The Complete Library of Charles Darwin
Introduction by John van Wyhe
This is a reconstruction of Charles Darwin's personal Library. For many years it was described as containing 1,480 books. Here it is revealed that there were more than 7,400 titles across 13,000 volumes/items (depending on how one counts 'titles' of course). For the first time since Darwin's death in 1882, his library has here been re-assembled, allowing anyone to see the works Darwin owned, used and cited. This 520-page catalogue includes over 13,000 links to copies of the works. See the introduction for details.
If you are aware of a work that was in Darwin's library that is not listed here, please let us know. See also the complete Beagle Library.
Darwin's notes on and abstracts of hundreds of these works can be found by searching his manuscripts. See also Darwin's reading notebooks:
'Books to be read / Books Read' (1838-51). Text CUL-DAR119
'Books Read / Books to be Read' (1852-60). Text CUL-DAR128
'Books [read]' (1838-58). Text CUL-DAR120
'A discursive'. 1866. Cut or uncut. Athenaeum (22 December): 848. Text Image
'A great reader'. 1866. Cut or uncut. Athenaeum (15 December): 803. Text Image PDF
A lady. 1875. Extinction of the Macartney Rose. (Forwarded by Darwin). Gardeners' Chronicle (17 July): 78. Text Image
A. D. B. 1867. Fertilisation of Cypripediums. Gardeners' Chronicle , 6 April 350. [Copy enclosed with letter from M. T. Masters 28 March 1867, missing, CCD15:182] Image link
Abbey, G. 1865. Stocks and their influence. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 2d ser. 9: 44-45. (lacks beginning). CUL-DAR205.7.6 Image
Abbot, C. H. 1868?. Proportion of the sexes in animals. [The Field ?]: [1]. CUL-DAR85.B39 Image
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. 1870. Truths for the times. Mount Pleasant, Ramsgate: Thomas Scott. PDF link
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. 1871. The intuitional and scientific schools of free religion. [Read 5 February.] Index (15 April): 113-115. [Copy not found, CCD19] PDF link
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. 1874. Darwins theory of conscience: its relation to scientific ethics. Index : 122-125. CUL-DAR139.12.3 Image PDF
Abbott, Charles C. 1873. The feeding habits of the belted kingfisher. Nature 7 (13 March): 362-363. CUL-DAR53.2.124 Image
Abbott, Charles C. 1875. The habits of the belted kingfisher. Nature 11 (21 January): 227. CUL-DAR53.1.B42 Image
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. 1855. The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4 vols. [1882 inventory]
Abercrombie, John. 1838. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. 8th ed. London: John Murray. CUL-DAR.LIB.1 link PDF
Abernethy, John. 1819. Part of the introductory lecture for the year 1815, exhibiting some of Mr Hunter's opinions respecting diseases delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons, in London. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. CUL-DAR.LIB.2.4 link PDF
Abernethy, John. 1821. An enquiry into the probability and rationality of Mr Hunter's theory of life; being the subject of the first two anatomical lectures delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons of London in the year 1814. London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. CUL-DAR.LIB.2.2 link PDF
Abernethy, John. 1822. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter's physiology, and of his researches in comparative anatomy. Delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons, etc. 2d ed. London: Longman, Hurst Rees, Orme & Brown. CUL-DAR.LIB.2.1 link PDF
Abernethy, John. 1822. The Hunterian oration for the year 1819. London. CUL-DAR.LIB.2.3 link PDF
Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. 1868-1881.
Bulletin de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg.
vols. 12-27.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1668] vol. 12 no. 4 1868: 273-464;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1669] vol. 13 no. 3 1869: 209-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1670] vol. 13 no. 5 1869: 497-588, i-iv;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1671] vol. 14 no. 1 1870: 1-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1672] vol. 15 no. 1 1870.05: 1-112;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1673] vol. 15 no. 2 1870.06: 115-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1674] vol. 15 no. 3 1870.11: 257-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1675] vol. 16 no. 5 1871.09: 401-464;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1676] vol. 17 no. 1 1871.12: 1-112;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1677] vol. 18 no. 4 1873.05: 337-448;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1678] vol. 19 no. 1 1873.09: 1-96;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1679] vol. 19 no. 2 1873.11: 97-240;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1680] vol. 19 no. 3 1874.01: 241-336;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1681] vol. 19 no. 4 1874.05: 337-448;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1682] vol. 20 no. 3 1875.03: 337-480;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1683] vol. 21 no. 2 1875.11: 81-176;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1684] vol. 21 no. 3 1876.02: 177-288;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1685] vol. 21 no. 5 1876.06: 433-568;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1686] vol. 22 no. 1 1876.07: 1-208;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1687] vol. 22 no. 2 1876.09: 209-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1688] vol. 22 no. 3 1876.12: 321-496;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1689] vol. 22 no. 4 1877.01: 497-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1690] vol. 23 no. 2 1877.03: 177-400;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1691] vol. 25 no. 4 1879.07: 321-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1692] vol. 25 no. 5 1879.10: 513-596;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1693] vol. 26 no. 2 1880.08: 129-336;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1694] vol. 26 no. 3 1880.10: 337-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1695] vol. 27 no. 2 1881.03: 113-272;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1696] vol. 27 no. 4 1881.12: 401-572.
Académie Royale de Belgique. 1870-1875.
Bulletins de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des
beaux-arts de Belgique.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U91] 2d ser. vol. 29 1870: 1-787 (back cover missing);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U92] 2d ser. vol. 39 1875: 1-1009;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U93] 2d ser. vol. 40 1875: 1049-1130 (lacks 1-1048).
Academy. 1872. vol. 3: 231-233 (part of issue). CUL-DAR88.79[.1] Image
Acébla, Alexandre. 1878. Les impiétés. Paris: A. Ghio. [Darwin Library-Down]
Acharius, Erik. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos lichenes, secundum organa carpomorpha, ad genera, species et varietate. Sectio 1, 2. Stockholm: F. D. D. Ulrich. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF
Acland, Henry Wentworth. 1865. The Harveian oration, 1865. London: Macmillan and Co. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Actes du Congrès de botanique horticole réuni à Bruxelles sous les auspices de la Fédération des Sociétés d'horticulture de Belgique le 1er mai 1876. Bureau de la Fédération des Sociétés d'Horticulture, 1877. [CUL-DAR240, Rutherford 1908 ] PDF A3313 link
Adam, W. 1865. Consanguinity in marriage. Fortnightly Review 2: 710-730; 3: 74-88. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link , link
Adams, Andrew Leith. 1873. Field and forest rambles, with notes and observations on the natural history of eastern Canada. London: H. S. King & Co. [inscribed by author] CUL-DAR.LIB.3 PDF link
Adams, Andrew Leith. 1874. Natural history and geographical distribution of bears. Popular Science Review. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Adams, Charles Baker. 1851. Nature and origin of terrestrial mollusca in Jamaica. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 4: 29-32. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Adams, Charles Baker. 1852. Hints on the geographical distribution of animals, with special reference to the Mollusca. Reprinted from Adams, Charles Baker. [1849-1852]. Contributions to conchology. London and New York. [inscribed by Lyell][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Adams, Charlotte. 1851. Little servant maids. London: S.P.C.K. [H. E. Litchfield, CUL-DAR246 ] link
Adams, Lyell T. 1874. Mr. Darwin and the theory of natural selection. New Englander 33 (October): 741-770. Text Image
Adler, Hermann. 1877. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Cynipiden: I. Ueber Parthenogenesis bei Rhodites roasae L. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 21: 209-247. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Adler, Hermann. 1877. Über die Eichengallen Aphilotrix corticis L. und rhizomae. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 21: 247-248. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Adriasola y Arve, J. M. 1827. Reflexiones médicas sobre el Análisis de las aguas de Yura. (from: Mariano Eduardo de Rivero, Memoria sobre las aguas minerales de Yura, y otros puntos cercanos a Arequipa .) [on Beagle?] (Rutherford 1908)[Philosophical Tracts, i. 23.] PDF link / link
Agassiz, Alexander and Pourtalès, Louis François de. 1874. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, Echini, Crinoids, and Corals . 8 no. 1: 1-23. Cambridge, Mass.: Longmans & Co. [Darwin Library-Down][CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U6][CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1502] PDF
Agassiz, Alexander, et al. 1869. Contributions to the fauna of the Gulf Stream at great depths. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 3d ser. (1869): 253-386. (concluding report) PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1841. De la succession et du développement des êtres organisés à la surface du globe terrestre dans les différents âges de la Nature. Neuchatel. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1849. Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephae of North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1862. On alternate generation in Annelids, and the embryology of Autolytus Cornutus. Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History 7: 392ff. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1862. The mode of development of the marginal tentacles of the free medusae of some hydroids. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 9: 88-102. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1864. On the embryology of Echinoderms. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 9: 1-30. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1865. Illustrated catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, 2: South American Acalephae. Cambridge, Mass.: Sever & Francis. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF
Agassiz, Alexander. 1866. On the young stages of a few Annelids. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 8: 303-309, pls. 6-11. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link , plates
Agassiz, Alexander. 1872-1873.
Illustrated catalogue of the Museum at Harvard College—Revision of the
(7 nos. 1-4) 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass.: University Press, Welch, Bigelow,
& Co.
vol. 1
vol. 2
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1] 7 nos. 1-2 1872: i-xii+1-378pp;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U2] 7 nos. 1-2 [1872]: plates;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U3] 7 no. 3 1873: 383-628;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U4] 7 no. 4 1873: 635-762;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U5] 7 nos. 3-4 [1873]: plates.
Agassiz, Alexander. 1873. The history of Balanoglossus and Tornaria. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 9: 421-436. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1874. Embryology of the Ctenophorae. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 357-387, 389, 391-398. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1875. Instinct? in hermit crabs. American Journal of Science and Arts, 3d ser. 10: 290-291 [1]. CUL-DAR205.11.43 Image
Agassiz, Alexander. 1877. North American starfishes. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Harvard College 5 no. 1: 136pp. Cambridge, Mass.: Welch, Bigelow, and Co., University Press. [inscribed] [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U7] link PDF
Agassiz, Alexander. 1877-1878. On the young stages of some osseous fishes. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences vols. 13-14, 17. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1878. The development of Lepidosteus. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14: 65-76. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1880. Paleontological and embryological development. Report of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 3d ser. 20: 375-389. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Alexander. 1882. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Part 9, Report on the Echinoidea. London: Longmans & Co. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] Text PDF
Agassiz, Elizabeth and Agassiz, Alexander. 1871. Seaside studies in natural history: Marine animals of Massachussets Bay: Radiates. Boston: James R. Osgood & Co. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] link PDF
Agassiz, Louis and Gould, Augustus Addison. 1848. Principles of zoology: part 1, Comparative physiology. Boston. Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. CUL-DAR.LIB.8 link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1841. Discours sur la succession et du développement des êtres organisés à la surface du globe terrestre; dans les différens âges de la Nature. Neuchâtel: Wolfrath. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1848. Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis. Soloduri. Jent & Gassmann. CUL-DAR.LIB.7 PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1848-1854. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae, corrected and edited by Hugh Strickland. 4 vols. London: Ray Society. (Rutherford 1908: "vol. 3, ed. by H. E. Strickland; vol. 4, ed. by H. E. S., and Sir W. Jardine. 8vo. London, 1852-54") [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link PDF vol. 3 link PDF vol. 4 link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1849. Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephae of North America II: Beroid Medusae of the shores of Massachusetts, in their perfect state of development. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4: (5) 314-374. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1850. Geographical distribution of animals. Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany 4th ser. 13: 181-204. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1850. Lake Superior: its character, vegetation, and animals, compared with those of other similar regions. Boston: Gould, Kendall & Lincoln. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.4 link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1851. Observations on the blind fish of the mammoth cave. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 11: 127-128. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1857. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America. vol. 1, part 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company; London: Trübner & Co. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.5 link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Prof. Agassiz on the
origin of species. American Journal of Science and Arts, 2d
ser. 30 (July): 142-154. [Silliman's Journal][Darwin Pamphlet
Collection reviews 8]
Text Image
(reprinted: Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3d ser. 6:
Agassiz, Louis. 1860. Lecture on public museums. Mercantile Library Association (January): [6 cut cols]. CUL-DAR226.1.4-6 Image PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1863. Methods of study in natural history. Boston: Ticknor and Fields. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1867. The geological formation of the valley of the Amazon. The river, its basin and tributories. The ancient glaciers in the tropics. The aquatic animals of the Amazon. The land animals of South America. The monkeys and native inhabitants. [Six lectures read at the Cooper Institute, New York, 5, 11, 12, 18, 20, and 26 February.] New York Herald Tribune, (6 February): 8; (12 February): 5; (13 February): 5; (19 February): 8; (21 February): 5; (27 February): 8. [?] [CCD15] link
Agassiz, Louis. 1869. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1869. De l'espèce et de la classification en zoologie. F. Vogeli, trans. Paris: Germer Baillière. CUL-DAR.LIB.6 link PDF
Agassiz, Louis. 1869. No. 13 Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the gulf stream during the third cruise of the U.S. Steamer Bibb, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent U.S. Coast Survey. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 1: 363-386. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1870. Ceratodus Forsteri. Nature 3 (29 December): 166-167. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Agassiz, Louis. 1862. The fossil crab of Gay Head. Journal of the Boston Society of Natural History 9: 191-192. CUL-DAR205.5.2 Image
Agassiz, Louis. 1874. Evolution and permanence of type. Atlantic Monthly 33 (January): 92-101. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 241] Text link
Agassiz, Louis. 1880. Reports on the Florida reefs. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Harvard College 7 no. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: Boston Society of Natural History. [inscribed by Alexandre Agassiz] [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U8] PDF
Aguilar, Antonio. 1870. Spain and the eclipse expedition. Nature 3 (24 November): 69-70. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF link
Airy, Hubert. 1873. On leaf-arrangement. Communicated by Charles Darwin. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 21: 176-179. Text Image
Airy, Hubert. 1874. On the leaf-arrangement. Communicated by Charles Darwin. (Received 23 March 1874) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 25 (30 April): 298-307. CUL-DAR47.124 Image PDF
Airy, Hubert. 1876. On the leaf-arrangement of the Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Communicated by Charles Darwin. (Received 8 May 1876) Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 25 (15 June): 158-160. PDF
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 1871-1881. vols. 63, 65, 67, 68 (3-5), 69 (3-5), 70, 71 (3-5), 72 (4-5), 73, 74 (3-5), 76-80, 81 (1-4), 82 (1-2), 83 (1-4). Vienna. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Aladdin and Sinbad. 1854. [Emma Darwin's diary]
Alastor. 1861. Dun horses. The Field (4 May): 21. Text
Albin, Eleazar?. [1838]. The British aviary, and bird keeper's companion: containing copious directions for propagating the breed of canaries: also, goldfinch and linnet mules: the best method of breeding birds in general: as well as practical recipes for the cure of those disorders to which they are liable. In which also the cause is assigned why so many birds are found dead in their cages, as well as the destruction made amongst the young ones in the breeding season; with the best methods of prevention, the German method of teaching birds to sing select tunes, &c. &c. London: Dean and Munday. CUL-DAR.LIB.698 PDF
Albrecht, Paul. 1875. Beitrag zur Torsionstheorie des Humerus und zur morphologischen Stellung der Patella in der Reihe der Wirbelthiere. Dissert. Kiel. Univ. Kiel: Druck von C. F. Mohr. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Alces. 1868. Horns of the reindeer. Land and Water : 254. CUL-DAR85.B139 Image
Alces. 1868. The Moose (Adapted from Forest life in Acadia, chapter 3). Land and Water (24 October): (220-)221. CUL-DAR85.B141 Image
Alder, Joshua and Hancock, Albany. 1845-1855. A monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Parts 1-7. London: The Ray Society. outsize. CUL-DAR.LIB.9 link PDF
Alefeld, Friedrich. 1863. Ueber Linum. Botanische Zeitung 21: 281-282. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Alford, Henry. 1868. The Christian conscience. Good Words 9 (1 January): 25-32. CUL-DAR80.B171 Image
Alldridge, R. W. 1871. Courier pigeons: how to produce and employ them with profit and showing the means by which they find their homes. London: Bosworth. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Allen, George James. 1871. [Mammals and winter birds in East Florida.] Nature 4 (13 July): 212. CUL-DAR47.115 Image
Allen, Grant. 1877. Physiological aesthetics. London: Henry S. King & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Allen, Grant. 1878. The origin of flowers. Cornhill Magazine 37: 534-550. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Grant. 1879. Colour in nature. Nature 19 (24 April): 581. Text Image PDF
Allen, Grant. 1879. The colour sense: its origin and development. London: Trübner. CUL-DAR.LIB.10 link PDF
Allen, Grant. 1880. Der Farbensinn, sein Ursprung und seine Entwicklung: ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Psychologie. Rechtmässige deutsche Ausgabe, mit einer Einleitung von Ernst Krause. Leipzig: Ernst Günther. (Darwinistische Schriften, Nr. 7.) [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Allen, Grant. 1882. The colours of flowers as illustrated by the British flora. London: Macmillan. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1869. Catalogue of the mammals of Massachusetts, with a critical revision of the species. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1869. Notes on some of the rarer birds of Massachusetts. American Naturalist 3 (December): 505-519. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1870. On the mammals and winter birds of east Florida. With an examination of certain assumed specific characters in birds, and a sketch of the bird-faunae of eastern North America. Cambridge, Mass. University Press. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College in Cambridge. 2, no. 3: 161ff. CUL-DAR.LIB.735 link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1871. [Review of Descent, chapter on birds only]. Aves. Zoological Record 8: 25-27. PDF
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1871. On the eared seals (Otariadae), with detailed descriptions of the North Pacific species. Together with an account of the habits of the Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus), by Charles Bryant. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 2, no. 1: 1-898. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1872. Notes of an ornithological reconnaissance of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 3, no. 6: 113ff. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1876. The American bisons, living and extinct. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 4, no. 10, 246pp. (enclosing title and contents pages for Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Harvard College 1, 3, and 4). [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U9] PDF link
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1877. The evolution of morality, a reply. Canadian Monthly and National Review 11: 490-501. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 295] PDF
Allen, Joel Asaph. 1880. History of North American pinnipeds: a monograph of the walruses, sea-lions, sea-bears and seals of North America. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Allman, George James. 1856. A monograph of the fresh-water Polyzoa: including all the known species, both British and foreign. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Allman, George James. 1870. The genetic succession of the Zooids in the Hydroida. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 26: 97-106. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Allman, George James. 1871-1872. A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. 2 parts. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] part 1 link part 2 link
Allman, George James. 1877. Report on the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream by L. F. de Pourtalès, Assistant United States Coast Survey. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College , 5 no. 2: 1-66. Cambridge, Mass.: Welch, Bigelow, and Co., University Press. [inscribed by A. Agassiz][Darwin Library-Down][CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U10] link PDF
Allman, George James. 1879. (Inaugural address to 49th B.A.A.S meeting at Sheffield.) Nature 20 (21 August): (384-)387-388 (-393). CUL-DAR209.11.252 Image
Altum, Bernard and Hermann Landois. 1872. Zoologie. 2d ed. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1848-1881.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U23] vol. 2 1848.05-1852.05: 1-359;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U24] vol. 3 1852.05-1857.05: 1-416;
[CUL-1899] vol. 4 1860:
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U25] vol. 6 1862-1863: 1-96;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U26] vol. 7 1866: 97-184 (lacks ending);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U27] vol. 11 1875.05-1876.05: i-iv+1-402;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U28] vol. 12 1877: 1-351;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U29] vol. 13 no. 1 1877: 1-182;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U30] vol. 13 no. 2 1878: 183-421;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U31] vol. 13 no. 3 1878: 423-472, i-vii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U32] vol. 14 1879: 1-386;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U33] vol. 16 no. 1 1881: 1-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U34] vol. 16 no. 2 1881: 257-482, i-vii.
American Agriculturist. 1868. "some numbers" including May. [Copy not found, CCD16] link
American Agriculturist. n.d. [1868?]Springfield, Mass. [Copies not found, CCD16:479] link
American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1849-1850. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science vol. 2. Philadelphia. i-xx, 1-458 (covers missing) [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1523] link
American Entomologist, vol. 1. issue 4 December 1868, issue 6 February 1869, issue 7 March 1869. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
American Journal of Science and Arts. 1840-1876. New Haven.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1510] vol. 38 no. 1 1840.01: 1-8, 1-108, appendix 1-3;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1511] vol. 38 no. 2 1840.04: 1-8, 209-416, iii-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1512] vol. 45 no. 2 1843.10: 1-6, 233-408, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1513] vol. 3d ser. 11 no. 62 1876.02: 81-168.
