Charles Darwin's Manuscripts & Papers
The largest collection ever published, from 80 collections with 120,080 images, 46,000 pages of transcribed manuscripts (including previously published). |
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Number |
Link |
Brief Description |
Shropshire Archives | Christenings/burials, Shrewsbury, Parish of St Chad, 1769-1812. Transcribed here |
NationalArchivesCensus | Census returns of England and Wales. Entries relating to the Darwins 1841-91. Transcribed here |
Draft: last chap. of South America 'Northern Chile', 1844-6. 148 images. Transcribed here | |
Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, chaps. 1-4. 311 images |
Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, chaps. 4-6. 339 images |
Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, chaps. 7-11. 325 images |
Edinburgh lecture notes, 1825-7; class cards; zoological walk to Portobello; geological notes, Shrewsbury & with Sedgwick; alluvium; Salisbury Craigs; for glacier papers, 1839-42. 283 images |
EUL-0009695 Edinburgh University Library |
Image | Matriculation Album, 1816-1828 with signatures of Charles Darwin and Erasmus Alvey Darwin. 1825. |
EUL-Coll-275 |
Minutes of Plinian Society. Edinbugh. (Darwin's first scientific papers). 3.1827. Transcribed here |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.1] | Image | Royal Infirmary Edinburgh. Perpetual ticket. |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.2] | Image | University of Edinburgh. Lectures on the Principles & Practice of Surgery by Mr Monro, Nov 16 1825. |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.3] | Image | Edinburgh. Chemistry and Pharmacy by Thos. Chas. Hope. 1825-6. |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.4] | Image | Edinburgh 30 Nov. 1825. Clinical lectures. [Dr. Graham & Dr. Alison] |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.5] | Image | Edinburgh. Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology, by Alexander Monro. 1825. |
EUL-ADO-2017-0015[.6] | Image | University of Edinburgh Library ticket 1825-6. |
CC-T.1.2 Christ's College, Cambridge |
'Admissions to Christ College'. 1827. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-T.1.4 | 'Admissions 1818-1828'. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-T.3.1 | 'Admissions 1815-1852'. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-T.11.26 | 'Tutors' Accounts' & bills for apothecary, bedmaker, etc. 1822-9. |
CC-T.11.27 | 'Students Bills' T.11.26 cont., & room rent. 1830-5. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-T.11.25 | 'Students Bills'. meals account in College. 1827-31.
Introduction by John van Wyhe Transcribed here |
CC-T.9.5 | 'Study Rent'. Darwin's quarterly room rent. 1828-31. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-T.17.A | 'Residents Book'. residence in College and terms kept. 1828-9. Introduction by John van Wyhe Transcribed here |
CC-T.8.2 | 'Lecturer's Book'. Degree fees for B.A. in 1831 and M.A. in 1836. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CC-OldLibraryFox1 | Letter: Darwin to W. D. Fox. 12 June 1828. | |
CC-OldLibrary184a | Photograph of Darwin by Maull & Polyblank. 1855. |
A529 | Image | Photograph of Darwin by E. Edwards. 1866. |
A289 | Image | Photograph of Darwin by O. G. Rejlander. 1871. |
Christies-21034Lot55 | Image | Photograph of Darwin by L. Darwin [1878a.4b] |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.13] | Image | Photograph of Darwin by L. Darwin [1878a.2] |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.8] |
Cheque to 'Mr Pearson' 1869 for £9.10.6. Transcribed here |
CC-OldLibrary184b | Cheque 'to self' 1872 for £50. |
UCL-GaltonPapers1.1.3.5[.1] | Image | Cheque to 'Mr Sales' 1875 for £50. |
Christies-14301 | Image | Cheque to 'Mr Nicholls' 1878 for £34.10.0. |
RRAuction2019 | Image | Cheque to 'Mr Payne' 1879 for £25.4.0. |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.9] | Image | Cheque from Emma Darwin to 'Mr A. Sales' 1876 for £7.15.3. |
CC-Oldlibrary0.12.14-9 |
Henslow, Geological description of Anglesea. 1822. [Corrected proof, coloured drawings & maps] Full article: A599 | |
CC-Oldlibrary0.12.14-21 |
Henslow, On the examination of a hybrid Digitalis. 1831. [Corrected proof with coloured drawings] |
CC-Oldlibrary0.12.14-22 |
Henslow, On a monstrosity of the common Mignionette. 1833. [Corrected proof] |
CC-Oldlibrary0.13.9 | Image | Darwin, A posthumous essay on instinct. Proof for Linnean Journal vol. 17. "Private uncorrected proof" 1883. |
CC-OldLibraryBB.5.17a | Proctor, Narrative of a journey across the Cordillera of the Andes. 1825. [book annotated by Darwin] | |
NRO-DD.SK.218.1 |
Journal kept by H. P. Lowe & R Lowe during 3 months of the summer 1831. at Barmouth. North Wales. Introduction by Peter Lucas. Transcribed here | |
UMZC-Histories3.454 |
Catalogue of the appendages and other parts of Cirripedes. 1854-5. [barnacles] Introduction by John van Wyhe Transcribed here |
NHM-Z-89-f-DAR |
Barnacle specimen list. 1846-54. Introduction by Marsha Richmond |
NHMD-Barnacles |
List of barnacles sent to the Copenhagen Museum. 1854. Transcribed here |
Whipple-Wh.3788.1 Whipple Museum, Cambridge |
Image | Compound microscope, signed "Jas SMITH LONDON". |
Whipple-Wh.3788.2 | Image | Patterned red silk handkerchief as microscope cover. |
Whipple-Wh.3788.3 | Text & image | Booklet: Description of the improved achromatic microscope made by James Smith. notes at back. "Directions for using the 1/8 in obj Glass". Note on the use of the micrometer. |
Whipple-Wh.3788.4 | Image | MSS dealing with the microscope. In Darwin's hand. |
Whipple-Wh.3788.5 | Image | Envelope marked "Last observn made by CD (some exp of mine FD)." Contains three manuscripts by Darwin, one on bean experiments pasted onto backing with note by Francis Darwin; Expression drafts; notes concerning micrometer. |
Whipple-Wh.3788.6 | Image | Note in Darwin's hand detailing the results of a "bean experiment" [i.e. Darwin's last experiment] |
Whipple-Wh.3788.7 | Image | Draft: Expression, 'Ch VI p. 34A' and 'Ch. Birds p. 139' |
Darwin's referee reports from the Royal Geographical Society | ||
RGS-JMS-8-6 | Referee report on Earl, G. W. The Dutch at Timor and Sandal Islands. | |
RGS-JMS-13-30 | Referee report on Orr J., Direction of the rivers in Gipps Land. | |
RGS-JMS-13-32 | Referee report on Earl, G. W. Letter with account of the fresh water in the bottom of the Gulf of Carpentaria. | |
RGS-JMS-8-7 | Referee report on Stanley, Owen. Account of a Cruise among some of the Islands of the Indian Archipelago. | |
RGS-JMS-6-33 | Referee report on Moody, R. C. Extract of a report on the Falkland Islands. | |
RGS-JMS-13-33 | Referee report on Wickham, Capt. J. Some account of the Depuch Islands and native drawings upon the rocks there. | |
RGS-JMS-6-36 | Referee report on Moody, R. C. Further details on the Falkland Islands and notes on the Indians of Patagonia. | |
RGS-JMS-6-39 | Referee report on Robinson, Murriel R. On the town of Carmen and settlement of the rio Negro of Patagonia. | |
RGS-JMS-16-1 | Draft: Note on a block of rock seen on an iceberg in 61 deg. Published as F1652. | |
Darwin's referee reports from the Geological Society of London |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.216 |
Williams, On the raised beaches in Barnstaple. 3.1837. Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.49 | Text | Sedgwick, Review of Darwin, 'On the proofs of recent Elevation'. 10.1837 Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.65 | Forchhammer, Changes of level in Denmark. 10.1837. Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.8 | Austen, Limestones of Devonshire. 9.1838. Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.38 | Clarke, Shower of ashes. 1.1840. Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.35 | Chatfield, earthquake at San Salvador. 11.1840. Transcribed here |
GeolSoc-COM-P4.2.130 | Newbold, Rock basins & Phillips, Caves, elephant bones and pumice. 10.1842. Transcribed here |
Darwin's referee reports from the Royal Society of London | ||
RoySoc-RR2.225 | Text & image | Sharpe, Foliation and cleavage of the rocks of the north of Scotland. 3.1852. |
RoySoc-RR3.38 | Carpenter, Fossil Foraminifera, 'Orbitolites'. 8.1855. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR3.40 | Text & image | 2d report on Carpenter above. 7.1856. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR3.41 | Text & image | 3d report on Carpenter above. 9.1858. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR3.147 | Horner, Researches near Cairo. 3.1858. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR3.255 | Smyth, Geology & natural history of Teneriffe. 3.1858. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR8.107 | S. Haughton, Notes on physical geology. 4.1878. Transcribed here |
RoySoc-RR8.183 | J. Prestwich, Parallel Roads of Lochaber. 5.1879 Transcribed here |
RoySoc-EC-1839-05 | Text & image | Election of Darwin to a Fellowship of the Royal Society of London. 1839. Transcribed here |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.1] | Image | Darwin Wallace Medal, Linnean Society of London, 1908. |
The Linnean Society of London Darwin's referee reports and other papers |
Album of 35 draft leaves: Earthworms, Insectivorous plants, Cross and self fertilisation, Expression, Power of movement [listed individually near other drafts of same work] | |
LINSOC-DWC.2.28 | Image | Draft: Power of movement, Ch X folio 9, pp. 497-498. |
LINSOC-SP.57 | Text & image | Mary Elizabeth Barber, Duvernoia adhatoides; with draft, watercolour drawing and sketch. 5.1869 Transcribed here |
LINSOC-CR.67 | Text & image | Certificate to elect Darwin a Fellow of the Linnean Society. 1853. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.585c[1] | Text & image | T. H. Huxley, Agamic Reproduction & Embryology of Aphis. 5.[1858] Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.1249[.2] | Text | J. P. M. Weale on Bonatea. 1867. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.1250 | Text | Four papers by J. P. M. Weale. 1871. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.585c[2] | Text & image | T. Bell's report on Huxley's paper on Crocodilia. 1859. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.585c[3] | Text & image | R. Owen on The paper by Willm Huxley, Esq, On the Physalia. 1850. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.585c[4] | Text & image | E. Forbes to J. J. Bennett submitting papers by Huxley. 5.1848. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.585c[5] | R. Owen to J. J. Bennett on Huxley's papers. 1850. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-SP.16 | Text | T. Powell, Several atolls of the Tokelan, Ellice, and Gilbert groups, South Pacific. 23.6.1875. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-[A779] | Darwin's copy of: Greenough, A critical examination of the first principles of geology. 1819. Transcribed here |
1842 Pencil sketch of species theory, 1844 Essay Part 1 Draft A; species theory outline for Asa Gray, 1857. 87 images |
CUL-DAR6.1-13 | Text & image | 1844 Essay on species theory ('Part 1, Draft A'). Transcribed here & F1556 |
CUL-DAR6.14 | Outline of 1842 species sketch. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR6.16-50 | Text & image | Pencil sketch of species theory, 1842. |
CUL-DAR6.51 | Draft: species theory abstract sent to Asa Gray, 1857. Transcribed here & F1556 & F350 |
GHL-HU-gra00078-48 Gray Herbarium, Harvard University |
Species theory abstract sent to Asa Gray, 1857. Transcribed here |
1844 Essay on species theory. [fair copy: CUL-DAR113, 1909 copy: CUL-DAR217.2]. 311 images |
Memo to Emma Darwin about 1844 essay on species. Transcribed here |
