RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1879.09.07. Seedlings of Phalaris / Draft of Descent, vol. 2. CUL-DAR209.8.125-128. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online, htp://
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Two fragments of the draft of Descent, vol. 2, chapter XVIII, Ornamental colours are stitched together here to read:
Chap. 17 18 mammals. — Colour 58 60
This view is rendered more probable, that from differences in colour between the sexes occuring almost exclusively, as may be seen observed by going through the previous details, in those groups & sub-groups of mammals, which present other secondary sexual sexual characters; & these are equally indicating -tive of the action of sexual selection.)
(with respect to the probability of colour having been modified through sexual selection, this will primarily depend primarily depend. It is almost superfluous to remark that quad= [line excised] which fact
Sept 7/ 79/ Seedlings of Phalaris raised in common garden soil & exposed before bright P. Lamp for 8° 30', so that they whole upper part had become parallel to soil — had not left furrow behind them & were vertical beneath the ground, & this no doubt due to mechanical resistance — of soil — Begin by saying it is quite necessary for following observations that the earth shd be covered with layer of easily yielding sand.—
No wrinkling even when upper & lower ends of Cot. bowed so as to be parallel.- Cell-walls must be highly elastic.
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[Fragment of a draft of Descent 2: 295: "The probability of this view is strengthened by the differences in colour between the sexes occurring almost exclusively, as may be observed by going through the previous details, in those groups and sub-groups of mammals, which present other and distinct secondary sexual characters; these being likewise due to the action of sexual selection." This fragment is excised from CUL-DAR209.8.127v, below.]
Phalaris— Sept 7th 1879 7° 50' a.m 2 Pots Horizntal before Paraffin L. in dark to that so that Heliotrop & apogeotrop may act— to see whether basal bending is influenced by weight—
9° 50' more apogeotropic than Heliotropic but obliquely apogeotropic.
10. 33' I think have become heliotropic
11. 50' I am sure now much more heliotropic some have more twist from being first bent up by apogeotropy & now these tips [showing] heliotrop
1. 35 splendidly heliotropic mostly parallel to soil;
4. 30' parallel to soil most pointing to light & a little upwards. Hardly a trace of apogeotropism except in lower part of older Cots
Younger one as much bent close to base, as any I ever saw
58 60
Chap. 17 18 Mammals.— Colour.
ew, more probable, that from the differences in colour be
the sexes occuring almost exclusively, as may be
going through the previous details, in those groups
groups of mammals, which present other secondary sexual
characters; & these are equally indicating ive of the action of sexual
n.] probability of colour having been modified through sexual selection, this will
It is almost superfluous to remark that quad =
which fact
[This fragment of a draft of Descent joins CUL-DAR209.8.126v, above]
Sept 7th 7° 50' a.m. — 2 Pots with seedlings Phalaris — raised in darkness— placed horizontally & left for 8°. 30' before paraffin lamp. They cd be acted on by apogeotropism & Heliotropism.— After 2° the former had acted much more than latter & they cd much upturned, yet obliquely towards light.— — After another 1° more heliotropic ie whole upper parts more turned towards light — In 4° after exposure it is certain that far more heliotropic— After 5° splendidly heliotropic very many with whole upper part parallel.— After 8° 30' from exposure— all younger ones parallel to soil & extended almost horizontally with only a trace of apogeostro, for they were a trace upturned, ie not quite strictly in direction of Light.— I have never saw seen cots more abruptly bent close to ground than several scores of these, & here weight of upper & first bowed part can have done absolutely nothing in causing flexure of lower ↘
part, for weight weight acted at right angle to line of flexure.
I think it will suffice to give this one case.—
It is odd that apogetropy shd act earlier than heliotropism, but ultimately with far less effect
It occurred to us thus possibly weight of overarching or overhanging upper part might play an important part in the abrupt curvature of lower part, but numerous observation showed us that effect of weight quite unimportant.
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 26 October, 2022