American Museum of Natural History. 1871. The second annual report of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. link [? issue][Copy not found, CCD17]
American Naturalist. 1871-1882. vols. 5-26. Philadelphia.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1524] vol. 5 no. 1 1871.03: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1525] vol. 5 no. 2 1871.04: 65-138;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1526] vol. 5 no. 3 1871.05: 139-194;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1527] vol. 5 no. 4 1871.06: 195-258;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1528] vol. 5 no. 5 1871.07: 259-322;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1529] vol. 5 no. 6 1871.08: 323-386;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1530] vol. 5 no. 7 1871.09: 387-450;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1531] vol. 5 nos. 8-9 1871.09: 451-610;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1532] vol. 5 no. 10 1871.10: 611-674;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1533] vol. 5 no. 11 1871.11: 675-738;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1534] vol. 5 no. 12 1871.12: 739-806, i-xii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1535] vol. 6 no. 1 1872.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1536] vol. 6 no. 3 1872.03: 129-192; and 'The naturalists'
agency', 33pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1537] vol. 6 no. 4 1872.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1538] vol. 6 no. 5 1872.05: 257-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1539] vol. 6 no. 6 1872.06: 321-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1540] vol. 6 no. 7 1872.07: 385-448;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1541] vol. 6 no. 8 1872.08: 449-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1542] vol. 6 no. 9 1872.09: 513-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1543] vol. 6 no. 10 1872.10: 577-640;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1544] vol. 6 no. 11 1872.11: 641-720;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1545] vol. 6 no. 12 1872.12: 721-789, i-xii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1546] vol. 7 no. 1 1873.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1547] vol. 7 no. 2 1873.02: 65-128; and 'The naturalists'
agency' 37pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1548] vol. 7 no. 3 1873.03: 129-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1549] vol. 7 no. 4 1873.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1550] vol. 7 no. 5 1873.05: 257-320, and 'The naturalists'
agency', 39pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1551] vol. 7 no. 6 1873.06: 321-384, i-ix;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1552] vol. 7 no. 7 1873.07: 385-447;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1553] vol. 7 no. 8 1873.08: 449-511;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1554] vol. 7 no. 9 1873.09: 513-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1555] vol. 7 no. 10 1873.10: 577-640; and 'The
naturalists' agency', 41pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1556] vol. 7 no. 11 1873.11: 641-704;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1557] vol. 7 no. 12 1873.12: 705-768, i-x;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1558] vol. 8 no. 1 1874.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1559] vol. 8 no. 2 1874.02: 65-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1560] vol. 8 no. 3 1874.03: 129-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1561] vol. 8 no. 4 1874.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1562] vol. 8 no. 5 1874.05: 257-320; and 'The naturalists'
agency', 44pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1563] vol. 8 no. 6 1874.06: 321-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1564] vol. 8 no. 8 1874.08: 449-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1565] vol. 8 no. 9 1874.09: 513-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1566] vol. 8 no. 10 1874.10: 577-640;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1567] vol. 8 no. 11 1874.11: 641-704;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1568] vol. 8 no. 12 1874.12: 705-768, i-ix;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1569] vol. 9 no. 1 1875.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1570] vol. 9 no. 2 1875.02: 65-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1571] vol. 9 no. 3 1875.03: 129-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1572] vol. 9 no. 4 1875.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1573] vol. 9 no. 5 1875.05: 257-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1574] vol. 9 no. 6 1875.06: 321-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1575] vol. 9 no. 7 1875.07: 385-432;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1576] vol. 9 no. 8 1875.08: 433-480;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1577] vol. 9 no. 9 1875.09: 481-528;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1578] vol. 9 no. 10 1875.10: 529-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1579] vol. 9 no. 11 1875.11: 577-624;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1580] vol. 9 no. 12 1875.12: 625-672, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1581] vol. 10 no. 1 1876.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1582] vol. 10 no. 2 1876.02: 65-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1583] vol. 10 no. 3 1876.03: 129-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1584] vol. 10 no. 4 1876.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1585] vol. 10 no. 5 1876.05: 257-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1586] vol. 10 no. 6 1876.06: 321-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1587] vol. 10 no. 7 1876.07: 385-448;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1588] vol. 10 no. 8 1876.08: 449-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1589] vol. 10 no. 9 1876.09: 513-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1590] vol. 10 no. 10 1876.10: 577-640;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1591] vol. 10 no. 11 1876.11: 641-704;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1592] vol. 10 no. 12 1876.12: 705-762, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1593] vol. 11 no. 1 1877.01: 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1594] vol. 11 no. 2 1877.02: 65-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1595] vol. 11 no. 3 1877.03: 129-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1596] vol. 11 no. 4 1877.04: 193-256;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1597] vol. 11 no. 5 1877.05: 257-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1598] vol. 11 no. 6 1877.06: 321-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1599] vol. 11 no. 7 1877.07: 385-448;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1600] vol. 11 no. 8 1877.08: 449-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1601] vol. 11 no. 9 1877.09: 513-576;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1602] vol. 11 no. 10 1877.10: 577-640;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1603] vol. 11 no. 11 1877.11: 641-704;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1604] vol. 11 no. 12 1877.12: 705-762, i-v;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1605] vol. 12 no. 1 1878.01: 1-70;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1606] vol. 12 no. 2 1878.02: 71-138;
vol. 12 no. 3 1878.03: (whole issue)
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1607] vol. 12 no. 4 1878.04: 203-270;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1608] vol. 12 no. 5 1878.05: 271-338;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1609] vol. 12 no. 6 1878.06: 339-418;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1610] vol. 12 no. 7 1878.07: 419-498;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1611] vol. 12 no. 8 1878.08: 499-578;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1612] vol. 12 no. 9 1878.09: 579-642;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1613] vol. 12 no. 10 1878.10: 643-706;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1614] vol. 12 no. 11 1878.11: 707-770;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1615] vol. 12 no. 12 1878.12: 771-854, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1616] vol. 23 no. 2 1879.02: 65-140;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1617] vol. 23 no. 3 1879.03: 141-208;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1618] vol. 13 no. 4 1879.04: 209-278;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1619] vol. 13 no. 5 1879.05: 279-346;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1620] vol. 13 no. 6 1879.06: 347-410;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1621] vol. 13 no. 7 1879.07: 411-474;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1622] vol. 23 no. 8 1879.08: 475-538;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1623] vol. 23 no. 9 1879.09: 539-602;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1624] vol. 23 no. 10 1879.10: 603-666;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1625] vol. 23 no. 11 1879.11: 667-730;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1626] vol. 23 no. 12 1879.12: 731-801, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1627] vol. 24 no. 2 1880.02: 73-152;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1628] vol. 24 no. 3 1880.03: 153-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1629] vol. 14 no. 4 1880.04: 233-312;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1630] vol. 24 no. 5 1880.05: 313-392;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1631] vol. 24 no. 6 1880.06: 393-472;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1632] vol. 24 no. 7 1880.07: 473-552;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1633] vol. 24 no. 8 1880.08: 553-616;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1634] vol. 24 no. 9 1880.09: 617-696;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1635] vol. 24 no. 10 1880.10: 697-760;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1636] vol. 24 no. 11 1880.11: 761-832;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1637] vol. 24 no. 22 1880.12: 833-926, i-vi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1638] vol. 25 no. 1 1881.01: 1-88;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1639] vol. 15 no. 2 1881.02: 89-176;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1640] vol. 15 no. 3 1881.03: 177-264;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1641] vol. 15 no. 4 1881.04: 265-352;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1642] vol. 15 no. 5 1881.05: 353-424;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1643] vol. 15 no. 6 1881.06: 425-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1644] vol. 15 no. 7 1881.07: 513-600;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1645] vol. 15 no. 8 1881.08: 601-688;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1646] vol. 15 no. 9 1881.09: 689-760;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1647] vol. 15 no. 10 1881.10: 761-848;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1648] vol. 15 no. 11 1881.11: 849-936;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1649] vol. 15 no. 12 1881.12: 937-1042, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1650] vol. 16 no. 1 1882.01: 1-88;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1651] vol. 16 no. 2 1882.02: 89-176;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1652] vol. 16 no. 3 1882.03: 177-264;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1653] vol. 16 no. 4 1882.04: 265-352.
American Philosophical Society. 1870-1881.
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.
"Nos. 83 to 89, 92 to 101, 107 to 109 1870-81"]
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1654] vol. 11 no. 84 1870: 317-512;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1655] vol. 12 no. 86 1871.01-1871.06: 1-160;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1656] vol. 13 1873.01-1873.05: 1-256 P340.1.C.205.13;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1657] vol. 13 1873.06-1873.12: 257-512 P340.1.C.205.13;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1658] vol. 14 no. 95 1875.06-1875.12: 447-684.
Amor scientiae. 1862. Darwin and Huxley versus their critics. Scotsman (18 January). CUL-DAR226.1.156[.1] Image PDF
Anales del Museo Publico de Buenos Aires. 1864-1874. vol. 1 (1864)
to vol. 12 (1870-1874). Ed. by G. Burmeister.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U11] vol. 1 1864: 1-85;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U12] vol. 2 1867: 85-120;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U13] vol. 3 1866: 121-232, i-xviii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U14] vol. 4 1867: 233-300, xix-xxxiv;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U15] vol. 5 1868: 301-366;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U16] vol. 6 1869: i-vi, 367-470;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U17] vol. 7 1870: 1-108;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U18] vol. 8 1871: 109-156, i-x;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U19] vol. 9 1871: 157-226;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U20] vol. 10 1872: 227-282;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U21] vol. 11 1873: 283-356;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U22] vol. 12 1870-1874: i-vi, 357-412.
Anders, J. M. 1878. On the transpiration of plants. American Naturalist 12: 160-171 (with whole issue, annotation to p. 161 on back cover). CUL-DAR136.6 Image PDF
Anderson, C. J. 1855. Explorations in South Africa, with the Route from Walfisch Bay to Lake Ngami. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 25: 79-107. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anderson, James. 1863. [Review of Orchids]. Fertilisation of orchids. West of Scotland Horticultural Magazine, Florist's Companion, and Garden Advertiser , 1, (September): 65-67. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] Text PDF
Anderson, John. 1871. A report on the expedition to western Yunan viâ Bhamô. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government printing. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Anderson-Henry, I. 1867. On pure hybridisation; or, crossing distinct species of plants. [Read 14 November.] Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 9: 206-231. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Anderson-Henry, I. 1867. On the hybridization or crossing of plants. [Read 14 March.] Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 9: 101-115. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anderson-Henry, I. 1867. On the hybridization or crossing of plants. The Farmer. (offprint) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anderson-Henry, Isaac. 1863. Crossing strawberries. Journal of Horticulture n.s. 4: 45-46. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Andersson, Charles John. 1855. Explorations in South Africa, with route from Walfisch Bay to Lake Ngami, and ascent of the Teogé River. Geological Society (1855): 79-107. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Andersson, Charles John. 1856. Lake Ngami: or, explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of South Western Africa. London: Hurst and Blackett. [Copy not found, CCD18] PDF link
Andreini, Rinaldo. 1870. Anthropologie: analyse des deux mémoires de G. B. Ercolani de Bologne sur la structure, la fonction et le processus formatif du placenta des mammifères; et de la thèse de'Ed. Bruch de Strasbourg su l'appareil de la génération chez les Sélaciens. Algiers: Saint-Lager. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] [review]
Andrew, James and Smith, Thomas. 1875. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. vol. 11. London: Smith, Elder, & Co. [Francis Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Angelin, Nils Peter. 1878. Iconographia crinoideorum in stratis Sueciae siluricis fossilium. Opus postumum edendum curavit Regia Academia Scientiarum Suecica. Holmiae: Samson & Wallin. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. Paris. [CUL-DAR240] link
Annales des Sciences Naturelles. 1841. Paris.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1514] 2d ser. vol. 15 1841.01: zoology 1-64; botany 1-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1515] 2d ser. vol. 15 1841.02: zoology 65-128; botany
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1516] 2d ser. vol. 15 1841.03: zoology 129-192; botany
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1517] 2d ser. vol. 15 1841.04: zoology 193-256; botany
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1518] 2d ser. vol. 15 1841.05: zoology 257-320; botany
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1519] 2d ser. vol. 16 1841.07-1841.08: i-xvi, 1-4
(Prospectus), zoology 1-64, 65-128; botany 1-64, 65-128;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1520] 2d ser. vol. 16 1841.09: zoology 129-192; botany
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1521] 2d ser. vol. 16 1841.10-1841.11: zoology 193-256,
257-320; botany 193-256, 257-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1522] 2d ser. vol. 16 1841.12: zoology 321-384; botany
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1838-1839. 1st ser. vols. 1-2. [CUL-DAR240: "vol 1 of the First Series to vol. 12 of the Fourth Series (vols. 3, 4 & 4 of the 1st ser. missing) 1838-73"] CUL-DAR.LIB.720 vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1840-1850. 2d ser. vols. 1-14. CUL-DAR.LIB.722 link
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1855. 3d ser. vols. 15-16. CUL-DAR.LIB.723 link
Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1855-1873. London. 2d ser.
vols. 15-16, 3d ser. vols. 17-20, 4th ser. vols. 1-12.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U244] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 85 1855.01: 1-80; and Reeve's
list: 24pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U245] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 86 1855.02: 81-160;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U246] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 87 1855.03: 161-240; and Carter's
catalogue: 2pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U247] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 88 1855.04: 241-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U248] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 89 1855.05: 321-392;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U249] 2d ser. vol. 15 no. 90 1855.06: 393-472, i-vii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U250] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 91 1855.07: 1-80;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U251] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 92 1855.08: 81-152; and
'Circular': 12pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U252] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 93 1855.09: 153-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U253] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 94 1855.10: 233-304;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U254] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 95 1855.11: 305-384;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U255] 2d ser. vol. 16 no. 96 1855.12: 385-472, i-vii; and
Reeve's list: 24pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U256] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 97 1866.01: 1-80;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U257] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 98 1866.02: 81-160;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U258] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 99 1866.03: 161-240;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U259] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 100 1866.04: 241-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U260] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 101 1866.05: 321-400;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U261] 3d ser. vol. 17 no. 102 1866.06: 401-480, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U262] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 103 1866.07: 1-72;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U263] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 104 1866.08: 73-144;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U264] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 105 1866.09: 145-264;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U265] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 106 1866.10: 265-344;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U266] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 107 1866.11: 345-428;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U267] 3d ser. vol. 18 no. 108 1866.12: 429-504, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U268] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 109 1867.01: 1-72;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U269] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 110 1867.02: 73-152;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U270] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 111 1867.03: 153-228;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U271] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 112 1867.04: 229-304;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U272] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 113 1867.05: 305-376;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U273] 3d ser. vol. 19 no. 114 1867.06: 377-448, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U274] 3d ser. vol. 10 no. 115 1867.07: 1-80;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U275] 3d ser. vol. 20 no. 116 1867.08: 81-152;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U276] 3d ser. vol. 20 no. 117 1867.09: 153-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U277] 3d ser. vol. 20 no. 118 1867.10: 233-296 (-304)
(lacks ending);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U278] 3d ser. vol. 20 no. 119 1867.11: 305-388;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U279] 3d ser. vol. 20 no. 120 1867.12: 389-460, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U280] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 1 1868.01: 1-76;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U281] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 2 1868.02: 77-156;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U282] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 3 1868.03: 157-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U283] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 4 1868.04: 233-312;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U284] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 5 1868.05: 313-392;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U285] 4th ser. vol. 1 no. 6 1868.06: 393-492, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U286] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 7 1868.07: 1-80 (41-48);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U287] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 8 1868.08: 81-172;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U288] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 9 1868.09: 173-236;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U289] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 10 1868.10: 237-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U290] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 11 1868.11: 321-392;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U291] 4th ser. vol. 2 no. 22 1868.12: 393-464, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U292] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 13 1869.01: 1-96;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U293] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 14 1869.02: 97-172;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U294] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 15 1869.03: 173-248;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U295] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 16 1869.04: 249-324;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U296] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 17 1869.05: 325-400;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U297] 4th ser. vol. 3 no. 18 1869.06: 401-472, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U298] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 19 1869.07: 1-76;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U299] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 20 1869.08: 77-140;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U300] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 21 1869.09: 141-220;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U301] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 22 1869.10: 221-296;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U302] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 23 1869.11: 297-368;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U303] 4th ser. vol. 4 no. 24 1869.12: 369-448, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U304] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 25 1870.01: 1-72;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U305] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 26 1870.02: 73-152;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U306] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 27 1870.03: 153-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U307] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 28 1870.04: 233-308;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U308] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 29 1870.05: 309-388;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U309] 4th ser. vol. 5no. 30 1870.06: 389-460, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U310] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 31 1870.07: 1-112;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U311] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 32 1870.08: 113-192;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U312] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 33 1870.09: 193-272;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U313] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 34 1870.10: 273-352;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U314] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 35 1870.11: 353-428;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U315] 4th ser. vol. 6 no. 36 1870.12: 429-504, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U316] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 37 1871.01: 1-72;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U317] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 38 1871.02: 73-176;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U318] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 39 1871.03: 177-248;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U319] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 40 1871.04: 249-316; book
catalogues: 48pp. and 94pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U320] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 41 1871.05: 317-392;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U321] 4th ser. vol. 7 no. 42 1871.06: 393-456, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U322] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 43 1871.07: 1-72;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U323] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 44 1871.08: 73-144;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U324] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 45 1871.09: 145-220;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U325] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 46 1871.10: 221-296;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U326] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 47 1871.11: 297-372;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U327] 4th ser. vol. 8 no. 48 1871.12: 373-448, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U328] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 49 1872.01: 1-104;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U329] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 50 1872.02: 105-176;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U330] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 51 1872.03: 177-248;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U331] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 52 1872.04: 249-328;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U332] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 53 1872.05: 329-408;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U333] 4th ser. vol. 9 no. 54 1872.06: 409-488, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U334] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 55 1872.07: 1-76;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U335] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 56 1872.08: 77-152;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U336] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 57 1872.09: 153-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U337] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 58 1872.10: 233-312;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U338] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 59 1872.11: 313-408;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U339] 4th ser. vol. 10 no. 60 1872.12: 409-480, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U340] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 61 1873.01: 1-80;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U341] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 62 1873.02: 81-160;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U342] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 63 1873.03: 161-240;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U343] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 64 1873.04: 241-320;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U344] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 65 1873.05: 321-400;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U345] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 66 1873.06: 401-476, i-viii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U346] 4th ser. vol. 11 no. 67 1873.07: 1-80;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U347] 4th ser. vol. 12 no. 68 1873.08: 81-188;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U348] 4th ser. vol. 12 no. 69 1873.09: 189-268;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U349] 4th ser. vol. 12 no. 70 1873.10: 269-348;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U350] 4th ser. vol. 12 no. 71 1873.11: 349-430;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U351] 4th ser. vol. 12 no. 72 1873.12: 431-506, i-viii.
Annals of Philosophy; or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralology, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts. 1819. Edited by Thomas Thomson. [Forum Auctions 2024 "original printed wrappers…ink ownership inscription to head of all 8... 'Dr Darwin'". [Private collection, Cambridge][The owner sent details: 8 parts: LXXIV, February; LXXV, March; LXXVIII, June; LXXIX, July; LXXXI, September; LXXXII, October; LXXXIII, November; LXXXIV, December. "Some are completely uncut although many have small annotations and longer paper inserts all in the hand of Robert Waring Darwin." link
Annuario della Societa dei Naturalisti in Modena. n.d. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1760s. A moral and physical thermometer (table). CUL-DAR227.8.107
Anon. 1760s. Particular of first days sale [of property in the Shrewsbury-Ellesmere area] pp. 3-4 and 7-8 only. CUL-DAR227.8.95
Anon. 1765. For the St James's Chronicle: Inland navigation. St James's Chronicle [?] CUL-DAR227.8.4
Anon. 1765?. "We hear a Petition will next Sessions be presented to Parliament". St James's Chronicle [?] CUL-DAR227.8.3
Anon. 1776. Universal short-hand. Edinburgh: Ch. Elliot. [Copy not found, CCD28:494] link
Anon. 1799. Public characters of 1798-1799. London. (CUL: T540.c.13.2) [CUL-1899]
Anon. 1800. Public characters of 1799-1800. London. (CUL: T540.c.14.1) [CUL-1899]
Anon. 1801. Public characters of 1800-1801. London. (CUL: [T540.c.13]) [CUL-1899]
Anon. 1803. Public characters of 1802-1803. London. (CUL: [T540.c.13]) [CUL-1899]
Anon. 1811. Das neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi: abgedruckt nach der Hallischen Ausgabe 1805. London: gedruckt auf Kosten der Grossbritannischen und Ausländischen Bibel-Gesellschaft. [inscribed "C Darwin H. M. S. Beagle."][Sotheby's 1963, Quentin Keynes, The Charles Darwin Trust] PDF
Anon. 1818. Instruction pour les voyageurs et pour les employés dans les colonies, sur la manière de recueillir, de conserver et d'envoyer les objets d'histoire Naturelle. Redigée sur l'invitation de Son Excellence le ministre de la marine et des colonies, par l'administration du Muséum Royal d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris: A. Belin. [Philosophical Tracts, i] on Beagle Text
Anon. 1820. Novum Testamentum: juxta exemplar millianum... editio Secunda. London: G. and B. Whittaker. [signed "C. Darwin" on front flyleaf. Sold at Christie's 17 May 1996, ex Quentin Keynes, contemporary sheep backed in calf, edges blue-sprinkled, by Broadbere (binder's ticket on front pastedown)] vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF
Anon. 1822. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Cambridge: Printed by J. Smith, Printer to the University. [Darwin Library-CUL] [CUL-1899]
Anon. 1826. Leguario de la Republica de Chile [distance chart]. CUL-DAR44.9 Image
Anon. 1827. Die Hühner und Pfauenzucht in ihrem ganzen Umfange. Ulm: Ebnerschen Buchhandlung. CUL-DAR.LIB.697 PDF
Anon. 1828. Enten- Schwanen- und Gänsezucht, die, in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder vollstaendige Anweisung zur Erziehung und Pflege. Ulm: Ebnerschen Buchhandlung. [Darwin Library-CUL]
Anon. 1835. Earthquake at sea. Carmarthen Journal (3 April): [clipping in Red notebook]. Text and Image
Anon. 1838. The holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: Translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Cambridge: Printed at the Pitt Press John William Parker, University Printer. [Darwin Library-Down, annotated family Bible].
