KATER, Henry, and LARDNER, Dionysus
Mechanics (Lardner's Cabinet cyclopaedia) London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1830 [CUL, on B]
NF (lists of volumes in Lardner's Cabinet cyclopaedia)
KEIR, James Sketch of the life of James Keir London; R.E. Taylor (printed for private circulation); 1859 [Down, I by editor]
KERNER, Anton Joseph Die Cultur der Alpenpflanzen Innsbruck; Verlag der Wagner'sehen Universität; 1864 [CUL] gd, sp, oo, v
NB p2, p20 laws of variation p42 /&> - On slips & other situations; Alpine plants long hold their places of lower land p52 a) - species which are swamp plants on the plains, not so higher up p139 feeding of Alpine plants Q
vii 4-8m, 19-22m viii 7-15m ix 18-24m 2 22-18m, l9-27m 20 27-22m 42 21-31m/5-30w On slips &c alpine plants hold their place -occupancy 52 ll-12m, 23-29m/13-32w are swamp plants on plains & not so on mountains.- 139 5-10m
KERNER, Anton Joseph Flowers and their unbidden guests trans. W. Ogle, with a prefatory letter by Charles Darwin; London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1878 [CUL, S] ad, che, phy
NB Use of every Part - 6
p. 136 Oxalate of Lime discharged from
edges of leaves
p141 * adaptation never a direct one
* / How can this be reconciled with the facts
as they stand in the case of polygonum
6 22-22m 7 20-26m 129 21x, wb pollen flower
136 l-5m 141 19-25m
KEY, Axel, and RETZIUS, Gustaf Studien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems und des Bindegewes 2 vols.; Stockholm; Central-Tryckeriet; 1875-1876 [Down, I by Retzius]
KIDD, William The canary London; Groombridge & Sons; n.d. [CUL] tm, y
[page break]
NB p10
SB Qß 18 Prize canaries have black wings &
tails only till 1st month
10 20-23m 12 14-18m 13 32m 14 7-9m 18 8-
15m/ll-12Q/16-18Q 19-22m, 23-25Q 25-27m/
25u " A \ birds"
DAS KIND: Tagebuch eines Vaters 2nd edn; Leipzig; H. Härtung & Sohn; 1876 [CUL, I] beh, y
NB 7 knowing; 121 blushing; 147 one year
old; 68,9 6 months
7 2-3m 89 20m 121 26-27m/27u "Siel roth"
KIRBY, William Monographia apum angliae 2 vols.; Ipswich; J. Raw; 1802 [CUL, pre-B] beh, oo, sp, sx, v
vol. l NB Q p. 47 has been stung by
Ichneumon; p200 males & females of Bees;
p.4; p. 204; p. 40 palpi * differing in one
40 13-16m 47 3-5m 200 21-30m/24u
"females"/25u "neuters" 204 22-27m
vol. 2, 387 15m/w read 388 7-8m plates z
KIRBY, William and SPENCE, William An
introduction to entomology 3rd edn, vol. 1 (1818); 2nd edn, vol. 2 (1818); 1st edn, vols 3 & 4 (1826); London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown [CUL, pre-B] ad, beh, br, cc, che, fg, he, hl, ig, in, mg, mhp, no, oo, phy, rd, si, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, ud, v, y
vol. 1 NB1 Reaumur's work ought to be read
Are there any instances serving the parent itself which come into play, after period of propagation, connected with death, making a place to die in - such as cats going into holes, because these cannot be acquired by habits & then transmitted, they must be consequences of some previous habit -wasps killing their young in autumn at first appear so, but then perhaps some of the old murderous wasps survive.- As neuters are sometimes converted into Queens & then breed my argument * against instinct arising from habit, is not perfect- are neuters of ants ever converted? The instincts of neuters, probably same with those of females of same species anciently NB2 136; 148; 153; 166; 171; 176; 179; 192, 194, 199, 201, 203**, 4, 9; 230; 270; 272; 293 to 98 insect impregn; 322; 332; 336; 357; 361; 371 to 4; 76 to 82; 386; 390; 399; 402; 435; 442; 448; 459; 472; 474; 476; 78; 492; 98; 500; 505
NB3 496 on manner in which Bees form their cells
p293 Capital references about all Plants which catch insects
165 There are in Hives Bees called corsairs
idlers Q
179 Seed of Clover Crops almost destroyed
by Apions.
192 Cucumbers not injured by insects in
England but much in America
203, 230 on artificial substances - p386 -
390; Cases of foreign fruits in England &
America injured by insects, so changes in
203 - Nectarine destroyed by insects in
America & not Peach - selection wd act on
a trifle Ch. 6.
357 Q good relation ichneumon with long
ovipositor laying eggs in larvae in fir-cone
371 Q Female ant first takes charge of nest
(but I presume is never soldier &c)
274 Q Mother wasps, several in nest take
charge of young
380 Q Humble Bees
382 Case of reason in Bees Q
391 Q When insect has fed on one sort of
plant will die rather than change Q
435 Q Ant-Lion & Fly making same sort of
trap for catching prey.
459, 461 Q Q Remarkable instincts 474
478 NQ Caterpillars social in early stages
remarkable fact
492. Muse & wax making Bees - former do
secrete little Honey - (ant which secretes
sweet juice in Westwood
to 504 Q Bees. Nothing particular for me in
SB2 OR Vol I
p382 ♦A Bees supporting comb till pillars
♦ W. White about snail pulling them at L' (ie
at right-angles) to extract themselves
♦ a p391 about changes of food Q*
♦ p435 Ant-Lion & Fly same sort of trap
Cuckoo & Molothus
459^61 Tineae cutting leaves to Pattern
♦ A) Sentence about comb each part
depending on what has gone before
380 Workers destroying eggs of Queen Humbles, Spider
136 25-26m, wb We can thus see how Oestrus acquired instinct of depositing eggs to be licked up. 148 9-22m, 10-13m/u> What use is to Coleopters? 153 20-22m 165 3-5m
166 29-31m 171 26~28m, 29-31m/30u++ 176
26-28m 179 6-17m/7u*/9u. "purple"/13ua/Uu
[page break]
"Dutch I clover" 192 27-28m 194 4r-6m/m 196 19-21m 199 2-llmßu "'some I Germany"110-llu "fortunately I us "/6w Why 201 12-13m/13u "1787", 21-22u "to I street" 202 14-16m/14-15u "are I empire" 203 wi change of instincts 4-5u "whichl fruit "/3-8zv curious considering not aboriginal fruits U-14m/14u "fruit \ unripe", 17-22m, 30-32m\w yet only varieties 204 22-28m/23u "date I the" 209 14-15m 230 l-6m, 7-10m 255 20-2Sm 270 12-18m, 22-27m 272 3-7m 293 14-18m (Barton), 22-30m, 31-33m 294 18-20m, 25-32m/27u "rich\soil" 295 l-7m, 28-30m 296 15-27m 297 4-23m 298 9-20m, 30-33m 299 9-12m, 26m, 28-31m/29u "Mordellae" 321 22u "perennial knawel", 23u "in I country" 332 2-3m, 27m, 29-30m 333 3-23m, 32m (Humboldt & Bonpland) 336 2-3m 337 6-10m 357 22-20m 361 4-6m, 14-16m 371 27-29m 372 9-20m 374 24-26m 376 19-22m, 20-21m 378 24m 379 7x, 8u "drones I workers", 16x 380 2-4m, S-22m, 9-15m/9-10u "may\ bounds", 15-17w useless instinct wb* This instinct coming into play, only 382 6-9m, 12-13m, 19-23m, 22-24m 386 16-17m, 18w V. p. 390 390 2u "the I purpose", 1-31, l-6m (Reaumur), 5-6m, 23m, 25m 391 6-9m/"..."/ 7ce, 18-19m 399 18-19m/w useless 402 22-26m 435 2-4m\2-llw very singular not inherited from same parent stock 442 15-19m 448 25-32m 452 10-17m/16-17u++, 27-31m 453 20-25m, 21-23m 454 30-31m 455 25-29m, 22u "flowers", 22-25m\24u "flowers" 456 9-22m, 10-16m/10u "A. Pini" 459 20-27m/21-22w V 464 461 2-4m 472 8-23m 474 6-9m 476 3-5m, 7-24m 478 13-14m/12-17w This is remarkable contrast with parents instincts 485 4-6m 486 2-2m 487 6-8m 491 5-6m, 10-11m 492 10-llX/ll-16m, wb* X The Humbles who make pillars of wax shows adaptation of instinct to circumstances 493 2-4m/w gradation Q<&, wb It is analogous to difference accompanying age or sex -attached to something unknown - being produced contemporaneously is novelty 494 15-16X/4-28w Humbles all secrete a viscid fluid to unite various substances 495 29m, 22-25m/24u++ 496 wt/l-8w Ants work by hollowing clay & wood out, same principle V. ante 3-9m, 10-17m, 20-22m 497 2-8m, 29-31m 498 16-22m, 23-24m, 24~27m/24u "but\ successive", 25m, 28-30m 499 22-26m, 20-24m 29w Habit 30-32m 500 28-23m, 27-32m 501 25-32m 502 2-4m 503 22-24m 504 21-23m/ 22u "thin I purpose", 31u "irregular] placed" 505 2-2u "connected] wax", 3u "pale] bodies", 7u "oral\ might", 15-16u "flattened] dimensions", 20-21m/20u "the I cells"\21u "female", 26-31m, 28u "goblet-like", 29-31m, 30u
"chiefly", 32m 506 3-4m, 5-6m 507 20« "hexagonal" 508 7u "but I convex", 26-29m 510 2-3m 512 25-26m, 29m
vol. 2 NB1 I think Kirby considers Bees converting * Neuters into female & Ants taking prisoners, as the most wonderful instincts
NB2 p. 119 Bees boring holes, p. 523 references on ditto
Linn Trans Vol VI p222 Huber says he has seen large Humble bees try to enter "fèves" & failing bite hole in corolla, whilst smaller Humbles entered the corolla - He has seen them bite the tubes of Tancolie" The seed * pods of the fèves were not injured.-NB3 p395 Beetle Pneum
SB1 Kirby. Vol 2-
12; 22; 30 to 5; 51, 58; 68 to 100; 108 to
119; 125 to 216; 220 to 241; 267; 288; 302;
421; 459; 468 to end of Vol
12 Q Emigrating insects not usually social -
makes case odder
31 Bees, Wasps & Ants, one female lays
foundation. How in Termites p35 they seem
never to work Q (Full account of Societies of
Ants & Bees &c
35 Termites contend for the females
74 Q Each ant seemed to know its own
fellow of nest - p. 80 Slave ants Bees Q
231 Beetle living in Hot-bed & standing
Boiling water.
234 Beetles shamming death Q
420 Showers of insects falling
471 Q Definition of instinct - 473 Q good
remark on
476 NQ Substitution of one material for
481 Q Instincts of same species different at
two Seasons
492 Q instinct 496 good remarks on not
reason - 507 good
511 wonderful Q
514 Reason Q
♦ A fertile worker is throwing Back.-
My metaphor of hereditary piano-forte, ought to have been 1st hereditary spinet, simple & grand piano-forte player. What wd good player do if in concert note stuck. If hereditary playing failed in tune, new tune wd be formed if new tune did imply several notes altered contemporary.
Read all. with idea that originally many queens & no workers - then few queens with workers & lastly one queen.- & that instincts in neuters retain traces of old instinct when made Queens
[page break]
(over) There is antagonism between an
habitual action & reason - a person knitting
meets some accident & reason comes into
play - it is no argument that not reason
because a person did not intend a perfect
SB2 09Î
Female spiders destroy Male
Vol 2. Kirby
12 Emigrating insects not social
congregating like some Birds - & some birds
congregate without emigrating -
35 workers of Termites • Queen.-
74 Each ant knows its own nest & males Do not go out till Workers Slaves are ready
77 Slave makers are not allowed to go abroad till others have neuter pupae
♦ 86 The Slave feed the Slave making
Neuters - Do the Negros in their own nest
feed Males or Queen ??
(over) 2
p55 workers usually found to come back
♦ A) 119 Hive Bees begging Honey from
Humble. Means of new Instinct 207 Corsairs
♦ 148, 155 - Neuters keeping Queens
prisoners - (may say endless strong instincts
& then allude generally -* Ch. 8 & no
passage known few other Bees Known.-
161 Confused & mistaken instincts in Hive
194 Ventilating Hive
234 shamming Death
X 470 young Bees making comb perfectly
471 good definition of Instinct
(p.92. Migrations)
473 Spiders Nets pitt-falls insects beat higher animals
476 case of sensible adaptation of instinct of insects (Door of intelligence) 487/495/
(481 Marked variation at 2 times of year
496 argues not reason
513, 511 Perhaps old instinct retained (Von Baer about organisation of Bee
516 Really reason
519 Ants in hot place not moving Pupae X^
525 Communication of Knowledge in Ants
529 Swarm successive years (over; ♦) 3
208-210 Astounding manoeuvre once in life
227 Variation in making Cocoons or home
277 Making exit for moth & thread to guide it
287 jaws given for this purpose to be used
4 p31 Sedentary Spider turned Hunter
2/495 cells longer on one side of comb
opposed to Waterhouse.-
2/187 Knight on artificial Propolis -
12 16~19m/18u "swallows" 13 l-2m 22 24-31m, 25-29m 30 30-32m 31 10-13m, 17m/17-18u "ants I lays" 32 17-18m/17u* 33 17-18m, 21-22m, 28-29m/28-29u^ 34 2m\u "fourl female", 6-9m, 29-32m (Huber) 35 2-3u "a\ get", 3-5m, 6-9m/"...", 10-14m, 20-23m, 29m 51 wt Probably nascent female never practices the work of a soldier ant - not has it same structure? any structure which profits its work in early days wd be selected. Ask F. Smith V. F. Smiths work on Ants lm, 3-8w The jaws of soldiers must have been made by selection 4r-6m, 26-28m/Q/27u "toujours"/ 28-29u^ 53 l-3m/2u "females \ birds" 55 wt xx I can understand a neuter having any instinct which the female could have had, but no others cd have been acquired by habit 3u<->/l-4m/2-5w origin of most instincts in neuters xx 7m, 13-14u "prudent \instinct"/ 13-18w Neuters do not breed! How instinct acquired. 19-21m, 19-22m/20u "workers", 24-25u "who I out", 29~30m/u "some I common"/w/ wb So one female may wish to determine others! 58 2-6m (Huber and Gould) 68 26-17m/u "besides I bag"'/12-29w Many insects have reacting glands of anus for bad smells &c & we here see, used either as sting, or poured into wound. 27-30m 69 5-7m 70 7-23m 74 19-23m 75 5-6w Slaves 20-22m 76 21-24w Latreille confirms 27-31m (F. Smith) 77 7-20m, 14m, 15m/u++, 24-25m, 30-31m/u "link\Myrmica" 78 15-16m/15u "composed I neuters" 79 21-22m 80 28-29x/28-32w only fighting neuters 34-38m/w* they have no neuters then? or many soldiers?? 35-38m (Latreille), wb like Cuckoos with their eggs in other birds Nests 81 2«*, 7m/u "others\ purpose", 29u* 83 6m 85 l-2w x Smith sold Myrmica 3xx, 13-14u "Active I field "/13-17w so these are neuters 27-28« "So\they", 21u "will I suffer"/xx/X^/w impossible to explain 29x<& 86 22-26m 87 7-8x*&, 16u "the\ helpless"/w gradation 18m, 29m, 30-32m 88 5m, 9-12m, 15-16u "It \ character "/12-16w for the Negroes dread the Robbers 27-28m 89 25m/26u^ "alternately", 30m/u "that I cows" 90 3-5m, 10m 91 3m, 5-9m, Wx^/u "with\pays", 20-21m, 21xtt& 92 9-22m, 12-14m 93 18m ♦ 100 18-21m 108 25m, 16-20m, 27m 109 23m, 31m 110 2-2m, 9u "male", 9u "than \ female", 18-19m, 26-27m, 29-30m 114 26« "the\ females "/14-16w Ask F. Smith 20m/u "in I resemble", 23m, 29-31m 115 24-30m 116 9-2 2 m/9u "honey I pollen "/l Ou "males I females "/ llu "pure honey", 12m, 20m 117 2m "between]workers", 5-7m, 8-10m, ll-12m 118 20-22m, 13-15m, 24-25m 119 2-5m, 6-7m, 8-27m/ll-27w How new instincts cd arise 30m,
[page break]
32m 125 4u "Two females", 10~llu++, ll-14m, 12u "are\ occurrence", 35u "shorter"'/w Queen 126 2-2m/M<->, 3u "straighter maxillae", 4u "not I theirs", 12-13m/Q/u+* 127 1m 128 lm, 2-3m, 4m, 5-8m 129 31-32m 131 10-12m/10-llu++, 14m "differently] mandibles", 17-18Q 20m, 21u "curve\sting", 22u "wax-pockets" 132 25m 136 23-22m 137 24-28m 139 22m, 24u "those\four", 17m 140 14-23m, 21-24w acquired to injurious self 24-26m/w+ false instinct injurious 142 22-23Q 25m 145 6a "the" worker 22-23u "for I fortiori" 147 22m 148 9-15u±, 20u "oflher", wb it is difficult to believe the workers could have acquired these instincts when they were gender before their neutrality was gained. 151 25m, 16-24w Maternal aversion !! how accustomed we are to maternal affection= 26-30m/30w p. 148 152 7-llm/9w p. 148 153 23-24m 155 6-10m/7-27w X 148 in state of females, they could never have learnt so to respect & value a female; this implies there being few females & hence the neuters having their femality cd not acquire it. 22m/ 12-17m/13-19w XX this might arise from mere social affection originally 20u "pregnant state", 26-27m/27u "enable", 29-31m/30u "twenty\day", 32m 156 3-5m/3u "sometimes", 8u "at\to" 157 24-25m 158 2-4m 161 wt What are males fed on 2m/u "laying I worker", 2u "male cells", 5-6m, 6-7u "male I ones", 7-9m, 8-ll"..."/10-llu "male I jelly"/Urn, 12m, 13-14m 162 26-31m 166 3-4m/w X p. 148 168 3-5m, 8-10m 169 12m/u "Here \ defective", 15m 171 22m 172 26m, 23u "male\royal" 173 4-5m, 13~16m/14-15u "result I drone" 177 3m/u "both\young" 179 22m 180 5-7m, 17-19m 182 8-llm (Aristotle) 183 24-28m 184 30-32m 187 20-22m, 32u "Philos. 11807" 191 20-30m/28-29u/21-27w shows not individual Knowledge 192 4-5m/w like Humbles X 194 6-7m 195 5u "workers", 10-llm, 14u "in files", 18u "twenty", 24u "retinas" 198 6-8m 207 27-29m 208 8-10m 215 26-31m 216 7-9m 220 5-8m, 21-23m 223 28-24m 231 3-5m, 16-17m, 20u "hot dung"\20-21m\wnot by nature 24-25!/ 25u "native station" 233 6u "orange]thorax", 8-9m, 12-14m 234 15-17m/16u "by I death", 19u "which\ dead" 235 8-9m, 18m, 19u "simulation]death", 22m, 23-24"..." 241 5-9m 267 10-32m 288 26-29m 302 4-9m/4u "pupa" 303 6-20m 358 25-28m 384 2-20m 385 24-18m 387 15-19m 391 2-Sm, 3ua, 20-21u<+, 24u "base] elytra", 27u "would] their" 395 2-4m, 18-20m 396 19-25m 399 3-6m 401 5-20m, 16-22m 407 3-23m 411 8-10m/9u "though] light" 412 27-28m 413 lu "is winged", 20-21m 415 2S-22m 420 8-18m 421 wt A, How
gradually acquired? 7-12m/7w A 424 20-28m 459 16-20m 468 2 2-2 6m (Lamarck), 20-21m/?, 28m/u "ii.325"/? 470 8-22m, 13-22m 471 23u "faculties", 14-16u "independent] view", 16a "without"lw necessarily or even generally 17-19m, 20-21u "which] ignorance" 472 9-14m, 30-33m (Germar) 473 12-19m, 14m\23m\ u "All"/14-16w Migrations Hatching eggs Bears HousesO 25-32m/28u "regular cities" "nets\artfully", 32u "sheep]labour" "pit-fall" 474 8u, 27u "never attempts", 27? 475 22« "variation] accommodation", 22u "among I numerous", 29-32m/29u "cow]horse", 31-32u 476 lm, 5-9m/5u "bark"/6u "pieces]paper", 29-31m/x/31u "span]web", wb X These seem to show that they do know end in view or rather what they work for 477 7-8m 479 2-6m, 12-24m, 29-30u "requiring]only" 480 25-31m/31u "Bonnet" 481 l-16m\w See to this it wd appear as if the latter brood had acquired this instinct 32u "Oeuvres, ix.370" 483 l-4m, 27-30m/28u "lids I ordinary" 484 5-22m, 23-27m 485 30-32m 486 19u "glass" 487 3-6m, 10-12m/llw good 26-30m 488 9-22m/ Wu "propolis] mixture" 492 15-16m, wb compare them to bricklayer born with consummate art - & provided with actual instruments 493 18-20m/19u "would]less", 20-27m 495 ll-32m/20u "the former"\21u "the \ latter"/14-15w Knitting wb The difficulty is just as great if we look at instinct as innate power 496 26u "Variations]instincts", 28-30m, wb It comes to this because reason goes so far & no further, it is not reason. An Australian cd not do Principia.— 29u "always"/wb How do we know this 497 3-4m, 22-23m, 23-27w Knight on use of graftingO Mixture 28-31m 498 5-20m, 27-30m 499 19u "manifold", 20-21m 500 lu "not mean", 2-4m, 18-20m/20u "another", 26-27m, 29m, 31m 501 6-8m, 27-30m 502 4-7m 503 2~4m, 8-10m 504 5-10m/8u "A third", ll-14m 505 2-5m 506 22-29m 507 2-3m, 5-7m, 8m, 16-18m, 18-20m 508 6-8m, 16m, 17-18m, 30-31m 510 5-7m, 6-25m, 23-28m 511 4-2 2m, 25-30m/25-26w old instinct retained 512 30-31u "fed]maturity", wb is this given ordinarily to all queen larvae 513 7-22m, 23-26m/w (a) wb (a) One may suppose that originally many queens were ordinarily thus reared & a few workers & the instinct is thus retained 514 22-25m 515 22-28m 516 S-23m, 17-20m, 25-29m 517 23-30m 519 20-23m, 15-20m, 21-22Q 24-28m/24-32w like Robin which built on Steam Engine 520 2-3m, 29-26m 521 4-7m 522 5-9m, 12-15m 523 16-19m 524 5u "all", lluts/w not indigenous 525 4-7m, 19-30m 527 24-27m 529 3-27m 530 5-2 2 m
[page break]
vol. 3 NB 89; 95 & 96; 101; 162; 202; 210; 221; 227; 257; 261; 276; 287; 305; 330; 338; 466; 474; 593; 594; 605; 632; 645; 654
Marshall 284
89 Number of eggs various insects
96 adaptation of eggs like seeds of * plants
208-210 Q Astounding manoeuvre
performed once in life.
227 Q very important variation in Habit -
Perhaps Instinct rather
261 var. in * colouring of crysalises
277 NQ larvae preparing exit for imago &
even providing guide to find trap-door.-
287 Q jaws given for this sole purpose
(under selection Ch. 6) to be used only
474. Good sentence about no new organs
being produced without transition Q
594, 605 Rudimentary organs for symmetry
632 In Hymenoptera the progress of
neuration of wings can be traced
645 Scales, as on Butterfly appear in some
665 Number of legs vary in luli &c-
89 l-7m\w Proof that numbers here depend on means of prosecution 8-24m/10u+/U~ 20w We only know by experience that every species can increase if not checked 12u "30,000", 14-15u "40,0001 more", 16u "200,000", 22u "211,449,600" 95 22-25m 96 l-3m, 14-22m/14-17w adaptation as in seeds 101 8-14m 162 5-llm 202 9-14m/10-llw adaptation 208 10-31m 210 l-29m/10-14w wonderful 211 19~25m/20u "now"/21u "silken"/22u "horizontal", 29-31m 212 l-2m, 3-7m, 12~21m, 13-31m 213 2-9m, 17-28m 221 19-25m 227 l-5m 256 25m "pupae", 21-25m 257 8-10m, 17-22m 261 9~12m 276 28~32m\ 28u "previously I pupa" 277 l~10m, 28-30m
278 l-4m 287 l-10m/4-6u<+ 299 27-28m 300
l-4m/3-5we, 6-9m 301 26-29m\28u*\29u
"female\ rubra" 302 lu "red", 4u "elytre", 23u
"testaceous I black"'/w Lepidopt 24-26m/26u*/w
male 28ua, wb Aperture Iris emperor 23u*\
wb = Polommatus aegon 303 Iua, 2u
"orange\upper", 3u* 305 21-25m, 28-31m 306
7~8m/7u "tibial bearded" 309 14-19m 313 4-
7m, 11-17m, 21-26m, 27m 314 28-30m/O 315
16-17m/17u "female\male" 323 l-5m 327 3-
7m 329 17-26m/19u "pectoral"\21u "weevil"
330 19-21m, 23-25m, 26-27m 331 30-31m 332
l-18m 333 16u "incrassated\male", 23u "ihe\
erroneously"'/w incrassated not always sexual
336 6-9m 337 18-27m/Q 338 2-HÎm/Q 340 2u
"Pneumonia" 342 26-30m 344 5u "of\
Coleoptera", ll-12m 345 15-18m 346 26-29m
466 20-22m 474 wt If aj] Mammalia which have ever existed were preserved, probably as many traces of abortive organs wd be found as in insects in nearly all of which they are present. 2-10m, 19-25m/Q/21u "but\ organs" 593 lm/u "represented I the", 18-19m 594 22-29m, 25-26m 595 l-3m 605 17-18m, 18-23m/21u "appearance I elytre" 632 14-26m 645 29-31m 654 13-18m 655 (erroneously 665), 5-llm
vol. 4 SB1 Vol IV
p.31; p. 357; 358; 373; 397; 405, 6, 8, 411 to
15 wretched trash; 478; 484; 486 to 508
31 Crippled Spider from Sedentary became
Hunter See. J. Banks. Ch. 8 Q
373 on use of larva in classification
478 On number of individuals in different
orders, without relation to number of species
488 Calasoma poor in species & individuals,
very wide ranging genus.
500 Battles of Lethrus (a vegetable feeder)
156 stings & ovipositors described.-
31 4-7m, 8-10m 156 8-9m/? 258 wt Calcaria 259 20m, 22m 261 3m, 16m, 19m, 27m 263 27m 264 22m, 27m 267 5m, 27m 268 27m, 29m, 20m 270 22m 271 2£-22m 272 29m, 28m 273 22m, 28m 274 22m, 28m, 31m 277 20m 278 3m, 27m 279 2m, 8m, 16m 280 2m, 3m, 7m, 13m, 21m, 24m 281 27m 282 2 m, 4m, 7m, 15m 288 22m 293 6m 294 17w Margin 20-21m, 23m, 25m 295 3m, 17m, 25m 297 30m/u "Spurious suture" 302 18-22m, 27-29m 303 5-6m, 9-llm, 17-20m 320 27m 321 24m, 27m 322 28m 325 7m 327 19-20m 334 20m, 25m 357 7-22m 358 7-23m, 15-17m, 30-33m (Linnaeus) 359 5-6u, 19-20m, 26-29m 373 22-27m 397 4-13m/6-7u "especially \distinct", 14-29m/25-26u<->/28-29«^ 405 2-2m, 26-22m, 26-29m, 20-25m, 30m 406 26-30m 408 2-27m, 19-20m, 29-30m 409 4-7m 411 28-22m 413 26-29m 415 21-27m 421 zb 478 9-15m/8-12w Think over this 484 28-22m 486 ll-16m/13-14u*+ 487 8-20m, 20-22m, 29-32m (Latreille) 488 20-21m, 23-28m, 27-28m, wb This is opposed to my notion of formation of genera. Think over this Extension in this case must depend on adaptation to some peculiar food & not to any general superiority over congeners- 489 2-22m, 17-18m, 23-32m, wb My notions require that number of individuals & species & genera shd in some degree accord which is doubtful.- NB Comparison can be instituted only when there is struggle. Diptera & Coleoptera cannot be compared 490 2-6m, 22-25m 492 3-7m 494 2-2m, 9-2 2 m- (MacLeay), 12-16m
[page break]
496 22-27m 497 l-5m, 21-22m, 25-28m 498 4r-7m 500 3-6m/4-5u++ 508 19-25m 512 25-27m
KIRCHHOF, F. Das Ganze der Landwirtschaft
Leipzig & Torgau; 1835 [CUL]
beh, br, f, fg, he, mn, sp, sx, sy, tm, v, wd, y
NB A very poor book with wretched
♦ 1 to 56; 79; 88,90 Geese - large in
Pomerania small in Poland; 104 Duck lays
30-36 eggs; 111-114
April 1857 Nothing except above Ducks
good to quote in Ch. 4
6 Polish swine broad stripe down back
related to young wild swine being striped
3 ll-12w swine with undivided hoofs 26u "6\Junge"/w wild swine 4 wb Breeds differ in size short feet bowed back power of fattening 5 12-17w great difference in size of wild swine 19w Races 24u "101Junge", 26u "seine I Glieder"/26-27w fine hair on joints 32u "kurzIKörper", 33u "Ohren", 32-35w short round bodies, long ears, woolly bristles 6 2-3w broad stripe along the back 31u "ist\9", 32u*^, 35u "vielen I sein "/w must be provided with many teats 8 l9-20mi&, 21-25w Do wild breed twice a year? 53 l-2m/w The leg on which roost generally stronger than other! 54 25m, 32w pointed head 34u "kleinen Federbusche", 37u/wbz 55 lw crested 7-10w cannot find way when crest wet with rain 20« "brabantische"Iw Gold spangled 23« "silberfarbige Hahn", 16u "zart I Eier"'/w punctured eggs 27u "DerIHahn", 18u "rothe\ Schnabels "Iw 2 red warts on side of beak 26w Tail-less 33-36w Frill-like Fowls collar almost like Jacobin!? 56 l-8m/w can hardly fly 5-7w Bantams llu/wr, Wu "Hamburgische"/10-23w Cock & Hen have legs clothed like velvet -cock sharp beak: yellow circle & band of yellow feathers round eyes with tuft of black ornamenting ears 22-24m, 24~25w Frizzled Fowl 26u "Kamm I schwarz", 33u "einen\ Farbe", 35-36?'/u "hatIKehllippchen" 57 wt Hen spurs like Cocks 6m/w Dorking 79 wb this tuft cd have been mistaken for monstrosity 88 26-31m/w Geese in Pomerania very large, small in Poland 90 15-20m 104 24-26m/24u "sie I legt" 105 24-17m 111 28-29m/29u "aberI bringt", 30u/wx, 33u "fast I bringt", 35u/wx 112 wt I shd think this man knows very little or nothing of subject) 2u "Schnabel I dick", 3u "Schneppe", 3w Trumpeter 5u "oftIzeit", llu "ihrIfehlt", 22-25m/w Pouters some vars males & females different males being spotted. I
wonder whether true? wb vast number of coloured vars. of Pouters 113 2w Carrier 3-4m/u "Da I entfernen" 114 1-2!flu "einen I Schwann", 29-32m/w Carmelite
KLEIN, Edward Emmanuel The anatomy of the lymphatic system part 1; London; Elder & Co.; 1873 [Down, I] part 2; London; 1875 [Down, I]
KLEIN, Edward Emmanuel, BURDON-SANDERSON, John Scott, FOSTER, Michael and LAUDER-BRUNTON, Thomas
Handbook for the physiological laboratory 2 vols.; London; J. & A. Churchill; 1873 [Down, I, FD]
KOBELL, Franz von Grundzüge der Mineralogie Nürnberg; Johan Leonhard Schräg; 1838 [Down]
KOHLRAUSCH, Otto Leitfaden der praktischen Physik Leipzig; B.G. Teubner; 1877 [Down] p
KÖLLIKER, Albert von Anatomischsystematische Beschreibung der Alcyonarien vol. 1; Frankfurt a.M.; Christian Winter; 1870 [Down, I] p
KÖLREUTER, Johann Gottlieb Vorläufige Nachricht von einigen das Geschlecht der Pflanzen betreffenden Versuchen Leipzig; in der Gleditschischen Handlung; 1761-66 [CUL, pre-B]
beh, cc, es, die, f, fg, gd, he, hy, ig, in, mhp, mn, no, oo, pat, phy, sp, spo, sx, sy, t, ta, v, wd, y
NB1 ♦ Read Muller in Berlin Trans NB2 /& Oct/55/Everything - this Volume fully abstracted & abstracts distributed.-NB3 ♦
What good experiments might be made by mixing pollen together of several kinds.-p.12 Male & Female organs in Hybrid unequally affected.
According to Gaertner (p.273.) when several varieties of the same species are crossed with another species, offspring closely alike; but when several close, but true species, are crossed with another species offspring very unlike. This must be tested in this work, specially in 3 races of Nicotiana.- In the Nova Acta he experimented on plenty of vars of Mirabilis + Jaleppa. but I fear that vars differed only in colour. But Die Classique remarks that Mirabilis Jalep differs only in colour of flowers
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Part 1, 9 22u "4863"'/w pollen * in flower 25m "dreyssig"/27-28u "fünfzig \sechzig"/25-30w 30 seeds from 50 or 60 pollen grains 10 22-26m/xv less than 10 pollen grains did not fructify 11 l-5m/w in cold weather more pollen is required 9-14w in very late & cold season no quantity of pollen suffices 12 wt when all but * one stigma cut off, yet all capsules with seeds l-4m 15 5c<t, llu "'noch I geschlossener", 13u "Gräser", l-22w Know nothing dichogamous plants.- 29ma/ 31u*/26-31m/w/wb Grasses & these are all flowers, which are impregnated, without aid, by contact, & even in the yet unopened flowers!! 17 wt pollen of some Mono & dioic plants fully & others spored on all sides.-13-15m, 25-31m, wb plants with stigma right under anthers. 18 19-23m/w In rue stamens move over stigma 19 7-14w stamens move to stigma quicker or slower according to weather. 20-23w stamens move when anther removed. 21 26u*, 26-30w Malvaceae impregnate only by insects 28u "allein" 128-31m/wb I was astonished good sentence to translate 22 lu/wz, l-9m, 5-9m 29 28-31m, wb * juice, sought by Bees secreted from stigma of Iris 36 4-13w Scrophularia & Antirrhinum lay their anthers on the stigma but are also aided by insects 43 6w V p. 10 next Chapt- fertile= when this season experiment succeeded. 8-10m/8-15w inverse experiment produced infertile seeds but rather larger 10-22m, 17-30w/wb those wh. appear in an unpregnated capsule 20-24m/w in many plants 44 wb seems to think, pollen of foreign & own can together act & produce a tinge of Bastardism this seems possible as 20 grains of pollen are in some cases requisite for any fructification, but not proven.- 47 18-24m, wb What Crown Imperial not much frequented by * Humble - secretes honey from opening to withering of flower
Part 2, 10 23a "Nachricht" p. 43 26-29m 11 wt produced another year 24 ♦ capsules p. 23 4w 8 petals 9-13m/w absolutely undistinguished from reverse experiment 12 4-7 m\w infertile on male side but fertile on female 13 27-29m, 29-30u "einige I weniger" 14 10-llm/9-12w in some parts more than in others rather like to Rust. 16-17m/w some plants more good seeds than others 18-22m, 24-28m/w plants from same capsule differed in fertility 15 l-3m/w differed from all parents 17 20-21m, 23~26m/25u "Fruchtbarkeit", 27u "unterschieden" 18 l-6m/w most of them are more infertile than the hybrid parent 7-9m/w
as if tendency to miscarry was given 22-23m/w<->, 16-21m, 15-19w some seeds, however, produced plants. 13x/wb X All these results are confirmed by (p.20 other, different experiments -> & by an analogous experiment p87) (& by same p. 91-») of next Part; but one of them quite sterile 19 22-14m/w varied 19-23m 20 ll-12m/w did not take at all after perenne 22 l-4m\w fertility much increased 14-21m/w concludes probably that hybrids with some pollen change into maternal form. 23-25w p. 55 of 3d Part one plant came much nearer to Rust. 26c€, 29a '''einen"'/wb genügen 23 20m "Missgeburten"\19-23w= Miscarry? or monster? 22-23w another instance p54 of 3d Part in another cross 24 wt In Hybrids from Rust & Panic, male or reverse the hybrids have no good pollen but female principle yet acts on both A. 22m "gänzlich", ll-13m/w ganzlich means very & tolerably wb A. How unintelligible is this, as this hybrid fructified itself p. 21 prop. pulv. consperso 25 wt* X odd this not taking at all after perenne 4u++] x, 5-12m, 8-22m, 9w two pollens 22m<-> 26 20m«->, 12-16m/w 3 pollens mingled together & not hybrids 29 5-8m/l-8w exactly intermed 9-2 2 m, 26-32rn/w hybrid more flowers plants higher & taller l-23w X this shows that hybrids are well suited in soil &c &c 30 22-13m/7-13w absolutely sterile 31 wt/l-2w or seven-hill tobacco 3m/w var of Mag. + vulg. 17-24m/5-24w Difference from last hybrid * correspond to differs, of 2 varieties 32 wt A gave smaller capsules & fewer seeds, than when this hybrid was impreg. with pure N. Rust, or Pan 5m/15-18w var of N. Maj vulg. 21-24m/22w A 3-5m/^> 33 16-19w & this is a second cross 9-10m/9-15w These two hybrids differed greatly. 36 14c/17c "male" female/9-25w exactly intermediate between male & female 38 6-24m/23u<^/2-24w Pollen quite worthless Capsule began to swell, with other pollen.- 25-31w/wb I suspect, pollen fails in hybrids, easier than female principle 39 5~25w These & other hybrids tend to throw up strong stems in autumn 41 29m "Mit \ Worte"/19-22W finally very like male parent 42 4m/l-6w (quote this) as different as Cat & Lion 43 22-24w V. same experm p119 next Part: 25c "carthus."/x/w barbatus wb Sweet-William 44 wt Yes Does Gaertner mention this? 3-6w seed affected 5-7m, 8-30^>, 27-29m/w A 30~31m, wb I shd think female principle more defective than male.-?? V. p. 117. 45 wt I see in Loudon this is Hibiscum vesicarius = African Irionum = Bladder Kelmia <& these are all right -» 3w&>
[page break]
Cavanilles & Decandolle make this 2 species, but they are evidently very close both from Africa. 4w Kippist thought it very doubtful whether real species 5w reverse 5w Mongrels 5-10m/10u "Hibiscus", lOu "blosse Varietäten"/8-10w Probably 2d Edition of Linnaeus 14-15u "beyden\Seiten", 19-21m/17-21w Like each other in reverse exp differed from each other 24-27w Repeated with same results p. 128 next Fort 28w Cheiranthus p51 fî2u "Levcojen", wb stock-gilliflower ÎÎ2u "Lack"/wb Wallflower (Dictionary) 46 7-9m/5-llw difference in period of flowering in the reverse experiment 16m "einjach", 16u "gefüllt"/12-16w The mongrels were single, the pure-bred were double? 17xx, 23u "anders Iganz"\17-25wX cannot make out in Loudon what species they are wb XX p. 128 second Fort raised intermediate & quite fertile hybrids; hence considers only varieties 47 8-9m/5-llxv quite sterile p. 124 3d Fort quite fertile 50 l-16w refers to individual plants 7-29m 54 l-13w reiterates greater infertility of male side 55 10-27m 58 23-24m/ 24u^/21-30w Generally speaks of * mongrel having possibly lost some fertility, sometimes. 60 wt/l-14w cannot account for varying degree of infertility in foregoing hybrids; even in one case increased infertility though plant became more like mother. 12-14m, 15-16w fruitful on female, but sterile on male side 61 l-31m/l-18w* only some exception to characters of hybrids being intermediate & chiefly in X 12-20m/20u "als I Bastarden" 63 2-4m/4u "VaterIder" 64 ivt Experiments which did not bring offspring, interesting as showing gradation in effect 19-20m/w reverse failed 65 7-8m/io reverse failed 13-14m/u "Die \ Grösse", 16-18m/w seed appeared good 23-24u "Die I natürlichen" 66 12-13m, 12u "Beym umgekehrten", 26-27m, wb capsule fell of when half ripe 67 6-7m/u "'einige I sitzen"\6-Ww Do some remained on * 13-22w gave offspring p58 Fort 2 next year -> 25-30m/w seeds did not appear quite perfect 68 wb see p. 45 to see what species 69 wt/tw Impregnation «a-1^ Hibiscus impregnated by pencil & by insects, during many days was done almost as well by the insects, though they lost some days during rain ll-12m/llu "310", 13-15m/13u "10886"/14u "11237"/15u "351", 24~28m 71 wt/l-25w Pollen of misteltoe expelled into flower before open, & several flies are attracted by the sweet juice on both male & female flower & &c impregnate it 20X, 22u "Stacheln", 23u "unterIzusammenhängt", 28-30m, 29u "Gat-
tungen Fliegen", wb X pollen covered with points & sticks together 72 8-llm/w not by wind 17-25m/w remarks that depending on insects & Birds
Fort. 2 Part 3, 8 6u "Häufig"/5-9w Canaries & Linnet hybrids of fertile. 22u "absteigenden] erstreckt "Ix, wb X This near crossed again by Canary bird twice over.- 9 5w S. Europe 22-14m/13u "Sulz\ Neckar"/w experiment tryed at Sulz Neckar 17-20w Britain & Italy/L 10 wt p. 1-46 in 3d Fortsetz all about Verbascum. 2w England 5w England 20-26w Mem. Mr Herberts letter to me 20-24m/22-23u "grossen \ Blume", 25u "ringste\ Befruchtung", wb Found on many flowers on the 3 plants on two successive summers, that the female of phoenicena, cd not be impregnated by its own pollen, showed no sign of fructification, but yielded seed to 4 other species growing in same country!! 11 wt There were 3 plants of this phoeniceum. 9-10w same on another plant 13-14m/w cannot explain, wb The female or phoeniceums were garden seedlings & p. 41 3d Fort not grow here wild 16 19-30w exactly intermediate 17 l-25w every point exactly intermediate 18 5z 21 7-9mj7-18w colours rather different in different plants & petals of same, not similarly coloured. 23 16-21w intermediate 24 22-23z 27 25-28m/w flowers varied a little in colour 30 12-19w intermediate 35 20-27w intermediate 39 ll-19w anthers held little 24-31w power of growth vigorous, for they flowered sooner than natural 30-31m/wb quite infertile even with pollen of parents 40 l-6w but a half fructified for germen swelled 22u<->/22-15m/ll-18w colours of the autumnal flowers became darker & more like female 41 l-18w intermediate (even in such points as smell which the parent & the other has not at all.— 44 wt only one plant raised 3-6m/w quite sterile 8-28w I observe most of the plants in this Fortsetzung either raised on Hotbeds or planted in boxes in open air, & transplanted into pots 45 lm, 13-15m/13-19w fertility in same degree as in former V appendix 46 12w pot 50 l-4w+ nearly intermediate 24-18m/12-17w later flowers became darker 22-23w+ not quite intermediate wb N.B in former experiments, where no mark characters are intermediate 52 2-22w not intermediate, but does not say after which parent. 53 21ua/20-22w differs in leaves, stem flowers shape of wb p. 19 N. perenne seems distinct in shape of leaves & small sharp capsule of fruit, & shape of flowers 54 7-8u*, 17-29m/19-20w plenty of differences
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26-28iv Habits different Leaves move in evening to stem, wb Certainly these vars. most distinct & only the last said to have been found wild in Tobago 55 l-25w crossed 5 as he believes, varieties of tobacco & found offspring intermediate & quite fertile 24-27tn/26-30w were intermediate in every respect between parents. 56 l-15w* Hyb fruct. more successful Offspring quite unfertile (I think) more fertile than (Nicot. mai.) or vice versa I + believe but cannot make out which V. p. 60 (this Fort:) ll-12m/w varieties of same as shown p55 14-15m/w+ a very little fertile 18u "Hauptsache", 23-25m\ 20-26w differed only as much as the 2 vars differed 28u "geringen Grad", wb X thinks some little of own pollen may have got mixed!? * ? (No according to Gaertner) 57 19-24m/x 58 16-21m/w These failed the year before 16-21w Reverse experiment of last offspring as like to them as egg to egg 60 wt (a) This is very important (though only belief) well grounded/: has shown that N. perenne, N. major var fl. alb.O N • are all varieties by perfect fertility (& not mentioned as species by Loudon), or yet N. perenne seem rather more fertile with N. glutinosa, than other vars. & is 1) Major fl. alb.O 2) Major vulg 3) Transylvan. 8-llu "soI Varietäten"'/m/ w (a) 13-28m/w XX shows that little of own pollen prevents quantity of foreign pollen having any effect. 61 1-llm, 11-27m 62 16-23m/10-23w very little being used, hybrid was produced 73 l-29w In all respects A more approaches male, except in particular p. 77 further on 12-17w A on p78 on sterility male quite sterile, female side more fertile than * 74 2m 77 l-14w this refers to the parent A except in some respects differed from all parents, as in dwarf growth & shape of leaves 78 wt All this refers to parent hybrids marked by an A wt/l-16m/w Essential difference, * (though male side quite sterile), female more fertile (when impregnated with pure pollen) producing 100 seeds, instead of as in parent hybrid only 20-30 seeds 2-13m/10u<-> 79 l-25w These hybrids (in the 3 generation) all (many) closely resembled each other & the Pan. & were nearly with few exceptions quite as fertile as it. 80 14m/wt/l-14w The infertile few, partly sterile probably both on male & female sides. 81 2-31w Proved their fertility by all kinds of crosses & so found they very nearly equate in fertility to Pan: 82 3m 84 27w/wb two of the three quite unfertile 86 1-29w some fertile, some unfertile, though some of the latter came nearest to Rust., in
which respect apparently some variability 89 24-23«; The hairiness & smallness of leaves not common in this degree of descent X in hybrids 29-31m/w Results of these confirmed 90 10-13m/w plants differed * 2 from other & in fertility 4 of other sex raised 10-12m/10-llu "einige I weniger", 27-28m, wb pretty good pollen & left to self produced very good seeds. 97 12-14m/12-24w differs a good deal one from another especially in colour & substance of leaves wb seedlings described at p59 next Fort. 98 28-31x/wb fresh proof of variation in second descent, when crossed with either parent.- 99 7-8w barbatus? see p. 112 23-27m 100 l-18w in all respects analogous to last experiment. 26-31w all pretty fertile except one plant wb The fact of one species by crossing with another assuming such infinitely various new characters is an argument in favour of possible variation 101 2-4mjw some variation in different plants. 10-llw reverse of Exprmt p. 96. 23c "carthus." barbatus 14-28w does not bear so many seeds as pure Chinensis, but more than some experiments hence the hybrid male has more confined fertility as a female, than as male, wb N.B I think this requires more testing 102 7-llm/9w variation 103 14-19m/14-19u± 104 9u/w one of the plants 16-18m/10-21u± 105 5-llw on the whole fertility increased with some exceptions 106 l-6w p. 166 3d Fort another experiment described 5m/w barbat 12-15m/w partially fertile, like hybrid-parent in character 8-19w In my Abstract (p18) of experiments: I see there is D. Carthus & barbatus.- 20m/w Italian = barbatus 107 19-21m/19-20w very like Hortensis 23-26w in Hortensis pure, pollen often not matured 28-31w less fertile than hybrid mother 108 17m/w Be sure to see to Reverse p. 66 next Fort. 19-20m/w of very difficult impregnation 17-20w experiments with different varieties of both *, 24-29u±, wb B Does this case occur elsewhere of difficult impregnation, & yet hybrids so raised, being fertile rather? Has reverse been tryed? 109 3-6w p65 next Fort prop, pulv consperso 15-18u±/w Hybrids 23m, wb* B These four differ, as they are separately described, but they appear to have come from different varieties of Hortensis 110 l-17w in some points after one parent in some after another, in some intermediate Mostly after male. 30-31w/wb Male parent or Hortensis, double. Ill 3-2lw flowers double so that monstrosity can be transmitted to other species. 30-31m/w/wb important, because takes most after * the
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male an artificial variety; Not because the female is also a variety. 112 llm/w a variety of 12m/3-12u> a wild plant on poor rocky ground. 115 20-23m/w pollen partly good 116 wb appears upon the whole to have taken most after the wild male, certainly not intermediate as so generally happens. 117 22-28w female side, was fertile with pollen of other species wd not self fructify wb This seems to show the want of intermediary due to cultivation. 118 wt Vide former Fortsetz p. 43 119 2-5m/w some little variation in the hybrids 120 wt 4fold or 20 lu " meisten"/2-4w most not all 121 14-19w empty, smell bad pollen in some of growing wild - 17c/u "plumar"/wb p. 69 ought to be D. superbus Î —> 122 7u "vervielfältigen Kupfernelke"/w & M llu*/ll-14w & in others Botanic garden 29-20u^, 25-29w & in other wild plant 28uh, 28w & in wb compares this to blight of Oats & suspect it due to weather, so be cautious 124 18-19w see 3d. Fortsetz p114 28-29m/ wb offspring did not flower owing to cold summer 125 10m/wt See Gaertner p273 on Distinctness llm/w England Smith says(?) Loudon says aboriginally S. America 12m/ Ww N. America ll-14m/18u^/ll-21w all like each other & quite fertile & so varieties contrary to Linnaeus wb I see Gaertner gives the reciprocal experiments only i.(a) 126 7-lm/w quite agreed with each other 8-9w Read vars. 23-26m 128 7w Stocks
Fortsetzung 3, 1 wt Experiments carried on * from p. 1 of last Fortsetzung 12%, wb Crossed many Verbasca of that country, & found them fertile, to his surprise, as he thought that plants of same country did not readily yield hybrids. 2 5w No 6w S. Europe 7w Brit 14-15U "Scherben", 21u*/4-9w Never seen * Thapsus & Phlom. growing in same spot though in same country 23w & Thaps. 4 19-24w intermediate 5 16-17w quite infertile 20-21w Reverse p. 12 2d Fort: 20w Britain 21w S. Europe 23-24w exactly like 6 14w England 15w Britain x wb x p35 when crossed with flav. var. colour of hybrid-flower rather darker.- 7 9m 9 ll-20w intermediate 26w sterile 10 2-4w some Mountain flowers 17m/w Britain 17-26w exactly similar to last, reverse of last- 11 3-4m/w Britain 15 13-24w sterile: those in pots, produced larger empty capsules (a) perhaps from pollen of neighbouring plants- p. 20 same fact 24-26m/w Reverse of last wb (a) N.B. In almost every experiment plants saved in hot-bed, & transplanted into open ground & pots; so Wiegmann wrong. 16 1-llw like last, or
reverse, except in leaves, being shorter & with little wing-like projections, as in female 14w Britain 15w S. Europe 24-26m/24-25u<~>/ 26u "strohgelbe", 27-28m/w except in some colour. 17 3-4m/w Britain 19 14~25w intermediate 20 wt/l-4w This shows a negative potential power, & ignores my argument from cucubulus. Thus several cases where one species has not an organ, (as in this case one species hair & the other has not hairs with knobs) the hybrid has it in less degree.- 4-8w p. 24 an analogous fact in stalks of leaves 24-25m/w/wb those in pots near other plants half fructified, but no seeds - (same fact p26 onwards) 21 3-4m/w Reverse of last quite like. 23 17-19m/u "bey\ davon" 24 14w see opposite page 15-25w intermediate 16-19m/w V. ante a X 19u/wz 25 9-12m/w a X do 25-27m/w a X do 29-31m/w sterile 26 8-9m/w Reverse of last 21u "wesentlicher"/22u "nur schienen"/w no great differn 27-28u "sondern \ muss" 28 15-22w intermediate 29 18-22m/19w sterile 31 14-26m/w intermediate 32 18-21m/15-21w intermediate 33 22-25m + , wb* It is evident, from the great similarity between these hybrids & the foregoing ones, that Phlonrides & Tha 34 3-4m/w infertile 7-8m/w reverse of last 20-22m/14-26w quite like last, except in colouring of some of the flowers N.B. One parent is a var 27u "vier", 28-30m/ w intermediate in colour - p307 Positively contradicted by Gaertner wb quite fertile 35 wt Even Babington allows that there are two such. vars. lu/wtx, 5-7w wild Natural variety (a) 8w%, lOu "beträchtlichen Anzahl", 12u "nicht Art", 15-16m/w case of var. wb (a) It is biennial - grows wild close together, yet during 4 years found they came true; in some districts, only white vars.- Why do they not cross naturally? very strange. Like Hollyock case. 36 12-14m/l-14w corollas of many of these hybrids fell off the unopened flowers. 17u "fünf\Gattungen", 16-18w only native species 37 20-22w self formed hybrid 39 wt insects visit all Mulleins, but no hybrids, because own pollen strongest effect lx/2u "zur I bei/tragen"jw especially assist 27-30m, wb says he has shown by certain experiments that species will take only own pollen, if two blends put on together.- 41 wt V. phoenicum, which grows in Lower Saxony & Silesia near Kalw, is sterile on the male side with itself (as said at p. 20, 2d Fortz) 4-8m/x, 9-10u " von \ selbst "/w + & yet it seems it had pollen. ll-15m/10-21w 2 always fertile in one plant 15-22m/15-18u±/19-20u±/ 21-22u±, 23-25u± 42 l-4w self-formed Hybrids.
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6x/7u/wz 44 wt all hybrids of Verbasc. sterile (yet easily male CD.) 2-6m, 13-17w sort of half fructification 21x, wb wd appear as if quicker growth, longer flowering &c was property of * all hybrids.- especially of those that properly flower the second year or die 45 wt hard to explain strong vegetation before flowering: the permanence of flowers explicable by their sterility 2-4x, 4-7mjx 46 18~22w 1. 2. 3. V. p. 53 24u "sieben''/w z 25u "noch höhern"'/25-27w yet higher fertility wb z These do not seem to sport. 47 2-6w 1. 2. 3. 4 8u "zehen"/w z 13-15m/w some few bad pollen-grains in autumn 23w no offspring 48 l-9m/w did not differ from hybrids between Pan & Rust 23-29w sterile. 2 of the plants differed from a third wb NB in bringing back a hybrid to either parent, does not appear favourable to sporting 49 14w 1 16w* 2 17w Spring from self sown seed wb This & following appear extra fertile; is there any difference between first cross of Pan & Rust, & reverse? 50 2-7w some with more seeds and some with less 51 9-15w 1-1/2; 2-1/4; 3-1/8; 4-1/16; 5 16-17m, 25~26u "durch\ Merkmal" 52 13-19m/x/wb probably some plants may be changed in more or fewer generations - x probably this facility is in proportion to the fertility of the hybrids. 53 10-16m/xx/19-20u " aus \ Kräften", wb xx important; the gran-children, of themselves, without crossing come nearer to Pan (as if crossed again with Pan. as in XX) 54 4-8m/ w now more resembled each other 14-16m/w not very fertile 56 5-7m/u "denen\ Unterschied", 15-20m/w these hybrids came into flower sooner than either parent 28-30m, wb Hybrid pinks often arise naturally in gardens & cross much 57 20-21m/w (a) 23-25m, 28-30u "da \ erstreckt"/w Pinks!! wb (a) This unnatural case of pollen not being mature in time often happens with native pinks when planted in gardens 58 16x112-16w p. 99 2d Fort same as Dia. carthus. 59 wt (a) These hybrids self sown, become * partly more sterilized or partly more fertile in seeding themselves, but offspring sterile & tend of themselves to return to * side of Barbatus 5-8m/w (a) 25u "Forts. I unter", 28-30m, wb become very like mother-plant & assumed fertility by self action 60 7-llw supported by reverse 61 2-4w less fertility 62 17-19m/x, wb - hardly differed from Hort. & was double, so that these varieties produced full effect on a compound hybrid.- 63 29-23m/w differed & double on double calyx 64 8-14w intermediate 17-22w vary in colour 66 lu "Ansehen I Samen", 14m, 21-28m/23u
"vielen "/24u "einige "/25u "einen I etliche "121-27w very few capsels with very few good seeds 67 7u "einfach"/9u "gefüllte"/8-llw varied much 2 double 18-19m\22-24m\19-26w resembled one in reverse experiment & greatly resembled the reverse cases wb* Does the homogeniousness of reverse experiments hold in varieties, as well as species? 68 18-21w varied in colour ail single 26-30m/x/wb xx took much after Hortensis: thinks in 3 or 4 generation wd be undistinguishable- 69 13-15m/xx 70 2-3u*^\ l-16w D. chinensis two varieties can be impregnated with D. superbus (a native) as * surely & fully as with own pollen. 72 2-17m/Zw wonderful how intermediate in every point, even the colour (wh varies) these hybrids are; yet we kn. one a wild species, other cultivated varieties, wb (a) Pollen of these Hybrids partly good partly bad, yet impregnation of parents sure as in pure D. Chinen 73 2w (a) 3-5u++, 10-llu^/9-21w inherited doubleness strongly more or less inherited Yet wild male & inclined to be- hose in hose - colour darkens in Autumn 25u "in I sich", wb Could never self impregnate them; but produced when begottened by other species & by seeds 74 wt/l-12w duration of flowers & power of vegetation shows their hybrid origin, as in other instances. 25-27m/ wb Doubleness hereditary from female as well as male side 75 29u "durchgehends", wb On male side quite sterile, on female with other pollen produced some seeds. 76 15w p108 16-23io intermediate 77 13-18w self infertile but fertile with pollen of superbus 78 7-12w intermediate 26-23«; self-infertile but fertile with Hortensis 79 l-4w Both these & reverse of difficult impregnation. Reverse of last 5-15w intermediate & like last 19w variety 20w wild growing wb barbatus is Sweet William 81 12-18w intermediate 82 2-7w quite sterile 9w variety lOw wild plant 83 5-26w I cannot tell whether intermediate in colour seems to take after chinensis - sterile 84 16-24m/4-28w Varied greatly in colour -doubleness strongly heredetary 85 wt Though species & simple varieties, take intermediate colour, when crossed, yet those which have been much cultivated, sport greatly l-23w has carefully self-impregnated some much altered Varieties & finds offspring sport much 5-29w So that this analogy has not escaped him- 13-17m, 15-16u "nicht\Sorten", 19-26m/x/wb & thinks long-continued changes of conditions tends to destroy the balance * preserved in ordinary generation, in form colour &c &
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everything as in hybrids of the first ascending or descending degree 86 27m, 18m/w double 19m/w wild species 27m "zehn", 28w 10 hybrids 87 l-31w X|| strictly intermediate, even in colour, but also the flowers double, so showing strength of double hereditariness!! 88 25-26m/25u "kein\ einfachen "/26-27u "vervielfältigten I geßllen "/ 23-26w Not one simple 89 l-4w quite sterile on female side. 92 wt/l-lOw intermediate -in some few points apparently less like male or chinensis Q 15-16m/Q 17-20m/w considerable fertility on both male & female side 21-22u "wenn\Saamenstaube", 24-25u "zwanzigIziemlich", 31u "nach\von" 93 l-10w about 1/3 of natural seed & next to [63] the most fertile hybrid he has raised 13m/w Loudon makes distinct 13-16w thinks a var: of D. deltoïdes a wild species 24-26m/24-30w form of petals a little different in D. glaucus from D. deltoides 94 wt (a) sowed seeds of wild D. glaucus & sometime a red flowered plant came up like D deltoides * Both British & considered by Loudon as distinct 5Q 8mjw (a) 96 1-3«; intermediate 6-7w quite sterile 16-26w supported strong vegetation = theory of all hybrids whether quite sterile or partly fertile 97 wt/l-5w B. This experiment produced much good seed; which surprised him, as this hybrid impregnated with D. Hortensis gave none. NB is perhaps explained by great fertility of D. plum sib with D. chinensis (p.43) So that a third species is more fertile with the hybrid, than one of the parents 6-8m/w B 9-12xv ought to be repeated to be trusted. 98 22-16w intermediate 99 5-8w offspring differed considerably in every respect from same capsules 100 12-17m/w sterile except in one, some good seeds. 101 12~13w Another example 23a "der"/zv 1st 14u "S.32" 102 2-18w The two hybrid plants differed in colour & in some other respects wb confirms remark, that hybrids in second generation with other hybrids not so constant, as in the first cross 103 6-8w fertility of some increased 15-16m/15-26iv wild species yet does not seem to induce its form in this cross with any particular force. 104 25-28m/w fertile with self by self 105 22m, 19~26m, 26u "zwergartige"/w dwarf wb 3 plants differed in colour * two approached nearer to D. barbatus & one to D. chinensis.- 106 l-19w similar hybrids from 2 reverse experiments sported & two leaned to D. barbatus 24-31w seems no rule in the variation of such hybrids 107 l-3m/w tendency to be dwarf 109 wt seems to * say, that, as in a hybrid,
the male or female side is most fertile, so will its offspring take after that side. 7-22m 112 ÏÏ2-lm/wb 2 differed * 3 hybrid generation 113 24-31m/12-29w repetition of old experiments 114 27«*/28u*/2-24uj intermediate & quite sterile♦ fertile: & hence varieties Loudon makes out diff. shrubs & plants China & E. Indies 25-26m, wb Hooker looked to these Hibisci for me; those now thus named are very distinct & really very distinct in appearance & male even into 2 genera: case cannot be trusted 116 wt A) Hooker found for me, that Mat. incan & annua are thought vars. by R. Brown & Bentham says M. glabia is also only a van So case fails 4-6m/l-6w thinks infertility shows these distinct species 18-20m/w Make a list with reference to X Hunt out these vars 18w = Mathiola in Loudon A. 23u "Winter \ zu", 24-29w/wb Gaertner has not tried this, Note given in K. to reciprocal cases of M. annua & glabia p. 7061O 27w so that 3 reported species are distinct wb x Resembled each other in inverse Incana is Purple stock, annua ten-week stock. 117 29-20m/w as fertile as two parents 26-29m, wb Must be considered as varieties, though flowering at different times duration of flower & other differences. 118 wt Impossible to make anything out in Steudel Mem. species not in Loudon l-2w Sida Not experimented on by Gartner 10-15m/7-10w fertile hence varieties intermediate 19-21w cannot be traced in Sageret 22-26w* Compare with Sageret. 119 wt Hooker allows these two Aquilegias probably distinct 5-6w intermediate & fertile 8w varieties 17m/15w Columbine 22w double 24u "einfach"/w single wb I see Gaertner p365 experimented much on Aquilegia & nearly all (i.g.) (but no Ks.) with many species: ♦ Now Hooker thinks all one species; has he published? 120 14-15u "stark verveilfältigen"lw V very double 122 l-15w Greatly varied * in colour & doubleness. 18-27w as in inverse & varied as in do 123 wt Attributes the great variation to the cultivated state of the garden Columbine: supports statements at p. 85. 10-llm/x/u "undIFruchtbarkeit"\w not small * fertility x 9-Um^, wb/17-31w Some might think these hybrids p49 might be self-propagated for perpetuity; he does not believe, as seeds somewhat less, or doubleness only right number in parents, also from the tendency in many cases to return to either parent form 124 22w Hyosciamus 23w p46 125 8m 127 19-27m/10-31w I have not well made out following
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pages, wb In Syngenious plants, the pistils head down & touch pollen * C. Sprengel I shd think did not know this 130 22-24m 131 9m 134 l-6m/l-15w wonders at the movement, as he thinks impregnation * happens by insects alone 136 27-31m/w On Pollen 152 l-18w pollen in water, when swelled, does not burst in many genera
KONINCK, Laurent Guillaume and LE HON, Henri Recherches sur les Crinoïdes du terrain Carbonifère Bruxelles; Académie Royale de Belgique; 1854 [Down, I by Koninck
NB 55
55 4w9
KÖRNER, Friedrich Thierseele und Menschengeist Leipzig; Otto Wigand; 1872 [Down]
NB 0/ P
KOWALEWSKY, Wladimir Monografie der Gattung Anthracotherium Cuv. 1. Theil; Cassel; Theodor Fischer; 1873 [CUL, I] ad, dv, phy, tm, ts
SB «►
147 The older pari- & impari-digitata have
collar bones much more alike than they have
now - gradual divergence
147 thinks changes very stow (ie slow)
153 thinks reduction of 4-toed to 2 or 1 toed
wd be grt saving, for reduced blood-vessels
183 much about adaptive & unadaptive
» What I do not understand
137 25m 145 13m 147 wt The older forms of the paridigitata & imparidigitata have collar bones much more alike than at present day - gradual divergence- 2-16m, 35-41m 148 8-9m 149 23-26m/25u "Choeropotamus" 151 27m 153 11-21 m, 37-40m 154 6m 161 35m
KRUSENSTERN, Paul von Wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungem auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843 St. Petersburg; Carl Kray; 1846 [Down, I by Murchison] p
KÜHL, Joseph Die Descendenzlehre und der neue Glaube München; Ackermann; 1879 [CUL]
title page tut Febr P
KÜHNE, H. Die Bedeutung des Anpassungsgesetzes für die Therapie Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1878 [Down]
KÜHNE, Wilhelm Untersuchungen über das protoplasma und die Contractilität Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1864 [Down] p
KUNTZE, Otto. Methodik der Species-beschreibung und Rubus Leipzig; Arthur Felix; 1879 [Botany School, I] p
KUNTZE, Otto Um die Erde Leipzig; Paul Frohberg; 1881 [Down, I] p
KURR, Johann Gottlob von Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung der Nektarien in den Blumen Stuttgart; Henneschen Buchhandlung; 1833 [CUL] ad, beh, che, fg, gd, mhp, mn, no, oo
NB w^O
SA <pp. 28-29) Qß
Jan. 19 1861 Abstract of whole Book He asserts that Cruciferae are unfrequented before flower opens (Kurr) (over) •»
Jan. 13th/61/Nectar an excretion - as seen in Legum. & Laurel - see also Kurr for other cases- In Bracteen & flowers later produce only when sun shines - sugar is highly oxidised, & is not oxygen exhaled when sun shines.- Nectar is sought eagerly by various insects - C.C. Sprengel, finds case that it is excretion in various parts & organs within flowers & its very general presence in highly organised plants (see Kurr) was of special use to plant by attracting insects- He erred in supposing that these visits were for self-fertilisation; though in many cases necessary for self-fertilisation (a) & for various of the Dioicous plants. The real object as shown by many general considerations is to ensure occasional cross- But true as it in those flowers, as Papaver &
(over) & Verbascum (Kurr) no nectar, yet these genera naturally cross - I suspect pollen-searchers do the job - But there are some as grasses, conifers, on pollen of which insects do not seem to feed - here wind both unites dioicous & crosses the hermaphrodites - Often have feathered pistil without pollen in adundance - dangling anthers - open petal flower &c &c- & no nectar (except Poa aquatica probably) Think of number of Insects which feed chief on Nectar!
[page break]
(a) A hermaphr plant not self fertilising itself
& thus requiring insect agency is in fact for
same object of crossing
SB2 Qß ^
Nectary p. 129 p133 V tricolor Delphium
(over) & Abstract of Kurr on Nectary Jan 14
1861 1
p.17 Cyperaceae & Gramineae Junceae no
nectar Arum none (false) - p34 Rumex,
Atriplex none Rheum has 36 Plantago none
25 Calyx of certain Iris secrete Nectar
29. Up_ of Butterfly orchis secretes before
flower opens ||^ throws light on secretions
in Listera &c
28* Bracteen of certain orchids secretes
29 Cypripedium no nectar!
-<§•> 79 Polygala vulgaris none; yet I have
seen Hive-Bees smelling shows how rarely
secretion happens So Viola same facts
Small flower with nectar Veronicas (44 Myosotis) 54 Galium 2 spe. & Asperula/64 Epilobium hirsutum & Montanum) 79 Stellaria & Sagina procumbens/83 Draba verna/
Verbascum none (yet cross naturally) -Solanum tuberosum & parent none
42 Syringa vulgaris none? whether in own
80 The fruitful flowers of Viola have no
corolla or nectary - (probably self-fertilisers)
In Cruciferae generally fertilisation in compound flowers- & Honey after fertilisation = some error =
Papaveraceae (they have the guiding mark of C.C. Sprengel) no nectar
95. Amentaceae * (except Salix known to
be visited by Bees.) no nectar. Or Coniferae
Good as showing use of nectar in several
cases as Graminae Cyperaceae. &
Coniferae when we see structure & pollen
strong that wind is agent No nectar
(over) 99. List of plants without nectar
102 Nectar rarely secreted before pollen
shed but last afterwards
115 cases of nectar secreted outside of
flower (does not know of many cases)
124 cases of Orchids which get no seed
when spurs cut off.- but opposite cases
given in note
126. Viola tricolor bore seed when spur cut
off probably bees do not see & are guided
by flower - so with Corydalis later
129 general conclusion from 441
experiments barely lessened seed.-
131. some orchids bore fruit when corolla
cut off
133 V. tricolor bore fruit 135 General
conclusion that cutting off corolla did not prevent flower producing fruit! 138 to 142 General conclusion of whole Book on use of Nectaries - All spoilt by not knowing of use of Crosses.
12 wb@ KrultzO 17 3m/w Arum must have Honey llw none 1\15-10w none Poa aquatica must have - one Moth frequents 19 4w none 22 15m/u "beiden untern" 25 1Î24— 22m 28 5-lOm/w No Honey look at night— ÏÏ7~4m/ît6u "Bracteen" 29 2-5m/w lip of Butterfly orchis before flower opens 18m 32 7-15m/x/w Proteaceae with nect on one side 34 "Rumex".x, "Chenopodeae" .x 36 "Plantago".x, "Primula".x 38 l-10w Bees wd not go where the nectar accumulates.- ie in Nectar pollen tÎ9-8m 39 5-15w Veronicas, though so small secrete Honey 40 "Verbascum".m/w X Yet cross so readily! Naturally moveableO by pollen-searchers "Solanum".m/w none 42 "Syringa".m/w none 44 "Myosotis ".m/w small flower 45 ÏÏ8u<-> 49 "Apocynum".m 50 ÏÏ18-14m/ÏÏ17-16u "welche\ SaftmaV'/w receptacle 51 "Pyrola".m 52 1-lm/ wt shows secretion of pollen relates to opening of flower 3-8m 54 "Galium".m/u, tt3-lm 57 l-4m/4u "untere\ Hälfte", 16u "der\ umgibt", 19u "ihnlumfasst" 64 "Epilobium".m 65 "Potentilla".m 66 "25"m 67 5-6m/6u "Saßabsonderung I dem " 71 "Melianthus ". m/w latent 74 ÎÎ4-2m 75 l-2m/lu "ist einseitig" 79 "Cerastium" "Spergula".m/u, "11 ''m, "12"m, "13" m, tll-9m, ItlOu "keine Honig"/w Bees frequent 80 tÎ20-2m/1Î2u "einigemaU wurzelständigen" 83 "9"m 85 "Cheiranthus".m/ !/u± 86 "Papaver".m/w Yet cross naturally 88 "Anemone".m/u 95 "l"-"4".m, "7"m, ÏÏ4-lm 96 3-5m 97 a "27"m,"44"m 99 wt Poppies have mark at base of petals to guide Bees 6-7w Eliz has plants/uA, %w Anemone remarkable exception cover up Anemone 100 3-5m 101 Ü14-8m/w good for looking to Pistil 102 9u "höchst selten", 22u "gleich häufig", tw Nectar very rarely secreted before pollen shed but sometimes lasts after fertilisation. Present in dioicous plants 103 î\18u/wx, tl6u/wz, tl4-10m/w Nectaries become regular in double flowers 104 12-16m/15u "Orchis I maculata "/l 7u "sehr I absondern "/w Nectar receptacles present where no honey!!? These, I suspect, are cases of secretion at odd times. 21-24m/w doubts whether they serve as guides to insects. 115 ÏÏ6m/& "heisser", ÏÏ12-6m/Zw Secretion of sugar by other parts of Plants 119 7-10m, 14-17m, 20-22m 120 2-22m, ÏÏ22?/u "Viehwaiden", \ÏWu/wx 121 2-6m (Sprengel)jw
[page break]
(a) wt (a) First who saw use of nectar to temt insects 124 5-7m/w O. conopsea bore no fruit 8u "15", 9u "nur\an"l8-9m, ÏÏ6-lmfw contrary result 126 wt Nectarys cut off 22-12m/u "alle \ reife"/w It is clear Bees do not perceive when nectary cut off.- 127 8-9m 128 "27"m, "30"m 129 14a "Versuchen" with nectary cut off Xw before the whole cutting off nectary hardly lessened Seed. 130 wt^ Orchids Cutting off flower Îî22w^ "keinel trug", fl7w "Blumen I Kelch" 131 wt corolla cut off 4u "sind gereift", 8-9u "aberIFrucht", 18u "eine Frucht", 21u^ "Hälfte" 133 5-6m, llm& "Blumen \ Früchte", "Viola".m/m^/w (a) wb (a) Could he have artificially fertilised these flowers? 134 "69"m^/!/u "sielSaamen" 135 "76 "m^, "77"m^/u "Fruchtbildung", "11"m 138 7-lOm/wt says as he cut off corolla &c & yet plant bore seeds yet cannot argue that these parts useless so he says with Nectarys tl4-2m, wb argues against Sprengel, because in most honey-secreters no help is wanted (does not think about crossing) he has proved in many cases no help wanted. Because many are fertilised in bud, as Campanula!! 139 2~6m/w no help wanted 7-9m, 10~12m/w Nectar fails in many dioicous plants. 16-17w B 19u "solhabe", Ü17-lm/Ü10-8y±, wb B Believes insects necessary for some dioicous plants, but cannot believe so important an office left to chance! 140 l-4m 141 5-9m 142 tÎ8-2m, wb Secretion of nectar, he concludes, relieves flowers, like menstruation, before seeds are got.-
KURTZ, F. Die elektrischen und Bewegungs-Erscheinungen am Blatte der Dionaea muscipula Leipzig; Veit & Co.; 1876 [Down]
LABILLARDIÈRE, JJ. de Relation du voyage à la recherche de la Perouse 2 vols.; Paris; H.J. Jansen; 1791 [Down, pre-B] p
LACEPÈDE, Bernard Germain Etienne de
Histoire naturelle des cétacées 2 vols, in one binding; Paris; Plassan; 1809 [Down, pre-B]
NB 242
vol. 1, 239 22-24w 242 9-27m
LAING, Sidney Herbert Darwinism refuted; an essay on Mr Darwin's theory of "Descent of man" London; Elliot Stock; 1871 [Down]
NB 0/
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres 1st edn, 7 vols.; Paris; Verdière; 1816-17 [CUL, pre-B, onB?] gd, sy, tm
vol. 1 NF Have
(untranscribed w are page-number references;
vol. 2, 17 2w, 13w, 17w, 24w, 25w 18 lw, 2w, 3w, 6w, 8w Order Polypes Tubiferes 405 415 22 8w, 14w 71 zt 90 8-12m, 9-23c/15w (a) wb<^ (a) Flustra is stony & entirely membranous 91 17w, 18w, 19w, 20w, 21w, 22w, 23w, 24w, 25w 105 llw, 12w, I7w, 22w 123 25-27m 449 6w, 7w 457 2w, 19w 458 7w, 15w 504 9~10m 527 2w, 9w 528 Iw 530 14-18m
vol. 4NF»
Hymenoptera 38; Neuroptera 179; Orthopteras 229; Coleoptera 266; Dom. 272; Frim. 275; Tetrar. 283; Heterom. 366; Pentam. 437; fil. 439; clav. 532; Lamell. 564 42 25w 43 3w, 12w, 18w, 24w, 28w, 32w 123 Ww, 14w, 18w, 22w, 25w 185 19w 227 32-32m 234 8w^> 240 wb caught a specimen 370 miles®> from coast of Africa where it must have come from 248 15-18m 272 Ww, llw, 12w, 13w, 16w 284 14w, 21w, 25w 285 2w, 4w, 6w 358 23~26m 367 20w, 27w, 30w 368 2w 397 5w 399 lw*s> 439 lw, 4w, 7w 440 14w, 18w, 20w, 24w, 27w, 29w 492 27w, 28w 493 3w, 13w, 14w, 15w, 16w, 20w, 22w, 25w, 30w, 31w 494 3w, 4w, 6w, 8w, 9w, 13w, 14w, 19w, 20w, 21w, 25w, 28w, 31w, 32w, 33w 532 ÎÎ2tt> 533 2w, 6w, 9w 566 8w, 9w, llw, 14w, 18w, 19w, 23w, 30w, 31w, 32w 567 2w, 5w, 9w, lOw, llw, 13w, 19w, 22w, 23w, 24w, 26w
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de Histoire naturelle des animaux sans- vertèbres 2nd edn,
[page break]
revised by G.P. Deshayes and H. Milne-Edwards, 11 vols.; 1835-45 [CUL] ad, af, is, mhp, t, ud
vol. 1 NB1 It is doubtful whether Lamarck
has done more good by awakening subject,
or harm by writing so much with so few
facts .-
This volume no facts, wild metaphysical
speculations - very poor
vol. 7 - Land-Snails on Islds
Nothing else in whole work March 1857
NB2 March 1857 Nothing
111; 112; 114 to 116; 126; 132; 134; 151;
152; 153 to 165; 197; 249
287 On analogies
111 27-28m\28u^ 112 10-llm, 12-Um 113 28-33m, wb Owen gives Rept (Rept Brit Assos) as strongest case of wide range of perfection 114 30-35m 115 19-23m 116 29-31//3ÛU "perfectionnement" 126 34-36m 132 2-18m, 23-25m 134 12-14m, 18-20m, 28-33m, wb Milne Edwards 135 22-25m/H 151 20-24m 152 l-12m/w evidently has no notion 9-14m 155 18-23m, 19-20w+ 156 l-16m, 4~7w only proofs 157 Im/u "loi\observation"l'.!/wt Because use improves an organ, wishing for it, or its use, produces it!!! oh - 158 5-6m, 24-25m, 26-27m, 30-31m 159 3m, 4u "habitudes I prises", 5-12m/w this is nonsense applied to Plants, What makes them acquire a habit 13-18m/15-16w Base of theory 20-23m/21w oh 163 14-16m 165 7-19m\llu "peulplus", 31-36m/^> 166 33-35m Vil 32-36m 249 l-5m 287 l-3m, 4~llm/9w 288 27-18m 288 7-12m, 16m
vol. 5, 646 33-36m, wb V. Thompson Zoolog. Researches No 3 p69 651 22-28m 652 18-21m/18u/w<£
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de Philosophie zoologique 1st edn.; Paris; Duminil-Lesueur; 1809 [vol. 1 only; CUL, pre-B, cover is that of 1830 edn.]
ad, beh, cc, ch, che, er, es, dg, ds, dv, ex, fg. fo, gd, geo, h, he, hl, hy, is, mhp, mi, no, oo, phy, sh, sl, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, ts, v
NB p261 On effects of intermarriage in
preventing multiplication of species
44 It is odd that in animals organs for
conservation of life important, in plants
organs of reproduction - But a flower is
more than organ.
58 good remark how arbitrary the distinction
race & species is.
62 alludes to conditions. [In Preface ask
whether from earliest * age there can have
been revolution of climate corresponding to
the many changes in organisms on earths
Very poor & useless Book
21 19-25m 22 14-18m, 19-21m 25 23-27m 26 8-12m/9w Why? 10-21m, 21-22m/u "ou\ existé", wb Fallacy common to Swainson & Macleay 31 wt X Here seems to think existing series perfect 12-14m, 21-26m/x 32 18-21m 33 26-28m, 27-28m, wb V. p31 38 wb In this Chapter argues that all divisions or gaps are artificial or that the series is either now perfect or has been so - Fallacy - 39 9-12m/llu "parenté" te 10-13m/w why so strong a division? 50 24-28mj? 51 l~12m 52 wb On the importance of relations 55 ll-25m 56 14-25m 57 22-25m, wb Lower animals where many species 58 l-9m, 18-28m 59 16-17m/16u "forment I rameuse", 18-24m 62 21-28ml?, wb Is there any marked difference between races produced in same or different countries, with respect to propagation? 63 1-5m*I? 64 22-26m/23-24m, wb * a want of Proof 68 wt/l-12w The case of acquired hereditary instincts, shows that instincts can be acquired. 3-4m, 10a "tout"/^/8u "sublime Auteur", 21u "nature" 70 21-27m, 24~28m, wb & not isolated pair 71 l-4m/??, 13-15m/14-15m/w Well-said 18-21m, 20-28m, wb Like Lyell in Geology 75 l-7m, 10-14m, 13-27m, wb not well stated 76 2-25m, 10-23m/14w Poor 13u "à détruire"H/wb S. Africa 78 1-26w The similarity of type on old Continents & in oldest seas - does it point to first Creation?? wb Lamarck argues, species of shells, not killed by man, no apparent cause of death; but causes of change are present .-. therefore fossil same species with modern- 79 13-15m, 24-29m/w .: rate of change not uniform in world, except on great scale wb Geologists judge of time by change of species, these changes effect of physical changes (dynamical changes), these we can only judge of by present day - Therefore measure of past ages is reduced to observation of changes at present day .- 80 wb Therefore every fossil species direct father of existing analogies & no extinction except through man!- [Hence cause of innumerable errors in Lamarck] 81 wb On species - argues against permanence, when conditions changing - series branching now or once perfect - no genera - conditions change species & these changes by time become fixed - assumes some more species made by (p.64) by hybridity & fixed
[page break]
by time - wants produce habitudes, the source of actions, faculties & instincts -argues against Egypt case & asks what is 2000 to 3000 years? -/definition of species 75 /doubts any extinct animals! (hence theory must be false XX wb There is nothing about types as Geograph. Grouping 83 9-15m/10~llu "n'offrant \parfait")?, wb nearly all compound animals being fixed, analogy with vegetables- caused probably by * imperfect transmission of will preventing voluntary & coinstantaneous movements. 84 l-4m/? 86 l-4m 89 16-22m/? 93 l-5m 101 wb Speculations 105 11-Um, 21-25m 106 27-27m 107 15-27m/17u "que\le" 108 13-22m 109 9-16m 110 24r-28m 127 25-23m 129 wb -Classification - p. 105. few animals at the limits of classes - animals in series & not ramified p. 109 (quite different from my view) - organs vary in developement & not in same ratio, as the developement of the class to which it belongs 134 27m 135 2-3m 136 2-6m 140 l-27w There appears to me to be some confusion in these ideas of degradation. What makes perfection, except that towards the end wanted. Look at HouseO of Crustacea wb Scale (of many kinds) of complication = on exists. 144 l-3m 145 6-14m, 13-27w Here is the difference between Lamarck & Me 146 5~8m/? 147 2-2m 148 3-8m, wb The economy/*» of world would have gone on without Bats or Ostriches.- It can only be following out some great principle It is clear Birds made preeminent for air. yet if no birds: Mammalia would best take place 149 wb (continuation of p. 148) There limit to this Adaptation. Fish could hardly have lived out of water. Though Crabs - Spiders under water.- 150 wt/l-5m/ ?/w This is rather false; Simply to differ from highest animal, does not prove degradation. Who can doubt superiority of some organs & therefore senses in lower animals 15-28m/w How curiously different from Swainson 16u "palmipèdes"/w Why? 18u "sortant\marcher" 151 6-10m/w as bad as Swainson 155 13-15m/w no links with high classes 156 15-26m, 16~28m, wb* according to his class of argument. This not degradation because mere effect of in 157 5-10m, wb NB Snakes perform the parts of fish, & fish of snakes.-158 7u "odorant"/-^/wb On this scheme of organization lower down it would not be expected to find organs* smell more perfect. But in others as articulates it is much more perfect 217 wbfa This chapter must be looked over again: L. distinguishes between degraded or abortive organs, such as
extremities of Cetacea, & less developed forms -: discussion on this point fills much of this Chapt. wb<& The want of progression in the vegetable world serious fact Lamarck has rather overlooked - Though no doubt vegetable world should rather be considered as one family (not so large as insects) in the scheme of organic beings. 221 23-27m 223 14r-21mjw Therefore not same theory to plants & animals 229 24-28m/28u "formées\ pays"/? 235 16-18m/17-22w are there any facts? I doubt 241 3~8m, 13-16w&> Australia honey-sucking marsupial. 242 l-6m/w Mem. Tucotucu wb Coleoptera wings beneath soldered cases 244 8-13m/9? 246 5~13m 261 22-28m 262 2-7m 266 7-14m, 10-28m, wb Does not pursue this into Geographical Distribution 267 7-16m, 18-27m 268 wb Explains how animals & plants change. Lamarck's/*» theory differs for plants & animals - It is absurd this way, he assumes the want of habit causes animals annihilation of organ and vice versa - ||Explains how crossing presents innumerable varieties of man - & supposes if no distance between men, there would not be many races of man - does not extend this view 376 l-3m/l-13w This shows connection of life with laws of Attraction- 16-28w If food in stomach is vitalized one need not wonder at the power of the womb 378 lù-18m/12-13w crystal 379 19-25m/21-22m 380 l-7m\31 381 wt Have not crystals certain properties common to the whole & not to part? l-3m, l-10m, 4-14m 382 20-21u "toujours \occidentale"\w crystal 25-28m, wb Endosmos & Exosmos purely Physical action 384 l-28w The interruption of ordinary laws of classical attraction most striking character of life 13-26m/wb Other final cause 388 13~26m/ 24~25m 392 6-9m 393 16-27m
LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste de Philosophie zoologique new edn, revised and introduced by Charles Martin, 2 vols.; Paris; F. Savy; 1873 [Down, I by Martin] £>
LAMBERT, Charles L'Immortalité selon le Christ Paris; Michel Levy Frères; 1865 [Down, I]
231 14-18m 233 21m, 24m 256 24-26m 275
12-16m 279 22m P
LAMBERT, Charles Le système du monde moral Paris; Michel Lévy Frères; 1862 [Down]
[page break]
LAMBERTYE, Léonce Le Fraisier Paris; Auguste Goin; 1864 [CUL] hy, sp, tm, v
NB e All used 1865
p.14 M. Gay^; p. 24 no runner; 37 5-leaved curious; 50,51 to p. 63; 76 History 125; 127; 137; 221 •; 230; 244 5 leaved; Belle Bordelaise not a Hybrid 14 6-llm/w Hautbois 24 25-27m 37 17-20m 50 17-20m, 25-31m 52 19-23m 53 24-25m/w Scarlet 57 ll-22m (Hooker) 59 l-2m/lu "c'est \ subalpine", 27-31m 61 4~7m, 16-21m 62 25-30m, 31-32m 76 19-24m 77 35m, wb not hybrid 125 14w 1683 127 28w 1746 29u " citées" l29-31m 137 llu "Pressant" \4-14w 1766 all specs known 5 vars with some sub-vars of F. vesca 173 23-29m 221 24m, 28-33m 230 13-19m, llu "Belle Bordelaise", 28-33m 244 31-34m 245 l-3m, 4-7m 379 23m
LAMONT, James Seasons with the sea-horses London; Hurst & Blackett; 1861 [Down, I] beh, gd
NB 89 Drift wood on Spitzbergen from W. Indies & some N. country 141 Walrus fighting manner of 89 7-18m 141 l-3m 143 9m, 25m
LAMOUROUX, Jean Vincent Félix
Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des Polypiers Paris; Veuve Agasse; 1821 [CUL, pre-B, S]
facing viii table.wcc 5b 32-33m lia 20-22m 107a 20m 107b 19m 108 21m, table 31.w Pavonia table 57.w Modespora table 64.w Cillepora, 12-16 F, 17 18 22 Cill table 65.wt Cilla - table 65.wb Ter»
LANCIANO, Raffaele L'Universo, l'artro e l'individuo Napoli; Tipografia Italiana; 1872 [Down, I] p
LANESSAN, Jean Louis La Lutte pour l'existence et l'association pour la lutte Paris; Octave Dorn; 1881 [Down]
LANESSAN, Jean Louis Du protoplasma végétal Paris; A. Parent; 1876 [Down] p
LANKESTER, Edwin Ray Degeneration. A chapter in Darwinism London; Macmillan; 1880 [CUL] ci, dg, sx
NB male cirripedes the shorter cirripedes the primitive cirripedes
reason for Mites being degenerated Spiders Anclasma Ibla
LANKESTER, Edwin Ray On comparative longevity in man and the lower animals London; Macmillan; 1870 [CUL, I] beh, ct, fg, h, he, in, oo, pat, si, sx, ta, y
NB1 Bears on Natural Selection
p.75 Rate of Reproduction
I think I had better only say after discussing
how long the series of changing cells goes
on (perhaps for even senile diseases) that
longevity is a more difficult subject & refer to
this book.-
NB2 Who has * discussed this obscure
subject more fully than 2 other recent
Pangenesis 31, 36
Longevity & Individuation *
45 longevity •^
do 71 %/&
76 •<£-
Pang - 77, 108* ♦ Death-rate of married
•#? 79 •^
Summary on Longevity -& 87 Summary;
♦ 91 Struggle for existence between
savages perish in old age from starvation -117
120 Destruction by Intemperance; Table p. 114
122 - The struggle for existence includes rearing children
average mortality has increased - 126
128 on Fraser's article
31 16-24m, 28-29m (Darwin) 32 12-20w no, they multiply 33 zt OOOOOOOO wt the last will consume all gemmules in repair wt How many stages of metamorphosis 2-6«; I suppose after a time, same cell reproduced 8-14m/w Gemmules? used up in repair 36 2-llm/w If any gemmule had but limited power of increase all wd be clearer 45 1-Amjw Parrots Tortoise? 71 21-28m 75 28-30m, 28m/ w ? Herbivores 31m 76 17-23m\18u& "generative expenditure" \9-21wgreatly opposed to his belief 77 23m "castrated animals"/12-15m/w They ought to be for they retain gemmules +, 23-29m 79 8-12m 87 23-25m/17-22u± 91 6-2 2 m 108 27-28m 117 5-8m 119 6-8m 120 28-29m 122 17-19m/15-20w that not starved to Death, to marry & rear children 126 7-9m 127 9-23m 128 20-24m, 26-28m/26u "social virtues" 129 29-22m, 30m, 31-33m/?, wb No some differn in constitution same disease not twice catalogue p
[page break]
LARDNER, Dionysius (ed.) The cabinet cyclopaedia; outlines of history London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1830 [Down, I Charles Darwin 1839]
LATHAM, Robert Gordon Man and his
migrations London; John Van Voorst; 1851
af, beh, cc, ds, ex, gd, h, ig, mg, no, oo, sy,
tm, v
NB 49 Man & Monkey compared by
summary, only numerical on Resemblances
SB1 09Î
p.47, 49 (If we cd we shd class Man by
Descent, I think) p. 74
p.62; 70
97 - ♦ Perhaps a decrease or unfavourable
conditions might destroy the intermediate
vars, or the increase of a new & better
variety or species, when formed overtakes
the intermediate vars.
123; 135; 156
•» Latham Man & His Migrations - refer to &
read these passages.
48. Quotes Owen with approval, teeth
offering more valuable character because
not surrounded by muscles.-
69 & 70 good remarks on contrast of sudden
removal and the natural slow movements of
spreading species or man.-
97. Excellent remark (quote in Ch. 6?) on
how during incroachment, one var. will 123
do obliterate intermediate forms: I do not see
force of Displacement .- If one form gains
an advantage over the other independent of
climate, it will overwhelm the graduated
intermediate forms
74 Excellent remarks on classification by
descent & resemblance
135 Clever remark on different climates
which man inhabitants of Cape of G. Hope &
of S. America must have passed through.-
(over) p. 156 contrasts the primary diffusion of
man, with that of subsequent diffusion, when
man is opposed by man - N.B the wide &
rapid spreading of introduced plant is
something like this - its progress are not yet
47 24-27m 49 3-llm 70 l-4m 74 6-17m, 26-27m 75 ll-12m, 15-16m/16a "same" descent 24u "Ethnology", 28m 76 2-7m 97 21-23m 123 26-28m 135 19-27m 145 uA* 205 156 wt But in quite open country man wd increase more rapidly 5-13m 181 8m/u "Comorin"/w Matapari? 191 6-9m
LATREILLE, Pierre André Histoire naturelle des fourmis Paris; Théophile Barrois père; 1802 [CUL, pre-B] beh
NB Abstract of Oct/58/
71 Winged ants * carried low in nest when
it is disturbed
73 Workers try to keep in winged individuals
in nest.
title page wt Latreille died 6 July 1833 71 1-
2m 73 3-6m 140 18w B 143 lw B 150 4w B
151 lw B 156 5w B 159 Iw B 166 7w B 168
8w B 195 2w B 246 7w B 251 6w B 255 lw B
257 Iw B 259 lw B 345 17w 8 (number of
eyes) 347 4m 349 9-10m, 12u "Huit", 26m
LAUGEL, Auguste Les Problèmes de la nature Paris; Germer Baillière; 1864 [Down, I]
LAUGEL, Auguste Science et philosophie Paris; Mallet-Bachelier; 1863 [Down, I]
272 7-11m
LA VATER, Jean-Gaspard L'Art de connaître les hommes par la physionomie new edn by M. Moreau de la Sarthe, 10 vols.; Paris; Depélafol; 1820 [CUL, pre-B] beh, pat, phy, ss
vol. 1, Avis 19m "en 1807" 209 27u "ce\1806"
vol. 3,139 lw Read to p. 162
vol. 4 NB All read
p.15 Camper Book; 17 Sexual Selection; 48; 52; 54; 120 sexual selection; 123 do
194; p. 205 to end Abstracted
p.194, 217 Plate of Muscles 15 19-20m 17 15-17m 48 19-21m 52 7-10ml 7w Buffon 54 4-Um (Maupertuis) 120 22-29m 121 13-15m 123 20m, ll-13w all soft parts 205 4-8m/5-7u "c'est I musculaire", 17u "celui I respiration", 18-20! !/20u "d'une\épisodique", 21u "parole à", 29-30-* 206 7-9m, 10-12m 209 22-25m/w/30m/wb can it have been of service like language voluntary use to express ideas thus coming into aid of natural beginning -> 210 l-4m, 14-15m, 27-30m 211 l-4m/2u "suivant Haller" 221 18-22m 222 2-4m 223 23-25m/w same as corrugator 27-29m/w different from Duchenne 224 14-18m\ l-18w/wt in opposition to the muscles which depress eyebrows in grief & concentrated thought 228 24-26"...", 26a "concentrées"/wb He then adds that these muscles from their attachment & position are fitted * 229 l-2m, l-2u "principale \ physiognomique", 3u
[page break]
"sentiments sombres", 3-12"..."* 230 12-14m 231 25-29m 237 2-3m, 12-15m 244 12-16m 263 3-10m, 18-20m 264 23-24m 274 20-23m 282 24u "noir\sang", 15u "le\artériel" 293 9-llm/15-22m/8-23w is most delicate abounds with nerve & tissues hence perhaps no other part could bleed so easily, & specially liable to be affected by cutaneous eruptions 300 16-18m, 26-29m, 29m 301 3-9m, 17-26m 302 18-27m 303 lu "beauté\ ebene", 13-17m, 19-28m/19u "par I front", 30m 304 2-7m 305 10-24m, 29-22m
vol. 6, 27 zt
vol. 8, 274 18-22z
vol. 9 NB whole volume skimmed; 116 & they hear excellently Pampas; 266 Hope; 273; 278; 289; 293; 295; 299; 300 116 8-13m 266 4-5m, 24-25m 267 27-29m 268 22-23m 273 23-25m 277 fig. 11.w fear 278 5-6m 279 7u "les \même"/w drawing back Wu "prunelle I paraître ", 25-26u "le I autre "/".../w frowning & astonishment together 280 8u "voulant respirer"/l-8m/w If I want to show what rubbish has been written a translation of this will do- 13..." 289 fig. 19/20.W sorrow fig. 21/22/23.W excessive pain fig. 24.w joy 293 fig. 25.W laughter fig. 26.w angry fig. 28.w passion 4a "fermés" ie brought down at each end 3-8u±, 8-llm 294 4u "les I enflées" 295 3u "les I enflammés ", 6-7u "narines I élargies ", 8-10m, llu "grinces", 13-15u "veinesIhérissés" 299 19-21u±, 300 16-18m, 23-25m, 28-30m
LAWRENCE, John The horse in all his varieties and uses London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1829 [CUL, on B] ch, he, pat, rd, v
NB p. 5; p. 9; p. 30; p. 230,234; 265; 283
30 Hereditary diseases of Horses
230 Changes in Fox Hounds Qa>
p.14 Tushes variable in Mare - Variable
5 25-26m 9 28-29m/Q 14 28-32m 30 17-22m,
24-29m 230 9-16m/7-8Q 231 20-24m, 27-33m
234 2-7m 235 23-25z 265 4-10m, 24-25Q 26-
32m 266 8-10m 267 l-3m 283 19-28m 285
LAWRENCE, William Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man London; Benbow; 1822 [CUL, pre-B] beh, cc, ch, gd, phy, rd, si, ss, sx, sy, tm, wd, y h, sx, tm, v
NB cä. p484* 243 Blushing
172 ♦ position Heart - & other organs,
clearly by form of thorax & attitude
Appendix vermiformis 191 ♦
Expression - Tears vented by various
animals - 205
Sexual selection ♦ 272 274 276 Beard
♦ 393 Arabians beautified - Persian Chardin
397 Selection not applied to man (•» by
other men it shd be added)
Ure -» 484 lire's Q a> sense organs.
♦ 437 Pallas on changes of coats of
domestic & wild animals in winter &
452* Eyes of Negros at Birth 317, 319* exaggerate form of Head 337* flatten nose 354 Ears
356 Tattoo females
357 Lips
366 Hottentot women
368 Baboons»» steatopyga
vb 3-9m via 21-24m, 40-55m vib 27m, 57m viia 17-23m viib 2-7m, 22-30m, 24m, 59-61m viiia 10-13m, 20-25m viiib 2-7m ixa 12-16m ixb 2-20m, 15-20m, 43-46m, 53-62m xa 27-34m xb 3-22m, 38-60m 172 l-6m/6w<t 173 22-2Sm 191 9-13m/llw Ateles 204 26-36m 205 7-2 2 m 243 16m/u (Forster) "Observations I 229" 272 3-20m, 30-33m 273 2^m, 8-12m/8u "practice] extermination", 20-21u*+, 25-27 m 274 9-22m, 18-21m 278 5-20m 317 25-31m 319 19-33m 337 30-32m 354 8-26m 355 lu "the I South"/1-Arn 356 30-32m/32u "of \ the" 357 lu "female sex", 19-21m, 24-25u++ 366 23-26m 368 32-34m 393 3-14m/7-llm/10-llw found 20-28m, 31m/u "even I sprung", wb Chardin Ü5".../wb Chardin says 394 lu "on I countries", 8-14m/10..."/w poor 397 25-27m 404 21-27m 405 wb In all parts of the world confined to one stock wb Pallas 437 24-32m, 31u "Siberian roe"/wb Capreoli Sibirici subecaudata 30-33u± 438 32-33m/w & Gligium ordine 1778 451 30-34m, %-lm 452 2-2m, 5-12m
LAWSON, Peter and son Lists of seeds and plants Edinburgh; Peter Lawson & Son; 1851 [CUL, I by W.J. Hooker] v
NB Oct 1857 0/
p.65 Hollyocks; p. 67; 87; 179; Nuts, Currants
& Gooseberies described 206 Synonyms of
fruit; p. 20 Grasses
12a 10-llw&> 16 vars 13b 19-20w&> vars 21
65 35-37m 67 llw How many 87 lw How
many vars. 2w 3-5 feet 4u "constant" 179
23-29m, 35-42m
[page break]
LAWSON, Peter and son Treatise on the cultivated grasses and other herbage and forage plants (bound with previous item)
20 8-14m, 21-29m, 21m 23 3-7m 27 22-23m
LE BRUN, Charles The conference of Monsieur Le Brun, chief painter to the French King, chancellor and director of the Academy of painting and sculpture London; John Smith; 1701 [Down, pre-B]
LE COUTEUR, John On the varieties of wheat Jersey-London; H. Payn & H. Wright; n.d. [CUL, I to C Darwin Octob 1841] ad, cc, es, dg, fg, he, mhp, no, oo, phy, si, spo, v
NB Introduction & p. 1 to 79; p17^
SB vi variability of common wheat.
adaptation to different soils
p. 6 150 vars
12 chance origin of some vars X^
15,16 careful selection of separate ears of
corn in Columella's time & Virgil
52 disbelieves necessity of change of some
seeds but then he studiously varies the
55 1/10 of seed perishes even with greatest
care Q^>
59 on one variety soon predominating over
(good) another in wheat & hence called
degenerating (He has shown how every little
trifle is heredetary) without destruction Q«&
an incorrigible tendency to sport in some vars. Q^
Talavera does not cross because flowers earlier Q
70 Wheat seems affected by climate whence
derived (Evidently believes in crossing)
23 Habit of growth differs
proportion of gluten
64 flower at different periods
79 quality of straw
vi 6-8m/4-12w Henslow corroborates the degree of variation in wheat vii 22-24m 2 2-5m, 28m 3 ll-13m 5 10-12m, ll-13m/!/12u "perfect oats", 19-20m 6 4-6m, 24-25m 8 15-18m 11 15-17m 12 l-4m, 5-6m, 26-27m 13 8m, 17-20m 14 15-20m/19x^ 15 10-12m 16 3-5"...", 5~6m, 9~10m 17 4-5m/4u "similar appearance", 9-15mé?/10ué? "to\sorts" 22 17-18m 24 l-2m, 5-7m, 17-18m 26 22m/u "is\ tall" 35 3m/u, 15-16m 38 8m, 13m, 16-17m 41 16~19m/17u "fourteen"\19u "forty-two" 47 1-3m 52 8m/u "is I idea ", 23-24m 53 4u "grown I land", 5u "becomes]with" 54 5-6m/5u "brickI all" 55 14m/u "one-tenth", 27-28m/27u "seven
varieties" 58 3u "degenerate", 8-9u "has\ quality", lOm/u "less suited" 59 wt+ the same proportion wd exist 2u "were I seed", 4u "be\ degenerated" 60 7-9m 64 6-8m/6a "some" different 6u "some varieties", 23u "A\7" 65 5-6u "threeI ears", 7u "two hundred", 8u "twenty-one"/w 2 9u "eighty six"/w& 3 lOu "and I smooth"/w&> 4 12u "earl discovered", 13u "mixed\corn", 19u "Kentish I seedling", 26u "smooth ears", 27u "appearance]grain" 66 2« "eight\sort", 3-5m/3u "it incorrigible", 5-7m/ 7u "is]pure", ll-13m 67 9-llm 70 9-12m 79 20-21m, 23-24m, 26m
LE COUTEUR, John On the varieties, properties, and classification of wheat 2nd edn; London; W.J. Johnson; 1872 [Down, I]
LECOQ, Henri Études sur la géographie botanique de l'Europe et en particulier sur la végétation du plateau central de la France 9 vols.; Paris; J.-B. Baillière; 1854 [CUL] af, cc, ch, es, die, ex, f, fg, gd, hl, hy, ig, in, is, mhp, no, oo, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, ts, ud, v
vol. 1 NB ^ Index at end of Vol 9-
SA (pp. xv-1; 10 sheäs) Qß except that
referring to vol. 2
Lecoq. Vol. I e> (Put in at end of Vol 9)
8. Number of species & number of
individuals not correlated in Coniferae
%> Red mark cross pollination & Dimorphism
56. Alpine plants often do not mature seed.
80 Saline plants in Puy de Dome !
139 Ref. to Catalogue of Plants of central
France with rarity marked.
«e> A good deal about Tyme-like flowers 2
144 Terminal flowers often different from
159 Natural Hybrids
162 Hybrid Primulas fertile •«&
165 Isid. Geoffroy on close representative
170. good remarks on resemblance of
American & European plants & on Arctic
plants varying much, explained.
182. Increase of Branchiae from use & of
Lungs from disuse in Proteus submerged.
194 Alpine plants bud at fixed time when
197. Vars. of Solidago flowering at different
207. Von Buch on small genera in Islands *
Believe in mutation of species & so Lecoq
209 Land Mollusca of distinct species seen
[page break]
in copulation
250. Lecoq believes in Transmutation
«s> Feb. 7 1877 I have copied all I want for
0 Vol 2.
♦ 162 plants standing very different climates
- Lapland & Greece
199 Atlas & New Grenada plants in comm.
205 Alpine Plants good
283 Forms which have wandered from
289 do.- Isolated Tropical forms
331 species ranging from high to low on
404 Alpine plants
406 do
410 alpine plants; their varieties
412 do
414 do - Middle heights have most peculiar
419 Alpine vars & intermediate vars.
♦ 430 duration sign of Highness he remarks
162 Plants ranging from Lapland to S.
Granada; 32 in number
s' Vol 3
71. thinks annuals highest forms! 72 Only one annual dioicous •'^
75 few monooecious.
76 on proportion of Trees with separated
sexes •^
79 on separation of sexes all good & curious
80 Extraordinary cases of separation of
sexes under different latitudes, like Ivy case.
Imperfection of Nature
94 Imperfect flowers of Violet
102 On diversity in same species in
161 different periods of flowering of same
species on X^(+é?) plain & mountain - a
day for 90 ft
182 flowers which open at night
211. Replacement of one group by another
214 Changes* in plants in pastures
222 Parasitic plants generally on very
different plants — gradation in degree
257 Northern Trees unarmed, by thorns
287 villosity character of plants in warm
countries X^*«^} & not of mountains -
291. dryness most effect
X^(*«^) 405, 7 Piebald flower for crossing,
like Gallesio
410. do striped flowers
& see Back
& Vol. 4.
4 White flowers steadily increase from S. to
11 In Arctic few bright
14 So on mountains
27 On smell of flowers Dichogamy
57 On social plants - to 68 on do
73 do
80 definition of sum of life
86 association distinct from social
207 Association parallel in different regions
233 representative species or vars-
237 parallel species in different soils
239 do
272 On absence of certain forms in Islands
304 on struggle between allied Plants
407 Some sp. of Clematis polygamous D.
425 Some with aborted female fl. 431
470 Shady var. of Ranunculus no petals
482 Ranunculus sceleratus, or Dichogam.
488 Caltha polygamous D
497 Helleborn, probably by insects. D
514 Aconitum a Dichogam
(not CD; A) Vol. V.iuf. CD) D. means
p.6 & 15 crosses wd be difficult
p.22 & 26 Fumaria self impregnated
p.157 Cistus clouds of pollen in early
p.180 •^ (CD) Viola imperfect flowers
alone seed
p.196 Drosera flowers open only in sunshine
p.200 Parnassia D.
p 227 D. p. 241 D.
p 242 Silène five stamens often aborted
p246 D250* 249 D
p 252 a Diochous Silène
p 257 Lychnis
p.273 Arenaria with viscid glands.
p.288 Holostium flowers very sensitive to
295 Stellaria D
305 & 309 Cerastium stamens move to pistil
-317 Linum catharticum stamens move to pistil i/^ (CD)
- 331 - 332, 336, 338. (CD) Malvatiae D
367 Acer eminently polygamous
371 Vine pollen of carried by air American
377, 379, 380. Geranium D. fertilized after
petals fall
397 Erodium D ?
384, 387, 391. Geranium D.
397 Erodium D ?
401 Impatiens dimorphic
411 Ruta fert. by second set of stamens.
416 Erconymus. the upper flower often has
5 parts like Ruta the other flowers having 4
•«^ (CD)
418 Paliurus one of the Rhamnic D.
[page break]
420 Rhamnus Catharticus male & female
trees have different kinds of leaves - is
dioicus & hermaphrodite •'^ (CD)
422 R. infectorius dioicus. R. alpinus ditto
«s> (CD) Vol 5. continued
a (not CD)
424 R. frangula. flowers for the most part
426 R. alituruus. dioicus
468 Ononis, dimorphic
481 Medicago - its fruit twisted either to the
left or right, whilst in most species the
twisting is from left to right. •^ (CD)
513 Trifolium subterraneum buries its fruit.
Lecoq. Vol. 6 1
15. Spiraea fertilised when flower opens
40 F. Elatior Dioicous
88 Potenium - monoicous & yet dioicous in
118 Epilopicum some dichogam some not
so. 121, 125, 126, 128
133 Cricaea do?
156 - Lythrum - species.
160, 166 Byonia, Portulacea Tropical forms
200 Sedum, some species dichogamous
209 Sedum with 2 kinds of flowers differing
in number of petals & stamens
214 Sempervivum curious case of
Dichogamy, showing slow regular movement
of stamen not to impregnate - as in
224 Ribes * sexes separated
262 Sanicula polyg - female dichogam.
266 Eryngium dichogam =ferae
273 do. 275 do, 277, 283,, 289, 310, 318,
367 (not all Umbelliferae marked)
310 Foeniculum central * umbels sterile.
335, 344.
335 Imperfection of structure
371. Hedera dichogam
(second sheet)
Vol 6
376 Cornus - in fact monooecious
386 Adoxa 2 kinds of flowers
402 Lonicera periclymenum fertilised in bud.
420 Rutia (Rutiacea) nocturnal
425 Galium tricorne polygamous
429 Galium anglicum do - day flower
473 Knautia (Dipsacea) strongly poly-gamous.-
477 Scabiosa * succisa do -0 Vol 7.
357 Pyrola minor apparently dimorphic 369 Holly dioicous, sexes unequally separated
391 Menyanthes dimorphic
400 Gentians Dichogam, 401, 403, 406, 407
449 Echium vulgare dimorphic
452 Pulmonaria angustifolia do
504 Gratiola (Personata) dichogam •^
526 Erinus (do) fertilised in bud
538 Veronica spicata dichogam
573 Lathrae fertilised in bud -
& Vol. 8
6 Lavandula fecundation in bud
9 Mentha syrhastus dimorphic peculiar |^
26 Origanum vulgare dioicous by abortion
|^> •^
29 Thymus from Vaudan dimorphic |^
32 Satureia dioicous |^ occurs
37 Calamintha dimorphic, do. |<^ when
44 Hyssopus do |^ almost
48 Nepeta do a> - same as Glychoma |«^
74 Stachys dichogam -
146 Hottonia dimorphic
150 Cyclamen Dichogam. •^
157 Globularia female Dichogam
241 Polygonum flower different in Water &
254 Stellera, fertilisation of
324 Celtis a true dichogam & polygamous
326 Ulmus - do - do
535 Crocus fecundation in bud
557 Asparagus dioicous
& Vol. 9
393, 431 Lecoq believes in Modification by conditions of life
395 changes in kinds of trees in Denmark 411 on single species of group with immense ranges
414 when species numerous, range restricted
423 In Compositae the feather separate from seed!!
128 Juan Fernandez proportion of endemic plants
435 relation of Madeira to America 438 More disjoined species in N. than in Tropics & we can see cause in Glacial 445 Cyperus & Pteris by Hot Springs of Ischia old Tropical plants left there, says 455. All this Alpine plants common to Finland & New Grenada make stage of Alps(?) 482 passage for my Orchid Book on Diversity of Orchids. (I began reading this volume at only p. 386 -
8 23-29m 56 16-22m 80 2-6m 139 24-32 m 144 21-23m 159 12-23m 162 8-14m 165 1-
[page break]
16m 170 7-17m, 26-31m 171 8-10m, ll-16m, 25-27m 182 25-29m (Schreibers) 183 31m 194 17-32m V)7 5-8m/5u "alpestris" 204 18-26m, 32u<r*/w/wb Do my tables show more or less vary, in Monocotyl?? 205 l-5m, 7-llm, 13-14m, 32-> 206 7-12m, 13-Um (Goethe), 30-32m\31-32u^ 207 15-23m 209 25-30m 229 23-32m 250 wt/l-3w From certain other passages, it is here difficult to know how far he extends his belief in the modification of organic beings 4-12m 287 20-28m
vol. 2 p
162 32-34m 199 28-32m 205 20-21m, 23-24m, 25-27m 29-31m/-> 206 2-8m, 26-29m 207 3-9m, 10-12m, 18-23m/19u, 32^ 208 8-10m 283 2-6m/4w which 4-5« "80"/6-10w ask Hooker are these large genera? 7-20m\ 10-llu*-*, 22-27m 289 5-9m, 10-15m, 22-30m 331 22-25m, 25-27w ie plant How little climate has to do with Heather 30m 332 "plupart] espèces"/16u "cette catégorie"/12-17m/w ie plant growing at various heights between 6000 ft 24-25m* 402 8-10m 404 10-12m 405 30m 406 5-20m 410 22-30m 411 6u "par\ Heer", 16w var. 16-T7w all Mountain vars. 412 vot cor-responding varieties & corresponding species 22w, 14w, 16w, 17w, 18w, 19w, 21w, 22w, 23w, 24w, 26w, 27vo species 414 7-14m/9-12w would there be more struggle then? 17-21m 415 l-2m/3w Mntains 419 4-6m, 8-9m, ll-14m 430 8-16m
vol. 3, 71 22-27m 73 26-29mJ29u "dioïque" 75 la/u "monoïques"Jwt or annuals ll-13m, 18u "1:35"lw 1:12 in polycarpius 76 10-llm, 25-29m/wee, 28-29m, wb ie more than a 1/3 of polycarp plants with separate sexes are trees 77 l-2m/2u "monoëcie"/3u "dioëcie", 25-30m 78 9-22m, 27-29m 79 7-8u "particulière] dioïquement", ll-13m, 14-20m, 14-15w imperfection 23-27m 80 2-5m 94 26-32m/28u "intéressant mémoire" 95 5-7m/6m/u "colorées] Hortensia"\w = Hydrangea same as 96 27-30m 102 17-23m\w imported ? by nuts? 161 20-24m/w bears on crossing 31-32-* 162 26-18m, 20m, 21u "vernales" 182 15-19m, 26-32m/32u* 183 2-7m\3-4u "oenithères]épilobes" 185 20-30m 211 19a "gordura" ->1 6ua, 16-19m/18u "graminée"/w replacement of one group by another 21-29m, 25-26m 214 27-25m 215 25m 216 6-1 Om 222 22-24m 223 22-32m 257 4-7m 287 4-7m 288 20-23m 291 22-26m 405 22« "une \ couleurs", 20-32m/20-25u±/w piebald 406 wt (results of the crossing of 3 varieties of colours), 3-4u<^, 29-32m/w perhaps from a cross 407 2-3?«, 16-19m/17-18u "qu'unelpanachures", 21-25m 410 4-llm 411 14-18m
vol. 4, 4 26-31m 5 1-Am 11 7-20w Mem Bates on insects 13 23-30m 14 26-28m/31-32m/25-32w Partly cold in both cases 26 24m, 24-27-w white flowers sweetest 27 24-26m 57 8-9m 58 2u "orchis", 3u "seconds", 14-16m, 22-24m, 23-25m, 32m/u "augmenter" 59 2-2m, 32m 60 ll-12m, 17-19m 61 2-4m, 32m 62 29-32m 67 20-22m (Humboldt), 22m, 25-29m, 31m 68 22-26m 73 l-7m/l-15w I have seen Heath at • isolated shows that they can live separate - bad term "social".-false term 80 25-28m 86 21-25m, 27-30m 207 12-24m, 26m 209 ll-14m, 15-21m, 21-25m 233 30-32m 234 2-5m, 28-32m 237 7-2 Om, 24-27m 239 12-30m 272 2-9m, 22-2Sm 273 6-7w*l6u "Coprosma", 13-18m 293 22-27m 304 ll-16m, 19-32m 407 22-26m 425 28u "Quelques fleurs"\28-31m\wIt is not second distinct plant 431 22-26m 466 22-24m, 22-27m 470 21-26m 482 20-29m 488 22-2Sm 497 25-30m 514 2S-23m
vol. 5 NB Vaucher's Book p. 142 SB 6-15 makes crossing difficult; 22; 26; 157; 180; 196; 200; 227; 241; 243-246; 249; 252; 257; 273; 288 flowering sensitive to light; 295; 305; 309; 317; 325 Linum; 331; 332; 336; 338; 367; 372; 377; 379; 380; 384; 387; 391; 397; 401; 404; 411; 416; 418; 420 to 426; 430; 469; 481; 513; Abstracted 6 20-26m 15 20-23m 22 22-25m 26 6-22m
157 4-20m 180 4-13m/7a/u "fleurs"/w
cleistogam 196 15-20m 200 3-4u "ses I
glanduleux"lw any movement? 6-9m 227 24-
29m 241 9-27m 242 23-26m/24u "iUétamines"
243 27-22m 246 28-27m 249 24-29m 252 6-
8m 257 29-32m/w but will they fertilise 273
30-31m 274 4-8m 288 2-6m 295 2-7m 305
20-22m 309 7-22m 317 2-4m 325 7-24m, 20-
22m 331 22-24m 332 26-28m 333 29-30m 336
l-4m 338 21-25m 367 26-30m 368 2-28m $11
6-14m 377 27-22m 379 23-24m 380 23-27m,
27-28m 384 7-24m 387 2-3m 391 26-29m 397
7-22m 401 6-20m 404 19-22m 411 2-6m, 24-
20m 416 2 6-2 9m 418 26-29m 420 25-29m/w
Mem R. Lanceolatus 422 6-8m 423 5-6m 424
12-13m/12u "hermaphrodites" 426 S-22m 430
l-4m 469 2^m, 29-30m 481 3-8m/5-6u
"plupart des" 513 2-25m
vol. 6, 15 25-30m 40 19-22m 88 15-27m 118 7-22m 121 17-20m 125 2-Am 126 25-2Sm 128 7-9m 133 24-27m 156 2-30m/20-22w p. 158
158 20-25m/20u "déploient]fin"
(between p. 158 and p. 159, tiny fragment of a
160 l-7m/5u "il I stérile", 26-28m/zo Balsanus
another case 162 28-32m 166 2-7m 200 18-
27w 210 206 p204 not so some other
[page break]
species 23-29m 204 10-14m/12w 206 206 26-30m 209 10~14m, 32-> 210 18-23m 214 22-28m 224 13-19m 262 20-23m 266 26-30m 273 2S-22m 275 25-28m 277 2-3m, 35m 283 10-13m/13u "cela\Ombelliferes" 289 26-29m 310 12-17m, 12u "petits \ souvent", 15u "quel stigmates" 313 21-26m 318 20-26m 323 25-17m/17u "avance\stigmates" 333 21-24m 335 15-24m/22-23u "Il I semences "/24u "ne I pZacer ", 27-29m 344 23-2Sm 367 2-5m 371 3-6m 376 l-7m 386 7-14m/w 2 kinds of flowers 15-18m
402 2-6m 420 23-26m/23u "Elle]celles" 421
23-25m 425 5-20m 429 9-12m/llu "s'ouvrent I
sozW 473 3-9m, 4-6u++, 6-9w fertility
because so strongly protandrous. 477 28-
vol. 7, 357 23-25m/24u "inclus \ saillant" 369 27-23m 391 22-24u "dans] cilié" 398 26-20m/ 27u "toutes"lw no! 400 20-23m 401 26-2Sm
403 22-23m 406 15-17m/15u "tard, seulement"
407 22-25m 449 29-32m 452 28-22m 504 29-
22m 526 ll-17m/w other cases of assertions
not always marked 538 14~19m/14u
"indirecte" 573 9-22m
vol. 8 SA (pp. 144-5: fragment of an abstract) are tied together by a few weak elastic threads
6 22-23m 9 24-28m 26 17-22m 29 20-23m/ 22« "La I mâle", 14-16w good cases of gradation 16-18m/17u "toujours]avorté", 20-28m, 29-32m 32 16-22m 33 21-29m 37 2-7m 38 15-26m 40 23-29m 44 20-23m 48 3-5m 74 3-9m 129 23z 141 wb & in Europaeo-arctic contrastO • some not differ • from Keeling & PI 142 2-3m 143 6u "moyenne I australe", 9u "40", Wu "50" 146 7-23m 150 28-22m 157 4-8m 241 l-9m 254 27-22m 324 2-3m, 24-22m 326 25-27m 535 26-29m 557 20-24m
vol. 9 p
395 10-14m, 17-24m 397 25-27m 411 5-20m 414 22-27m 423 14-18m 428 27-30m 431 6-14m 435 2-2Sm 438 29-26m (de Candolle) 445 23u "Tenore", 14-15m, 21-26m 455 30-32m 482 7-9m, 26-31m
LECOQ, Henri De la fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux et de l'hybridation Paris; Audot; 1845 [CUL] fg, mhp, mn, sp, spo, tm
NB ♦ p5 p6 Books Appendix ordered title page 17-18u^ xv l-3m/lu "ébranler" 4 6-25w contrivances & movements of anthers & pistil 5 16-21m/w pollen shed first before flower but contact afterwards 28-34w In Veronica impregnation when corolla falls with pollen at its base 6 3-4w so in Iris 16-19w
Use of Hairs on corolla 9 l-4m/w flower under water & secretes air 16 ll-12u "quandlétamines", 14u "position]organes", 17-20m, 20-23m/21u "une infinité", 25-26u "À I indirecte" 18 23-28m 21 l-3m/lu "habitude"/2a "acquise", 21-23m/22-23u "surtout]nouvelles" 22 11-25-w At Maer Gardens new case of Polyanthus seedlings all sports of Primrose 30-33mj32u "primevères" I33u "primevère"'/w Ch. 4 wb shows the primrose can cross 34 14-20m/w pull petals off double flowers 39 14-23m/17w oh 33-34m (Vaucher) 43 17-22m 44 l-3m/lu "directe]indirecte" 52 30-32m/30u "monoiquement" 53 24-25m, 26u "doit] indirecte" 61 23-25m 70 l-4m/2-3Q 27-28m\ 27u "à\défloraison" 71 2-2m, 6-7m 72 26-27m "stigmate]äamines", 17-19m 73 7-8m 75 2-5m, 15-18m 77 17-21m, 27-29m 80 7-22m, 25-29m 81 15-17m 85 3-9m, 19-21m 87 4-7m 92 20-23m 95 3-5w are these Trees 9-22m, 26-27m 97 2-4m/w& How false 29-30m/30u "légèrement]époque" 99 2-2m, 25-28m 101 24-26m, 2S-20m 102 9-22m, 33u "entouré]poils" 103 2-5m, 5-9m 105 6-7m 115 8-22m, 23-28m 119 9-22m, 29-22m, wb* Good to contrast flowers & fruit. 124 25-29m 128 2-7m, 7-24m 129 6-7m 131 5m 142 26-29m 176 5-20m 179 8-12m 195 6-9m, 10-13m, 23-28m 196 2-7m 197 7-9m 203 10-12m*/llu "les poirées"/12u "leurs feuilles ", 15w 2 species 208 5-8m 218 30-32m "On Iautres" 219 l-4m/2-3u "quoique] indirecte" 234 20-24m/21-22? 238 30-33m 239 19-25m/22u "M. de Bure", 30-32m, wb Look in Pritzel 240 22-23m 243 2-3m 253 20-22m 268 29-32m 269 26-28m 270 23-29m 272 19-23m/20u "plus\variaés", 25-27m/25u "Seringe\Philippas" 273 9-22m
LECOQ, Henri De la fécondation naturelle et artificielle des végétaux et de l'hybridation 2nd edn; Paris; Libraire agricole de la Maison rustique; 1862 [CUL] es, die, f, fg, he, hy, mhp, mn, ta, tm, v
NB 76* Orchis sterile like Scotts case X
81 Nectar aids fecundation
92, 94; 126
220 Natural Hybrids
233* Flower of circumference more often
double in Compositae X
303* Mirabilis crosses of X =panachures=
308♦; 311; 315*; 325; 335; 338
Get a Stapelia
368* - Parentage of Gladiolus gandavensis
393* Seeding & growth antagonists
404; 411
SB 09Î A
[page break]
p 81 (not CD) Nectar aids fertilization
p.93, 95 on Trollius, open flower, crossing
126 Reseda dichogam
220 spont. Hybrids of Sedum
311 Hybrids from 2 sp. of Mirabilis sporting
so much as to be very different
315 on Hybridisation causing type to break
e> or vary
325. reversion in Hybrids p. 237
Hybrids becoming more fertile with age &
very fertile
335 Cannabis & Morus clouds of pollen
338 Fertilisation of Ficus
411 in some Graminae stamens short &
remain enclosed in florets.-
e> Lecoqs. Fertilation
title page 17w&> 1862 76 24-31m 79 12-17ml 12-14Q 81 26-31m 92 19-21m/19u*/20u*/19-23w sporting 93 l-5m 94 11-Uml ll-12u "au \ cette", 26-30m 126 14-17m 220 l-22m/5-6u "tous I infécondes" 233 1-7m 302 5-10m/6u "guère de", Su "presque", 13-15m, 12-13u "presqueI identiques", 21-23m/21u "panaché"/ 22u "deuxIfondues" 303 17-23m, 26-27m, 35m 304 6-9m, llu "RougeI primitive", 24-28m 308 4-12m 311 l-3m, 12-18m, 31-35m 313 25-17m/17-20u± 315 3-5m 325 4-6m/4w reversion 12-13m, 35m 326 31-35m 327 3-7m 335 3-5m/4u "de I nuages", 28-30m 338 5-25m, 23-24u "Elles I maturité", 21-27m/w but generally are sterile 368 18-22m 369 7-10m, 19-21m (Herbert) 393 5-27m 404 6-9m/w wetting stigma with honey keeps from pollination 411 9-1 Ou " Quelquefois \ filets "/w what
LEES, William Elements of acoustics, light and heat London & Glasgow; William Collins & Sons; 1877 [Down]
LE HON, Henri L'Homme fossile en Europe Bruxelles; C. Muquardt; 1867 [Down]
NB 0/
vii 24m ix 9m
LEIDY, Joseph The ancient fauna of Nebraska Washington-New York; G.P. Putnam & Co.; 1853 [CUL] fo, gd, geo, ig, sp, ti
NB 8 List of Tertiary Mammals; 17; 24; 29; 57 Nebraska Mammals very close; 67 good name; 78; 79; 95
SB Qß; .>
8 List of all fossil mammals
17 paridigitata & Imparidigitata
24 Intermediate forms 29 do
57 relations of European & N. American
fossil mammals 67 do. 78 do.
79 & 80 Rhinoceros apparently older in N
America than in Europe
95 Machairodus in N. America.-
8 l-6m, 41m 17 27-29m 24 27-28m 57 29-23m 67 2u "Imparidigitata"/w Paridigitata 22m/w European genus 78 24-27m/25a "Titanotherium" close to Palaeotherium 79 2-6m, 12u "two species", 16a "Rhinoceros" What age? 17-18m/15-20w I think none so old in Europe as Eocene or older Miocene 80 30-33m 95 18m (Owen)
LEIDY, Joseph Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the Western Territories vol. 1 Fossil vertebrates Washington; Govern ment Printing Office; 1873 [Down]
vol. 1,154 2-5m 155 18-19m 160 37-41m
LEIGHTON, William Allport Lichen-flora Shrewsbury; printed for the author; 1872 [Down, I]
LE MAOUT, Emmanuel and DECAISNE, Joseph Traité général de botanique Paris; Firmin Didot frères; 1868 [Botany School, FD]
LEMOINE, Albert De la physionomie et de la parole Paris; Germer Baillière; 1865 [CUL, S] beh, h, he, pat, phy, t, ti, tm, y
NB 19; 28; 30; 32; 41 to 135; 181 Expression; 185* Man; 190; 160 HamburghO
19 4-20m 28 4-5m\"..." 30 8-10m 32 22-25ra (C. Lebrun) 41 22-24m (}. Parsons) 42 20-24m* 48 2-6m 50 17-22m 53 22« "cherchél raison"\ll-12m (C. Bell) 54 2-5m 57 22-25m/ 22w Bell 58 1m, 10-12m 59 8-12m 60 4-6m 62 17-25m 65 5-8m 69 29-25m 70 l-15w voluntary mvment & action of Heart & Mind all asserted 21-23m (C. Bernard)/w sur les Tissus vivants?? 72 6-20m 74 12-14m 78 3-7m 83 6-22w He objects no proof, but one can see whether agrees with common experience 87 14-19m 89 3-5m, 7-25m/14u "dédain"/ 8-18w avoid such compound emotions hard to define 19u "mépris" 91 27-19m 92 wt Child may be attentive to any arousal or pleasure, as sucking, & no howling. 2-2m, 3u "front I sourcil "/w grief ? 5u "pensées", Xw/wb If one thinks ever so attentively on pleasant subject, no
[page break]
contraction of brow, but if an puzzle or difficulty occurs, though not actually unpleasant, brow contracts, every * difficulty during early infancy accompanied by this movement. * Perhaps aided by vision in primordial times.- But why not corners of mouth?? With infant first beginning is the frown.- 93 5m, 19-20m/!?/20u "sphincter I iris" 94 21u/21-25w/wb Does iris contract under emotion - well shown to do so in Brain affection? Bowman, How in paroxysm of mania? 95 15-18m 99 19-22m 101 1-7"..."fm/ w Sir C.B whose merit has been fully appreciated by late French writer 103 13-14m, 15w Instinct 16-19m/17w doubtful 104 wt/l-8w argues from difference of observers & writers that there can be no innate knowledge - but we can tell family likeness 16-20m 105 12-16m/w taught by exper 107 2-10m, 16-21m/19-20u "baisse \ tête"/w not to be seen or hide faces 109 7-10m, 20-25m, wb Children cry for aid, voluntary 110 5-8m 118 2-4m/wt/l-3u "quelpoussé"'/w animals do 125 7-10m 126 2-5m, 9-llm/ Wu "souriantl effraye" 130 13-18m 135 4-6m, 8-10m 181 9-12m/l-10w Bowman.- Person born blind blushes?? for shame 16-25w do they look downwards? or cast their eyes down.- wb whether blush as much or at all? not redden for anger.- 185 l-3m\w Tylor shows they do invent 190 7-10m/7u "parole" 191 4-10m, wb a stone first instrument of man & monkey 197 l-6m/3-4w laws of mind
LEMOINE, Victor Recherches sur les oiseaux fossiles des terrains tertiaires inférieurs des environs de Reims Reims; F. Keller; 1878 [Down, I]
LEPELLETIER de la Sarthe, Aime Traité complet de physiognomie Paris; Victor Masson & Fils; 1864 [Down]
NB 0/ Rubbish !
LESSON, René-Primevère Manuel de mammalogie Paris; Roret; 1827 [Down, pre-B]
29 19-22w F. ascribes to Cuvier 39 5-8w L. Hunt 42 6-7m, 8-9w ? Smith 38w ^onett 43 9-15w Pig s*- 45 9m, 15u&> "lubricité" 46 5-6m 47 13w No
LESSON, René-Primevère Manuel
d'ornithologie 2 vols.; Paris; Roret; 1828 [Down, pre-B]
LETOURNEAU, Charles Physiologie des passions Paris; Germer Baillière; 1868 [Down]
NB195*; 0/
NB2 0/
LEWES, George Henry The history of philosophy 3rd edn, 2 vols.; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1867 [Down]
LEWES, George Henry The physical basis of mind London; Trübner & Co.; 1877 [CUL, I] ad, beh, cc, ds, oo, t, ud
NB 43; "External conditions of existence" -45; 71, 2 On use & Disuse -> 104, 7; 110 definitions of Struggle & Adaptation; 120 Organisms descended from several primordial forms; 124; 126; 377 Expression (other notes, by FD)
43 2-5m/3u "external] existence", 30-35m 45 20-24m, 27-30m, 32-35m, 36m 71 22-30m, 35-36m 72 29-36m 73 18-21m 104 18-35m 105 32-38m 106 1-Um 107 l-2m, 24-27m (Darwin and Spencer) 108 7-23m 109 20-23m, 31-34m 110 12-16m/w they do in some way, or are the result of some cause 111 3-8m 120 29-38m 124 33-38m (Pasteur) 125 30-39m 126 20-28m 127 20-26m 377 33-36m 480 zb
LEWES, George Henry The physiology of common life 2 vols.; Edinburgh & London; William Blackwood; 1860 [Down, vol. 2 only]
287 5-6m, 6-7m
LEYBOLD, Federico Escursion a las Pampas Argentinas Santiago; Imprenta Nacional; 1873 [Down, I]
LIEBIG, Justus von Organic chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physiology ed. Lyon Playfair; London; Taylor & Walton; 1840 [CUL, S Charles Darwin 1841] h, phy
NB 46; 49; 85; 109; 110; 139; 152; 157;
287; 352; 369 (w, not CD)
369 The blood of a man with fair complexion
has different odour from dark man
49 l-3m 85 26-30m 109 15-18m 110 4-8m, ll-15m 139 26-30m 140 1-7m, 4-8m, 15-24m, 29m 141 9-llm 152 9-Um, 27-31m 157 5-12m 183 Ww 3 287 7-10m 352 17-27m 369 26-30m
[page break]
LINDEMUTH, Hugo Vegetative Bastard-erzeugung durch Impfung Berlin; Wiegandt, Hempel & Parey; 1878 [Down, S]
LINDLEY, John A natural system of botany 2nd edn; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1836 [CUL, I Charles Darwin 1840] af, no, phy, sp, sy
NF Does not Lindley use Diagrams to
represent affinities, like the maps of
Have any of the great Divisions, the
Alliances, only one or two species?
Orders with few species rarer in Vertebrates
& insects
NB 163* 308 Grafts of Olive & Ash Q
163 9-llm/10u "flowers I none" 238 l-4m 242 8-10m 308 4u "Von Martius", 7-13m\8u*\ 9u*/10u*/ll-12m
LINDLEY, John An outline of the first principles of Botany London; Longmans; 1830 [CUL, S] fg, phy, si
77 tïSu "pistillum", wb The pistillum being a modified leaf 78 "421 "m/u "Hazel-nut" 79 zot Fruit & stone of Plum, Peaches, Cherry not essentially different - kernel in the seed "424"m/w (a) "425"m/u "pericarpium"\a "ovarium" i.e. formed of lamina of leaf "427"u "Peach"/w .: also plum cherry wb probably seeds rarely selected for themselves No Peas- 84 "452"u "Strawberry", "453"m
LINDLEY, John School botany and vegetable physiology new edn; London; Bradbury & Evans; 1856 [Down]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
LINK, Heinrich Friedrich Die Urwelt und das Alterthum, erläutert durch die Naturkunde Part 1; Berlin; Ferdinand Dümmler; 1821 [CUL, pre-B] cc, gd, is
NB p. 96 cases of plants apparently brought
by Sea Osbeck saw on Ascencion only 4 plants
102 speculates on change of climate
connecting N & S. alpine plants
181 African cattle
(All skimmed)
Inhalt 5w Read 12m 96 9-23m, 31m/u "Sah\
Arten" 102 9-21m 181 15-19m, 21m
LINNAEUS, Carl Philosophia botanica 2nd edn; Vienna; Johan Thomas de Trattern; 1783 [CUL, pre-B] ce, fg, mn, sp, tm, v
NB p. 80 Double flowers natural orders of
some which are never double
Maris fundus p87 seeds
Not much satisfactory too brief =
p79 Flowers apetalous from cold
245 Variation in colour of seed
79 1Î2-> 95 33-39m 98 30-31m 245 33-40m
LINNAEUS, Carl Systema naturae Lund; 1735 [Botany School, pre-B]
LINNAEUS, Carl Systema naturae 13th edn, ed. J.F. Gmelin, 10 vols.; Lund; 1789-96 [Down, vol. 1 missing?]
LINNAEUS, Carl Systema vegetabilium Göttingen; C. Dietrich; 1797 [Down, ED]
LIPPERT, Julius Die Religionen der Europäischen Culturvôlker Berlin; Theodor Hoffmann; 1881 [Down, I] p
LISLE, Edward Observations in husbandry 2nd edn, 2 vols.; London; 1757 [Down, pre-B]
(markings presumed to be not by CD)
LOCARD, Arnould Études sur les variations malacologiques ... du bassin du Rhône 2 vols.; Lyon; Henri Georg; 1881 [Down, I] p
LOCKE, John An essay concerning human understanding 2 vols.; London; 1726 [CUL.1900]
vol. 1 contents "ch. xxi.37138".X* 27 "26"x 172 9wA> Zeno 272 ÏÏ3u "Times"'/wb tormosO 282 "4"X 283 "5"X/&, "6"X 286 1Î27X 288 ÏÏ5x 290 l-3x 294 10x 306 î\6-3x 329 "12"X&> 330 8-10X& 331 tt4-3X/& 333 ÏÏ26-25X/& 334 22-24m&> 339 22-23x, t5-Ax 341 7-8x 344 î\6~5x 345 ÏÏ26-23* 346 23-24x 347 ïïlOSx 348 22x 349 15x 350 20x 351 20x 352 1\9-6x 354 ÏÏ7-5x
vol. 2,145 1\4-3x 257 27wA> Word
LOISELEUR-DESLONGCHAMPS, Jean Louis Auguste Considérations sur les céréales, et principalement sur les froments Pairs; Bouchard-Huzard; 1842 [CUL] ce, dg, fg, he, hy, mhp, oo, si, sp, t, ta, tm, v, wd
[page break]
NB Part I
•o- p. 12; 32 to 49; 70 - 78; 83 to 107, 8
•* II: 165; 181; 183; 199; 200 to 205;
208,210; 217-219; 224; 234
SB1 *^
35 Wheat less attended to & modified than
garden vegetables - contrast with Dahlia -
certainly not a conspicuous variation.
