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Editorial introductions - our introductions to materials in Darwin Online
Acknowledgements List of those who have helped the project
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Census surviving copies of Origin of Species
2009 Darwin anniversary year listings- and more
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The Complete Library of Charles Darwin - a 500-page catalogue reconstructing Darwin's library for the first time AND its only digital reconstruction
The Beagle Library - the complete library from Darwin's ship- the only digital reconstruction
Complete Photographs of Darwin (PDF) - an unprecedented quantum leap in our knowledge of the photographs of Darwin
Caricatures of Darwin and evolution 1860-1939 - 900 pages across three catalogues - the largest collection in history with hundreds of newly uncovered illustrations including more than 30 caricatures of Darwin unknown before
Drafts of the Origin of Species - the most detailed and complete collection of the surviving drafts of the book that changed the world
Specimens - all known scientific publications of the scientific specimens collected by Darwin
Reviews & Responses - the most extensive collection of reviews of any figure in the history of science, almost 2000
Recollections of Darwin - unique details and insights recalled by people who knew or met Darwin
Communicated by Darwin - all of the publications by others that Darwin facilitated or sent for publication
Obituaries of Darwin - the largest collection of obituaries of any man of science
Works about Darwin - the classic and important secondary literature about Darwin
Support - how to help