Natural selection, chap. 3 'On the possibility of all organic beings occasionally crossing and on the remarkable susceptibility of the reproductive system to external agencies', Completed 16.12.1856. Summary of book plan. Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
Natural selection, chap. 4 'Variation under nature' Completed 26.01.1857. Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
Natural selection, chap. 5 'The struggle for existence as bearing on natural selection'. Completed 3.03.1857. Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
CUL-DAR10.2 | Natural selection, chap. 6 'On natural selection'. Completed 31 Mar. 1857, corrected 12.06.1858. Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
Natural selection, chap. 7 'Laws of variation: varieties & species compared'. Completed 29.09.1857. Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
CUL-DAR11.2 | Natural selection, chap. 8 'Difficulties in the theory of natural selection in relation to passages from form to form'. Completed 29.09.1857. Transcribed in F1583 |
Natural selection, chap. 9 'Hybridism'. Completed 29.12.1857. Transcribed in F1583 |
Natural selection, chap. 10 'Mental powers and instincts in animals'. Completed 9.03.1858. Transcribed in F1583 |
F3583 | Text | [Inquiring about the habits of the American Cuckoo, 1858]. Transcribed here |
Natural selection, chap. 11 'Geographical distribution'. Completed 13.10.1856. Transcribed in F1583 |
Natural selection, 2d part [large genera and divergence] completed 12.06.1858; draft & fair copy sent to Hooker. Fair copy of CUL-DAR9.(1-87). Transcribed in F1583 & here with corrections |
Natural selection, calculations and tables for chap. 4: First part. 162 images Transcribed here |
Natural selection, calculations and tables for chap. 4: cont. 175 & 169 images Transcribed here |
Drafts of Expression and Descent. 38 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR17.1.B |
Draft: Climbing plants, Part I. 106 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR17.2.A | Images Text |
Draft: Climbing plants, Part I, remainder. 53 images. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR17.2.B |
Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, chaps. 8 & 9. 49 images |
LINSOC-DWC.2.18 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 168. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.21 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 168. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.19 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 167-8. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.22 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, folio 32?/ p. 166. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.20 | Image | Draft:Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 167-8. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.23 | Image | Draft:Cross and self fertilisation, folio 391, p. 166. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.1 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, folio 386, pp. 200-201. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.2 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation 367?, pp. 165-66. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.3 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 200. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.17 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 201 |
LINSOC-DWC.2.4 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, folio 385, p. 167. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.5 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 167. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.7 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, p. 199. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.8 | Image | Draft: Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 201-2. |
Draft: Climbing plants. Part II.
263 images Transcribed here |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Introduction, Chap. 1. | ||
CUL-DAR19.2 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 2. |
CUL-DAR20.1 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 3. |
CUL-DAR20.2 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 4. |
CUL-DAR21 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chaps. 5-6. |
CUL-DAR22.1 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 7. |
CUL-DAR22.2 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 7. |
CUL-DAR22.3 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chaps. 7-8. |
CUL-DAR23.1 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 9. |
CUL-DAR23.2 CUL-DAR23.3 |
Itemized Images |
Draft: Movement in plants, 1877-80. Chap. 10, 11-12. |
CUL-DAR24.1 CUL-DAR24.2 |
Itemized Images |
Draft: Earthworms, 1880-1. Chaps. 1-3. |
CUL-DAR25.1 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Earthworms, 1880-1. Drafts and revised fair copy of chaps 4-7. |
CUL-DAR25.2 | Itemized Images |
Draft: Earthworms, 1880-1. Drafts and revised fair copy of chaps 4-7. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.18 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, pp. 13-14, and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 168. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.21 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 15, and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 168. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.19 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 16, and Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 167-8. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.22 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 18, and Cross and self fertilisation, folio 32?/ p. 166. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.20 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 24, and Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 167-8. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.23 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 7, p. 25, and Cross and self fertilisation, folio 391, p. 166. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.1 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 1, pp. 25-6, and Cross and self fertilisation, folio 386, pp. 200-201. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.2 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 4, p. 19, and Cross and self fertilisation 367?, pp. 165-66. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.3 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 2, pp. 20-1, and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 200. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.16 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 10, p. 21. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.17 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, (a), and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 201 |
LINSOC-DWC.2.4 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 2, pp. 27-8, and Cross and self fertilisation, folio 385, p. 167. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.12 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 17. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.5 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 2, pp. 17-18, and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 167. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.14 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 18. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.6 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 3, pp. 27-8, and Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 199-200. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.7 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 4, pp. 28-9, and Cross and self fertilisation, p. 199. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.11 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, p. 29, p. 32. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.8 | Image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 6, pp. 34-5, and Cross and self fertilisation, pp. 201-2. |
SCRC-UCL-Box1Folder2[.1] | Text & image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 11. Transcribed here |
CWRU-StecherWormsMS | Text & image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 54, pp. 292-3. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-DWC.2.9 | Images | Draft: Earthworms, folio 7, p. 312. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.10 | Images | Draft: Earthworms, folio 8, pp. 312-13. |
Draft: 'Recollections of the Development of My Mind and Character' [Autobiography]. 205 images Transcribed here & F1497 |
Notes & drafts for papers on bees, F1658; glaciers of Caernarvonshire F1660; Sagitta, F1664; sea-water on seeds, F1694; bees fertilisation of Papilionaceous flowers, Kidney beans. Proofs & specimens. F1701. 1840s-50s. 137 images |
Draft: & notes for 'On the sexual relations of the three forms of Lythrum salicaria'. 1864-5. F1731. 151 images Transcribed here |
Draft: 'Action of carbonate of ammonia on the roots of certain plants', 1882. F1800 64 images. |
CUL-DAR28.1.B |
Fair copy of above. 57 images |
Draft: 'Action of carbonate of ammonia on chlorophyll bodies' & fair copy, 1882, F1801. |
Catalogues of Beagle specimens: Animals; Fish in spirits of wine; Insects; Shells in spirits of wine. 143 images |
CUL-DAR29.1.A1-A49 | Beagle Animal notes. (animals [mammals], fish, insects and shells)
1835-9. Introduction by Richard Darwin Keynes. |
CUL-DAR29.1.B1b-B20 | 'Fish in Spirits of Wine' [Beagle specimen catalogue] 1832-9. Transcribed here |
BRLSI-L8658 Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution |
Image | 'Catalogue of the Darwin Collection of Fish.' By Leonard Jenyns. 1842. 8 images |
CUL-DAR29.1.C | Itemized | 'Insects', 1835-9. Transcribed here & F1830 |
CUL-DAR29.1.D1-D8 | 'Shells in Spirits of wine'. [Beagle specimen catalogue] 1832-9. Transcribed here |
'Birds / Ornithology' [Ornithological notes. Beagle specimen catalogue] 1836. 123 images Transcribed in F1577 |
Lists of Beagle specimens: Shells;
Corallines; Insects in spirits of wine; Mammalia in spirits of wine; Molluscs in spirits of wine;
Galapagos birds.
Zoological plates & references. 157 images |
CUL-DAR237.3 | Text & image | "Plants" notebook / Plant notes. [Beagle specimen catalogue]. Transcribed here & in Beagle plants |
UMZC-Histories4.945 | Harmer, 'List of [zoological] specimens collected on the Beagle...kept in the museum [of Zoology, Cambridge].' 20 images Transcribed here |
HarkerCatalogue |
Catalogue of the "Beagle" Collection of Rocks... 140 images |
CUL-DAR236 Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge |
Itemized Text | "Geological specimens" notebooks (from the Beagle). Introduction by Gordon Chancellor Transcribed here |
NHM-MSS-DARA.3 Natural History Museum (London) |
Text & image | "Series of specimens showing the composition of the circular coral-reef". 1837. Transcribed here |
NHM-405052-1001 |
List of reptiles and amphibians from Beagle voyage. 1832-7. Transcribed here |
NHM-408865-1001 |
List of fossil wood specimens from Beagle voyage. 1832-7. Introduction by John van Wyhe |
NHM-InsectRoom_Lists_vol.1.21 | Insects. Beagle specimens. "Copy of Darwin's notes in reference to Insects collected by him." Transcribed in F1830 |
CUL-DAR29.3.78 | Notes on the preservation of specimens [for Beagle voyage]. 1831. |
CUL-DAR30.1 | Browse Itemized |
Zoological diary (or Zoology notes) biological notes from the Beagle, 1832-6. 632 images
CUL-DAR31.1 | ||
CUL-DAR31.2 | Browse Itemized |
Browse Itemized |
Geological diary. 1832-6. Cape Verdes, Atlantic islands, Brazil, Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego. 485 images.