37 Wheat must have been nearly what it
was when first cultivated. Q^
45 M. Dalbret has cultivated 30 years 150-
160 vars, & all keep true, except in seed
itself- .
49. Wild Oat of Australia, Journal Agricult
Soc. Vol 2. Part 2.
70 322 vars.
78 Botanists disagree what to call species
80, 83 thinks wheat impregnated with closed
81. has never seen Hybrids, between his
100-200 vars. sown near each other.
84. Aegyptian vars. differ from French
89 Vilmorin on carrot. *«^
94. Argues if wheat changed by culture, so
ought all weeds * quite ignores selection
97 grains from Aegypt as good var & no •
107. Had it not been for innumerable vars.
he wd have thought that what was at first as
108 contrast variability of wheat & seigleO
Part II.
179, 183 gain of weight in grains when
cultivated in France - certain effect of
climate. Q^
200 Tessier on no good from change of
202 disproved by his own experiment &
observation explain Tessier by great care of
cultivation Change of seed usual practice in
bad seeds producing equally good plants
with good p. 216 - rather opposed to
principles of selection •^
224 Effect of climate on habit of wheat Q<^
p.29 Mongolian Wheat
12 23-28m 43 6-10m, 15-lSm, 30m 14 6-9m, 11-Um, 24-26m 29 14r-20m 32 9-Um, 20-24m 35 24-26m 36 25-31m 37 19-20m, 26-28m 39 7-13m 44 4-13m 45 4« "trente ans", 7u "cent \ soixante", 17-19m 46 19-22m/19u "depuis Ians" 47 l-2m 49 18-20m 69 21-22m 70 4-7m 71 3-4m/zv & 1 or 2 others 77 22-27m 78 5-7m, 8-12m 80 l-8m, 18-19w Quo 19-22m/20u "à\leur", 24-29m/w pollen partly shed, wb R. Brown says the hairs in stigma cannot admit pollen tubes 81 l-3m, 14-19m,
20u "'seméesIautres" 82 10-llm/10u "nombre\ tardifs", 21m 83 9-12m 84 wt/l-5w In a mass of interlaced roots different nourishment or position be acquired Manure. 7-10m/9u "trop simple"/6-llxu they have not to struggle with other species: sowed in different soil 13-14w Climate &c It10-6m 85 5-10m, 15-17m 93 27-19m 94 10-18m, 29-30m, wb Knows nothing about selection 95 2-6m 96 l-3m/wt again does not consider culture 97 10-22m 98 9-21m/10-18w the actual grains quite similar to wheat 100 14-18m, 20-22m 102 24-27m 107 20-30m 108 2-25m
Part 2, 165 4-20m, 22-25ra 181 4-8m 183 2-3m 199 23-27m 200 18-21m, 30m 201 23-26m 202 5-1 lm, 14-17m 203 24-29m, wb I have no doubt that degeneration is a wrong idea.-205 6-11 m 208 3-6m, 8-10m, 13-27m, 28-30m/29-30u "produit I grains" 209 l-3m, 22-27m 210 4-7m/w opposed to selection 211 28-31m 216 wt/l-7w Would be opposed to Principles of Selection, if vars with all bad seeds were chosen, wt The size of grain differs much according to what part of ear it comes from.- <- (from) 217 wt It wd seem that the grains vary extremely without affecting the race: but a new race might be selected - a good race though it may have some poor seeds, yet the quality of the race is inherent in such seed- 2-3m/^> 218 28-31m 219 12-Umlw Peas & Beans! 224 8-13m/Q 234 8-10m/9u "huit I deux", 23-30m
LOMBARDINI, Luigi Ricerche sui Cammelli Pisa; T. Nistri; 1879 [Down, I] p
LOUDON, John Claudius (ed.) An
encyclopaedia of plants London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1841 [CUL] f, mhp, sp
♦ White Yellow White Bengal quick Bank*;
Quercus olivaeformis (mossy cup) heavy
loam V Vol 13 of Gardeners Mag for some
more of Dentzia scabra & corymba; Bignonia
radicans; Tropaeolum 302,1184; Tendrils
6 "19 ".x 12 ÏÏ2m/u "In I evergreen " 16 "258 ".x 18 "51 ".w 1146 "318 "m/w viscosissima sessilis asceuleus 20 "319"a/w purpurea "32V'a/w plantago 36 "83".x 42 "105".w 1150 44 "115".w p. 1150 54 "953".x 68 "206".w 1 sp. Decand 70 "1233/1235/1236".w sp. a. D.C. U0-35m, î\32-27m 71 "1233/1235/ 1236".m 94 "1620".x 102 "305".x 106 ÏÏ4-2m/
[page break]
w The yellow berry Holly came true from seed 120 "1916".x 126 "350".iv 1156 "2031".m, "2041".m 127 ÏÏ23-15m, 1\22u "the crossing", Um 132 "369".w 1156 134 "2246/ 2149".m 136 "382".w p. 1158 "2206".,w end of Nie. 138 "383".x, "2224/2240"'.m 140 "2260/ 2266",m, "387".x 142 "388".x 144 "402".w 1162 146 "413".x 152 "439".x 154 "440".x 156 "450 ".x 156 "2517 ".m/w Tomato 158 "2530".x, "2534".m 162 "463".w 1164 /166 "464".x, "2713/2719".m 167 "2713/2715".m& 170 "474".x/w 1164 "2789 ".w Mr Henfrey 174 "502 ".x 176 "504 ".x 178 "507 ".x 180 "525 ".x 184 "3018".m/w fulva 193 1Ï4-2m«& 194 "574 ".x 208 "625 ".w 1170 232 "3916/3918/ 3922/3929/3937 ".m 254 "4286".x/m 270 "4597".m, ÏÏ7-lm 282 "815".x/m, "4862".x/m 290 "843".x 298 "868".x 302 "875/876".x 306 "5180".m 318 "902 ".w p. 1184 "5449/5450/ 5461/5463".m 320 "904".w p. 1186 324 "926".x 326 "5586"-"5590".x 328 "923/924".x 358 "1014".w 1190 362 "1019 ".w 1194 362 "2027".x 380 "1051 "-"1052".x 394 "2082".x 396 "2086".x 410 "Order 3".u 411 "2248".* 420 "1128".m 422 "1129".w damson & cherry "7056".m 424 "2232".w 1204 426 "7093/7099/ 7101".m, (text:) l-3m/iv increase 428 "1139 ".w 1208 442 "7464/7467/7473/7477 ".m, î\4u "centifolia, damascena. 443 Um/u "300 varieties" 444 "7480/7486/7493 ".m^ 446 "7497/7 495".mto 448 "7500/7502/7509/7510/ 7512".m&, "7522".w DropnaeaO 450 "7525/ 7518/7521".m 454 "7630/7633 ".m 472 "2203 ".x 474 "2206 ".x 479 lO-Um/w probably in first generation!!! 480 "1219".x 482 "1227".x 508 "8395/8399".m 509 "8395/8399".m 514 "2294".x, "8538".m, "1297".w p. 1226 515 "8538".m 516 "2299".x 518 "2308".x 520 "2322.W 1228 522 "2328".x 526 "8765".x/m, "8771".m, "8772".md, "8793".m 527 "8771".m, "8793".m 530 "1355".iv 1078- 554 "9245"-"9247 "m/w (a) capitata Blistered A. Decandolle thinks all the same. 564 "1459".x 572 "9523".m, "9540".m 574 "9546/9565/9568/ 9575".m 576 "9633".m 582 "9711/9731/9732/ 9733/9731/9764". m, "9733".w sterile 583 "9731".m 584 "9766/9768".m 586 "9835/ 9846".m 588 ^ 4-8m, 6u "herbaceum", 9u "cultivated", lOu "nankeen-coloured" 590 "9897"-"9921 "m/w Genus Abutile see p. 1236 592 "1496".w 1238 600 "9970"-"9973".x 602 "1511".x 604 "2523"-"2529 ".x, "1521" .x, "10030"m/w open fl "10031".m/w open flower 606 "2522 "x "2524 ".x, îw & Cytisus & Rotinia • 11 genera true with prop, flowers 614 "10247 "-"10248".m 615 "20232/ 10235".mé? 621 ÏÏ&-4m/w Yet the open flowered is specific character 624 "10435/
10449".m 626 "10460 "-"10462 ".m 630 "10554"-"10558".m/w D Desmodium 631 1Ï2-2m/x 632 "10560"-"10563".m/w D "10566"-"10580".m/w D "10600".m/w D "10577"m/w; (text:) 5u "during]night" 633 "10569".m/u "stem climbing" 640 "10787".m 642 "10802".m, "10811".m, "10836".m 656 "10998".m 688 "2683 ".x 690 "1686".x, "1696".x 692 "11625".x, "11626" jc 712 "1741"(not CD) 766 "2934 ".x 774 "2944".x 786 "23287 "-"23289 ".x 796 "13415/13417/ 13419/13420".m 798 "13433"- "13434 " .m/x, (text:) 8-llm/9u "vary\soil"/9u "scarcely]tree" 800 "13462".m 802 wf p. macrocarpa quick grower "2011".w 1270 "13504".m/w quickest grower of all 804 "2013".w 1274 806 art Juniperus 848 808 "13560/13563/13565/ 13566".m/w9 809 ÏÏ22-20m 810 "13573/13577/ 13578/13579/13590".m 814 "2039 ".x 834 "2066 ".x 836 "2080 ".x 838 "2083 ".x 844 "2114".w 1278 854 "2223 "-"2225 ".m, "14104"m 855 "14101 "-"14104".m/u± 864 "2143".w 1278 "14279/14280/14285/14286/ 14289".m 865 "14280/14285".m 1166 "2543".x, "17012/17013 ".x 1226 "17592".m 1228 "17633".w 1302 1272 "18056"-"18057".m/w Sir John very handsome 1288 "3118".mé? 1300 "3652 "-"3654 ".m 1301 "357 ".m/u "Joseph Plant\Staffordshire" 1307 "Anagallis".m
LOVEN, Sven Ludvig Etudes sur les échinoides Stockholm; p. A. Norsted & Söner; 1875 [Down, I]
LOW, David On Z/ie domesticated animals of the British islands London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1845 [CUL] ad, beh, br, cc, ch, cs, f, gd, he, no, si, sp, sx, ta, tm, v, wd, y
NB Questions for Mr Low; Introduction; p. 36
LXIII. Supposes the longer any quality in
breed comes truer - Believes in ill effect of
LXIX States roundly that vars. of sheep &
Dogs will keep distinct p671
p.5 & 8 Species of Ibex
12. Syrian Goat same character for 2000
years (no authority) - Horns absent
sometimes in one or both sexes (do (ie no
authority)) p. 14 in India
24 Horns in Female wild sheep often
wanting or small
91 Black-faced sheep will not amalgamate
by crossing with other Breeds
159 Rye-land sheep will not do.-
188 Remarks how soon a breed in any
[page break]
county changes with no record of it S<&>
239 On various Park cattle of England with
coloured vars p. 241 p. 301
242 Crouching instincts of young lost
immediately - no doubt lost in Chickens, not
in Turkeys through tameness of Parents
258 Crosses with Indian Cattle said to be
fertile inter se
297 Zetland cattle receive male earlier than
any other Breed Q
309 Kerry Cattle white ridge along spine
316 Modern Aberdeenshire Breed hardly
true as yet
351 Sheeted colour common to several
breeds & strongly inheritable
370 Long-horn with difficulty amalgamated
Colling & Bakewell r name Ellman for sheep
387 Short-horn communicate character very
easily & yet is an imposed modern Breed
402 Male Boar tends to destroy young to
prevent too great increase - so some Rams
attack pregnant females!!!
409 Wild not gregarious? (Bechstein) tame
are. & even when feral in S. America
411 Tame pigs 3 incisors in each jaw &
number not constant
415 Vauban calculation of increase of Pigs
428 Sus Papuensis - young striped along
646 Canis anthus of Arabia very like Dogs
sculptured on Pyramids Q
650 Half-bred Dingos wd attack Poultry -
Low kept them
717 Some of Dholes of India like
Greyhounds - Pointers Mute Q
721 Pedigrees of Greyhound attended to like
a Poor Book - not to be trusted.
v 14-18m vi 15-18m, 27-29m vii 21-27m viii 15-16m lii 33-36m liii 5-12m, 14r-16m liv 4-9m, 27-29m, 31-35m lv 26~33m lvi 34-35m, wb This I think, must be a specific character & not direct effect of temperature lvii 7-22m, 27-28m, 32-33m lviii 19-24m, 28-34m lx 16-21m lxi 8-9m, 13-15m lxii 25-27m, 34-36m lxiii l-7m, 8u "characters]supposed", 9-16m, 20-23m, 32-36m lxiv 11-Um lxv 20-24m, 30-34m lxvi 17-22m lxviii 26-28m lxix 12-16m, 13-14m, 16~18m, 16-17m, 28-30m, 31-34m, 35-36m lxx l-10m lxxi 33-35m lxxii 19m/u "13118" lxxiii 20-21m/21u "one\are" lxxiv 19-21m/20u "were\young" xcviii l-7m, 16-19m, 20-23m c 24-26m ci 2m ciii 7-10m, 7-9m cvii 18-21m cxi 25-28m cxii 16-20m cxiv 17-20m, 34-36m cxv 1m 1 5-6m 2 31-36m 3
2-4m, 6-8m, 12-17m 8 19-23m 11 17-28m, 35-36m 12 3-7m, 19-20m 14 20-22« "sometimes]ears" 15 4—6m, 31-33m 24 25« "horns I small" 25 8-10m, 12u "in\ often", 24-27m 27 l-5m, 5-6m, 13-16m 32 27-28m, 29-30m 33 30-32m/27-34w There must be 100s of species caught, not probable for trouble wb We know how apt savage natures are strike on same plans & therefore domestication wd probably take place to great extent - taming wild animals & birds common t It s*- 34 4-7m, 31-33m 35 28-31m, 33-34m, 35-36m 36 7-8m, 17-18m/18u "character", 26-27m, 28u "hair", 32-34m 37 26-28m, 26-28m, 35-36m 38 18-22m 39 3-5m, 10-13m, 18-19m 40 28-31m, 35-36m 58 28-30m 59 27-28m 60 4-5m 62 22-23m 63 22-24m 65 5-7m, 25-29m, 31-36m 66 8-llm 68 l-2m, 10-llm, 13m 69 wb comparable to the trifling characters distinguishing geographical representation 73 19-22m, 26-27m, 28-29m 75 22-25m 81 10-llm 82 3-5m, 24-26m 83 6-7m, 14-17m 84 30-33m 85 27-29m, 32-35m 86 l-4m, 14-18m 87 l-3m, 22-23m 91 27-28m 93 31-32m 94 l-3m, 16-17m/u "Their\ quarter", 31m, 34m 113 17-18m, 27-28m 114 31-32m 115 34-36m 116 6-7m 117 27-35m 118 27-20m, 23-26m, 31-32m 120 5-7m/5u "outline of" 121 22-23m, 35-36m 123 6-8m, 33-36m 124 30-33m 125 9-22m 126 5m/u "4000", 10-llm 133 29-33m 134 22-24m, 24-26m 136 2-6m, 10-12m, 22-23m, 27-28m, 34-35m 137 22-23m 138 32-32« "The I Sheep", 32-35m/32-33u "know I are" 141 26-32m 143 20-23m, 25-28m 145 15-20m 147 32-36m 148 23-2 6m 150 4-6m 151 27-30m 155 13-16m, 32-33m 158 25-29m 159 2-5m 163 23-22m, 28-32m 164 23-24m 170 7-9m, ll-14m 173 8-22m 174 4-9m, 18u "50\lb."/18-24w Does not P King say 65?!!! at first in Australia 175 l-5m/w must be due to external agents 177 2-6m, 19-21m 179 22-22m 181 13-16m, 29-30m 184 12-14m, 24-26m 185 wt Crossing evidently produces rapid effects & has done much more than selection.- 4-6m/x 188 18-21m 192 2-Am 193 2-2m, 22-23m, 29-30m 194 25-30m 195 31-35m 196 l-6m 197 27-36m 198 2-4m 199 31-36m 209 22m 217 35-36m 231 7-8m, 28-32m/30w (a) wb (a) No such great change has been effected in reclaiming the common Ox of Europe V. further on.- 233 33-Alm 234 34-36m 236 3-5m 238 6-9m, 12-14m, 15-27w Compared to Falklands! 30-31m 239 2-2« "existed]immemorial", 3-4m, 13-17m, 31-36m 241 18-19w like Pigeons 29-22m, 23-26m 242 wt/l-7w instinct by young animal lost, & it must be lost by change in instincts in old animal, by the old ones not
[page break]
depositing their young. 3-7m/4-5u<->, 8-12m 256 6-8m, 25-30m 257 2-5m 258 14-16m 259 3-5m 261 19-22m 264 28-30m 265 9-12m, 24-28m, 29-33m 266 9-llm, 20-22m, 23-25m 296 28-30m, 30-31m 297 ll-12m/12u "Scandinavian", 13m, 21-24m 299 25-27m, 29-36m 300 15-18m, 29-31m 301 7-20m, 30-32m 304 3-4m, 32-33m 306 26-28m 307 3-6m/Q 20-22m 308 20-25m 309 14-15m/14u "white", 30-32m 310 22-26m, 27-30m 316 25-36m 318 2Sm 319 26-27m 321 27-30m 322 3-7m 324 22-24m 334 7-9m 339 22-24m 344 3-6m 345 24m 346 25-27m 349 27-29m, 32-33m 350 29-31m 351 3-7m, 24-26m 353 2S-32m 357 29-20m 358 29-22m 359 15-17m, 22-24m, 29-31m 362 27-22m 363 2-4m, 7-llm/10u "late\ century", 17-20m/17x^/18u "1769", 31-32m, 32-34m 364 10-15m, 16-19m/18u "not" 365 10-llm, 13-15m 366 S-20m, 22-22u "very short", 15-16m, 21-22u++ 368 4-5m/Q 8-10m, 24-27m 369 2-2m, 4m, 8-9m, 11m, 12-15m, 16-17m, 20-21m, 22-24m, 34-35m 370 23-25m 371 3u "goodly I horns" 372 6m, 14-15m, 30-34m, 35-36m 373 6-7m, 35-36m 375 2-2m, 4-6m 376 9-22m, 27-29m, 30-34m/32w (a) 377 l-2m/l-8w (a) because cannot see within.-Selection cannot regulate position of fat.-32-34m 379 26-31m, 32-34m 380 34-36m 381 5-6m, 23-25m (Colling)/w I ought to use his name 28u "1770" 382 3«*->, 6-20m, 17-20m, 30m, 34-36m 383 25u "crosses", 26u "Scotch\ Galloway" 384 2-5m, 6-8m 385 23w Cows 17= 387 3-5m/Q 7-9m, 24-25m, 27-29m, 34-35m 389 7-£m 393 34m 394 ll-13m/8-16w such selection cd never apply to wild animals, as every parent must be adapted to same conditions 396 19-21m 397 7-8m, 14-16!??/15-16u "is I Africa" 401 20-24m 402 20-21m, 22-24m, 34-35m/35u "prevent I great" 408 24-26m, 32-34m 409 4-5m, 20-22m, 19-22m, 25-29m, 31m 410 3-5m, 13-16m 411 4-6m, 4-5m, 10m 415 S-lOm, 15-22m, 35-36m, wb What is average age of Elephants? 421 8-10m 422 2S-29m 424 20-21m, 22-25m, 26-27m 426 22m 428 10-12m, 28-30m 429 3-7m 431 24-2Sm 433 6-20m, 12-14m, 25-27m 438 24u "Asses", 27-28m 441 31-34m 445 27u^, 29-32m, 33-36m 453 36m 457 S-24m 468 8-14m/ll-12u "hardy I enduring"\9-16wChange of character from external conditions. 469 5-7m, 15-18m 470 21-25m 513 9-23m, 31-34m, 35-36m 514 30-32m 516 5-6m/6u "piebald" 517 9-2 2 m 523 2-^m, 21-23m, 28-31m 524 23-25m* 527 22w "King Herod", 13-14Q 15-16m, 25-26w Darley Arabian 30u "Eclipse" 528 25-26m, 30-33m 529 20-22Q 22u "334 winners''/22-23m, 26-27m 530 20-22m 532 2-3m, 7-10m/"..."/Q 20-21m, 27m, 31-33m 533
2-2m, 9-2 2 m 544 17-18m, 20-22m 546 7-2 0m,
10-12"..."Im, 19-22"..."/m/Q 584 2-5m 588 2-
3m 598 22-26m, 27-29m, 35-36m 602 30-32 m
606 22-27m 607 g-20m, 22-24m 608 21-23m
617 8-9m, 12-14m 619 2m, 3-5m, 8m, 17-21m
625 23-27m 628 18-28m 641 2nim, 18-20m,
21-24m, 27-29m 643 18-21m, 32-33m 646 29-
30m, 32-35m 649 24-26m 650 3-5m, 3-4m,
34-37m 653 28-32m 655 2-5m 656 30-31m,
35-36m 657 2-4m, 5-2 0m, 32-36m 658 5-7m
660 23-29m 663 3-7m 664 13-17m, 27-28m\
28u "Malta \ dog" 665 5-25m, 16-25m, 26-32m
666 6-20m, 22-27m/21-31w one cross,
without fertility inter se, wd produce effect.-
good - 671 20-21m/21u "race" 22-24m, 28-
29m 672 24-26m 673 12-15m, 22-26m 674 20-
22 m, 17-18m, 26-28m, 30-31m 677 7-9m 678
27-30m 706 2-9m, 34-36m 711 22-25m 716 6-
9m 717 30-36m 718 32-36m 719 20-25m 721
14-17m/Q/15u "pedigrees of", 22-25m, 28-31m
723 19-21m, 32-33m 724 2-3m 730 16-19m/8-
26w Sulivan's case of other dogs doing so at
Falkland 21-24m/27-28m/30-36m/22-35w
adaptation, striking case of 731 3-7m, 10-12m 735 22-23m 736 4-6m 740 32-35m 741 4-6m, 18-20m 743 2-2m, 32-34m 744 25-2Sm 745 8m/u "webbed" 746 4m/w "His\webbed" 747 16-18m 749 25-28m, 26-29m, 24-27m, 28-31m 751 25-32m
LOWNE, Benjamin Thompson The anatomy and physiology of the blow-fly London; John Van Voorst; 1870 [CUL, I] beh
NB p. 18 Flight of insects a form of crawling 14 10-15m, 17u "thirty times", 23-27m 15 2-7m 18 27-30m 34 5-6m
LOWNE, Benjamin Thompson Descriptive catalogue of the teratological series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England London; R. Hardwicke; 1872 [CUL,
ct, ds, em, h, rd, v, t
NB Rudiments & Law of Variation; xii
Rudiments; xiv Doubling of embryo in single
Blastoderm; xvii "soi pour soi"; xviii; Nothing
for Descent of Man
xii 16-20m, 36-37m xiii 24-26m xiv 24-27m
(Milne-Edwards) xv 20-22m xvii 3-6m 18 27-
LOWNE, Benjamin Thompson The philosophy of evolution London; John Van Voorst; 1873 [CUL, I] beh, cs, ds, h, he, ig, in, rd, t, tm
[page break]
NB1 All concerning Descent of Man
& 119 No Bird or Reptile comes between
Amphibian & Mammals - good
& 141 Flies know plaintive cry of captured
NB2 p41 ; 43
accounts for good from crossing by giving
plasticity. - 44
55; 57; 58 Rudiment; Pangenesis 62 or 65
All marked to end of Book
17-21m/w if of use to the individual 27m
10-12tn/llw Yes 43 2-6m, 25-28m 44 10-15m 55 8-15m 57 l-8m, 20~28m 58 17-23m/w No in rudiment of pistil 62 5-8m, 8~14m 63 15-19m 65 14-17m/w because they must collect the earliest stage 72 21-27m/21-23w Sir J. Paget 75 3-6m 76 ll-18m/!!Rw It is incredible to me so fine a balance. If so American ought not to be more naked than European - Brain not so much developed 104 17~28m 105 7-15m, 19-22m 115 21-28m 118 22~27m 119 22-28m (Parker) 120 12-18m 123 8-13m/9u "homoplastic" 141 23-27m 144 23-28m (Bain)
LUBBOCK, John An account of the two methods of reproduction in Daphnia ... (extract), communicated by Charles Darwin; 1857 [Down, I]
LUBBOCK, John Addresses, political and educational London; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [Down, I]
LUBBOCK, John Ants, bees, and wasps 4th edn; London; Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.; 1882 [Down]
LUBBOCK, John Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura London; The Ray Society; 1873 [Down]
NB 01 P
LUBBOCK, John The origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1870 [CUL] beh, h, t, y
NB p355 Savages & Men cry or weep only
slight occasionly copiously - Q Puzzled
savage frowning
p277 signs of affirmation.
42 7-lOm, 31-32m 48 19-22m 50 17-20m/w &
so forth 52 23-29m 55 13-16m 60 16-19m,
20u "almost", 25-27m/25-26u "communal
marriage" 64 8-llm, 14-18m/l-18w It is very
odd that children shd not know their mother, or rather conversely. 66 28-31m 67 wt (a) other explanation of closer connection of child to mother 22« "M'Lennan" & MorganO (a) 11-17m\w says so, but am not convinced 69 22-26m, 24-26m 70 7-9m, 12-Um, 23-28m 72 12-24m, 29-22m 76 20u "Malay" 77 l-2m 79 28u "Fijians", 30-31m 86 2-5m 87 8-llm 88 19-27m/6-26w This all looks like communal marriage 93 27-31m 94 l-2m\wt\ l-4w What is the evidence 5-7m 99 17-20m/ w or rather of many • places 100 8-9m, 10-11m, 28-32m 101 29-32m 104 3m, 13-18w because tribe of utmost importance 105 2-5m 108 24-28m 119 9-22m 128 10-24m 171 25-30m 221 30~34m 259 2u "friends"/4u "words \justice"/2-4w but reality 260 2S-32m 261 26-29m 263 2-6mf 2&-28m 265 30-32m 273 34m 274 wb I think I need only refer to L on wickedness of savages & Primitives wb Moral sense citing the term - the latest acquisition is that which impels a Man to certain actions each or wholly or in part not counting to his own + advantage, or plans, & which reportsO have under the term (rest Ô) 277 3-8m 278 14-27m 321 7-8u "Among I Saxons", U-15m/Q 21c/we 355 4-7m/6u "knit I brows ", 19-38m/29-31m
LUBBOCK, John On the origin and metamorphoses of insects London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [CUL] ad, ds, em, ig, sy, tm, ts
NB ♦ Modern Classification 20 (Error)
Termes - F. Müller; 66; 73; 81
SB #>
p66 - Similarity & dissimilarity of Larvae,
relating to mature state - Medusae the most
wonderful case.
p73 on difficulty of believing that a suctorial
mouth cd be developed into a mandibulate
one, & vice versa; both descended from
intermediate form.
p82 summary on metamorphoses "adap-
tional & nonadaptational"
66 3-25m 73 12-25m 81 3~5m 86 ll-20m
LUBBOCK, John On the ova and pseudova of insects (extract); 1858 [Down]
LUBBOCK, John Prehistoric times London;
Williams & Norgate; 1865 [CUL, I]
NB (not CD)
337 14-22m, 28-30m 354 18-20m (Crawfurd) 451 18-24m 473 9-12m/w Rengger 25m 474 2-3m, 29-32m 475 16-21m 476 14-18m, 20-
[page break]
29m 477 23-30m/w Castes of India 478 l-5m 479 13-19m 480 20-26m (Wallace)
LUBBOCK, John Prehistoric times 2nd edn;
London; Williams & Norgate; 1869 [CUL, I,
ben, gd, h, tm, y
NB 417 Advance in Savages
562, 563 -> 437 Power of counting by
Savages No abstract terms
♦ 471 females noses flattened
4 508 size of underlip standard of beauty (?)
♦ 507 Amers, shape of Head very deformed
539; 543; 545 independent inventions
showing • property of Savages
552 Kissing not general
553, 554 - odd mores & fashion
558 - Mental development of Child, near like
563 - 564- Religion
569 - Witchcraft
- 571 - Cloud of evil hangs over savages
animals using weapons - 572
574 - State of Race when they first spread
over Earth
399 l-3m 402 14-16m 405 5-7m, U-13m 417 20-31m 437 15-27m 471 25-27m 506 16-17m 516 27-28m 539 30-34m 542 20-32m 543 22-20m 545 2-7m 552 7-22m, 21-25m 553 5-9m, ll-17m, 17-20m, 33-34m 554 4-20m, ll-16m, 25-27m, 28-29m 558 22-31m 562 6-8m, 23-26m 563 7-9m, 16-20m 565 2-22m 569 27-20m 571 tot one must consider their evidence or their dread fully to appreciate the important benefit of knowledge & science. 4-6m/5w (a) 572 10-14m 574 wt when they spread over the earth 2-6m/2u "ignorant I pottery", 5u "They I arrows", 7u "boats 18u "possible character", l-19w%, 15-25w%, 18-20"...", 30-32"..."/m/w He adds 21..." Iw & Fire But he admits that from why • 575 23-20m/17u, 26-34m
LUBBOCK, John Scientific lectures London; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [Down, I]
LUCAE, Johann Christian Gustav Der
Fuchs-Affe und das Faulthier Frankfurt am Main; Mahlau & Waldschmidt; 1882 [Down] P
LUCAE, Johann Christian Zur Statik und Mechanik der Quadrupeden Frankfurt am Main; Mahlau & Waldschmidt; 1881 [Down]
LUCAS, Prosper Traité philosophique et physiologique de l'hérédité naturelle 2 vols.; Paris; J.B. BailUère; 1847 [CUL]
beh, br, ce, che, es, et, ds, em, f, fg, gd, he, hy, ig, in, mn, no, or, pat, phy, si, sp, spo, sx, sy, t, ta, ti, tm, ud, v, wd, y
vol. 1 NB A> ♦ ®>
Prof. Piorry Not ancient, probably Medical work; I think French, on Hereditary diseases. Enquire prior.—
title page 1\8m (Piorry), wbec xxiii 10-16m 114 14-20m 127 3-22m 129 27m/w "neuvième] naissance", 32m 130 3u "enfants d'Edward" 149 4-7m (Gall) 175 18-32w period of variation different according to different authors. Cause & time of appearance may be very different 176 17-20m/17-32w variation of hybrids inter se wd make one believe in this distinction of parent acting on germ.- 177 8-13m 179 18-24m 180 12-16m 181 13-20m/w inheritance cannot be cause of variation has nothing to do with it- 183 3-12m/4?/10-ll? 184 27-29m/29u "unIspontané" 185 4-9m, 19-22m/19-32w/wb Difference of twins looks against every theory, specially of germs. Action of parent different on germs Twins in Plants Extra utérin & inter uter Why one take more after grandfather than other Entire mystery, can say only a law 187 20-22m, 25-26m/26u "sponanéité" 195 2-5m/! 196 3-5m, ÏÏ3m/wb What. Not cited before I have looked all 198 5-22m, 26-29m 199 3-4m 203 25-26m 211 20-24m 212 13-20m/w colours not mixing 215 14-17w 216 couple 205 true 11 false 217 6-8m/w species not good to give one particular. 18-20m 221 22-25m/25u "moindres", 27-28m 222 19-21m, 32m 223 20-13m/llu "soixante ans"/13u "trente ans" 244 17-19w constitutional inherited peculiarities 20-22m 245 wt These are necessarily inherited at same time l-4m, 5-7m/5u "précosité", 8u "développement tardif", lOu "puberté" 291 23-27m 305 23-25m 313 2-6m 314 4-8m/5-17w my selection view not applicable to all melanism. By variation & by crossing in Birds & squirrels 325 18m 326 3-4m^, 13-23w 1 2 3 4/8 4 2/6 of children 16-22w How very hereditary these six fingers 26-28m/27u "du I immémoriale" 327 2-3m/2x^ 333 2S-27m 337 2-22m 380 ^lmjwb Hybrid Rhododendrons 388 l-7m 392 8-10m 393 18-26m, 27-28m 395 27m 396 14-17m 399 20-21m/w same age 22^^, ÏÏ6-» 400 2-6m, 18-19u "trenteIfille", 19-20u "dix-neuf\ans", 22-23m/w Earlier 26u "treize", 27u "onzième année" 401 3u "onze ans" 428 2-24m 429 7-20m 430 14u "nous I notre"/15-21m/15u "quil congéniales" 463 7-18m 577 4-13m/9-10u "même \ enfants" 584 6-14m 598 18-21m 600
[page break]
24-28m 602 13-15m 605 28-29m 614 22~25m (Maupertuis) 625 19m 626 21-22m
vol. 2 NB ^0 On sexes p 159 - 163
393; 399; 400; 428 deaf Cats; 430; 463;
577; 584 Music; 598; 600; 602; 605 good
(over) Tom 1
p. 114; 127; 129; 149; 175, 180-5 used;
187; 195; 196; 203; 211, 12; 221; 244; 291;
305; 313, 14; 326 - many fingers; 333; 337;
380; 388
I must order Piorry
♦ Probably offspring never absolutely like
parent, in mind or body, at least in Man.-
Whatever causes this difference is
exaggerated in varieties, if we look at
similarity as the powerfulnessO of
Allude to the many opinions
♦ p. 175 I shd allude to uncertainty of period,
as complicating our ignorance of causes of
Think of difference in Twins, p. 185 Good (over)
♦ In inheritance the only point which
concerns us New structures being inherited
or not.
One might fancy that in Ass crossed with
Horse there is a greater potency of race, &
that this potency is transmitted more by male
in this case than in others. Niata cow
transmits with more force than Bull - Pouter
Cock & Hen equally.
Tom I Hj^ Means Inheritance
114 Twins with circulation in common very
different dispositions
129 Lambert, horny excresses given to
children H^
149 Difference in young pure wolves of
same litter + in disposition
175-185 on period at which variation caused
(I believe Q)
ancient law of the beautiful marrying -in Crete
on likenesses in children coming on at corresponding age to parent (H)^
211 Colours not mixing in species (u^) &
varieties X^> Q
222 Hereditary Hernia not at same age IH^
244 corresponding periods of inheritance
H^; /ta connected with periods of life
dentition, puberty.
305 Adams thought deformations by arrest
were not hereditary H1^
326 Polydactylism very heredetary - my
view everything very heredetary, but not
rendered latent H^
333, 337 On Double monsters, whether
really double X&
388 Taste for Barley changed by
domestication in Pig. Sir F. • wild Pigs wd
not eat swill
H^ Curious case of Hereditariness in eye in
Lens moving & causing blindness (Ch. 8)
399 same age blindness supervening H^
577 in Cretins comes on in infants - calls it
exceptional H^*>
428 Blind* Deaf Cats & White - Adams in
Cyclop of Practical Medien Vol 2. p. 418
463 Blending instincts by crossing vars &
584 Musician heredetary H^
598 In Hybrid Wolves & Dogs, likeness to
wolf in all the males and conversely H^ S^>
600 Hereditary sleeping on back & crossing
legs H«s>
605 Good summing sentence about
Hereditariness.- H4^
439; 445; 455, 7; 471, 2, 5, 8; 483, 4; 501;
567; 571; 574, 7; 580; 592, 5; 605; 611; 627
678 same age -» summary on this head.;
691 do; 700 do; 702 do; 713 do; 715 do;
748 do; 759 do; 849 age; 850 age; 852-
858; 891; 892 very important on crossing
obliterating individual character; 896; 904 2
129; 135, 7-140- 145; 156
157 on latent characters, in respect to
158- 165-good.
180 comparison of Hybrid & Mongrels
"Race-Hybrids" - "Species-Hybrids"
185; 190 - Books important; 192
198, 212 to 218 Crosses of Zebra & Ass.
229; 240; 253; 296; 299; 301; 307; 310; 315;
334; 347; 382, 4
must express things diffuse & with * a most wearisome pretence to formulas. (over)
children have some peculiarity which no * ancestor had -
So Porcupine & Echidna Orchis & Asclepias
Explanation same, in some degree similar
constitution acted on same causes, but in
latter case selection comes into play very
importantly - Both, however, derived from
modified pair - Turned up snouts in
Crocodile, Goldfish & Bull-dogs.
But now in bars on Pigeons & Asses legs &
Horse back no selection. It comes to this
can we believe external agencies cd
[page break]
produce the bars; I do not -
That there is real & not mere external
potency of race; Gaertner I think shows by
rapidity of conversion into another form.-
(over) Tom 2
See Back of Page
p.4; p8; 33
40 The most inexplicable case wd be an
additional finger reappearing a tendency to
form it somehow checked.- p48 Yes there
are cases.- 45 So masking theory must be
given up.
54, 58 effect of ant-copulation
75, 78 on action of Sexes, contradictory.
82, 85, 86, (88 opposed to my theory of
colour & constitution.)
93, 94
103-5 about which sex has greater influence
111, 12 Preponderance of race in different
sexes & p120
116 Book Huzard
SB4 Qß (2 sheets)
^ T. 2
8. Male giving certain parts p. 75 Summary
on do. 78 do. 82 <u^>
33 on similarity in children distinct from
inheritance H1^
40 Atavism, as in six-children: H^>
Predisposition - may say latent; not
marked., "Ruckslag" (ie Rückschlag)
58 Cases like Ld Moretons Q
X^ 85 Colour & character going together 88
93, 94 shows colour & constitution do not go
103 X1^ Whether male or female parent
preponderate in general in a cross, to p. 105.
Much diversity <w^> of opinion
109 X1^ He thinks they have equal power -
p.111. in some [instances] male most, in
some females - p112 Q examples of
preponderance of race 114 so with
individuals 120 Potency of Race in one sex
p 124 Sexuality in itself nothing (good
129 Differences in Monoicous & Dioicous
flowers Ch. 6 Sexual selection (Probably
much correlation of growth
135 Sexuality goes for nothing in crosses
137 Sexes transmit commonly to own sexes
- 140 in many cases reversed H«^ S^
158 Differences in sexes throughout animal
Kingdom (look at under Ch. 6)
165 Excellent case of same Peculiarities
attached to either males or females S^ (is it
due to sex tendency to transmit to own sex?
171 Father of Polydactilism &c showing how
does not go by sexes. H«^
X«^ 180 Q Comparison of Hybrids &
Mongrels - Upset to Geoffroy Rules to 190 -
192 Summary on. D Lucas firm believer in
185 case of non-reciprocity in Mammals Q
194 Subdivides resemblance with groups like
Gaertner (Compare)
198 Cases of parts taking after one parent
(♦ Give case of tail taking after Male in
Triple cross
217, 218 accounts for all new Characters by
Combination, forgets sports in birds - This is
in fact same sort of theory, as that which
accounts for all races by crossing
229 Melange takes place only where parts
are like.
240 Hare & Rabbit good case of difficult
union in close species. Buffalo & Cow Cow
253 His law of election & mixture &
296 On animals, as Bull & Stallion, having
much more choice than wd think. Ch 6 (^
301 Q On Old Race preponderating in cross
Hybrid of Fowl & Pheasant, fertile Q
On "Reduction" Q of races; 310 Effects of Q climate on reduction p315 The rate of reduction as shown by Gaertner shows that there is real potency in 1/2 breeds
355 on various combinations of colours 347 Knox & Weber think both sexes present in embryo (Knox & Weber) Ch. 8 Opposed by gt authors p382
445 Classification of variation with congenital - spontaneous & immediate; never alludes to effect of causes on ovules & spermatozoa
483 Dumb Dogs learning to Bark in England
484 ♦ Hereditary Handwriting Comptes
Rendus H%>
501 ♦ Effects of accidents heredetary H«^
«& Tom 2
567 Hereditariness at corresponding periods
571 Good Remarks on little distinction
between inheritance of predisposition &
disease itself H%>
576 List of Hereditary diseases H^
580 Diseases appear, when inherited, under
insufficient causes (Ch. 6 when showing how
inheritance aids primary causes of variation)
592 Disease to be inherited need not appear
early, any more than character in imago H^
595 Inherited Disease not very rarely
appears in infant H^>
[page break]
605 Inheritance from parent after an
abnormal state has appeared. H«^ X«^
611 Doubts any great distinction of
inheritance of acute & Chronic diseases
627 Veterinaries especially believe in
heredetary diseases (short* quicker
breeders) H<^
Hereditary cases at same age (or nearly) or
rather young 678 good same disease at
different age p. 691 700 702 (713 715) 748
759 H^
♦ Hereditary cases at very different ages
848 Summary on Hereditariness at same
age to 852 H^
858 Local diseases inherited H^
Noble Families endure barely 300 years
Owing to marriages, character of one * single individual is soon lost H«^ [Lateral characters on both sides different case for Crossing] CD
904 Summary on ill effects of Breeding in & in. («&
4 23-26m 7 15-16m* 8 3-6m 33 7-10m/3-14w Bears on Reversion as Sir H. Holland.-What brings them, but something in common similarity acted on. 40 14-16m (Burdach), 15u "prédisposition" 45 lu "Ruckschlag", zut Reversion better than atavism throwing back 2-5m 48 33m 54 25u<^, 27-30m 58 l-10m (Van Helmont & Haller) 59 15-17m 75 4-10w great diversities in relation to action of Sexes 78 26-32m 79 26-29m 82 19-32m 83 24r-26m 85 25m/« "Da Gama Machado", 20-33m/21u "coloration I caractère" 86 24~27m, 25-26u "transmission I couleur", 26-27 u "du temperament" 88 6-10m, 28-32m/w/wb My point is only whether generally.- & only relation of colour & diseases of hot countries That colour & withstanding climate are connected all organisms show - No it may be effect of light 93 25a "Le"/m/u^/w Mental I think 94 2-6m, 28-29u "penchantsIfacultés" 95 18-22m 103 9-12m 104 13-16w diverse opinions 26~27m 105 23m, 23-24m 109 5-8m 111 30-32m 112 15-26m/17-18Q/18-23w preponderance of one race over another with a 3d race 113 wt Austrian face must, I shd think go with father.- 3-6m/w preponderance of race according to sex 23« "mongole"/13-19w preponderance when either sex - like Pouters & Fan-Tails. 114 5-llm/4-25zv crosses of individuals like races & like species - Same conclusions as Gaertner - with the difference that the sex variously determines the preponderance 116 25-26m, 31-32m (Huzard) 120 12-16m/w case of potency of race in sex 124 16-21m/16-
19u±, 28-32m/31w a wb ie an individual, either male or female can preponderate, & so he thinks it is (I think) in species; but surely he must allow one species or race alone preponderates 125 2u "Cetteldes", 16-18m, 16wx, 26-31u±/28w (a) wb* In fact every animal is bisexual 126 wb Sexual characters generally confounded with other characters 129 5-10w Differences in monoicous flowers 23-29w great differences in dioicous flowers 31-32m 130 28-31m 135 25-27m 136 9-11 m 137 9-12m/w+ was the 1st Pouter a male? ll-14u±, 22u "unelces", 23u "métamorphose", 24u "épidermiques", 25u "polydactilie" 138 6-26m, 7« "chrom-atopseudopsie" 140 22-23m, 25u "dire Ipère"/ w in many cases 145 7-10m/8w+ in-version 12-14m, 15u<-> 156 20-24m, wb It is clear that characters sometimes go with sex - as sometimes polydactylism &c - Pouting & Wattle, & so if useful to one sex can be selected & returned - In fact both sexes have these characters but not displayed 157 wb The latent characters as shown in reversion to ancestors are illuminated by cases of females having them in potentiality 7-20m 158 wt Differences between males & females 4-29m*^ 159 2-9m/m^/5u "la Raie"/w Fish 9u "Chien \ que"/w M 161 2m/u "la huppe", 3u "voile", 4-5m/5u "gutturaux", 8m/8-9u "épines I latérales", 15u "crête I Condor", 16u "aigrette\espèces", 17-21m/ 19-20u "barbeIÉlan" 162 «^ 4-6m/4u "odorifères" 163 «^ 12-21m/13-18u±/13-15w^>, u^ Badger Otter & Lynx 1\2m/w&>, «^ Monkey 164 wb all the foregoing + ie of male sexual character being transmitted to males alone is wrong, as shown by sterile females - but it is latent in female 165 wt Looking at everything which can be transmitted being transmitted, in a child What a number of latent principles, from parents & grandparents - there may be a latent tendency to produce long or very short tails, & by no means necessarily an intermediate tail ll-12u^/?/ll-15w Mem. Polydactylism sometimes goes in males & sometimes in females, I think. -> 16-20m/ 18u "masculin\ mâles", 21-23u^, 29-31m, 30u "affecté \ femmes"\22-33whence, I shd think cannot be called an "annexed" character, or only accidentally annexed. 166 5-9m, 10-12m, 16-17u "exclusivement \auquel" 167 4u "occasion", 5u "elle I cause" 172 4-5w Table on Back 9m/w "intermittent"/? 173 2-4m 175 9-24m/ 20-22w I doubt this 176 25-27m* 180 5-8m/5u "rarement\ moyenne"/6-7w just reverse 20« "d'autres règles", 15u "intermédiaire", 19-21m/
[page break]
w just reverse 181 5-7m/w Hence preponderant 183 27-31m 184 2-4m, 7-lSm, 19-21m/w+ ass prevails - one here 19-21m/ w odd go back? domesticated î\12-8mfl\llu "Chien \ Boue"Iwb This variability of hybrids is independent of domesticity 185 16-20m, Ïï6u++lw Q ÏÏ7-5m/w Reference &c next Page wb case of non-reciprocity 186 30-31m 190 14-17m, 19-21u "la I produite", 28-29m, 32-34m 192 3-10m/3-^4u "contrastantes" 194 9w Decided type 14-16w mixture of characters, or fusion 18-20w+ fusion of do 198 9-13w election of character agrees with Sturm 26-27m, 32m/w Good Book 199 l-4m/ 1 u "Étalon I Anesse "3u "semblable I père "/2-5w Election of character by sex 7-8m 200 7-8ml 7u^> 201 8-llm 202 27m, 28m/27-32w In Mus of Practical Geology 212 33-34m 215 2-3m\ 2u "combinaison \ chimie", 3u "nouveau principe", 25-28m 216 9-13m 217 7-17w He explains all variation & even in same species to this fancied law of chemical combination. 218 6-20w He forgets sports, which upsets his theory of variation by chemical union of qualities of two parents 229 19u "similitude\ caractères"/?, 21u " Mélange "/21-23w What does Gaertner say? 253 20-24m, 23u "mélange"/wb similarity 24u "combinaison"/wb affinity wb What rubbish 295 21-25m, 28-30m/w Cows 296 3-20m/9u "Chevaux"/w Individual choices 296-97 (paper fragment attached) 297 25-28m 299 18-19m 300 27-29m 301 wt as a mere matter of chance when anything has appeared in many generations, more likely to appear - Perhaps this is all 1-5m/? 307 23-24m/Q 28m/Qu "saIgénération", 32m 308 17u "septième génération" 310 6-18w Perhaps black-faced sheep - Anyhow I must be cautious about potency of race 315 2-5m, 8-llm (Burdach), 12-14m, 18-22m, 28m 316 13-17m 317 15-19m 334 26-32m 335 15-25m 347 14-16m 382 10-16m 384 10-18m 439 23« "Muller", 18-21m, 20-21u++ 444 19u "médiates" 445 wt/l-9w Divides variations (♦ into spontaneous ?)♦ & direct effect of external agencies on the parents & on the individuals after they have life, or when bom. He seems to use congenial (ie congenital) when generated & not when born.- 10c "premier"/w spontaneous 12u "sans \ externe"/ ?, 15-16u^/14-21w never seems to think of action on ovules & sperms before conception wb He gives so much in following pages to external conditions that I know not what is left for spontaneity. 455 l-15m 457 2w "révoquent I caractères ", 2-3u "qu'ils I développent "/w after born 459 wt My rabbit black when young, then turning grey - there
is no reason why this shd be so.- l-3m+/ w* ? whether new characters 3a "âge"/2-10w ie whether the parents are young or old. Quite different question from mine. 471 8-11m/ 3-14w He puts all this down to climate without any reason, except that they do differ in different climates 30m "Prichard\42" 472 13m "VilmorinIont", 31-32m 473 1-7w Puts all this down to climate & overlooks selection 475 3-6m, 14-15u "jusqu'au] gallinacés", 16-32m, ^llu^/wb see to this 478 l-6m 483 13-16m 484 12m "des\du"/ll-19w How he does confound congenital variation with real habit 28-30m/w on writing see p. 92. 493 l-4m, lOw coincidences 501 17-26m/w accident might have produced poor offspring 567 5-15m 571 wt/l-7w Differences of predisposition & disease chiefly being inheritable, blend together & not very great, & are both present though much discussed -good remarks all refer to 7-13m, 15-19m 574 7-10m/6-19w tendency to same disease clearly transmitted in species Man during many generations 576 15-18m 577 2-6m, 9u "Les\accord", Wu "prédisposition" 580 29-32m/30u "avec I concours "/32u "l'excitation I insuffisantes", wb This enlarged on in following pages 592 7-12m, 15-30w To be hereditary, disease need no more appear at first, than that the imago shd not be heredetary, because not* preceded by larva. 595 25-28m/w good many cases given, of non contagious cases 605 17-26m/w Grognier What is melanism 611 9-12m, 19-20u "c'est Piorry" 627 17-20m 678 17-19m, 19-21m, 20-21m/20u/21u, 24u, 25-27m/m^/ 27u "enfance" 679 1^4m^/2u "depuis]années", 5u "âgé\an", 14-29m/16-20w asthma strong cases of Hereditary 691 8-9m/u "cinquante] critique"/w not good 17-19m/19u "dès Ians" 700 8-llm/9-10u "père]croissante" 702 14-18m/ 15u "eux]ans"/w goodish 713 24w Clionea 25-28m/26u "au I âge" 714 29m/u "quinze" 715 5m/u "dans l'enfance", 7-8m 748 ll-18m/12u (ages), 14u "méningite tuberculeuse"/15-16u (ages)/llw apoplexy 759 12-14m/13u "quarante ans" 802 21-22m 803 8-10m 804 23-25m 805 14-18m 806 8-llm 809 22-25m 810 3-6m 813 25-27m 815 20-21m 818 22-24m 823 ll-17m 848 8-llm/lOu "d'élection", 12-15m/w This important to me 849 <mA>> 6-17m/7u "choree"/llu "phthisie"/ 14u "goutte"/18u "apoplexie"/6-llw almost necessarily hereditary at same age 22-25m, 28-30m 850 3-13m/3-8u±, 15-16u^ 851 32m/ wb young age 852 l-3m, 4-7m 858 3-llm/4-5w Local diseases 891 18-23m/19u "on] filles"/ 21-22u "nominale"/w ie by male side
[page break]
■wb+ee 892 8-13m/7-16w This crossing may be rather different from the obliteration of a variety by changes of conditions & selection 18-22w Crossing will even obliterate a specific character 25u "somme I caractères "/22-28w In crossing the character is not latent at all. 25u "individu"/ wb ie with constant crossing wb In very latent characters both parents have, it for all ages.- Hence it comes out in cross 893 l-7m/w Yet likenesses in families where peculiarities have never been fixed like specific characters. 894 4-9m/w characters produced in act of generation 23-29m 895 21-23m 896 25-30m 904 28-30m/wb* attributes ill effect of 905 9-10m 906 13-24m 907 14r-15m, 16-18m 914 22~26m 923 10-13m 924 6-9m, 26-29m 933 19m
LUERSSEN, Christian Handbuch der systematischen Botanik 2 vols.; Leipzig; H. Haessel; 1879-82 [Botany School, FD]
LUNZE, Gustav Die Hundezucht im Lichte der Darwinsche Theorie Berlin; Louis Gerschel; 1877 [Down]
NB not read only skimmed
LYELL, Charles Elements of geology London; Murray; 1838 [CUL, I] geo, mi, t, ve
NBl for Lyell
156 158 359 439 462 524
NB2 Myself
♦ ; es*
p.27 38 76 88 119 171 173X 181 207 212
217 233 237 290 295,299 - Glen Roy 329
350 411 417 419 426 437 432 447 449 450
461 473 474 517
23 wt (no. of words on page counted) 27 1Î20-1m, wt C. of Good Hope 38 8-10m 76 22-16m, wt I must be cautious about Ascension 88 tm 119 fig.m 125 Ü8-3m 156 9-16m/w ?all infiltered? 158 2-6m/4u "some\rocks" 161 î\15x, ÏÏ14x, ÏÏllu "Labrador-felspar", 1\8x, ÏÏ7u "magnetic \ olivine" 162 3u "Phonolite", lOu "trachyte \ basalt"/3u/a£ 163 14-15u±, 21u "baslatic\trachytic", 22u "Hornblende rock", ÏÏ5« "syenite\granite", 1Î4-3« "greenstone" 164 lu "Obsidian I lava", 2u "pitchstone", 9u "Pearlstone", 12u±, 16u "Pitchstone", 21u "basaltic dikes", 22u± Ü13u "of tuff", ÏÏ22u "Pumice\trachyte", ïïllu "augitic porphyry", ÎÎ9w "Scoriae", 1\2u "Syenitic greenstone" 165 (many lines.u) 171 fig 93.m/w ?reference? wb An argument against lateral injection, that
the origin of common dike is lateral tension which must be prolonged to surface & therefore no tendency 172 l-15m/w% Argument for - curious - separation of matter. Mem St. Jago dike was amygdaloid??? 16-19w* if so introduction note 173 fig.m/wt Is relative position faithful? of fragment & clear salband. fig.m/w is cleavage faithfully represented? Zw*» The cryst threads of greenstone at Salisbury Craigs. caused by cavities, like veins - when hollow - quartz veins in quartz rocks.-cavities in lava- (space yet pressure) ÏÏ3-lm/w shows not altered great dike wb The streching formed vacuum. & more fluid parts sucked in to walls or round fragment.- 181 Zm, ÏÏ2-», film, wb These cases appear to me most wonderful 182 l~5m/w or if stone was very fluid so as to communicate pressure lu "if no"/«♦///♦ 207 tÏ4-2m/?, wb cause? 212 6-10m/w Hornblend pumped out? 217 1\l7-8m/w poor 233 1te-3m 237 Zm 266 (no. of words on page counted) 290 l-8m 295 l-10m 299 l-3m 329 l-5m/? 350 1Ï6-2m 359 wt would be preserved on such coasts as are now muddy l-2m/? 411 2-3m 417 23-29m 419 U-lm/?, wb Sydney & C. of Good Hope.- 426 fig.m 432 l-6m/4u++ 437 3-6m/3u "existing genera"/5u "Cephalopoda"/6u "more widely 439 14-18m/? U7 Zm, wb At • all vertical 449 9-15m/w UspollataO 23?/« "clear" 450 Him/?, wb Mem. Bartram.- «► See scrap of Paper pasted at end of Book A 458 7-24m 461 5-23m 462 l-2m/? 473 5u "opposite directions"/5-9m 474 HS-lm, H3?/u "olivine" 475 2-24m 517 wt Chalk highest bed - case analogous to Cordillera 2-22m 524 H9-6m, wb & Humboldt
LYELL, Charles Elements of geology 6th edn;
John Murray; 1865 [Down, I]
ad, ex, fo, gd, geo, gr, ir, no, oo, sp, ta
SB Qß, A
155; 168; 231 Dryopithecus; 265; 269; 299;
306; 311; 377 to 384 good case of
imperfection with MammaliaO; 387; 230;
410; 414; 435; 451; 509; 510; 542; 552; 569;
576; 580; 583
SA (pp. 664-5, not CD) a
Lyell's Elements of Geology 1865.
p. 155 Depths at which sea-shells can live
231 on Dryopithecus.
265 Myocene Flora richer in species than
any existing
269 To West of Rocky Mountains extinct
genera now formed to the east.
265 to p. 273 on the supposed Atlantis
[page break]
299 Footprints of mammals in great numbers
in upper Eocene
306 On the Eocene nummolitic rocks.
forming parts of great mountain chains.
310 On great break between chalk &
377 to 384 On Purbeck beds showing
imperfection of record - 387 ditto
410 On great breaks in oolite series. 414
435 St Cassiew Beds. 1st appearance of
some Paleozoic genera
451 Hitchcock on Footprints in U. States
509 On airbreathers in Coal period in U.
542 On lowers Devonian formation at C.
Good Hope
552 On oldest known fossil fish
571 Table of Cambrian formations
576 On some of the oldest fossils
579 On the Laurentian formations
580 Speaking generally Silurian deposits
have a pelagic character
583-585 Table of the first discovery of fossil vertebrates
viii 2m ix 9m, 34m 155 1-Am 168 32-39m 231 9-4Sm 265 39-47m 269 21-29m 271 l-5m, 34-41m 273 8-18m 299 31-37m, 42-47m 306 2-25m 310 25-31m, 32-41m 311 17-20m, 44-49m 333 15-21m 377 21-38m/32-33u± 380 6-17m (Owen and Falconer) 384 27-34m 386 29-32m 387 9-25m 390 15-34m, 35-39m 410 24-24m, 36-40m 411 9-27m, 43-46m 414 7-27m, 24-29m, 29~45m 435 16-23m, 24-30m 451 26-27m 508 25w Coal 26-31m 510 4-22 m 542 33-40m 552 9-27m, 20-30m, 32-42m 553 22-29m 569 16-23m 571 table.m, "Lower Cambrian Rocks".m 576 20-24m, 40-44m 577 6-24m, 46-49m 578 43-45m, 46-^7m 579 2-3m, 5-7m, 20-21m, 24-38w must have lived on prey 42-49m 580 4~7m, ll-13m, 18-21w now has Eoozoon 581 2-3m, 15-17m 583 table.m 584 33-40m 585 28-34m
LYELL, Charles The geological evidences of the antiquity of man London; John Murray; 1863 [CUL, I]
cc, ch, ex, fo, gd, geo, gr, h, ig, in, ir, is, no, oo, or, r, si, t, ta, ti, v
NB1 ♦
Torquay Head & shoulders
Fuller description of Celts
Alludes too much to Principles.-
Imperfection of Geolog. Records very good.
P107 reduced
P-111 fallen level
p. 147 - square acres
179 Sir Andrew Smith
One sentence for S. Hemisphere & absence
in Tropics New. Zealand Celts.
NB2 Man Chapt.; p 87. Variation of
Australian skulls; 90; 91; 370; 375 378; 386;
493; 496; 495
21; 22; 24; 143; 145; 146; 157; 191; 216;
236; 282,285; 288; 351; 365; 367; 375; 400;
427 - to end of Chapter; 433
SB a% a
p.145. Imperfection of Geolog. Record
157 Glacial Mammals
216 Contrast of Flora & Mammals of Norfold
(ie Norfolk) Drift (see 2d Edit)
236 changes of climate in Greenland.
282, 285, 288 wonderful complex changes
during Glacial period
351. Ice action on N. American continent
365 Bending of isothermals Europe & N.
367 Depth of Baring St.
400 Eocene mammals in stages older than
formerly thought.-
427 Davidson reduces Brachiopoda
immensely.- gradation of forms
429, 437, 439 well argued - gradation
446 Argument that Bats & Seals have not
produced on Islands new forms of life - Why
not wingless Bats, there is no insectivorous
apterous Bird ??
p449 Imperfection of Geological Record
x 37-38m xi 4m, 22-23m, 35-36m 9 27-29m 16 23-26m 21 4-9m 22 30-31m/30u "swamp" 23 29-33m 24 24-2Sm 25 22-24m 26 6-22m 27 5-2 2 m 87 2-2 2 m 90 17-20m 91 5-8m 107 28-29m/28c "reduced" 111 26-27m 143 6-22m 145 19-26m 146 21-32m 147 7-8m/7u/c "square" 157 8-15m 187 2S-26m 191 8-12m/w How modern compared with old stone period 216 18-23m, 29-32m 229 24-29m 231 17-25m 236 22-29m 237 26-33m 243 22« "stones"lw striae 257 32-32m 282 2-29m, l-13w wonderful changes, so complex 285 4-23m 288 12-15m, 20-25m 294 2-2m 351 28-22m 365 14-22m 366 5-20m 367 2-4m (Darwin and Hooker), 20-23m 370 4-24m/13-18w Progress 28a "stone" polished? 374 10-llw S. Africa 375 3-22m 378 2-4m 379 l-18m\2-4w wrong? Australians 386 5-8m/6-7w see reference 400 6-18m 412 26-27m/26u "labours" 413 4-6m/5u "is\by" 421 24m/u "Sej'ström" 426 8-14m 427 8-17m, 33m 428 23-31m 429 15-22m 430 27-33m 433 25-32m 436 5-25m 437 5-23m 439 2-Sm, 20-30m (Leidy) 442 23-32m (Hooker) 443 23-26m 444 2S-22m 445 2-7m, 23-27m
[page break]
446 19-21m/21u 447 3m/l-14w I * have added great * means of change vast nos of individuals - in my discussion whether rapid change 27-32m 449 28-30m 450 10-15m, 21-22m/21u "macrurus" 457 5-8m 463 10-12m 464 3~4m 465 24-25m 467 17-18m 469 18-24m, 27-28m/u "become]probable" 493 24-29m (Agassiz) 495 20-22m (Quatrefages), 21w No 496 ll-17m 497 wt Rengger says Monkeys are improvable l-3m/2u "progressive]reason"/ l-5w compared Dog or wolf or Jackall 9u "capable] improvement" 500 3-8m/? 503 17-21m 505 l-4m/4u "unprogressive" 5u "improvable reason" \2-3woh 506 8-lSm, 23-29m
LYELL, Charles The geological evidences of the antiquity of man 3rd edn; London; John Murray; 1863 [Down, I]
LYELL, Charles The geological evidences of the antiquity of man 4th edn; London; John Murray; 1873 [CUL, I] ig, tm
NB 486, 488 on the intermediate types, very
486 l-9m 488 l-13m (Falconer)
LYELL, Charles A manual of elementary
geology 3rd edn; London; John Murray; 1851
ch, co, fo, geo, gr, mi, se, si, sp, tm, ve
SB CD 65; 66; 68; 95; 98; 103; 107; 139;
147; 150; 151; 152; 155; 174; 176; 188; 197;
200; 219; 231; 235; 265; 270; 273; 297; 298;
301; 306; 309; 324; 336; 340; 359; 360;
Abstracted; V. Principles
(over) ♦
p217 coral-mud known to be transported
Spec growing by AscencionQ
p221 S Amer Chalk
p220 p. 235 p. 282
Copper in Sea-water - absent in Volcanic
sucked out of rocks
facts not given
area of elevation - like a fan
36 33u "may", 34-37m/34u "artificial mixture", 41-42m/w on volcanic rocks 40 25-28m/? 55 12-19m 64 wtu, 16-19m 65 27-33m 66 13u "running"J14u "marine current"/12-29w IThink of the 32,000 ft of strata - so much deposited; sea-chalk 68 3-13m/12-14u "at] another", 14-18m 81 33a "sun" earthquakes 36-37w shell-sand sand-dunes 84 17-18m* I w* only rising 85 6-8m/6u "In leases" 95 3-
10m/4w so age 98 20-30m 103 35-40m 107 4-16m 113 23-34m 139 l-10m, 13-24m 147 31-37m (Owen, Meyer) 150 8-29m 151 29-27m* 152 27-29m 155 21-28m 166 42-43m\ 42u "Carentan" 174 20-23m, fig. 153.m 176 13-18m 177 ^3-lm/x, wbßw singular how rarely little patches of half-a-mile of green left except outlyers. colour in large patches-? Silurian largest? V. Map of Europe? & World 188 3-9m, zb 197 l-8m 200 ll-32w see what difference even within Eocene 22-34m (Brongniart) 219 42-44m 228 34m 231 15-24m, 23-26m 235 20-24m, 45-49m 265 29-36m/w Mem Purbeck animals changes 38m 266 2-2lm, 38-44m 270 14-24m 273 l-3m 297 42-Abm (Hitchcock)/43w 44 46-47^ 298 44-46m (Owen), 31-40m 299 22-24m, 38-A3m (Dana) 301 10-llm, 14-18m 306 16-22m 309 29-22m 324 22-26m 336 30-37m 337 5-7m (H. von Meyer) 340 38-40m 359 l-5m 360 3-22m, 25-33W (E. Forbes) 468 2-6m, fig. 509.m 469 30-35m, 32-37z 472 4-22m 480 27-35w granite not flowed; grain in granite
LYELL, Charles A manual of elementary geology 4th edn; John Murray; 1852 [CUL] t
NB p139
SB (errata-sheet) Please paste this in without delay
x fig.m xiv fig. 529.m, 25-34m xvi 27-33m xviii 22-32 m, 29-33m, 41-45m xix 10-15m/ 13u "Cephalopoda", 24-26m, 31-41m (Owen) xx 8-9m/?, 13-18m, 23-27m, 28-32m, 39-40m, 41-44m, 45-47m xxi 22-23m, 25-26w, 18-19m, 29-32m, 42-*47m/46a/u "embryonic" "perfect condition"'/wb This is not an equivalent proposition xxii 9-17m, 28-32m 29 4-10m 30 15-17m, 30-34m 31 4u "carnivorous" 34 35-40z 138 41-42m, 41u "post-glacial deposits" 139 3-6m/w what evidence 13-39m
LYELL, Charles A manual of elementary geology 5th edn; 1855 [CUL, S] ch, ex, fo, gd, geo, ig, is, no, oo, or, r, si, sp, t, ti, tm, v, ve
NB ♦
Chapter on Veins absent in volcanic regions
as shown by no veins on any volcanic islds
p.460 misprint
Amber beds L. talks more about Lower
Limburg or Hampstead Beds
p.231 Hardly distinct age of Alps ?
It is shame you have never read my Abstract
of S. Amer
p118 p. 130 p. 18 p. 53. p,97 Principal For.
[page break]
p.238 11 from top - Cambrian
p.295 not clear whether 3 strata with
Wealden more historical
p310 misprint
p406 very good
504 Canary Isd. do.
I begin at Chapt + X.-
p140 important to end of Cha. Think of
effect of the cold Permian current meeting
the N. downward current.
p154 to - p 435; p. 447; p448 to 463
114 7-9z, 38-49m 115 l-6m, 41-46m/w Plants probably long-lived 119 12-25m 120 21-28m, 38-42m 140 20-23m, 34-37m, 38-A2m\w see next page 47-49m 142 27-31m, 28-29m 143 15-18m, 43m 144 27-32m/w How is this in Europe. 29-32w Macrauchenia in Patagonia 40-~49w In Chiloe recent shells occur in changed proportions. 145 38-41m, 46-47m 146 l-5m/w Is it certain that Elephas & Rhinoceros survived glacial Epoch.- 154 33u "variety called", 35u "some naturalists", 36-38ml33-47w Is there not great difference about fossil Boves. Have Nillsons writings been translated into German? 157 18-25m 164 48-50m 183 l-5m, 32-35m/34u "seven species "/23-49xv These numbers, as in Brazil cases, wd make one think succesive Faunas merged.- 192 25-29m, fig.169.rn193 l-4m 195 43-46m Vil 33-^9m\ 37-42w 3 Mamm Faunas besides recent 207 20-23m 212 26-30m 213 18-23m 217 19-29m 220 24-28m 227 39-42m 230 40-46m 231 4-6m 232 24-29m\ 19-35zv Yet continents must have existed nearly as now during later Tertiary periods. 236 12-17m, 41-44m* 237 8-16m, 19-25m, 29-34m 238 llc/w*e 251 24-26m/26u "perhaps Wealden" 255 21-28m, 30-32m 256 26-27m/27u "ten other", 33-35m 257 l-6m 258 26-39m/w so geographically; consider this.- same functions & purposes, slight differences; implies separation: hardly S. & N. species at * Shows a coordinate change in several forms. 267 9-14m, 17-22m 268 4-7m 295 4-7m, 29m, 34-35m 296 14-20m 297 7-9m 300 7-17m 301 6u "great \ time "/2-6m/w Selection slow - change of species reacting, new introductions. 22-26m 308 33-35m/ 33u "of change" 309 l-2m 310 7-16m 311 17-20m 313 32-38m/w Has not 4th species been discovered 316 17-22m 319 31-35m 321 zb 324 l-2m 335 25-31m 337 21-26m (A.
Brongniart) 342 17-32m 343 43-46m (Owen) 348 38-43m 349 40-41m (Owen) 350 40-44m 351 9-12m 357 24-30m/w duration of plants 358 32-37m (Murchison) 359 27-32m 360 25-28m 363 34-45w When we come here Plants have changed even more than animals 369 35-36z 373 22-28m 380 40u "sixty-eight" 389 4u "Scarabaeus family"/l-4m/w ancient & great classes of insects. 9-10m/Q&/9u "several\ Termites" 400 35-37m, 40-42m/41u "nolthan" 401 13-21m 404 33-36m 405 3^m, 15-16m, 20-22m (Owen), 31-32m, 36-39m 406 5-15m 407 ll-17m, 14-16m 408 3-8m/w Passage a difficulty, great one.- 20-22m 410 30-35m/w This analogous to Goulds birds coloured in interior of continents. 411 7-10m 416 fig. 536.m 417 7-12m, 15-19m 418 6-10m 423 26-27m, 29-32m 424 ll-14m 433 Iw Read 435 33-35m 446 6-10m 447 3-10m, 24-28m, 31-32m 448 l-2m, 13-15m 449 27-31m, 34-36m 450 39-42m 451 3-9m, 21-24m 453 2-4m, 17-21m, 30-31m (Murchison) 454 9-14m, fig. 617.m, 27-31m\28u "fades of" 455 15-19m 456 17-21m, 22-25m/22u "unconformably", 24-26m, 28-32m 457 17-20m, 20-21m, 24-26m, 30-37m, 45-47m 458 8-13m, 17-21m, 24-28m 459 3-5m, 17-19m, 42-A6m 460 26a "1839" no Secondary Bird 38-40m/39a "1810\C8"/w 7 48-53m 461 15-18m, 35-41m, 44-50m, 47-49m 462 6-12m, 12m, 15-19m 463 5-9m, 13-15m, 17-24m 553 18-25m/ 22w 3° Lat 27w 4h 31w 5h 516 ÏÏ26-22za>
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 1st edn, 3 vols.; London; John Murray; 1830-33 [CUL, on B, S] ch, f, geo, ti, ve
vol. 1, 308 22-23m 314 32u "forty-sixth"/w what Volcanos ? 315 ll-16m/ll-14m/? 325 ll-A0m 346 l-24m 374 20-38m 440 22-29m 468 Xw We may more easily imagine the fluid stone injected (as occurs in every mountain chain) amongst damp strata.- wb at time of Earthquake Lava under great pressure, how could water penetrate to it would it not be driven back with violence?-470 28-38m 471 22-39m 476 2-29m 477 23-18w+ if there are hollows left what forces up the lava
vol. 2 NB p153 Ulloa * on asses multiplying See this Book generally on this subject 201 5-22m 248 1-7m 291 12?/u "Otaheite", 24-25w oval & irregular form? 294 13-18mjl5w Galapagos 19-34m 295 7-14m P
vol. 3 NB1 6- Sand as 1 & 2; 7. Large shingle or Rock
[page break]
NB2 u
58 20u "synchronous"/20-23w if the rate of change is everywhere the same 114 10-15m/ ?/w Flat valleys & terraces 152 8-9xv Estuary
Glossary, 61 30m, 32m 62 8m, 28m, 38m 63 6m, 7m, 10m, 17m, 28m, 34m, 38m 64 1m, 5m, 9m, 18m, 19m, 21m, 24m, 36m, 41m 65 1m, 6m, 10m, 15m, 18m, 19m, 42m 66 2m, 5m, 6m, 8m, 21m, 27m, 29m, 49m 67 18m, 29m, 33m, 37m, 43m 68 5m, 10m, 12m, 18m, 38m 69 3m, 4m, 13m, 15m, 29m, 35m, 40m 70 3m, 12m, 23m, 25m, 32m, 38m, 42m 71 5m, 16m, 21m, 37m 72 3m, 22m, 33m, 42m 73 20m, 21m, 26m, 29m, 32m 74 3m, 5m, 10m, 19m 75 22m, 25m, 35m 76 5m, 14m, 18m, 20m, 23m, 25m, 34m 77 3m, 20m, 32m, 34m 78 24m, 22m, 30m
3m, 23m, 27m, 30m, 31m, 32m, 34m, 42m
3m, 8m, 13m, 18m, 20m, 25m, 30m, 32m, 34m 81 3m, 7m, 18m, 19m, 20m, 24m, 30m, 33m, 34m, 40m, 42m 82 4m, 6m, 10m, 18m, 37m, 41m 83 2 m, 6m, 12m, 15m, 23m
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 5th edn, 4 vols; London; John Murray; 1837 [CUL] ad, beh, br, cc, ch, che, co, er, es, dg, ds, dv, ex, f, fg, fo, gd, geo, gr, h, he, hy, ig, is, mg, mhp, mi, mn, oo, or, pat, phy, se, si, sp, sx, t, ti, tm, ts, v, ve, wd
vol. 1 NB ♦ 144; 146; 147; 153; 155; 161; 168; 187; 248; 270; 278; 285; 326; 350; 381 132 9-32m/"..." 144 l-20m/15-20w Mem Guanaco dying near water 146 24« "tropical plants "I14-17w C. of Good Hope 147 wt Jaguar in Lat 42° Puma - 53°? 2-3m, 26-20w Puma 10,000 ft high near snow 150 18-20mlw Guanacos at 70° 29-31m/w 69° 151 6-20m (Pallas) 153 22-24m, 18-22w Mem desert character of C. of Good Hope 155 27-24m, wb Mem. tropical vegetation. South America approach, limits of perpetual congelation. 161 wt Tree ferns appear not to like the light, most gloomy spots 14-23m 168 25u "Indian"/? 187 15-20m/16u "longer I sun" 248 7-29m 270 14-22m 278 27-27m 279 zt 284 zt 285 wt Lockhead on Guyana -Demerara river. Edinbg Transact Vol IV 25-22m 318 25-31m (Sedgwick) 326 6-25m, 26-30m/w Gypsum stalactites Ascension wb Little evidence of Vole action in many parts of Tropical coral forming seas 350 wt How can lime be precipitated? more water.- 2-17m/2-8m 381 wb great tides sometimes on very open coasts, Patagonia 434 16-17m
vol. 2 NF1 Mississippi, New Madrid, &
Caraccas 46
Albite Volcanic Rock V. Buch p175
Necker on curves Mag. & Mountain chains
♦ Exert, m
Exemplify the force of pebbles knocking
Beach, is only cause of sediment on whole
of Peru- as far as granite so far same
NF2 (drawing of mountain)
p.336 trees touching ground
p.217 Dolomen Calabria
NB1 (on p. 442)
X Argument 2nd. Excellent argument sheep
do not get big tails in Africa or cattle
longhom or cow bumps on back, or dogs
like fox in Australia, or - or - or - yet whole
breed being so. it must be effect of country,
yet exciting or else Nature would have
altered back XXX
XXX Now if in course of ages (having shown
time is requisite) offspring differed as much
from Indian Cattle & as/& Buffalo^ neao&
long horned & as these do now from
common stock, then would they perish.-
These irreversible changes may explain
extinction they might act on some important
organs & become hereditary like diseases
Without reference to either, but simple
The great difficulty appears, that though
some animals long domesticated change not
indefinite (Do we know this), but most
domesticated animals are hereditary
monsters, yet we should have expected
some race which would have showed a
slight repugnance to breed with our animals
X 2d. The changes apparently being rapidly
superinduced in domesticated animals. The
very character of species is * character
being hereditary, & as we know we can give
forms not hereditary, some that are; we
might expect gradation
NB3 ♦
187 Ask Captain about earth parting from
solid Rock
Beechey is he authority of Concepcion? -
No, Lesson? - no
Stokes, height of any land near Concepcion?
Sulphur passing from solfatara like veins,
Abich bulletin of Geological Society of
France Leucite in specks. Galapagos VII -
Von Buch. Canary Isld.-
NB4 12; 20; 27; 36; 41; 42; 46; 55; 149;
151; 185; 188; 192; 218; 221; 255; 256; 305;
351; 356; 403; 416
[page break]
The two kinds of Elevation going on together Error in Constant Prévost, p. 154 <«>♦ •) p323
12 wt The work of degradation goes on in inland bays.- St Joseph.- 2-8m (Pallas) 13 zt 20 5-13m/10-12w Peru 27 24-28w Mouth of St of Magellan 31w St.Helena 36 wb Pebbles beaches enormous manufactory for sediment draw back.- muddy water Calcaire 41 10-18m/13w No 42 8-29m (Humboldt) 46 l-8m, 20-26w Juan Fernandez 29-32w ancient trap rocks 55 7z, 8-16m 54 zt 149 2-8m 151 zt, fig.z, 18-22m/19u "dike" 154 27-29m 156 9-16m 158 l-17m 175 15-31m/17u "local earthquakes"j!8u "conceded" 185 zt 186 wt/1-7m/w ConnectionO of local earthquakes fig.z 188 23u "northward"/w South 190 l-4m/2u "one hundred" 192 11-17m, 21-23m 203 wtu, 16-33m, wb New Madrid to coast of Caraccas 2040 miles 218 13-16m 221 25-20m 255 16-26m 256 16-21m, 22-25m, 22-28m 257 3-8z/4-5? 298 3-27m 301 26-32m, 30-33m 302 29-34m 304 wt How come stones not displaced? l-8m 305 zt, 15-23m/z/ 18w Pampas zb 307 21-24m/w no wb Jamaica. Isd in Pacific Ocean 311 4-18m/7-14"..." 318 8-10m 326 5-23m 336 26-25m 351 32-34m/?, wb & water 356 16-23m 360 wt It is somewhere said Hippopotamus found in rivers of Asia - ?! This must be looked to 362 24-25u "progenitors", 25-27m (Geoffroy), 32u "ancestors" 364 3-5m/4u "still more" 365 wt When writing refer to this abridgment compare & see if true 6-23ra 368 12-18m (Lamarck)/w isolation not considered 370 wt why if changes in circumstances rapid not changes in species.- It looks as if each peculiarity required to be firmly impressed XX 2-9m, 9-15w loss of tail a loss of organ 16-21w Double flowers assumption of organ wb XX hence plants long cultivated cannot be recognized! - Pyramids of Egypt 374 23-34m, wb Because there were localities fitted for simplest animals as well as the most complex, therefore some remained simple, if not created. The incidental good that one race performs to others proves adaptation in Universe. 375 1-7 m, 28-32m 376 lu "progressive"Iwt change of adaptation 27-34m, wb very diff from my view 377 22x, wb No more inexplicable than Bump in Indian Cow or change in Plants- 381 2-3m 384 27-23m 386 l-8m, 13-34w In mammalia we must stick to one rule - let fertility be test.- wb Hogs varieties in animals but in plants species which are fertile? 387 21-26m, wb
Mem. find of Land Shells 391 7-12m ♦ 392 26m, wb Varieties are made rapidly by man. Are there any cases of animals going back in one generation to parents stock 393 32-33m (Dureau de la Malle) 395 wt X 1 think this fact coupled with Egyptian shows change suddenly produced l-33w Not time to form varieties in America & Australia - X Appeal to any breeder, whether if none imported, some breed would there be endemic wb Yet those animals in certain countries have been changed, but yet fresh ones now imported do not change Oxen do not get long horns now in S. Africa. 397 24-25u "three I centuries" 398 wt see Boussingault Falkland Rabbit & Horse Study Azara. Mice of Cape de Verde 2u "The I cattle"/l-5m/w Falconer Dobrizhoffer 14-34m/14-15w great difficult. X wb Have they? What is date of Cat of Persia Dog of Australia Sheep of Cape of Good Hope. 399 wt Llama of S. America 400 26-31m 401 5-10m, 31-32m (Smith, Knight), wb Study Horticultural Transactions 402 l-9m, l-6m/l-17w parallel-Monsters in Animal Kingdom 403 6-25m (Henslow, Herbert) 17-26m 404 wb Wild dog of Australia, grand fact. It would be good experiment to find whether plants which transmit their varieties easily * present any difficulties in crossing.- wb There appear two kinds of variations one persistent & other varying. Man offers instance of first - how is fact of crossing with them/- 406 wt A So they maybe be not very permanently ? Esquimaux dog on Indian Cattle could they, lu "its", 28-34m 407 wt The idea of slowness, & of long intermarriage to make variety perfect & then when perfect it will rebranch off.- l-5m/X, 7-19m/8-9w A 29-33w Yes until it is made species wb In those where change greatest we do not know what was aboriginal 408 22-22w "indefinite\ages"/w adaptation wb The effects of time must be shown in effecting propagation. Wheat, & old vegetables most constant, yet we hear of new & strange variations produced in far countries 410 32m (Roulin) 412 27-27m, 32-33m (Jameson) 416 1-4m/la "in"Iwt parts of 417 13-17z/15-18w not to Man but beast 32-33m 419 5-34m, 4-7m/ wb & when perpetuated, more might be gained like the intellect of civilized man.- 420 17-31m, 19-31m/w Strong argument 24m ill wb If wolf & Fox same very different habits 423 21-26m (Buffon), 27-32m, 30-34m, wb Where 425 wt Tiger & Lion intermediate 3-30m (Hunter, Wiegmann, Prichard), 32m (Hunter) 426 6-34m 427 ll-18m, 13-15m, 27-33m 428 22-32m 431 22-23m 432 6-22m 433
[page break]
13-22m + 435 8-16m, 19u "species", wb Centaurea hybrida 439 2-7m 441 28a "great"/ 26w or small 30-32m/w with 34a "offspring"/w with no tendency to go back wb respect to changes superinduced in short period 442 Wu "improvement or deterioration"'/4-12m/w if this were true adios theory
vol. 3 NF1 p63 Vanessa migratory
p93 AD1794 unparalleled for drought.
Cape de Verde? Monkey peculiar?
How far High land from the Radark Islds
Insist very strongly on animal, resisting
powers of breakers
NB1, 2 z
NB3 Lyell for Ch
♦ 7; 8; 10; 19; 31; 32; 50; 70
109; 115; 121 ; 182; 227; 270; 272; 274; 380;
434; 424; 440,41,42; 445
128; 138; 182*; 179; R Recent; 380
4 wb There is a resemblance analogy of animals of tropics like that of animal inhabiting Water or air - This is different from forms of Isd near continents 5 23-33m, wb Consult R. Brown. Appendix 6 5-14m, 19-31m 7 4-10m/4-6w V. Lesson 8 16~22m/w Royle 9 27-34m/24-25?* 10 7-llm/w authority? 14 32m (Brown) 19 zt, 19-27m, 29m, wb + In Jenner paper Royal Transact pidgeon cross daily England & Holland 20 wt The first origin of migration must be before countries had divided 30~34m 21 l-8m 23 3-27m (De Candolle), 6-23m 29 10-14m/llu "three\belonging"fw &c wb & subgroup.-Madagascar &c 30 wt Ask Lyell for authority l-4m, 33m (Temminck) 31 15-18w Barbarossa Marsupial animals 21-24m, 25-28m 32 lw Falklands 3~5m, 24w was taken by Cook to N. Zealand 33 wt Crocodile near the Navigators l-5m 34 15-20m/17?/u "remote"/w 10 miles 35 wt Elephant Borneo &c &c! 42 3-33m, wb Not in the least applicable to big animals 43 l-29m 46 l-4m, 18-27m 48 4-18m (Spallanzani), wbce 50 25~28m, 25w* Ascension wb% Frogs not on Volcanic Isd. Snakes Lizards first 51 wt How far from Mainland? 13x/13-25m 54 15-20m (Gmelin), 33m 57 ll-24m 58 1-19m (Lowe)/21-28m/wb the species of general diffusion are they like Lizards & Frogs, with rsp to eggs.- 62 2-23m, 7-9m/8u "sea-pens "/21-23m/7-23w Duck weed Caryophillia Sponge 63 21-24m, 32-34m (Kirby & Spence) 64 22-32m (Kirby) 69 28-33m 70 24-30m/26-27w No wb Falklands Bourbon Norfolk Isld Pitcairn? Mauritius Galapagos 71 13-29m, wb Dillons Voyage 78 24-31m 79 l-4m 80 l-34m 81 6-33m, wb All
this agrees perfectly with my theory 85 22-33m 93 25-29m 99 wb (Most Philosophical Chapter) 109 5m/?/u "lizards" 112 3-12m/wt Journal 24-29m, 32-33m, wb Reference to quadrupeds native inhabitants 115 3w St of Magellan 117 21a "of"/19-20w intellectual 119 16-29m, wb will the theory do, forms acquired but not unacquired .-. change extermination 121 22m/?/u "mangrove" 128 2-8m/w capital 30u "shallow]the"/w where 133 10-19m, wb authority? 134 wt Were separate sexes introduced in those orders most subject to variation? 135 20-33m 136 3-19m 138 wt Besides difficulty of transportât in two directions, surely time required for such change of climate would produce fresh species. 139 wt Alpine forms ought to be varied, to be sure mountains generally near each other l-5m, 13-23w x Yes but he accounts for the insects on top of mountains 22-33m/x, wb intermediate steps* species, propagation on isld.- 140 3-19m/wt/l-15w Certainly not but the chesnuts & some of the Tropical forms must be altered into races 18-33m 141 l-19m, wb Good 144 4-10m, 18-22m, wb & where whole continents have become colder then Mountains centre 146 23-26m/w which reasons? wb Sudden appearance of animals quite done away by my theory. State what opposite theories have been driven to. 149 zt 152 wb Nothing beyond this with reference to Transmutation of Species 153 l-3z 154 22-34m* 178 wt Worms turning up soil l-10m (MacCulloch) 179 wt/l-7w May this not be viewed merely that the peat plants cannot grow whilst under trees but conquer when blown down 8-15m 182 10-19m, 19-31m/22-26w action of bog on red sand 217 zb 227 wt earthquake caused by subsidence 4u "subsidence I earthquakes " 270 fl9-2ra, wb Coral was on Stones Yet probably moved 274 wt/l-28w in one case dependent on the species, in other on no decomposition zt, 20-26m 275 3-6m/w only in some zoophytes 276 fig.m, zb, wb not characteristic 279 lu "land birds" 281 zt, 1-4m 282 zt, 3-8m, 21~26m, wb Only can be judged after subsidence artificial channels in Cocos soon filled up.- 283 zt, 14-20w Meandrinae • 25u "we admit"/w No 286 2-22m/14w very good 288 zt, 10-21m, 16u "Otaheite"/w parallel lines 23-27 m, 24u "corals" 289 15-19m 290 zt, 14-24m/w Mud 292 18-29m/w very good 22-29m 293 wt I suspect reefs of diff strata in diff parts l-3m 294 2-2? 297 8-llm, 12-15m 298 wb where is the reef 600 miles long? 299 wb Why lime not all fastened near- Equator 380 9-15m
[page break]
424 zt, 14-28m (Daubeny)fw Galapagos Ascension 434 zt, l-19m/w ought not this to have come sooner or never 440 l-13m/w follow it out 441 3-5m/4u "at I elevations ", 24-34m, wb This would be the result if the periods of repose followed each other in a moreO accelerating 442 vot at first stage little more repose would destroy bit z, but how much longer to destroy z: fig.m/w, 7-13m/w X surely all valleys wb Origin of St. Cruz Valley wb Mouth of St. of Magellan 443 25-31m/?, wb Terraces; cliffs; on sides of valleys; Inclination of valleys 445 2-23m/12-16w Capital!
vol. 4 NF1 p. 25 elevated hills Red Sea
Good remark on Cleavage; and on cal.
The pureness of the Primary Limestones
argument in favour of not sole metamorphic
but separation
p. 13 Geograph Journal Vol V Ca rises from
the bottom with stones Thames & Angara is
frequent.- it cannot be dribbled water merely
freezing in large estuary.
p.224 Shows much inclination after elevation
into dry land
NF2 Mem. Transportât of shells by sea
Falklands, no Boulders .-. subsidence
*> Baron Munchausen story of frozen horse
Gold being found near surface of Granitic
countries, same vapor pressing upwards
Tension? does it express * compression?-
NB1 ♦ Read Meyer Look to Humboldt Vol II
p.213 Pata wronO spelt - Lucanas?
Put Table of Chapters
Lucanas diocese Guamanga 25 or 30 SW of
Guamang, Lat 12°50'.
150 miles from Sea Volcan so called in
Chapt in Humboldt Map p40 N. sub» leads
to coast
Index wron Mountain elevation of I.
NB2 ♦ date of earthquake Concepcion
wrongly spelt
number of numbers wrong G.F.
What is proof of hills of Miocene, Scoriae
Lyell's index wrong ice Vol. I 269 icebergs
7; 9; 38; 80; 99; 107; 125; 141; 143; 161;
162; 201; 214; 224; 244; 252; 254; 258; 262;
Vol I p. 257 24 If elevation eheu! date wrong
Are the plates of shells worth their expense
Just mention M St Elias
282; 284; 292; 298; 308; 309; 311; 312; 324;
332; 350; 360; 363; 366; 372; 377; 378; 380;
381; 388; 386; 392
3 14-32m/15-16w G 18-25zjw G 7 wt ?Has not great force tendency to break things smoothly, mem pane of glass with bullet 8 8-15m/W, 14-18m/15u "madeI upwards" 9 2-14m/3-5w St Helena 10 l-5m/3w scoriae 16 8-17m/10u "chiefly"/llu "historical"/?, 14?/w no doubt generally 23-25?? 17 9u "Rimao"/w C. 16-23m, 26-32m 18 3-20m/6u "Pacific", 10-14w dip seaward 19 zt 20 30-34m (Deshayes) 23 9-25m 24 22-23m, wb What would Hopkins say to expansion without fissures?? 25 22-30m/w Ehrenbergh 28 22-26m/ll-26w odd • in tusk 38 wt Why not estuary? 47 2-5m, 3-9m/?/H 63 17-20m 80 7-14z/w too much? 81 25-31w first origin? wb break? 83 zt 99 zt, l-3m/? 107 zt, 23-32m, wb Azores? Melted lava Galapagos * volcanic rocks 109 zb 117 wt/8-15m/w Black silicified wood/B. Blac red Clayed 16-18m, 18-19w X Patagonia 32-33? 124 fig.z 125 31-33m, wb This different from other section & like Patagonia 126 l-4m 141 10-29m, wb Ascension 143 wt a very admirable specimen of descriptive geology 161 wt excellent for beginners but elementary l-19m 162 15-22m/ w excellent 20-3m 163 2-20ra 201 wb Leave out Mosaic flood? flood generally 214 10-33w Mem Ascension Migrants proves London movesO from • 224 Xw How far from base of escarpment does gravel extend (of the S ought to be more marked)(then 3 to 4-) wb show * inclination after elevation into dry land 225 zt 226 2-23z, 20-29z 227 fig.w very good 232 fig.w Diluvius tilted 244 wt Doing away anticlinal line hollow chalk continuous 2-25w transverse valleys = every crust part of linear valleys = 252 l-13w it appears owing to your dread of Elevation Craters 27-31w incomprehansible to me: 21-32m, 30u "whole mass", wb ridge of unstratified rock vera causa 253 5-9m/? 254 14-34m, wb Make analogy stronger pumping in, instead of out fluid rock 258 fig.w good 8-21m 259 2-20m 262 3-22m (Mantell)/w What do they say? 264 27-30m 282 zt, wt Is there not marine animal, case undistinguishable fig.m 284 wt/ l-28w How wonderful that any character of vegetable earth remains - silicification 9-15m, 20-28m 292 3-19m/w All this comes rather flat after first admirable chapters wb do p. 297 297 3-33z 298 l-10m/w Cordillera 308 9-15m/2-16w Coast of Brazil Just water & other formations 309 20-24m/w Pampas Delta wb Has Indian delta been examined -- • where can I read account? 310 8-31m/w very strong & very honest wb as long as Didelphys - x Monkey no progression wb Man strong fact on opposite side you lean
[page break]
311 wt I think it is an argument for precedence of certain * classes at former times, the precedence of orders now.- as pachyderms in Tertiary - Deer now 11-12?/ 9~17w do not understand 15m, 25-32m, wb Galapagos plenty of reptiles wb Distribution of animals at present day evidently not owing to mere circumstances: .-. great lizards not!- 312 8-17m/xv T. del Fuego 324 1-llm/w Unfortunate 332 wt\l-4w if not correspond of my short parallel line 4~7m\? 333 zt 338 7-18m, fig.w Elevatory 18u "reader"/w beginners 339 wt Is it good paper? l-5m 340 3-15m/w very remarkable 341 fig.m/w very good wb very common 350 zt, l-12m, wb arrival of fresh peated matter 360 wt good abstract l-4m, 5-31m/w Cordillera. Snow hence Metamorphic; not like basalt zb&> 361 33m/w wrong reference 362 5-9m, 10-17'm♦ 111-12? 363 wt Does any one? 4-9m/? 366 3-12m/5-6w St Jago 14-24m/w wrong 21-33m/!/22u "6001 high" 367 wt fragments brought up much more altered 10-23m 370 zt 371 wt Wire has been known to crystallize & become brittle from frost .-. arrangement of particles 372 l-9m, ll-26m/w ? would not percolation destroy symmetry? 373 wt permeation of solid coral rock by tides 5-8m/6u "sponges", 29~32m yik l-7m 375 20-25m 377 wt is this theory or fact 8-13m/10-ll? 378 29-32m 379 l-2m 380 wt Henslow Botany 5-llm 381 21-30m/z 385 wt contrast general lowness of Tertiary formations l-12m 388 l-29m, l-14w Elementary 389 23« "visible"/13-22z/w almost solely elevation because rests on very hypothesis 392 19-26m/w Who? 393 5-8w Sir J Herschel 7u "infinitesimal"Iw HJS? 394 11-17m/12-21w Does it not always appear vice & versa 18-29m 395 25m/wt beneath coast of Chili 408.b zt, l~13m
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 6th edn, 3 vols; London; John Murray; 1840 [CUL, S] ad, beh, cc, ch, co, ds, ex, fo, gd, geo, gr, h, hy, ig, in, is, mg, mi, no, oo, or, se, si, sp, spo, t, ti, tm, v, ve, y
vol. 1 NB1 Lyell
Account of Hutton very eloquent - not credit
enough; Metamorph - not blame enough -
138 misprint; 155
190 Whole Chapter inimitably good
New Continent -
193 You yourself remark same form has
never reappeared - hardly cautious
201 Cayman Isd
232; 240, 241 Excellent Chapt; 252; 260;
272; 279; 282,5,6; 295; 296; 317; 328; 330;
370; 372; Springs Chapt very •; 395; 396
NB2 Self
Spec Theory; 134; 137; 154; 193; 209;
230,248 Chapt IX excellent summary against
theory of progressive development; 249; 252
Lyell always considers that there is saltus
between man & animals -
Chapt XI Showing chasms in Animate world
not real - most striking passages pages
p.284, 287, 295, 298, 301
392; 414; ♦ 415 Geology
xvi 22m/m 134 28-31m 137 15m, 15-16u "hippopotamus I only", 21-29m (Strickland)>\24u "bear", 31-32m 138 20-21m 154 22-25m 155 wt some one says plants of six months growth l-5m pi. fl90 wt New continent 193 wt Facility of transport of seeds & not adaptation perhaps causes this 2~26m, 4-8m, 14-15?, 17m, 18m, 19-22m/w G?? 201 13-17m/15w no 209 19-32m, wb not sound as species of shells numerous at first commencement of Tertiary 210 l-33m 222 23-24m/!, 24-27m 230 4-28m 231 17-28m 240 28-31m/w not clear to me 241 15-25m, 26-34m/34[...]/w no 33u/wb not quite accurate: parts of continent 248 l-24m 249 5-27m/w All this applies only to man as cosmopolite, i.e. civilized 28-34m/w/wb not man, with such knowledge as he is born with 252 14-21m/!, 18-19m, 23-25m/H, 24-25m 260 wb I do not think you clearly enough state that there is no evidence of progressive development like metamorphic rocks that we know, species have successively appeared - but we know nothing of first peopling this planet, like its origin. The introduct of man, only greater change than any species ornithorhyncus 261 wb we know that species differ much from each other.- 272 3~16w Hereafter enormous area of S. America Tertiary desposits 1800 Tertiary deposits 279 27-28m\ ?/27u "persuading" 282 23-34m, wb again man as cosmopolite also p. 285 283 2-8m 284 9-24m/10u "with \ chasms" 285 25« "anterior \ man"jw p. 286 20-21w Peru 26-32w raised beaches with cotton thread wb What would you say even to American Geologist who said man did not exist, because no remains of Patagonian soil 286 10-12m/!/llu "at earth" 287 3-15mJ7-8w Self 295 20-23w possibly many 24-34m/29-30w Self 296 2-7«; & as nature of bottom changes different distribution 9~16w no known relation with respect to change 17-19w Scicily elevation
[page break]
Lyell wb My theory goes to show that period is excessively long, during which species do not change, because no case of such change in any one structure can be shown 297 21-24m/w Self 298 14-18m/12-22w add. to this Europe exception & not rule - World simple 301 28-32m 317 22a "in" the breccia 328 25w rain &c &c 331 wt Tropical plains 2-2ml? 370 24X, wb Col Jackson describes much dirt & stones with Russian 392 20-24m/ 22u "withlthe" 393 2-5m/2w* • 395 wt abundant in Cordillera l-3m/w very 396 18-19m/19u "many parts"/w where 414 10-14m 415 23-28m
vol. 2 NB1 Lyell-; 266 isl N. of Ascension =;
278; 297; 372; 399
NB2 Self
Geology ♦ 106, 279, 447
Spec 416
108 29-33m 120 14-16m 130 27-28x/24-28w incorrect layer 134 22-26m 266 25-26m 279 22u "attributes "/w stronger 297 23-24x, wb Most interesting feature omitted of volcanos already in action. 372 ll-13w V. your Map ?? 399 l-2m/?d/u "hydrometer" 416 27-31m 447 7-2 2 m
vol. 3 NB1 ♦
Where are Wiegmans experiments on plants
p.66 Amoenitat Acad * p. 204 authority? *
Lyell p. 116; p. 127; 157; 200
295 Coral Chapt. Very satisfactory
Have a recapitulating character (he means
chapter) on whole bearing of vols to explain
present state of earth, which at first every
one thinks formed by catastrophe
NB2 Self. Spec The.; 10; 34; 48; 67; 93 to
136; 204; 275; 300; 357
♦ 313 Geolog -
10 13-19m/15-17w extra claw 20-32m (Lamarck)J26-28w weak wb no new organs in whole classes 34 wt I. St. Hilaire l-8m/4? wb G. St Hilaire 36 15-22m, wb ? 39 23-25m/?? 41 22-25m 42 16-20m/?, 20-21m/w no 44 25-28m/? 47 15-17ml? 48 wt/l-28w surely new Varieties sport, though individuals may be acclimatised in few years 4-6m, 10-34m, wb Think of all this when writing 49 2-22m, 28-32m (Cuvier, Bureau de la Malle) 51 26-28m, 27-29m, wb accustomed in early infancy 66 20-24m 67 29-31m (Wiegmann), wb Where 74 7-2 2 m 90 4-7m 99 7-2 0m 100 24-29m 108 7-9m 116 25-29m/w ? Beale 118 wt XX My Patagonian case Weissenborn on Libellulia
Squirrels & •?? wb (a) Why do men in fear herd together - 119 wt (a) Why does suffering make animals flock? wt Not always of same kind in insects XX 17-18m/x, l-30w The useless ones cannot be for killing the animal, or they would have died from want wb 2 kinds of migration useful & useless are here confounded 121 4-6m 125 7-8x, wb X once connected with main by verdant continuous trails. 127 6-8m/!!/7u "pumas" 138 33m (Richardson) 139 23-26m (Gmelin), 27-32m, 33m 140 wb do any fish live on seeds? fish eaten by Herons- 146 10-14m 157 lu "Pitcairns"/w • 161 9-17m, 21-24m 174 wt/1-26w The number of years some rare plants have occupied same spots - ? exact spot? argument against this - & the fact on opposite page antagonist principle. 20-26m, 30-34m (De Candolle) 175 wb/l-34w/wt XX would merely affect new countries & new devastations, (seeds |n ground part of same class)- in short time struggle must come into play - occupancy can only hold to actual plant or tree, in first seedling struggle must commence - the surrounding land possibly more favourable because leaves of own kind best manure- 3u*+/? Vil 33m 200 7-9m 201 4-9m, 17-31m 204 2-7m/w Please tell me authority 7w Thinks M F. Cuvier 221 15-24m 222 20-24m 224 l-llm/5-6? 227 5-32m 228 l-llm/5!!/wt/l-6w Let whole world get hotter or colder whole continent or whole islet 27-32m, wb =islands= Absurd - as we know in every country some new forms can be introduced 25a "marshes" 229 wb from lake in midst of Africa !!!! whence can come lacustrian plants wb Form islet, let this become Mountain, whence the Alpine plants?!! 276 2-3m 292 10-31m/22-24w V. p. 297 wb Refer to Lunds theory & quote Lyell against it. 293 wt/l-2w The cause of this association of iron with limestone & corals - laws of organic forces?? 13-21m/15x 295 10-13m/??/wt What should empty it 297 l-8m 300 24-28m, vjb p. 303 do you believe contemporary? 303 2-23m 305 20-23m/23u "a\colour" 313 2-6m, wb as wood drifts by surface currents it may be transported to parts where no sediment is accum 357 6-8m 367 20-22m 370 26x/28-30w Dr Allan p77 372 24-26w at most 30 fathoms 377 23-25m, 30-32m 378 wt set of little rings 27w 49 384 3-5m/!/4u "supposes" 388 6-8m/? 14-17w does not give as fragments 21~25w leeward side dead & not growing 391 ll-13m/? 394 5-6? 395 l-20w border denuded & real growth of upsurge Corals denuded 396 24-25w no! 398 7-8? 399 24-29m 400 3c "be" is
[page break]
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 7th edn; London; John Murray; 1847 [CUL, I, S] geo, sp, t
SB (list of changes from previous editions) NB1 Icebergs; 97; 101; 228 NB2 97 ice; Species Theory; 83; 105; 125; 134; 156; 177; 589; 591; 592 596; 600; 604; 605; 606; 608; 671 ; 697 of * next Edition 83 20-26m 97 37-40m 101 fig. 2u, 4-5m, 7-8m 105 29-39m (Hooker) 125 12-14m/14u "11 3" 134 l-40m 135 l-7m 156 25-37m 197 41-46m 231 2-7m 321 zb (drawing of mountain) 362 24-28w Such however is not the case 401 37w must? 44w or valley 46w valley 589 21-23m 591 32-49m/-> 592 5-10m, 8-12m, 13-15m, 27-29m, 31-37m 596 12~16m 600 5-9m, 37-A3m 604 7-25m 605 ll-22m, 25-45m 606 2-9m, 37^3m 608 S-23m 671 2-7m
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 9th edn; London; John Murray; 1853 [Down]
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 9th edn; John Murray; London; 1853 [CUL, I]
NB 697; 184; 343; 489; 753; 769; 795 162 39-44m 184 20-22 m 238 zt 278 32-35m 279 24-29m 569 3-5m, 6-7m, ll-15m 572 2-6m 669 45zt> to p. 680 670 16-17m, 47m, 48-49m 673 2-Am, 40-Alm (Kirby) 675 10-llm, 27-28m 676 3-4ra 677 38^43m 680 S-9m 685 38-39m/u "twenty I thousand"/?, 41u "eight thousand "
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 10th edn, 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1867-68 [Down]
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 10th edn; London; John Murray; 1867-68 [CUL, I] ad, cc, ch, gd, geo, gr, hl, mg, oo, sp, t, tm
vol. 1 NB 146 on advance of organization
174 on changes of climate
393 Means of Distribution
209 9-20« "sandstone\shale",14u "3001 least",
15u "Vienna \ Switzerland", 18u "several\feet",
19u "6,000 feet" 273 2-8m 393 23-24m, 26-
29m, 31-33m, 34-36m 394 l-8m
vol. 2 NB Sp. work» Theory; 323; 338 to
345 G Distrib.; 355; 358; 366; 369 to 395;
406 to 431 very good
Errata* & Remarks; p. 291; 307 corrections;
308; 317; 377; 421; why did you not contrast
sea & Land-shells; 476; 478; 488; 489 I
rejoice; 490 Ditto
Man; 469; 471 when? to 491
1867- Lyells Principles 10th Edit Vol I
p146 Discussion on advance of organisation.
174 Chapt. on causes of change of climate
393 Means of distribution - organisms in
borings by Artesian wells - even living fish.
Vol. 2.
p.341 on Geographical Distribution p. 341
p.345 Madagascar - good speculations
p.355 Means of Distribution, p. 358 - 365 to
p.406 persistence of same Flora in Madeira
from Pliocene to present day, shows then
separated.- to 431 - Admirable discussion
on relations of Fauna & Flora of Madeira &
P. Santo to each other & to Europe.-
246 20m "to I extent "/? (Geoffroy and Lamarck) 291 24u "germ cells''/w no 307 26-28mJ? 308 23-26m 309 33w short 317 3-8m 323 26-37m (Linnaeus) 324a 3S-42m 338 12-39m 339 38-39m 341 27-35m (Wallace) 343 21-24w chance migration by sea 26-31m 345 28-37m 355 4-10mjllw Singapore 19-24m 358 3-5m 359 17-22m 365 2-3m 366 16-20m 369 27-23m 370a 40m 371 26-28m 377 22u "New Holland" 380 30-39m 387 32-35m 391 7-23m 395b 36-37 m (Henslow) 406 7-2 2 m (G. Härtung), 22-24m 408 22-25m 410 4-9m, 35-37m 414 30-33m 418 31-39m 419 20-22m (Hooker) 420 21-25m 421 20«* 422 28-34m 423 14-21m, 26-36m 426 7-17m 427 2-4m, 22-2Sm 428 2-5m, 22-29m 429 10-16m, 17-32m/w well stocked Birds of Galapagos; the case I give of shells & of true genera 430 25-31m 431 26-32m 469 27-30m 471 36-38m (Brace, Wallace) 473 29-35m 474 27-35m (Wallace) 476 27-30m/28u "to vary" 478a 38m/ w Error 479 27-38m 481 24-29m 482 8-18m, 19-31m/28u "Gaudry's memoir" 483 32-34m 484 8-13m (Gaudry) 485 18-19m 487 33-36m 488 9-22m 489 14-17m, 20-24m 490 27-32m 491 7-12m/9u "higher I organisation "/w What is higher 21-29m
LYELL, Charles Principles of geology 11th edn, 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1872 [CUL, I] af, geo, h, hi, t, v
vol. 1 NB 149; 159; 162; 212; 342
149 16-21m/16-17u "primordial \Barrande"/20u
"Orthoceros", 27u "chambered \ Orthocerata"
159b 33^40m (Owen) 162 24-22m 163 7-22m
212 31-37m 232 5-9z p
342 4-6m (Jamieson)
[page break]
vol. 2 NB Resemblance from similarity of exposure - p. 295 in Dogs -p496 Difficulty of a higher grad from lower Is not a very cleverer man a sight higher than a dull man? Is not that power of a man work of • or power of Brain & wd not the replicationO of the degree of cleverness ultimately produce a great result?
295 9-26m (Flower and Wallace)
p 396 ll-13m (Forbes) 496 31-33m
LYELL, Charles A second visit to the United States of America 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1849 [CUL] ad, beh, ci, ex, fo, gd, geo, mg, sp
vol. 1 NB Read second time
p.29; p. 303; p. 330; p. 348; p. 351
SB 29 Lat 43° 6' S limit of Boulder Deposit
303 Many genera of Birds & Mammals with
representative species on two sides of
Rocky M
330 Birds & Squirrels having habit of burying
acorns allude in my Staffordshire case as
not applicable to it
348 No less than 3 species of Horse in N.
29 28-31m 303 21-25m, 27-31m 304 l-12m, 15-25m 330 19-26m 348 18-22m 351 3-27m 366 14-17 m
vol. 2 NB1 250 Rate of deposition of Delta.
NB2 293* Migration; 294*
150* Cirripedes; 270; 312
p.270 Dr D. Owen says newly introduced
Plants, first overrun the country & then
become scarcer (Ask A. Gray)
312 Footprints of Air-breathing Reptile in
Carboniferous Rocks
250 9-12m 251 12-17m 270 19-23m 312 3-7m
313 25-29m
LYELL, Charles The student's elements of geology London; John Murray; 1871 [CUL, I] ex, fo, gd, geo, ig, no, sp
NB 160 Mammals before & after glacial
348 Muscle chalk absents in England
357 intermediate * Caspian^» beds
361 Reptiles in Trias very rich
467 absence of Cephalopoda in Upper
470 fossil of Longmynd Groups -
Read Ch VII p263
xii 5~6m, 14r-16m xiii 38-39m xv 9-llm xvi 33-34m 160 1-llm 348 23-26m 356 ll~16m
357 10-33m, 35-36m 358 20-27m 359 l-2m 361 l-4m (Meyer), 22-24m 467 33-41m (Barrande) 470 21-27m
LYELL, Charles The student's elements of geology 2nd edn; London; John Murray; 1874 [Down, I]
LYELL, Charles Supplement to the fifth edition of A manual of elementary geology 1st edn; London; John Murray; 1857 [CUL] gd, geo, ti
1 15-17m, 18a "older" crag 2 40-43m 3 16-21m 5 33-38m/35u "Norwegian\Lemmus"lw Does Lemming inhabit Alps. Vide Water-house 6 17-21m, 25-28m (Falconer) 9 21-29m\ w How blended Eocene & Miocene 11 lOul 7-lOw What age of oldest Elephant ll-16m, 34-35m, 37u, 38u "Pliocene" 12 22-25m/23u "partly I period"\18-25vono one dreams sea acting all time 14 30-31u "no \ marsupial", 32-38m 15 3u "Triconodon"jw Marsupial 40u "probably marsupial" 18a 45-49m 20 27-31m\ 30u "rangelmarsupiala", 43-45m 22 21-23m (Falconer) 23 10-13m 23b 15-18m 24 8-llm, 15-17m, 17-21m, 23-28m 25 2-Am, 6-7!f7u "climatal", 13-24m/15-17?, 34u "St Cassian beds", 37-39m 28 26-28m, 29-31m, 35-38m 29 18-21m (Lindley), 44u "Palaeozoic"/zvb not diphthong 30 5-8m, 17-19m/19u "27", 20-24m/20u "beds"l23-24m, 28-33m, 36^3m 32 29-42m 33 39-46m 34 27-25ra
LYELL, Charles Supplement to the fifth edition of A manual of elementary geology 2nd edn; London; John Murray; 1857 [CUL] ex, fo, geo, ig
NB ♦ p14 intermediate forms
p30 Old N American Mammal Trias or
#> Letter from Lyell - new proof that
Dromotherium below • - perhaps not
actually Permian same discovery sinks the
level of Hitchcocks Birds Tracks
14 9-llm (Falconer), 10-23m/16u "Rhinoceros]
Anoplothera" 30 5-29mj10u "Chatham \
Carolina"/19u*, 26~29m 33 25-28m 35 19-
24wu 37 35-39m 39 wt New edition
LYELL, Charles Travels in North America 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1845 [CUL] af, cc, ch, ex, fo, gd, geo, gr, h, no, se, sp, t, tm
vol. 1 NB1 138. any extinct Gnathodons?? or Fulgur??
[page break]
Lyell says Cretaceous & Eocene quite conformable & similar substances, so that most difficult to separate. (drawing of a continental shelf or bank of slow-moving river)
NB2 Species Theory ; p. 5; p. 7; p. 9; 10; p. 20; 52; 55; 67; 78; 87; 134; 137; 168; 173; 178; 198; 202 Geology S. America
Mastodon * at Niagara *; p. 164 Mastodon &c Cursed Horse Tooth; 201 Man skeleton in Brazil
p.48. subsidence Glaciers-period. SB Qß
5. Daisy will not live in U. States 7 35 per cent of shells of Massachussetts identical, many representatives 10 On the curves of cold being same at Glacial Epoch as now
20 on certain shells having wide geograph & geotropical Range
52 on time since Niagara formed (since Glacial?) 67 Mastodon since Glacial 78 Of New Jersey Cretaceous shells only 4/ 60 identical, but many representatives. Reptiles analogous - some of them identical have greatest vertical range 87 Devonion & Silurian Strata 4 1/2 miles thick
134 shells analogous to Suffolk Crag p. 138. only 9 Miocene identical The shell Fauna then distinct of America & Europe (& in Chalk
178 Of Eocene shells 7/125 identical. Now I fancy in S. States very few identical or more but many representatives 202 Number of F.W. shells in U. States
5 21-24m 7 3-6m (Gould)lw now are these 70 Glacial 13-15m, 16-18m 9 l-3m, 6-8m/w against seeds transported 10 14-19m 20 26-22m 48 3-10m/4"..." 52 3-19m 54 4m 55 l-4m 67 8-10m, ll-16m 78 7-9m, 26-27m 79 l-3m/ w V. proportion of living 8-9m, 20-24m, 27m/ -» 80 7-1 lm, 15-18m, 20~24m, 25-26m 81 lOa/u "coralslinsects"/5-14w Satularia very like of V. Diemen's Land ?!? 14m/u "arcticl antarctic"'/w ?!! no wb Dr Beck Margarita is found in * Antarctica, which is genus not found in Tropics 87 22-25m/w = 4 1/2 miles 134 12-13m/12u "very I those" 136 23u "147" 137 4-5m/4u "close affinity", 26-27m 138 2-5m/2u "mine"/5u "with]species", 7u*/8-10m+/ 8ua, 14-17m, 18-21m 151 2-5m/3w Breath 9u "absorbed"/m/?, ll-14w The absurdity of arguing from one position 168 3-7m 172 24-27m 173 l-9m 178 21-23m, 25-27m/x, wb I forget how many Miocene common to
Europe & America - see to this- 181 lm/? 185 18u "depressing]spirits" 198 19-22m 202 15-20m
vol. 2 NB Sp Theory p. 19; p. 30; 48; p. 50; p. 52 54; 59; 131; 135; 152; 154; 158; 179; 187; 188; 190; 255
Geology; p. 60 Mastodon & Elephant with Recent shells
p.99 - Subsidence during ice-period SBÜß
19 Carboniferous shells some identical, & most closely related
35 Proportion of Trees on Indian Mounds Plants many identical, I think not surprising, when land in fact continuous 2/3 identical of Coal Plants (See Below) 51. Silurian shells not many in common - so with Russia. Exploded doctrine 52 Orthis still living in Mediterranean, but very rare - 54 Causes of absence of land-plants in Silurian - Good discussion -152. Lat 44°.25' most S. Lat in which Arctic shells have been found 155 Arctic shells have retreated 14 degrees of Latitude
158 Lingula. still living, in oldest Silurian Rocks
179 Carboniferous strata of N. Scotia 4-5 thick p187. Ten layers of upright trees p187 37/48 Plants identical. Of 35/53 of Coal plants of U. States, further S. are identical.
19 6-10m, 14-19m, 22-25m, 26-27m 20 5-8m, 13-15m, 17~21m (Brongniart) 21 8-16m/13uh, 18u "genera", 20-21m 30 6-10m 35 12-27m 37 20-21w No 48 19-27m, z/wb 50 22-26m 51 3-20m, 13-20m (Murchison and De Verneuil), 21-25m 52 10-21m/w ie rare genus 53 27-19m 54 5-6m/?, ll-13m, wb/Xw Old formations are oceanic; because these have the best chance of being thick & last brought up_; this rests on idea of movements being widely extended & continuous, which is also proved by continents. 55 l-9m/w There must have been a considerable continent.- 22-16m, 17-20m, 22-26m, 27-> 56 22-25m (Murchison and De Verneuil) 57 l~3m 59 24-27m 99 2-27m 131 l-8m, 10-15m, 20m 135 24-26m 152 3-5m 154 9-13m/w p. 149 & number of species of genus 155 l-2m/wt ie. Arctic Climate has retreated at least 14 degrees of latitude - effects of changes of Geography - not connected with central Heat 158 3-7m, 179 24-27'm/->/w with vertical trees 181 20-22m 187 8-14m, 24-25m/25u "ten\ levels" 188 11-lSm/w important as showing former communication 19-27m 189 l-6m 190 25-27m 255 l-27w Mainly * 12
[page break]
divisions judging from fossils corresponding to Upper & Lower Silurian formations many lines in table marked; subdivisions 24-28 bracketed.w Devonian
LYELL, James Carmichael Fancy pigeons London; The Bazaar Office; 1881 [Down]
LYMAN, Theodore Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae Cambridge, Mass.; University Press; 1875 [Down]
NB 01
LYMAN, Theodore Supplement to the Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae Cambridge, Mass.; University Press; 1871 [Down]
NB 01
LYON, W.P. [as "Homo"] Homo versus Darwin, a judicial examination of statements recently published by Mr. Darwin regarding "the descent of man" London; Hamilton, Adams & Co.; n.d. [Down]
title page wb By the Revd. William p. Lyon (near Norwich)
McALPINE, Daniel The botanical atlas, part 1 Edinburgh & London; W. & A. Johnston; 1882 [Down]
McALPINE, Daniel Zoological atlas Edinburgh & London; W. & A. Johnston; 1881 [Down]
MACAULAY, James, GRANT, Brewin and WALL, Abiathar Vivisection scientifically and ethically considered London; Marshall Japp & Co.; 1881 [Down, I by H. Gillespie] p
McCLELLAND, John Indian Cyprinidae, part 2 Calcutta; Bishop's College Press; 1839 [CUL, I] f, gd, oo, no, sp, sy, t, tm, v
NB1 A Good many fish - semi-alpine 4-500 feet nevertheless no species similar to European- I believe - V. Synopsis Contrast with Hope's paper on insects -» especial contrast with Water beetles, I believe,
Good contrast with Fish of Pacific & Indian Oceans-How is this in N. America?-NB2 The Commencement of this Book good to consider when treating Quinary System -It must be considered
229; 230; 232; 237; 266; 364; 385; 399; 458; 452
SB 230 Fishes bright to be caught 266 on domesticated Fishes of India varying so much - Ch 1 or 2
262 On Salmonidae in India- place filled by Cyprinidae
229 13-22m, 20-22m 230 6-13m/16w see p. 229 19-23m/19-26w I must utterly deny this- If this could be passed - farewell my thesis- 27m/w Nothing new spec 231 3-6m, 18-20m 232 l-3m 237 23-27m 266 12-13m/w V. p. 313 26-28m/w p. 268 268 4m 313 15-19m/17u "form" pi. 46 wb Perilampus perseus 365 23-28m 385 4-9m 399 13-15m 452 l-7m (Hügel, Meckel) 458 22-27m/w not so much destroyed & therefore not become so prolific 459 l-3m, 17-21m 469b 3m, 4m, 6m, 7m, 10m, 12-19m
MacCULLOCH, John A geological classification of rocks, with descriptive synopses of the species and varieties comprising the elements of practical geology London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; 1821 [CUL, S Chas. Darwin June 1837] geo, is, mi
[page break]
NB 185 to 188; 199; 270; 332; 349; 351; 364; 376; 471 ; 475; 528; 531 Ap 21/57 (CD?)
Macculloch from p- to p will be worth looking at before writing Cleavage 185 22-24m 187 8-Um, 16-22m 188 8-13m, 15-20m 189 l-7m 199 14r-21m/17-21m, wb ?ls quartz ever fluid from Heat even in granite 233 5-7m, 18-21m 244 9-Um 270 4-10m, 11m, 13-23m, wt & see p273 & 274 273 6-14m 274 11-18m 301 19-22m 332 12-20m/w like F. Islds. 349 18-24m 350 20-24m 351 23-18m 364 ll-24m 365 4~6m 376 7-13m 471 2-4m 475 13-19m 528 13-20m 531 wt Make note to Obsidia paper say it is remarkable that no one has hereto stated the fact of separation 5-14m, 20-24z
McCLINTOCK, Francis Leopold A narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions London; John Murray; 1859 [Down, I by publisher to Mrs Darwin]
NB p16; p20; p102
16 ll-20m 20 24-27m 102 22-25m
MACGILLIVRAY, William A history of British birds 5 vols; London; Scott, Webster & Geary; 1837-52 [CUL] af, beh, br, cc, ch, cs, ds, ex, gd, gr, hy, mg, no, oo, phy, rd, sy, t, ta, tm, v, wd, y
vol. 1 NB do show extinction not so easy extinct in England Capercailzie recently extinct, Bustard
p.5; For Pigeon - 25 - Skeleton; 90; 101; 119,20; 153; 162; 173; 192,7; 225; 249; 265,6; 270; 274,8 - Pigeons to 289; 331; 398; ♦ Read from 90 to 96 well; 423; 501; 505; 512; 529 to 534; 538; 569; 571; 604
269 Scutella; 231 Skeleton of Pigeon; 285
number of seeds in crop; skeleton*; Black
grouse 157 superorbital space becomes red
in Breeding season
SB 90 - ostrich rudimentary tie
119 Disputes ring-neck pheasant being a
153 variation in intestines in length of Black
162 Q Black & Red Grouse crossing
249 In Pigeons Head & Bill chief characters
of Family
270 On Birds having Beak crusted with earth
or mud
275 On * House Pigeons taking to Rocks -taming Pigeons
285 on number of seeds in Crop of Pigeon 289 On C. oenas building in Rabbit holes 398 Cases of natural pairing of Green-Finch
& Gold Finch Q
422. Abnormal characters in Cross-Beak
varying Q
501 On Faroe Raven (I believe quoted)
512 NQ Ravens build in cliffs in N., in trees
in South p604 So starlings in Hebrides
538 Rook varying much in Beak.
Eggs of Magpie varying much shape, size & colour
Magpie getting 3 females - another case of size Q
157 supraocular carmine space brighter red during breeding season.-
5 18-22m/w nearer literal relationship 24 27-28m 25 ll-12m, 16-17m 26 lu "sacral", 33-36m 27 fig.w (naming of parts of skeleton) 28 11 u "manubrial", 22u "crest I ridge" 29 9a "is" clavicle 31 6u "ilium", 8u "pubes\ latter" 34 20-34m 75 4-6m\4u "a large", 19u "accessory plumage", 26-28m!26-27u "to I length", 28u "in feather"l28-32m (Richardson, Audubon) 90 19-20m plates w (parts of skeleton) 101 4-6m/5u "second\quills", 22-24m, 26w Crows 106 7-11m 111 25u "twelve" 118 13u "Length\ inches", 14u "tail 18", 14-17w say 18 to 21 tails 119 3u "26 inches"/4u "tail ll"/3-5w say ab 12 inch 8-10w analogue of p. torquatus 12-14m, 15-18m/17u "very\varieties" 121 Wu "tau 20", 14-15m, 18-20m 122 15u, 19-22m, 31-32m/31u "Phasianus torquatus" 151 2-3m, 34-37m 152 28-31m 153 28m 154 32-37m 157 34-38m, 35-38m/37u "a deeper red" 158 3-7m, 7-14m, 21-26m 159 14-16m, 18-19m 161 28-30m 162 6-10m/Q 169 12-13u "breast I white", 16-17u "breast I barred" 172 23-24u "breast I chestnut" 173 3-7w proportions different 9wu, Urn/wee, 20-28m/23u "lighter red", 26u "lighter", 27u "but duller", 30u "is I brownish", 31w see over 174 2-3Q 5u "lower I are", 6u "spotted I barred", llu "less I white", 21-25m/ 22u^/24u "tips I feathers" 184 ll-15m 185 25-260 187 14-19m 193 5-14m 197 20-27m 207 17-19m 216 32-35m 219 35-37z 225 3-5m 249 13-15m 251 22-24m, 25u "seven dorsal" 257 ll-12m, 37-38z 265 7-10m 266 16-18m 269 3w<-», ll-16m/14u "the\fourteen" 270 34-36m/ w seeds 274 36-38m 275 15-17m/x^, 37-38m 276 8-18m 277 24m "James Barclay" 278 16-19m, 22-23m 279 25« "Mr Andrew Duncan", 16-18m\17u "tamed", 32-33m 281 9u "three\ long" 282 24-27m 283 13-14m/14u "is \ fed", 31-32m (J. Smith), 36-37m 284 5-8m 285 27-19m/18u "10001 odds"/19u "510" 289 31-35m 331 14-19m 352 21u "mlwhich" 370 14-18m 372 5-8m 373 17-19m, 21-24m 375 30-34m (Temminck) 398 9-22m, 22-23Q 20-23m 422 34-36m/Q 423 2-3m/Q 29-37m 428 l-4m 501
[page break]
8-lOm, 15-17m, 20u "Feroe Isles "/20-24iv see in Travels which I have, what is said about this. 26-28m 505 36-38m 512 10-12m, 13-14m 529 14-15m, 17-20m/Q 532 4-5m, 30-31m 533 21-22m 534 1-Am, ll-13w This is good case of doubtful species 13-17m, 18-21m, 21-22mj 21u "being I wilder"/22-23Q 24-26m, 25-27m 538 9-12m/9u "remarkable diversity" 569 l-8m 570 34-38m/35u/Q 571 10-11Q ll-14m/12-13u "saw I eggs" 572 32-34m 577 zb 599 10-14m 604 16-27m
vol. 2 NBl 451 Crested Tit female has crest
417 Crested wren crest paler
NB2 Upon the whole little variation in Birds
except rarely tendency of colour & size &
proportions. No races
p.53; 84; 92; 91,6; 98; 102; 104 transportât
of seeds; 113; 118; 125 - transport of
seeds; 130; 138; 143; 172; 245; 302; 438;
446; 483; 484,5
185 Anthus breeding flight; 354 do better Q
52 Dipper; 83 T. merula; 100 p. torquatus
92 Thrush & Blackbird pairing in Nature Q
96 Nestling Black-birds know cry of danger;
99 crowing like a Cock
104, 125 Disbelieves strongly that Birds
disseminate for never but * twice having f
any. viz Mountain Ash
172 * Eggs of Alauda arvensis varying
438 Tomtit feed their young 475 times in day
on caterpillars Q
483 * Doubt about distribution of Motacilla
alba & Yarrelli, after comparing French Birds
27 6-17m/7-9w Voice Muscles 29 17-24m, 22-24m 52 31-35m, 31-33m 53 3-8m, 22-25m 55 14-20m, 31-35m 84 l-4m 91 30-33m (Blyth) 92 13-18mQ 96 7-llm, 13-16m 97 24-28m 98 14-19m 99 10-12m 100 17-19m 102 26-28m 103 7-12m 104 14-20m/19-20u "which I intestine", 30-33m 113 5-12m/6wce, 7-12w proportions vary 118 8-15m 125 9-17m/llu "sixty \ various" 130 14-21m 138 32-32m 143 28-34m 172 4-10m 185 33-36m 188 16-21m+/16u± 223 16-18m 245 14-15m 256 2-5m + /3u "much \frequent" 302 7-9m 329 24-28m 354 11-16m 438 36-38m/Q 446 24-27m, 3l-33m 451 27-28m 460 13-17m 461 18u "of\ fable" 483 ll-26m 484 29-34m 485 30-33m
vol. 3 NBl 548 on making preparations of Digestive organs.
NB2 11; 17; 36; 39; 59; 60; 113; 140; 187; 208; 215; 224; 250; 256; 299; 300 rate of flight; 329; 351; 376; 459; Owls prey on
shrew-480; 535; 560; 591; 599; 607; 625;
700; 713; 714; 717; 721; 730; 745,46
17 Beak of wren variable; 36 Creeper do
140 American Cuckoo hatching young
successfully Q
187 Scutella in Buzzard variable
215 Eagle carrying & dropping Pig alive
225 variation in wings of Tracheae &
intestines in Sea Eagle p250 p329 in Caeca
intestine p351
257 soles of Hawk crusted with mud
300 Peregrine Falcon does not much exceed
a Pigeon fa in rate of flight
535 Waxwing - the wax-like terminations
variable in number.- Abnormal variable Q
560 Swallow lateral tail-feathers more or less
elongated do Q
Swallows entombing Sparrows Q
599 Disputes Swallow Q gluing materials
together 625 Q present in Swift X^
736 on Bird carrying Q egg from nest to
prevent discovery
11 17u "Furnarius"/17-18w variable in species 17 16-19m 22 l-19m, 21-30m 23 9-11m (Weir) 24 7-8m 36 8-llm 39 20-23m (Audubon) 59 7-llm/8w differences 25-28m/ 25-26w diffs. 60 26-29m/w singular organ presenting diffères 61 21-22m 79 5-7m 83 3-5m 84 23-26m/26u "till I sonorous" 85 5-8mJ7-8u "feathers I crimson" 87 8-llm/9u "crown I crimson", 29-30m 88 8-18m, 24-30m, 25u "vibrates I tree" 89 30-34m, 32u "amatory performance" 94 4-7m 102 23-24u± 113 22-18m, 29-34m+ 121 24-27u± 122 25-27m 124 20-23m, 28-37m, 33-37m 125 18-26m 126 22-27m 129 16-25m 133 18-26m 139 28-30m 140 3-6m 187 14-16m, 19-30m 208 30-34m 215 8-13m, 14-17m 224 23-34m 225 10m, 12u "scutella", 13-19m 250 27-35m 257 28-29m 299 l-20m 300 29-22m 329 2-20m 351 22-26m, 20m 376 31-37m 459 32-37m (Bonaparte) 480 3-5m 502 9-20« "head I black", 16-18u±/w female barred on parts inferior 535 13-14m, 19-21m/Q 560 21-22mQ 591 24-34m 599 2-3m/2u "no caeca", 35-38m 625 32-37m 626 8-12m 700 5-22m 723 2-4m 714 36-38m 715 2-3m, zb 717 25-27nz 745 25-26« "neglected I stranger", 18-21Q 20-22m, 21u "being convinced", 27-29m/27u "The I larger" 746 2-3u "head I white", 5-9u±, llu "coverts"/w parts of wing 24-26Q 26« "throat\the", 19u "The\ white", 32-37m
vol. 4 NB »371 No difference in summer &
winter Plum, of Snipe
xiii.iv.viii; 89; 155; 206; 309; 370; 422; 446;
[page break]
476; 572,3,4; 593; 606; 611,14,17; 627; 632;
665; 687
SB2 Qß
p.89 Remarkable variation in Beak of Plover
p206 do in Tringa p370 Snipe
155 do in Oyster catcher perhaps case of
abnormal varying Q
422 several cases of American Bittern shot
in England pxiii, xiv, xviii other American
446 Q Herons building in trees, on rocks, &
on heathy ground
573 Geese & Ducks all blend together, might
be left in one genus. Flamingo modified form
593 thinks Anser forms ancestor of domestic
655 variations in internal organs
687 var. in number of tail-feathers in Swans
xiii 25~26m xiv 9-10m/zv 2 xviii 6-7m/w 3 23 33~38m (Temminck) 33 25« "somel polygamous" 89 19-23m 103 4u "scarcely I their" 109 3-4m/3u "males\females" 155 6-15m/8-9Q 171 16u "Female I lighter", 17 u "more grey", 21u "the\and" 172 8-16m 173 28-30m 177 30-38m/35-36u "naturelbirds" 178 17-20m 180 l-5m/4u "May I June", 6-9m, 30u "five\six", 31u "about\ounces" 181 6-8m, 10-13m, 15-23m, 21-22m 187 20m 206 14-18m 309 24-27m 370 35-37m 371 3-8m, 34u "zigzags along", 35u "zoo I zee" 372 4u "Air-goat", 16-17u "amuse] more", 25-29m/25-26u "We] has", 27u "by I only" 422 5-21m/9-12w American Bird 446 12-14m, 33-37m 476 16-20m/w wader very wide Rangers 537 27-28m/27-28u "betaking I ease" 545 24m 550 35m, 36m 572 3-7m 573 18-29m 574 17-19m 576 13-15m 580 18-24m 587 25-27m 593 23-28m, 30-35m 606 27-30m 611 25-31m 614 24-27m 617 27-34m 627 27-29m 632 17-39m 639 18-21m/19u "obtuse I knobs" 651 23-27m/Q 665 10-14m/Q 671 ll-14m 678 38-39m 687 9« "eighteen I feathers", 12-15m, 16u "twenty"
vol. 5 NB Lestris, Gulls & Terns, female like
male, except generally smaller - very white
Birds - Oceanic
p.226 Princeps tuft on Head & Raff in
female rather smaller
228 Merganser crest do
Puffin, Razor-Bill, Cormorants, Uria, Gannet
males = females
70 Double-Moult of Pintail within less than 2
223 Merganser Moults & makes an appr to
(reckoned one of most extraordinary facts in
31-40 * tooth-formed* conical reversed
teeth Merganser first Entry
SBl 36; 39; 69; 64; 58; 51; 38; 59; 114 wd
fly to water & might be killed there.; 205;
247; 255; 272; 279; 500; 518, 546 vary
same way in same genera; 550; 577; 596
36 Wild Duck, thinks flight 100 miles per
69 Pintail Teal & Wild Duck (p38 seeds *
feed on p64 other Ducks p. 114 p51/58/six
species of Ducks p255 Even Grebe eat
seeds. 272 do 278
89 Wigeon has bred with Pintail & Common
247 Grebe, tail a mere tuft of down. How is
Coccyx - see Brit. Mus.
518 variation with age & almost
disappearance of hind Claw in Kittiwake
550 change in Stomach of Raven when kept
on vegetable food, & so in Gull, as I
understand in times of year, when it feeds
on seeds.