Anon. 1839. [Birth of William Erasmus Darwin]. The Times (30 December): 8. Text
Anon. 1840. Discovery of the former existence of glaciers in Scotland, especially in the Highlands, by Professor Agassiz. Scotsman (7 October). CUL-DAR5.B66 Image
Anon. 1841. Abstract of the proceedings of the Association of American Geologists, at their 2nd meeting held in Philadelphia, April, 1841. American Journal of Science and Arts 41: 158-189. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1842. Description of Mr. James Smith's newly constructed achromatic microscope. Microscopic Journal and Structural Record. Ed. by D. Cooper. London. [inscribed "for 1842"][Whipple Science Museum, Cambridge] PDF
Anon. 1843. [Review of] Leefe, Salictum Britannicum Exsiccatum, containing dried specimens of the British willows. Journal of Botany 2: 156-159. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1845. Calamitous fire at Quebec. The Times (28 July): 1. Text Image
Anon. 1845. Story of the Portland vase [source unknown]: 171-172. CUL-DAR260.4
Anon. 1846. [Review of Journal of researches]. United States Democratic Review 18, no. 95 (May): 398. Text
Anon. 1846. Catalogue of the books and maps in the library of the Geological Society of London. London: Richard & John E. Taylor. CUL-DAR.LIB.699 link PDF
Anon. 1847. ("lion-tiger cubs, a cross-breed"). The Times (29 October). CUL-DAR205.7.112 Image
Anon. 1848. On varieties and species. Jamaica Monthly Magazine 5: 42-48, 89-99. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1849. Owens lecture. Ipswich, Suffolk Chronicle or General Advertiser :. CUL-DAR205.9.2 Image
Anon. 1850. [on dog races. Agassiz on the relations between animals] American Journal of Science and Arts. [Silliman's Journal] [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1852. Curious hybrid grouse. The Times (14 September): 7f. CUL-DAR205.7.116 Image
Anon. 1852. The future of geology [review of: Histoire des progrès de la géologie de 1834 à 1850 par le vicomte d'Archiac; de la Beche, The geological observer; Memoire of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, 1846-1848; Records of the School of Mines vol. 1, 1852; Lyell, A manual of elementary geology; Lyell, Principles of geology 8th ed.; Hopkins, Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society 1852; Ramsay, Passages in the history of geology, 1849.] Westminster review 2d ser. 1 (2, 3): 37-52. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1281] PDF link
Anon. 1853. [Review of] Malignié-Nouel, On a method of obtaining immediate fixity of type in forming a new breed of sheep. Translated by P. H. Pusey. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England 14: 214-224. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1853. The charm. A book for boys and girls. Illustrated with more than one hundred engravings. London: Addey & Co. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Anon. 1853. The New Testament. 8vo. Oxford. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1854. [Review of] E. Forbes, The manifestations of polarity in the distribution of organised beings in time. Critic (1 November): 596. CUL-DAR205.9.7 Image
Anon. 1854. [Review of] Harvey, Nereis boreali americana; or contributions to a history of the marine algae of North America. Natural History Review, 1: 12-18. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1854. [Review of] Leidy, A flora and fauna within living animals. Natural History Review 1: 5-8. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1854. List of birds bred in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London, from April 1856-1857. Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London, read at the annual general meeting, April 29th 1857. London: Taylor & Franics, pp. 21-22. CUL-DAR205.3.215 Image link
Anon. 1855. A hand-book of domestic medicine popularly arranged. By an eminent Physician. [Prefaced signed Δ.] London: Henry G. Bohn. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Anon. 1856. [the Upupa Capensis a bird taken at Morne Brabant]. Maritime Commercial Gazette (Port Louis, Mauritius) (6 November): 18. CUL-DAR205.2.4 Text Image
Anon. 1856. Mrs. Schimmelpennick. London: The Religious Tract Society; no: 992. 24pp. CUL-DAR262.3.1 / EH88206096 link
Anon. 1856. Schimmelpennick. Memorial service. Bristol: 8pp. EH88206097
Anon. 1856. Strange birds at Enville. The Times : 5c CUL-DAR205.7.222 Image
Anon. 1857. Atlantic telegraph: abstract of soundings. The Times (5 January): [1]. CUL-DAR205.2.5 Image Text
Anon. 1857. Extraordinary fight. The Times (10 November): 5f. CUL-DAR83.119 Image
Anon. 1857. Plans of various lakes and rivers between Lake Huron and the river Ottawa, to accompany the Geological Reports for 1853, '54, '55 & '56. Toronto: John Lovell. [inscribed by M. Logan][Darwin Library-CUL (erronesously under 'Murray') 22 maps]
Anon. 1857. Vitality of seeds. Morning Post (11 September): 2. CUL-DAR205.2.6 Text Image
Anon. 1858. [Review of] Hooker, On the structure and affinities of Balanophoreae. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 25: 116-120. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1858. [Review of] Reinhard, Naturhistoriske Bidrag til en Belkrivelle af Grönland. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 25: 124-126. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1858. Deaths. [Charles Waring Darwin]. The Times (28 June): 1. Text
Anon. 1858. Zoological Society of London. The Times (2 April): 7f. CUL-DAR205.2.9 Image Text
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Daily News (26 December): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.37-39 Image PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. John Bull (24 December): 827. Text Image PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Lincoln, Notts, and North Midland Times (13 December). [2 cut cols]. CUL-DAR226.1.77-78 Image PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Morning Star (15 December). CUL-DAR226.1.98-99 Image s PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Morning Star : (15 December). [4 cut cols]. CUL-DAR226.1.98-99 Image PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Saturday Review 8 (24 December): 775-776. CUL-DAR226.1.145 Image PDF Text PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of Origin]. The Critic 19: 528-530. PDF
Anon. 1859. [Review of] C. Willich, On the angles of dock-gates and the cells of bees. Athenaeum (8 October): 467c. CUL-DAR48.B47a Image
Anon. 1859. [Review of] Jones, The naturalist in Bermuda. Athenaeum (22 January): 118 (lacks last 15 lines). CUL-DAR205.11.1 Image
Anon. 1859. "When Abernethy was canvassing for the office of surgeon". Saturday Review 30 (10 December): 701. [1 col]. CUL-DAR226.1.152 Image PDF
Anon. 1859. The book of common prayer. Cambridge: University Press, for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [CUL-DAR240][signed "Charles Darwin 1861" in Emma Darwin's handwriting][Darwin College, Cambridge] PDF (photographs of original by Edwin Rose)
Anon. 1859. Tuesday [from report on meeting of section D of British Association]. Athenaeum (8 October): 470c. CUL-DAR205.2.10 Image
Anon. 1859. Wedgwood Institute. [source unknown] (27 January): 3pp. CUL-DAR260.19
Anon. 1860 [Review of Origin]. Kölnische Zeitung. [1 col] CUL-DAR226.1.248 PDF
Anon. 1860. "Natural Selection" - whose is it? [on Patrick Matthew]. Saturday Analyst and Leader (24 November): 959-960. CUL-DAR226.1.144 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin and Bree, Species not transmutable]. The Record (12 December). CUL-DAR226.1.139-140 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin] British and Foreign Evangelical Review and Quarterly Record of Christian Literature 9: 414-441. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin] Freeman (January) 18: 45-46.
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin] Patriot (January) 19: 45.
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Darwin on the origin of species. New Englander 18, no. 70 (May): 516-519. Text & image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Darwin on the origin of species. British Quarterly Review 31: 398-421. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Darwin on the origin of species. Christian Observer: 561-574. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Eclectic Review, n.s., 3 (March): 217-242. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Falkirk Herald (16 February): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.51-52 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Free Press (Glasgow), (18 August): 6-7. CUL-DAR226.1.59-60 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Illustrated News of the World (8 January): 6.
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Morning Post (10 January): 2. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Natural science and theological science. Ecclesiastic and Theologian 22: 82-92. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Species in our domesticated animals and cultivated plants. Journal of Agriculture, and the Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, n.s., 69 (July): 333-353. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 7]. PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. The type-plans of animated beings and the speculations of philosophers. London Review 1 (7 July): 11-12; (14 July): 32-53; (21 July): 58-59. CUL-DAR226.1.83-84 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. The universities (From our own correspondent, May 10). Literary Gazette (12 May): 582. CUL-DAR226.1.79 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Weldon's Register of Facts and Occurrences relating to Literature, the Sciences, and the Arts (London), (August): 1-7. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 54].
Anon. 1860. [Review of Origin]. What constitutes a species. London Review (29 December): 625-626. CUL-DAR226.1.86 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of] Bree, Species not transmutable. Athenaeum : 585-586. CUL-DAR226.1.10 Image PDF
Anon. 1860. [Review of] Marsh, Lectures on the English language. Athenaeum (3 November): (122-)123 only. CUL-DAR205.5.1 Image
Anon. 1860. British Association for the Advancement of Science. The Times (11 June): 9. Text Image
Anon. 1860. Extract of British Association Meeting [part excised]. Athenaeum, (7 July): 29-30 CUL-DAR85.A97 Image
Anon. 1860. Minutes of meeting. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. link
Anon. 1860. North Atlantic telegraph expedition. The Times (5 December): 10c. CUL-DAR205.2.190 Image Text
Anon. 1860. Notice of Bunsen and Kirchhoff, On a new alkali-metal. Chemical News 2: 281. CUL-DAR58.2.7 Image
Anon. 1860. Zoological Society meeting of 22 March 1859. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 5: 143-150. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1860?. Bronze statue of Josiah Wedgwood by Edward Davis (picture and article) [source unknown]. CUL-DAR260.17
Anon. 1861. [Review of] M. F. Maury, The physical geography of the sea, and its meteorology. Athenaeum (5 January): 17. CUL-DAR205.9.14 Image
Anon. 1861. Coventry relief fund. The Times (19 January): 3. Text Image
Anon. 1861. Fair play for photography [with caricature of ape bending a hunter's rifle]. [Punch (1 June): 221] CUL-DAR251.1821
Anon. 1861. Gesamtsitzung der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1861. Indian Famine relief fund. The Times (5 April): 6. Text Image
Anon. 1861. Preface (caricature) [a gorilla hops over Punch's back, re Paul du Chaillu]. Punch (29 June): iv. CUL-DAR251.1819
Anon. 1861. The British Association: Interesting discussion on Darwins theory. Manchester Examiner (9 September): [3 cut cols]. CUL-DAR226.1.92 Image PDF
Anon. 1861. The lion of the season. Punch (25 May): 213. CUL-DAR251.1820 link
Anon. 1861. The nest of the missel-thrush. The Field (25 May): 42. CUL-DAR205.11.4. Image
Anon. 1862. [Press report on Huxley's Edinburgh lectures:] The relation of man to the lower animals. Edinburgh Evening Courant (11 January): 2. [CCD10] Text PDF
Anon. 1862. [Press report on Huxley's Edinburgh lectures:] Men and apes. Week (17 January): 2. Text
Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 30 (October): 312-318. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 101]. PDF
Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Darwin on natural history. Literary Churchman (16 July). CUL-DAR226.1.78 PDF
Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Mr. Darwin's orchids. Saturday Review 14 (18 October): 486. CUL-DAR226.1.147 Image PDF
Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Science: Fertilisation of orchids. Parthenon no. 6 (7 June): 177-179. [missing p. 179]. CUL-DAR226.1.129 Image PDF
Anon. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. Banffshire Journal and General Advertiser (17 June): 5. CUL-DAR226.1.17 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1862. Athenaeum (München) 1: 439-548. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1862. Comment on G. Austen, On the glacier-phenomena of the valley of the upper Indus. Parthenon 1, no. 25 (18 October): 780. CUL-DAR50.E30 Image
Anon. 1862. Lancashire and Cheshire Operatives Relief Fund. The Times (29 September): 3. Image
Anon. 1862. Lancashire distress. The Times (15 December): 5. Text Image
Anon. 1862. Strange visitor: an owl on shipboard. The Times (25 November): 12a. CUL-DAR205.2.14 Image
Anon. 1862. The floods in California. The Times (7 April): 10d. CUL-DAR205.2.12 Image
Anon. 1862. The Philosophical Institution and Professor Huxley. The Witness. (January 14). [CCD10]. Text
Anon. 1862. The philosophical institution and Professor Huxley. Witness, (14 January): 2. Text
Anon. 1862. The Practical Mechanic's Journal: Record of the Great Exhibition 1862. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts. [CUL-DAR240] link
Anon. 1862. The use of nicotine in tetanus and cases of poisoning by strychnia. Medical Times and Gazette (25 October): 442-443. CUL-DAR58.2.8 Image
Anon. 1863. [Map of London Chatham & Dover Brighton railway line under construction.][source unknown] [CCD11:363]
Anon. 1863. [Map of railway lines under construction from London towards Brighton through Tunbridge Wells…] [source unknown][CCD11:363]
Anon. 1863. [Review of Origin]. Botanische Zeitung 21 (6 November): 345-348. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1863. [Review of] Reeve, The land and freshwater mollusks indigenous to or naturalized in the British Isles. Parthenon 2 (17 January): 76-77. CUL-DAR205.2.15 Image
Anon. 1863. Deutschland (on press freedom). Neue Stettiner Zeitung 38 (20 September): [1]. CUL-DAR226.1.273 Image PDF
Anon. 1863. Fern mania (British ferns and their varieties). The Times ?: [?]. CUL-DAR205.10.3 Image
Anon. 1863. Foreign intelligence - France. The Times (4 July): 12a. CUL-DAR53.2.165 Image
Anon. 1864. [account of the Herbarium and Library at Harvard University, source unknown][Copy not found, CCD13:126] link
Anon. 1864. Dublin Natural History Society. [source unknown] (5 March): [1]. CUL-DAR205.3.8 Image
Anon. 1864. Lacaze Duthiers on coral. Reader (23 January): 110. CUL-DAR205.5.3 Image
Anon. 1864. Professor Kölliker on Darwin's theory of the origin of species [Über die Darwin'sche Schöpfungstheorie]. Reader (13 August): 199-200, (20 August): 234-235. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF
Anon. 1864. Notice of A. Newton On the irruption of Pallas sand-grouse. Reader (18 May): 784. CUL-DAR205.2.17 Image
Anon. 1864. Proceedings of foreign academies: Vienna Imperial Academy of Sciences. [Reader (3 December): 711-12]. CUL-DAR58.2.6 Image
Anon. 1864. Science. Reader (3 December): 708-709. CUL-DAR226.1.134-135 Image PDF
Anon. 1864. Secondary Mammalia. Reader (25 June): 814-815. CUL-DAR205.9.21 Image
Anon. 1865. [Review of Orchids]. Charles Darwin über die Befruchtung der Orchideen mit Hülfe der Insecten. Ausland : 294-297, 319-322. CUL-DAR226.1.190-194 Image PDF
Anon. 1865. [Review of Orchids]. West of Scotland Horticultural Magazine. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1865. [Review of] Salter and Woodward, On a new chart of fossil Crustacea. Reader (23 September): 352. CUL-DAR205.9.23 Image
Anon. 1865. [Sport of the flowers of Eccremocarpus]. Gardeners' Chronicle (9 September): 842a. CUL-DAR205.1.1 Image Text
Anon. 1865. Carrier pigeon. The Field (4 March): 155. CUL-DAR138.3.5 Image
Anon. 1865. Markham's paper polar exploration. Reader 5 (10 June): 659. CUL-DAR48.A62 Image
Anon. 1865. Report of ordinary general meeting of 16 May 1865. Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society 5: 112. CUL-DAR205.8.12 Image
Anon. 1866. (extract). Morning Star (10 November). CUL-DAR165.220e
Anon. 1866. [Review of Origin]. De l'origine des espèces par selection naturelle. Annuaire Philosophique 3: 81-89. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 80] PDF
Anon. 1866. [Review of Origin]. Reader (1 December): 973-974. CUL-DAR226.1.138 Image PDF
Anon. 1866. [Review of] A. Murray, Geographical distribution of mammals. Reader (21 July): 664-667. CUL-DAR226.1.136-137 Image PDF
Anon. 1866. [Review of] T. Oldham, Geological survey of India. Athenaeum (24 November): 683-684. CUL-DAR205.9.25 Image
Anon. 1866. A fossil spider. Popular Science Review 5 (January): 104. CUL-DAR205.9.24 Image
Anon. 1866. International Horticultural Exhibition and Botanical Congress, held in London, from May 22d to May 31st, 1866: Report of proceedings. London: Truscott, Son & Simmons. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Anon. 1866. Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London, read at the annual general meeting, April 30th, 1866. London: Taylor & Franics, pp. 23-24.'Ch. on Hybrids'. CUL-DAR205.7.266 Image link
Anon. 1867. (Noctulinia). Land and Water (20 July): 659. CUL-DAR189.96 Image
Anon. 1867. [reprint of proceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, re hybrid potatoes.] Farmer (20 & 27 March). [Copy not found, CCD15]
Anon. 1867. [Review of] E. L. Layard, The birds of South Africa. Land and Water (14 December). CUL-DAR47.105 Image & CUL-DAR47.106 Image
Anon. 1867. Agriculture in Massachusetts. Congregationalist and Recorder (25 May). CUL-DAR226.1.32 Image PDF
Anon. 1867. Catalogue of the library of the Anthropological Society of London. London. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1867. Catalogue of the natural and industrial products of New South Wales forwarded to the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867. Sydney: T. Richards. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1867. Darwin at the Antipodes. Australasian n.s. 3 (13 July): 40. CUL-DAR226.1.16 Image PDF
Anon. 1867. Darwin at the Antipodes. Spectator (6 April): 383-384. CUL-DAR226.1.162 Image PDF
Anon. 1867. East-End Central Relief Committee. Times (25 December): 2. Text Image
Anon. 1867. Lions and tigers. Land and Water (20 July): 657. CUL-DAR189.95 Image
Anon. 1867. Neue Zusätze zu Charles Darwins Schöpfungsgeschichte der organischen Welt. Ausland (22 January): 73-80. CUL-DAR226.1.196-199 Image PDF
Anon. 1867. Note. (re April Anthropological Review and paper on "relations between the Anthropoid Apes and Man"). Journal and Transactions of the Victoria Institute 2: 125-128. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF link
Anon. 1867. Notice of Anderson-Henry, Hybridization. Edinburgh. (from: The Farmer.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1867. Occasional notes. Pall Mall Gazette 5 (29 March): 5. CUL-DAR251.2396
Anon. 1867. Report of the committee appointed by the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to consider the best means for promoting scientific education in schools. Report of the thirty-seventh meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Dundee in September 1867, pp. xxxix-liv. [CCD16] PDF link
Anon. 1867. Report of the committee appointed by the Council of the British Association for the Advancement of Science to consider the best means for promoting scientific education in schools. [Darwin's pre-publication copy not found, CCD15:132]
Anon. 1867. The Jamaica committee. The Times (25 January): 3. Text Image
Anon. 1868 [Review of Variation]. Darwin's new work. New York Evening Post. CUL-DAR226.1.113-114. Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [llamas in Australia] (CD: "struggle and accident"). Land and Water : 33-34. CUL-DAR46.1.64 Image
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Artificial selection and pangenesis. Popular Science Review 7 (April): 176-180. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 99]. Text Image
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Charles Darwin's neues Werk. Ausland (March): 217-224; 246-251; 281-286. CUL-DAR226.1.200-210 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Colman's Rural World and Valley Farmer (St Louis), (November): 295-298. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 116].