Introduction by Gordon Chancellor Transcribed here |
Geological diary. Uruguay, Argentina, Falklands. Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
Geological diary. Uruguay, Argentina, Falklands, Chiloe. 367 images Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
Geological diary. Chile (with Chonos & Chiloe). 371 images Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
CUL-DAR35.328 | 'Chiloe Janr. 1835'. Introduction by Gordon Chancellor & John van Wyhe |
Geological diary. Chile, crossing of Andes into Argentina and Copiapo. 310 images Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
Geological diary. Northern Chile, Peru, Galapagos, Tahiti, New Zealand. 315 images Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
CUL-DAR37.716-795A | Geological diary: Galapagos. 10.1835. Introduction by K. Thalia Grant & Gregory B. Estes Transcribed here |
Geological diary. Australia, Mauritius, South Africa, St Helena, Ascension, Bahia, Azores. 1836. 224 images Introduction by Gordon Chancellor |
Geological notes on South America, specimens, cleavage, fossils, shells, corals, abstracts, maps & diagrams. 1833-9. 398 images |
Geological notes. Field notes: Hobart, Ascension etc. 1838-42. 157 images |
CUL-DAR41 | 'Coral Islands' essay (& fair copy), 'Recapitulation and concluding remarks', Cocos Keeling, 'Cleavage' essay etc. 1835-42. 176 images |
Notes for South America 'Scraps Cleavage...Pampas Chapter'. 1835-46. 366 images |
CUL-DAR42.93-96 | 'Reflection on reading my Geological notes.' 3.1834. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR42.148 | ||
CUL-DAR42.97-99 | 'The position of the bones of Mastodon (?) at Port St Julian is of interest'. 2.1835. Introduction by John van Wyhe Transcribed here |
Notes by Orbigny, Sowerby & Forbes on Darwin's shells. [See F273 Appendix] 105 images Transcribed here |
'Buenos Ayres The fossil shells'. Fair copy of CUL-DAR43.1.6-45. (46pp) | ||
Sowerby, 'Descriptions of Tertiary fossil shells from South America.' [F273 Appendix]. 69 images Transcribed here |
Maps of South America, plans & diagrams (geological sections, etc.). 52 images |
CUL-Add.7984 | Sketchbook I of Conrad Martens, artist on part of the Beagle voyage | |
CUL-Add.7983 | Image |
Sketchbook III of Conrad Martens, artist on part of the Beagle voyage |
Museo Naval de la Nación, Tigre, Brazil |
Forsyth, 'A log of the Proceedings of H. M. Surveying Sloop Beagle.' 1833-6. Introduction by Simon Keynes |
Beagle field Notebooks, Beagle Diary, Down House papers |
EH88202366 English Heritage Darwin Collection, Down House |
Text & image |
The Beagle diary. 1831-6. |
EH88202324 |
Cape de Verds notebook. 1-6.1832. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202330 | Rio notebook. 4, 6-10.1832. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202332 | Buenos Ayres notebook. 11-12.1832-2; 12.1833. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202334 | Falkland notebook. 2-5, 8.1833. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202331 | B. Blanca notebook. 9-10.1833. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202333 | St. Fe notebook. 9-11.1833; 3-4.1835. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202329 | Banda Oriental notebook. 11.1833, 4-5.1834. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202328 | Port Desire notebook. 1-4, 11-12.1834. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202335 | Valparaiso notebook. 8.1834. |
EH88202338 | Santiago notebook. 9.1834; 2.1835-9.1838? Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202337 | Galapagos notebook. 1835. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202336 | Coquimbo notebook. 4-5.1835. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202327 | Copiapò notebook. 6.1835. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202326 | Despoblado notebook. 6-9.1835; 5-9.1836. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202323 | Sydney notebook. 1-4.1836. Introduction by Chancellor & van Wyhe Transcribed here |
EH88202322 | Red notebook. 1836-1837. Transcribed in F1583e |
EH88202325 | Text | St Helena Model notebook. 1838. Transcribed in F1839 Text PDF |
EH88202321 | Text | 'Notebook 1.1'. [1874-80?] Introduction by John van Wyhe |
EH88202300 | Text Image |
General Aspect. (Down Landscape). 1843-4. Transcribed here |
EH88202576 | Text | Catalogue of Down Specimens Notebook. 1855-9. Transcribed here |
EH88202564 | Text Image |
Skins: Pigeons. Transcribed here |
EH88202555 | Text Image |
Longevity & Vitality of Seeds. 1874. Transcribed here |
EH88202556 | Text Image |
Lawn plot experiment. 1856-8. Transcribed here |
EH88202577 | Receipts and Memoranda book. 1840s-1896. Transcribed here |
Christ's College, Cambridge | Stanbury collection (catalogue of Beagle voyage research materials) | |
CUL-DAR44.30 |
St Helena model [leaf]. 9.1838. Transcribed here & F1839 |
Notes for Natural selection chap. 4 'Variation under nature'. 284 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR45.58 | 'Forbes has thought about variability, being effect of conditions.'
12.1844. Transcribed here |
Notes for Natural selection chap. 5 'Struggle for existence'. 105 images |
Notes for Natural selection. seed & plant experiments, abstracts & alpine plants...;
Notes for Journal of researches 2d ed. "may be useful in species theory";
'Habits of Bees' portfolio. Roses. Peas. 287 images |
Notes for Natural selection chap. 7 'Laws of Variation'. 361 images |
Notes for Natural selection chap. 8 'Transitions of Organs'. Notes on bees' cells for origin of species theory. 234 images |
CUL-DAR46.B66 CUL-DAR48.B67-B74 |
Text & image Text & image |
Last sketch [on bees' cells]. 1858. |
Notes for Natural selection chap. 3 ' beings occasionally crossing' or dichogamy in plants. Notes on plants 1841-72. 195 images |
Materials for Natural selection chap. 11 'Geographic distribution'; draft for Kemp 'seeds buried...which germinated.' (F1918) Glen Roy notes. See F1909.
Croll, 'views on glacial periods'. Alpine, polar & glacial distribution. 235 images |
Draft pages of Origin of species Introduction by John van Wyhe |
CUL-DAR64.2.28v | Text & image | Fair copy, Introduction?, folio 10. Origin, pp. 3-4. Introduction by John van Wyhe All transcribed here |
CUL-DAR185.109.6 | [Sect. I], folio 40. Origin, p. 40. (child's drawing on verso) ['Section' became 'Chapter' in Origin] |
Goldberg2017.101.159 | Text & image | Sect. III, folio 75. Origin, p. 71. |
Houghton-fMS.Eng.12141 |
Text & image | Sect. V, folio 156. Origin, p. 149-50. |
KML-Origin163 |
Text & image | Ch. V, folio 163. Origin, p. 155. |
Eton-ECL-MSA430.01.01.03 |
Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 197. Origin, pp. 183. |
CUL-DAR185.103 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 198. Origin, pp. 183-4. |
Lehigh-MS-ALS-Darwin-C.18xx | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 201. Origin, pp. 185-6. |
CUL-DAR185.137 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 202. Origin, pp. 186-7. |
CUL-DAR185.108 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 203. Origin, p. 187. |
AMNH-RF-18-H | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 204. Origin, pp. 187-8. |
CUL-DAR157.1 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 205. Origin, p. 188. |
CUL-DAR185.108 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folios 208, 208(a), 209, 210. Origin, pp. 187, 190-2, 196-9, 202. |
CUL-DAR185.141 | Text & image | [Sect. VI, folio 209](a). Origin, p. 191. |
CUL-DAR157.2 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 211. Origin, pp. 192-3. |
CUL-DAR157.3 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 212. Origin, p. 193. |
CUL-DAR157.4 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 213. Origin, pp. 193-4. |
F3555 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 214. Origin, p. 194. |
F3532 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folios 215, 215(a), 216. Origin, pp. 194-6. |
CUL-DAR185.108 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folios 217-221. Origin, pp. 196-9. |
APS-B-D25.57 |
Sect. VI, folios 222, 223, 223(a), 224. Origin, pp. 200-2. |
CUL-DAR185.108 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 225. Origin, p. 202. |
Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 226. Origin, p. 203. |
Christies-9178-Lot77 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 229. Origin, pp. 204-6. |
SHSI-02-03-01,B7 |
Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 230. Origin, pp. 205-6. |
CUL-DAR185.145 | Text & image | Sect. VI, folio 231. Origin, p. 206. |
CUL-DAR185.146 | Text & image | [Sect. VI, folio 231](a)(b). Origin, p. 206. |
FMB-Aut.D-4.2 |
Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 233. Origin, pp. 207-8. |
F3516 | Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 235. Origin, p. 209. |
Sect. 7, folios 237-240. Origin, pp. 210-14. | |
CUCNY-HerterBox1[.1] |
Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 241. Origin, pp. 214-15. |
Dibner-MSS405A[.1] |
Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 242. Origin, p. 215. |
CUL-DAR185.109.22 | Text & image | Fair copy, Chap. VII, folio 23. Origin, p. 219. (child's drawing on verso) |
APS-B-D25.57 |
Sect. 7, folio 269. Origin, pp. 237-8. |
PC-USA-OriginMS270 | Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 270. Origin, p. 238. |
APS-B-D25.57 |
Sect. 7, folio 271. Origin, pp. 238-9. |
EUL-MSSE2001.13 |
Text & image | Sect. 7, folio 277. Origin, pp. 243-4 |
Lehigh-MS-ALS-Darwin-C.1859 | Text & image | Chap. VIII, folio 277. Origin, p. 245. |
PC-USA-OriginMS324 / CUL-DAR185.142 |
Text & image | Sect. 8, folio 324. Origin, pp. 277-8. |
Dibner-MSS405A[.2] |
Text & image | [Sect. 9], unnumbered folio. Origin, pp. 283-4. |
F3518 | Text & image | Sect. 9, folio 338. Origin, pp. 289-90. |
CUL-DAR185.109.26 | Text & image | Sect. 9, folio 355. Origin, p. 301. (child's drawing on verso) |
CUL-DAR185.109.24 | Text & image | [Sect. 9], unnumbered folio (a). Origin, p. 307. (child's drawing on verso) |
CUL-DAR185.109.21 | Text & image | Fair copy, Chap. XIII, folio 48. Origin, pp. 442-3. (child's drawing on verso) |
Notes on plant morphology, pangenesis & 'Variation under domestication', 1861-5; phyllotaxy diagrams, 1863; Antirrhinum, 1862-5; on Ranyard on Pangenesis, Variation draft chap. 27. 177 images |
CUL-DAR51.C36-C74 | [Draft: Variation] Hypothesis of Pangenesis. 5.1865. Transcribed here & F1578 |
HA-2006Lot25535 Heritage Auctions |
Text & image | Memorandum to John Murray on index for Variation. [1867]. Transcribed here |
Botanical notes, variation & pangenesis, 1868-82; draft: organs not being formed by direct action of medium;
Galtonian measurements, 1873;
Southampton gravel, 1874. See F1351;
Romanes on abortion, Torbitt on potatoes, 1876-. See F1978, F2542, F2532;
Chlorophyll in plants, 1880-1. 213 images |
CUL-DAR53.1 | Photographs & drawings for Expression. 202 images 34 transcribed here |
CUL-DAR53.2 | Drafts, notes & clippings for Expression. 138 images 46 transcribed here |
Material for Insectivorous plants (1875). Experimental treatments and observations
1860-2, 1871-2. 260 images Transcribed here |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 1872-3. 225 images Transcribed here |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 1873. 227 images Transcribed here |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 1874. 220 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR58.1 | Browse Itemized |
Correspondence on insectivorous plants 1860-76. 286 images |
Material for Insectivorous plants. Press-cuttings. 219 images |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 1874-5. 244 images Transcribed here |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 127 images |
Material for Insectivorous plants. 1860s-70s. 255 & 134 images |
Materials for & draft of Insectivorous plants. 129 images Transcribed here |
BL-Zweig.141 British Library |
Text & image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 21. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-DWC.2.29 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 32, p. 418. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.30 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 37, pp. 420-421. |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.14] | Text & image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 38. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-DWC.2.13 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, Utricularia. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.15 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, pp. 417-18. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.31 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 42, pp. 422-423. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.32 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 43A on Utricularia. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.33 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 47, pp. 432-3, on Utricularia. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.34 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 48, p. 424, on Utricularia. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.35 | Image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 49, pp. 425-6, on Utricularia. |
CC-OldLibraryGG.1.25 | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 50. Transcribed here |
HA-Lot1233 Heritage Auctions |
Text & image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, folio 314. Transcribed here |
Dibner-MSS405A[.3] | Text & image | Draft: Insectivorous plants, pp. 277-8. Transcribed here |
SA-Haandskrift394A[.1] |
Draft: Insectivorous plants, pp. 293-4. Transcribed here |
SA-Haandskrift394A[.2] | Text & image | G. H. Darwin letter to V. Albeck re above MS, 1903. Transcribed here |
Notes for 'On the action of carbonate of ammonia on the roots of certain plants'. 1882. F1801 132 images |
CUL-DAR63-65 | Text & image | Earthworms notes text, CUL-DAR63-65, in a single file. |
Material for Earthworms.