577 colour of outer Primaries vary in same
way in 2 species of Gulls & in in allied Gavia
34 6u "and I coloured", lOu "speculum I male", 23u "24th\May", 28u "23rd", 30-34m, 30u "6th\July", 34u "10th", 31-32w about 3 months 36 8u "Seeds \gramineae", 30-33m 37 l-6m 38 31u "and I spawn" 39 22-26m 51 36u "seeds\grasses" 58 lOu "aquaticI seeds" 64 4u "seeds \gramineae" 69 4u "seeds and" 70 2u "by I August", 8u "of \ September" 71 8-llm 73 34-38m 89 14-17m 112 20-27m 114 29-32m (Temminck) I30u± 129 10-16m/12u "with orange" J13u "bluish-white patch", 17 u "plumage] blue", 20-21u "plumage] black" 134 23« "unguis", 14u "sides] orange", 15u "upper]yellow" 140 13u "upper]yellow" 199 13-16m/14-15u "conical] backwards", 28-31m 205 26-30w It might be worth examining note 30-33m, wb Goosander: * M. serrator Dundiver: M. castor or M. Merganser 207 18u "head]black" 208 5u "bill I duller", 6u "reddish-brown", 8u "upper]grey", 10u^ 210 32 m "scapulars] long" 211 22-25m/25u "scapulars" 213 20-22m/20-21u^ 214 27-33m 223 27-22m 247 31m/w How are Coccyx 255 35-36m 266 32-33m 272 10-llm/lOu "seeds" 279 7m 326 9-20« "a]white" 327 7Q ll-13w see Grebe p. 107 13-16m, 24-27m/24-26u "Eye]half" 328 2-5m/Q 329 10-llm, 22Q 14-26m (Yarrell), 19-20m 330 22-24m/Q 331 22« "prevailing I white ", 17-19m/18u "plumage I on ", 19-22m 436 34-39m/35u "body I pale" 500 34-39m 508 27«± 509 lu "Young] at", 2u
[page break]
"plumage I brownish" 515 18u "black \ grey", 20-21u "except \ grey", 22u "head I pure" 518 2-15m 525 19-25m 546 25-30m/27u "unless\ quills" 550 19-22m 577 34-37m/36u "the\ primaries" 584 15-18m 585 3w L 596 11-Um
MACGILLIVRAY, William The natural history of Dee Side and Braemar ed. Edwin Lankester; London, for private circulation; 1855 [CUL] beh, dg, gd, is, oo, no
NB 176; 310; 387; 388; 412; 462; 468; 470; 474; 476; 480; 482; 487 SBQß
310 on massive mountains descend lower than on isolated mountains; & sometimes will be quite absent on such isolated mountains - Perhaps shows that a mass of same species necessary to keep up stock. 474 Deer swimming for isld 12 miles distant 476 Degeneracy of Deer owing to best Stags being killed
176 10-12m 310 19-32m 387 22-23m 388 29-31m 389 5-8m 412 U-Um/llu "var. scotica" 462 2-7m (Bonaparte) 468 7-25m, 18-21 m 469 30-33m 470 6-9m 474 29-21 m 476 16-20m, 28-36m 480 33-37m 481 24-27m 482 20-22m 487 29-35m
McINTOSH, William Carmichael A
monograph of the British Annelids 2 vols.; London; The Ray Society; 1873-74 [Down]
vol. 1, NB 3
2 36-43m 3 2-5m, 22-25m, 20-25m, 27-32m vol. 2 p
MACKINTOSH, James Dissertation on the progress of ethical philosophy 2nd edn, preface by W. Whewell; Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1837 [CUL, S] beh, h, he, t, v, y
NB Whewells Preface good Abstract 56 to 68; 97; 103; 113; 129; 151; 152; 164; 188?; 194; 196; 200 The remarks on Butler contain the cream of Sir J's opinions; 224; 231; 233; 234; 239; 240; 248; 251; 254; 255; 257; 261; 262; 265; 272; 326; 328; 333; 346; 348; 356; 359; 364; 368; 375 16 ought 231 Man Chapt 377; 380; 382; 397
16 3-6m 41 4-5m/!?/5u "moral sense" "invariably", ll-14w but why the separate parts? 56 6-1 lm, 20-21m 57 3-4m, wb A pointer ought to stand 60 16-18m/? 62 8-12m 66 l-4m 97 l-2m 103 4-12m 113 2-22m 128
wO 129 15-20m/ll-31w0, wb even our true taste is pleasant * according to habit 131 5-27w0 135 13-17w0 141 8-26w0 151 22-26m 152 l-8m, 12-13m, 17-20m, 26-30m 153 2-22m 164 22-26m 188 26-28m 194 l~7m/4-5?, 12-14"..."/mlw if so, my theory goes.- in child one sees pain & pleasure struggling 196 9-13m 198 ll-15m, wb&> How can cowardice, or avarice or unfeelingness be said to be dispositions leading to action yet conscience rebukes a man, who allows another to drown without trying to save his life.- 199 24-27m/!/26u "desire", 26u "will"/ 27u "conscience", 29-30m 200 30u "with direct" 201 l-2m/?/lu "action\ will" 224 9-18m (Hume) 231 ll-14m, 15-17m 233 22-14m 234 2-12m/4-7w common to animals 240 2-7m, wb Try whole question with the breaking mere rule of etiquette 248 6-10m/w Try theory of place in brane 251 33-35m/w/wb See Brit Museum 254 21-24m (Hartley)/23u "perception and emotion" 255 6-15m, 16-25m, 26-31m (Lord Karnes) 256 23-2Sm 257 18-29m/18-22w common to animals hence love of Place.- x wb x will not explain love of parent to child - except hereditary.- 261 22-29m/23-24w rather instinctive 262 26-30m 263 ll-14m, 26-30m 265 17-21m/19u "almost instinctively" 267 5-22m 272 17-22m/17-19w with respect to life 17w music? 21-24m 326 7-23m 328 4-8m 333 12-26m/23u "impel the will"/22-28w can the instincts of bird building nest be said to impel will.- 25u "emotions"/ wb yet emotions are results - are trains of thought long * associated with action 346 25-28m 348 9-17m 349 25-29m/28u "is I remembrance" 350 l-6m/l-4w so in birds it is 353 7m/u "moral approbation", wb certainly independent of conscience which applies only to one self- ?sympathy? yes because one feels the pleasure for others which one would have felt, if one had done it oneself 355 5-25m 356 8-24m 357 6-7u "beneficial tendency" 359 l-17m/3x, wb poor attempt to account for beneficial tendency being test of virtue 364 26-30m 368 7-19m 372 l-5m/l-2w assumed 10-30m/17-19w poor 373 ll-13m/ 12-13u "resentment I our" 375 15-24m 377 wt Nonsense - similar association may be
made with actions, involuntary as &
etiquettes of society broken unconsciously.-2-7m, 14-21m/?H 378 wt All this applies to moral approbation but scarcely to conscience, which l-13m 379 20-23m 380 21-27m/23-24u "contact \ were"/w trash 27!!/u "mental contiguity", wb because the primary instinctive feeling tends to action like an emotion.- 381 8-10w here considered as
[page break]
unity wb Emotions having been formed by actions will always lead to them.- 382 l-7m/2u "beneficial tendency"/3-4u "that\ sentiments", 12-30m/19-20w poor 383 2-29m/ 7-8w poor 385 zb 397 3-5m/?, 6u "perfectly", 7u "different spheres"
MACKINTOSH, James The history of England vol. 1, Lardner's Cabinet cyclopaedia London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1830 [CUL, on B, S]
NF 00
MACLAREN, James A critical examination of some of the principal arguments for and against Darwinism London; Edward Bumpus; 1876 [Down, I]
NB 0/
MACLAREN, James Natural theology in the nineteenth century London; Edward Bumpus; 1878 [Down, I]
MACLAREN, James Some chemical difficulties of evolution London; Edward Bumpus; 1877 [Down, I]
12 3-5m +
MacLEAY, William Sharp Horae entomo-logicae London; S. Bagster; 1819 [CUL, pre-B]
32 31-32m 42 22-26m (Latreille) 289 4-10m/5-6m/6u 291 30-32m 321 4-20m 447 27-23"..."
McLENNAN, John Ferguson Primitive marriage Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1865 [CUL] beh, ch, h, he, hi, no, si, ss, sx, v, y
SB (3 sides, ♦)
M'Lennan<6) All Used
22,30 It is clear that brides purchased, but
man wd choose prettiest- except when
bought mostly young.- It will depend on
forms of inheritance common to Man,
whether females alone or both sexes
31,40 -choice in woman- Fuegians Pages
74,76 a choice- Betrothed does not keep
45 no choice <& when captured 50 No Bates
95 <& 122 intermarriage incestuous
118,120 a Exogamy keeps distinct tribes
similar opened to sexual selection.
166 165 - origin of infanticide to lessen
number of Women, to 208 good summary on
Polyandry» & exogamy.
As yet idea* of* practice of avoiding incest
not explained, probably arose in time of
The scarcity of Women from infanticide of
females leading to *- to promiscuous
intercourse & polyandry, wd make the
selection of women very difficult- •
had Men wd then be selected- p. 176
(Promiscuousness a grt difficulty)
(over) a> There must have been a time
judging from lower animals, when men did
not forsee, when there was not infanticide &
when sexes equal, & then sexual selection
wd come in & only occasionally since, at
least when general licentiousness or
polyandry prescribed.-
» p. 288 I cannot help doubting whether
lesser number of females owing to
infanticide was so common as to make so
many tribes exogamous.-? Extension of
feeling for a cross - where close
interbreeding in small tribes - passion -
instinctive for foreign blood.
Effects of Habit for Explanation of Younger
males - or instinct—
(over) Guiana kill most female children bring
up about 1/2
& Abortion, which wd destroy both sexes
& Abipones
& many tribes
It does seem rare to kill females alone
24 4-5m/4u "bargain" 30 13-16m/13u "Kalmuchs\ price" 31 17-29m 32 l-4m, 12-15m/13u "price" 40 9-23m 45 4-8m, 21m 46 6-10m 50 6-17w why not a father receive money for parting with his useful daughter? 57 4-14m 66 wb There is no evidence as yet that men might not marry in own tribe.- if they lost their wives they would steal others 74 14-16m 75 13-Um 76 5-6m/5u "celebrated I beauty", 19-21m 95 13-lBm 99 20-25ra 102 12-17m 103 2-Am 118 7-12m/w Keep tribe similar 120 3-8m 121 10-15m, 14-15m 122 9-11m 130 5-10m 134 6~llm 138 13-18m 139 5-13m, 21-23m 140 wt/l-3w but if all tribes killed their daughters how is this possible? 3-9m 146 4-7m 147 16-21 m 148 l-4m 151 7-11m 159 l-4m/w Gorilla 162 3-5m 163 2-3méf, 14-17m/?, 18u 165 6-14m, 7-13m&, 10-13m 166 l-7w More Males killed in War 8-12m, 12-15m, 13-15m^, 18-20m& 167 2-5m, 6-8m, 9-llmé?/?, 12-Um^ 168 & 7-11m, 16-18m, 20-22m, wb Fuegians 170 2-7m^, 7-9U& "The existence", 7-9m/8u^ "assuming", 9-10m 171 & 7 ml? lu "Wel promiscuity", 13-15m, 16-21m, 17-21m 172 3-6m& 173 3-7m, 5-9m#M77 %w There may
[page break]
have been a stage with infanticide & other stages of almost promiscuousness 5-8m, 1Î5— 1m, wb Judging from the lower animals, I cannot persuade myself that at any early times powerful Men would not get more wives & • 178 2-7m 179 ll-14m 180 l-8m 181 8-14m 190 19-21m 193 18-20m 194 4-5m/ 3-16w Has there been so much infanticide??? See the Chapt. on infanticide.- 197 5-8m 204 5-7m 207 l-6m, 7-9m, 10-15m 208 wt can this account for races formerly modified & then being stationary: but now acting a little l-10m, 6a "earlier" but not earliest 7-9u^, î\9u "artificially", tÎ5-3u± 209 l-7m, 10-13m, 16-19m 210 2-7m/3u "practising polygunia", 7u "originally promiscuous"/?? 211 l-2m, 3-6m 212 l-7m 213 22-24m 223 8-18m 225 l-4m, 7-11m 228 24-29m 229 20-25m 230 7-20m, 22a "of" foreign 22a "stocks" within the group 233 l-4m 245 2-5m 251 2-7m 270 12-20m 288 5-14m/l-13w but it wd hold to female, with which each man was familiar 289 22-26m
McLENNAN, John Ferguson Studies in ancient history, comprising a reprint of Primitive marriage London; Bernard Quasitch; 1876 [CUL, I] beh
NF (pp. 133-34 of Nature, 14 December 1876; review of this book)
133b 8-22m, 26-30m, 33-37m 134a wt I think McL always believes that Lubbock implies by marriage monogamy 3-10m]
MACQUART, Justin Facultés intérieurs des
animaux invertébrés Lille; L. Daniel; 1850
beh, em, h, he, ig, no, or, phy, sp, sx, tm
NB p2, p6, p10, p14, p95, p111, p112,
p149, p210, 218, 230, 243, 264
a miserable Book
SB 2 Condillac on Instinct being only Habit
6 Duges definition of instinct, as Hunger &c-
Reflex action; True instinct NQ
14 Flourens Reflexion distinction of man NQ
210 Instinct of larva of Meloes hard to
account for by gradation NQ
218 Larva of Hydrophilus shams death, as
does one species of Zygaena NQ
2 26-30m/29-30u "cependant I toujours "/wb hereditary Habit. 4 22-22m 6 22-25m, 27-33m 7 7u "Dugès"/w What written? 15-20m/ 16w Reflex action 31-34m/w True instinct 10 12-13m 12 l-6m 14 5-6m 95 27u
"d'Hermaphrodites \ Androgynes", 17 w What difference? Ill 19-31m/30-31m/wb They can do more, or as much, with fewer organs.-112 8-13m/9u "sans\efforts" 149 2-2m 210 7-llm/w How did this instinct come? 13-18m/w Human cases show that larvae can survive & live 218 31-33m 230 26-30m 243 2-25m 264 4-22m
MAGNUS, Paul Wilhelm Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Najas L. Berlin; Georg Reimer; 1870 [Linnean Society of London, I]
9 zt 11 14m/c£ 33 26-2Sm 36 1U & 37 Îl20m, ÎT25m, tlOm 45 6-22m 61 20g (CD?)
MALLERY, Garrick A collection of gestures and signals of the North American Indians Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down]
MALLERY, Garrick Introduction to the study of sign language among the North American Indians Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down]
MALLERY, Garrick Sign language among American Indians, compared with that among other peoples and deaf-mutes Washington; Government printing office; 1881 [Down, I]
MALM, August Wilhelm Göteborgs och Bohusläns Fauna, Ryggradsdjuren Göteborg; Göteborgs Handelstidnings Aktie-Bolags Tryckeri 1877 [Down, I] p
MALTHUS, Thomas Robert An essay on the principle of population 2 vols., 6th edn; London; John Murray; 1826 [CUL, pre-B but S in vol. 1 C. Darwin April 1841] beh, ex, f, h, no, oo, ta, y
vol. 1 NB In the British Critic or in the
Critical Review for 1804 Review of Malthus
by W. Taylor of Norwich
(Savages purchase wives - get arms &
(Expelled natives with no stones near death)
5 Increase in U. States; 6 According to Euler
SB1 3; 29; 23; 41; 81; 343 Doubleday; 499;
517; 519
3 Malthus & Franklin saw the law of increase
in animals & Plants clearly
23 Allows increase of some very population
may be + prevented by powerful & obvious
343 Force of life in each country in inverse
ratio to Fecundity (Doubleday)
[page break]
517 On Doubling in U. States in 25 years (Also attached, a letter to the editor of the
2 21-22Q 3 3-6m 5 12-16m, 21-25m 6 10-14m 23 30-32m 29 wb Even in savagest life some preventive check, for all savages do not marry quite young, have generally to purchase wife & prepare tools and implements- 41 15-17m 81 12-18m 343 wt/ l-4w This is much the same as to say well-fed are less fecund- 7-9m/!, 22m/u "mosgtl countries", 27m/u "M. Muret", wb give note after Doubleday 344 4-6m, 15-17m, 22-23m 352 23-28m/24u "4871379", wbu, wb preventive checks come into play.- 353 9u "preventive check" 499 6-8m/w & animals 517 10-19m 519 14-18m, 22-24m 521 16-18m, 22-27m vol. 2 p
MALTHUS, Thomas Robert An essay on the principle of population 6th edn; London; John Murray; 1826 [vol. 2 only; Down, pre-B, ED]
(markings presumed to be by ED)
MANTEGAZZA, Paolo Fisiologia del piacere 5th edn; Milano; G. Bernardoni; 1870 [CUL] beh
NB Like dog not wagging tail when it gets food
119 l-14m 483 1-llm, 15~18m, 17-20m, 22-30m 484 7-9m, 15~16w illust.ion 26-34m 485 l-5m, 7-llm, 12-lSm, 17-20m, 22-29m, 30-34m 486 l-34m 489 3m/w 6 491 28-34m 492 8-9m 497 3-8m 522 7-10m, 12-17m, 26-30m, 31-34m 565 17m 567 14m
MANTEGAZZA, Paolo Fisionomia e mimica Milano; Fratelli Dumolard; 1881 [Down, I]
MANTEGAZZA, Paolo Rio de la Plata e Tenerife Milano; Gaetano Brigola; 1867 [CUL,
beh, h, sx, t, tm, v
NB ♦
[Seeing what a passion for s*- it is strange
that races of man not more altered.]
65 87 92
Q 162 163 166-67 186-87
320-325 334 352 389 391 453 457 458-9
463 465 525 to 546 615 624 676X
American & Negro Beards
ä) 525 Exaggeration of what he has from
(526 Beards)
teeth s*-
- & s><-
Nose in all parts of World 525-546 tattoos & ornaments
19 4-5m, 9-10m 20 2-10m 52 24-27m, 30-32m, 34-36m 57 13-14m, 24m 65 15-36m 66 l-35m 71 16-18m 87 30-36m 88 l-37m 92 26-34m 93 14-36m 94 16-35m 162 14-25m, 27-36m 163 2S-24m 166 25-36m 167 l-22m 186 23-36m 187 l-4m, 5-15m 320 33-36m 321 l-36m 322 15-19m, 24-35m 323 l-4m, 6-16m, 18-36m 324 l-34m 325 2-22m 334 12-36m 335 l-5m, 8-36m 352 29-36m 353 2-20m 389 22-26m 391 21-36m 392 2~6m 453 34-36m 454 2-36m 455 l-4m, 5-10m, 13-17m, 21-36m 457 29-31m, 33-36m 458 l-36m 459 l-5m, 9-12m, 16-20m, 24-35m 463 5-7m, 10-14m, 21-36m 464 27-32m 465 6-22m, 16-35m 511 25-29m 525 21-30m/23-28w Man always exaggerates what he has 526 l-24m/7-9w Calmuks beardless 16-17m, 16-27w New Zealand No woman for Hairy man. wb As from T. del Fuego to Vancouver Isd (Sproat) ie Lat to Lat New Zealand the natives eradicate the beard - not likely to be merely handed down fashion or custom; but dependent on the general principle of man exaggerating natural characters. 527 4-22m^ 528-546 (m^ on every page except 542-544 inclusive) 528 l-20w deformation of Head (also Mentioned by old Classical writers) 529 15u/wx, 15-18m/w women 18u/wx, 24u "Alto Nilo", 25-26u<+ 530 8-lOmßu "aver\cani", 21-22m, 24w Nose 531 23w Lips 532 22-23m\ u "donne\ inferiore"/w women 533 wt lower lip 4 inches in diameter l-3m/x/3u "quattrol diametro", 24-31m, 24-31m\-^\24u "tembeta"\ 30u "con\gioia"/wb curious account of man who sold his tembeta from lower lip & was ashamed of hole left & all laughed at him.-534 2-5m/w women with upper lips perforated 19u "Zenzibar"/w Ears 27u "Negri\ australi"/w Ears 535 6u "Bali"/w Earring 8u "Nepal"/8-9w Nepal earring 22« "Car-Nicobar"/w Ears 24-25w New Zealand Earring 536 wt It is curious that face far more operated on than rest of body - in same way as we think more of beauty of face than rest of body.- 25« "qualchelspalle"/ 14-18m/w Ears distended to touch the shoulders.! 28u "vanità", 29u*+, 27-34w Motive for tattoing- add sign of tribe & High birth 537 wt It is curious how in all parts of world, Men paint & tattoo themselves - & perforate their ears - In Africa & America both lips are perforated & distended - Every part of face in some part of world is
[page break]
perforated- lips cheeks all parts of nose.- 5-6m/6-7m/5-9w old Jews tattooed & Ancient British 19u "Nuova Zelanda" \19-21wNew Zealand & Pacific Isds 28-31m/30u "donne\ tatuate", 30m/31w women less tattoed 32-33m/u FN 538 l-5m, 3u "Nuova Caledonia"/3-7m/w New Caledonia tattoo 6m, "Non-hiva", lOm/llu "donne \godono"/10-16w Tattoo but not women except partially 539 9u "Novao Goda"/llu "meno\faccia"/9-llm/w face not tattoed 26-27m/27u "Giapponesi"/w Japanese tattoo 32u+/30-32w women only powder themselves 540 wt Women of high birth in some cases allowed to tattoo most.- l-3m/w Hindoos 6-8m/7u "]\tatuano"/w Burmans 13-15m/w sometimes the women 23u "Etiopia"/ 24-25u "strappano\e"/24-26m/w tattoo & pull out eyebrows & paint lines 5m/wb Tembeta 541 wt (a) Africa tribe-marks also Royal marks (not •) l-9m, ll-12m/llu "donne\ unghie"lll-16w colour nails & so in several parts of Africa 18-22m/w (a) 542 wt Women of Kattivar tattoo arms & & chin & are thought * irresistly attractive.- Men. My case N. Zealand or Tahiti 2-3mju "anne-viscono\labbra"/w paint? * Eyelids 5-7m/6u "son\attrattiva"/w (a) 8u/wx, 18-19m/18u "In\ hanno"/20u "Esquimesi"/w women & men 26m 543 l-36w They paint themselves in the most diversified manner with various colours - as is notorious.- 22« "vicini\o"/12u "sempre\agli"/10-16w S. America tattoo & paint thinks not for beauty but to look terrible 28u "è\livrea"/26-31w The slaves of same master paint in same way as Livery. 33m/u "tatuano" 544 l-2m/lu "invecelsi", 9u "abipone", llu "quando\nubili", 10-13w Women paint themselves when marriageable 19u "tatuaggio", 21u "la\donne", 20-22w virgins of women 26u++/25-28m/25-31w Chief of S. America much tattooed in face 545 4-22m/8u "quelle" 546 l-5m, ll-16m 588 25-26m 589 l-3m, 4-22m 594 29-33m 611 27-25m 615 7-8m, ll-16m 621 22-29m 623 23-28m, 31-36m 624 14-17m, 19-36m 625 l-18m 645-647 <@, m/wr 676 7-32m
MANTEGAZZA, Paolo Studii antropologici ed etnografici Firenze; Tipografia dell'arte della stampa; 1877 [Down, I] p
MANTEGAZZA, Paolo II terzo molare neue
razze umane Firenze; 1878 [Down, I]
NB Shows that the wisdom tooth is really being rudimentary
MARCHAND, Etienne Voyage autour du monde 5 vols., introduction by C.P. Claret Fleurieu; Paris; Imprimerie de la République; 1792 [Down, pre-B] p
MARSHALL, William Minutes of agriculture made on a farm of 300 acres of various soils, New Croydon, Surrey London; J. Dodsley; 1778 [CUL, pre-B, I]
MARSHALL, William A review of the reports
to the Board of Agriculture from the northern
department of England York; Thomas Wilson
& Son; 1808 [CUL, pre-B, belonged to Josiah
ch, cs, or, si, t, ta, v
NB Please do not rub out these numbers
Ch. Darwin
50; 73; 74; 78; 80; 95; 97; 99; 115; 153;
154; 196; 200; 202; 295; 303; 403; 404; 406;
480; 487; 489
78 Oats - varieties very transient
192 Origin of Potato Oat in Potato Field
200 On the want of Uniformity of the
unshepherded sheep in different parts of
England, whereas those within fences, each
have uniformity - owing to crossing
295 Great attention paid to changing sets of
406 Speaking of sheep, on common of
Yorkshire "as they are mostly in small lots
they can never be improved"
50 14m 73 25-31m 74 30-31m 78 9-llm 80 12-18m, 26-29m 95 1m 97 37-38m 99 27-20m, 25-27m 100 5-7m 115 29-36m. 153 26-27u "by I advantage", 27-28u "are I disadvantageous", 38m/u "preserve I old" 154 21-23m 177 24-25m 192 5-10m, 12-25m 196 30-31m, 34-37m 200 8-18m, 25-31m/25-26u "Sheep\ m"/Q>& 201 14-19m/15u "p.l99"/w Selection 32-35m 202 14~16m/x/wb x But it does not follow that the aboriginal stock varied like present mixed unshepherded sheep 22-24m, 27-29m, 37-38m 262 12-13wu 295 wt 1808 8-9m/7-12w seeds or false bulbs? 20-21%, 26-27m, wb X Lancashire great authority in Potato crops 296 l-6m 303 9-10m, llu "curl", 19-22m, 37m 403 12-18m/12u "whichl on"/14u "plowIdiscernable" 404 17-20m/17u "be suited"\18u "soils \climatures" 405 2-4m\3u "be\two" 406 19-21m, 38-39m 480 32-34m 487 27-29m/27u "mixed I two" 489 27-32m
MARSHALL, William E. A phrenologist amongst the Todas London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1873 [CUL, S] beh, ex, h, no, sx, t
[page break]
SB p100 Infanticide
110 do & cousins marrying.-
193a infanticide Britons
194/& infanticide extinct with Todas
196 good evidence
204 Polyandry a> among the * barbarians
surrounding the Jews
212 Todas girls can reject a Man * they are
in a very primitive condition & the damsel
bought for Buffaloes
225 Natives promiscuous union was
228 causes of Polyandry
232 polyandry & female infanticide always
together or the latter has existed
as number of sexes differ in animals there
must be some other causes than infanticide
xi 26-28w 07 xii 22-23m xiii 16-17m, 23m xvi 14-16m Izbl 13-16m, 22-25m 8 ÏÏ27-9m 81 27-29m 83 26-29m 99 7-10m 100 5-10m/ 9u "Suspected" 101 5-8m 110 6-1 Om, 34-35m
111 3-6m, 13-15m, 17-30[...], 24-33m 123 15-
23m 124 21-22m, 23-24m 125 l-3m 136 7-
13m 142 15-18m 145 fl4-2m 154 27-32m 160
ÏÏ2m 166 l-3m 176 6-10m, 12-13m 180 4-5m,
ll-13m 193 20-22m 194 23-31m 195 31-33m
196 4-10m 198 19-23m 204 14-18m/w
Semites polyandrous 25-28m 206 6-9m 212
l-4m 213 28-32m 215 l-4m 225 7-11 m 228
12-19m 229 6-9m 232 15-22m 260 2-2m 263
MARSHAM, Thomas Coleoptera Britannica 2 vols.; London; J. White; 1802 [CUL, vol. 1 only, pre-B, S]
MARTIN, W.C.L. The history of the dog London; Charles Knight & Co.; 1845 [CUL] beh, br, cs, ds, gd, h, he, hy, oo, or, sx, sy, ta, tm, v
NB 1 to 21 ; 18 cross Rabbit & Hare
52; 61 to 71; 78; 84; 104; 107 & 8; 114 to
SB üß
14 Dog in Zoolog. Garden Q learned to Bark
18 Proc. Zoolog. Soc. Hybrid Hare & Rabbit
I see M. doubts parentage of Richardsons
p.31 admits only a cross with such
51 Dogs of antiquity Q
63 Remarks on instinct : barking do.
67 Yarrell Zoolog. Soc. Proc. on Hairless
Dog toothless Q
104 First Dog affects subsequent puppies
106 Classification of all Vars Q
116 Esquimaux Q taking Wolves to improve
146 Rough Greyhound aboriginal form ON
154 In Greyhound females smaller
180 On a Dog liking to catch carp & trout &
M. Jukes mentions another Dog in Lapland -
ch. 6)
203 African Dogs in Tower never bred Q
title page wb 1845 5 12-13m 7 6-8m, 15-16m, 25-27m 9 ll-12m, 17-21m 11 3-Am 12 29-32m 14 10-llm/Q 15 l-2m 18 2-4m, 9-13m, 18-19m 19 9-12m 21 26-27m 31 6-27m 45 10-12m 46 4-7m 47 27-28m 49 13-31m/16-17u^/25u "old turnspit"/27-28u "most I dog" 51 3w peculiar 52 27-32m 53 22m, 13-16m, 14-17m, 18-22m/22u "andI extant" 54 9-22m 57 2-3m, 8-9m/u "to I ears", 17m, 28m 61 3-7m, 19-20m, 23-24m, 25-26m 62 4-5m, 11-14m 63 15-23m/18-21"..." 64 10-llm/"...", 27-29m, 29-32m 65 4u "is an acquired", 5-8m, 23u "all I scent" 67 2-4m, 9m, 18-21m, 24-30m 70 2-2m, 22-23m 71 ÏÏ24-6m 78 2-6m 84 10-25m 104 21-24m, 26-31m 106 10-35m 108 5-8m 114 27-31m 115 23u "greatltrue", 21-24m 116 U-15m/14-15u^ 126 21-25m 128 24-22m 129 23-28m 131 29-32m 132 21-24m 134 26-32m 136 9-22m 137 16-18m/17u "All\ were", 21-24m, wb H. Smith wd say from crossing 139 14-15m/14u "smooth] sprung" 143 4-9m 146 20-30m 147 l-4m 148 2-2m 152 2-6m 153 26-28m 154 23-26m 155 26-20m 170 3-10w St Bernard Dog 9-25m 173 19-22m, 21-23m 176 27-32m 180 29-32m 181 wt Jukes mentions dog in Newfoundland 2-4m, 21-23m/22u "abbreviated" 192 23-26m 202 22u "Central Africa" 203 7-9m/8u "wonderI bred"/Q 14-17m/15u "related I hound", 18u "old Spanish", 19u "vigorous I active" 204 27-29m/ 28u "which\ quarter" 205 2-5m 212 6-20m 215 5-6m, 22-24m 216 5-8m
MARTIN, William Charles Linnaeus The
history of the horse London; Charles Knight &
Co.; 1845 [CUL]
beh, fg, fo, gd, geo, gr, hy, is, or, phy, ta, v,
NB 28 to 50; 86; 97; 129; 134; 155; 159;
167; 169; 171; 177; 190; 202; 205; 208; 211;
212; 220; 221 to end
41 Tarpans scrape snow with feet Q&>
97 Red-Back Horses only asinine in colour
129 Period of gestation differs very much.
134 Dappling in black, Bay & Gray Breeds Q 206 Striped common ass & Mule 212
[page break]
207 Ass more variable than generally supposed: 3 breeds in Syria 222 Zebra Mules Q
title page wb 1845 6 14-23m 8 13-19m 10 18-24m 12 3-12m/w Brazil cases 16-20w Beavers 24-38w There are no regular strata, young enough 21 17-21m 28 39^40m 30 23-26m 31 19-21m 34 l-6m/3-4Qi&, 15-19m, 31-33m, 38-39m 35 5-8m, 32-38m 36 l-4m 37 2-6m 40 15-20m/12-17w ie real wild Horse 41 2-4w&> S. wind Falklands 5-8m/7x&>, 37-40m 48 2-3m 50 8-13m 62 30-35m 63 2-4m 86 3-7m, 35-39m 87 12-15m, 27-33m, 34-36m, 38-40m, wb Are horses found + in Peat Bogs?-88 3-8m 89 l-5m, 6-9m 97 24-29m/25-26Q 129 6-10m/9-10Q<&, 25-30m, 40m 130 23-27w like Roulin mules 2G-33m 134 13-16m/15u "still\circles", 18-20m/18-19m, 23-27m, 31-32m 155 2 9-22 m 159 33-42 m 160 2-4m 167 6-9m/9u "mouflon ranges", 10-12w insular quadrupeds 169 19-23m/22u "several ponies"/ 20-24w not all aboriginal 29-30u<->, 34-37m 171 36-A0m 172 l-4m 177 7-9m, 27-33m 190 34-39m 202 5-10m 205 24-26Q 26-27u "clouded\ground", 18u "dapple", 26u "dorsaU bar", 35^40m/Q/40u "double cross" 206 1-Am, 9-13m/Q 17-22m/18-19m/ut& "small I breed"/ 21u<& "Syrian ladies", 28-29m<&, 34-36m& 207 7-23m, 22-24m^/m/24ui^ "Arab", 25u£* "saddle", 40m/ut& "is I stout" 208 2-4mi&, 7-9mA) 209 27-29m 211 2-4m+/3u "Genesis xxvi" 212 4-7m, fig.Q 218 23-26m 220 22-24m/Q 221 29-24m (Thomas Bell), 33-37m 222 4-9m, 35-37m 223 7-9m, 22u "was \ dun", 18u "drab \ dun"/Q 23uto "more I down"'/24u "side\ fetlocks "/22-25m/w Burchells Zebra & Ass
Mémoire sur l'organisation des cirripèdes Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1835 [CUL] beh, af, ci, phy, sx, sy, tm
2 19w 1806 7 22-24m 8 24-25m 9 26-28m 10 2-^m, 8-10m 11 8-9m, 21-22m/w does not mention inner tunic of sack 25-28m/w are these muscles in 6 bundles 13 15-16m/16-20w Does not perceive homology 22a/w "seconde"/w double 23-24m/w all right 23u "en\même"/24u "les\une"/26m/23-31w does not state that this is the conum for inside of • 32u/32-33m/w pedical not articulated 14 U-15m, 21-24m/X, 1Î2x^, wb* Does not describe much of pedicel of body- 15 wt Cirri power of separating from each other & two rows from each other 2-2m, 4-5m, 6-12w does not mention much of dorsal articulation 14~15w or their attchm to 2d joint of pedicel 22~24m/16-24w knows nothing about
apodeme or homology 28-30u±/w !! 4 pair, right Considers palpi as Mandibles 30u^ "langue"/wb1^ ? & p. 23 16 5u "une ligue"/?, 6u "muscle constrictor", 10x^, 12w does not moulting 14-lSm/w quite right 26x^, 33x, wb a single caecum!! 17 7u "d'une \ enfoncemens"', 9-12m/w I always have found loose. 16-18m/ 16-33w is not aware of the distinctness of rectum shown by moulting, for he does not describe the two coats - or two coats of oesophagus, wb I believe it contracts itself, when separated by the cloche of rectum 18 20-22m, 23-24*^, 24-26m, 27-29m, 20-29w ie what I have called - oviduct - There is hollow in middle of pedicel of body 19 27-25m/x^/18u "filet \ salivaire"/24u^ ±, 30-33m/ x^/w thinks legs thoracic!! wb is this owing to basal joint being confluent?! probably 21 2-Am, llu "la queue"/10-llm/w No 16-17x^ 22 7-8m, 9-17w Male organs differ considerably from those of a true Crab. 23 23-24m/w this must be when agitated by fear 26u "petite langue"/27u^ "deux dernières"/26-29m/? 24 15-18m, 24-30w is edge of oesophagus fixed to stomach? I think so zb/ wb ant support Dorsal support muscle attached to end of spoon & opening valvular mouth 25 wb Look at stomach of B. candidus - 26 28-30m/w in Poiliceps too hard to contract surely.- 27 l-3m/2u "surI repli", 6-9m 29 2-22w Body generally bent a good character Articulation oblate except 5. posterior abdominal segments. 26-30m 30 26-27m 36 25-27m/!/w wrong 37 l-3m/!/w No 6-9m/8u "branchires"/?, 12w Yes 14-lSm/w Yes 20u*& "autre part"/19-23m/\/w No 22-23m/1/w No 26-27m, 29w Yes 33m "sac membraneux"/w No 38 2-3m 41 9-22m Plates (parts of animals named)
MARX, Karl Das Kapital vol. 1; Hamburg; Otto Meissner; 1873 [Down, I] p
MASARYK, Thomas Garrigue Der Selbstmord als sociale Massenerscheinung der modernen Civilisation Wien; Carl Konegen; 1881 [Down] p
MASKELYNE, Nevil Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical ephemeris 3rd edn; London; 1802 [CUL, pre-B, on B, S]
NF wee
"» When barometer stands higher than the
neutral point the Capacity is to be added:
when lower it is to be subtracted
The logs at end of this book to be used.
[page break]
NB (a drawing)
57 u) p. 1 These tables are explained at end
62 wbfc>tt
MASTERS, Maxwell Tylden Vegetable
teratology London; The Ray Society; 1869
he, mhp, mn, sp, tm, v
NB 29; 90; 320 phyllotaxis; 204 •^j 340; 373; 404 %/& Cleistogam flowers; 410; 424; 467; 472; 478 •tf' Pang; 483; 485; 486; 488 SB
A) (not CD) Masters on Teratology
29 Cohesion of stamens in exaggerated
degree as in normal species
29 26-32m 90 21-26m, fig. 42.m 91 l-4m 131
30-32m 204 12~20m 251 7-9m 253 24-26m
320 18-28m 340 3-13m 373 7-8w other cases
10-16m 404 2-18m 410 l-6m 424 30-42m 467
23-34m 472 27~34m 478 6-24m 479 2-24m
481 l-3m (Bentham) 483 20-22m 485 ll-19m
486 26-29m 488 25-23m 534 zb
MATTHES, Benno Betrachtungen über Wir-belthiere Dresden; 1861 [CUL.1900] p
MATTHEW, Patrick On naval timber and arboriculture Edinburgh; Adam Black; 1831 [CUL, S C. Darwin Apr. 13th 1860] h, oo, si, sp, t, ta, tm, v
NB 32 Oaks 2 vars or species sessile &
107 on selection of Forest-trees why not
302 Occupancy like Herberts view of plants
not growing in soil best suited to them
307 on Selection good Man interferes with
law & this causes variation.
357 Size of English & Scottish acorns &
quicker growth of tree from English Acorns
364, 381 Law of Natural Selection published
in G. Chronicle April 7th 1860
(CD?) 364-5, 381-3, 106-7
32 8-27m 106 51... 107 6-29m 108 til...] 302 14~25m 303 2-6m 307 24-26m 308 2-17m 328 30-32m 357 22-27m 358 28-22m 365 8-9u "morelkind" 381 51... 382 17-21m/w too near to • 29u "nearly \ living" 383 l-4m, 27-29m&> 388 10...]
MAUDSLEY, Henry Body and mind London; Macmillan & Co.; 1870 [CUL] beh, h, he, mn, pat, sx, t, tm
NBl ♦ p. 48 Hand of idiots - thumb not used
NB2 p51 Idiots smelling food see Scott Deaf
& Dumb-p86* p7,8,10 & all 1st Chapter
53 Savage snarl - Selection
p47-49,51 Reverse idiots Hair After Vogt &
p.55 Brain weight
59,60 Moral Sense
62 ♦ Brain Wanting parts
All referred to proper places
p10 ♦ Savage snarl of Habitual MicrocephO
Insane Reversion
p29,p85 Devotion
2 9m, zb 7 6-18m 8 3-7m/3-23"..."/S-23m 10 28-30m/"..." 11 7-22m, 14-18m 12 7-12m 13 lu "ganglionic nuclei", 2u "arelwith" 28 29-30m 29 16~22m/19w devotion 30 5-9m 31 29-23m/23-25m/20-29w like other secondary sexual characters 41 3-7m 47 10-15m, 19-27m 48 23-24u^ "often \ hands", 25-27m/ 27u<^ "shortl cheek", 30u<^ "filthy" 49 26-22m/17-18u^++ 50 29u^ "dirty in" 51 3-7m\ 3-4"..."/Q 24-29m, 29-30w smelling 30-32m, 32-33u^ "hislsmell", 35-36m 53 lu "savage snarl"/l-3m/Q 55 20-26m (R. Wagner) 59 1-18m/7w H. Spenc 60 4-8m/5-7"..."/wt/l-7w sympathy & social affection deteriorated wd suffice 62 î\3-lm/wO wanting parts 67 zb 85 22-24m
MAUDSLEY, Henry Body and mind London; Macmillan & Co.; 1873 [Down, I] p
MAUDSLEY, Henry The physiology and pathology of mind London; Macmillan & Co.; 1868 [CUL] beh, h, pat, phy, si, sx, tm
SB1 -o- Man
Maudesly on * «s> Mental Phys; p. 220 p. 19 p311 imagination
54 Brain of Bushwoman
108 Language & Expressions
SB2 •> Maudesly on Insanity; ♦ Expression;
103; 104; 109; 148; 158; 160; 193 (?)
SB3 Qß
19 Man; 54 do; 72; 89; 103 Use increasing
sensitivity of senses; 104 Instinct; ♦ 108
Origin - term of Natural Selection -; 109;
132* Man (good) Q; 148; 158 Expression;
160; 193; 220 Man (Imagination); 311; 199
Laura Bridgman The tongue grt organ of
Look over
& Slips all put in proper places
19 28-34m 54 9-20m 72 8-14m, 21-25m 89 25-30m/26iv Drosera 103 12-20m 104 26-34m
[page break]
105 34-39m 109 8-12m 125 28-37m 134 30-31u "of I places "/32u "senses I again "/29-33m/w looks as if man gaining more perfect smell 148 7-10m 149 19-21m/!/20~21u "self-expansion" 158 32-34m, 35-39m 159 13-17m 160 ll-15m 193 31-39m 199 24-20m, 27-36m 220 ÎÏ3-2m 311 2S-24m (Coleridge)
MAUDSLEY, Henry The physiology of mind London; Macmillan & Co.; 1876 [Down, I by publisher] beh
NB 384 Expression
270 19-20m 384 31-36m 385 5-6m
MAWE, John Travels in the gold and diamond districts of Brazil new edn; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1825 [CUL, pre-B, on B, S Chas. Darwin Octob: 1832 Buenos Ayres]
18 27u "fazenda"/w Brazilian
MAXWELL, James Clerk Matter and motion London; Society for promoting Christian knowledge; 1882 [Down, FD]
MAZAROZ, Jean Paul La Genèse des sociétés modernes Paris; A. Lévy; 1877 [Down]
MEDLICOTT, Henry Benedict and BLANDFORD, William Thomas A manual of the geology of India 2 vols, and a vol. of maps; Calcutta; 1879 [Down, I]
MEEHAN, Thomas The native flowers and ferns of the United States 2 vols.; Boston; Prang & Co.; 1878 [Down] p
MEETKERKE, Cecilia Elizabeth The guests of flowers London; Griffith & Farran; 1881 [Down, I]
MEITZEN, Ernst Bhawani Leipzig; E.H. Manen; 1872 [Down]
MELIA, Pius Hints and facts on the origin of man London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1872 [CUL] beh, pat
NB p. 47 can these statements be true? Deaf & dumb do not know what right & wrong is As dogs have social instincts it is incredible that deaf & dumb shd not - though I daresay they do not know what is called right or wrong
=8» But no doubt they may have social instincts & family affections which wd prompt them to right action.
47 18-23m
MENGOZZI, Giovanni Ettore Delia filosofia della mediana vol. 1; Livorno; Scuola italica; 1869 [Linnean Society of London, I]
MERRIAM, Clinton Hart A review of the birds of Connecticut New Haven; Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor; 1877 [Down] beh, ch
NB 52 Changes in Habit of Birds 52 23-34m
METZGER, Johann Die Getreidearten und
Wiesengräser Heidelberg; CF. Winter; 1841
ad, cc, ch, ds, gd, mhp, no, si, sp, ta, tm, v,
NB N.B. The cases of grains changed from
Summer to Winter wheats &c is rather a
different course of variation from anything
which I have hitherto considered; an self
adaptive power
12; 24; 36; 47; 50; 54; 56; 63; 65; 66; 68;
88; 90; 96; 114; 116; 137; 185; 206 to 217
SB 09Î
18 Summer & winter Barley differs only in
constitution & easily goes back 54 Wheat
do.- a self adaptive power, a habit -
24 Naked Barley changes into common
63 advocates change of seed in Germany
66 & 116 var varied at first, & then came
more (20 years) constant being accustomed
to climate 25 years This fact very important
for shows yet accustomed to change.
69 a var. not injured by late frosts.
91 vars. variable in one climate not in others
116 so in different soils
114 a very constant var; many unconstant
206 on Maize, difference in height & period
of Vegetation; says American seed gives
plants which become acclimatised & altered
in form - Each land has its own form; form
of seeds & number of rows differs.
208 Description of changes in Maize from
American seed, 210 due to climate, so quick
- Change in period of ripening. - Variation
(p.212) comes on in Europe; & American
vars. quickly take European Character.
217 very early Maize. [Believes all maize
one species & gives reason for]
All used ^
[page break]
title page wf^ 3 Herbacious 4 oats 9 12w^ 1 12 lw^ 2 18 35-37m, wb no difference between summer & winter barley except time of sowing & ripening & will go back again (NB so it is in Mexico) 19 l-2m, 31-32u "eine I hat", wb might be quoted as constitutional difference with no external difference 24 4u " Wir \ bemerkt", 6-lOw changes in common Barley 32-36m/w naked seeds 27 l-2w^ 3 36 13-14m/u "weil\ ausartet" 47 19-21w no Botanical difference 23-25m/23xv changes 50 3-5m/4w changed wb to p. 120 54 29-32m/31u " Aussaat \ Frühling" 56 30-31u "Diese I Überzug", 31-35m 57 12-13m/12u "jedoch\sich", 27u "artet\ Spielart", 28u "jetzt keine", 35-* 58 32-33u "ist I übergeht" 63 18-25m/w strong on advantages of change of seed 65 10-llm/ Wu "artet I und", 17u "Jahrhundert" 66 29-36m/w varied first year then became more constant 68 9-10m/u "grössere I Kälte" 69 24« "Spätere I Schaden" 88 27-28m/u "und I erscheint" 91 32-34m/35u "einen beständigen"/ —> 92 lu "Charakter angenommen", 9u "wohl\ beständigen", 17u "in I wechselnd", 18u "bald\ länger" 96 21-24m 97 32-36m/w changes in colour of seed 114 17-18m/u "und beständig" 116 wt/l-16w we have seen that some varieties of wheat in a colder climate have been variable, so no relation to food 19u "günstigen", 20u "magerem Boden", 21-23m/ 21-24m/w variable for 25 years at last constant 35m, 38-43m, 38u "Seit\ langjährigen"\41-42wvariable 117 17-19m/18-19u<^/19m/wb I do not see that selection has anything to do with this 135 28w 1 137 wt many trifling cases of Variation not marked 8m/wx, 9-12m/w awns vary in presence * 141 12w 2 145 lw 3 24w 4 185 13-14m/w 14 kinds of Rice 206 29« "demiJahrhundert", 24u/25u/27u/28uee, 20-27w no plant more variable than Maize 29-32w vegetative periods 32-33m, 34u "selbst I Form", 35-38m, 39u "Da I besitzt", wb the longest-vegetation American kind sowed in our climate in gd year gives seeds which * vegetate in shorter time & ripen seed, & the form & shape of seed alter & become like common German 207 23-25« "Reihe\Samen", 23m, 28u "eine Stammform"/24-35m/w thinks all maizes same species though some forms more persistent 208 (many m, u ^) 6u+/7u "Flach"/ 8u "kleinen Zahn"/8u*/5-9m/w shape of seeds seems to vary greatly 10-llw 12 Unter-art. 23u "12 Fuss", 14u "oberen", 22-24m/22u "9\Fuss"/23-25m/21-26w some seed of 1st year seedlings departed from type 27-35u±, 28-36m/m 209 wt see Description
l-7m^, l-6m, l-7u±, 8m^/u^ "12\ Samenreihen", 9u^ "länger I breit", 10u^ "Zahn", 16-18m/15-22u±/18-20m^, 29-33m, 33-34w same variation as above wb two vars. returning into one.-) 210 3u "Engelmann"/wt good man 9-14u±/wt/l-18w [These are the most striking facts of effect of climate. 18-20m/18-22w no one wd really believe in such change 22u^ "Chicken corn", 23-24w a more constant form 26u^ "12"/25-28w rows of seeds differ 29u "ersten Jahre", 34u++ 211 24-25m, 15-18u±, 24-25m/w long cultivation fixing forms 34u "starken \ ausgehend''/32-35w seeds toothed 212 6-7u<^/w wet summer 8a/ ujwx, 9u "Diese Spielart", lOu "zeigtImehr", 18w (a) 20-22u±, 24u^, 35u "rund\gewölbt", wb (a) Every variety seems to change in Europe 213 l-2m, 5-6m/5-llw thinks all the European Maizes descended from the two great varieties of America 25«+, 26m/u± 214 20-23m 215 10u^ "22-20", 25m/« "Stammt I Spanien", 20-30w 3 or 4 Spanish varieties 216 <«^> 3« "unregelmässigen", 8u "die\ beständig", 15u "verzweigten ästigen", 22u "KolbenIkurz", 23u "meist 12", 25u "Italien", 26u "Cinquantino" 126-27w Italian 217 9-10m/ x^, 14u "artetIaus"
MEYEN, Franz Julius Ferdinand Beiträge zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde including
ERICHSON, Wilhelm Ferdinand and BURMEISTER, Carl Hermann Conrad Beschreibungen und Abbildungen der von Herrn Meyen auf dieser Reise gesammelten Insekten Breslau & Bonn; Verd. der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher; 1834 [CUL, S, on B] 9d
62 24-26w • middle Chile at most height &c
63 4« "Insekten] Wurmen", 6u "paarweise",
26u "Spiegel" 64 21-22m
MEYEN, Franz Julius Ferdinand Neues System der Pflanzen-Physiologie 3 vols.; Berlin; Haude und Spenersche Buchhandlung; 1837-39 [Botany School, FD]
MEYEN, Franz Julius Ferdinand Outlines of the geography of plants London; The Ray Society; 1846 [CUL] cc, gd, geo, gr, is, no, sp
NB Hooker says very poor & I quite agree (CD?) Meyens Travels Lichtenstein Martius Humboldt Treviranus Biologie Gaudichaud
[page break]
SB1 3; 4; 40; 43; 69; 82; 93; 94; 95; 99 to
end*; 103; 187; 251; 253; 255; 256; 258;
261; 264; 270; 272; 323; 326
SB2 43 Trees Cedrela washed to Canary
Isds from America viz Cedrela
103 Representatives of S. African Flora in
Spain, according to Link
187 0/ 109 Genera in La Plata 70 Europe &
85 N. Hemisphere (& as few identical
species there must be much representation,
without these 85 genera are Mundane.
248 Bejaria in Florida in Lat 30° at level of
255 very few genera confined to Alpine
256 Near Snow-line of Cordillera, the greater
number of alpine plants are peculiar (very
poor authority)
- Reinwardt says none of Java alpine plants identical with Europe (Hence at least vars) 257, 258 On American Alpine plants of Chile & some European forms 261 Fewness of plants on islands has been disputed by Schouw
3 24r-26m 4 24-26m/? 40 19-22m 43 18-31m 69 25-28m 82 8-llm (Humboldt), 21-23m 83 6-7m, 26-28m 93 25-28m (Schouw) 94 30-33m 95 7-9m, 12-15m, 28-29m 99 22-23m, 21-23m 103 12-15m, 32-35m 119 2-4m 166 5-7m 187 33-35m 248 19-24m 251 13-14m, 22-23m 253 27-29m, 31-35m/? 255 17-20m, 23-24m, 25-26m, 27-29m, 29-33m 256 ll-31m, ll-13m
257 15-24m 258 l-2m, 7-llm, 16-25m 259 5-
8m 261 25-22 m (Alphonse De Candolle, Von
Buch) 262 21-26m, 28-31m 264 34-38m 265
Im 270 17-22m, 30-34m/??/w V. Hooker 35w
p.273 36-38m, wb i.e. under countries of
similar climate, extant soil & height &
inhabited by similar forms the proportions
keep similar; this is curious- 272 wtce, 12-
15m 273 26-38m, 36-38m 323 29-30m 326 22-
MEYER, Friedrich Albrecht Anton Versuch einer vollständigen Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere, im Grundrisse Göttingen; Johann Christian Dieterich; 1792 [CUL, pre-B] tm, v
NB March 19th 1857; Nothing
p.38; 98; 119; 125; 126
I have only skimmed after p150 for the
whole a wretched compilation though it
seems he is Entomologist
38 22-25m 93 7-12m/l-llw Gmelin skin on
back saccatus 98 14-15m/w Angora Rabbits
119 18-19m 125 wb Molar teeth; 5 toes on
hind feet; palmated feet; chief difference
tailless 127 28-29m 128 14-15w Pug
MICHELL, John Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations upon the phaenomena of earthquakes London; 1760 [CUL, pre-B, S, I "the Author's Present", i.e. not to CD] geo, t
NB 16;459*;70
10 vibration from same point; 16*; 17 & 26
my argument used by Mihell; 46; 55; 58;
8 20-22m 9 l-2m 10 18-20m 11 23-26m 16 2-
2m, 29m 17 2-29m 26 2-22m 35 5-24m 36 2-
20m 38 28-33m 39 2-3m 46 2-20m 55 15-27m
58 4-19m 70 30-32m
MIERS, John Travels in Chile and La Plata 2 vols.; London; Baldwin, Cradock & Joy; 1826 [CUL, pre-B, S in both vols.]
vol. 1, vii 7m, 8m, 10m, 11m, 13m, 14m, 16m, 18m, 19m 383 21-32m 392 5w -> -» n 7-22z, 19-29m 393 2-7m 394 l-8m, 14-19m 395 2-2m, 6-7m P
MILLER, Hugh Footprints of the creator
London; Johnton & Hunter; 1849 [Botany
cr, em, geo, ig, sp, tm
9 2-2m 15 10-14m/12w Why not? 40 4-7m 46
3-8m 60 20-25m 68 6-9m/! 69 25-22m, wb
What is embryonic Head of a Placoid or
ganoid Fish 83 7-20m, 24-27m, 28-32m/wb
This assumes no transition of such minute
characters 84 l-8m 104 14-18m 105 4-7m/6w
Devonian 107 l-4m 109 6-9m (Murchison)
133 23-24m 136 4-7m 144 15-18m, 27-30m
146 24-25m 147 25-27m 150 27-22ra 154 2-
5m 155 22-24m 161 9-15m/8-llw too few 162
28-32m/w good but too hasty.- 163 2a
"early" p. 161 l-5m/wt yet in Red Sandstone
two kinds 166 20-23m 175 22-20m 179 22u
"two"/w or three? 182 22« "Brachiopods"/w &
Cephalopods 27-22m 193 19-24m 196 7-23m
(Lyell), 14-17m 197 22-24m 200 16-25m 203
25-32m 204 1-Am 214 9-22m 215 3-7m 216
5-7m/w often cease earlier 7-10m, 10-16m/w
decay when in sediment 13-16m 217 7-22m
219 22-23m 243 17-27m 280 29-20?
MILLER, Philip The gardener's dictionary 3rd edn, 3 vols.; London; for the author; 1748 [Down, vols. 1 and 3 only]
MILLER, William Allen Elements of chemistry: Part 2, inorganic chemistry 3rd edn; London; Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green; 1864 [Down, FD]
[page break]
MILLIGAN, Edward A. Corn. Celsi medicinae libri octo Edinburgh; Maclachlan & Stewart; 1826 [Down, S] p
MILNE EDWARDS, Henri Histoire naturelle des crustacés 3 vols and vol. of plates; Paris; 1834-40 [CUL]
af, ch, ci, er, ds, dv, em, gd, gr, in, is, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, v
vol. 1 NB (on p. 468)
(Species Theory) p. 6. p117. p. 184,5
p191 - Hence Branchiae in the Podophthalm
Crust, perhaps not so anomalous - not more
a new organ than in Cirripedes.
196 p121; 227,8
186 Newport says in Scolopendra mandibles first formed - Jaws formed before legs in Crustaceans
197 The changes which Crustaceans
undergo when hatched are the "complement"
of those within the egg
226-8 On 2 methods of classification; that of Cuvier impracticable (very good sentence)
title page u (author, title) 2 29-30m/30u "cinq] de" 3 l-2m/lu "sept paires"\2u "nommés antennes", 4u "coeur artériel", 6u "sont doubles" 6 2-5m, 30-32m 12 1-1 m 14 25-27m 15 19-20m 16 4~6m/w V. • 18 10-19m 19 2-3m, 6-9m, 13-16m/z/15u "généralement"/16u "ordinairement I dernier", 24-28m 21 6-8m 23 19m 27 7-9m, 16-20m 29 6-10m 30 28-32m 31 23-29m 40 15-26m 41 30-35m 42 21-22m 43 7-20m 44 2-2m, 5-8m, 14-29m 45 24-29m, 24-26m 47 2-5m, 3~4m 48 24-26m 50 26-28m 51 l~4m 55 24-2 6m, 26-29m, 30-32m 61 17-30m/19u "lame cornée" 62 l-4m, 6-8m, 15-17m, 19-20m 64 9-2 2 m 72 25-30m 73 2-6m, 10r13m, 25-27m 74 4-6m, ll-13m 75 5u "Édriophthalmes", 6-9m, 28-29m 76 5-10m, 29m (Cuvier) 78 28-29m 79 22-24m 80 24-18m, 22-28m 81 12-13m/5-23w what difference in branchiae of Stomapods 82 29-32m 84 21-25m, 29-30m 97 15-18m 100 7-20m 104 17-20m, 22-23m 110 5-7m, 10-llm, 12-17m, 27-30m 114 23-25m/Q 115 8-10Q ll-18m/12w stemmate 116 2-2Q 5-7m/26-24mA>/wÄ) Larva of Lepas 10-13m 117 2-llm/w&> This must be case in Larva of Lepas 6-10m/7w Sp. Q 118 18-19m, 29-22Q 20-22m 119 2-2Q 5-8m, 20-22m 120 2-2Q 4-6m, 17-18m, 28-29m 121 2Q 15-19m/l-19w Species theory. 2 into 1 - into 2 into none 16-27W V. Daphnia 26-29m, 29-33m 123 22-15m/w the second pair are the exterior 128 31-32c\wi 129 20-23m, 32-32m 131 21-23m 133 5-8m, 10-20iv Cirripedes come near
Isopods 135 22u "nerfs"/->/28a "céphaliques", 29~33m 136 20-23m/21u "nerfs gastriques", 25-27m, 28m/u "forment] de" 138 9-22m/7-18w argues with * cirripedes for 1st thora. goes to all pied machoirs &c &c- Jaws &c 18-24m\w This is strongest possible argument that 1st cirrus is a pied mach 140 wb Pedunculated cirripedes in concentration about = to half way between Astacus & Palemon. 141 30-31m (Cuvier) 142 23-26m 243 8m 144 32-35m/34u "la Squilla" 153 2-8m 165 27-22m, 22-24m/w not in cirripedes 166 4-7m 168 25-28m 170 2-4m 184 21-23m/w mandible already formed 26m/23-26w ie 7 cephalic segment transformed 28-29m 185 wt Now irregular development does not proceed regularly from ant. to Post, end 4-5ull-5m/w ie 1st thoracic segment X 24-27m, 31-32m 186 wt Brülle so far right, wt Newport tells me that in Scolopendra mandibles first formed. 3-5m, 4-6m 191 6-20m 196 25-29m Vil 13-15m/15u "Complément" 198 9-22m 199 21-25m 200 2-5m 226 24-31m 227 l~4m, 7-28m, 8-10m, 33m 228 24-30m 231 24-28m 233 l-3m/lu "plusieurs séries" 234 9-llm, 12-17m 236 2w (1) 13w (2) 19w (3) wb (4) - Cirripedia 238 32-33ra 239 2-3m, 22-23m 242 8-22m 253 Wu "pates-mâchoires "
vol. 2 SA (pp. 50-51)
p42; p50
£=♦ add 2 short-styled out of Orchard
0C + &1
&> (Books of Rules)
42 32-34m 50 17-20m, 27-28m 441 9-2 2m, 24m, 26m 444 4~6m, 5m, 6-7m, 8u "sept", 9m/ u "conformés", 19-20m, 20~22m/20u "au] sept"/22u "le\de", 23-24m, 25-27m 445 4-6m/ 4u "Trois", 14-16m, 25-28m 446 2-3m, 10-14m 448 2m, 4-5m, 17-18m, 25-27m/w p471 46w p. 489 449 6-7m/7u "Schiropodes" 450 lu "tous les", 3m, 10m, 17m 451 22-23m, 26-27m 455 29-32ml30u "soit]flancs" 465 5-8m/5u "aplati" 468 10-llm/lOu "La] saillante", 14u "deux paires", 15u "paire de" 470 5-6m/5u "feuille", 24-25m 471 2m/u "dépourvues] palpiforme", 2m, 3-6m, 13u "sept] huit", 20-21m, 24m, 26-27m 473 7-9m, 9-10u "lamelleuses I apparentes ", 15-24m, 20-24m, 25-32m, wb & 1st thoracic legs very small 474 6m/W^ "très-petites" 475 2u^ "il\ rudimentaire", 3-4m, 10-llm, 12-13m + 480 25-27m/25-26u "pates \ réduites" 486 22-23m 487 12-13m, 13-16w V, p. 473 foliaceous 32-
[page break]
34xx 488 7-10m/x/w^ Misprint 9-10m, 21-22m 510 20-22m
vol. 3 NB (on p. 638)
410 On Cirripedia
p412 Even in Copepods organ of generation
in last thoracic segment
SB aß
555 Difference of Crust, in proportion to
separation of area, other things being equal
561 only 2 or 1 Endemic Crustaceans at
Canaries Isld
567 Individuals of same species are almost
always continuous areas 571-
573 few cases of interrupted ranges
574 Crust individually numerous in Polar
5 13-16m 103 5-9m
349 lw Entomostracous 391 350 16-18m 353
ll-13m 354 14-18m 364 ll-12m 372 ll-13m,
12m 373 9-10m 374 3-13m/6-8xv probly not
Copepods 375 29-34m 376 12-18m 377 2-5m
391 6-7m/7u "rames", 19-21m 393 17-20m
410 wb Cirripedes allied to family of Daphnia
only by dorsal anus, Ovaria, inflected
abdomen & shell - (differ widely in cirri &
mouth) & in caeca at cardiac end of stoma -
More allied to Stomapoda 412 4~7m, 17-18m
432 5-8m 433 29-31m 434 l~3m 437 26-28m
447 22-25m 448 12~15m 539 17-18m, 21u
"yeux composés" 541 8-9u "'on I paire"'/w
answers to 1st cirrus 17-18u "plutôtIpaires"
542 U-18m 544 ll-13m/12u "qui\avant", 17-
18m, 25-27m 545 l-2m, 9-llm 555 wt How
explains this, except by single creations 17-
23mll-24w without regard to anything else -
Make a Barrier & you will have species
different on opposite sides wb I do not think
read with sufficient care 556 29-33m 557 4-
20m 561 21-26m, 22-23m 564 ll-12m 565 2-
5m, 15~17m, 23-26m, 23m/u "Palatums" 566
32-3m 567 9-10m, 16-18m 568 l-9m, 11-Um,
31m 571 18-19m 573 3-12m, 6-7m/w
Interrupted ranges 30-31m/w do 574 22-23m/
19-24w Arctic Sea likes big lake 588 <w^>
llu "versansl Atlantiques", 14-15m, 15u
"Ptalycarcin", 17-18u "pas \ Antilles", 20u "au
Chili", 21m/u "au Chili", 23u "Callianasses",
24-25u^, 29~30u "à I Hollande", 32-33u
"Hippolytes" 593 llm/w Mouths 14m/w
Mouths 597 10~39[...]/& 600 39w 2 601 4w 3
602 40w 3 603 15w 4 32w 5
MILNE-EDWARDS, Henri Introduction à la zoologie générale Paris; Victor Masson; 1851 [CUL]
ad, ce, ch, ci, co, ct, em, fo, geo, he, hl, ig, in, mn, or, phy, rd, si, sy, t, tm, v
7 Diversity of organisms first condition of
nature (Ch 4)
9 Law of "economy of nature" "sober in
innovations" - Qa> has not recourse to any
new creation of organ, other strong
expressions on do p. 10 Q
13 nature varies degree of perfection Q 14
as embryonic development
31 On Highness & Lowness 25 to 34
35 Division of Labour Q p. 57 do 60, 61 x* Q
43 Beautiful gradation in stomach Q- 63 in
Respiration Q; in annelid surface & body
near legs.
x 61 Q Nature rarely introduces a new organ
p.64, 65 In Squilla new organ introduced Q
♦ but cirripedes have shown how cautious
one must be 118 do ♦ 121 do Q
68 Q Clearly admits that new organs are at
last created. 118 do
96 On Embryological similarity p98 mistake
of Branchial slits p102 not arrest p112 p114
111 Point in Classification.
124 Parallel series
126 on animals "borrowing" (instead of
inheriting) structure from other class.
132 on different kinds of fusion or unison
132 Rudimentary organs tend to become
separated from proper connexions!
138 absolute disappearance of organs
141 Law of Balancement of minor
148 Law of connexion 151,154
161 If one part is changed others are
changed (so with varieties of & monstrosities
of gross nature)
163 on various empirical connexions of
165 On subordination of characters i.e.
character in connexion with other (Jussieu)
169, 166 doubts this pp171
172 on value of characters in classification
NB1 (refers to Catalogue attached to book) 18
Milne Edwards Books; 26 Decaisne Cours
Floriculture et Potages*«- 7.6
NB2 ♦ 132-137 Jussieu primordial
iv 4-7m 7 at (page number), 13m 9 3-4m/3u "sobre d'innovations ", 5-6Q<&>/6u "autant I est "/ 7u^, lOu "loi d'économie"IQ 28-30m, 30~31u "aucune I nouvelle" 10 6-7m/7u "rendent avare", 8-9Q 12u "quarante", 23-25mß4u "seule I physiologique" 11 l-5m, 13u "apus", 18u "Céphalopodes", 24u "Reptiles sauriens", 26u "Lépidoctée\ Mississipi" 12 32m 13 13-16m
[page break]
14 16-20m 16 17-Z2m 17 l-3m 21 9-17m\llu "puissance"'/12u "perfection" J15u "quantité"! 16u "qualité", 20-23m/22-23x, wb x Best way of putting superiority.- though each perfectly (?) (Can young be said to be perfectly?) adapted to conditions. 22 7-8u "illvie", 18u "grandeur\résultats", 20u "masseIdont" 25 4-9m 26 2-5m/xx/wt Is true individual? Gigantic Saurians.- Cetacea - Pachydermata Devonian Sharks 17-18u "on\celles''/w Megatherium? 27 wt How value secreting, muscular & nervous * organs. 2u "n'entraîne \ nécessairement", 8-10m, 10m/x/u "la\ dont" 29 wt So relation of size to warmth of Climate l-4m/3u "cette nature"/4u "eel seulement", 16-17m/17-18u "se répéter" 116-20w vegetation repetitive cellular division 30 l-5m, 9-12m 33 25-31m/27-28u "precision] actes" 35 23-25m 42 14-28m 43 6-20w beautiful gradation 57 2-3m 60 8-llm, 15-18m 61 9-22m, 15-17m, 25u "un \ nouveau"/Q 63 23-32m/24-25Q 64 8-llm, 13-21m/14-15Q 65 l-13m/l-3u '''d'organes I perfectionné"'/Q/4-5u "déterminent \ surface" 66 28-31m 68 22-26m, 24-25m/24-28u±, 31-32m 70 25-31m (Prévost and Dumas) 74 17-20m 80 30-32m 81 2-3m 85 5-22m 86 20-23m 94 28-32m\28u "Généralisant]vagues" 95 25-28m 97 20-24m (Tiedeman, Serres) 98 4-22m, 22-27m 102 18u "est I mouvant ", 20-25m, 24-26m, 29-32m/ 30u++ 103 9-23m 105 5-20m 107 9-24m 109 6-9m, 25-31m 111 6-8m, 23-29m 112 9-22m, 22-2Sm 113 22-24m 114 12-lSm, 23-26m 115 7-8m, ll-12m 117 18u "besoin \ variété"/w poor! 20u "tendance\ économie"/w poor! 118 ll-13m/12-13u "puis I instruments", wt\l-13w This very important: if proved upsets changes in species 119 8-10m+, 27-32m/27-31m/29u "types fondamentaux"/31u "types secondaires" 120 22-23m 121 24-30m/24Q 26-28!!, 28-30u<->/?, 31-32-* 122 25-26u "un I exemple"\24-27w? only functionally or physiologically new 123 ll-16m, 9-13w natural enough by Selection 19-22m/21u "Dacgtylopère", 29-32m 124 14-17w Marsupial parallel 126 2-32io what metaphorical rubbish, how much simpler my view 127 2-4m, 9-12m 128 4-20m 130 5-9m 132 3-4m/3u "fusion primordiale"/4u "développement confus", 26-28m 137 15-16m/16u "uni confus", 19-22m, 23-25m/24-25u "la disparition", 26-32m/ 26u "jeune" 138 17-22m, 25m/u "la répétition", 30-32m 139 20-23m, 27-29m, 31-32m 140 3-4m, 10-14m 141 18u "vitales I pouvaient", 20-26m (Geoffroy St Hilaire)/22u "loi\ balancement "/23u tenir compte\26u*+ 142 lu "ce chevaulement", 16u "la carapace" 143 27u "texture\propriétés" 148 17-20m, 19u "con-
nexions anatomiques", l-23w because even monstrosity could not invent-; manner of growth + hereditariness p151 20-24m, 25-27m (Geoffroy St Hilaire) 151 13-14m, 18-21m/ w if can be moved by steps 152 4u "La\ rapports", 5u "tendance" 153 25-2Sm 154 4-14m/wt/l-15w are not these parts last-formed in womb & so exposed to modifying circumstances? 28-29ml'.?/17-32w/wb one feels an early embryo more independent of outside world, but why? so less apt to vary -the late-formed parts exposed to sum of influences & to selection; selection cd not act on embryo 158 13-19m/13"... 161 24~25m 162 2-3m 163 9-22m, 15-16m, 18-23m, 28-32m 164 9-22m, 10-15m/10-llu "harmonies empiriques" 165 9-20« "principeIcaractères" 166 18-20m, 26u "répondre affirmativement", 28-32m 168 9-22m 169 26-27m 170 25-29m 171 6-llmj8u "conséquences"jlOu "effets" 172 2u "caractères prédominants", 8-16m, 17-19m, 20-22m/20u "système dentaire", 30-31 u^l? 173 2-7m, 7-25m, 21-32m Catalogue, 12 9-22m (Milne Edwards) 18 8-llm, 17m, 29-31m (Decaisne)
MITCHELL, Silas Weir Researches upon the venom of the rattlesnake Washington, The Smithsonian Institute; New York, Appleton & Co.; 1861 [CUL, S] beh, phy, sy, tm, v
SB &
5 Powers of fascination
12 Relation of Poison to Venom glands
37 do
43 do
» 66 classed
5 20-24m 12 41-42m 13 7-8m 37 32-35m, 42-45m 43 2-9m 66 39-44mjw so with Rabbits -So illustrates variability P
MIVART, St George Jackson On the
appendicular skeleton of primates (extract, pp. 299-429), communicated by T.H. Huxley; 1867 [CUL, I] h, v
SB 403 Variation; 410 & 412 Man; 424 403 29m/u "digit", 38~41m 410 31-33m, 35-37m, 38-40m 411 3-5m, 9-10m, 22m 412 3-6m 424 35-38m
MIVART, St George Jackson On the genesis of species London; Macmillan & Co.; 1871 [CUL, I]
[page break]
ad, af, beh, ce, ch, ci, cr, et, ds, dv, em, ex, fo, gd, geo, h, he, ig, mm, mn, 00, or, phy, r, rd, si, sp, t, ta, tm, ts, ud, v, wd, y
NB1 ♦ Mivart; p15 I do not understand; 15;
35 false quotation; 54; 60x Not fair; You
entirely ignore use - 67 Use entirely
NB2 Sp. Theory; p120; 145 Distribution
Geographical; 155 Homologies
Vol 3 p. 327 of Cyclop of Anat & Phy. on
Larynx of Kangaroo - Owen in Phil Trans
p. 182 Gascoyen
SB1 Qß A (by Emma)
Mivart Genesis of Species
p21 List of his objections
25 Giraffe, with MS notes
34 On variations in all directions MS notes
37 Flat fish.
Origin of limbs (CD, »> do not consider
42 Larynx of young Kangaroo (CD, »> (add
after Whale)
(CD, s>> 44 Pedicellariae
46 Metamorphosis of flies.
47 Mammary glands (CD, Ǥ>) & p42 for
50 Cobra.
53 Rods of Corti
62 Objection demonstrably sufficient
72 The shoulder of pterodactyls.
75 & 77 ear & eye of cuttlefish v. MS notes
(CD, »> Avicularia
Placentae of mammals & sharks.
Resemblance of mouse & marsupial.
85 Effects of conditions on butterflies from
97 Modification as great as between
Hipparion & horse -
(over) Mivart Genesis
105 Abortion of finger in the Potto
107 believes wing of birds comp, suddenly
developed -
107 On origin of tendrils (CD, o>> [see p47]
110 Macrauchenia a very generalised
112 M.S. notes on suddenness of var. good
130 Seems to believe that bat &
ptérodactyle suddenly developed.
139 Argues rate of change in progenitors
before their divergence from the amount of
difference in their descendants
145 The same fishes in distant continent
148 Plurodont lizards & certain insectivora in
Madagascar -
153 & 158 Diff. from homologies of skull
163. H. Spencer on * serial homologies
164 Mivart thinks there is an internal force or
170 There is serial homology in Chitons
(over) Mivart Genesis
174 Correlation very slight between teeth &
176 Homology between limbs & fins.
178 M.S. notes on primitive homologies.
(CD, e>> p107 sudden change of Birds
SB2 a> Kangaroo Larynx; Strange
arrangement 125 & Pottos forefinger
(CD, «s» hereafter) See to Mouth - Find
"Brewster" on age of Cephalopods -
Placentae of Sharks & Mammals - like Fritz
Müllers cases & Claparede -
Mr Mivart's book consist of all objection to
nat. selection advanced by various authors &
myself, expanded & admirably illustrated,
with nothing said in favour, except in
opening chapter
p147 Get Günthers Catalogue
p196 Morals «■ over
(drawing of lens)
Evolution whether N. Selection is admitted is
all important, as long as changes gradual,
for then facts can be tested, for scientific
purposes Mr Mivarts belief that sudden
change, as Horse & Hipparion, & I suppose
- Birds bats & Ptérodactyles (otherwise his
argument of intermediate not being found wd
be valueless) seems to me no gain over the
old belief of separate creation: Of course it
may be true, but will be most difficult to
21 17-19m/18a "useful structures" and useless 20-24m 24 15-21m, 27-30m&> 25 17-18u "'supposition I tended "/17-20w only tallest animals in each country 26 7-9m/w only dense forests 27 16-25w Variations not supposed - too large an animal for country 27-31m/29xv (a) wb (a) If large antelope & giraffe can now exist or flourish under so much competition, so cd intermediate sizes 28 l-23w We do not know whether in all countries trees are as nutritive as Mimosa 23-26m, wb Escape other beasts of prey 29 4u "theseldrought"/w No 34 7-13m/4-12[...]/ m/wt/l-13w I do not see.- no because only the most like some object wd be selected.-if exactly equal Variation they wd counterbalance each other.- wt M. on • (there I do allow * to the mO of my doubts) 35 3u "mimic"/w Mock 12x 36 13-17m, 28-31m/w I do not see 37 8-10m/8[.../8-10w see Portfolio
[page break]
on gradation Ask Günther 15-22m/22[... 38 3-9m/5...], 19u "functionless"/w + No no 39 wt we have no means of judging 7-14w idle objection 40 3-7m 41 wt (Straining or sieving action.) 7-15ml"...", ll~12w Ducks Beak 42 24-30m/[..J 43 l-2w Voice 3-6w ie about Kang & also all oth 44 32-34m/13-34w Cirripede Branchiae first nascent structure applied after to other uses. 24-27m/[...]/w (a) 45 lw He adds 2-71...] 8-10w never useful structures 46 9-12m/9~14w Lowne explains intermediate conditions 47 17-21m/[...]/w p. 53 22-26tn/22u "mammary\ breast", 22-27[...]/24u "sucking I scarcely"/w Mucus massage fails 28-34m, wb M doubting about sucking; but to this kno does not run 50 fig.w Mem snake devoured by Peacock in India to frighten enemies 51 5-llw M • Linn Soc Fascination 30-34m/w not in native country 52 ll-14m 53 25-28m 54 l-17m/4w No 10m "only\ enjoyment "/11 u "perfect I performances "/6-15w are used for some other purpose -Crustaceans 57 9u "escaped"/w No 60 l-12w not fair not to add 61 22-23m/23u "seems irresistible" 62 wt with mimickry init. resemblance + more distant to one var. & in another to another var. 3-8m/6w (a) 15-17m/ 15u "demonstrably insufficient", wb I have never said demonstrated but in highest degree probable 67 8-10m/w so do I 21-24m 72 25-29m/wb Here add that Mr Mivart sees such strong improbabilityO I cannot see it-Variation analogies do arise 75 ll-15m/w he always omits the share of selection 76 33m 77 wt Remember what structure is necessary for vision Lens are found in Annulosa 4-6w I utterly deny 6-llm, 7-9m/7-8u "independent I variations"lw (a) 16-21m/w what does this mean? wb (a) you cd not make greyhound & pug - pouter or fantail thus - it is selection & survival of the fittest 81 19-27m 82 l-7m 84 23-27m 85 1-7m, 25-31m, 27-33m, wb Direct conditions 97 16-18u<->, 17-19m/19u "Hipparion\Equus" 98 lu "sphenoid" 102 22-27m/23-25w false quotation 105 ll-16m/llw disuse 107 l-3m/w oh 5-7m/w see my paper. 109 9-12m/! 110 6-12m 112 2-7m, wb Says variation, of which we have evidence, & not exceptional cases were suddenly changes & unnatural changes, such may sometimes have occurred, wb As dorn, productions so much more variable, these variations probably greater, & the strongest partake of nature of Monstrosities.- In large genera, -very known in nature, including recent & fossil, the species are so close, that steps probably not great in line of death. 119 23-17m/13-21w we do not know causes of
variability 120 13-17m/w yet it varies in W.Indies. 21a "some" most 121 19-24m\19-30w I say so merely because other reasons make me believe in it. 123 wt Do I not give it as a mere possibility when arguing against this view? 2w(a) 6-llm 130 l-5w Does he believe that a Bat & Ptérodactyle was suddenly produced - such facts tell against Evolution, as well as nat. selection.- so with Whale & Zeuglodon - 139 l-34w this seems false reasoning, he assumes amount of difference in progenitors from amount in existing divergent descendants. 145 22u "distant" 23-31m/27-28u "is I fresh" 146 5-13m (Günther), 31m 147 2ua, 3u "China\Moreton", 4-6m, 10-12m/w ask Günther 23-24m/22-28w Is this an aberrant & ancient form 148 2-22m, 15-17w Distinct genus 25-27m/w no remnants 151 20-24m 153 2-6m 157 27-29m 158 22-25m 159 l-3m (E.R. Lankester)/w I have called analogy 163 23-29m 164 16-18m/ 17u "is I tendency" 166 9-13m 170 16-20m, 20-22m 174 wt/l-12w So add, but the connection, if any, as Mr. Mivart provided not extremely vague.- some evolutionary tendency in both to vary together 13-15m 175 l-3m, 13-lSm 176 6-12m, 16-18m/14-28w ask for Günther's view 177 12-13m/12u "tarsus I cartilaginous" 178 wtfl-llw Parts primordially similar wd be apt to vary in same way, but can be congruent to any extent - to moderate extent - Veronica.-How primordially similar, is an obscure subject.- repetition of past one of commonest forms of variation. 179 ll-14m, 24-27 m (I. Geoffroy) 182 10-13m/llu "Gascoyen", 20-22m 192 18-22m 196 2-27m, 26-29m/27w No 197 2-22m 198 15-20m 200 19-24m 204 7-24m 212 15-21mé?/wt/l-21w Not longer duration than gemmules of atavic structure such as stripes on Horse. 213 2-8m. 10-15w like pollen-grains within ovule 214 28-32m& (Lewes) 215 6-8w^ gemmule & germs 10-14w absorbs organic matter & divides 19-20wé? true 21-25m& 217 24-30m^ 221 22m, 24-26m 223 22-23«; from conditions 225 5-7m 226 15-20m Til 21-23m 230 9-23m 231 6m 232 4-19w How great, see my remarks at end 20-21m/21u "greatly different" 239 27-30m, 31-34m, wb differs only in colour & size? 240 3-5m, 25-28m/27u 242 wb Urges any amount of sudden variation of which we have evidence, & not monsters (& not reversion) I will admit, but probably less than we see under Domestication.
MIVART, St George Jackson On the genesis of species 2nd edn; London & New York;
[page break]
Macmillan & Co.; 1871 [Down, S]
48 17-22m
MIVART, St George Jackson Lessons in elementary anatomy London; Macmillan & Co.; 1873 [CUL, S] h, ig, rd, tm, v
NB1 ♦ Rudiment in Gorilla
Inguinal mammae in Lemuridae & 2 pairs in
Galago -> (to NB2, 489)
NB2 125 Hyoid Bone
♦ 396 Lobule of ears
489 Mammae
496 Difference of Man-»
-»tiny distance under an anatomical point of
125 6-9m 396 19-22m, 27-29m, fig.m 489 42-44m 496 20-25m
MIVART, St George Jackson Man and apes London; Robert Hardwicke; 1873 [Down, S]
NB 0/
MOGGRIDGE, John Traherne Harvesting ants and trap spiders with supplement; London; L. Reeve & Co.; 1873 [CUL] beh, che, fg, gd, oo, y
vol. 1 NB1 Very clearly * described Wallace
NB2 p. 36*
p.128 Young spiders make web as perfect
as old ones Q
The seeds stored in ants nests not
germinating - these cutting off the radicals &
bringing up damp seeds to dry are the most
remarkable instincts
Trap door spiders very wonderful
Perhaps add to when I specify the wonder of
xi 3-5m 128 5-12m (Blackwall), lé-16m
Supplement, NB1 p. 161; 164
174 acid on seeds
P-161 closely allied species in the same
district have different habits
164 curious instinctive manner in which
Cicendela seizes ants
174 acids & seeds
161 7-15m, 20-24m 164 l-23m 174 4-15m
MOHL, Hugo von Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell trans. A. Henfrey; London; John Van Voorst; 1852 [CUL, S] ct, mhp, mn, no, phy, sp, tm
NB1 Drosera; Cells; 37 Protoplasm; 38 do; 79 do; 84; 87 nutrition; Drosera 99; 100 76 Sp. theory; 109 do; 133/& On Grafting various forms number of pollen-grains in some plants-Chlorophyll not absorbed so purple* suppuration from the purple fluid must be protoplasm NB2 Orchis 133 147 Tendrils, 151 to 156 to end 143 Knight on gravity 146 Roots turn from light 158 Bot. Zeitung
25 13~16m 26 39-42m 28 8-12m 29 l-4m 37 38-47m, 44-46m 38 1-16m, 3-6m, 24-39w speaks as if nucleus necessary 39 20-24m, 40-43m, 45-49m 40 24-31m 41 16-20m, 47^> 42 2-7m, 34-37m, 37-A0m 44 3-9m, 14-18m (Kützing) 75 28-32m 76 30-35m 79 22-26m, 34-36m 84 46-49m 87 44-48m (Bouchardat) 93 16-25m, 36-38m 95 14-25m (Brown) 99 25-32m (Schulz) 100 19-27m 109 36-43m 133 36-40m (Kölreuter)/39u "120,000 pollen", 40-45m 143 34-47m (Knight and Dutrochet) 146 40-46m 147 l-6m (Knight), 24-29m 148 47-50m 151 45-46m 154 22-27m (Dutrochet) 156 11-17m, 29-34m, 35-48m (Treviranus), 35w Phyllt 157 9-21m, 17-19m/18u "of which", 24-27m/?, 41-46m 158 3-9m (Dutrochet, Mohl) 14-19m
MOHL, Hugo von Über den Bau und das
Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen
Tübingen; Heinrich Laupp; 1827 [CUL, pre-
ig, mhp, no, phy, rd, sp, t, ta, tm, v, y
NB p. 39 Lygodium; #> p. 112 Species Theory non-climbing Plant - occasionally climbing; 125*
SB1 Qß ä. 1 Summary twiners
All objects same - twiners either way -glass - will clasp when young & grow -PalmOS' America • arboreal • most highly organised tendrils
Dropping off or withering up of uncaught tendrils - these results useful special contraction after clasping or formation of linksO-
Anyone who did not understand the • of the movement of the t. would conclude that as the internodes revolve & carry the tendril, & as these at the same time are revolving, that the tendrils would necessarily twist in* advance* more quickly than the internodes & get in advance of them one* internode* instead of both moving harmoniously
[page break]
together as is the case. But in fact the * t. incurves to the * upper internode of a twining plant when several are revolving, ♦ but is * generally separated from it by a rigid petiole; & in the former part of the p. it was explained how * several internodes revolve together by their whole length successively moving to all points of the compass. There is, however, this difference that in many cases the revolving t. is separated from the revolving stem by the rigid petiole; * but this makes an important differn in the movement - There is another difference, * namely that * along the * part from which the tendril * arises, the terminal & motionless young shoot almost always projects; this * generally projects on one side, so as to be cut of the way, * of the tendril which at the time is revolving; but when it is not sufficiently not of the way we have seen in E> how well the t passes this obstacle in its path, by shifting & straighten slowly, & rising vertically upwards.-(over) (various plants listed, with rates and amounts of twining)
SB2 Palm» Mohl on Twiners» Tendrils p. 4 Tamus elephantoides XC> - & Paullinia winding stems & tendrils it is one of Sapindaceae.
37 gradation of leaves with tendrils 39,50 Astragalus rudimentary tendrils No®>
39 Lygodium leaf-climber
40 Cocculus Leaf-climber- •- Ophio-
glossum leaf-climber
41 Uvularia like Gloriosa Nepenthus» -
Smilax stipulae
43 Fumaria claviculata tips of branches
converted into tendrils
45 Maurandia scandens - flower peduncule
irritable» - Sapindaceae - on Vines 47
49 Vanilla
52 on winding of tendrils spontaneously p78
57 tendrils increase rapidly in strength
59 on spontaneous winding with notes by
63 Sensitiveness of t. touch does nothing!!
look (too old) S.65
65 convex side not sensitive » jn Cucurbit &
70 Virginian creeper
77 Vine creeper point to N. & dark, other t.
not affected by light
82 will wind on glass, tendrils
(over) Mohl on Twiners
103,108 twisting cause of revolving
111 no twisting of axis when plant twines!
round smooth support & old twisting
112 a plant already twisted cannot twine!!
do. stems» sensitive»
112 Asclepias X*a> vincetoxicum twines only when it grows in most shady places 116 Experiments on odd * supports, showing influence of light,
119 Twiners care little for light, especially Ipomoea
125 Abrus a right-hand winder
135 will not twine round very thick support
135 Hooks on certain twiners, specially Ipomoea muricata
149 has seen axial twisting vary in same plant
SB3 Palm
SB4 Bull. Soc. Bot. de France Tom V 1858. Dutrochet. Comptes Rendus. 1843. Tom. 17. (over) Comptes Rendus 1844 Tom 19. SB5 1864. Weights (table of equivalents) (over) 1863 w
2 8-9u "Bewegungen I werden"'/8-10m (De Candolle), 16-21m/w Tendrils & winding plants totally different 4 5-8m/w Touch not mentioned 24-26m, 25-26u^/x^, 30u "Paullina", wb Paullinia winding stem with cissus 5 9-10m/9u */10u "inlauslaunen", 21-22x*,/21u "Vicia tarba" 6 2-3m, 4c*/w 214 5ca, 6u<^n,/m, Hot,, 13w Sapindaceae 14w n,, 15ca,, 16~20w All worked with Lindley 18w it,, 22w * 31 28~31m 33 lOu "beil Strephanthus" I10-12w ! Apocynaceae 23-Umlx*,/13u "bleibtlAbfallen" 35 19-Z0m, 21-24m/w Oenius Gloriosa 37 24-25m/x^/26-29w gradation yet jump 38 25-26m/25u "äussern" 39 ll-12m/llu "dielaufrechtem", 18-19m/19-20m/16~20w Rudimentary 22w Leaf climber 36m/x^ 40 ^ 3-5m, 23-24m/w Leaf climb 41 ^ 6m/un,, 32~33m 42 l-2m, 8-18w none of these seem to catch 43 16-17m 45 4-5m's^, 8x^/w all wound into a tendril 10-12m, 12u "diel Traube"/12-Uw does not say whether catches 19-24m/20u "dielist" 47 9u "zwei l tragenden", 23-25m/x^, 31-34m (Jussieu) 49 4-18m^/9-16m 50 4-7mlx^lw Mucro in Legumin 18m 51 31m 52 20-23mj x^ 57 12-13x^/ll-13m/w t. grow strong & long 58 llu "dem l durchaus", 13u "Blattstiels", 31-32m\18-35w seems to think lateral movement consequent on twisting * 59 12-14!!/12-13u "da \ Bewegungsfähigkeit", 13-14m/ u "diel Spirale", 18m, 21-22u "FlächelUhr"/ 20-24w Gloriosa winds up differently from ordinary tendrils. 22-34mß3u "'Korkziehers "jw Smilax does not wind up. B. uni not Vines do not? Cissus does when it catches 60 2-
[page break]
Wm/w does not at all understand reversed twisting of tendrils lOx^lu " der \ innen" 111-12w i.e. sensitive side 63 9u "eine\besitzt"I 8-10m/w Tendril sensitive 13-14x^/!!/u "Einfache I Berührung", 16-23m/18-27w Touch does nothing were they too old?? I presume expected movement too soon 26x^l!!!/u^ 64 Im, 2-3x^/u "gerade\Zusammenwinden"'/w this looks as if he took too old- 13-15!!/15u "von 24 Stunden" 65 2-5mt^/x*&lw convex side not sensitive 3a/u "Passiflora"'/w & Peas 21-22m/u±lx^/? 70 18-20m/xv Virginian creeper 71 8-9u±/9-10x^l7-10w swelling in all parts when touch 20-21x^ "Vollendungl Längewachsthums"/w AmentO 75 13-14m/l-21w Astonishing that he did not see spont. movements.- I presume too old 77 5-6x^/1-lOm/iv Grape tendrils point to north & to wall 13-20mjw not common to other tendrils of various plants kept in House 24-27m\w so with Pea 78 27-30m/x^/28-29u "während\ herabsteigt" 79 l-3m/x^/2-3u "welche notwendig" 82 wt Big. cap & cot wd not stick 6u/wxl4-6x^/m 105 14x^/ll-15mll2-18w seems to consider twisting in axes cause of movement 26u "eine" 127u "drei Isechs"122-26mj23-24x^lw number of twists 29-32w end becomes spiral 30-34m/31-32xl!^, wb (a) I presume from each lower part of internode ceasing to move or acting like a fulcrum-106 1m, 6-7m 108 16-17 x^H3-19m/w accounts for movements by spiral twist 109 6u "mehreremal"/6-8w passed mark many times in day. 110 wt He shows well how climbers get to their support. 4-5x^ 111 wt movement ceases when plant comes into contact with support!!! 4~7m\4u "hört"/6u "auf/w (a) 13-14m, 15x^/13-16w Vascular fibresO do not become twisted when plant twines round stem? 19-28m/22x^21-26w When plant twines axes not twisted !! 112 4-6m/4u "Kreisbewegungen"\wt\l-4wThis looks as if he knew tendrils performed a circle. 22-16m/16u "sich\schlingen"/8-13w a plant which is already twisted cannot climb!!! 21-25m/w twining plants have sensitive stems!! 33-34u*/33-36m/w twines are not according to place of growth wb I must explain why tendril bearing plants do not twine - tip does not move in some - 116 22-23x^/22-33«; experiments on odd shaped support strong influence of light 119 2~4mjw do not so much incline to lighter 6-9m/8-9u "'sichIrichten", 14m/m, 16u*/16-22w This plant cared paticularly little for the light 29-32m 120 7-8m, 9-13w Yet light some influence on Ipomoea 20m, 22-34w Explain little effect of light by all sides turned to it - will not do 122
ll-13m/12-13u " sie \ Kreisbewegungen" 124 32-34m 125 l-4m\2u "Gattung \ Familie", 22x^/w Legumin. 126 29m 130 29-30u "bei\ vorkommen" 134 3-4x^, 4-12m/5-9w Every thread suffices to wind on 27m, 22u "von\ Zoll", 31u "3\Zoll", 32u "9 Zoll" 135 Im, 3-19w will not wind round a very short stick.- I suppose movement not arrested till bent considerably & movement acts on opposite side 32-36m/35-36m/32w Hooks 139 5-7m/w spiral arrangment of vessels 140 4-6m 143 32m 147 5u "findet I desselbe" \4-6wPalms sole proof of identity 28-32m\!!!\29x^\u "urn I gedreht" 149 4-6m/w He disputes this 7x<^, 8-12m/w and says owing to Stutz not being smooth 25m/u "an\Internodien", 18u "beobachteteIebenfalls", /15-20w he has seen twining in opposed directions 23-25m, 30-32w Disputes Cuscuta case 150 23-30mlw Palm did not discover irritability of Tendrils 151 2u "Rückwärtsbewegung", 9-11!!Im, 12x^, 16-18m/16x^ll6-17u<^ 152 7-20m, 25-28m/ 15-26x^/u<->
MOHL, Jules Vingt-sept ans d'histoire des études orientales 2 vols.; Paris; G. Reinwald; 1879-80 [Down] p
MOJSVÂR, Edmund Mojsisovics von Die
Dolomit-Riffe von Südtirol und Venetien Wien; Alfred Holder; 1878 [Down, I] p
MOJSVÂR, Edmund Mojsisovics von Das
Gebirge um Hallstatt Part 1, 2 vols.; Wien; K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei; 1873-75 [Down, I] p
MOJSVÂR, Edmund Mojsisovics von
Geologische Übersichtskarte Tirolisch-
Venetianischen Hochlandes [Down, I]
MOJSVÂR, Edmund Mojsisovics von Über die Triadischen Pelecypoden-Gattungen Daonella und Halobia Wien; K.K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei; 1874 [Down, I] p
MOLESCHOTT, Jacob La Circulation de la vie 2 vols.; Paris Germer Baillière; 1866 [Down] ce, phy
vol. 2 NB 43 particular earth good for particular plants 43 7~34m
MOLESCHOTT, Jacob Der Kreislauf des Lebens vol. 1; Mainz; Victor von Zabern; 1877 [Down]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
[page break]
Süll'influenza della luce mista e aromatica nell'esalazione di acido carbonico per l'organismo animale Torino; G.B. Paravia; 1879 [Down] p
MOLINA, Juan Ignatio Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil, del reyno de Chile 2 vols.; 1788-95 [CUL, pre-B, on B, S in vol. 1 Charles Darwin, Valparaiso 1834] gd, gr, he, ve
vol. 1 NB1 369 Pace of Horse inherited
3-8 ♦
33 globe of fire
NB2 30; 36; 57; 62; 81; 95; 102; 105; 114
NB3 earthquakes
28 15-18m 30 15-28m 33 6-37m/29w Copiapô earthquake 36 18~32m 57 26-30m 58 l-5m, 6-8m, 17-18?, 19-23m/w Not to where I say no map of sea 59 l-7m 62 14-19m 63 5-15m 73 5m 76 25-27m/u^ 81 28-30m 82 l-9m 95 15-29m 100 19~25m 106 1-llm, 13-24m 114 9-13m 223 22-26m 262 7-15m 268 l-16m 294 20-28m 301 25-30m 302 6-12m, 12-13u "ladran", 13~15m, 16-20m/13-20xo do the early voyagers say anything about dogs in T. del Fuego 304 26~30m/iv<& V. p. 330 330 21-23w V 304 331 7-8m, 10-28m 343 15-29m 368 3-5m 369 22-25m 370 9-13m 373 zb 376 20u "Los Pehuenches", 22-23u "cabrones especie'lQ 418 wb&> Birds p. 257 Quadrupeds p. 301
MONIEZ, Romain Mémoires sur les cestodes Part 1; Paris; Octavo Doin; 1881 [Down, I by Alfred Giard] p
MONS, Jean Baptiste van Arbres fruitiers 2 vols.; Louvain; L. Dusart & H. Vandenbrock; 1835-36 [CUL]
ce, ch, es, f, gd, he, hy, or, phy, si, sp, spo, t, ta, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 SB1 440 to 446; 450; 453; 458 & 457
♦ In first origin cd not have been transported
must have sported in nature & not grafted;
472; 478; 486
SB2 ♦ I think much must be attributed to selection of good sorts
♦ =He mingled his seedlings=
p.215; 218; 221; 225; 230,1,3,4,7; 247,8
♦ Old cultivated kinds tend to vary loose the
hereditary quality of goodness
254-6,8; 322; 373; 400; 406; 410; 415;
430,32,34; 437,39; 441 ; 446
successive generation, at short intervals,
with selection, the key
113; 115 not fixed
160 162,4 Chief end of his system is to
domesticate them, ie to give them the effects
which richer soil & cultivation will give
This system chiefly illustrative of effects
of external conditions on successive
generations. & fixity of the characters ie
goodness - not injured by seasons - taste &
consistence *
Short period of renewing must be an
element if he is true about earliness - yet
not applicable to animals
187 to 209
115 Cannot account why one stock
increases size of part more than other
180 183 with his successive sowings there
was selection; & it is valuable case that after
last, he got great majority good p203 almost
all good. Whence it is proverbial 204,206
that if you sow seeds of any ordinary good
fruit very 0 you get anything good. Law of
character becoming fixed with selection by
successive generations 247-472
186 215 Seed not ripe (probably to cause
sterility in offspring; & from first fruit, weak
230 Great changes take place at first
400 "Variation est une chose insatiable." Elle
entre dans un sentier sans issue et plus elle
advance moins elle peut reculer"
406 Facts against pears crossing in
adjoining trees
431 Cd tell by leaves or growth 800 or 900
Pear Trees
437 Has never got seedlings identical with
444 Wild seedlings like domestic apples &c
-446 Qä>
113 23-27m 115 6-10m
160 5w Origins 6~13m 162 2-6m, 15-Zlm 163
6-10m, 14r-19m, 20-24m 164 17-22m, 22-25m
172 9-12m, 13-19m/13-14iv like cabbages
179 3-Sm, 27-30m, 32m 180 2-4m, 6~7m, 20-24m, 25-32m, 27-32u± 181 4-8m 183 27-31m 184 3-8m/w time only thus saved 185 4-6m 186 4-8m 187 l-5m, 4-7m, 13-21m/w crossing? 188 13-17m/23-28m/12-32w fruits & leaves do not go together 189 l-3m, 16-20m 190 7-12m, 25-26m 191 18-22m/H 194 12-16m 195 6-10m 196 l-5m 197 l-5m/2w
[page break]
curious 21-23m 198 29-32m 203 9-16m, 22-15m, 18-22m/? 204 17-22m 206 14-18m, 29-32m 208 30-32m 209 l-2m 215 12-17m 218 8-14m, 26w not roses 221 20-24m 225 7-12m 230 21-26m 231 28-29m 233 29-32m/30w tulips 234 16-20m, 24-27m 237 12-24m 247 7-12m 248 20-24m 254 16-20m 256 4-7m, 8-11m, 29-32m 258 21-25m 259 19-23m
322 9-13m
373 9-13m
400 5-11 m 406 21-30m 410 25-30m 415 wi
Belgium good for Pears l-7m (Duhamel) 430
4-32m 431 15-20m, 21-30m 432 26-28m, 22-
26m 433 l-3m 434 14-26m 437 4-20m 439
30-32m 440 l-5m 441 6-10m 442 20-13m 444
13-22m, 27-31m 446 25-30m 450 24-27m/22-
21w This makes me believe in other cases-
H. Watson no 452 26-32m 453 4-8m 457 19-
22m 458 9-29m 472 6-12m 478 4-10m
(Klinkhardt) 486 4-8m, 22-15m
vol. 2,10 3-6m 16 18-20m, 22-23m 24 2-4m//
81 27-32m 86 17-23m 108 19-23m/wt/l-22w some trees do a little - period of flowering too slow for selection; in animals, a non-constant is rejected 123 8-17m/10u "concevableI effet" 126 2-4m (Cabanis)/w doubt it 128 15-20m 131 23-29m, wb cases of some good ones springing up, only hypothetical^ doubted 132 19-27m/19-20m 144 3-8m 149 29-32m 158 3-5m 161 2-5m 170 28-32m 178 8-12m 181 ll-16m (Sageret) 184 24-28m 197 3-6m, 2-23m 202 15-20m/w not seed 203 22-28m 205 30-32m 209 3-8m 225 3-13m, 23-32m 226 l-13m/4-9m 241 18-24m/w The experiments are related before 249 2-6m, 9-11m 250 4-22m/wt/l-26w important, not caused by season, for all trees in the same nursery not affected 24-27m, 30-32m 251 1-5m 252 28-32m 253 1-Am, 23-27m 254 22-26m 255 27-32m, wb Can the wild be too vigorous to be crossed by domesticated ones; but I think he tryed the reverse 256 26-20m 258 22-16m 263 ll-20m 264 25-32m 265 2-6m 271 6-llm/7-9w crossing? 286 2-8m 290 27-32m 291 2-7m, 2-3QA>, 6u "séquestration] vigne" 293 12-20m 298 l-6m/w Grape 308 10-18m/w just contrary to Knight 312 20-27m 313 12-25m, 21-27m 314 5-20m
385 9-16m 386 ll-23m 388 22-30m 403 24-22m, 30-32m 404 l-5m, 5-8m, 14-19m, 22-27m 406 l-10m, 18-22m 413 8-12m 414 10-
15m, 20-24m, 30-32m 415 l-15m 416 8-22m/ 9u "prunierI pommier" 418 7-12m 421 4-20m, 29-32m 422 25-22m 424 7-26m 428 18-24m
484 2-9m
MOORE, David and MORE, Alexander Goodman Contributions towards a Cybele Hibernica Dublin; Hodges, Smith & Co.; 1866 [Down] cc, gd
NB p. xx, xxiii
xx 16-20m/16-17w Water plants 17mjw
Doubts 28m, 20u "Atlantic"/19-22w doubts
whether not naturalised xxiii 10-14m
MOORE, Frederic Descriptions of new Indian lepidopterous insects Calcutta & London; Taylor & Francis; 1879 [Down] p
MOORE, George The first man and his place in creation London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1866 [Down] beh, h, pat, v
NB 252 Nods; 341 ♦ Blackness & Fever 252 2-7m 341 20-29m, 36m
MOORE, Thomas The poetical works London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1847 [Down]
MOQUIN-TANDON, Alfred Éléments de tératologie végétale Paris; p. : Loss; 1841 [CUL] af, cc, ch, em, f, fg, gd, he, ig, mm, mn, no, oo, phy, rd, si, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, v, wd
NB1 266; 271; 285; 295; 300; 303; 305;
309; 322; 324; 326; 328; 329; 342; 345; 352;
354; 370; 385
N.B. I have not attended to variations with
normal abortive parts
NB2 V. Back First for N.B.; 19; 20; 25; 29-
How then are flowers in fern-leaved Beech
Irish yew &c &c; 30; 37; 42; 44; 50; 53; 54;
56; 58; 60; 62; 65; 66; 68; 69; 73; 77; 79;
85; 91; 113; 114; 116; 121; 122; 124; 126 to
130; 132 to 146; 154 to 159; 163; 166 to
192; 197; 213; 214; 216; 219; 221; 225; 229;
235; 236; 252; 254
30 varieties, i.e. slight modifications rarely
42 Mountains destroying colour sometimes
Q<& to 58 a good deal about striped flowers
[page break]
& fruit
61 effects of good soil on villosity, & low
elevation Q£a
68 Atrophy of organ often causes villosity of
73 Fleshiness of leaves caused by proximity
to sea Q
113 Monstrosity of axil almost always affects
the parties appendiculaires Q
115 Monstrosities more common under
cultivation than in state of nature.
116 Q Monstrosities are generally normal in
some other species.
121,139 organs arrested & rudimentary at
different ages of evolution & hence more or
less rudimentary.
Q 124 organs often repeated are most
variable in form a> Isidore G. St. Hilaire
126 in Maize a return to supposed primitive
128 comparison of rudiments of stamens to
normal rudiments in other flowers
138,140,156,167 case of monstrosity
analogous to other species- Q
•^ 173 good
156 Believes in Balancement; 158 Q
163 changes of form when organ becomes
168 variation of "Piment annuel" see
Vilmorin Catalogue
172 analogous variation in most distinct
plants; crinkled leaves.
SB2 09Î
189 great tendency in irregular flower to
become regular (or peloric) - this is return to
ancestral structure? p191 hereditary -
generally sterile. Why?- see further, for the
peloric flowers retake their normal structure
212 Monstrosity analogous to other allied
221 in Malus apetala all stamens converted
into pistils
225 Rudiments normal of parts.
248,266 on soldering of homologous parts Q
285 on trunk of tree with nuts & acorns in
solid wood (£o& Birds nests - Loudon
309 Deplacement very rare monstrosity, as
in animals
323 342 Q Monstrosity analogous to another
genus in Family
327 Q Linnaeus on plants wh. lose corolla in
Arctic regions
Return in stamens to normal number, even when rudiment not present
Remarkable heredetary Capsella bursa pastoris
385 Description of the St-Valéry apple
ix 21m 19 4-6m, 19-23m 20 7-12m 25 16-17m 29 2-3m, 6-9m 30 5-6m, 10-llm, 14m/w V. note 31 16-18m/!, 31-32m 37 29-30m 42 20-24m, 26-29Qa>, 20-22m, 28-30m, 32m (Saint-Simon) 44 9-10m 47 5~7m/w like Apples half sour & sweet 8-10m, 13-lbm (Knight), 29-22m 50 26-27m, 22-24m 53 29-31m 54 27-29m 56 9-2 4m, 22-24m (Sénébier) 57 16-18m (De Candolle), 24r-27m 58 1-Am 60 29-30m 61 7-8m 62 19-22ml20w Ch 7 26-27m 63 2-4m 65 3Qa>, 6-8m 66 6-9m, 28-30m 67 22-22m, 2S-22m (De Candolle) 68 11-Um, 27-29m 69 2-5m 73 23-28mlw Q Good for Chapt. 7 77 3-4m, 9-10m 79 24-26m, 28-29m 85 6-22m, 24-26m, 29m/w "618", 22m "415", 23u "moitié", 25u "qu'à I station" 91 3-4m/4u "généralement \ stériles", 5~7m, Su "Ses dimensions"\8u "ses habituels", 13-16m/io Do they seed 25-29m 113 22-23m/Q 114 7-9m, 28~29m 115 l-4m, 5-6m 116 2-2m, 3-5m/Q 120 24m 121 2m, 2-4m, 5-6m 122 9-18m/iv I suppose frequent 124 at (page no.), 7-8m/Q
5-6m, 16-18m/w naturally so, I suppose
4u "involucre I calice"\4~9m\wknown to be true - good case 10-13m, 22~24m\w now known 26-27m 127 xvt wild Quince tree lu/ un, 3m, 6-7m, 11m, 27-28m 128 l-2m, 5-7m, 17~18m, 20-23ml21-26w actually compares with normal cases 28-30m/28u "rudiments" 129 3-6m 130 2-5m, 20-23m, 25~28m 132 23-25m, 16-19m 136 7-9m/5-12w example with respect to the balancing of organs 137 6-8m/ 7-26w also occur normally V. note but in different families: Does this not bear on such cases, as similarity in Orchis & Asclepias?
138 18-19u "Solanum Dulcamara", 20u "deux\
étamines", 22w<->, 23-24u "quelquefois I
extranormales", 29-33m/26-29Q 29u "une\
habituel", 32~33u "Solanum tridynamum"
139 6u "Anémones", 9u "lesIGoethe", llu
"Diplotaxis", 10-14w are these same
families? (No) 25u "Cleome" 140 23u
"Séneçon", 28-29m/u "Barkhausia\Crépis"'/to I
think same family 31-32m/w worth reading
146 9-10m/w is this not analogue of Turnip
154 20~23m 155 2w Quote generally 22-23m
156 lot* Q 2-2m, 9-23m, 22-23m (De
Candolle, A.P.), 17-23m/17uA/19m^/22u*/21-
22w same Family 25u "temps Ipédoncules"/
26u^/w Balancement 28-30Q/31-32m (De
Candolle, A.P.), 24u " Muscari"/wb I cannot
make out in Loudon whether this is Feather
Hyacinth 157 3-5m/w same Family 23-2 6m/
14w Balancement 22-28m/w Q cart before
horse 31u*/32u "caractères \Carex"/31-33m
158 3-Sm/w Right horse before cart 10-12m/u
"sexuels Ihabituel"'/w Balancement 24-27m/w
Garden fruits & seeds 30m/w worth reading
[page break]
159 9-lOm/w Balancement 163 Im, 19-20m 164 l-2m 166 6-12m/9u, 21-23m, 25m 167 19-21m, 27-28m 168 5a "Podolepis".wm 7-8m, 13m, 26-28m, 32m 169 l-2m, 16-18m 172 ll-lSmjw Umbellifera Coniferae Compositae Uu "Chou", 14u "Laitue"/14-15m, 16m\w Parsley? 28-30m 173 24-30m& 174 wt variegation but only analogous l-6m, 14-16m, 18-20m 175 8m, 8-9u "ou\temps", 23m 182 27-29m 184 9~12m, 19-21m/x^ 185 27m 186 21m, 13-Um, 15-16m, 18-19w 13 species of Linaria ! 187 3-4w Linaria lOwl 13io/15w/17w * 7 genera 188 12-Uw (10 genera) 17-19m, 24u "Rhinanthus" 189 3u "Chelone", 15-19m, 19m 191 6-9m«&, 15-16m, 20-21m, 23-25m, 26-31w see only about 6 stamen, too many 192 2m/6-20Q ll-13m, 20-22m/w so I saw in Laburnum 193 5-12m, 14-16m (De Candolle, A.P.) 197 3-5m/5u "habituelles" ,r7-8m 207 25-27m 213 l-10m/5u "Arbousier I Ericinées ", 8-9u "Argophyllum ", 24-26m/Q 214 25-27m 216 2-2m 217 6-9m, 19-21m 218 9m 219 2-2m, 3m, 30-31-* 220 24-27m 221 19-20m 223 12-24m 225 5-7m/6-7u "trouve\onglet", 14m, 27-30m 235 8-20m, 22-26m 236 25-27m (Richard) 248 2-2Q 4-9m, 20-24w^ Leaves or their lobes 249 27-28u "Gledüsia"/28m, wb% 250 2u "Dracontium" 251 16u^ "Séphales", 25u^ "Peaks" 252 2-2m, 25u^ "Étamines" 253 15u*& "Pistils" 254 6-7m/w influence variation 258 15m^ 263 3w^ buds 266 23-29m/Q 267 3-5m, 23-25m/ m^ 271 9-22m 285 29-22m 295 29-30m 297 3-6m, 9-llm 300 16-19m, 29-31m 301 7-20m 303 10-12m, 30m (Guillemin and Dumas) 304 2 6-2 7m 309 2~4m (Geoffroy St Hilaire) 315 2-2m, 28-30m 319 28-32m 320 7-20m 322 14-17m 323 5-6m, 15-17m/w which is Leguminous 23-24m 324 S-20m, ll-12m, 13-18m 325 9~22m, 21-25m/21-23m, 31-33m/32u "2£00", 33u "658" 326 25-26m, 25u "foule\causes", 26-27m, 26u "plupart", 27u "normalement" 327 2m, 4m, 5-6m, 8-10m/ll-13m/8-13w&> are there many arctic Plants, without corolla 328 5u*>, 5-6u "bois I disparition", 6-7m, 19-21m, 22-24m 329 6-8m, ll-13m, 21-24m, 29m 330 2-3m, 4-6m 342 20-28m/20-23m/QI24-27m 343 2-2m, 24-29m, 23-25m, 27-28m 344 5-6m/5w What is it 24-26m 345 8-9m, 21-22m 352 2-6w So in Azalea 18-20m, 24-26m, 25u "d'éléments nombreux" l27-30m/29-31m/29-30u^/6-32w Here I suppose not even a rudiment present, but tending to produce perfect organ, or rudiment 353 9-22m, 24-27m, 33m 354 2-3m (A.P. De Candolle) 370 7-9m 385 26-33m 386 10-12m, 31-33m, 31u "MémALinn.", 33u "Seringe I 227" 394a 39m, 41m
MORGAN, Lewis Henry The American beaver and his works Philadelphia; J.B. Lippincott; 1868 [CUL] beh, h, or, sx, v
NB1 Instinct
♦ 300 Castoreum not sexual Used
p.44 * variability
89; 93; 95; 100; 102; 116; 133; 140; 158;
165; 191; 222
248, 250 to end Best observers admit
instinct 264 good
289 variability
NB2 ♦
Mind of Man- poor- 252; 256; 258; 259; 272
Blind Pelican fed
Our pity is an instinct; Blyth; crows - Fowl
44 3-29m 83 27-33m/22-26m, wb over 84 7-22m 89 27u "and \ bark"/17-19w instinct first arose accidentally? 93 2-3m 95 29-32m 99 23-2Sm 100 26~33m 104 20-23m\22m 105 18-20m/19u "than I structure" 108 28-20m 116 26-22m/l-22w could a lodge have been originally found in centre of stream? 133 22-25m 140 25~29m 158 26-24m 165 21-27m 172 28-30m 191 ll-14m/ll-12m 222 8-9m, 14u "much\members", 23-27m 248 22-28m 250 10-14m, 27-32m 252 6-22m, 27-22m 256 26-30m 258 2-5m, 6-8m (Hamilton), 12-16m/14-16m 259 3-7m, 2S-22m 262 8-22m 264 3-9m 265 6-9m 266 9-llm/8-14w No - Chicken picking up grain - Sphynx Moth 18-19m/w Wasp-Ants 272 23-31m 273 15-29m 278 27-23m 289 19-24m
MORGAN, Lewis Henry Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family Washington; The Smithsonian Institute; 1871 [Down, I] p
MORREN, Edouard Actes du congrès de botanique horticole Liège; Fédération des sociétés d'horticulture; 1877 [Down]
MORREN, Edouard Principes élémentaires de physiologie végétale Gand; C. Annoot-Braeckman; 1871 [Down]
MORRIS, John A catalogue of British fossils 2nd edn; London; by the author; 1854 [Down] geo, ti
NB 363 Hooker Eocene Temperate Plants
363 30-34m
[page break]
MORTON, Samuel George Types of mankind; with contributions by L. Agassiz, W. Usher, H.S. Patterson ed. J.C Nott and G.R. Gliddon; Philadelphia, Lippincott & Grambo; London, Trübner & Co.; 1854 [CUL]
ad, af, br, cc, er, es, dg, ds, ex, to, gd, geo, h, hy, in, mn, or, si, sp, sy, t, ta, tm, v, wd
NB A Mitute of Mankind 1200B.C. Sir W J*
800B.C. Wilson & •
» ♦ Prichard Last Edition
♦ •
Jackinot, Considerations générales Voyage
au Pole Sud Zoologie (Royal Soc-? must be
Rosellini Athenaeum Monumenti dell'Egitto
Morton Crania Aegyptiaca
Lipsium Denkmalen (read)
Mr BirchO seems to have written illustrated
p.459* 724 Important Book. G. St. Hilaire
p.675 Chronology
688 -Aegyptian Dynasties.-
691,2; 696 Chinese; 701,2 Assyrian; 712;
715 Hindoo
Sir James BrookeO says positively DyaksO
s*- no greyhound, only degenerate Chines
Dog. & Pig seems equally degenerate
SB1 xlv; liv; Ix to end of Agassiz; 56; 54 to
66 to 75; 81-85
90 Have I read Edwards description of
Races of Man
94; 141; 156; 169; 175; 179; 181; 186; 194;
212; 237; 256; 272; 275; 280; 305; 309; 322;
338; 340 to 403; 413,14; 425; 436; 439; 440;
As mere naturalist, excepting from blending of races to certain extent, independently of crossing, I shd look at races of man as deserving to be called distinct species, yet I consider as descended from common stock, so come back at common belief; only difference is name whether to be called species or variations.
What effect wd idea of beauty have on races and selection, it wd tend to add to each peculiarity. V. our aristocracy. The question of Origin of our domestic animals from 1 or more stocks, as only of interest, as showing amount of variation & hybridity
(over) ♦ It will be quite necessary for me to state most strongly how impossible it is to
guess the steps by which even vars., as of
human race (or of Pigeons) have attained
their characteristics.-
It is of course no ways impossible that some
of the dogs of the Monuments may have
I am beginning to conclude that it is more
difficult to account for small variations, as of
man, when there is no adaptation than
greater differences, when adaptation.
Consider cases of Rabbits, mere laws of
So geese & Ducks
Nothing is more odd than similarity of
Fuegian & Brazilian. Why Puma shd range
continent unvaried & Monkeys differ in every
province.- It is great hiatus in knowledge. I
may contrast Man with Monkeys, for on my
theory, the Monkeys have varied-
xlv 25-28m liv 7~llm/8u "Monograph on hybridity" lx 8-llm, 17-20m/18?, 24-27m lxvi 31-38m/32-33?, 37-43m lxvii 42-43m/43u "A. Wagner" lxix 24-32m/w How false for how distinct S. America & North temperate America, lxx 6-14m, 28-32m/w what forced reasoning ! lxxi 12-14m/12-17w Cape of Good Hope Plants of ! so distinct, lxxii 12-18m\w Here single genus, instead of whole Fauna taken, lxxiv 7-llm/10-12m/l-17w But it will come in, what is meant by primordial, except that not descended from other form. 10a " Characteristics "/ll-13m/9-16w nor does analogy cause doubt whether they may not have varied. 26-29m, 35u "as\the"/31-35w this not known 32u "primordial] forms" 131-34w primordial begs the question wb "organic forms now keeping distinct" wd be more correct - but in common acceptation, certainly origin comes into play: hence cowslip & primrose discarded, lxxv ll-13m lxxvi wb Plants used at beginning, ignored at Cape of Good Hope, & New Zealand -look at Madagascar - Look at same race in United States & S. America oh fish pudor Agassiz!.- 54 34-35m (Prichard)\34u "1847" 56 8-9m (Lepsius)/8w read 57 30-34m (Prichard), 46-48m 58 21-35m/26-32w well argued 40-47m 66 8-13m (Pickering) 68 26-33m 72 16-19m 74 35-40m 75 4-7m 76 43m 81 17-18m, 20-23m/19-27w These terms are objectionable because "allied" means also systematically allied. 85 8-llm 90 3-10m 94 l-13m, 22-26m 95 16-21m, 26-30m, wb depends on the individuals or race & not on law of proximity. 141 21-25m, wb can men portraits* rude sculptures be trusted 146 "Memnon".m/wb Knox Races of Mankind
[page break]
says p. 204 that Bust of young Memnon is that of a Jew (see next Page) 148 "Ramses ir.mlwb Dr Birch says this is young Memnon of Knox 154 24u "Romenen", 29-34m 156 33-35m 159 34-41 m 160 23u "Japhetic", 25-30m 163 6« "Chinese"/8u "Tartar "/12u "Mongolian"/6-8m/w are Chinese & Tartars now alike 169 39-41m, 43-> 170 l-3m 173 U-13m/ll-12u "variously explained", 19u "Israelitish\Hyksos", 19-23w shows that the races not so easily recognized 27 u "Semitic", 39u "Hyksos" 174 12u "northern I origin ", 26-29m/26u "Champollionl Greeks"/29u "Hyksos-family" 175 16u "Semüic", 19-26m 179 9-16m, 23-32m 181 23-27m, 36-38m 186 32-37m 190 26-32m (Prichard) 194 37-44m 212 9-10m 237 23-27m 256 37-41m 272 13-16m 274 wt To show how little we know how variations are produced mem. changes of colour in domestication; reduction of size & interbreeding - small & great forms rising in same country, as sheep & Bantams &c &c - why Yankees differ from English? 26-30xv mem. an old-world form, mem. nose 31-34w similarity owing to character of first intruder 35-36w a group 40-43m/37-43w slight distances these are. 275 l-9mjwt like the Puma 43m 276 llu "infinitude of types", 13-18m, 36-40m 277 41-43m 280 34-42m/35u "without material" 305 22-26m, 35-37m/37u "peculiar]constitutions" 319 31-35m 322 20-28m 327 25u "Usher"/w unknown to Lyell 338 6m 339 43m (Cuvier) 340 32-34m (Buckland), 38~40m 341 2-3m, 9-10m/10w ancient 26-28m/w European Dog 35-38w Eocene age? 41-42m 342 l-2m, 32-34m (Serres), 37-38m, 41-A2m\z 343 lm, 6-8?!!/m (W. Mantell) 347b 43m (Schmerling) 353 41m 357 l-2m 364 wt The age of Man very important, as most savage races have domestic animals (at least dogs), & hence is concerned with origins of Man. 368 13-20m/w Successive extinction 373 18m/w since contradicted 23w do. 25m, 27-28m 374 17-22m 375 wt Race-hybrids Species-hybrids 2-6m/4u "Charleston Medical Journal", 26-30w implying, I think, separately created 38-39m, 40-41m, 42u "turnspit"/wb (A Monster) 43-45m 377 l-4m, 26-28m, 32-33m, 34-35m 378 10-16m, 39-41m, 43-45m, 50-52m/w Col. Ham. Smith 379 23m "unprolific\se", 13u "without I coupled "/12-15m/w ? no precision 17u "victoriously I Morton "II 9u "Charleston I Journal"'/Q*., 27 w Buffon 30-33w See Chartsworth Journal 37m/w inter se 45-48m 380 19-21m/20u "BoitaiLayard", 28-44m/41-44m, 45-46w p. 724 good references 47-50w not intended 382 12-15m/13u "among
themselves"/15u "wolf-dogs", 18-19m, 32-37m, 38-40m 383 4-7m/7u "continues] remarkable", 8-9m, 19w i.e. C. Lupus of many authors 34-40m/36-40m/36-37w Richardson 37-39m, 39-40m, 52-53m 384 l-3m, 8-9m, 10-12m, 21-29m, 42-45m, 46-49m, 47-49m 385 wt Think of the geographical distribution difficulty 12u "Tchudi"/12-13w most probably in Nat History 13-17m\13-14u "found I epoch"\14-15u "that I seldom", 23-25m, 45-48m 386 lOw quoted from Lyell 26?lu "in\forms" 387 fig.235.w Pariah dog 16-18m, 43-50m 388 wt Rosellini fig.237.m, fig.240.m, l-4m, 3a/u "3400", 16-18m/17a "dynasty" 2400-2100 BC 21w Lepsius 22w*, 25u "a\hound", 28-30m/ 29u "IVth\ dynasties"/30u "curled tau", fig.240.w How alike Jackall & supposed Greyhound 41-42u "the\BC" 389 fig.241.w Rosellini 7u "from\Roti", 9u "Xllth"lw 2400-2100 13m "gazelle", fig.242.wib> modern 29-30m, 31-33m, 42-45m, 51u "at I species", 52-55ml53u "small I peculiarities "\w Eyton 390 2-5m, fig.243.w What dog is this? so long in body. Lepsius Dankmalen Rosellini» ears not like 13m<->, 15-19m, 20m "Rossellini's", fig.244.w Lepsius short body - what a tail fig.245.w Rosellini big ears fig.247.w ears not like hound, long body 391 2-41, 5u "common I of", 8u "433"/w Hoskins Ethiopian 22m "434"/ 13-19m/12-16w Bennett Tower menagerie has figured African Bloodhound (?) 29m "twenty\ before", 35-37m 392 8-10m, 10-15m, fig.251.w Layard & Vaux 38-39m 393 6-7m, 14-18m, 27-33m 394 3-7m/4w, lOu "pugs\ &c"/10-12w no sort of evidence 17-28m 395 l-10m\2-6w i.e. variation due to crossing 5w Pigeons 41-44m, 46-50m 396 10-17m 397 36m 398 37-40m 400 14-24m, 27-29m, 34-35m 401 3-5m\4u "but \ hound", 10-llm, 21-23m, 24~25m, 32-36m, 41-44m 402 4-22m 403 3m "natural"/3-5m/w Giant Horse 12-24m 413 4-10m/7u "no I camels "/8u "no I fowls "/4w Gliddon 22m "may\BC", 24-26m, 27-30m, 44-47m, 48-53m 414 32-35m 415 2-3m (Crawfurd) 424 38-43m 436 28-36m 439 3-15m, 41-44m/43u "excessive" 440 l-4m, 3u "authentic documents", 4u "anomalous conformation", 13-21m/13-16m, 35-37m/37u "foetus" 449 24-28m 669 22-24m (Rosellini) 675 24m, 27m 688 l-4m/3u "pyramids I tombs"/ 4u "thirty-fifth" 689 8m, Wu "Pyramids I extant " 691 41-A5m 692 20-25m/w .: Romans probably did not receive domestic Birds 693 35-37m 701 17-20m 702 24-2Sm 714 20m 715 ll-13m, 37-39m 7V7b 35-39m 724a 52-52m (Ritter), 54-55m, 57m/59m/56-60w Camels hybrid wolves Pallas on wolves 724b 74-76m, wb St. Hilaire
[page break]
MOSELEY, Henry Nottidge Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger" London; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [CUL, I] ad, beh, cc, ch, gd, no, oo, rd, sx, tm
NB 123 Distrib; 125; 133; 154 Rudiments;
168; 265; 457-84 Expression 492; 337; 292;
305; 360; 386; 591
Geogr Distribution; 17; 24; 123; 135; 164;
281; 368; 386; 433
SB Moseley
125 changes of Habit
169 Plants in Antarctic growing on mounds -
292 Nesting of Edible swallow
305 Gill-cavity partly lung & partly store for
386 1 male nutmeg to 50 female trees
586 Competition
591 Light & colour of animals at grt depths
17 25-26m 24 35-37m 35 4-6m 45 17-lSm, 36-38m 123 7-10m 125 8u "under stones", 12u "totally new", 14-19m 133 14-25m, 29-33m 135 ll-21m, 31-36m 142 17-21m 154 18-26m 164 4-21 m 168 35-38m 169 1-7m 265 l-4m 281 l-8m 284 27-33m 285 8-17m 292 35-38m 305 27-37m 337 ll-16m (Darwin) 360 12-16m 368 5-10m, 12-Um 386 8-12m, 23-25m, 27-38m 387 l-4m, 5-9m/6u "eject\hard", 12-16m 421 30-32m 432 23-26m/24u "701 east" 433 15~22m, 32-33m, 35-37m 457 27-33m 492 29-35m 538 22-23m 540 13-Um 581 17-18m 586 17-34w Competition with other forms far more important than conditions 587 23-28m 591 17-35m (Wallich)
MOSELEY, Henry Nottidge Oregon: its resources, climate, people and productions London; Edward Stanford; 1878 [Down, S]
MOSELEY, Henry Nottidge On the structure and development of Peripatus capensis (extract); 1874 [Down, I]
MOSSO, Angelo Kreislauf des Blutes im menschlichen Gehirn Leipzig; Veit; 1881 [Down, I] p
MOUBRAY, B. A practical treatise on breeding poultry, pigeons and rabbits 7th edn; London; 1834 [CUL] beh, br, f, he, no, wd
NF1 Recommended by Mr Brent
NF2 p. 147
NB1 Hens, Domestic Hints p70
NB2 p13; 17 to 24; 30; 54; 87; 106; 130;
133; 152; 154; 156; 165; 168; 176; 185; 203
13 Game Chickens very pugnacious. Q
Eggs very thin. Ch 6 Q&>
30 Some Hens much addicted to lay eggs in
other nests
54 tapping on board with nail induced
chicken to peck
107 colour of Ducks eggs going with
plumage - Correlation (Memb. B. Ayles
133 Qa> Hen Pheasant lays seldom more
than 10 in confinement but 18 to 20 wild
170 London to Liege 4°34'AM 10°24'-5°50'
said to be 45 miles per hour.
176 Some Cats Ratters & some Mousers
Chapt 6 (Hereditary) & took to water &
<& Blyth on Felis cilidigitataO aquatic kitten
dabbling in water.-
185 Hare-Rabbit large eyes
13 14~17m/Q 18-19m, 25-26m/Q 17 23~25m 18 4-5m/4u "white tops", 12-13m, 23~25m 19 12-13u "exclusive I very", 16-17m 20 9-10m 22 U-12m 24 ll~13m 30 19-23m 54 19-24m 55 16-21m 70 3-17m 87 3-12m (Buffon) 106 14-17m 107 2-8m 130 31-32m 133 28-31m 152 24-25m 154 17-22m 155 14-16m 156 28-32m 162 l-5m 165 l-3m 168 28-30m 170 28-32m
171 3-6m 176 4-6m, 20-21m 185 8-14m 203
MÜLLER, Ferdinand von Fragmenta phytographiae australiae vol. 7; Melbourn; J. Ferres; 1869-71 [Down, I]
NB 0/
MÜLLER, Friedrich Allgemeine Ethnographie Wien; Alfred Holder; 1873 [Down, I] p
MÜLLER, Friedrich Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859: anthropologischer Thal 3. Abtheilung, "Ethnographie"; Wien; Kaiserlich-Königlichen Hof- und Staatsdruckerei; 1868 [CUL] beh, cc, h, mg, t, tm, v
SB1 p. 127- He discusses & disputes whether the civilization of W. coast of S. America is due to immigration from Asia- I wd remark if so, the aborigines must have already been somewhat advanced, for for while not nee with our inference, it is very unlikely that a few shipwrecked men from some less civilized nation cd have produced any permanent effect on savages.-
[page break]
SB2 xi Remnants of Races
xii Beard no connection with Climate.-
xi 34r-39m xiii ll-15m/w Beard correlation 19u "Australier stark" xiv 22m 127 21-22m P
MÜLLER, Fritz Facts and arguments for Darwin London; John Murray; 1869 [CULR] br, ch, ds, em, ig, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, ud
NB 80 Orchestia shown
79 sexual differing good development goes
40 zigzag above
21 & 26 two such forms
Species Theory
83; 94; 98 to 109 embryology no fixed plan
110,119 Metamorphosis of Insects acquired
139 like Plant
80 means of transition from changes going
on in the sexually mature males Case like
the larvae of Batrachians breeding
14 30-33m 19 12w p. 9 22-23m 20 lu "anterior antennae", 8u "Copepoda", 15-19m, 22-25m/ 23u "different", 28-30m 21 fig.m/clwe 25 fig.w Fig I 12m "powerful chelae" 26 2w "by\terms", figs.w Fig 2, 3 27 12-13u "females I species", figs.m, 24-26u "coxaUprocess" 40 20-26m (Milne-Edwards), 21u/a "inferior".w posterior 47 5-23m 72 23-26m/w this is specific difference 76 6-7u "structure I sexes " 78 l-7m/ wt/l-3w acquired only during adult age 79 2-7m, 8-9m, 10-llm, 14-17m, 15-17m, 19~21m, 23-31m 80 l-13m, figs.m 83 19-25m 94 l-4m, figs.m, 6u "plus I the", 27~34m 95 9-lSm 98 2-18m 100 29-30m 101 25-28m (Rudolf Wagner) 104 22-29m 105 l-6m 106 26~29m (Cuvier) 107 7-18m/16a "and the" Spider 108 l-6m 109 20-21a "us" ! 110 21-23m 111 4-22m, 7-13m, 19-25w But the Embryo of the intermediate progenitor will reveal this stage 114 14r-18m 116 15-30m 117 23-30m 118 l-3m, 27-30m 119 l-6m, 8-40m (Gerstäcker) 120 4D-42mlu "among I adult" 121 31-38m 127 ll-15m 131 15-24m 137 llu/? "carina" 139 6-llm
MÜLLER, Fritz Für Darwin Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1864 [CUL, I] sx, tm
SF (4 sheets, not CD) Oß <t 13 figs. 3-6.wé? 2 forms of same male 17 figs. 8 and 9.w& 2 forms of same male 19 3m, 14m 71 6-8m/6u "gleichem"
MÜLLER, Hermann Alpenblumen Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1881 [Down, I] f> v
169 20-21m 189 35-38m, 40-41m 205 A> 26-29m/26u "Wohlgeruchs"/28u "Auszackung" 206 10-13m 267 5-16m 268 40-42m 269 41-43m 279 7-9m 287 l-3m, 6-8m 288 l-3m 289 2-4m 290 20-29m 297 25-29m, 35-41m 305 2-5m, 18-19m, 20-24m, 25-32m, 40-41m 352 10m 477 37-38m 478 l-2m, 37-38m 479 2-3m, 25-26m 481 /ig.m 483 42nî2m 484 29-30m 486 4-7m, 24m 487 5-7m, 35-38m 488 30-35m 492 37-40m 493 25-33m 495 2~4m, 7-18m 496 2-4m, 33-35m 497 10-21mjl5-17m, 31-35m 498 7-10m, 22-22m, 36-39m 500 4-5m 502 12m 503 tflb/e.m 505 23-24m 506 8-20m, 35-40m, 41m 507 2-2m, 25-29m 508 /i'g.m 509 3-7m 511 17-20m/19-20u "da\darbieten" 513 2-3m, 21-23m 514 22-25m 515 2-4m, 28-32 m, 42-43m 521 27-22m, 34-38m&> 528 28-32m, 43-44m 529 2-2m, 9-20m 530 22-25m 531 29m, 33-35m 533 32-33m 536 32-34m 539 32-39m 540 31-32m 541 2-3m, 41-43>m 543 31-34m 546 12-14m, 18-39m 547 2-5m 548 19-22m, 38-41m 549 38^2m 551 37-40m 552 23-26m, 42^4m 554 23-25m 555 26-24m, 2S-36m 558 30-36m 559 9-2 6m 560 27-30m 561 24-29m 562 26-30m 564 18-23m 565 4-25m, 22-22m, 34-38m 566 29-22m 567 3-5m, 27-28mj27m, 35~36m, 39-40m
MÜLLER, Hermann Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1873 [CUL, I]
ad, beh, cc, f, fg, ig, mhp, no, oo, or, phy, si, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, v, wd
NB (<e>, repeated Aj>
extraordinary facts about the 2 forms of Rhinanthus & Malva- very important as showing new way of variation- Strange they do not blend- wd it not be worth while to cross and experimentise on with<& them & publish separate paper-Ä p. 369. Scabiosa case like Thymus -female flowers smaller. p. 37 OrchidsO p73 0 all have descriptions separate 430 for Orchids a 433 for Orchids
<®>, overwritten <&) p444 of Müllers Laws of Variation
title page 2u (author), Wu (title) 3 14-18m 4 ll-15m/[...]/13-15u "ohne\ müsse"/5~23w have been blamed, but is s*- 18-21m, 23?/u "SprengelI Erkenntnis", 41m 7 17m 13 6m/u "cleistogami" 17 7-38w It seems that Axell has shown that many flowers can be self-fertilised 18 * 22-25m/24u "Windblüthen" 19 26w& Why not you give on page 22 38m T7 20u "1868", 23m (Fritz Müller), 27m, 28m,
[page break]
28m 35 llu "zu fressen''/w Diptera 43-46m& 37 32-40m/36u "Rhingia\Russellänge"/33-36w Flies not stupid 39 9u "die Empisarten", Wu "Anbohren]befähigt" 46 24-22m 47 13-20m, 16-22m 49 15-23m 58 wt p235/p333 Erythraea 4a/u "Laburnum\Carum"/w 100 61 35-37m*f39u* "sich\blühten" 75 34m}35m/ 31-34w Hildebrand on late pollen 39-44m&\ 35-37W& self-fert orch 49-53m/w self-sterile 53-54m, wb Proc 76 35-36w 5 spec 81 21-22m 83 24-29m, 33u*, 34u*, 43u*, 43u "Blüthen\mascula"/w 2 49u*/io 3, 4 84 4u "32", 42-57m/w shows time right 85 17-20m, 21-23w 1 • 6 Bombus 2 other ^ 87 27-31m, 39-41mé? 88 13-21m 90 l-5m, 20-22ms 92 37-40m<@> (Sprengel) 97 wt Ensuring cross-fertilisation 20m/u "proterandrische Dich-ogamie" 99 34~40m 113 31-33m 115 43-47m/45-46u "Diese\ihrer" 122 S-22m, 23-26m, 24w%, 29-32m, 41uA, 42-43m, 42u "Ritterspornart" 127 25-27m (Fritz Müller), 30-31u "undlBlüthenstaub" 131 39-43m 133 l-4m, 4-7m 143 20-23m, 23-26m, 28u "Prosopisarten", 49-50m/49w no s*- 145 3u& "Sprengel", 3-4u& " Hildebrand", 20-27m, 23u&*, 26u&t», 31u& "diese \ bewirken", 32u& "kleine", 32u<&*, 32-34m (Delpino), 34u& "Selbstbestäubung]tricolor" 146 21-30m 147 13-23mé?, 45-47m 149 37-39m& 151 20-llm/iif "werden lauf gelockt" 153 42-48m&\ 46u& "von Dipteren und Hymenopteren" 154 28-30m 165 34-37m 167 35u "fünf Honigtröpfchen", 45u "gleichzeitig", 46u "doch] statt" 168 18-20m, 23-26m, 27m/u "durch\ 70", 27-28m^, 29-32m 169 29-22m, 23-25m 173 27-47m, 35-36m, 38-39m (Kölreuter, Gaertner) 174 9-10m, 27-31m, 27-28u*& "zu \ hindurch", 35-37u^^>-/m, wb<@ Several other non-dimorph species 175 8m/u^ "Insektenbesuch beschränkten", 34u^ "41", fig.56.m/w How like dimorph (must be origin of 176 3-4u^ "proterandrischer Dichogamie" 185 5-6u^ 188 20-22m (Axell) 193 6-7x/6w "langer", fig.m, 10-21w & different form & size. 22m, 13-15m, 13-26w Spike when cultivated plants as we shall see variation 19m, 22-23m 195 2-2m 224 3-6m, 46-47m 232 45mlu<@> "monadelphisch" 235 25-27m 240 24u "honiglos", 24-26m, 32-33m/33u "Honigbiene" 241 wt excellent observations compare mine 9u "welche] oben", 15-17m/16-17u "aller] zwängen", 30u "die] Rücken", 31u "der plattenförmige", 35-41m/? 242 22-27 w I cannot but think • adaptation 33-35m/37-47m/37u*/30-45w Saft-maal & no Honey yet he thinks Bees 42-46m, wb* a juicy swelling near centre of Standard 243 8u "Meus" 249 29u "Honig] Insekt", 15-26w Beautiful
adaptation 28w must be strong 30~32w
Difficult flowers for endemic insect 36-39m/w
Thinks notis*- insects wd be stronger so
fertilise better 48m/u "Viertelstunde", wb very
few Bees visit them 250 3-9m, 38-41m (W.