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Darwin and pangenesis. Quarterly Journal of Science 5: 295-313. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 97] Text Image
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Imperial Review (21 March). CUL-DAR226.1.65 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Charles Darwin's new book. Manchester Guardian (8 April). CUL-DAR226.1.94-96 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Darwin on "Artificial Selection." (First notice.) London Review, (22 February): 178-179. [signed] CUL-DAR226.1.88-89 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Darwin on domestication. (Second notice.) Saturday Review 17, (28 March): 423-424. CUL-DAR226.1.150 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Darwin on domestication. [1st notice] Saturday Review 17, (14 March): 358-359. CUL-DAR226.1.148-149. Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Darwin on pangenesis. (Second notice.) London Review 17, (7 March): 227-228. CUL-DAR226.1.90 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Mr. Darwin's new work. Daily Telegraph (20 February). CUL-DAR226.1.43-44 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Neue Literatur über Darwins Lehre von der Umbildung (Transmutation) der Arten . Ausland no. 29 (16 July): 673-682. CUL-DAR226.1.211-215 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. North American Review 107, issue 220 (July): 362-368. Text
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art 12 (10 October): 505-506. Text
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. Student and Intellectual Observer of Science, Literature and Art 1 (April): 179-188. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 100]. PDF
Anon. 1868. [Review of Variation]. The Darwin theory. Daily Review (27 April). CUL-DAR226.1.41-42 Image PDF
Anon. 1868. A new sub-genus of Megalonyx. Scientific Opinion 1 (November): 16. CUL-DAR205.9.373 Image
Anon. 1868. Annual report of the trustees of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, together with the report of the director. Boston: Wright & Potter. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Anon. 1868. Are there two species of horse? Popular Science Review (July): 340. CUL-DAR193.34 Image
Anon. 1868. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens (ring-necked pheasant). Land and Water (28 December): 359-360. CUL-DAR205.7.8 Image
Anon. 1868. Common pickerel. American Agriculturalist (March): 100. CUL-DAR82.B70 Image
Anon. 1868. Domestication and crossing of the buffalo. American Agriculturalist (January): 13-14. CUL-DAR205 Image
Anon. 1868. Hornbills. Land and Water (25 April): 217-218. CUL-DAR84.1.188 Image
Anon. 1868. Influence of marriage on the death-rate. Daily News (17 October): 5. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Anon. 1868. International congress of pre-historic archaeology. Quarterly Journal of Science (October): 546-548. CUL-DAR80.B173-B174 Image link
Anon. 1868. Ludwig Schmarda's Ansichten über die Darwin'sche Hypothese. Globus, illustrierte Zeitschrift (Dresden) 15 (February): 89-96. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 115] PDF
Anon. 1868. Natural and supernatural selection. Spectator (3 October): 1154-1155. CUL-DAR139.16.1[.1] Image
Anon. 1868. Natural versus supernatural selection. Spectator (10 October): 1220-1221. CUL-DAR139.16.3 Image
Anon. 1868. Notice of B. S. Williams, Choice stove and greenhouse flowering plants. Field (21 August): 8. CUL-DAR77.174 Image
Anon. 1868. Notice of Forres shew. Elgin Courant (11 December). CUL-DAR167.23e [CCD16:892]
Anon. 1868. On the growth of the female pike. Farmer (18 March): 369-370. CUL-DAR85.B144 Image
Anon. 1868. Parrots. Pall Mall Gazette (16 December): 9. CUL-DAR193.37 Image
Anon. 1868. Report on Cabinet of Natural History. 8° Albany, New York. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1868. Scientific notes. Land and Water (11 January). CUL-DAR48.A64 Image
Anon. 1868. Sexes of spiders. Quarterly Journal of Science (July): 429-430. CUL-DAR85.B147 Image
Anon. 1868. Stable economy of Henry VIII. Land and Water (2 June). CUL-DAR193.32-33 Image
Anon. 1868. The bird show in the Crystal Palace. Land and Water (22 February): 40. CUL-DAR193.30 Image
Anon. 1868. The Darwinian Jeremiad. Spectator (17 October): 1215-1216. CUL-DAR139.16.2 Image
Anon. 1868. The sea-horse and its young. Quarterly Journal of Science 5 (April): 269. CUL-DAR80.B172 Image
Anon. 1869. [lop-eared rabbits]. Daily News (16 September): [1]. CUL-DAR193.41 Image
Anon. 1869. [Report that Anthelme Thozet found moths piercing oranges to suck.] Rockhampton Bulletin and Central Queensland Advertiser (April). [Copy not found, CCD23:333. See F2131 ]
Anon. 1869. [Review of Lecky] The natural history of morals. Westminster Review 10: 494-531. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1869. [Review of] J. Lubbock, Prehistoric times 2d ed. Spectator (4 December): 1429-1430. CUL-DAR80.B182 Image
Anon. 1869. [Review of] Meek and Worthen, Palaeontology of Illinois. Quarterly Journal of Science 6 (April): 291-292. CUL-DAR205.9.31 Image
Anon. 1869. A new work by Mr Darwin [Descent]. Academy (London) 1: 15-16. link
Anon. 1869. [Review of] Alleged failure of natural selection in the case of man. Quarterly Journal of Science 6 (January): 152-153. CUL-DAR135.4 Image
Anon. 1869. Different sizes of drops. Academy (November): 47b. CUL-DAR58.2.5 Image
Anon. 1869. Horns of domestic goat. The Field (20 February): 150. CUL-DAR193.38 Image Text
Anon. 1869. Irritability of stamens. Academy : 46. CUL-DAR58.2.3 Image
Anon. 1869. National Education League. The Times (9 November): 7. Text
Anon. 1869. Natural history miscellany. American Naturalist 3 (December): 548-557. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1869. On the nature of emotion. Fortnightly Review (July): 113-114. CUL-DAR195.4.63 Image
Anon. 1869. Phases of unbelief and how to meet them: report of open sessions of British Association meeting. Guardian (13 October): 1134b-1135b. CUL-DAR226.1.61-62 Image PDF
Anon. 1869. Scandinavian botany. Popular Science Review 8 (July): 301. CUL-DAR45.166 Image
Anon. 1869. The arguments of design [Review of G. H. Lewes and Janet Le Materialisme Contemporain]. Quarterly Review 127 (July): 47-90. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 143] PDF link
Anon. 1869. The final cause of venom. Spectator (24 July): 869-870. CUL-DAR47.111 Image
Anon. 1869. The immutability of the species. Catholic World 10 (issue: 56, November): 252-267; (issue: 57, December): 332-346. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 132] PDF link
Anon. 1869. Zu Darwins Geburtstag. National-Zeitung (11 February). CUL-DAR226.1.257 Image PDF
Anon. 1870. "Our excellent scientific contemporary". [Daily News (20 June): 5.] CUL-DAR251.2397
Anon. 1870. A rain of sand. Popular Science Review (April): 219. CUL-DAR205.2.22[.1] Image
Anon. 1870. A roll of maps. [Wyoming and Utah territories]. US Department of the Interior. [CCD17]
Anon. 1870. A shower of shell-fish. Popular Science Review (April): 223. CUL-DAR205.2.22[.2] Image
Anon. 1870. Darwin before the French Academy. Nature 2 (11 August): 298. PDF
Anon. 1870. Have animals instinct or reason? Popular Science Review (April): 221. CUL-DAR205.11.14 Image
Anon. 1870. Hildebrand on the impregnation of plants. Nature 1 (13 January): 292. CUL-DAR76.B104 Image
Anon. 1870. Hybrid cow. Elgin Courant. [enclosure from J. B. Innes 28 January 1870] Text CUL-DAR167.27e
Anon. 1870. La Selection naturelle et l'origine de l'homme. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 7 (August): 577-592. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1870. La Selection naturelle et l'origine de l'homme. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 7 (August): 609-624. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1870. Le Cerveau de l'homme et Primates. Revue des Cours Scientifiques (August-September).
Anon. 1870. Lyceum of natural history, report. Nature 2 (1 September): 366-367 (-368). CUL-DAR205.3.16 Image
Anon. 1870. Report of the Marlborough College Natural History Society, for the half-year, ending Christmas, 1870. Marlborough: printed by C. Perkins. [?][CCD19]
Anon. 1870. Sur le transformisme. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 7 (July): 545-560. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF
Anon. 1870. The census of 1871. Lancet (6 August 1870): 195. [Copy not found, CCD18]
Anon. 1870s?. [caricature of Darwin standing with hat looking at half man half animal who points at an ape] [source unknown]: [1] CUL-DAR140.4.24
Anon. 1870s?. A new Quicunque vult. [source unknown]: 22-23. CUL-DAR140.4.18 Image
Anon. 1870s?. Adam and Darwin (poem). [source unknown]: [unpaginated] [bottom of col c]. CUL-DAR140.4.16 Image
Anon. 1870s?. Courte observation. Ginoux. 6pp. CUL-DAR226.1.221 Image PDF
Anon. 1870s?. Professor Darwin (caricature) [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.1826
Anon. 1870s?. Professor Darwin (caricature) [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.1827
Anon. 1870s?. Professor Darwin (caricature) [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.1828
Anon. 1870s?. The humble philosopher. Figaro : [1 col]. CUL-DAR140.4.23 Image
Anon. 1870s?. With compliments of the season (caricature of CD) [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.1829 & CUL-DAR251.1830
Anon. 1871. [Ballad]. The descent of man: A continuation of an old song. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (April): 517-519. CUL-DAR226.2.71 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [eulogium on men of science.] Liberal Christian (New York). [Copy not found, via F. E. Abbot, CCD19]
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent, a poem]. The descent of man: Dr. Darwin. Gardeners' Chronicle (20 May): 650-651. CUL-DAR226.2.80[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. About this time the world was created. Mark Lane Express and Agricultural Journal (22 March). CUL-DAR226.2.90 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent].
All the Year Round (8 April): 445-450.
[Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 175].
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Chicago Tribune (9 April): 1. CUL-DAR226.2.72 Text PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Cosmopolitan (16 March): 792. CUL-DAR226.2.73 PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin on the descent of man. The Field (18 March): 210. CUL-DAR226.2.79. Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin über die Abstammung des Menschen. Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (28 April): 2077-2080; (5 May): 2095; (12 May): 2119-2120; (18 May): 2130-2132. CUL-DAR226.2.58-62 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin's descent of man. Daily Telegraph (23 February): 3. CUL-DAR226.2.75. Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin's descent of man. New York Daily Tribune (10 February): 6. CUL-DAR226.2.97-98 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin's Descent of man. Observer (19 March): 5. CUL-DAR226.2.101 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin's Descent of man. Old and New 3 (May): 594-600. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 158]. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwin's Descent of man. Saturday Review 31 (4 March): 276-277; (11 March): 315-316. CUL-DAR226.2.102-104 Image Text
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwinism. Nonconformist (8 March): 240-241. CUL-DAR226.2.98-99 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Detroit Free Press (16 April): 5. CUL-DAR226.2.74[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Echo (23 February): 4. CUL-DAR226.2.77[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Every Saturday, 2 (1 April): 307. CUL-DAR226.2.110[.2] Image PDF Text
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Gardeners' Chronicle (20 May): 649. CUL-DARCUL-DAR226.2.80[.1] Image Text PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Glasgow Herald (30 March): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.81 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. John Bull (6 April): 234. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Literary World (17 March): 169-171. CUL-DAR226.2.88. Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Liverpool Leader (18 March): 104-105. CUL-DAR226.2.89-90 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Man- an improved ape: The last result of Darwinism. The World: New York [Reprinted extract in Tiffin Tribune (Ohio), (2 February 1871): 4.] CUL-DAR226.2.109[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Mr. Darwin on "The descent of man." Daily News (23 February): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.74[.2] PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Mr. Darwin on the descent of man. Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (7 March): 7. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Mr. Darwin on the origin of man: The Piccadilly Papers. London Society 19 (April): 371-374. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Mr. Darwin's Descent of man. Examiner (4 March): 233-234. CUL-DAR226.2.78. Text Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Mr. Darwin's new book. English Independent (23 March): 272-273. CUL-DAR226.2.77[.2]. Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. On the descent of man. Illustrated Review (March-April): 401-402. CUL-DAR226.2.83 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. On the descent of man. The Globe (30 March): 5-6. CUL-DAR226.2.82[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Philosophy and Mr. Darwin. Nonconformist (4 May): 427-428. CUL-DAR226.2.100 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent] . Popular Science Review 10 (July): 292-294. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection R190.] link PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Public Opinion 19 (11 March): 297-299.
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Quarterly Journal of Science 1 (April): 248-254. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Samtiden: Veckoskrift för Politik och Litteratur 6: 353-368, 369-384, 385-400. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 165]
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The Guardian (2 August): 935-936. CUL-DAR226.2.82[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The Lancet (18 March): 381-382; (8 April): 481-482; (15 April): 508-510. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The Nation (New York), (13 April): 258-260. CUL-DAR226.2.91 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The Tablet n.s. 5 (15 April): 455-456. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The World (New York), (12 March): 1. CUL-DAR140.1.1 Image
Anon. 1871. [Review of Descent]. The World (New York) , (19 March). CUL-DAR226.2.109[.2] PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Insectivorous plants] . Birmingham Daily Post. CUL-DAR226.2.43[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of Origin and Descent ]. Samtiden: Veckoskrift för Politik och Litteratur (Sweden), (10 June): 358-364; (17 June): 374-381; (23 June): 390-397. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 165]. PDF
Anon. 1871. [Review of] Darwin's works. Veck. f. Pol. O. Litt. Stockholm, (June).
Anon. 1871. [Review of] Kerner on Tubocytisus. Botanische Zeitung 3. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1871. [Review of] Pouchet, Système nerveux des poissons. L'Institut (1 November): 134-135. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1871. [Review of] The origin of species. Nation (New York), (23 March): 199-201. CUL-DAR226.1.101-102 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. A Darwinian hypothesis (caricature). Figaro (28 October): 9. CUL-DAR140.4.6 Image
Anon. 1871. A little lecture by Professor D...n on the development of the horse (caricature). Fun (28 July): 38. CUL-DAR140.4.5 Image
Anon. 1871. A logical refutation of Mr Darwins theory (caricature). Punch (1 April): 130. CUL-DAR140.4.3 Image
Anon. 1871. A venerable orang-outang (article). Hornet (22 March): 308. CUL-DAR141.5 Image
Anon. 1871. A venerable orang-outang, a contribution to unnatural history (caricature) Hornet (22 March). CUL-DAR141.6 Image & CUL-DAR251.1822
Anon. 1871. Anatomical characters of limpets Popular Science Review 10 (1 January): 115. CUL-DAR205.5.4 Image
Anon. 1871. Annual accounts of the Artizans, Labourers, & General Dwellings Company. [Copy not found, CCD19]
Anon. 1871. California Academy of Sciences. Nature 3 (21 September): 419-420. CUL-DAR45.177 Image
Anon. 1871. Contrivance in the corolla of Salvia involucrata. Popular Science Review 10 (July): 314. CUL-DAR49.124 Image
Anon. 1871. Curious habits of the capelin. Popular Science Review (July): 340. CUL-DAR89.32 Image
Anon. 1871. Darwin and Pickwick (poem). Punch (8 April): 145. CUL-DAR140.4.4 Image
Anon. 1871. Darwin's Descent of man. Monthly Religious Magazine 45: 501-507. link
Anon. 1871. Dr Darwin (satyrical lyrics). London: Catnach Press: [1]. CUL-DAR140.4.13 Image
Anon. 1871. Entomological Society. Nature 5 (9 November): 39b. CUL-DAR205.3.21 Image
Anon. 1871. Evolution and theology. Radical 9: 375-385.
Anon. 1871. Geological Society Nature 4 (25 May): 77-78. CUL-DAR69.A52 Image
Anon. 1871. Charles Darwin, F.R.S. [with portrait]. Illustrated Review (London) (15 November): 289-292. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection R194] PDF
Anon. 1871. Linnean Society, report of meeting of 26 April. Nature 4 (4 May): 11. CUL-DAR47.114 Image
Anon. 1871. Man an improved ape. World (New York) (21 January). CUL-DAR226.2.109[.2] PDF
Anon. 1871. Mr. Darwin, F.R.S. [with portrait]. Illustrated London News (11 March): 243-244. CUL-DAR141.4 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. Music, its origin and influence. Quarterly Review 131 (July): 145-176. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1871. Peloria in Labiatae. Academy 2 (1 August): 378. CUL-DAR193.47 Image
Anon. 1871. Philosophical Society. Minutes of the Glasgow Philosophical Society. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1871. Profile of Charles Darwin Illinois Review (November).
Anon. 1871. Spawning of the capelin. American Naturalist 5: 119-120. [CUL Unbound material] link
Anon. 1871. The angel or the ape? Echo (23 February): 4. CUL-DAR226.2.77[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1871. The ascent of man. Cosmopolitan (16 March): 792. CUL-DAR226.2.73 Image PDF
Anon. 1871. The cross-fertilisation of Scrophularia nodosa. Popular Science Review (October): 431. CUL-DAR46.2.C32 Image
Anon. 1871. The Darwinian theory. Independent, (New York) (23 March): i.
Anon. 1871. The external ear of the mouse as a tactile organ. Academy (15 October): 482. CUL-DAR69.A51 Image
Anon. 1871. The hymn of (ancient) man, a song after sunset. Spectator, pp. 705-706. CUL-DAR140.4.1 Image
Anon. 1871. The wedding procession [caricature of CD , et al]. Fun (25 March): 126. CUL-DAR140.4.2 Image
Anon. 1871. Weather tables. Bulletin de la Société des sciences Naturelles de Neuchâtel. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1871-1872. The Tatler in Cambridge. (May Term 1871, Michaelmas Term 1871, Lent Term 1872, and Easter Term 1872) Cambridge: E. Johnson. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1872. "E. L. G." and the proof of deluge. English Mechanic and World of Science 15, (June): 303-306. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 205] PDF
Anon. 1872. [report on the fifth annual soiree of the Artizans, Labourers, & General Dwellings Company, held on 20 March 1872 at the Westminster Palace Hotel.] Daily Telegraph (23 March): 5. [Copy not found, CCD20:173] [see link ]
Anon. 1872. [Review of Descent]. Westminster Review, n.s., 42 (October): 378-400. PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Athenaeum (9 November): 591; (16 November): 631-632. CUL-DAR226.2.120-121. Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Darwin in the drawing room. The Globe (7 November): 1. CUL-DAR226.2.129[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Darwin on expression in man and animals. Saturday Review 21 (16 November): 633-635. CUL-DAR226.2.137[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Darwin on the emotions. English Independent (14 November): 1208-1210. CUL-DAR226.2.125-126 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Expression. The Globe (15 November): 3. CUL-DAR226.2.129[.1]. Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 2 (April): 444-446. PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin on expression. Daily Post (Liverpool), (15 November): 3. CUL-DAR226.2.123-124 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin on Expression. Daily Telegraph (5 November): 5. CUL-DAR226.2.124-125 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin on the expression of the emotions. Examiner (23 November): 1155-1156; (7 December): 1205-1207. CUL-DAR226.2.127-128 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin's new book. Daily News (5 November): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.122 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin's new book. Literary World (29 November): 337-338. CUL-DAR226.2.132 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin's new book. Standard (8 November): 5-6. CUL-DAR226.2.141 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Mr. Darwin's new book; A new phase of Darwinism. Chicago Tribune (22 November): 2; (24 November): 6. PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Scientific Review (2 December): 176-178. CUL-DAR226.2.138-139 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. Scotsman (22 November): 2-3. CUL-DAR226.2.140-141 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. The Darwinian theory. Morning Post (6 December): 3. CUL-DAR226.2.133 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. The Lancet (7 December): 817-818; (14 December): 852-853. CUL-DAR226.2.130-131 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Expression]. The Times (13 December): 4. CUL-DAR226.2.142-144 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of Origin]. Dublin Review 18: 459-463. PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of] Dunker and Zittel, Palaeontographica: Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt. Nature 7 (21 November): 145. CUL-DAR205.9.42 Image PDF
Anon. 1872. [Review of] W. L. Buller, A history of the birds of New Zealand. Nature 6 (18 July): 219. CUL-DAR90.132 Image
Anon. 1872. American scientific intelligence. Nature 7 (21 November): 56. CUL-DAR205.9.39 Image
Anon. 1872. Causation in morals: Letter to Mr Abbott. Index (23 March): 91. CUL-DAR88.78 Image
Anon. 1872. Crystal Palace cat show. The Field (May): 27. CUL-DAR193.49 Image
Anon. 1872. Discussion of Markham - The New Hebrides and Santa Cruz groups, S.W. Pacific. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society 16 (28 December): 393-394. CUL-DAR69.A95-A96 Image
Anon. 1872. Miscellany: Darwin on expression in man and animals. Appletons' Journal 8 (issue: 196, 28 December): 733-736. PDF link
Anon. 1872. Piety and parallel (with ape caricature). Punch 63 (30 November): 222. CUL-DAR140.4.14 Image
Anon. 1872. Scales on the body of Culex. Popular Science Review 11 (January): 106. CUL-DAR89.71a Image
Anon. 1872. Sun pictures: a series of twenty heliotype illustrations of ancient and modern art with descriptive letterpress. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Low and Searle. [CUL-DAR240] link
Anon. 1872. The leaves of Drosera. Nature 6 (30 May): 92. CUL-DAR58.2.14 Image
Anon. 1872. Third annual report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts (1871). Boston. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1872. Zoology. Academy 3 (15 June): 232-233. CUL-DAR88.79[.2] Image
Anon. 1873. [article on the Darwin-themed Mardi Gras.] New Orleans Times, (26 February). [Copy not found, CCD21]
Anon. 1873. [On a hairy Russian man with a hairy son.] Lancet (25 October): 612-613. [?][Copy not found, CCD22:92]
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. Darwin on expression. New York Daily Tribune (14 January): 6. CUL-DAR226.2.134-135 Image PDF
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. Edinburgh Review 137 (April): 491-528. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. Land and Water (8 February): 103. CUL-DAR226.2.131 Image PDF
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. London Quarterly Review 40 (April): 252-257. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 218]. PDF
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. The Argus, 1st notice (23 January): 6. CUL-DAR226.2.117-119 Image PDF
Anon. 1873. [Review of Expression]. The emotions in man and animals. Pall Mall Gazette (23 April): 11-12. CUL-DAR226.2.136. Image PDF
Anon. 1873. Annual accounts of the Artizans, Labourers, & General Dwellings Company. [?][Copy not found, CCD21]
Anon. 1873. Chas. Darwin, M.A.; R.S. etc. New Orleans Times (26 February): 14. CUL-DAR226.2.183 Image PDF
Anon. 1873. Congrès international d'anthropologie et d'archéologie préhistorique (Bologna, 1871). Bologna: Fava & Gavagnani. [inscribed by Cappellini, secretary of the conference][Darwin Library-Down] link
Anon. 1873. Kingfishers and fish. Popular Science Review (October): 447. CUL-DAR53.2.125 Image
Anon. 1873. Local scientific societies. [clipping that cites Darwin's papers at Plinian Society, 1827.] Nature 9 (20 November): 38. CUL-DAR158 Image
Anon. 1873. Local scientific societies. Nature 9 (20 November): 38-40 CUL-DAR158.3
Anon. 1873. Mistick Krewe. Their coming out and going in. An object lesson in ancestry. Comus's Cabinet. Daily Picayune [or Times-Picayune ?] (New Orleans) (26 February). [Copy not found, CCD21]
Anon. 1873. Notice of Bennett, On the movements of the glands of Drosera. Nature 8 (2 October): 479-480. CUL-DAR58.2.20[.1] Image
Anon. 1873. Notice of Burdon-Sanderson, On the electrical phenomena which accompany the contractions of the leaf of Dionaea muscipula. Nature 8 (2 October): 479. CUL-DAR58.2.20 Image
Anon. 1873. On the appendix vermiformis and the evolution hypothesis. Nature 8 (16 October): 509. CUL-DAR87.71 Image
Anon. 1873. Perception and instinct in the lower animals. Nature 7 (20 March): 377-378. CUL-DAR205 Image
Anon. 1873. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences meeting of 18 February 1873. Nature 8 (5 June): 115-116. CUL-DAR205 Image
Anon. 1873. Prof. Hayden's Expedition. New York Tribune (30 July): 2. [Copy not found, CCD21]
Anon. 1873. Science at Portland. New York Daily Tribune (25 August). CUL-DAR226.2.184 Image PDF
Anon. 1873. Science at Portland. New York Daily Tribune (26? August). CUL-DAR226.2.111 Image PDF
Anon. 1874. (Chinese annals "Music hath the power of making heaven"). Index 5 (5 March): 109. CUL-DAR89.200 Image
Anon. 1874. [Darwin proposed as Rector] University Intelligence: St. Andrews. The Times (27 November): 10. Text
Anon. 1874. [Report from Hungary showing results of breeding cereals.] Brighton Guardian. [Copy not found, CCD23:190]
Anon. 1874. [Review of Expression] L'Hérédité des habitudes dans les mouvements de l'expression. Mémorial Diplomatique (March): 203-204.