Notes on (1) castings; (2) furrows & ploughed land; (3) experiments at different locales. |
Material for Earthworms. |
CWRU-StecherWormsMS | Text & image | Draft: Earthworms, folio 54. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR64.2.13v | Text & image | Draft: Historical sketch for Origin 3d ed. 1-2.1860. Transcribed here |
Material for Earthworms. 1880-81. 171 images. |
Notes on bloom on leaves & fruit. 1863, 1873-5 & 1877. 232 images. Introduction by Chua & van Wyhe. |
Notes on bloom on leaves & fruit. 1877-82. 141 images. Introduction by Chua & van Wyhe. |
Notes on bloom on leaves & fruit; leaf secretion & ants; sleep in plants; salt water; effects of shaking stems of plants. 1873-81. 182 images. Introduction by Chua & van Wyhe. |
Christies-14301Lot201 | Images | Corrected sheets of Origin 3d ed., sent to Bronn for Origin 2d German ed. (F673) |
Material for new eds. of works: supplemental note for Descent (2d ed. 1877),
French trans. of 5th & 6th eds. of Origin; Coral reefs (2d ed. 1874); Coral reefs (3d ed. 1889); Climbing plants (2d ed. 1875); Cross and self fertilisation (2d ed. 1878). 335 images |
Material for Orchids 2d ed. 1877. Paintings for plates I-IV. 1860-76. 264 images. |
Abstracts of scientific books. 290 images. |
CUL-DAR71.1-5 | 'Catalogue of Books (not Journals)'. [1850s-1865?] Transcribed here |
CWRU-StecherWatsonAbstract Case Western Reserve University |
Text & image | Abstract of Watson, Cybele Britannica, [7.1856] Transcribed here |
UCL-GaltonPapers1.1.3.5[.2] | Text & image | Abstract of M'Andrew, Remarks upon Mr. J. G. Jeffrey's last dredging report. Transcribed here |
Abstracts of scientific books & journals, chiefly on botany. 213 images Transcribed here |
Abstracts of scientific journals. 216 images |
Abstracts of scientific journals, etc. 271 images. |
Abstracts of pamphlets & scientific journals & Index. |
Notes for Cross and self fertilisation. 1840s-1876. |
Material for Cross and self fertilisation, experimental results 1840s-1875. 265 images |
Notes for Cross and self fertilisation, experimental results cont. 276 images Transcribed here |
Notes for Cross and self fertilisation, experimental results cont. 239 images Transcribed here |
Material for Descent (including 'Man').
282 images |
Material for Descent, Sexual Selection: Invertebrates. 1860-70. 237 images |
Material for Descent, Fish & Reptiles.
Queries & observations of Günther. 1860-70. 319 images |
Material for Descent. Mammals. Notes & observations, at Zoological Gardens etc. 1867-70. 233 images |
Material for Descent, proofs, letters & prints, woodcuts, feathers, butterfly wings. 309 images |
Material for Descent, sexual selection: birds. 251
Transcribed here |
Material for Descent, music, hair colour in man, sexual selection: Man (used), polygamy & number of sexes (Chap. 1). 335 images |
Notes for Descent, sexual selection: Proportion of sexes, errata and Insectivorous plants. 289 images |
Material for Descent 2d ed. 1874 chaps. 1-6, & cuttings from journals & photographs. 229 images |
Material for Descent 2d ed. moral sense, mammals & birds. 274 images |
Material for Descent 2d ed. fish, insects, sexual selection, man-voice, music. 284 images |
Material for Descent 2d ed. races, sexual selection, general principles. 211 images. |
Early notes on guns & shooting. 1827 notes on Christianity; moral sense. 'a sketch of the principal events in my life'. 1861 draft of recollections of Henslow. Notes found with 'Books to be read'. Wallace pension. 1837-81. 172 images |
CUL-DAR91.4-55 | 'Old & useless notes about the moral sense & some metaphysical points'. 1838-40. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.56-63 | 'Life. Written August — 1838' autobiographical fragment. 8.1838. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.70 | 'Books read'. 2 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.71 | 'List of Books bearing on number of inhabitants of small area' Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.72 | 'Books to be read' Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.79-80 | 'Memoranda about Books'. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.88a-88b | 'Books to be certainly read'. 1856. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.91-94 | Text & image | Buckley, Biographical and bibliographical notes on A. R. Wallace. [1880] Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.95-98 | Text & image | Draft: Memorial of A. R. Wallace for a Civil List Pension. [1880] Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.99-100 | Text & image | A list of potential signatories for Wallace memorial. [1880] Transcribed here |
NHM-WP6.4.1 |
Notes on Wallace's Island life. 11.1880. |
NHM-MSS-HUN.49 Natural History Museum (London) |
'a sketch of the principal events in my life'. 1866. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.102-104 |
'a sketch of the principal events in my life'. 1866-75. An autobiographical fragment. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR91.114-118 | Notes on reading Sumner's Evidence of Christianity. c.1827. Transcribed here |
Samuel Butler's attack. Fair copies of Darwin's draft letters to Athenaeum, cuttings etc. 1826-82. 300 images | ||
CUL-DAR93 | Letters to J. S. Henslow and John Scott. 1838-63. | |
CUL-DAR94 | Correspondence: Darwin to Hooker et al. 1866-73. | |
CUL-DAR95 | Correspondence: Darwin to Hooker. 1876-82. | |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.188] | Text & image | Draft 12pp on Erasmus Darwin I with quotations from Erasmus Darwin. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319 | Image |
Darwin's annotated copy of Krause, Erasmus Darwin, 1879. |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319.1 | Corrections for Erasmus Darwin 2d ed., tipped in to Darwin's copy of 1st ed. 2 leaves. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319.2 | Image |
Proofs for Erasmus Darwin 2d ed., corrections by Francis Darwin, tipped in to Darwin's copy of 1st ed. |
PC-Virginia-Galton1879 | Text & image | E. S. Galton to Darwin, 1879, on Erasmus Darwin. Tipped in to Darwin's copy above. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR96 | Itemized | Drafts of letters by Darwin. 1862-73. |
CUL-DAR97 | Itemized | Letters and drafts of letters, including some relating to the Beagle voyage. 1831-75. |
CUL-DAR98 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin, including some on Origin. 1841-60. |
CUL-DAR99 | Letters to Darwin. 1861-81. |
CUL-DAR99.199a-199b | Text & image | Draft fragments of Preliminary notice to Krause, Erasmus Darwin. [1879]. Most of draft in CUL-DAR212. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR100 | Itemized | Letters from J. D. Hooker. 1843-62. |
CUL-DAR101 | Itemized | Letters from Hooker. 1861-64. |
CUL-DAR102 | Itemized | Letters from Hooker. 1865-68. |
CUL-DAR103 | Itemized | Letters from Hooker. 1869-74. |
CUL-DAR104 | Itemized | Letters from Hooker & misc. letters. 1843-82. |
CUL-DAR105 | Itemized | Letters from Fancis Galton. 1860-82. |
CUL-DAR106 | Itemized | Letters from Samuel Butler, A. R. Wallace, John Tyndall et al. 1855-82. |
CUL-DAR107 | Itemized | Recollections of Darwin for Life and Letters. 1882-7 & Huxley/Wilberforce 1860. Plant variation notes 1841-2. Transcribed here (See the largest collection of Recollections of Darwin) |
MLS-FM4.6900 Mitchell Library, Sydney |
Text | P. G. King, Reminiscences of Mr Darwin on the Beagle. 1892. Transcribed here |
CWRU-StecherInnes | Text & image | J. Brodie Innes. Recollections of Darwin. 1882. Transcribed here |
UBC-RBSC-ARC-1731-1-43 University of British Columbia |
Text & image | J. Burdon Sanderson, Recollections of a visit to Mr Darwin. 1881. Transcribed here |
SHC-7854. Surrey History Centre, Woking |
Text & image | T. V. Lushington, notes on Origin, Descent and recollections of Darwin. 1866-83. Transcribed here |
SHC-9609.4.3.2 | Text & image | T. H. Farrer, "A very pleasant visit at Down". Notebook on books read etc. 1877. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-MS.299 | Text & image | T. H. Farrer, Recollections and letters of Darwin. 1868-81. c.1885. Transcribed here |
Materials for Forms of flowers. Illegitimate progeny of dimorphic & trimorphic plants, mainly Primulae. 1862-77. 292 images Transcribed here |
Materials for Forms of flowers, ditto. 1841-77. 357 images |
Materials for Forms of flowers, ditto. 1863-77. 347 images |
Materials for Forms of flowers, ditto. 1861-77. 263 images |
Christies-2006-Lot43 | Text | Draft: Forms of flowers, fair copy, folio 25. Transcribed here |
Lehigh-MS-ALS-Darwin-C-1877 | Text & image | Draft: Forms of flowers, p. 44. Transcribed here |
Bonhams-11388Lot83 | Text & image | Sketch of the dimorphic flowers of the primrose. 1861. |
CUL-DAR112 |
Letters to Francis Darwin for Life and Letters. Recollections of Darwin. 1882-1916. 351 images |
CUL-DAR113 | '1844 Sketch of Species Theory Fair copy annotated by C.D.' 1844. 263 images [of CUL-DAR7] | |
CUL-DAR114 | Itemized | Correspondence: Darwin to Hooker. 1843-58. |
CUL-DAR115 | Itemized | Correspondence: Darwin to Hooker. 1859-66. |
Notebook, abstracts of & notes on botanical works, Gaertner, Kölreuter, Herbert, van Mons, Claparède. 186 images Transcribed here |
W. E. Darwin's botanical notebook, flower diagrams. 1862-70. 58 images | ||
Edinburgh notebook. 1827-42. Marine life, Cambridge beetles, and post-Beagle notes. 54 images |
RRAuction7Dec.2022Lot1095 | Text & image | Library ledger page from RGS or GSL? 1838-40. Transcribed here |
'Books to be read' and 'Books Read' notebook. 1838-68. 84 images Transcribed here |
'Books [read]' notebook. 1846-65. 49 images Transcribed here |
Notebook B. 1837-8. 284 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
Notebook C. 2-7.1838. 239 images (with excised pages restored) |
Notebook D. 7-10.1838. 147 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
Notebook E . 1838. 167 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
Notebook M. 1838. 150 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
Notebook N. 1838-9. 118 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
Notebook A. 1837-9. 172 images (with excised pages restored) Transcribed here |
'TornApartNotebook' | Torn apart notebook. 1839-41. 86 images Transcribed here |
'Books Read' and 'Books to be Read' notebook. 1852-60. 55 images Transcribed here |
Edinburgh diary for 1826: birds, beasts & flowers seen on walks. 149 images Transcribed here |
Glen Roy notebook. 1838. 119 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR131 |
Featherstonhaugh, Report of a geological reconnoissance... Wisconsin 1835. 'Charles Darwin Esq. Sec Anti-Moses Society...'. 174 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR132 |
Pamphlets: Down House 1969; Burgerstein, Darwin 1889; Carlyle on Darwin & refutation. Times 1877; Record 1877. O'Shaughnessy, Darwin confounded 1876; Delpino, Rivista Botanica 1876; Holly berries, 1877. Manual of scientific enquiry, 1859. |
CUL-DAR133 |
Offprints: Huxley, Obituary of Darwin. Wright, Gray & Wallace. Cuttings etc. on heterostyled & polygamous plants, cleistogamic flowers etc. 902 images Darwin's notes transcribed here |
CUL-DAR134 | Reviews of Life and Letters, articles on Darwin. 1882-92. 878 images | |
CUL-DAR135 | Pamphlets, offprints of articles by Darwin [1835-82] & others. Proofs of Coral reefs 2d ed. 1835-82, 1913. | |
CUL-DAR136 | 16 botanical & geological pamphlets 1838-84. | |
CUL-DAR137 | State of New York. Senate, (1840)...Geological survey 1841, 1873, 1838, 1839. | |
CUL-DAR138.1 |
Press-cuttings on Darwin's death & funeral. Mostly French newspapers. 236 images | |
CUL-DAR138.2 |
Huxley Lectures on general natural history. Medical Times. 1856-7. 173 images |
CUL-DAR138.3 |
Issues of The Field. 1864-5. 144 images |