Ogle) 253 42-46m 258 2-7m/4u "coccinus", 8-
37w distinct species conclude must be
crossed - this the one Phaseolus which
flowers at the same time distinct species 27-
23m, 23utb> "vulgaris"/w& wrong 46-49m 264
3-6m, 7~17m/14-16m 265 9u "einen Theil",
28-32m 267 29-34mj31u "ausgeprägte]
Blüthen" 277 9-lOm/lOu "Blumenkrone", 12u^
"nigrum", 30u^ "Blüthen] Honigtröpfchen",
32-33u^ "orange] und", 34u^++, 36u^
"überwiegend wahrscheinlich ", 37uf^
"Insektenbesuche] möglich", 46-49m, 47u^ "Saftmaal" 278 12-14w*& various insects 35«^ "Thapsus" 279 40-41m^, 42-^6m/m^ 282 29-33m/30u "Wespen" 284 2-2m, fig.lOO.w It is a dichogam) s*- (Ogle & Spengel) 23-30m/17-30w Think self fertilisation of seed 32-34m/33u "Bot. Z. 1865", zb 285 6-9m/w9 287 10~12m, 39-42m 289 wt The more conspicuous a flower is the more likely to be fertilised by foreign pollen & to be sterile if not visited 20-37m/28w (a) 292 41-46m 295 8-llm, 42-43-* 296 22-29m 303 46-A8m 306 22-28m, 31-32m/31u "Bezug] Ogle" 311 22-26m 318 fig.H6.w Polygonum dioicius 18-25m/23-24u "weiblicher]seltener" 319 20~22m/ 21u "Die kleinblumigen", 33-36m, 50u<^, wb greater fertility is real cause 325 20-22m, 28-29m 326 20-22m 328 5-9m/7u "proterandrischer", 8u "kleinblumiger]Stöcke", 6-7w forms 14u+* 334 l-3m/2u "13"/w p113 341 20u "Bot.]67"/we? many cases given 342 39-41m/28-42w* fecundation wind & insects wb Begins by saying that D. describes 3 forms which noteO inO passingO s*- owing to • plants It ^ 343 2u "sammelnde]Pollen"/2-3w on pollen from 4-6m, 43u "ausgeprägten proterogynischen" 345 2-3m, 5-9w 2 Gradations between Arumarten & Erbsenarten 346 37-44ml40u "homomorphische I proterandrische", 38-39w non-dimorphic 42u "striata", 43u "Ricea\longifolia" 347 21~25m/ 23u "Kelche\ die"/21w 4 Hon 39w cases 40-44m 348 5-llm/7-8w 2 forms 349 & 18-19u++, 28-30m/28-29u "Narbe]Staubgefässe"I 30u "honiglosen" 350 7m/ué? "Den \ der", ßg.l30.w between two & three as long 24« "0,0221 mm", 30-34m, 32-35m 351 2-3m, 6-18m/fig.m/6-8w chiefly Diptera 20« "203", fig-c
MÜLLER, Hermann Die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Blumen und den ihre Kreuzung
[page break]
vermittelnden Insekten Breslau; Trewendt; 1879 [Linnean Society of London]
1 wt&> From the Encyklopaedie der Naturwissenschaften Linnean Soc. presented by C. Darwin
MÜLLER, Johannes Elements of physiology trans. W. Baly, 2 vols & supplement; London; Taylor & Walton; 1838-42 [CUL] ad, af, beh, br, cc, ch, che, er, es, die, em, fg, geo, h, he, hl, hy, ig, in, ir, mhp, mn, oo, pat, phy, rd, si, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, ud, v, wd, y
vol. 1 NB1 Owen says he can perceive not much difference between reflex action & effects of habits - (he conceives an habitual action takes place through special cord) 404 On division of Planariae It seems to me most difficult to separate a really habitual (if such there be) & hereditary habit- from real mental willed actions, which the consciousness does not perceive from want of attention, in same manner as it does not perceive all coinstantaneous impressions on the senses -
a Associations may become hereditary, which wd account for the alliance of instincts with times, places - V. Hartley on association??
A> How then can Geologists say, that animals were first created!!! a capital argument showing that we must not generalize from absence of organic remains ®> see p. 46
9; 10<&; 16; 19; 20<&; 23; 26; 28; 30; 39; 41; 43; 47; 48; 54; 56; 72; 76; 89; 90; 144; 158; 165; 193; 194; 198; 203; 254; 225; 290; 298; 302; 320; 350; 352; 354; 364; 373; 394; 395; 399; 401; 402; 407; 431; 448; 460; 499; 500; 568; 570; 572; 624; 280; 686; 698; 713; 719; 720; 730; 735; 739 & following pages for association; 748; 762; 778; 786; 791; 793; 794; 818; 820; 822; 824; 836; 846 Expression; 350-354; 730; 740; 748; 762; 778; 818
p407 Nails Reproduced 721 Theory of reflex actions
SB aß
33 The more developed the parts, the more
dependent on each other
54 All organs require occasional use to keep
76 Young Dogs as long as blind generate
less heat, born at earlier period
165 Branchial arches in higher animals -
P302, 320
290 on same part attracting same
substances, as in Tumours (Pangenesis) 395 Peculiar teeth in ornithorhynchus, Ant-eater & Whale
399 On similarity of embryos of higher animals
403 On monstrosities in relation to division of genus - Double monsters Pang 499 In sucking objects to Cuviers idea of Dream for instinct NQ
686 On the insulation of the will to certain muscles in playing piano NQ 713 Reflex action compared by me with Habit- 716 Reflex adaptive - 721 NQ 791 On atrophy of nerve of eye from lesions 468 Urea in blood & separated by glands
1 36u "Sodium" 4 28-34m 5 6-14m/? 9 40-43m, wb As if this whole function of life was first used in counteracting ordinary chemical laws- 10 A) 3-6m/!/4u "of \ organic", 12-17m/ 13-15w remarkable 16 <& wt How is this to my theory (& parasitical insects) 3-8m, 6-8m, 10-16m/xv like diseases proof of relation of man to other animals 24-26w great change 26-27m 17 4-13m, 24m 18 36^12m/w poor 19 wtll-Alw NB in the growth & ground of reformation of those simple animals in which any part out of will make new individuals the ordinary growth must be nearly same as true reproduction. & the theory may probably be extended to all organisms l-10m(5w poor llwfo Yet a snail will reproduce its head!-21-26w^a There must be some wider difference between ovum & bud.- wb There must be in the bisected parts organs sufficient to keep them alive & then any part may be reproduced.- 20 /& 38a "adaptation "/c "end"/w/ (as the effect of ) * circumstances 23 12-15m/w well seen in Zoophyte buds 34-38m, 40-44m 24 a> wt now in a bud we must suppose there is one old particle of old organized structure.- a filament of old nerve l-22m/7-8w very good 38-A2m\41u "anencephalous monsters" 25 a> 3-5m, 6-8mj7u "by\dream"I9w bad comparison?? wb<s> The inherited structure of brain must cause instincts: this structure might as well be bred, as any other adapted structure- 26 9-13m 27 38m 28 32-36m, wb Combustion, I shoud think, was strongest analogy to live.— instead of heat being produced by the action, life - * 30 a 27-32m\30x\u "those\ life", wb X The vital principle produces the organs.- as the latter vary, so must the vital Principle. 31 5u "indispensable"/5-6w deep water sea-weeds! 33 26-28m, 30-32m/?, 35-40m/w I suspect false 34 10u/? "transferred" 39 23-25m/23u "organiclalso" 41 20-22m, 32-
[page break]
in (Note p. 1661) German Translat. of
1661 Rudolphi Beitrage zur Anthropologie,
treats of Species & Hybrids -
p.1671 List of good Books on Races of Man
List of good Books
♦ 1144 frowning
NB2 870; 928; 931; 934 Book on Expression; 936 to 950; 965; 1038; 1071; 1086; 1090; 1110 to 1117 to 1125; 1144 & 1150 Expression; 1148; 1169; 1229 Appendix p8; 1233; 1236; 1245; 1262; 1311 Expression; 1315; 1318 Instinct; 1328 do; 1335; 1339; 1344; 1347 to 1364; 1384; 1399; 1400; 1405; 1407; 1421 to end Best abstract against metamorphosis which I have seen
♦ 1335; 1339; 1347
Expression 933,34; 1311 See Passions,
Index; 1328; 1351 animals & man's mind
compared; 1399; 1144 frowning short
sighted people close eyelid & frown
928 Consensual movements - at birth in
935 instinctive walking (Heredetary easy flow
of nervous force to certain muscles) Q 939,
943 Q
946 Definition of instinct. 947 - 949 - 950
on importance of Coordination. Q
Müller Phys 2d vol
965 Rudiments of toe in Horse & Pig do not
touch ground
1344 Instinct Q - 1347 innate ideas - 1361
1405 Argument that monsters not due to
imagination of Mother, (good)
1407 on temperaments of the old writers
shows rubbish.-
1425 A Polype is a multiple of all that is
necessary for development of individual
1437 A good sentence in relation to
reproduction in connexion with superfluity for
own Life a> in relation to Doubleday
1453 Tape-worms either bend & fertilize
themselves or two unite - shows how
important crossing must be as pollen of later
dichogamous flower wasted & so with
1454 Tendra is it Bryozoon? sexes distinct
1458 Rudolphi has enlarged on sexual
difference in his Beitrage Pang
1478 Imperfect Spermatozoa of Hybrids 1569 Membrane of egg agrees with membrane of uterus (Mem Fish coming to have Placenta 1592 On how far true that all embryos
resemble each other.
1596 on embryo Torpedo increasing in
weight in womb (a sort of Placenta * 1597
(striking case of Passage)
1599 great difference in 2 species of
Mustelus & in placentation
1610 Relation of Vertebrae in Fish to
embryos of higher animals
1622 Sharks have gills during early part
alone of embryonic life
Definition of Species
On the two causes of Variation: innate & external
characters fixed by long intermarrying (over) Passions
870 26-43m 928 wt N.B The summing up in this chapter good 3-15m, 16-19m, 41-42m/ 42u "be I habit" 929 4?/u "of birth"/w instinct 931 31-38m 932 8~17m/12-13u "any action" 933 wt what makes a passion? 6-15m, 25-29m 934 wt%, 2-8m, 2-3m, 4-5m, 5-8"...", 41-42m (Huschke) 935 24-39m, wb this bears on instinctive walking The nervous fluid flows into habitual channel 936 23-26m, 33-37m
3-9m/6-7u "There I mind "/8-9u^, 34-36m
14-16m, 15-19m/15-16u "the production", 16-20m, 17-19m, 23-24m, 29-31m 939 25-32m\28-29"..." 946 25-22m/"...", 36-38m 947 17-18m, 23-24m/u "the form" 123"..., 24-25u "unison I action"\25-28wyet upon some education 948 4-6m, 23-27m, 25-27m 949 20-22u+>, 20-22m, 23w (a) 31-32m, 35u "decapitated", 35u "were spasmodic", wb These are hereditary in Horses paces.- 950 18-21m/18u "the I movements" 965 43-44m 1046 6-7m 1071 9-11 m 1086 3-35m 1088 wt Q to p. 1162 1089 34-36m/36u "convex I Crustacea" 1090 2-4m/3u "three modes" 23-28m, 25-27m, 29-31m 1091 19-21m 1092 l-2u "mosaic\ instrument", 2u "concentrating\ organ" 1099 2-3m 1110 6-7m, 28-30m, 38-42m 1111 7u "pupil I opening", 10m, 21-22m, 23-25m, 32-33m, 34m, 36m, 38-40m/38u "perception" 1112 4m 1113 4-5m, 9m/u "the cornea", 9u "in general", 15m, 21z, 23m, 27-28m, 33m 1114 6-8m (Milne-Edwards), 8u "Callianassa", 9ua, 10-llu^, 13-Uu "the\cones", 17ua, 23m, 24m, 28m, 33u*, 36m, 39-41ml40u "namely I humour" 1115 l-2m, 7-9m/8u "man\ generally", 19-20m, 22-24m, 25m, 28-29u "larvae I eyes", 36-37m 1116 3-4x, 7x\u "the\ oblong", 9x, 37-39m/38u "more I body" 1117 22-22Q 22-24m, 24-26m, 37-38m, 42-44m\44u "rudimentary state" 1118 13-15m, 28-30m/w Have they lens for images 1119 29m, 36m/ ^'characteristic of" 1120 5-6m 1123 24Q 26-27m, 28-30m 1124 22-23m 1126 6m/u
[page break]
42m, 33m, wb Plants going to sleep without the stimulus of darkness strongly analogous to a voluntary action from a diffused nervous system. 43 8-10m 46 25-33m, 34-A2m 47 wt Look at differences of variation propagated 2-5m/??, 9-27m 48 34-39m 51 20-23m 54 wt in savages no cause apparent, [an ourang more ear? 5-15m 56 4-22m, ll-12w curious
25-27Q 31m/u "torpedo", 38-39u<+, 40u "of\ distributed", 41u "gymnotus and", 42m
6u "hundred I nerves ", 9-10u "branches I superficially", llu "without", 18u "nervus vagus", 20u "intercostal nerves" 72 13-43m 73 wt Vitality is to ternary compounds, what electricity is to binary - 3-9m/l 76 31-37m 89 26-27m 90 l-3m/?, 23-28m/25-26u "torpor I time", 34z 92 30-35m 107 20~22m 141 21-25m 144 37-43m 145 8-13m 158 wt it shows, I think, that * same external form may be arrived at from two very different courses of generation l-6w it is an extreme case of analogy 165 33-38m, wb Hence prototype aquatic 192 34-38m 193 22-26m 198 14-30m, wb therefore habit of general movement of body would act on the heart- 203 18-21m 225 20-25m, 33-37m/35u "suchtgallopavo" 290 26-30m/l-39w But it does not follow that any cancerous particles are in the blood to be attracted. 28-37w Transmission of varieties is answer enough. 38-44m/w Rose-gall &c &c wb It is less wondrous that each new structure should reproduce itself if cancer does 295 17u "tetnbrio"Jw tenebrio? 298 3-6m/w impregnated? 302 23-30m (Rathke), 42-48m 303 22m 320 2-22u> Hence greater complexity of structure in early than in later stages. 13-23m (Geoffroy) 350 12-15m, 20-25m/w what has pouting to do with respiration 351 9-25m, 20-23w crying imagination disgust 27-38m 352 l-4m, 11-33m/21-25w urine from fear! 353 26-27u " oblongata \ nasal"/25-30m/w established by habit 32-35m/w analogous to tickling 37-39w not alae of nostril? 354 35-44w/wb in playing a tune are the fingers connected with brain? or cerebellum wb why more difficult than any instinctive movement. 364 22-23u "Nutrition I reproduction", 23-24m, 26-35m 365 29-30m, 30-34m 373 34-36m, 42-43m 374 2-25m 395 31-38m 399 l-10m/8u "but I while", ll-24m, 28-34m 400 40-42m 401 2-23m, 27-38m 402 2-30m 403 6-22m, 14-43m 404 4-22m (Dugès) 407 32-33m 410 28-30m/28u "it \ transparent", 32-33u "affinity]surface" 412 37-39m 416 3-5m 431 25-30m/l 447 32-41m 448 30-37m 460 2 0-17m, 34-39m/39u "and I ornithorhynchus " 468 4-7m 469 23-33m 473 15-18m 486 27we 487 7-12m/? 489 3u\w£ 499 30-42m (Cuvier)
500 l-2m 513 32-33m 514 wtee, 4-6m/5u "1.14 to", 27w 484 515 34-35m 568 8-12m 570 36-*2m 572 34-35m 624 l-5m/w* would a blind man have sensation of light 8-10w nerve aborted 680 23-27m 686 22-24m 698 2-6m, 23-33m, 38-40m 699 25-27u "radiation I cord", 27-33m, 34-37m 713 30-36m/w Infant winking see how old Willy was 33-36m^, wb Pretend to poke a man in the stomach, he will ward off. quite involuntary. Mr Wickham. Surely this must be custom 714 32-Alm 715 wt Bell wrong l-3m, 4-10m/ 6-llw 2 sets of nerves for same end 13-15m 716 4-9m/5-18w but why does it not excite • instead of this misadapted movement 717 wt the eye would not work 5x, 18-24m/19x, wb x it has been said that respiration, also, subject to the will - Habitual movements show that any may become reflective 718 14-23m 719 37-42m\38-40u "there\action", wb the connection here is hypothetical why not custom? 720 2-2m, 12-24m, 14m/u "some\ communication"/14-16w surely custom wb I think Dr. Holland has some remarks on the connection of instinctive* reflex & habitual.-721 wt XX May not a movement be said to be instinctive, when it is become reflex, without connection with true sensation, at least accompanied by conscience ll-20mj 14XX 724 26-34m 727 20m "warming agent"'/w heat not light 730 26-32m/23-29w* Hence there is some such conclusion 30-37m, wb This makes my notion about effects of passion &c very hypothetical No 735 35-41m 739 29-34m 740 10-15m, 23-25m 747 39^43m 748 2-39m 762 28-30m, 39~44m\42u "tickling" 763 5u "reflection I brain" 778 38-41m, 39w Cockatoos wb expression of species of genus same? 786 29-23m 791 30-37m 793 23-36m 794 9-30m 818 19-44m 819 l-14m, 29-37m 820 15-24m 822 34-42m/34-36w/wb I suspect all this is not so certain from the obscurity of sensitive plants. 823 ll-12x/u "it\ matter" I wt ? when habit becomes heredetary?? 9-17m/ll-12xx, 17-18m/?!, 20u "dreams"/20-21w memories .-. ? dreams 24-42m, wb curious coincidence of thought with my notion of hinge of shell &c &c &c 824 5-44m 825 9-42m 836 23-26m, 23-31m, 31^1m 837 3-24m 846 31-39m/w in reference to tumblers 36-40m Catalogue 2 6-7m (M. Allen) 2 wbtt
vol. 2 NB1 None hardly worth buying see
Coll of Surgeons
p.1458 Reference to book on secondary
male characters -
p. 1478 Wagner Physiologie on Hybrids - &
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"cornea \ body" 1133 l-3m 1144 13-15m/w opposed to frowning theory 1145 24-26m 1148 38u^, 39-40m 1149 25-26m/u "voluntary \ iris" 1150 6-9m 1159 13-14m, 19m, 32m 1169 3-12m, wb The case of chickens shows how inappropriate the expression of dream is to this instinct - it is a habit. 1129 31-33m 1230 l-4m, 30-32m 1233 24-29m 1236 25-2 6m 1245 22-27m VLSI 34-43m 1262 19-23m 1311 10-llm/llué? "the eyelids"/6-llw I shd say Habit, no in infant 1315 8m/u "rudimentary\ bone", 28-30m, 28-29m/29u "human I rudimentary"'/w I believe in Negro more developed 32-33w Bentham law 1318 17-20m 1328 19u "may\unperceived"/16-26w Has remarked this with all senses, bears on habitual actions not being perceived 1335 18-22m/18u "germ I parent"/ 19-20u "merely I plant "/?/21u "only I organised " 1339 23-26m 1344 26-30m, 30~35m, 42-43m 1345 5-7m/5-6u "The I consciousness" 1347 22-27m 1348 l-5m, 8-9???/8-12w savage has power ll-13m, 32-33m/33u "distinct power" 1351 21-33m/21u "human\ able"', 30-31u "and I speech"'/28-33w V. Ld Brougham & Althorp 42-44m/44u "are I notion" 1352 5-9m/ wt if there is 'abstraction' on smallest scale, it may graduate into the highest - 7-9m/8u "image(constant", 30-40w this does not apply to animals doing things for first time 1353 2-6m, 18-19u "but I reaction" 1361 25x, wb x In the case of the Dray horse, there is, he wd say, no intermediate step, by generalising or abstracting that function retards movement &c &c - but simple association - 1362 22m/u " special \ memory" 1364 28-30m/30u "but\ relation", 31-33m, 40-43m/40-41u+* 1399 20u "ennobling I form", 23u++ 1400 26-36m 1405 15-19m, 27-30m 1407 23-26m, 32-35m, 42-44m/42u "temperaments" 1421 19u±/17-20w I remember Owen doubted this. 1424 19-26m 1425 5-6u<-+/3-9m/w good expression 1426 18-21m, I2u*, 20u "a force", 25-26u "formative power", 32m/u "formative \ latent", 36-37m/37u "then I manifested", 40-41m/40u "formative \ cytoblastema" 1427 34-37m 1428 2-5m, 26-27u "But\may", 27-31u±/29w (a) wb (a) differs in duration of life = non-metamorphosis or less variations 1435 10-25m, wb I have to treat simply of variation by gemmiparous & sexual generation 1437 22-25m, 22w "force", 23-26m/23u "differs I fissiparous", 29-30m, 36-37m 1438 7-13m, 33-35m 1439 13-16m/15u "gemmation \ division" 1440 30-34m 1444 36-38m 1445 l-9m, 7-9m, 10-17m, 10-12m, 18-19m, 30-32?, 33-34m, 37-43m 1447 7-9m 1448 29-20m, 29-22m 1449 2-3m, 33-40m 1451 22-29m 1452 22-
32m, 23-24u "notion I inadmissible", 30-31u "some I alone" 1453 5-7m/u "each (independently", 21-22m/21-24w like dichogamous flowers 30-31m/31u "Once I tapeworm", 38-39m 1454 4-6m, 12-13m, 25u "includes\ sexes", 26-29m 1455 ll-14m, 18-35m 1456 28-29m, 40-42m (R. Wagner) 1457 27-32m, 37-39m 1458 12-14m/12uh, 41-43m (Rudolphi), 44w Poor Book 1459 4~6m, 31u "but I internally" 1461 31-33m/33u "but\ atrophied" 1462 42-43m 1463 2-2m 1464 9-10m/9u "mlembryo" 1478 wt z) not more peculiar * to hybrids than to Mongrels 26m/ w z)? 21-25m, 27-29m, 30-32m, 34-36m (R. Wagner), 34-36w analogue to Digitalis 43m/ wb Coll. of Surgeons 1479 l-10m/4-7w are these dioecious? 35-36m (Meyen) 1480 22-24m 1481 30-34m (Geoffroy, Cuvier) 1482 37-40m 1502 25-26m, wb the conditions which allow free propagation of leaf buds will yet prevent flower buds 1504 5-24m, 18-20m/19u "down I stock" 1506 25-28m 1516 29-33m (Rathke, Reichert) 1520 2 6-19m 1531 16-17m/ 16-17U "fishesltype", 38-39m 1553 18-19m/u "the\arches" 1555 zb 1566 20-22m (Prévost and Dumas) 1569 2-4m, 17-19m 1570 34-35m 1586 42-43m/43u "3 \slits" 1589 26-28m, 27-28m 1592 2-6m, 10-12/llu^, 13-15m, 19-21m, 22-24m/23u "unaptly I branchial", 25m, 28-31m, 34-37m, 38-41m 1593 20m/u "are reduced" 1596 7-22m, 34-38m 1597 2-3u "human\sharks", 3-4m, 15m/u "Mammalia\ Man"/w always contrasts them 1599 6-10m/ 7-8u "genus \foetus" 1610 25-27m, 37-38m 1613 42~43m, 44u "which\abortive" 1614 5-22m 1615 22-24m, 32-39m 1616 wb All this section had perhaps be better reread 1619 34-36m 1620 2-3m 1621 2-3m, 3-5m/5u "early I embryo" 1622 33-35m 1624 22-27m (von Baer) 1629 32-36m 1630 20-23m, wb ones wonder is lessened, + at selection making an eye, when one sees how eyes are really formed 1632 39-41m 1633 20-22m (Huschke), 34-Alm 1639 23m, 32-38m 1640 9-11m, 13-14m 1650 28-A0m 1661 14-18m/17u "certain invariable", 19-25m/l, 27-29m/29u "another genus", 30u "natural repugnance", 36-38m, 39-42m (Rudolphi, Prichard) 1662 6-9m/8u "varieties] faculties", 12-14m, 16?/u "races''/17w individuals 20u++, 26-28m/26u "is I species", 31-34m, 39-42m 1663 2-8m, 19-29m, 27-30m, 31-35m, 37-40m, 44u "also\ education" 1664 2-3m, 9-12m, 14-21m 1665 1-20m, 37-42m 1666 22-23u "caused propagation", 35-44m (Vrolik) 1667 4-7m, 9u "ossalone", 18-20m, 29-30m, 33-35m 1669 25-28m, 42-44m 1671 32m (Vrolik), 34m (R. Wagner), 38m/u "R. Wagner \ 1840" 1675.a
[page break]
66m 1675.b 2m 1688.a 56m, 57m 1701.a 22-36m appendix, 1 xvt 0/ 8 19~27m (Retzius)/ 21w gradation 28-31m 10 7-9m*
Supplement Recent advances in the physiology of motion . . . [ed. Baly and Kirkes]; London; Taylor & Walton; 1848 rd, sx
NB 111 Rud. uterus in Males Q
23 î\16x/u "crystalline" 26 12-15m 60 î\20-
17mjw Now there has. Newport 111 1Î22-6m/
MÜLLER, Johannes Über die Gattungen der Seeigellarven Berlin; K. Akademie der Wissenschaft [Down, I]
MUIR, John (?) Supernatural religion 2nd edn, 2 vols.; London; Longman, Green & Co,; 1874 [Down, I] p
MURCHISON, Roderick Impey The Silurian
system 2 parts in 3 vols.; London; John
Murray; 1839 [CUL]
ci, fo, gd, geo, gr, is, mi, se, sp, sx, t, ti, tm,
vol. 1 NB X means Species Theory 18; 104 X Curculios & Neuropterous insects in L. Coal.; 109; 111
116 In reading an account of the Carboniferous formations - the variety of beds on which the whole rests & the thinning out of certain portions - the footsteps in New Red &c &c show how many partial elevations like East Indian Archipelago -
140; 151; 160; Read Chapt 13 again with sections; 183; 186; 189; 200; 205 list of good sections in Ludlow Rocks; 211; 230; 233; 235; 243; 244; 245 18 18-24m/w compare with coasts of Patagonia in the map appear like isld in the map- 104 21-25m (Buckknd), 29-31m 109 33-38m 111 ll-15m 116 24-30m 140 l-31m 151 33-37m 160 23-28m 183 14r-17m/w Do they reappear in the Carboniferous 186 6-14m 189 4-8m 200 27-22m 205 14~23m 211 3-9m 230 33-38w/wb p109. look back to Malvern ? several other instances occur of reelevation of lines/volcanic eruptions. & on simple lines of violence 231 32-35m 233 24-20m/w Curious analogy with Falkland Isd the sandstone there resembling Caradoc sandstone 235 24-32m 243 22-25m 244 27-33m 245 19-24m 246 20-23m, 26-39m 247 2-7m, 22-29m
vol. 2 NB O Species Theory 256; 260; 262; 271; 273; 277; 278; 283; 291 Bedded trap, worth visiting; 299; 360; 374; 400 how curious the connection of sandstone caradoc at Falklands with quartz; 407; 421; 426; 482; 491; 515; 517; 522; 534; 553 & 554 & 557 On range of Mammalia; 560 do; 564; 569; 572
256 6-21m/ll-13w rather faulty 260 22-25m 262 2-22m, 7-23m 271 lOw Perr fig.41.rn273 l-6m\w I much suspect metamorphosed dikes 277 25-30m/w Cordillera same case 278 29-31m/w analogous to the copper mines of Chile 283 4-20m 291 30-42m 299 2-8m 360 18-25m, 26-33m/28w V. p. 362 362 32-39m 374 ll-15m/15w V. p. 377 377 22-24m, 24-28m\24w see p. 378 378 16-21m, 22-28m 400 5-9m 401 l-5m 407 25-38m 421 22-28m 426 l-6m 482 10-15m 491 25-29m 515 5-9m/w this shows the withdrawing power of the sea 517 12~15m, 23w i.e. islands 522 6-32m 528 8-10m, 24c/zue 533 3-5m 534 37-39m 536 8-1 lm, 9-14m 553 20-22m 554 9-22m, 25-27m 555 25-26m (Strickland) 557 wb Mammalia on both sides of channel dividing England good instance to remove difficulties - they might have been before united. 560 21-24m 564 15-22m 569 9-26m 570 20-22m, 32-38m 571 3-5m 572 6-22m
vol. 3 NB 583; 584; 585; 589; 665; 666 eyes in Cymothoadae, sexes of Q; 671; 701 583 20-43m 584 5-35m/25-29w if seas less divided this would follow 585 8-17m/10u "true I transition", 28-31m, 33-36m 589 4-6m/ !! 595 31-39m/33-35w only analogy? 665 2-25m, 29-32m 666 32-37m, 33-44m 667 43-44m 668 wb Nesocila 669 20-29m, 30-33m/ 33u^lw from me?! 671 14~16m/15w Falkland Isld 701 33-42m P
MURCHISON, Roderick Impey The Silurian system (from Edinburgh review April 1841) [Down, I]
MURPHY, Joseph John Habit and intelligence 2 vols.; London; Macmillan; 1869 [CUL, I from publisher in vol. 1] af, beh, ds, he, hl, mhp, ig, no, oo, pat, phy, si, t, tm, v, y
vol. 1 NB p. 215; 233; 237; 238; 241; 253; Carp 258* Man*; 263; 265 294- contractile Sarcode with muscles-Hypothetically there must be diffused nervous muscle in lower animals & even Plants - 304 Surely + in fish we have
[page break]
gradation to bone from cartilage?- Other
301; 303; 307*; 322
a> 339 Causes of difference in number of
offspring - Ratios of increase & Struggle for
Existence. See H. Spencer, Principles of
SB-* I.
233 Medusae will root & develop polypites
• of Ungulates alone bear horns
Tissues of all Vertebrates homologous 241 Serial Homology ought to precede Homologies between distinct species.-
247 on Difference in no of cervical vertebrae
in different Mammals.-
253 differentiation of tissues & organs mark
of Highness
265 The young flowers which swim vertically
retain primordial condition & so may be said
to reverse-
294 on possibility of transitions in tissues -
(see M.S. notes at end of Book)
301 Homologies of Trachea - Mucus-sack
322 striped muscles common to Vertebrates
& Invertebrates, cd have been derived from
common ancestor for wd have been too
215 17-20m, 36-37m (Huxley) 233 34-38m (T. Hincks) 237 22-24m 238 18-23m, 24-27m\w%
239 18-21m 241 ll-20m 247 5-19m 253 l-5m
258 l-5m 263 ll-16m, 18-23m, 28-37m
(Huxley) 265 29-35m/-> 294 1-llm 301 29-
25m 303 16-25m 304 35-38m (Spencer) 305
13-17m 307 4-18w* This seems all rubbish
35-38m 320 1-lBw Look at the greyhound
See dorn, animals 322 ll-17m, 27-29m 323
28-30! 339 21-29m/17-27w Death falling on
young more probable selection
vol. 2 NB p. 2; 186* read; 187 ♦; 190*
SB -» Vol. 2
p.2. forms of Blindness in which iris opens &
closes & yet no transmission of light.-
v 3m viii 2m xiv 8m, 21m xvi 25m 2 35-37m
59 24r-31m 186 37-39m 187 33-36m/34u
"selfishl contentious" 188 l-6m, 12-17m/14u
"are fidelity", 26-30m 190 31-36m
MURPHY, Joseph John Habit and intelligence 2nd edn; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1879 [Down] no, sp, v
NB 241 Delboeuf
Law of Equality of number of vars & species
MURRAY, Andrew The geographical distribution of mammals London; Day & Son; 1866 [Down]
MURRAY, Andrew The geographical distribution of mammals London; Day & Son; 1866 [CUL] ad, at, ch, gd, geo, h, sp
NB All on Geographical Distrib.
♦ no explanation of adaptation-
p.8 Change of dogs in W. Africa
17 error
19; 20 & 30 & 32 Glacial
34; 36; 38 to 56 Man; 57 do; unimportant
126; 138; 140; 144; 151; 155 Reindeer of N.
America; 197; 209 Glacial; 213; 216; 261;
312; 314
8 33-A2m 17 28-30m 19 26-23m 20 15-23m\ 16-17W I dispute 30 23-27m 31 3-8m 32 26-32m 34 23-28m 36 6-20m 38 39-42 m 39 26-28m 40 9-22m 42a 32-38m (Malmgren) 42b 33-38m 43 8w Spain 45 34-41m 56 27-22m 57b 36-42m (Pickering) 59a 22-35m 59b 38-43m 126 2-25m 127b 35-43m (Falconer), 46m 138 25-29m, 22-27m (Lund) 140 6-10w Dr HayesO says now a native of Greenland 144 20-27m 151 32-36m 155 5-8m 197 31-35m (Cuvier and Owen) 209 22-36m 213 31-43m 214 7-10m/l-9w This theory does not account for affinity of American & Indian genera. 12-23w Same species being accorded 2 distinct Indian lines will account for their similitude 39-Alm 216 7-24m 261 2-8m 312 2-7m/3-4? 314 5-24m
MURRAY, Lindley An English grammar 5th edn, 2 vols.; York; T. Wilson & Sons; 1824 [CUL, pre-B, on B, S Robt FitzRoy 1831]
vol. 1, 218 4-6m 219 23-26m 220 2~6m, 26-32m* 221 14-18m*, 27-30m, 31-33m 222 2-3m, 5-9m, 10-llm, 13-15m 225 22-23m 226 24-24m 228 22-29m 229 2-20m 395 25-26m 396 29-30m 397 3-5m, 15m, 19m 398 5-6m vol. 2 p
[page break]
NÄGELI, Carl von Botanische Mittheilungen 2. Band; München; F. Staub; 1866 [CUL] ad, af, cc, ch, che, es, et, ds, em, ex, f, gd, geo, h, he, hl, hy, ig, in, mhp, mn, no, oo, or, pat, phy, si, sp, spo, t, ta, tm, ts, v, wd
106 Von Baer - believes Bee on its own
type higher than Fish
210 He has 2 embryos in his possession
that he cannot tell whether they are
Mammals or Fish or young Birds - (good to
211 The more different 2 animals, the further
back we must go to * find similarity. (I
believe date 1828 see last number. Must
have preceded M Edwards
214 The embryo of higher animal resembles
the embryo of lower
217 Dog & Pig resemble each other - still
longer Pig & Cow
219 & 220But embryo of Mammal more like
mature fish, than embryo of Fish is like
mature Mammal
221 Arrests of Development well established
for Monotremes
228 The higher the histological &
morphological differentiation, so is perfection
of type
229 Retrogression of types
231 Ruminants stomach more perfect than
267 Twisting of leaves in relation to great
size: correlation??
103 wt All marked 110 25-34m/wjwb var. grows everywhere in all soils strongest Europe - But other vars also produced (it is a polymorphic genus) 111 9m, 16-17m, 21-24m/w also Differt vars in same plant 113 10-17m 114 wt other examples as before 115 5-llm, 14-15m, 17-20m/17-25w 2 vars adapted to 2 stations rarely mixed in equal number * in both 31-33m 116 l-2m, 4-llm, 16~22m/w cases of direct action 23-30m 118 3-22mj5-12w On Hardyness of Plants 23-32w Various vars in same station, so not effect of evolution 24-32m 119 16-19m 120 wt growth of size & chemical products direct effect of conditions- l-7m/w Light on colouring matter 121 wt Alpine forms due only to want of food & not form true races 2-10m 122 25m 123 l-14m/w He argues from these facts that height no influence but these no proof - so others wb He overlooks effect of length of exposure & inheritance - 125 16-26m, 29-34m/29w Summary wb Maintains that Alpine height does not cause Large size of flowers. 126 3-13m/w My objections of
time & chance = spreading considered. 127 wt/l-19w Variation must depend on some chance relation between state of organism & certain conditions 17-19u "Ueberhauptl Ausnahme", 32-34m 128 l-3m/wt/l-20w These close species which inhabit distinct Districts *, shows how little we know about adaptation of near var - So some close species, live mingled together. Are we sure that the 2 Oaks are not specially adapted for special circumstances - 2 AnagallisO 15-16u "Primula\elatior", 23-24u++, 29-30u "die\ andere", 33-34u*^ 129 wt When alone, each will grow on wrong formation; but not in company for then I suppose competition, this looks like adaptation. l-3u <-►, 4-7^, 19-26m/7-17w says all true local vars. wd behave thus. 130 wt/l-llw All foregoing reasons do not apply to vars. arising from inner causes; but something must set inner causes into action. 5-6u "durech\sind", 25-30m/w Opposed vars. arise under cultivation 131 wt one plant might absorb different elements from another Im, l-2u "äussern] können", 18m 133 2-7m* 134 wt/l-24w* He seems to admit there is some relation between variation & extreme conditions & 2-24iü He remarks that greater size independently of good soil * never could become hereditary & constant wb Effect of grafting - & cultivation & wide range & bud-variation all show that extreme condition have close relation 135 3-20m/l-20w/wt He admits that difference of soil &c may in course of generations affect chemical & molecular constituents & then lead to changes of form - this is the same thus -23-33w as individuals differ so will results differ in fluctuating variability 136 wt a chill is direct cause of various illnesses - 2-22u? but here denies all before apparently admitted 16-33w Denies that a plant can in same bed with others absorb different nutriment * 138 15-18m, 30-34ml26-34w/wb permanence in culture in garden no test of specific distinction 141 wt Yet if these sp. were cultivated like p. Ponticum it wd no doubt vary thus perhaps not so much.- 5a/u "Alpenrose"/w Rhododendron ferrugineum 6-7u<^, 8-10m/w (a) 8u "trockenen", 8u "oberitalienische", 9u "700 \ 1300", 20-27 w similar facts 143 wt/l-lOw objects to Hooker on acclimatisation.- (He is a general objector.) 23m, 20-31m/w He tried experiments but failed with uncertain results 144 3-6m, ll-12w explains fact 149 wt difficulty of knowing direct action of conditions on account of Selection.- 2-6m
[page break]
150 wt Asks Have plants which * have long lived under different conditions different constitutions, though externally alike? He doubts 151 l-2w Conclusions on Direct action 5-6w natural Distribution 7-9u*+, 11-12u*+, 19-20u "innere\bedingt"/iv But what excites them; something must, as with illnesses- 25-34w His Causes work through chemical condition of Plants & cause direct & indirect effects 152 29-34m, wb He assumes direct effects never become heredetary.- 155 wt/l-28w He allows that changed conditions give impulse to variation; the differences in the results must depend on differences in the individuals; but these differences must have had some cause. 27-34m 156 10m 158 wt/l-23w I think here he attributes the mixed vars in same locality to selection, or adaptation wb Finally I do not see that he throws much light on * subject - Everything remains as odd as before -some good facts on Distribution of Varieties.- 164 wt/l-21w On Alps when no detritus - chemical nature of racks has influence on distribution.- 18-31m/w representative species on different soils 170 23m, 16-32w Closely allied plants excluding each other - my view 172 6-26w Struggle for existence explains well, but not new.- 174 34m 175 wt Both the Achillaeas will live on wrong soil - if only one form is present, so no struggle- 7-23m, 16-18u± 176 22-26w These sp. exclude each other according to dampness- 20-23m, 28-30m, 29-32m 177 9-13m/llw do 179 wt Thinks many plants do not grow in certain places, because seeds have never been brought there. 3-7m, 25m 180 9-22m, 24-25u "Auf\Arten", 27u* 181 22u "Kerner"/ll-13w doubt his observations 29u "Gültigkeit"/w authenticity 182 29-22u<->, 29m 187 19w I have not read 294 10-12w some close plants distinct 15-18m/16u "Mittelformen", 17u "Verbindungsgliedern", w some thus 20-21m, 25-27w says very important?? 300 12-14m 305 24m 310 25-34m, wb argues well against those intermediate forms, which are constantly or frequently found, near the forms which they connect, being Hybrids 312 wt a complete graduated row of intermediate forms may be hybrids, but such cases are rare - The exactly intermediate wd be rarer than the steps on either side. 22u "Verfechter"/w defender 313 25-29m/28-29u "zwischen] officinalis "/25-31w intermediate forms exist both Hybrids & really intermediate & constant & fertile.- 314 l-20w He evidently doubts (with reason) any * constant
intermediate form being Hybrids. 318 22m 319 wt (a) If species which are connected by intermediate forms are blended with single species the result monstrous- 5-10m/7w (a) 13-18w must be enumerated as intermediate forms- 320 7-18w these are good instances of a species constant in one place & variable in another from crossing with intermediate forms. 21-23m 324 20m, 27-20m/16-26w Middle forms not Hybrid generally inhabit nearly same districts as the forms they connect- 29-33m/w but less in number wb I presume he attributes the intermediate forms to variation 326 12ua/w Hybrid 18w Hybrid 28w Hybrid 327 2-3u "beiden Wiebergänge", 3-5w Hybrid? or middle form? 34w Hybrid 328 5w Hybrid? llw Hybrid 22-22w Hybrid 25w Hybrid 32w Hybrid 329 18-20w gradations from crossing 29-30u**+ 330 5w Hybrid 23-24u "da\vor", 30u, 32u "DasIVorkommen"'/32-34m/w not Hybrid yet intermediate 331 2-26w it seems improbable to decide whether a hybrid, which in places has become constant, or has arisen from variation of one of the 2 species which it connects.- 332 wt/l-8w another doubtful case 8-9u "Sie\acaule"', 10-15m 333 4w Hybrid 335 5u*, 7-8u "Dieses \Ursprungs", 13w Hybrid 27u "Zwischenformen ", 18u "wiederholt I Floristen "/ w not Hybrid 22-24« "fast \ der", 31-32u*+ 336 23-24a> Hybrid 24w Hybrid 32-34w True intermediate form 337 17-18w Hybrid 23-26m/w Hybrid 338 25-26w Hybrid 23u "Sie\ Uebergangsreihen", 24-28m, 30w NJot Hybrid 339^ 3-Aw not Hybrids 342 5-20m, 6-8u "welche\auftreten", 28-33m\29-31u<^ 343 32-34m/34u "entspringen I Ursachen " 344 3u "verzichten"/w delay 4-6m/5-6u<^ 345 20«*/ 10-14w most variable & graduating of all endemic genera. 31-32u "die Isind", 34u "nur I Species" 346 4-6m/w between the 3 no intermediate forms 24-32w looks at this species as in process of formation the intermediate forms not extinct 347 5-8w also Hybrids formed. 349 wt The Hauptformen are much commoner & * then the intermediates 2-3m, 4u "Die\vielen", 5u "die\finden", 7-8u "IchI von", lOu "Tausendfache übertroffen", 11-17m/w Intermediate do not extend beyond range of Haupt-formen 29m, 20-28m/w range in height rather more than Haupt-f 30-34m/m 350 14-17m/w no intermediate forms between exclusively Alpine & exclusively plain species 351 2m, 12-13m/10-15w What he has said before on Hybridism applies to * Hieracium 355 18m, 21-25m/w are Hybrids in some places 357 9-Almju "H.langesehen"
[page break]
359 Im 361 20m 362 17u*/18u "Welche\ Zwischenformen"/16-19m/w the only 2 forms previously characterized 366 2-12m/w Evidence from treatment by authors how intermediate some of these forms are 367 wt The Haupt-forms must first be settled & then the intermediate forms - (so it wd be if we possessed all linear descendants) l-3m 393 14-24w I think because as much vars of one form as of other 22-24m/22u++ 394 12-16m/ 12-14u++, 23-28m/w Constancy most important element. 396 20m 397 wt We must judge of constancy only from many individuals from many different stations.- lu "verschiedenartigsten" 399 28m 401 29m 402 ll-15m/w closely allied species exterminate each other 404 30-33m/w/wb but no great difference effect of good soil- 406 5-15m/6-7w grades of species 16-27m/w He does not believe Kerner 407 15-22m/w natural selections of genus going with power of Hybridity 410 wt/l-13w Does not believe the intermediate forms are commonly Hybrids 411 17-24m/wt/l-llw Between 2 forms either a few intermediates or a whole series of steps, & in the latter case the species more allied Xw N.B May not many of Nageiis constant intermediate forms be Hybrids, which * are constant like Gärtners * hybrid Dianthus? I suppose not.- 27u "grenzlose Verwandschaft" \27-34m, wb In these the Haupt-form, (independently of the intermediate forms) is variable, whereas in former case, when growing solitary the Haupt-formen are constant 412 13-15m, 21-25m/22w examples 413 wt We have, also, variability in the first individual planting Constant as in Vine-tendrils - or occasional i.e. sports, or bud-variations Xw We have protean or chaotic species nowhere * constant - species constant in places but connected by few or more intermediates, & true species not thus connected.- it looks like a process of exterminating the intermediate links.- 28-31m, wb His grades of affinity graduate into each other.- 414 20x/ wt This shows that conditions have certain effects 17x/wt The chaotic forms in places have fixed characters 9-llm/w Hybrids & intermediates absent in certain localities 22-16m/w examples 15-20m, 22m, 28-31w mingled vars. adjoining & representative vars Distinctly-inhabiting vars 415 5-6u "hängt I dasein"/3-6w This refers to true species 22-I4u "entweder\sind", 15-22w so much 2 plants mingled, generally so much more synodically distinct 19-21w & therefore can live together 21-23m*, 30m/wb Close*
species of same genus tend to exclude each other.- 416 4-7w representative forms. 6-8u "oftldie", 20-21u*/21-22u*/19-23m/w more forms adapted to different stations 25-27m/ wb These forms sometimes found mingled, sometimes as synodic or representative 418 wt/l-lSw Constancy alone will not decide what forms to call species; for many finest varieties are constant & Jordans species wd all have to be admitted. Comes to what I said amount of difference deserving a name. 20-22u^, 28-34u^ 419 2-2m, 27-22u "Sol Zeiträume "/17-33w a species depends on degree of relationships (or difference from) other forms. 420 24m 421 22m, 22-27m/w all the forms which are connected by intermediates cannot be united as a single species.- 33-34u "doch\sind", wb "generally sharply defined" must be admitted as part of definition of species!! 422 ll-29w Rules cannot be applied to forms inhabiting distinct areas. 423 33u "Zwischenarten", 34m, wb Ought to be so designated, so new term 426 32m 427 3-4u^/6u "bleiben I Hauptformen "/wt/ l-6w Thinks the variables & intermediate forms extinguished by competition. 22-24m/ 22-23u "Gattung I Entwickelungsprocesses ", 23-32m/25-29w The glacier is a stream, though one does not see the streaming 33w examples
NÄGELI, Carl von Die niederen Pilze in ihren Beziehungen München; R. Oldenbourg; 1877 [Down]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
NÄGELI, Carl von and CRAMER, Carl
Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen 3. Heft; Zürich; F. Schulthess; 1855 [Botany School]
NASH, Wallis Oregon: there and back in 1877 London; Macmillan & Co.; 1878 [Down, S]
NATHUSIUS, Hermann von Abbildungen von Schweineschaedeln zu den Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere Berlin; Wiegandt & Hempel; 1864 [CUL, S]
NATHUSIUS, Hermann von Vorstudien ßr Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechst am Schweineschaedel 1 vol. & vol. of tables and plates; Berlin; Wiegandt & Hempel; 1864 [CUL]
cc, ch, cs, ds, fg, fo, gd, he, ig, in, mn, no, pat, si, sp, sy, t, tm, ud, v, wd, y
NB & 103; 104; p133 use; Use Q®>
[page break]
Nathusius Schweineschaedel
(over) A (not CD except X and ♦»)
Nathusius p. 2
p.104 X«^ The culture, shape of skull does
not depend upon race most different races
have it, yet most seem crossed with the
p.105 x«^ about skull - dogs & Nata cattle
106 but common swine have not the short
113 the Diploe different in wild & culture
races. Extremest culture-skulls
131 x1^ Great Yorkshire race - probably
crossed with Indian, has all its characters.
wonderful changes incisors do not touch, not
monstrosities for all inherited (««%*>, CD)
133 X^ articular surfaces of condiles of
occiput modified head not much used
case for brain not much changed
all these great changes only a climax of those seen in wild boar races
all house pigs belong to the above two races
138 X^ 1/32 even 1/64 of Indian blood is sufficient plainly to modify the skull
great differences in the ears &c &c in the 2 great tribes
all Indian Swine introduced into England have short ears
X%> Q Berkshire swine of 1780 is quite different from that of 1810 & since that time 2 quite difft races have borne that name
All the new English breeds seem to have Indian blood
142 Sculptures in Herculaneum shew no
doubt that Neapolitan breed then existed.
this breed & Andalusian & Rutimeyer's grau
bundtner race are all like Roman therefore
like the Indians
144 Roman probably is a cross from the
146 is not convinced that the turf-swine was
wild, but will not dispute it - 147. gives
reasons why with swine difficult to tell - 148
in India wild cross with tame
almost certain that turf & Indian closely allied
curly swine with curly wool in South East Europe from lower Hungary - closely allied to Indian
153 Japan swine in skull is near to Indian.
157 certainly stands near to short-eared
Chinese race.
(over) Used» (CD)
(over) 160 Nathusius
Rutimeyer has shewn that N. African wild
swine is like European
163. S. verrucosus excluded 164. S.
Celebensis skull like Past
165 S. vittatus from Java like skull like
166 S. Timoriensis close to vittatus
167 in S. barbatus tho' with long face,
lachrymal bones are short
S. lucomistax from Japan like S. vittatus
Am wild Pig A (CD)
173. Summary on wild swine
175. Diagnosis
185 wild Boar of Hindustan
(over) Ai ♦<» (CD)
Laws Nathusius Pigs 1
p.2. X Gestation earlier in Culture-races &
features less matured
20 - teeth developed in well-fed races
63 S. scrofa - tamed races - * greater
height of head in relation to length - in all
dimesions broader - p. 66 - all differences
variable 68.- in tamed intermediate in
character between young & old wild explain
changed shape by less use of scratching in
The position of rows of teeth a central character.
Much intermediate variability.
X» In these swine beginning of changes more plainly seen in culture-races-
These swine in Russia & all over N. & central Europe.
76. Difference in length of Ears- hair-colour, length of limbs & shape of body all different. Indian
(not CD; X^CD)
77 Almost all now crossed with Indian; not known wild, comes from China 83 Shortness of lachrymals most remarkable character
86 and the shape of the palate & position of row of teeth
89 position of last upper molar- 89 X Considerable slight differences in teeth - 90 width of fore part of palate does not depend solely on divergence of pre-molars 91 X skull broader in relation to length than in common swine
94 Indian swine a distinct species if no
reference made to domestication. [«^Culture
95 the above Indian pigs not more affected
by culture than common swine
99 X Berkshire not high culture race & descended from Indian, a born dispeptic individual had skull much modified & legs
[page break]
elongated, & period of appearance of the
teeth & crowns of molar teeth affected.
103 rich food during youth gives short &
broad head
103 X in high culture races the incisors
stand much higher than back teeth; the
canines of upper jaw stand before the
canines of under jaw & this is a most
remarkable anomaly.
2 Zm/w period shorter in the early matured races, gestation different in sheep & swine-In early culture races of swine, the young less matured in skull *: perhaps from crossing with Indian. 3 16m, ÏÏ4m 4 î\5-lm/w change of skull from growth to adult comes from elongation of front part of skull & separation of the 2 laminae 20 Ïïl5-10m/w teeth developed earlier in well-fed. culture-races than in common pigs. 23 l-2m 27 20-23m 63 6-8m/w - in tame i.e. face shortened. ÏÏ2-2m 66 1\4-lm/w differences in these swine from wild are variable. 68 1Î20-15m/w common swine's skull intermediate between that of young & old wild swine ÏÏ25-lw/wb Explains differences by primarily wild swine wholly living by rootingO & using greatly the muscles attached to back of head- entailing that other differences in skull by action during youth - lays great stress on this view.- Mem. he does not here refer to Culture-races.- 71 Zw a * constant difference in flexure of row of teeth * in common & Indian swine or their crosses.- 72 ÎÏ22u "kürzenldes", î\15-10m/w individual variability 74 12m/u±, 10-13m/w In these swine beginning of changes, which are variable, in teeth which are greater in culture-races 17-20m/w wild swine with simple teeth 75 ÏÏ26-23m, î\4-3m/u±/w such swine in these countries 76 6-7u "Ohrlängel Rippen"/w of these swine with same skull these parts differ & can be selected 22u "lang Ikurzohrige", 24u "osterlogisch\ begründet", 25-27mJw He formerly placed some of the short-eared races in this class, which have been crossed with Indian. 77 9u "indischen Hausschwein", 10m/u*->, î\8-3mjw almost all cultivated swine crossed with Indian ÎÎ2u "nur\Culturrasse"/w not known wild 78 14-15u±/14-18m, î\5u "zwei"/w Few skulls exist only 2. 79 2m/u "chinesischen Hafenstädte", 1\5-lm/Uu "Chinai 14" 83 îtS-7m 86 10-15m/w shape of palate or space between teeth different in Indian & wild tÏ24-22m 89 3~4m, 13u "bedeutende Verschiedenheiten"/w considerable slight
differences in teeth 90 6-8m/u±, 12-16m/w width of fore parts of palate does not depend solely on divergence of premolars ÏÏ22-22m 91 1« "ist I zur", î\6u "Hausschwien sind", Îl5u " in \ geringer m" 92 8-lOw Breadth may have been graduated. 14u "Kürzel Breite"/m/w no trace of these in common swine.- ïïlu "eine\Schweine" 93 lu "dassl im", 3m/u "Breitel Gaumens" 94 5-12m/w concludes that Indian race descended from distinct wild species & this wd be admitted by Zoolog, if no reference made to identity & domestication 95 20m, ll-17w The above Indian pigs not more affected by culture than common swine before described.- not highly cultured race ffS-7« "und l Jugend", \t6u "einen I aller" 99 15-18w Berkshire not very high culture race, skull & descended from Indian.- ÏÏ26-23w A Dyspeptic individual from youth ÏÏ10-9u±/w skull thus modified by want of food - Can this be Reversion? 101 ÏÏ4-lm/ÏÏ4-3u "Kopf\geworden", 1Î2« "ernährtenl geworden" 102 20-22m/w Period of teeth appearance & structure affected in this dyspeptic pig. 103 4-7m/w division of crown of molar teeth affected. ll-Um/u**, 16-20w & Do not use their muzzles because ringed t6u<^, ïïlm/u/c/wxe, wb see p. 130 104 5-6m/ w Proofs 9-12m/9u "langohrigeIRücken", lOu "dieselwie", 15-22m, 1\9-3m/w Nata Ox 105 l-8m/w Offspring vary in shortness of head according to keepO 17-19m/w says not hereditary!!! 19-21m/w happens with our cattle & sheep 23u "Egelkrankheit", ^14-12m\ w Bull-dog analogy *ll-5m/w argues this does not contradict his explanation of want • of Snout 106 l-2m/l-4m/w common swine like wild-Boars have not this short head 23-16m/w probably might be gained, by progeny of common wild Boar. 19-21m/u++ 108 23m/a "Form" i.e. short-head 112 3u "Stirnhöhlen", 4m/a "Schwein" in cultur pigs 4u "Entwicklung l aber" 113 4-7w Diploe different in wild & cultur-races 130 9-llm/w p. 103 î\20-5m 131 8-10m/u±, 21-22u++, 21-30m/î\3u "Gehörgänge" 132 2u "Augenhöhle", ÏÏ25-23m/ w do not touch 133 4u++/m/w all inherited î\20u "Gelenkfläche"/ÏÏ20-15m/w articular surface condyles of occiput modified -> ÎÏ4-lw because head not used 134 Zw can affect Brain? Very similar 135 9u "nurldort", 8-12m/w All these great changes only a climax of those seen in the races like wild Boars. 14u/wx, ÏÏlO-lm/w two Races 136 3-7m 138 ÎÎ25-23m, î\12-8m/w Argument for Indian Race being parent of Domestication ÏÏ4-2m/ w All these differences in pure European & Indian Races 139 ^14-llw Siam & China all
[page break]
with short-Ears 1t9u "Siam", 1\4m/u "Rassel Pallas", ftlm 140 1\5-2m 141 14r-19m, ÏÏ10-7m 142 ll-16m/llu "aus Herculaneum"'/w Neapolitan Breed! 143 2-5m/4u "Andalusien", 6-9w All these like Indian llu "Graubiindtner", 12u/wx, ÏÏ26-25u "doss \steht" 144 19m/u "romanische Schwein" 146 tÎ22-10u++/til2-6m, ÏÏ12u/wi, ÏÏ5« "wilder"/w is not convinced that turf swine was wild 147 ll-16m/w wild swine in fertile plain joints different Ïïl9~14m/w turn out tame when stock of wild reduced 148 7-14m/w In India wild swine cross much with tame î\19-14m/w Rutimeyer difference between wild & tame born generally correct, but must be received with caution with pigs 1Î23-22u± 149 la "Formen" Turf & Indian l-3u±, 5-6u "Die\ Gaumens", 10-12m, 15w Not certain 16-17u++, ÏÏ26« "des indischen"'/w only for Pallas ltl3-12« "alle I Japan", ÏÏ8-7m/u++/w not certain for E. India 150 7w curly Hair 12u "südöstlichen Europa ", Ïïl4m/u "sogenannten I Schwein", ttl2u "aus Ungarn", ÏÏ4« "Niederungarn" 151 l-3m 152 8-10m/w like Indian 153 ÏÏ25-23«, 1t0-7k "Der\bekannt" 154 2-8w Gray makes it a distinct genus 1Î24-23m/w "das \ nahestehend", ÏÏ5-4m, ÏÏ2u "weiV'/m/w Indian swine has not forked snout 156 3-9m, ÏÏ14~12m 157 1Ï7-5m 160 4-6m, 10-13m, 15u "Nilinseln"/16u "Aegypten" 115-17m, 19-20? 161 1Ï24-23U "das \ ähnlich", ÏÏ6-4m/w doubtful 162 13-14m, ïïlO-lrv Gray not to be trusted in the least 163 7-9u "kann I nahe", 14-18w whether Hindustan & European different not yet known.- 114m "S. verrucosus"/ w Excluded as parent of our domestic Pigs 164 Its« "S. celebensis"/Ü8-lw skull very like that of S. verrucosus & not parent of domestic 165 5m, 1Î23« "S. vittatus"/w different from European & like + Chinese skulls 166 17-18m/u "Sus\vittatus", ÏÏ20m/u«-> 167 22-23u "dass I Wildschwein"/w though with long face 14-17w argues that .-. specific character in Chinese 168 3-5m/w in general appearance like S. vittatus ll-13u±/m/w but in these respects liker to S. vittatus 19-20m 169 5-Sm, 7u "Typus I haben", î\8-6m 170 8-9u "dass\Thränenbäns", Ïïl9-15m, ^14-8m/w no proof that wild 171 wt/l-2m if Am Pig is feral shows constancy of character of Indian Swine 173 Ïï10-lm 174 "5"-"7".m 175 Xm, u± 176 Xm 179 lm/u "Das Ikurz" 183 7-8m/u "männlichen I Cochinchina ", ÏÏ5-3u "Eckzähne I gleich" 184 15-lSm, Î!l4m/u "ächten Maskenschwein ", î\6u "Breite I Gaumens " 185 lm/u "auch\von", 7-lim, ÏÏlOu "sind\ europäischen", ÏÏ9-8m, 1Ï6-3m 186 Xm Atlas Taf. II, "10".*
NATHUSIUS, Hermann von Vorträge über Viehzucht und Rassenkenntnis 2 vols and Supplement; Berlin; Wiegandt & Hempel; 1872-80 [CUL]
es, ds, f, fg, he, in, pat, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, ud, v, wd, y
vol. 1 NB 8; 26; 63 Descent; 64 Horse; 135 Sheep Case Q
title page wt Horn of Sheep 8 4-8m/l-13w now so many no such need 21 20m 26 9-17m/w False the Chili ones are cross between goat & sheep 24-30m/w swine distinct. 28 20m 35 24-25m 47 20-22m 50 22m 59 31-34m/32w/wb (a) individual differences 63 5-9m/w females more like males most variable ll-13m, llu "eigentliche Représentant"/12u "welches I Universellen" 64 2-22w can Long Horns be Reversion to wild state?- See Antelopes 18-20m/16-20w castration stops Horn in Sheep (a) 3-32w castrated rather late - the effect may be known when done earlier - castration ought to produce greatest effect. How with Welsh sheep on both sexes - but then they end wb (a) Is there not here curious relation & evidence of Horns retaining more of S. Lex. character than in cows - in as much as the females of some breeds have no horns? In Merino is white males alone are horned. 68 3m, 5u "ganz gleich"/4-7m/w Free-martin horns like oxen - ! 69 12-16m/17-18m/12-19w Food makes differences of period when adult character attained 21-22u++/21-24w even when capable of reproduction 71 24m 93 wt (a) early & late maturity depend in part on food of pregnant mother & milk, & partly on race.- 4m/w (a) 7m 94 25-33m/3-34w proportion of 3 stomachs altered in highly nourished young 98 24m, 16-21w early maturity only slightly hereditary 99 3-Sm/w Treatment alters period of gestation 18-25m/ 21-28w related to early maturity & 1/2breeds show hereditary 100 wt individuals differ in profiting by same amount of food 4-20m 102 23m 109 17-18m, 27-29m/27-31w castration causes less consumption of food.- 112 2m 118 25-31m/ll-31w Rule of male or female transmitting certain parts false- 122 19-27m/ 15-28w Merino sheeps tails cut for years & not inherited. 127 2-3m* 135 25-30m 140 2-6m/wt/l-3w of same race individuals transmit with greater power 19-20m 142 5-10m, 13m, 15-23w Does not believe in individual potency of transmission 145 24m 158 4m 166 27m
vol. 2p
[page break]
Supplement "Kleine Schriften und Fragmente" Berlin; Wiegandt, Hempel & Parey; 1880
iii î\15x/u "249-264" Inhalt "93".m, "179".m &
NATURAL HISTORY 2 vols, of plates; London; Whittaker; 1824-26 [Down, pre-B]
THE NATURALISTES LIBRARY ed. W. Jardine Ornithology vols 9, 14; Edinburgh; W.H. Lizary; n.d. [CUL] beh, cs, gd, hy, mg, sx, tm, v, wd, y
vol. 9, Pigeons; SB Qß
117 Carpophaga oceanica excrescence at
base of Beak sexual
178 Wilson & Audubon on rice in Pigeon
crops at New York
90 23-26m 113 21-30m 117 18-23m 136 20-
23m/w9 140 l-5m 144 9-llm, 12-15m 146
23u "Orkneys" 148 5-6m 151 19-23m 153 12-
15m, 24-31m 157 12-17m 158 10-16m 160 5-
9m 161 6-8m, 15-17m 164 22-23m 179 l-5m
vol. 14, Gallinaceous birds; NB 203 205 P
166 169 Argus Pheasant
129 Turkeys associating. 3 sitting on one
138 wild often crossed with tame
173 Siberian or Russian Muffler with tuft
from lower jaw
184 Gallus forcatus
126 17-22m/Q 127 l-10m/2-3u "strut I feathers"j6u "'strutting\puffing 13-40 128 27-19m 129 27-30m 138 6-16m, 10-15m 139 2-3m 140 l-4m 141 15-19m, 28-29m 166 20-25m/22u "feathers I inches" 167 12-15m/13-15u "being I flight"/"...", 18-24m (Temminck), 27-29m 168 3-7m 169 2-3m, 7-22m 171 2S-22m (Temminck) 172 l-18m/3-10w Malay 22m/w Sultan Persian 25-26w X Bearded crested 173 5-8m/w Bolton Grey Siberian or Russian Muffler. 10-llw This Dorking is baby one 17w The true Dorking 26-28w A cross from the Silk fowl 174 l-3m/w Jap 25c "Crested" Frizzled 175 24-25u "with I chestnut "/12-28w Resembles the black breasted Red Game 176 2-6m 177 7m, 12m/w nonsense x 23-14m/w J right I think 17m/w pumilo is crested 21-22m/w Sebright not a Bantam 23m/w not near wb x Crawfurd says from Japan, on what authority? 178 llm/w Malay pi. 9 w tail purple 183 wt Mr Blyth says positively a hybrid between G varius & ...? wt N.B G. varius is distinct from G. furcatus or does he mean only Synonym?? 184 wt When Blyth
says not furcatus does he only mean that G. varius is prior name - I suspect so.- lOu "with \ entire"/w yes 22w "single] springing"/w yes 22u "they I red"'/xx wb xx if G. furcatus = varius this utterly wrong description.- pi. 10 w Feathers on neck short & rounded Crawfurd says wretchedly unlike 185 23-24w so will a pheasant 188 7u "the\margin", 9-lOmjlOu "mottled I markings", 15-20m (Latham) 203 9-12m/llu "feather I feet", 13-14m, 15u "morelfeet", 15-17m 205 22u "3 Hong", 21-23m, 22u "The\length" pi. 19 wt* 237 zt 251 3-5m (Dickson)
NATURAL SCIENCE, religious creeds and scripture truth by "the author of the Divine footsteps in human history"; Edinburgh & London; William Blackwood & Sons; 1870 [Down, I by publisher] p
NATUURKUNDIGE Verhandeligen van de hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, te Haarlem Part 3, 3rd edn; Haarlem; De Erven Loosjes; 1878; containing FRITZ, Hermann Die Beziehungen der Sonnenflecken [Down] p
NAUDIN, Charles Nouvelles recherches sur l'hybridité dans les végétaux Paris; 1862 [CUL,
es, fg, he, hy, no, sp, t, v
151 Pangenesis - good on Hybrids being a living mosaic of 2 species & on specific essence of each (this is vague term) being accumulated & self-alternatedO either in ovules or pollen-161 Definition of a species-title page wt Nouvelles Archives du Muséum /Tome 1 p25 27 4w Father; Mother 20-22m/ 20-21u "turbinéeIovoïde" 29 25-26m 30 2-6m 32 23-28m/w First generation flowers of both colours & panachée 33 lu "bandes Ipourpres", 2-3u "quelquefois \ couleurs" 36 l-14m/3u "deux"/7u "un cependant "/lOu "dix-sept"\13u "uni maturité"\10-18wgiven in full in Chapt 27 on Pangenesis 22-31m/23-25w Pangenesis 37 7-20m 41 25-28m 42 25-20m 45 28-30m 47 5-7m/l-8w ? yet most distinct species 15u "fleurs Ifertiles"/!!, 23-30m/w action of pollen good - like Hildebrand's facts 49 7-13m/13u "influenceIannihilée", 24-25m/w like my sweet pea case Ch. X 25-31m/26-31u±, 31^> 50 l-3m/lu& "qu'un quart"/2w Loevis 4-6m, 9-10m/9u "hybridité disjointe" 51 l-6w He does not say the seed was separated, only other capsules
[page break]
produced the two forms 19-23m 53 22~25m 54 16w Sweet Pea 22-24m/!!!/18-24w* Polyanthus & Cowslip one of grandchildren returned to pure Cowslip 58 8-17m 60 29-31m 93 28-31m 99 25-30w/wb He admits the L vulgaris grew near !! & yet advances the case as one of Reversion- He never counts seeds! Seeds were forgotten & other neglegences & never apparently protected from variation Careless experiments in every way.- 100 12-14m, 25-29m/w colours not blended 113 8-22m 126 12-17m 127 3-6m/5u "pas I embryonée" 131 17-20m 135 20-32m 136 8-14m 137 9-llm, 13u "la \ année "/13-14w crossed with common none were peloric 22-24m/23u "cinq légaux", 24-25m/u "alors I présence" 141 14-lSu "l'hybriditéI ovules"/w confirmed 142 8-llm/10u "un\ovaire", 17-19m, 21-23m, 24-25m, 27-29m 143 23-27m/ 23-25u "car \ vertu" 145 3-8m 146 6-9m/6-7u "une(génération" 147 23-27m (Klotzsch)/23-25w Reciprocal Hybrids like each other 148 6u "intermédiaires", 7-9u "Vimmense]espèces", 18u "c'est I tort", 19u "au \ père" 149 22-22«; prepotent species 12-14u "dont \ espèce", 24-26u "la\hybrides" 150 22-26m/21-28w/wb If so this pollen of a hybrid placed on one of parents or on third species wd give widely different results from Hybrid fertilised by the same. 151 lu&> "deux essences", 10-16u±/10-llw Pangenesis 29-35-> 152 lu "les hybrides", 13-18m, 20-23m, 25-28m 153 22-24m, 26-22m 154 19-23m, 28-31m 155 l-4m, 32-35ml32w loevis close 161 9-24m, 15-18m, 26-29m
NETTER, Abraham De l'intuition dans les découvertes et inventions; ses rapports avec le positivisme et le Darwinisme Strasbourg; Trenttel & Wurtz; 1879 [Down]
NEUMAYR, Melchior and PAUL, Cari Maria Die Congerien- und paludinenschichten Slavoniens und deren Faunen Wien; Alfred Holder; 1875 [CUL, I]
cc, ch, ds, dv, gd, geo, gr, ig, oo, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, v
NB1 All marked very important on direct effect of conditions-NB2 p57
57 25-28m/w like Hyatt 30-33m 84 40m 90 2-3m/w gradual slow changes 45-55m/45u "viele I Typen "/48-50u "Viviparen I müssen "153-55u± 91 36m (Lyell) 93 26-28m/29m/17~35w Is vehement that it is arguing in a vicious circle to call all forms which can be connected by gradations the same species [true but useful or necessary for systematic work.] 95 22-
27m/23-25u "dielsind", 27-32m/30-32u "dassl
Gestalten", 36m, 41-45m 97 26-31m/28u
"Austreten I Formenreihen "/30u "variiren I
Abänderung", 33w 3 species of new genus 34-39z/39w 3 species 43m 98 9u "Reihen", ll-12u "während I slavonischen", 13u "mehrfach Ammoneen", 17u "sondern l lieber gänge", 20-21u "dassl feinsten", 31-40m/31-35w each form in a successive bed. 52-54m/53-54u*+ 99 Im, 20u "aufIX", 19-22m/w Table of Descent 47-48u^, 49-51m/50-52u "einel Hauptverbreitung" 100 3-4u "während l auftreten", 4-12w Looks as if periods of rapid variation & then of rest, but denies. 25-27w modification goes on in same district. 32u "kein", 32u "innerhalblstattfindet", 33-34u "Auftreten lMutationen", 33-40w a row of forms divides into 2 rows only in separate districts 41-46m/42m/45w an exception 101 wt just what I have said 3-5m, 18-19u "von lhin", 20u "die\ Variationen", 21u "erhalten sich", 24-27m\27u "dielnicht", 30m, 32-33m/33u "so \ Auge", 35-38m, 40-41u "Verdickung I Sculptur" 102 2u "Verdickung I Sculptur"/3u "Unionen"/4u "Dickschaligkin"/l-5w in a distinct genus, (showing effects of conditions. 7-10m/8-9u<^/12u "Einwirkung I suchen"/8-13w in a different district another series of forms. 18-24m/14-22w Thickening of shell in small pond to be due to water becoming more fresh. 30-34m/30-32u++, 36-37u "Nurlangenommen", 46m 103 19-23m, 40u "abgeändertenlwird", 41u "constatirtl können" 104 lu "innerhalbIihrer", 4u "vonI bekannt", 16-17u "dasslReihen", 18-22m/w fail on sea because we do not have whole area 33m, 42-45m/43u "Mealnopsis I nachgewiesen"'/45u "JahrbAHeft" 105 Im, 19-20u "betrachten l Formenkreise", 20-21u "wiel Verbindung", 50m, 51-52m/51-55w same kind of variation in several distinct forms 106 2-3m/l-5w same var. at very distinct periods
NEUMAYR, Melchior Zur Kenntnis der Fauna des untersten Lias in den Nordalpen Wien; J.C. Fischer; 1879 [CUL, I] fo, geo
NB 45 Parallelism of Ammonites
45 8-18m
NEUMEISTER, Gottlob Das Ganze der Taubenzucht Weimar; B.F. Voigt; 1837 [CUL] beh, es, f, he, oo, ta, tm, v, y
NB 4,6
SB aß
[page break]
Dovecots do not like Fancy Pigeons
Crosses very fruitful
21 In young white bars nearly red & true Q
character remains only till 3 or 4 years 24
Nearly parallel case
29 odd heredetariness in Trumpeter
31 Hinkei flight-feathers doubts Q
PI9 Never seen yellow or red Fantail
title page wt A working man enquired all himself; Laugher a> Finnikin Spanish rust not mentioned » Frill-back i ll-12m 4 9w 20-24 years 8-10w These fancy races 6-8 years age.- 12u "Holländerknopftaube" 17 wt 17 5u/ wi, 10u/wi, 13u "GesellschaftIzahnen"'/12-14w Dovecots do not like fancy pigeons 18 8-9u "Es I Tauben "/6-9w House Pigeons crossed with Fancy very fruitful 21 13u "schwarz"/ ll-16w correspondence in age 18u "gewöhnlich "/19-20u "der I schön "/[.../18-22w in young the white bars are rust-red & perfect character remains only till 3d or 4th year old 22 12w shell-shaped cap 13m/14m "Muschelhauben"/13-23w cross at back of Head top of head white upper & lower Mandible different colours 23 ll-12w * This seems rather different 22« "etwas grosser", 13u "BrustIOberrücken", 14-15w Head smooth white tail flight feathers & feathers on feet white 17u/wx 19-24w These have strongest shell-shaped caps of all Breeds-runs down half neck 24 5-8w In young the white feathers are first edged with colour llw Spot 25 lu "wegen I kurzen", 5u "Schnabel Ials "/w I see this is mine 26 7-llw I have now written descriptions on plates 27 Wm/w Blue 23w (a) wb (a) called Riedel Polish Pigeon 29 2wx, 2-9w Mr Gilbert will back one of his to travel for 1/4 of hour 7u "einen I Schnippe", 16-17m/u "dochI trommeln"/ Qä>, 17-18u "OhneItauben", 18u "noch\gut", 19u "Altenburgische" 30 24u± 31 l-2m/lu "Schwung)"ender I doppelte", 4u/wx (all plates.w (descriptions of varieties of pigeons and doves))
NEWBERRY, John Strong The structure and relations of Dinichtyes Columbus; Nevins & Myers; 1875 [Down, I]
NEWTON, Alfred Zoology London; Society for promoting Christian knowledge; 1874 [Down, I]
NICHOLSON, Edward An elementary treatise of ophiology Madras; Higginbotham; 1874 [Down, I] >9
NB 0/
10 Gradation
10 l-22m 29 22-25m
NIEMEYER, Felix von A textbook of practical medicine revised edn, vol. 1; London; H.K. Lewis; 1871 [Down, FD]
NIEMEYER, Felix von A textbook of practical medicine vol. 2; London; H.K. Lewis; 1871 [Botany School, F.D.]
NILSSON, Sven The primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia 3rd edn, ed. with introduction by John Lubbock; London; John Murray; 1868 [Down, I] h, oo, t
NB I a universal law that strong tribes extirpate weaker; 104; 248 1 26-30m 104 2-9m/w identity of man under similar conditions 248 29-31m (Lovén)
NITZCH, Christian L. Pterylography ed. Philip Lutley Sclater; London; The Ray Society; 1867 [Down] no, tm, y
NB 39*; 110*; 16*; 13 numbers of feathers; 14 young birds 13 40-43m 14 8-12m
NOGUEIRA, A.F. A raça negra sob o ponto de vista da civilisaçâo da Africa Lisboa; Minerva; 1880 [Linnean Society of London, I]
title page wt as Mark wb 233
NOIRE, Ludwig Der Ursprung der Sprache Mainz; Victor von Zabern; 1877 [Down, I] p
NOIRÉ, Ludwig Die Welt als Entwickelung des Geistes Leipzig; Beit; 1874 [Down, I]
title page wt Prof, of Mainz
NOIRÉ, Ludwig Das Werkzeug Mainz; Diemer; 1880 [Down] p
NORDENSKIÖLD, Nils Adolf Erik The
voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe London; Macmillan & Co.; 1881 [Down] ss
NB 97 Sexual Selection, dogs 97 ll-23m/ll-21[...]
NUSBAUM, Jozef L'Embryologie de Mysis chameleo (extract); Warsaw; n.d. [Down]
[page break]
ODART, Alexandre Pierre Ampélographie universelle ou traité des cépages 2nd edn; Paris; De Dusacq; 1849 [CUL] ad, br, ce, ch, ds, gd, mhp, no, oo, or, sp, sy, t, ta, tm, v, wd
SB1 18; 20; 34; 41; 43; 48; 51; 54; 55; 70*;
70; 72 to 84; 107; 228 variation; 243; 244
taste &c &c varieties besides common
peculiarities resisting wind another quality
early fruits - age at which it produces; 254;
268; 327; 362; 397; 401; 429; 436; It is
striking how many varieties there are, & how
some seem to do better in one province
than another
SB2 266 Journal Geolog. Soc»
42, 44, 48 of immense numbers sown, rarely
new variety produced.
on classification of grapes - 74 p. 80 wd like descent if possible p107 is possible (p244 Sub-families)
same grape has round & oval berries Q 78 Simon (like Van Mons) cannot think all came from one Parentage (Ch. 2)
227 grape like dry, but apt to rot when ripe
p243 slow to * breed but ripens fruit early;
fruit resists long-continued humidity; attracts
wasps<&*<&; p254 apt to be broken off
bunch - resisting wind & 254 More attacked
by insects 362 Early excited by April sun /&
& so killed by Frost
243 & 254 & 362
327 a Grape more than. 600 years old.-
397 seeAi leaves turning yellow when fruit
429 Pulp adheres slightly to seed 436 in
other case turning red, at lower part of
(All Quoted)
18 4-8m (Dussieux) 19 17-20m, 30m 20 l-3m 34 l-2m 41 29-30^, wb very few & yet thousands sown; applicable to domestic birds 43 23-30m (D. Simon) 44 3-5m, 22-30m (Rozier) 48 4-9m 51 19-24m 53 22-23w* 600 to 800 54 5u "aüIhuit", 6u "un\cultivées" 55 l-3m 70 l-3m/xvt/l-7w Wants to make classification natural 4-9m, ll-14m, 16-18m, 19-24m 71 15-18m/16-17u<^, 26-29m/Q^ 72 3-Sm 74 16-19m 75 12-14m 76 13-19m 78 17-25tn/w like Van Mons on peas 79 20-21m/ 20u "où I trouver"\21u "sur I la" 80 24-25m 84 12-18m 85 22-24m* 107 2-3m "ce\toujours", 10-22m, 21-25m 227 1Î2-lm 228 l-3m<-, 2-4m 243 20-21m 244 ll-16m/13-14w Subfamily 254 18-19m/19u "cet \ fragilité", 28u "passeriller\ guêpes", 29u "cette espèce"/w raisins? 268 l-2m, 8-llm 327 2u "pluslsix",
8-llm 362 26-29m 397 23-25m, 25-27m 401 5-10m 429 7-10m 436 4-9m
UN OFFICIER DU ROI Voyage à l'isle de France Neuchâtel; Société typographique; 1773 [Down, pre-B]
NB 8 use of broom for cordage - Pliny 8 last paragraphs 170 1-bm 173 l-2m, 4-7m, 9-16m
OGLE, John William The Harveian oration, 1880 London; 1881 [Down]
OKEN, Lorenz Elements of physiophilosophy trans. Alfred Tulk; London; The Ray Society; 1847 [Down] p
OUR BLOOD RELATIONS; or the Darwinian theory London; Sipkin, Marshall & Co.; 1872 [Down]
O'NEILL, T. Warren The refutation of Darwinism Philadelphia; J.B. Lippincott; 1880 [Down]
ONTARIO, Province of Annual report on agriculture and arts for the year 1872 Toronto; Hunter, Rose & Co.; 1873 [Down]
OPPERT, Gustav On the classification of languages Madras; Higginbotham & Co.; 1879 [Down, I]
ORD, William Miller On the influence of colloids upon crystalline form and cohesion London; Edward Stanford; 1879 [CUL, I] phy
NB 31; 154 bears on concretionO in worms 31 14-19m 154 29-33m 155 l-9m
ORDINAIRE, C.N. Histoire naturelle des volcans Paris; Levrault; 1802 [Down, pre-B]
ORMATHWAITE, John Benn Walsh
Astronomy and geology compared London; John Murray; 1872 [Down]
NB 0/
ORTON, James The Andes and the Amazon New York; Harper & Brothers; 1870 [CUL] beh, br, che, gd, no, phy
NB 1/4 of Plants near Quito are Compositae colour of flora due to chemical rays 103 107 Geese not breeding; 283♦ 103 3-6m, 20-24m (Herschel) 107 21-23m 283 l-5m ♦
[page break]
ORTON, James The Andes and the Amazon 3rd edn; New York; Harper & Brothers; 1876 [Down] ex, fo
NB 154 Extinct deer fossil in Amazonia 154 15-17m/15u "deer"
OSBORNE, J. The horsebreeder's handbook London; Benjamin Clegg; 1881 [Down, I]
x 42-44m
OTLEY, Joseph A concise description of the English lakes 4th edn; Keswick; 1830 [CUL.1900]
NF (prob CD) Sept 24 1830 Kendal
OVINGTON, John A voyage to Suratt London; Jacob Tonson; 1696 [CUL, pre-B] gr, is
NB 69 72A*
69 Floating Isd 100ft long & broad covered
with grass about 4 leagues at sea -
69 12-I4w<& See p. 64. probably 4 leagues
from shore 14-18m 72 6-15m 448 l-3m
OWEN, David Dale Report of a geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota 1 vol. with vol. of illustrations; Philadelphia; Lippincott, Grambo & Co.; 1852 [Department of Earth Sciences Library, I by f.D. Dana] fo, ig, ir, sp, sy, ti
NB Think what wd classification be if only
Eocene fossils had been unearthedO
p.50 Fossil • Lingula
p.198 Nebraska - some of Leidy genera
very intermediate - *
p.571 do. Nebraska intermediate mammals
50 14-19m 19^ 5-17m 199 2m/u "eocene", fll-> 200 8-16m 571 ÏÏ3-2m
OWEN, John Pickard [i.e. Samuel Butler]
The fair haven ed. W.B. Oxen; London;
Trübner & Co.; 1873 [CUL, I, S]
NB 52; 40 an halln.; 51; 134 judgemt 179 do
(some editorial marks in text)
OWEN, Richard On the anatomy of vertebrates 3 vols.; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1866-68 [CUL]
ad, af, beh, ch, em, ex, fo, h, he, hl, ig, phy, r, rd, ss, sy, t, ta, tm, v, y
vol. 1 NB 168; 170; 179
SB1 Vol I Owen
331 Eyes of Fishes in Lancelet & some
other as simple as in the lowest craniaO;
342* range of gradation great in F. & R.; vol
I; 354 Electric organs; 358 similar action with
xxxvi; 254; 345; 378; 393; 401; 409; 486,7;
492,7; 533 Wolffian glands Man; 543 551
567 - Regrowth for Chapter on Inheritance
-; 576; 588; 589 sexual selection; 609; 611;
612; 615 sexual sel.; 616; 640
SB2 Qß •«■ (not CD)
Owens Anatomy of Vertebrates Vol I 1866
p.xxxii Rudimentary & nascent organs.
Cases of fins becoming rudimentary in old
254 Gradation between homocercle &
heterocercle tail - also in embryos.
345 On air bladder in Colitis aiding organ of
378 Six modifications of structures of teeth
in fishes, 2 sometimes in same fish or each
in same tooth.
393 On egg feeding serpent with mouth
without teeth but with vertebrae acting as
teeth in the gullet.
401 Dicynodonts approach mammals in
having growing tusks, besides as in other
reptiles being implanted in a socket.
409 In an extinct crocodile the teeth can be
divided into canines, incisors & molars.
on the persistence of an embryonic structure of the branchiae in certain low fishes.
on an accessory breathing organ in the climbing perch.
492 Structure of air bladder in fishes. 497
551 Drawing of the female Surinam toad
with eggs on back
588, 576 Gradation in reproductive organs of
609 Embryonic characters of fishes
permanent in sharks.
611 Metamorphoses in fishes.
640 On transitory tooth in young sharks &
lizards for cutting through egg
xxxii 10-18m (Tiedemann and Vrolik), 19-25m xxxiii 3-6m, 6-10m xxxv 7-15m, 21-27m xxxvi 2-7m, 27-31m xxxvii 14u "selective" 9 12m, 26m 12 28m 14 29m 15 24m 166 24-25m 167 22-24m 168 23-27 m 179 2 6-2 9m, fig.112.rn254 8-25m 331 24-29m 342 20-24m 345 19-25m 346 l-8m 354 1-Sm, 19-23m 355 29-36m 356 25-32m 358 31-42m 378 12-27m, 23-27m 393 17-33m 400 38-41 m 401 l-5m
[page break]
409 7-12m 486 17-32m 487 l-6m/fig.325.m 492 35-43m/fig.327.m 493 l-7m, 25-30m, 34-38m 497 13-18m (Borelli) 533 8-13m 543 7-24m 551 fig.367.m 567 l-12m/llu "Anourous", 26-29m (Van der Hoeven) 568 20-22m 570 39-42m 576 4-2 6m 588 29-29m 599 37-^3m 609 5-9m 611 32^0m 612 9-2 6m, 20-34m 615 3-5«, 22-25m, 27-29m, 21-24m, 23-24u "submaxillary glands" 616 24-38m 617 3-6m 640 6-23m 646 54-56m
vol. 2 SB ♦
p.12/& affinities of Birds - greatly Modified
Birds their affinities
read as far as p. 14; 517* Tail of monkeys»;
551 & 552* Apes anthropomorphism Man;
544 & 560 to end Man
All used
258 ♦ Sexual diffrn in Beak
12 23-27m 13 20-26m
p.258 27-34m 517 27-36m 520 33-35m, 36-38m 551 27-29m/29u "mastoid processes", 31u "the\the", 32u "auditory process", 33-43m/37u "posterior I internal ", 40u "ectopterygoid I the "
552 l-3m, 13-17m 553 8-14m/10u "great toe"/
ll-12u "perhaps adaptive"/w adaptive 564 4-
25m 506 2 6-22 m
vol. 3 NB ♦
Law of Inheritance 619 Hair in foetus; 628; 624 & 630 Man; 632 & 634 to 638 sexual selection; 641; 675 Rudiment; 676; 685 Man; 687; 701 Sexual; 706; 739 Law of Inheritance; 767; 791; 746 Polygamy; 770 Gradation in Marsupial pouch; 791 Gradation in characters of Horse; Man external 236 & 244 Ear; see about external ears SB (a fragment)
323; 325♦; 336 gradation of characters; 347 <& affinities of Hippopotamus shown by Milk Teeth; 348* Relation of Horns & Canines ♦; 415 Kangaroo Ruminating; over» vi 7w to 219 read viii 7w read 17w read 23w read ix 19w read 39w read x 7w read
54 17-20m 60 28-23m 63 21-25m 71 24-29m 135 31-37m 228 l-2m/fig.l71.m 229 2-6m 236 16-29m/22u "only \ and"/23u "in I are" 243 38-42m 244 fig.189.w9245 8-llm, 12-14m (Lamarck) 260 5u "third Hid", 39-42m 261 2u "nictitating I developed", 5-9m, 8u "QuadrumanalMan" 279 23-24u "or\with", 26-30m 283 14-17m/14u "160\281", 20-22m, 43m 284 25-22m 285 fig.231.w p. 331 315 25-20m 317 3-7m 318 wt Chimpanzee 320 32-35m 321 24-2Sm 323 10-13m/10-16"..."/13-15m*/14c/15c/ 16a 325 9-20m, 21-23m 331
30-31m 336 2-7m 347 26-22m 348 3S-*2m 349 5-6m, ll-13m 415 22-28m 416 26-28m 417 fig.315.m 433 36-38m/38u "terminall short" 434 2-5m 441 36-40m, fig.345.m, 39u "follicular glands" 585 35-37m 595 7u<^/6-8m/w & so is the Porcupine 598 l-3m/w Lemuridae 34-35m 600 10-llm/llu "alonel sing", 12u "Laryngeal I Orang-utan", 13-18mj 17u "sacculi"/18u "adult males" 601 4u*, 7-20m 603 2 8-19m 619 6-9m, 28-30m, 32-36m, wb J. Müller Archiv fur Physioly 1837 624 20-22m, 31-33m 626 22-24m 627 wt Law of Inheritance lu/a "Commencing] 1855", wt when about 5 or 6 months old 6-8w ie from Jan or Feb 1855 628 40-A2m/40u "in I both" 629 4u "in year", 20-22m/21u "20 points", 24u "yearling fawn", 40u "seventh" 630 l-4m\ lu "condition \ snags", ll-13m/12u "swelling I throat" 631 3-22m, 26-31m, 42-44m/w not so sexual in char see Müllers letter 632 18-20m, 31-33m 633 18u "pairs", 19u "in pairs", 23u "not gregarious", 33u "in pairs", 35u "not gregarious ", 43u "in pairs ", 45u "in pairs ", 46u "ib." 634 3u "in pairs", 12u "in pairs", 16u "in pairs", 22-26m, 31-32m, 37-42m 635 17-21m/ w sexual? 637 6-22m, 23-30w Seems not generally sexual 638 35-36u++, 39-A2m 639 29-23m 640 23-25m 641 8-10m, 16-17m 675 fig.532.m 676 16-23m 685 38-A3m 686 3-7m\ 4u "two uteri" 687 35-41m 701 18-21m/ 21u "Lemuridae", 23u "vaginall cavity", 24u "Insectivora" 703 6-8m/7u "notlcornua", 21-23m/22u "lastIcornua" 706 3-5m 739 33-37m/ w Cattle nearly equal 746 3-9m 763 l-3m/2u "active I rut", 5-7m 767 14-23m, 25-27m 770 32-39m/33-34? 771 9-23m, fig.605.m 791 16-35m, 39^0m 792 19-24m 793 2-Am 796 23-29m 798 37-42w Say, as far as I mention -damn this 41-48m 799 3a\c€\w Man 9-22m (Darwin) 800 18-22!!/20u "my basis", 26-30m 807 20-23m P
OWEN, Richard Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth (Mylodon) London; John Van Voorst; 1842 [CUL, I] af, ch, em, fo, ig, rd, sp, sy, tm
NB 83; 97 to 106; 137; 154; 155; 162; 165;
166; 170
100 striking gradations in abortion p. 101-106
162 Sloth now seems to be a remnant of
large class - Sloth most anomalous if looked
at by itself
165 Modifications of teeth in this order
extreme - indicating low ebb & flickering of
166 approach Birds in some respects
[page break]
83 28-31m 97 l-4m, 4-6m 98 l-2m/lu "atrophy"/l-2w another term 99 9-10m 100 ll-15m, 23-26m/w entirely aborted 101 20u "fifth"/20-22m/20-25w 5th here present absent in Unau. What a gradation of abortion! 106 18-23m 137 17-18m/17u "The\ structure", 31-33m 154 32-34m 155 15-19m 162 30-32m 163 l-4m (Cuvier, Blainville), 10-12m, 15-17m 164 14r-18m 165 16-19m, 20-21m 166 l-6m, 7-10m, 11-Um, 19-20m 167 3-5m 170 19-25w Is Glyptodon in the Phyllophagous group?
OWEN, Richard A history of British fossil mammals and birds London; John Van Voorst; 1846 [CUL, S]
af, beh, ch, ds, em, ex, fo, gd, geo, ig, ir, is, mg, no, or, rd, sp, sx, sy, t, ti, tm, v, wd, y
NB Owen - Queries?
♦ p.81.-; 83,7; 99; p212 - Reference to
Corsica cavern
p441 & 432 How far are * Anoplotherium & Palaeotherium distinct; are they are as distinct as are at present the unequal & equal-toed Pach-Rum:- or rather were the two Eocene groups of equal and unequal toed animals as distinct, as present 2 groups
p245 width of tusks 160 sp.
SB1 All Introduction
It is important S. America having Mammals
in Eocene Toxodon & Rio Negro & Miocene
Most of cases animals also found in Strata
This looks as if record not so imperfect
p.151 How few skeletons even any number
of perfect Crania! though enough to make
out species
p.7,8,10; 20; 25; 31; 49; 53,5,6; 61,2,7; 74,6;
78; 30,3,6 to 91; 107,9,12; 114,7; 121; 129;
130,1,3,5; 171,3; 192; 197; 202,8; 211;
213,4,5; 220; 236; 243,4; 293,5,6; 300; 311;
341; 334, 342; 346,50,354; 359; 372, 381,5;
388,90,92,97; 413,14,18; 427,29,30,32; 436-
441 ; Over
a Owen B. Bianca. Toxodon plateum
♦ p.xxi; xxiv; p. 28; How far can close
species be distinguished by skeletons for
instance American & English Beaver
How isolated would the elephant be without
fossils ♦ How is pachydermata & Ruminanta
fall into 2 new classes not this
Mastodon & Dinotherium to connect it with
Tapir? or Palaeotherium
p.442; p. 449; p. 451,2,4; p. 458; p437,8;
473,8; 483; 488; 493,4; 499,500; 505,8; 510;
512; 514; 520; 526; 540,2; 546,8; 557
SB2 09Î <2 sheets)
xxi Dinotherium & narrow t. Mastodon
diminish distance between Lophiodon &
xxxvii - On relation of fossil to recent
mammals of same districts to xliii no fossil
Mammal in N. Zealand - xliv
<& except seal - Huxley
87. variability in rudimentary premolar in
Ursus * spelaeus
111 Badger oldest existing mammal Red
133;2 varieties of Dog * doubtful case Q
173. Domestic cat. not from F. maniculata
197. On the animals which have existed
since Peat cd form in Britain.—
212 Rabbit Bones in Corsica
214 Lagomys do & in Britain N.B variability
of Tusks of male Elephant in India is a
variable sexual character
261 Southern range of Mammoth in
America. p359 of woolly Rhinoceros in
296 Mastodon older than Elephas &
intermediate in structure of teeth
334, 342 affinity shown by rudimentary
(over) 2
394 Elasmotherium forms link between
Horse & Rhinoceros, especially some fossil
413 Fossil genera between Sus &
432 Anophotherium, remarks on rudimentary
teeth in Ruminants; young of latter approach
anophotherium.- (N.B. A form whilst forming
would not spread?♦) p. 436
540 on Rudimentary teeth in Whales, &
embryonic character in Ruminants
514 Bos longiform parent of British wild
title page wb£a 1846 xiv 31-33m xv 35-36m xvii 21-24m xx 16-19m, 29-31m xxi l-3m, 25-26m, 30-31m xxii l-3m, 10-llm xxiii 24-33m xxiv Im/w* at same time 20-21m, 29m xxv l-8m, 16-19m xxvi 17-20m xxviii 22-16w* about Tiger swimming a few miles xxxi 25-27m xxxii 7-9m, 21-27m xxxiii 19-20m (Nilsson)/w see Description to understand fully wb altogether 2. Bos Primigenius & longiform 2. Bisons priscus & minor xxxiv 25-30m, 32-33m xxxv 33m xxxvi l-5m, 6-10m xxxvii l-2m, 5w Hippopotamus 7-11m, 14-19m, 27-31m xxxviii 9-llm, 13-17m, 18-19m xxxix 10-Um, 15-16m, 31-32m xl ll-12m xlii 9-13m xliii 4-6m, 17-19m xliv 6-8w (see my Journal) 10-13m, 23-26m xlv
[page break]
3-8m 7 ll-13m 8 8m/u, 21-23m 9 18m, 20-24m, 23m 10 5-6m (Lyell) 20 21-22m 25 9-11m, 13u* "gigantic Beavers", 14u "water-mole", 17-19m, 22m 27 l-3m/3u 28 21-22m, 25-28m 31 33m 49 5-8m 52 24-26m (Cuvier) 53 23-26m, 24-28m 54 l-4m, 31-34m 55 2-6m, 27-28m (Cuvier) 56 9-llm, 31-34m 61 9-12m 62 3-6m 67 29-33m 69 15-16m, 27-29m 74 3-6m 76 6-8m, 9-14m (Cuvier) 78 10-14m, 28-33m, wb Philippi shows in shells, that decrease in size does not go with increasing rarity 79 l-3m+, 5-6m* 80 8-10m, ll-14m 81 3-4m/4u "very I exceptions ", 25-27m/26-27u "from\character" 83 24-25u "in\obliterated" 86 23-25m 87 18-20m, 21-22m/w .: direction variable? 88 20-23w firm species are hard to settle from Bones 91 9-17m 99 5~7mj5-6u "the\destructive" 107 l-3m, 27-34m 109 24-27m 111 22-24m 112 26-22m 114 10-13m, 15-16m 116 4-5Q 117 18-19m/u "the I Weasel" 121 21-22m, 33-34m 126 4-5m 127 27-30m\ 29u "Wolf \ Dog" 128 2S-32m 129 22-22m 130 2m, 5-12m, 19-21m (Cuvier, Daubenton) 131 4-7m, 19-22m, 24-30m, 32-33m 133 6-7m/6u "two I notably", ll-13m (Bkinville), 21-22m/! (Schmerling), 22u "recent", 23u "Human remains" 135 2-4m\\ (Bell), 30-32m 171 9-25m 173 12-15m, 19-20m, 22-23m (de Blainville) 178 22-29m 192 7-9m 197 22-26m 202 S-26m (Lyell) 208 22-24m (Bell) 211 26-22m, 24-26m 212 15-16m/u "osseus\ Corsica"/w See to this as change of surface 213 15-17m, 21-24m 214 8-10m, 14-15m 215 27-28m 216 4-7m, 13-15m 220 l-4m 232 3-Sm 236 2-5m 243 31-33m 244 33m 245 24u "hundred I sùfy" 261 25-27m 293 26-22m 295 17-22m 296 2-5m, 27-31m 300 20-22m, 31-32m 311 10-13m, 15-19m 334 2-22m, 9-23m (Cuvier)/w affinity from abortive organs 341 6-13m, 36-38m 342 20-26m, 33-35m (Pallas) 346 l-2m/2u "Caldy Island" 350 23-29m 354 22-27m (Pallas)/12-22w England & N. America good case of range, interrupted, with Siberia between 359 26u*/23-26m/w This is the cold animal 32m 372 8-13m 381 4-7m 384 23-25m, 28m 385 9-10m, 14m, 23-25m (H. von Meyer) 388 5-6m 390 29-30m, 33m 391 9-15m 392 10-12m, 21-22m (von Meyer) 393 2-4m, 22-26m, 27-33m 394 2-5m, 7-9m 397 2-3m, 14-16m, 19-21m, 29-33m/w 4 species in England wb ? whether Drift & Pliocene & caverns will not turn out very different periods 413 13-16m, 23m 414 25m/w Eocene 415 2-3m 418 14m/ 14-17w X analogical or real 18-22nm 25-28m 427 ll-12m, 16m, 20m 429 2-4m, 20-22m 430 22-25m 432 12-13m/7-16w Reference to Lamarcks views 16-17m/!/u "or rudimentary", 19-20m, wb Owen says young of present
Ruminants in not having horns & rudimental teeth approach Anoplotherium 433 5-12m, 31m (Goodsir) 435 27-20m 436 27-30m, 31-34m 441 wt/l-18w Did ruminants then exist in some other quarter - 2-3m, 4-5m, 9-10m/ Wu "for I Ruminant", 15-18m/18u "young Musk-deer" 442 26-28m 443 l-8m 449 32-34m 451 6-8m 452 4-5m, 13-14m, 18-19m, 29-30m/29u "The I both" 453 32m 454 7-20m, 26-29m 458 28-29m/28u 467 19-25m 468 3-7m 473 3-9m 478 8-10m, ll-14m, 18-20m, 23-28m, 29-32m 483 25-29m 488 9-23m, 19-20m 490 2-4m, 8-10m/9u*/10u+, 14-15m, 19-20m 493 24-30m 494 28-31m 495 6-20m, 29-22m 496 3-9m, 17-19m 497 23x, wb This seems whole evidence of Bison minor 499 21-23m/w now extinct? 500 12-20m, 31-33m (BelDjw V. p. 510 505 2-4m 508 18-20m 509 wt Nillson (V. Annals 1849 p. 350) makes another doubtful species B. frontosus 2-2m (von Meyer) 2-5m (Cuvier) 3x*&, 7-10m, 19-22m\ 21x^/21-22u "primüive\Bos", 31-32m/32u "species" 510 wt/l-29w NB The Rhinoceros, Elephant Hippotamus (Horse?) Bos primigenius & Bison priscus all having had such immense ranges; is opposed to the cattle of different parts of Europe being descended from several species, lu "or variety", 10-13m, ll-13m, 27-31m 511 6-22m (Ball), 30-32m 512 33-35m, 36-39m/38u "have\Bos" 513 l-2m/x^ 514 7-14m 515 6-9m, 18-22m 520 24-26/ 526 20-21m 540 25-33m 541 l-8m, 26-27m, 32u "eocene"\31-33m\ w* only probable age -> 542 5-7m 546 3-8m (Cuvier, Mantell) 548 29-33m/31u "stilUany"/! 557 4-5m/u "referred I approximated", 21-25m
OWEN, Richard Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals 2nd edn; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1855 [CUL, S] ad, af, beh, br, ci, es, em, ex, fg, gd, hl, ig, oo, phy, si, sp, sx, sy, t, ti, tm, v
SB1 91; 110; 125; 130; 152; 153; 157 to
162; 179; 183; 187; 194; 208; 211; 212; 220;
223; 236; 239; 254; 264; 267; 268; 297; 301 ;
324; 334; 339; 342; 346; 354; 399; 405; 406;
425; 437; 439; 443; 455; 459; 467; 476; 479;
498; 508; 521 ; 525; 527; 528; 537; 543; 560;
563; 565; 566; 576; 589; 603; 615; 638; 642;
643 to end
86 Union observed in Planariae
125 Hydra sometimes male, sometimes
female, sometimes both Q variable by
double organs p. 137 Qi&
151 Spermatozoa escaping from Bryozoa
[page break]
161 My notion of relation of Medusae &
179 On dioicous Acalephae
213 Synapta only hermaphrodite Echinoderm
221 Parasite of Synapta, wd seem
impossible to cross
239 On Homology of Tracheae (?) Q<&
256 Earth worm & Leech unite
264 Great diversity in having or not
metamorphosis in Annelids
268 346 In low organized classes, there is
extreme gradation in forms - Perhaps more
extinction in lower than in higher forms
297 Thinks Larvae typical of Epizoa &
425 In all insects the 1st segment is quickly
modified & most modified
439 Owen compares Embryo of Vertebrate,
of independently living to larva
443 Arachnids a short special branch,
beginning very low
455 Spiders with both pulmonary sacks &
459 Hermaphrodite Acarus 467 do
477 Solitary Ascidians of distinct sexes,
aggregate hermaphrodite
521 Lamellibranchs generally dioicous
527 Doubts locomotion in larval stage of
539 Pteropods coitus reciprocal
543 Gastropods, before Lias have simple
560 In a few Gastropods pulmonary sack
combined with Branchiae
565 Bulini make nest for eggs with leaves -
is it water tight? in Coll. of Surgeons
567 Larvae of naked Mollusc Tritonia
survived for 2 weeks in sea-water
577 Nautilus Pompilius & Spirula only
representative of the vast assemblage of old
Cephalopods - (single species in genus)
Vide p. 650 Classification
603 Belemnite combines characters now
638 No Metamorphosis in Cephalopods & I
believe none in Spiders
643 Vegetative repetition
645 all organisms alike in very earliest stage
648 Laws of embryological development
8 6-9m, 10-17m 29 39-41m (Barry) 38 32-34m 39 32-34m, 33-34m 42 34-40m 58 12~17m 69 6m, 7-8m/7u "androgynous", 12-15m/14u "small orifice"/15u "pore\male", 22-24m 86 34-37m 91 34-37m/35u "dioecious generation" 92 40-42w (renumbering of lines of text which are wrongly ordered) 93 l-6w (renumbering
continued) 1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 110 36-39m 118 27m 125 25-17'm/Q 130 7-14m (Ehrenberg and Krohn) 135 22-25m 137 14-19mlQ 150 25-2 6m, 33-35m (Van Beneden) 153 16-19m/w but others are dioecious 157 14-21m 159 22-24m 160 14-19m, 23-25m 161 6-9mj8u "few analogous"/wt/l-22w If some larvae of Beetle truly bred in this state we shd have then have parallel of Hydrozoa & Acalephae. If the male glow-worm had been like female then wd have been case. But all Acalephae-ought to have hydrozoa larvae, without the embryo be concealed in egg state i.e. either Hydrozoa or none.- p183 some have & p187 40-42m 162 2-6m 179 ll-13m, 17-18m 182 35-38m 183 5c "3" 7 7-12m 184 fig.w The Medusa first produces an infusoria planula which turns into a polyp 187 35-37m 188 l-3m 191 23-25Z 198 2-6z 199 6u "starfishes", 8-12m 208 8-9m 211 38-40m 212 34-36m 213 l-3m, 7m 216 39^43m (J. Müller) 217 8-11 m (von Baer) 220 29-33m (]. Müller) 221 ll-16w Mollusca parasite of Synapta 30-32mjw seems impossible to intermarry 36-40m 223 15-25m, 27-31m 236 l-5m 239 24-34m/26-27Q/29u "lateral sacs"/33-34u<^ 254 37-40m 255 22-23m, 25w worms couple 28-29m 256 18-19m, 30-31m 264 6-29m, 21-24m 267 21-28m 268 6-7m, 26-29m, fig.lU.w Extinction. 269 24-25m 283 33-37m 297 l-2m/ !/lu*+, 41-42m 301 37-39m 324 27-37m/w Daphnia do their females or larvae undergo metamorphosis 325 31-36m 334 l-4m 339 5-9w not adapted to active life 342 14-30m 346 7-llm/7-16w retrograde development or rather in another line, less height- 23-26m\ 26-27u "the\ varied" I19-28w because not really lowest, but retrograde developed 353 5-6m 354 40-43m 399 10-13m, 32-34m 405 29-33m 406 17-21mjw I wonder whether anyO selection 425 5-9m 437 27-22m 439 15-17mll6u "the\structure", 37-41m 443 20-25m 445 36-41m (Simon) 446 5u*, 8u "water-bear" 447 40-43m 455 23-29m 459 24a "Macrobiotus"'/24u "is androgynous"/19ua/19-22w is acquatic p446 23-26w p. 446 see fig. of.- 466 41-43m 467 36a "Macrobiotus" aquatic 37-38m/38u "hermaphrodite", 39w/wb Inhabits follicles in skin - p. 445 they swim in Pus- .-. hardly land animals 476 33-35m/ 34w% 477 37-38m (van Beneden) 479 7-2 0m (Milne Edwards) 480 29-23m 481 25-23ra 483 32-32w (Krohn) 498 34-37m 508 13-19m/w nearly terrestrial 521 35-37m 522 26-28m (Krohn) 523 2-4m, 23-26m 525 27-31m, 29-32m 527 33-40m (Forbes), 42m 528 22-23m, 24-26m, 29-32m 529 29-23m, 36-38m 537 40-41m 539 31-33m 541 2-2m 543 22-25m 560
[page break]
7m, 12-14m 563 l-2m 565 8-10m 566 9-10m/ w how transported 567 18w Tritonia 19-20m, 41m 568 30-34m 576 24u "from I types", 35-37m 577 5-6m/6u*/w Dibranchial 589 27-18m/18u "ink-gland" 603 ll-17m 605 8-12m 615 l-2m 638 21-30m/21-24w p. 466 Q 34-38m 641 22-27m 642 l-6m, 34-37m 643 2-5m 645 21-24m, 30-36m 646 25-27m 647 ll-14m, 27-35m 648 2-7m, 20-2Sm, 18-22m, 27-31m
OWEN, Richard On the nature of limbs London; John Van Voorst; 1849 [CUL] ad, at, ch, ds, em, fo, h, ig, rd, t, tm, ts, v
NB I look at Owens Archetypus as more
than ideal, as a real representation as far as
the most consummate skill & loftiest
generalizations can represent the present
forms of Vertebrata.- I follow him that there
is a created archetype, the parent of its
NB2 2; 9
2 the primal pattern of all the modifications
of a part
Man does not trammel himself in his inventions by any common type
Final causes not sole governing principle 14; 37
13 Capital comparison of hand of Mole, Bat
& Fin
33 In Elk rudimentary hoofs of use in marshy
35 Abortion of one toe variable in Ourang
39 a desire to ascend to cause of
40 On Head of Human foetus formed of
pieces for parturition not applicable? Chick
45 Horses legs & Lepidosiren good contrast
if simplicity from abortion & original
45 Only rudiment of Pelvis in Whales - 78
rudimental limbs in Boa
82 Lepidosiren realises nearly ideal
Archetype (see my remarks at end of
84 Some think falsely (I argue, that
conformity of plan is opposed to idea of
86 Alludes in grandiloquent sentence to
some law governing progression, guided by
archetypal light - &c-
99 Vertebrae of head & thorax first
103 on variability of coalesence of segments
of vertebrae.-
115 Rudimental tail proportionally longer in
embryo man, than subsequently.
2 28-30m/28-29u "essentiality] form", 35u "primal pattern", 36u<~+ 3 16-18m/17u "special homology" 8 zb 9 33-36m 10 9-22m 13 2-3m, 22-25m, 33-35m 14 3-6m 15 2-2m 30 9-24m 32 19-23m 33 20-24m/21u "dangle I project" 35 6-8m/7-8u "commonly", 10u/w£ 36 28-31m 37 27-36m 39 14-28m 40 6-11m, 24-26m 45 22w "lepidosiren"/9-23w In all these cases the tibia & fibula shows that they are simple by abortion & it is rash to argue from, about original simplicity of limb. 23-24m/13-25iu apparently aboriginal simplicity. 31-35m/34u "rudiment" wb The contrast between the 8 almost singly serial bones of Horses leg. (p8) & appendage of Lepidosiren good instance of * rudimentary & primeval or transitory stage 49 28-31m, 35m 56 10-14m/!/ lOu "return I it "/12-13u "development I point ", 16-18m 59 27-2S« "osseous fishes "\17-21w What is relation in Sharks? 78 21-29m 79 25-19m 82 33-35m 84 12-14m, 21-34m 86 7-9m, 12-17m 89 34-39m 96 39-40m 97 l-8m 99 29-36m 103 27-30ml?, 33-37m 115 6-10m
OWEN, Richard Palaeontology Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1860 [CUL] e, geo, ig, tm
NB 57 & 69 shows how important record is
70; 132; 145; 150; 152; 199 Enaliosaurians*
SB 09Î •C■
57 & 69 & 70 shows how imperfect record of
Mollusca is
132 gradation in ossification of first bones
145 generalised ancient member of Sturgeon
150 The History of Fishes indicates mutation
rather than development - good remark -
57 2-4m 69 30-33m 70 22-25m 132 16-19m/w grades 145 25-29w 150 16-22m, 31u "special piscine type" 151 20-24m 152 6-8m 199 9-22m
OWEN, Richard Palaeontology 2nd edn; Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1861 [Down, S]
25 9-24m, 24ua, 27u* 27 22-25m 28 5-6m 30 29-32m 39 9ua 54 32c/w<£ 55 2u "long", 8-10m/9u "mid", 24ua 57 lu "having I spires", 4u "deltidium", llu "internal partitions" P
OWEN, Richard On parthenogenesis London; John Van Voorst; 1849 [Botany School, I to Alexander Bain]
OWEN, Richard On parthenogenesis London;
John Van Voorst; 1849 [CUL, I]
br, ci, em, fg, h, he, in.-phy, sp, t, ti, v
[page break]
NB ♦ 13; 25 metamorphosis of epizoic
5, 6, 7, 8 Pangenesis
25-26 - Owen's Belief
64 do
75 Pangenesis - buds & ova alike
Remember that Metagenesis (generation or
growth within) blends into Metamorphosis -
any explanation for one must hold for other.-
SB1 09Î 13; 20; 25; 35; 53; 62; 64
To Owen's view, there appears to me * 3
objections.- 1st the astounding diffusion of
the spermatic force in many mosses &c
which for centuries do not breed - 2d the vis
medicatrix - nails produce over stump in
Man's * fingers, which facts blend into
gemmation. 3d facts of buds &c partaking of
character of old time, & not varying, whereas
seeds go back & take new characters.= 4th
(p26 - growth & gemmation are hardly
SB2 Qß
13 Larva of cirripede more typical of class
than Mature Barnacle
title page wb 1849 5 27-35"..."/32-35m 6 8-9ml8u "individuality I spermatic" 7 26-28m 8 22-23m, 25u "legacy \ virtue" 9 29-34m 13 4-8m 20 7-16m (J. Müller) 24 19-22m, 28-31m 25 14-17m, 21-24m/25-27m/"..."/23-27m/17-34w He uses expression that it is Metamorphosis - growth within 36m/"... 26 2-5m, 6-10m/6...", 8-22w all growth may be thus called parthenogenesis for metamorphosis gradates into metagenesis 35 29-35m 53 5-llm 62 3-8m 64 3-7m 75 ll-13m
PACKARD, Alpheus Spring (the younger)
A guide to the study of insects Salem; Essex Institute; 1868 [Down] beh, sx, tm
NB1 124 On Cells of Bees
NB2 149; 177- Mutillariae females wingless,
but in 2 species females winged; Habits of
177 28-32m 181 20m (Huxley, Latreille, Kirby,
PACKARD, Alpheus Spring (the younger)
Insects injurious to forest and shade trees Washington; Government printing office; 1881 [Down]
PAGE, David Man, where, whence and whither Edinburgh; Edmonton & Douglas; 1867 [CUL] beh, cc, ch, ex, geo, gr, h
NB ♦ Man; 55; 62 good Q; 88; 92; 98; 142; 153; 171; Extinction of old civilisations 55 17-24m (Agassiz) 62 6-8m/l-12w Tropic Dr Hayes + yet little change, not more than between Tropic of old & new world 8-13m\ 16-22w Effects on Habits of Life 88 22-29m, 19-23m 92 6-16m/9w refer to 98 wt but not through inheritance 3a "members"/3-8m 142 22-27m (Huxley) 143 2-7m 152 24-27m 153 l-5m/lw Lyell 170 22-27m 171 23-28m (Owen)
PAGET, James Lectures on surgical pathology vol. 1; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1853 [CUL]
af, beh, cc, ch, che, et, em, h, he, in, pat, phy, rd, sx, t, ta, tm, v, y
NB p. 25;32; 39 & 41 Size of Bloodvessels
through attention to part- Expression; 63;
67; ♦ I have read First 3 & last Sections; 69;
71; All read; Ch 7 wd be worth reading;
Pangen*; p. 11 ♦; p. 13*
SA (pp. 38-39) Qß
Lectures p39 & 41 On thought increasing
SB1 Pagets Pangenesis 1_<&
^ p. 11 growth of new tooth & hair by offset go for simile with cell-gemmules
^ p. 13 each hair ■*■
a feather lives its appointed time & then
p. 19 On differences in parts or cells
appearing alike as shown by symmetrical
diseases due to + matter in blood which has
affinity with those certain parts
•^ O^ 27 On affinity of each part for
[page break]
certain substances in blood Kidneys for urea
& for certain morbid poisons, as chancre.-
50 scar propagating itself for years; & bears
on blood altered for life by certain diseases
72 transplanted spur of cock, excessive
growth of.-
150 \/& Repairs of parts wonderful provision
ready though so seldom wanted.- adult
repaired by adult form - tail of tadpole-
hence same force which was O«^ before
occupied in its maintenance during wear &
154 %/<& power of reparation inverse to
amounts of power, already consumed in
development of individual
Gemmation retards repair of injury
Nais cut into 30-40 pieces & all formed individuals
163 Insects which do not go through much metamorphosis can alone when adult repair injuries p. 164 power of development of embryo same as that * in restoration from injury
SB2 181 & 331 The theory of coagulable lymph developing structure & as I supposed containing gemmules
219 •#' - cuticle on sole thicker than elsewhere & so renewed, independent of pressure, good sentence to quote under Nisus, & on identity of power of development & of repair
239 Q On the tissues of scars gradually & slowly altering & assuming proper character 243 first material thrown down in uniting Bone.
343 assimilative power was assigned formerly to each tissue or the coagulable lymph in the vicinity
357 i/& False membranes assume character like adjoining parts & 369 Lymphatics 384 on Pus cells & 254 Repair of Bones & 256 good
SB3 e- Pangenesis; Pagets Lectures on Path.
11; 13; 19-20; 22* Laws of Variation»; 27; 32»; 50; 58; 60 good - refer to in *; 72; 150; 154; 158; 163; 164; 181 good; 199 ♦ Nisus formativus; 209 quote; 239; 243; 263; 268; 290; 331; 343; 351; 357 Ask- Nisus Formativus; 384; 483 Direct Action I must say that Paget maintains that ordinary reparation & growth & gemmation &c are all the same.-
[I shd say that unknown cause prevents a man cut in twain from reproducing - partly too much injury]
SB4 Qß •*
25 Rudimentary organs serve to excrete matter Human foetus covered with wool 27 Kidney increases & does double work if one destroyed 67 skin growing thicker from use
39,41 on thought of part increasing bloodvessels
on growth of Hair, near where surface inflamed 73
enormous growth of spur on comb did not decrease spurs on legs
«" Mem.- it is possible that gemmules may come from surrounding tissues & be developed in the Lymph - case of Negro-skin looks like this so with elastic tissue, which comes afterwards.-(over, part «►)
Mullers Phys I p410 speaks of effused Lymph as transport & formation of new parts as due to its reciprocal action on inflamed adjoining structures.
[p416 regenerated skin in Negro after a time became black.- shows that gemmules entered after a time over
1 zb 11 2u "shows I connection"/wt/l-6w These germs must be very different from my gemmules; far larger & with power of male & female gemmules uniting - probably always distinct & not united into germ like that of tooth. Yet there is analogy in these cases. 15-19m, 15u "from\germ", 16-17u<& "separating I germ", 28-34m (Kölliker)/15-34w These germs may be compared with offset-bulb 13 15-19m 14 3m 18 15-24m 19 3-5m 20 ll-16m 22 7-10m (Budd), 12~16m 25 21-32m/ 22-24-w like milk teeth 33m 26 l~9m, 9-14m 27 l-9w special affinities 12w Hydrophobia 13-16m, 17-20m 32 5-12m/9-15u> Horns for fighting 13-17m, 19-24m 33 10-16m (Treviranus) 39 29-30m 41 14-17m 50 15-25m 58 12-13m, 14-15m/18a "But"/w not 23-28m, 28-33m 59 7-llm, 14~17m, 17-18m 60 l-31w How on my view can milk» 2d teeth, what are effects of old» first teeth resemble those of father 5-9m, 17-21m, 25-30m/w important 31-34m/34w good 61 3-5m 63 12~13m/u "dependence I composition" 67 9-16m 69 5-9m, 22-26m 71 10-14m, 22-25m/w Bears perhaps on wet producing more hair 35-* 72 2-6m, 16-18m 73 4-6m 150 2-6m/"..."/6c/7ce, 32-34m 151 l-3m/l-2u "to\parts", 9-29w Newport has some remarks on this in Myriapoda 31-34m/w tail of tadpole which • cut off 152 15-19m/17x^ 154 7-9m, 13-18m/ 13-16m/ll-21w when- body grows old
[page break]
gemmules like rest of structure cannot multiply. 155 l-2m 158 27-29m (Trembley) 159 2-5m, 8-llm (Lyonet)/9u "Nais" 163 6-8m/w some mature incr 164 4-10m 181 8-14m/l-31xv must contain gemmules of many kinds; coag. lymph. I suppose is not cellular but forms cells 29-33m, wb p198 - coagulable lymph is apparently ♦ exuded always with * some inflammation.- 182 l-6m, 23-30m 187 5-7m 198 10-12m 199 3-6m/w false membranes 209 l-2m, ll-18m/w from Coag Lymph but has said before on Hairs 28-31m/ "..." 210 6-8m 217 l-3m/wt outgrowth of Blood-vessels into granulations 238 13-16m, 19-22m 239 2-4m/4u "change I year", 7-llm, 12-19m 243 28w Bones 29-31m 254 8-13m 256 #" ll-13m/12u "exposed", 14-15m 257 & 9-14m 263 30-34ml30zv cartilage 268 ll-12m 290 10-12m 331 9-10u "coagulable lymph", ll-19m, llu "inflammatory exudation", 12u "pellucid", 13u "through I capillaries", 17-19m, 34m 333 wt These are evidently formed 2-5m, 2u "coagulation]ordinary", 3u "corpuscles form ", 9u "corpuscles I cells ", 10-14m, 15u "first", 20-22U "not I nucleus", 23u "in I hours", 24u*^, 26m 334 7u "exposes I nucleus ", 9u "the\cells", 15u "various degenrations", 15u "pus-corpus" 335 3-10m, 31-35m 343 22-34m 351 l-3m, 16-18m 356 6-10m, 10-12m, 14-15m, 33-34m/34u "fibrous I ligamentous " 357 2u "bone", 2u "osseus", 3u "epithelium", 3u "epithelial", 7-9u/7w Bone?? 14-18u^, 23-27u±, 32-34m 369 Hue? "that I first" 384 28-31m/19-31w Differs from L. Beale 483 20-30m
PAGET, James Lectures on surgical pathology 3rd edn; London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1870 [Down, I]
PALEY, William A view of the evidences of Christianity London, 1822, 7 vols [CUL.1900]
vol. 1, 130 tll-8m 307 9-22m 315 6c
"fortuis" 342 22-23m
vol. 2 NB 159
33 22-25m 34 tl5-10m 39 wt Peter & John 41 wt Stephen 18w persecut 43 22«; James 44 tl6-5w Barnabas 45 3u "one"/w Paul ÏÏ5zv Luke 46 wf 57 ÏÏ20-5m 80 ÏÏ2w Matthew 81 l-10w Mark Luke John 140 2-7m, 9-27m, 9-27m, 20m, 20m/u "our Digesta", ÏÏ20-9m/u "Old \ Testament", U-5m 190 16u "Nothing"/w the letting of a house some times depends upon it! 233 18-25m 236 ÏÏ2S-2m 238 ÎÎ25-2m 239 2-6m, 13-16m 257 Xm 258 2-20m 263 2-12m 264 ÎÎ7-2m 265 2-20m 269 Xm 270 2-6m 272 Xm 273 Xm 274 Xm 275 Xm 278 2-25m 280
2-6m 289 9m 309 23m 310 6-20m, 16-22m 335 ÏÏ28-2m 336 2-22m 341 Xm 342 Xm 385 Xm 386 2-8m 393 ÎÎ20-2m 394 Xm
vol. 4, xxii "vi-xxiV'.m xxiii "Part II".m, "x-xiVm/w read "Part IU".m, "Book IV'.m/w read "Book V".m/m xxiv "Boofc VI, ch x".w read
vol. 7, vii-xiv (dates between 29 November 1840 and 4 September 1842 written against contents entries)
PALM, Ludwig Heinrich Über das Winden der Pflanzen Tübingen; C. Richter; 1827 [CUL, pre-B] gd, mhp, or, phy, sp, v, t, wd
NB1 Phaseolus cirrosus; 29 & 52 Momordica
winds to left; 52
NB2 p. 34 Hops
NB3 ä> Species Theory
p.26 Convolvulus sucking plant like
Cuscuta.- origins of new habit - Anagous
var. see p. 45 perhaps describes growth of
papillae of Cuscuta
41 on certain plants becoming * Twiners -
good analogous variation- see my Paper on
e> p45 On growth of Cuscuta
ä) p2 Movements of Plants
1 ÏÏ4-2m 2 19-21m/19u "Calcana" 6 27-23m/ 23u "Fünftel", 26u "6120" 7 6-7w 4/5ths 10 27-32m/27-28u "die\ führen" 11 3-7m/4x^, 19u "Blumenstiele", 21u "Amplideen", 22-24m, 32-34m/33u "Blattstiel" 12 18m/w 424 22m/w 339 24m/w 378 29m, 31m/w 589 33m/w 402 13 2m/w 664 33m/w 653 14 2m\w 686 6m\w 511 8m\w 524 12m/w 538 16m/w 281 20m/w 205 21m\w 205 23m/w 158 25mM*713? 27-28(line across page), 29-31w all world not -Lindley 15 22m 16 17-20m, 32-34m 17 6-8m 18 S-20m 26 20-29m 27 2m 28 25-27m/ 26u "Arten \ Gattung", 30-31x^, 30u "wahrscheinlich", 31u "GattungenInatürlichen" 29 14u "Passiflora", 14u "Mormodica" 30 31-34m\ x^/32u "Stengels \sich" 32 26m 34 3-4m, 6-8x^, 13-17m^ 35 31-32m 41 3^m/x^/u^, 15-20m, 22-26m/x^, 26-28u++/28-30m/25-30w wild plant 42 6-9m/7-8u "es I Habitus", 21u* 43 10u^ "Periplora", 14-16x^lu "dennl Aesten" 45 9w not read 48 29u "sich\ Gegenstände"\17-21m\wMohl devices 52 22-25m 53 27-291, 28-30! 54 25-27m 55 3-6m/4x^/u "für \ hält", 26-27m/u "sind I Blumenstile", 29-30x^, 31u "Sie\von", 32-33u "undIuntersten" 56 5~12w do not curl up 22-14x^/m 57 14u "Cardiospermum", 16-24m/22-24m*&, 32-34m 58 5-7m/5x^/u*, 30-34m/
[page break]
34x^/23-34w Cirri more like Ivy Plants 60 12-14m, 14-15x^/m 61 ll-12m, 23-29m/14~ 29w Will not twist Ivy 62 27-28m/28u 63 10ha/10-11w Linaria • 14u "die I selbst"/x*& 68 31-35m/33-34x^ 79 20-22m 92 23-24*^, 15-28w no irritability!!! 93 4-7m/4-6m, 7m/x^ 94 30u*, 31-33u "ersteresl Windung" 95 art This shows his theory lm, 5-6m, 7x^, 9u "Die I Spiralform ", 33-35m/34m/u "mit i Breite " 96 3-7m/5x^, 32-35m/x^ 97 34m "die\ selbst" 98 2« "aber\variire", 10-llu "indem\ Pflanzen", 15-16x^/u++, 26-27m/u Wachs-thum\ unabhängig"lx^ 100 22m/22~22u<->/2-25iv there is no relation of quickening in movement of cirri to revolution 31-33m/31m/u "paralell I Wachsthum " 101 wb I cannot make out whether he knew revolving movement of tendrils
PAOLUCCI, Luigi II Canto degli uccelli Milano; G. Bernardoni; 1878 [CUL, I] p
PAOLUCCI, Luigi II Canto degli uccelli Milano; G. Bernardoni; 1878 [Down, I] p
PARIS, John Ayrton The elements of medical chemistry London; W. Phillips; 1825 [Down, pre-B, S] p
PARIS, John Ayrton Pharmacologia 6th edn, 2 vols.; London; W. Phillips; 1825 [Down, S]
PARKER, William Kitchen A monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder-girdle and sternum in the Vertebrata London; The Ray Society; 1868 [Down] p
PARKES, Edmund A. A manual of practical hygiene 4th edn; London; J. & A. Churchill; 1873 [Down, FD]
PARKINSON, James An introduction to the study of fossil organic remains London; Sherwood, Neely, Jones & W. Phillips; 1822 [CUL, ED, S (Erasmus crossed out and replaced by Charles)]
PAUCHON, A. Recherches sur le rôle de la lumière dans la germination Paris; G. Masson; 1880 [Down, I] p
PENNANT, Thomas History of quadrupeds 3rd edn, 2 vols.; London; 1769 [CUL, S in vol. 2] beh, hy, tm, v
vol. 1NB-» 237-242; p. 21
21 26m 33 ll-14m 34 24-27m 151 lm 237 lm
238 16~17m, 21-27mJ21u "produced I puppies"
239 22-26m 242 17-21m/20u "vide\i.49"
vol. 2 (markings presumed not by CD)
PERNETY, Antoine Joseph Journal historique d'un voyage aux îles Malouines en 1763 et 1764 2 vols.; Berlin; Etienne de Bordeaux; 1763-64 [CUL, pre-B]
vol. 2, 438 l-9m
PERRIER, Edmond Les Colonies animales Paris; G. Masson; 1881 [Down, I] p
PERSOON, Christian Henrick Synopsis plantarum 2 vols.; Paris & Tübingen; CF. Cramer & J.C. Cottam; 1805-07 [CUL, ED] gd, sx
vol. 1, 222a 32 m, 38m, 43m, 52m
vol. 2 NB1 Eucalyptus Icosandria NB2 Many monoeic dioecious plants in New Zealand & many trees & bushes compare Monooeic & Dioecious here marked by crosses
(untranscribed w: W meaning Water-plants) 506b 25u "labello tripartito" 512a 7-20m 529b 4w, 30w 530a 22a; 531b 5m 532a 37w 532b 19w 534a 17w 550b 22m 551b 9m 557b 23m 561a 9-11 m 562a 28m 562b 22 m 565a 27m, 42m 566a 2-3m, ll-12m, 45-A6m 567a 18-20m 571a 43m 571b 25-26m 572a 25-27m 572b 46-47m 573a 16-17m, 28-29m, 50-51m 576a 32m, 49-50m 576b ÎÎ22m, Um 577a 50-52m 578a 2-3m, 36u "geminis elongatis" 579b 36m, 52m 580a 31-33m 580b 32m 588a 39-40m 588b 34-35m, 45-46m 589a 3-5m, 15-16m, 32-33m 596a 6m 597a 6-7m, 33m 597b 28m 598a 50-51m 598b 21-22m 604a 42hî3?, 44m, 54-55m 608a 6-9m 612a 32-33m, 41-43m 612b 31-33m 616a 12-13m, 35m, 39-40m 616b 47-48m 617a 2-4m 622a 12-13m, 29-30m, 42-43m, 51-52m 622b 43-45m 623a 2-3m, 14-15m 623b 3-6m 624a 24-26m 626a 2-4m, 20-21m 626b 2-Am 628a 47~48m 628b 27-29m 629a 23-24m 639b 9m 630b 29-30m 632 6-8m, 21-23m 632b 39-A0m 633a 22-24m 634a 44-46m 634b 22-24m
PETTIGREW, James Bell The physiology of the circulation in plants, in the lower animals, and in man Edinburgh; Oliver & Boyd; 1873 [Down, I]
PETTIGREW, James Bell On the physiology of wings Edinburgh; Neill & Co.; 1871 [Down, I]
[page break]
PHILIPPI, Federico Catalogus plantorum vascularium chilensium Santiago de Chile; Imprenta Nacional; 1881 [Botany School, I]
PHILLIPS, John Geology of Oxford and the valley of the Thames Oxford; The Clarendon Press; 1871 [Down] fo, geo, sy
NB p. 404 on the filiation of Secondary
404 l-9m/w see previous cases 405 17-20m/
17w Palaeotherium
PHILLIPS, John Life on the earth Cambridge & London; Macmillan & Co.; 1860 [CUL, I] ch, fo, geo, ig, ir, or, sh, sp, t, ti, tm
NB1 (a) argue against this; it is not always
the perfect types which first appear -
Ruminant & Pachyderms. Intermediate
Reptiles - Intermediate fish—
& In Asa Grays Review of this book (I think
in Origin Portfolio) I have some remarks on
one important subject, why some forms are
changing I bring forward some mammals not
p. 163
NB2 Species Theory; 212 & 214 good (a);
66; 69; 99; 126 calculation of sediment of
Ganges; 133 - Time required for formation
of Coal; 141 Retrocession of Falls; 167 Age
of chief axes of Britain; 207 Breaks are not
real, elsewhere filled up
When I come to Geolog. Record or Laws of
Succession look over this Book
69 21-27m 99 23-27m 126 9-15m/6-14w Blank interval omitted 127 17-18m/-> 129 26-20m 130 8-llm 133 24-26m/26u "127.5" 134 3-6m, 9-12m 141 23-25m 163 wb 233 167 14-19m 206 2-27w Silurian strata not like Tertiary - one steep inletO at MalvernO 207 l-17m/wt/l-18w but what percentage of identical fossils in these stages - what term for each 3 or 4 percent l-13w How can this be said, when we have such cases as Forbes 3 sets of shells 17-24w It is hard to judge of breaks. 210 9~21m 212 7-22m 214 4~12m, 17-26m
PHILLIPS, John A treatise on geology (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia), 2 vols.; London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1839 [CUL, S in vol. 1] che, fo, gd, geo, mi, sy, t, ve
vol. l NF Buy Brewster on Microscope
267 37-38m 268 20u "red I masses"/19-21wu 272 19-22m 277 36-40m
vol. 2 NB1 ♦ Lyell; p. 13 wretched
classification; Mention this, whenever I come
to S. America; Copied
NB2 18 (he means 13) List of Mam. of Europe
must be referred to for notes
♦ 46; 51; 57;
The whole of Plutonic including trap veins
perhaps do not differ greatly from the whole
of the Volcanic- But in the latter there has
been a greater separation of ingredients,
from position, causing cooling &
lead & silica do not separate, whilst both
fluid - How is brass, & glass with red lead in
it? AttractionO in these cases.-
63; 65; 73; 80; 83; 100 St Jago; 115; 125;
135; 160; Copied
1 zb 13 21-43m (Lyell, Cuvier, Owen, Agassiz)/ 26-36w not applic. to S. American fossils 24 25-27m/26u "Irish Elk" 27 15u "Irish \&c" 28 27?fu "fallow"/26-29w see Bell's quadrupeds 46 27-33m/30-31w see p. 50 50 ÏÏ20-2m 51 24-39m 52 l-28m 57 29-35m, wb This classification infers that there is as great a difference in the Plutonic as the Volcanic which I reject 65 9-15m, 2nd fig.m 66 ll-12m, wb Felspar is in excess surely see analysis of greenstone 68 2-27m (Phillips) 72 wb There are dikes of granite 73 wt Tortuousness still more distinguishing character hence not streched mechanically shrinking l-37w The Plutonic rocks being so much most internally heated would shrink more than volcanic. Do most substances shrink in solidifying, yes, except water, iron shrinks?? wb Trap veins most analogous in Salisbury craigs to Plutonic: 80 37u "porphyritic", 39u "never\ case", wb Andes 81 17-22mjw argue granite near surface of all ages in all parts of world hence thinness of crust 83 5-39m/wb thin crust theory 84 3-20m 100 4-6m (Daubeny, Von Buch) 115 30-37m, 38-39m, wb augitic porphyry: granite:: basalt: trachyte 116 l-8m, 20-24m/w thin-crust theory 125 l-28m, zb 126 4-39m 127 l-38m (Necker) 128 2-26m (Dufrenoy) 129 15-18m/w No 135 3-28m (De la Beche) 160 22-29m (Fox) 162 24-23m (Patterson) 209 3-32m (CD)
PHILLIPS, John Vesuvius Oxford; The Clarendon Press; 1869 [Down]
PHILLIPS, William An elementary introduction to the knowledge of mineralogy 3rd edn; London; W. Phillips; 1823 [Down, pre-B] che, mi
[page break]
SA (pp. 224-25) a> Jamieson lecture
2.2.1846 about iron when cmpds. scratched
SA (pp. 62-63) ditto, about Hornblende
SA (pp. 350-51) ditto, about Tin when
xxvii 26-27m cvii 4w potashO 58 wtu, 17-
19z wbtt 114 wt/wb (calculations for making
various compounds), 10m/13-20w Jamieson
136 14-16m 146 wbtt 147 wtu 161 14-15m,
31-32m, 34-35m 368 l-4m
PHILLIPS, William An elementary introduction to mineralogy 4th edn, ed. R. Allen; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1837 [CUL]
55 fig.wu 218 20m, 36-37m
PICKERING, Charles The races of man new edn, to which is prefixed An analytical synopsis of the natural history of man by J.C. Hall; London; H.G. Bohn; 1850 [CUL] fg, gd, is, ti, wd
SB1 I have not read this book sufficiently
«^ Read again
46; 74; 63; 315; 317; 318; 323; 326; 333
Table; 339; 340; 346; 366; 369; 372; 374;
Consult Index for History of ancient animals
♦ Mr Birch told me that History of Fowl is
given in some work by Pickering
Selected References Oct 56
317 Dog, thinks introduced into America.-
338 Feral Animals of Pacific
315 (he means 335) Rhamses Sethos,
Bullocks in Aegypt during his age
361 Domestic Pigeon in Sama Vida
374 Ancient History of Fowl
361 & in Institutes of Menu
on island only 2 plants & drift wood 55 transported seeds
46 25-33m 55 3-10m 58 13-27m, 31-34m 59 30-33m 61 31-33m 63 6-8m/7-8u<-> 75 20-29m 274 l-7m 314 î\4-lz/zb 315 6-8m, 17-20m/25u "Greyhound I Turnspit" 317 3-6m 318 29-32m 323 25-31m 326 4-8m 339 9-llm/llu "has I wild", 16-17m/16-17u^, 22-25m/23u "Hawaii", 23u "according I Samoa", 26-27m, 36-39m/38u "greatly \ Honolulu" 340 27m 345 27-29m 346 9-llm 355 33-34m 359 36-39m/ 38u "Rhamses Sethos", 45m (Rosellini), wb age 360 29-30m, 43m 361 13m, 14-16m, 34-37m, 36-46m/37-46m 362 4-5m 363 13-15m 368 38u "sixthISaccara" 369 4~21m/4-5m, 10-15m, 19-21m 370 2-4m 372 19-21m/19u "BC2200",
23u "Beni-Hassan", 29-33m, 33-37m, 39-41m 373 45m 374 18-27m, 26-28m, 29-32m/30u "Medinet Abou" 377 36-38m 415b 48w
PICTET, François Jules Traité élémentaire de paléontologie vols. 1 and 3; Genève; Cherbuliez; 1844^5 [CUL] ce, ch, ds, em, ex, fo, gd, geo, hl, ig, im, ir, is, mg, no, or, sp, t, ta, ti, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 SB1 Qß
67x-x91 Law more ancient the animal the
more different from living (must mean in
mass p. 69)
89 argues no important differences in
domestic animals
91 x argues against change of species, from
apparition of new types. Good like new
91 admits that successive stages of same
formation have closely allied forms
108 curious to see how lately my conclusion
wrong on coming in of Mammalia
126 what a number of monkeys over world
must have existed since Eocene period &
tertiary beds of Hymalaya & Brazil -
continuous in Europe - How rash to judge of
what world holds from Europe: no
insectivora or hollow-horned Ruminants in S.
America - Madagascar no Carnivora
Australia Carnivora. Europe probably once
an isld.