Anon. 1874. [Review of] Hodge, Darwinism and evolution. New York Daily Tribune (28 April). CUL-DAR226.2.53-54 Image PDF
Anon. 1874. [Review of] Schmidt, Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus and Spengel, Die Fortschritte des Darwinismus. Jenaer Literaturzeitung 1: 7-8. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 246] PDF link
Anon. 1874. [Review of] Wilberforce's Essays contributed to the Quarterly Review. Pall Mall Gazette (22 June): 11-12. CUL-DAR226.2.185 Image PDF
Anon. 1874. Action of camphor on plant life. Gardeners' Chronicle (23 May): 671-672. CUL-DAR58.2.31 Image
Anon. 1874. American Association for the Advancement of Science at Hartford, Conn. (report) (15 August). [source unknown]. CUL-DAR45.183 Image Image
Anon. 1874. Charles Darwin. Pictorial World (6 June): 228. CUL-DAR140.1.3 Image
Anon. 1874. Comment after appointments for the ensuing week. Gardeners' Chronicle (10 October): 461. CUL-DAR58.2.44 Image
Anon. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. [Newton; Festing; Anon; Buxton; Hart; J.M.M.; M.T.M.; Beasley] Nature 10 (7 May): 6-7. CUL-DAR205-38[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1874. Flowers of the primrose destroyed by birds. Nature 9 (30 April): 509. CUL-DAR205.11.36 Image
Anon. 1874. Man not monkey [caricature excised]. Figaro (18 February): 3. CUL-DAR140.4.10 Image
Anon. 1874. Notice of Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft 25. Nature 10: 276. CUL-DAR205.3.22 Image
Anon. 1874. Notice of T. Schloesing, On the absorption of ammonia from the air by vegetables. [Nature (25 June): 158]. CUL-DAR55.82 Image Text
Anon. 1874. Notice of Timbal-Lagrave - (on variation in plants). Gardeners' Chronicle (21 March): 379. CUL-DAR47.126 Image
Anon. 1874-1876?. Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1875. "A correspondent asks for information on books relating to the development of evolution theory, especially...not too partisan or too technical…Darwin's 'Origin of Species'". Nation (18 February): 113-114. CUL-DAR226.2.181 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. "Darwin's services to horticulture". [with portrait] Gardeners' Chronicle (6 March): 308-309. CUL-DAR140.1.4 Image
Anon. 1875. [reprint from Liberal Christian on Mivart's Genesis of species ] (16 June). CUL-DAR226.2.43[.2]
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Athenaeum, no. 2490 (17 July): 88-89. CUL-DAR139.18.25 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Australasian (18 September): 360. CUL-DAR139.18.19 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Birmingham Daily Post (3 August): 6. PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Independent (New York), (9 September): 10. CUL-DAR139.18.10 PDF Image
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Insect eating plants. Standard (12 July): 2. CUL-DAR139.18.16 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Morning Post (23 December): 3. CUL-DAR139.18.18 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Mr Darwin's new book. Daily Review (16 July): 106. CUL-DAR139.18.1-2 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants].Mr. Darwin's last book: His experiments and observations on "flower traps." Daily Evening Telegraph (Philadelphia), (3 August). CUL-DAR139.18.7 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants.] Mr. Darwin's new work. New York Times (29 July): 3. CUL-DAR139.18.8 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. New York Daily Tribune (20 August): 6. CUL-DAR139.18.21 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Nonconformist (4 August). CUL-DAR139.18.28 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Popular Science Review 14 (October): 403-406. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 264]. link PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Scotsman (30 July): 2. CUL-DAR139.18.15 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants].The functions of the leaf. Gardener's Magazine (31 July): 379. CUL-DAR139.18.26 Image PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Journal of researches]. Voyage d'un naturaliste autour du monde, traduit par E Barbier. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 2d ser. 8 (February): 813-814. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. An important and peculiar discovery in natural history- can it affect agricultural interests? Wilmington Morning Star (North Carolina), (20 November): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.168 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. The Tablet (24 July): 106. CUL-DAR139.18.13 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. The Bazaar 13 (21 July): 51. CUL-DAR139.18.23 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1875. [Review of] Axel Blytt, Norges flora ["Immigration of Norwegian flora"]. Botanisker Notiser (1875): 21. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1875. [Review of] Benson, Philosophic reviews: Darwin answered, or evolution a myth (New York, Burnton). Penn Monthly (Philadelphia) 6 (May): 368-372. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 256]
Anon. 1875. "the perusal of Mr. Darwin's work on insectivorous plants". Gardeners' Chronicle (25 September): 397-398 CUL-DAR209.2.155 Image
Anon. 1875. Academy of Natural Sciences. Evening Telegraph (Philadelphia) (23 July). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1875. Charles Darwin (with portrait). Graphic (27 March): 301. CUL-DAR141.2 Image
Anon. 1875. Coral reefs of Hawaii. Popular Science Review 14: 99-100. CUL-DAR69.A97 Image
Anon. 1875. Darwin (with portrait). Neue Alpenpost (13 February): 49-50. CUL-DAR141.3 Image
Anon. 1875. Norwich Geological Society [on death of Lyell]. Norwich Mercury (13 March): 3. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1875. Note on Clivia Gardeni. Gardeners' Chronicle (25 December): 810-811. CUL-DAR52.B4 Image
Anon. 1875. Notes "Mr. Darwin demonstrated processes similar to digestion in the plant organism". Nature 17 (14 August): 455. CUL-DAR226.2.167[.2] PDF
Anon. 1875. Report of E. Morren Insect-killing powers of Pinguicula. Gardeners' Chronicle (25 September): 396. CUL-DAR226.2.157 Image PDF
Anon. 1876. [Notice of Gray on Hetermorophism in Epigoea]. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (July & August): 98. CUL-DAR109.A98-A99 Image
Anon. 1876. [Review of Climbing plants]. Quarterly Journal of Science, n.s. 6 (January): 102-106. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 260] PDF [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. A gossip about new books. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip 12: 49-52. CUL-DAR139.18.20 Image PDF
Anon. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Darwin's Insectivorous plants. North American Review 122, issue 251 (April): 425-437. Text PDF
Anon. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants ]. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 2d ser. no. 48 (21 May): 505-513. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 268] PDF
Anon. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Rooted animals of prey. Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser Australia (11 February) . CUL-DAR139.18.22 Image PDF
Anon. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Vesmír (November): 121-132. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF
Anon. 1876. [Review of Mivart, Lessons from Nature] Biological controversy and its laws. Quarterly Journal of Science 2d ser. 6 (April): 201-228. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 287] PDF link
Anon. 1876. [Review of Müller] Mimicry in butterflies explained by natural selection. American Naturalist 10: (September): 534-536. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1876. [Review of] Wiesner, Einrichtungen zum Schutz des Chlorophylls der lebenden Pflanze. Naturforscher 9 (September): 327-329. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1876. A conclusion without premisses [C. Wyville Thomson's introductory lecture at Edinburgh criticises evolution theory]. The Times, (9 November): 11. [?][Copy not found CCD24] PDF
Anon. 1876. Charles Darwin. Garden (1 January): x-xii. CUL-DAR140.1.5 Image
Anon. 1876. From the Naturforscher …Goldstein. Nature 14 (26 October): 584. CUL-DAR86.B29 Image
Anon. 1876. Natural or wild hybrids. Academy 10 (7 October): 364-365. CUL-DAR45.189 Image
Anon. 1876. Order. London: Thomas Scott [freethinking pamphlet publisher]. viii+24pp. [formerly 1905.6.148]. [CUL-1899] CUL-DAR.LIB.796 [attributed to Thomas L'Estange in an earlier CUL catalogue]
Anon. 1876. Paris Academy of Sciences…Parnassia palustrus Haeckel. Nature 13 (13 January): 220a-b. CUL-DAR86.B30 Image
Anon. 1876. Prof. Huxley in America. New York Herald Tribune (September).
Anon. 1876. Register of habitual criminals in England and Wales for the years 1869-76. Brixton: Her Majesty's Prison. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1876. Prospectus for the journal Mind. (2 copies) [Copies not found, CCD23:71] link
Anon. 1877. [On M. D. Conway and the Christian Union]. Index (27 August). CUL-DAR226.2.48[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Climbing plants]. Les plantes grimpantes, leurs mouvements et leurs habitudes. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 13 (August): 121-125. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 298, 299] PDF link
Anon. 1877. [Review of Forms of flowers]. Popular Science Review 16 (October): 406-414. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 310] link PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Les plantes insectivores. Temps (Paris) (May) 22.
Anon. 1877. [Review of Self fertilisation]. British Quarterly Review 66 (July): 232-239. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 300] PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Self fertilisation]. Gardeners' Chronicle (3 March): 276. CUL-DAR69.B53 Image PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Self fertilisation]. Graphic (10 March): 11. CUL-DAR221.3.36 PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Self fertilisation]. La fècondation directe ou croisée. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'étranger (14 April): 981-986. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 285]. PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Weismann] Science in Germany. Nature 15 (22 March): 451-452. CUL-DAR47.131 Image
Anon. 1877. [Review of] DuBois-Reymond, Darwin contre Galiani. Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 88-93. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1877. [Review of] DuBois-Reymond, Darwin contre Galiani. Revue Scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 2d ser. 12 (May): 1101-1124. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 296] link
Anon. 1877. [Review of] G. Hartlaub, Die Vögel Madagascars. Nature 16 (11 October): 498-499. CUL-DAR205.3.32-33 Image
Anon. 1877. [Reviews of Orchids and Self fertilisation]. London Quarterly Review 48 (July): 523-527. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 308] PDF
Anon. 1877. "Mr John Ahrens named his 12 pound baby boy, Darwin" [small cutting] CD: "American paper Dec. 28 1877". CUL-DAR140.5.13 Image PDF
Anon. 1877. Art sales. The Times (13 March). CUL-DAR260.20
Anon. 1877. Devices of the enemy: I—Darwinism. Record (13 August): [4]a-b. CUL-DAR140.1.11 Image
Anon. 1877. Entomological Society. Nature 16 (3 May): 20a (-20b). CUL-DAR205.2.26. Image
Anon. 1877. Growth under difficulties. Gardeners' Chronicle (29 December): 805-807. CUL-DAR139.20.1 Image ( Text Image PDF F1782)
Anon. 1877. Mr. Darwin at Cambridge. Cambridge Chronicle (24 November): 4. CUL-DAR140.1.15 Text
Anon. 1877. Mr. Darwin at Cambridge. Nature 17 (22 November): 64. CUL-DAR140.1.14. Image
Anon. 1877. Notice of C. Berg, Enumeracion de las plantas européas que se hallan como silvestres en la provincia de Buenos Aires y en Patagonia. Nature 16 (2 August): 264. CUL-DAR205.4.2 Image
Anon. 1877. Notice of J. Plateau, Is the instinct of insects deceived by artificial flowers? Nature 17 (13 Deccember): 133. CUL-DAR69.B59 Image
Anon. 1877. Societies and academies. Nature (1 November): 20. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1877. [Review of Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America]. Mr. Darwin's geological observation. Popular Science Review 16: 181. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 291] Text
Anon. 1877. [Review of Orchids]. Botanischer Jahresbericht, pp. 741-742. PDF
Anon. 1877. [Review of Orchids]. The fertilization of orchids. Popular Science Review n.s. 1: 174-180. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 291] PDF A1470
Anon. 1877. The nutrition of fruit trees (Dr. Goeppert). Gardeners' Chronicle (19 May): 622. CUL-DAR209.15.67 ImageAnon. 1877. The survival. With an apology for scepticism. London: Remington & Co. [inscribed by publisher][Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Anon. 1877. Waif from over the sea… Caesalpinia. Gardeners' Chronicle (8 September): 304. CUL-DAR205.2.25 Image
Anon. 1878. [Review of Ferdinand von Hochstetter] Insectivorous plants. Popular Science Review 10: 429-430. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Anon. 1878. [Review of Forms of flowers]. Les Variations des fleurs. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 2d ser. no. 26 (December): 601-607. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 329] PDF
Anon. 1878. [Review of Forms of flowers]. Phytogamy. The Nation (New York), (11 April): 246-248. CUL-DAR226.1.102-103 Image PDF
Anon. 1878. [Review of] Bateman, Darwinism tested by language. Chelmsford Chronicle (11 January). CUL-DAR140.1.18 Image
Anon. 1878. [Review of] Wollaston, Testacea atlantica; or, the land and freshwater shells of the Azores, Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes, and Saint Helena. Nature 17 (25 April): 503-504. CUL-DAR205.3.34 Image
Anon. 1878. [Review of] Wundt, On the expression of the emotions. Brain: a Journal of Neurology 1: 135. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1878. A believer in Darwin. Punch (7 September): 108. Image
Anon. 1878. A Darwin. La Voz de Mexico (2 February). link
Anon. 1878. A new pocket-dictionary of the English and Dutch languages. Stereotype ed. Leipzig: Otto Holtze. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF
Anon. 1878. Académie des Sciences de Paris. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger (September): 310. CUL-DAR209.6.176 Image
Anon. 1878. Bulletin des sociétés savantes. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger (August): 165-166. CUL-DAR226.1.220 Image PDF
Anon. 1878. Creed of a natural philosopher of modern times. A popular exposition of the chief results of modern natural scientific investigation. Hamburg: Wittenborn & Rosenthal. 11pp, translated by E. Wiebe from Review (Hamburg). CUL-DAR226.2.45 Image PDF[Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews]
Anon. 1878. Declaration against war. [in Russia (offprint)]. CUL-DAR209.4.435 Image
Anon. 1878. Declaration against war. [in Russia (offprint)]. CUL-DAR209.11.82 Text Image
Anon. 1878. Declaration against war. [in Russia (offprint)]. CUL-DAR209.9.51 /F2449b Text Image
Anon. 1878. La Universidad de Cambridge y Carlos Darwin. La Voz de Mexico (27 January). link
Anon. 1878. La Voz de Mexico versus Darwin. La Libertad (January): 30. link
Anon. 1878. Le Procès Lebiez et Barré: Lebiez espion étranger. Petit Journal (1 August): [1 col]. CUL-DAR226.2.22[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1878. Lecture in the Exhibition Palace [Animal intelligence by G. J. Romanes.] Irish Times (17 August): 10. [Copy not found, CCD26] PDF
Anon. 1878. Lieder gesungen beim Abschieds-Commers des Herrn Dr Ernst Carl Ziegler. Würzburg Stahel. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1878. Los redactotes de La Libertad no ban leido a Darwin. La Voz de Mexico (29 January). link
Anon. 1878. On heliotropism in plants. Nature (19 December): 161. CUL-DAR209.6.182 Image
Anon. 1878. Roman villa at Abinger, Surrey. The Times (2 January): 7f. CUL-DAR64.2.45 Image
Anon. 1878. Swimming powers of the horse. Livestock Journal and Fanciers Gazette (16 August): 137. CUL-DAR205.2.27 Image
Anon. 1878. The influence of light upon bioplasm. Nature (8 August): 398-399 CUL-DAR209.8.148-149 Image
Anon. 1878. Ya somos dos. La Voz de Mexico (31 January). link
Anon. 1879. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Athenaeum no. 2719 (6 December): 723-724. CUL-DAR226.2.172 Image PDF
Anon. 1879. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Derby Mercury (3 December): 6. CUL-DAR226.2.173[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1879. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Daily Review (Edinburgh), (3 December): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.173[.2] Image Text PDF
Anon. 1879. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Scotsman (15 December): 3. CUL-DAR226.2.177 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1879. News from Paris…[Sarcey visits Darwin]. Daily News. CUL-DAR226.2.46[.2] Image [F2001]
Anon. 1879. Notice of E. Coues, Birds of the Colorado Valley. Monthly Journal of Science 3d ser. 1 (May): 369-370. CUL-DAR205.11.48a Image
Anon. 1879. Statistical abstract relating to British India from 1868/9 to 1877/8 - Thirteenth Number. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode. [CUL-DAR240] link
Anon. 1880. [Review Movement in plants]. Standard (25 November): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.167-168 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Nature 21 (15 January): 245-247. CUL-DAR226.2.174-175 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. The history of evolutionism. Journal of Science (January): 1-8. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 324] PDF link
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Athenaeum no. 2773 (18 December): 817-818. CUL-DAR226.1.15. Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Daily Free Press. CUL-DAR226.1.1. Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Gardeners' Chronicle (27 November): 692-693. CUL-DAR226.1.56 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Mr. Darwin on the movements of plants. Pall Mall Gazette (26 November): 11. CUL-DAR226.1.127. Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Mr. Darwin on the movements of plants. St. James's Gazette (7 December): 13-14. CUL-DAR226.1.141 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Mr. Darwin's new book. Glasgow Herald (22 November): 5. CUL-DAR226.1.60 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. New work by Mr. Darwin. Daily Free Press (Aberdeen), (22 November): 5. CUL-DAR226.1.1 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Scotsman (25 December): 8-9. CUL-DAR226.1.159 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. The Times (20 November): 9. CUL-DAR226.1.171 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Examiner (27 November): 1333. CUL-DAR226.1.51 Text Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of Movement in plants]. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions (11 December): 486. CUL-DAR226.1.130[.1] Text Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of] O'Neill, refutation of Darwinism. Nation (4 March): 182. CUL-DAR226.1.104 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. [Review of] ONeill, A Philadephia lawyer's view of Darwinism. Literary World 23 (27 March): 104-105. CUL-DAR226.1.79-80 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. Bulletin des sociétés savantes. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger (20 November): 503-504. CUL-DAR63.48 Image
Anon. 1880. Digestion in plants…Lawson Tait. Nature 22 (30 September): 521-522. CUL-DAR63.38 Image
Anon. 1880. Encouragement of original research: The Darwin prize. Midland Naturalist 3 (32) (August): 181-182. CUL-DAR226.2.46[.1] Image PDF[ Text Image PDF F1993]
Anon. 1880. Excursion to Down. Lewisham and Blackheath Scientific Association Report 2: 19-20. CUL-DAR226.1.77 Text Image
Anon. 1880. Sensitiveness in the Acacia…T. L. Phipson. Popular Science Review : 272-273. CUL-DAR209.12.190 Image
Anon. 1880. The Darwins. Leisure Hour (11 September): 584-589. CUL-DAR226.1.73-76 Image PDF
Anon. 1880. The effects of uninterrupted sunlight on plants. Nature (29 January): 311-312 CUL-DAR209.6.181
Anon. 1880. The Roman villa near Brading. The Times (2 November): 10b (part issue) CUL-DAR210.6.167 Image
Anon. 1880. Varieties…Dr. Robert Darwin. [Leisure Hour (September)]. CUL-DAR226.1.76 Image PDF
Anon. 1880-1881. Fauna und flora des golfes von Neapel, parts 1-4. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [ESC Library]. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Anon. 1880s. "Some fine examples of Sevres, Chelsea and Worcester china" [source unknown]. CUL-DAR260.34
Anon. 1881. "Darwin…has written a letter to Professor Holmgren". Spectator (23 April): 527. CUL-DAR139.17.16 Image
Anon. 1881. "The discussion on vivisection…Darwin…Holmgren". The Times (9 May): 12f. CUL-DAR139.17.12 Image
Anon. 1881. (cuttings concerning Mr. Carlyles reminiscences.) [source unknown] CUL-DAR210.9.19a-g
Anon. 1881. [Obituary of Erasmus Alvey Darwin]. Daily News (30 August): 1. CUL-DAR210.9.20
Anon. 1881. [Obituary of Erasmus Alvey Darwin]. Daily News (30 August): 4-5. CUL-DAR226.1.41 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, etc., 25 (2 November): 462-463. CUL-DAR226.1.21. Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Belgian News and Continental Advertiser (3 December). CUL-DAR226.1.22 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Christian World 31. CUL-DAR226.1.31-32 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Daily Free Press (19 October). CUL-DAR226.1.36-37 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Daily Review (12 October): 4. CUL-DAR226.1.42-43 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. English Churchman and Clerical Journal (1 December). CUL-DAR226.1.49[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Gardeners' Chronicle (15 October): 500. CUL-DAR226.1.58 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Glasgow Herald (11 October): 5. CUL-DAR226.1.61 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Gwaith newydd Mr Darwin. Y Goleuad (Wales), (15 October): 8-9. CUL-DAR226.1.238-239 PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Inverness Northern Chronicle (14 December). CUL-DAR226.1.66 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Knowledge (4 November): 14. CUL-DAR226.1.70 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Land (26 November): 297-298. CUL-DAR226.1.72[.2] Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Literary World (21 October): 257-259. CUL-DAR226.1.81 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Literary World 12 (17 December): 478-479. CUL-DAR226.1.82-83 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Montagsblatt der St. Petersburger Zeitung (23 November; 5 December). CUL-DAR226.1.272 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Morning Post (23 December): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.97-98 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. National Reformer (London) (October) 30: 364-365.