CUL-DAR138.4.1 |
Künckel, Les Lépidoptères à trompe perforante Académie des Sciences (Comptes Rendus). 1875. | |
CUL-DAR138.5.1 |
Darwin, To members of the Down Friendly Club. 1877. [F1303] Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR139 |
Printed matter: Darwin articles; John Murray accounts, 1878-81; Public Orator speech, Cambridge 1878; offprints used by or about Darwin, religion. |
CUL-DAR139.1.1 | Browse | Accounts John Murray, sales of books. 1878-81. 11 images |
CUL-DAR139.2.1 |
Speech by Public Orator on Darwin's honorary degree at Cambridge, 1877. |
CUL-Add.7831.2 | Text | N. Keynes, Account of Darwin's honorary LL.D. degree. Diary, 1877. |
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110[.179] | Image | Carte de visite of monkey on Darwin books, Cambridge. [1877] |
CUL-DAR139.3.1 |
The Athenaeum. Index for 1847. |
CUL-DAR139.4.1 |
Hays, Descriptions of the inferior maxillary bones of Mastodons. Trans. American Phil. Soc. 1833. 45 images |
CUL-DAR139.5.1 |
Milne, On the Parallel Roads of Lochaber, 1847. 56 images A217 |
CUL-DAR139.6.1 |
Greek trans. of 'Biographical sketch of an infant'. 17 images F1779 |
CUL-DAR139.7.1 |
On the formation of mould, Geological Soc. Trans. 1840, annotated by Darwin. 6 images F1655 |
CUL-DAR139.8.1 |
On the connexion of certain volcanic phenomena in South America. Geological Soc. Trans. 1840. 35 images F1656 |
CUL-DAR139.9.1 |
Parallel Roads of Glen Roy. Philosophical Trans. 1839, annotated by Darwin. 48 images F1653 |
CUL-DAR139.10.1 |
Distribution of the erratic Boulders. Geological Soc. Trans. (1842), annotated by Darwin. 19 images F1661 |
CUL-DAR139.11.1 |
Material on Jones's Darwin and Samuel Butler. Reviews, 1910-11, press cuttings etc. 60 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR139.12.1 |
Morris, F. P. All the Articles of the Darwin Faith. 1875. 50ppI hv assigned the correct images now. If I had named the image with [.1], you'll hv to remove them. |
CUL-DAR139.13 |
Nature: articles on cross-fertilization, 1869-76. Misc. articles, 1873-7, notes by Darwin. 80 images |
CUL-DAR139.14.1 |
Revue Scientifique 27 Sept. 1873. 20 images |
CUL-DAR139.14.2 |
Revue Scientifique 18 Aug. 1877. 26 images |
CUL-DAR139.15.1 |
Browse |
Kerner, Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste, 1876 and abstract (Transcribed here). 82 images. |
CUL-DAR139.16.1 |
Spectator: cuttings on natural & supernatural selection, 1868. 8 images |
CUL-DAR139.16.2 |
Darwinian Jeremiad Spectator (1868). 2 images |
CUL-DAR139.16.3 |
Natural vs. supernatural selection. Spectator. 1868. 3 images |
CUL-DAR139.17 |
Material on vivisection 1875-81. 128 images |
CUL-DAR139.18 |
Reviews etc., on Insectivorous plants. Abstract of F. Darwin's Drosera, 1878. 87 images |
CUL-DAR139.19.1 |
Cutting: Wallace, President's address, British Association, Biology, 1876. Nature. Annotated by Darwin. 10 images |
CUL-DAR139.20.1 |
Growth under difficulties. Gardeners' Chron. 1877. 4 images. Text F1782 |
CUL-DAR140.1 |
Material on Darwin: Photographs, engravings & written sketches. Verses by Hoare. Address by Public Orator Cambridge 1877. Cuttings on above & religion from The Index & other journals. 81 images |
CUL-DAR140.2 |
Darwin's personal journal (1809-81). [Fair copy of CUL-DAR158 transcribed below]. 26 images | |
CUL-DAR140.3.1--159 |
Draft: Francis Darwin's 'Reminiscences of My Father's Everyday Life'. 167 images.
Introduction by Robert Brown Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR140.3.160-207 |
Partial fair copy of above. 52 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR140.4 |
Caricatures of Darwin, cuttings from journals, on Darwin & Carlyle. 57 images | |
CUL-DAR140.5 |
Material on Darwin's death & funeral. Memorial Fund 1888; obituaries, reviews of Life and Letters. 157 images |
Corrected 1st proofs of Orchids. 2d ed., 1877. 152 images | ||
CUL-DAR141 |
Caricatures of and posthumous articles on Darwin & Cambridge University, Invitation to commemoration, 1909. | |
Sample seed packets, misc. notes and photographs. 1841-76. 228 images Notes transcribed here |
CUL-DAR143 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Agassiz - Donders |
CUL-DAR144 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Du Bois - Haliburton |
CUL-DAR145 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Harris - Jenyns |
CUL-DAR146 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Johnson - Murdoch |
CUL-DAR147 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Murray - Tait |
CUL-DAR148 | Itemized | Letters by Darwin: Talbot - Zacharias |
CUL-DAR148.419 | Text | A. R. Wallace, memo on sterility of hybrids. 1868. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR149 | Itemized | Copies (many by H. W. Rutherford): Autobiography, Edinburgh notebook, species sketches 1842, 1844, Queries about expression, drafts of Life and Letters and More Letters. |
CUL-DAR149.9 | Draft: More Letters, 1903. 409 images | |
CUL-DAR150 | Itemized | Copies of letters from Darwin to Hooker, 1843-81. |
CUL-DAR151 | Itemized | Copies of letters from Darwin to Hooker, 1843-81. |
CUL-DAR152 | Itemized | Copies of letters from Hooker to Darwin, 1853-82. |
CUL-DAR153 | Itemized | Darwin family correspondence with Asa Gray, 1836-82. |
CUL-DAR154 | Darwin family letters. Copy of Darwin on Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia from Notebook B. 1825-82. 325 images 6 texts transcribed here |
CUL-DAR155 | Reviews of More Letters, 1903. 183 images | |
CUL-DAR156 | Correspondence: Darwin family, British Association etc. & CUL on gift of Darwin manuscripts. 1942-9. 88 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR157 (1-42) | Draft leaves of Origin, Descent, Movement in plants and below items. Transcribed here |
UCL-PEARSON-10.3 University College London |
Text & image | Draft: Descent, Chap. I, folio 16, Chap. 5, folio 1 & Chap. 6, folios 1-2. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-DescentMS10 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, folio 10. Transcribed here |
F3519 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, folios 11-12. Transcribed here |
FMB-Aut.D-4.1 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, folio 19. Transcribed here |
Bonhams-16097Lot2315 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, folio 21. Transcribed here |
MLM-MA3899 | Image | Draft: Descent, folio 23. |
HL-HM-80997 Huntington Library |
Text & image | Draft: Descent, folio 30. Transcribed here |
Christies-6642 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, Chap. I, folio 22. Transcribed here |
HL-HM-80997 Huntington Library |
Text & image | Draft: Descent, Chap. I, folio 30. Transcribed here |
APS-B-D25.56 |
Draft: Descent Chap. I, p. 36. Transcribed here |
Christies-16082 | Text & image | Draft: Descent vol. 1, p. 228. Transcribed here |
Bonhams-27617Lot1032 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, summary of Chapter II. Transcribed here |
HRM-UTA-MS-01064 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, Chap. II, folio 30. Transcribed here |
SPL-C009-3330 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, [Chap. VIII], folio 92. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR157.1.(1-147) | Notes, abstracts etc. for Climbing plants. 1863-4. 229 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR157.2.(1-114) | Itemized | Notes etc. for Climbing plants. 1863-4. 225 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR157a.1-84 | Experiment Book. 1855-67. 52 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR157a.85-109 | Itemized | Loose notes & letters tipped into Experiment Book: Seeds & salt water experiments; botanical notes. |
CUL-DAR158.1-76 | Darwin's personal 'Journal'. 1838-81. 119 images |
CUL-DAR159 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Abbott - Austen. |
CUL-DAR160 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Babbington - Buxton. |
CUL-DAR161 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Caird - Crichton-Browne. |
CUL-DAR162 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Dabney - Dupré. misc. notes for Expression, Cross and self fertilisation, Movement in plants and Earthworms. Notes transcribed |
CUL-DAR163 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Edison - Eyton. |
CUL-DAR164 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Fabre - Fuchs. |
CUL-DAR165 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Gaertner - Gurney. |
CUL-DAR166 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Haast - Hyatt. |
CUL-DAR167 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Ijkema - Innes. |
CUL-DAR168 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Jackowski - Jung. |
CUL-DAR169 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Kaufmann - Krohn. |
CUL-DAR170 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Langstaff - Lyell. |
CUL-DAR171 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: McLachlan - Myers |
CUL-DAR172 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Naples Zoological Station - Nunn. |
CUL-DAR173 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Ogle - Oxenden. |
CUL-DAR174 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Packard - Pye-Smith. |
CUL-DAR175 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Quatrefages de Bréau - Quetelet. |
CUL-DAR176 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Radovanovitch - Rye. |
CUL-DAR177 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Sabine - Storer. Notes transcribed |
CUL-DAR178 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Tachau - Tylor. |
CUL-DAR180 | Letters to Darwin: Vance - Vriese. 1858-82. 99 images | |
CUL-DAR181 | Letters to Darwin: Wade - Wyman. 1843-82. 788 images | |
CUL-DAR183 | Itemized | Letters to Darwin: Yarrell & Youmans. 1845, 1870. 8 images |
CUL-DAR184 | Letters to Darwin: Zacharias - Zouteveen. 1870-81. 64 images | |
CUL-DAR185 | Itemized | Correspondence, largely with Darwin family members and drafts of Dust, Geol. Soc. Jrnl., 1846 (F1672), Origin, Expression, Cirripedia, Movement in plants. Drafts transcribed |
CUL-DAR185.135 | Text & image | Draft: Movement in plants, folios 1-5. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-DWC.2.24 | Image | Draft: Expression, Ch I, folio 2, p. 28. |
CUL-DAR185.143 | Text & image | Draft: Expression, Ch I, folio 8. Transcribed here |
LINSOC-DWC.2.25 | Image | Draft: Expression, p. 31. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.26 | Image | Draft: Expression, p. 30. |
LINSOC-DWC.2.27 | Image | Draft: Expression, pp. 29-30. |
Whipple-Wh.3788.7 | Image | Draft: Expression, 'Ch VI p. 34A' and 'Ch. Birds p. 139'. |
CUL-DAR185.144 | Text & image | Draft: Expression, p. 48. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR185.101 | Text & image | Emma Darwin, 'The pound of sugar'. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR186 | Browse Itemized |
'Queries about expression': replies; notes and correspondence on other subjects, 1839-81. Introduction by R. B. Freeman and Introduction by John van Wyhe. 248 images Many transcribed |
Botanical notebook of William Erasmus Darwin, 1862-72. |
APS-B-D25.335 | Text & image | 'Queries about expression'. 1867. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR187 | 'notes found with MS of Climbing Plants'. 1864-5. 10 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR188 | Notes, draft and fair copy of 'An account of the fine dust which often falls on vessels in the Atlantic ocean', Geol. Soc. Jrnl., 1846 (F1672). 41 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR189 | Expression of emotions, loose notes. 1839-72. 199 images |
CUL-DAR190 | Insectivorous plants figures & plates. c.1875. 51 images Notes transcribed |
CUL-DAR191 | "Man", on orangutans. Zoological Gardens, 1838.