144 Cuvier doubts on species of Ursus
154 on intermediate forms
165 Dog, origin of, important
Bearing in mind Glacial periods rash to say
conditions similar in stages of one formation;
or if so look to space as guide.-
I will cease extracting better get new Edit
SB2 read as far as p37* Pictet Vol I
66; 80; 83; 91; 108 creation; 126; 129; 134
to End of Vol.; 362
66 16-20m 68 5-llm/5-7w Fish!! 69 6« "terrains anciens", 15-16m, 19u "térébratules", 24-25m 80 26-27« "gastéropodes", 24-30m/25w ancient 83 2-22m 89 5-26m 91 3-5m, 23-30m 108 20-25m/w immigration of ruminants?? 126 18-30w/wb What an immense number of monkeys must have existed - this highest form being Eocene convinces me of prior existence of Placental Mammifers. How many marsupials since Jurassic ones, we may always put on one side cases ie those of Brazil & N.S. Wales 127 24a "Simiae"/w old world 129 19-25w In Europe from Eocene to Miocene & only 2 fragments 134 24-26m 138 l-5m/wt/l-6w Australia now no great Carnivora - 141 l-3m/w none fossil or recent
[page break]
in S. America 145 18-21m/w Madagascar no Carnivora? 149 24-27m 154 Wu "bassinl Paris''/w Eocene 11-lSm, 14r-15m, 18-21m 157 24-25m/24u "des\sa" 158 3~4m/4u "miocène" 160 22-24m, 24-26u "dès\qu'ils", 28m 165 5-7m, 17-19m 166 lOu "osseuses I Sardaigne" 110-llm 168 26-28m 172 26-27m 174 23-25m/6-25w It is evident that Carnivora more connected formerly than now 178 10-12m 182 15-19m/14-21w yet widest ranges, ought to have lived long 187 26-30m (Lund) 188 29-20m 190 14-17m 195 24-26m 212 23-25m 231 20~21m 235 10-Um 236 22-26m 237 5-8m, ll-13m, 15-16m/16w recent 238 10-llw Miocene Mastodon 255 26-29m, wb I do think it odd that not more intermediate forms - many as they are. Preservation only at periods 256 24-26m 258 20-22m 259 8-9m 260 30~31m 264 6-8m, 12-14m 267 9-12m, 14-lSm 269 l-2m 274 28-30m 275 25-2 6m 276 23-25m 280 2-4m 288 6-12m 289 9-12m/9-25w Ruminants & pachyderms coincide in India- From Edentata of La Plata how rash to argue Rumin not created - or Australia 297 13-14m 308 9-llm/w S. America wb We see now that several tribes more restricted than at latest Tertiary period, so formerly they might have been still more so - If we knew that the Anoplotherium was created at Eocene then we might argue that Ruminants were created lately 320 26-29m 346 26-22m (Cuvier)/19u "onze espèces"'/16-21w cf. Water & Land Birds! 13-25w/wb How strange not more common in Secondary period -Lobsters Fish in Old Red also - Didelphys again What a gap from Lower Jura to Tertiary 347 8u Targile\ Londres", 16u "l'argilelLondres" 349 22-24m (Schmerling) 350 20-22m 351 7u "à I doigts "\5-8m (Lund) 362 2S-22m
vol. 3 NB1 I must allude to Pictet in Preface as having argued against perfectibility & variability with great skill.— NB2 45 Ampullaria Branchiae & pulmonate cavity
SB1 In the Gasteropods & in a lesser degree in the Acaephales, it is really surprising how few exceptions there are to the succession of the genera - when a genus appears in Silurian it almost always (all exceptions marked) appears in nearly all the great formations. When we consider the different mineralogical nature of some of the formations; & difference of depths (such as chalk Sea probably deep) it is wonderful -when an existing genus appears in Jurassic
almost* always♦ far most generally appears in Chalk & Tertiary [Fish are» genera are too short-lived for this to appear: but yet I think it holds pretty often; but then the formations for fish are so rare] It must be remembered how easily errors occur. SB2 See to this & to Chelonia & Crocodiles,
in few existing genera of Mammifers which are formed in Eocene. It wd be very important to show that this is law; certainly in Mollusca it is impressed on one; & so in few Cephalopods?- It would be like showing connection in Geographical Range, so in space & time.- [I did not think of this, till beginning Gasteropods: easy to see to it in other orders] In Fish the law had better be tested by families. It will signally fail if M. Bolca in Cretaceous
25-29m 10 13-15m/?, 28-30m 11 19-20m 12 23-26m 21 3-4m 27 18-21m/w certainly 26m, 27-30m 36 l-5m (d'Orbigny) 39 6-9m, 16-18m 43 13-15m/w Have they Branchiae 45 22-13m/ll-17w V. Cuvier would the abortion of Branchiae give structure of Pulmones? 46 15-18m 47 27-22m 53 3-4m/w Turritelles 90 12w Triassic 25-27m 95 2-2m 128 25-2 8m 133 22-25m 208 28-30m 223 18-24m 224 18-22m 225 3-9m 241 2-2m 252 20-2 7m 256 9-22m 270 22-22m 273 22m♦ 305 28-30m/25-39w Thus the extinct genera occur in considerable formations wb What a number of genera are Silurian; it is most clear that according to me Silurian must have been preceded pretty much by longer time than has since elapsed. Cephalopoda lead to same result. 313 23-25m, 26ml? 322 25-27m 325 16-18m 327 27-30m/29u "tandis \ Europe"/ w perhaps not 333 29m, 23-24m 362 22-27m 365 13-29m/14-15w series is extinct wb It may be said, when a genus is extinct & occurs in several formations, those with rarest exceptions are consecutive formations -> 366 wb/23-28w This class of facts makes one think the record for Mollusca pretty perfect, but it does not affect frequency & size of gaps in record. 397 2-5m 408 25-28m 409 9-15m/w so found in consecutive formations
PICTET, François Jules Traité de paléontologie 2nd edn, 4 vols, and atlas; Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1853-57 [CUL] af, ch, ds, em, ex, fo, gd, geo, gr, hl, ig, ir, no, oo, or, se, sp, sy, t, ta, ti, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 SB üß
42 to 55 D'Archiac Law to 75 to 133 157; 166; 169 to end
[page break]
573 important on classification 202 on fossil Dogs Q 363 on Bos
46 16-191II17-19U**, 27-30ml28u "verra que"/ 29-30u "les I tranchées" 47 9-16m, 20-22m 48 18-20m 49 13-23m, 30-33m 53 12-Um, 20u "delpour" 54 ll-16m 55 8-llm/Q 56 20-25m 57 26~28m 58 15-18m 59 7-llm, 28u "terrains anciens", 29-30m, 31-33mj33u "térébratules" 60 5-6m, 8-12m/8-18w not evidence enough - How few new orders have appeared 61 14-25m/16-18w decreasing Forms 62 2u "dévonien"/w Lizard 7u "époque oolithique"/!, 9u "monodelphes"/! 65 29-31m 67 6-7m 68 13-15m 69 l-7m, 20-22m 70 24r-26m 71 8-14m/ 8u "genres"/9u "celle\families" 73 14~15m 74 9-2 2 m 75 29-30m 77 24-28m/25w Extinction 30-33m, wb it is not surprising that Geologists shd talk so, but it is astonishing that Naturalists shd do so - 78 l-6m 79 27-28m (Elie de Beaumont), 29-31m 82 20-23m, 24-28m 85 l-4m 87 29-33m, wb like Vestiges 89 l-3m, 25-29m 100 9-19m/13-14? 101 20-22m/? Ill 7-24m 133 21-27w 5 • or 6 Faunas in France beneath recent 157 27-33m 161 l-2m 163 24-27m 166 5-7w yet how specialised a genus 9-10m, ll-12m/u*/w same genus 169 8-10m, wb 1854 Spal-acotherium tricuspidus present Mammals in Purbeck 179 20m, wb Machairodon f. in Nebraska Eocene 186 22-24m 188 4-22m (Serres), 31-34m 192 16-17m/17u "intermédiaire", 21-24m 193 6u "pendant I existence" 194 6-8m, 9u "miocène", 28-33m 202 24u "tertiaires éocènes", 15~17m 203 16-21m 204 5-7m, 13-19m (de Blainville), 26-29m 205 6-8m/7u "cmnes\sont" 207 16-17m, 18-19m 209 23-25m 211 20u "miocène d'Auvergne" 214 17-19m/18u "transitions intéressantes" 216 4~5m 223 20~28m 226 29-30m 230 6-8w Now in N. America & I believe S. America 234 17-18u++ 257 23-26m 261 22-25m/24u "comblé l'espace" 262 4-7m 263 9-12m 273 8-22m 276 18-21m/18u "tous\ habitent"/19w no 292 6-7m, 11-17m, 20m, 22-23m, 32-33m 293 3-5m, 10-llm/6-12w Look at globe & see where a spot explored 25-26w 2 series of Pachyderms 28-29u++, 31-33m 313 29-30m 318 29-34m 335 15-16m/12-34w Ruminants may have existed in other continents wb In all such cases, it is not that Ruminants & Pachyderms then existed. How often people have wondered why no Ruminants in Paris Basin! 343 21-23m 344 5-8m, llu "moyenne" 352 10-12m/llu "tertiaires \ supérieur" 361 19-21m, 26-27m 363 22-23m 364 29-32m 365 5u "comme\ boeufs",
12-13m (von Meyer), 14-15Q 16-17m (Owen), 18u "brachyceros" 366 28-29m/27-35w I shd think Probably new order; but naturalists object properly to new orders. 367 13-15m, 28-31m 375 7m/u "ordre nouveau" 383 26w Arctic seas wb & Sirenidae Tropics 384 24-15w What range 386 25-28m 390 4-20m (Buckland) 392 15-18m 393 wb 1854 Stereognathus ooliticus a larger quadruped Charlesworth Stonefield 2ce the size of many of his ^ 395 27-28m/u "espèces de"/w Didelphus in lower Miocene 404 18-24m/20-22w Iguanodon Owen 407 26-28m 408 10-22??, 13we* see p. 527 410 22-23m/22u "la\ de" 411 18-19m/18u "Strix"/19u "gypses \ Montmartre"/20u "genre \ caverne" 412 22-23m/ 22uA 414 2u*, 3u "cavernes \ Brésil"/m, 6u*, 8wa, 15-17m/17w Am 415 7-8m/7u "gypses I Pan's" 416 l-3m, 6~8m (Lund), 19u "sous-genre Rhea"/18-20m/w Good Birds follow law 417 22-22m (Owen) 419 6m/u* 420 20-23m (Mantell) 421 17-18m/18u+ 425 l-3m 429 27-33m 430 22-25m 431 20-22m, 27-20m, 29-35m 432 5-8m, 10-14m, 18-21m 439 ll-13m/ w 4 families & Chelonians 440 28-32m 455 24-26m 459 13-17m/13-28w Emys & Trionyx being now present alive in F.W. is another instance of F.W. preserving alive ancient forms. 474 wb 1654 Nothelis destructor a minute Megalosaurus - Owen • 475 28-30m, 33-35m 493 21-27m/22w Transition 500 wt+/ l-6w* Even to a certain extent our generally FW crocodiles are only remnants of the large families numerous Secondary & ancient Tertiary Marine genera So many were formerly F.W. forms 501 7~8m, 9u "rappelle\crocodiliens", 12-14m 513 21-22m 527 20-22m (Owen) 529 23u<->, 22u "sauriens I de" 530 22-26m 532 19-22m 543 7-20m, 18-21m 544 3-5m, 6-8m 545 27-29m 547 9-22m 551 4-5m 554 25-27m, 20~23m (P. Duff and W. Mantell) 555 23-26m, wb Excellent case of Analogy (?) 556 6-20m 560 3-6m, 8-9m 568 23-20m 572 34-37m 573 wt Does it come to be whatever is fixed? 2~4m, 5-6m
vol. 2 SBl 22 to 40; 77; 98; 101; 102; 127; 132; 196; 226; 309; 310; 318; 349; 361; 363; 368; 371 ; 386; 396; 399; 405; 406; 409; 411 ; 413; 476; 481; 482 to 484; 490; 502; 580; 582; 585; 601; 619; 649; 659 groups of ammonites more or less confined to different stages; 485 Balancement; 476 blending; 480 soldering; <& Vol 2
22 13-16m, 19-22m 23 2-2m 24 5-8m (J. Miiller)/5~6u "esturgeon Spolyptère", 14-16m 25 7-9m 26 19-23m, 23-28m 27 22~24m, 22-25w Eocene mammals very-different 24-26m, 34-
[page break]
35m/34r-35u "à I époque" 28 ll-13m, 30-33m 30 8-llm 31 3-6m 32 22-26m/27-33m/17-33xv/wb sea shells & echinoderms convince one sea was salt if there was rain there wd be lakes. Might as well say no caves. 35 lu "Glavis"/w Tertiary 36 24-27m/17-29w So he thinks Teleosteon a recent fish the most perfect 37 16-20m 40 14-16m 77 24-29m 98 30-34m 101 wt Constantly removed from sea, is why not more ancient. 7-23m, 15-17m, 33-34m 102 8-9u "d'eau douce", 9-llm 127 16-18m, 28-29m 128 13-21m/w If we look to sea alone more striking still 129 l~4m 132 16-21m 133 l-5m 196 31-34m 226 21-24m 309 16-22m 310 12-19m, 22-24m 318 21-23m 329 20-22m 349 l-2m 361 l-9m 363 21-24m 368 3-8m 371 24-25m 380 23-27m 386 2-4m 396 13-15m 399 25-26m 405 28-20m 406 23-26m 409 23-24m 411 23-26m/23-32w & very different in Fish & in Mollusca Cephalopods 27-30m 413 7-8m, 22-28m, 28-29m, 31m 414 28-32m 476 23-29m 480 22-23u "mais I ensemble" 481 22-28m 482 15-22m/6-22w Gestation or incubation necessary for discovery of Metamorphosis or free & different life 483 6-22m, 12-14m, 27-28m 484 l-5m 485 l-2m/lu "à I thorax", 3-7m 490 26-25m (Barrande) 502 22-25m 570 wb* 574 2w is a boring sponge 8w is a boring sponge 580 9-llm, 31-33m 581 19-25m 582 l-5m, 26-30m, 31-33m 584 29-33m 585 2-8m, 9u "desIdiverses", llu "pendant\primaire", 16-20m, 33u "deuxIbranchies" 593 2-2m 594 24m 601 3a "spirulides"/wt all Tertiary 4a "céphalopodes"Iwt Lias 2-6m, 7m, 12-14m\ 13u "familleltenthides", 14u "bélemnites", 16u "aptiens" 619 6-8m, 10-14m, 16-19m, 21-24m 649 24-32m 659 5-22m
vol. 3 SB Qß
7 & 11 & 12 & 14 & 36 & 38 & 128 How excessively slow Gasteropods species* change - how few groups appear or disappear since Eocene-250; 333; 416
463 It is evident thus very few exceptions at whatever stage species* a genus or Family commences it is continued till it becomes extinct. This being capable of in fact strongest fact I turn against Imperfection of Record. Perhaps only shows no enormously long blank intervals
7 26-33m 11 20-23m, 27-22m 12 15-20m 13 23-2 6m, 21-25m 14 5-2 2 m 36 25~29m (d'Orbigny) 38 6-7m 128 26-31m 250 5-22m 333 22m, 17-20m, 32m 334 3-4u "orthoconques sinupalléales", 26-33m 335 2-5m, 24u<-> 416 2-5m, 7-9m 463 3-9m
vol. 4 SB Qß
2; 7; 8; 42; 79; 90; 119; 231; 261; 263; 284; 293; 360; 481; 487; 532; 562 to 569; 577; 578; 580; 584 to 617 to end of Vol. All evidence in this Book relates to Genera It may be that species change quicker without* than genera; about higher & lower forms changing quicker SB2 (over) On my view of formation of long intervals (because during subsidence & when mud) & though each very long in years yet infinitely short compared to all time; the chief difficulty is contemporaneousness of formations over Europe & in America - it shows some grand movement of earths crust yet very existence of continents implies very wide elevation-
2 6-9m 7 16-18m, 20-22m, 27-29mj28u "presque I moitié" 8 2-3m/m*//3u "vingt-huit", 7u "dix", 10-12m/9-17w+ le genera which change quickly necessarily have short duration wb When many species & genera exist they change quickly because they are too common & varying forms not in class but in whole Kingdom, & are quickly replaced 9 2-3m, ll-12u "quatorze \ inférieur" 42 ll-15m 79 28-31m 90 3-5m, 4-8m, 19-20m 119 23-26m 231 wb so many cases of this (leaving out Silurian) that it must be a rule, though exceptions as in Fish Ctenoids coming in 261 wt show how small proportion of lines from Silurian to present day compared to what has existed 3-9m/5w (a) 263 27-29m 284 22-26m 285 17-20m, 30-31m/31u "trois quarts" 286 2-5m, 5-21w There seems no relation to speciality & absence of genera here 293 27-28m 360 15-21m, 24-26m, 27m 361 l-4m/lu*, 6-8m 481 4w 79 6w 51 9-23m 487 7-22m 532 26-22m 562 3-7m/3u "Si", 15-16m/15u++, 23-251 563 2-4m, 9-23m, 26-28m 564 27-30m 565 18-23m 566 27-22m 569 29-22 m, 27-30m 577 3-6m (Agassiz) 578 fig.w Inequality of relations of successive Formations 580 17-26m, 32-34m, wb Marine Triassic not well known 581 l-3m/w less marked 583 24w St Cassian? 584 28-22 m 586 15u "six genres''\14-16wIn total 588 27-28m 589 19-20w change rapidly 29u "dont\ spéciaux" 617 4-5m, 8m, 14w St Cassian 26-20m 618 22-26m 619 20-25m/w & very closely allied 31-33m 620 2-3m, 23-31m (d'Orbigny) 622 34-35m 624 25-27!/27m/u "Un\de", 29-30m 627 4-5m/4u "deux I genres" 630 4m, 8-9m 634 12-14w no Genera see Table 636a 27m, 37m 636b 7m, 8m, 12m, 17m, 25m, 26m, 28m, 42m 644 37-38m, wb So he brings down to level of Teleostees & before
[page break]
that Fish not very rich 645 9u "en Amérique"/ l-31w shows how many sub-divisions can be locally traced, not so everywhere 646 24u "sont\abondants", 31-32m 649 3u "gault\de" 650 9-llm 651 12u "y\connus", 15-16m/15u "genres" 652 36-37m/36u "mont Liban" 666 2-4m 667 l-4m/4u "'ontItranchées" 668 14-16m, 31-38m 669 10-13m/w 7 672 37-39m 678 29-24m 684 2-Am 687 18~20m, 28u "Monte Bolca" 688 12-16m 692 7u "quelques I douce", 13~14m 702 40-41m 703 4-5m, 25-27m, wb Palaeozoic, Secondary & Tert., only due to larger gaps
PIDERIT, T. Wissenschaflliches System der Mimik und Physiognomik Detmold; Klingenberg; 1867 [CUL] af, beh, ds, h, pat, phy, rd, t, tm, v, y
NB 21 to 27 His view given
p.88 do to end of Chapt
p107-9 Th. resume -
■ss- p. 91 Perhaps a rudiment ask W. Turner.
After p. 109 Not one word for me
Many good bits in this Book, but the
fundamental idea seems to me groundless &
fanciful - Nov. 67
SF Qß <fe (10 sheets, not CD; mainly a
translation of pp. 21-27)
4 4-23«; Man understands expressions without a grammar Very interesting 24-28w No explanation 5 6-12m/w Sir C. Bell does not explain why certain muscles act during certain emotions. 24w "Oken", 15-18w explains by Homologies of muscles of Limbs & face.- 7 5~6m/w madness? 21-23m/w order 8 wt He prior to Gratiolet l-5m, 16-17m 19 7-13m/w Face most expressive because nerves site nearest to Brain!!! 21 2w Translated 23 3-16w Each abstract idea appears to mind like real object 19-20m, 20-25m 25 2-4m 26 19-21w His theory!! 21-27m 40 14-26w Hence face muscles not very distinct so Huxley says 23-25m 44 wt corrugators used in shutting eyes very closely l-2m, 10-llu "und\Auges", 20-3lw Henle considers Corrugator as part of Osb. Palp. 46 l-13w wrinkle forehead pulling on Boot.- a stammerer.- Concentrated thought, when difficulty - seeing or hearing anything with difficulty. Suffering diseased Men.- 48 4-8w Expression of eyes modifies character of frown- 50 wt widely open eyes astonishment 52 7-12w occip-frontal raises eyebrows & thus opens eyes widely 56 24-27m/w shining of eye 58 8-20m/w secretion of tears excited differently from saliva or milk 59 15-33w Rubbish - no explanation - nerve
excited because near seat of mind.- 60 22-23w why do tears relieve grief why do scream relieve pain - 61 24u "Lebensmonate"/ 22-26w Qaj Cretins do not cry nor babies 63 wt Brightness of eye depends on fullness of ball l-4m\w In Cholera eye collapsed 7m/w in dead do 64 18-19m/9-23w in Fever eyes sparkle owing to capsules gorged with blood, so perhaps in passion - 65 20-24w in grief circulation depressed & eye dull 31u "Freude\Zorn" 66 14u±/w sparkle 67 7-8w Drinking eye dull 70 13-23w Kissing initiation of sucking - movements of Babies: after nodding, but not instinct for Fuegians do not kiss.- 72 7-18w mouth opened with bitter taste that the tongue may not be rubbed against palate 21-30w good account of expression from bad taste, upper lip raised 74 5-28w Thinks the bitter look, with raised upper lip comes in expression of horror -Leonardo says upper lip raised as if for scream 79 4-8w In great exertion one shuts mouth & teeth firmly. ll-5m/ll-22w the exertion spreads in useless way to other muscles: especially face muscles- (so in yawningO) 80 26-30m/w nearly my view 81 15-17w firmly closed mouth expresses 18-22m 82 18-28w in * rage upper lip raised!! for bitter taste & teeth closed for energy wb X Wings of nostril raised, because respiration & heart action increased. & with closed teeth person must breath through nose - No 1\3-lm/x/w All like my views 83 29a; Contemplative expression 84 1-Sw lifts head & looks downwards & sideways & half closes eyes. 20-29w upper lip bitter expression Lower lip as if to push away something disagreeable 28u, wb blows out air as if to blow away some insignificant object. 85 ÏÏ3-2m 87 wt/l-23w When Eustachian tubes plugged by mucus in inflammation of the throat Hearing rendered difficult 14-22m, 25-27m/w He who listens to unclear sound opens his mouth-» wb See my old Notes - Whales Dr. Murie. all very doubtful 88 4-7w I must quote him 8-13w elevates eyebrows in astonishment opens mouth. ll-15m, 15-22w My theory is here given, & is applied to mental phenomena. 22m 89 wb When horses & dogs surprised & startled they prick their ears, Man opens mouth - & raises eyebrows 91 23-26m/w rudimentary wb See Moreau's Essay - He does not know this Essay The variability of Muscles of face stated by Moreau perhaps indicates the tendency to rudimentary condition in many & agrees with descent 92 ll-23w nostrils distended in surprise & in
[page break]
Careful observation This f true curiosity.-Perhaps owing to being startled. 93 2u "Mm. I nasi", 3-5m/w orifice of nose made smaller 13-16w in bad smell shut nostrils with upper lip 96 8-13w by Laughter after powerful respiration goes back by starts; conversely in crying 9u "rückweises", 9u "Zwerchfell", w diaphragm 15-24m/w attributes respiration affected by emotions to nerves arising near sense-organs!!! 97 l-18w In fact he explains nothing about laughing or crying. 28-32m/28u "Zeichen\Innervation", wb spasmodic action, want of force, the nerves which wd show during exertion of respiration 98 wt see Duchennes photographs 4-17w In laughter & crying mouth opened wide speaks as if no difference in shapeO!! 99 2u "l,h,o", 4-6m/4u "p,q", 22-25m/23w Smile 100 6-12w dimple caused by some muscles not extending to corner of mouth 101 wt Great laughter approaches to pain, thinks brows contracted!!! l-4m/w oh 102 wt/l-13w action of depressor alae nasi only difference between crying & violent laughing. I rather trust Duchennes; but how little known about muscles The action of this muscle is to narrow nose & says it can be easily perceived. 26-30m/w This muscle does not contract in Babies 103 14-17m, 22-34w in Babies tears irritate eyes & surrounding muscles contract !!! oh oh!! Sir C. Bell fig. 15 w Bad taste fig. 19 w Horror fig. 46 w excessive laughter fig. 47 w still more excessive laughter, so as to have bitter expression
PISTOR, E.M.W. Das Ganze der Feld- und Hoftaubenzucht Hanau; C.F. Edler; 1831 [CUL, on B, S Ap. 10/56] beh, cc, es, f, he, hy, v
NB p. 12-22, p. 46 SB Qß
15 Hybrids of Barb & Fan-Tail sterile Q 46 Lesser fertility of Dovecots only owing to less food
v 22m, 23m 7 wt will not feed themselves 5-7m 12 12u "krumme"'/10w bowed 15-18w carriers 27u "Augenkreis", 27u "weisswarzig", wb white wattle & very big only differences 13 14u "zwölf"/15u "'zwei I besitzen "/14-16w 12 to 32 14 3-5m/5w will cross with Turbits & have both characters 16u "bläuliche", 19w Jacobins 15 12u "Ciprianer", 13w Barb 19u "Hauchen" \Pfauentauben", 24u <->, 26w like barbs but bigger wb Eggs of Barbs & Fantails sterile 16 2-4!/3u "kurzen", 5w Runts 21 5m, 9u "dreht \Burzler"&>, 15w C. Coronata 46 5-7m, 12-17w owing to food
PLANCK, Karl Christian Seele und Geist Leipzig; Fues; 1871 [Down]
xviii 6m xxii 43m
PLANCK, Karl Christian Wahrheit und Falschheit des Darwinismus Nördlingen; Bech; 1872 [Down]
NB not read
PLANS of the various lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and the River Ottawa Toronto; John Lovell; 1857 [Down, I by M. Logan]
PLAYFAIR, John Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth Edinburgh; Cadell & Davies; 1802 [CUL, pre-B, S] geo, mi, t
NB 414 sand & gravel moving (CD?) 501 ; 511 ; 524 Theory & observation viii 4-20m 5 4-9m 6 l-3m, 22-25m 9 7u "other\series" 12 18-20m 13 9u "Primary", 9u "Primitive" 14 26m* 15 2-9m 18 2-5m 21 8u "pressure", 17u "increased pressure" 22 24m* 25 19-27m/22? 26 6~20m 30 14-20m 31 1-Am 32 2-5m 33 lu "pyrites", 3u "the] fire", 4* 37 18-21 m 39 22m/w "trona" 42 24u "moved angularly" 43 4-5u "in I layers", 6-9m 45 2-5m 46 21-24m 49 16-20m 51 5-9m, 18-19u "breccia \ between ", 21-22u "is I general " 5 8-14m, 26-29m 54 7-16m 55 2-3u "expansive] heat" 58 20-23m 67 22w "spathose", 19-20u "series]gradations" 68 22-22« "This\former", 29u "solwhinstone" 69 5u "carbonatWime", 8u "compressing force", 24-26u "henceI surface", 27u "whinstone", 28u "un-erupted lava" 71 22-23u "onelthem" 72 22-25m 75 20-25m 78 10-13m, 20-24m 79 6-20m 82 4-9m 83 26-29m 84 24-29m 99 3-6m 102 28-26m 104 23-22m 107 l-5m/"..." 114 2-3m 119 21-26m/? 125 19-25m 135 6-20m 144 2S-22m 148 6u "Buffon", 9u "A\mistake", 14u "omitting", 15u "coal", 15u "carbon" 151 22-24u "at I degrees" 163 25-22m 167 20-25m/24u "small]other" 170 17-21mjl9-21u "it]formation" 186 14-15u "Friction] heat" 189 20-24m 191 14-16m/? 195 22m 198 7-23m 208 27-22m 210 5-20m, 23-27m 211 4-8m, 27-29m 217 22-27m 222 26-20m 225 19-23m/19-20u "have]soft" 226 2-3m 227 22-26m 240 23-26m 242 25-27m 243 2-2m 246 23-27m 248 22-24m 256 2-4m 258 22-26m 263 19u "large]terraces", 22-23u^ 265 9-23m, 19u "granite", 20u "basalt" 267 14u "extinguished volcanoes", 17 u "fire] mineral" 283 22-27m 284 22m, 27-28u "that] which" 285 l-18m/l-2u "is] other" 294 2-8m 296 12-24m 298 26-29m 304 17-19m\18u
[page break]
"plumbago" 336 12« "schistose", 15~20m/18?/ 19u "fluidity" 338 23-27m 340 l-4m 351 21-22m 362 13-23w explained ice theory 364 7-10m/8w ice 371 10-16m 373 l-4m, 15-19m 374 13-17m, 24r-27m 377 8-llm 378 10-Um, 23-28m 390 22-24m 393 2-3m 394 17-28m, wb Geneva Stone angular 399 ll~19m 401 27w "is\we"/w retiring sea 414 20-29m 417 23-27m 488 14-22m/"..." 494 17-26m (Bu#on) 497 l-8m 499 15-16m, 21-28m 500 2-5m 510 23-27m 505 18-24m 506 2-24m 511 5-6m 512 20-25m 518 2nfm 521 22-13m 523 2 7-22 m 524 24r-27m, 28-29m 525 2-7m, 8-19m, 21-28m 526 l-6m (other markings here and there not by CD)
POMPPER, Hermann Die Säugethiere, Vögel und Amphibien nach ihrer geographischen Verbreitung Leipzig; F.C. Hinrich; 1841 [CUL] gd, is, v
NB 1 Lepus variable Iceland
p.5 Animals of Greenland & not Greenland
(lists follow)
title page vot Nothing 1 21-23m\23u "Island"
5 7~8m/7u "M.IGrönland", 9-llm/lOu "auch\
Grönland", 14~15m, 16u "Grönland", 17-19m/
18u "C.Izwischen"'/19u "nichtIGrönland"
PORCHER, F. Du Fuchsia, son histoire et sa culture Paris; Audot; 1844 [CUL] f, sp, v
NB Oct 1857 O Nothing 3; 94; 98 Read; 105; 35; 95 722 vars 34 species
title page 10w Porcher p. 102 3 3u "trente-quatre", 5w*35 32u "Constellation", 33-35mj 34u* 93 20-33m/21u*, wb Corallina not in list! 94 6-8m 97 24-26m 98 9-22m 101 37-38m, wb How fruitful Corallina has been 102 22-24m 105 16-20m/17u "tube\nul"
POSNETT, Hutcheson Macaulay The historical method in ethics, jurisprudence, and political economy London; Longmans, Green
6 Co.; 1882 [Down, I]
POUCHET, Georges The plurality of the human race trans, of 2nd edn by J.C. Beavan; London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1864 [CUL] h, is, pat, sp, t, tm, wd
NB 50
50 Aegyptian types not so distinct
60 Negros Yellow Fever
83 Pouchet has argued at length that domestic animals are quite different take easily plants removed to new isld
About Will of Animals being destroyed -does not apply to plants
114 & 118 Remarks on Species Theory of no value-
114 Definition of Species
50 2-22m 60 28-Um 83 3-29m (Cuvier and I. Geoffroy St Hilaire) 114 l-6m, 16-23m (Buffon)
115 1-Am 118 30-33m 119 22-20m
POURTALÈS, Louis François de Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of comparative zoology, at Harvard College. No. IV: Deep-sea corals Cambridge (Mass.); Museum of comparative zoology; 1871 [Down]
POWELL, John Wesley Inroduction to the study of Indian languages 2nd edn; Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down, 2 copies]
POZZI, Samuel Du crane (extract); Paris; 1879 [Down, I]
PREYER, Thierry William Die Blausäure 2 parts; Bonn; Max Cohen & Sohn; 1870 [CUL] che, in
part 2 NB1 I cannot find place where said that different individuals are differently susceptible to p. Acid NB2 Not read
PREYER, Thierry William Die Blutkrystalle Jena; Manke; 1871 [Down] p
PREYER, Thierry William Das myophysische Gesetz Jena; Manke; 1874 [Down] p
PREYER, Thierry William Naturwissenschaftliche Thatsachen und Probleme Berlin; Gebrüder Paetel; 1880 [Down] p
PREYER, Thierry William Die Seele des Kindes Leipzig; Th. Grieben; 1882 [Down, S]
PRICE, John Old Price's remains London; Virtue Brothers & Co.; 1863-64 [CUL] p
PRICHARD, James Cowles Researches into the physical history of mankind 3rd edn, vols. 1 and 2; London; Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper; 1836 [CUL]
beh, cs, f, gd, h, he, hy, oo, pat, sp, sx, tm, v, ve
[page break]
vol. 1 NB1 w +
NB2 ♦ Alpine Botany of do
The entomology of Tierra del Fuego with
respect to Europe - Patagonia to S. Africa
must be well studied-
Vol. 47 Zoolog Soc about contagious
diseases my Father about diseases common
to animals.
The Highlands & Western Isles in Letters of
Walter Scott: 4 Vols
W. f D. Edwards sur les Characters des
Races Humaines
Lesson Hist. Nat. des Mam. often quoted
NB3 ♦ p114 Lyell's mark
14 to 56 all worth reading again - to 164.
ask Henslow to put name in my catalogue.-March. 1857 I have not looked through all these, but I have gone through the later Edition
206; 216; 220
.225 on bt«^ Blushing & 271 - Good 242,4; 258; 264; 266; 286; 288; 305; 311; 314; 318; 333; 334; 340; 350 to end of Vol done Feb 25/01 (FD)
xii 36-38w this not in Ed ii xiii 36-37w =p130 Ed ii xv 29w =192 Ed 2 14 27-32m/?
15 3-5m, ll-19m 17 39m (Rudolphi) 21 27-
31w si ngular/catacea/con verse of antiquity
31-32m+/w Latin 24 2-39m 25 l-8m, 26-30m/
w How does my collection show this 31-32w
a great difficulty 35-36w I suspect not so 26
24-32m/28-30m 29 lu "analogous species"/l-
4m/w in a limited sense.- 7-22m (Humboldt,
Robert Brown) \ll-12winsects forms 30
3-12m (Humboldt), 7w B 31 7-10m/w
Waterhouse similar remark 29-34m, 35-37w
Tell Henslow 35 22-28m/27w aquatic? 37 22-
28m (Rudolphi) 43 6-13m (Rudolphi), 15-17m,
23-28m 44 12-20m 45 l-3m/?, 38-39m 50 2-
7m (Linnaeus) 51 l-39m 52 l-38m (Humboldt,
A.P. De Candolle) 53 l-5m 57 23-28m/24u
"theI no", 37-38m (Latreille) 58 1-11 m 60 37-
38m/37u "Quarterly Review, vol. 47" 61 6-33m
(Lyell) 63 38m (Lesson) 64 34-36m, 36-39m 66
wt consult Beales Book l-15m 67 3m, 6-9m,
39m/u "Gmelin I Amoenitat. " 68 17-30m 73 20-
27m/24-27m (Lesson), 35-37m 74 18-23m/19u
"chironectes"/?, 32-37m/35u "parameles", 35u
"New Guinea" 77 26-33m 80 10-14m 82 20-
23m/14~17w Flying squirrels in N. America 84
16-20m/16u "The \ everywhere" 85 3-llm/4-6w
Relation to trees?? 86 llu "Moluccas"'/w !
Baluchian 89 34-35m/36u "Annales I dm", 38-
39m (Cuvier) 90 38-A0m 93 9-llm (Lesson) 95
ll-13m 105 6-20m/6!H, 7u "definite", 8u
"separate origin" 110-11? Ill 111"..." "always" 106
4-19m (A.P. De Candolle) 107 31-40m (A.P. De Candolle) 108 36-37m (Geoffroy St Hilaire and Serres) 112 l~4m, 33-39m/35-36u^ 115 18-25m, 31-33m 118 23-29m 119 36-38m 130 ll-22m, 29-36m, wb I have heard of some facts different from this 138 36m (Rudolphi) 139 37-38m (A.P. De Candolle) 144 37-39m 145 24-27m/?? (Gaertner) 149 9-13m 153 30-36m 155 12-21m 156 19-31m 157 31-36m, wb In Malcolmson's Pamphlet is there not something about goitre peculiar to races 158 l-5m 163 2-37m 166 37-38m (Jacobi) 174 4-8m 175 6-31m/31u "everywhere", 36m (Hancock), wb Anafuras have no such beliefs 176 l-39m 180 28-31m/29u "voyager Kolben", wb consult for Cattle &c see p. 182 183 5-10m 216 26-31m 220 30-33m 225 31-33m/32u "par I honte" 242 20-23m 243 17-32m, 17-19w Consult Rengger 22w when? 29u "permanency I breed"/w how long? 244 l-7m/w strongly versus Walker; if considered races 32-33m, 39m 245 9-15m/13-15m, 19-21m, 27-31m, 37-38m 258 31-35m 264 16-20m 266 20-24m 271 18-22m 286 10-15m, 17-24m 288 27-33m 304 38m (W.F. Edwards) 305 22-25m 311 26-30m 314 21-32m 318 22-22m/12-13? 333 6-22m, 21-29m (Vrolik) 334 18-22m (Owen) 340 18-29m 341 2-22m 350 31-39m (A.P. De Candolle) 351 38m (Pallas) 352 29u "by\ organs", 27-30m, 27w retriever ! 38-39m (Meckel) 354 4-25m, 27-37m (Buffon) 355 2-34m (Blumenbach) 356 5-20ra, 10-36m (Blumenbach and Cuvier) 357 l-28m, 29-31m (Pallas) 360 31-37m 361 wt I have note of small sheep on Red Sea 2-2m 367 30-39m 368 23-30m 370 9m, 10-13m/w This being cross, father ought to have given 20-27m/w Mr. Walkers Theory!!! The father here gave only part of cuticle!!! 30-40m 371 23-28m 374 6-llm/8-9? 375 10-12m/u "separatel economy"\10-13m\wassumed 17-20m)?, 31-39m/? facing 376 4-18m (Prichard)
vol. 2 NB March 1857 I have not looked
th rough.-
2; 3; 10; 33; 95; 97; 141; 175; 181
197 All before Chapt X: very dull This whole
Chapt. amusing
207; 210; 221,2,3,6; 264; 275; 278- is this
true; 323,5; 329; 331; 336,8; 340 whole
section; 344 -copied FD; 348 Done FD
SB (by FD, referring to 2nd edn, vol. 2 & 4th
edn, vol 4)
2 3-8m 3 34-36m (Lacépède) 10 31-33m 33 3w Galapagos 7u ''abounded I size"'/5-8m/w New Zealand 9w Gap 95 33-34m 97 4-37m 141 16-20m 154 9-16m 175 34-37m (Rüppell) 181 19-32m/25-26m 197 wt The case of African
[page break]
nation which has grammatised its language from the Arabian has been mentioned, so much so, that it might be mistaken for Semitic dialect 15-18m 207 19-22m 210 38-41m 221 26-28m 222 l-38m 223 l-39m\39u "purposely framed" 224 l-8m, 13-38m/15-20m/ 14-17W What evidence? 226 2-14m 264 25-30m 275 29-32 m 278 14-21m, 28-30m 279 4-5m 323 1-16m 325 9-22m, 25-38m 329 34-38m 331 17-22m 334 wb • 336 17-24m 338 7-34m, 36-39m 339 l-4m, 19-27m 340 2-4m 344 5-13m\8-9"..." 345 27-22m 348 24-35m
PRICHARD, James Cowles Researches in the
history of mankind 3rd & 4th edns, 5 vols.;
London; Houlston & Stoneman; 1841-51
beh, cs, f, gd, geo, gr, h, he, hy, is, mg, mn,
no, pat, si, sp, sx, ta, ti, tm, ud, v, ve, wd
vol. 1 NB1 (note on Mendel by FD)
NB2 Blumenbach de Unite de Genre
Blumenbach Beytrage zur Naturgesichte &
Meckel Traite general de Anatom Compr
Must be read Has not Erasmus one of their
Pallas Spicilegia Zoolog
271 Blushing said to have been acquired
by NegrosO (passage in text is about
SB1 Prichard Vol I p. 23; 26; 33; 41,42; 61;
84; 87; 90; 94; 112; 115; 133; 141; 144;
153, 163; 175; 224; 228; 245; 271; 311; 316
How like my Book all this will be.
I must read some Book on geograph distrib
of insects or of one great class
p.321; 322 & p. 324 & 331 on relation of
body, pelvis & Head
311; 334; 340; 345; 349; 351; 353; 366; 370
23 S. African plants in Europe (Glacial?)
42 quotes Lyell & Keith on seeds in Baltic
from Germany do. 61 Eding. Phil. Mag. 1832
on Distribution of Parrots
84 Bat in Sandwich Isld 87 Pteropus
keraudren at Marian & Oualan; at Tonga
peculiar species
90 Australian Dog same as that of N. Ireland
M. Lesson N.Q.
141 Sparrmann says hybrids of common &
Aethiopian Hogs fertile
144 It seems Buffon was strong on
repugnance to 2 species to cross
155 On Hëredetary Plica Polonica - on
races of Man becoming predisopsed to
disease in certain countries
163 do* on diseases of Hot countries
224 Albinos subject* sensible to bite of flies
245 Good Heredetary cases of toes &
fingers - Heredetary rudiments
311 X^ Nasal cavities large in American
skulls, Blumenbach connects with high
smelling powers
321 X& Cox says flattened head "an
essential point in Beauty" in American
324 Vrolik says shape of Pelvis must have
some influence on that of Pelvis ♦/& HeadA)
331 333
334 Lumbar vertebrae sometimes six in
341 In Tobolsk Cats generally red Q
343 Skin & hair go together in colour -
Sheeps Mouths black when » hair black
345 On complexion & temperament.
349 Porcupine Man coming on at same time
in him & children
353 Blumenbach on some strange vars of
Pigs - Marcel de S. on skeletons of dogs &
wolves Eding. Phil J July 1835 p. 244
356 Feral horses of Pallas in Siberia. Dun or
brown Q||^
23 16-18m/w N. Migration during cold Period 16-20m, 20-25m 26 3-10m 33 38-41m 41 27-35m (A.P. De Candolle) 42 26-29m/w Fundus maris semina non destruct 43 28-29m 44 39u "marine birds" 58 29-22m (Latreille), 36-39m 59 36m (llliger) 61 36-37m 84 8-10m/9u "small crepuscular" 87 4m/4-5u "has I Oualan" 90 31-33m (Lesson) 94 25-28m (Buffon) 112 29-39m 115 3-9w who can tell - it is begging question to say constant. ll-12m, 19-23m 133 9-12m, 21-23m 141 13-14m, 37m (Sparrmann) 144 35-37m 153 32-35m 155 6-10m/10u<+, ll-15w The point to show is that a race by living in district long may acquire hereditary tendency 14~21m/w proof of peculiarity acquired by certain race in certain area 24-25m, 26m, 33-38m/37-38m, 39m 156 l-6m, 8-16m, 23-30m 157 18-21m, 27-29m, 32-33m, 36m 158 l-4m 159 6-10m, 36-37m (Winterbottom)/36-38w would be worth reading 38-39m 163 3-9m 175 2-3m 224 35-39m 225 30-34m (Buffon) 228 6-18m 245 7-16m/llu "rudiments of"/15u^/llw Heredity 17-21m 271 17-21m/w no doubt wd increase tendency 311 2-3m, 28-35m 316 22-27m (Tiedemann) 317 39m 318 16-22m 320 22-25m 321 7-9m, 7-8u "They \ point", 18-19u "Dublin\1834" 322 16-18m 324 3-10m (Vrolik) 331 26-29m/w see references to Book p324 333 25-28m/w p281 for main character of skulls 26u "oval shape"'/w do.
[page break]
head 28a "oblong" do. head 28a "Mongolians" do. head 334 19-21m 340 40m (Blumenbach) 341 26m (Gmelin) 343 5-8m, wb over 344 33-35m 345 14-16m, 17-21m 347 21-23w^C, 29u "bark\hide" 348 12-13«, 21-26m (H. Baker) 349 7-9m, 21-24m (Lawrence) 351 7-9m/7u "J.F. Meckel" 353 13-20m, 33-35m (Serres), 36u "Beyträge\ubi", 38m 354 24-26m, 18-20m 355 28-22m (Blumenbach) 356 6-7m/ 6u "dun \ brown" 366 2S-23m 367 36-37m 370 32-36m/w Piebald
NB [done FD Feb 25/01]
vol. 2 SB1 p33; p45; p181 ; p334
33 Dogs & Goats in Canaries - Cada.Mosto
discovered C. de Verdes
181 To produce effect on race by crossing,
the two parent races must be nearly equal in
334 Reference to table of complexions by
Esquirol, possibly may allude to liability to
disease (But it was madhouse)
33 9-23m, 30-32m/31w*/u "Cadamosto" 35 22u "bandages I skin " 45 23-32m 46 6-9m 47 7-22m 181 20-31m 334 31-34m
vol. 3 NB 0/
vol. 4 NB (wte, not CD)
[FD copied] p103; 243 -X not N. Sel; 407;
413; 423; 454xx; 477; 492; 519x Beauty;
525; 529 - ext condus
530 common mule (c of Ass & Horse) shows
that no great variability or appearing of new
characters in Hybrids
534 537 Beauty 539 Climated 616
103 Date of Vedas 1343 B.C. 477 History of
China 2200 B.C.
407 X& on shape of Head in relation to
454 X<^ On variability of chief characteristics
of each Race of Man 519, 530
519 X& Chinese admire Chinese beauty
534 so Siamese 535 Cochin China 537
103 6-12m/8w concludes 243 30-39mj34-36m 407 19-22 m, 23-27m 413 6-10m 423 l-5m 454 21-23m/21-38w/wb so darkness variable in Hindoos - Bump in Hottentot, & I think many other particulars which I have omitted to mark, wd require selection to separate. There was something on skull of Australians. So shape of Pelvis.- Shin Bone of Negros? 476 18-26m, 31-37m (Rémusat) 477 4-7m, 10-12m 492 22-25m 519 22-23m (Barrow)/u "the I nose", 15u "high\ bones", 17-18m, 24u "Pallas", 25-29m, 39m 520 2-5m/5u "shortI
flattened", 15-16m/15u "hands I feet" 521 34-35m 525 10-19m 529 6-20m 530 35-38m 533 30-36m, 38-39u "features) bold" 534 lu "small", 2u "nostrils", 4u "rather thick", 8-13m/9u "breadth \of", 13u "large", 27-28u "beauty I them", 29-30u++/29-32m/w Siamese 535 4u "Cochin China", 26u "globular", 27u "orbicular \ face", 33-35m/w Cochin China 39m 537 21-26m 539 22-28m 615 23-25m
vol. 5 NB 67 Beauty
X«^ 67 Beauty
146 Drift wood Easter Isd
168 Spaniards introduced Stag, Mariane
Isd? From Freycinet. Lib 3. p. 270
283 Differences of Oceanic People - 292 N.
America - Man in a Polymorphous condition.
419 Mandans grey-hair
463 Chest & Body of Indians
•^ 476 Beauty
542 Differences in American Races
& X 145 Difference low level Islets & High
Volcanic Isld-
(over) ♦«b>, •*
In my note on Man - Ask what makes any
peculiarity not always heredetary; then why
shd not this cause act & react- Effect of
civilisation on poor children & rich- Hair &
colour - Polymorphous state Geographical
reprentatives most difficult to decide whether
to call vars. or species.- Moral * restraints -
(Spreading not like spreading of other
animals?) Allude to Pritchard on colour &c
•o-t ♦«=>
Mans Sexual characters like tufted Ducks-FirstO spreading out evenO families wd be partO
67 16-21m/19-21m, 22-25m 141 18-21m 144 32-36m 145 2-7m, 21-29m 146 33-36m 168 30-35m 283 6-10m (Foster) 293 17-29m (Morton) 418 32-35m 476 35-37m (d'Orbigny) 542 28-33m (Humboldt and d'Orbigny) 543 17-23m (d'Orbigny)
PRINCIPLES of organic life London; Robert Hardwicke; 1868 [Down, S]
NB 0/
PROCTOR, Richard A. Pleasant ways in science London; Chatto & Windus; 1879 [Down, I] geo, oo
NB p379 Dust important for Worms
379 wt But this cannot apply to a whole
country 6-37m, wb St Jago When covered
[page break]
with vegetation * very little dust raised 380 1-21, 26-37m/30-35m/13-35w But clayO must have been taken from one part to another
PROCTOR, Robert Narrative of a journey across the Cordillera of the Andes London; A. Constable; 1825 [Christ's College Library, on B,S]
NF Have read as far as the pages are cut
a • X Vizcacha Azara •; Biscacho -
Proctor; Cachia Caldcleugh; Cuvier
15 wb Gau (for Gauchos) 368 wt/l-2w Gua
Gua Gau quipos Gau
anonymously by B.C. Brodie); London;
Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1854
beh, ch, gd, gr, h, or, phy, t, tm, ud, ve
NB1 Emma 104
NB2 /& much good on man
p166; p183,4; 186; 190; 192; 194; 196; 198;
p.196 Man wd not spread beyond Tropics till
fire invented nor very widely, perhaps, till
Perhaps first Learnt in a Volcanic region,
with lava flaming things around
188 Q Good case of Bees building comb
beneath a fallen hive temporarily
192 Moral sense due to Social Instinct p203
195 Man must have had more instincts when
first Produced
199 Q An acquired habit converted into
instinct show change in Brain
166 13-19m 183 19-22m 184 20-23m/? 186 5-9m 187 18-22m 188 13-19m/17'..." 189 24m (Dujardin) 190 23m 192 16-18m, 17-24m 194 21-24m 195 4-8m, 15-18m 196 14-18m 197 21-22m/u "instinct of self-preservation " 198 5-7m 199 18-21 m 203 7-10m, 22-24m
PUBLIC LIBRARIES in the United States of America Part 1; Washington; Government printing office; 1876 [Down, S]
NF 419^42; 476-504
PUGIN, Augustus Welby Contrasts or parallels between the noble edifices of the middle ages and corresponding buildings of the present day London; Charles Dolman; 1841 [Down]
PULTENEY, Richard A general view of the writings of Linnaeus London; J. Mawman; 1805 [Botany School, pre-B, ED]
PUSEY, Sidney Edward Bouverie Permanence and evolution London; Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.; 1882 [Down, I] p
NB All mere rubbish
PUTSCHE, Carl Wilhelm Ernst Tauben-katechismus Leipzig; Baumgartner; 1830 [CUL, on B] no, v, wd
NB a. Nothing March 1857 p27; p30
iv 16-19m/17u*-* v 6-8m/6u "dreyssigjähriger" vi 9u "Leipzig", 9-10w I have 22 19u "Montauban", 20-22w Leghorn Rump scanderosus &c 23 9w Carrier 26 9m, 32u-^f 31-32w/wb Almond Tumbler has been reduced in England 27 14-15u "auch\ihnen"/ w Turbits 28-30m/28u "1573" 30 21-24w same as spots 31 22w with a mane 32 13-24m/w Swallow-Pigeons thus seem to be domesticated
PUVIS, M.A. De la dégénération et de l'extinction des variétés de végétaux Paris; Huzard; 1837 [CUL] ch, che, es, dg, fg, phy, sp, t, ta, ti, v, wd
NB p1—41—> chiefly on old vars of Fruit-trees
dying; 48; p. 63,5; 76-79; 82
SB 36 on apples half one sort, half another.
Attitude to direct fecundation
37 on genera varying in having only single
species Q
41 on vars. of Peaches within recent times
on certain fruit-trees coming true
81 in cultivating a number of Cereals, all those near each other, were greatly modified in garden of Society - attributed to crossing but I doubt Q
(over) ♦
p10 M.S. reference to Lindley on grafting
5 8-10m/w Fruit-trees 15 ll-16m, 18-21m 22 27-32m 15 ll-16m, 18-21m 22 27-31m 25 25-28m 30 l-8m 31 l-5m, 10-13m 34 10-15m 36 l-7m, wt/l-4w attributes all variation to crossing ll-12m, 19-23m^ (A.P. De Candolle), 24-26m, 27-32m^ 37 wt Maize Rice Potato l-4m, lu "principalement", 4u "kolreuteria", 3u "seigle"/w Rye 5-6m, 7-8Q llu "platanes", 12u "encore entr'eux"/9-l4m/w Ch 4 Big grain & small grain - 13-15m, wb The Variation in Fruit-Trees shows that many generations are not necessary to cause
[page break]
variation 39 20-28m 41 l-4m, 11-Um 48 19u "Annales "J19-21m (Sageret) 49 5-8m 63 20-23m 65 4-10m 76 2-4m, 15w cultivated 15u "franche", 16-18m, 19-21m, 24u "prune", 31-32m 77 l-2m, 9-llm, 21-23m, 24-29m 78 3-7m/w chemical change 18u "âé"/9-18w Thinks it all due to crossing affecting the very grains. 79 ll-14m 81 23-26m 82 zot spell. Diet. French l-3m/lu "épeautres", 8-llw ask about Aegilops 12-15m 83 10-12m
QUADRI, Achille Note alia teoria Danviniana Bologna; Giuseppe Vitali; 1869 [CUL, I] ad, ex, fg, is, no, sh, t, ts
NB1 p26»; p. 28 very good; Struggle for existence NB2 (not CD)
SB Ch2 p37; 3 p105; 4 p137; (I have not read)
28 xvt/l-9w (a) Prophesied that Culicidae wd be rare on account of vast number of Empitae, & these abounded because Water-beetles sick & very rare 9-30m/w (a) 32-35m/ 34w (b) wb (B) Land-shells devoured by Mice - one kind protected by Carduus - like plants on commons by Thorns - Beans on shells in islands, where no mice, lately exterminated -> 29 wt He classes the relations of the Economy of Nature 8-9m/4-21 w The more perfect the organism the less Evolution (external) wb Mr Traherne Moggridge remarked to me that he cd find seed of Legum. climbing plants only when dropped among thorny plants, in all other places devoured
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Charles Darwin et ses précurseurs français Paris; Germer Baillière; 1870 [CUL, I]
NB & 0/ P
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Études sur les maladies actuelles du ver à soie Paris; V. Masson; 1859 [CUL, I] ad, beh, br, em, ex, gd, he, mn, oo, pat, rd, si, sx, ta, v
NB 12; 31; 101; 209; 214; 304; 321 SB QßÄ.
12 & 214 do One knows that everywhere in
France white races have resisted disease
better than yellow- [It may of course have
been accidental coincidence]
31 Disease Hereditary The old races
promptly disappeared from whole country
101 Great care is always taken in selecting
cocoons for breeders.
209 a breed of which females had much
finer & not so monstrous wings * as in the
South-* certain black caterpillars resist
disease much better
214 some breeds have lost property of
attaching eggs to any support
304 Often mere rudiments of wings (u^> -
doubtful whether due to disease
321 an account of diff vars. of Mulberry with
leaves of different qualities some only fitted
[page break]
for caterpillars in latter stages; Hence selection might easily come into play - as the stiff-leaved vars could exterminate a species.- No doubt judging by our oaks only the more delicate trees wd be thus exterminated.
12 27-28m 31 18-20m 101 21-24m 209 lu "vers I Jean", 17 u "plus I dans", 18u "sont\ étalés", 25-28m 214 14-15m, 16-17m 217 26-29m 304 l~13m/7-8Q 321 4-12ml6-9Q/8-9m/ 9u "qu'on]davantage", 14u "assez\découpées", 15u "feuillelplus", 19u "laquelle] ramassage", 23-26m/25-26m, 29m
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Histoire naturelle des annelés 2 vols.; Paris; Roret; 1865 [Down, I] p
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Métamorphoses de l'homme et des animaux Paris; J.B. Baillière & Fils; 1862 [CUL, I] ce, em, fg, gd, mn, oo, phy, sx, t, tm, v
NB 32; 79; 84; 94; 99; 103; 113; 118; 122;
32 Embryology
79 do
84 - Destruction of caterpillars by
94 - Neuter insects
99 4 forms of successive Respiration in
103 do.
113 Retrograde development
118 F.W. Molluscs no metamorphosis
122 Embryology
129 Period of monstrosity X
174 alternate generations
251 True generation always necessary
280 Parthenogenesis in Wasps
299 do.
293 do.
312 & 315 & 317 Embryology
32 8-16m 79 17u "quatre formes "\13-25m (Fahre), 28-34m (Joly) 84 27-30m 94 21-24m/ l-24w I doubt - will not explain two castes of ants 99 21-30m/18-30w four forms of respiration 100 l-9m, 19-25m 103 l-6m, 8-24m 104 22-32m 107 31-34m 113 23-27m/23w Lernaea 118 wt/l-2zv Why ? No food 23-27m
119 23-26m 121 27-30m 122 24-29m 129 4-
8m (Meckel and Geoffroy), 13-23m/7-19w so
with all variations 28-30m 174 12~30m 251
12-19m 280 4-22m (Leuckart) 282 12w ovipary
290 9-14m 293 6-23m 312 28-22m 313 9-22m
315 4-7m 317 29m (Dufossé)
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Nouvelles recherches faites en 1859 sur les maladies actuelles du ver à soie Paris; Victor Masson; 1860 [CUL, I]
NB 0/1860
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Physiologie comparée. Les métamorphoses Paris; Estrail de la Reine des Deux Mondes; 1855 [CUL, I] ad, ce, et, em, fg, in, no, sx, t, ta, v, y
In insects variation cannot come on till later
in life- so no necessity for coming on early
The case may be early if measured by year
towards close of life.
85; 96; 102; 118; 121; 125; 126; 134; 136;
138; 140 Hermaphrodite Fish.
By the enormous increase of individuals by
gemmation in animal & vegetable kingdom
number of eggs increased, & at times of
year when perhaps not good for seeds or
eggs to be produced-
96 great differences in Metamorphoses of
closely allied Polyps
125 Transformations, Metamorphoses,
genea-genesis.- all forms of Metamorphosis
138 Summary of do
140 Serranus Hermaphrodite Fish
N.B. In an ephemeral insect how late a
variation appears in life as measured by time
- though the causes may act at a very early
85 26-4lm 96 7-24m (Löwen) 102 23-29m 116 9-22m 118 2S-24m, 28-32m 121 2-6m, 22-25m 123 2-20m (Owen) 125 5-22m 126 23-25m/20-34w This after all turns on metaphysical point of what is individual. 37u "monogénèse", wb In young Anodon wd it be mono or digenesis - the cases blend together 127 25m, 22m (Carpenter)/u "son I fond" 128 3~4m, 6-9m/w just as I thought 129 3-7m 134 26m, 26m "n'aura]germe"/w No 27-31w His own case of Moths.- 136 17-21m 137 35-37m 138 la "oeuf'/wt & the young organisms adapt to external, conditions 2-8m, 37-40m 140 40-43m (Dufossé)
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Souvenirs d'un naturaliste 2 vols.; Paris; Charpentier; 1854 [CUL] af, ch, dg, em, gd, no, or, phy, sx, t, tm
vol. 1 SB1 vol 2 p. 184; p. 193; p. 278; p. 338
vol I p. 116; p. 121; p. 123; p. 135
p.254 works out well particularly of laws of
[page break]
propagation in animals & vegetables.-
p296; p. 306; p. 308; p. 321
121 On division of labour, 297
137 Great size with degradation in Nemertes
vol 2 193 simple eye of Annelid
338 On important change in one part not
compelling changes in other parts, with good
remarks against the subordination of
Characters of Cuvier
116 2-6m/4-5w analogue 117 18-23m 121 wt How applicable to Plants - Shark & Salmon & Pike The mere facts of being less like Reptile makes more Fish-like l-4m, 7-10m/ 9u "inférieur", 24-25m (Milne Edwards) 122 ll-15mlllu "types", 17-21ml20u "plan général", 23-25!\23~24u "le\branchie" 123 5w Lamprey 22-26m 135 15-18m, 26m 137 3-6m, 25-26m 139 14-20m/16w Fish? 26m 140 3-5m 257 18-22w The leaf buds are * larvae 295 24r-26m 296 1-llm 297 24u "il\ans"/23-25m (Milne Edwards), 25-26m 306 l-7m 308 22-26m 309 3-8m, 19-22m 321 10-22m/22u "réunis", 23m/w Land 24w some Rotiferae are bisexual 26w Land 27u "Turbellariés"/w Land 29-32m (van Beneden), wb+ There have been land-forms produced because such has been possible owing to these being M All wrong
vol. 2 NB1 40; 48; 52; 64 NB2 40; 48; 52 NB3 O^
40 17u "représenter" 41 26m 43 9-14m 52 23-17m/13u "parenté zoologique", 16-21m, 23-24u "d'identité apparente" 53 2-4u*+ 62 10-13m 64 4-8m 184 l-7m 193 l-13m/3u "partout I centre" 278 6-15m/10-llw Teredo 338 2-23m, 15-lBm, 24-26m 339 l-5m (Jussieu), 9-16m, 20-21m
QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, Jean Louis Armand de Unité de l'espèce humaine Paris; J. Claye; 1861 [CUL] beh, br, ds, em, h, hy, phy, sp, v
20 Man. Language
39- a Definition of Species
Some truth to similarity, some truth to
descent alone
52; 53; 57; 78; 119; 152; 156; 158; 161;
169; 205 a Book on Health of World
Americans altering looks like conditions
Whatever produces 6 fingers, could if
prolonged produce six.-
Nothing important
Jan 1861 Quatrefages on me
20 Compares Languages of Man & of
152 Results of crossing Primrose & Cowslip
156 on the crossing of 2 species of Camels.
doubts thrown on.- & 2 species of Guanaco.
158 on the sheep & Goats of Chile.
161 Naudin on Law of Return of Hybrids - I
doubt - It is certain that he does not believe
much in insects.-
19 ll-16m 20 28-35m 21 21-23m/22u "caractères moraux", 26u "vertu I vice", 37-41m, 43u "selgénéralement" 31 27-30m, 31-38m, 40-41m, 42u "compagnie" 32 9-14m 33 l-6m 39 20-25m 52 31-38m (De Candolle) 53 26-34m, 35-40m (Linnaeus) 54 34-39m 55 33-40m (F. Cuvier, I. Geoffroy St Hilaire) 56 3-9m 57 6-12m (Sageret) 59 21-22m 69 29-33m 78 12-15m 79 24-36m (Geoffroy) 88 14-21m (d'Orbigny) 93 40-Alm 95 39-40m (Desmoulins), 39u "seize" 119 25-35m 125 2-20m, 28-33m/29-30w like Wallace 128 24-43m 129 21-24m, 36-39m 152 12-20m (Naudin) 156 5-24m (Khanikoff) 157 37-^2m (H.A. Weddell) 158 18-24m 159 2-9m, 31-34m 161 wt I must study Naudin on Return; I cannot but suspect crosses 25-30m 169 26-37m (Geoffroy) 205 21-27m (Winterbottom), 31-38m (Boudin), 39-Alm, 1\3u "Boudin"/wb I must read that book 206 21-16m
QUETELET, A. Sur l'homme et le développement de ses facultés 2 vols.; Paris; Bachelier; 1835 [Down, ED]
[page break]
THE RABBIT BOOK London; Journal of
horticulture; n.d. [CUL]
NB p. 2;4; 14; 16; 22; 24; 34
2 2-8m (Confucius) 4 33-35m 14 5u "Double I Full"/w Oar lop - Horn-lop 13u "5th\eye", 20-23m/21u "II inches"/22u "5" 15 fig.m 16 2-4m, 29-32m 22 2S-32m 24 27-33m 26 16u "Chinchilla", 20u "wild I sprig", 23-29m 28 2-3m, 22-24m 30 15-17m, 19-21m, 22-23m 31 21m "Ram Rabbit", 17-19m/18u "from\20" 32 4u "Rouennais", 4-16m/12-16m, 19-23m, 26-28m/26u "Nicard" 34 8-10m
RADCLIFFE, Charles Bland Dynamics of nerve and muscle London; Macmillan & Co.; 1871 [CUL, I] beh, phy, tm
NB1 Does killing Drosera cause contraction
- is elasticity contracted during life?
NB2 ♦ 9 & 27 & 29 & 38 Torpedo
144; 165 Blushing
178 contraction of muscle due to elasticity
contraction of amoeba
237 Trembling- why excitment, because too
9 3-5m (Du Bois-Reymond) 27 25-31m (Matteucci) 28 30-31m 29 2-22m, 23-27m 38 2-8"..."/3-10m 144 7-27m 165 4-20m, 29u "vaso-motor" 178 22-31m 179 20~23m 237 20-30m 238 3-15m/14-16m
RADENHAUSEN, Carl Osiris: Weltgesetze in der Erdgeschichte 3 vols.; Hamburg; Otto Meissner; 1874-76 [Down] p
RAM, James The philosophy of war London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1878 [Down]
RAMES, J.B. La création d'après la géologie et la philosophie naturelle part 1; Paris; F. Savy; 1869 [Down, I]
RAMSAY, Andrew Descriptive catalogue of the rock specimens in the Museum of practical geology London; G.E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode; 1858 [Down, I]
11 2-3m 13 2-7m 148 13-Uw Galapagos 149 2 6-2 9m
RAMSAY, Andrew Crombie The physical
geology and geography of Great Britain
London; Edward Stanford; 1863 [Botany
School, I]
RAMSAY, Andrew Crombie The physical geology and geography of Great Britain 3rd edn; London; E. Stanford; 1872 [CUL, I] geo se
NB Will Shrinkage account for surface grt elevation & subsidence on same area p. 261 Earth brought down by Rivers 261 2-9m
RAMSAY, Andrew Crombie The physical geology and geography of Great Britain 5th edn; London; Edward Stanford; 1878 [Down, I] ad
NB p107 On Marine animals getting accustomed to salt water 107 31-34m
RANG, Sander Manuel de l'histoire naturelle des mollusques et de leurs coquilles Paris; Roret; 1829 [CUL, on B, S]
RANKE, Johannes Grundzüge der Physiologie des Menschen 3rd edn; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1875 [Down] p
RAY, John The correspondence of John Ray ed. Ray Lankester; London; The Ray Society; 1848 [Down]
NB (not CD) 356 4-7m
RAY, John The wisdom of god manifested in the works of the creation 2nd edn; London; Samuel Smith; 1692 [Botany School, S]
NB1 & Instinct so Babies Vine 99 manured in Vine leaves 99; 107 babies; 100 NB2 p106 112 114 115 121 125-140 p. 134p.136 Part II
part 1, 106 9-18m 107 l-5m(FD) 108 Zw As domestication makes some animals more prolific (? fresh teats produced?) questions answered 109 l-8m/wt/tw are the last eggs fertile If so, possibly animals might regulate their prolificness according to case of feeding young Will not apply to caterpillars.-Was not Doris superfluously prolific 112 ÏÏ3-lm 113 Îî22-2m 114 ÏÏ20-2m 115 1Î20-2m 116 6-20m 121 4-6m, î\6-lm 125 2-20m 127 2-7m\w if not they would not live. This argument shows in what strife each species lives wb Adaptations might be classed always necessary to existence, necessary under 0 128 ÏÏ20-2m 129 3-22m 130 Wl6-lm, wb burrowing animals grow analogues 132
[page break]
wt Co relation in structure, as breast & womb, must be result of laws of organisation %w Adaptations which may have grown with formation of the species 5-20m 136 "II".? 139 Ü10-3m (other markings not CD - some FD)
part 2, 68 ÎÏ20-2m 69 8-14m 134 20-26m 136 4-20m
RAY, John Memorials of John Ray ed. Ray Lankester; London; The Ray Society; 1846 [Down] p 149 8-10m
READE, Thomas Mellard Chemical denudation in relation to geological time London; David Bogue; 1879 [Down, I] p
READE, Winwood The African sketch-book 2
vols.; London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1873
beh, gr, h, si, ss, sx, tm
vol. 1 NB African do not 41 Kissing
♦ 60 Error; 306 Aymara (text has
"Amyamara ")
152 Direction of Hair on arm of Gorilla
& manner of killing
223 Women ugly in lowest tribe & selected as slaves
♦ Ananga pretty story (Sketch of African
445 Rage Expression 109 wonder
41 21-23m 60 3u 109 16-18m 152 25-27m/25-26u "rain I head" 223 9-13m 306 ÎÎ2« "Amyamara" 445 5-27m
vol. 2 NB African Map. ingored
Missionary 153 313 savages singing when
253 Beauty, & 521-522 Blackness
258 intelligence of Negros
306 & sexual selection man
♦ 310 Language
313 singing
394 Blue eyes in negress, uncanny
364 M. of N.
Your map not alluded to
153 26-29m 253 2-7m, ll-14m, 18-22m 258
20-26m 306 17-23m/19-20w like male Birds
307 29-* 308 ll-14m, 15-16m, 19u "women
fanciers"I18-24w American Men have as long
hair as women 310 18-22m 312 ll-15m/?,
26-29m 313 ll-12m/llu "the", 16-20m 394 2-
4m, 10-12m 520 6-10m, 16-19m, 29-32m/
31u++, 32-34m 521 l-2m, 7-10m, 22-24m, 29-
31m, 33-35m, 38-39m, 40m 522 1-Am, 12-15m, 20-21m, 31-34m, 35-36m 523 l-2m
READE, Winwood The martyrdom of man London; Trübner & Co.; 1872 [CUL, I] beh, h, or, si, t
NB 112*; 410*; all very striking & original;
415* Poetical* 434*; 420; 423; 237; 441 &
453 What authority
SB Ö5R-»
420 & 421 combination depends on
language e> Selection Man
423 Sharpening sticks by rubbing probably
origin of Fire.
♦ 437 Origin of curiosity
441 Savages - When excited singing What
authority ^ Own
453 Origin of + decency^ & propriety
«e> Mind of Man
W Reade Martyrdom of Man
112 24c "West"/w East 410 22-27m 415 3-10m 420 23-27m 421 27-28m 423 8-9m 434 6-9m 437 15-18m/w Why not danger 441 29-30m 453 8-20m
REE, Paul Der Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungen Chemnitz; Ernst Schmeitzer; 1877 [Down, S]
NB 0/
REEVE, Lovell The land and freshwater mollusks indigenous or naturalized in the British Isles London; Reeve & Co.; 1863 [Down, I]
NB 255-57 Distribution of 255 2-20m, 42m 256 10-17m, 20-24m 257 18-21m, 21-22m, 21u "have\ influence", 32-34m 258 24-30m
REICHENAU, Wilhelm von Die Nester und Eier der Vögel Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [Down] p
REINKE, Johannes Untersuchungen über die Quellung einiger vegetabilischer Substanzen Bonn; Adolph Marcus; 1879 [Botany School I to Grisbach; FD]
RENDU, Victor L'Intelligence des bêtes Paris; L. Hachette & Cie.; 1863 [Down]
NB Mere Compilation not worth reading
RENGGER, Johann Rudolph Naturgeschichte der Saeugethiere von Paraguay Basel;
[page break]
Schweighauser; 1830 [CUL, on B] ad, beh, br, cc, er, es, dg, ds, fg, gd, geo, gr, h, he, mg, no, oo, or, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, ta, ti, tm, v, wd, y
NB 0a
I did not notice whether tame Monkeys have
354; 357; 360
334; 336; 340; 364; 368,9,70,90
10; 21; 38; 41 ; 43; 45; 47,8; 50
71; 100; 106; 110; 115; 118; 125; 126; 149;
152; 155; 165; 212; 214
173; 174; 175; 185; 189; 196; 201; 208; 224;
233; 249; 250; 259; 263; 265; 268; 276; 288;
291; 294; 295; 298; 301; 309; 327; 331; 342;
345; 351
xv 6m, 9m, 10m, 11m, 12m, 14m, 15m, 16m, 17m, 18m, 19m, 20m, 21m, 22m, 23m, 24m, 25m, 26m, 27m, 28m, 29m, 30m, 31m, 32m, 33m, 34m, 35m xvi 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m, 6m, 7m, 8m 3 5-14m/7-10w resemble of women to men 20-22m/w Beard 26-27u "Die I Farbe", 30~32w complexion in passion 4 18-20m/w from Life in Canoes 8 19-22m, 24-25m/w See correction pxv 9 7c\w€, %clw€ 10 32-38m, wb Jemmy Button sharper eyesight than sailors 11 l-5m 14 12u "urns I Zoll", 22-34m/23-28w sexual differences in colour 26u<&> "graulich-gelb", 27u&> "bräunlich-gelbe", 29u "jungen Carayas ", 30u "tragen I Weibchen ", 34u "rötlich-braun", 35u "dritten Schwan", 37 u "viertenl Jahre" 15 27-28u "Das\ Stimmapparat", 33-37m, 34u "Beim \ dieser", 35-36u "'zwei I Männchen" 20 19-22m/w Polygamy 21 5u "Des Morgens", 6u "der warmen", llu "Männchen\gewöhnlich", 14-15u "oftHang", 17-24m/w these Monkeys make noise merely for pleasure 23 2-4m 26 14-17m* T7 26u "sieben" 31 30~31m/u++ 34 32-37m 35 12u "Cebus-Azarae", 16u "der Eckzähne", 17u "etwas I Schwanz", 18u "Gesichtswinkel" 38 15-17m, 22-23m 39 22« "einige Töne", 33-34u "mit\lösen" 133-37mlw Beat the oranges to losen rind 40 2~4m/w Yet oranges not aborigin 41 19-22m/w Monkeys drive flies from their young 42 35-37m, wb afraid of cold Mothers 43 20u "häufig", 36u "Käfich" 45 30w Cebus 34w/ 36w/wbx 46 wt Ennui - desire for object -astonishment - passion - Fear & pain -Joyful recognition l-8w Desire astonishment (2) Passion (3) Fright or Pain (4) (5) (6) 9u/ llwx 13-16m/w same in all - instinctive 19-27m/w the crys cause very strong associated emotions & act on them 30-33m/w Crys & laughs 34-35m/w Laughter 32~34u±/wb
Expression wbx, wb Humboldt mentions crying monkey 47 28m 48 25u "Zorne" 124-27m/w Harm by passion ! by spirits 49 l-2m, ll-12m/w male monkey arrives later at puberty than female 15-18m 50 l-6m/w Monkeys diseases very like men 5-23m/w colds, coughs consumption. Cutting teeth die from fever accompanying. Cataract. Apoplexy & inflammation of the bowels. Medicine produces same effect on them 51 5-19m, 5-12w directly accustom to confinement - very affectionate & loose even wish of freedom 26-30m/w like Negros best 34u "Hunde", 32-36m/w People say horses created for men, I might say dogs created for monkeys wb (With reflection a monkey with these feelings would be sorry having attacked his friend) 52 wt How like to man's character! do for comparison l-4m, 6m, 8-20m\7-16w (Vengeance encircledO) 21-26m, 29-31m, 34-37m 53 wt Emma often perceived he had been on dining room on the table & found it so - l-10m/2w Jemmy did this 3-5w but SquibO was not so 12-13u "Habsucht", 17-24m 54 5m, 6-8m, 14-15m/14u "selbstständigen Charakter", 20-22m/20u "andere\unterwerfen", 24-29m/25-33w Rides dogs & makes them go where he likes, wb X Man to horse, Molothrus to cows dog to monkeys (& even some Crustacea probably to Cetacea see Macleay in • on accidental selections; 55 l-3m/w/wt was easily taught * to open shells of Palm with stones 7-15m/8-Uw generally learns to break eggs. 15w Learns by exper 15u "sachte", 16u "zerbrochenen Theil", 17u "nur einmal", 17-18m/17-20w if once cut himself with tool very careful 35-37m/w wasp always listened to paper 35-37m/w knows expression of Man wb&> these alpaca in S. America Man to Mule! better 56 wt A This shows how arts wd be acquired. 6-18m/w A once taught to break nuts, with stone, uses this art to break nut with stones with bad taste 19w & boxes 20-27m/w N.B Monkey gave me nut out of herself & seem to expect it to be cracked 57 wt strength of judgment 2u "Urtheilskraft", 6-10m/4-llw senses of Monkey * are much impressed by circumstances 8u/wx, wb X 58 Ww Nothing about breeding 61 22-27m/w p38. lay only on other side 62 10-llm, 17-18w Nocturnal Monkey 64 15-20m 71 16-18m 99 19-26m/20-23w Occasional differn in sexes 100 10-18m*, 20-28m, 29-37m, 34-36m/36u "Farbenabänderungen" 106 18-23m/ 19u "Gefangenschaft"/19-20u "fahre lang"/21u "zeichen" 107 l-3m/l-2u "der\Behandlung", 12u "DerIzahm" 110 7-9m 115 5-9m, 14-18w
[page break]
This is a representative species 16-26m/18-19u++ 118 13-15m 125 5-7m/7u "von Geschlechtstrieb", 12-13m/13u "sehr zahm"/14u "folgtIwird" 126 13-14m/14u "grösseren]zu" 129 29-32m 141 26u "so I zahm" 148 12-Um, 31-36m 149 l-5m, 26-32m/w like Bizatcha useless instinct 151 2Q 152 12-19m/w Proofs from name of places that Dog is aboriginal 21-22m, 32-36m, wb Thinks hairless dog probably aboriginal - is called Chinos -which is evidently wrong, as African species is nearest 153 18-22m/18w (a) 22-28m, 30-33m/w not uncommonly some of the Hairless Dogs, are dumb, only howl - wb Q#> The naked dogs appear to cross less with the common than the latter amongst themselves - where they do cross young take after mother - * never knew a hairy dog produce hairless or half hairles how in vixen 154 XX Although Spaniards introduced many races, now so generally mingled that it is rare to find trace; though that sometimes can be done 6-9m/w concludes hairless dogs descended of aboriginal dumb dogs ll-18m 155 14-18m/14-32w wild dogs like tame in colour & form - burrow holes hunt like wolves single or in packs do wolves burrow 24~25m 161 29-36m 165 7-9m/w curl end of tail like cats 18-21m/w do not break neck 173 25m "bewegen]Schwanz"\24~27m\wlike cats. 174 23-26m 175 17-23m/w does not live probably 20 years produces 1 or 2 young 183 2-6m/w like young deer 8-22m/ll-17w slight different shades of colour 189 25-28m/ 27 u "schmiegtenl an"/26w & p. 190 30u "Spinnen"/29-32m 190 14-15m 194 10-Um 196 5-8m, wb the variation of wild animals probably is only at different point of wider range- very different from domesticated animals 199 16-24m\w Toads & serpents kill this Cat 32-36m 201 3-6m/w even in Native country 7m/u "Niederkunft] seine"/w odd possession in instinct 210 wt/l-7m/w Two cats in same country with very similar habits yet much rarer 212 wt/l-10w Most important instance of my theory Marriage keeping form constant 10Q U-Um, 13-30m, 16u "300 Jahre", 22u "fortwährend", 26u "kürzere", 28u "Schwänze", 15-19m/15-32w/wb The cats of interior of Paraguay differ in quantity of hair, & places of body where most scanty, & * forms for European, but not in Aegyptian where European Cats have perpetually been introduced 213 3~4u "verschnittene Männchen"/w castrated males larger ll-12m, 35-37m/w no wild cats! wb wild dogs rare in Paraguay common in La Plata 214 l-7m\lu "Eseln", 10-22w no old wild cats - even
when left behind, die 224 22-28m 233 4-8w not good case p. 236 9-14m\10-12w representative Species 23-26m\22w exceed 28-33m/w/wb but wild far from Man 236 l-2m 249 28-29m/29u "wie\Kaninchen", 32-34m/34u "alle\kamen" 250 25-32m 251 25~35m/28-29w variation 33u "dritte" 252 l-4m 259 18-22m/w variation 260 32m 261 22-23m 263 24-25m/ 23-29w shows how necessary for * pheasant to avoid this path wb has confessed it varies a little from British species 265 33-37m, wb Is it not unhealthy women which most miscarry? 268 31-32m 276 34-36m, wb no variation 277 6-10m, 27-36m/w not parent of Guinea Pig - wb without indeed the changes in constitution of latter, prevents its breeding with the Aperia 288 20-25m 291 33m 294 24-31m/w anchylosis kind of vis medicativa 295 29u " nicht] vor "\28-32w yet very similar habits 298 6-8m 299 5-6m/5u "gemein" 301 26-30m 304 3-6m 309 l-6m 310 27~28m/27-35w other species rarer than foregoing but habits rather diff. 312 18-20m 325 2-2m 326 23-26m 327 ll-15m/w yet so tame almost domesticated 331 l-3m/lu "gross"/2u "soI Junge", 24-27m 334 l-29w& & in 1580 (ie 43 years afterwards) Sarmiento saw horses with the Indian in Str of Magellan. l-25w&> Horses new in 1545. have run wild for 300 years 27-29m, 34-38m/ w so increased without man's care wb Pampas did not exist 335 23u "bei]von"\w like Capons 23-31m/w Q Compare Azara 34-37m/36-37u "brauner]Farbe" 336 24-29m 340 21-27m/w rickety horses short in legs 30-32m/x/30u "gourme", wb Glanders & gourme, shows that contagious diseases peculiar to constitution & break out without contagion. 341 26-27m, wb ass remained unchanged in colour - more degenerated than horse - 343 13-18m+ 344 26u "braunlichroth" 345 6u "Mittellinie I Brust ", 10-14m/12-13u "Der I und"/10-llw Deer 29-22m 351 28-30m 354 6-9m/w therefore different habits 355 22-27m/w secondary character 357 3-20m 360 14-22m 363 6u "1546", 26-29m, 28w* oranges 364 6-12m/w Paraguay no wild cattle - from flies 369 2-17m, 3-8w no monkeys rest of Andes 13-17m 370 l-7m/l-20w apparently horse constitution peculiarities go with genera CD. 8-19m 371 l-8m/2-6w these limits of genera all wrong 15-18m/15-22w species of Carnivora, Bats genera, not generally confined in longitude, with some exceptions. 372 20-25m 274 2-10m/5-6? 375 wt Thinks distribution of these animals, which do not feed on grass, is determined by vegetation, which changes
[page break]
much in longitude. I doubt- X l-26m, 29-32m, 32-33m 376 2-7m, 13~15m, 18-22w Distrib. of Carnivora indirectly follows plants 27w (see p. 396) 28-31w Distribution bears relation to process of locomotion of species 32-37m/w even rivers separate Monkeys wb in some genera chiefly depends on the form of the tail!! wb NB Mem=» Sir F. Chantreys story of tame Monkey readily taking to water 377 4-10w (a) examples of distrib in proportion to tail 13-18m/16w a 22m "zum Laufe" 120-27mlw surely this does not apply to antelopes of Africa 31-32u "einige] ausgenommen"\31-37wone exception shows range not determined by powers of locomotion but by adaptation wb (a) Surely the doctrine of range being determined by locomotion powers & kind of foods (such as can be perceived) is false; for think of case of two ostriches: they living together shows (rest 0> 378 l-9m/wt/l-4w This is all absurd,-powers of locomotion will perhaps greatly limit in many cases most wonderful overuled Coypus extension, but adaptation is great feature N.B Are not these remarks applied to genera if so perhaps true 8-9w Biscatcha & Agouti 27-31m, wb ie as far as * food & climate (& enemies preoccupation by other species) ie conditions allow species & genera to range, so will they range in proportion to their mode of progression & the form of the land 379 4-8m/w S Africa 15-22m/w Monkeys partial migration & of other animals 380 lu "Auch \ Einfluss", 2-12m, 25-29m/24-33w* Beasts of prey destroyed others increase immensely, & drive others from habitation 381 l-3m, 25-26w probably increased 26-28m/27-28u "fünßen\aller" 382 2-4m/3u "kleinen Raubthiere", ll-24m/w chief deaths of Carnivora when young 390 wb Waterhouse Mice generally or sectionally very large range, but many species of S. America show that species small range -Now this agrees with Rengger 376 fact about Monkeys, but the larger range coincides with possibility of transport.
RETZIUS, Gustaf Anatomische Untersuchungen Stockholm; Klemming; 1873 [Down, I]
RETZIUS, Gustaf Finska Kranier Stockholm; Central-Tryckeriet; 1878 [Down, I]
RETZIUS, Gustaf Das Gehörorgan der Wirbelthiere part 1; Stockholm; Central-Tryckeriet; 1881 [Down, I]
REYNIER, Louis De l'économie publique et rurale Genève, 1818 [CUL.1900]
SB all Q
363 Merchants visited England & Ireland
before Caesar
418 several vars of Cereals cultivated by the
Celts at time of Caesar
486 nomad people do not improve beasts.
Celts did attend to this subject.
499 Celts had 2 races of sheep with work
for different purposes
503 Celts improved Horses.
363 ÏÏ6-2«, 1Ï2-2-> 364 5-9m 486 14-17m 487 4r-8m 499 9-24m 503 9-23m, 13-15m
RIALLE, Girand de La Mythologie comparée Paris; C. Reinwald & Co.; 1878 [Down] p
RIBEIRO, Carlos Noticia de algumas estaçôes e monumentos prehistoricos Lisboa; Academia; 1878 [Down, I] p
RIBOT, Théodule L'Hérédité psychologique Paris; Germer Baillière; 1882 [Down]
RIBOT, Théodule Heredity London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1875 [CUL] beh, h, he, mn, pat, t, ta, tm, y
NB ♦ p. 25; 33,34; 39; 142; 323; 373 SB •»
25 33 34 Relation of instinct & intelligence. 39 Effects of Habit in giving short-sight 142 Calculation like LutkeO on chances against accidental reappearance of attribute in children-
373 Average duration of French noble-families
25 2-34m 33 32-38m 34 6-12m/7u "if \ exist"
39 19-37m 142 25-28m (Maupertuis) 323 25-
36m 373 27-36m (Benoiston de Châteauneuf)
RICHARD, Louis-Claude Démonstrations botaniques ou analyse du fruit Paris; Gabon; 1808 [CUL, S]
RICHARDSON, H.D. Pigs Dublin; J. McGlashan; 1847 [CUL] cs, f, or, si, tm, v, wd, y
NB p. 15; 24; 29; 30; 32; 38; 41,2; 44 SBQß
26 Cross with Chinese restores lessened
fertility Q
Berkshire a spotted Breed Q
Irish Grey-hound Pig with appendages Q 37 16 British Breeds NQ
41 Westphaiian 1/2 wild Breed always have
[page break]
young striped like wild (p.43 do)
42 Crossed Breed of 3 kinds in Pigs, forming
a Breed QAi
44 Good sentence on selecting short legs of
15 2-7m, ll-12m 19 22m 24 5-8m 26 l~3m, 5Q 12-15m, 22-24m, 8u "Lawrence"/Q 29 2-4m 30 fig.w compare with drawing in title 32 l-2m 33 14-18m 34 4w 1 5w Berkshire 7w 2 31w 3 39w 4 35 22w 5 36w 6 36 5w 7 lOw 8 29w 9 26w 10 32w 11 38w 12 43w 13 37 4w
14 22-23Q 38 26w 15 29w 16 33-36m 41 9-
20m, 22-22Q 23-28m 42 22-23m, 26-27m 43
33w N.Q. 34-36m 44 5-Sm, 34r^7m/35".../
37u<^/34-35Q<&>, wb it has been obtained
RICHARDSON, John Fauna Boreali-Amer-icana 3 vols.; London; John Murray; 1829-36 [CUL, on B and later, I (14 August 1837)] ad, beh, ch, cs, ex, gd, gr, ig, mg, oo, si, sp, sx, ta, tm, ts, v, y
SB1 Richardson Vol I.
Fauna B Americana
♦ NB Write to Dr Richardson about selection
of dogs of
p3;p.11; 14; 16
♦ 26 (p35 Journal) - Canis Azarae Bahia
Bianca cat in Chile - an armadillo at
Concepcion Mntains
29 42 47 to 51 61 to 95 116 125,7 136 140,2 157 161 166 181 191 195 231 233 239 241 250 p252 p. 263 p. 268 p. 276 p. 280 vol. 1 SB2 Qß
15 White rings around neck characterises
several bears when young Q
29 Vars. of Bears in colour differing in
ferocity p. 66 variation in Wolf
49 Mustela with aquatic habits Q
51 Local races of Pine Martins
64 on resemblances in appearance & voice
of Dogs & Wolves 75 do. 79 do.
67 variation in Wolves Q
62 Dogs broader feet for running on snow Q
72 Crossing of do
Q 76 Var. of American wolf analogous to
European wolf - 84 Q do. in Foxes in C.
lagopus, fulvus & vulpes
93 on Cross Foxes Q
140 on Brown Rat exterminating black in N.
America, as Europe, (& as N. Zealand?)
*> so Hooker shows how many plants which
are naturalised in America are same with
those in Europe
142 Field Mouse occupying sheds in N.
191 Squirrel approach to structure of Flying Squirrels Q
239 Rein Deer & distinct vars. inhabiting
woods 250 & other barren grounds
241 Horns various Sexual Q
263 Herds of Deer which remain, all
destroyed by wolves. Q here we see manner
of destruction p88 Colonies of Foxes do.
destroy ed.-
268 Female * antelope with only
prominences & no horns see the account Q
xxxi 23-24m/24u "same I animals", 35-37m xli 25m 3 34m 11 25-26m/25u "larger I tail" 15 27-23m/Q 16 28m, 30-32m 26 37-39m 29 20-22m 35 20-22m 42 25-26m 49 4-6m, 7u "its I otter"lw a Mustela 20u "haunts I hunts"/9-14w Q good to argue against the assumed impossibility of otter-transformation 51 20-21m/20u "Particular races" 61 16-17m/16u "others totally", 23-24m/24u "Wolves \ litter" 62 2-2m, 4-5m, 13-15m, 16-18m 63 19-20m 64 25-26m/Q 28-29m/28u "four I nine", 30-32m, 33m/Q 65 2-3m 66 22-23m 67 5-6m, 8-9u "reindeer", 10m, 22m, 25-28w shorter, though larger animal 29m 70 17m/15-21w greater than in last, though this is smaller wolf 30m, 33-34m 71 2-2m 72 22-23m 73 2-3Q 74 2-2m/2u "muzzle\ears" 75 7-8m, 10-13m, 14m/ Q 76 2m, 3~4mlQI3u "characters"I4u "which] wolves" 77 13-14m, 15u "five\ litter" 79 20m, 25-27 m/Qi/"...", 31u "thelpaws" 80 29-22Q 26-27m/Q 81 22-23m 84 42-43m (Gmelin) 86 35-36m 88 5-9m/6-7m 90 13-15m, 24-29m 91 29m, 22-24m, 27m 92 21-24m/21~22u "Cross I Foxes"/Q* 93 15m/Q/u "inclined to", 24-25m/ 25u "be I difference" 94 26m 95 25u "an\ arangement" 116 38-39m 117 3-4m/u "three I young", llu "great I cause"/w So with Beavers 125 31-33m 127 23-25m 136 9-22m 140 20-22m 141 5u "1730", 6u "1775", 8-9m 142 20-23m 143 4-5m, 13u "varieties]met", 14-15m/ 14u "in I tail" 157 18-19m/18u "rudiment of" 161 3-5m 166 2-3m (Sabine) 181 18-23m (Pallas) 191 24-25Q 25-26m (Vigors) 195 25-27m, 28-22m 231 9-20m 233 8-10m 236 30-33m, 34-36m 237 20-22m/20-21"..."/21m 239 6-9m/w only for keeping distinct Q 19-20m
top fig.w 19 points low fig.w 29 points
12-15m/12u "largest]horns"/Q/13u "have] branched", 18u "majority", 29-33m/32u "by] bucks" 242 lu "month]May" 250 5m/6-7m/wt/ l-9w other var In May the Females proceed northward to coast & the males follow in June 8-10m/llu "Lake Superior"/9-14w Q only for keeping distinct 25m/u "September"/ 16-17m, 15-19w other var. proceeds southwards at this month 24-30m/w does not
[page break]
appear that Bucks & Does migrate separately in the other var: does 252 7-9m/ 8u "'moosel rein", 16-20m (Cuvier) 259 35-37m* 263 29-33m/Q 32-34"..." 268 l-4m 276 17-20m 280 15-lBm, 20-23m
vol. 2 NB ♦ Remark about • Beak
G.R. Gray ask about number of tail-feathers;
27; 30; 31
pxx The Younger Birds are driven away &
go wandering
27 var. in tooth of mandible of Jer Falcon,
present or absent p30 Q
31 var. analogous to other species of Hawks
60 variability in length of primaries - 80,90 Q
all 3 quoted
89 Owl fishing 139 Tyrannus do
192 Orpheus changing range with man
268 Similarity in Habits of Goldfinch - Habits
often more constant than Structure
283 Var. geolographical of Sturnella
292 Eggs of Magpie different from those of
Europe; so with an Owl
331 & 332 Change in migration of Swallow -
Q nest differing Q only for nest
361 On a Grouse running in circles
404 Fulica var in number of tail feathers Q
469 Variability in length of tarsus & toe in
Anser canadensis Q
xix 34m xx l-10m xxxv 2-3m+/3u "mostly] birds" 27 25-26m, 28-33m/33Q 30 30-31m, 32-33m, 35-38m 31 5-9m/w analogous Q 57 21-27m, 34-36m/36u "perhaps]birds" 58 3-Au "third] fourth", 4-6m, 20-21m/20u "third] equal " 59 3-5m, 34-37m 60 4-6m (Savigny and Temminck) 70 19-20m 72 9u "bird]of", 26-28m 77 8-9m 80 l-2m 83 4-6m/5u "localities"/ 6u "rufous tints" 85 26-29m, 30u++ 89 8-9m
90 5u*\5~6u "The]shorter"\w not equal 8u
"about]fifth"lw 1st short 34-36m 91 ll-13m/
13u "the\other" 118 12-13m/13w very close
139 35-36m/36u "dives I fish" 150 35-38m/37u
"octave]whole" 177 1m 187 22m 189 zb 192
18-19m, 22-25m 226 30-32m 231 36m 233 33-
34m 249 32-33m, 34m 250 20m 268 22-26m
(A. Wilson)/20-28w other instances of
representative species, having allied habits -
Thrush in their songs & nests - Gull in S.
America 278 7-9m, 22m 282 24-27m 283 30m,
33u "6"/w yet small 34m, 35-37m 292 26-
18m/17u "blotchesl diffused", 27-35w English
eggs shorter but broader 33-36m\35m\w
broader 293 34-35m 305 13-16m, 25-27m 306
36-37m (Swainson) 331 18-19m, 20-22m, 25-
29m, 36m 332 2-4m, 4-7m, 9-13m, 25-29m,
34-36m 343 2-5m, 6u^ 355 35-38m (E.
Sabine), wb observes measurements from stuffed specimens often vary apparently. 359 5-17m/7u "celebrating]wedding"(8u "buzzing] ground "\9u "bare I size "J13u "presence I intended" 361 32-35m 362 2-3m, 4-7m/4u "last]more" 404 29-30m, 32-33m (Cuvier) 407 39^i0m/39u "than]among" 413 32-35m 422 27-22m, 22-24m 443 18-21m (Pennant), 22-23m, 25-27m 448 38~39m 453 22-27m, 38m 456 36-39m 469 19-22m/21u/22u (numbers), 23u "same length"/w Q (a) 24-25m/24u "middle I lines ", wb (a) many cases especially amongst these water birds, of variations in total length, have not been marked 472 27-23m (Pennant and J.R. Forster) 475 8-9m, 33-34m/33u "The]but"
vol. 3 p
RICHARDSON, John and GRAY, John Edward The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1844—48 [Down, I by Gray]
RICHARDSON, Samuel The history of Sir Charles Grandison 7 vols; London; W. Strachan; 1781 [CULR, on B; vols 1 and 2 missing; S in each vol. Charles Darwin Buenos Ayres Sept. 1833]
RIEDEL, W. Die Taubenzucht Ulm; F. Ebner; 1824 [CUL, pre-B]
ad, beh, br, es, ds, f, hy, no, oo, or, sp, sx, ti, tm, v, wd
SA (pp. 232-233) Oß
17 Fertility of Crossed Pigeons
25 Turbit & Fantail with Bald Pate - 27 other
Hybrid Q
41 On Hawks catching light-coloured
42 Dragon silent Q
86 Some she pigeons prefer stranger
pigeons to own husband
158 Same coloured pigeons pair more
readily (Ch. 6)
163 Results of crossing different colours
9 wt Home-doves not so fertile as field! 22«*-» 10 21w carrier 25w Turkish Pigeon 29w Ranger 11 wt long wing-feathers lu "Möven", 4u " Schwungfedern"/w (a) 7u "Hauben"/w Capuch 8w Top-knots 9m/w Tumbler llw Fantail; 17 wt Bastards very good breeders Vilmorin Turkish to Carrier & common Pigeons either bastard will bastardize with other bastard 19 3u "gewöhnlich behaupt"\3-6wGerman variety of
[page break]
carrier 20 30-32io Horsman on origin of Carrier 21 l-2w great Pigeon *, 6-14w Beak middling long little curved great Wurzel & skin at nose Body & wings small 22 wt Either these Turkish Pigeons or as cross with common pigeon, so not pair breeding with Owls & Trumpeters - Owl hybrids & trumpeters 6~9m/w (a) 13-18w Canton crossed with Powters fertile 23 21~23w all kinds can inflate crop. 25 26-31m, wb Hybrid Turbit - fantail X into a Bald Pate 26 5-10w can be crossed with Capuchin & Powters 19w Jacobin 23w (a) wb (a) Wings so long as often to sweep ground 27 wt very quiet l-3mlw (a) 25-27m/w (a) wb Hybrid Capuchin - Trumpeter X Turbit 28 8m, 26-28m, wb Bechstein never sees so many as 32 feathers 29 8-9u/w Bald orbits 30xo Trumpeter 30 14-17w male & female trumpeter alike 31 31m, wb Trumpeting varies 32 7w Pair 8w Swallow 22« "Feen\ Feentaube"/w Fairy 16-29w Marked like the PowO of Sea Swallow of the Germans colours vary I think mine very pure. Purest not very true. ♦ Those with crest have been crossed generally wb Swallow smooth beaked feather footed coloured as mine -only little smaller than Field Dover but slenderer quick flyer Thin legged 33 lu "einer\versehen", wb Good flyers & at first wild 34 wt not caught by Hawks for manner of flight like swallows 4-6m/4u± 35 8m, 9u "Cypersche", 10-lSw Bald Pate? a toy Neumeister Priest 23u "Pfaffen"/w Priest 36 21~27w Bechsteins birds 1 genus 38 29-30m, wb 14 sub vars colours of the Monck Pigeon or Bald Pate 39 4w Toys 40 17u "Spot Pigeon" 41 16-20m/17w (a) 21-28w same account as Neumeisters variety of Horseman or Carrier wb very great difference is attributed to colour in facility of Hawks catching them 42 wt very silent; I think our Dragon is.- 3m/w (a) 8-12w crossed with Turkish produces following lOw The Turkish is figured by Neumeister 12w I cannot think what this is 13u "Römische", 14-17w/16u "Schnabel \ dick" used for carrying letters 20-24w not the Spanish Birds wb (B) Moore says white Barb is the Mahomet Pigeons, so little known 43 wt* I suspect all details here copied 4w Barb 5u "Indianische\Judische"/w Barb see Neum 10-llw Leghorn, Runt. 26-19w Tail stands up 24w a Toy wb on Finakin and Turner 44 wt These strike their wings together like trumpeters lu "Trommler", 8-14w very small fingers, Legs very short feathered Beak excessively short 17-29m\w Not the Lace Pigeon but the Foilback 33-
35m, wb with a mane He has not seen this
45 5u "ColAForficata", 6-10w Pigeons with
forked tails 22« "Thiergärten", 26-28m/w very
modern 46 wt Ring Dover 54 3-12w Blue
Rock Pigeons 9-22m, 32-33m/w doubtful 55
9-34w (not CD) 56 8m, 10-15m/12w (a) wb
(a) Will occupy old trees when house
destroyed 61 30-34m 62 23c/we 86 23-20w
some she pigeons prefer stranger to own
husbands 158 5m/wt/l-13w This seems to
imply like coloured Pigeons prefer each
other. 159 wb same coloured Pigeons pair
most readily 160 22m 161 wt (a) difference is
reciprocal cross of Pouter & common Pigeon
22-22W Hybrids bigger 12-19m/15w (a) 22-
24w male gives form the female instinct 24m
162 17-32w Rules of results in crossing
colours 164 5w cry back 227 4-34w/wb (not
CD) 244 8-16w (not CD) 245 l-2m/w a
popular error 246 wt (not CD) 3-6w Whitish
yellow skin over nose ll-19w(not CD), 21-26w
V. Dixon- 24-26m/24u "Campana" 247 5w
Foilback 15-lSw Sea swallow Turkish 248 5-
12w Tumblers turn on ground with Crop
inflated 13-17m/w(not CD), tÎ23u "Pag-
gedetten"/w Horsemen Ü3w Carrier 249 3-8mf
w Powting Horsemen wb(not CD) 250 Zw(not
CD) 251 tw/wb(not CD)
RIEDEL, Wilhelm Die vorzüglichst bekannten Feinde der Tauben Ulm; F. Ebner; 1824 [CUL, pre-B]
NB 0/
RILEY, Charles Valentine Annual reports on the noxious, beneficial and other insects in the State of Missouri Jefferson City; Horace Wilcox; 1871-77 [CUL] beh, ds, em, fg, gd, h, ig, mg, mm, no, oo, or, r, rd, si, ss, sx, ta, tm, v
no. 3 (1871) NB 14 Stridulating insects; 46;
52; 67 Transitions; 92; 97; 101; 127; 131;
139; 141; 148 Descent; 156; 164 •^; 168
SB1 09Î •» (not CD)
Riley on noxious insects
156 Autumnal broods alone of a certain
caterpillar having a peculiar instinct of
forming house, so that it is developed in
alternate generations
SB2 (as SB1)
Riley Noxious Insects of Missouri
46 Pea Weevil one of the few injurious
insects endemic in Europe* America &
introduced into Europe.
52 Sudden spreading of Bruchus fabe (i.e. fabae)
[page break]
67 Larvae of a* same moth of 2 distinct
colours & respectively attached to
corresponding objects. Means of sudden
92 & 139 Native insect which has lately
acquired an appetite for cultivated apples,
but only in certain districts, so considers it a
newly formed race with new habits.
97 Rapid spreading of potato-beetle.
100 Increase of its natural enemies; certain
vars. of potatos more exempt than others
127 Phytophagous races.
131 Same insects forming coccoon above or
below ground & varying in being single or
double brooded
e> (CD) Very good essay on Mimicry
14 48-50m 33 40-44m 35 12-17m 46 27-35m 52 16-20m 67 6-15m, 17-25m 92 3-12m, 17-20m 97 3-6m, 8-21m, 39-45m 100 19-23m 101 24~28m, 38-41m 127 38-45m 131 4-8m, 40-42m 139 7-11m 141 20-24m 148 43-47m 149 14~16m 156 27-36m 157 17-27m 163 21u*, 26-32m, 37-42m, wb Archippus has bad • 164 21-25m 168 wt/l-13w Grt destruction of the grey makes the preservation of the Old Type important 15-19m, 22-25m, 33-37m
no. 4 (1872) NB p10; 11; 16; 23; 35; 58; 63; 66; 74; 85; 119; 123 SB 09Î ■»
On new colonists at first most injurious 16 Enemies increase & acquire new habits
change of Habits in introduced insects
23 local var. of moth of caterpillar attacking
35 Migration of an American insect
58 Aphis, two distinct types of Habits though
forming same sp. -» to p. 66
74 Silk-moth the caterpillars of distinct sp.
quite alike at first
10 6-13m 11 2-4m, 7-12m 16 29-33m, 41-43m 23 l-3m 35 7-13m, 21-24m 58 wt leaf-galls & roots-galls l-4m 63 Wu "No leaf-galls", llu "Leaf \ abundant", 26-27u "No I lice", 29u++, 32-34u++, 43-4Sm, 46m 64 l-3m, 24-26m 65 3-5m, 46m 66 25-31m 74 7-15m 85 15-27m, 33-34m, 38-42m, 43m 86 5-7m, 20-22m 119 25-29m 123 13-18m
no. 5 (1873) NB 63 Change of Nature; 66
Phylloxera; 83 Mistaken Instinct; 86* s*-
Transportation of Pollen of Coniferae Q
• 87 Scale insects of Vars. of apples
150 The moths which fertilised Yucca
for crossing
Nothing for the Descent of M.
SB a 63 Phylloxera. Change of instincts
83 Mistakes in instincts in Scale-louse
150 The Moth which fertilizes the Yucca
63 17-24m 64 13-18m 66 39-43m/40u "as I most"l42-43u "Somelhere" 83 25-33m 86 36-40m 87 l-4m/Q 7-13m/Q
no. 6 (1874) NB 115 Sexual Selection in Curculio; 131; Pronuba Moth, Yucca 114 33-38m Wallace) 115 4-20m
no. 7 (1875) NB 20; *> On Hemiptera with perfect wings & more or less wingless -copulate together & continues inhabit distinct regions, the wingless generally to the north.-20 31-40m 21 l-6m
no. 8 (1876) NB1 103 Grasshoppers drifted
far down Mississippi clinging to logs
106- take advantage of wind & often travel
100 miles per hour-
122 very curious changes of vegetation
owing to Locusts destroying certain kinds; &
the change in vegetation caused proportion
of insects to change
NB2 ♦ 103; 106; 122
103 12-17m 106 16-21m 122 wt because the I
plant not eaten l-7m, 14-18m, 22-27m 123
12-14m, 14-17m, 18-23m, 31-39m
no. 9 (1877) NB 18; 17«^ Indigenous insects how learn to prey on endemic; 20 Rudiment; 24; 37 Rate at which potato bug travelling; 40; 52 new Habit in insects attacking Wheat 57
8 28-35m 17 3-8m 20 fig.m 21 6-16m 24 14-18m 37 8-14m/9u "average\ bribes" 40 13-27m 52 3-7m 57 8-12m
RILEY, Charles Valentine The cotton worm Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down] mg
NB 23 wide migration of moths; 34 ants
15 20-24m/21u 23 22-30m, 32-34m, 35-44m
34 l-10m, 17-24m/23u, 24-28m
RILEY, Charles Valentine The locust plague in the United States Chicago; Rand, McNally & Co.; 1877 [Down]
RILEY, James Loss of the American brig Commerce ... with an account of Timbuctoo London; John Murray; 1817 [Down, S C. Darwin Feb. 13th 1826] p
RITCHIE, Archibald Tucker The creation. The earth's formation on dynamical principles 5th edn; London; Daldy, Isbister & Co.; 1874 [Down, I] p
ROBINET, Stephane Manuel de l'éducatuer de vers à soie Paris; Dusacq; 1848 [CUL] beh, sx, v
[page break]
NB p267 female cocoons heavier -(separation of Sexes) probabilities p. 275 I suppose Males were tested again -ley eggs immediately
4 9-llm 5 26-29m, 30m 7 26m/u<-> 8 16-20m, 29-30m 12 l-6m, 10-16m, 17-20m 13 17-24m 15 7-llm 26 2-6m/2w mistake 30 25-26m/m*& 31 l-3m/l-2m^ 37 24-29m 266 20-26m 267 l-3m, 20-21m 269 19-20m 271 16m, 22-24m, 25-27m 272 7-9m, 26-29m 273 2~4m 303 26-2Sm 304 4-8m 306 21-23m, 24m 307 22-22m 308 28-29m/28u "vers" 309 2-3m, 24-27m 310 2-3m/2« "teinte verdâtre", 15-17m 311 2-2m 312 9-22m 313 9-10m 314 23-24m 315 6-7m 316 5-7m, 23-24m/23u "Les \deviennent" 317 20-22mr 22-25m, 26-27m 318 26-20m
ROLLE, Friedrich Darwins Lehre ce, ex, gd, oo, spo, v, wd
66 31-36m/w crocodiles of Egypt 76 l-6m/w variation of forest trees 14-20m/w rich soil produces variation 78 4-9m/w wild sport 84 6-9m/w Tacitus says Germans ate wild apples 85 l-4mjw Perhaps butO cultivated of Crab cider? 1-Aw parents 33-34m 87 10-22m/10~12w acclimation 107 5-6m/w Properties of sexes attended 177 5-7m/w Rutimeyer says not known 15-18m/w 1st record 26-30m/w treating Common Rat 32-35m/w kill each other 179 3-6m, 15u "Deutschland", 19-20m/w9 180 14-15m/w Mice earlier 182 3u "grossen", 6-lOm, 10-15m, 13-15m/w are the larger beasts of • destroyed?
ROLLESTON, George Forms of animal life Oxford; Clarendon Press; 1870 [CUL, I] ad, af, fg, gd, geo, in, no, sp, sy, t, tm
NB1 (w by FD)
♦ p136, 152
NB2 XXI Sp Theory
-VIII Generative Organs
XXXV Reproductive organ
LI Sp Theory
LXVII Affinities of Fishes to Dipnoi &
LXXX CV* Classification of Fishes
Sp. Theory
XXI ♦ Ascidians C.I
LI; C.V. Spe Theory; CX CXXV CXXVI
SB ->
pXXI Von Baer paucity of individuals &
species & confined area go together
pLI Dental papillae with caps of dentine
observed in Parrots
p.C.V. On important organs multiplied in
Annulosa, but not in Arthropoda
p.CX Transition between aerial & aquatic
e> Rolleston
xxi l-5m, 33-36m (W/yville Thomson) xxxii 1Ï2-2m xxxv 13-27m xxxviii 4-Sm li 34-36m lxv 27-29m lxvii ÏÏ22-7m lxviii 7-22m, 22-24m lxxiv 39-40m lxxv 15-17m, 30-37m lxxx 21-24m, 24-27m, ÏÏSu "Ganoideütype" lxxxi 5-8m/w Lai, ll-15m, 24-26m lxxxiv 6-13m, 20-22m ci 23-24« "distinctive Wertebrata" cv 3-6m/w I suppose multiplied inversions in Vermes ex 19-30m exxv 20-24m/21-28w these might seemO at every point exxvi 22-32m cxlvii 2-2m facing PL 10 w (barometer readings)
ROLPH, W.H. Biologische Probleme, zugleich als Versuch einer rationellen Ethik Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1882 [Down, I] p
[ROMANES, G.J.] "Physicus" A candid examination of theism London; Trübner & Co.; 1878 [CUL]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
ROMANES, George John and EWART, James Cossar Observations of the locomotor system of Echinodermata (extract from Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc); 1881 [Down, I]
ROSENBUSCH, Carl Harry Ferdinand
Mikroscopische Physiographie der massigen Gesteine Stuttgart; 1877 [Down] p
ROSS, James The graft theory of disease, being an application of Mr Darwin's hypothesis of pangenesis to the explanation of the phenomena of the zymotic diseases London; J. & A. Churchill; 1872 [CUL, I] beh, ch, ct, em, fg, he, or, pat, phy, r, sp, t
NB Pangenesis; p40
quotes Hippocrates on Pangenesis - 42 48
description of growth of cells -53
113; 114; 241; 247 249 252 Beauty; 262;
conclusively inquires on origin of contagious
Diseases - 269 272
40 2-22m, wt/l-llw This bears on pangenesis i.e. not gemmules in blood 42 2-3m, 29-30m 48 16-23m 53 28-23w but the skin on sole of foot is inherited 54 25-30m 55 18-26m 58 25-30m 59 3-20m/9-ll? 112 16-18m, 21-24u*+, 25-28m 113 4-6m, 9u
[page break]
"circulation"'/8-llm/w this is against me 114 26-30m/w I look at quantity wb* No Nature must be different wb The prepotency of foreign pollen depends on general vigour for a change 224 wt development may be said to result from the fecundation of tissue by gemmules from older tissues l-3m 241 30m (Adam Smith) 247 3-9m/w The delicate kind of Beauty 249 16-21m 252 2-13m (Burke, Dugald Stewart) 261 14-22m (Wallace) 267 12-20m 268 8-28m 269 15-20m 272 8-19m
ROSSI, Darius C. Le Darwinisme et les générations spontanées Paris; C. Reinwald; 1870 [Down]
NB 0/
ROUX, Wilhelm Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1881 [CUL, I, FD]
14 22m 65 21m 71 22m 81 23m 94 26m 100 5m 121 32m 127 9m 134 5m 141 23m 149 28m 154 22m 171 22m 218 29m 224 29m
Royal Commission Report on the practice of subjecting live animals to experiments for scientific purposes London; HMSO; 1876 [CUL]
NB ♦
p.30^;74; 166; 172; 200 iii "Colam..77"m& x "4672"-"4667"m/ ["..."W, "1188"-"1543"m/["..."] xii "1442"m xv "1018"-"2242"m xvi "1867"-"1874"m xvii "5627 "m, 21a "knowledge"/w*, "4934"-"5037 "m, \l2m 78b "1538/1541/1543/1546/ 1548"mé? 166b tt2-2m 167a "3163"-"3178"m 169a "3218"m 172b "3298"m 176a "3383"m 279a "5583" m& 282a "5627 "m^ 335a "Innervation ".m&
ROYAL SOCIETY Catalogue of scientific papers, 1867-79 vols 1-8; London; Eyre & Spottiswoode [Botany School]
vol. 2, 142.b 22m (Dana) 153.b 36w General work 154 wt Lythrum Illustration Essay 0 655.b 57m (Forbes) 656.a 53m (Forbes)
vol. 3, 482.a 59m (Huxley) 483.a 53m (Huxley) 483.b 57m (Huxley) 687,b 20m, 24m (Knight), 42m, 45m (Knight) 688.a 33m (Knight), 39m, 43m 688.b 22m
vol. 6, 247 wt A narrative of travel on the Amazon 1853 wt 7 papers 1850-53 247.b "8".m, "11".m, "12".w large number of papers put here 248.b 28m, 27m, wb 55 papers up to 1863
vol. 7, 140.b 23m (Bentham) 744.a 26m (Gaudry) 1046 5m (Hyatt)
ROYER, Clémence Origine de l'homme et des sociàés Paris; Guillaurnin-Masson; 1870 [CUL] beh
NB ♦ 67; 84; 89; 328; 337 good; 339; 121 good note 0 on growth
67 6-10m/6w courage 84 2-6m 89 15-20m/w No quite different 121 23-26m (Gratiolet, Huxley)/26u "atropié", wb some monkeys here becoming extra arboreal if so hand degraded Hence degraded in some of the swinging monkeys TÏ2-» 122 3~8m (Huxley) 328 6-25m 337 at p. 337 wt never defend each other only good, perceiving danger (Rabbit social & silent) CD. 339 14-18m/w Birds pair & yet are social
RUDOLPHI, Carl Asmund Beyträge zur Anthropologie und allgemeinen Naturgeschichte Berlin; Haude & Speuer; 1812 [CUL]
NB (on p. 188)
40 ♦; 58,72,78 (he means 73) Felis Manul
origin of Angora; Pallas Books
115 to 137 to 167; 184; 186
SB 09Î
115 does not believe after careful looking
that seeds ever stick to birds feathers, as
Willdenow accounted for water-plants,
139 Bring case of F.W. Fish, difficulty in
139 Linnaeus asserts that the Pike is
disseminated by Birds
♦ 143 Rudolphi argues f
155 Rudolphi was greatly misled by little
knowledge of antiquity of world in present
161 cases of Hybrid Fish
163 - Zebras (only references), no one good
case for me
163- Rabbit
165 - Hellenius case Q
184 on the Hen of * Vidua(?) with long tail
disowns cock when robbed of it (very good)
186 Beautiful male butterflies more difficult.
40 S-22m (Pallas) 58 24«*, 15-17m/15u "stammeIab" 72 26u "Petrop. 1780", 31-32m (Pallas)/wb I have, I think, read 73 3-4m/w supposed parent of Angora Cat 78 16-18m 81 2w not read 115 13-16w Bird & beasts can do but little in spreading plants 20-26w still less sticking to feathers of Water Birds,
[page break]
for feathers oily.- 116 l-6m/w Has looked to many Water Birds & fd. no seeds. Stomachs of migratory he has always fd. empty.- 21u "Wassergewächse"/18-30w He thus accounts by water-birds for wide distribution of water plants - by sticking to feathers & in dung 119 22m 120 9-12m/w When salt, sea-side Plants occur 124 14-20w wind cannot transport from mountain to mountain 127 4-6m/w when cold 129 5-9m/w 1812 137 20-12m/8-18w When wingless insects fd. in 2 parts of world proof of distinct Origin 139 wt/ l-3m/zv (Remember Water-spouts) So before Agassiz - Fish speak strongly that they have been created at many points, as same Fish in distinct rivers - 7m/u "Fischen I Wassers"\w (Remember Loess) ll-12w Rivers of Scotland. 14-20w Alps; But if all under sea, it requires more means of transportât. 22-24m\ zu Glacial case makes of Fish much more difficult 25-26u<^, 26~27u "ab\seritur", 28u "Th\1391"/w My Edit - 35-36m, wb Take North of Gt Britain alone all under water, except Peaks perhaps, & then wd not have Fish.- But then since united to shown by land-animals- 142 22-27m/zv if only pair created then carnivores wd have destroyed the herbivores &c 143 19-22m/19-29w When S.B. found on Alps & Mtain of Asia what right to suppose came from one to other 154 wb How completely all this is Nott & Gliddons work in Abstract - fortified by the Aegyptian work 155 wt All that I shd expect wd be that Negros raised in U. States wd be more variable in slight degree in colour & other respects.- 6u " Anfang"/6-llw there shd be at least the beginning of variation in Negros &c in U. States 13-14u "nicht I ist"/ 13-18w as we know the world not so old in present state!! 156 26-28m/17-32w Mem Races have been driven from place to place, confounding effects of conditions & so with animals. 159 5-7m/w how like Agassiz &c 10-llu "alle\ bleiben", 21-26m/19-29w species or no according as one looks to variability of limits 161 4-llm/6w Hybrid Fish 32-33m/w Hybrid Canary 162 l-7m/lu "Citronenzeisig"/ w Siskin 5-6w Bechstein fruit Bronn- Have 163 3-4m/3-8w Donkey painted like Zebra before it was permitted to cover the Donkey 23-24m (Hartmann)/23-26w This Book I have seen referred to 25m/w Hybrid Zebra 164 6-8m/7u ''äthiopischen Igemeinen"'/Q 10-12m, 14-16m, 38u "Auszuge"/to abstract 165 3u "Rehkuh"/2-7w Sardinian Roe-Cow was this not probably a Mouflon?? 13-17m/w case os Seals old observer offspring not described 166 zt, 22-23u "Meerschweinchen"/w vars of
Guinea Pigs true 167 wt albino 2a "Kakerlaken" albino 2a "Kaninchen" rabits 180 14-16m\u^\w female elephants & Rein-deer 181 24-26m 182 29-31m/u "bey I mehr"\w I suppose confined to male 183 13m, 18-19u "derIhindert"\w checks flight 21-22u "Dann\ fliegen", 26u "fesseln", 30-32m/w Polygamous 184 2-5m/2-10w The female does not recognise the "Anmer" without tail when robbed of tail - 4u\wx, 20-27w What cause of beauty of snakes? 30m "fand\zwey" 185 wt Lizard or Newt lu/wtx, 5w->, 8u<->, 9-12m, 19-21w Salmon Hook male fish different 20-23m 186 7u "Leuchtkäfern", 9-13m/w female shells 15-19w male butterflies most beautiful 187 l-9w female Bees sting 20-22m/22u++lw spiders 188 10-15m/w generally no differences in flowers in dioicous flowers 17-19m, 20-24w Exceptions of Male flowers authority Ask Hooker
RÜTIMEYER, Ludwig Beiträge zur Kenntnis der fossilen Pferde Basel; Schweighauser; 1863 [CUL, I] gd, geo, sp, tm, v
NB Milk teeth; 38 Sp. Theory; 57; 79; 136 Sp. Th
38 20u "soI dieser"\21-22u "Moschusarten"\24u
"Anoplotheriumart "/26-27u^/15-31w milk
teeth of Moschus like 2d teeth of Anoplotherium 57 19-21m, 28-32m 79 l-14m, 15-20m, 23-30m 126 12-17m 131 5-6m/w Slight difference in teeth 6m, 8-9m, 12-17w does not know whether present Horse of same district like the ancient one of Lake •, 23-25mlu±/w great differences in other respects 26m 132 l-2u "Celtisch bezeichneten" \l-4wIn Horses of bronze & Celtic periods 5~7m/7u "Bronzezeit ", 24m, 32-33m, wb E. fossilis distinct from E. caballus which is the living Horse 133 4-7m/w one Horse; probably not endemic, but imported from several places & times llu*^, 12-14u "Equusl Varietät"/w fossil Horses in S. Russia 22-24w but not same as true E. fossilis 134 3-4?, 8-12w In Switzerland few remains belong to E. fossilis 135 26-28m/28u "Diluvium" 136 14-18m/w E. plicidens doubtful
RÜTIMEYER, Ludwig Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz Basel; Schweighauser; 1861 [CUL] br, ds, e, f, gd, geo, ig, mg.sp, tm, v, wd
NB p30 Wild Boar formerly larger than now Changes in Foxes, Weasels &c &c
[page break]
SB1 Variation of Nature; Spec very good
Look through volume
♦ 75 Friesland ox nearest to B P
Cattle«^ Rutimeyer
130 cows bones proof of old domestication 133 teeth present certain difference from our present cows
134. People of Stone period possessed race of cows of different sizes
Turf cow oldest race short body & fine legs & feet like Zebu •^
136 & very large races
137 Trochoceros race fd only in 1 locality
140 domesticated - 148 doubtful sp.
140 Primigenius races found everywhere, of
slightly variable size, & agreeing closely with
wild type mixed races
143 Brachyceros Brachyceros race or
longiform p148 very distinct i/& - small
race - B. frontosus very close to it - This
agrees closely with Turf cow of which is so
common in oldest buildings
145. B. frontosus of Owen race now living in
Switzerland, did not exist during Stone
145 from moment of taming wild allied races,
then stability is lost & hence he calls them
races - B. taurus for commonest races -
Bos. primigenius &c for species.
148 Simmenthal race now in Switzerland
belong to frontosus-races
201 Oldenburg Holland Friesland race. =
205 Brachyceros-race fd in Switzerland •^
207 frontosus-race - thinks, possibly the
Norwegian race descended from it not fd in
Stone period - but living in Switzerland
211 Canton of Freiburg cattle belong to this
The great part in all these fd fossil &
Brachyceros race no white, different shades of - dark-colours with lighter stripe along back i/&
Frontosus race red or black - * or some patched with white
216 for M. & W. Europe - Brachyceros race
East & South
♦ ^ 221 B. trochoceros - formerly
domesticated, but does not recognise as
parent of any country race - so may be
passed over-
SB3 Qß &
Rutimeyer Pfahlb Piqs^>
27. S. crofa & S. scrofa palustris - latter wild
& domesticated
30 wild swine formerly bigger otherwise
42 Summary on difference of teeth of Turf
52. X^ Stone turf swine as wild species. 53
X^ nearest to Siam
120, 121 on domestication of Turf swine &
common swine
163 Turf swine domesticated towards end of
Stone period X«&
- a still smaller race at a later period
a Roman race with different teeth 171 Races of 6th century
181, 184, 186 Bundtnerschwein - Turf-races
188 all tame swine have different back head
190 Turf & Indian swine closely allied X^
SA (pp. 102-3) Qß ä.