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. North British Agriculturalist. CUL-DAR226.1.115[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Pall Mall Gazette (13 October): 12. CUL-DAR226.1.128 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Saturday Review (5 November): 578-579. CUL-DAR226.1.152-153. Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Scotsman (29 October): 10. CUL-DAR226.1.160 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. St. James's Gazette (17 October): 13. CUL-DAR226.1.142 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Standard (15 October): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.168-169 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. The Field (29 October): 620. CUL-DAR226.1.53[.1] Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. The Guardian (2 November): 1549-1550. CUL-DAR226.1.63 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. The Mace (1 November): 4. CUL-DAR226.1.91 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. The plough of the animal world. Spectator (22 October): 1334-1336. CUL-DAR226.1.166 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. The Times (10 October): 4. CUL-DAR226.1.172 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Western Daily Mercury (Plymouth) , (26 October): 3. CUL-DAR226.1.175 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Worms and their work. Boy's Newspaper (9 November): 4. CUL-DAR226.1.26 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms].Worms! Daily Telegraph (18 October). CUL-DAR226.1.44-45 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Zoologist 3d ser. 5 (December): 495-499. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 338] PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Daily Review (Edinburgh) (14 January): 9. CUL-DAR226.1.49[.1]. Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Darwin on plants. John Bull (19 February): 10-11. CUL-DAR226.1.67[.1] Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Manchester Guardian (9 March): 7. CUL-DAR226.1.93 PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Midland Counties Herald. CUL-DAR226.1.96. Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Nation 32 (6 January): 17-18. CUL-DAR226.1.105 Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Saturday Review (8 January): 57-58. CUL-DAR226.1.151. Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Science 2, no. 39 (26 March): 144. CUL-DAR226.1.154 Image Text
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Spectator (8 January): 51-52.CUL-DAR226.1.165. Image PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. St. James's Magazine 40 (February): 137-143. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 331] PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Analyses of books. Journal of Science 3d ser. 3 (November): 671-673. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 342] Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Darwin on earthworms. Land and Water (3 December). CUL-DAR226.1.72[.1] Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Darwin on worms. The Lancet (22 October): 721-722. CUL-DAR226.1.71 Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Exchanges. Journal of Forestry (December). CUL-DAR226.1.68[.1]. Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Book Buyer (New York), (1 November). CUL-DAR226.1.24 Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. North British Daily Mail (20 October): 2. CUL-DAR226.1.115[.2] Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of Movement in plants]. Westminster Review, 2d ser. 59: 304-305. CUL-DAR226.1.176. Image Text PDF
Anon. 1881. [Review of] Butler, Unconscious memory. British Journal of Homoeopathy (1 January): 67-73. CUL-DAR92.B109-B113 Image
Anon. 1881. [Review of] Butler, Unconscious memory. Journal of Science 3d ser. 3 (January): 41-45. CUL-DAR92.B114-B116 Image
Anon. 1881. [The will of Erasmus Alvey Darwin]. The Times (7 October): 4. Text
Anon. 1881. Bibliographical record. Psyche: a Journal of Entomology vol. 3. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Anon. 1881. Charles Darwin and the origin of species. Oracle (23 April). CUL-DAR226.1.123[.1] Image
Anon. 1881. Evolution. Oracle (30 April). CUL-DAR226.1.123[.2] Image
Anon. 1881. Hegel über Darwin. Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung (17 April). CUL-DAR226.1.282 PDF
Anon. 1881. Mr Darwin on vivisection (reprint of letter to The Times). Nature 23: 583 CUL-DAR139.17.4
Anon. 1881. Mr Darwin on vivisection. The Times (18 April). CUL-DAR13917.15 Text Image PDF F1352
Anon. 1881. Mr Darwin on vivisection. The Times (18 April). CUL-DAR139.17.7 Text Image PDF F1352
Anon. 1881. Mr Darwin on vivisection. Zoophilist (2 May) (special supplement): 17-24 CUL-DAR139.17.6 Text Image s
Anon. 1881. Obituary of Erasmus Alvey Darwin. Daily News (30 August). CUL-DAR231.1
Anon. 1881. On Hydrangeas. Gardener's Chronicle. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1881. Papers of the Department of Education. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Anon. 1881. The proposed memorial to Dean Stanley. The Times (13 December): 8. Text Image
Anon. 1881. The Times. Register of events in 1880. London: The Times Office. [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. 1881. Ueber den Ursprung des atmosphärischen Stauben. Der Naturforscher. Wochenblatt zur Verbreitung der Fortschritte in den Naturwissenschaften 14 (11 July): 225-226. (whole issue) [Copy not found, CCD29:446] link
Anon. 1882. "The University of Naples." [source unknown]: [small cutting]. CUL-DAR238.6.4
Anon. 1882. [Review of and translated passages from Earthworms]. Die Regenwuermer. Deutsche Landwirthschaftliche Zeitung (31 January; 1 April). CUL-DAR226.1.225-226 Image
Anon. 1882. [Review of Earthworms]. Hibernia (Dublin) 1 (2 January): 11-12. CUL-DAR226.1.64 Image PDF
Anon. 1882. [Review of Earthworms]. Worms as earthmakers. The Critic (14 January): 9. CUL-DAR226.1.35 Text Image PDF
Anon. 1882. [two articles/letters on an ongoing disagreement in which J. F. Simpson was involved.] Paddington, Kensington and Bayswater Chronicle (7 & 15? January). [Copy not found, CCD30:15, 30]
Anon. 1882. Steudel's Nomenclator. Nature 25 (5 January): 223. CUL-DAR226.1.113 Image PDF
Anon. 1882. Transit of Venus. Brisbane Courier [?] CUL-DAR239.1.6.17
Anon. n.d. Jack the giant killer. [H. E. Litchfield, CUL-DAR246]
Anon. n.d. [unidentified item in French]: 17-48. Noted "oddments" in CUL MS room catalogue. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1700]
Anon. n.d. Cordillera de los Andes. Industria. (Extract) [Philosophical Tracts, i. 25.]
Anon. n.d. Engraving of Joseph Gottlieb Koelreuter. outsize. CUL-DAR.LIB.795
Anon. n.d. Natural History (A volume of plates 8° ("Vauthier" on the plates.) [CUL-DAR240]
Anon. n.d. Tables concerning measurement of force of gravity. [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.2074
Anon. n.d. Die Fortschritte des Darwinismus. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 318]
Anon. 1868? Prospectus of the School of Mines and of Science applied to the Arts. [?][Copy not found, CCD16:151]
Anon. The fair carew, or, husbands and wives. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Anquétil, Louis-Pierre. 1818. L'esprit de la ligué: ou, histoire politique des troubles de France, pendant les XVIe & XVIIe siècles. 2 vols. Paris: Janet et Cotelle. < [CUL-1899] (CUL: 8500.d.22-23) link
Ansted, David Thomas. 1845. Geology as a branch of education. London: John Van Voorst. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ansted, David Thomas. 1847. The ancient world; or, picturesque sketches of creation. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL-DAR240] link PDF
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 1871-1875.
Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.
vols. 1-4. link
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U354] vol. 1 no. 1 1871.01-1871.07: 1-120, i-clx;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U355] vol. 1 no. 2 1871.05-1871.10: 121-264, with adverts;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U356] vol. 1 no. 3 1871.11-1872.01: 265-427;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U357] vol. 2 no. 1 1872.02-1872.04: 1-136;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U358] vol. 2 no. 2 1872.07-1872.10: 137-312;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U359] vol. 2 no. 3 1873.01: 313-455;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U360] vol. 3 no. 1 1873.02-1873.04: 1-136;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U361] vol. 3 no. 2 1873.07-1873.10: 137-304;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U362] vol. 3 no. 3 1874.01: 305-539;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U363] vol. 3 no. 3 1874.01: back cover only;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U364] vol. 4 no. 1 1874.04-1874.07: 1-308;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U365] vol. 4 no. 2 1875.04: 309-508.
Anthropological Society of London. 1867. Catalogue of books in the Library of the Anthropological Society of London, up to December 31st, 1866. London. [CUL-DAR240]
Anthropological Society of London. 1870-1871.
Journal of Anthropology.
London. link
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U523] vol. 1 no. 1 1870.07: 1-116, cix-clii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U524] vol. 1 no. 2 1870.10: 117-244, cliii-clxxxiv;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U525] vol. 1 no. 3 1871.01: 245-364, i-xl.
Anthropological Society of London. Anthropologia. London. 1873-1874. vol. 1, no. 1 1873.10: pp. 1-128 [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U352], 1 no. 2 1874.03: pp. 129-280 [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U353]. [Proceedings of the London Anthropological Society]. link
Anthropological Society of London.
Anthropological Review and Journal of the Anthropological Society of
1863-1871. [formerly Q460.c.5.8] [CUL-1899]
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U366] vol. 1 no. 1 1863.05: 1-192; and Williams and
Norgate's publications: 8pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U367] vol. 1 no. 2 1863.08: 193-336, i-xxxiv;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U368] vol. 1 no. 3 1863.11: 337-499;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U369] vol. 2 no. 4 1864.02: 1-64, i-xcvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U370] vol. 2 no. 5 1864.05: 65-152, xcvii-clxxvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U371] vol. 2 no. 6 1864.08: 153-232, clxxvii-cclvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U372] vol. 2 no. 7 1864.11: 233-347, i-iv, cclvii-ccxcii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U373] vol. 3 no. 8 1865.02: 1-88, i-lxxx;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U374] vol. 3 no. 9 1865.05: 89-184, lxxxi-cxliv;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U375] vol. 3 no. 10 1865.07: 185-232, cxlv-ccxcvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U376] vol. 3 no. 11 1865.10: 233-378, ccxvii-cccxviii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U377] vol. 4 no. 12 1866.01: 1-122, i-xxxii; and
Popular Magazine of Anthropology
no. 1, 1866.01: 1-48;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U378] vol. 4 no. 13 1866.04: 113-208, xxxiii-xcvi; and
Popular Magazine of Anthropology 2, 1866.04: 49-88;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U379] vol. 5 nos. 18-19 1867.07-1867.10: 257-376,
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U380] vol. 6 no. 20 1868.01: 1-120, i-xxxii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U381] vol. 6 no. 21 1868.04: 121-224, xxxiii-xcvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U382] vol. 6 no. 22 1868.07: 225-328, xcvii-clx;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U383] vol. 6 no. 23 1868.10: 329-468, clxi-cxcvii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U384] vol. 7 no. 24 1869.01: 1-120, i-xlviii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U385] vol. 7 no. 15 1869.04: 121-216, xlix-cxii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U386] vol. 7 no. 26 1869.07: 217-332, cxiii-clxxvi;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U387] vol. 7 no. 17 1869.10: 333-432, cbcxvii-ccxxxvii;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U388] vol. 8 1870-1871: cix-clxviii, 1-220, i-cviii,
Anthropological Society of London. Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London. 1863-1869. vols. 1, 3. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Arbeiten des Botanischen Instituts in Würzburg. 1874-1882. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1 link vol. 2. link
Arcangeli, G. 1879. Osservazioni sulla fiorituradel Dracunculus. Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano . [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Archbold, John Frederick. 1854. Justice of the peace, and parish officer; with the practice of country attornies in criminal cases. And a tabular arrangement of offences and their punishment, &c. 4 vols. London: Shaw and Sons. [CUL-DAR240]
Archiac, étienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de Saint-Simon. 1847. Histoire des progrès de la géologie de 1834 à 1845. Paris: Au lieu des séances de la Société. vol. 1. CUL-DAR.LIB.725 PDF link
Archibald, E. Douglas. 1879. Insect gall-buds. Nature (15 May): 55. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Architecture n.d. [illeg]. [CUL-DAR240]
Archiv für Anthropologie. 1866-1869. Braunschweig. 2 vols: zweites heft, drittes und viertes heft. [previous CUL record: "1866-1871. vols. 1 (2), 3 (3-4), 4 (issues with pages 329-330, 335-338, 343-344) (1871)."] CUL-DAR.LIB.726 PDF
Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale. Paris. 1872. [CUL-DAR240] link
Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles. Harlem. [CUL-DAR240] link
Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia. 1844. Florence. 2 parts. 4to. [CUL-DAR240]
Areschoug, Fredrik Wilhelm Christian. 1873. Rubus idaeus, its affinities and origin. Journal of Botany 11: 108. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Areschoug, Fredrik Wilhelm Christian. 1877. Beiträge zur Biologie der Holzgewächse. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. (Lunds Universitets Årsskrift vol. 12) [Darwin Library-CUL][Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1862. [Review of Orchids and five other works]. The supernatural. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 116 (October): 378-397. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 103]. PDF
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas.1864. [Review of Origin]. On Darwin's theory of development. Scotsman (6 December): 4. CUL-DAR226.1.157-159 Image PDF
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1864. Opening address to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 5 (December): 264-292. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 65] PDF link
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1867. The reign of law. London: Strachan. CUL-DAR.LIB.101 Text Image link
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1869. Primeval man: an examination of some recent speculations. London: Strachan. CUL-DAR.LIB.102 link PDF
Argyll, Duke of, Campbell George Douglas. 1871. On variety as an aim in nature. Contemporary Review 17 (May): 153-160. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 162] PDF
Aristotle. 1882. On the parts of animals. Translated with introduction and notes by W. Ogle, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] link / link
Armstrong, William George. 1863. [Presidential address.] Report of the 33d meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. li-lxiv. [Copy not found, CCD11:584] link
Arnold, Matthew. 1873. Literature and dogma: an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. London: Smith, Elder. [inscribed "To Mr. Darwin - with the authors sincere respect"] [Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, Special Collections, University of Delaware Library.] link [inscription: link ]
Arnott, Neil. 1833. Elements of physics or natural philosophy. 5th ed. 2 vols. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Darwin Library-CUL] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Arnott, Neil. 1861. A survey of human progress, from the savage state to the highest civilization yet attained: A progress as little perceived by the multitude in any age, as is the slow growing of a tree by the children who play under its shade - but which is leading to a new condition of mankind on Earth .London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Arrowsmith, Aaron. 1823. A new general atlas, constructed from the latest authorities. Edinburgh: A. Constable and London: Longman. on Beagle. (CUL Adv.b.79.18) Text
Arruda Furtado, Francisco d'. 1880. A proposito da distribuição dos molluscos terrestres nos Açores. Era Nova 1: 267-281. [Copy not found, CCD29] link
Arruda Furtado, Francisco d'. 1880. Indagações sobre a complicação das maxillas de alguns helices naturalisados nos Açores com respeito ás das mesmas especias observadas por Moquin Tandon em França. Lisbon: Neves. [Enquiry on the complexity of the jaws of some Helixes] (from: Era Nova 1: 135-143.) [inscribed][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Arthur, W. 1878. On the brown trout introduced into Otago. [Read 9 July.] Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 11: 271-290, pl. XIII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1869. Ueber Dimorphie der Diplanche serotina. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (21 December): 39. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1871. [Review of] Delpino, Sulla dicogamia vegetale e specialmente su quella dei cereali. Botanische Zeitung 29 (August): 537-540. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1871. Die Geographische Verbreitung der See-gräser. Petermann's Geographische Mittheilungen 17: 241-248. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1871. Federico Delpino's Eintheilung der Pflanzen nach dem Mechanismus der dichogamischen Befruchtung und Bemerkungen über die Befruchtungsvorgänge bei Wasserpflanzen. Mitgetheilt und mit einigen Zusätzen versehen von P. Ascherson. Botanische Zeitung 29: 443-445, 447-459, 463-467. link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1871. Über die Bestäubung bei Juncus bufonius Linn. Botanische Zeitung 29 (August): 551-556. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1872. An Herrn Gerstäcker's Mittheilungen über die geographische Verbreitung der Insecten Ost-Afrika's. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. 37-38. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1872. Noch einige Beobachtungen über die Bestäubung bei Juncus bufonius L. Botanische Zeitung 30: 697-699. CUL-DAR133.19.5. Image
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1872. Ueber Asplenium adulterinum. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1873. 'Representative species.' [Die Umgrenzung der Arten, Varietäten und Formen[?]][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1875. Pirus malus…die geographische Verbreitung der Geschlechter von Stratiotes Aloides L. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (June): 101-106. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1876. Zugänge zur Kenntniss der geographischen Verbreitung der Seegräser aus de Jahre 1875. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin. (18 January): 1-6. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1877. (Delpino's Rivista). Sitzungsberichte des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg 19: 84-86. CUL-DAR136.8a
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1877. Über einen in der Berliner Flora kürzlich aufgefundenen Bastard von Dianthus superbus L. und D. barbatus L. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (June): 177-182. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1877. Ueber Dianthus-Bastarde. (from: Sitzungsbericht der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin vom 19. Juni 1877.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1880. (Diplachne serotina). Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 39 (21 December). CUL-DAR133.19.9
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1880. Bestäubung einiger Helianthemum-Arten. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (July): 97-108. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August. 1880. Frostbeschädigungen an aegyptischen Culturgewäclisen. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (June): 92-95. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1850. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta. vol. 19 pt 2. [CUL-DAR240] link
Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1871, 1882. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1871 (September-November), 1882 (February). [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1871-1880. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 40 (169-171), 41 (174); n.s. 43 (2), 49. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1875.08. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 2d ser. 43 'extra': i-xxiv, 1-167. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U96] link
Askenasy, Eugen. 1870. Ueber den Einfluss des Wachsthumsmediums auf die Gestalt der Pflanzen. Botanische Zeitung 28: 193-201; 225-239. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Askenasy, Eugen. 1872. Beiträge zur Kritik der Darwin'schen Lehre. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. CUL-DAR.LIB.11 PDF
Askenasy, Eugen. 1879. Ueber das Aufblühen der Gräser. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins von Heidelberg 2: 261-273. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Assézat, Jules. 1874. [Review of Descent]. Journal des débats (21 June). CUL-DAR226.2.64 Image PDF
Association of Liberal Thinkers. 1878. Constitution, as adopted June 14, 1878. [from Moncure Conway]. CUL-DAR161.221v Image
Astur. 1861. Nest of thrush. The Field (1 January): 475. CUL-DAR205.11.8 Image
Athenaeum Club. 1845. A catalogue of the library of the Athenaeum. Printed for the members. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Athenaeum Club. 1847. Index for 1847. Athenaeum : i-viii. CUL-DAR139.3.1 Image
Athenaeum Club. 1851. Supplement to the catalogue of the library of the Athenaeum, printed in 1845; with a classified index of subjects. London. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Athenaeum, London. n.d. [CD subscribed for many years to this periodical. See letter to J. D. Hooker, 23 April 1861.]