9 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR192 | Notes on Phyllotaxy. 1845. 21 images | |
CUL-DAR193 | Notes & clippings for Variation, 1865-75. 142 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR194 | Loose notes 'removed from correspondence', Humble bees, hypericum, earthworms, potato grafts etc. 1835-82. 98 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR195 | Notes on expression of the emotions. 1839-72. 551 images |
CUL-DAR195.1 | Itemized | Notes on expression: blushing. Transcribed here |
Itemized | Notes on expression: Astonishment, fear. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR195.3 | Itemized | Notes on expression: Indignation, rage, screaming, etc. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR195.4 | Itemized | Notes on expression: Laughter, frowning, and introduction. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR195.5 | Text Image | Expression, used scraps; man Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR196 | Itemized | Notes & clippings, erratic boulders, barometer, drafts of Life and letters vol. 2, Expression and Orchids. 1848-1909. 121 images Some transcribed |
CUL-DAR196.1-5,7-8 | ||
CUL-DAR196.3.1 | Text & image | [Draft] Petition to H M Government regarding a pension for Alfred Russel Wallace. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR196.6.1 | Draft: Life and letters vol. 2. 1885-7. 245 images | |
Entomological abstracts, notes on conversation, Wollaston, Waterhouse, Madeira.
c.1856. 75 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR198 | Letters to Francis Darwin on his search for Darwin's letters, 1882-3. 621 images 36 items transcribed |
CUL-DAR199 | Itemized | Francis Darwin correspondence, 1882-1910. |
CUL-DAR199.1.2 | Text | 'Notes on publishing the religious views in Darwin's Autobiography' c.1886. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR200 | Francis Darwin correspondence, botanical research materials, notes for Life and letters. 1879-1906. 472 images. |
CUL-DAR200.1.1 | Francis Darwin, "Experiments Book". 1879-1906. | |
CUL-DAR200.2.(1-75) | Itemized | Album of cuttings & offprints by Francis Darwin. |
CUL-DAR200.3.(1a-74) | Itemized | Francis Darwin correspondence, printed matter and botanical research materials. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR201 | Itemized | 'Curious' & 'queer' letters to Darwin, 1871-82. 125 images |
CUL-DAR202 | Draft letters from Darwin. Hybrid geese. 1876-82. 288 images Notes transcribed |
CUL-DAR203 | Itemized | Abstracts of Edward Blyth letters. 1855-60. 31 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR204 | Itemized | Family letters to Darwin re Beagle and engagement and marriage to Emma Wedgwood, 1822-40. |
Private collection | Settlement of marriage of Charles Robert Darwin Esqre. and Miss Emma Wedgwood. 31 December 1838. 4pp. | |
CUL-DAR205 | Itemized | Origin of species notes part 2. See CUL-DAR45-50 for part 1. |
CUL-DAR205.1 | Notes on Rudimentary organs. 102 images |
CUL-DAR205.1.37 | Text | Notes on Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1844. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR205.1.70 | Early draft title of Species book. 'On the mutability of species' & notes. |
CUL-DAR205.2 | Notes on Means of distribution. 295 images |
CUL-DAR205.3 | Notes on distribution of animals. 355 images |
CUL-DAR205.4 | Notes on Geographical distribution and species. 161 images |
CUL-DAR205.5 | Notes on Principle of divergence, transitional organs/instincts. 289 images |
CUL-DAR205.6 | Notes on Embryology [pigeons]. 113 images |
CUL-DAR205.7 | Notes on Hybridism, sterility and pigeons. 208 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR205.8 | Notes on Monochaetum, notes on plants. 118 images |
CUL-DAR205.9 | Notes on palaeontology, geology. 636 images |
AMNH-47-D | Text & image | Original MS of CUL-DAR205.9.323 Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR205.10 | Notes on Variation, varieties. 137 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR205.11 | Notes on Instinct, change in habit. 214 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR205.11.89 | 'I have been watching black Aphis'. 6.1858. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR206 | Browse Itemized |
111 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR206.1 | Questions & experiments notebook & notes. 1838-61. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR206.42 | 'Questions for Mr. Wynne'. 1838. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR207 | Botanical notes [Gorringes C.41b & C.41d-g]. Trees N Zealand. Baron de Villa Franca... 1835-82. 42 images |
CUL-DAR208 | Excised leaves Notebooks A-E, Torn Apart notebook (CUL-DAR121-127), Summer 1842; further notes. 1837-42. 275 images | |
CUL-DAR208.71 | Notes on fossils and trout. 1842. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR208.72 | Notes on trout and breeding. 1842. Transcribed here |
MLM-6512 | Draft: Orchids, signed fragment. 1869. | |
APS-B-D25.37 | Text & image | Draft: Orchids, signed fragment. 1877. Transcribed here |
Sanders-3.2017Lot96 | Text & image | Draft: Orchids, folio 192. Transcribed here |
Christies-21034Lot54 | Text & image | Draft: Orchids, fair copy, chap. III, folio 179. 1892 letter from H. E. Litchfield: Christies-21034Lot54[.2] Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.1 | Notes for Movement in plants. (1880). Circumnutation of leaves, sleep. Drafts of Cross and self fertilisation, Expression, Descent & Orchids. 1862-82. 233 images |
CUL-DAR209.2 | Notes for Movement in plants, circumnutation of leaves cont. 245 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.3 | Notes for Movement in plants, circumnutation of leaves, cont. 'Circumnutation of Mature Stems & Leaves'. Hyponasty. 493 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.4 | Notes for Movement in plants. Notes on movements of cotyledon. 572 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.5 | Notes for Movement in plants, movements of radicals. 332 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.6 | Notes for Movement in plants, Misc. references. 312 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.7 | Notes for Movement in plants, heliotropism (phototropism). 219 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.8 | Notes for Movement in plants, heliotropism, oats, beta, cabbages, philoxis. 234 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.9 | Notes for Movement in plants, 'Effects of Radiation on Sleeping Plants'. 151 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.10 | Notes for Movement in plants. Sleep (Leguminosae). 99 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.11 | Notes for Movement in plants, geotropism. 49 draft leaves of: Descent, 'Biographical sketch of an infant', Cross and self fertilisation, Forms of flowers & Orchids. 372 images |
CUL-DAR209.12 | Notes for Movement in plants, bloom, sleep, shaking
plants, applications of water, drafts of Cross and self fertilisation & Expression. 1862-82. 280 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.13 | Notes for Movement in plants. Fertilisation (Thalia). 47 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.14 | Notes for Movement in plants, sleep of leaves, drafts of Cross and self fertilisation, Descent & Forms of flowers. 285 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR209.15 | Notes for Movement in plants. 111 images |
CUL-DAR210 | Itemized | Darwin family material: correspondence, papers & reminiscences. 1854-1909. |
CUL-DAR210.1 | Itemized | George Darwin correspondence. 1866-82. Speech by Public Orator on Darwin's honorary degree at Cambridge, 1877, transcribed here. |
CUL-DAR210.2 | Itemized | Family letters, mainly of George and Francis Darwin. Family pedigree info transcribed |
CUL-DAR210.3 | Itemized | Letters from Emma Darwin to George Darwin. 1881-96. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.4 | Itemized | Letters and papers of George Darwin, 1894-1909. Drafts of Cirripedia. |
CUL-DAR210.5 | Itemized | Letters of William Erasmus Darwin, 1856-1914. |
CUL-DAR210.6 | Itemized | Letters of William Erasmus Darwin and family correspondence. 1851-96. Some transcribed |
CUL-DAR210.7 | Letters to William Erasmus Darwin, 1861-1909. |
CUL-DAR210.8 | Itemized | Darwin's letters to Emma, memorandum on marriage, Darwin's religious doubts and Emma Darwin's reminiscences of Darwin's last years. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.8.1 |
'Work finished If not marry' Memorandum on marriage. 1838. |
CUL-DAR210.8.2 | 'This is the Question Marry Not Marry' Memorandum on marriage. 7.1838. Transcribed here |
CUCNY-HerterBox1[.3] | Text & image | C. A. Herter, Darwin's marriage notes, partial copy from H. E. Litchfield. 1904. Transcribed here |
CUCNY-HerterBox1[.4] | Text & image | H. E. Litchfield letter to C. A. Herter. 1904. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.8.14 | Emma Darwin's memo about Darwin's religious doubts. c. 2.1839. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.8.(36-41) | Emma Darwin's reminiscences of Darwin's last years. 17 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.8.(42-50) | W. E. & Francis Darwin on publishing religious part of the Autobiography. 17 images |