Cats. 23,28»e> Swine p. 27 & 120, 160, 168,
171, 175, 176
Cattle p. 71 to 112 - 130 to 149 p. 161, 172,
200 to 223, 235
Dog 117, 119, 162, 170,238
Horse 122, 164
Goat 127
Sheep 128-191
Swine continued 181
Hens 231 about
15 wt character of Bones different in wild & Tame animals. l-5m, 4w/5wx, 16~17m/16u "Ur und Bison" 16 8-15w urges effect of domestication on the Bones ll-17m, 21-28w Recent skeleton of wild swine darker than tame 22 25-30w Fox not so large as wild certainly same species 23 28-31m 25 7-12xv Beaver of greater size apparently teeth modified 7u "ausser", 8u/wx 27 5w excluding sub genera 8w only 3 known species 13w Fitzinger rubbish 23w House-swine few remains 24-30u±, 26-33w the common swine is a race, now extinct, which he calls Turf swine existed with the wild swine - 27-28m 28 l-7w Turf swine also domesticated -People would call this a species. 29 ll-13w Bones of wild & tame swine break differently 30 19-28w The wild swine of old period bigger than recent, otherwise identical.- 33 2u "Das Torfschwein", 9-llm/w From reasons given does not consider distinct species. 42 6-18m/w summary of differences of teeth of Turf swine 49 22-23m& 52 & 32-34m/32u^ 53 & l-5m, l-8w Later Turf-swine was domesticated & traces yet remain in our Breeds.- now extinct in wild state 23-29w comes nearest in short face to Siam swine, which is not known wild 55 21 u "erlischt" 117-22w& Turf-swine has some characters of Miocene Suidae 57 & 6-8w identical with
[page break]
recent 13w Horns variable 18-21w differences do not bespeak new race 58 & 7-9m, 8-14w great weight of Horns in old animals causes slight differences in back of skulls 20-22w great size of skeleton 60 23-24u@> "utn\übertrauf" 61 lw& no change 70 20-30wé? Musk & Bison both lived during Stone Period.- over all Switzerland.- 72 & 6~9m/w cattle descendants of Urochs 75 & lé-15w Friesland Ox nearest to Urus 84 & 3u "Der I Zebu"/3-8w I see many references to differences in various Bones 85 15u& "Zebu \ Taurus" 98 0 2-3m/2u "Genus \Mitte" 101 & 8-llm/9-llu± 109 & 4a "Auerochs"/wt Bison 3-4u " gemeine \Auerochs""/w B. primigenius 6u "Urochs \Ochs"/8u "doch\ constant", 6-8m/w points of anatomical agreement 13u "auchI Ausnahmen" 111 12m& 112 13-19m/w What a History of changes 117 & 28u "kleinsten I Race"\25-28wStone Period one very constant race of Dogs. 118 & 23-24m/23u "welche I Grösse" 119 & 2u "Wachtelhund"/2-4w quail-Dog setter-Spaniel agrees with this 10-12m/w agrees in these respects with Hunting dog - 21u/a "Jagd\ Wachtelhund"/19-25w both remote in equal degree from Wolf & Jackall; & agree with the oldest known domestic dog.- 120 & Su "Wangen"/6-8w no tame swine here 9u "Moosseedorf", 29-33m/w in these later buildings the Turf-swine was domesticated 121 lu "SchwächungIderselben", 5-7w good arguments that turf-swine was domesticated 18u "gewöhnliche Wildschwein"/w not then domesticated. 25-28w in these the wild swine were domesticated & which agree with present swine 122 13-15w very rare, though present in all 27-33w common in newer Buildings; large & small Big & Small Horse wb as they kept so many domestic animals, probably many domesticated.- 127 12-15w Goats identical with present Swiss goats 19u "altern Pfahlbauten", 19-21w Goat commoner than sheep in older Buildings 128 wt Goat has not altered since the old period. 129 24a/ u "Solche I Ziegenhörnen "/m/w wild horses like those of Stone-period, now in Orcades, Wales.- 15-18u±, 22u++, 26u " Schaf \ war" \24-27w very small sheep with thin & rather high legs. 130 29-33m/w cows bones show marks of long domestication. 133 24-28m/w some teeth like those of present kinds, some different- 134 12-16m/w differently sized Races.- 18-20w Different Breeds at all seasons localities 23-30w The commonest races, especially in oldest buildings (but these not exclusive) is the Turf-cow.- This had short body & very fine legs & feet, like
Zebu.- 135 l-3m/w Zebu very unlike our cattle in proportions 30u "Concise"\w has the turf cow & a race larger than largest present race. 136 2-6w Robenhausen besides Turf cow race as large as one between largest race & Urus.- 12-14m, 23-25u<^/m 137 9-11m, 16u "welche I engster "/17u "aufgestellte I Species"/15-18w only found in one * locality 140 4~8m/l-8w Trochoceros shown to have been domesticated by variability of size of Bones 14-15w+, 18-24w Trochoceros is a very large-horned race- 24-27m, 28-33w Former domestic race confined to W. Switzerland. This present race found everywhere, of variable size & agreeing with wild B. primigenius. 141 20-22m/21-22u<^ 142 21-23mjw size does not vary greatly 143 la "Concise"\l-3wskulls certainly of mixed races between these two 4w or longiform "mit I Rhinoceros ", 8u "Torfmooren I Megaceros ", 9u "römischen Antiquitäten", 26-30w B. frontosus comes very close to B. longiformis- 26u*^, 28u "kleinkörnigeIauf", 32u<-> 144 2u "ab\Torfkuh"/l-8w The foregoing agree with Turf cows which is so common especially in oldest Buildings.— rarer in the more modern- 145 15-20w The above 3 Races alone found- A common living "frontosus" race now in Swiss, is not found. 18-20m, 25-29w From the moment of taming allied wild species, their stability as species is lost - Hence he calls them races. 29-31m/w a 32-32w<->, wb (a) The right of giving the descendant of distinct species under name of Bos taurus is not so difficult, as the separating the wild parents.- wb What a proof of fertility of distinct species.- If not good species what variation in a state of nature.- 146 wt the races, Bos primigenius, trochoceros &c for wild Taurus primigenius, trocheros &c for tame lu/wz, 18u "Owen"/w Nillson 19-20mju "Bos\indiens"Iw 3 other parents of our tame oxens 32-34m (Cuvier), wb Cuvier thinks primigenius one of parent races 147 9m, ll-12u++, 13-17w Yet some difference between these & tame Oxen of present day. 29-31m/w differences perhaps due to crossing 148 l-3w more doubts abour specific differences of B. trochoceros 9w or longiform ll-14w This form very distinct from the 2 others 149 l-6w Zebu more distant from B. primigenius & others, than any of these from each other. 15-18m/w difference in no incisors in such as he has seen -Does not Blyth speak about differences at birth? 27u "Verminderung \Incisiven", 21-22u++, 31-33m/w/wb quite immaterial in bump of fat - appears in Argali & Rein Deer
[page break]
in winter.- 156 22-25w Extinction & rarity of some species. 157 wt who could have ever expected so much change??- l-2m, 3~8w Changes in wild anims gigantic size of -perhaps differs in Horns of the(1) - small size of Foxes - the sharper teeth + of some of the Carnivora 25-27w Abbeville 2 races of cows of different sizes 159 25« "Verschiedenheit "/ll-19w Morlot's Bones from Railway cutting, are like present races & very different from Pfahlbauten - & of variable size, whereas constant in the Pfahlbauten -. 161 17u " Brachyceros "/w or longiform 18-28w Turf cow almost exclusive in oldest buildings.- In later supplanted by large primigenius races. & in one region the other larger B. trochoceros.- wb (The whole importance of case depends on the 3 forms being found fossil & not domestic. CD.) 162 lu "einerIzahmen", 2-3u "ConciseIRindvieh", 5-7w native Concise only tame beasts were Turf-cow & one small dog. 7w% 10-15w Dogs do not change, whilst cattle do 163 l-3m/w In Morges, dog larger 9-llw Turf-swine domesticated towards end of Stone period. 20m 164 10m/9-13w The Horse of Morges belonged to very small Breed 167 4-6m/4-17w a still smaller race of swine than the Turf-swine.- in a rather recent Building, this Breed a strong Breed - so diversity in the lost race of Turf-swine 168 23-31zv or Roman - this race of Pigs like little turf race, but with stronger marks of domestication, & change in Molar 3 170 5-7w In 563 different Dog from Stone Period 171 2m, 3-9w in 6th century Swine large race & above mentioned smaller domestic Turf-races with difference in teeth. 26-31w The shortening of row of teeth.- Here comes question whether race really same as Turf swine 31-32u"äusserst\ 3" 172 21-27w a very small race of cows of rather recent date 175 25~30m/w Does not doubt that long-raced common swine descended from S. ferus 176 4-10w Turf swine - wild seems to come nearest to Siamese swine- 179 10-llm 181 wt He has before remarked that all the Eastern, Chinese, Siamese are pretty closely the same 9-llm/w Berkshire & Chinese Swine skulls closely alike 17-23w a small peculiar Swiss race somewhat allied to Berkshire. 184 16-22w Turf swine differs greatly from Berkshire but with some exceptions comes near the small Swiss Race p. 181 186 7x, 7-19w Berkshire reverse in Teeth of Turf-swine 20u "Bündtnerschwein", 23-28w This Breed near to Turf swine, like common swine to the wild Swine 29-30u<-> 187 15-29«; Berkshire
perhaps related to S. Celebensis 23-24w Berkshire a crossed Breed 188 5-8m/w certain of back of Head common to all wild Swine 10-12m/ll-15w all tame swine have a * different back Head - 13u "sondern I bärachten", 16u++, 25w Summary 26-27u^, 32u++ 189 3-Au^, 8-9u "das\Formen", 16-19m/w not improbable that Turf-swine related to short-faced Breed. 25-29w Turf-swine in wild state assuredly not confined to Swiss. 190 8-13w He widely thinks Turf-swine & Indian swine closely allied.- wb The great point is that a distinct wild species or variety, * has been domesticated - (probably more). Whether the Turf-Schwein be called a race or species is unimportant - it differs osteologically 191 27m, 19-21w Stone sheep different from present common races 192 20-21m/21u++ 193 3a " Wildschafes "/wt Wild forms not enough known.- l-5w Thinks many parent-forms probably- 6-9m/w The only known fossil sp. differs from the known wild 19-20m/w Not one to him known race of sheep agrees with that of Stone Period 195 lu "den\Nalpsthales"/l-8w Here a race of Sheep like those of Wales & agrees with Stone Race (I do not think this race wild.) 201 16-20w He misses in Stone period one existing race; & amongst the existing there is one not found in Stone period.- 21u "Friesland I Holland", 22-27w These races agree with the Primigenius race of Stone Period closely in skulls. 205 lw This is the same as fossil* longiformis of Owen 207 22-22w Found in Turf in Scandinavia 23-24u++ 208 5-7m (Nilsson)/6u "Ausser \ dieser", 11-13m/ll-22w thinks that some Norwegian cattle may be descendants not found fossil in Switzerland in Stone Period but domestic races belong to it in Switzerland. 211 18m, 20u "Freiburg"/19-22w These cattle belong to frontosus race * wb * The great point is that 3 or 4 species or forms of cattle have been found fossil, & clearly allied domestic groupd are found at the present day- 212 12-14m/ ll-16w apparently a crossed race with that of Brachyceros 214 21-28w agriculturalists make 2 chief Swiss races, which are geographically separated 30-33w/wb all dark coloured - a lighter stripe along Back - This agrees with Brachyceros Race (ie longiform) see next Page 215 22«? a Southern Breed 21-22« "roth\gefleckt"/21-25w patchy colours This is Frontosus race 216 6-7w a Northern Race 19-21w This present at oldest period 20u "Brachyceros", 21u "Frontosus", 22w this is a later importation 32u "nördliche I zweite"/ wb ie frontosus 218 lm, 7-8u "romanischel
[page break]
Vieh"/w with great Horns 8u "folgenden\ rechnen", 27-32w 4 Wild Races primigenius frontosus longiform or Brachy & trochoceros 220 18u "SimmenthaU wahrscheinlich", 19-20u<^> 221 la "brachyceros"'/wt Norwegian wt longiform 8-9m, 14-15m/14u "bracycheros"I 15w longiformis 26a; Final result 17-21u±/w longiformis 20-21u±, 22-26w as this found in oldest Buildings, probably endemic in Switzerland, not so B. frontosus 22u "Bos", 27-28u*^/28-32w This formerly domesticated; but he does not recognise it in any living race.- 222 8u "podolische\ romaische"/8-10w origin doubtful perhaps from lOu "Bos primigenius", llu "trochoceros"/w or 14-19m/ 15-17w Indian ox distinct 223 ll-14m/13u " Mischform \ ansehe" 225 15-16u<+/13-16w Robenhausen true old Stone period Qa>, 23u/wx 24u "Roggen \Hafer "/w none 226 4-5u^, 9u "Fruchtkappeln", 10-12u "kleinere\ Klappen", 14-15w more like this 17-21m/17-19u^, 29-30u++/w apples 33m "14mm"/34u "22 Millim" 227 l-3m/3u "oderIRobenhausen" 228 6-8m/6u "Vorkommen] Scop."/7u "fehlt I ganz", 9a "findet" now this is found 9u "ist\ L.", 14-20w Hooker disputes that they can be distinguished 22-24w The p. mughus now in Mountains 25-27m/w case like as in Ireland turf-bogs 31-32m, 33-34m, wb These plants now only in mountain-lakes 229 3-4m (Kôîlïker)/w this plant now very rare 6-7m/w formerly very common in turf-waters 9-15w Altogether flora of old & present times nearly the same; so different from Denmark 23~26w yet some traces of vegetation changes in Swiss 230 10-14m/w Except for Bones of Buildings did not know of these 3 animals 22-23u<-> 231 8-llm/9w changes in animals 13-15m/13w no mice or rats 19w no cats or Hens 23-24u "Hausthieren\Hund", 25-27m/w two races of cows 30w next come Pigs 232 3u "concise"/wt more modern 5-12w The large House swine from wild swine seem to have suppressed the small previous Turf swine. 16-18w After Concise new domestic beasts appear 27u "grosses Hund", 19u*+ 233 wt since then wild & tame are near lu "6. Jahrhundert", 7-10w not much change in domestic animals during the whole immense period ll-15m, ll-23u±, 21-23m 235 20-28w Frontosus race * is absent in older periods - The longiform has endured. The old primigenius race has disappeared; apparently remained until 10th or 12th century. 237 wt oldest period l-3u++/w 2 races of cows 5-6u++, 8m, 14-15u*->, 15a "dieser" those 238 1m, 21u "Torfhundes\ Pferdes", 22-24m, 22-27w These probably
from the East for not known fossil in Europe 27-28u++ 239 10-14w B. frontosus race seems to have travelled from the North-
RÜTIMEYER, Ludwig Die Grenzen der Thierwelt Basel; Schweigerhaus (Hugo Richter); 1868 [CUL, I]
RÜTIMEYER, Ludwig Die Rinder der Tertiär-Epoche part 2; Zürich; Zürcher & Furrer; 1878 [Down]
[page break]
SABATIER, Armand Études sur le coeur et la circulation centrale dans la série des vertébrés Montpellier; C. Coulet; 1873 [CUL] em, he, ig, phy, y
SB p. 315 to 322 Embryology of Heart & animal series-
315 23-33m/->/22-22w inheritance at younger age 316 10-12m/llu "précoselpenser" 317 22-13m/w see p319 319 10-12m/w good 24-28m 320 10-17m 322 3-13m, 22-26m
SACHS, Julius Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860 München; R. Oldenburg; 1875 [Botany School]
SACHS, Julius Lehrbuch der Botanik 2te Auflage; Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1870 [CUL,
die, f, fg, he, hl, ig, oo, phy, sx, tm
NB 633* 0 Vegetable Elements; 638A) Separation of sexes in lowest Plants; C.Sprengel on non-sexual fertilisation - was he before Kolreuter?; 641 small Cleistogams imperfect perfect always sterile V0; 665 & 676 Abstract of Nägeli on intermediate form on inheritance of morphological characters
169 5-6m 170 10-17m, 31~35m, 37-40m, 41-43m 171 8-llm 173 37-41m V7S 34-36m 176 8-13m 177 22-24m, 41-43m
633 30« "dielactiv", 31u "andere\passiv", wb Even in the vegetable K. Sachs in speaking of S. ElementsO he says 638 8m, 16-34m, 41w Monoiacous 639 4-7m, 18-22m, 30-34m\ 31u "auch\Farnprothallien"/w Dichogamy 41-46m (C. Sprengel) 654 36m 656 22m 665 23-42m/24-41w Nageli struggle 667 43m 676 6-46w about inheritance of morphological characters, worth studying 43-47m 677 3-34m
SACHS, Julius Lehrbuch der Botanik 3te Auflage; Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1873 [CUL,
che, mhp, phy, tm, v
NB1 86 Bloom on fruit & leaves
NB2 Drosera
p771 p782 interesting discussion Carbonic
acid in atmos
on catch of clasping movt of Tendrils
p785 Movement causes of
801 He Sprengel quotes Contrivances 0
[The Last section of Book hasO discussion
on Variation 0
p134,143 Trichoms
p674 Effect of gravity on movement of
♦ 118 Work on Harz-elongationO Bot
v 24m, 30m 86 32-33m
118 2m, 50-51m (Hanstein)
771 1m, 32-47 m\47u "de Vries" 772 29m "Verkürzung der"/18-21m/18w chiefly 23-32m\ 25-26u "durch\ Oberseite"\25-28wby pressure the concave side 39m, 41~44m\42w (a) wb some tendrils can clasp only thick objects 773 6-10m/7w (a) 24-31m/w press more closely on object after clasping 782 14-T7m\ 14~15u "starkI Atmosphäre" 785 16-19m/17-28M-H- 789 25m 801 4-23m, 40-47m (Sprengel)
SACHS, Julius Traité de botanique trans, of 3rd edn; Paris; R Savy; 1874 [CUL] cc, che, et, em, he, mhp, oo, phy, sp, sx, t, ta, tm, v
NB 829 Roots making mark on Marble bears on Chalk in Worm experiments SB (See other paper)
a (By bloom I refer to movements in my experiments by shaking 803; 831; 846; 850 Bloom; 853; 854 Temp.; 855 Bloom 856 do.; 867 Bloom; 868 on refrangibility of rays which actO in chlorophyll, 875 Bloom; 887 (do); 889 do; 890 do; 901 do; 903 do; 908; 919; 924 Bloom; 936 glycerine extracts & water; 953 Bloom; 957; 958; 972 Bloom; 986 Bloom; 988 do
(over) 996 Geotropism depends on growth; Blooms & 999 ; 1010; 1020 Tendrils; Blooms 1025 to 1031 Bloom; 1035 transitory rigidity, what I have called paralyzed; Bloom 1039a. to 1051 Mechanism of Movt; 1056 crossing to 1061 Sexuality**; 1072 do£»; 1093 a Struggle for existence between closely allied species; 0 1021 Bloom to 1018 & all this last Part
ix wt Dissolution of dextrine by protoplasm Traube on passing of fluids out x 49m xxix 10m, 36m xxxi 42m 26 8-13m 43 20-23m (Nägeli) 49 13-29m 51 22-2 6m, 15u "mäaplasme" 55 23-28m 63 wt The contents of cells cannot be considered as chlorophyll because not in grains 3~4u<->/5u "couleur I homogène" 13-7mlw & entire cells contents green 64 21-26m, 22-23u "masse I chlorophylliens" 65 8-9u "des I rouge" 71 9u "Pisum sativum", ll-14m, 12u "d'aleurone", 13u "légumine", fig.w over 72 5-8m/7u
[page break]
"albuminoïde" 77 35-40m 101 l-4m 116 fig.w 73/74/75 16-20m, 21-24tn/21-22u 117 31-36m, 35-37m (Strasburger) 118 2-7m 119 18-20m/19-20u "bien \ l'épanouissement" 153 26-28m (J.B. Martinet) 155 2-3m 769 9-15m 771 2-22m, 34-39m, 40~43m (Nägeli) 111 14-19m 774 4-9m, 32-36m 779 6-26m, 27-29m, 18-32m (Traube) 803 23-27m, 25u "absorber I appréciable", 25w (a) 28-31m, 39-42m (Duchartre), 46m, xvb Plants with bloom must be different - their epidermis perhaps not that protective 804 24-23m 820 24-32m 823 41-43m, 45-46m 824 I6-22m 827 2-3u "abstraction]transitoire", ll-12m, 12u "inuline", 13u "formatrices]cellulaires" 828 35-40m, 35u "albuminoi'des", 36u "transport] organes", 37u "nombreuses", 41-46m\41u "albumine", 41u "caséine", 42u "gluten", 45-46m 831 6-14m, 23-26m 839 8-15m, Wu "grains d'aleurone", 13u "formation] protoplasma" 844 2-22m, 14-17m\17-18u "les] endosperme", 21-24m, 32-35m, 36-42m 846 5-10m, 8-12m 850 30-32m/iv Drosera 851 5-7m\ w Leaves 7-39m, 7-llm, 38-41m/39u "rosée] qui" 853 22-25m 854 5-8m 855 wt for I did not know of analogous observations 10-19m, 26u "47°-48°"/25-28m (Nägeli), 28w over 29-30-^ 856 2 2-2 6m 857 35-46m 867 29-34m, 40-43m 868 6-llm/7u "faible refrangibilité"\8u "'rouges I verts"/llu "rayons", 12-13m/13u "actions mécaniques", 31-37m, 45u "autre]ammoniaque", wb I had better try first in dark 875 38-41m, 40-41m 876 2-3m 877 4-5u "dans]intensités" 887 22-27m 889 21-27m/ 21u "obscurité]lieu", 33-38m/34-36zv an error 890 12-15m/9-15io He thinks Mimosa same case as sleep?? 901 38-40m 903 15-20m/w many facts about growing 22-22-», 33u "déterminées I pesantent " 904 2-5m 908 23-19m/18-19u "pourI accroissement" 919 wt* In Drosera is must be elasticity of under cells 2-3m 924 ll-17m, 35-39m 925 6-10m, 13-15m 936 7-22m 953 6-22m, 26-29m 957 25-33m/28-34[...] 858 42-46m (Hofmeister) 972 2-9m, 31-38m, 39-41m (Reinke, Sanio) 973 3-20m, 24-26m/24-25u "allongement] nuit" 986 S-23m, 35-38m/36u "contact]protoplasma" 988 14-27m/7-24w if so, they cannot go back 996 35-37m 997 3-9m 999 23-25m 1003 20-24m/ 20w leaves 1004 ll-18m, 19-22m, 24-43m\ 29-37-w owing to growth!! 1005 24-22m 1010 25-34m 1020 38-43m 1021 5-17m, 21-24m (de Vries), 27-37m 1022 wt ??Does he apply growth to sensitive Plants ? May not elongation on one side favour growth 8-14m, 20-26m/w (a) wb See how quick p. gracilis bends - I think in a few seconds - is it credible that it can grow so quickly? 1023
22-27m (de Vries) 1025 8-12m, 19-20u
"parce I influence "\20m\21u "complètement I
croître"/16-31w How are movements of leaves of Mimosa & Desmodium with respect to age 20x/wb X may be these more sensitive 1026 15-16u "se]accroissement", 28-32m, 36-39m/36-38w+ No Stem of RandoniumO 39-43mlw This asserts that tendrils owe only to growth 1027 37-45m/42u "variations] température" 1028 6-llm/3-13w How different from Drosera in which the bending plant is not touched 15-17w Distinct category 30-32m, 41-A5m\43u "Starrezustände] 1863", 46m (Meyen) 1029 24-26m, 27u "différente]latérales"\27-29m\wI do not quite understand 36u "Marsilia", 45-46m (]. Sachs) 1030 wt in climbing plants the movement is only required whilst young & growing 22-22u "feuilles]autonomes"\18-22m\ w I suppose this is by nutation 23-28m, 35-38m/36u "Phaseolus", 40-45m 1031 26-32m, 33-34m, 35-36m 1034 45u "rigidité transitoire" 1035 l-4m, 6-llm, 17-22m, 23-26m\24u "490-500", 30-32m, 34-39m, 42-46m/42-43u "Bert \ Paris" 1036 20-23m/16-23w my test of C. of Amm. is better 22-24m 1037 22-26m (Kabsch), 31-38m, 34-39m 1038 7-12w% 1039 l-9m/l-2u& "endomostique I élasticité"jl-3m^, 19-20m&, 30-35m&, 45-46m (Unger)/46m& 1040 19-21m, wt 1st Protoplasm Passes out of cell - Endosmosis & Exosmosis may be supported by - but wb be like in effect 1041 wt • of cell-wall & not expelled wt& must have some different object 5-8m, 6-9m, 9-12m, 15-17m, 35-37m 1042 24-29m 1043 2-5m, 36-42m\36-37x&\39-40x& 1044 19-25m\ x&/19-20m, 37-41m 1046 29-36m, 41-44m 1047 6-20m, 24-29m 1048 2-5m (Pfeffer), 7-12m\7-8u "que] cellules", 19-26m, 33-38m (Brücke), 44-46m (Dutrochet) 1049 32m "pétioles]continuel", 34-36m 1050 6-27m 1051 4-12m, zb<@ 1053 wt under same conditions action with the exterior tends to cease & the union of 2 differently exposed differentiated the aggregate l-4m 1056 7-10m/l-18w may be related to exposing them to different conditions so as to diversify them 1059 2-27m, 31-39m, 44-46m 1061 l-7m/l-5m 1072 40~43m 1093 18-44m
SAGERET, Michel Mémoire sur les Cucurbitacées Paris; Huzard; 1826 [CUL] es, ds, gd, h, he, hy, sp, t, v, wd
SB1 Sageret 7; p8; 10; 12; 17; 18; 20; 23; 25 to 30 to 55
2d Part; 5; 93; 102; 104; Duchesnes Works?* Bailliere or Hort. Soc; see to
[page break]
SB2 Qß
8 certain melons more true than others
17 A melon from U. States
25 & 27 Melon with seeds of different
28 Hybrid melons more vigour 30 more
fertile 36 repeated
I must see Duchesnes' works look in Pritzel
Part 1, 6 22-26m 7 7-19w He evidently thinks descended 10-14m/ll-13w*& all cross 24-22 m 8 3-5m, 7-12m/7-15m^/12-14m 9 5-9m
II 6-7m 12 15~16m/10-16w colour and
character 17 21-23m 18 22-22m 20 8-10m 23
2-3m, 8-10m 24 ^ 23-26m, 17-25m 25 7-9m/
m^ 26 9-11 m 27 2-7m 28 5-9m/l-10w
confesses it doubtful whether Cucumis
flexuosus a species 25-26m 29 9-llm, 10-
14m^, 15a "le"/w*, 15a "dudaim" p30 27-
24m^/20u "les I naître"/21m, wb all animals .-.
fertile 30 16-17m/m^ 31 26-27m 33 9u
"Koelreuther", 24-25m/u± 34 28-2 9m 35 2-5m/
3w Tobacco 36 2-2m, 22-23m 37 19-25m 38
22-27m (Duchesnes) 39 20-21m 40 2-3m, 5-
6m/?, 7-9m (Vilmorin), 13-15m/14-15u
"époque I culture" 41 25-27m 43 2^m 45 6-8m
46 lm/w a gourd 3w "giromont", 5u
"pastisson", 6-9m/3-llw Look in Bot
Catalogues 20-22m, 24u "dansIouvrages"/13-
14m (Duchesne)/w He is avitism man 47 15-
27m, 28-29m 52 7-20m, 22-23m, 25-2Sm 53
23w gourds 54 10~llu^/8-13m/w variation &
tendency to hybridise does not go together
55 7-13m/10u "bastisson"'/12w V. supra
Part 2, 5 23-27m 93 2-2m, 15-16m/5-15w X Hence I suppose fertile 102 7-22m 104 wt/1-llw all these plants appear cultivable on same system, so constitutions not different. 6-llm/zv other cases
SAGERET, Michel Pomologie physiologique Paris; Hizard; 1830 [CUL, on B] cc, ch, dv, f, fg, gd, he, hy, in, phy, si, sp, spo, sx, t, ta, tm, v, wd, y
NB 6 compare grafting & Hybridisation are there any exceptions to plants of same Genera being grafteable.-; 9; 13; 14; 16 effects of graft & 44 summing up=; 43; 47; 48; 65 as odd as Crinum being more readily impregnated by foreign species; 72; 105; 106; 126; 134; 136; 138; 143; 146; 151; 153 to 158; 161; 168; 217; 218; 222; 228; 231 to 404; 491; 552 to end SB üß 17 Sterility from grafting Q£=
43 & 72 seeds from grafting Pear on Quince
gives more varieties than on pure stock
47 Contrasts the diminution of size in seeds
of fruit-tree, with increase in size of nuts,
Almonds & chestnuts by selection
65 222 some vars of pears succeed better
on Quince Q<&> than on own stock (like case
of Crinum) Q#>
106 The more a plant departs from type the
more tends to depart (contrast with opinion
of limit)
126 on double fecundation in melon like
Thwaites Inula case
136 556 on "variantes" or slight direct
variation from conditions
155 does not believe in acclimatisation, only
in seedlings vegetating at different periods
218 on changes in fruit-trees
262 on some pears & apples being true by
321, 346 Peach does not succeed equally
well on all plums Qa>
358, 364, 367, 382 Remarkable vars of
cherries - good to quote as more than
398 Work on Gooseberry
561 in characters of parents in Hybrids N.Q.
569 two Fathers
6 23-26m 7 10-12m 9 14-17m 13 20-23m 14 9-20m, 24-26m (Thouin) 15 26-28m 16 29-20m 17 2-8m, ll-24m/ll-16m/13-V'Q&/18-22m 43 24-27m 47 8-10mf 18-23m, 20u++, 27-28m 65 24-28m, 25-26Q&, 25u "chose\ remarquable", wb Coignassier is quince 66 8-12"...", 20-22m 72 3-6m (Cabanis) 105 2-4m 106 8-22m 107 5-9m/w like hybridisation 126 7-llm/12-13w like Fuchsia 14-17m/15-16Q&>
127 5~6m, 12-13m, 21-25m (Brongniart) 134
2-26m 136 20-24m, 26-29m, 21-28m 137 27-
22m, 22-28m 138 22-27m, 21-23m 143 23-
27m, 27-29m 146 22-24m 151 24u "datura
stramonium"/wb is it N. America? 153 20-
13m/13u "crois I plus"flOw acclimatisation 28m
155 3-7m, 9-15m, 22-25m 157 23-2 6m 158 3-
5m (Thouin) 161 19-22m 168 22« "arbres
hybrides", 16-18m, 18-19m 217 2S-22m (O. de
Serres), 22-26m 218 20-22m (Duhamel) 219
20-23m 222 13-21m/16-18Q&>, 22-27m 228
24-26m/24-25? 231 l-5m/2w p. 251 8-23m
233 2-22m, 22-2Sm 239 20-24m (Knight) 240
23-24m 241 13~16m/5-27w How inexplicable
that the improvements should suddenly stop,
as soon as fruit gets arbitrarily good- 244
22-24m 245 l-5m/wt/l-15w By selecting
these poor seedlings, the race passes
through many changes.- this perhaps
explains it; but then we must suppose that
[page break]
all the good old fruits have been sudden sports!!! or they have been long individually exposed to same conditions 246 l-6m, 7-10m 247 l-3m, 10-13m 248 22m 250 14-20m 252 2 "..., wb X Perhaps whole case resolves itself into that good fruits do not come in first generation - V. Mons choosing spicy plants has relation, Poiteau says, to their bearing early 253 28..." 257 3-8m 258 11-Um 259 9-11m 260 16-19m 262 7-12m, 27-28m\28u "leur espèce" 263 2-3m, 4m, 14-16m 264 3-4m 265 13u "Beiges", 20-24m 266 7-9m 271 2-4m/wt/l-5w very true Van Mons all bosh except so far better try successive seeds seedlings than of established pears which may have been produced suddenly CD. 272 25-28m 273 4m, 5-9m 288 10-13m (Van Mons) 289 13-17m 293 ll-15w I never knew what the paradise stock was 14-17m 296 22-26m 297 3-8m 299 7-9m* 303 19-22m, 27-28m 306 3-6m 313 6-7m 320 15-17m 321 17u "■pêcher", 18-21mjl8u "prunier", 24-25Q&, 25-28m 325 l-4m 346 5-8m, 9-12m, 13-15m( 14w for plums 22-24m, 23-26m/24-25u "I/I abricotiers", 25-27m/Q& 351 2-Am 355 22-20w Before rereading this be sure to look at Loudons Ency of Gardening p. 922 358 26-20m/17m 364 16-24m/19-20x^Q 367 2-4m\ x^/Q 5-7m, 13-15m/14-17w Monter 17-19m, 20-21m 369 4-5m, 22u "soixante-quinze" 379 3-5m, 24-26ml24-25x^/u<^ 380 25-26m/? 381 14-17m 382 3-5x^/4-6m 393 20-23m 398 23-24m 400 6-22m, 22-26m 404 18-22m 491 22-26m 552 24-28m 554 2-4m 555 16-19m/? 556 20-25m 558 25-28m 559 6-23m 561 25-28m/ 27u "non dans une fusion" 562 2-2m, 3-7m 565 2-3m\3u "plus äonnante" 566 17-20m 569 24-28m 571 20-25m (Vilmorin)
SAINT BARTHOLOMEW'S Hospital reports ed. J. Andrew and T. Smith, vol. 11; London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1875 [Down, FD]
ST. CLAIR, George Darwinism and creation London; Hodder & Stoughton; 1873 [Down, I]
NB1 (author's address) NB2 0/
SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de Leçons de botanique Paris; p. -J. Loss; 1841 [CUL] af, ch, ci, cr, ds, em, fg, gd, h, hl, ig, in, mhp, mn, no, oo, or, phy, rd, sp, sx, sy, t, ta, tm, ts, v, y
SBl Qß
57 analogies, Tillandsia like Lichen (172)
63 Rudiments of many organs, a so called
143 & 153 Q abnormal * organ in class,
145 good case of Balancement: 199.-619 Q
183 Q var in individuals analogous to
difference in classes
226 species turning into branches
301 Q on passages being general 508
stronger 541 do
407 Rule of colours (same for vars &
413 Embryology in plants irregular flowers at
first regular
442 rudimentary stamens- 475 of Pistils:
♦ 446 var. in individual & differences in
448 on anthers of Asclepias
516 two kinds of placentation in same genus
characterising two sections of genus =
passage by jumps possible =
548 do on ovules
572 a multitude of flowers are impregnated
in bud. strong case of - in Goodenia
617 seems to think multiplication sign of
a under classification allude to Ch. 7 my
discussion showing abnormal parts variable
711 Genus not natural when founded on one
754 on classificatory value of different parts
of seeds; it is in fact embryology
756 On great difference in cotyledon in 3
allied plants, showing no charcater is
761 Ash 500,000 seeds
763 introduced plants into S. America
782 & 784 on value of character, according
as it allies itself with others, which is inferred
simply from being constant
on value of characters good - embryo most important, yet it is a whole
direction of embryo in Helianthemum, very different
good showing that physiological importance no rule, because importance of all characters variable.
Remarks on Mirbels views on classification
791 & 793 & 814 on High & Low plants good m.s. remark 793 on series not being lineal 815 good case of impossibility of arrangement
818 Monstrosities are only anomalies of the species Q
[page break]
821 Classification of varieties.
826 no resemblance of embryo in plants as
in animals
834 Important organs may vary in early
stocks: hypothesis. 836
confirmed by Owen on swim bladder in vol
on Fishes
SB3 35; 43; 47; 51 to 57; 63; 66; 127; 138;
143; 145; 152; 154; 159; 170; 171; 172; 183;
195; 199; 226; 297; 301; 312; 332; 352; 355;
356; 358; 364 series in Pappus; 369 in
Nectaries; 375; 391; 403; 407; 410; 413;
415; 417; 418; 422; 439; 441; 442; 446; 448;
454; 461; 475; 481; 482; 508; 509; 515; 516
SB4 526; 534; 541; 548; 554; 556; 568; 570;
571; 572; 587; 590; 599; 600; 613; 616; 618;
619; 625; 629; 630; 633; 637; 639; 643; 652;
708; 710; 712; 714; 720; 734; 753; 754; 758;
760; 763; 767; 772; 779; 780; 782; 784; 786;
788; 791; 793; 794; 798; 810; 813; 814; 815;
816; 818; 821; 823; 826; 833; 836; 839
title page z 35 7-llm, 29m, 33m 36 l-3m 43 l-2m 47 4r-7m, 33m 48 l-5m 51 l-3m, 7-8m, 23-24m 53 28-30m 57 4-5m, 6-7m, 8-llm 63 29-33m 66 17-19m, 22-28m, 30-33m 70 28-30m 71 23-24m 89 l~8m 127 21-23m, 21-22m 138 23-2 8m 143 18-19m, 26-33m/Q 28-33w/ wb Case of double organs No. not exactly, but of same on different slates -> 145 6-8m/ Q 8-llm/w How is this in Cauliflower 152 29u 153 2-3m, 21-23m, 30m/c "5"/w f81 154 2-7m 159 4r-9m, 21-30m 170 27-33m 171 30-33m 172 l-4m, 21-24m, 29-31m 173 4-9m 183 4-6m, ll-15m/Q 195 19-22m 198 20-33m 199 2-3m/Q 226 30-32m 297 15-19m 301 5-6m 312 24-29m 332 9-23m 352 14-15m 355 4-8m/ w is there not analogy or relation with mass-sizes? 17-18m, 27-28m* 356 9-23m 358 22-14m 364 ll-15m, 18-21m/w series in pappus 24-28m 369 l-2m/w Then not true nectary! 375 16-25m 391 2-7m, 20-22m 399 l-4m, 5-8m, ll-13m, 21-24m (Schleiden) 403 20-21m, 24-26m 407 9-12m, 14-17m, 23-31m/23u "le même", 24u "jaune I bleu", 30u "bleues", 31u jaunes", 33m 408 24-27m 410 2S-29m, 22-25m, 27-29m 413 7-2 0m (Schkiden)/w Embryology 415 16-23m/14-30w Laws governing abortion 416 9-22m 417 6-8m, 10-12m, 15-18m 418 4-6m/4-20w as many exceptions as facts 25-27m 422 5-6m/w Law of variation 439 5-7m 441 24-25m 442 8-10m, ll-12m, 15-17m, 20u "doigt \Gallinees", 27-28m, 31-33m 443 l-4m 446 9-15m/10u "M. Mohla", 14u "laides", 14a "grains" in same genera 447 25-29m 448 3~6m, 18m, 19-210 23-25m 454 ll-28m/w number of non varying characters 455 zb 461 20-24m 475 10~16m,
16~17m 481 22-26m (Guülard, Schleiden, Vogel) 482 24-26m 508 25-2 9m/Q 509 30-33m/32u "a\tranché" 515 30-33m 516 lm/u "axiles\ Puisque", 27m 517 2-20m, 7-12m\7-8u "■placentas axiles"/llu "pariétaux \axiles", 13-14m, 21-22m, 23-25m 526 21-25m 534 24-26m, 29-31m/29u "sans exception" 541 19-25m 548 2-21m, 24-26m, 27-30m, 30-31m, 32m, 33m, wb I wonder how if species 549 2-2m 552 4-6m, 20u "M. Schleiden"\19-22m) 554 29-22m 555 zb 557 4-20m (Schleiden) 568 24-18m/w curious 570 26-29m (Salvert) 571 4-7m 572 30-33m/30u "une foule"/w Qu? 573 2-9m/ 4-5Q 577 3-5m 587 2-22m 590 30-33m 591 2-3m, 4~6m, 6-8m, 16-19m 599 2-7m, 7-22m, 23-29m, 20-22m 600 32-32m Qussieu) 613 3-4m/w not so in animals Owen 616 33m/32-33w/wb How made out value of series 617 wt let have no nervous system, no man alsoO head 2-2m, 29-30m, wb If most complicated & altered form is to be highest - no for worm forms first - origin might then be highest.- 618 9-23m 619 20-22m, 23-25m, 28-29Q 29-31m 625 2-6m 629 20-22m 630 20-23m 631 23-25m, 17~22m, 23m 633 22-29m (De Candolle, Guillard, Schleiden) 637 wt V.p.643 How know ever existed? 2-6m 639 4-8m (Roeper) 642 28-33m 643 4-22m, 25-16m/u " Commencement \ développement", 20-21u "supposition I théorique" 652 17-20m, 21-23m 708 5-7m 710 25-29m 711 28-22m (Kunth), 21-22m 712 4-27m, 7-9m/9-12u "mais \faible"/8-17w good similarity 17~31m\ 18-22u±, 24u "n'en\pas", 25u "sees", 27-28u "contraireIgénériques" 713 5-8m, 16-18m, 21-23m, 26-27m 714 2-5m, 6-8m, 12-18m 720 20-23m 734 25-29m 735 22-24m 753 16-17m 754 2-3m, 12-15m, 30-31m 755 la "sa"/wt the embryo l-4m/w like embryonic animals 5-6m, 7-10m, 10-12m, 13-14m, 20-21m, 22-25m, 26u "n'est I caractère", 28-32m 756 2-4m 758 11-27w Means of dispersion of seeds by springing of capsules &c &c 759 14-17m\17-26w it is curious both seeds & envelopes, being thus furnished good argument for final cause. 29u "les fruits", 20w<->, 22m "graines elle", 28-29m 760 9u "corniche I haute"\8-12w What kind of seeds. Gilliflower & Sedum 761 4-5u "cinq I fruits", 6u "trois mille", 21m, 23-24m 762 32-33m 763 2-22m, 17-19m, 21u "aucuneI culture", 30-31m/31u "laines" 767 10-llm/10u "cent ans", 14-15m/15u "laissées\ vingt", 25-26m\u "vingtlams", 33u "moinsI siècle" 768 26-20m 772 17-20m 779 27-30m 780 4~8m 782 25-30m, 31-33m/31u "s'il\ possible", wb We know from experience that any one character is general it will go with others - all organization is corelative 784 8-
[page break]
10m, 13-16m, 19-20m, 21-23m, 23-24m 785 4-5m/4u "caractère]peu", 12~16m, 17m, 24-25m 786 6-7m, 7-8u^, 8-10m (De Candolle (both)), 13-15m/15u "d'aüleurs\ moins", 15-18m, 26-28m/27u "'deIcaractères", 31-33m/! 787 4-7m, 4-6m, 6-8m/7-8u "ne\isolé", 13a "caractères" of embryo 12-15m, 14-15m/u "leurI constance", 16-17m, 22-25m, 27-30m\\\ 30u "deldifférente", wb How well worth getting good Botanist to explain variation of do 788 6-9u±, 14~16m, 16-17-19u±, 20-25mj 21u ''nousIserions", 25-26u "lalMalpighia", 27-31m 789 1-Am, 5-8u±/7-10zu where has Mirbel done this?? 8-18u±, 18-24m, wb Descent is the key, least variable will then be best guide, whatever the part may be 791 wt Whatever parent form we can trace * modification wt ♦ & so agrees with my theory 20-24m/25-27ml!!l28-32ml4-33w Schleiden Compositae Hooker some parasite So in parasite Lerneidae & cirripedes, especially males of 33m/u "Renonculacées", wb There is no highest, there is most modified but when much rudimentary, what we must call useless, .-. not highest & by man's standard high & low. The impossibility of saying what is highest is conformable to my theory -which is highest var of cabbage or dog? -most changed will not do - put man on one side having any index - except most unlike a primary simple form 793 l-3m, 13-15m, 18-20m, 23-25m, 25-27!, 27-31m/27-28u "moins I Composés", 33m 794 l-2m, 4-6m, ll-14m, 15-17m, 19-21m (Jussieu), 22-24m, 25-26m 798 l-3m, 4-6w • type of family 799 6-7m, 7-10m, 10-llm 810 l-3m, 5-9m (Schleiden) 813 24-27m/25-26u "nous I rapports" 814 7-15m\ 12-13u "lesIcomplètes", 17-20m, 20-24m, 24-26m 815 2-4m, 8-10m, ll-13m, 15-lSm, 1-17w What case of impossibility of arrangement 816 5-llm 818 10-15m, 16-17m, 20-22m, 24-27m 821 3-7m, 8-13m 823 7-11m, 19-20m 826 7-13m/l-33w It does not appear that embryo of Dicot, is like at any stage embryo of Monocot or Cryptogamic plants Even Dicot & Monocot are quite unlike in earliest age. as shown by name)- wb N.B Reflect on plants not passing through any larva-embryonic state (?because they come at once to play their part in nature?) good selection. 827 8-llm, 16-18m, 18m, 18-24m\ 19u "sur\différents" 833 14-15m, 18-21m, 27-28m 834 9-12m/wt/l-20w N.B X May use account for diversities in important characters in families, to their having varied in the lower or parent stocks. 835 ll-16m, 25~26m, 29-31m 836 17u "fleurs", 20-24m/20u "grandes différences", 25u "bornerai", 26u-^l
26-30w V. Lindley on the rest 837 llu "mucilagineuses ", 28-32m\28u "mucila-gineuses"/29u "morphologiques" J30u "car\ces"l w I think there has lately in Linn Trans 839 lm/u "'même I et"
SAINT-HILAIRE, Auguste de Voyage aux sources du Rio de S. Francisco 2 vols.; Paris; A. Bertran; 1847-48 [CUL] beh
vol. 1 NB Unreadably Dull SB 09Î
17 &> Aboriginal Indians cultivated the ground; 70 /& a proprietor can sell on 1/10 of his stock of cattle yearly 17 7-10m 70 13-16m 71 l-2m, 9-llm
vol. 2 NB Unreadable
ST. JOHN, Charles Skdches of the wild spots and natural history of the Highlands London; John Murray; 1878 [Down, FD]
ST. JOHN, Charles A tour in Sutherlandshire 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1849 [CUL] beh, br, cs, hy, no, oo, sx, t, v, wd
vol. 1 NB see end of Vol 2 for Abstract x 16m xi 19m/u "Fighting of Stags" xii 10m xiii 15m 15 13-16m 74 14-18m 109 21-26m 134 3-8m
vol. 2 SB1 Vol I; 15; 74; 109; 134
Vol 2; 178; 208
SB2 091
Vol I
15 On Herons breeding on ground
74 On cross of common & wild cat - simple
134 on increase of Grouse when clever
keeper & trapper kept -
Vol 2
178 More particulars on what Birds have
increased by destruction of vermin 179.
179- Q on resemblance of the several
grouses to where they haunt; & importance
is shown by the great increase in numbers
when Hawks destroyed.
iii 19m, 22m/u "Fox-chace" iv 26m vi 17m vii 4m 178 4-5m, 12-17m 179 4-20m/10-llQ 208 l-3m
SALTER, John The chrysanthemum London; Groombridge & Sons; 1865 [CUL] sports, t, v
NB Laws of Variation; The first breaking or
change is the difficulty >p.3; 41 ♦ to 43*
[page break]
2 21-26m, 26-27m 3 15-18m, 24-27m 6 25-27m 7 27-32m 41 3-6m, 10-12m, 14-17m, 18-20m, 27-28m, 29-31m, 31-32m, wb p. 3 primordialiy yellow 42 3-6m, 8-lOm, 16-18m, 19a "Dr. Brock" yellow kind 21-25m/21u "yellow", 31-33m\31u "in suckers" 43 9-15m/ 10-12m
SALTER, John William and WOODWARD, Henry A descriptive catalogue of all the genera and species contained in the accompanying chart of fossil Crustacea, including an abstract from the Geological Magazine, Oct 2, 1865 London; J. Tennant; 1865 [Down]
SAMOUELLE, George The entomologist's useful compendium London; Thomas Boys; 1819 [CUL, pre-B] t
NB 338 Explanation of terms
SAPORTA, Gaston de Le Monde des plantes avant l'apparition de l'homme Paris; G. Masson; 1879 [Botany School, I]
SAPORTA, Gaston de and MARION, Antoine Fortuné L'Évolution du règne végétal: Les Cryptogames Paris; Germer Baillière & Cie; 1881 [Botany School]
SAPORTA, Gaston de and MARION, Antoine Fortuné Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux, précédées d'une introduction stratigraphique par Albert Faisan Lyon, Genève, Bâle; H. Georg; 1876 [Botany School]
SAPORTA, Gaston de and MARION, Antoine Fortuné Révision de la flore Heersienne de Gelinden Bruxelles; 1878 [Botany School, I]
SARMIENTO DE GAMBÖA, Pedro Viage al estrecho de Magellanes Madrid; Imprenta Real de la Gazeta; 1768 [Down, pre-B, S]
SAUSSURE, Henri Louis Frédéric de La
question du lac Genève; Charles Schuchardt; 1880 (extract from Journal de Genève) [Linnean Society of London, I]
SAVAGE, Minot Judson The religion of evolution Boston; Lockwood, Brooks & Co.; 1876 [Down]
SCHACHT, Hermann The microscope London; Samuel Highly; 1855 [Down]
SCHERZER, Karl von Aus dem Natur- und Völkerleben im tropischen America Leipzig; Wigand; 1864 [Down, I] p
SCHERZER, Karl von La province de Smyrne Wien; Alfred Holder; 1873 [Down, I]
SCHIFF, Maurice Leçons sur la physiologie de la digestion 2 vols.; Paris; Germer Baillière; 1868 [CUL] beh, che, oo, phy, t, tm
vol. 1NBA
64 vegetable feeders can undergo greater &
more prolonged fatigue & thus whole
structure is in condition. Curious remarks,
explaining this
379; 380 Experiments; 396 Expts; 387
Tests; 396 Tests
p255 p261 p263 266 270 Blushing
♦ 270
16 Oogar
63 26-35m 64 l-2m, 13-20m/13u "activité", 24-27w Esquimaux Dogs 69 27-32m 73 3-7m\3-llw so probably C. of Ammonia not digested & is not nutritious 30-32m 255 24-17w I ought to read the previous Chapter 19-25m 256 24-27m 261 12-16m, 17-19m 263 5-10m 266 23-26m 268 2-8m, 18-21m 270 22-15m 376 10-12m/13-15m/2-15w There is this difference that it digests at ordinary temps-so must stomach of Frog 379 l-4m, 15u "substance albuminoxde"\w cabbage juice 27-18m/w Extract of Belladonna 29-31m 380 2-13w I ought to add C of soda to a leaf which has dissolved cube of albumen & see if any precipitate 15-17 w see p. 382 for salt, experiments 382 21-22m/u "Le\ mercure"Iw see p. 387 383 19u "acide tannique" \18-19w Try 23-25m 387 27-30m, 33-35m 388 8-10m 390 30-33m, 34m 396 30-35m 411 31-38m\ 34w Have read 413 13-15m, 45-46m 414 2-4m 19-20m
vol.2 NB1 (not CD)
NB2 a 150 Exper. with Milk done; 154
Exper. done; 157
Drosera 4* to 200* 245 299 304; 281; 304
Blushing 527; 539*
410 Expression 415*; 0
SB Qß (by Emma)
Vol 1. p. 73 Digestion modifies food &
therefore probably, C of Ammonia is not
strictly digested by Drosera.
[page break]
«s» (CD) p. 376. On Digestion of higher animals requiring heat
e> (CD) p. 379. On changes of albumen thro' digestion Do - On certain forms of albumen */^ (CD) not precipitated by boiling 383. Digestion requires an acid.
390. All albuminous substance acquires same properties thro' digestion Vol 2
p.4 On strength of acid best for digestion 18 On digestion of cold-blooded animals. 22 & 25 On dissolution of albumen by weak acids X& (CD) (over) Vol 2
» (CD) 29 On replacements of acids.
•» (CD) 38 Fibres of fibro-elastique cannot be attacked by pepsine.
«s» (CD) 56 On weakness of acids best for digestion.
«3> (CD) On replacement by various acids. 77 It is doubtful whether pepsine is an albuminous substance: Mem- my pepsine not really pure.
80 There is a relation between quantity of
pepsine & digestive matter
86- The same subject
114 ♦#- (CD) Of Demonstrates that
pepsine is destroyed during digestion
126 Same subject
142 Gastric juice cannot affect amedon
145 ♦as- (CD) Excellent description of
changes in muscular fibres from digestion of
W. I did not know when I described my
(over) (CD) (& u^)
p387 Remarks of Millon with a fly
(over) Schiff Vol 2
» (CD) 149. On angles of cubes of albumen being dissolved.
» (CD) 150 On liquid casein or Milk & its coagulation not due simply to the acid-153*e> (CD) On solid Casein. His explanation does not apply to my experiments.
» (CD) 154 On Legumin soluble in water & its coagulation by gastric juice.
C> (CD) Long boiling turns albumens into peptones.
104 Gastric juice of carnivorous & herbivorous is the same.
188 Mechanical irritation of stomach causes acid secretion but not true pepsine - 245 -same subject
196 After copious digestion the stomach is destitute of pepsine 200 On peptogenes
(over) 249 ♦e> (CD) It appears that if gastric juice does not act characteristically on
gelatine, it at least efficaciously accelerates
its modification by acidulated water.
281 The peptic glands seem to be different
from the mucous glands. Nevertheless the
former present an acid reaction. In Drosera
they are combined.
304 ♦<s> (CD) On a layer of mucous
preventing the auto-digestion of the stomach.
157 \\é? (CD) On digestion of fibro-cartilage
& on the solution of bones-
4 25-31m\24-29w shows how little acid required 5 30-32m 17 wtu, 30-32m/w How about cold-blooded anims 18 12u "liquide"/ 13u "à froid"\12-15m\14-17m\l-17wThe pepsine of Drosera probably differs from that of warm-blooded but how about cold-blooded in water 35u "néanmoins I poissons "I19-35m/ 24-35w all related to liquid Albumen 19 2-9m/7u "deux I semaines", 19-21m, 33-34m (Spallanzani) 21 lOm/u "l'albumine liquide"jw loh 25 12-14m/13u± 29 24-33m 38 26-27m/ 26u "fibro-élastique" 39 5-6m/u++ 56 18-24m (Brücke) 57 27-31m 58 23-2 9m 59 24-30m 71 2-10m 77 23-25m, 18u "un I azoté"/14-26w it causes inflation of • of Drosera but these seem not to be absolutely pure 80 31-35m 86 22-26m 114 28-35m 126 23-25m (Brücke), wb He has shown that it is impossible to get pepsine + pure without the most laborious operations even if it be possible at all - 127 18u "matières albuminoïdes ", 24u "graisses I intestin" 142 4-8m 145 5-28m/l...]/9-18w transverse chain of dots which I saw - there being no more U-27m, 30-32w X not Page 146 2-12m/[...]/7-12m/8-9u^ 149 7-12m/8u "angles" 150 29-32m 151 l-2m, 23-29m 153 25~30m, 31-32m/30-33w No not so with Drosera 154 15-20m, 21-22m 156 13-30m (Blondlot) 157 lu "fibro-cartilagineux" 166 wt\ l-3w Turn them into peptones 3-6m 184 21-25m 188 23u "sécrétion acide"/16-17u++/12-17m (Corvisart) 196 12-18m 200 3-6m 202 35m 203 2-4m 245 5-7m, 15~16w Mechanical irritation 25u "liquide acide", 23-26m (Tiedemann, Blondlot) 249 9-23m 281 23-27m\ 26-2/'u<^/24-25w Same glands in Drosera 304 9u "Vautodigestion \ l'estomac", 10-16m, 17-23m (Költiker), 24-25u "et Ipepsine", 33-35m/34u "alcalin" 410 22-28m/22-24u "trèsI altéré", 29-33m 411 9-10m, 12-14m, 15-16m, 19-20m, 26-32m* 414 30-35m, 31-35m 415 2-3m, 12-16m, wb Perhaps for expression I had better read next Chapter 527 6-8m (Ludwig)/4-12w I have not read this Essay 12-17m, 20-24m 539 6-32m 545 22-23m 553 4-5m, 17-18m, 32-33m 554 20-2lm, 26-27m, 30-40m, 49-50m 555 5-6m, 15m, 25-26m,
[page break]
40m, 47m 556 15m/u "extrait renfermant" 557 l-3m/2u "influences]acide"/w Drosera 47m/?
SCHLEGEL, Hermann Essay on the physiognomy of serpents Edinburgh; Maclachlan, Stewart & Co.; 1843 [CUL] beh, br, gd, geo, ig, in, is, oo, or, phy, rd, sp, sy, tm, v, ve
NB p. 10; p. 21; p26,7 to 55; 71; 80; 85; 92;
129; 131; 144; 146; 149; 197 to end
♦ It might be worth looking to great work to
see if he argues his local varieties.
Many for Java & Celebes
10 Q Many innocuous serpents have
grooved teeth 42 on do. important 47 Q
22 Snakes & Lizards a good gap well filled
up p24
Q Great changes in position of viscera owing to shape of body conclusion Ch 7 & great difference in different forms. External organs more constant
Number of vertebrae differing in same species
38 Rudiment of posterior extremities in 3
45 Q Snakes with tips of ribs forming teeth
55 Q Pancreas* spleen differing in species
& varies in individuals
80 NQ Crotalus mutus has spine <u^) not
146 Coluber canus only species of genus in
S. Africa & abnormal species
199 Snakes in Isld of Pacific
203 Section of genus Elaps, trifling
distinction in S. America (shows persistence
of trifling characters)
Corvus cornix & Corone breeding at Dresden (Ch. 4)
Sardinia has many vars. (but not many distinct species)
Many Mammals of Japan identical
Saurians & snakes of Japan all distinct from Europe. Frogs the same!
222 to 226,8 - to 235 The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals. Much on Zoology of Malay Arch. Philippines & Ceylon allied! 240 N. America in Reptiles seems to have derived from South (do not range far N.
10 7-13m/8-10Q 21 22a "species" approaches to 22 4-8m/3-26w good passage if such organs did not exist now, we shd marvel at the transition. p24 24 6-14m/8u "difficult] impossible", 30u "Pygopus"/30-34m/w Snake or Lizard? 25 36-39m 26 7-13"..."/Q/10u "but I lung", 24-26Q 27-32m, 34u "external"
27 35-39m/37-38u "in I vertebrae" 28 2u 38 24-28m 42 5-10m/5u "salivary", 19u "anterior end", 31u "posterior part", 32-36m/33-35m/Q/ 34u "more I saliva" 43 13-15m, 26-30m, 32-36m, 37u "fatal" 44 10c/9u "germs"/w gums 25c/w(é 45 31-34m/Q 36-38m 46 14-18m, 31-32u "developed]venomous", 32-35m, 36-37m 47 l-4m\w Explain origin of teeth 9w Salivary ll-13m, 15m/u "tendinous", 21u "tendinous", 23u "to I articulation" AS lu "dangerous", la -"consequences"/wt it is painful, at once 55 29-32m/Q 71 l-3m 80 6-10m/Q 85 22-26m, 33-36m/34?/u "local variations", 37m 86 30-33m 92 14-20m 99 36-38m 110 37-39m 129 37w Plenty of cases afterwards show no. of vertebrae vary 131 37-40m 144 21-27m 146 9-llm/lOu "known\Africa", 15u "curious"/19-20u "This I species"\15-21wa wanderer 149 15-18m+ Vil 16u "most I means", 15-20m, wb Snakes can live without eating 6 & 18 months 198 36-38m/w not volcanic islds 199 6-9m, 12-14m, 19-22m/20u "other species"/21-22u "often\Antilles", 28a/u "Japan"/w Java 29-31m, 35-38m 205 15-23m 206 17-26m, 26-30m, 38-41m 207 8-9m, 10-12m, 14m, 17-19m, 24-29m 210 32-36m 211 34-40m 212 26-30m/28u "elevation] species" 213 37-41m (Buffon, Lamarck) 216 29a/u "Caméléon"/22-34w Q case, I suspect, of great peculiarity, variable. 31 u "Ptytodactilus\nose"/28-32m 217 31-35m 218 17-21m, 27-34m/37-41m (Siebold, Bürger) 219 wt Sea & Land must have been connected between Europe & Japan.- 2-llm/llu "laudatus"/?, 21-25m (Temminck), 29-33m/30-31u "Saurians I Ophidians ", wb what a difficulty introduction of F.W. Eel in Otaheite & some of the Antarctic Isds - Do not they breed in Sea. 220 3-17m 221 29-31m 222 3-9m, 26-40m, 30-31m\30u "Timor" 223 wt consult Waterhouse.- l-5m, 6-40m, 13-15m/14u "Timor", 18u* 224 2-19m/8u "Timor", 20-26m 225 3-5m (Temminck), 9-36m\26u "Marianne Islands"\28u "Timor", 34-36m, 39-40m 226 l-8m/lu "Timor", 8-10m, 10-20m, 21-23m, 24-29m, 32u "Marianne" 227 5-13m, 23-24u "Sumatra]Borneo", 33-38m 228 wt Sumatra & Java very different soils 2-9m, 24u "islands] Timor", 27-34m 229 28-32m, 33-35m 230 3u "and I known", 5-8m, 9-13m\12u "No Antelopes", 14-26m, 26-30m, 34-41m/35u "also I tail" 231 17-19m, 22-25m, 38-Alm 232 20-24m, 29-36m, 37-42m 233 18-23m, 24-36m/25u "Canis]]avanicus" 234 20-23m, 23-28m 235 ll-16m, 33-AOm 237 16-19m 238 21-23m, 29-34m 239 l-2m, 18-25m, 25-34m 240 21-30m 245 5w Cuv I p405 246 Vw 1.409 247 12w Edw p375.l./l.p410 248 ÏÏ26w I.409 1tSiü I.p410 249 4w I p409 250
[page break]
Îl3w 1.411 ÏÏSw Edw p374 col 2 /I.410 îîlSw Edw p374 /I.406 251 3w Edw p378.2 /I.417 niw Edw:p378 col 2 / 1.416 252 2w 1.419 llw Edw p377.2 /I.413 î\5w Edw:p377 /I.414 $10w Edw p376 /I.412 (cross referencing of Shlegel's arrangement of serpents to other works)
SCHLEICHER, August Darwinism tested by the science of language trans. A.V.W. Bikkers; London; John Camden Hotten; 1869 [CUL, I by translator] beh
NB Languages primevally invented difficulty
Speculation on grammar
If one admitted "amabo" is formed of 3
words I will love, agglomerating amabis !♦
you will love
title page 9m 54 5-17m
SCHMIDT, Oscar Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus Leipzig; F.A. Brockhaus; 1873 [Down, FD] p
SCHMIDT, Oscar The doctrine of descent London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1875 [CUL] cc, ch, fo, hl, ir, mg, no, sp, t, tm
NB ♦ 94; 97,8; 152; 174; 214
SB «>
p.97 gives reference to German
Palaeontologists who have shown
impossibility of separating Ammonites into
species.- Now if the exuberance of forms
had occurred in only some one sea or at
only one time we might easily have had not
record - with occasionally a few forms
emigrating & spreading, good resume of
Wurtenberger &c
p152 case of apparent convergence of
character in Sponges (higher organism)
p174 causes why no two groups or stems of
polyps are exactly alike.
p214 Ammonites (like Hyatt) first changing in
external conditions
94 2~32m 95 1-Um (Haeckel), 23-32m
(Agassiz) 97 7-16m (Waagen, Zittel, Neumayr,
Wurtenberger, 23-32m 98 7~32m
(Wurtenberger) 152 29-32m 174 l-25m 214 1-19m 215 1-llm, 16~32m
SCHMIDT, Oscar The doctrine of descent and Darwinism London; Henry S. King & Co.; n.d. [Down]
SCHMIDT, Rudolf Die Darwinschen Theorien und ihre Stellung zur Philosophie, Religion und Moral Stuttgart; Paul Moser; 1876 [Down]
NB not read
SCHNEIDER Der thierische Wille Leipzig; Abel; 1880 [Down, I]
5 8m 10 25m
SCHOUW, J.F. The earth, plants and man
together with
KOBELL, F. von Sketches from the animal
kingdom trans. A. Henfrey; London; Henry
G. Bohn; 1852 [CUL]
ad, cc, ch, cr, gd, hi, is, mhp, oo, sp, t, ti,
tm, v, wd
SB1 0<R p. 4; 6; 12; 17; 18; 23; 27 to 29;
59,60; 64; 81; 95; 102; 138; 140; 172; 210;
12 on great number of naturalised plants on
18 argues for double creation from Alpine
Plants (Glacial Chapt)
20 thinks higher animals never are created
at 2 places
29 Alpine plants extremely variable
59 Parallelism in Labiatae &
95 Lotus of Hot Springs in Hungary
218 There have been instances of
Convolvulus arvensis sending papillae into
plant, which supports it very interesting in
relation to Cuscuta (Ch. 4) (marked vars)
4 32-34m, 35-40m 6 l-2m 12 21-31m\21-23\\ 22u "seal recent", 26-2'/'u "extent I where" 13 7-41m, 10-14mlW, 21-23111, 33-35111 18 l-2m, 22-27m, 33-40m 19 14-16m, 39-40m 20 8-10m, 29-33m\29u "many places", 29u "single" 23 18-19m, 37-40m 24 19-25m/w never has 27 20-30m 28 28-31m, 33-34m 29 l-4m 59 32-40m 60 30-34m 61 19-28m, 28-36m 64 35-41m 66 6-9m 81 32u±, 36-41m 82 18-25m 93 2-3m 95 35-40m 102 35-36m, wb many species are required to confine & modify habits of forming species. 103 5-6m 138 18-32m 139 23-28m, 34-37m, 38-40m 140 1-Am\ wt/l-4w ? by acclimatisation? 141 13-16m 172 26-29m 210 l-6m, 40-41m 218 14-17m, 23-29m catalogue attached p
SCHÜBELER, Frederick Christian Die
Pflanzenwelt Norwegens Christiania; A.W. Bragger; 1873-75 [Down, I] NB 381, 82 381 37-41m
[page break]
SCHUFELDT, R.W. Osteology of the North American Tetraonidae 1881 [CUL.1900, I by author]
title page "Osteology ".u
SCHULTZE, Fritz Kant und Darwin Jena; Hermann Dufft; 1875 [CUL]
NB1 0/
NB2 Hand revisionsO
25; 26; 27; 28; 32; 38; 46; 47; 48-50;
55-58; 61 (1775); 65; 76; 84 &c
SCHULTZE, Fritz Die Sprache des Kindes (Darwinistische Schriften 10) Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [CUL]
SCHULZ, Ernst Nine plates of photographs: facial expression [later than 1867] [CUL]
wz to most photo-captions
SCHWANN, Theodor Manifestation en l'honneur du Professor, Liege, 23 juin 1878 Düsseldorf; L. Schwann; 1879 [Down]
[SCIENTIFIC LAYMAN] The new truth and the old faith London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1880 [Down, I] p
SCORESBY, William Jun. An account of the arctic regions, with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery 2 vols; Edinburgh; Archibald Constable & Co.; 1820 [Down, pre-B] gr, tm
vol. 1 NB p. 457 whalebone; 485 Balaenoptera (6-9 miles) 251 14-17m/15u "three I in"/14u "100''/w 480 ft 22-24m/23u "325"/24u "150"/25u "250", wbu 252 3w 2 1/2 miles 13-15m\w V. Forster 255 27-30m 259 17-19m, 23~25m, 26-28m 457 2u "300", 4-6m/4u "Fifteen I greatest", 24-25m 479 14-15m/15u "4 feet" 483 34m "31 long", 16u "fringe \ bristly" 484 8-9u "about I length"16~13w Balaen. p457 p483 p479 485 26m/u "whalebone I inches " 486 12u "9 inches " 490 9-10m/Q 491 8-llm/Q
vol. 2 NB p. 416 Whalebone 416 19-22m
SCOTT, John Annual report on the experimental poppy gardeners at Deegah and Meetapore Calcutta; Bengal Secretariat Press; 1876 [CUL, I]
SCOTT, John Manual of opium husbandry
Calcutta; Bengal Secretariat Press; 1877
[CUL, I]
ad, beh, cc, che, fg, he, oo, phy, si, tm, ud,
NB see to all marks; 46; 36; 70 to 77; 81;
111; 130; 131; 154; 167; Cross-fertilisation
SB a>
36 Effects of salts in causing seeds to
49 acclimatisation of vars. & closer
adaptation to climate
77 slight chemical differences in vars.
80. 111 apparently inherited effects of
scarification like inherited milking
154. vars. differ in liability to mould
167 gnawing capsule with the opium causes
convulsive twitch to Caterpillar
ii 14m, 17m, 20m, 33m iii 3-9m, 33-37m, 39-45m, 47-55m iv 20-28m v 14m vi 7m 36 20-28m 43 l-3m 45 8-llm/9u "a\the" 46 l-3m, 35^40m 48 43-51m 49 12-lSm, 41-46m 50 27-36m 51 20-23m, 23-25m 52 8-14m 56 34-39m/36u "80J000\ 90,000" 70 15-21m 71 24-32m 77 7-17m 78 5-35w He has before said is found in petals & stamens 9-12m (Schleiden), 15-21m, 22-30m, 32-35m/? 80 26-26m/16-35w i.e. not due to selection - I suppose he means inherited effects of Scarification 45-51m 81 8-13m 111 4-llm/9u " early \ exercise" 130 27-32m, 37-40m/37u "Bulk\absolute" 131 l-3m, ll-14m 134 32-34z 154 27-31m 167 9-13m
SCOTT, John Report on the experimental culture of the opium poppy Calcutta; Bengal Secretariat Press; 1874 [CUL, I] oo, phy
14 lu&> "weighing I capsules", 36-42m\m 20 13-19m/14-20m, 32-37m, 40-A2m\m 21 10-39m/22-24m/35-37m 24 20-22m 29 29-34m 30 26m 42 44-53m 47 49-54m 53 32~37m 54 42-47m 58 ll-33m\25uto "affecting only" 60 42-47m 61 30-38m, 47-56m 63 42-46m
SCOTT, John Report on the experimental culture of the opium poppy for the season 1877-
78 Calcutta; Bengal Secretariat Press; 1878
[CUL, I]
oo, phy
NB Frank Protection from Insects
p9 Monkey
17 to 21-22, 28 Protection of poppy by
[page break]
part 1,1 39~46rn
part 3, 9 l-15m 17 62-70m 18 4-12m 19 48-64m 20 24-29m 21 58-68m 22 62-66m 25 8-23m, 29-35m
SCOTT, W.R. The deaf and dumb 2nd edn; London; Bell & Daldy; 1870 [CUL, I] beh, he, pat, t
NB 8*; Deaf Mute reason - ?; 10 smelling
- Imbeciles; Expression - 10 Proof of
laughing sign of pleasure; 12 Continuation of
There is nothing about antagonism of
expressive gestures
♦ 53 Savage snarl of Insane Reversion
8 5-12m, 15-16m, 18-23m^, 21-23m 10 9-
llm/10-13w MaudsleyO has similar case 13-
14u "the\boy", 19-22m/20u "laughing" 12 19-
SCROPE, George Julius Poulett Considerations on volcanos London; W. Phillips; 1825 [Down, pre-B] geo, se, t
iv 23-29m vii l-20m xiii 9-16m/10-14w Sir H 30 l-21m, 17-22m 64 37^43m 65 27-38m 107 11-lSm 147 21-24m 194 6-14m/ll? 199 22-25m/26-29m/22-28w maximum elevation having expended the force wb NB none of these theoretical views agrees with the structure of the S. American Andes. 212 8-42m/21-22? 264 3-5m/wt The curved stratification of the clay beds is not accounted for. Humboldt gisement.
SCROPE, George Julius Poulett Volcanos 2nd edn; London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1862 [Down] p
SCUDDER, John M. Specific diagnosis Cincinnati; Wilstach, Baldwin & Co.; 1874 [Down, I]
SCUDDER, Samuel Hubbard Butterflies New York; Henry Holt & Co.; 1881 [Down]
SCUDDER, Samuel Hubbard Historical sketch of the generic names proposed for butterflies Salem; Naturalist's Agent; 1875 [Down]
SEDGWICK, Adam A discourse on the studies of the University of Cambridge 5th edn; London; John W. Parker; 1850 [CUL, I] ad, af, cc, ch, ds, em, ex, fo, gd, geo, he, hi, '9. ir, no, or, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, v, wd, y
NB1 cc
NB2 ♦ xxvi; 33; xlv; xliv
The publication of the Vestiges brought out
* all that cd be said against the theory
excellently if not too vehemently
I am almost sure that Hooker in one letter
says that Salix is not variable in Himalaya -
Is rubus - this very important.-
The constant speaking of a species, as a
something known to be definite is source of
216 •» Introduct. Even the insertion of a
Genus between any two others, though it
cannot be said to break down a family, yet
in fact tends to same way, for the two
portions of the family might have been
formed into two sub-families. Sedgwick
speaks as if family or group of any kind fixed
& ascertainable thing.- The not filling up of
gaps depends * chiefly on * our view of
how far Palaeontology represents old
inhabitants of world - but it
(over) might have been expected that some
forms intermediate between * Mammals &
Birds, like ornithorhyncus should have been
found - such must have existed probably
anterior to Silurian system.- As far as
evidence goes decidedly opposed-
294 »o- take any species in which there are
several varieties - make any one or two
races & we are making a species at the
present day.- this is the only evidence
possible - What domestic varieties are not
making!? I do not mean mere seedlings-
SB2 09Ï
Introduction; 26; 33; 48; 54,7; 62,4 to 139;
151; 212; 216 a> V. next page of this paper;
219; Appendix; 152; 185; 188 to 192 we
here see that a Bony fish as a fish may be
highest, but as part of the Vertebrata lower;
208; 278; 290; 294 V. Back
SB3 Qß
Ixv Oldest Fish highest (Book written against
law of development higher & higher with
which I have nothing to do
Ixxi X^ good against evidence for any
number of supposed fossils xciv
xcvii difficulty of appearance of Cycloids &
Ctenoids (Developed in hot ocean)
ci - on separation of Fish & Lizard
cxiii argument for coming in of Mammals,
now broken down by Purbeck
cxxv Falconers argument that serial species
do not accord in time or space
ccxii nature shows love of order & harmony
independent of mere vulgar use - one may
say this when one knows one plant or
[page break]
animal so well as to say why its numbers
are so many, not that I pretend every
character useful - Inheritance & Laws of
correlation & direct effects of conditions
ccxvi On genera & orders always keeping
distinct. V. note at Back
152 Socrates on use of eye-lashes
186 Good account of why Fishes♦ Sharks
highest to p. 193
188 On Embryological Development p. 278
192 On coexistence of spiral valves in
intestine & Bulbus arteriosus in Ganoids &
so allied to Batrachians
208 Oldest Rocks in America
ix zb xxxiii 2-3ra, 16-18m xxxiv ll-15m xlviii 4~6m, 14-20m/15-17w not put fairly liii 17u "Cuvier", 24u "Agassiz" liv 7u "Owen"/ 9-14m/l-8w 3 greatest authorities, pointedly, even bitterly declared against theory So Horticulturalist about varieties lv 1\5-2m lvii 19-23w absence of links between classes lxii 4-llm lxiii 4-8m, 15-23m lxiv 17-20m Ixv 28-30m (Owen) lxviii l-5m lxxi 6-9m/w all excellent lxxiv ll-15m lxxxiii 2-3m xci 20-23m xcii 13~19m xciii 13-15m (Cuvier) xciv 14-16m/w very true 30m/a "Classes" Kingdoms 30u "Classes"/wb ? not the Fishes & Reptiles xcvi 23-26m xcvii 6-9m xcix 10-24m c 25-28m/w But take existing fish & existing Reptiles ci 5-12m (Agassiz) cii wt/1-12w the first appearance alone ought to be chronologically in harmony with natural affinities 24r~27m, 30-31m ciii 5-22m civ 9-16m/w shows how imperfect our knowledge of aerial productions 19-23m/w Birds a capital argument versus, cvi 7w no! cvii 2-3m cxii 23-25m cxiii 10-12m, 29-30m (Cuvier) cxvii l-5m/w except change in nature of deposits 6-7u "organic interval", 27-29m/27u "seem" cxix 6u "Ceteosaurus"/w Where described? cxxv 13-16m, 17-18m, 19-26m/w opposed to Agassiz argument of affinities going with space cxxvi 3-6m, 3-23m, 14-20m, 22-25m, 5-26w The most important case I have yet seen cxxvii 5-10m, 15-17m cxxviii 2-3m, 17-19m cxxix 25-27m cxxxiv 21-27m, wb All facts &c. do not show that there is no difference between species & varieties, only that no one can often distinguish them - cxxxix 3-5m/3u "gradually exterminated"/5u "not I transmutation" cli 26m (Whewell), 30m cliv 3-6m, 14r-16m cxii 2-6m, 16-23m ccxiii 20-22m/21w Owen ccxvi wt& True great classes will never run into each other - even Lepidosiren does not do that.-wt/l-16w&> what does break-down mean -either then true classes run into one, or are
not so distinctly separated 4-5u "there\ organic", 5-9m, 13-14m/w&> What does this mean 24u<& "improve I perfect", 14-15w& "break\down", 15-Vm/w yet naturalists often do this ccxix 9u& "organic I analogy", 14-18m&>, 20-21m 181 23?/u "Neptune" 185 28-32m 186 5-9m, 15-19m (Owen, Hugh Miller), 29-32m, 36u*, wb Electrical Fishes 187 25-21m/17u "chronological history"/w no 18u "stultifies \ development "/w yes 188 3-5m, 11-19m (H. Miller), 31~36m 190 2-20m (M'Coy), 19-21m 191 26~36m (Agassiz) Vil 35-36m 193 2-3m 208 16-19m/16w*/17u "oldest", 33-36m 276 2-29m (Vestiges, Owen) 277 22-32m/22u "what I prove" 290 13-17m/13-20w quite certain no means of telling what is a species 294 14-15u "appearance finished"/13-16m (Vestiges)lw no* - V. note my M.S.
SEDGWICK, Adam Geology of the Lake district Kendall; John Hudson; 1853 [Down, I]
SEDGWICK, Adam Supplement to the memorial of the trustees of Cowgill Chapel Cambridge; University Press; 1870 [Down, I]
SEELEY, Harry Govier Index to the fossil remains of Aves, Ornithosauria and Reptiles pref. by Sedgwick; Cambridge; Deighton, Bell & Co.; 1869 [Down, I by Sedgwick]
SEELEY, Harry Govier The Ornithosauria Cambridge; Deighton, Bell & Co.; 1870 [Down, I by Sedgwick]
NB 0/
SEEMANN, Berthold Flora vitiensis London; Lovell, Reeve & Co.; 1865 [Down] p
SEGUENZA, G. Ricerche palaeontologiche intorno ai Cirripedi Terziarii 2 parts; Napoli; Regia Université; 1874-76 [Down, I]
part 1 NB 0/ part 2 p
SEIDLITZ, Georg Beiträge zur Descendenz-Theorie Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1876 [Down, I]
SEIDLITZ, Georg Carl Maria von Die
Darwin'sehe Theorie Dorpat; Mattiesen; 1871 [Linnean Society of London, I]
title page wt&> Presented by C. Darwin (Duplicate)
[page break]
SEIDLITZ, Georg Die Darwin'sche Theorie Dorpat; C. Mattiesen; 1871 [CUL, I] beh, ct, em, gd, he, mm, mn, oo, or, phy, sx, ud, v, y
NB 37 Variability of Embryo
47 Castrated Reindeer does not cast Horns
122 Causes of colour of eyes of Birds
127 Protective Colours of Beetles
135 Instinct good - diving of young ducks
whose parents fly away - only like squatting
- for parents do not dive to avoid danger
208 Origin of senses in cells in skin sensitive
to light
144 Reversion in blind insect & has
imperfect eyes
147 Replacement of rats in Europe
176 Carabus in Pyrenees & in N. of Europe
37 21-33m (von Baer) 38 25-29m 47 31-33m 122 8-33m, 34~37m 126 27-32m 127 35-36m 134 21m 135 wtll-4w Diving of young ducks whose parents fly away cannot have been learnt by no by ancestors 16-22m/18w (a) 144 18-21m 147 12~29m 176 8-13m 208 2-38m (A. Müller) 210 27m
SEIDLITZ, Georg Die Darwin'sche Theorie 2nd edn; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1875 [Down, I] p
SEMPER, Carl Gottfried Arbeiten aus den Zoologisch-Zootomischen Institut in Würzburg Hamburg; W. Mauke Söhne; 1876 [Down, I]
SEMPER, Carl Gottfried The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1881 [CUL] gd, is, t
NB 287 298 Geog. Distribution
290 Wagners Theory
287 15-21m, 38m 288 10-13m, 18-21m, 23-
26m 290 l-5m (M. Wagner) 292 ll-14m* 298
20-28m 300 10-15m 303 9m 308 6-15m
SEMPER, Carl Gottfried Die natürlichen Existenzbedingungen der Thiere Leipzig; Brockhaus; 1880 [Linnean Society of London, I]
SEMPER, Carl Gottfried Die Palau-Inseln im Stillen Ocean Leipzig; F. Brockhaus; 1873 [Down, I] p
SETTEGAST, Hermann Gustav Die Thier-
zucht Breslau; Wilh. Gottl. Korn; 1868
ce, oo, tm, v
NB p39 - Buck-wheat - Affecting animals differently coloured ♦ p41 graduated skulls 39 36u/un 41 1-41 m
SEWARD, Anna Memoirs of the life of Dr Duncan London; J. Johnson; 1804 [Down, pre-B, S]
SHAFTESBURY, Anthony, Earl of Char-acteristicks of man, manners, opinions, times 3 vols.; London; 1749 [Down, ED]
SHARPE, William Man, a special creation, or, the preordained evolution of species London; Robert Hardwicke; 1873 [Down, I] h, pat
NB p. 119 Colour & resists disease
118 22-26m 119 l-6m, 21-24m
SHIREFF, Patrick Improvements of cereals Edinburgh & London; William Blackwood & Co.; 1873 [CUL] es, si, spo, ta, v
NB 7 several vars. selected out of Fields
SB «>
7 selected 3 new vars. in one year, from 70
Ears collected out of several fields
p. 10 vars. crossing
p.33 & 35 constant & inconstant vars. from
crossed wheat.
p.47 The vars. naturally cross, but seldom
p.94. crossing increases variability, & gives
greater field for selection
7 l-7m 10 12-24m 29 18-25m (Darwin) 33 20-23m/23u "constant variety" 34 22-14m 35 18-19m, 23-24m 47 l-7m/w do not cross much ll-16m/12xv bud-sports 94 12-lSm, 15-24m
SHUCKARD, William Edward Essay on the indigenous fossorial Hymenoptera London; by the author; 1837 [CUL, I] ex, f, fg, ig, in, sp, spo, sx, sy, t, tm, v
NB1 Neuration of wings variable in the
species of Fossorial & & difference in this
point characterizes the sexes.-
So individual bugs are winged or less & so
[page break]
So jaws of Lucanus sexual & variable
So horns of Sheep.
NB2 =Make stalk of variable parts= also in
5 11 19 23
Variation p40 43 48 62 64 to 70 76 79 & 80 85 98 100,2,5,7 137 139 141,4,8 186 191 204 213 241,2 250
Besides these species which are variable, it must be remembered how very many are rare & therefore may vary, but it is not known-SB Qß
40 Q variation of nervures p. 43 do better case in genus Typhia Q 39 Neuration differs in sexes Q 48 -Q In Pompilus nervures differ in species
6 in individuals (p.4 Neuration of
fundamental importance in classification of
these Hymenoptera, as shown by Jurine
241 Excessive variability of shades of colour
in Cerceris
I see I have note about Bugs being winged according to sex & variable individually
5 7-9m/8u "to vary", ll-13m/13u "marked I constant" 8 18-19m + 11 16-18m/17u "'greatI genera", 21-23m 19 10-12m 22 15-23m 23 2-2m, 8m, ll-12m/8-18w Important as showing some species are fertile, not owing to any general law, but to the peculiarities of their own propagation.- 39 28-29m/Q 40 20-31m/ 21m/25m/27u "stigma nearly"/29m 42 31-33m 43 3-5m 48 18m/u "in I individuals"/16-19m/w are different in Fossores in males & females V. p. 39 24-25m/u "P. \ monstrosity "/20-25w In allied families wings absent in females 62 lOm/u " of \ posterior" 64 18-20m, 18~19u "which \Aporus"/w a diff. genus 65 15-19m/ 16-17u "and I punctured" 67 Urn, 20-23m/20-21u "'markings I wings" 70 3-4m, 3u "line] colour", 4u "traversing I not", 21-22m/21u "markings vary", 27-28m 76 33-35m 79 31-32u "third \petiolated" 80 6~8m 85 23~25m/u± 98 18-19m 100 23u "black ring", 24-25m/24u "sometimes obsolete", 27m/u "interrupted", 27-28u "yellow I margin" 102 12-13u "are\ interrupted", 13-Um 103 15-19m/16u "male"/ 18u "multitude I species" 104 32u "abdomen", 33-34u "first I red", 34u "is I red" 105 lu "or black"/2u "sometimes"/3u "lacteous\of"/4u "segment"/l-4m 107 l-3m/2-3u "charactersI mucro" 137 2-3u "yellow\above" 139 24-26m 141 34-35m/u^ 144 9-22m, 9-10u "sometimes]only" 148 23u "sometimes", 24-26m, 25u "reduced I spot" 149 8u "variable] abdomen" 152 20-22m 156 22-22m 186 4~6m/ w These may be compared to the sports of
Roses & Wheat 191 24m 204 19-21m/21u "frequently entirely" 205 22-24m 213 3-5m 241 14-20m, 27-32m 242 4-6m, 26-29m/!H, 29-30u "without]fault" 250 7-9m, 22-25m 251 2-2m, 7-8m* 252 S-20m, 25-27m
SIDGWICK, Henry The methods of ethics London; Macmillan & Co.; 1874 [Down, I, S]
SIDGWICK, Henry A supplement to the first edition of The methods of ethics London; Macmillan & Co.; 1877 [Down]
SIEBOLD, Carl Theodor Ernst von Beiträge zur Parthenogenesis der Arthropoden Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1871 [Down, I]
SIEBOLD, Carl Theodor Ernst von On true
parthenogenesis in moths and bees trans. W.S.
Dallas; London; John Van Voorst; 1857
[CUL, S]
beh, ce, es, em, f, fg, hy, oo, phy, rd, sp, sx,
NB1 Find single seed-bearers & mix pollen
of two species or vars
p.70 order F. Smith get good description of
Italian Bees
NB2 4; 34; 38; 53; 61; 68 to 75 yars of
Bees; Crossing natural; 107; 107 Hooker -
Gall-insects male & female in different galls
p.4 long life of Spermatozoa - p. 61
34 Female Psyches in rudimentary condition
53 Dzierzon on unfertilized eggs producing
Differences of Italian Bees - dark Bees appear amongst the Italian Bees Apis Ligustica p71.
Golden Bees more industrious & better tempered
References to the Bienenzeitung 72 fertile when crossed
107 on differences of sexes according to conditions of life of larvae of certain Hymenopter. insects. 106 sexes in Parthenogenesis
(fragment of a letter from B.D. Walsh of 25 February 1867)
4 27-22m 34 17-26m/w rudimentary state 38 20-2Sm 39 22w why ? 23-33w* They are not fully developed & therefore are in degree in larvae state 53 25-28m (Dzierzon) 56 24-28m (Dzierzon) 61 24-26m 68 4u "variety"/3-6m/w F. Smith calls species 8-19m/9u "rusty] colour", 23-26m, 24u "amongst]yellow", 27u
[page break]
"praesentiorlmagis", wb* V. original German to see whether in same hive 69 l-3m, 5u "gold I Bees", 6u "together", lOu "cum\alvo"/w same hive 16u "rectioribus cruribus" jw ask F. Smith 20-22m, 25u "1806", 29u "Lago Maggiore", 32u "according\Spinola", 33u "also\Piedmont", 35-39m 70 l-8m, 20-22u "From I bee", 21-25m, 40-42m (Berlepsch)/w order this book 71 lOu " crossings "/iot/1-lOw I must ascertain whether this refers to pure Italian Mothers. 14-16m/u-^, 14a "Italian" crossed?? 20u "only", 21c "Such"/21-24m/w I do not understand V. original 72 24-32w clearly much crossing has taken freely place & yet fertile 73 5u "hybrid hives", 13-15m/14a "hybrid" ized 18a "hybrid" ised 19-20m 74 16-19m, 34-36m 75 7-12m, 14c "otherwise\ say", 20a "hybrid" ised 94 25-34m (Herold) 106 27-32m 107 19-23m (L. Dufour)
SIEBOLD, Carl Theodor Ernst von and STANNIUS, Hermann Anatomie comparée, 2 vols in 3 parts; Paris; De Roret; 1850 [CUL] cs, em, fg, phy, sx, sy, tm
vol. 1,1st part, NB ♦ p. 12; p. 22; p. 34; p. 48; p. 51; p. 70; p. 106; p. 142; p. 170; p. 221; p. 223 like Land-Crabs; 229 Hirudo no metamorphosis-; Annelids Cephalobranches fertilised by means of water 12 26-29m 22 l-3w Larvae ? 4-6m 34 l-4m 48 21-24m, 40~42m 51 34-35m 69 l-2m 70 1-6m 94 15-19m 106 3-5m 107 4-8m 142 2-6m, 8-9m 170 5-8m, 7-llm 221 17-21m 223 6-9m 229 15-17m, 18-20m 230 14-17m 231 19-23m
vol. 1, 2nd part, NB p. 282; p. 285; p. 328; p. 330; p. 341 & 2; p. 348; p. 355; 520; 527; 535; 537; 568; 594 SB Qß
330 Ampullaria Lungs & Branchiae 342 Male & female glands invaginated & yet leading to distinct orifices! p. 348 529 Tardigradae, Arachnidae Hermaphrodite 282 20-27m\ll-31w Is Herrn, so must be able to cross 285 6-7m 328 7-llm 330 37-41m 341 l-7m, 14-17m/16u "imagines", 19m 342 l-14m/wt/l-16w How striking as they arise from invaginated glands: showing bisexuality 343 l-8m 348 5-llm, 10-17m, 30-34m 355 6-10m, wb shows animal System not perfect, nowhere to put Sagitta, throughout exceptions made 400 6-15m 410 6-7u "Monografisk\1842"/7m (Kroeyer) 418 27-30m/! 426 l-6m 433 l-2m 434 27-31m 436 7m/u "yeux I facettes" 443 7-8m, 27m/u "Karsten\20" 445 l-5m 465 10-18m 470 1-14w glands for viscid substance 473 20-24m 476 38~41m (Goodsir) 477 l-2m 489 32-35m
(Rathke)/33u "Wiegmann", 36-37u "Erdll 1843" 491 24m (Rathke), 28m (Goodsir), 33-39m/37-38u "Kröyer\Homerus"/w Bell 38w 1 39u "Erdl\18"/w 2 520 17-21m 521 l-4m, 44-* 522 28-31m 526 l-19m/w curious case of poisons so different in two orders 527 6-28m 529 wt\l-3w see p. 496 for references 5-9w I cannot find out what 5-7xv only genera Milnesium Macrobiotus Enydium 9-12m, 13-14u "Les Tardigrades", 14u "hermaphrodites"/w What are Tardigradae 535 5u "desItrès", 8u "entreIpostérieures", 14u "prolongement] menton", 22-23m 536 18-19m, 21-25m 537 12u "aboutit I abdomen", 19-21m, 26-29m/w peaking 40-43m (Menge) 568 13-16m 594 1-2m 601 22-27m
vol. 2 p
SIEGWART, Karl Das Alter des Menschengeschlechts Berlin; Denicke; 1873 [Down]
NB 0/
SKERTCHLY, Sydney Barber Josiah The
physical system of the universe London; Daldy,
Isbister & Co.; 1878 [CUL, I]
NB George p369; p315 References on Denudation; decay of flints; 321 Denudation & Worms
xiii 7m, 13m, 26m xiv 7m 315 27-31m (Taylor, Geikie) 321 4-20m 369 29-22m
A SKETCH of a philosophy, part 2: Matter and molecular morphology London; Williams & Norgate; 1868 [Down] p
SMELLIE, William The philosophy of natural history Edinburgh & London; Elliot, Kay, Cadell & Robinson; 1790 [CUL, pre-B, I by J. Wedgwood, S C. Darwin Given me by my uncle J. Wedgwood] beh, f, fg, he, is, mg, mm, oo, no, si, sx, ta,
NB Poor Book; p. 139; p. 146; p. 150; 204;
254; 258; 282; 281; 310; 381; 389; 393; 396;
458; 462; 466; 472; 491; 500; 512; 515; 520
p383 Marine Birds few eggs - Orang outang
- Lions a good many p284
396 Pair of sparrows destroy 3360
caterpillars weekly
515 age of toad (Ch. 5)
513 age of some Big Birds.- Ravens &
Geese lay a good many eggs, yet old livers
- So with Carp, which lay so many eggs-
[page break]
139 14r~19m 146 17-19m 149 22m/u "and I it" 150 5-llm 151 4-5m, 7-8m 204 19-21m 253 29« "seeds"/19-31w(not CD) 254 28-31m 258 6-9m, 29-32m 281 10-llm, 15-16m 310 3-24m 381 5w V. p. 383 7-10m/7-32w/wb What is probable cause of this? - Why should many struggling for life ultimately better succeed, than a few = Is it that young carnivores are protected by fierce parents in youth? - are parents long lived? or not destroyed by other animals? 383 2a "carnivores "/wt marine birds few eggs 4a "waters"/wt crocodiles 2a "prolific" Elephant, Ourang!!! 2a "quadrupeds"/ivt pooh. V. p. 284 for Lions & tigers - contrasted with horse -sheep &c &c ! 2-4m\4u "who are all carnivores", 4-6m, 6-19w Ostrich many eggs - Humming birds few eggs?? = does defending powers of parent cause few young ?♦ by* only few being destroyed? 389 5-6m, 9-10m, 23-25m 393 20-22m/!/22u++, 24u "annihilated} universal", 25-291, 27u "singleI permitted", 28-29m 396 1-Am 397 lm/u "and\ weeks" 454 25-27m, 30m 462 13-Umju "Dogs I generations", 30m 466 16-18m, 24-26m/24u "a\mark"/25u "impossible}immense", 28-30m/w/wb This being habitually considered wonderful, shows how closely they resemble each other. 472 9-22m 491 7-9m/w occasional yet true migrations are of difficult explanation 500 l-4m, 20-21m 512 7~8m, 27-29m (Buffon) 513 3u "Eagles", 6w 41+? 22-22u "The pelican", 13u "eighty", 17u "twenty} years", 19-20m, 24u "knew I years", 26u "hundredl years" 515 8u "11 years"/w toad 20m "old toad", 21u "thirty}years" 520 20-22u "annihilation}species", 13-14w islands!! 26« "would} this"/!
SMITH, Alexander The philosophy of morals 2 vols.; London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1835 [Down, JW]
SMITH, Andrew Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa 4 vols.; London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1849 [CUL]
af, beh, ex, gd, geo, ig, is, mg, oo, sp, sx, sy, t, tm, v
vol. 1 SB Qß
Macleay p6 Says importance of character
inversely to variability
8 thinks anomalous groups merely mean
links lost
5 6-22m, 23-26m/23u "genus" 6 30-33m 7 1-
5m, 19u "Natural arrangement"\18-29wIt may
be asked what is meant by natural
arrangement - first step vague.- if it is said
affinities of animal - what does affinities
mean? 29-32m/!, wb most resemblances -endless disputes, sum of differences I conceive object is real relationships 8 25-18m, 41-43m
vol. 2 NB ♦ PI.13 & 17 other vars. & colour;
PI 13 & 17 other cases of vars. in colour -
surprising =
& PI 3 bright green good case of local var.
PI. 26 good case of Local var of Lizards
PI.77* pi. 11- 35-39m pi. 11+ 32m pi. 13-
25m, 21-30m/w see before good case of
variation 36-37m pi. 18+ 2-3m pi. 27— 25-
16m pi. 38— 8-9m pi. 38++ 32-33m pi. 39-
32m pi. 39+ 9-22m pi. 78- 22-26m
vol. 3 SB1 CJ9t Aves
PI vi; PI ix; PI xxii XX; PI xx 9; PI. 44; PI 63;
PI 68 species replacing each other; PI 110
PI ix one swallow taking others place
periodically during migration of former.
PI. xxii Variation of Beak - good sentence -
-44 Variation in size even 1 /3 longer -
-63 many close representative species Cape
& Senegal -
-110 A lark, which strikes its wings together
in flying up
PI. 7- 19-22m PL 10- 33-36m pi. 23- 35-39m
pi. 30++ 23-26m pi. 45- 2-20m, 25-26m pi.
64- 22-30m pi. 69+ 24-27m pi. 110— 26-27m
vol. 4 SB OSR
PI.30 33 Q 38 one Antelope ranging further than other feeding together & then separating & one ranging further South -Thinks some animals as Elephant migrate from Will others from impulse.-Catoblepas Gorgon
pi. 9- zb pi. 14- tÎ7-3m pi. 29+ 26-Alm\26u "proportion}herds"/28-30u±/w Polygamy 36u "male\young"/35-39w killed when expelled & not adults of others watching pi. 31— 22-23m/w these two species have different habits-- vide next species 25-27m, 37-40m, wb Every continent must once have been islands - hence representative species would radiate out & keep to their localities pi. 31- 13-20m pi. 32— 30-33m/w This is the other pi. 33- 25-27m pi. 39— 2-3m pi. 39-36-40m pi. 42+ wt Koodoo
SMITH, Charles Hamilton Dogs (vols 9 & 10 of The naturalist's library: Mammalia) ed. W. Jardine; Edinburgh; W.H. Lizars; 1839-40 [CUL]
[page break]
af, beh, br, cc, es, dg, ex, f, fg, to, gd, he, hy, ig, mn, no, oo, phy, rd, si, sp, sx, t, ti, tm, v, wd, y
vol. 9 NB1 ♦ It would appear that greater
the difference as in pigs between parents
greater the fertility, as long as difference is
not connected with generative system.
Infertility is not consequence of difference in
Dioecious & hermaphroditic flowers can be
NB2 What a case of confusion in the
canines, what are species & what races
especially the diurnal canines
75; 87 to 190; 239
p75 Reference to Pallas Works* Paper on
Degeneration See Cuvier Eloge
Australian Dingo not breeding at Paris Q
Capra tharal breeds easily with domestic goat
93 Young * of feral boars striped this is a
return of long latent character, as well as
Tusks & bristles Q
94 Hair of tail in Indian Boar bristly &
sagittated. Mem. W. Indies Q
96 Bos gaveus fertile, see Griffiths Animal
101 Posterior branch of lower jaw in Mastiff,
altered Q
98 Cuvier says Jackall comes nearest to
Dog Q
106 Mastiffs always in temperate countries
(Cuba Bloodhound, Aegyptian do N.Q.
119 Difference in gestation in domestic
animals by Tessier
136 The Siberian race of Wolves easily
known 148 various vars. of
152 Pallas on crossing of Black & White
wolves & Dogs Q
155 says Black & White wolves keep
separate from others (see Mauduyt
pamphlet) (Ch. 6)
154 Doubts on distinctness of American &
European wolves
168 The Red* wild Dogs of India destroy
young Felidae
xii 10-13m, 13-15m 75 21m (Pallas) 87 l-6m, 13-17m, 17-20m 88 8-llm, 13-Um, 18-20m/ ?/14-22w curious if true 89 l-3m 91 3-17m 93 3-10m (Cuvier), 13-23m/Q 94 ll-16m, 16-18Q, 19-21m 95 25-28m 96 19-23m (Griffith)
97 27~31m 98 17-19m 100 25-27m, wb quite
overlooks selection 101 10-Um 102 20-24m
(Cuvier) 104 3-19m, 22-24m/w no! 105 28-
31m 106 19-23m 108 8-14m/ivt/l-15w I think
several allied forms have lately been found
109 6u "foxes", 32-33m 110 7-8m 112 17-21m 117 ll-13m 118 3-5m 119 24-27m 124 21-24m, 30-31m 125 15-19m, 24-30m, wb stories not being invented to show revenge in dogs, makes one believe it in monkeys 127 l-5m 129 wb is the Aguarachas related to fossil Hyena of Lund. 133 30-31m 136 20-21u "Siberian race", 22-24m 144 13-21m 148 16-25m 149 2-17m 150 17-19m 152 16-23m, 31m (Pallas) 154 10-19m (J. Richardson) 155 6-Wm/w How known?! 26-31w/wb good case, if true, of 3 allied & analogous species in the two continents 159 24-28m (J. Richardson) 168 6-24m, 16-21m/16u "surmise"/18u "keep\ increase" 171 ll-lSm/m*/ 190 25-26m/? 239 24-28m 267 8m/u "EndI J." vol. 10 NB1 The analogy of sheep & Cattle makes me doubt Col. Smith hybrid view of dogs (supported with recent conditions & showing pains taken in old times) - for equal numbers must be used to make an intermediate breed & how many parent sources & these sources with characters more permanent (because since hybridised) than now, more acute greyhound - more * brave bloodhound- occasionally crossing produces effect merely like ordinary variation in excess & thus I believe in - as all hybrids are intermediate, we must suppose as many types as now varieties. How many does H. Smith make? NB2 78 to 236* 302
Think over how many English Breeds how many in Zoolog Gardens & other parts of world & extinct kinds!! SBQß
7 Q9 Mammae of Dogs 10 to 7 94 Ancient Dogs, few Q
Colour attended to in ancient dogs, Xenophon (Selection Ch I
no pendent ears in old Dogs except in one Aegyptian Dog p107 do
121 Feral Dogs of St Domingo Q
133 Newfoundland semi-palmated Q
156 Florida Indian Dog like Wolf of country
158 American dogs breeding freely with
wolves of Country N.Q.
196 Pointers standing 1 1/4 hourQ
207 Bull-terrier a crossed Breed
210 Extinction of Dogs in Pacific
Q£d Patagonian Dogs destroying poultry - Ears erected in all these
Fuegians value dogs
Mastiffs indifferent to form crosses with other Breeds!
Toes of Mastiff very generally a fifth in hind feet Q
[page break]
243 Races of Foxes
Synopsis of Canidae at end.
(over) The Plate of Alco dog shows hair
growing round eyes
78 28-30m (Richardson) 79 8u "in\sow"/Q 9-lOu "species \ intermixed", 10-14m (Daubenton), 15-16u "and\other''/w hence variation 20-22m/w (a) wb (a) 1 doubt any hybrid having unequal mammae 80 7-9m, 10-13m/10-llu "albinism and melanism", 22-23« "they\ generation" 81 15u "all\of", 16-17u "into\ variety" 82 lm 89 l-2m, 8-10m, 16-17m, 21-23m 94 l-2m, 6-llm, 15~17m 97 2-25m, 24-29m 99 19-20m, 26-30m (Buffon) 101 17-25m 102 2-3m, 4-9m, 11-Um 103 9-10m, llu "vulpine character", 16-20m/17u "were originally "/18-20u± 104 l~2m, 3-Sm, 30-31m/ 30£v".../31u "exception I instance" 105 2-Sm\ 5A...", 14-22m 106 2S-32m 107 l-4m, 6-7?, 16-18m, 20~24m, 28-29m 109 23-25m 110 4-7m 111 2 8-21 m 113 12-1'/'m/14w (a) wb (a) a most unclear rigmarole of old names, all these latter pages 116 22-23m 120 22m, 22-22m 121 24-26u "'large I ears "/m/Q 22-23m\ u<->, 26u "whitish-grey", 27u "slate coloured" 122 24-26m, 28-31m 123 2-3m/2u "blackish", 15-19m, 25-27m 124 3-8m, 17-19m/18u "webbed I furred" 131 3-4m, 24m 132 7-Sm/Q 133 22-24m 134 13-16m\13-14u "Esquimaux] races" 136 22-26m 137 16-18m, 18-19u "till\ innate" 139 8u "Theldog", 19u "Molossian\ dog" 140 7u "Theldog", 14-16m/15-16u "called \ Society" 150 18u "Turkmen I dog" 152 23u "yet I to" 153 lu "theI Domingo" 154 5u "The Drover", 6u "Firma in", 24m, 29-30m 155 28-29m 156 22-23m/Q 157 22u "thel national", 12u "like wolves", 19u "the Caygotte", 22-25m, 29-30u "The I resemble" 158 2-5m, 24-26m 159 6-2 2 m 160 5-6m 162 l!!/u "such\modern", 3-7w how little he knows of Selection 8-llm/9-10u "form\ qualities", 23u "instead I smell"\w Bull-dog! 25-26u^, 29u "individual attachment" 163 22-26m 164 22-23m, 16-17m/17u "black" 165 4u "Russian \Tahtar", 6u "silky", 8u "Southern \ Western", Wu "haired I those", 22-26m, 26-28m 167 13-15m/14u "personally attached" 168 2m/ w 1 5-6m/w 2 14-15m/w 3 169 22u> 4 170 lw 5 172 3-5m (Bacon)/4-5u "idols \ kennel", llu "breeding-in destroys", 12u "after\first", 21-24m/22-23u "which I rough" 174 26-27« "that\ many" 175 20u "longlears" 176 27-28m 180 21-26m/25u "race", 26-31m 181 lu "small Hyaena", 3-4u "Lychaon pictus", 7-10m 182 8u "tigris", 12~13m 184 12~15m, 16-17u^ 185 2-4m 188 26-28m, 26-30m, wb always
overlooks the necessity of long selection to make a crossed-race 190 14-16m/15u "more crossed" 191 20-22m, 27-28m 194 9-1 lm, 20m, 23-24m 195 3-4m, ll-15m 196 3-7m, 7-llm, 15-16m, 16-18/Q 197 l-4m 198 3-5m 199 22m 200 16-20m 202 19-22m 203 24-31m 206 26-31m 207 2nim, 25-28m 209 22-24m, 24-26m 210 25-2 7m 211 9-26m, 27-29m 213 2-7m 214 2-7m, 15-17m, 18-20m, 22-24m, 28-31m 215 7-23m (FitzRoy) 217 24-26m 218 29-23m/Q 219 2-Am 220 4-5m 221 14~24m 222 17-22m 224 28-20m 226 25-27m 227 10-19m, 19-26m 228 20-22m 236 3-6m 237 28-32m 238 3-4m 239 20-22m 242 22-24m 243 25-26m/26u "smaller" 244 3-5m, 6u "black ring", 7u "more grizzled", 7-8u "Mr Pennant", 8u "cur foxes", 8-9w V. this descript: 22u "without I mark", 12-17m\14u "become I the", 24-26m 246 23-25m 248 23-24m 250 5u "The\Fox" 251 ll-13m/llu++/12u "larger size"ll3u^, 28u<-> 252 5-8m 253 29-31m (Cuvier, Richardson) 265 15-17m\16u "fifth" 267 20-23m (Lalande) 268 22-24m/22u^ 269 4-6m (Rüppel) 276 7-2 0m 282 5-Sm (Lalande) 284 25-27m 285 28-20m 289 22uâ> *'/wi>e smfl//", 27w "odour offensive" 302 6-8m/8u "common\ wolf", 10-13u±, 14u "is I south"
SMITH, Charles Hamilton Horses (vol. 12 of
"Mammalia" in the Naturalist's Library), ed.
W. Jardine; Edinburgh; W.H. Lizars; 1841
hy, or, sp, sx, t, ti, v, wd
NF This work is reviewed in Veterinary for
October? & November 1841
NB1 =» Mrs Hamilton Gray's Etruria says the
figure of the old Etruscan horses are like*
those of a Dongola breed
NB2 ix; xi; 63 to 120; 135; 145; 151; 156 to
185; 192; 199; 202; 207; 208; 210; 224; 237
to &c &c 266 to end
ix 2-2m xi 7-9[...]/8u/c/we/9-12m/Q/ll~13[...]/ llui, 26u "curiously spotted" 63 29m "Tahtary\ Ireland", 22-23m, 32u "some\ Ireland" 64 23-26m, 20-21m/!/21u "other genera" 65 29-30m 66 4u "upwards I surface", 5-8m/w ice period! 67 A> 10-llu "existences type", 12u±, 13u "Asia, Africa", 14u "Mediterranean", 19m/u "cannot have", 27-30m 68 0« 2-5m\\, 7-10m 69 th> l-3m, 8-16m, 18-19m, wb it certainly is no greater difficulty in supposing many pairs, than one pair produced.- 70 ä> S-20m, 14-18m, 28-29u*^ 71 A 17u "1821", 22u "five \ after" 72 <&, 5-9m, 16-25m, 22u "plurality"/26-33w point of comparison between varieties & species crossing 73 <& 4-8m, llu "one I species", 14u
[page break]
"Equus caballus", 16-31m 75 l-2mf&\u£* "it] noticed", 14-15m, 23-25!!/m 76 27-29m, 29-33m 82 3-9m 85 4-6m (Moses) 87 32-33m 91 2u "feral"/w good word 94 16-18m 95 20-23m (Herodotus, Aristotle, Pliny) 101 17-18m/ 17u^, 19u "still] Axia", 20-23m, 21u "Attention I in" 103 22-25m/24u "in I fortieth" 106 l-4m, 7-10m, 12-24m 109 18-20Q 20-22m, 21u "a\colour" 110 31-32m 112 7-20m 116 15-19m, 22-23m 120 7u "poneys"/?, 8-14m/w are these now different??? 121 zb 135 3-4m&>, 4-7m, ll-12m 140 9-22m 141 7-8m 145 22-29m 148 7u "Forster", lOu "Pallas", ll-22m 151 19-26m 156 2-2m/u "Greafl highlands", 3-12m/6-10m/7-8u "the\black" 157 24-25m 158 20-23ml20u "Prussia" 159 2^m/ 3u "eelback dun" 160 17-20m 163 ll-15m, 16a "Tarpans" ie wild horses 16-18m\T7u "tanI mouse" 164 12-15m, 15-20m 165 5-7m 168 14-18m (Virgil), 23-27m 169 3-6m 173 22-22m 174 24-25m (Rengger)/25u "1537", wb 3 authors 175 13-lèm, 25-26m, 31m 176 8-llm, 13-21m, 14-15m, 30-31m 178 21-25m, 24-25m 179 2-3m, 5-7m/5u "mostly bay" 181 26-31m 182 23-2Sm 183 l-3m, 6-9m, 29-31m 184 5-25m 192 4-7m 199 12-19m/14u "five great stirpes"\w what? 29m "someI seals", 20u "the\ brown ", 22-25m 202 21-23m, 25-27m 207 25-31m 208 29-22Q 21-23m/w 5 stocks 210 27-29m 224 24-25m 237 24-28m 243 24-31m 253 5-22m, 2S-23m 266 24r-29m 268 27-20m 269 13-16m, 23-24m 274 wrf chesnut 2-9m, 7-9m, 12-26m, 28-29m 275 2m/2-3u "when \ grey", 3-5m, 5-10m, 13u " diver gent \ chestnut", 14-16m, 15-16m, 18-19w Kutch & Malay Archipel. 22-22x^, 23-25m/23u&> "dunlthe", 25-26u "without] cause", 26-27m/26u<&> "dappled" 276 28-31m 277 2-4m 280 22-23x^, 24-29m 281 6-8m, 10-llm, 28-31m 283 20-26m 284 22-26m 285 6-26m, 25-32m 286 14-23m 287 22-23m 288 7-20m, 20-22m 289 3-6m 290 3-7m, 19-24m 292 24-32m 293 2-5m, 13-20m 299 5-6m 304 16m/w Bands on legs 22-27m (Banks), wb Not likely from Zebra Cross 307 l-21w Utter confusion of species 308 3-6m 309 16-20m 313 3-7m, 22-14m/14u, 24-25m 314 4-20m, 23-25m, 26m (Pliny) 316 5-Sm 318 8-llm/Q 319 29-32m (Duvaucel) 334 26-2Sm (F. CMUz'er) 337 7-2 2 m 338 23m, 22-25m 339 22m "two \ camel", 13u "including]chartreux", 15u "cat]Pennant", 16u "tortoiseshell cat", 17u "originally indigenous", 21u "females]preserve"/w Bosch! 340 6-20m 342 2-23m 343 2-6m, 22u "female]ass", 14-15m, 15u "slate-coloured", 30u "mule] indifference" 344 22-26m 345 16-17m\16u "grey] Egypt", 22-23m/22u "race] large", 31u "dun] breed" 346 7-12m/10u "two]female" 348
7-9m/8u "claim I demonstrations " facing 352 2 ?, wb a Doubtful species-
SMITH, Charles Hamilton The natural history of the human species Edinburgh, W.H. Lizars; London, Henry G. Bonn; 1852 [CUL] geo, gr, se, t, ti
NB1 Australian Geologists BoulderO
NB2 iss- p. 47 change in river flowing into
Caspian of the Euxus
♦ 116; 117; 146
Nothing May 30 1857
47 wt Consider proofs of uprising of Siberia.- Erratus? no I think before Glacial Deposits wt Cd the Caspian have joined the Japan Sea 4-5m, 24-25-* 48 6-10mj2-9w See Murchison 13-27m 49 20-25m/21w Fish 26-27^ 50 22-27m 116 7-22m/Q 117 6-8m/w what an argument 22-22m 146 5-10m
SMITH, James Edward The English flora 4 vols.; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green; 1824-28 [Down, pre-B, ED] che, fg, gd, oo, sp, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 NB1 Well worth while to plant seeds
of common teazel & see if they cd be turned
into hooked teazel; Preserve(CD?)
NB2 A Verbascum Nineveh
329 first flowers 5-cleft subsequently 4-cleft;
Preserve (CD?)
NB3 5
5 22-24m 280 wb Proved by Henslow, see Hooker that they are same species- grow mixed at Down in same field - foliage different 306 36-39m (W. Hooker) 308 44u& "31 high" 309 lu "seldom branched", 3u "decurrent", 4u "covered]sides", ll-15m, 38u "yard high", 39u "panicled\top", 41u "dark] above", 42-43u "not decurrent" 311 wt&> Dec 4 1862 Rev. W. A. Leighton says he has tried this repeatedly on V. virgatum with like result X 9-27m, 40~43m, wbe* I suspect end to partial capsule: & blow ants incidentally like chloroform on stamens of Picaberg.- 329 35-36m 333 9-22m, 45m 334 4-9m 339 zb
vol. 2 NB Maple Rare in Scotland; p337 Great variation in seeds of Spergula, but in no other part
38 34m "central] coloured" 39 35-38m/36u "one"/37u "neutral I red" 218 24m, 16-17w V. Down Nov.5 231 2m, 17u "rare] Scotland" 337 33-38m, 40-48m 398 wb Down. Oct. 13/42/ Found a Bramble with 9 or 10 petals.
vol. 3 NB 157 Subularia
93 wb in colour & size of flower - in shape
[page break]
of spots on lower lip in their absence or in their being white or yellow - Down 108 wb Found wild Thyme with no stamens. Down Oct. 13742 126 wb Down 157 24u "always" 252 13-15u±, 17u "slightly\tips", 21u^ 427 2-5m, 7u "barren florets", 8u "reddish Corolla" 433 42-46m/Q 434 31-34m
vol. 4 NB 149 Acorn out of Pheasant crop
23 wb July 2d found snow white Conopsea
1843 - Down. 32 32-34m 43 24m 149
32-36m, 38-43m, 42u "why I error", 43u
"contrary I botanists "
SMITH, James Edward A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural, classification, with an explanation of Jussieu's system London; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown; 1821 [Down, on B, ED] sy, tm
NF Preserve
20 5-7m, 13-Um, 18-19m 21 9-26m 22 l-4m 28 l-4m, 18-20m, 24-28m 29 l~4m, 7-10m 30 2-18m 40 wt There are figures illustrating each class 42 2-3w * Geranium 6w Broom 18-19w compound flower 22w orchis 43 2-12m/4w Nettles 14-16w Mosses, Ferns 45 11m
SMITH, James Edward An introduction to physiological and systematcal botany 4th edn; London; 1819 [Down, pre-B, ED]
41 4-6m, 10-13m 62 19-25m 63 26-29m 64 20~21m 69 21-24m, 28-29m 149 16-19m 150 6-7m, 27-29m 1Y7 16-17m 227 5-6m 231 2-6m 232 14-16m 241 20-23m 244 17-29m 247 15-17m 250 l-2m, 7-10m 253 26-27m 256 25-27m 257 15-17m 385 13-15m 387 ll-14m
SMITH, J. Toulmin The Ventriculidae of the chalk London; Richard & John E. Taylor; 1858 [Down] p
SNELL, Karl Die Schöpfung des Menschen
Leipzig; Arnold; 1863 [CUL]
NB ä> p. 54 Remarks on me; 103*; 0/
54 22m
SOLE, Francesco II Positivismo Napoli; V. Morano; 1881 [Down] p
SOLE, Francesco Su la sensazione Napoli; V. Morano; 1882 [Down, I] p
Historia de la conquista de Mexico Madrid; Antonio Fernandez; 1790 [Down, pre-B, S]
SOLMS-LAUBACH, Hermann zu Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel 4. Corallina Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1881 [Botany School] p
SOMERVILLE, Mary On the connexion of the physical sciences London; John Murray; 1834 [Down, on B, S, ED]
NB z P
SOMERVILLE, Mary On molecular and microscopic science 2vols.; London; John Murray; 1869 [Down] p
SORET, J. Louis François Pictet, notice biographique Genève; Ramboz & Schuchardt; 1872 [Down]
SOWERBY, John Edward, JOHNSON, Charles and JOHNSON, C. Pierpoint
British poisonous plants 2nd edn; London; John Van Voorst; 1861 [Down] p
SPENCER, Herbert The classification of the sciences 3rd edn; London; Williams & Norgate; 1871 [Down]
SPENCER, Herbert The data of ethics London; Williams & Norgate; 1879 [Down, I]
SPENCER, Herbert Descriptive sociology London; Williams & Norgate; 1873 [Down]
SPENCER, Herbert Education: intellectual, moral and physical London; G. Mainwaring; 1861 [Down]
NB 0/
SPENCER, Herbert Essays, scientific, political and speculative (2nd series); London; Williams & Norgate; 1863 [Down] beh, phy, t, tm
NB 138 Definition of Emotion & Sensations title page wb 1863^
106 30-31m, 33-35m 107 20-21m/21u^ 109 ll-15x0/mlllc "For"/"...", 12u "existing force", 14-15u "must \ somewhere" 110 wt after I speak of grinding teeth conti the sensor, give H.S. view that the nerve force is thus
[page break]
expended instead of exciting ♦ goes to feeling & thought. l-2m, 15-18mlw the nervous energy is concentrated in the mind 111 wt not in Love or gentle dislike or despair l-2u±/w why 14u "purposeless "113-20w so for frantic gestures of rage or intense grief 23-26u±/27u& "organs I speech", 31-34m\ w sobbing must be explained 36?/w "extra action" 112 8-lOm, llu "undirected energy", 17u& "upper\are"/8-17w Give this under Man under direct action 27-34m^/29-32u±/w why 32-35m 114 wt/l-28w but why does the kid amuse persons even if it causes laughter - a bore might interrupt the train & yet not cause Laughter or enough anger to take off superfluous nervous power 15-18m/15"..., / 37^^, wb Use of voice goes with pleasure by calling social members to each other - to parents - to other sex. 116 wt [Can any idea or remembrance stimulate or depress the brain - does it not first act on the circulatory system & this excite or depress the brain??] l-3w [As hurting a nerve does so, probably it can] 22~27m/24u "falling jaw"/20-23w passive wonder 118 28-36m 119 wb He seems to conclude when sensorium excited a certain quantity of nerve force is generated, which must flow off in thought, sention muscular or glandular action.- 135 5-7m 137 ll-13m/w & so the idea of snake 138 7u, 13u, 18-19u 139 3u, 5-6u P
SPENCER, Herbert First principles 6 issues; London; G. Main waring, Williams & Norgate; 1860-62 [CUL, S in no. 1] p
SPENCER, Herbert First principles 2nd edn; London; Williams & Norgate; 1867 [Down, S]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
SPENCER, Herbert Grundlagen der Philosophie trans. B. Vetter; Stuttgart; E. Schweiz-erbart; 1875 [Down] p
SPENCER, Herbert The principles of biology vols 1 & 2 bound together; London; Williams & Norgate; 1864-67 [Botany School, S]
ad, af, cc, ch, ct, ds, em, fg, h, he, hi, hy, mn, no, oo, or, phy, sh, si, sp, sx, t, tm, ud, v, wd
vol. l NBl 186* nisus formativus; 179 Pangenesis; p. 181 Pang.; 186 Use & Nisus; 191 Use NB2 p. 243*; 244*; 240; 248 - 249 Use;
254 Pangenesis Theory of Generation when
limb of Newt cut off tadpole - 0 - limb not
proved 259*; 260*; 262 - Twins; 264; 269
Man acted on unequally» differently by
same power; 272*; 309,10*; 316»
NB3 p. 383 Vertebrae number cannot be
accounted for by type
NB4 A 445 Sp Theory; 451-2 used under
455 small jaws in civilized Man
47 21-23m 179 32-35m 180 34-36m 181 l-5m, 10-28m, 24-26m 182 wt/l-5w like my attention on elective affinity 183 19-24mll9u "physiological", 22u "physiological units" 186 19-26m 191 21-29m 243 15-18m (Sedgwick) 244 32-35m (White Cooper) 248 18-20m 249 9-13m 253 22-25m, 29-31m, 30-31m/31-32u "undifferentiated cell" 254 l-3m, 5-8m, 13-16m/w Pan 15-16m/"..."<&, 18-20m, 24-28m
255 lu "Heredity", 13-21m/"..."é?, 14-18m/w
Pan(i^), 16u "on I large", 21-31m/w shows
that he has not got idea 23-34m^, 26"...*<&,
34..."& 256 6-13"..."é?/7-12m^ 259 3-6m/4w
increase 8-10m 260 l-3m, 7-12m 261 20-25m
262 3-14m 264 l-7m 269 19-21m 272 l-6m/w
Monsters? 274 4-10m/x/5"... 279 20~26m/x
285 wt Chapt XI 8m/8-10"..." 286 6-10m 289
34z 309 25-35m 310 l-3m 316 2-8m 383 5-
14m 435 ll-17m 445 14-19m, 20m/u
"maintained]produced" 449 29-34m 450 10-
14m 451 5-6m, 12-16m 452 5-llm, 13u "The\
skull", 14u "seated I thickened", 16u "vertebrae \
neck", 17u "ligaments", 18u "muscles", 21u
"upper dorsal", 22u "spines", 26u "bones \ legs",
27-35ml34u "blood I nerves' \w Use wd come
in- 455 20-22m 456 4-7m\w feet smaller? 457
l-3m 468 25-31ml"..."
vol. 2 NBl 0/
NB2 Direct action
145 Laws of Variation
147 shape of flowers
151 to 154 do
157-158 Umbelliferae
Hooker disagrees about Umbellifers
NB3 185*; 188*; 201 Origin of Vertebrae
Copied 233 - direct action
Explains first cause of change in prototype
NB4 #■ not abstracted
NB5 #>
326 How animals acquired Lungs in shallow
399 Struggle for existence & Law of
♦ 428 He does not understand Pangenesis
[page break]
437 Bears on Hybridism ♦ 439 Antagonism between growth & Reproduction for Pangenesis 401 Causes which determine degree of fertility
409; 471 to 473
«s> X470; 416 Male fish guarding nest ask further
SB1 (not CD) üß Vol 1
383 Good about vertebrae. Why are those of the sacrum anchylosed together?
445 Speaks of the importance of Nat. Select, in maintaining as well as producing structures Vol. 2
145 on the general relation of form to conditions 147 in relation of obliquity of flowers to their position 151 Do - with respect to Peloric flowers. 157 discusses outer florets of Umbelliferae & Compositae. Hooker disbelieves 185 "the naked Gasteropods in losing their shells have lost that immense one-sided development of the alimentary system which fitted them to their shells, & have acquired that bi-lateral symmetry of external figure which fits them to their habits of locomotion; but the reproductive system remains onesided, because in respect to it, the relations to external conditions remain one-sided" 188 Discusses one-sided fishes 201 argues well with Amphioxus that the muscles first gave rise to Vertebrae but first of all to the Neural Spines (see quotation of Owens')
233 argues from bulk & cells outside & inside of leaves on the effects of external conditions
(CD) 346 Origin of Nerves (over) Herbert Spencer Principles of Biology SB2
That many structures are directly related to differn of the incident forces, as highly probably as shown by Mr H Spen, but hard to distinguish from selective spontaneous variations. But * p. 253 it is difficult to bring proof of such [Direct Action] p. 263 flow of sap - origin of vessels p. 269; p. 270 p. 273 p. 274; p. 276; p. 278; 280; 287; 294
See note of err. I have marked all 296-97 Thickened epidermis Origin of Horns, Nails, hoofs 301 formation of teeth & Hairs 313; 319; Laws of Variation H. Spencer No. 16 Vol. 2 (Not abstracted)
(over) ♦, •»•
I am inclined to attach + much weight to + Mr Spen's + views & inquest; but they do not * harmon with the method followed in this work of giving the variations actually observed under domestication, so that I will * say no more on this head. SB3 No. 16 H. Spencer 253* direct action; 269,58 trunks of trees a> by exuding sap Use & Disuse; 263 formation of vessels by elongation of cells; <& Sap & vessels 273 274 direct action - a> Species; 287 first formation of skin; 297 Origin of thickened epidermis by use<6> & of spurs on Birds wings Sp. Theory; 313 gizzard hardened; a Ch. 3. IV & V SB4 Oß «*• p399-473 Rate of Increase & Struggle for existence
The conclusion is that fertility is increased on demand by N. selection, according as wanted too great an increase being an evil to the species - producing more than can take, but that will not injure individuals, but each mother expends more than is necessary. She who produces few eggs will produce better eggs - But there is limit to possible amount of fertility going on by individuation of organism & expenditure in vital actions & growth.- [I think there is error, the individuals who produce much young, wd not be themselves or offspring injured, & them that produce few wd not profit.-] (over) ♦» (a fragment of note relating to Westwood, Insects, 1840, vol.2, p. 541)
37 l-6m 93 8-1 lm, 16-23m 144 22-24m/c/we/ "..." 145 l-7m/2"... 146 fig.m 147 19-28m 151 26-30m/l-30w/wb Plantains are on spike by s-«-, Xw May it not be that insects visit indifferently male s*- an upright n- 153 22-36m 154 3-13m 157 ll-18m 158 26-30m, 32-36m 185 27-36m/^> 188 18-34m 201 7-19m 233 4-10m, wb Bark cells - outside & inside of leaves 253 8-14m, 16-20m/-> 254 l-30m/ 4-18w but how distinguish relations 12-17m 258 22-31m 263 5-10m, 17-20m 269 25-29m( "..."A 270 7-25w spiral winder hundreds of feet in length! 273 25-32m 274 ll-15m 276 21-27m ÏT7 7-10m(FD?) 278 20-25m 280 23-28m 287 9-24m 289 23-25m/24-30w in man, but in lower anims yes 294 26-33m 296 25-34m/9-32w But then a sort of spur grows to wing of Blackbird & claw of tail of Lion 297 12-15m, 18-19u "nails \ horns", 27-29m, 33-36m 299 2-8m 301 1-llm 313 26-36m (J. Hunter) 319 22-34m 326 l-12m 338 16-27m 345 17-24m/18-19w Rickets children 354 17-24m 368 27-31m 369 6-9m 375 23-27m/26u
[page break]
" inter dependence \ parts" 398 22-28m, 30~35m 399 21-30m 400 29x 401 l-3m, 14-17m/16-17u "majori mortality", 22-26m 402 25-30m/x 403 23-26m 407 19-22m 409 2-2m, 32-35m 416 34-36m 428 7-9m/8u "or\part" 437 24-24w 439 22-32m (Carpenter) 470 wi I must confine my remarks to beings equally highly organised wt (1867) Chapt II to XI 2-20m 471 9-22 m/x 472 14-27 m\x 473 15-28m
SPENCER, Herbert The principles of psychology London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1855 [CUL, I] beh, hl, ig, t
NB1 178 swimming; 330-332 essential unity
of intellect & instincts; 400 ♦; 410 High &
Low; 539 Instinct
Trick, in studying sense & habit - if inherited
are comparable to * or rather identical with
2 ways in which instincts are acquired; & 2
ways in which corporeal structures
573 Man 596 Expression
(other w not CD)
NB2 (not CD)
viii 30m/wb Here he explains how gradation necessarily comes into play 21 14-15m 117 zt 400 21-23m, 25u "ability] decompose", 26u "Water" 401 2-24m (Schultze), 36m 402 25-22m 410 7-llm/8-9w Well put 411 26-32m 415 20c "heron", 20w hawk 22c "fish", 21w heron 539 3-7m 540 5-20m, 16-23m (Carpenter) 542 33-35m 573 26-22m 596 9-15w also alludes to in Essays 10-32m/ll-18"..." 599 31-36m
SPENCER, Herbert The principles of psychology 2nd edn, 2 vols.; London; Williams & Norgate; 1870-72 [CUL, S]
vol. 1 NB (by FD)
(most markings probably by FD)
(CD) 131 ^4-2, 138 22-28m 140 25-27m 141
22-25m 323 ÏÏ23-22m 324 ÏÏ25-23m/24u
"organism I duration" 377 ll~13m 390 1Ï20-2m/
? 391 ÏÏ25-20m 515 7-2Im 614 ÎÎ4-2m 615 24-
vol. 2 543 ll-13w fingers! 546 î\5-lm/w quite otherO Gratiolet 552 6-15m/"..."/]/w Slyness - checking the turning of the head to look to one side 556 2u "every feeling"hub love 5u "degree I strength"/w No 2-4m, \\ll-7m/1\10u "conceal] primary"
SPENCER, Herbert The principles of sociology London; Williams & Norgate; 1874-77 [Down] p
SPENCER, Herbert The study of sociology 6th edn; London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1877 [Down]
SPENGEL, Johann Wilhelm Die Fortschritte des Darwinismus Köln; E.H. Maner; 1874 [CUL, I] h, ig, mm, phy, sh, sp, sx, t, tm, v
NB protective colours of shells
Nakedness of Man
Put note 0
on Physiologcal cause why has Hand
escaped I may be quite wrong
(words torn away at top of cover)
5 18u "Planulaten", l-23m/w Chains of species connected 21-24u± 6 4-9m/w Surely
1 give this view 12-14m 8 2-3m 10 23-26m 19
wt whether I could show that the long Hand
in Chimpanzee are touching organs 12-15m
27 27-28? 71 l-6m/3u "adaptive", 7u
"Strahlen]Flecken", 12u "dunkelbraune Schale",
16-17u^ 73 16m 77 22m 80 16-10mjl8-19u
"aus\werden"/18-25w Universally rejected -
Nakedness is a sexual character 82 4u
"Adern"jw veins 7-20m
SPIX, Johann Baptist von and MARTIUS, Carl Friedrich Philipp von Travels in Brazil
2 vols.; London; Longman, Hurst, Rees,
Orme, Brown & Green; 1824 [CUL, pre-B,
on B, S Chas. Darwin Buenos Aires]
beh, ce, geo, gr, mi, t
vol. 1, 108 8w & Slavery 110 26-27? 164 7-81, 9-11? 214 29c "a mile"/w 8 miles 216 wt/ l-27w when I visited this spot in 1832 this retired cottage was uninhabited 220 8c "granite"/w gneiss 29-22?, 22-23?, wb on this coast there is no shelter for their growth 221 wt Insecta Arachnida Zoophytes Testacea! 247 wt/l-16w All this appears to me much exaggerated 273 2-6m 289 9-29m 290 2-7m, 17-30m 291 7-22m 301 8-29m
vol. 2, 51 3-30m 117 24-30m/26-28!/28u "from\N.E." 136 24-30m 137 2-29m 138 27-32m 147 28-27m 152 28-30m 154 12-20m 156 2-30m 158 l-28m 164 l-30m/8u "incumbent", 26-27u "decomposed" 168 16w p164 172 wb The Lithomarge cannot be decomposed Gneiss - if it contains Topazes & the solid (wï*-) difficult 173 27-36m/w Germany wb The altered mica is here also incumbent 185 8-28m 187 3-9m 189 23-28m 211 zb 270 2-27m 273 14-22m* 281 22-26m
SPRENGEL, Christian Konrad Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur im Bau und in der
[page break]
Befruchtung der Blumen Berlin; F. Vieweg; 1793 [CUL, pre-B, S]
ad, beh, er, es, die, f, fg, gd, hy, mhp, mm, mn, no, oo, phy, rd, sx, sy, t, ta, tm, ud, v, wd, y
NF He treats of forms of seeds with reference to means of distribution NB1 It would be worth while to cross Vinca to see if it would then produce seeds-
♦ x«^ Strong case of Dichogamy in
Paridaceae in Gaertner Bastard p. 65
Gaertner Bastard p. 537 a most weak
argument against final cause of Honey to
attract insects
586* speaks of it as general law that male & female organs are ready at same time -at p. 659 contradicted
♦ Gaertners Beiträge must be studied all
about Honey p. 75-92
p.242 attributes all C.C. Sprengel facts to praecosity of pistil.—
♦ Kolreuter 3d Fort p127 on movement of
pistil to anthers in Compositae & on other
cases of movement: this latter subject
largely described by Gaertner in Beitrage -
March 19. 59. Lathraea squamaria visited by
Bombus - right at top pistil bends slightly
over towards passages, projecting &
apparently ready, but pollen not shed Yet
pollen on stigma for Bee - In lower (&
earlier) flower pollen shedding, so that here
female organs apparently ready first.
p.415 on Spiders haunting plants with nectar: mem Willy's remark on Listera NB2 260 on the red Lychnis flowering at different period from the whites ask Henslow or Babington or Watson
♦ p.367 Seeds diff shape from disk & &374
Margin of Picris Composite flower -
& Flower of males larger than of Females
March 30 - 46 - Read straight through from
1 to 223* 299. Read all
Only subjects not on crossing X«^
Good case of mechanical action comparable
to action of pollen on head - for no use in
seeds being different ->
■a- 369 Differences in shape of seed in Disc
& centre of Composit.
374 do - (this must be a correlation of
structure, & perhaps owing to insects)
Figures of 3 kinds from same flower
371 On stigma in Compositae bringing out
Pollen - Rudimentary organ useful
383 do - otherwise rudimentary - very
curious case
Watch Acacia - Put pollen of own & other
var. of Cabbage & shut up flowers
♦ X«^ Lobelia - Crucianella; Examine next spring; Arnica to see how far passage closed X^; Aristolochia whether insects can escape; Honey in night in Orchis morio; Impregnation of Ophys & seeding of try crossing & see whether some seed; Heartease - whether night insects do the work; Castrate common Pea, several & impregnate several & see if Bees go for pollen or Honey, as perhaps they wd not visit pollen-less Peas.-; Arum about filament about insects escaping; Fraxinella if my account accurate SBIQß
Iris only by Bees 8 Violets
Flys impregnate Orchis 21 & 23 do
4 Epilobium impregnated from younger
flowers - same in Euphorbia
16 marks on Corolla to guide insects none on right flower
18 was not aware of use of crossing Bees boring holes dispose necessity of his marks.
42 pollen generally ready first
43 quite as many dichogamous, as
dioecious & monoecious
61 case of Salvia
106 Butterflies - Phlox - Dichog:
111 On Campanula read
117 Phyteuma = does not get dusted in
room X^ (one of Campanulaceae) *
Solanaceae * p126 & 167 Passiflora, stigma
not ready during the second day whilst
another moving up. (Mention after Barberry)
probably night flower
186 Allium in same case with Parnassia
212 Horse chesnuts, probably Dichogam.
240 Kalmia like Barberry, moves on being
244 Saxifraga saw fly impregnated
249 Dianthus dichogam, & yet stated to be
impregnated in close flowers
296 saw ants carry pollen (Nothing to show
Dichogamy in this class
346 Hollyock Dichogam.
354 does not understand impregnation of
on depression of wings in Bean-flowers & other Legum. causing exsertion of Pistil & anthers so Bees impregnate - whole structure of flower with rectangular pistils fitted for this end - Keel springs up slowly to old position
Phaseolus, does not know about one side - hairs of pistil brush out pollen; thinks a dichogamit.
390 violet - cavity full of pollen stopped by
[page break]
pistil from being shaken out; curved point of stigma moved by bees
can know when no Bee has visited by no shed pollen -
proved it by putting gauze over
397. does not know much about Heartease
SB3 Qß Kurr
(over) (List of plants supposed to be fertilised by
the wind)
(over) In one of the Ray Soc. Report Bot.
Paper a long description on position of
nectars in Veg K.