Atkinson, R. W. 1881. The chemistry of saké-brewing. Tokyo: Tokio Daigaku. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1875-1880. Rome.
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1660] 2d ser. vol. 3 no. 1 1875.12-1876.01: 9-40, i-viii,
1-84, 1-40;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1661] 2d ser. vol. 3 no. 2 1876.02-1876.04: 41-96, ix-xl,
85-360, 41-112;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1662] 2d ser. vol. 5 1875-1876: 637-1196 (published 1880);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1663] 2d ser. vol. 7 1875-1876: 263pp (published 1880);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1664] 3d ser. vol. 3 1878-1879: Scienze morali, storiche e
filologiche 613pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1665] 3d ser. vol. 3 1878-1879: Scienze fisiche,
matematiche e naturali 510pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1666] 3d ser. vol. 7 1879-1880: Scienze fisiche,
matematiche e naturali 433pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1667] 3d ser. vol. 8 1879-1880: Scienze fisiche,
matematiche e naturali 416pp.
Atti della Società italiana di Scienze naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Milano. [CUL-DAR240] link
Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean François d'. 1814. An account of the basalts of Saxony, with observations on the origin of basalt in general. P. Neill, trans. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co. CUL-DAR.LIB.13 PDF
Aubuisson de Voisins, Jean Francois d'. 1819. Traité de géognosie: exposé des connaissances actuelles sur la constitution physique et minérale du globe terrestre. 2 vols. Strasbourg et Paris: F. G. Levrault. [signed in vol. 1: 'C. Darwin HMS Beagle'] CUL-DAR.LIB.12 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text
Audubon, John James and Bachman, John. 1846. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America. New York: J. J. Audubon. CUL-DAR.LIB.15 link PDF
Audubon, John James. 1826. Account of the habits of the Turkey Buzzard (Vultura aura), particularly with the view of exploding the opinion generally entertained of its extraordinary power of smelling. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 2 (October-December): 172-184. [signed][Darwin copy for sale: Swann Galleries. Natural history: Books by and about Agassiz… 1975.] PDF link
Audubon, John James. 1831-1839. Ornithological biography: Birds of the United States of America. 5 vols. Edinburgh: Adam Black. [on Beagle] CUL-DAR.LIB.14 vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link PDF vol. 3 link PDF vol. 4 link PDF vol. 5 link PDF
Austen, Jane. 1814. Mansfield Park. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Austen, Jane. 1816. Emma. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Austen, Jane. 1817. Persuasion. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Austen, Jane. 1881. Sense and sensibility. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Austen, N. L. 1867. The crested Anolis. Land and Water (27 July): 9. CUL-DAR82.B67 Image
Austin, C. F. 1878. Agaricus with the odor of chlorine. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 6: 278-279. [CCD27] PDF link
Aveling, Edward Bibbins. 1878. Darwin and his work. Student's Magazine and Science and Art 78 (2 September): 32-33. (whole issue)[Copy not found, CCD26:394]
Aveling, Edward Bibbins. 1878. Darwin and his work…The naturalist's voyage around the world. Student's Magazine and Science and Art 78 (1 October): 55-57. CUL-DAR226.1.169-170 Image PDF
Aveling, Edward Bibbins. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Worms. National Reformer (30 October): 364-365. CUL-DAR226.1.106 Image Text PDF
Aveling, Edward Bibbins. 1881. The student's Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing Company. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Axell, Severin. 1869. Om anordningarna för de fanerogama växternas befruktning. Stockholm: Iwar Haeggströms Boktryckeri. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Axon, William E. A. 1874. On the relative proportion of the sexes. Manchester Statistical Society. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ayrault, Eugène. 1867. De l'industrie mulassière en Poitou. Niort: L. Clouzot. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.16 PDF
Azara, Félix de. 1801. Essais sur l'histoire Naturelle des quadrupèdes de la province du Paraguay. Paris: Charles Pougens. 2 vols. [on Beagle?][Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.17 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF
Azara, Félix de. 1809. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale, par Don Félix de Azara, commissaire et commandant des limites espagnoles dans le Paraguay depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801; contenant la description géographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la rivière de La Plata; l'histoire de la découverte et de la conquête de ces contrées; des détails nombreux sur leur histoire Naturelle, et sur les peuples sauvages qui les habitent; le récit des moyens employés par les Jésuites pour assujétir et civiliser les indigènes, etc. Publiés d'après les manuscrits de l'auteur, avec une notice sur sa vie et ses écrits, par C. A. Walckenaer; enrichis de notes par G. Cuvier, secrétaire perpétuel de la classe des sciences physiques de l'Institut, etc. Suivis de l'histoire Naturelle des oiseaux du Paraguay etc de La Plata, par le même auteur, traduite, d'après l'original espagnol, et augmentée d'un grand nombre de notes, par M. Sonnini; accompagnés d'un atlas de cong-cinq planches. 4 vols. and atlas. Paris: Dentu. [on Beagle ?] (Atlas = outsize) CUL-DAR.LIB.18 vol. 1 Text link PDF vol. 2 Text link PDF vol. 3 Text link PDF vol. 4 Text link PDF
B. 1876. Hybridization in relation to grafting. Garden 10 (7 October): 349-350. CUL-DAR205.7.12 Image
B. 1877. Lancashire show gooseberries. Gardeners' Chronicle (15 September): 332. CUL-DAR67.16 Image
B. A. E. 1877. Diseased vaccinium. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 6 (July): 164. CUL-DAR133.19.14 Image
B. G. S. 1870. Freshwater crustacea of Norway. Nature 2 (3 May): 455. CUL-DAR205.3.14 Image
B. M. R. 1861. Swedish expedition to Spitzbergen. Athenaeum (7 December): 766. CUL-DAR205.2.11 Image
Babbage, Charles. 1847. Observations on the Temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli near Naples: with an attempt to explain the causes of the frequent elevation and depression of large portions of the earth's surface in remote periods, and to prove that those causes continue in action at the present day; with a supplement, conjectures on the physical condition of the surface of the moon. London: Richard and John E. Taylor. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Babbitt, James Bradford. 1875. Theory of the Earth; or, the periodically recurring superficial changes, or geological revolutions, in the Earth's crust; also, the changes in the organic world, indicated in the geological record; together with the proximate cause of the same, viz: the climatal vicissitudes of former times, considered with reference to the proper motion of the earth, involved in the astronomical appearance known as the "diminution of the obliquity of the ecliptic to the equator.". Taunton, Mass.: Author's edition. (CUL: 8340.d.11) [CUL-1899] [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Babington, Charles Cardale. 1842. Dytiscidae Darwinianae; or, descriptions of the species of Dytiscidae collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., M.A. Sec. G. S. &c., in South America and Australia during his voyage in H.M.S. Beagle. [Read 4 June 1838.] Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 3: 1-17. Text Image PDF
Babington, Charles Cardale. 1851. Manual of British botany. 3d ed. London: John Van Voorst. CUL-DAR.LIB.19 link PDF
Babuchin, A. 1876. Uebersicht der neuen Untersuchungen über Entwickelung, Bau und physiologische Verhältnisse der elektrischen and pseudoëlektrischen Organe. Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie, und wissenschaftliche Medicin (January): 501-542. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bachmaier, Anton. 1874. Einiges über Sprache. [Lecture before the Münchener Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte (Munich Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory), 20 January and February 1874]. [Copy not found nor identified, CCD23:115]
Bachman, J. 1834. An account of some experiments made on the habits of the vultures inhabiting Carolina, the Turkey Buzzard, and the Carrion Crow, particularly as it regards the extraordinary powers of smelling, usually attributed to them. (offprint from: Charleston Medical Journal and Review 5 (3): 328-344.) [CUL-DAR262.8][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baer, Karl Ernst von. 1873. Entwickelt sich die Larve der einfachen Ascidien in der ersten Zeit nach dem Typus der Wirbelthiere? Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg 19(8): 1-35. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baer, Karl Ernst von. 1873. Zum Streit über den Darwinismus. Allgemeine Zeitung, no. 130: 1986-1988. PDF link
Baerenbach, Friedrich von [Frigyes Medveczky]. 1876. Johann Gottfried von Herder ein Vorgänger der Darwinschen Theorie. Neue Freie Presse (12 October): 4. CUL-DAR140.1.8 Image
Baerenbach, Friedrich von [Frigyes Medveczky]. 1877. Herder als Vorgänger Darwin's und der modernen Naturphilosophie: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Entwickelungslehre im 18. Jahrhundert. Berlin: Verlag von Theobald Grieben. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 277] PDF link
Baerenbach, Friedrich von [Frigyes Medveczky]. 1878. Gedanken ueber die Teleologie in der Natur: ein Beitrag zur Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften. Berlin: Theobald Grieben. (Dedicated to Darwin) [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Baerenbach, Friedrich von [Frigyes Medveczky]. 1879. Grundlegung der kritischen Philosophie. Erster Theil. Prolegomena zu einer anthropologischen Philosophie. Leipzig: J. A. Barth. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Baerenbach, Friedrich von. 1877. Das Problem einer Naturgeschichte des Weibes. Jena: Hermann Duft. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.20 PDF
Bagehot, Walter. 1867. Physics and politics. No. I. The pre-economic age. Fortnightly Review n.s. 2: 518-538. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection 572] PDF link
Bagehot, Walter. 1868. Physics and politics. No. II.—The age of conflict. Fortnightly Reviewn.s. 3: 452-471. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection 572] PDF link
Bagehot, Walter. 1872. Physics and politics: or thoughts on the application of the principles of 'natural selection' and 'inheritance' to political society. London: Henry S. King. [inscribed, signed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bagehot, Walter. 1881. Biographical studies, edited by Richard Holt Hutton. London: Longmans, Green. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Baildon, Henry Bellyse. 1877. Botany in reference to some modern speculations. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions 3d ser. 7 (March): 777-782. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 281] PDF link
Baildon, Henry Bellyse. 1879. Thoughts on botany. London: Stevens & Richardson. (from: Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 315] PDF link
Baildon, Henry Bellyse. 1880. The spirit of Nature: being a series of interpretative essays on the history of matter from the atom to the flower. London: J. & A. Churchill. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bailey, Charles. 1875. Excursion to Dunham Massey. The water buttercups of the English flora. Annual Report of the Manchester Scientific Students' Association. Salford: Slater, pp. 11-16. CUL-DAR45.192-195 Image
Bailey, Samuel. 1826. Essays on the formation and publication of opinions and on other subjects. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. London: Printed for R. Hunter. [CUL-1899] PDF link
Bailey, W. W. 1876. Dimorphism… Bouvardia leiantha. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 6: 106. CUL-DAR110.B119 Image
Baillon, H. 1856. Des mouvements dans les organes sexuels des végétaux et dans les produits de ces organes. Paris: Rignoux. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baillon, H. 1875. Sur une grousse chinoise de Shangai et sur les Gymnocladus. Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Paris : 33-36. CUL-DAR136.15b Image
Baily, William Hellier. 1866. Fossil plants from the south of Ireland. Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Dublin 5: 41-45. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baily, William Hellier. 1875. Figures of characteristic British fossils: with descriptive remarks. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Bain, Alexander. 1864. The senses and the intellect. 2d ed. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green. CUL-DAR.LIB.22 PDF
Bain, Alexander. 1865. The emotions and the will. 2d ed. London: Longmans, Green & Co. CUL-DAR.LIB.21 link PDF
Bain, Alexander. 1866. The feelings and the will physiologically considered. Fortnightly Review 3 (January): 575-588. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 261] PDF link
Bain, Alexander. 1873. 'Darwin on expression:' being a postscript to The senses and the intellect. London, pp. 697-714. CUL-DAR53.1.B51-B61 Image Text PDF
Bain, Alexander. 1875. The emotions and the will. 3d ed. London: Longmans, Green & Co. [Darwin Library-Down, card from author] PDF link
Bain, Andrew Geddes. 1839. An extract from a letter addressed to Dr. Andrew Smith by A. G. Bain, Esq., dated Graham Town, Cape of Good Hope, February 21st, 1839. Communicated by Charles Darwin. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, 3: 152. Text link
Baird, Spencer Fullerton. 1866. The distribution and migrations of the North American birds: Abstract of a memoir presented to the National-Academy of Sciences, Jan, 1865. American Journal of Science and Arts 41: 78-90, 184-192, 337-347. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baird, William. 1861. Description of a new species of Branchipus (B. eximius), from the Pool of Gihon in Jerusalem. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8: 209-210, pl. XII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Baird, William. 1875. The natural history of the British Entomostraca. London: Ray Society. CUL-DAR.LIB.23 link PDF
Baker, John Gilbert. 1875. Elementary lessons in botanical geography. London: Lovell, Reeve & Co. [inscribed]. CUL-DAR.LIB.24 link PDF
Balbiani, Édouard-Gérard. 1866. On the reproduction and embryogeny of the Aphides. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 18: 62-69, 106-109. [CUL Unbound material] PDF link
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1874. A preliminary account of the development of Elasmobranch fishes. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science n.s. 14: 323-364. (whole issue) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1875. A comparison of the early stages in the development of vertebrates. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 15: 207-226. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1876-1878. The development of Elasmobranch fishes. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 10: 377-411, 517-570, 672-688; 11: 128-172, 406-490, 674-706; 12: 177-216. [CUL Unbound material] link
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1878. A monograph on the development of Elasmobranch fishes. London: Macmillan. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1880. A treatise on comparative embryology. 2 vols. London: Macmillan. [Francis Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Balfour, John Hutton. 1863. A manual of botany: being an introduction to the study of the structure, physiology and classification of plants. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black. [CUL-DAR240] link PDF
Balfour, John Hutton. 1870. On the variation, at different seasons, of a Hieracium, considered to be H. stoloniflorum, Waldst. and Kit., as described in Fries' "Symbolœ ad Historiam Hieraciorum," Upsala, 1848, p. 5. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 11 (December): 82-83. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Balfour, John Hutton. 1871. Remarks on plants furnishing varieties of Ipecacuan, and on the cultivation of Cephaelis Ipecacuanha (Rich.) in the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 11 (December): 151-163. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Balfour, T. A. G. 1870. Butterflies and birds. Nature (29 December): 166. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Balfour, T. A. G. 1875. Venus' fly-trap. Gardeners' Chronicle (3 July): 8; (17 July): 67; (24 July): 103; (31 July): 137-138; (7 August): 163-164. CUL-DAR226.2.154-156 Image PDF
Balfour, T. A. G. 1876. [Review of Climbing plants]. Observations on Mr. Darwin's views of climbing plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical Society (Edinburgh) 12 (March): 451-477. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 303] PDF
Ball, John. 1872. The chance of survival of new varieties. Nature 5 (1 February): 264. CUL-DAR47.202 Image
Ball, John. 1879. On the origin of the flora of the European Alps. [Read 9 June.] Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography 1: 564-589. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Ball, Robert Stawell. 1881. Recent progress in astronomy. (Lecture of 4 June) Dublin Daily Express (6 June): 7. [CCD29]
Ball, Valentine. 1880. Jungle life in India: or, the journeys and journals of an Indian geologist. London: Thos de la Rue & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Baltzer, Johann Baptist. 1870. Ueber die Anfänge der Organismen und die Urgeschichte des Menschen: Fünf Vorträge zur Widerlegung der von Carl Vogt gehaltenen Vorlesungen "Ueber die Urgeschichte des Menschen". 3d ed. Paderborn: Schöningh. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link / link
Baly, William and William Senhouse Kirkes. 1848. Recent advances in the physiology of motion, the senses, generation, and development, being a supplement to the second volume of Professor Müller's 'Elements of physiology'. London: Taylor & Walton. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, et al. 1874. The native races of the Pacific states of North America. 5 vols. New York: D. Appleton and Co. [?][Copy of vol. 1, presumably sent, not found, CCD22] vol. 1. PDF link [University of British Columbia online images ]
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. 1875. The native races of the Pacific states of North America. 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link
Baranetzky, Joseph. 1879. Die tägliche Periodizität im Längenwachstum der Stengel. Mémoires de l'Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg 7th ser. 27: 1-91. PDF [CUL-DAR240][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Baranoff, W. and Koch, Heinrich. 1871. Die Abstammung des Menschengeschlechts und damit zusammenhängende Fragen. Blätter des Psychologischen Vereins zu Dresden (27 October): 73-85, (10 November) 89-103, (31 December): 105-114. [CCD noted "there are lightly annotated copies in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection-CUL…It seems that the dates of the issues are the dates the lectures were given, for at least the first one, not the date they were published."][Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 177]
Barber, Mary Elizabeth. 1869. Fascination. Scientific Opinion (28 July): 165-166. CUL-DAR205.11.13 Image
Barber, Mary Elizabeth. 1870. Cuckows eggs (letter to E. L. Layard). Nature 2 (18 August): 314. CUL-DAR205.11.19 Image
Barber, Mary Elizabeth. 1874. Notes on the peculiar habits and changes which take place in the larva and pupa of Papilio nireus. [Read 2 November.] Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 22: 519-521. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] Text PDF
Barclay, John. 1822. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organization. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.25 link PDF
[Barham, Richard Harris] 'Thomas Ingoldsby'. 1840-1847. The Ingoldsby legends, or mirth and marvels. [CUL-DAR140.3.1--159]
Barker, Edmund Henry. 1818. The Germany and Agricola of C. Cornelius Tacitus from Brotier's text, with all his observations, notes, and emendations. 2d ed. London: Longman & Co. (CUL:[8700.c.67]) [CUL-1899]
Barker-Webb, Philip and Sabin Berthelot. 1840. Histoire Naturelle des Îles Canaries. vol. 3, part 1. Géographie botanique. Paris: Béthune. outsize CUL-DAR.LIB.26 link PDF
Barkly, Henry. 1870. Notes on the flora and fauna of Round Island. In The Mauritius almanac and colonial register for 1870. Edited by John B. Kyshe. Mauritius: [n.p.], pp. 92ff. [CCD18: "The proof-sheets, corrected by Barkly and annotated by CD".] link
Barlow & Chambers. n.d. Mathematical Tables. Logs &c. [CUL-DAR240]
Barlow, Peter. 1814. New mathematical tables. London: G. and S. Robinson. [CUL-DAR240] link
Barlow, Peter. 1851. The encyclopaedia of arts, manufactures, and machinery…to which is prefixed, An introductory view of the principles of manufactures, by Charles Babbage. London: Griffin and Co. [CUL-DAR240] link
Barnes, C. R. 1879. Heliopsis versus Helianthus. Botanical Gazette 4 (February): 123-124. CUL-DAR136.4 Image
Barrago, Francesco. 1869. L'uomo fatto ad imagine di Dio fu anche fatto ad imagine della scimia. Lettura pubblica detta nell'aula della Regia Università di Cagliari, lì 4 marzo 1869. Cagliari: Corveso di Sardegna. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] link
Barrande, Joachim. 1860. On the primordial fauna and the taconic system; with additional notes by Jules Marcou. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 7 (December). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1865. Défense des colonies: III. étude générale sur nos étages G-H, avec application spéciale aux environs de Hlubočep, Près Prague. (fragment from p. 175; pp. 181-182.) CUL-DAR205.9.357 Image Text
Barrande, Joachim. 1867. Systême silurien du centre de la Bohême. 1ère partie: Recherches paléontologiques. . vol. 2. Classe des mollusques. Ordre des Céphalopodes. Prague and Paris: The author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1867. Systême silurien du centre de la Bohême. 1ère partie: Recherches paléontologiques. vol. 3 Classe des mollusques. Ordre des Ptéropodes. Prague and Paris: The author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1868. I. Réapparition du genre Arethusina Barr. II. Faune silurienne des environs de Hof, en Bavière. Prague and Paris: The author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1870. Défense des colonies. Prague and Paris: The author. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1870. Distribution des Céphalopodes dans les contrées Siluriennes. Prague and Paris: the author. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1871. Trilobites. Extraits du Systéme silurien du centre de la Bohême. Prague: the author. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1872. Crustacés divers et poissons des dépôts siluriens de la Bohème... Extrait du Supplément au vol. I. du Système silurien du centre de la Bohème. Paris: the author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1877. Céphalopodes. Extraits du Systéme silurien du centre de la Bohême. Prague: the author. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1879. Brachiopodes. Extraits du Systéme silurien du centre de la Bohême. Prague: the author. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrande, Joachim. 1881. Acéphalés. Extraits du Systéme silurien du centre de la Bohême. Prague: the author. [inscribed to Darwin, erased and replaced by Francis Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Barrett, Joseph. 1813. A dictionary of the English and Italian languages. 2 vols. (vol. 1 missing) [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Barrow, John. 1836. Sketch of the surveying voyages of H.M.S. Adventure and Beagle, 1825-1836. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 6: 311-343. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. I.] PDF link
Bartels, Max. 1872. Überzahl der Brustwarzen. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und Wissenschaftliche Medicin, (1872): 304-306. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bartels, Max. 1879. Ueber abnorme Behaarung beim Menschen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 11: 45-194. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1867. Arrivals in the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water : 84. CUL-DAR84.1.182 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1867. Arrivals in the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water : 394-395. CUL-DAR84.1.183 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1868. Arrivals in the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water (23 May): 285. CUL-DAR84.1.190[.3] Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1868. On the crested or top-knotted turkey. Land and Water (31 October): 233. CUL-DAR193.35 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. [Ovibos moschatus]. Land and Water : 152 (a fragment). CUL-DAR189.97 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water (October). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water (30 October): 282. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water (6 November). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Land and Water (13 November). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens: History and treatment of tortoises. Land and Water (12 December): 394. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens: Remarks on kingfishers. Land and Water (20 November). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens: Remarks on cranes. Land and Water (27 November). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens: Remarks upon rodents. Land and Water (25 December): 408. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens: The skunk. Land and Water (4 December): 361. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1869. Treatment of parrots. Land and Water (27 November): 342. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Chinese pigs and Mandarin ducks. Land and Water (12 February). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. Feeding snakes with living animals. Land and Water (8 January). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. The armadillo. Land and Water (29 January). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Arrivals at the Zoological Gardens. The ichneumon (Herpestes griseus). Land and Water (1 September). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Hibernation. Land and Water (February). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Memoir on the habits of lizards. Land and Water (22 January). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Reeves or barred-tail pheasant. Land and Water (19 February). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Remarks upon the individual differences observable in the same species of animals. Land and Water (24 December). CUL-DAR45.175 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1870. Remarks upon vultures. Land and Water (5 February). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1871. Incubation. Land and Water (January). CUL-DAR87.195 Image