CUL-DAR210.9 | Itemized | College bills, 1858-61, correspondence, 1861-1909, Letter to Times, May 1881. |
CUL-DAR210.9.30 | 'Things for a week'. 5.1859. Darwin's list of items to take on holiday. Introduction by Janet Browne |
CUL-DAR210.10 | Correspondence and notes pertaining to Darwin's estate at Beesby. 1844-71. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.10.26 | 'Annuity for J. Parslow.' Darwin's butler. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.11 | Itemized | Letters and accounts from John Murray. 1839-56. |
CUL-DAR210.11.37 | Notebook of observations on Darwin children. 1839-56. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.11.38 | Notes on Darwin children. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.12 | Family correspondence with Anthony Rich 1878-1889. |
CUL-DAR210.13 | Materials on death of Anne 'Annie' Elizabeth Darwin. Reminiscence of Charles Waring Darwin. 153 images |
CUL-DAR210.13.40 | Reminiscence of Anne Elizabeth Darwin. 'Our poor child, Annie'. 1851. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.13.42 | Reminiscence of Charles Waring Darwin "Our poor baby". 1858. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR210.14 | Proof title pages, records of Murray sales. 1870s. genealogy materials. 54 images | |
CUL-DAR210.29 | Letters and materials on genealogy. 431 images |
CUL-DAR211 | Letters, mostly from Darwin to Francis Darwin. 1866-1906. 546 images Notes transcribed |
Draft: Preliminary notice to Krause, Erasmus Darwin. F1319. 1878-9. More fragments in CUL-DAR99.199a-199b |
CUL-DAR213 | Proofs of Erasmus Darwin; Forms of flowers; Movement in plants; Climbing plants; Descent 2d ed.; Expression; Insectivorous plants; Cross and self fertilisation; Origin 6th ed. & 33d thousand. 1867-87. |
Christies-21952Lot82 | Image | Revised proof sheets of Insectivorous plants (selection). |
CUL-DAR214 | Emma Darwin's Recipe Book. 1839-44? 94 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR215 | Darwin's funeral, obituaries & related correspondence, & on Darwin's LL.D. degree. 1877-1906. 345 images |
YorkProbateSubRegistry | Last will and testament of Charles Robert Darwin. 1881-2. Transcribed here |
Skinner-2865BLot18 | Text & image | Codicil to Darwin's last Will and Testament. 27.11.1855. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR216 | Scrapbook or press cuttings relating to Darwin's death, obituaries. 126 images |
CUL-DAR217.1 | Sketch of species theory (copy of CUL-DAR6); proofs of Foundations, 1909. 126 images |
CUL-DAR217.2 | Sketch of species theory 1842 etc. (copy by H. W. Rutherford), see CUL-DAR6. 261 images | |
CUL-DAR217.3 | Beagle diary. 1891 typescript, under Horace Darwin's supervision. Full here and F1925. 748 images | |
CUL-DAR218 | Itemized | Correspondence: Erasmus Darwin. 1768-1819. |
CUL-DAR219 | Itemized | Darwin family correspondence. 1866-1987. 2,426 items. |
CUL-DAR220 | Itemized | 'Gorringes catalogue' of Darwin material at Gorringes House, Downe, 1932. |
CUL-DAR221 | Correspondence and papers relating to CUL accession of Darwin manuscripts. 1950s-1960s. Photocopies: drafts of Origin, Descent, Expression, Insectivorous plants, Earthworms. Catalogues of Darwin's papers & abstracts. Letters & offprints on Patrick Matthew, A. Hancock. 242 images |
Index to Darwin's annotations in Gardeners' Chronicle. 1840-82. 36 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR223 | Beagle voyage correspondence. 1831-6. 185 images | |
CUL-DAR224 | Image | Letter from Darwin on borrowing barnacles. 1854-6. |
CUL-DAR225 | Darwin family photographs & caricatures of Darwin. 296 images | |
CUL-DAR226.2 | Reviews of Darwin's works. 1859-82. 781 images |
CUL-DAR227 | Itemized | Papers of Erasmus Darwin & Robert Waring Darwin. 1731-1848. |
CUL-DAR228 | Text
Itemized |
Draft essay: 'Breeding is the art of raising different kinds of animals for the use or pleasure of man.' 1875. Unpublished. |
CUL-DAR229 | Itemized | Diplomas presented to Darwin & related correspondence. 1857-81. |
CUL-DAR230 | Itemized | Correspondence re awards to Darwin. 1860-81. |
CUL-DAR231 | Itemized | Newspaper articles on Darwin and Down House. 1881-1936. |
CUL-DAR232 | Itemized | Portraits and photographs of Darwin and family. 1838-1940. |
CUL-DAR233 | Itemized | Lantern slides: Darwin, Down House and contemporary men of science. c.1909. |
CUL-DAR234 | Image | Botanical notebook of William Erasmus Darwin. 1850s-60s. |
CUL-DAR235 | Itemized | Correspondence: Francis Galton and Francis Darwin. 1897-1912. |
CUL-DAR236 | Itemized Text | Beagle geological specimen notebooks (Sedgwick Museum). Introduction by Gordon Chancellor Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR237 | Itemized | Beagle botanical specimen notes. 1832-43. |
CUL-DAR237.3 | Text & image | Plants notebook. [List of Beagle plants, 1832-36]. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR238 | Itemized | Papers of Charles Galton Darwin. 1870-1960s. |
CUL-DAR239 | Itemized | Leonard Darwin papers: correspondence with Emma Darwin, Nora Barlow, Ida Darwin; draft papers & articles on eugenics; recollections of Darwin & R. W. Darwin. 1860s-1943. 1,160 items. |
Beagle library | Itemized | The entire Beagle library is in Darwin Online. Introduction by John van Wyhe. 407 works, 274 fully transcribed |
CUL-DAR240 | 'Catalogue of the Library of Charles Darwin'. 1875-1909. 440 images. Introduction by J. David Archibald Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR.LIB | Itemized | Darwin Library, Cambridge University Library. 820 items. See also Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin…1908. A4 and A catalogue of the Darwin reprint collection…1963. A1037. |
CUL-DAR241 | Itemized | R. D. Keynes: typescript of alterations to Beagle diary, 1980s. |
CUL-DAR242 | Emma Darwin's diary. 1824-96. 3,325 images. |
CUL-DAR242 | Text | Emma Darwin's diary (all in one file) |
CUL-DAR243 | Itemized | Sale catalogue: Breadsall Priory estate, Derbyshire, 1884. |
CUL-DAR244 | Itemized | Watercolour endorsed 'E. Darwin 1807' and 1881 letters thereon. |
CUL-DAR245 | Itemized | Henrietta Emma Litchfield, correspondence & papers, recollection of Anne 'Annie' Darwin. 1857-1927. Several transcribed |
CUL-DAR246.- | Text | Henrietta Emma Litchfield, autobiographical fragment. 1926. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR247.- | Text | Henrietta Emma Litchfield, Journal, 1871. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR248 | Itemized | Richard Buckley Litchfield: notebooks. 1871-93. |
CUL-DAR249 | Itemized | Correspondence of Darwin: BL photocopies. c.1976. |
CUL-DAR250 | Itemized | Diaries and papers of William Darwin Fox. 1820-80. |
CUL-DAR250.5 | W. D. Fox. Diary and accounts 'No VI...Cambridge'. 1824-6. 207 images | |
CUL-DAR251 | Itemized | George Howard Darwin & Darwin family correspondence. 1700s-1970s. 4,874 items. |
CUL-DAR251.1106-7 | Text | Emma Darwin, Reminiscences of Darwin on the Beagle. [1882?] Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR252.1 | Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: [General] A-F. 1870-99. See CUL-DAR75. | |
CUL-DAR252.2 | Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: [General] G-M. | |
CUL-DAR252.3 | Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: [General] N-Z. | |
CUL-DAR252.4 | Text | Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: [General] (addenda) Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR252.5 | Text | Catalogue of Darwin's pamphlet collection: Quarto. Transcribed here |
A1037 | Images |
Vorzimmer, 1963. A catalogue of the Darwin reprint collection at the Botany School Library, Cambridge. Bound typescript. |
CUL-DAR253 | Itemized | Darwin centenary celebrations. 1908-9. |
CUL-DAR254 | Itemized | Reviews of Darwin and modern science & More letters. 1903-9. |
CUL-DAR255 | Lists of fruit trees, stove plants, garden plants at Down House. 20 images Transcribed here |
PC-California | Catalogue of trees and plants at Down House. 1844-6. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR256 | Itemized | Abstracts of books in Darwin Library, some on expression, Galapagos birds etc. 37 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR257 | Itemized | Darwin family photographs. 1830s-1950s. |
CUL-DAR258 | Itemized | Papers of Horace Darwin and his descendants. 1850s-1950s. |
CUL-DAR259 | Itemized | Photos of Shrewsbury Darwin statue; Photo of Darwin Maull & Polyblank 1855.3 [1912]; painting of William Alvey Darwin. |
CUL-DAR260 | Itemized | Reginald Darwin's Portland vase scrapbook. c.1868-75. |
CUL-DAR261-265 Down House manuscripts (See entries here) | ||
CUL-DAR261 | Correspondence, mainly from Darwin. 1815-1945. |
CUL-DAR262 | Itemized | Darwin biographical material, correspondence, family papers. |
CUL-DAR262.2 | Itemized | Papers and letters on Erasmus Darwin. Galton in Notes & Queries. Misc. |
CUL-DAR262.3 | Itemized | Papers concerning Mrs Schimmelpennick |
CUL-DAR262.4.1 | Leonard Darwin to O. Richter, Mendel did not visit Darwin. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.5 | Itemized | Darwin letters (copies) and fragmentary notes. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.6 | Itemized | Letters on sermon after Darwin's funeral.
Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.7 | Itemized | Leonard Darwin's letters 1929-1932. |
CUL-DAR262.7.18 | Text | Leonard Darwin to Buxton Browne regarding Mendel. |
CUL-DAR262.8.1-2 | Lists of journals & reviews. 'Index to contents of Drawer / Catalogue'. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.8.9-18 | 'List of reviews of Origin of Sp & of C. Darwin's Books.' Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.9 | Darwin silver and plate account, Aug. 1853. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.10 | Itemized | Papers on wormstone by Horace Darwin. 1877-1952. |
CUL-DAR262.11 | Itemized | Loose papers from Account books, book sale profits, savings, etc. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.12 | Itemized | Papers on Darwin by Collinge, Hopkinson, Pearson and Ritter. 1 transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.13 | Itemized | German and Swiss newspaper cuttings on Darwin's birthday 1877. |
CUL-DAR262.14 | Itemized | Papers on Darwin centenary, Whipple to Howarth. 1909. (see J. C. Simpson collection) |
CUL-DAR262.15 | Itemized | Letters on tickets for unveiling Darwin statue, South Kensington, 1885. |
CUL-DAR262.18 | Itemized | Francis Darwin letters to Dorothea (Dora) Pertz. 1886-1919. |
CUL-DAR262.19 | Itemized | Extracts from Minute-books of Philosophical Club and Geological Society. Harker, 1907 Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.20 | Itemized | Copies of letters from Darwin to J. O. Westwood. |
CUL-DAR262.21 | Itemized | Notes on Darwin Family 1505-1848. Elston Hall aerial photo. |
CUL-DAR262.22.2 | Itemized | Hooker to Ramsay on death of Darwin. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.23 | Itemized | Recollections of Darwin by Henrietta Litchfield. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.25 | Itemized | Papers on erecting church, Kororarika, N.Z. 1841. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR262.27.1 | Itemized |
University of Chicago Darwin centennial celebration. Programme 1959. |
CUL-DAR262.28 | Darwin letters (copies) to R. Hunt, W. White, W. T. Preyer. Recollection of Darwin by W. Baxter. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR263 | Itemized | Correspondence: Darwin and John Lubbock. 1855-79. |
CUL-DAR264 | Itemized | Correspondence: Susannah Darwin & Josiah and Sarah Wedgwood. 1774-90s. |
CUL-DAR265 | Itemized | Maps drawn by Darwin, household account books. 1831-81. |
CUL-DAR265.7 | Leschenaultia. 2 images Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR265.8 | Leschenaultia. 1 image Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR265.9 | Red Acct Book. 1831-48. | |
CUL-DAR265.10 | Classed Accounts. 1861-4. | |
CUL-DAR265.11 | Classed Accounts. 1864-7. | |
CUL-DAR265.12 | Classed Accounts. 1866-81. | |
CUL-DAR265.13 | Classed Accounts. 1866-81. | |
CUL-DAR266 | Itemized | Darwin letters to W. D. Fox (copies of Christ's College collection) |
CUL-DAR267 | Itemized | Papers of the Darwin family of Elston. 1662-1928. |
CUL-DAR268 | Itemized | Papers of Erasmus Darwin. 1768. |
CUL-DAR269 | Itemized | Emma Darwin letters to George Darwin. 1863-90. |
CUL-DAR270 | Itemized | Quentin Keynes deposit (Now at Linnean Society of London) |
CUL-DAR271 | Itemized | Darwin: Darwin juvenilia and family letters. Ursula Mommens deposit. c.1818-1959. Notes transcribed |
CUL-DAR272 | Itemized | 3 photos of Emma Darwin & Henrietta Litchfield. |
CUL-DAR273 | Itemized | Annotated map of coral reefs around the world. |
CUL-DAR274 | Itemized | Francis Darwin letters to Darwin and family letters. [1865]-1940. |
CUL-DAR275 | W. E. Darwin letters to Darwin and family letters, Henrietta Darwin and letters to Emma Darwin. 1862-82. | |
EH88202652 | Photograph album of German and Austrian men of science presented to Darwin. 1877. |
EH88202653 | Photograph album of men of science of the Netherlands presented to Darwin. 1877. | |
Correspondence 1840-1861. 367 images | ||
BROM-P. Bromley Archives and Museum |
Itemized | Correspondence between Rev Ffinden, Sir John Lubbock & the Darwins. 1873-5. 37 images |
CWRU-StecherDistilled | Text & image | List for a chemist. Transcribed here |
CWRU-StecherAether | Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'Æther'. 1872. Transcribed here |
CWRU-StecherChlorodyne | Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'Chlorodyne'. 1874. Transcribed here |
HIBD-DarwinLetter | Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'distilled Water'. 1857-64. Transcribed here |
CUCNY-HerterBox1[.2] | Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'Litmus paper'. 1873. Transcribed here |
BROM-144.1 Bromley Historic Collections |
Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'Spirits of wine'. 16 March. Transcribed here |
BROM-144.2 | Text & image | Note to Baxter's chemist 'Hydrated Magnesia' 11 Dec. Transcribed here |
UVa-Darwin-Evolution-3314-1.43 University of Virginia Library |
Text & image | Notes on Darwin's symptoms for physician John Chapman. 20.05.1865. Transcribed here |
UVa-QH361-1883.D37-P6 | Image | Annotated proof of A Posthumous Essay on Instinct for Linnean Journal. 'Private, uncorrected proof'. 1883. See F1434. |
CUL-DAR205.1.70 | Draft title of Natural selection. 'On the mutability of species' & other notes. |
APS-B-D25.L[.38] |
Proposed title page for Origin. Transcribed here |
CUL-DAR64.2.13v | Text & image | Draft: Origin 3d ed., Historical sketch, 1-2.1860. Transcribed here |
Sothebys-N11124 | Text & image | Signed autograph paragraph from Origin 3d ed. for Hermann Kindt. 10.1865. Transcribed here |
Sothebys-L11408 | Text & image | If Mivart had read my account of the niata Cattle. 1872. Transcribed here |
APS-B-H981.26 | [Memorial for the endowment of scientific research] by Lockyer & Appleton. 1873. F3462 Introduction by John van Wyhe Transcribed here |
APS-B-D25.120 | Image | Funeral of Mr. Darwin...order of procession. |
APS-B-D25.120[.2] | Image | Funeral of Mr. Darwin...Admit the bearer...CHOIR. |
APS-B-D25.120[.3] | Image | Anthem by J. Frederick Bridge...for Darwin's funeral. |
A205 | Image | Axel Haig, Copper engraving of Darwin's new study at Down House. 1882. (A signed Darwin family copy) |
Private Collection, USA |
PC-USA-OriginAnts | Text & image | Notes on Huber's Recherches sur les Moeurs des Fourmis Indigènes (1810). c.1858. (For Origin of species) Transcribed here |
PC-USA-OriginMS270 | Text & image | Draft: Origin, folio 270. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-OriginMS324 | Text & image | Draft: Origin, folio 324. Transcribed here |
Sanders-3.2017Lot96 | Text & image | Draft: Orchids, folio 192. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-DescentMS10 | Text & image | Draft: Descent, folio 10. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-CDtoHenslow1860 | Darwin letter to Henslow, on success of Origin. 1860. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-SedgwickOrigin | Text & image | Darwin letter to Sedgwick on sending Origin. 1859. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-HuxleyPigeons | Text & image | Darwin letter to Huxley on a manuscript on the evolution of pigeons. 1859. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-DescentReceipt | Text & image | Receipt for Murray's payment for Descent. 1871. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-CDletter1880 | Text & image | Darwin letter on history of theory of evolution. 1880. Transcribed here |
PC-USA-GrayVariation | Darwin letter to Asa Gray on Variation. 1868. Transcribed here |
Private collection, California |
PC-California | Catalogue of trees and plants at Down House. 1844-6. Transcribed here |
Private Collection, Carroll |
Carroll1 | Text & image | FitzRoy letter to N. Ogle on appointment of A. Derbishire to Beagle. 1831. Transcribed here |
Carroll2 | Text & image | FitzRoy letter, career resume and photo to A. Delamarche. 1862. Transcribed here |
Carroll3 | Text & image | FitzRoy. Brief note shortly before his suicide. 1865 Transcribed here |
Carroll4 | Text & image | Darwin letter to G. N. Smith with wax seal. 1840. Introduction by Angus Caroll Transcribed here |
Carroll5 | Text & image | Darwin, Notes on the chain for the well at Down House. 1852. Transcribed here |
Carroll6 | Text & image | Darwin postcard to Moncure Conway, 28 Jan. 1873. (Previously unrecorded correspondence) Transcribed here |
Private Collection, Virginia |
PC-Virginia-Francis-F373 | Francis Darwin's annotated copy of Origin. 1859. |
PC-Virginia-Descent-F937.1 | Image |
Darwin's annotated copy of Descent, 1871, vol. 1. |
PC-Virginia-Descent-F937.1.1 | Leaf tipped in to Darwin's copy of Descent, vol. 1. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-Descent-F937.1.2 | A. Macalister to Francis Darwin 1901 in Darwin's copy of Descent, vol. 1. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-Descent-F937.2 | Image |
Darwin's annotated copy of Descent, 1871, vol. 2. |
PC-Virginia-Orchids2dNature | Annotated clipping: Müller, Ophrys muscifera. Nature, 1878. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-ClimbingPlants1 | Image | 'Antirrhinum majus' pinned on inside back flyleaf of Darwin's copy of Climbing plants 2d ed. |
PC-Virginia-Insectivorous-F1217 | Image |
Darwin's annotated copy of Insectivorous plants, 1875. |
PC-Virginia-Insectivorous-F1217.1 | Image |
Corrections for Insectivorous plants 2d ed., tipped in to Darwin's copy of 1st ed. 2 leaves. |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319 | Image |
Darwin's annotated copy of Krause, Erasmus Darwin, 1879. |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319.1 | Corrections for Erasmus Darwin 2d ed., tipped in to Darwin's copy of 1st ed. 2 leaves. Transcribed here |
PC-Virginia-Erasmus-F1319.2 | Image |
Proofs for Erasmus Darwin 2d ed. (pp. 1-2, 15-16), corrections by Francis Darwin, tipped in to Darwin's copy of 1st ed. |
PC-Virginia-Galton1879 | Text & image | E. S. Galton to Darwin, 1879, on Erasmus Darwin. Tipped in to Darwin's copy above. Transcribed here |
J.C. Simpson Collection, Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University | ||
McGill-CA-OSLER0-P110 |
Correspondence, including Darwin's children and A. E. Shipley, clippings, photographs and manuscripts relating to 1909 Darwin Centenary, Cambridge, esp. exhibition at Christ's College. |
Bonhams-16157Lot2029 | Image Text |
Signed Zoological Society of London pass. Transcribed here |
See also Darwin's Publications (which includes previously published manuscript transcripts) and Supplementary Works.
Requests to reproduce manuscripts must be sent to the owner of the manuscript, not to Darwin Online. For those belonging to Cambridge University Library (i.e. "CUL-DAR") contact Imaging Services.
If a work within the scope of Darwin Online is not listed here it is either in progress, a copy of the work has yet to be acquired or reproduction permission was denied. Please help us complete the online collection. See our list of works still needed.
All of the items within each DAR volume are individually itemized in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue. Tens of thousands of manuscript images have been individually named according to their individual catalogue number. Other items are currently available only by browsing through their respective volume in the list above. We are particularly grateful to Sue Asscher, Katie Tabb, Arthur Koehl and especially Christine Chua for renaming thousands of these images.
John van Wyhe