SB4 üß
403 Orchis latifolia - thinks this impregnate
- never saw Bees.- has never seen nectar
in. calls them sham-nectar producers -
nectary within hairy - look at night -
Butterfly orchis has nectar - smells at night - probably a moth impregnation
Listera ovata has nectar & visited by Ichneumon (p407) with 2 pairs on head. 409 Next year other cases & Beetles. Saw the act of impregnation effected.
often see Flies in Epipactis, cd not be impregnated without insects
saw fly remove the pollen-masses & has figured it sticking on back-
419 Aristolochia from structure cannot be
impreg. without insects - 421 f, many flies
on with pollen on 423 thinks flies cannot
escape owing to smoothness of bottom of
trap & from number, but Mem Arum may be
here introduced to show how then little
insects can carry pollen.-
(over) 426. No, flies cannot escape on
account of hair in passage - 428 Fabricius
has made same remark - (Does not say has
f. many dead flies)
(over) (List of dichogamous species)
SB5 091
*» Tussilago or Petasites vulgaris type if
grows disc hermaphrodite say female (some
plants all female & so Senecio vulgaris);
Pistil acts in brushing out pollen but has no
stigma.; Antennaria always dioicous.-;
Pimpinella magna - tends to have some
exclusively male; Anthriscus sylvestris say
floret with imperfect stigma & no stamens.
thinks never sets seeds.-
P_| see Babington for seeds on orchids &
ViolaO; Picris = Helminthia
^ Tabulate how many Dichogamous &
Henslow. Aug 13/1857
1 wb Hairs protect nectar from Rain 2 22-25w Corolla coloured to attract bees*
insects 29-30m, wb Iris can be impregnated only by Bees 3 8-12w see p. 5 26-29w hairs of pistil to keep pollen 30-32mjw (a) wb (a) Flys impregnate Orchis morio & latifoiia & Aristolochia in former attracted by colour, as if there was nectar of wh. there is none 4 37w/wb N.B. Epilob. august & Nigella pistil always impreg. by Bees from pollen of younger flowers - Reverse in Euphorbia 5 wb In this page upsets at other uses of Nectar 7 5-10w* Most perhaps all Nectar plants require (W) insects for impreg. 12-13w P wb p. Bees carry pollen as well, wh. Nectar, as when pollen-hunting 8 17u "Märzveilchen "/w 1 30w 2 wb 1. Violets require Bees for imprégnât (2) Most hermaph. flowers require insects for their imprégnât. 12 36m, wb Suppose all these contrivances only to protect nectar wh he imagines protected even at expense of anthers! 14 wb CD. The permanence of standard of Kidney-Beans, when lower petals are decayed, shows that the petals serve other protecting ends besides nectar 15 6u "haaricht"'/3-9w I do not think explains use of hairs on lower lip of foxglove 16-18m/ w stel. Vp.29X 18-21w+ all nectar-flowers have corolla.- 22-28w He says p. 19 Euphorbia has nectar!!! 29-34w Euphorbia has no true corolla R. BrownO 16 wt Marks on corolla guide insects 20m, 39a "ihnen"/35u "Nachtblumen"/"...", 38u "Saftmaal", 39u "ihnen \ Statt" 17 34-36m/36u "kürzer I Dichogamie" 18 l-25w Seems to think fact of insects being required at all does not deserve any explanation & how poor a one of Dichogamy for convenience of insects - !! 14-16m/14u "jeder I gewählt "/15-16u "nicht I kann ", 22-23u "halbgetrennten I ähnlich ", 25-33m/w How poor! 30w (a) 37a "Schirmblumen "lu "ganzen Familien "j36-37w dichogam wb (a) Has no notion of advantage of intermarriage 19 4u "Euphorbia", 5u Blume", 13-■>, 14u "Saftblume ist", 20-22m/w How poor! as in p. 18 23m, 32-40m/w First & last flowers in the true kind Dichogam must remain unimpregnat wb This kind of Dichogamy requires secretion of nectar for long time, as both old & young flowers must be visited; final cause? 20 wt (a) some plants as Euphorbia & Umbellifera visited by insects /all kinds & visited irregular in manner; not so other flowers 3-5m/4w (a) 13-22u±, Says Bees guided to Antirrhinum by the saft-maal; but has the Purple Linaria a saftmaal.- No whole flower slightly veined but &> not there more than elsewhere 21 9u "Fliegen", lOu "Asclepias", 14u-^>, 37-39m, wb
[page break]
X abortive florets of Golden Rose & Centenary * act for this end V. Viburnum 23 3-4u "Heine Fliege"J4u "Serapias longifolia"/5u "Staubkölbchen"/4-5w Serapias ophidious 24 5~9m/7w z 34-35u "auslSafl", 38-41m, wb z Directions for finding nectary 25 2u "Blasensüsse\Blumen" 27 7-15m, 9-10m/9u "Gewächse I Treibhause", 15u "Jasione", 19-20u "Coronilla Emerus", 30-31m/30u "wenigstens] Art"/w (a) 33-36m, wb (a) I saw one in Allen's garden a Campanula 28 5-6u++, 38-41m/w (a) wb (a) Bees attracted by their beauty to some flowers without nectar, for pollen &c &c fructify them 29 wt So then he disbelieves pistil bending down & touching anthers. 7w Elder 8-12m, 14~16m, 14-20m/ 16w P 21-25m, 23-24mj23w L 31-37m, 38w These are Hermaph flowers impregnated by wind wb P Hostile to my theory.- are many mono or dioecious plants saft-leer, if so less so - Carex? 30 3-8w Quantity of pollen in Poplar & Pinus sylv. 15-18m/w male catkins larger than females 31 23u*/24u*/20-23m/w Horse willows impreg by insects 27u*/31u "denIwerden"\27-34wHence flowers without nectar are impreg by insects [but have pollen] 37-41m, 43a "liegen''/m/w allow to intermingle this being so & being large or pollen plentiful, with wb XX Important to discover what hermaph flowers, are imprégnât by wind 32 24a/u/wx, 32w secretion, but serving for no other end?? wb Q flowers before leaves not to prevent impreg. by wind & before leaves of other trees 33 wt M. case of false final cause very poor 17w M 34 19-22m/w no, not in wheat 35 34-38w 18 days longest duration of flowers! 34-35u "achtzehn", 41-45w flowers fade after fruct. 36 Urn, wb X in Scrophularia, stamens move to pistils one after other but S says they are dichogamous - female first 37 wt p. hidden flowers exhale much odour ll-13m/w P 40 wt (a) Anthers & stigma in same place that Bees may touch both 7m, 29-31m/w (a) wb * & yet Bees bore holes in the Salvia & Stachys! 42 21-23m/w (a) 26-28m/26-31w Hairs on underside of Foxglove to keep off rain! 31-32u "dass\ herabhangende", 33-34m/ 34u "regular]müssen", wb (a) how generally he seems to think pollen is mature first 43 lu*, 6u "Linde", 7ua, 8u "Bienen nicht", 9u*, 14-17m, 17-20m/17-24w no! I saw small ones at holes & reverse 27u "irgend"/24w P 27-28m/"...", 34-36m, 42u "Schirmblumen I Euphorbien", 43-44m, wb p. If this had been 'always' instead of 'ever' it would have been correct perhaps 45 wt compares nectar of fresh seeds 15-18m/w m 28w P 32-34m/w o
wb Hence relation of plants to mammals wb o Seeds which are eaten are conspicuous like nectar-flowers 46 37-44m\w considers the vast numbers of seeds necessary for some to be preserved 47 lw X means Read 4X, 30w requires insects 49 IX 50 IX, 24-26m, 25u "Dichogamist", 26u "männlich weiblicher", 27u "Antheren" 52 8u "dass\ findet", lOu "von I urn" 55 wb insect impregnation 58 12x 61 5-10m, 15-18m 63 7-9m/7u "männlich weiblicher" 64 25x 65 12-13u "dasslist", 29x/u* 66 5u*/4-6m/4-14w male flowers larger than female in order that insects may visit male first 25u*/26u "grösser sind"I17-41w& So in Strawberries Gardners Chronicle Aug 1861 & so in Wild Thyme- 67 \ 8x 68 2x 69 3u++, 6a/u "keinesweges\ mechanische"/w gives good reasons 19-20m, 39x, 41x 70 43x 72 wt X analogous to Hive Bees at Humble Apertures. 4~5m 74 24-30w Iris impregnated by pollen of distinct flowers 75 31-35m, 40-41mlu<r+, wb iris must be impregnated by Bee which has come from another flower 79 32x/w Rye 38u "Saftdrüse", 39-41m, Xw (a) I observed in every spike of a Rye-grass anthers hanging & pistils feathering, projecting on one (or both?) sides of scales so as to be easy of impreg -observed this in one other grass, wb In Introduction confesses he knows no use for nectar in grasses & this upsets his theory of ; its sole use.- I kept wheat in glass & was astonished at one night how many long stamens were produced - hence fruct effected by wind, as he remarks; but the Pistil in the wheat, though very healthy, seemed quite concealed. One day in (a) 81 8x 82 3x, 4-5w large marginal florets, that insects may see flower from side, as well as from above - 14m, 20-22m, 24-36m/29-31w Candy tuft wb The variation in marginal florets of Viburnum good instance of structure being acquired - CD 83 40-42m/40-41u*->/w (a) wb (a) pollen first ready 84 20x, 39x 85 l-3m, lu "Ameisen", l-2u "ml hineinsteckten", 8x 91 1-251...] 94 2-6m/w cannot be impregnated by wind but by insects 21 x 97 33-37m/35w (a) wb* % wb Dichogam, males first ready 98 l-6m, 20-25m, 32x 100 44-45u "Dichogamisten \ Art" 101 39x 102 13-15m/13u "Kultur"\14-15u "SaftmaaU können", 28w* Nothing 28x, 30x 103 7x 104 25x, 28u " Saft \ ich", 29u "Saftblume ist" 105 18x, 20x, 42-43m/43u "Dichogamist", wb Manlich dichogam 106 1-3m, 4-7m, 12m/u "Schmetterlingen"lx 108 13u x "sondern]Insekten", 15u "Krone zukehren" 109 ? 28m 110 32-34m/33u "älteren", 43-44m 111 8-
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lOm/u "können I ist", 22~24m, 36-37m/w (a) 40-44m\w no real explanat wb Perhaps it is so in Menganthes, but impregnation does not necessarily follow 113 llx 115 5~13w dichogam manlich 117 25u "dieselben\ jüngeren", 26-27u "das\oder", 28u "Erfahrung I überzeugen ", 32m, wb in some stigma got no pollen, field covered with it 120 15x 121 llx 122 2-26w knows nothing whatever in whole Genus No Honey discernable 129 5-6u "Sie I besucht" 130 41w not Solenaceae 131 U-16m/w stigma turned from anthers 135 12m 137 17-18m, 20-22m, 31-35m, 35-37m, 41-42u++/42x 139 17x 141 8-llm 142 43^5m/44u* 143 7-9m, ll-12m, 13-15m, 19~20m 145 16-20m, 28-30m/29u "Bemühung vergebens", 31u "kleine Wespe", 33u "nachging" 146 27-28m 149 38-39u "welche\Füssen" 150 4x, 19x/18-19u "bloss\ wegen" 152 17-19m/17-18u "dass\Art", 44m 154 21-23m/22-23u "für\ bestimmt" 156 wt it is evident that many genera are dichogamous lu "diese Blumen", 3u "zwarI männlich", 6-7u "NochMV", 7m 157 25x/w plenty? 29-37m/33w (a) wb Last umbells planted or plant had imperfect pistil; became dichogamous & therefore useless & no pollen or other flowers 158 2-3u "Schirmblumen I Griffel ", 40u "von I Dich-ogamie" 159 19-20m, 23-24m, 23u "geschlechtslose" 160 5-6u "Saft I Blumenkäfer", 8x 164 32« "3 \auf", 31-33m/33u "nichtIkurz", 34-35u^ 166 Wx, wb* Next page Pollen ready on stamen one after other other move stigma not formed - so dichogamous 167 4-7m/5-6u "nichtIgeblieben", 8u "von IInsekt", 14-18m/l 6u "verlängern "ß 7u "das I hinlegt ", 33-34u "fünf \ sieben", 34-36m/35u "und\ verwelkt", 42-45ml42-45u± 168 33-36m/33u "drey verschiedenen"/35u "Ein Umstand"/37u "Kennzeichen \Dichogamie" 169 wt (a) How is Loaca in these respects). 5-6m, 7w (a) 35-39m, wb On mechanical theory successive rising of stamens useless 170 23-26m/w this should be not is 35-39m/35-38u++ 171 l-2m/ lu "StigmaMst", 33-36!/35-36m 172 22-23m\ w (a) wb Cover some plants day & night -some by day - some by night 173 20-23m/w B 25-26u "OblGeheimniss", 26u "nicht entdeckt", 28u "alsIkann", 41x 182 11-17w this & snowdrop can have not be impreg. except by insects 184 22u "einWichogamist" 186 5-7u±, 9u "männlich\Dichogamist" 187 26X, 27x 188 wb Martagon enclosed seeded - hence Spr. cannot see thinks exception use of Nectar & 6 stamens - ! I can, occasional intermarriage 189 29m/x 190 32-37m/32-24w nectar impreg. not easy 199 29-
34w a feather hyacinth 200 31-32u++ 201 wt feather-hyacinth 203 7-12m/7u "Dass\ befruchtet"/10-llu "und I Krone" 204 39^5m 205 wb Berberis more than anthers might on stigma 207 23m "also wahrscheinlich", 24u "Insekten", 25u "staubvolle" 209 4x, 6-8m\6-7u "die\Geschlechts", wb<*> 2 May 61 210 1 u "Schein I männlichen ", 22-23u "Wind I Stigma ", wb* associated plants must be in same predicament wb/l-7w Dioecious plants are produced where self-impregnat. too easy??? Hence is it that so many trees each having so many flowers all dioecious?? See to this for my theory 211 25-32m, 41-44m\43-44u* 212 2u "immer\ Dichogamie", 21w (a) 25u*, 27-28u "TraubenIviel", 28u "Strauchs", 31-32m, 35-36u "eine I Krone", wb (a) Horse-chesnuts probably dichogam * 213 3-6m/4u " mehr \ Zwitterblumen", 5w (a) 14w (a) Veratum nigrum has many male flowers 214 14x 216 23u "männlich-weiblicher", 45X 219 1-2m 220 33u "die I weibliche", 45X 221 4u "Nachtinsekt" 223 Wx/w from p. 1 to here 225 wb stamens ready first saw Bees impregnating 226 25w (a) 25-26u*, wb same 229 40-41m/41u "mechanische geschehe", 42u*, 43u "angezeigt" 230 25x 231 2x 232 14u "Befruchtung durch" 233 28~42[...] 234 32-34m/33u "Dichogamie Ifindet" 238 llx, 15u "von I berührt" 240 5-7m/w (a) 25x, wb (a) This, as I thought, appears like case of self-impregnation.- 243 26-27w Dichog. 244 16u "Fliege", 16-17u "habe I angesehen", 22u "jungen", 23u "hineingekrochen", 26u "einel Blume", 44X 245 16-18m, 19u "Dichogamie", 45X 247 15x, wb I found this Dichogam. June 2d 1861 249 24w (a) 24-25u "das I Stigmate", 32u*, wb & yet Editor of Annales des Sc. says impreg. before opening 252 zb 255 31-32m/u "ihrer Einrichtung", 41x 258 17U++/?, 24-27m, 33-35m/?!/w no 37-38u "Nachtinsekten Inicht" 259 38^40m/38u "als Nachtblumen", 43u "sondern I Loch"\42-A5w Humble Bees bite holes 260 5-9m/5u "weiblichen"\6u "weiter", 6u "männlichen"/7u "zwanzig", 34-38ml36-37Q 44x 261 37x 262 15-17m\16-17u "Spergula I Dichogamie" 263 6u "männlich \Dichogamist" 264 5-6m, 8u "dichogamischer Einrichtung" 266 4x, 7-8m, 15-16m, 16u "Käser\ andere", 24-26m, 25u "zuerst I Dichogamie", 35-37 m, 35u "denn\ Pistill" 268 18x 269 35x 270 6m, 7x 272 29x, 31-32m/u "denn\ können" 273 5-7m, 6u "Bienen befruchtet", 6u "wahrscheinlich", 9u "leicht wegblassen", 18x 277 17x 278 13-15m/ 14-15u "sie I sind", 31x 279 22-23u "Blumen I Antheren", 23-25m, 39x, 41x 280 3u^, 4m, 6-9m, 21-22m, 28x, 30x, wb Bees biting holes
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287 6-8m 289 12-13m, 20-23m, 32x 295 wt\l-19w Repeatedly shows that impregnation is not by mechanical act; such movements appear chiefly to favour insects 25« "mechanischer Befruchtungsart" 296 26u "Ameise", 30w saw ants impregnate 305 7« "AuchlDichogamist" 307 29x 308 5-6m 309 6X 315 23x, 31-32m, wb hole cut. 316 5m/u "häufig besucht", 12x, 28x 317 25-29m, 3x, 32x 319 42-45m/43-44u "Staublabstreifen" 320 lu++, 13u "Bienen", 14-16m/16u "sondern! Horn", 24-26m, wb Bites holes 321 32x 323 36-37m/36u "weiblich\ Statt" 324 23-26m 325 l-2m, 12x, 44m 326 22-24m/23u "sie ein" 327 3x 329 wt Nothing in class to show Dichogamy 335 4x 336 20m/20-21u++, wb Lindley thinks in Pelargoniums this is effect of culture 341 26-28m 342 3-4m\u^ 343 24-28w Skimmed 344 40x 345 Sx 346 26-29m/ 29u "zwischen I sind", 43-45m/45u "älterer Blume" 347 14u "Um\vermuthlich", 23x 349 23x 350 16u "scheint", 17u "Dichogamie", 30x, 32x, 33u "Saftblume" 351 31x, 33x 352 25-17m/16u "keinen Igefunden", 29-30m/w (B) 36-36m/w (a) 40u <->, wb (a) In Gardeners Chronicle humbles were said to bite base of Bean-flowers 353 4x, 6a "tinctoria" saw Humble at Shrewsbury sucking flower 9u "keinen", llx, 12u "keinen Saft", 16u*-*, 21x, 23x 354 7-8m, 8x, 31x, 37-38u^\38x 355 42m "vermuthlichl Befruchtung" 356 wb He knows of Honey on the stipulae 357 13x, 29-31m, 29u "oberen", 30u "Loch", wb Holes 358 5-6u "dass\waren", 6-llm, 13-20m/13u*, 29-31m 359 26-44m\32-40w Kidney Bean 42w (a) wb (a) Does not mention Bees always going on one side 360 3-6m, 8-9u^>, 27m, 28w K 27x, 29x, wb K bites holes 361 42x 363 2x 364 14x 365 14-281...]/15u "Saftblumen", 30x 366 23x, 24w = Helminthia 25x 367 17-27m/17u "des I Scheibe", Zlw seeds 22-23« "Die\ besetzt"/Q 24-25u "Seite I besetzt", 27x 368 15x, 24u "denl besucht" 369 24*, 29« "Bienen ungemein", 38x 370 26-31m/28u "wenn\ Befruchtung"j30-31u "sondern I sind", 36x, 47x 371 17-18m, 28-29m 373 7x 374 Wx, 27m/Q 30m, 41-A3m "ill 3x, 5-37[...J 379 27u "von IInsekt", 33-35m, 42u "Insekten", 43u "nützlich", 44u "schädlich" 380 23* 381 3-6m/ 3-4u "geschlechtslsaftleeren", 15-17m, 36x, 38x 382 28u "Insekten geschieht", 29-33m 383 12-16m/12-13u "SieIZwitterblumen", 32-36m/ w (a) 39-41m, wb (Q) a most curious case of abortive organ being made useful, like marsupial bone in some male marsupial animals 384 2« "Blume hineinschieben", Hua, 19x 385 27x 386 3u "männlich-weiblicher", 4], 6[ 388 29m, 37-38m, 45X 389 34u
"vollkommen trocken"/w (a) wb (a) like that of Kalmia - I have no doubt this is case with Allen Wedg plant wh does not seed 390 22-20m 391 10-12m/llu "bestaubt", Uu "nothwendig\Theil", 21-22m 394 6-9m 395 3-9m, 39x, 40x 397 6-8u±, 16-17m, 35-37m/w (a) 40-42m, wb (a) as I have seen 44-45m\ wb no 400 5-8m/w (a) 13x, wb (a) From Henslows account is common to genus. But I believe at different periods 402 4x, 34X/u "Bewegung machte" 403 20-11 m/1 lu "es I wollen", 19-21m, 23-25m/23u "niemals"/24u "Saft I angetroffen ", 38-39m/u "inwendig I ist ", 44-45m, 44u "Scheinsaftblume", wb<@ I am nearly sure nectary of Butterfly covered with growths 404 wt& Cannot be deceptive for insect has at once to fly to catch florets 2-6m, 7-21W& p. 418 Aristolochia clematitis 24« "Osterluzen", 32a "Mono" fresh winged 35-36m/35u "Scheinsaft", 41u "beweist Orchis", 44-45m/45u "nurISamen", wb& Little flies often on stigma can stigma secrete sweet better 405 2-Sm/2« "26"/2u "42"/2-5u±, 9u "wohlriechendes "\w Habenaria, Butterfly orchis certainly 26u "der Saft", 27w nectar 35u "das\ vortrefflich", 36u "Nachtblume ist" 406 5-7m/6u "mitlversehenen", 12-14mll4x/u " Serapias \ verdeckt", 16x/w Listera 24X/u "trockner", 28-30m, 41X 407 8-llm/10-llu "denselben I vergebens ", 12-14m/12u "ähnliches I Insekt"/13u "zwey Staubkölbchenpaare", 18m/a/ « "ähnliches"lw 3d 19-22m/20u "ablecken konnte", 29u "jeder I Zeit", 36-38m, 37u "abzulecken", 40m, 43-A5u±, 45m, wb* Would succeed only by stickiness of stigma 408 20u "oderIankleben", 27-28u±+, 38u "Absicht", 38-40u±/40m, wb X otherwise he would have caught a third hair 409 6« "wieder", 7u "an\ Kopf", 8u "einen I Käser", lOu "Kopfschmuck", 17-21m, wb X saw act of impregnation by Hymenopt 411 25w One of the Ophrydiae) Lind Epipactis 26X, wb = Ep palustris - I think this - certainly this No or Cephalanthus ensifolia - this latter I now believe 413 32-34m, 42-45m, wb He does not really understand this flower 414 10-llu/w with Insekts 12-21m/14-15u^/18-19u "weiUhabe", 22-45w He probably examined only flowers which had gone off wb he forgot to look whether any sticky contrivance to anther He overlooked the spherical rostella 415 21-27m\ w Saw fly with pollen mass on Back 30-45m, wb Remarks about spiders making nets on plants which afford nectar 418 7x 419 17-18u "Alsdenn I seiner ", 20-21u "Alsdenn I geöffnet ", 28-29m, 42-A5m 420 22-26m, 45X 421 32-34m/33u "zuweilen"zehn", 38u "vorIkleinsten", 44-45u "dassl ansetzen" 422 28u "Muth-
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massung", 34-35u "dergleichen I habe"/35-36u "dassl bestimmt"/34-A0w so let flys escape or go to other flowers? 423 2-36w All this passage a priori reasoning V. vulpa 41u "schliess I theils ", 42-45m/45u "vielleicht I glatt ", wb If the flies were really imprisoned - this would be strongest case except perhaps Zostera of self imprégnât, remember Figs 424 wt Nothing, for he could not found nectar in Beans l-4m, 23-24u "dassl ansetzen" 425 wt♦ X Why do so few flowers, then, produce seed which he has insisted on as explained? 17m/u "jedesmal", 38-40m/40u "sondern I Art" 426 5-8m, 8-10m, 38-39m 427 22m "muss \ leicht", 23-27m/23a "Zustand" of ripe pollen stigma 46-48m 428 26u "nicht I verwelkt", 37-39m 429 9-llu^, 12x, 14x, 21x, 34-35m 430 17x, 24u*, 25u*, 27u "kleinen Fruchtknoten" 431 wt + According to my notions all associated plants ought to be essentially dioecious (as single trees are) 4-6m, 15-16u "so I finden", 24-26u "Die I an", 28x, 30x, 36u<-*, 38x, 40x, wb The • is perpetuated like insects-plants Most plants -seeds are perpetuated like wind - dioicious plant 432 lu "keinen Saft", 12u "Stigmate\ gross", 14x, 16x, 27-28u "unansehnlich\Krone"
2x, 4-121..], 14x, 40-42m\41u "die\ voller"
17-18m/18u "soI Stielen", 44x 435 2-22x1 14-15u "Die I grösser", 24x, 34-35u "die\ weiblichen" 436 34x, 39-41m\40-41u "vielen \ weiblichen", 42x 437 4x, 17u "Irrthum", 18u "die\ männlichen", 30-31u± 438 24x 439 25-26u*+, 42-A5m/43-44u "sehrIwird" 440 18u "Lutschen", 20-21u " ganzen \ Körper", 22u "aber\Theile", 26u "keine Blätter", 29u "weit\ Stiel", 43x 441 2x, 4u "männlichen", 5u "weiblichen", 10x, 12u "weiblichen", 26x, 28x 442 24-25u*+, 27u "längerenIsitzen", 33u "aber\vorhanden", 38u "einmalIweise", 39u "welche] hervorgebracht", 44x 443 3x 444 llx tab.i 2 tab.xx w Speak of it as seed (acherium) It is calyx which differs Tussilago is superflua Picris aequalis
STAINTON, Henry Tibbats A manual of British butterflies and moths 2 vols.; London; John Van Voorst; 1857 [CUL, GD]
(markings presumed to be by GD)
STEBBING, Thomas Roscoe Rede Essays on Darwinism London; Longman, Green & Co.; 1871 [Down, I]
NB 0/
STEENSTRUP, Johann Japetus On the
alternation of generations trans. G. Busk;
London; The Ray Society; 1845 [CUL]
beh, ct, em, fg, gd, in, mn, oo, sx, t, ta, tm, y
NB1 It is clear in each successive stage of
development, that the young are formed
from what he calls germs, little aggregations
of cells, & that these go through regular
gradations, in each stage; I do not know
how they can be distinguished from ova-
Jun. 63/so my notion on * difference of true
generations & buds destroyed-
NB2 Abstracted March 1857
p.1; p. 2; p. 3; p. 6; p. 13; p. 23; p. 25; p. 31;
p.43; p. 45; p. 71; p. 96
F.W. Fish almost normally have Trematoda
within eyes
112; 113; 114
1 20-23m 2 31-35m 3 23-27m, 32-33m 4 19-22? 6 32-37m 13 20-23m, 30-31?, 32-33? 23 27-29m, wb so Medusa does not pass through state of Polype *&■ Owen 24 wt/1-27w This comparison of polyp-formed nurses l-7w+ with neuter Bees very loose indeed! [The nurse is a compound body & larvae are not formed by simple section - wt/l-7w* (which I imagine are more like Medusae than the Medusae larvae) 7a "or" a 31-35m\ w This shows power of division at all periods wb I do not think propagation at any time of life by division odd 25 4-6m/5~6u "belongsl other" 31 30u "perfect I Medusae", 34-38m/35u "their" 43 l-3m 45 ll-14m 46 17-20m, 38-40m, wb I cannot anywhere see that the foster generation is seminal 71 6-8m/7u "originally from" 92 26m 96 29-32/ 113 l-3m, 16-18x/!, 17m/u++, 18u "also I sex", wb X Because males with aborted organs wd not have the proper instincts-> 114 5-6m, 7-10w*(CD?) connected with end 10-13m, 13-37w - analogous to common metamorphosis & hence the bud-like system of generation returned 26-38w*The generative system supervening later in life ought 115 14-25m, wb Termes are Neuropterous insects
STEENSTRUP, Johann Japetus Hecto-cotyldannebsen Kjobenhavn; Bianco Luno; 1856 [Down, I]
STEENSTRUP, Johann Japetus and LÜT-KEN, Christian Frederick Bichagtil Kundskab om det aabne Hans Snyltekrebs og Lernaer samt om ... parasitike Coprepoder Kjobenhavn; 1861 [Down, I by Steenstrup] p
STEPHENS, James Francis Illustrations of British entomology 2 vols.; London; Baldwin & Cradock; 1828-29 [CUL, on B]
[page break]
vol. 1, 5 22w p27 24w p74 6 33-35m, 40-41m 7 l-30m, 30m/u^, 31-42m 8 lm, 26u<^, 27m/ w Brinston Butterfly 10 18w clouded sulphur 24 41w Wood-white 27 2w Black-veined White 28 20m/u "12 Cynthias" 30 lOw Heath fritillary 32 23w Small fritillary 33 21w Plantain fritillary 37 3w Lesser silver spotted fritillary 39 22m/w Great fritillary 40 17zv The Great Fritillary 42 4w The dale common 37w The great Tortoise shell 43 32w The lesser tortoise shell 44 15w Peacock 45 4w Camberwell beauty 46 7w The admiral 47 23iv Painted lady 50 llzv The purple emperor 52 4w White admiral or admirella 54 23w Speckled wood 55 6-7w The Gt. Argus or Wall B. 56 14w The Grayling B. 57 26w The martled White 58 27w The Gatekeeper 59 18w The meadow Brown 60 8w The Ringlet 64 38w Scarce Heath 75 29w The Brown Hair Streak 76 18w Purple Hair Streak 78 27a; The Green Butter. 79 22w The Copper 81 8w Large Copper 85 5w The Azure Blue 86 4w Bedford Blue 87 14w Argus Blue 88 26w Chalk Hill Blue 89 36w The Chifden Blue 91 29w The Blue B. 93 26w Silver studded Blue 94 27w Edged Brown Argus 95 13w White-spot Brown 97 19w Grizzle B 98 12w Dingy skipper 100 7w Chequered skipper 101 15w Small skipper 32w Large Skipper 102 29a; Pearl skipper
vol. 2, 2 wb L. nocturne p86 Semidiurne p140 35 25-27m
STEPHENS, James Francis Illustrations of British entomology vols. 3 and 4; London; Baldwin & Cradock; 1829 [Down, on B]
STEPHENS, James Francis A manual of British Coleoptera London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1839 [Down, I to FD]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
STEPHENS, James Francis A systematic catalogue of British insects 2 vols; London; Baldwin & Cradock; 1829 [CUL, pre-B] gd, v
(untranscribed w: names of places where CD has seen the species listed) (some w not CD)
vol. 1, 2 7w, 12w, 18-20m, 31w Hope 39-40w 3 7m, 13w, 25w, 38w 4 l-2w, 8w, 25w, 29-30m, wb 5 26m 6 ll-12w 7 8m, 16-17w 8 15a;, 32a; 9 24a;, 23m, 34w 10 8-9w, 12m, 19-20w, 30m 11 15-17w Hope and Thompson 27w, 32w 12 2-3a>, 22m, 22w Hope 32a; 13 2-
3w, 8m, 16w, 18w, 20w, 29m, 35w, 38-39w 14 5w Waterhouse 8m 15 10-llw, 14w, 21-24w, 31-32w 16 23m, 22 m, 32-33m, 40-41w 17 22-22a;, 20~21w, 26w, 31-32w, 36w, 41m 18 6w, 7-22m, 14w Waterhouse 24a;, 40-42m/40w A. Cooper 43a; Mr Waterhouse 19 14-16m/w, 37-39m 20 7-9a;, 25a;, 22 m, 26m, 34w, 37-38w, 42w 21 2a;, 4a;, 22a;, 23a;, 27a;, 32a;, 41a; 22 3w, 6w, lOw, 25-26w, 39-40w, 23 5a;, 22a;, 26a;, 29m, 24a;, 34w, 37w, 39w, 40w, 41w, 44w 24 25a; Mr Waterhouse 9m, 16w, 21m, 26-27w, 32-34w, 38w 25 6-8a;, 32a;, 42 m 26 9m, 16w, 19w, 22w, 31w, 33w 27 2a;, 7a;, 29a;, 22a;, 26a;, 32a;, 38a; 28 2a;, 5a;, 8a;, 9-llm/9w, 16w, 18w var. 20a;, 26a;, 29a;, 36a;, 38a;, 42a; 29 5a;, 22a;, 23a; Hope 26a;, 42a; 30 10a;, 28a; Hope 30a;, 32a;, 33-34w, wb Waterhouse 31 13-14m/13w 32 24a;, 34a;, 37a;, 43a; 33 34-36a; 34 2a;, 6w, 15w, 18w, 23w*, 29-30w, 36-37w, 40m 35 28a;, 27-28w, 30w, 34w Waterhouse 40-42m 36 28-29a; 37 29a;, 22a;, 23a;, 28a;, 32a;, 34a;, 37m 38 2a;, 23a;, 25a;, 28a;, 29a; 39 ll-12w, 27m, 34w 40 32-32a; 41f w 42f w 43f w 44f w 45 9-1 Ow, 22w, 35w 46 25a; 48 32-34w 48f w 49 4a;, 12a;, 15m, 19w, 23w, 30m, 35w, 39w, 44m 50 5a; Hope 7m, 10-llw, 13m/w, 18w, 24w, 28w, 34m, 39w, 43w 51 6m, 19-20w, 21w, 24m/w, 28m, 30-31w, 34-36w 52 22a;, 28a;, 22m, 29m, 36w 53 24m, 26-28w 54 32a;, 37a; 55 5-6a; 56 42 m 57 27a;, 30a; 58 30m/a; Hope 59 22a;, 20a; 60 4a; 211 lÏ20m 221 1Ï29m, ÏÏ24m, ÏÏ6m 222 3m 223 2 m, 6m, 15m, 24m, 27m, 31m, 34m 224 16m, 25m, 33m 225 4m, 26m, 32m
vol. 2, 28 22-24z, 27m 28f w 37 wt Moths
STERNE, Carus (i.e. Ernst KRAUSE)
Werden und Vergehen Berlin; Gebründer Bomtraeger; 1876 [CUL] p
STERNE, Carus Werden und Vergehen 2nd edn; Berlin; Gebrüder Bomtraeger; 1880 [Down]
STEUDEL, Ernst Gottlieb Nomecktor bot-anicus Stuttgart & Tübingen; J.G. Cottae; 1841 [CUL] sx, sy, wd
NB p. 112
Poinsettia Cyanophyllum Hot House Plants
Azalea anaena
Hibiscus (Abutilon) allied to Viscus (Hooker)
Rudgea Rubiaceae dimorphic
part 1, 5b 48m 95b 20m, 28m, 20m, 26m, 32m, 37m, 41m, 46m, 48m, 52m, 54m, 58m, 59m, 63m, 65m, 68m, 72m, 77m, 78m, 83m 96a 2m, 5m, 12m, 18m, 22m, 25m, 26m, 28m, 31m,
[page break]
37m, 47m, 50m, 53m, 58m, 64m, 66m, 72m, 80m 96b 5m, 7m, 12m, 13m, 15m, 22m, 33m, 37m, 39m, 42m, 47m, 49m, 50m, 53m 112a 50m 118a 35-37m/35u "hypogaea" 256 zt 450b 73m, 74m 451a 1m, 32m, 33m 494a 14-15m\ 14u "uncinatum" 494b 82m 495b 43m, 64m 496a 3m, 6m, 59m 496b 45m 507a 29-32m, 34-37m, 45-50m, 53-58m 507b 7-12m 559a 61m 601b 6m 677b 67m^/u "cinereum" 678a 35-37m^/35u "Endressii" 678b 20m 679b 20m/u "Richardsons", 66m 681b 50mju++ 766b 80-84m
part 2, 51a 74m, 75m 51b 8m, 24m, 26m, 63m, 83m 52a 4m, 54m 52b 26m, 27m, 43m, 62m, 71m, 74m, wb 14 94b 75m 106a 30m, 32m, 57m, 60m 325b 39m, 63m, 75m 326a 75m 326b 18m 386a 58m 391b wb« 395a 64m 590a 26m, 45m 748b 23m
STEWART, Dugald Philosophical essays 3rd edn; Edinburgh; 1818 [ED, CUL.1900]
(probably CD) 415 tÎ20-6m 416 tÎ22-20m, ÏÏ2-lx
STONEHENGE (i.e. John Henry WALSH)
The dog London; Longman, Green, Reader &
Dyer; 1867 [CUL]
br, cs, he, si, ta, tm, v, y
NB ♦ Reversion in 3 & 5 generations - 173
175 Breeding in & in
♦ Shows how soon Bull-dog form is
179 & 183 good on crossing Bull-dog &
Period of adultness in dogs - 187 - Periods
of adultness
188 Breeding in & in; 196
223 form of young animal- cannot be
Reversion Close interbreeding Crossing,
elimination of character Period of adultness
Qäj Form of young * Dogs
118 6-15m\7-9"..." 173 18-27m 174 2-23m 175 23-27m 177 2^m 179 7-17m/10u++ 181 4w child, 1st yr 182 lw grandchild 2d 183 Iw grgrchild 3d 2-4m, 5m, 6-8m 184 lw grgrchild 187 26-29m 188 10-14m, 17-20m 189 2-5m, l5-22m 190 2-4m 223 2-5m, 14-16m
STRASBURGER, Eduard Sur la formation et la division des cellules revised edn; Jena; Herman Dabis; 1876 [CUL, I] p
STRASBURGER, Eduard Über Zellbildung und Zelltheilung 2nd edn; Jena; Hermann Dabis; 1876 [Down]
STRASBURGER, Eduard Zellbildung und Zelltheilung 3rd edn; Jena; Gustav Fischer; 1880 [Down, I]
STRAUSS, David Friedrich Der Alte und der neue Glaube 2nd edn; Leipzig; G. Hirzel; 1872 [Down]
104 22m
STRICKER, Salomon Handbuch der Lehre von dem Geweben des Menschen und der Thiere 5 parts; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1868-72 [Down] p
STRZELECKI, Paul Edward de Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1845 [CUL, I] f, fo, gd, h, is, mg, no, se, sp, ta, ti
NB Abstract March 57; 143 Van Diemens
long an isld for coast elevated 100ft 143 so
that animals cannot have passed from one
isld to another, recently
254 Proteaceous leaf Bulinus & Helix
296 Van Diemen Carbonifer series Morris
302 Diprotodon Marsupial. Pachyderma
Fossil to 312 (not important)
314 List of Animals & birds common to
Australia & Van Diemens Land
347 Sterility of one race of Mankind with
352 number of natives Van Diemens Land
143 23-26m 254 2-2 6m (Darwin, R. Brown, G.B. Sowerby) 270 8w 1 271 6w 2 272 lw 2 7w 3 14w 4 22w 5 273 5w 6 17w 7 274 5w 8 275 20w 9 New genus 276 23u; 9 25w 10 277 7w 11 27«; 12 25w 13 278 5w 14 12w 15 25w one same 279 7w 16 28w 17 280 20w 18 281 6w 19 282 7w 20 26w 21 283 28a; 22 284 4w 23 20w 24 285 5w 25 28w 26 286 5w 27 23w 28 287 9w 29 288 2w 30 28w 31 289 8w not new 22w 32 290 4w 33 291 20w or 34 296 2-3m 301 34-37m 302 9-22m 303 26-28m 305 3~4m, 31-33m, 34-37m 306 31-32m/31u "marsupial" 309 32-35m 310 32-35m 311 22-30m 312 9-24m 314 wt x means common 23m 315 9x, 18x 316 lx, 7x, 25x, 29x 317 lx, 6x, 8x, 12x, 14x, 16x, 18x, 27x, 30x, 33x 318 4x, 15x, 18x, 20x 319 9x, 14x1?, 16x, 32x 320 2 Ox, 23x, 33x 321 3x, 5x, 7x, 12x, 14x, 22x, 28x 322 2x, 14x 323 8x, 23x, 25x, 27x, 32x 324 25x, 20x, 28x 325 5x, 8x, 13x, 17x, 19x, 21x, 23x, 25x, 27x, 29x, 31x, 33x 326 3x, 5x, 8w not 16x, 21x, 27x, 30x, 32x, 34x 327 2x, 8x, Wx, 13x, 15x, 17x, 20x, 22x, 25x, 29x, 31x 328
[page break]
lx, 4x, lOx, 12x, 17x, 20x, 23x 24x, 28x, 30x, 32x, 34x, 36x 329 lx, 3x, 5x, 7x, 9x, llx, 13x, 15x, 17x 347 l-8m
STURM, Carl Christoph Gottlieb Über Ragen der landwirthschaftlichen Hausthiere Ebberfeld; Büscher; 1825 [CUL] beh, ce, en, es, dg, h, he, hy, in, or, phy, rd, si, sx, t, ta, tm, ud, v, wd, y
NF This book shows that any laws can be made out, in accordance with authors own observations on such ill defined points as resemblance to parents &c- The only way & that poor is to take indifferent peoples statements & from such statements build facts. Reason for quoting & for authorities NB p15 to SBD9Î
16 Rule of ant. part taking after father NQ
82 On weakening of cows maternal instincts
85 Q In districts where cattle worked, it is well known young are more easily broken in - so in Pampas Horses) Compulsory instinct. 104 NQ Horns always after Merino Ram: one cross from Horned Bull gave Horns to Hornless Herds, (because a part previously lost, so tendency to return.- (N.Q. in Ch. 9) 107 Attention quicker or slower according as we take male or female of H & cross it with B.
67 drawn back neck in alpine sheep like Alpine kinds 120 Selection
ii l~9m/w does not always quote his authorities 5 4-12w longer a variety exposed to any condition greater the change & then harder this change to vary 7 8-15w Head most important* sure race-character amongst intellectual animals 15 3-6m/wt/l-14w general forms of heads of domestic races especially differ from each other, even in horses, & even in cows 16 14-17m/13-26w Father gives heads, & mother hinder parts is general rule. Some exceptions do not destroy the rule! 23-24m, 26u "Daubenton", 29m/a "landschaf"Iwb Sheep crossed with Merino ram head & fine wool on anterior part of body take after father - case given in p18 & in p19 with Birds anything can be proved!
17 l~30w His laws hold to hybrids as well as
Mongrels 18 7-8m, 13m 19 wt HofackerO
gives many cases of changes in colour in
Foals as they grow 2-18w Muscovy * drake
crossed with common duck follows same law
2u "türkischen", 7-8u "Junge\ähnlich", 10-
14m/ll-12u^, 15-16u "Kopfes\von", 25-27w
& crossed geese & crossed pheasant 20 2-7w foals from old stallions have pjd looking heads!! Bosh, not in men = 20« "lm\Bande", llu "Maulthier", 13u "Maulesel", 27~28m/27u "Alle\haben"I28u "Mutter\dem" 21 l-2m, 3u "Kopfes I Glieder", 21-22u± 22 2-8w Size of head varies much in bulls compared with size of body 23 9~19w Eyes & ears vary much in races of cows & horses 24 8-10w Horns vary in individuals of same race 27-25m, 21-26w ! Quoted more curled the wool the more the horns wb introduce in relation to teeth & pairs 25 8-12w The hair on head often characteristic 15-19w one race of sheep with woolless head another with head covered with wool 26 wt X Can convert one race into another most preferably by crossing of the male lx/w+ Can 30 wt N.B These enumerations of differences merely show that all parts differ - 31 l-2m 32 wt Fig. wrong 42 30-33m/28-33w/wb No authority for sheep in S. Sea loosing wool 47 8-12w Cabbages change forms 48 wt White Cabbage seed planted in Naples gave Black-Kohl but generally cauliflower?? 2-13m/8u/we 15-22m/16u "mir"/20w xa wb x (a) Says from own observation clearly made out that the naked huskless barley especially in wet year of 1823 always degenerates into common 49 l-13m/5w (a) wb One ought not to infer that climate causes these variations, but only that they cease being persistant under new climates 50 19-20m/? 53 19-24m/ w Says Cattle taken to E Indies decrease in size in few generations 54 26m 55 26u "brasilianischen "/26-30mjw Brazilian (Rio Plata) proverbially best 57 16m, 24-28m/w Portuguese cows transported to Brazil give better milk 58 12-26m/12-21w quantity & character of milk varies in diff. countries 28-30m/w milk varies in different years 59 25m, 16-22w candle manufacturers prefer Russian tallow 60 wt X he attributes this to the effects of climate but Youatt shows it is in breed & can be got by selection 3-9w Much more tallow in Holland races, than in Tyrolese 9x 61 18m 28-29u "dass\hat"/w of Men what wd Malthus say? 67 wb Remarks that true sheep have drawn back neck like all Alpine animals, wh is quite lost in lowland sheep - Mem Levington Sheep - 68 3m 74 3-14m/w says all animals living in mountains as sheep, goats & pigs are less fruitful than in low countries 79 14-15m/u "Consuetudo\ natura" 81 23-29m, wb instinct of period of propagation has varied in all ruminants 82 14-25m/w says cows from long generations habit do not care for their calves being taken
[page break]
away directly here. 27-28w/wb have lost maternal instinct 83 l-7m/w says he has observed great differences in cows himself 19-20u "während \ duldet"\9-27wThe Merinos will let about any strange lamb suck them, because Spaniards kill weak lambs & put strong one to them; hence individual Maternal instinct is destroyed. 84 13-27«? says the acquired instincts of dogs are easily lost, so are natural ones, as burrowing & wildness in Rabbits 85 18-21m/18-26w it is well known, in districts where oxen are used for draft they are easier broken in - 27-30m/ 27u*^, wb good case of compulsory instinct 99 28u "Kartoffeln", wb many races of fruit & Potatoes have risen from crossing! 100 11-16m/w Merinos originally a crossed breed 101 10-13m/w Father chief, especially in mind 13u "nur\ beträgt", 22u "neue Mit-telrafe", 23u "Typus Waters" 103 l-6mlw Father chief?? 21-2ém/21-30w Hair, horns &c are most easily altered by crossing -other parts more difficult 104 5-13w curly hair from alpine bulls transmitted to first cross 16-26m/wlwb so with Merino rams, even in parts of body which have no hair in the mother: in one case length of tail not increased, but covered with wool 105 5-lOm/ w always has horn of Merino Ram ll-18ml 14-21w A I think this is because lost part; or rudimentary 21-29m/w Hoof takes after father in Oxen & Horse wb (A) In herd of invariably hornless cattle for many generations, one year of war the hornless bulls were lost & horned ones were used, & first year 9 out of 10 calves had horns 106 15-16u 107 3-7m\w alterations slower according as sexes of different breeds are crossed 6u&> "friessischen Ochsen", 12-16m/Q&> 109 wt Memory 3-8m, 5-6u "Kunst fertigkeiten ", 6-7u "Raphael's, Mozart's, Dante's" 110 22m, 29-31u<^>/21-31w/wb as many years as teeth require so many generations for new race!! Ill 18u "dem 6ten", 19u "oft"\w variation 112 wt in crossing head after father & in succeeding generations the change travels down the Back! 4-6m 113 l-8m/4-5w instance of above! 16-19m/17w A wb A Has already shown that attention through father is so much quicker, as this does not depart much from original race 115 wt/l-8w A says to produce new race (viz to make a Merino breed come out of country sheep) it is very disadvantageous to commence crossing very unlike breeds, better begin with a half-bred & so go on step by step. A l-20m 117 26u "gemeine Veredlung"/25-28w selection with crossing 30u "individuelle Veredlung", wb
what we call selection without crossing 119 6-10m/w good milking tendency goes by father: curious - 18-21m/w instance 120 25-26m/w Quote English selection best means least requires great knowledge & a fixed forelook on stocks of cattle 27u "Ductilität" 121 10-14m, wb says particularly necessary to know influence of Father & Mother in this kind of selection - this I doubt
SULLY, James Sensation and intuition London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1874 [CUL] beh, r, t
NB Expressions; 29 to 36 goodish 17 16-21m/w What can I have said 29 7-39m 30 38-Alm 34 24-32m 36 14-24m/6-23w This wd apply only to social animals
SULLY, James Sensation and intuition London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1874 [Down, I; 2 copies] p
THE SUPERNATURAL in nature London; C. Kegan Paul & Co.; 1878 [Down]
THE SURVIVAL London; Remington & Co.; 1877 [Down, I by publisher]
SWAINSON, William The cabinet cyclopaedia, natural history: A treatise on the geography and classification of animals London; Longman, Rees, Brown, Green & Longman; 1835 [CUL, S]
ad, beh, cc, ex, gd, is, mg, oo, no, sp, sy, t, ti, tm, wd
NF1 Read Kirby on Geograph Distribution of
N.B. European Plants on Himalaya agrees
with idea of great zone
«► Swainson has written in the Geographical
There is a great deal of nonsense talked
about perfection of groups &c as far as I can
discover; some families have mingled
characters & varied habits, others confined
characters & peculiar structure.-
NF2 a Chas Darwin
p.8. Each country is said to have an original
breed of own domesticated quadrupeds.-
p12 General aspect of forms from different
p.17 No large animals in Madagascar
p.21 waders peculiar to Europe
p.22 Parrots confined to particular Isis -
p.24 soft billed birds best characters taken
p.26 Many genera in Europe
[page break]
2 Lions
Malacca birds peculiar
55 European birds go to Asia not v versa
58 North Australia like Africa
69 Mexican Ornithology
106 Australi genus in S. Africa
110 Madagascar
115 Australia & 118
NB I see grallatores greatest range among
Antelopes in North America
p107 Barn Owl S. Africa
8 says neither temp - food, foes &c account
for local distribution - good to quote him as
an example of ignorance - something must
check - See about nightingale in Bechstein.
12 show how climate is given up. What a
contrast between Java & Madagascar N.
Guinea. New Zealand & N. Caledonia as far
as is size of Mammals.
21 Waders greatest ranging Birds
50 Analogy of S. Asia & Africa (Probably
much extinction in Tropics series before
glacial period)
111 on relation of Mammals of Madagascar
& India
3 34-38m\w Motacilla - nightingale 7 19-31m 8 7-18m, 35-39m 12 l-6m 17 wt New Zealand Caledonia New Guinea contrasted with Sumatra &c &c & England 4-9m/5m/u "absence I Madagascar", ll~16m 21 15-29m 22 27-35m/32-35m 24 22-25m 26 ll-16m, 21-39m 27 l-13m, 30-35m/w because better known? 29 7-20m/10-llo 31 35o/u "perfectly naturalized" 35 zb 39 29-30o 48 5-6o, 12-13o, 23-38m 49 22-39m 50 24r-30m 51 l-10m/w like Elephants driven down 55 41~43m 58 2-7m, 9-llm/?/w Brown 69 28-36m 72 8-9o 81 8-10o 87 20-2Ao 92 7-9o 103 35-38o 104 wt Monkeys even in Cape 35°! l-2w N. America 5-llm 105 30-38m 106 21-31m, 38-40m 107 31-39m 110 31-39m 111 2-18m, 31-39m 114 29-33m 115 l-21m/20-24w Mem Brown on Birds 116 l-13m/8-ll!/4-8w Opossums make nests 118 2-28m 119 18-26m, 35-37o 243 wt/l-3w Every word in this page will serve for the Caracara - an aberrant Eagle l-36m 245 wt/l-3w It would appear that some circles unite many characters & varied adaptations others more confined 4-7m 357 29-36m (F. Cuvier)
SWAINSON, William The cabinet cyclopaedia, natural history: The natural history and classification of birds 2 vols.; London; Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green &
Longman; 1836-37 [CUL]
beh, ch, ds, gd, ig, no, sp, sy, t, tm, v, wd
vol. 1 NB 166 Monkey noise a call note 31 Expressions p. 31 ♦ Crests* ♦ 29 Head ornate
I do not allude to can notes *
167 on singing of Birds to
185 Nests
29 26-39m, 37u "Guinea-fowl", 38u "have\ horns" 31 10-llm/llu "danger langer" 72 fig.w angle too ac little too sharp too coarsely shaded 166 4-15m, 27-32m (Buffon) 167 8-9u "autumnal I robin ", 13-14u "exerted I where ", 18-25m 168 7w cranes 10-13m, 15-20m, Î2u "of perchers"Iwb swallow 169 5-7m, 9-13m 170 21-26m/21u "swallow", 30-36m/w cawing a tone song 174 35-38m/35u "Insessorial" 177 23-30m 185 31-37m
vol. 2 NF 11 Is Falcunculus cristatus a
shrike? Vanga a crow?
II Falcunculus. Australian Shrike tears off
Bark & hunts for insects; do well to insert in
Ch 8 on Transition, when I treat Bird
becoming like Woodpecker
112 Vidua, widow Bird of Cape wd suffice for Ch. 6
5 13-18m 6 8-15m/w This should be
considered in the Fissirostrial type 10 wb It is
like Echidna & Histrix having spines 11 30-
39ml31-33w Examine this Bird wb N.B. XX It
is not difficult to see how all types would be
repeated, because all spring from one stock
6 same circumstances, which makes order,
would make same number of representative
wild forms 14 4-8w what difference 6-10m 15
l-20m\4-8w thoroughly unphilosophical 307
10-15m 308 ll-15m
SWAMMERDAM, Jan The book of nature London; CG. Seyffert; 1758 [CUL, pre-B, S Charles Darwin 1827]
title page <*> Josiah Wedgwood to Erasmus Darwin, to R.W. Darwin to Charles R. Darwin to William Erasmus Darwin 1858 A present from my ingenious friend Josiah Wedgewood to Erasmus Darwin F.R.S. » (CD) This book I wish to be given to George
part 1, 125b 35-41m 132a 3-8m 217b 14-22m
SWANK, James Moore Statistics of the iron and steel production of the United States Washington, Government printing office; 1881 [Down]
[page break]
SWINHOE, Robert Narrative of the north China campaign of 1860 London; Smith, Elder & Co.; 1861 [Down, I]
SWINHOE, Robert Notes on the island of Formosa London; F. Bell; 1863 [CUL, I] ben, cc, gd, gr, ig, is, sx, t, ta, tm, v
NB Introduction p. 29 Ibis p. 12; p. 47; 57; 75; 86; 103 p. 2 to 5 Zoolog Proc
Formosa Ornith Ibis P_ 44 Female assuming late Plumage of Male; 50» Petrocinala; 68 Oriolus do do - but rarely; 131 & 132 Squacco Herons SB QßÄ
Introduct Ibis p. 29 general character of Fauna of Formosa- distance from China p. 12 ]bjs - grades of differences & variation in Birds of Formosa p47 example well-worked out in Lanius 57 do in Garrulus 75 Drymoeca - less marked vars 86 Wagtail more complicated vars like British - conditions of life 103 Centropus do.-Zoolog. Proc.
p.2 to p. 5 general characters of mammals, also to slightly differ in characters of colour slight vars, some distinct Good for Variation - Geograph. Distrib.- and effect of Conditions of life-Introduction, 29 34-56m Ornithology of Formosa, 12 ll-25m, 26-28m 13 ll-13m 44 A 23-28u±, 27-35m, wb Ibis Jul 1863 p. 22 47 1-llm, 13-20m 50 ll-16m 57 17-27m 68 23-28m/26u "green \ spotted "/29u "This I much" 75 16-19m 86 5-30m 103 2-6m 131 10-13w sexes alike same places 24-32m/27-28u "splashed \ very" 132 16-20m Mammals of Formosa, 2 l~4m, 44-47m/46u "generally darker" 3 5-9m, 14-15m, 17-22m, 27-33m, 43-46m, 48-50m 4 l-6m, 10-19m 5 29-31m
SYME, Patrick Werner's nomenclature of colours 2nd edn; Edinburgh; 1821 [CUL] sx, tm, v
NF ♦
Beak of female; ash grey males nearly black
Legs &c exact • orange - few
Soles of feet yellow, skin of beak with very
faint • legs partly • shape of feathers
becomes same - lower mandible & part of
upper • grey
TASSO, Torquato Gerusalemme liberata 2 vols; Firenze; 1821 [CUL.1900]
3 "vi".m, "viiV'.m 4 "x".m 8 "xxiiï'.m 10 "xviW.wx 21 "lxi"X
TAYLER, John James Christianity London; Williams & Norgate; 1868 [Down]
TAYLOR, John Ellor Flowers London; Hardwicke & Bogue; 1878 [Down]
NB 0/
TAYLOR, Richard (ed.) Scientific memoirs vol. 1; London; 1837 [CUL] che, mhp, t
NB Nothing October /56/ vii 25m (Ehrenberg) 224 6-10m*/7-8"...", 9-10z, 22-26m, 27-45m 225 5-9m, ll-15m, 15-21m, 33-38m/33-34u "the \ multiplicity" 227 wb The whole Universe a life, the plant a crystal, a life - i.e. his definition, but what commonly called life, a unity producing a different class of complexity than other unities.- Good idea- to show life only laws like universe 234 35-42m\37-391, wb Is there more unity in zoophytes 236 15-16u "utterly incapable"I? 19-17m)w Mem. plants gain habits 25-28m/? 240 16-19m/18w Zoophites 41114-38m
TEALE, Thomas Pridgin Dangers of health London; J. & A. Churchill; 1878 [Down]
TEGETMEIER, William Bernhard The
poultry book 11 parts; London; Orr & Co.; 1856-57 [CUL] cs, he, v, wd, y
part 1 NB 0/
part 2 NB 0/
part 3 NB p. 47, p. 48
47 26-27m, 27-28m/Q 48 10-12m, lOu
"the I quill"
part 4 NB Cuckoo Cochins; 53; 56
52 31-33m/33u "Cuckoo" 53 26-28m
part 5 65; 66; 72 £o Correlation of Eggs and
plumage; e> 76
65 3-5m, 32-37m 66 35-37m\w like wild 72
8-10Q, 10-14m, 36-37m 76 25-28m/Q
part 6 NB 86; 87
86 l-6m, 38-AQm 87 6-llm, 12-15m
part 7 NB 89; 95 good Reverses
A) 2 [Q?] non * sitters producing sitters not
so with me
98; 99; 100 spur often on Hens; 93 related
Characters of Spanish not shown early
[page break]
It would be good to cross 2 distinct hen-tailed breeds & see if tails wd not come -Cross 2 breeds of which chicks are not barred & see if not come barred. 89 7-llm, 36-39m 90 ll-14m 93 l-5m 95 17-21m, w Reverse Qa> 20-21m/21u "sits \steadiness" 97 24-25m/w Andalusians 25-29m/27u "them I weeks" 98 5-7m 99 l-3m/Q, 41m/u "islsharp", Tt2—> 100 l-2m/lu "setlleg", 2u "that\ softer", 37-41m/39u "markings I reason "
part 8 NF Plates of Ptarmigan NB 102; 111; /& Comb if not clipped fearful vantage • fighting
101 ÏÏ9-8m/u++/zv in same sub-breed 102 13-15mlw very different from other breeds 17u "hens I former", 19-20m, 30m 103 24-16m/25-27m/w a relation between Hens & Cocks Wll-lOm/m/^/wb I think a Cochin Cuckoo yes p. 53 & Dorkins (I think I have seen a Cuckoo Spanish at Anerly î\9-5m/w loss of character 106 tl6-10m/w Boldness 111 fÏ26-25m
part 9 NB 115 to end; 123; 133; <& 123. Sexual selection. SB •<►
p. 123 Pheasant attached to single Hen. 124 Hybrid Pheasant & Fowls - 133 crossed Hamburgh good motherings. 115 ÏÏ23-22m 116 13-15m,1\9-7m 119 9-11m, 26-29m 122 ÏÏ27-23m, ÎÎ24-23mA 123 2-5w It is an ambiguous variation 21-22m, î\12-llm/ïïllu "some I favourite "/w - Selecting Bird ÏÏ3QA 124 3-Gm, 7-9m, 10-llm, 14u "extraordinary wildness", 14Q&>, 15u "tails very", 16u "and] was", 17-20m, 19-20u "whilst I pheasant", 19-21m/w Prepotency Q/& 21u "entirely black", Îî24w "colour I dark", Ïïl4-4w Different race of Fowls undulyO affects hybrid with Pheasant shows Pheasant not preponder in colour Q/& 125 tÏ8-5m/ÏÏ7-6« "that I nest "/w Q&> ag> death of embryo ÏÏ4-3m 126 8-12m, 9-13m 129 23-24m 130 ÎÏ7-4m 131 5-7m, tl2-10m, fl6u "threelvarieties" 133 ÏÏ7-4m/Q&> 135 5-6m, 6-7Q&, 136 8-llm, 14-15m, ÏÏ18-14m, t8-7m, ÏÏ7-4m/ÏÏ7w "Cuckoos", %-5m, wb Spangling runs through several breeds part 10 NB several pages marked /& 154. relation of sterility & Hen-tailed Sebright Bantams.
142 9-12m 148 tl5-2m 150 10-13m, ft23-20m, ÏÏ9-4m 153 %-lm 154 5-9m, 13-15m, 16-18m£u, 25-28m 156 9u "assume] tinge", 11-12m, 18u "two\here", 19-22m, <& 23-26m\ 24u "for I years "/Q
part 11 NB <& 162 Chicks of silky Fowls Q-
» 163 Silkiness not transmitted to offspring plate "White Aylesbury Ducks".w Lemon Beak 158 18-21m, î\6-3m 159 18-20m/19u "Spangled Bantams" 161 wt&> 161 ll-15m/13-15m, 1Î9w "its\hue" 162 2-3m, 12-14m, ^17-13m 163 22-24m 164 12u "Some\ like", 13u±, ÎÏ20-5m 165 12-18m/Q 172 î\5-3m
TEGETMEIER, William Bernhard The
poultry book 15 parts; London; Routledge; 1866-67 [CUL]
beh, br, cs, f, fg, gd, he, hy, in, or, phy, si, ss, sx, ta, ti, tm, v, wd, y
part 1 NB 0/
part 2 NB Marked & referred to old Pages
40 Urn 41 Îl3-2m 42 19-20m 46 l-2m, 1ÏÏ3-
llmßl2u "consume]grass"
part 3 NB ♦
Cochins produce manyO Cocks
p.49. New
p55 & p. 58 Q Brahmas crossed Breeds now
true for Cochins & Chiltern greys a large var.
of Malays- Himalayan Rabbits
p72 Q Crossed birds after moulting not
Reversion in individual Birds
49 24m/w "pectoral", t2-lm 55 22-26m 58
tl6-2m 72 lt3-lm plate "Silver Polish".w
Black Poland with white white-Poland with
black Silver Poland Golden Spangled Poland
part 4 NB strong shells 78
Malays very small comb & wattles 76 new
♦ 79 Interbreeding Q
73 1-2Q, 9-11 m/Q 76 1Î23-20m 78 25-27m 79 l-6m/w Hens ->/25-30m, 17-21u±, 23Q/a "fact" says 24a "necessarily" cause 24c "the\ who", 25-26"...", 25c "breeding] in", 28-30"..." 81 7-23m part 5 NB Copied
♦ 97 Old Cocks getting yellow Hackles
Reverse in individuals
p102 Q in ch. 24 Spanish Fowls originally *
Mediterranean origin
97 4-7m, ÏÏl-13m/ÏÏ17-16u<+ 102 8-12m,
$10-8mlw Tender ÏÏ3-2m/-> 103 2-5m,
t!9-18m/î\18u "immense] face", î\5-lm 105
ÎÏ6-2m 106 1t3-2m* 107 14-16m, 16m 119
part 6 NB 123 new. form of sexual selection
♦ 128 Black & white Games not breeding Q.
♦ a 135 Interbreeding Game
a> spurs extra on Game breeds. 121 ll-12m, $10-8mß8u "earlylprecocious" 123 17-23m/Qà>, 25-26m 124 6u "neckl stray", 8u "whole]and", 9-10u "wings [powerful", lOu "thighs] muscular", 18u "plumage] like", 24u
[page break]
"beak\ massive", 26u "The spur", 27u "'dense I
leg", 28-29m 125 fî3-2m/ÏÏ2« "are\savage" 128
23-25m 131 ÎÏ22-9m 135 l-6m, î\14-12m/Q&>
137 3-6m 139 ÎÎ8~4m, tÏ7c/a "an" An ÏÏ7"...",
1Î7« "bird" as * Mr T's poultry works
part 7 NB p. 165 Pheasant male; p. 155; 157;
165,167 Hybrids
150 ÏÏ28-22m 155 4-7m, 8u "pairs I hens",
8-9w Hens selected llu "Golden Mooneys",
14-16m, 19u "hens", TÎ4w "thelsmall", fll->
156 20-22m, 29* 157 ÎÎ27-24m, fÎ23u
"year\feathers", ÎÎ22-9m 158 23-28w As also
produced by crossing probably reversion -
27« "they I pencilled", 17da "8" 2 & 8 17-
20m 163 1Î23-7mA> 165 1î28-2m, ÏÏ28u "the I
single", ÏÏ27« "affection]common", 1Î23"...<&,
1Ï23-22u<->, Îî20w "entertain \ to", î\8u
"artifice]anything", tÎ6w "sooner]takes", Îî2-2w
"Extra-ordinary wildness" 166 1Î9w
"Silver]Hamburgh", ^\9-8w Pheasant male
tÎ7-5m/ÏÏ6w "dose pencilling" 167 19-22m,
î\14-12m, ÏÏ9-7m
part 8, 172 38-40m 173 20-25m/w no too
young 30-32m, 35-37m 175 2-5m, 7-20m,
22-23m, 23-28m 181 26-27m 184 28m 185
24-26m, 37-Aim 191 9-22m
part 9 NB 204 Houdans
209 33-36m/36u "and] horned", fll-> 210
2-5m, 26-29m
part 10, 219 26-29m, 32-33m, 40-41m, 43u
"are non-sitters" 222 9-10m/9u "bright blue"
224 3-7m/4u "produced] had", 14-17m 231
33-40m 234 40-42m 236 2-4m
part 11, 248 l-5m, ll-13m 250 19-25m
part 12 NB 269 Turkey 271 277
Fertility 280, 282 eggs Peacocks Q
269 24-23m (Baird) 271 20-23m (Baird) 277
28-30m, 36-38m 280 28-20m 282 3-5m 285
22w "five I eggs "
173 33m 174 27m 177 2m 178 5m, 40m 179
1 42m 184 a 30m/w Odostomia 32w 1 41w 2
46w 3 53w 4 wb * Shell spiral produced,
mouth contracted subangular generally
distinct from, in body short & furnished with
ï teeth 185 &7u)5 22w Sym: 30w 9 39w do
; 186 A 8w 6 26«; 7 23m^>/w 8 30w 9 39w 10
46m; 11 187 a 2 m/«; * Planorbis 22m^jw 1*
29nrn>jw 2 36«; 3 45m»/«; 4 52«; 5 w;b Shell
simple, spiral, depressed, spines lateral
mouth oblique 188 &3»6 20«; 7 26«; 8 191
18w&> Sym: 26m, 42m 192 a 4«; Sym: 22«; do 27«; do 24«? do 36«; Sym 43w do 50«; do 193 a 2«; do 8«; Symnaea 33m/w Symnaea 34w 1* 42«; 2 47«; 3 wb * Shell ornate conical mouth entire longitudinally oblong the rt lip joined to the left at the base & folding back on the pillar 194 A 2«; 4 7w 5 25«; 6 22m/«; 7 28w 8 42«; 10 195 A lw 11 196 6m, 21m, 40m 197 2 m, 35m, 42m 198 6m 201 4m, 50m 207 ÎÎ22«;* 208 22m, 24«; Fecal orifices turned one way 29m 209 23m, 28m, 52m 210 22m 211 39m 212 ÏÏ29-28m, ÏÏ23-22m, tÎ28-27m, tÎ23-22m, 1Î7-6m 213 36m, 52m 214 22m 215 26m, 33m, 38m, 43m, 45m 216 25m, 32m/ w of Lamarck 37m, 41m 217 24m, 30w Chelata of Lamarck
TUTTLE, Hudson The origin and antiquity of physical man Boston; W. White & Co.; 1866 [CUL] h, no, v
NB 35 Number of races of man made by various Authors
35 7-16m (Buffon, Kant, Hunter, Virey, Blumenbach, Desmoulins, Bory de St Vincent, Morton, Pickering, Burke, Jacquinot), 7u, 9u, lOu, 12u, 13u, 14u, 15u (numbers)
TWINING, Thomas Science for the people: a memorandum London; C. Goodman; 1870 [Down]
TYLOR, Edward Burnett Anthropology London; Macmillan & Co.; 1881 [Down]
TYLOR, Edward Burnett Primitive culture 2 vols.; London; John Murray; 1871 [CUL, I from the author with regrets that chap. II was in print before the Descent of man was published - Apr. 28] beh, t, tm
vol. 1 NB Expression
p.150 153 voice tones of; 167 do; 169
pleasure only in air Greenlanders turn up
nose in contempt or horror; 27
16 15-21m, 28-31m 150 29m "accompanied"/w
(a) wb I shd say the sounds cause the form
of face 151 6-9m 153 22-34m 166 21-30ml28u
"whine of" 167 24-37m 169 25-29m
TYLOR, Edward Burnett Researches into the early history of mankind London; John Murray; 1865 [CUL] beh
NB Expression
41 opposition in signs p38 - Opposition p51
[page break]
& 53 - Gestures Kissing rubbing noses &c 62*; 54 foreigners talk by gesture Nodding do gestures
6 15-18m 35 21-25m 38 4-18m 41 26-30m 45 12-17m 51 18-27m 52 26-32m 53 2-8m 54 3-22m 62 2-4m
TYLOR, Edward Burnett Researches into the early history of mankind 2nd edn; London; John Murray; 1870 [CUL] beh, h, t
NB1 p45 snapping fingers; p52 Expression; 38; 41; 44 Book; 47; 48; 52; 69 p272 Excellent on Progress with Mankind -& similarly of mind - Referred
NB2 •
38 5-9m, 14r-22m 41 23-35m 44 29-31 wi, 38m 45 15-T7m, 16-251"..."], 24-28m, 34u "smelling" 47 10-15m 48 20~23m, 33-34m 51 23~29m/23u "pleasure I greeting "/24u "rubbing I other's /29u "pattingslFuegians" 52 16-21m 53 13~15m, 19-22m/19u "back with" 69 l-5m/2u "with fingers", 36m (Lieber) 275 31-32m (G.J. French) Tib 16-23m 372 3-3Sm, 29-20z 373 2-20m
TYNDALL, John Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast, with additions London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1874 [Down]
TYNDALL, John Essays on the use and limit of the imagination in science London; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1870 [Down, I]
TYNDALL, John On the physical phenomena of glaciers (extract); London; 1858 [Down, I]
UNITED STATES Entomological commission for the years 1878 and 1879 relating to the Rocky Mountain locust Washington; Government printing office; 1880 [Down]
VACEK, Michael Über österreichische Mastodonten Wien; Alfred Holder; 1877 [Down, I] p
VASSEUR, Gaston Recherches géologiques sur les terrains tertiaires de la France occidentale part 1: Bretagne Paris; G. Masson; 1881 [Down, I] p
VAUCHER, Jean-Pierre Etienne Histoire physiologique des plantes d'Europe 4 vols.; Paris; Aurel; 1841 [CUL] ce, es, die, f, fg, hy, ig, mhp, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, v, wd
NB1 Not abstracted nor is Lecoq NB2 160 Williams vessels of Cruciferae SB Vol I e
Everything without red cross is about cross-fecundation
p4 D; 17 - wind D; ♦ Look over Marks; 21.D;24.D
♦ to 58 (from now I shall skip largely)
^ All used about Crossing
143-151 Fumaria D
156 Cruciferae
Law of Variation 159 X^ 160 D 163 200 D
Dimorphism 308 X8^ Violets
do-316 X^ Reseda
x 322 X«^ Drosophyllum allied to Drosera
D 329 Polygala D 388; D 347; D 350; D
355; D 364
Sagina 377 X% dimorphic?
Used ♦ 400,403 Linum
407 Malva D
♦ ^ 408 Do
493 Acer D
518 521 Pelargonium D
523 528 D
542 X6^ Noli me tangere Dimorph
544 X^> Oxalis
563 - Dictamnus D
572 587
^ very poor Book
(over) 24 D
(D indicates "dimorphism")
vi 25-28m (Cassini) 4 27-22m 8 22-37'm/w C. Calycina 10 23-27!/25-28m 11 l-6m 17 33-36m 20 30-37w opening of anthers 31-40m
[page break]
(Sprengel) 21 13-16m/15u "et\pied" 23 26-30m/28u "première I mâle" (Jussieu) 24 24-28m 33 20-25m 36 l-3m (De Candolle, A.P.), 39-41m 44 21-26m 58 27-31m 74 20-26m 112 20-21m 117 5-6m 143 7-13m 144 22-25m 150 23-2 8m (Soyer Willemet) 151 8-2 6m, 36u "Capnoides" 154 20-24m 156 26-31m 159 22-26m/16u "Cochlearia\alpina"/17w good 20-22w Law of Variation 160 l-6m (De Candolle, AP.) 161 l-4m 163 35-40m 200 25-32m (Gaudin) 308 12-15m, 19-21m 309 8-25m, 26-28m/26u "de\dans" 316 25-27m 322 22-26m 323 27-32m 324 S-20m 325 3-6m 329 13-15m, 16-20m, 21-25m 347 3-9m 350 3-20m 355 26-30m 364 25-30m 377 23-2 6m (Gaudin)/14u "souvent apétale"/w dimorphic 385 2-4m 400 3-8m/4u "Austriaticum" 401 21-25m\22m\m\ 24u "c'estlies" 403 16-18m\18u "dix carpelles" 404 19-20m 407 22-22m 408 18-23xv Fermond 22-27m 493 23-26m, 29-33m (Linnaeus) 518 37-39m 521 18-20m, 30-32m 523 37-41m, wb
I have seen this differ in Greenhouse vars
525 16-21m/16-27w strange notion but shows
what a relation there is in position of anther
& nectary 528 3-8m 542 30-38m 543 22-24m/
?? 544 8-15m 546 20-22m 547 22-23m 549 6-
23m 555 28-29m 559 37-39m 560 l-8m 563
7-24m 572 19-25m 578 26-22m
vol. 2 NB p371 Lythrum
SB Qß &>
Vol 2 Vaucher
21 & 22 Rhamnus - dimorphic or
42 Leguminosae Dichogamy &c
64 Spartium Die.
82 Ononis dimorphic
90 Nat. Hybrids
188 Nectar-glands Vicia- Dimorphic Vicia
194 Lathyrus. Dimorphic & good gradation
204 Phaseolus - Die.
213 Lupinus 2 sorts of anthers
225 Arachis dimorphic
225-299 Dioicous Legum. Die
327 330 333 Epilobium &c Die
339 allied genus D. Moth caught by
370 Lythrum Dimorphic
535 Saxifraga Die.
558 563 565 to 571 Umbellifera Die
610 611 624 627 Flowers of Ray & centre in
Umbellifera. Law of Relations; in relation to
Daucus - central flowers at 613, 614
644 Adoxa central flower, form from position
682, 693 Crucianella. Die.
702 Galium sexes separate
732 Scabiosa dimorphic
II 18-28m, 21u "dioiques", 33-36m, 33u
"femelles" 21 23u "dioiques \avortement", 14u "hermaphrodites", 23-24m 22 8-10m 42 41m/w Legumin 65 19-22m (Koch) 82 28-33m 90 5-22m 106 19-29m/28u "filets\ neufs" 110 31-35m/32u " renflent \ ferment" 111 lu "Globosum", 2-3« "lesIles" 188 20-26'm, 32-37m 189 7-2 2 m 194 7-2 2 m (De Candolle, A.P.) 204 25-29m 205 39-41m 213 20-25m, 39-41m 224 34-36m/?/35u "fleurs infertiles" 225 25-22m, 36m 226 5-8m 227 34~38m (De Candolle, A.P.), 37-41m/39u "vers I arbre" 229 2-4m 231 20-22m 327 21-22m (Koch), 25-30m 330 23-27m, 20-23m, 28-34m, 35-39m 331 35-38m/ 37u "ouvrent]soir" 333 16-20m 339 8-13m, 25-27m 368 34w Read 369 30-32m/31u "owl et" 370 30-38m, 34-A0m 371 2-22m, 4-22m, 22-24m 381 15w Read 535 23-22m 558 8-16m 563 9-22m 564 4-7m 565 6-9m, 24-28m, 34z 566 34-37 m/35u "la I sessile" 568 8-11 m 571 25-29m 610 23-25m 611 6-20m (De Candolle, A.P.) 613 22-26m[23u "et I rouge" 614 23u "ombellule\ ordinairement "/w see p. 611 624 26-29m 627 9-23m, 24-27m, 18-22m/18-19u& "la I femelle", 33-39m/34u "femelle centrale" 630 38-40m 636 33-38m 644 25-33m 682 20-24m, wt Rubiaceae 693 7-22m 702 32-40m 703 42m 705 20-22m 732 30-36m, 37~41m P
vol. 3 SB Vol 3 Vaucher
300 Compositae. Dichogamy
307 Lobelia fertilization a dioicous form D
309 Goodenia References good D
387 Asclepius does not believe is D.
396 Apocynum D.
399 Vinca D
402 Menyantes Dimorphic
413 Die.
454 Dimorphic
461 Echium dimorphic
461 Pulmonaria do
466 Myosotis palustrus do
518 Digitalis Die
576 Mentha dioicous
578 Lycopus do
584 Salvia manner of fert (subsid) Die.
596 Origanum 599 Thymus 603 Satureya
611 Melissa 687 General Remarks on d.
723 Hottonia dimorphic 724* Lysimachia*
738 Primula dimorphic 741 Soldanella
«er In former Volume about Lupins with 2
coloured Stamens?
3 3-4w Not read to p. 299 300 22-26m, 34-38m 301 4-7m, 9-13m 307 3-8m, 27-311! 309 5-7m, 28-32m 387 22-27m 399 6-8m, 13-15!!/ m, 30-33m 402 6-22m 413 27-32m 461 22-
[page break]
22m, 23-28m 462 30-31m/27-31w mentioned by Gray 466 l-4m 489 29w Read 490 9-22m 518 36~39m 596 15~19m 599 7u "Thym commun"I6-I3w not our garden plant see Steud 18-22m, 24u "sous \couchées", 33u "fleurs\dioïques" 600 15-17m, 19-20u "le\ avorté", 21-31m/26u "fleurslrose" 601 28-34m 603 25-28m 611 22-27m 687 24-32m 718 40-41m 719 l-3m 723 20-27m 724 4-6m 738 23-1611m 741 26-22m (Koch)
vol. 4 SB üß
& Vol 4
35 Atriplex
complex sexual case gradation
very imperfectly skimmed, but as much as it
521, 522 on relation of fertilization to position
of nectar Dichogamy
35 12-27m 434 25-27m 521 2-22m, 15-18m 522 30-34m
VEITH, Johann E. Die Naturgeschichte der nutzbaren Haussäugethiere Wien; W. Braumüller; 1856 [CUL] es, dg, gd, geo, or, si, sp, tm, v, wd
NF Veith
title page wt Reith* Veith 11 29-36m/31w (a) wb (a) races produced by selection deteriorate when neglected 15 24-25m/u "weilltheilt" 24 24-29m/w wild horses of central Asia 28u "ohngefähr\gewöhnlichen"\w small 33u "Ihre\kraus" 25 lu "lohbraun", 2u "isabellgelb\ mäusegrau", 9u "weissliche", lOu "behaarte\Pamer", 12u "KumurahlBergpferd", 13u "das I Sardiniens", 14-16m\w doubtful whether really wild 27m, 27u "dunkelbrauner I silbergrauer" 29 wt How little we can trust geological evidence shown by the 2 Americas lu "werden I Hauptstämme", llu " dunkelbraune \ Pferd", 3~17m/w I daresay from Smith 20-25w Remarks cannot be traced 31 ll-13m/12u "langeIMähnen" 33 wt I remember lately seeing that English horses had beaten Aegyptian lOu "Sie\Stammüttern"
22« "nochlgemeine"/w Dray Horses 20-21w India Pony still different 22-25w But new Forest Shetland & Welsh Ponys have different appearance 26-28m/w English Pony
20u "Neapolitaner", 21u "'schweren I Kopf", 22u "Höhe gerichteten", 27m, 33u "sardinischen Iklein" 36 7-15w nothing particular 37 13u "abstehend I hängend"/12-19w Great heavy horses 38 16-22w Germany nothing particular- 25w Northern horses tow.- 39 4u
"russische", 7u "lange Mähnen", 8u/wz, 11-14w These crossed by Eastern Horse 25m "liefländischen", 21u "Ukraine", 25u "domische Kosakenpferd", 26u "Ganaschen" jw lower jaw 31u "polnische"/w very distinct 35u/wbr 40 7u "Bachmatten \Podolien", 16~17m/16u "sehr\ haut" 41 6u "edle ungarische", 28u^, 34-35ml 34a "Paarung"Iwb i.e. Neapolitan-Spanish 42 llm/Wr*, 12u "in\Slavonien", 16u "böhmischen Pferde", 18u "fleischigen IAugen", 19-20u^, 27u "Steiermarks", 31u "Salzburgs", 33u/wx 44 10-llm/10-14w never have white spot on forehead 48 32-33m/u++ 52 30-32m 55 13-15m, 18u "Die\raçe", 19u "spitzigem Kopfe", 21u "hohen Beinen", 32u "Das\Würzthaler" 56 2-3m/2u "das\Vieh"/w 3 30~35m/33w 6 57 3u "England"/3-5w England not counted 20m, 26u "Holländer", 33u "friesischer" 58 3u "Tütische", 8ce, 10-llw Short Horn I7u "Alderney", 18u "'aus I stammend", 20u "fette Milch", 25u "grosse I scheckige", 30-31u "HintertheiUSchwein-wurzel" 59 wt could these all arise from few crosses? lu "'Simmenthaler\ Saanervieh", 5u "Tiroler", 18u "eine\Maul", 19u "Ohren", 22u "Schweizer" 60 lu "Vorarlberger", 7-lOw sub-vars 17-27ml 22-25w sub-vars 29m/29-35w So above does not include crossed races in his opinion.- 64 26-27u "Alpenketten I Nordasien", 27-28u++, 33-34u "Früher\heimisch"/? 65 lu "Sardinien] getroffen", 2u "jung zähmbar", 4u "GebirgeI Nordafrika", 6-7u "im Armenien" 67 10-12m 68 31m/w Feit 33u "gemeine Landschaf" 69 5-7m, 14u "LüneburgerINiederungen", 16-19m/ 16w 3 25u "ungehörntIhohen", 30-33m 70 5«*, llu*, 12u "abstammend", 34-35m 71 22-24m 72 5m, ll-12m, 31u "hängenden Ohren" 73 3-4m 78 9-1 Ou "hatIZitzen", 22u/wx 80 22m "grosse \ kleine" 81 2-4m, 9ua, lOu "konstant", ll-12u "Das\ähnlichkeit", 18u "durch Kreuzung", 21-22u "China I vor", 27m<->-, 32u "Russland" 85 25-27m, 27-28u*^ 86 5-7m, 19u*\w setter 25m "selten Haare"/w spaniel 26u±, 32w Newfoundland 87 2-2//2m "kegelförmiger]Ohren", 4-5w Greyhound 14-15w Cattle Dog 22-23w short snout hanging ears & jaws 25w Terriers 28w Pointer 88 5-6w Danish Dog 14-15w Pug 17w Bull-dog 27w Mastiff 32-33w St. Bernard 91 10-12m/ llu "maniculatalMppel", 19-21m/19w Tortoise shell
VERITY, Robert Changes produced in the nervous system by civilization London; S. Highly; 1839 [Down]
33 21-25m 34 2-3m 134 3-22m
[page break]
VERLOT, Jean-Baptiste Sur la production et
la fixation des variétés dans les plantes
d'ornement Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1865 [CUL, I,
es, die, f, fg, gd, he, hy, in, mhp, mn, or,
phy, si, sp, spo, sx, t, ta, tm, v
NB 4 & 5 Sports; Hybrids; 14 Cytisus adami;
22; 28; 31; 46 Hybrids; 54; 56 Colour of
flowers; 59; 63 panachure; 61; 71,2; 80 &
88; 84 very good; 90; 92
SB1 Qß A> (not CD but dictated by him and
with corrections in pencil by him)
p.4 & 5 Bud variations - good^>
11 Hybridization, Ǥ> facts on Bryanthium
14 case of Datura illustrating Cytisus Adami
20 •^ Leptosiphon Polemoniaceae«^ case
of crossing naturally
28 & 31 Vilmorin on selecting greatest
30 causes of variation - age of see*«^ &
time when gathered
32 •'^ Individual plants of same variety
alone having power of transmission
34 individual dwarf Ageratum sterile
38 •^ case of dwarf Saponaria with no
power of transmission
39 another dwarf with strongest power
42 Macnab on different effect on offspring of
pollen from difft anthers «C> of different size
<& in Rhododendron
46 on crossing Tropical & temperate
Amaryllis case like Rhod. Arboreum.
54 inheritance of purple beech & of purple
barbary. Ǥ> Used in Ch xi
56 principle of the 3 colours in flowers.
59 white flowers very rarely vary into other
63 & 66 Vilmorin on ss» origins of a> stripe of
striped flowers being case of partial
reversion. Good. I shew also from crossing.
®> | think partly used
SB2 (as SB1)
ss> Copy of Dichog Next
66 •^ Vars of Convolvulus, Antirrhynum &
Nemophila naturally crossing good as I know
the 2 former are self-fertile
Do on dianthus
|«^ some plants Tomatos Pimentos &c said never to cross naturally
72 Cases of corellation of colour of flower &
seed Q»
74 White spotted leaves inherited » partly Q
80 Hose & hose primrose sterile
84 Stocks producing mostly double plants
quite sterile & a few single-flowered plants
by which race is propagated, illustrating production of neutral ants. » Used
85 Old seeds positively said to produce most
double flowers e> not since disputed
<&> (CD) Bears also on selection, knowledge of vars
86 case of gardener who cd distinguish 150
vars of Camellia when not in flower
88 4 cases of monstrous flowers which can
be inherited & therefore are not sterile
SB3 (simile)
89 & 90 On Peloria of Linaria
92 Var. horrida of common Hawthorn ^
93 on inheritance of weeping trees
94 Exaggeration of fastigate habits in
seedling Irish yew
4 22-27ml23-25w sport 21 u "une famille" 5 15-22mll7-18w sport 11 27-33m 14 14-22m (Naudin) 22 19-25m/w crossed naturally 28 19-33m 30 24-28m/25u "moins récemment"/ 26u "recueillies sur"/28u "plus I tardives" 31 12-18m 32 7« "Vilmorin", 8u "plantes I semblables", 9u "même\même", ll-24m/16u "semenceInombre", 18u "tandis\autres", 20u "dans I descendance", 22-24m/l-24w individual plants transmitting colour vars 34 8-llm 38 17-24m/w non-inheritance 39 6-10m 41 5-7?/ 7u 42 12-18m (Macnab) 46 8-14m, 21-24m 54 13-35w Purple Beech degree of inheritance 55 17-19m (Bertin)/Q/18u "et\variété" 56 6-12m 59 ll-18w white flowers rarely vary vary into coloured 23m "rose\Robinia" 61 3-37m 62 xot The striping is by seminal generation in Vilmorins case by bud-var with tulips & • in carnations wb Gallesio & Lecoq & self with sweet peas show it can come by crossing 63 zot I suppose care was rather to prevent the white flowers from being crossed - p. 66 care was taken with flowers when one striped wt Simple Reversion with crossing l-6m, 2-6m, 7~30w* Perhaps I ought to allude to Vilmorin under Tulips 30xv done 7-12m\9-12m, 12u "qui\par"/10-15w see p66 15-17m\ u<->, 27-32m (Vilmorin)/27w read 29u "maniere\graines", 36-37u "par I blanche" 66 l-3m, Wu " cultivé \ distance" ßlu "Nemophila insignis"/8-14m/w yet self-impregnated 21-25m, 25-28m 69 24-27m 71 4-7m 72 3aju "Piments", wtfr I suppose Pimenta on Jamaica true of the Hills 3-4u "Aubergines\ mélangent "l4-5ml3w& Both Solanum 27-36mj 15-34w correlation of colour of flower & seed. 74 28-35m/28-29m/14-30w inheritance of spotted leaves 75 l-5m, 6-10m, 15-22m/w inheritance 76 8-12m, 32-34m\C\i& 80 21-
[page break]
24m/w Monster sterile 84 lOu "Quarantaine", ll-13m, 16-22m, 16-18u "selsimples", 20-21u "parisimples", 23-24u "si\doubles", l-25w excellently good case illustrating selection of neuter ants 33^lu "Cheiranthus\quarantaine" 85 10-24m/w old seeds produce double flowers 86 22-26m/22u "Camellia"/24u "1501 inspection" 88 8-15m/8u+/10-13iv Monster inherited Calendula 17-19w Monster do 25-26w Monster do 29-31m, 32-34m 89 2-4m/3w neuter 24-26m 90 14-16m, 25-28m/25w Linaria 92 28-30m/Q 93 19-20w weeping trees 22u "Fogus pendula", 23-26m/24u*/25u "à\forme", 34m 94 2-6m (Macnab), 32m/u*l 25-34-tv Exaggeration of character
VIARDOT, Louis Libre examen Paris; A. Le Chevalier; 1871 [CUL, I]
VIARDOT, Louis Libre examen new edn; Paris; A. Le Chevalier; 1872 [Down, I] p
VIARDOT, Louis Libre examen 5th edn; Paris; C. Reinwald; 1877 [Down, I] p
VIARDOT, Louis Libre examen 6th edn; Paris; C. Reinwald; 1881 [Down, I]
VIARDOT, Louis Libre examen (a fragment starting p. 97) [Down] p
VINCENT, Charles W. The year-book of facts in science and the arts for 1875 London; Ward, Lock & Tyler; 1876 [Down]
VIRCHOW, Rudolf Cellular pathology trans, from 2nd edn by F. Chance; London; John Churchill; 1860 [CUL, I] af, ch, che, et, em, fg, he, in, pat, phy, sp, sx, t, tm, v
NB O/*
♦ ^ How can 2 widely separated ends of
tendon be rejoined by * proliferation of cells
from either end - or does connective tissue
between rendings then change - No doubt
he wd say yes
A> Sp Theory p334 Mammary glands &
sebaceous glands, identical in nature
<& 442 give up Nisus formativus
14 a body represents a social arrangement
of parts every element having its own
special action
18 an enormous mass everywhere of minute
centres of action
27 plastic matter given up - no structure
starts de novo
39 everything formed by prolification.
important m.s. note
50 cellular view not established for all
60 no morbid growth really new
66 Hairs found in Brain
83 early single bone-corpuscle really
possesses conditions of nutrition peculiar to
123 affinities between definite tissues &
definite substances 126 example of do -
organic poison & disease
129 great importance shd be given to
specific action of the elements of the tissues
155 a pus corpuscle cannot be distinguished
from colourless blood-cells
162 Fibrine not excretion, but local formation
187 & 219 cancer spreads by absorbence to
* near glands but acctual cells not absorbed
- Smallpox can be given by volatile matter &
does not require a pus corpuscle.
233 speaks indirectly of all the tissues
of body including blood cells building
themselves up directly from the Embryonic
formative cells of the ovum.**
245 on single cells in single skin papilla
being diseased & growing into a condyloma
284 whole body consisting of vast number of
centres of action -
294 Woorara poison special action on
nerves, &. in Bernard, some other book, but
such cases are not specialized from single
390 & 392 Filmous exudations do not occur
in all parts, not in Brain or liver, formed by
adjoining parts, with exudations from blood
396 Rejects Blastoma; believes in
continuous development of tissues from
& 406 connective tissues as germs of the body
ovum a cell
Two principles, proliferation & division of cells (& endogamous growth within cells less important than latter)
402 subordinate differences in proliferation of
cells in morbid structures.
404 Formative cells of embryo exactly alike
whether a muscular or nervous element will
proceed from them - so they change. &
must be impregnated with gemmules
410 In cancer in Bone, the cancer-cells are
the indirect descendants of the cells of the
412 cartilage-cells may be converted in
medullary or osseous, or back again -
changes all *
[page break]
412 fat-globules can pass into cells 414 with cartilage & bone we can always trace direct descendence of cells from eels, but with changed nature
Pus can be traced back to the elements of preexisting tissues, generation by generation.
Cartilage into bone, into marrow, into granulation tissues & into pus - (NB + these latter changes depend on conditions, & not on gemmules, why not former changes? see MS notes on broken bones
426 In formation of Bone a series of
permutations & substitutions
431 Cartilage can only calcify, when it
becomes bone it is transformed, the
chonodrine changing into gelatine
439 In repair of bones connective tissues
become changed into bony tissues
441 every new formation has its origin in
preexisting cells - no new acceptions to
body - Give up Nisus
445 Pus young tissue with dissolution of
intervening matter
450 indifferent formative cells, which might
become pus, mucus, or epithelial cells.
453 granulations in every case arise out of
454 galls & morbid growth show that
gemmules not reproduced for change - so
change colours of parrots' feathers
Müller about Polypoid growth peculiar to
each part<^
460 every single epithelial cell &c leads a
sort of parasitical existence in relation to rest
of body - so distinct in each cell
463 All new formations are at first of
similar* same nature
484 allude to dermoid growths in the orang
which produce hairs, teeth & sebaceous
function of nucleus
14 an individual consists of cells
18, 27, 38 The eye only epidermis for Origin
99 do
39 important M.S. notes
50; 53; 62; 64; 66; 68; 83; 101; 123; 126;
128; 155; 162; 164; 187; 219; 223; 245; 284;
294; isr#'334 Sp. theory; 441 Species^
Theory^; 442 Sp Theory; 445 to 463; 484;
487 All references to Pangenesis except two
SB6 ♦ The independent life according to V.
* of each cell or cell-territory + accords well
with each cell procreating its own gemmule
- making its own offset
xxiii 24m/u "The I continuous " 11 1-Sm 14 6-14m 18 13-16m, 15-16m 27 9-12m, 15-21m, 34-35m 38 19-22m 39 wt/lw/wb But remember action of pollen on Mother plant: here we have proof that male element can affect cells during proliferation 14-16m (Remak)/15u "proliferation", 20-26w yet many produce gemmules at each age, but of what use? 20u "proliferation", 23u "exception] lymphatic", 24u "belonging]organs", 27-30m\ 27-28u "when I divide", wb the question is whether a new cell formed from gemmule in opposition with another might not be confounded with division or proliferation 50 7-llm\l-21w+ & Paget says muscles, nerves & Blood-vessels are not formed in * effused lymph.- 8a "the" internal 53 l-5m 60 6c "physiological"\w natural 20a "every" newly formed 21-24m 62 l-4m, 22-26m 63 35u "of\ structures " 64 2-3u "consists I business ", 3-8m/ 6-7u "Heterotopia]loci \w see p. 66 66 23-32m, 30-32m 67 9~12m, 15-lSm, 25u "epidermic", 26u "tumour", 27-28u "structure] epidermis", 31u "sometimes] parts", 32u "epidermis", 33u "of lymphatic" 68 17-20m 83 17-18m/17u "single]corpuscle" 99 24-27m 101 34-35m, xvb Elastic tissues 123 15-18m/16-18u "certain]constitution" 126 17-23m, 21a "substances", 20-27w no doubt organic substances poison of Hydrophobic for salivary glands.- 28-20m/zv Blister-Beetle 31-35w Poisonous Fishes wb Small-pox on skin 128 23-26m 129 27-20m, 24-26m 155 25-32m 162 12-18m 164 21-25m 165 2-5m, 33-35m 187 7-25m 219 Wu "corpuscular"\w or cancer-cells 12-17m, 19-22m/w of cancer 30-33m 223 28-22m 245 l-5m, 6-llm/7a "papilla" though so minute ll-12m/llu "acuminate]condyloma" 284 4-20m 294 32-36m/w special affinity of organs pulsatesO 334 27-22m 335 27-29m 338 28-33m, 33-35m 339 20-25m 390 22-23m, 28-31m 391 4~7m, 35m 392 8m, 10-llm/llu "p.162", 14-18m, 31-35m 393 4-9m 396 2-6m, 21-23m 397 22-25m, 27-35m 398 7-22m, 14-17m/14-16u "substitute] germs", 26-28m, 33-35m, 35u "connective" 399 3u "connected framework", 10-15m (J. Müller, Schwann) 400 l-4m, 7-9m 401 27-2S« "endogenous]cells" 402 18-20m, 30-35m 403 8-19m, 21-25m 404 12-17m 405 22-24m 406 l-6m, 19-23m, 29-32m 407 l-6m 410 33-35m ill 8-10m/8"... 413 l-5m/5...", 17-29m, 18c "in"lu "nuclei]them", 21-33w i.e. do not generate fat 32-35m/33u "may I fat", wb if this be so many gemmules may pass into cells - it certainly appeared in intestines & liver that fat passes into & out of cells 414 15-19m, 16-19m/16u "proliferation" ill 28-
[page break]
34m 422 2-26m, 18-21m, 23-26mj23~25xv/wb what a change of nature must have included gemmules; or it is rather chemical, can hardly be chemical as at any age such changes supervene in broken bones.- 425 13-17m/16-17u "intercellular substance" 117u "artilaginous", 19u "calcification\ensues", 24-27m 426 12u "permutations I substitutions ", 25-31m 431 31-35m 439 2-4m, 16-19m, 20~23m 441 30-34m 442 wt/l-2w I must give up Nisus formativus l-8m 445 9-12m 446 22-14m 447 11-Um 448 18-23m 449 29-34m 450 22~27m 453 16-19m, 25-27m, 30-32m 454 5~ 8m/wt/l-21w Galls & morbid growths shows that cells may be modified, without new gemmules by morbid nutrition or stimulus * 455 15-17m, 25-27m 457 8-llm, 29-31m 458 25-27m/17-27w this looks like gemmules 459 l-5m 460 26-35m, 26-28m 462 29~30m 463 1-9m 484 19-24m/22-24u "produce]ovary" 487 4-8m, 19-26m 488 2-6m
VIRCHOW, Rudolf Über einige Merkmale niederer Menschenrassen am Schädel Berlin; K. Akademie der Wissenschaften; 1875 [Down, I] h, r
5 l~3m/lu/3u, 15-18m, 26-29m
VIRCHOW, Rudolf and HOLZENDORFF, Freiherr von Sammlung gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher Verträge 1. Serie; Berlin; Carl Habel; n.d. [Down, I by Theodorus _ Müller] p
VÖCHTING, Hermann Beiträge zur Morphologie und Anatomie der Rhipsalideen Leipzig; 1873 [Down, I] p
VÖCHTING, Hermann Botanische Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiet der Morphologie und Physiologie. 3. Der Bau und die Entxvick-lung des Stammes der Melastomeen ed. Johannes Harnstein; Bonn; 1875 [Down, I] p
VÖCHTING, Hermann Über Organbildung im Pflanzenreich part 1; Bonn; M. Cohen & Sohn; 1878 [CUL]
26 14-lSm 27 26-30m 28 9-22m 34 23-26m 57 25-27m 67 4u "krautige", 26-28m 79 29-22m 86 19-22m 91 36-37m 99 36~37m 107 12-22m 169 4-8m 172 23-27m 175 7-20m, 32-33m 180 20-22m 189 25-27m 199 26-28m 200 19-20m 201 29u "Stachel\ Weiden" 202 24u "Hollunder", 25-27m 203 2-5m/3u "irrige", 27-28m 209 23-24m 211 l-5m, 21-26m 213 4-7m, 12-15m 215 25-22m 233 20-29m 242 24-29m 244 ll-15m/12u "Anstösse" 247 27-30m
VOGT, Carl Lectures on man ed. J. Hunt; London; Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1864 [CUL] he, ig, sp, t, ts, v
NB ♦ p. 45; 395 Turf-swine; 397,8 Cattle;
399 Sheep good; 400 Barley; 355 Herr on
do; Used
p.452-453 Transitions 454 457; 458 good
a 452 on intermediate forms between the
classes & between species.
a 454 Do
a 455 gives Agassiz blunders on first
coming in of various classes
411 Even purely bred black Cats whose
pedigree is known for some generations
have kittens fairly striped at birth
«^ See back of Page on Transmission of
a, ♦ 121 Negro pelvis
A (not CD) p. 45
(Species Theory)
C. Vogt
81 23u "head I rounder", 24u "jaws\skell", 25-38m, 29u "type I skull", 37-38m, wb over 82 18-24m 88 table.m to lines 2, 5, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33 90 22-29m, 30-38m 91 25-2 9m, 32-36m 121 33-36m/36u "cuneiform, lengthened" 127 9-22m, 22-25m 129 22-24m, 20-22m 133 24m "self-consdousness" 137 25-26m, 28-22m* 150 6-9m, 6u "gap I diastema", 9-10u "tooth I chimpanzee" 151 5-8m 189 5-9m/5w Child 222 27-32m 290 36-38m (Lund) 355 10-28m (Rütimeyer, De Candolle, Alphonse) 356 26-32m 395 28-32m 396 2-3m, 7-20m, 34-39m 397 4-6m, 27-29m (Rütimeyer) 398 2-7m, 11-12m (Owen), 18-22m, 27-30m, 37-38m 399 2-5m/4u*, 8-llm, 12-15m/m/m/io Sheep 25m, 23-24m, 28-31m 400 30-31m 411 7-23m 421 19-21m/? (Rengger) 431 34-37m 452 26~38m 453 6-32 m (Andreas Wagner) 454 26-34m (Gaudry) 455 26-39m (Agassiz) 457 27-33m 458 19-26m (Lovén) 459 8-22m 464 22-32w Orang developed Gibbon 465 2-3w developed Macacus 22u "mandril", 17-21m (Gratiolet) 467 2-2m 468 7-20m
VOGT, Carl Lettres physiologiques Paris; C Reinwald & Co.; 1875 [Down]
NB read to p. 83. May 3d
VOGT, Carl Mémoire sur les microcéphales ou hommes-singes Paris; 1862; including QUATREFAGES DE BRÉAU, J. Comptes rendus des scéances de 4'Académie des Sciences
[page break]
64 (1867): 1-5 [review of Vogt] [CUL, I]
af, beh, dg, ds, dv, geo, h, he, hl, ig, pat, r,
ta, ti, tm, v
Quatrefages, NB 2; 4
title page a> Quatrefages on Vogt on Man
(important) ®> All used
2 22-27m, 29-33m 3 3-6m 4 6-13m (Gratiolet),
17-20m, 27-30m, 35-38m (Vogt) 5 8-llm, 22-
24m, 28-31m
Vogt, SB1 Qß cs>
This will come under Arrest
Vogt on Microceph; & Quatrefages on Vogt
Add Vogt to names of those who have
declared descent of man
50 on Prognathism pithecoid of Microceph -
in Anthropomorphic apes the intermaxillary
bone disappears very early
54 curious correlations of frontal sinus &
muscular force & degraded state & age in
man & apes
56 crests for jaw muscles in Microceph & old
59 Skulls simian, faces human
73 ages at which last molar or dens
sapientiae appears
79 Apes born with relative larger skulls or
brain than Man
125 126 idiots case like endowed with less
surfaces of brain than simiae <a> but more in
168 good. Desor no dorn, animals imitate;
notorious that monkeys do - so do savages
so do grt. microcephalic idiots - Imitation no
doubt plays a most important part in
176 idiot, when Brain excited near death,
recalled old recollections so do animals,
remember without thinking of them.
184 are very fond of climbing: one does not
doubt the Theory of lambs, & kids frisking on
a tiny hillock as alpine animals, but every
one wd laugh at passion in Boys for climbing
trees being remnant of arboreal Habits.-
197 summary on Skulls & brains of
199 on parentage of man - from a form
lower even than Ouistitis
p.3 argues that man not descended from
Anthropomorphous but I think Vogt expressly
admits this.
p.4 admits Gratiolets view of no real affinity
between Anthropomorphous apes - Blyth
admits also.- says man not descended from
one ape. but that all apes & man descended
from a common unknown type - quote
Quatrefages - but this implies so much
convergence I cannot admit - probably the
split was taken way back
SB3 Vogt p. 169 Micro tendency to imitation
to extraordinary dgree
171 Micro dumb
Small skulls - yet development of frontal
sinus - prognath going dumb - good*
strong tendency to imitation, eg fond of
p.197 convolutions of brain simpler
198 Prognathus effrayant
184 strong, very active, jumping &
gambolling - grimaces - go up stairs on all
185 Versatile - attention never long to
anything - intelligence below that of animals
20 30u "docteur Behn", 31-32m/31u "treize ans"/32u "en rougissant" 21 4-6m/5u "oeil\ une" 26 30-32rn 27 l-2mjlu "en\tête"l2u "d'une\suivants"/3u "accentuer]fortement" 50 8-lOm, 16-18m 54 20-21m, 22-23w correlation 25-27m, 27-28m 56 l-6m 57 21m 59 l-3m 73 10-12m 78 6m 79 6-llm 124 13-17m (Rudolf Wagner) 125 ll-13m 126 4-9m 127 3-4m 156 25-31m/27w correlation 160 3-6m 168 27-32 m 169 l-3m, 6-8m, 20-24m, 26-27m/26w Savages 176 3-10m 184 25-28m 185 13m "versatilité", 22-24m 191 17-22m 194 17-29m (RMimeyer) 197 2-llm/9u "requius", 27-30m, 32m 198 2-4m, 20u "prognathisme effrayant" 199 30-32m 200 l-3m, 15-17m (härtet), 19-23m
VOGT, Carl Über die Aufgänge der
Organismen Hadelborn; Ferdinand
Schöningh; 1870 [Down]
VOLZ, Wilhelm Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Leipzig; G. Teubner; 1852 [CUL] beh, br, ch, es, ex, gd, h, hy, is, mg, oo, or, no, si, sp, t, ta, v, wd
NB ä.
77 Goose 78 Duck Antiquity
NB2 Many important marks; marked from
here p137; p226; p230; p232; p264; p371;
380; 400; 455
NB3 p. 99; «3- Dates of Authors; p392*
SB 091
7 Bischof * see beginning says seeds stick
to water Birds
47 X<^ Mixing of races forbidden - 3 Moses
19.19 shows was attended to & done
76 x<^ Polycrates of Samos had done much
to improve cattle (which cd only be
[page break]
78 age of Fowls well made out - Duck not
known tame in Aristotles
80 X^ Alexander chose best Indian cattle to
send home
91 Sheep & Goat in Ctesias time larger than
in Europe
99 X^ increase in number of varieties of
Plants & Dates
115 History of Dog - sheep dogs shd be
114 x«^ Sheep in Columellas time improved
by cross
137 Ducks introduced in Germany from
Rome. Anas Enten
226 increase of animals in S. America
229 2 breeds of cattle in Brazil
231 Newfoundland not fd in N. England
when discovered
400 Alpine cattle generally small Q
5 39-40m (Brown)/39-45w 13 plants in W. Africa from W. Indies are there any American genera? 6 16-20m/w Siebold says Mays washed ashore in Japan 1200 years ago 43m (Link), 44m (Siebold) 7 wt No precise facts in regards to distant migration 3-8w Bischoff seeds hang to water-Birds. Look to this 4-6m, 9-13w Have any water-Plants hooked seeds - 16-21w cases of distribution of plants in own country by animals 29-30m/w so first Rose transported No precise facts 8 15m, 23u*/22-29m/w It might be questioned whether these species not created during period of agriculture 10 27m 12 wt/l-10m/w Flowers of potatoes same on Ms of Chile, as in plains of Siberia 10-16w Cereals same in Aegypt old & new 16-22w onion from mummy hand grew!!! like present 32u "Blumenkohl", 32-35m/w Cauliflower ? introduced 16 13 13-20m/w Citron changed since time of Palladius 35-42w 1500-1600 only wild Tulips now 5000 kinds of Tulips 17 wb N.B as many, even most Camels? Sheep cd not run wild, or all domestic animals have run wild, whereas many vegetables in their present recognisable forms as wheat, probably wd become extinct with man: it shows plants most altered. To some extent it may be that plants more diffused & everywhere better stocked- CD. 19 23w Barley 25-26w Origins not known of these 25w Rye 25w Wheat 25u/ un, 26u/zvx, 27u/wz, 41-44?/m (Dureau) 21 34-36w Sheep never run wild 22 19-23m/w Camels run wild in S. Siberia 23 ll-15m/w Places where wild Horses said to exist formerly 24 wt/l-17w Reichenbach has an astonishing theory that races of Dog get like
the animals they pursue. Quote perhaps for folly l-20m, 29u "wussten"/28-32m/w The Greeks had not dogs with hanging ears? 25 7u "948"/7-10w Cats previous in this year 41u "Truthühner"\w Turkey 26 wt Hens known in oldest times of Aegypt lm, 2-4m/2u "Hesiod\ Testament", 3~4w Hens not mentioned 19-20m/17-22zv old Aegyptians distinguished wild & tame geese 29 30m 35 31m 46 20-27W Moses speaks of Cinnamon so common very old 30m, 33-35w Peacock "Kings" 43m 47 l-5w Horses brought by Soliman from Aegypt lOu "Abraham"\Tlu "Tauben"/10-13m/w Abraham Pigeons 26-27m, 39m, 42m/w Pigeons 46m, wb Mixing of races forbidden: this shows formerly done or by other nations 48 wt The antiquity of races is very important in showing how very slow variation is - Horses have varied since 2-6m/w 2 races of donkeys in Abrahams time Hence have varied since ll-13m/w Pigeon let out of ark 14-16m/14-19w In old Testament hens not mentioned 32-33w wheat barley spelt 49 llu-^/w Leek Onion 18-23w Wine olive figs pomegranate 50 24w almond 51 2-7w Plums Pears Quince Trees 56 8u "Schafe\Kameele"l7-9w Sheep Camels Ass Cattle 13-14w In old Aegypt no Buffalo 14-18w horses like Dongola 16-25w horses in Moses time but their cultivation not that ancient apparently 57 wt Terrier l-5m/3u "Windhunden]Arten"lw Greyhound 16-17w Geese Pigeons 58 l-2w 2 kinds of Barley 69 10m 70 29-31m/w Grafting attributed by Athenians to Eumolpus 73 6m 75 26« "Theophrast "\18u "Kopfsalat "/16-17m/16-22w 2 kinds of cabbages cabbage lettuce vars of Lettuce in time of Athenians 76 wt/3-6m/l-7w Polycrates of Samos had done much to improve breed of Oxen 27m, 25-30w Horses of Phidias, fiery, simple but noble 32-38w mules in Homers time Swine do 77 8-17w Great Molossus dog from Albania in Alexanders time 26-27w Hunting dogs & Grey-hounds X 37w Goose 38u "Homer", 42u "'noch I bekannt "\41-42w\wbFowls not known to Homer or Hesiod, but later wb X certainly strong argument that so little done in last few 1000 years, compared to what must have been done before 78 wt\l-8w Athenaus says imported from Persia. Hence not Europe - age well made out of Fowls l-3m\ m (Homer), 4-6m/w Duck not tame in Aristotles times in Greece 26u "Perlhühner"/ 21u "Pfauen"\14-26wPeacocks & Guinea-fowls in Aristotles times - (Perhaps extinct again in Dark Ages. CD.) 79 wb Aelian 222 after Christ 80 5-10m/w, Alexander chose the
[page break]
best of the Indian cattle to send to Macedonia to improve the Breed 7u/wx 81 18-25w Elephants tamed long before Alexanders times in india 84 6u/wx 85 27-23w North China native Land of Silk Worm 88 38-4310 Peach not common in Theophrastes times 89 l-5w in Lucullus times sweet cherries in Europe 26u*l26-28w mentioned by Strabo & Aelian 38m, wb All these facts impress on me that at one period there is limit of amount of variation. 91 5-23«; Times of Ctesias sheep & Goats larger in India than Europe 98 20-33w Spread of Fruit Trees 99 tab.w Increase of varieties 30-33m, wb p. 79 Aelian 222 after Chr. Dates 100 5-7w Roman Pears 107 5m 109 38w Savoy 110 lu "Krauskohl"lw Cabbage l-4w Broccoli 5 kinds 7-13m\7-8u*\8u*\w Romans 9ua 113 3m/u "Plinius\Rosen"'jw Roses 114 wt/l-15w Spanish sheep celebrated for wool in Columellas time improved by cross of N. African 25u "man"/w Ferretts 33a "nicht" 129-30w un??? 30-33mjw arose in time of Roman Emperors 32m/w (a) 34w Nictures wb (a) Our present beloved races of Dogs not known to Graecians & Romans, as clear from Monuments 115 wt A.D. 79 Herculaneum & Pompei buried in Pliny's time lu "Herculaneum \Stabia", l-4w all belong to rough spitz-Dogs 2a "Pudel" Spaniel & Poodle 2-3w first in time of Augustus 3u "Schoos", 5-7w Lap-Dogs as large as squirrels 9u "Schäferhund"/w Sheepdogs 38-43w Sheep dogs white not to mistake for wolf Q 117 30m 128 17-27w Caesars time English great Dogs & Horses taken to Rome 26-29m 137 28-31m/w Ducks introduced from Rome 226 6-22m, 18-21m 229 33-37m, 35u "sehr verschiedener", 36u "unterscheidet I wenig", 45m 230 39m, 40u "allein Igeblieben"/39-40m/w sheep have not run wild 231 37-45m/w Newfoundland not f in New England when discovered 232 42-45?, wb Das Ausland a Periodical 264 14-21w not received from almond 22-26m/w new maize 371 23-25m/w S. Sea isld 26-29m 380 27-22m 400 26-30m, 41-45m/42u "Berg vieh"\45u "Simmenthaler \Freiburger" 455 38-39m
VRIES, Hugo de Over de Bewegingen der Ranken van Sicyos Amsterdam; 1880 [Down] P
VULPIAN, Alfred and CARVILLE, Henri Canille Leçons sur l'appareil vaso-moteur 2 vols.; Paris; Germer Baillière; 1875 [Down] P
WAGNER, Moritz The Darwinian theory and the law of migration of organisms trans. James L. Laird; London; Edward Stanford; 1873 [Down] p
WAGNER, Rudolf Elements of the comparative anatomy of the vertebrate animals ed. Alfred Tulk; London; Longman, Brown, Green & Longman; 1845 [CUL] em, phy, rd, sp, sx, sy, tm, v
NB March 27 - 46
Read as far as p. 130 & marked thus far - & I do not think worth reading further-SB ŒR
4. Hairs even in Ant-eater & Ornithorhyncus (good remarks on Skeleton & bones) 43 gall-bladder
36 Narwhal 1 large tooth, the other small 60 on great diversity of foetal envelopes 70 Skull of Birds
73 Cervical vertebrae so constant in mammals variable in Birds 78 Rudimental bones in Birds 98 Tongue a> rudimental 109 On Trachea differing much in allied species & between 2 sexes of same species 124 on stages in rudimentary state of right Ovaria in Birds 217. On Electric fishes.
8-14m/w any relation to absence of teeth?
6-llm/w what a different order from true relations ÏÏ22-8m 6 ÏÏ22-9m, ÎÎ2u^ 7 ÏÏ22-10m 10 3-4m, V-4m 14 8-10m,14-16m, 1\3x 15 3-8m 16 15-19m, 20-22m, 23-24m/24u "to I wanting", 27-30m 17 ll-13m, 18-20m 18 10-13m 19 ttS-6m 21 ÏÏ10-9m 25 ÏÏ24-23m, ÎÎ22-21m 26 ÏÏ25m/u "but I of" 32 7-9m 35 ÏÏ24-23m 36 24-26m, 18x, ÏÏ10-8m, fÏ7u "molar I fall" 43 ÎÎ22m 44 tt2-2x 45 8-9m 46 10-22m 48 ÏÏ22-22m 49 4-5m 50 2-3m 55 4-6m 58 3-7m 59 15-18m 60 8-10m, ÏÏ12-6m/m/ w strange! 68 24m, ÏÏ5-2m 69 ÏÏ20-9m 73 ttlO-Sm, ÏÏ8« "the Swan", tÎ7u "also 24" Mw fa) wb Yet very constant in Mammalia? 75 ttt9-22m 76 22-25m 77 6u "Trochilus, Cypselus" 78 16-18m/16u "rudiment", ÎÎ29-26m, 1Ï24-23m, Ît8m/u "wanting I Emeu" 79 26-lSm, 20-22m, 27-29m 92 ÏÏ20-15m 98 26-20m 109 ÏÏ23-9m, ^5-lm 110 tm, ÏÏ23u "convolution I the", î\ll-7m 114 25« "Anas semipalmata", 19u "both\Grus", 23u "in I extremity", 24u "the sexes" 117 2u "maie Mergansers", 10-12m 124 Ît22m/u "right \ rudimentary", 1Î29-2Sm, ÏÏ27-9m 125 2-2m 127 6-8m 132 Ü18u/c/we 217 ÎÎ22-20« "order I Fishes", ÎÎ28-27u^, ffSu "Narcine\ Torpedo", Uu "Form\Eels", ÎÎ5ua, ÎÏ2u*
[page break]
WAGNER, Rudolf Zoologisch-anthropologische Untersuchungen I Göttingen; Diet-richschen Buchhandlung; 1861 [CUL, S, I] ds, gd, sp, ts
NB 51 (Quote Baer as believer in change) 34 l-4m 44 13-17m 50 tî9m/*, wb I believe in X Vol of St Petersburgh Memoirs see p. 44 apparently 1859 Memoirs of the Imp Acad of Sei in St Petersburg. 51 Îï3-2m, wb V. B to whom all zoologists feel so profound a respect in M.. about yr 1859 expresses his conviction, wholly grounded on the facts of geoph distribution, that forms, now perfectly distinct, have proceeded from a single parent-form
WAITZ, Theodor Introduction to anthropology
vol. 1; ed. J.F. Collingwood; London;
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts; 1863
beh, h, pat, si, sp, ss, sx, t, ti, v, y
NB ♦ Too dull to read; 135 Blushing SB1 p287 When I speak of antiquity of Man, I might add as shown by the branching off of languages & by their very formation
♦ p305 sexual selection good man.
•*• When I speak of evidence of theory of N. selection - add * "the progressive advance in organization - & diversifications of structure & host of other such points-" SB2 (over; some gone over in ink) Waitz Anthropology
208 Virey makes 2 species of Man viz Negro
& all others
198 Agassiz changed from 11 or 12 to 8 species
209 Differences of Negros - very variable
race of man.
224 on variability of skulls in same race 227 on different classifications of men no two authors agree in manner of grouping
♦ 96 Beard
99 Colour of Children, when young •#'
♦ 105 Negros fat Buttock beautiful; 107
foreheads of Peruvians
113 Excessive Mortality in children young in
124 •«§*> Yellow-fever of Negros - doubts on
238 ♦ Feet of Chinese small
266 Capacity of crania in relation to intellect.
When speaking of what races have in
common, I ought to insist on all having the
art of articulate Language
275 All races adorn themselves - quote •^
291 Belief in an invisible power I might quote
York Minster. No Devil in his country
iv 18~26m/18-19w I ought to read v 21m/w I have read vii 25-31m, 31-37m viii 3-5m 90 18w I have read whole section 96 16-20m 99 20-32m (Camper) 105 26~30m 107 13-17m (Morton) 113 5-10m 124 6~32m 135 3-13m/7-9u "shame", 14-22m (Roth, d'Orbigny, Spix, Martius), 21-22m 198 7« "distribute]twelve", 8u "eight" 208 14-17m 227 l-22m 238 4-8m 266 5-8m 275 l-3m 278 21u "invisible", 24-25u "invisible]which" 305 l-3m, 10-llm, 12-14m, 19-20m, 24~25m, 26u&> "rosy I flowers", 34m, 35m, 37m, 39m
WAKE, Charles Staniland Chapters on man London; Trübner & Co.; 1868 [CUL] beh, h, v
NB1 It would be useless to discuss - the possession of general ideas, abstraction, & the various forms of consciousness, as hardly two writers * use those words * in exactly the same sense; or, * have come to any general agreement on difference between Mind of Man & Animals- Nor do we know what a wise old animal fully awake & not occupied thinks about.- These points * must be left under our present state of knowledge. Apparently we shall come only to a definite conclusion, when it is admitted from other eivdence that the mind of Man has been developed from * mental powers possessed by a quadrumanous animal - All too abstruse for me.-
NB2 ♦ Man Used; Carpenter Man differs in degree 79; Self-consciousness 81; Spiritual perception criteria of 97 Man; On high art in languages of -101 Savages; Hottentots most distinct 172 from Negros; 199 Frizzled Hair in Americans 205
79 ll-29m (Carpenter, Brougham) 81 17-21m (Mansel) 97 16-27« "spiritual]ideas" 101 24u "on\ acquaintanceship" 124-27 m (F. von Schlegel), 30m 102 7-2 0m (Du Ponceau), 23-25w Monkeys use stones 172 6-22m 199 3-16m 205 9-10m, 16-18m, 20-23m
WAKE, Charles Staniland Chapters on man London; Trübner & Co.; 1868 [Down]
NB 0/
WALDNER, Heinrich Deutschlands Faune 2 parts; Heidelberg, C. Winter; 1879-80 [Down, I]
WALKER, Alexander Intermarriage London; Churchill; 1838 [CUL]
af, beh, br, es, dg, em, f, fg, h, he, hy, in, mn, or, phy, sp, sx, t, ta, ti, tm, ud, v, y
[page break]
♦ Put the case to Sir J. Sebright of two half
breed mongrels exactly like each other being
interbred - will offspring not be then
constant - Ask his opinion of Walkers Book
♦ Ask Mr Ford whether he has ever
matched two half bred animals which were
closely alike & yet the offspring varied -
Progeny of hybrid plants stable
In all crosses of varieties, according to Mr W offspring ought to take in form after male What has Mr Blaine written p. 271 Mr Hunt p. 290 & Mr Th acker 291
NB2 It is singular twins being so like, & yet between two litter in Man, or in litters so unlike
♦ Experiments- To cross some very
artificial male with old female - according to
Mr Walker, the former ought to preponderate
in body - according to Mr Yarrells theory *
the father ought either in first breed or
permanently.- Cross half breed with some
other breeds - to see whether grandfather
will appear - Cross two 1/2 breeds exactly
NB3 24; 61; 107; 112; 118; 120; 124; From
139 to 144; 152; 163; 175; 177; 182; 202;
205; 209; 210; 214 to 243; 258; 266; 270;
244; 275; 276; 281; 282; 290; 299; 301; 303;
309; 312; 322; 361 ; 362; 377; 379; 396 - on
SB1 Argument against Mr Walkers law - The
intellect & instinct in a cross-breed comes
from both parents, as in shepherd dog &c
&c - now one would have thought if one
parent gave one part & one another, nothing
would be so little divisible as the thinking
24 Capons are female castrated
140 Hereditary fingers & toes
Knight on cross of Drayhorse & pony 161 Knight says long faces go with long limbs - Hard to get head of Greyhound on Bull-Dog
do says the male in Hybrids overrules female in giving form
209 A well-bred animal will give
preponderance 216 do
223 Wilkinson says he has seen breed
between long & short horned permanently
228 Knight believes in breeding in & in * -
Walker sums up authors Ch 3
do - put pollen of 2 colours on female & both kinds when produced not mixed
Bitches more inclined to pair with one
Dog than another p. 276 275 effects of imagination on offspring 299 Knight thinks keeping cattle under different circumstances prevent it of in & in 362 on advantages of crossed races of Man 377 Accoucheurs state hands of labourers infants larger (disuse) SB3 <4 pages) A
I reject Mr Walker's theory of one parent giving (see p. 150) one series of organs & * the other a different set- because (1) the propagation of plants, as we see in their crossing &c &c. is closely similar to that animals, now, in plants we cannot * separate the organs into any two analogous divisions - * In plants, according to Mr K either father or mother can give "excitability" (& I daresay other similar case could be gathered) now excitability or constitutional peculiarities would scarcely be given in one system of organs-
2d The kind of argument in favour of it, are such as Phrenologists advance, (one series affecting muscle & another their supports, ie only in the face) - does not hold good in my experience, or rather a double answer might be given
When different variations cross, the offspring take * the locomotive system from the male, because, the male has greatest desire for the female being very
(over) different - according to this, this law, would be quite interfered with in * a case where the + ova were impregnated by the semen of the male, as in fishes & frogs, & yet we know that mule fishes occur, & that it is not necessary in insects or fish that male should see female.- Moreover, how in cross of black & white man. & different varieties of dogs come there to be litters * of puppies some taking after mother & some father-Again, there seems to be as much law (& as doubtful) in crosses of plants, the greater desire of the male is absurd - Again in some cases, the cross-bred offspring vary much, (as in passion flowers described by Sabine) here then no certain law appears to prevail. Again Mr. W. admits the offspring of cross breeds, p. 220 revert, & explains it by. one having the system of (over) one parent, & another a different one - yet by his "law of crossing" all will have locomotive system of male, & hence the possibility of this Heterogeneity depends on * male being less vigorous than female.- (& this is next thing to assumption, for if other wise would have been recognized in human race)
[page break]
How will Mr. Walker laws explain plants
which show traces of 3 parents as in plants
i& -? animals as ass & Zebra & horse + &c
of gardens - This will overthrow his system:
no because he allows, (p.301) that one
series modifies another! here is cause of
He bases some of his view on axiom that
"organization is * indestructible" (p.224) how
have our varieties been formed?!!
Law of Breeding in & in
Female always giving locomotive series.-
probably invented to explain the loss of
secondary character in the male, but is not
this more probably effect of infertility, which
likewise affects the female.-
(over) I must think there is no difference in
laws of resemblance to parents in species,
varieties, & individuals -
24 4-8m 107 8-19m 112 25-28m 118 ll-23m 120 4-8m 124 24-28m 125 l-10m 139 14-28m (Reaumur, Carlisle) 140 ll-28m/22a "this" great Q 143 5-13m/6-9w This must be case of jumping one 144 19~27m 152 24-29m/w+ Colour f. has form of father - 160 26-28m (Knight) 161 l-14m/2-4w Law of symmetry 163 19-23m 164 4-14w Analogous to Renngers descriptions of dogs in Paraguay & Horses & Cows 18-23m/w do not go back - yet not fixed, like species 165 17-19?? 175 10-22m (Clarke, Lewis) 177 9-26m (Knight) 182 5-llm/8-9w See p. 191 191 12-19m 202 13-22mjw How will this apply to Plants & cases where impregnation is external 205 wt He would thus doubtless explain the effects of Arabian l-5m, 6-10m, ll-15m/w this is absolutely different from some other authors 206 9-18m, ll-13m 207 1-llm 209 l~28m, 20-28tn 210 5-8m, 24-25m 211 l-2m, 4-5m 212 l-3m, 17-21m 213 7-13m/w according to Mr W. theory, whole bird ought to resemble 19-20m/20m/u "the\vital''/20-22w I do not see proof of this 214 2-29m 215 l-6m, 19-20m/!!, wb As yet no notice whatever is taken of litters, where one puppy is of one kind & another of another,-! 216 8-14m, 11-14m, 15-26m/18-21w I do not understand 217 ll-21m, 21-28m (Sebright) 218 26-28m 219 1-8m 220 wt Surely not if C exactly resemble D, yet these will vary I presume, according to views of Knight & Co. 3-5m, 5-7u "fori occur"/6~8m, 7-15w so that on this depends the possibility of heterogeneous offspring accounting for reversion wb But yet in these crosses I thought the male always prevailed.- The offspring of very wide crosses, when male certainly does
preponderate, ought to be uniform 221 wt If halfbred animal is crossed with some distinct breed, the character of grandfather will reappear, now here breed age surely must be an element * is case true?? 15-20m/w but here I may assert that time comes in as element 222 wt Now this is question in point l-6m, 10-12m/w (a) wb Is this not explicable on the idea of breeds» time asserting the permanency in future generations, the crossbred animal its characters perfectly, the mule not at all 223 19-28w between breeds of equal antiquity the tendency to vary would be less - 224 3-llm (Knight), 27-28!/u " Organization \ indestructible", wb What is origin of all our varieties!! 226 7-14m ill 5-25m (Sebright)/6-14w is not vice versa. They degenerate because they lose productive powers 228 5-6m/?, 25-28m "229 wt The converse of the law* ill effects of breeding in & in holds in Plants.- namely crosses being more fertile - therefore effects of desire of male nonsense 6-8m/M, 9m, zb, wb Plants & Fish &c!! 230 la "female" young or female 231 13-20m, 20-28m/24-26u+* 232 24-26!!/25u "excitement", wb plants & Fish 233 27-291129u "excitment\ power" 234 20-29m, wb I would rather trust the Practical Sense of Sir J.S.! 236 22-26m 237 22-27m (Sebright) 243 15-21m 244 5-6m 258 8-12m 266 8-15m/9-10w Dr Holland 270 6-13m (De Candolle, A.P.), 6-28m (Pritchard, Good) 271 5-27m, 4-5??/5u "Blaine", 13-15m, 18-28w This is the opposite of the case I want - I want new variety 275 12-23m 276 6-8m, 17u& "pug I spaniel"/w Blaine 18-28m, 24-26m 277 9u<? "female setter", llu& "mongrel", 17 u& "refused intimacy"\17-26m 280 27-28m 281 23-26m/"..." 282 3-9m 290 6-8?/7u "Mr Hunt" 291 15u "Mr Thacker" 299 l-14m 301 6-13m (Wilkinson)/!!! 303 4-6m, ll-22m 309 l-13m/w 3 solutions may be here given 312 wt surely same law to ordinary births, not to crosses l-5m/w dogs in litter 9-lOm/? 322 14-16m 328 1-Am\w Kangaroo!!! 361 3-21m (Prichard, Pallas) 362 4-17m (Moodie) 363 l-23m (Hancock) 377 12-17m 379 4-7m/4-13w about Stallion broken leg see Mr Knights facts on this head I think it is in part where * discussed 396 8-28m 397 6-14m 398 13-17m
WALKER, Francis Monographia Chalciditum London; Hyppolitus BailHère; 1839 [Down, I] P
WALKER, John and Charles Atlas of the British Isles London; 1837 [Down]
[page break]
WALLACE, Alfred Russel Contributions to the theory of natural selection London; Macmillan & Co.; 1870 [CUL] beh, fo, h, he, hi, pat, ss, sx, t, ti, v
NBl 350; intelligent power 356 & 359
NB2 113 a female mocking Diademas
205 Instincts of nidification
♦ 225 Man
229 mistaken instinct
221 Song of Birds acquired confirmed by Hon Herbert, I suppose in his edition of White - see L. Jenyns
♦ 353 Santals wd not break their parole
204 wt Female Ants leave the nest & cannot have seen but very little of the Work done by the Workers & yet have offspring It is wonderf. 205 wt Cuckoo - Tanagrella 4r-8w The last female Bee which is hatched 24-15w cocoons of Butterflies wb Solitary Wasps Spiders 214 8-29w Think of influence of Language Antiquity of Man Brazil & California 219 9-llm/10-llu "simple\ hereditary" 221 14-19m (Herbert) 225 l-28w A Man does not make a canoe or arrow-head without practice - so differs from Birds - all a fallacy 229 5-13w mistaken instinct 292 25-30m/27-22"..."A/27c«É/29-22m 293 7-29m, 22-30m 294 7-25m 336 19-21m/4-30w Yet it must be added that some extremely ancient skulls were fairly well developed 29-30m (Lubbock, Huxley) 338 23-25m 340 3-5m 342 1-23w There is all the difference in the World between an instinct (ie not hereditary habit) & intellectual act 343 wt It is brain here & not use of hands 3-6m, 9-llm/10-llu "his I disproportionate" 344 20-26m/16-29w If we look to detail to usage of hair above the lips, over whole body 346 21-29m/6-29w Under sexual selection - like injury for Horns of Stags 350 6-22m 351 24-28m/w incitable/ incidental wb Perhaps specify thus wb He who can count & reason & do the rest wb No new faculty 353 22-25m 356 12-15m/! 359 7-8u 371 wb I admit the possibility but I do not see the necessity or evidence in interference for the production of man as distinct from the production of lower animals.
WALLACE, Alfred Russel Contributions to the theory of natural selection 2nd edn; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1871 [Down, I]
WALLACE, Alfred Russel The geographical distribution of animals 2 vols; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1876 [CUL, I]
cc, ex, fo, gd, geo, hi, is, mg, oo, no, sp, t, tm, v, ve
vol. 1 NB ♦
463 poverty of insects & inconspicuous
Frogs ice - salt-water; Galaxias - without
further evidence your view on which
provides complications; Bates - T. del
Fuego; Poverty of insect life; Aromatic
leaves as a protection like thorns
NB2 p. 9.
I can hardly believe in connection between
Africa & Ceylon see p. 328 Blandford?
Capital remark on head of Argus How plain
a char is when once explained!
Explanation of Java admirable
426 Mammoth in Timor
I am very glad of your somewhat changed
views of the wonderful Celebes
Geograph. Distrib.
p.9 to 34 Means of dispersal.
p.20 Migration
p.36 Whole book on Distribution, so I will not
give Pages.-
p.346 Argus Pheasant - Head not
p.463 Poverty of bright flowers corelated
with Poverty of insects
9 32-35m 18 15w Tortoises 20 34~38m (Serres) 21 9u "moderate widths"/w Berents 24 30-37m 36 9-22m, 22-25m 37 22-2Sm 43 20-14m/w Canaries C de Verde?? Volcanic Etna? 32-37m/32w Axell Blytt 52 l-5m, 5-8m 53 19-26m 56 17-22m/w no they must have 57 21-26m 59 5-6u "Madagascar"/?, 11-127, 16-20m (Günther) 76 wt No look at depth 118 6-13m/llu "animals"/13u "Miocene" 150 4-23m, 25-32m 151 l-5m 157 9-22m, 25-28m 158 24-29w cd Man have destroyed the largest 31-37m/w yet higher animals change quicker than low 162 28-32m 163 25-28m 167 33-37m 168 22-27m 174 14-19m/w Antarctic Land 175 33-36m 206 28-30m 207 2-22m, 24-22m 208 1-7m, 9-18m, 17-25m 209 2-22m, 15-27m, 29-36m 210 20-23m 211 22-28m 212 26-22m, 25-28m 218 34-37m (Wallace) 263 27~30m 265 29-37m 268 26-28m 269 22-26m 273 22-25m 274 4-22m 277 8-14m, 16-19m 278 11-Uw Madagascar 1000 miles long 25« "lost continent"/? 279 22-24m 280 7-9m 281 9-23m, 14-lSm, 24m, 34-36m 282 8-20m, 28-30m, 33-36m 283 l-9m, 23-24m 284 7-22m, 16-25m, 29-33m 285 2-5m 286 2-23m, 22-26m, 33-37m 287 l-3m/?, ll-15m/?, 28-34m, 34-37m 288 34-36? 289 20-26m, 28-35m 291
[page break]
ll-Umr 18-19m, 31-36m 327 2-4m, 18-24m 328 l-7m, 8-14m, 18-27m/w A continent since Permian times 340 9-14m 341 14-34m 345 7-llm 346 l-4m, 32-36m 352 25-37m 357 29-36m 358 12-24m 359 17-22m/w ? during Miocene more tropical & this cd have made a larger tropical Land 30-35m 362 22-31m 391 33-37m 395 10-19m (Wallace) 400 22-26m, 19-29m, 30-34m 401 ll-23m, 30-37m (Günther) 402 23-29m 403 7-28m/w The one fish may have kept long to same species 406 6-14m 413 4-22m, 19-26m 416 19-28m, 33-37m 417 23-25m 419 27-36m 421 28-32m 424 7-16m 425 1-Am, 27-37m 426 24-28m\w Mammoth 436 16-20m 438 4-25m, 35-36m/w Flora! 440 25-29m 442 2-2m 446 3-7m, 24-29m 447 6-21m, 22-23m, 26-34m 448 27~39m (Günther) 449 10-I4m, 16-19m 452 32-*2m 453 23-33m/w+ May they not have in 454 27-34m 460 27-37m 461 2-2lm, 25-37m 462 25-34m 463 2-2Sm, 35-37m (Hooker) 464 S-13m
vol. 2 NB1 (dra/f of letter sent 26 June 1876) References Forel - Hooker Great care with which you have worked the Southern part of S. America - I suspect you argue too strongly on the necessity of a large area for the development of many forms.- So many species of same genera on many volcanic islands in inviolated valleys seems sufficient 122 Error??
252 I doubt, though I agree with Principle 265
359 Error
I like much the discussion on the distribution of Land-shells Axell Blytt paper
NB2 All marked on Geographical Distribution.—
p.205 N. seals in Baikal 465 Distribution of F.W. Fishes
7 25-32m 20 22-37m 21 2-27m (Günther) 23 26-31m, 34m 26 34-37m 35 6-10m 38 27-37m 42 6-26m, 29-31m/30-31u "not\forms", 34-37m 44 21-33m, 34-37m 45 l-5m, 26-37m 47 22-26m 48 8-12m, 17-19m, 30~32m 51 4-20m 57 26-34m 59 4-20m, 22m "200 fathom", 32-37m 61 26-32m 62 25-30m 65 4-9m 66 27-32m 76 3-9m 79 10-15m/14u "of Anguilla" 80 2-9m 81 31-33m 82 l-5m 83 l-8m 121 35-37m 122 l-6m, ll-17w ! Edentata Mastodon Horse Tapir Tertiary! 123 22-26m 154 22-26m 155 20-25w* why not separately described then 162 4-9m 205 28-35m 252 6-13m/? 265 20-22m 321 32-33m 323 26-3lm 341 26-30m 359 6-7m 370 22-29m, 27-30m 371 2-5m 386 27-22m, 23-27m 387 25-30m 392 28-23m 423
l-6m 430 9-2 2 m 432 S-23m (Günther) 465 2-8m, ll-13m, 25-28m 466 2-22m, 28~32m 467 2-7m 484 3-28m, 34-37m 487 16-25m 496 22-16m/wt/l-17w several other such cases of semi-tropical or warm Eocene Antarctic found 500 6-24m 503 l-5m, 9-llm 523 26-30m/w* by 524 33-37m 525 l-8m, 12-17m, 23-35m 526 l-8m 537 22-28m 546 5-15m, 16-31m 548 19-26m 549 2 2-2 6m 550 31-36m
WALLACE, Alfred Russel Island life London; Macmillan & Co.; 1880 [CUL] gd, geo
NB ♦ p46; 88 • Percentage of C. of Lime in Chalk; 68 have long thought so & so other to Günther
166 great amt of Denudation 207 Tylor on Denudation; 251 Means of Distribution; 262 do; 294 do
46 2-5m/w Viti New Caledonia New Hebrides 68 9-25m 72 15-19m/? 88 7-22m 89 22^2m 166 29-33m 172 29-33m/29u "the water" 199 26-38m 207 l-5m (Tylor), 35-36m 208 29~22ra 250 28-AQm 251 21-Alm 262 12-24m 294 3-9m, 24-28m 295 5-22m 345 2-23m 403 29-22m
WALLACE, Alfred Russel The Malay archipelago 2 vols.; London; Macmillan & Co.; 1869 [CUL, I]
beh, fo, gd, geo, h, mhp, oo, or, si, sp, sx, tm, v, wd, y
vol. 1 SB1 Qß
Vol I Wallace
19 23 to 24 Origin Geographical Distribution
•»29 Mem Institution 49 Pitcher-Plants insects
a 87 Orang throwing missiles 183 & 184 Alpine Vegetation 222 Distribution
225 do-»
245 -248 453 Birds -transportation of seeds
318 Distribution to 327
418 Megapodius instinct
427 Distribution to end of Chapt
♦ •» 428 Pigeons with racket tail
441 •» Vars. in Outline of wings of Butterflies in Celebes-
♦ -» 468 Kingfisher do do
433 Barbirusa Defence 435
Penny Encyclop p246 Vol 23 SB2 over ♦#>
splendid Eulogia on Rajah
How interesting plants of BorneoO wd be
Timor splendid case
a On Subsidence directly due to pouring out
of Lava - Reports Habits
[page break]
[page break]
•^ Sondiacus
Caterpillars Hairy - JennerO Hair
C> Style very good
Celebes splendid
Babyrusa organ of defence I presume lower
canine not developed
Sevalik miocène fossils -
18 1-2?, 20-22m 19 ll-21m 21 18-25m 23 3-10m/12w Origin 14-18m 24 21-25m 26 24-26m, zb 29 13-20m 49 ll-15m 60 l-2w/fig.w Günther do not believe story 87 ll-17m/13-16"..."J12w/14ae 183 22-26m 184 ll-16m, 19-25m 185 l-3m 222 20-26m 225 15-20m 226 22-21m 245 2-3m 248 2-6m 318 18-26m 319 26-26m 320 2-22m 321 ll-25m 322 14-23m 323 18-21m, 23-24m 325 10-2 6m 327 5-8m 329 27-23m 418 14-21m/w may it not be argued that large egg necessary to develop young Bird so perfectly? 419 ll-15m 427 27-24m 428 20-22m 429 13-14m, 19-20m 431 22-26m 432 9-2 2 m, 22-2 8m 433 24-26m 434 2a "eyes"\l-Aw with the tips in-curved so that they cd not possibly be used as weapons 7-9m 435 7m/wt probably originally weapons ll-13ml"...", 14-16m/m/w How about the lower 437 13-18m 438 26-27m 439 19-22m 441 fig.m 443 7-9m, 19-22m 444 7-25m 445 wt More probably round - reflects on connection with Africa of Sevalik fossils. 9-25m (Sclater) 453 9-llm/10u "crimson mace", 12-14m
vol. 2 NB 0<î SBlüß
♦ =* p. 43 Man - a small colony lose its
language and yet impresses its character to
certain extent & may increase into large
nation.- 49 do
A) 103 Tropical fruits have all been improved
by Selection
141-142 a> Distribution - Pigs swimming
150 Casuarius females sitting alternately ??
178 & 207 Man
203 Birds of Paradise seasonal
252 do Dance
255 Man 445^53
276 failure of instincts a in Insects boring trees or sticking in holes
♦ male fighting Beetles
290 Distribution
295 Flowers not fine in Tropics
306 Man beauty
314 Sexual characters Diptera
388 Paradise - skim through Chapt.- 399 431 Distrib, 435, 436
SB2 (over)
♦ you make sometimes feel young again as
if I was once again collecting specimens
p150 ask CasuariusAi
I am astonished you ever returned alive
♦ 236 •#" for Western read Eastern
255 Savages males self-ornament - do they care for admiration of women? or of other men, for presumably not exclusively self-admiration ?#'
♦ Distribution
♦ 295 number of insects no need to be
♦ 315 •^ like Elk - do you not mean Moor
or fallow Deer 399 ask
43 14~16m, 19-21m, 22u "Malay \ language", wb if a small colony • native language • 48 18-20u± 49 26« "Orang Sirani", 21-23m/u " with \ stocks" 103 16-24m 141 9-25m 142 2-9m 145 22-26m 146 3-23m 150 4-6m 153 3-22m 178 13-17m, 25-26m 179 4-5m, 8u "tivisted beard", 13-15m 203 16-20m 207 22-25m 236 1Î5c/we 252 27u "dancing-parties", 21-26m 253 8u "are\over", llu "striped I the", 13u "then overshadowed", 14-15u "emerald] throat" 255 16-17m/w self-vanity 276 3-23m, 23-26m 277 2-6m, 8-12m 290 7-23m 291 20-23m 295 9-15m/7-23w so many insects no need to be conspicuous 296 6-14m/7-25w I think Humboldt remarks Tropical plants not SO social 297 26m 298 5-25m 306 2-3m 314 12-14u^ 315 l-3m, 4u "elk"/?, 13-16m/14u "None I any" 390 ll-12m/12u "feathers I colour", 14u "across I forehead" 391 2-2m, 27-18m, 18-19u "effect \moultings", 23-26m/24-25u "assumed\season" 393 4-9m 394 24-25m 395 2-2m 398 5-8m, 9-12m 399 l-19w + variety of colour 9-22m, 21-22w I do not see & I wish I did see it the connection between variation having been first a long ago selected & * then appearing at an earlier age than more recently selected variations. I can see, why an increase in the length of feathers, which has to be fully formed & then added to in length by variation & then further modified, shd appear later in life 405 8ua, 17-20m/19-20u++ 406 5m, 6u "black\colour", ll-12m 407 7-22m 408 9-22m 409 2-4m 420 9u "eighteen" 431 19-26m 435 7-20m 436 18-22m 445 25-26m 453 l-6m/3w 456 455 8-13m* 456 25-2Sm 460 7-10m/w like a herd of animals
WALLACE, Alfred Russel The scientific aspect of the supernatural London, 1866 [S] (presentation copy)
WALLACE, Alfred Russel Tropical nature and other essays London; Macmillan & Co.; 1878 [CUL]
[page break]
NB 59 Mimosa
59 32-32m (Pfeffer) 60 4r-8m 61 6-llm (Bates)
WALLICH, George Charles Eminent man of the day London; John Van Voorst; 1870 [CUL]
WALTERSHAUSEN, W. Sartorius von
Untersuchungen über die Klimate der Gegenwart und der Vorwelt Haarlem; De Herven Loosjes; 1865 [Down] p
WALTHER, Alfred and MOLENDO, Ludwig Die Laubmoose Oberfrankens Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1868 [CUL] gd, is, oo, sp, t
NB1 218 Intermingling in range of mosses
224 Even close species of mosses do not
live close together; the Struggle for Life,
being severest between nearest forms -
263 translated to end
265 gives cases against M. Wagner's
218 22m 224 4-lOm/w close species do not live together 264 22m, 30-35m 265 9-25w Argues against M Wagner Not result of isolation
WALTHER, Friedrich L. Der Hund Giessen; G.F. Heker; n.d. [CUL, pre-B] beh, br, cs, ds, gd, h, tm, v, wd
NB & This only useful for ancient History of
Dogs Q
March 29 1857
Find out what classics translated
Athenaeum London Library
Aristotle; Pliny; Xenophon 0; Varro
Columella; Oppianus; Treviranus
I doubt whether any use
40 Greyhounds do not bark
48 Dogs of ancients 0
31 Bechstein first remarked about skin
between toes
39 Animals of Corsica speckled
I doubt whether any use
4 31-35m 5 6u "Varro"/6-9w In Athenaeum "Rei Rusticae Scriptora" 7-8m/8u "Columella" 6 31-35m 9 13m (Linnaeus), 17u "22", 19m (Linnaeus) 12 10-12w ears very variable 22-22m/w Lungs of swift dogs very + large 33-35m/w 10-8 nipples latter more rare 16 7-13w Crossed with these 20 37m (Azara) 21 33-34m 23 7-21m, 14m, 15-17w 2 dogs in New Zealand 26m, 31m 26 23-26m/24u 28 18m, 19-20w Spaniel 33-35w Carrying Dog
29 9w Poodle 27« "Herrmann" 30 27m 31 2-
5w always slavering mouth llu++/9-llw
webbed feet 14u/wx 34 fllOw our Bull Dog 35
30~32w Claw on hinder feet 37 15~16w
Pointer 39 36-38w Animals of Corsica oddly
speckled 40 lu "Hühner \ Hunde"/wt/l-5w
Men, hounds, hens black on coasts of
Guinea! 18-21w Danish carriage dog 25-28w
Greyhounds do not bark 41 16-18m/w
Persian greyhound 28u/wx, 29u "Hasen"\w
like Hare 42 5-6w naked dogs 28-30w
terriers 43 24-30w Carver says only 1 dog
amongst Americans 32u++ 44 3-7m/4u
"1622"/2-10w Newfoundland dog not found
there in 1622 46 30~32w 2 dogs Chile 48 2-
9m/wt/l-llw talks of impossibility of
recognising dogs of ancients 14-19m/12-20w
doubts whether they could have been kept
pure. 22u "400 Jahre", 27-33m/w 2 kinds of
dogs described 28-34m, 34-36m/34u "350"/
35u "3-4" 49 24u "Melitäischen"/23-25m/w
Pliny mentions quite a little dog 34-35w &
Indian Dog 50 22u "ex\cane"/25-26?/14-29w I
see that Aristotle * attributed Dogs to
crosses with wild animals! whether correctly
may be doubted? 51 17-19m/17u "ersten
Jahrhundert", 19-22u*/w 12 Dogs 30m/w 2d
century 33-36m/w many breeds 52 7m, 9-
llm/w which variety in Dogs 22m, 30-31w 1
36w 2 53 lw 3 4w 4 6w 5 8w 6 8w aids in
Hawking lOw 7 12w 8 13w 9 55 lOw 10 27w
11 58 19w Charlemagne 23u "Molossu$"/w
Bloodhound 60 16-22m/w only few hounds in
Germany at this period 69 10-14m 70 4-5m,
ll-13m, 20-26m/13-27w long legged & long
snouted thin haired dogs in hot countries,
short legged thick haired in cold countries
WALTHER, Friedrich L. Das Rindvieh Giessen; G.F. Heker; 1817 [CUL, pre-B] br, cs, f, gd, geo, rd, sx, t, tm, v, wd
NB p. 17 p. 113 Book; Nothing after p. 150;
(Very little)*
Humped cattle with hump much larger in Bull than Cow
Horns in Iceland
Bring fruitful offspring with common cattle
3 16-17m/w wild nothing known 25-26m, wb same as Aurock 6 31-33m/w Grt humped Ox in Alexanders time 12 25-27m (Buffon), 31-39m, wb thinks the Aurocks may have crossed with our cattle. By Buffon they have crossed 15 29-34m, wb I presume all these breeds are different but are not here described 16 18u "Hochbeinig"\17-20wlong-legged with outstanding, horns 17 8-10m, 11-
[page break]
12m, 29m, 31-32m\u*^\w See Next Page 18 18-22m/19-20w + , 21-22u "ungemein sind" 19 24-25m 20 21w 32 26 Zw White aurochs or Ladrones three wild Cattle of Scotland mistaken for 29 wt (a) Pallas theory that N. America & Europe one united island & wrecks of old land 5-16ml9w (a) 30 lu/3u/4u (place-names), ll-13m/5-16w Oxen a hump, cows very little Breeds with common subherds with a Bump 17-18m/17u "Beiträgen IV", 30u "fruchtbare Junge"/27-32w lose hump in other climates!! Breed with common cattle 30u±, 33m 31 14-16m/w Hornless in Iceland commoner than Horned 17u±, 20-24w Mem how different from sheep of Iceland 26-31w Aelian remarked on herd of hornless cattle 32-32m, wb in S. America when crossed with hornless, calves no horns wb very odd considering rudimentary when contrasted with sheep 54 25-38m/w 2 Indian Oxen described one with long mane 55 4-5m/w 3d kind 57 19u " Aegypten" I19-23mj21u "Cameelen" 61 3u "50"/4u "Vierzig"/l-6w Varro 50 Books on Agriculture 66 4-9m/w Italy several Breeds in Columellas time.- 73 14-20w Romish cattle very different from those of N. Land 22m 83 l-6mjw cattle curious Thuringia 90 23m 113 8m, 9m
WANDERINGS through the conservatories at Kew London; Society for promoting Christian knowledge; n.d. [Down]
WARD, Robert Arthur A treatise on investments London; E. Wilson; 1852 [Down]
WARINGTON, George The week of creation London, 1870 [CUL.1900, I]
WATERHOUSE, George Robert A natural history of the Mammalia London; H. Baillière; 1845-48 [CUL, I, S]
af, beh, ce, ds, fo, gd, he, hl, ig, in, is, oo, rd, sp, sx, sy, tm, v, wd, y
SBl 09Î (at end of part 22)
p.32 p. 52 p. 54 p. 66 p. 68 p. 106 p. 111 p. 144
p.161 p. 187 p. 188 p. 190 p. 202 p. 452 XX
p.467 463 469
SB2 D9Î (at end of part 22, several sheets)
p.2 All Marsup. out of Australia & N. Guinea
belong to sub-genus of Phalangista Cuscus,
which is not fd in Australia, but is in New
Guines. In N. Guines 7 species in 6 genera
p.3 Talks of ranges,- 1 species ranges from
Ambyona to New Ireland! introduced I shd
think about 1400 miles from Ambyona to N.
Ireland, about same as to Timor
p.3 species nearly allied generally do not
inhabit same district
13 Stonesfield marsup. cannot be arranged
in any known group of recent marsups.
18 on greater amount of difference in low
23 28 31 on relations of Montremata
47 var. or species of Echidna in Tasmania-
53 slight rumination in Kangaroos
56 Eye-lashes only in diurnal Kangaroos
61 Rodents with Marsupials *
87 Kangaroos on Barrow Isd 30 miles off
109 Echymis, hairs varying to species in
same genus Gradations
131 var. of Kangaroo in Tasmania
183 Macropus Brunii of N. Guinea
approaches in many respects anatomical to
the N. guinea genus Dendrologus, a new
Guinea genus - cd only be accounted for by
194 var. in molar teeth.
204 local vars. from W. Coast
232 Gigantic Diprotodon & Nototherium of
Owen between Rat Kangaroo & Wombat
244 Fossil Wombat very close to recent
256* 265 certain small teeth varying in
species & individuals
277 Cuscus purchased from natives by
293 302 vars Tasmania
310 Phalangista with skin some way
between legs giving character of Petauruses,
no habit to explain use
318 Curious analogy to flying squirrels even
to form of tail in different realmsO
343,4 Rudimental teeth in Tarsipes variable
424 Doubtful Tasmanian Species How much
more distant N. Guinea than Tasmania; not
then climate comes into play
Cuscus chrysorrhos in N. Guinea - list of Marsup. of N. Guinea
East & W. Australian districts have only 8/60 in common (compare with N. Guinea & Timor) - S. Australia hardly only few peculiar 9/20 peculiar to Tasmania Thylacinus & a sub-genus peculiar to Tasmania, but both fossil in Australia
Rodents beginning at Part xii
32 Fossil Lagomys Northern genus in
Corsica & Sardinia
52 Lepus variabilis in N. of Alps, almost in
Middle Europe
54 Thinks same species with Irish +: It does
not appear that L. glacialis
[page break]
106 p111 marked variations in populations of
Hares (161 in Cavy)
141 Brazilian Hare approaches most nearly
to N. American Hare - inhabits Bolivia as
well as Brazil - & p144 very close to Cave
Hare of Brazil, identical except size - Came
during glacial period <& & so the Antilope
452 When a species has» is characterized
by maximum development that part is most
subject to variation. Q
463 Nepal Porcupine breeds domesticated
467 vars of Java Porcupine, there & in
Sumatra & Borneo
477 Porcupine Fernando Po & Sierra Leone
vol. 1, 2 19-23m 3 wt All caught & solidly native p277 wt do. p283 esteemed a great delicacy 5???, 6m/w Temminck 9a/c "Cavifrons"/w Orientalis V.p.279 Some make this a distinct section of Genus 12u "seven species", 14u "six distinct", 20-23m, 27-30m (Müller)j28w when? 4 6m, 25-31m 5 6-8m/! 6 24-25m 10 28-30m, 31-32m 11 l-6m 12 8-llw (wait for explanation) 13 3-5m, 18-22m 17 4-7m, 12-Um, 18-21 18 l-3m, 4-5?, 12-19m/14-15?, 16-19m 20 l-2m 21 25-28m (Owen) 23 l-2m 28 4-6m 31 9-11 m 32 26-28m 40 13-14m 42 17-18m 47 20-21m, 28-30m 48 19-23m 50 16-17m 51 6-8m 52 5-7m 53 12-13m 54 22-23m 55 9-13m, 13-17 56 3-5m 61 5-7m 64 23-24m/w (a) wb I thought Gould said there were different varieties at the two places 69 8w 1 8w 2 22u/22u/25u/25u (numbers)123-28w proportional variation in bredth of teeth 35-37m 70 9-llm, 18-20m 72 ll-14m (Gould) 74 30-32m 77 lm 87 3-5m 90 23-25m* 93 32-33m 109 9-12m/w case of series in same genus 28-31m 110 6-9m 113 l-2m 125 29m/u<^, 32-33m 126 32-34m 131 8-22m 135 30-31m+ 138 28c 'W'/w tail 32m, wb same total length but parts vary 148 9m, 10m, 12m, 13m/10-16w smaller, yet longer tail, & longer from nose to ear 17m 150 22-24m, 22-23m 155 20-22m 158 3-5m, 6-8m 159 25-26m 160 29m/29-32w specimen longer yet tail shorter 162 30-31m 163 36m, wb ear less in larger specimens 166 6-8m, 25-28m/23-31w yet a former species was described as inhabiting rocks 170 6-7m, 16m\m, 19-27w similar variations; age may have something to do 172 30-32m/w representative? wb NW Coast 180 30m 181 9-llx, wb X Gould has this work in Dutch- will there be any tables of the Mammifers 182 21-22m 183 3-5m, 7-9m, 19-20m, 22-23m 185 l-4m, 5-9m, 10-15m, 16-19m 186 22-25m 194 33-35m 202 25-27m 214 13-14m, 16-19m 215 tab.m 216 2-3m, 7-10m 218 2S-22m 226 24-26m (Ogilby) 232
30-34m (Owen) 256 20-23m 262 22m/w "protected I eyelashes" 265 ll-15m 267 8m 275 4m, 6-8m (Temminck) 277 4-6m 279 27m/w "Timor" 286 33m 287 S-27w I have often observed all parts do correspond in X size, when a specimen is extra large 290 32-33m 291 4-5m 293 6m, 7u "specifically" 295 26-27m, 32-33m 302 24-25m 308 25-27m 310 23-15m 312 3-18w there seems no habit to account for skin from sides of body to legs 313 4m/u "oflthe", 8-10m 318 15-19m 323 9-10m, 30-31m, 35m 332 26-27m 343 23-2Sm 344 24m 347 14u (numbers), 16-18m/m + 355 2m, 22-23m 356 25m, 19-20m 387 22m 403 2-2w generic character 3m+/3-4u "The pouch" 417 26-2Sm 418 25-29m 424 20-23m 429 28m/ 28-29w/wb species appear nearly all distinct here. V. how many genera 432 10-14m, 30-32m 438 7-9m, 10m/?, 12m 443 5-6m (Gould) 444 2-2m 451 l-4m 482 4~6m, 5m, 7m 484 2-7m, 3m, 4m 493 2-2m 518 4-7m 529 25-27m 534 30-32m 537 13-15m, 15-21m, 25-27m 538 3-7m" 8-9m, 13-16m, 18-22m
vol. 2, 3 9-20m 10 29m 12 32w "supra-orbital process" 13 2m 32 4-6m/4u "Corsica", 15-16mj 15u "Sardinia" 34 29-38m 35 24« "supraorbital", 27-32m 36 5u "square \ middle", 7-11m 39 26-27« "ears I point" 41 22-23m/23u "black\above", 25u "brownish colour" 43 22-22m* 45 20« "with I externally", 13u "The\ along" 46 6-7u "with I apex", 12u "tail I above"
48 26u "with \ apex", 34-35u "black \ margin"
49 27-28u "apical \ black" 51 34« "Winter fur",
35-36u "upper\yellow" 52 4-6m, 20-11 u "taill
surface", 30u<^> 53 lu "and I ears", 4u "with\
ears" 54 4u "and I above", 16-29m/22u
"surface I greyish " 55 zt, tab.m 57 8« "with I
black", lOu "tinted\ surface" 58 6-8ra 60 22«
"dense fur", 12u " surf ace \ colour", 24u "upper I
fc/acfc" 64 24« "taill above" 66 wt/1-èm/w The
argument against variation must be extended
to all these cases 5-6m, 10-12m 67 12-13u
"which \ black", 32-34m 68 4-9m, 22-22m 70
23-24u "externally \ extended" 72 20« "earsl
externally", 23u "pencilled I above" 74 30-32w
"with \ externally", 32u "taillabove" 82 l-2u-^>
83 20m, 25-27w± 84 20-22« "taill black" 86 7-
8« "margined I black" 87 35u "externally I patch"
93 22-23m 96 34« "areland" 97 7« "on I
co/owr" 104 20-25m 105 7« "soleslears" 106
3u/5u/5u/9u/9u (numbers) 110 23-27m 111
21u/25m/u (numbers) 116 28-22m 144 22-26m
177 20w "3"/o> In fig. 12 187 iafc.w
proportions different 188 10-20m (Rengger),
17-18m 189 ll-19m, 26-28m, 29-33m
(Rengger) 190 32-34m 191 9-22m, 24«
"previously domesticated" 192 15-18m, 27-33m
[page break]
(Rengger) 202 4-2 0m 203 8-10m + 217 20m, 18u "10" 296 25w* where is it found. 452 9-22Q 27-29m, 29-24m/Q 453 5xv • 463 30-32m 467 8-17m 469 3-7m (Gray) 477 5m
WATERHOUSE, George Robert The
naturalist's library; Mammalia, vol. 11: Marsupialia Edinburgh; W.H. Lizards; 1841 [CUL, I] af, sp, tm, v
NB67.8; 81; 84; 86 to 105
from 200 to 251 only skimmed nothing
253; 263; 266; 284; 306; 313
SB Dp"
68 Owen on marsupial Bones in Reptiles &
arteries in Marsupials like them
84 Analogous var in stripe in other species
of Opossum Q
49 6-8m, 14w New Ireland 27m 50 8-20m 67 23-26m 68 26-2Sm (Owen) 81 15-22m 84 22-15m/13-14Q 28w see 86 29~30m/Q 86 3~5m/ Q 89 29m 96 2-3m 105 25-27m 135 26-27m (Gould) 253 3-4m 263 29-20m 266 23-25m 267 2 9-22 m 284 wt I see some squirrels in Zoolog. Gardens have flattened tails like the flying squirrels 8m 306 6-7m 313 19-32m 314 13-14m, 28-30m 323 6-8m
WATERTON, Charles Essays on natural history London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman; 1838 [Down, S of Matthews]
WATSON, Hewett Cottrell Cybele britannica 4 vols, and part 1 of supplement; London; Longman & Co.; 1847-60 [CUL, I] cr, gd, geo, no, phy, sh, sp, t, tm
vol. 4 NB 397 misprint; 123 introduced
SB ♦
Forbes I quite agree Alpine & recent of
glacial sea-shells only good parts - You
always write with such vigour & spirit that I
am carried along with you over dryest points.
- i.e. thanksO
Value of Groups very good; I was so glad to
see you praise Bentham's paper.-
62 curious coincidence in idea with what I
have written
I am glad you praise Alp. D.C.
SB2 p16
175 It would be easy by this Table to
calculate distribution by the 112 countries of
census in larger & smaller genera. Take one
of old lists with names. In order to see whether the most diffused species are the species of larger genera (see p. 438) Pages marked not abstracted
16 12-17m, 20-21m 19 23-29m 20 29-22m 25 5-22m, 19-24m 31 30-34m 32 18-20m/? 33 2-7m 40 29-32m 42 3-23m 44 22-24m 45 2-3m 46 8-23m, 23-25m 47 6-20m, 16-18m 49 2-2m, 7m 62 2-22m 78 2-12m/4-7w American plants 80 22-29m 105 26-32m 123 3-7m, 7-9m 156 28-22m 159 22-23m 160 22-25m 171 2-4m 175 2w p. 231 42w 1 9w 4 lOw 131 12w 2 23w 100 14w 1 16w 1 234 2« "38 sub-provinces''/xv counties 278 20-30m (Bentham, Babington), 29u "to 320" 279 23-27m, 24~30m, 28-29m 280 32-38m/36u "partly fallacious" 285 zb 357 l-8m 359 lw No of species 2w World 368 27-39m 387 28-34m (Bentham) 388 4-22m, 20-25m 389 5-7w Doubtful British species 397 2? 399 23-28m, 27-32m\31-32u "relative]decreases" 401 30-34m 403 29-34m/ 31-32u++(34u "The\ orders" 404 20-23m (Lindley), 21-27m, 28-30m 405 4-6m, 14-20m 412 22-24m, 25-30m 413 25-33m 415 20-22w & rate of growth 25-31m 417 6m, 30-32m 423 7-20m, 28-29m 424 5-20m 426 22-28m 435 27-23m 436 2-6m, 28-34m 437 19-25m 438 24-28m 440 7-20m 461 21-25m, 30-33m 462 2-4m, 5-8m 463 21-25m/21-23m/"...", 27-29"..." 464 22-32m 465 22-27m, 28-23m, 24-27m, 27-30m 466 5-8m 468 15w9 470 30-32m 474 9-20m, 22-26m 475 5-22m, 13-15m, 19-21m, 27-34m 476 26-29m 486 2m^> 487 3w 1 4w 2 5w 8 7w 3 8w 13 9w 19 20a; 4 llw 6 12w 26 22z 519 25-32m 525 30-34m (Lyell) 526 8-9m (Lyell), 22-23m
supplement NB1 p32 On infinite multiplication of species p118 Definition of species & groups & Babingtons Remark that species cannot be defined
NB2 The 2 lists, which have the same species repeated from N. & S. Britain, must be worked when I consider commonness & size of genera - But there will be difficulties, as I believe the universal ranges are omitted, & some of new species inserted. I must well consider what to do-
116 19-27 m (Babington) 117 5-2 0m (Babington) 118 10-13m, 20-23m (Linnaeus)
WATSON, Hewett Cottrell Compendium of the Cybele britannica 3 parts; London; Thames Ditton; 1868-70 [CUL] ex, gd, no, oo, or, r, si, sp, t
[page break]
Part 1 NB 13 22 37 38 42 50 52 54 57 60 75 (p65 Formulas explained) p69 Littoral plants
♦ 1836 Pamphlet wonderfully + striking
excellent sketch of my views
54 Misnomer Origin of species in same way that a pug dog owes its origin to man
54 I quite agree no evidence except no explanO shown
I have discussed indefinite increase in number of specific forms in 3d Edit p. 141
SB üß«*
p. 13 on manner in which each species dies
out in horizontal range.
p.22 - trespassers are more usual
downwards than upwards on Heights.
37-41 Terms for aggregates of super sp.
57 On convergence of forms
60. Definition of Naturalised Plants.
75 on Flora of Greenland v. Hooker.-
2 ÏÏ25-10w 13 ÏÏ24-6m 22 \fl3-8m37 10-12m, fll-> 38 6-18m, 1tl4-lm/w 1st Edit of Handbook wb see p. 41 41 l-5m, ÏÏ2-» 42 ÏÏ22-5m 43 l-3m 49 ÏÏ25-22m* 50 ÏÏ4-2m 52 ÏÏ20-5m 54 l-4m, ÏÏ8-4m 55 ÏÏ18-9m/w I have discussed this 3d Edit p141 57 6-25m 60 ÏÏ24-6m 65 ÏÏS-2m 69 ÏÏ22-2m 75 7-27m, ÎÏ22-6m, ÏÏÏ-* 76 l-8m 92 "55"-"Zones".m, "56"-"Zones".m 96 "72"-"Zones".m, "Littoral".m, "72*"-"Zones".m 103 "220".m, "222 ".m, "223".m 105 "224".m 107 "232 ".m 111 "242 ".m 120 "274 ".m 128 "220".m 132 "228*".m 142 "274".m 154 "311".m 167 "361 ".m 185 "444".m^ 186 "448".m 187 "450".m 192 "471*".m 193 "476".m 194 "478".m
Part 2 NB 225
225 "624".m 229 "641".m 233 "657".m 235 "664*".m 248 "724*".m (all three) 250 "732 ".m 266 "794".m 281 "858".m 288 "894".m 289 "897".m, "898".m, "899".m 290 "900".m 291 "905".m 292 "922".m 294 "918".m, "919".m 295 "920".m, "921".m 296 "924".m, "925".m, "926 ".m 297 "927 ".m, "928 ".m, "929".m, "930".m 300 "940".m, "940*".m 304 "954".m 306 "961".m 307 "969".m, "970".m 335 "1096".m 340 "1115" .m 346 "1135" .m, "1137".m, "1137*".m 351 "1153".m 352 "1154".m, "1155".m 353 "1160b".m 359 "1183".m, "1184b".m 360 "1188".m 361 "1190".m 365 "1208".m 368 "1218".m, "1217".m 372 "1235".m 380 "2263 ".m, "1264".m 385 "1285".m 387 "1293".m 394 "1323".m/w ail but 1 of "1324".m, "1324*".m 395 "2325".m, "2327".m 399 "1340".m 404 "1362".m 405 "1365".m 406 "1369".m, "1371".m, wb End 413 "2397 ".m
Part 3 NB 0/
WATSON, Hewett Cottrell TTie geographical distribution of British plants 3rd edn, part 1; London; printed for the author; 1843 [Down]
WATSON, Thomas Lectures on the principles and practice of physic 2 vols.; London; John B. Parker & Son; 1857 [Botany School]
WEBB, Henry Dogs London; Dean & Co.; 1876 [Down]
WEBER, D.A. Der Taubenfreund 2. Auflage; Leipzig; G. Basse; 1850 [CUL] beh, br, es, f, fg, hy, oo, v, wd, y
SB aß
Fancy Pigeons must be taught to field
The more noble pigeons keep separate from others
Some crosses Q
6 17-20w 12 feathers in tail normal 22w (a) wb do not tread on sole 13 5-6w Fantail 26-27w Turbits or Owls 32-34w seldom more than one young 36w Caporetin 14 5w Powter 22-23w Turkish with curved Beak 26-33m/ 28m/29u "Pagadette", 30-34w will breed together Carrier 39-41w Runt Spanish 15 2-5w Romish Runt, like Spanish 9-15w Barb (allied to Turbits) can cross with own & Fan-tails 13-16m/14u "aber \ unbrauchbar"/w (a) 29w Tumbler 26w Trumpeter 31-38w Moon Pigeons so called for great fertility 34w (b) wb (a) Barb & Fantail have useless eggs wb (b) This new kind to me 16 wt/l-7w M Brent says a high bred swallow.- is mostly meant by this But the description is applicable to short-footed Tumbler - Riedel gives same account, copied from Bechstein Brent calls it a Magpie Tumbler but possibly not pure-4w (a) 12-15w shell-tuft behind head 19-21w Swallow Pigeon 27-32w • Turn like Tumblers 36-41w Stripe from head along body wb a Carmelite apparently most like almond Tumbler in shape, so low as to walk nearly on Belly. 17 14-17m, 32m 28 12-18w Snuff to destroy insects Powdered quicklime 20u/wx, 36m 30 26m, 35-37m/w (a) wb some think Pigeons pair after colour & I think White Trumpeter took first to White Fan-tail 32 wt House pigeons lay oftener than Field Pigeons 35 7m, 7-9w 4 to 6 months for the pairing 27m 36 5-7m, 5-llw choose for purpose - thin, reared in spring 22-24m/w Fertility of field Pigeons lasts longer 41 wt
[page break]
(a) must not be hybrids, as their eggs are infertile though Birds themselves Bigger lOw (a) 32-34m, wb The house or fancy Pigeons (with few exceptions) will not go to field to feed. Much truth to learn there 42 34-38m, wb the more noble pigeons keep separate from others.- 43 7-15w Fantail & Turbit Turbit & Caporetin Carrier & Runt Runt & Carrier
WEDDELL, H.A. Voyage dans le nord de la Bolivie Paris; p. Bertrand; 1853 [CUL]
WEDGWOOD, Hensleigh On the origin of language London; N. Trübner & Co.; 1866 [CUL, S] beh, h, hi, pat, t, v
NB 2*; 14*; 61 CD fear like cold; 63 astonishment open mouth; 75 disgust spitting good; 76 pride - good on hard breathing in anger; 79 to pout; 91 Origin of no. Who is Charma; 139 Lubbock; ♦ No Explanation of abbrev: Chapter on top of Page.-
2 27« "a generation"/xv generations &c 7 wt N.B. Savages of T. del Fuego power of imitation & repeating words & so Australians wt/l-26w/wb or like lowest savage. But is it not possible that Man's intellectual power was lower before improved by use of language 26-27« "to I ourselves" 10 7-26w/wb would you call senseless gabble of Idiot instinctive?? Instinctive scream, when attacked would blend into shout for assistance 7? lu "instinctively" 14 6? lu "instinctively" 41 6-8m/w p. 45 45 26-27m 61 5-7m 63 18-20m 75 22-24m 76 9-17m/14-15u "swelling]pride" 78 25-26m 79 l-3m 83 23-27m/? 139 2-22m 154 12m/u "there"
WEDGWOOD, Hensleigh On the development of the understanding London; Taylor & Walton; 1848 [CUL] beh, h, t, v
NB p126-133.-
126 22-27m, wb The dog is social & man is
the leader of the troupe 127 19-24m, wb will
not apply to savages, comes in, but not the
* original cause 128 25-27m 131 8-llm 133
WEDGWOOD, Hensleigh A dictionary of English etymology - On the origin of language 2nd edn; London; Trübner & Co.; 1872 [CUL, S] beh
NB1 37 Shudder, cold, disgust* Horror; xliv
disgust, spitting
Mr W Hensleigh *
Ugly Rage; from state mind
NB2 xliv*; Smacking*
xxxvii 10-27m, 17-19m xlv 37-43m
WEINLAND, David F. Über die in Meteoriten entdeckter Thierreste Esslingen; G. Fröhner; 1882 [Down, I]
WEISBACH, A. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859: Anthropologischer Theil, 2. Abtheilung, "Körpermessungen" by K. Scherzer and Eduard Schwarz; Wien; K.K. Hof und Staatsdurckerei; 1867 [CUL] af, h, ss, sx, tm, v
NB 265 Feet of Chinese women
270 Negro does not approach Orang
SB p. 218; 231 a width of mouth an Orang
character; 232; 234; 236; 239; 243 -245<&
265; 269 sexual selection; 270
title page author.u, title.u
216 ll-15m, 17u "Unterschied] beiden", 18u "65 Millim", 20-23m/20u "218\grosste" 218 fig.wx, 3-5m/3-14w+ Height of men more variable than women & before shown that the difference between sexes differs in different races. 231 7-llm/w width of mouth Orang character 232 15-17m/15u "Weibernl nicht" 233 28m 234 4m/w Back-bone 236 27-29u "dem Orang"'/w circumference size* of thorax 36-39u± 237 lm 239 23-25m/23u "ändert I Völkern "\24u "viel I Weibern "/36-41w In many points proportions of men & women different. 243 19-22m 245 3m, 39-44m 247 22-24m 252 22-26m 265 14-16m/w slenderest feet round instep 34-37m/35u "unter I kleinsten" 267 12-14m 269 6u "wovon\ Jochbreite"\4-7m\4-12wBears * on sexual selection on greater variability of male. 270 wt/l-4m/w no one race in all parts nearer Orang 23-26m/24w Translate wb It seems that negros do not approach to Orangs in length of Arms, - * for his legs are likewise long.
WEISMANN, August Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Daphnoiden 2 vols.; Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1879 [CUL, I, S] em, fg, phy, sh
vol. 1 NB p149 in Part III - he shows that summer eggs are nourished by a fluid secreted from the shell-cavity & are not in more water
[page break]
69 19-34m 70 l-3m
149 20-27m 151 11-17m, 24m
WEISMANN, August Studien zur Des-
cendenz-Theorie. I. Leipzig; Engelmann; 1875
cc, ds, em, fo, he, phy, si, sp, ta, tm, v, y
2 Ïï10-5m/w slight season difference * more
common 4 l-15w The caterpillars differ but
feed on same food & are all mingled
together ÏÏ7-4m/îtl5-lw The differently
coloured caterpillars produce the same form
of Butterfly 5 l-5w 2 colours not adaptation
to conditions 6 Ü20-12w under sides of
wings differ very little- tÎ7w " direkten",î\3-2u
"Temperatur I Entwicklungsdauer", fÎ6-2w
Dimorphism due to direct effect of conditions 7 7m 8 wt Temp, during pupation affects colour of Butterflies, by experiments 9 l-15w Temperature did not make a complete transformation 12 6-7m/u-^ 14 l-8w Summer form is a newly acquired form, & cold causes avitism & return to pristine winter forms 15 1\l2m 16 10-15m/l-15w effects of climate cumulative like a poison Ïïl5-10w bears on climatal variations, which are slow. 23 l-15m/w Explains Marcellus & Papilio on same principles but reversion easier î\7m 27 Xw Thinks great heat will cause atavism of the Porima-Vanessa as well as cold wb<^ over 28 Xw Thinks shaking causes reversion - It comes to what I said, anything which disturbs the organisation. 29 23m 30 11m, î\15-5w The so called alpine & arctic var. is the parent form. 31 \\10-5wWinter-form much less variable than summer form 33 22-20m/w if the same species thus split we must expect it in distinct forms ÏÏ6-2m/w distinguishes climate & local variations wb These cases may be compared with the Polar-Bear always white & Ermine white only in winter- 34 15-20w Thinks this a new definition of Climatal variations (applies to Birds in U. States.) 35 8-10m, 9u "var. Bryoniae"/w a climatal var. & season dimorphic 1Î25-23w± 37 tte-3m* 38 5-10m/3-15w 1st question to decide whether change of climate acts by accelerating or delaying period of * development. Birds in U. States answer this- 39 15-17m/w the result he concludes of higher temp 40 l-4m, wt The change of colour & males depends on Nature of organism & not on the warmth 42 19m 43 2-15m/w argues that nature of organism far more important than the exciting cause 2 !«<->, 17-23m/w quotes me
to above effect 1\8u "imIschwarz", ÏÏ7w "im\ schwärzer", ÏÏ5-2m/ÏÏ8-ïw But in Birds the nature of change seems more alike in many species- 44 Ïïl2-8m/m/w Warmth has affected one sex more than the other, so with Birds in U. States, see last Edit, of Descent. 45 l-4m/x, 1\10-7m 46 ÏÏ6-lm/w Caterpillars of season - dimorphic alike 47 ÏÏ4-2m/w inheritance of corresponding sexual generation 48 6-12m/w New law of inheritance, well-known in asexual generation 1Î20« "cyclische Vererbung", Ïïl6m, ttl2-llm/u++ 49 ÏÏ20-14m/w climatal vars., but no season dimorphic vars: exist 56 ÏÏ6-lm 59 l-3m/wt I think he means that sexual generation has been lost & is Parthenogenese for intermediate generations
69 wt A Crust.O with summer & winter eggs
the latter alone undergo a regular
metamorphosis l-10m, Ïïl4-10m/w We see
here a passage from metamorph to none
1\8-3m/w think it direct result of climate???
70 4m, Ü10-3m/w Divides cases, as I
mentioned, into whether or not, the
embryology is different 71 3m 73 ÏÏ27-24m/
1\6-4m/w as 74 1\l2-8m 75 l-4m 77 12m 78
7-9m/8-9u "die I Variabilität", 10-llm, 16-
17u<r+/w applies to this particular case ÏÏ22-
9m 79 1\l3-8m/w This is same in Jaeger 1Ï7-
3m/w allows doubts about Hilgendorf 80 3-
15m/w His theory of isolation referred to *
Because variation not quite identical in 2
stations in relative number. 81 ÏÏ8-lm/w All
variation due to changed conditions, but
does not directly depend on nature of
conditions. 82 13-16m/w each species has
different history & so is differently acted on
by conditions differently from other sp. 1\4m
83 1m, ÏÏ20-9« "gerichteten \Askenasy''s " 84 3-
24m, 14-20m, till-10u "sie I Reize"
Plates figs 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17: wa (and whether summer or winter form)
WEISMANN, August Studien zur Des-cendenz-Theorie. II. Über die letzen Ursachen der Transmutationen Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1876 [CUL, I] ad, ds, em, he, tm, v
NBl All book marked p. 55 56
In first part shows use of coloured stripes & ocelli of caterpillars.- In 2d & very important part - shows that that caterpillars, pupas & imagos all vary independently - & that when one stage varies more or differently in 2 groups the difference always stands in relation to conditions to which stage
[page break]
subjected - Flies - & 2 groups of
Hymenoptera best cases.-
good evidence of Axotl being reversion
NB2 68; ♦ 72 for Letter
all marked wonderful book 277 last mark
xiv 5m 55 24-27m 56 20-2 6m 68 14-15m, 28-32m/23-32xv I have said do not appear in young 69 12-17w stages of ammonite like stages of same caterpillar 33-38w thinks not selection He & I inheritance 72 wt/l-18w Does not allude to rule of inheritance at corresponding ages, but after earlier But why I know not 27m/u "Bildungsgesetze" 73 l-3m 79 2-13m, 25-29m 80 22-24m 81 23m 85 29-34m 86 zvt very unsatisfactory on some ancestor 2? 87 32m 89 24m, 28-32m 92 2-4m 94 3m 98 5m 101 10-19m/ll-13w Effects of eye-spots 29m 103 16-29m 106 3m 116 6m 120 2Sm 142 18-22m/14-21w If developed according to phyletic instinct Kraft 149 5-9m, 15-17m 150 34-37m/34u "dreileinen" 151 2-4m, 6-8m, 10-12m, 21-24m, 29-30m 152 2-4m 153 23m, 14-23m/23-37u± 154 14-16m/ll-19w i.e. caterpillar or XX imagos of allied species constant or variable 155 14-15m, 28-30m 157 5m 159 4-20m, 37-38m 160 l-4m, 9-22m 161 30-32m 165 20m 167 13-23m, 25-28m, 29-32m 170 18-20m/17-22w no characters in common of larvae of Butterflies 171 5-7m 173 32m 176 3-8m/5-6u "in\stehen" 177 22m 182 9-llm/10u^, 14-I5u<r* 183 29-30u "die\ nicht" 184 7m, 17-20m, 17u "bios", 18u "Raupen Varietäten", 21-25m 185 9-14m, 34-38m 187 22m 188 wt/l-6m/w which determines greater variability of one stage than other 24-28m 191 21-37m/22-27w All this deserves full consideration 36-38m 192 33-38m 198 20m 200 22-30m 201 26-28m 203 4-25m, 20m, 22-30m 209 6m 210 22-25m, 22-26m, 15-26m, 28-38m 212 22-28m 214 6-23m 216 8-24m 219 ll-20m, 36m 220 2-5m, 18-20u "soIaufgeben" 221 26-30m 223 32-38m 224 7-24m 225 3-9m 227 wt I have read this essay before except the appendix p. 273 273 22-26m, 34-36m, 37u "verwerthbar I muss " 274 17-20m, 21-24m 277 26-30m 280 25m
WEISMANN, August Studies in the theory of descent trans. R. Meldola; London; Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington; 1880-82 [Down]
partlNB 101-107
106 12-30m 107 2-30m 109 14-25m
WEISMANN, August Über den Einfluss der Isolirung auf die Artbildung Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1872 [CUL, I]
beh, cc, cs, ds, em, fg, fo, gd, geo, ig, in, is, mg, oo, phy, si, sp, ss, sx, tm, v
Weismann Einfluss der Isolirung
p8 p12 p41 on the Hilgendorf case of
Planorbis - periods of variability succeeded
by constancy - (Mem. Forbes case in
Purbeck Birds) p. 137 good arguments
against M. Wagner
p.20* 42 on manner in which these forms of
Planorbis become constant.
p.45 In a variable colonist to remain constant
many individuals must immigrate
about drying of eggs of Apus & revival
Isolation by itself does nothing
Periods of variability long, yet shorter than those of constancy
My argument M.S. against periods of variability
p.54 Lays greatest stress on difference in results when a variable or constant species is a Colonist
p.55 Protective resemblance of butterflies 65 case of constant butterflies in separated areas during Glacial period.-(over) p. 67 p. 74 He calls it amixie the non-crossing & accounts for very local forms by the same proportion of variation not occurring in one stocked by very few individuals - I shd think slightly different conditions wd likewise influence the propagation of varieties.- The difference these gained wd never exceed the amt of individual differences in species in question p. 76 cases of extremely slight differences in different countries of Lepidoptera - many* most species do not present any local vars. p. 85 Effects of crossing slight & slow except in locomotive organisms 95 97 102 Does he not ignore effects of conditions long continued - p102 good argument against.
107 local form of butterflies have never spread from Corsica to mainland of Italy 106 Cause of richness of endemic forms on islands in part due to fact when once formed not spreading to other areas
8 5-27m 12 21-26m/19-20w see to Forbes case 14 18m 15 6-30w argues wonderfully well about these species & their distinctness 16 27-29m (Hilgendorf) 18 23m 20 ll-21w differently coloured vars of Caterpillars 21 24-25m 22 22m (CD) 26 32m 32 3m 40 28-31m 41 l-6m/w slowness of change 28-31m/ 26-30w most important 31-33m 42 wt/l-19w different individuals vary in different ways & all lead to the same end - like what I have
[page break]
said of Giraffe in the Descent. l-2m, 13-19m, 20m, 22-23u "vollzieht I werden", 32-34u "sondern I aus " 43 2-3u "sondern I oxystomus ", 5-7u "Verschmelzung I kommen", 10-llu " durch \ Individuen", 26-28m/27xv (a) wb constancy lost when all individuals fail to cross 45 22m "sehrIIndividuen"/10-16w thinks cause of constancy lies in colonies consisting of several individuals 28-32m/30w (a) wb (a) Thinks individual differences overstated (?) 47 30-32m (Siebold)/30w (a) 33u^, wb about the drying of eggs of Apus 48 18-28w Islands where some forms changed & some identical shows isolation by itself does nothing 27-28u^ 49 18m, 29-31m 51 wt a species remains constant till some cause induces variation- 3-8m/5w (a) 18-27m/w Evidence of Periods of variation long, yet shorter than those of constancy 31-34m (Hilgerdorf) 52 wt A difference in result whether a variable or constant form in the colonist is new 24m/4-26w The species which remain for long periods & in many countries (& whole genera) variable are opposed to periods of variability 54 wt/l-3w i.e. without selection or any new tendency to variation, supposing the new arriver to be already variable- l-8m, 32-34m, wb says very difficult to prove what are purely morphological characters 55 26-28m, 27-32m, wb cases like Kallima 56 31m 58 wt/l-9w asserts the dark colour of wings of female Blue Butterflies is certainly a protection 2-9m, 9z, 9-10u++, Urn, ll-12m, ll-24w I think because his wings have been coloured blue the female has not this habit because her wings are brown 60 16-19m/19u "Satyriden", 27m 62 wt/l-30w He considers Secondary Sexual characters as morphological or indifferent, but I doubt, for so would be primary sexual characters 34m 63 2u "Vanessa ISardinien"\2-5wcase not due to his scheme 5-15m, 13-22m 64 26u*/29-35m/ w trace of mark in V. ichnusa 65 9-14m, 15-17m 67 ll-15m, 30u "Amixie", 31-32u^ 70 5-9m/9m/10-12m/4-17w he assumes taste of female wd remain constant.wd be affected by momentary colour - We have cases of local vars of Birds in which males alone differ. 20-27m/24-33w have I not case of male Moths like female in Shetland islands 72 8-14m/w 2 Sulphur-Butterflies with female alike 74 wt/l-25w on his peculiar view isolation cannot make a greater amount of difference than the extreme varieties of parent species - but may be aided by S. Selection lm, 5~7m 75 12-17 m, 13w conclusive 76 17-26m, 6-25w very slight
differences in different countries 77 l-12w Cases of absolute identity ever since glacial period ll-16m, 12-30w/wb the greater no of species of Butterflies do not present local vars. 82 l-2m 85 4-26w On effect of crossing very slow, in slowly moving organism - true
- he ignores greater vigour of crossed
offspring 91 24m 95 16-22m/wt/l-21w But
how does he know that the black female not
due to directly external agencies 96 21-29m
97 wt I think so if cause of variation
preponderant 5-7m, 8u^lw (a) 9m 100 8m
102 wt/l-28w important that the many local
vars of V. cardui in America due to S.
Selection because such are not found in
other parts of world & the same argument
applicable to direct action of conditions. 103
ll-13m/12-13u "als I Stammart" 104 2-7m 105
25m 106 26-29m/w in islds 107 19u "Corsica I
Sardinien ", 24-29m/25u "italienischen "
WEISMANN, August Über die Berechtigung der Darwin'sehen Theorie Leipzig; W. Engelmann; 1868 [CUL, I] cc, ch, es, dg, gd, he, is, mm, oo, sl, sx, t, tm, v
NB ♦ Causes & Law of Variation most
All marked
p26 Nägeli to 30
11 21m 12 5-9m/wt/l-9w Caterpillars
coloured alike Moths different 13 10m 16 15-
22m, 32-33m 17 22m, 32-34m 18 6u "Ei\
Larvenhaut", 26-28m/29-31m/u++/23-31w Why
on doctrine of Plan do the shoulder girdle &
pelvis fail in snakes 32-33m (Dohrn) 22 20m
24 29m 26 8-12m, 8m, 14-16m/w degraded
organisms 23-33w trifling characters constant
- External influences kept constant by
crossing 24-29m, 30m 27 3-4m\19-29m\l-33w
I think this means that "morphological"
characters are the results of what I call the
definite action of conditions - I do not feel
quite satisfied with this - free intercrossing
cd perhaps keep * the characters, which
are not in use, free from fluctuations.- 28
21-22m/19-23w a cat will vary differently
from a dog. 23-26m/wb So the Laws of
variation (as well as inheritance) will prevent
the same form being produced by two
distinct forms- 29 wt/l-5w In Variation under
Dom. I have been strong on NI of species •
6-8m/7u "Variationsqualität"/w good 16-20m*
30 wt/l-17m/w This is justly directed against
what I have vaguely said of indefinite
variability - in all cases the variability, within
a large circuit, is definite & thus certainly
[page break]
overrides the power of selection 32 23-26mf l-26w my objection that an isolated form could cross at first 33 wt (a) Truly remarks that of offspring, crossed with parents, some wd inherit the new variation & some wd not, but the latter by natural selection wd be be the less favoured 3-7m/5w (a) 28-34m (M. Wagner), wb Thinks much of Sexual Selection 34 28-31m (Hilgendorf) 36 3-6m/ 5-7u "Jedem\grün"/3-llw 2 or 3 forms of Caterpillars I shd have thought more variability 10u*, ll-12u^, 18-22m/w isolation by itself does not cause change 39 8-16m/w Plants & insects later developed on Mountains & so do not cross with same species on the plains 28ua, 19-20u "die\ Stynge"
WELLS, William Charles Two essays London and Edinburgh; Archibald Constable; 1818 [Down, pre-B, ED]
WESTWOOD, John Obadiah An introduction to the modern classification of insects 2 vols; London; Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans; 1839-10 [CUL, S] ad, af, beh, ci, em, f, fg, gd, ig, in, mm, mn, no, oo, or, rd, si, sp, sx, sy, ta, tm, v
vol. 1 NB Change of Habits in House
♦ A 427 Mantis fight
437 Saltatoria 3 Families
439 Crickets
440-442 males chirping noise 445 fight»/& & attract females 450 Gryllidae
♦ 452 Both se
453 both sexes
457 Locust act by Femora - Pneumora anoth case
♦ The use of Limb perhaps stated
?? er ä) (p447. Male of one cricket veil, use
not stated)
SWestwood Vol. 2 Secondary sexual Ch.
104 Variation in Females of Dyticus - Also
case of analogous var.?
144 Case of analogous variation
167 Violent Battles in Lucanus Males
164 Definition of Typical form
343 5 species of Cionus taken on one plant
of Verbascum
396 Coccinellae uniting, but producing sterile
408 Forficula few species, wide ranges
447 So Male Crickett
413 wings not developed in certain species
of orthoptera & Homoptera
SB3 üß
447, 445 after p. 456 I will look out for
peculiarities to see if variable in single
75 22-23Q 104 12-15m (Bonelli)/Q 25-28m 144 4-10m/Q 8-15w difference in sexes hardly a variation. 164 l-5m, 5m 172 29-33m, 37z 184 6-13w of the few cases of differ known two being same group some are splendidly coloured 15-17m/16u "Linnaeus\ Fabricius" 187 6-llm, 18u* 212 24-27m\25u* 217 21-25m 236 27-30m, 36-41m (Latreille) 340 30-35m 343 22-25m/w Hard to see how selection cd make them 396 9-14m 397 37-39m (Dufour) 405 13-16m/15u "rudimental"/w wrong 406 15-18m 408 34m (Audouin, Brülle) 37m (Serres) 410 22-24m (Serres) 411 26-27m/ 26m "rudimentall wings" 413 20-25m 416 26-22m 421 22-23m (Hummel) 427 32-36m/36u "resemble I fighting" 437 luh, 13-19m/18u "crepitaculum", 20u "foramina" 439 6-20m, 24w Crickets 442 9-13m/9u "fig. 54.7 "\w& %, 15u "underside", 20-24m, 30-32m 443 37-38m 445 3-6m 447 25-28m, 36m, 37-39m/w does this vary? 450 21-24m, 26-27w Grasshoppers? 452 9u "sideUike", 10-llu "whichl stridulation", 22-24m, 27u "two114", 35u "Linnaean Transactions", 37u "fifteenth volume", 38u "been\ Donovan", 40u "as I mile"I 37-40m (Guilding) 453 l-5m, 6u "existsl covers", 7-9m/8-9u "of\which", ll-13m, 15u "Lehmann\Sensibus" 455 30-37m 456 20-22w Locusts 457 25-29m 458 2-6m, 8-12m/9u "large cavity "jllw probably 23-25m (Latreille, Linnaeus, Burmeister) 460 30-34m/32u "known grasshoppers" 461 23« "gayest\insect", 14-17m, 15-lSu "posterior I being", 30u "Pneumora", 33-35m/34-35u++, 38-39u*+ 462 l-5m (Charpentier)
vol. 2NB1 ♦ 313; 402 NB2 These marks refer to many abnormal parts, which, if required, might be hunted up to see whether variable - I have put X to them
12; 15; 24; 37; 67; 80; 82; 88; 98; 109; 119; 147; 150; 154; 158; 160; 172; 224; 232; 237; 252; 254; 261 ; 279; 281 ; 311 ; 312; 319; 321 ; 324; 326; 329; 333; 342; 344; 340; 352; 354; 358X; 356 to 389X; 406; 422; 431X; 432X; 444; 454; 469 & 478; 481; 483X; 499; 502; 508; 514; 524; 526; 541; 557; 559; 567; 578; 574; 575; 473 Reduvius stridulating; 213 & 214 Mutillidae; 465 Homoptera
[page break]
40 Suppl Phryganea do Palpi differ in
different species?
213 Mutillidae female destitue of ocelli
12 Affinities of Termites
on their habits
doubts about pupae walking
24 Nemoura species in same genus with or
without branchiae
67 do in Phyganea
88 Classification by habits alone fails 262 do
Ichneumons use ovipositor as organ of defence & secretes fluid 150 do
antennae very variable differs in number and form of joint, in various species & in sexes of same species
98 varieties in imago from differences in food (Ch. 7)
109 20 parasites on a saw-fly 119 All wood-feeders vary in size. Allude to Wollastons cases of molluscs of 2 sizes & Birds in note
147 Ichneumons avoiding vital parts of caterpillars
224 Strange diversity of neuters amongst Ants
232 Slaves + only neuter pupae taken 228 Curious variation see F. Smith Pamphlet 155 on - ch 4.
237 On minute characters very constant through whole order - good sentence 261 On resemblance of some Flies parasites on Bees to Bees.
279 Important on diversity of workers in Hive bees, occasional workers Q 311 In Butterfly 34,650 facets on eyes 321 Allied insects generally fed on allied plants (showing how same character goes in genera
324 on single species not having some very abnormal character not sufficient to render character unavailing 342 Definition of typical 344 Cases of Butterfly with many relations 346 & 348 On Caterpillars of same genus differing greatly 352 & 386 & 294 do ♦ 406 & in Habits 524 in Diptera
356 Nymphalidae are polymorphous 359 Caterpillar attaching fruit to tree by silk-thread. (Difficulty) 381 do Q 380 Males of Bombyx flying swiftly 382 two crysalises in one cocoon in relation to something about silk worms 384 Parthenogenesis - males alone in 3d generation SB3Qß
422 Musical instrument of male Cicada hard to understand by Selection 37 good on Libellula noticing bright colours -428 Projection varies in the different species in Fulgoridae
431 Development of wings in Homoptera 454-469 & 481 Important Ch. 7 444 Retrograde development in Cocci: females lose artic. of body & limbs 526 Males of Tipulae fight Ch. 6 541 In Tabanidae only females bloodsuckers - Males on Flowers
6 16-23m 8 llu "Isoptera", llu "single] Termes", llx 12 5-7m/6u "economy", fig.w Pupa fig.w Neut fig.w Neuter* larvae Neut 13 21-23m/w wide rangers 14 16-18m/16u "closely I each "/18u "called I Lotreille ", 24-28m/u "under I head"/w Neuters 25u "from\Po", 32-34m/33u "very I resembling" 15 13w Analogy 14-16m/16u "lose\off", 31-36m/33x 16 9-10x, 18x, 40x 21 28-30m (Curtis, Lucas) 24 4-llm (Pictet) 25 5-10m 26 27-33m 35 14-17m (Ashton) 37 9-10m, 21-25m (Newman), 25-27ml25uA> "In I males", '27-29m 39 29-31m (Reaumur) 44 ll-12m (Dufour) 67 30-33m (Pictet) 77 17u "of\valves", 19-20m, 23-27m/z/ 26u "retroserrated spiculae", 28c "latter"/w sheath 29-30m/30u "articulated I internal", 34u "spiculae", 34-35u "serving I internal" 78 8a "some" male 9x 79 35x 80 17-20m 82 12-Um, 14-17m 83 35-36m, 36-39m 88 wt Some evidence that formed, like corporeal structures, by selection.- ♦ not particular 2-3m, 2-8w These agree with corporeal structures 38-40m (E.W. Lewis)/Q 89 l-2m/Q 98 20u "Dahlbom"/19-21m/w first rate authority 109 18-20m 117 10-17m 119 19-20m 147 17-19m/18u "feeding I matter" 150 27-32m\ 30u "painful irritation" 154 26-28w variable 28-29m 158 33-37m 160 4-10w like cirripedes 8-llm 172 4-7m/w variable 18114-16m, 24m/ 24-25u "compels I abortive" 182 20-23m (St. Fargeau) 183 25-27m/26x/u "bee\makers" 205 Sua) "jaws I burrowing" 206 8-14m 209 10-17m 212 22-28m (Strickland, Bakewell) 213 4-6m/Q/5u "latter\ wings" 214 12-17m (Goureau) 217 11-Uu "whence I abortive", 13-14x, 14-15u "which\ wings" 218 4m, 5-6u "but I middle"'/w workers 19-20x/u "the\eyes", 23x 219 34-35u "especially]habits", 38-39m/x 220 2x 223 29-30m/x, 33-35w transition to Hive Bee 36-37x 224 7x, 8-9m/9x, 16-19m/19x, 25x/u*/22-26w Different genera 2 workers 28u*, 31-46m/ 34u*/w 4th genus 38-40m (Ruber) 225 32-41m (Wesmael), 32-38m/33u*/w 3d gen 35-36x, 35u "immense\ sphere", 38u "almost inactive", 39-40m/39u "only I honey" 228 16m,
[page break]
29m 229 5x/u "tribes I species" 230 19-20mlu "in\species" 231 Ix 232 21-22x/21u±/18-29m (Huber), 34u "neuter pupae"/35x 233 22x, 25x, 27-29m (Lund), 28x 234 llx, 32x, 33x 235 6x, Wx 237 28-30w folding of wings 238 7x, 30-36m*, 37-40m (Jurine) 246 22m/20-22w Kirby says clear nest 247 lx 252 25-28m 253 4w Hive do 6u "constructing! nest"/w* How then had neuter & lost them? 254 7x/u "females! alone", 10-16m/10-llu++ll5u "cuckoo"/14-15w How arise 255 27x 260 38-39x 261 36-38m 262 2-7w Is there any case of Bee occasionally parasitic. 15-21m 264 10-llm/ Wu "These\all"/Uu "and females" 268 8x/u "solitary working", 9u "great\this" 269 4x/u "Bees\Trigonis"/w See Diet Class 271 21z 272 28-34m, 30-34zv Ch. 8. like webbed geese Q 278 38m/u "50,000!queen" 279 3« "distinguished I secreting ", 23-24u "their I pockets"/w see Kirby 32^0m (Huber), 34-41u±, 34x, 36x, 39x, 40x 281 fa/u "Un/itel Wue", 20« "two I organs ", 13u "pollen\ posterior", 14u "the I joint", 15-16u "presence! nest", 28-32m, 29x, 36-39m, wb Disappearance of these pollen plates interesting 285 22x 286 27x/28x/w vide this 287 3x/u "neuters! being" 311 37-39m (Geoffroy) 312 19-25m 313 7-9m, 13-16m 317 34-35m/34u "Zygaenae! wings" 319 6-8m, 13-15m 321 28-32m (Loudon), 33-38m 324 29-34 m 326 7-8m (Boisduval) 329 25« "seven" 114-16m (Newman), 31-36m 333 ll-13m\"...", 38u* 335 4-5m 342 34-37m (Boisduval) 344 29-35m 346 32-37m/34a "Papilio" p. 348 348 24-3Im 352 9-17m 354 7-12m2m 356 8-20m/ w Nimphalidae 358 20w (variable) ll-13m/x 359 5-8m/6u "the! of", 15-19m (Westwood), 15-17z 368 21-25m, 27-33m 376 37-39m/38u "twilight! considerably" 380 l-5m/w which family with rudimental mouth 23-32w It does not appear wingless 26-30m (Stephens), 29-31m/m 381 23-24m, 26-29m 382 35-36m/34-39w happens with silk Worms. 383 8u "Memoir!Trans."/w Read 384 4-12m/12u "pocket! cllector"/12-13w Bombycidae 26« "Davis! 4", 24-26m, 35-36m 386 25« "prominent"/7-16m/8-13w larvae differ more than Moth 30-32m, 32-33m/33u "species! wings", zb 387 17-19m, 29-30m, 32m/a "genera" wonderfully zb 389 25-26m/w wings variable?? 390 2S-22m 391 27-2Sz 392 36-37m/37u "which! fly" 393 2-2«<->, 2«*, 3« "pluvial!patches" 394 22-27m/w Mem-Crustacea metamorphosis of 396 8-llm/9u "occasionally!vertically" 397 19-24m, 32-34m 400 25-29m 402 25-27m 406 2-6m 416 25x, zb 419 /& 6tü bristle-like 8x/w 4321 20o> 444 22w> Coccidae 12w Aphidae. Physillidae &
Aleyrodae 421 7« "the!three", lOu "antennae", llu "seven joints", 12u "6"/w or 422 25« "legs!not"'/w for jumping 27« "males", 19u "the base", 20u "abdomen", 21u "insertion! legs ", 23-28w How arrived at by selection 26-28m/25-31m/Q (Reaumur, Goreau, Solier), 35-39m 423 22-23m 427 5c/u<->, fig.x, 7u "legs", 8u "general!leaping" 428 3-5m, 5-7Q 20« "varying!species" 430 10-12m (Merian) 431 20a/u "species"lw of Delphax 23«*/22-24w are some species winged & some not 24-22m, 24u "antennae!jointed" 432 2« "last! seta", 5« "ocelli!number", 5c "in number", 17-22m/w ? variable in individuals 435 22« "antennae", 12u "ten joints" 438 5« "antennae!jointed" 442 29-30u "broad!wings", 34u "antennae!jointed" 444 5-9m 454 16-22m, 23-29m 469 4-7m, 10-llm, 14-16m, 18a "condition" ie with rudiments 20u "destitute! rudimental", 22-25w like some plants with 2 sorts of Flowers 37m (Westwood) 473 17-18m, 23-25m, 31-34m 481 32-36m (Curtis, Linnaeus) 483 9-lOm/x/w variable 499 2-5m\ 3u "proportionate" 502 20-23m 503 16-21m/w a discussion of several pages on this. 508 7-29m (Latreille) 514 7-9m, 17-20m 524 fig.w all these larvae one family 526 7-8m, 20-22m 541 3-5m 555 33-35m (Linnaeus) 557 36-38m (St Fargeau) 567 20-23m, 24-25u "thus! Ichneumonidae" 571 3-22m (Jenyns), 35:40m (Owen, Hope) 588 w (list of orders of insects and number of subvenient species) Synopsis of the genera of British insects, 1 8w p. 30 lOw p. 8 22a; Stirps 2 p. 4 5 zf 8 23-24m 21 26-27m 22 27-28m, 30m 45 lw Antenna long 20w Antennae short 49 23-25m 51 22-23U7 p79 Aculeata
WHEWELL, William History of the inductive sciences 3 vols.; London; John W. Parker; 1837 [CUL, S]
beh, cc, ch, cr, ds, geo, h, he, ig, mn, oo, no, pat, rd, sy, t, tm, ud
vol. 1 NB 17; 54; 80; 119 curious; 136 good sentence; 169; 238; O Feb/58 xix 18w R 17 18-21m/w Herschel's craving -How acquired? 51 ll-14m/w one does» can conceive such ignorance 54 l-3m/l-5w curious with respect to origin of language 80 3-14m/9-10? 119 S-20m 122 23« "1461" 113-15w How was this calculated 135 11-Um/w V. p. 122 136 2S-22m 138 14-16m/15u "ready! times" 169 23-2Sm 238 8-25m
vol. 2 NB 127; 177; 287 good; 438; 482; Feb/58 0/
116 22-27m 127 13-22mfw/wb May conclude from this body of Man requisite. Hence
[page break]
political state of country Great influence of science hence dark ages as in Spain 177 ll-17m 180 71..], 18-191...], 251...], 301...] 181 ![...], 131..], 14[...] 183 m 244 l-10m 287 25-31m 438 ll-15[...]/m 441 ll-22m 482 30m 483 l-6m
vol. 3 NB 188; 265; 321; 322; 324; 342;
352; 354; 369; 374; 379; 390; 397; 415; 419;
436; 448; 452; 456; 458 et sequitur; 466;
471; 472; 574; 576; 578 read whole Chapter;
582; 620
Vol 3
189 374 Definition of classification p374
321 on natural Classification Linnaeus rules
324 very good
342 do. very good.- 352 do
459 Eyes of Cephalopoda discussed by
Geoffroy in his Principes de Phil. Zoolog.
p.55 1830
468 Maintains that every organ has some
188 24r-31m 189 l-2m 255 12-19m 263 30w* 321 8-23m/10-22w This is strictly applicable to family likeness - though rules may be estab to guide observer as v- vary least or most 25-26u&> "latent I instinct", 28-29m, wb&> when such expressions are used, it is certain there must be some great hiatus in our knowledge 322 2-7m, 15-20m/zo what is this but to say, that every character is variable • Linnaeus 22w V. p. 324 24m, wb when Published? 324 13u "but I impossible"/ ll-14w surely not always - Elephant? Man?
325 3c "organization of life"/w descent 342 wt
Systematic naturalists are the heralds of
Nature 7-8u "study I only", 7-12w What
organs abortive? What least subject to
change? use of each part 13-17w The
relations consequent on one part, or organ
changing 18-24w Trifling resemblances
independent of external causes of slight
weight wb importance of organ is not the
rule in species, or even genera. : only the
red band on the Fumarii and Synallaxis of S.
America. Consider the Trogons of world,
whether s*- there is not more 352 17-28m 354
18-23m 369 5-22m 374 9-26m 379 15-22m/
17-18u "Philosophy \ Life" 390 l-4m/3-4w see
p.400 5-7m 397 8-12m 400 26-27m (Harvey)
401 l-3m (Harvey) 415 ll-25m (Grew and
Malpighi)/15-18! 419 9-12m/9-22w why not
as well as the skin of the hand know how to
grow properly, all live fresh again? or tree
produces same buds 436 15*ju "five sepals"!
16u "five"/wb * Preponderates in all
Dichotiledons - & in Radiata - (?) Mem.
Agassiz - Quinarian arrangement - 3 - in Monocotyledons 441 21-30m (De Candolle, A.P.) 448 12-15m, 29m 452 18-31m, 30-31m (Jenyns, Clark) 456 5-14m/6-8w Mammae in Man 7-14m/8-12?/9-10?/12-14m 457 ll-15m (Geoffroy St Hilaire)/w Clearly wrong 458 wt rather, the function gives rise to the structure 459 15-21m/w How singular that so different a series should have arrived at same end. 461 3-7m 462 3a "play"/wt thus qualified is correct. Owing to external contingencies, & numbers of other allied species & not owing to mandate of God 463 lz 466 l-8m, 30-31m/ ? (Cuvkr) 467 4a "made"/2-4m/w born & altered 4a ''offices''/4-5m/w under changing circumstances 30-31m (Cabanis) 468 3m/ wt Shrivelled wings of those non-flying Coleoptera?! wt In every science, one may trust that every fact has some relation, * to whole world 3u "use"/w relation wb In every animal, final cause or adaptation is applicable to far greatest proportion of structure. For otherwise it would be pressed 470 l-3m, wt/l-19w All this reasoning is vitiated; when we look at animals, on my view. 4-18m (Kant), 18-20m 471 wt/1-2w When a man inherits a harelip, or a diseased liver is this adaptation as much as Bullfinch to linseed- doubtless it is in one sense, but not that in which these philosophers mean. 472 13-15m/w appears to me rather far-fetched 473 la/u "possible"/ wt/l-3w with innumerable other animals striving to increase 4-5u "those\it" 543 l-5m 574 l-25m 576 l-12m 577 l-31m 578 25-32m/ 27?/28u "constantly" 579 15-17m/16u "additional assumptions", wb These are not assumptions, but consequences of my theory, & not all are necessary 580 27m (Cuvier) 582 22-25m/23u "his I beauty" 610 7-15m/10-12? 620 l-5m
WHITE, Gilbert The natural history of Selborne 2 vols.; London; C.& J. Rivington; 1825 [CUL, S]
af, beh, cc, ch, fg, h, he, mg, oo, or, sp, sx, t, ta, ud, v
NB1 Modifications & migrations of species of same genus shows great diversity in habits See end of 2nd vol for Classified Index ♦ p169 •; p277 Furnarius boring holes NB2 p126; 139 Many birds do not pair; 169 allied species similar habits; p246; p255; p256X; p272X; p278; p292
126 17-23m, wb Good instance of punctual migration wb D'Orbigny case of memory of time 139 2-19m/8-9Q/llu "cock\hen", 23-24Q
[page break]
169 2-10m/3-6w In S America same fact 246 15-24m/15-19m 255 l-5m 256 6-17m/7-8w&> Lin 14 272 l-7m/w like my bird boring holes 278 6-26m/7w p. 773 292 12-17tn 320 lw Swallows
vol. 2 NB comparison with man good
comparison with old animals gnashing their
front fangs
p6; p8; p9; 10; p54; p56; p92; p110; 117;
p119; p120; p124; p207; p296; p310
SB Letter 29 - On Partridges
139 On Birds when one shot, getting soon
mated Q
246 on singing of Birds, due to rivalry
256 on wren hiding mouth of nest
272 Martins nests continually washed down
vol 2
8 on capons hovering or brooding over
110 some notes of own on instincts
117 Barley in Hawks stomach from W.
119 Chinese dogs not relishing meat Q
120 sporting Dogs refusing Partridges &c
6 l-18m 7 6-20m 8 l-4m/2-3u "hover\hens"I l-9w dormant instincts in every male, account for a difficulty in origin 7-9m/?/9u "Mr. Lisle" 9 9-12m 10 wt This must be reason, instinct would have led hog to have waited for boar l-5m 54 l-10m 55 15-16z 56 wt cause of straight lines easy to keep direction recollect FitzRoy idea of sounding-noises to hear the line when not see it l-2m 57 15-22m 92 15-19m/15?/u "miscellanies" 110 wt Habitual action, like instinct does not vary, indeed difficult to vary much bitter experience to cure tricks yet curable, so instincts can be altered.- wt habitual desires & actions go together in Man.- eating dinner Instinctive desires wb Habitual desires -appetite at certain times wb Instinctive action Habitual action - in sucking both must be brought into play wb Instinctive when origin cannot be traced in life of individual 111 wt in an habitual action, consciousness of desire which must be preparatory, obliterated wt/l-llw It is not more wonderful that a desire should be hereditary - than that memory itself should be hereditary, or that taste, mental thought should be so 7-24w In Man an habitual desire may become instinctive or heredetary. ambitious man ambitious children - civilized man. civilized children 13-16w It is transmission of thought through egg 15-19m, 17-21w X- that cuckoos should know so much the
impregnated ovum should be mathematical 2G-25w the mind has only cause to sleep 20-25w because circumstances do not vary wb Man scarcely any instinctive actions. Many desires, & therefore many habitual wb animals having * many instinctive few habitual actions? 117 14-18m 118 12-19m 119 15-20m, 20-25m 120 20-25m/21w good 121 wt If effect of being beaten as seems most probable a most curious instance if not yet an acquired instinct!- l-4m, 3-6"...", 7-llm, 14-21m 124 l-3m 207 8-13m/llw reason wb nothing short of it would make them run out Of doors 259 15-17z 265 zb 296 2-16m, 18-21m 310 16-19m/17u "Montagulxxx"
WHITE, Gilbert The natural history of Selborne new edn by L. Jenyns; London; John Van Voorst; 1843 [CUL, I by Jenyns] beh, mg, phy, sx, tm, y
NB p47 on chaffinches sexes in flocks
p53; p69; p91; p112; p130; p137; p143;
p173; p214; p236; p348; p204
Mice using tail slightly as prehensile Brehm
Thierleben says same of monkeys
69 Snakes using Dung Heap to incubate in
112 on a cat habitually taking to water
137 Differences in migration within England
140 Both male & female swallows have
forked tails - but males the longest
143 Grey or Hooded Crow very rarely builds
in England
214 On tough envelope to Dung of young
Birds, due to inaction Q
348 On Birds near cotton-mills using cotton
for nest. N.Q.
354 Dogs lose taste for flesh. Q
Letter 16 Martens building in exposed
situations Q
47 21-32m (Thompson) 53 21-27m 69 18-23m/ 18u "of\heap" 82 28-29m 91 17-21m/19u "protract" 130 30-34m 137 28-30m 143 28-32m 173 24-30m (J.E. Gray, Yarrell) 204 23-32m/29u "Mr. Blackball" 205 30m 206 27-33m
215 23-26m 216 6-8z, 22-29m 217 9-13z 236
21-30m (Robert) 348 24-32m (Thompson) 354
WHITNEY, John Dwight The auriferous
gravels of Sierra Nevada of California
Cambridge, Mass.; University Press; 1879
[Down] p
[page break]
WHITNEY, William Dwight The life and growth of language London; Henry S. King & Co.; 1875 [Down, I]
NB 139
139 2-6m
WHITNEY, William Dwight Oriental and linguistic studies New York; Scribner, Armstrong & Co.; 1873 [CUL, I] beh, t
NB All on language
285; 287
No sound argument that Man cannot think
without the use of words - 296- Quoted
354 Uses of unforseen UsedA
How far Language consciously invented
Used A)
(many markings presumed not to be by CD) 246 26-27w chesnut 285 15-28m 287 22-27m 296 31-35m 297 l-8m, l-24"..."/12-17m/12-22m (Max Müller), 20-24m 353 ll-25m, 32-33m 354 20-25m, 33-35m 355 6-8m
WICHURA, Max Die Bastardbefruchtung im Pflanzenreich Breslau; E. Margenstern; 1865 [CUL, I]
ad, br, cc, ch, es, f, fg, gd, he, hy, ig, in, mn, no, pat, sp, sx, tm, v, wd, y
NB1 ♦ the most striking case given of constitutional weakness of Hybrids NB2 ♦ p22; p43 Variation under Domestication; 89 do - Look over - allude to theory of non-accommodation - will not do if Primula & Linum are sterile.— SB1 Qß A> (mostly dictated by CD) Full Abstract Max Wichura 24 Willows have great power of combining into complex hybrids; he has united 6 species into one hybrid.
28 Thinks Gartner's reversions due to parent
pollen: Naudin's results point to opposite
extreme. Does not Gärtner say that
cultivated vars. revert more than wild
species? Does this not account for
difference between Naudin & Wichura?
see Book p. 2
29 The 6 fold hybrids cd not live -
31 Says generally that Hybrids are not so strong & healthy-
30 Gradation in sterility of Hybrid willows
which in extreme point of scale ends in
death of young plants
35 Gradation in potency of pollen.
38 pollen gets worse & worse in offspring of
Hybrids inter se & in (p.39) the more
complex hybrid.
41 Luxuriance in hybrid willows is by no
means the rule rather than reverse.
SB2 (as 1)
42 Cases of weakly hybrid willows
43 Believes in Kohlreuters view that
luxuriance of hybrids results from sterility,
false from mongrels -
43 & 44 Number of individuals of either
sexes modified in hybrid willow. There are
more females & see p. 63.
50 Never saw a prepotent type & therefore
doubts Gärtner.
56 variability in hybrid willows when hybrid
pollen used; uniformity when pure pollen
58 & 66 difft kind of hybrid willow found wild
64 Gives proportion of hybrids to pure
species in different districts - in some places
more hybrids than pure plants -
65 Ingeniously explains how they abound on
certain spots from rapid Germination @ of
seed -
80 gives case of species very like each other yet do not unite easily.-SB3 (over, CD)
Gärtner p. 474 & 582 on Reversion occurring chiefly in cultivated Plants - Naudin who used cultivated plants goes to one extreme & + Wichura who experiments on wild willows goes to other extreme SB4 (as 1)
83 Explains sterility of hybrids by combined organization being ill-fitted for conditions. I give this view p. 288/3rd ed. of Origin; but contradicted if offspring from homomorphic unions are sterile.
85 Explains increasing sterility of successive generations of hybrids inter se by interbreeding like I do.
85 The crossed Triticum & Aegilops which increased in fertility had 3/4 of Triticum blood.
89 cultivated plants which vary most often have irregular pollen and seems to think there is some analogy between variability & hybridism
92 Cultivated plants like hybrids, are in a state of dis-accommodation & he gives Kohlreuters view on this point
10 13-14u<-> 11 14-18m 22 flg.m/w 6 species compound into one. 24 14-17m/ll-17w In Willows great power & tendency for production of complicated Hybrids 27 9-10m (Gartner)/w 4 generations implied for Reversion 26m "individuelle", 13-17w Propagation of individual peculiarity in a
[page break]
Hybrid 28 ivt/l-5w Thinks reversion of Hybrids due with Gaertner's experiments to pollen of either parent - I daresay Naudin's reversions are largely due to his plants being cultivated 3-6m, 27-28m 29 17-18m/17u "sechsfachen"/18u "die\ Grunde" 30 9-13w Gradation of sterility 26« "aber\in" 31 5-llm/ lOu "aber meist"/6-8w gradation in number of seeds 15-16u^l?! 35 24-26m 38 6-llw pollen gets worse & worse from hybrids inter se 39 12-14m/12u "Zahl"/13w mingled 41 8-9m/u"doch\Regel", 21-23m/21-22u*+, 25-26m, 30-31w dwarfs from weakness 42 wt/l-21m/ xv cases of weakly Hybrid willows did not produce flowers 43 l-9w believes in Kohlreuters view that luxuriousness of Hybrids results from compensation for sterility 20-22w Relation of sexes modified in Hybrid Willows 17[*&, 20u^ "Zahlverhältniss", 21u*& "als I Arten", 29-30u*> "Differenz I bedeutende" 44 3-4u "mehr\weiden", 8-13w more females! under nature Hybrid females very abundant 9u++, 12-13w 1/10 males females 16-17u"unter\ befand" 50 8-26«; never saw a prepotent type in willows & doubts of Gärtners statement 52 9m 56 27-22m/17-18u± 58 14-17m/16-17u "661ihren" 63 20-22m 64 6-7m/u++, 9-13m, 34u "einzelne" 65 l-3m/lu "zusammenwachsen", 2-6m/w more Hybrids than pure parents!! 9-28m/10-20w Explains how these numbers come from willows vegetating only in bare places 80 10-12m 82 21-25w common mule 24m "eine\Bastarde"/24-25m/? 83 9x/wt X I give this view distinctly p. 288 3d edit of Origin 10-12m/10w Clever 25-25w no Hybrid exactly fitted for place in nature -contradicted by species from different climates forming Hybrids 84 wt/l-5m/w More different the parent species the more imperfect the Hybrids 85 2-2 lw This is my view of interbreeding causing sterility in successive generation, but too rapid 28-29m/ 29u "Die \ begreift" 89 8-19m/w Plants which vary have often irregular pollen - I think some connexion between sterility & variability 92 8-29w Cultivated Plants like Hybrids are in a state of disaccommodation.- 33m "Die\wird" 93 2-3m (Koelreuter), 21u "dass\Accommodation", 22u "Fähigkeit I Varietätenbildung"
WIESNER, Julius von Das Bewegungsvermögen der Pflanzen: eine kritische Studie über das gleichmässige Werk von Charles Darwin Wien; Alfred Holder; 1881 [CUL, I] ce, mhp, phy, t, y
NB ♦ 60 I think 0
8 I do not understand; 11 no; 34 no; 80 no;
78 Georges translation; 158» George; 122;
126; 162; 211
(by GD) What you say p. 485 almost justifies
SB cs> Pots 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ft (for 4 hr) in
2d 1/4 3d 1/16 4th 1/36 5th 1/64 6th 1/100
of the light received by the seedlings in the
1st Pot
3 13-27m 8 12-22m/l-21w do not understand whilst struggling itself accommodation wd stop 9 4m "beschränkten Masse" 11 29m "alle", 19u "Circumnutation", 19w no 20m "Reizphänomene" 24 Im, 17-20m/18u "nicht\ Zusammenhang"/w no 30 23m 60 23m "Krümmungsfähig"/w no 66 32-34m/32u "nicht heliotropisch" 68 17-20m/17w Weight can 69 8m 71 l-5w loading very good 73 2m 78 zt, 23-30m/17-29w I do not understand 81 lm 122 10-31w But will not Cotyledons place themselves horizontally in the dark 123 8-10m, 18-21m/! 124 8-10m 125 7m 126 wt/1-17w It ought to be tried again. Whether Cots, (with hypocotyl fixed) bend in proper measure to bright light. 33-35m/18-35w In my study, when hypocotyl. bend itself Cots, were horizontal, but when with same light Cot fixed the Cots bent in proper measure 127 3-14m/w I cannot quite follow 20-31w Do all Cots rise if kept in dark? 162 wt It does not explain lateral mvmt. 5-llm/l-llw This does not apply to 2 triangles 205 a> 22m "Fast alle", 23u "sind\bewegungen" 211 23-27mJ?/26u "verkümmern I sterben "\w no
WIESNER, Julius von Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik: 1. Elemente der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen Wien; Alfred Holder; 1881-89 [Linnean Society of London, I]
WIESNER, Julius von Die Heliotropischen Erscheinungen im Pflanzenreiche Wien; K. Gerolds Sohn; 1878-80 [CUL, I]
WIGAND, Albert Der Darwinismus und die Naturforschung Newtons und Cuviers 3 vols.; Braunschweig; F. Vieweg & Sohn; 1874-77 [Down] p
WILCKENS, Martin Form und Leben der landwirtschaftlichen Hausthiere Wien; Wilhelm Braumüller; 1878 [Down, I] p
WILCKENS, Martin Grundzüge der Naturgeschichte der Hausthiere Dresden; G. Schönfeld; 1880 [Down, I]
[page break]
WILCKENS, Martin Die Kinderassen Mittel-Europas Wien; Wilhelm Braumüller; 1876 [Down, I]
NB Skimmed too difficult O
WILLIAMSON, William Crawfurd On the
recent Foraminifera of Great Britain London; The Ray Society; 1857 [Down]
NBxi xi 2-22m
WILLIAMSON, William Crawfurd On some of the microscopical objects found in the mud of the Levant and other deposits Manchester; Gillett & Moore; 1847 [Down, I]
WILSON, John British farming Edinburgh; Adam & Charles Black; 1862 [Down]
NB Colling, Ellman, Bakewell
WILSON, Owen S. The larvae of the British Lepidoptera and their food plants London; L. Reeve & Co.; 1877 [Down, S] p
WINKLER, Tiberius Cornelius Descriptions de quelques nouvelles espèces de poissons fossiles des calcaires d'eau douce d'Oeningen [Down, I]
NB 0/
WINKLER, Tiberius Cornelius Des tortues fossiles Haarlem; Les Héritiers Loosjes; 1869 [Down, I] p
WOLLASTON, Thomas Vernon Insecta Maderensia London; John Van Voorst; 1854 [CUL, I] gd, oo, no, sp, tm, v
SB1 Cossyphodes a Blind Insect in Ants-Nest common to the Canaries Isd with wings obsolete & Bates says Prelaphidae are blind but some have yet wings & fly & are f. in Ants-Nests.
SB2 Qß Genera marked Woll. & so I presumed endemic
(list of genera and number of their species; totals calculated)
(untranscribed words are numbers of varieties listed under each species) xxxva llxv, 15w, 22w, 34m, 37m, 40w xxxvb 7w, llw, 16w, 21w, 25io, 29w, 39w, 45w xxxvia 4w, 10c "var ß", 17w, 18m, 33w, 42w, 45w xxxvib 4m, 16w, 25w, 34w, 42w, 47w xxxviia 2w, lOw, 19c "109 spinipes, Woll", 19w var a 30w, 33m, 35m, 42m, 44m, 54w xxxviib 4w, 8w, 15xv,
27w, 31w, 32m/?, 33w, 36w, 37m, 38w, 40w, 42w, 45w, 47w, 49w xxxviiia 6w, 9zv, 12w, 17w, 20w, 28w, 31w, 34w, 37w, 40w, 44w, 45-46m, 47w, 50w xxxviiib 3w, 6w, 7m, 9c "var ß", 12w, 14w, 15m, 17w, 20w, 34c "206\ Woll"/w e yar 35w, 37w, 42w, 47w, 49w, 51w xxxixa 2w, 7w, 8m, 9xv, 10m, 15w, 16-17m, 18w, 21w, 24w, 29w, 31w, 32m, 43w, 45m, 46w, 47m, 48xv, 53w xxxixb 4w, 7w, 13w, 15w, 30w, 35w, 37w, 43w, 46m, 47w, 49w, 50m, 55c "2811 Woll"/w var a 56c/w var. ß xla 7w, 12w, 14m, 17w, 18m, 20w, 21m, 23xv, 25w, 27m, 28w, 33w, 36w, 43w, 53zv xlb 3w, 7m, 8w, 13w, 17w, 19xo, 21w, 22xo, 23m, 24xo, 26xo, 27m, 28xo, 32xo, 35xo, 39xo, 43xo xlia 4xo, 13m, 15xo, 17xo, 19xo, 21xo, 30xo, 43xo, 45xo, 49xo, 50m, 51xo xlib 2xo, 4xo, 5m, 6xo, 8m, He "370\ Woll"/xo var a 12m, 14xo, 15c "var ß", 17xo, 20x0, 22xo/?, 24xo, 26xo, 29xo, 31xo, 35w, 36m, 39xo, 40m, 42xo, 46xo xliia 3xo, 21xo, 25xo, 30xo, 33xo, 36xo, 43xo, 46xo, 50xo xliib 4xo, 6xo, 7m, lOxo, 27xo, 35xo, 37xo, 39m, 40xo, 45xo, 48xo, 50xo, 52xo, 54xo, 57xo xliiia 4ro, 7xo, 9xo, 17xo, 20xo, 22xo, 26xo, 28xo, 31xo lxiiib 2 m, 2xo, 8xo, 9c "var ß", 13xo, 19xo, 21xo, 28xo, 29m, 30w 21 2-2Q
WOLLASTON, Thomas Vernon On the
variation of species London; John Van Voorst; 1856 [CUL, I]
ad, af, beh, br, cc, ch, co, er, es, ds, dv, em, ex, gd, geo, ig, is, mg, mn, oo, rd, sh, si, sp, sy, t, ta, ti, tm, ud, v, wd
NB How are Birds? in size measure wings of Swallow
4 ll-14m, 12-19m,22u "namely]creation" 5 11-12Q/U "a\stability", 14m/Q 15-16m, 25-27m 16 22-25m 24 13-14m/13u "240", 20-23m 27 25-29m 29 15-18m/Q 30 25-29m/Q 31 2-9m/Q 20-25m/Q 22u "Europe]Madeira", 26u "Sweden I Canaries ", 27u "insect I cosmopolitan " 32 llu "the thesis", 12-16m 33 l-9m/7-8w why not a true species 12-19m 34 7-22m (Westwood, Kirby), 23-27m 35 20u "small", 21-23m/22u "of itself", 29!/u "legitimate variation" 36 2-4m, 17-22m, 23w» 37 22-27m
38 2-2m, 6-8Q 9-14m, 26-29m/w Glacial Inst
39 10-15m/Q 18-23m/Q 40 10-14m/ll-12Q
16-20m 41 4m, 5-6Q 6-9m, 15-18m, wb Do
not forget changes in larval condition.- as
causing change in Mature 43 26-29m/Q 44
l-3m/Q 45 2Q 4-6m/w How odd 25-26Q 23-
25m, 28-29m (Westwood) 50 22-24m 54 25-
26w Great webs, action on the larvae? So in
plants, according to Decandolle) 26-28m 55
2-7m 57 14-16m/Q 26-29m/Q 58 2-8m 59 2-
5m/3u "so\colour", 10-12m/Q 23-25m (Hardy,
[page break]
Bold) 60 wt Q 2u "the change", 12-14m/12u "southern shores", 22-26m 61 xvt Q 4-6m, 13-19m, 27-28m 62 7u "ornamented typically"/&-9m/w variation analogous Q 63 3-6m, 8Q 9-12m (M. de la Verte) 64 wt/l-4m/3-4u±/l-6w Q How curious the impossibility of creation & variation producing same end. Capacity in one case & not in other to adapt itself or be acted on.- 8-17w You have a vera causa, but you invent another.- 65 3-4w do not understand ll-20w It is begging question to attribute these to soil. 14r-18m, 18-29m/22-29w/wb May be the result of something of use, or indirectly connected. 66 21-29m 67 2-5m (Curtis)/w This common & important 68 6-14m, 21-23m 69 lm, 3-7m, 12-18m, wb Here the forest seems the active cause 70 2Q 13-18m/16-18''..." 71 2Q 22-23m, 25u "constant I atmosphere", 29u "diminution I area", wb reduces isolation to these - & interbreeding 72 ll-13m/u±/7-12io Java Sumatra America? 73 15-20m 74 l-4m, 10-12m, 19-20m 75 wt It is very important that the linking forms are often rarer; by Mr Wollastons account, these the extremes: hence easily exterminated, wt How far are intermediate links produced by crossing? If so they wd cease when species made 5-8m, 19m 79 13-15m 81 20-21m/w (a) wb (a) Thinks decrease of wings increases size in some instances & It makes up for isolation which tends to reduce size 82 8-9Q 10-13ww, 19-20m/w why 25-30m/Q/u/w 17 83 6-10m/w & p85 8-10u±, Um/Q 84 5-6w Balancement 6-10m, 23-26m, wb But how cd it have gone over low lands, certainly hotter, than present Madeira. Applies to Balea pencosa, & ! 85 wt With this I can hardly believe, that intermarrying can decrease size.- May not greater powers of locomotion be regained for apterous insects 13-14m, 15-18m/15u±/w (2) Q 20w (3) Q 24-26m 86 3-5Q 27-29Q 87 12-16w Can this account for absence of thalerophaga lamellicornes 24-16u "if\certain"/Q wb* Why not allude to greater propor 88 5-8m, 16-20m/20u "are\ elsewhere", 20w opposed to 89 l-2m, 2u "external]form", wt This cannot be interbreeding .-. probably in all cases some other relation.- 90 wt/l-15w It wd be well to put the case of 2 isld were united, there wd be largely intermediate forms: or indeed * the variation prevented. Just as varying exceptionally slow, so a few crosses wd help to check it. 96 6-8m, 10-13m 97 24-28m 98 19-29w/wb Wings, I suppose last developed organs, can that bear on their variability? 99 wt Insects may seldom be able to fly so
decrease like ducks or silk moths come into play, aided by selection. Analogy of wingless Birds, cd lead to former belief. 101 18-23m (Westwood, Spinola), 29m 102 l-5m, 20-26m 103 1-Sm, 16-17m, 22-24m 104 25-26u "sizel colour", 26-27m 105 22-23« "two\states", 23-28m/w so in Birds 106 17-19m/w so in Ploceus & Icterus 109 4-6m 115 12-14m/? 116 9-15m\l 117 6-8m/?/u "with\powers" 119 13-15m, 14u "once continuous", 15u "slowness"'/w hypothesis 120 13-16m/? 122 19-20m 124 6-9m, 101...], 16-20m 125 10-14m, ll-13mfw think of confined mammals & Birds 25-27m/25u "Its I rarity" 126 23-24u "the\regions''/w Lyell 128 10-14m, 12-lSm 129 3u "Sir Charles"\w No 5-9m, 14~16m, 18-20m, 23u "occur I state", 20-25m\w (not differently associated with other organic beings. 130 22-22« "extreme\progress", 14-15m 131 5-6w & some appeared 8-10m, 11-31m/llw variation 13-15m/w (a) 17w+, wb (a) We shd not expect much change in sea-shells within such a period. 132 l-12m/8-9Q 13-21m, 27-29m/Q 133 9-22m, 14-18m, 18-22m, 18-20m, 21-22Q 134 wt/2-9m/l-llw Both these wider spreading & varying species: must do so to have local vars. wb All amount of differences, simply called species, when great (and formed by selection) & called vars, when small & intermediate not found 135 wt Did a creative spirit blow from S. to N.?! 9-llw unintelligible to me, except a mutation 22-18m/13u "that I tract "/?/16u "identical", 22-23m/23u "aborigines" 136 15-16m, 25-27m 137 22-29w i.e. that some * Madeiran insects have got into S. Europe 138 wt Yes when it was cold, there wd have come a different set, even if current always the same 4u "distinct epochs"/? 139 12u "genera"/12-14w What have they to do with land 141 9-llm/!, 12u "generic areas "\12-14wbut not points 24-15u "on\planned")wb no explanation it is mere assertion of fact 143 26-28m 144 24-17m/w sure & certain witnesses 147 10-19m (Kirby), 27-31m 148 2-5m (Lyell) 153 10-24m, 25-27Q 26-29m/w/wb Probably often renewed like Alpine Plants wb These cases opposed to struggle for existence 155 9-10m, 26-28m+ 158 14-15?/u "first I instincts" 163 19w hypothetical 165 27-22m 166 wtfl-9w Breaks influence greatly as shown in groups by enchaînement 9-24w ie branching whether or not extinction 13-lSm, 19-22m 168 wt/l-25w Probably a species ought to be described animal-Vertebrate-Mammal-Carnivore-Canidae-Canis familiaris 170 19-24m* 171 9-26w All much too Metaphisical
[page break]
Nothing to me - 27u*, 22a "position"/wb in affinity or geograph position 172 9a "cannot"/ wt He means always have been!! ll-23w Shows the effect of studying insects in comparison with Mammals 24« "accident", 15-19m 173 20-23m 174 9-16m 175 6-12m, 20-24m 177 wt/l-9w How good to make genera when new rising comes on.- 13w new 14-25m/w most genera in isld he attributes to extinctions but does not apply to cases like coral islds.- 20-25m/wb so A. de Candolle in Plants, but he applied it to very distinct plants - so in Birds 178 29-31m 179 24-26!, 25-27m, 25-26u "convinced demarcation" 185 6-7Q 10-12w same as A. Decandolle 186 5« "most mischievous", 28u "monstrous", wb you may doubt when I doubt, but if you go one step further you will be eternally d—d, quoth the Priest. 187 19w Canary Birds 22u "cultivated plants/21-23w flowers! Rices 188 6-9m, 14u "absurdity", 17u "unsound", 20-23m, 20-29w/wb why then created? Do you know these conditions well enough to say why one is rarer than another. Yet quite ignorant of the Life of larvae. 193 3u "traces I design'/3-6w Flowers Canary Birds Fancy Pigeons 8m
WOLSTEIN, Johan Gottlieb Über das Paaren und das Verpaaren der Menschen und der Thiere Altoma; Hammerich; 1836 [Down]
118 wb 0/ Rubbish.
WOODWARD, Samuel Pickworth A rudimentary treatise of recent and fossil shells 2 parts and supplement; London; J. Weale; 1851-56 [CUL]
ad, af, ch, ci, ex, fo, gd, geo, hi, is, mg, oo, no, sh, sp, sx, t, ti, v, wd
part 1, 61 9-llm
part 2 NB p. 271 good
ä> Relation of Extinct & living genera S.
167 26m/u "Phosphorax, Webb",28u "Sandwich
Ids" 168 30u "Cryptella, Webb", 31u "Canary
Ids." 169 llu "Canary Ids." 170 19u
"Philippines" 271 Wu "Miocene I Patagonia"
Supplement, NB ♦ All; p. 336 Sexes of
p.439; p. 454; p. 486
336 19-21m 348a 3-7m, 13m, 20m 348b 9m
349 21-23m, 38-40m 350 38-40m, 44-45m
(Forbes), wb Read 351 wt X In sense of
typical representing structure of whole group,
it comes to commonest form have widest
ranges - aberrant form extinction, is quite applicable to this view 8-10m/l-21w as aberrant probably here means widely different, must have been produced by extinction 9-10x/20-32m 352 16-20m, 21-27m (Swainson) 353 3w In Tropics? 26-30m 354 wt/l-9w are these not also Cape? 4a "sea" about 30. p. 363 3-5m, 8-9w Never mind 22-22u "Red Sea", 24u "Cape" 355 25-27m (Forbes)/16u "subject I form" 358 wt If Boreal inhabited arctic region, there wd have been more continuous coast land, in fact quite continuous land. 3-5m, 6-8m, 43-Slm (Richardson) 359 23-29c/25w& N. Zealand Chile 26m/u "Mesodesma", 27ut& "Boreal", 26u "Crepidula/w is f only wild in Tropics 361 43-46m 362 27-28u<^/27-37w What endemic. None 37u "83\the" 363 l-3m, 9u "about 30"/ 40u "74", 20u "2001 extinct", 22u "The I Sea", 38u "common I Indies", 39-44w 44 being common to Atlantic & Red Sea 364 6u*,8-9c/w€, 9w S.P.W. 28u "part ICaspian" 365 18a "shells" living I suppose 367 12-13m, 23u "200", 24u "111 common", 25u "whüst\the" 368 wt Strange so few * wt/l-15w are these found in Tropics with cross seem good case wt/l-12m/w All doubtful according to Woodward 18-22m, 39m (Cuming) 368a 8x, 9u "Red Sea", 13x, 14x, 15x 368b 7u "Red Sea", 8x, llx, 13x, 15x£* 369 18-22m, 26u "74", 32-34m 370 42-44m 371 16x/u "Solonella"/wi& & nowhere else America & Medit. 27« "Panopaea"/wfa Confined to & Australia W. Africa* 18u "Monoceros", 19m, 20w no- 26w Falklands p378 27a/u "Modiolaria trapezina" Falklands p378 28w book in Index 372 19w During glacial 22-23m/21-22u "samelfound" 373 4-8m, 33-34m, 37-39m 375 20-23m, 29m (Cuming), 34m/u "LitoraUcommon" 381 14-18m, 23-24m 382 3-6m, 15-19m, 19-22m/w in Land & F. W. Mollusca 383 20-22m, 33u "74", 34u "waterI 4", 38-39m (Deshayes) 385 29u "Spain \ Syria", 33-37m/34u "mountain"/36u "has\46"/37u*+ 386 5u "peculiar I snails", 14u "and \ Limaces"/ 9-18w ? p. 383 only 74 British 19u "132", 20a "The" 3 20u "section I Umax", 22-25m/w Saline, Marine, very little water 28-29u "111 Santo", 34-35m, 36-41m, 40-Alm (Wollaston), wb*cc 387 wtu, wt Vide p486 Supplt Fossil Landshells l-6m, 2m/u "(132) 111", 3-4u "51 22", 6-19w as Sicily has 3 peculiar Limaces, these are probably introduced 23m "Ancylus fluviatilis"/ll-13w introduction & only 2 F.W. Shells 26-27«±, 22w living 64/132 fossil 22-34a; Santo 42-43m (Wollaston) 388 l-5w Looks so.- 8u "Only 13"/10u "and\viz"/8-llw more modern group 2-27« "80\Limax"l
[page break]
io 60/80 perhaps 18u "these \ peculiar", 19u
"andUndies", 20u "PhysaW, 21-22m, 43u
"trunks of", wb Canaries 389 lOu "Umax
Ascensionis", 18-22m/19u "The I species", 26-
27m, 27m, 36m, 45-46m (Sowerby) 390 wt/8-
12m/l-15w Hooker says Ferns at Ascension
are W. Indian 28u "similar"/w not identical
391 21-22m/21u "section I Madagascar", 38-
40m/38u "The I peculiar" 392 24m, 34-35m
393 25-28m, 30-32m 394 16-19m 395 2-Bm
(Mousson), 38-40m 396 29-32m,
30u "peculiar", 33-34u "two\bitentaculata", 36-40ml37u "Melanopsis\type", 40u "Vitrina zebra''/iob 2 Vitrine * in fact naked 397 25-17m/16u "those I islands", 31-34m/31-32u<^, 35-37m, 40-42m 398 4-6m, 13-17m/15u "one Umax", 18-26m/18-19u "thelmultispiral", 21u "Helices I glabrous", 34-38m, 41-44m (Humboldt) 399 33-38m 400 41-42m (Waterhouse) 401 42-43m 402 5-7m/6u "4", 12-14m 403 1-Am, 30-32m/!/u<+, 40-Alm 404 4-6m 405 19-38w See range of these Genera &c 27-28m/wt&> N. Bolivia & J Fernando 30u "least I shells", 30u*, 35u*, 36u "Spiraxis"/wb&> sub. gen W. Indies. Mexico 407b 31m 408 28u "close"/26-29m/w so successions of Life 30-31m 410 26-31m/29z 411 zot on questioning how many forms are this kind l-4m/iv evidence? ll-14m/iv ? compare to sea shells? 14w This is contradicted by changes in islds 15-16m, 16-19m (Forbes), 20?, 22-25m, 26w Where means of distribution are Mundane 39-40m (Lyell)/ wb but not these sea-shells - that is not known 412 8-llm (Forbes), 14-16m, 18-21m, 31u "some\larger", 36-38m 414 wt œ Capital Table But only some of the genera la "of" some large 4u "Litnites" why italics Xw There ought to be a line for each genus 34-36w why both given 25-36w* How few began in Tertiary per 415 wt See my Table la "of" all? for he speaks of 85 in next Page 9-16w Begin in Tertiary wb* 62 It wd be curious to arrange these like last table Xw&> (each line numbered) 416 2-25«; Other Tribes Cirripedes now must replace other animals 13-15m, 16-19m, 20-25m/?, 26-30m, 34-36m 417 wt/fig.w/ l-12w Hence reduced organisms now flourish, & so it is with Fish: take place of lower animals from some advantage 4-6m, 5u "classes \testacea", 9-10m, 10a "typical", wb Most evenly balanced. 22-25m 418 23-24m, 31-32m 419 wt I shd say an ideal archetype was that form from which in imagination all others cd be made with parts changed l-3m/ 3« "their\archetypes", 4-5m, 26-277, 30-32m, 33m/w end 37~41m 420 la "extent" compared to Land Mammals 2w .-. if not changed, they
will be widest rangers 26-28m, 29u<^ 421 5-9m/9u "White\rusticum"/wt/l-10w a very long Journey for them by Mediterranean 22u/ u*/22u/23u*/19-21m/18-25w Are these American, wb*- Monoceros America ♦ except M. Zebra ®> No •*• Pseudo olive W. America (but fossil in Europe) only in Eocene.- Solenella America 422 15-17m 439 40-42m 454 ll-15m/m, fig.m 486 28-32m
WRIGHT, Chauncey Darwinism: an examination of Mr. St. George Mivart's 'Genesis of species' London; John Murray; 1871 [Down]
WRIGHT, Chauncey Philosophical discussions New York; H. Holt & Co.; 1877 [CUL, I by editor Charles Eliot Norton]
NB Excellent book
v 5m (Spencer), 9m, 15m (Lewes), 16m
(McCosh, Tyndall), 19m
WUNDT, Wilhelm Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie 2 vols.; Leipzig; Wilhelm Engelmann; 1880 [Down] p
WUNDT, Wilhelm Nouveaux éléments de physiologie humaine Paris; F. Savy; 1872 [CUL, FD]
(markings presumed to be by FD)
WÜRTENBERGER, Leopold Studien über die Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten Leipzig; Ernst Günther; 1880 [Down] p
WÜRTENBERGER, Leopold Studien über die Stammesgeschichte der Ammoniten Leipzig; E. Günther; 1880 [CUL, I] p
[page break]
YARRELL, William A history of British fishes
2 vols.; London; John Van Voorst; 1836
beh, he, sx, tm, v
vol. 1, 77 17-20m, 28-31m, wb p81 ask further 78 5-10m, ll~12u "These I pacific" 79 14-16m/15u "both sexes"/16u "spawning" 81 14-16m/14m/? 84 4-7m, 9-15m 231 14-17m 265 22-26™, 26-27m, 29-22m 266 9u "dingy I colours" 267 26-29m, ÏÏ2u "says\shorter" 268 4-6u±, 14-15m, 14u "head \ whole", 15u "removed two" 307 23-28m 319 17x/u "eighty I varieties", 22-31m 331 25-31m, 32-33m 332 29-31m 336 7-22m 373 17~20m, 22m
vol. 2 NB Raia p. 415; 416; 424 Flatfish 210; 217 reversion; 256 Teeth of soles
10 17-24m 11 5-22m 12 13-18m/14u "ten\ sides" 210 4-9m, 17-19m, 22~23m, 32~33m 211 3-5m, ll-13m 217 22-24m 328 ll-19m/ 19w p345 329 20-22m 338 20-23m 345 5~10m 415 5u "breadth\it", 6u "pectoral" 416 u>f some sp have all teeth like male some sp do. are like female fig.w G. says true male fern. 2-3u "Thornback\alike"/w Raia character Wu "skate", llu "sharks", llu "each\fin", 23u "claspers", 24-25u "peculiarities I spines" 417 l-3m/l-6w G supposes aid to claspers fin by double under 7-9m/9w all tectorialO 15-17m/ w catch by fins 20-21m 422 9-10m 424 425 5-6m 431 2g-23m 436 fig.w The female G says only has the thorn.
YARRELL, William A history of British birds vol. 1; London; John Van Voorst; 1839 [CUL, 114 June 1839]
beh, br, cc, ch, ex, f, gd, mg, oo, no, sp, ss, sx, ta, tm, v, y
99 On Relative Length of quill-feathers in
Hawks & Owls
159 Curious & important Rules of colour in
Birds compared to young Ch. 6 Sexual
166 Bird quitting nest at certain temperature
182 Increase of Missel Thrush
299 X^v On use of feathers distinguishing
species Wrong Q
327 Great tit will kill little Birds
412 Sky-lark breeding in confinement
444 X^ Variation in Nest of yellow ammer,
considerable nest various of Sparrow in
different situations Q
470 Tree & House sparrow so different in
rarity & yet Tree has wide range Habits &
nidification same. Ch. 5
506 Redpoles in confinement do not get red
5 lOw 2 eggs 26u "Astrachan" 117u "India"/w immense range 12 5w 2 eggs 17 4w 2 eggs 22m, 24-25m 22 27w 2-3 Eggs 32m 24 28-30m (Jardine) 27 12-14m, 19-23m, 24-26m 34 lOw Eggs 3 38 13~16m (Vigors, Horsfield, A. Smith) 42 20a; 3-4 29-32m (A. Smith, Selby) 45 29m 50 6-8m 54 5w 4-5 20-22m 55 2m, 7-8m 60 9w 3-4 Eggs 64 lw 4-5 67 24-26m 68 5-7m (Thompson) 69 lOw 2-3 72 31-33m 73 6-2 6m (Audubon), 13m, 33-34m 74 6-8m, 24w 5 77 33w 3 79 31-34m 82 30w 3-4 83 24-25m (A. Smith), 17m 88 6w 2 91 S-22m 92 14w 3-4 27~28m 95 33w 4-5 96 29-22 m (Temminck), 23-24m, 25-26m, 31-34m (Richardson, Swainson) 99 18-21m/19-20u "frequently I proportions" 102 9w 4 109 31w 2-3 114 llw 4-5 117 16-17m/17u± 118 20w 4-5 119 22-14m/13-14u "In I Owls" 122 29w* 5 124 2-2m/lw 3 20-22m (Richardson) 125 2-4m (Gould) 128 18w 4 129 18-22m (Jardine, Temminck), 25~26m 132 25w 3-4 133 2-2m, 2-3m 140 9-22m 143 20-22m (Rennie)/llw 2 147 33-34m/w 2 152 26w 5 27-28m, 29-31m, 32-33m 156 27-22m 157 2-3m 159 3-5m, 5-24m/7-21m (Cuvier)/12-14w ie both have changed from young 30~33z/zb 161 28w 4 1/2 32u "vary \ markings "/31-33m/w 2 species 162 4-6m 166 19w 4 1/2 29-32m/x&> (A. Knight)Q 170 lOw 8 2S-20m 174 26-2Sm 177 lQw 5 181 19w 4-5 20m/u "sometimes", 22m 182 7-9m, 12-13m (Selby) 186 26-2Sm, 33-34m (Temminck) 191 26«; 5 194 33w 4-5 195 32m, 33-34m (Nilsson) 200 6w 6 204 19w 4-5 209 5w 4-5 20-22m, 21-22m 214 20w 4-5 221 6w 4-5 225 4w 4-5 25-26m (Strickland) 231 17w 6 26-27m (Hewitson) 232 30-35m 235 15w 5 237 23-26m 239 lw 5 20-21m/21u "obtained\ Ireland" 243 ïw 5 1/2 246 2-5m, 31w 5 1/2 247 23-25m (Pallas), 24-26m 248 20-26m 251 8w 5 1/2 256 2w 6 263 2-2m/w 5 266 32w 5 1/2 269 3u "Montagu\Dict." 270 7-9m, 12-14m 271 27w 4 1/2 275 31-34m 276 25w 4 1/ 2 277 22-24m (BZytfz) 281 25w 5 29-30m 282 23-24m 283 23-27m (Temminck) 286 24w 4 1/ 2 290 15w 4 1/2 294 32w 4 1/2 295 22-23m (B/yf?i), 25-26m (G. White) 299 9-22m (Selby), 30-35m 300 2w 6 303 31w 6 1/2 34m (Doubleday) 308 32w 6 309 27m 312 24-27m, 22-24m (Montagu), 33u "Godalming", 34u "bird I plentiful" 313 2-2m/2u "those\ Wren" 314 lOw 4 315 25-27m 319 3-4m\3u "under", 13w 8 323 2-3m, 4-5m (Temminck), lew 7 26u "common I forests" 324 7-9m* 327 24-
[page break]
16m/15u "small birds", 19-22m 328 lOw 7 1/2 329 25-27m 331 19w 9 336 4-9m/8-9w 9 338 19w 7 341 19w 6 1/2 346 2Sw 11 352 23«; 5 364 14-16m/15u "varieties" 366 4ui 4 1/2 371 25w 5 1/2 375 15-17m (Gould) 382 30-31m 386 26zy 4 1/2 17-18m 391 2w 5 24-16m 395 2Sw 4 1/2 396 8-10m (Swainson), 18-20m (Temminck) 404 2-5m/? (Gould) 405 22w 4 1/2 411 25w 4 1/2 32-33m 412 33-34m/m 414 S-22m/w granivour Birds 417 13-14m 418 22w 4 1/2 423 27w 7 432 27w 5 434 18w 4 1/2 441 13w 4 1/2 444 22-23m (Blackwall), 17-20m, 20-24m/"..."/21-24m, 30-32m 445 7w 5 449 17w 4 1/2 459 16-18m 463 7w 4 1/2 466 32-32m 467 22w 4 1/2 470 9-23m, 24-32m 471 8w 5 472 25u "Lapland", 19-20m/u++ 474 2m 475 29w 5 1/2 476 2-7m 477 30-34m 480 29-31m/29w 5 485 24w 5 493 6w 4 1/2 497 23-25m 498 23-26m (Jardine) 500 7-22«? How many Birds same with Japan 9-22m (Temminck) 504 32w 4 1/2 506 23-24m, 26-29m 515 26w 4 1/2 523 22w 6
YOUATT, William Cattle: their breeds, management, and diseases London; Baldwin & Cradock; 1834 [CUL, S] ad, beh, br, ce, ch, es, ds, em, f, fo, he, is, or, phy, rd, si, sp, spo, sx, t, ti, tm, v, wd, y
NF 84 & 184 - duplicate pages
NB 9; 10; 28; 31; 33 to 270; 283; 311; 522
to 525; 529
174 & 283 important Rudiments
191 grain of the meat; 227
48 Qä) Old Welsh cattle white red-ears Qa>
Even in our Parks selection is required to
prevent accidental Variation of each crossing
51 S«^ Curious case of quick deterioration
by neglect in Glamorgan. Cattle showing
some selection always going on
62 Q Welch Cattle cannot be improved by
crossing 69 Scotch do.-; 78♦ do; 88-163*
75 Great improvement by crossing in 10
years in Arran
116 S^ English Cattle have strongly altered
since Henry VII time & doubled their size
(insensible selection)
116 S1^ Selection governed by soil Each
District has prejudice for own Breed
128 Ayrshire Breed has originated within
century - how not known - probably crosses
Azara states appeared in old age
155 Galloway with rudimentary Horns 174 at
116 Fifeshire same case shows origin not
known till well formed Breed
190 The great progenitor of Long-Horn when yearling very unpromising. 193 Shakespeare bull. A sport in shape 197 In Long-Horns, when castrated Bulls get shape of cows horns
199 S^> Q Capital sentence about one improved Breed expelling others good for Ch 6.
202 Q/& Cross between Long & short-Horned 1/3 fail of being in calf 230 S^ On crossing with Selection in Short-Horn Breeds.
242 Q/& In Short-Horns whenever White appears always red about ears 248 Q On replacement of Breeds in same district
283 Frontal Bones narrower in polled Cattle & 174 Rudiments
310 Calfs eating poisonous Herbs, when turned out without their mothers Ch.10 524 Explains how in well-bred animals, the influence of male may be greatest, from having been truer bred 527 a On gestation of cattle Q® 17 Devonshire Ox larger than Bull & much larger than Q
SB2 Dr Pritchard by showing that the different races of Man when transported to different countries obtain certain peculiarities does not disprove there are constitutional differnces - it is begging the question if it be assumed they cannot be acquired. I presume the udder of the Chillingham cattle is not the least like that of a good milker
Many subjects must be selected from this Book = A history of the varieties of each district & fossil oxen = How obscure the genealogical descents ill effects of interbreeding = - Minutiae heredetary = Length of time to form true race =
viii 12-19m/14-15w read 9 13-18m, 16-31m 10 33-42m 11 39-43m/w yet so many breeds! 47-51m (Somerville), wb not true with respect to Sheep V Phil. Transact. 14 29-33m 17 7-9m/Q/9u "the I aware" 28 wt This is a kind of instance of law of equivalent development mentioned by French writers l-5m/w Fleece & fat in sheep 4-9m, 8-9m 31 3-9m, 44-47mj 45u "speedilyI age", 50-53m 32 14-19m/15-16u defect I pugnacious " 33 24-32m, wb These are results of experiments 36 24-30m 37 3-5m/4u "best I chosen" 41 33-36m/34-35u "There\ places", 40-43m/41u "much\some", wb even colour uniform 42 3-7m/5u "once" 44 17-20m
13-17m/15u "indicates I temper", 26-29m
20-22m, 23-25m, 31-33m/33u "they\
[page break]
exceedingly", 45-46u "dairy I counties" 48 wt This is really like bars on Pigeons -considering that Falklands were Spanish & Tinian l-5m, 8-16m, 10-16m 49 5-8m, 27-31m/29u "steer\ appearance" 51 17-55m/zv very curious History 52 21-26m 53 l-4m, 7-10m, 13-27m/fig.m 54 l-6m 58 22-26m 60 ll-12m\ llu "steers I be" 62 48-49m/Q 66 wt/l-17w In wild countries where a good many are killed out & conditions uniform it certainly appears XX scarcely possible to cross the aborigines - they so far become like species 20-25m/x, 22-38m/38x, 52-55m, wb Dr. Fleming says fossil oxen of Ireland* Scotland larger than present 67 wt\l-7w XX It shows that these races have a considerable degree not only of similarity one to another/of perseverance of characters & this is one chief character of species 69 35-42m/Q 75 27u "1822", 33-34m/ 33u++, 42-44m/43u "1832", 49-52m 78 43-44m/Q/u "farmer\ properly" 80 l-4m 88 12-18m/16-18Q 105 18-20m, 23-26m 115 4-8m, 51-55m 116 3-8m, 9-12m, 1&-18m, 17-22m, wb In Parks aided by selection.- wb (a) These facts explain curious statement of Mr Anderson of fine-fleeced sheep of some northern isld being little affected by imported 122 51-54m, wb again deer eat different food 125 18-23m 128 fig.c, 25-30m 129 fig.m, 31-33m 149 28u "1798", 35-44m/39m*/x*&, 42u^ "which\Ayrshire", 45-51m 154 32-38m 155 2-5m, 6-10m 162 l-5m 163 l-llm/4-6Q 164 2-5m 166 29-37m 167 wt/l-15w the adaptation of coat to climate Curious case of vis medicatrix.- 15-25m/x, 29-32m 171 17-20m, 40-56m (Boswell) 174 35-39m/37-38u "even\ age", 38-40m, 39-42m (John Kirby) 181 2-6m, 21-28m 183 50-55m 184 5u "early maturity", 6-7m, 7u "do", 9-llm, 25-29m, 26u "introduced]improved" 188 17-22m 189 9-17m, 17-20m 190 24-54m/36u "when\ unpromising" 191 27-29m, 35-36Q 36-37m, 38-41m/41u "breed", 44-46m, 47-49m 192 3-7m, 8-13m, 57-59m 193 25u "Shakespeare", 31-32Q 33-37m, 56m (Marshall) 194 l-2m, 24-28m, 32-35m, 32-33m, 40-43m/40u "1791 " Vil 25-28m/Q 199 l-5m/2u "early maturity"/ 3u "gained I in", 24-28m, 33-37m, 34u "Westmorland", 40-43m, 48-54m/Q/54u "It I nature", wb less* than* 100* years* get dates of introduction highest prices given 40 years before 200 l-2m, 21-25m, 30-34m/32u "the I preferred" 201 53-54m 202 1-Am, 30-35m, 31-32m, 41-44m/Q 45-51m, wb Does this occur in crosses between Short-Horn & Welch 203 9-12m, 43-48m 204 23-29m 205 2-4m 208 23-26m 217 21-23m 220 12-14m 222 13-18m/14u^/16u "bred\certain" 223 41-46m,
48-53m, 55m 226 33-34m/33u "be I invite"/34u "taken I breed" 227 6-9m, 15u "eighty years"/ 15-18m, 25-28m, 28-30m/30u "of\fat" 229 5-8m, 56-61m/59u "with I horns" 230 33-47w This makes cases very like selection from small varieties naturally produced 38-46m 231 wtu, 19-59w/wb at the rate of 157 gns each divide & give sums as proof of reality of value 232 25m/w, 38m/w, 49m/wu 233 14-17m/15w recapitulates 26-34m/27-28w do. 234 18-21m, 37-42m/38u "early maturity"/39u "characteristic" 239 4-8m, 30-34m 242 22-17m/Q&>/17u "are\named" 243 11-lSm/llu "improved"/14u "combination", 18-19u "general impression", 24u "but I time" 245 46-55m 246 31-36m, 32u "different] doubted" 248 22a "countries"/wt Elsewhere (p. 199) speaking of * extention of the Red one near Dishley he says "it wd seem tw one variety replacing another each sometimes varying - analogy with species 14~17m/16-17"..."/17u^ "the\ the", 29-22"...729«^ "ToUong", 20-26Q/&, 27-29 "... "/we, 27-28u^ "Holderness I breed", 29w* ; 1Î25-2Sm, 1Î29-27m/24-22m///, 1Ï25-23QA), 1\9-6m^, wb Mrs T had two cross-births Mrs C. her daughter has had two - is this frequent -» This variation of birth are checked; I believe 3 out of every 100 women die in childbirth - * in long run those with such tendency, would be killed out.- 267 25-28m 268 22-23m 269 8-12m, 29-32m 277 44-52u±, 46-47u/w • 282 41-50m 283 20-23m/20-22w* 310 52-55m, wb shows not quite instinct 311 l-6m
522 wt/l-51w as this simple principle only lately discovered even in most reliable practice, no wonder not discovered, as theory of species 37-41m, 44-51m (Berry) 523 wt When did Favourite live? 2-3m, 4u "present day"/w 1833 33-39m, 47-55m/55u "Quarterly]Agriculture", wb not owing to sex from fact of Arabian Mares 524 wt Bruce explains mares most esteemed by Arabs because don't neigh on robbing excursions 2-22m, 48-56m 525 27-23m 527 54-56m/56u "difference]days" 529 2-23m, 27-33m* 590a 32-36m 600 wtt* colour & pure race 242
YOUATT, William The dog London; C.
Knight & Co.; 1845 [CUL, S]
beh, ch, cs, dg, ds, pat, phy, si, sx, tm, v,
SB1 3; 6; 9; 11 Falconer about bull-dog degenerating in form; 14; 16; 31; 32; 38 to 72; 74; 90 to 104; 167; 182; 183; T%6; 232; 238; 245; 249
[page break]
Special Dogs not abstracted
15 Wild Indian Dog tamed Q
90 Setter Historically known to be Spaniel; see what insensible Selection has done Q
16 Deterioration of Dogs in India Q
31 On the cross of Grey-hound & Bull-dog Q
- Instinct
35 In greyhound all depends on true Breed
p.31 Change in.
73 difference in size of Dogs & Bitches
92 Pointer so closely allied to Hound makes
the pointing more odd N.Q
182 167 Q certain dogs most subject to
certain diseases 232 Distemper, Terriers
specially white <u^>
186 & 238 Difference in pulse, in different
Breeds Q
249 On Number of toes in Dogs NQ
3 10-Um, 32-Alm (F. Cuvier) 6 7-8m, 10-15m, 18-23m 9 49-52m 11 13-22m, 25-26m/?, 46-47m 14 l-5m 15 3u "büdnsü", 29-31m/Q 16 l-9m/3-5Q 17 38-45m 21 43-51m 31 2-7m, 43-50m/44-46m 32 17-23m, 25-31m 33 5-9m/6u "altogether I scent" 34 25-26m, 29-31m 35 15-18m/15-16m, 22-25m 38 28-30m, 38-40m 40 23-28m 41 l-4m 42 15-18m, 18-21m, 22w 12 var. 44 47-49m 45 8-10m, ll-12m 46 14-17m 50 27-31m, 44-46m 62 ll-17m 72 21-25m 73 5-7m/2-10w Does not Greyhound differ remarkably V. Martin 74 34-38m 90 24-29m 91 l-3mf 3-19m, 16-21m/17u "Irishl exceedingly", 20u "English \ setter" 92 25-26m, wb this makes the instinct more curious, as with setter alliance with Spaniel 93 18m, 19-26m, 29m, 34m 103 Sw<->, 27-29m 144 5-llm/ Wu "five months''/llu "seventh" 153 3-22m, 15-17m, 17-21m 154 l-7m 167 47-48Q 48-50m 175 23-2 9m 182 39Q 40-42m 186 38-42m 225 44-47m 232 20-30m/22-23u<+, 32-35m 233 48-49m 234 34-39m, 40-42m 235 23-24m, 26-27m, 35-36m, 44-45m 238 18-22m 239 22-22m, 49-50m 240 24-25m, 25-26m 245 15-20m 249 33-36m, wb How is this in other Canidae Cats same as Dogs Hyena all 4 toes Civettes all 5 toes.
YOUATT, William The pig London; Rout-ledge, Warn & Routledge; 1860 [CUL] br, cs, he, si, sp, sx, ta, v
SB Abstract
piii on Selection Q£) (with crossing
p11 Pedigree of Pigs (Q under Pigs) for
p24 25 On Prejudices about colour in Pigs
which Q would influence selection; also
Trueness of Marks; White Pigs Blister
27 Reversion after 27 years
29 30 33 34 36%> on in & in breeding -
separate families
& All these References for Vol I located in proper places
iii 16-23m/w crossing • 3 26-30m, fig.w delete 7 17-25m 11 10-13m/Q 14 fig.c 18 wt/ 1-llw p. 24 is not believed to have been crossed by Chinese or Neapolitan 6-llm/7u "white breeds" 19 28-32m/29u "photographs" 22 26-29QA. 24 21-23m, 34-37m 25 20-27m, 25-28m 26 20-23m 27 17m, 18-22m 29 12u^ "second I female", 21-25m/21m/24-25Q 25-28m
30 22«^ "Mr. Fisher", 18-25m/Q/22u^
"Improved Essex", 33-35m, 34-35x^ 33 22-
25m/x^ 34 35-41m, 38-39m 36 32-33m 37 2-
6m 59 20-24m 61 wtu, 7-13m/Q 12-14w 14
days difference wbu
YOUATT, William Sheep London; Baldwin
& Cradock; 1837 [CUL]
beh, ch, cs, dg, ds, pat, phy, si, sx, tm, v,
NB1 163 Where has Daubenton published
an account of his crosses in Sheep? Where
see French Agricult. Periodicals
234 only Lambs?
240 "dropt Horn" Ewes
238 about Dorset having premature period of
491 Hot country Sheep all phthisical: Will
they breed?- get full particulars
496 Tessiers Paper - date?
& p364 Horns misplaced growing in throat
NB2 20 Rudiments do p364 by crossing
8 to 25; 60; 64; 69; 70; 11 to 194; 134
Female Musmon without Horns sometimes;
227; 233 to 352; 363; 364; 371 ; 374 to 377;
404; 407; 408; 491; 492 to 495; 496; 506;
508; 520; 534; 541; 543; 148 Merinos (as for
female having horns)
/a i®- Read Journ. of As. Soc. of Bengal, vol
10. part 2. p. 881 (in Geolog Soc) E. Blyth on
wild sheep-
^ Good Select
18 Ancient selection
19 Return of sheep to dark colour
145; 234 R^ i.e. taking after other vars. R1^
20 All hornless breeds occasionally drop
sheep with horns or rudiments of? Ch.l.
throwing back
25 Fat-tailed sheep, mem rudiments of tail
compensation Ch.l
60 Splendid sentence on Selection S^
70 Effects of pastures Qa> on wool p. 70
[page break]
p. 185 in Australia counteracted by Selection
S^>; 117 do; 120 & 167 do
a 71 on slow & Q insensible changes in
wool of British breeds
114 3 vars. of fat tailed sheep (120 fat under
throat Qa>)
121 Guinea sheep males horned females
131 & 134 In Argali smaller
138 Horns of Wallachian Qa p. 148 of
Merino Ewes Hornless 234 Horns of South
Downs 247
123 old crosses of Spanish & Morocco
sheep S%*
142 Many Horns generally accompanied by
worse fleece (correlation) Qaj
142 Livingston on pendent ears proof long
domestication (disuse)
147 in 1464 sheep exported from England to
Spain S^.
152 On the Migratory sheep of Spain
Selection of Merinos in Saxony S^
important under Law of Variation
178 in 4th cross Wool altered completely-
181 Merino sheep not quite fertile when first
introduced into England
*> Roulin on sheep in S. America not quite
266 Welch sheep returning thrice into Wales
293 Hardiness of Cheviots proved by even
crosses failing
301 Sheep descending to coast instinctively
for sea-weed
312 Strong sentence Q/& on each sheep
adapted to its district. Two main Fam. long &
short wooled vars.
312 Sheep separating Qa> according to their
Breed, when turned out (Ch. 6. Separation
314 On Selection altering breeds of sheep
within 50 years without crossing by
unconscious selection S^
319 good sentence S^
315 excellent case of two men
unconsciously altering their breeds by
selecting for different objects
325 Leicester sheep not fitted for mountain
pastures. Qa> Black-faced resist crosses Q
364 Crosses producing rudimental Horns
377 Sheep returning home Q
404 Lambs if separated from flock will eat
poisonous herbs Q
408 on ears pendent or erect according to
locality inhabited
491 on great difference in Sheep from
foreign countries in Zoolog. Gardens to die
of Phthisis Qa>
494 On qualities becoming fixed by selection
& fitted to their own districts S^
avoid too close breeding in-
496 Tessier on gestation of Ewes a Paris
1817 see Roy Cat Book NQ
520 On drafting the Ewe flock good&>
sentenced S^v
Variability of best breeds S1^
title page wb 1838 8 37-41m\38u "fundamental principles"ß7-39"..." 11 21-24m 17 40-43m 18 6-10m, 17-20m 19 15-19m 20 l-6m 22 8~llm, 20-21u "are \ generally" 23 10-14m 24 14-16m/14u "the rump", 44-48m, 48-50m 25 3-7m/4u "sheep", 13-16m/?/16u "and I unnatural", 39-42m 60 18-31m<^, 20-24m/21-23"..."/20zu (a) 30-31m, 39-41m\39u "It I different", wb (a) Is not this work, the last of Youatts after most experiences 64 18-22m, 29-32m 69 15-20m (Somerville), 41-45m 70 3-5m, 23-25m, 42-47m, 45-48m 71 3-7m, 8-19m 103 43-44z, zb 111 l-2m, ll-12m, 23-25m 113 2u "Cheviot", 9-10m 114 2-22m, 17-19m 117 9-llm/10u "close\wool", 14-25m/18-19Q 120 18-23m, 39-46m/42-44Q 45-46m, 47-50m 121 14w Bearded sheep enquire above 25-27m/25u "The I horned"/26u "the I hornless", 43-46m, 44u "from\East", 45u "prolific" 122 27-30m (Geoffroy, Wilson) 123 22-29m, 50-53m 124 5-9m 126 20-23m 131 20-27m/22u "The I and" 132 32-34m (Hamilton Smith) 133 3-14m 134 l-3m, 42-44m 135 26-28m 136 2 2-24m (Walton) 138 8-12m 139 25-28m 141 25-29m*, 20-21m 142 l-4m, 34-37m, 53-56m, 53m, 55m (Livingston) 144 20-23m 145 19-20m/20u "A.D.41", 44-54m/49u "fixed I in" 146 33-36m/34-35u++, 46-47m 147 24-26m/26u "1464", 27u "sheep\Spain", 31-33m, 32-33u "staple \ flock" 148 3-6m, 4u "considerably preponderates", 19-22m/20-21u++ 149 18-22u± 152 wt P like the Gnoos of S. Africa 4-6m, 49u "Farmers 11826"/48-53w How do they dung. Guanaco? 50-57m/w/wb Curious hereditary Tendency or habit copied from generations to generations N.B This is good caution often to insert 153 wt z The remembering or associating Time one of the most remarkable parts of this case, D'Orbigny fact of CaraCara every 3 weeks 8-10m/w excellent case 12w z 23-26Q 18-23w In phil Edinburgh new good similar case of Rein-Deer 55~56m (Dillon, Livingston)I56wI wb Study these References 154 16-17m/13-20w date of commencement of migration 32-34m/32u "both\ewes" 158 22-24m (Lasteyrie), 15-19m, 38-39m/39a "kingdom" as in every country yet mentioned (a) wb Most of these differences unintentional 159 12-13m\12u*+,
[page break]
36-37m 160 3-4m, 7-9m 161 54-55m/54u "de I Fran."/55m/u "articles, wool", wb Compare with Spanish accounts 162 2-6m/2-3u "fine] for" 163 39-50m (Daubenton) 164 21-24m/21-22u "fourth \ fifth", 41-A2m/42u "wools I long" 165 lm/m/u "kinds I improvement", 17-18u "native\improves", 20-21m*;30-33m 166 35-39m/37-38u "speedily I or" 167 41-43m, 42-49m/44-45u "neglect] deteriorated", 46-47m 168 2-7m, 13-16m, 46-A7m/46u "thus, necessity" 169 9-10m/10u "small I breed", 16-20m, 23-24m/24u "cattle \ polled" 170 32-35m 171 4-7m, 9-llm, 12-34w/wb Selection has here quite overruled effects of change as far as wool is concerned 21-22m, 25a "that" In Saxony 26-28m/26-27u "The I breeding" 172 l-3m/2u "second", 4u "third", 5..."/u "slightest blemish", 26-31w surely this ought to be the continuance of such qualities? 32a "too" continuance of the, see next page 31-33m/w (a) 33"...", 35u "particular]selection", 48u "country degenerated", 38-55w/wb (a) This is important remark, showing that even these most external peculiarities are not invariable effects of climate, but from careful selection 173 3-7!/3u "less \ Merino"/5u "ll\18"/7u "60\65", 15-17m, 19-21m 175 34-35m 178 5-9m, 35-37m/35u "Wltshires"/w p. 244 35u "ewes I hornless "/34-40w p. 148 a few only of true Merino ewes are horned 43u "fourth", 56-57m/57u "fourth" 179 49-50u "several] bore" 180 53m 181 9-llm/10u^, 37-40m/39u "three I Merino ", 52-53u "great I barrenness "/Q 56-58m (Somerville), 56u "It I after", 58u "lambs I occurrence" 182 37-39m/"..." 183 25-27m 184 l-9m/4-5u "an \ influence", 9-16m, 22-28m, 31-34m/32u^, 41-46m 185 3-8m, 18-20m 187 45-~46m 188 l-4m 189 9-10m 194 27-29m/27u "Winchester"/27u "short-woolled"/ 28u "would I breed" 227 27-33m, 30-31u "staple]larger", 38-43m 233 7-9m, 18-19m 234 9-12m/10a "lambs" only?? 19u "the conclusion"/18-21m/w Squirrels & Marmot 235 29-32m 237 ll-17m/14u "it I character", 40-43m/42u "the\breed" 238 3-5m/3u "Wiltshire] variety", 9-llm/9u "contest] attended", 16u "where I suited", 32u "Dorsets"'/33u "Pampered] oestrum"/29-36w Period of pregnancy 5 months 239 2-2« "contrive]gives" 240 4-7m\ Su "or I Down", 17u "Dorsets", 18u "dropt-horned" 241 25u "very]them", 29-32m/30u "Dorset] sheep" 243 12-14m/13-14u "the] Dorset", 18u "being]hornless", 25-29m 244 28-31m 245 3-5m, 27-31m 247 45-A9m/47-48u++ 248 22-23m 249 9-llm/9u "value]ewes" 251 6-10m 252 24m "horned]Leicester", 17-20m 253 37-39m 254 22-25m, 25-28m 255 2-5m/2u "South Downs"'/3u "failed", 6-7u "The]
employed" 256 14-18m/14-15u "Mendipl degree", 23-26m/24-25u "genuine] country" 257 38-43m 258 12-15m/14u "food I breed" 259 6-8m/6-7u "Hereford] 1343" 260 ll-14m/12u "muscles Externally"/12u "it\within", 41-43m 261 7-9m/9u "pasture]with" 265 45-52m/45u "horned]polled"/46u "between]black" 266 55-56m 267 5-6m, 9-llm, 51-53m (Ellis) 278 33-37m 280 7-9m/8u "early", 15-16m 281 6-9m, llu "frquently] horns" 282 30-35m (Hogg) 283 2-5?!/m 284 25-2Sm 285 15-18m/17u "at\ crossed", 33-36m/34u "weight] months''/35u "could]old"/36u "must]corresponding" 286 46u "maturity] sooner", 48u "ever I behind" 287 19-24m 288 l-4m 289 33-37m/33-54w faculty & not instinct any more than animals first perceive earthquake does not profit through 293 13-17m/16u "naturalized", 35-36m\36u "to endure", 41-43/43-44u "not I alive", 45-55z/zb 297 20-21m/21u "often subject"/21u "the natives" 298 7-10m, 15-18m, 18-20m, 34-39m, 51m 299 lm/m, l-4m/2u<->, 7u "improved] selection" 301 3m, 3-5??/4m, 6-13w not common to all sheep 23-25m, 42u "Mugg", 44u "grow]toes" 302 33-34m 304 27m, 29-32m, wb How much more the having horns varies in sheep than in cattle - no case of hornless cows - with horned Bull 305 40-43m 307 39-40m/40u "Dorset ewe"/41u "old Wiltshire" 309 38-44m 312 16-20m/"...", 21-25m, 25w (a) 26-32m/29w (a) 31-37m, 41u "two]sheep", 46u "long wool", 49u "Marshall] 75", wb (a) as much adapted to two stations as any two species of deer are: Supports Anderson's views on Shetland Sheep 313 6m, 8m, 9u "In I want", llu "white] legs", 14m 314 14-17 m, 40-42m/41-42u "appearance] sheep", 43-47m/46u "clear]defined" 315 2-3m (Bakewell), 4u "upwards\years"/3-9[...]/8-9u "appearance]varieties", 48-50m 318 32-33m, 35-37m, 43-44m/43u "inclination] maturity" 319 3-6m, 5-7m, 26-28m (Luccock), 53m/w (a) wb (a) What objects to breed for - quantity of meat without selecting great bulk - early maturity & tendency to father good forms 320 2u "greater]meat", 4u "their]excellence", 5u "so]breeds", 8-9u "possible]slaughter", 40-41m/40u "increased]both", 47-49m/49u "for] placed" 323 20-22m/20-21u++ 325 4-7m, 15-17m, 16-21m, 29u*+, 30u "sufficient] hardihood", 34u "less]old", 43u "seemed"/43-45m/Q 326 2-2« "The]rams", 4u "two]old", 9-lOm/u^ 327 3-4u "has I immemorial" 330 34-46m 332 20-22m/20-21u^ 335 28-31m/ 29u "ready]for", 30-31u "that]animal", 337 49-50m/50u "Bampton] immemorial" 338 47-48m 339 46-48m 340 31-33m/31-32u^ 348 23-24m 351 50m "two]old" 352 l-2m/w (a) wb
[page break]
Early maturity was bred for & now can be obtained by cross - good parallel of two effects 363 35u "superior quietness", 36u "points I sheep", 47-48u<^, 54u "more \ pollard", 55-56m/u "but I temper" 364 l-4m, 42-43m, 51-55m 371 20-32m, 20-25m, 25-32m 374 29-32m, 41~42ml41u "should \ separated", 44-A6m 375 19-23m/21u "the I adherent"\22u "when\ blind"/23u "abandoned I helpless" 377 l-4m/3u "p.266", 7-25m 404 21-25m 407 31-34m 408 4-10m, 19-22m, 23-24m, 33-35m/33u "The mother", 34u "other I the" 491 16-54w, wb important, compared with Ourang - especially if they can be shown to be same species by crossing 49-51m, 51-54m/Q 53-54u+* 492 l-3m 493 43-48m 494 2-6m, 27-30m, 31-33m, 42-49m, 42-45m, 46-49m, 50-53m, 56-58m 495 l-2m, 3u "must \ blood", 9-lOu "He I sheep", 15-16u "selection\ breed", 18u "violent crosses", 23-25u±, 52-53m (Low, Dickson) 496 19-21m, 20u "or I ram", 41u "146\ 161", 42u "15 days", 41~43m (Tessier) 508 26-33m/28-31u++, 38-41m/39-40u<^ 520 2-3m, 5-8m, 8-9Q 42-44m, 45-47m 521 13-15m, 35-41m 534 41-53m 541 35-Alm 543 39-45m
YOUNG, Thomas A course of lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts 2 vols.; London; Joseph Johnson; 1807 [Down, pre-B, S]
ZERFFI, G.G. A manual of the historical development of art London; Hardwicke & Bogue; 1876 [Down, I]
NB 0/
ZIEGLER, Martin Atomicité et zoïcité Paris; J.B. Baillière; 1874 [Down]
ZUCKERKANDL Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara: 1. Abtheilung: Crânien der Novara-Sammlung Wien; Carl Gerold's Sohn; 1875 [CUL] p
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"Curious coincidence in idea with what I have written" (849h)
[page break]
Each annotation appears in the index as a string of topic-ciphers, the key to which is to be found on the fold-out sheet inside the back cover. Each entry is cross-referenced under each cipher in the string. Thus a statement involving the four ciphers A, B, C and D appears in Part two four times, as A-B-C-D, B-A-C-D, C-A-B-D, and D-A-B-C. The structure of the entries under each topic-heading is a s follows:
A [by itself] [pp.] 12...
and [in combination] 3 4 5 6...
AC E3 6
[page break]
ab 249c 649a
and 38e 193d 193d-e 194f 255e 255f 310a 310c 369f-g 378g 456a 460b-c 479h-480a 490b 490e 492b 560d-e 585f 598g 616a 648h 649a 651f 655e 655f 656b 670d 735g 779a 783h 786f 867f
ab af 651f
ab beb. ch tms 867f
ab beh h ook sx vc fT 560d-e
ab behi tmp 786t
ab ccc fl 255f
ab dg ë hl rsm tms 1 479h-480a
ab dg fl mn rsw ty 369f-g
ab ë= fl« rsa sx tms 783h
ab ë« rd tms 456a
ab ë~ tms 655f
ab ë ig rd rse tms 649a
ab » rd tms 193d-e
ab ë rsi tms 38e
ab ë sxd tms vc 193d
ab ë tms 585f
ab ë tms v 655e
ab f g wd« 255e
ab fl sx 255e
ab flo * 378g
ab flo * mhp vc 779a
ab flo sx 490b
ab * sxm 492b
ab * tmp 490e
ab ig rsa 648h
ab mn rsm 460b-c
ab phy 616a
ab rsa tma tms ty 656b
ab rsm v 1 598g
ab rsw tms 1 670d
ab sxd vc 194f
ab tms 310a 310c
ab ty 735g
ad 304b 380b 380e 446f 449d 455e 534f 647d
and 7f 13e 15c 58c-d 58d 58e 58g 68b 84g 92f 93a 93g-h 96g 109h lila llle llle-f 112g 112g-h 112h-113a 113b 113c-d 114f-g 114g U8f-g 120c 120h 121a 121h 122d 113g-h 124b 125c-d 128e-f 128f-h 129c 130e-f 131d 131e 131f-g 131h-132a 133a-b 134a-b 134b-c 136d-e 144h 147e 152a-b 155e 158d 164c 205e 206f-g 216a 242f-243a 244f-g 289a-b 304e 306a-b 306c 331d 357f 358e 359f 366d 369d 369e 373b 375a-b 375c 380a 380d 389f 397d-e 430a 431c 448h 449d 449f 451f 453b 455a-b 455e 456g 471f 472e-f 477c 479d 479e 479f 483c 483e-f 487c 500c 509e-f 510d 512g 529g 531e 533g 540c 574d 574e 574f 575c 583a 586g 587b 587c-d 604a-b 607c 611h 611h-612a 614b 614f 614g 616b-c 624b 625f 625g 626a-b 626b-c 627c 627e 630a 643b 654e 655e 671d 690f-g 690h 690h-691a 692g 696c 696h 697a 703c 703c-d 705g 714a 748b 751a 770h 771d-e 776g-h 778f 780f 795g-h 806g 846b 846e-f 855c 856h-857a 868c-d 868d-e 872e-f 872g 873e-f 873g 874b 877a-b 881g 887e 891e 894e
ad beh 453b 654e
ad beh ce ë rd tms 655e
ad beh ë f d h he pat rsa ty 868d-e
ad beh ë rsm 531e
ad beh ë ta tms 846b
ad beh ë tms 705g
ad beh gd rsa tyc 703c
ad beh tmp 1 751a
ad behb ex var 13e
ad behb ë @ is phy rsa si tas 244f-g
ad behh ce ë sh tms vc 771d-e
ad behh« behr« 1 614b
ad behh ë f d * gds @ noa nos rsa rsw spc sph ta tmp vc 131h-132a
ad behi 449d 453b
ad behi behm ce ë 449f
ad behi behm ë 451f
ad behi behn ce ë 93a
ad behi he sl tms tyc 614g
ad behi ë @ 304e
ad behm rse tms ty Ï 92f
ad c2- es ë fg fgn flo hl oo phyfl rsi sxm tms 1 472e-f
ad c2- es fl 778f
ad c2- ë gd rsa sph 703c-d
ad c2- * gdd 114g
ad c2- tya 624b
ad c2- tyd 357f
ad cl+ cc gds or sp tyc 123g-h
ad c2+ cc ex gdi ig oos rsi vc ! 483e-f
ad c2+ ce ty y 583a
ad c2+ ch fgs 575c
ad c2+ ch sl sp tyc 1 134b-c
ad c2+ ë gd vc 891e
ad cc 122d 614f
ad cc ch che fd * gds he no noa
nos ook rsa tad ty 128f-h ad cc ch fl gds mhp phy ta tms tya
1 242f-243a ad cc ch rsa tay v vc 574f ad cc es f hy rsa tms tya y ï 872e-f ad cc ds tms ty tya 152a-b ad ce em eml emp ë rsa tmp v vc
856h-«57a ad ce ex fd fg ty 369d ad cc ex ig no oos sp vc 483c ad ce fa hep si wd 509e-f ad cc fa tmp 607c ad cc fa tms 770h ad ce ë tmp 855c
ad cc fd gd oo or rsi sph ty II 456g ad cc fl 625g ad cc fl * phyfl 121h ad cc fl gdd oos 113c-d ad cc fl gds rsa 331 d ad ce fis no nos tya 'S 129c ad ce fis nos tyc 112g ad ce fis oo 626b-c ad cc * gds gr @ in no nos spc ty
1 130e-f ad cc * gds @ rsm 1 125c-d ad cc * oo 627e ad cc * v 487c ad cc gd gdc @ sph llle-f ad cc gdn var 748b ad cc @ no tig tya 112g-h ad cc hep hy sp 1 375a-b ad cc hl tig tma ty 1 121a ad cc hy sp 873e-f ad ce nos Ï 131d ad ce pat rsa 887e ad ce y 692g
ad ccw fgs gde phyfl spa 124b ad ch 471f 533g ad ch fl ooh wd 134a-b ad ch gd gr rsm sp ti v 529g ad« ë he» 358e 359f ad er rsa v 877a-b ad es sph ty v var wd II 375c ad dg ë rsa tma 479d ad ds dv fg or sp ty 131f-g ad em eml rsm 158d ad em ex ë f d # si sp ta var
690h-691a ad em ë tms 587b ad ex ë fgs * oo sph tms f 389f ad ex * gd gde gdi gr @ oo 397d-e ad fa« fge fgs fl« 455a-b ad fa fl hy wd 373b ad fa tms ty tyc 868c-d ad ë 479f 587c-d 696c ad ë f g flo * mhp oo tms 776g-h ad ë gds @ rsa vc 1 894e ad ë gds tmp v var 7( ad ë hl no oo 881g ad ë hl tms 1 68b ad ë oo spr ty 479e ad ë pat tmp vc 690h ad ë phy tmp wd« 84g ad ë rsa tms 846e-f ad ë rse tms tya 58e ad ë rsi tmp ty 1 306a-b ad ë rsw 448h ad ë tms 806g ad fgs 455e ad fgs fis * @ no tya 1 112h-113a
[page break]
"/ have now read your work, but I have nothing particular to say" (223e)
[page break]
It seems that CD's ever-active spirit inspired the following distinctly prehumous reviews of this volume:
"Never mind" Charles 'Woodward' Darwin
"Excellent book" Charles 'Wright' Darwin
"Introduction good writing" Charles 'Jenyns' Darwin
"a miserable Book - all words, words, words" Charles 'Geoffroy' Darwin
"possibly serve for reference" Charles 'Fleming' Darwin
"Buy" Charles 'Eaton' Darwin
"goodish" Charles 'Sully' Darwin
"Many good bits in this Book, but the fundamental idea seems to me groundless & fanciful" Charles 'Piderit' Darwin
"first part merely amusing; Index . . . dull" Charles 'Thompson' Darwin
"Not much satisfactory too brief Charles 'Linnaeus' Darwin
"Mental I think" Charles 'Lucas' Darwin
"I have only skimmed after p. 150 for the whole a wretched compilation" Charles 'Meyer' Darwin
"Clever" Charles 'Wichura' Darwin
"very remarkable . . . very good . . . very common" Charles 'Lyell' Darwin
and last but clearly not least:
"Praise his book. Well-known for other excellent Treatises, & add much undervalued, in my opinion, by other writers - a vast step in advance" Charles 'Duchenne' Darwin
[page break]
Topic ciphers
behe EXPRESSION /EMOTION geo GEOLOGY (shfw: freshwater; shl: land;
("c2+" = positive crit. by CD) GRADATION sxd SEX DIFFERENCES
fge |
fgn |
or |
fgp |
pan |
fgs |
pat |
fls |
rd |
'iii' |
rs |
fo |
rsa |
gd |
rsd |
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 11 January, 2025