Bartlett, Abraham Dee. 1871. Notes on the birth of a hippopotamus in the Society's Gardens. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (7 March): 255-257 plus plate (offprint). CUL-DAR189.100 Image , plate
Barton, John. 1827. A lecture on the geography of plants. London: Harvey and Darton. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bary, Heinrich Anton de. 1864. Die Mycetozoen (Schleimpilze). Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der niedersten Organismen. 2d ed. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bary, Heinrich Anton de. 1877. Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane der Phanerogamen und Farne. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [CUL-DAR240] link PDF
Bary, Heinrich Anton de. 1879. Die Erscheinung der Symbiose: Vortrag gehalten auf der Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu Cassel. Strassburg. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bascom, John. 1871. Darwin's theory of the origin of species. American Presbyterian Review , 3d ser. 3, no. 11 (July): 349-379. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Bastian, Adolf. 1869. Ueber die Bedeutung der Ethnologie. Jena: Costenoble. (offprint from: Bastian, Die Völker des Oestlichen Asien. V Band), Jena, 1879, vol. 5.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bastian, Adolf. 1871. [Review of Descent vol. 1]. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 3 (July): 133-143. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 196]. PDF
Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1871. Epidemic and specific contagious diseases: considerations as to their nature and mode of origin. London: Richards. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1871. The modes of origin of lowest organisms: including a discussion of the experiments of M. Pasteur, and a reply to some statements by Professors Huxley and Tyndall. London: Macmillan. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] link
Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1872. The beginnings of life. 2 vols. London: Macmillan. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.27 vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link PDF
Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1874. Evolution and the origin of life. London: Macmillan. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bastian, Henry Charlton. 1880. The brain as an organ of mind. London: Kegan Paul & Co. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1873. Ueber die Ursachen der periodischen Bewegungen der Blumen- und Laubblätter. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 56: 433-441, 449-455. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1877. Mechanik der Bewegungen der Insektenfressenden Pflanzen. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 60: 33-39, 54-58, 65-73, 105-111, 129-154. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1878. Kleistogamische Blüthen bei Caryophylleen. Acta Horti Petropolitani 5: 489-494. CUL-DAR133.19.8 Image ; link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1880 (1879). Die Einwirkung des Lichtes auf die Bildung des rothen Pigmentes. Acta Horti Petropolitani 6 (Fas. 2): 279-286. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1880. Über die Function der Epidermis in den Schläuchen von Sarracenia und Darlingtonia. Acta Horti Petropolitani 7: 343-358. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Batalin, Alexander Fedorovich. 1881. Géographie des plantes aperçu des travaux russes sur le géographie des plantes de 1875-1880. Saint Petersburg: Trenke and Fusnot. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bate, Charles Spence. 1856. On the British Edriophthalma. Report of the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 25: 18-62, pls. 12 -22. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bate, Charles Spence. 1857. On the development of decapod Crustacea. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 148: 589-605. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bate, Charles Spence. 1858. On Praniza and Anceus, and their affinity to each other. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 2: 165-172, pls. VI-VII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bate, Charles Spence. 1862. Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodus Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum. London: By order of the Trustees. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.733 PDF
Bate, Charles Spence. 1867. On the dentition in the mole (Talpa europaea). Transactions of the Odontological Society 19: 377-381. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bate, Charles Spence. 1872. Fourth report on the fauna of south Devon. Nature 6 (29 August): 363-364. CUL-DAR89.37 Image
Bate, Charles Spence. 1876. Report on the present state of our knowledge of Crustacea.—Part I. On the homologies of the dermal skeleton. Report of the Forty-Fifth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 41-53, pls. I , II . [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bateman, Frederic. On aphasia: or loss of speech, and the localization of the faculty of articulate language. London: John Churchill & Sons. CUL-DAR.LIB.28 PDF
Bates, Henry Walter. 1859. Notes on South American butterflies. Transactions of the Entomological Society 5: 1-11. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1860. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley I: diurnal Lepidoptera. [Read 5 March.] Transactions of the Entomological Society 2d ser. 5: 223-228. CUL-DAR45.113-115 Image PDF
Bates, Henry Walter. 1860. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley I: diurnal Lepidoptera, pt. 2. [Read 24 November.] Transactions of the Entomological Society 2d ser. 5: 335-361 CUL-DAR45.116-129 Image PDF
Bates, Henry Walter. 1862. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Lepidoptera: Heliconidae. [Read 21 November 1861.] Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 23: 495-566. PDF link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1863. The naturalist on the River Amazons, a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life and aspects of Nature under the Equator during eleven years of travel. 2 vols. London: John Murray. [both vols. inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.29 vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1865. Notes upon the variation of sexes in Argynnis Diana. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 4 (January): 204-207. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1870. Mr. Bates's address to the Entomological Society. Nature 1 (3 February): 357-358. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1871. Darwinism. Irish Young Men's Journal (January). CUL-DAR226.2.87 Image PDF
Bates, Henry Walter. 1874. On the geodephagous Coleoptera of New Zealand. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4th ser. 13: 233-246; 270-277. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link ; link
Bates, Henry Walter. 1874. On the longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4th ser. 14: 16-24; 118-131. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Batty, James. 1860. Probable hybrids. Entomologist's Weekly Intelligencer (August): 141a. CUL-DAR205.7.3 Image
Bauhin, Johann. 1651. Historia plantarvm vniuersalis, nova, et absolvtissima: cvm consensv et dissensv circa eas. Toms III to. Ebroduni. [CUL-DAR240, Rutherford 1908 ] vol. 3 PDF
Bauke, Hermann. 1876. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Pycniden. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Dresden 38: 7: 443-502. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bauni. 1877. The Larra Merrino—a new variety. Australasian (9 June): 25. [Copy not found, CCD26:8] PDF link
Baxter, Jedediah Hyde. 1875. Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the Provost-Marshal-General's Bureau, derived from records of the examination for military service in the armies of the United States during the late war of the rebellion. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Bayfield, Henry Wolsey. 1833. Notes on the geology of the north coast of the St. Lawrence. [Read 1833]. Transactions of the Geological Society of London ; 1837; 2d ser. 5: 89-102. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Baynes, T. S. 1873. [Review of Expression ]. Edinburgh Review 137 (April): 492-528. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 226]. PDF
Bazán, Emilia Pardo. 1877. Reflexiones científicas contra el darwinismo. La Ciencia Cristiana (Madrid) 4: 289-298, 481-493; 5: 218-233, 393-410, 481-495. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] PDF
Beal, W. J. 1867. Fertilization by insects. Hardwicke's Science Gossip 3 (1 September): 209a. CUL-DAR76.B103 Image
Beal, W. J. 1877. [Review of Self fertilisation]. Darwin's new book. Scientific Farmer (Amherst, Mass.) (June): 74-75. CUL-DAR226.1.155 Image PDF
Beal, W. J. 1878. Hairs and glandular hairs of plants, their forms and uses. American Naturalist 12: 271-282. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beale, Lionel Smith. 1865. On the structure and growth of the tissues and of life. London: Robert Hardwicke. CUL-DAR.LIB.30 PDF
Beale, Lionel Smith. 1871. Pangenesis. Nature 4 (11 May): 25-26. CUL-DAR51.C26 Image
Beattie, James. 1819. The minstrel: or, the progress of genius; and other poems. London: John Sharpe. [CUL-1899] [formerly 8700.d.149]. CUL-DAR.LIB.727 PDF
Beaumont, Léonce Elie de. 1845. Leçons de géologie pratique: professées au Collége de France, pendant l'année scolaire . Paris: P. Bertrand. CUL-DAR.LIB.176 link PDF
Beaumont, Léonce Elie de. 1847. Les Terrains compris entre le grès vert et le calcaire grossier. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Beaumont, Léonce Elie de. 1847. Note sur les systèmes de montagnes les plus anciens de l'Europe. Extrait du Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 2e série, t. IV, p. 864, séauce du 17 mai 1847. Paris. (from: Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 2d ser. 4: 864-991.) CUL-DAR.LIB.728 PDF
Beaumont, Léonce Elie deLéonce. 1847. Note relative à l'une des causes présumables des phénomènes erratiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beccari, O. 1877. Le Capanne ed i Giardini dell' Amblyornis inornata. Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova 9: 382-400. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beche, Henry Thomas de la. 1824. A selection of the geological memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations and M. Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocks. London: William Phillips. [Darwin Library-Down] Text PDF link
Beche, Henry Thomas de la. 1831. A geological manual. London: Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel Jun. and Richter. [on Beagle] [CUL-DAR240] Text
Beche, Henry Thomas de la. 1834. Researches in theoretical geology. London: Charles Knight. [on Beagle] CUL-DAR.LIB.142 ; CUL-DAR.LIB.163 Text PDF
Bechstein, Johann Matthäus ed. 1793-1795. Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands nach allen drey Reichen. 4 vols. Leipzig: Ernsius. CUL-DAR.LIB.31 vol. 3 PDF / link vol. 4 PDF
Bechstein, Johann Matthäus ed. 1801-1805. Gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte Deutschlands nach allen drey Reichen. 2d ed. 4 vols. Leipzig: Ernsius. CUL-DAR.LIB.31 (1801): vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF vol. 3 PDF vol. 4 PDF
Bechstein, Johann Matthäus. 1840. Naturgeschichte der Stubenvögel. 4th ed. Halle: Hennemann. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.32 link PDF
Becker, Lydia Ernestine. 1866. [Circular about Manchester Ladies' Literary Society][Copy not found, CCD14:436]
Beddoe, John. 1862. On the relation of temperament and complexion to disease. British Medical Journal 1: 431-434. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beddoe, John. 1870. On the stature and bulk of man in the British isles. London: Asher & Co. [CUL-DAR240] link PDF
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell. 1850. Death's jest-book; or, the fool's tragedy. London: William Pickering. [CUL-1899] (CUL: 8700.d.253) link
Bedriaga, Jacques von. 1874. Der chinesische Fisch Macropodus venustus. Zoologische Garten 15: 93-97. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bedriaga, Jacques von. 1874. Über die Entstehung der Farben bei den Eidechsen. Jena: Hermann Dabis. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bedriaga, Jacques von. 1876. Die Faraglione-Eidechse und die Entstehung der Farben bei den Eidechsen. Eine Erwiderung an Prof. Eimer. Heidelberg: Winter. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bedriaga, Jacques von. 1878. Herpetologische studien. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 44: 258-320, pl. X. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beechey, Frederick William. 1832. Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait to co-operate with the polar expeditions: performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28. Philadelphia: Carey and Rea. [on Beagle, CCD suggest '1831'] CUL-DAR.LIB.33 Text link
Beer, Joseph Georg. 1863. Beiträge zur Morphologie und Biologie der Familie der Orchideen. Vienna: Carl Gerold's Sohn. [Copy not found, CCD12:251] PDF link
Behind the Counter. 1870. [by Friedrich Wilhelm Hackländer?] [Emma Darwin's diary]
Behr, Herman. 1882. On the habits and economy of some species of Sphingidae. Papilio 2 (1): 1-7. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1875. Untersuchungen über den anatomischen Bau des Griffels und der Narbe einiger Pflanzenarten. Ph.D. Diss. Univ. Goettingen. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1878. Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen der Blüthen-Nectarien. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 61: 454-460. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1878. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Bestäubungstheorie. Separatabdruck aus dem Programm der Königl. Gewerbeschule zu Elberfeld 1877-78. Elberfeld: A Martini & Grüttefien. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1879. Die Nectarien der Blüthen. Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen. Flora oder allgemeine botanische Zeitung 62: 2-11, 17 -27, 49-54, 81-90, 113-123, 145-153, 233-240, 241-247, 305-314, 369-375, 433-448, 449-457, pls. I-IV. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1880. Biologische Fragmente. Jahresberichte des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Elberfeld-Barmen. (extracts in Ostfriesisches Monatsblatt für provinzielle Interessen, 1880: 498-507. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1880. Der Bestäubungsmechanismus bei der Gattung Cobaea Cavanilles. Flora; oder, Allgemeine Botanische Zeitung 63: 403-410. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Behrens, Wilhelm Julius. 1880. Methodisches Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Botanik für höhere Lehranstalten: nach dem neuesten Standpunkte der Wissenschaft; mit vier analytischen Tabellen. Braunschweig: Schwetsche und Sohn. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Beijerinck, Martinus Willem. 1877. Bijdrage tot de morphologie der Plantegallen. Doctordiss. Wiss. Nat. Leiden. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection 1207] PDF link
Bell, Charles. 1844. The anatomy and philosophy of expression as connected with the fine arts. 3d ed. London: John Murray. [signed E. Darwin 1844 to Ch. Darwin November 28 1866] CUL-DAR.LIB.34 link PDF
Bell, Charles. 1874. The hand: its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design, and illustrating the power, wisdom, and goodness of God. 9th ed. London: George Bell & Sons. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bell, John and Bell, Charles. 1826. The anatomy and physiology of the human body. 6th ed. 3 vols. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link vol. 3 link
Bell, Thomas. 1837. A history of British quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. London. [CUL-DAR71.1-5] PDF link
Belt, Thomas. 1867-1868. On the 'Lingula flags' or 'Festiniog group' of the Dolgelly district. Geological Magazine 4: 493-495, 536-543; 5: 5-11, pl. II. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link link, link link, link.
Belt, Thomas. 1874. An examination of the theories which have been proposed to account for the climate of the glacial period. Quarterly Journal of Science (October): 421-464. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Belt, Thomas. 1874. The naturalist in Nicaragua: A narrative of a residence at the gold mines of Chontales; journeys in the savannahs and forests. With observations on animals and plants in reference to the theory of evolution of living forms. London: John Murray. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.35 link PDF
Belt, Thomas. 1877. On the loess of the Rhine and Danube. Quarterly Journal of Science 14: 67-90. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Belt, Thomas. 1877. The glacial period in the southern hemisphere. Quarterly Journal of Science 14: 326-353. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Belt, Thomas. 1878. On the discovery of stone implements in glacial drift in North America. Quarterly Journal of Science 15: 55-74. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van and Bessels E. 1868. Résumé d'un mémoire sur le mode de formation du blastoderme dans quelques groupes de crustacés. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 25: 434-448. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1868. Le genre Dactycotyle, son organisation, et quelques remarques sur la formation de l'oeuf des trématodes. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 25: 22-37. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1868. The distribution of the Balaenae. Remarks by M. van Beneden on the views of Dr. J. E. Gray. Scientific Opinion (9 December): 95-96. CUL-DAR45.160 Image
Beneden, Edouard van. 1869. Recherches sur l'embryogénie des crustacés: Observations sur le développement de l'Asellis aquaticus. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 28: 54-87. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1869. Recherches sur l'embryogénie des crustacés.—II. Développement de Mysis. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 28: 232-249. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1870. étude zoologique et anatomique du genre Macrostomum comprenant la description de deux spèces nouvelles. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 30: 116-133. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1870. On a new species of Gregarina to be called Gregarina gigantea. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 10: 51-59. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1870. Recherches sur l'embryogénie des crustacés.—III. Développement de l'oeuf et de l'embryon des sacculines (Sacculina carcini, Thomps.). Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 29: 99-112. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1870. Recherches sur l'embryogénie des crustacés.—IV. Développement des genres Anchorella, Lerneopoda, Brachiella et Hessia. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 29: 223-254. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1876. Contributions à l'histoire de la vésicule germinative et du premier noyau embryonnaire. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 41: 38-85. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Beneden, Edouard van. 1876. Recherches sur les Dicyémides, survivants actuels d'un embranchement des Mésozoires. Bulletin de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique 2d ser. 41: 1160-1205. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beneden, Pierre Joseph van. 1858. Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier. (Bound with CUL-DAR.LIB.73: Bronn, Essai … 1861.) CUL-DAR.LIB.729 link PDF
Beneden, Pierre Joseph van. 1861. Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux. Supplément aux Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences. 2: 1-376, pls. 1-27. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1868. Breeding and acclimatization in England. Land and Water (2 May): 233. CUL-DAR84.1.189 Image
Bennett, Alfred William. 1869. On the fertilisation of winter-flowering plants. Nature. 1 (4 November): 11-13. CUL-DAR139.13.1 Image , Image
Bennett, Alfred William. 1870. The difficulties of natural selection [reply to Wallace]. Nature 3 (24 November): 65. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1870. The difficulties of natural selection [reply to Wallace]. Nature 3 (22 December): 147. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 156] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1870. The theory of natural selection from a mathematical point of view. Nature 3 (10 November): 30-33. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 156] PDF
Bennett, Alfred William. 1871. Note on the structure and affinities of Parnassia palustris L. [Read 19 November 1868] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 11: 24-31. [Copy not found, CCD17] PDF link / link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1872. [Review of Origin] Darwin's Origin of species [6th ed.]. Nature 5 (22 February): 318-319. CUL-DAR139.13.2 Image PDF
Bennett, Alfred William. 1872. Mimicry in plants. Popular Science Review 11: 1-10, pl. LXXIX. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1873. Spontaneous movements in plants. Popular Science Review 11: 368-380, pl. LXXXIX. CUL-DAR135.5b Image PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1873. The fertilisation of the wild pansy. Nature 8 (15 May): 49-50. CUL-DAR139.13.3 Image
Bennett, Alfred William. 1874. Carnivorous plants. Gardener's Chronicle (26 September): 402. CUL-DAR226.2.153 Image PDF
Bennett, Alfred William. 1874. On the fertilisation of certain Labiatae. Nature 10 (4 June): 92-93. CUL-DAR139.13.8 Image
Bennett, Alfred William. 1874. Pollen-eating flies. Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 4: 158. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Carnivorous plants. Popular Science Review 14 (October): 351-365. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 264] PDF / link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1875. [Review of Insectivorous plants ]. Darwin on carnivorous plants. Nature 12 (15 July): 206-209; (22 July): 228-231. CUL-DAR139.18.5-6 Image PDF
Bennett, Alfred William. 1875. Insects and flowers. Popular Science Review 14: 113-125. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1875. Preliminary note on the rate of growth of the female flower-stalk of Vallisneria spiralis Linn. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (Botany), 2d ser. 1: 133-138. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1876. The absorptive glands of carnivorous plants. Monthly Microscopical Journal 15 (1 January): 1-5, pl. CXXVI. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection 1821] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1876. On the growth of the flower-stalk of the Hyacinth. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 2d ser. (June): 139-144. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bennett, Alfred William. 1877. [Review of] The effects of cross and self-fertilisation. Academy (24 February): 164-165. CUL-DAR69.B60-B61 Image PDF
Bennett, Alfred William. 1877. The sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica). Nature 16 (23 August): 348-350. CUL-DAR139.13.17 Image
Bennett, Alfred William. 1879. [Review of Erasmus Darwin]. Academy 16 (6 December): 411. CUL-DAR226.2.171 Image PDF
Bennett, George. 1860. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia: being observations principally on the animal and vegetable productions of New South Wales, New Zealand, and some of the Austral Islands. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL-DAR128: £1.1.0] PDF link
Bennett, T. 1861. Dun horses. The Field 17 (18 May): 431. Text Image
Bentham, George and Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1862-1883. Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in Herbariis Kewensibus servata definita. 7 vols. (V1i-iii, V2i-ii, V3i-ii) London: Reeve & Co. [ESC Library] CUL-DAR.LIB.38 (link ) vol. 1 pt. 1 PDF vol. 1 pt. 2 PDF vol. 1 pt. 3 PDF vol. 2 pt. 1 PDF vol. 2 pt. 2 PDF , vol. 3 pt. 1 PDF vol. 3 pt. 3
Bentham, George. 1855. Historical notes on the introduction of various plants into the agriculture and horticulture of Tuscany: a summary of a work entitled Cenni storici sulla introduzione di varie piante nell'agricultura ed orticultura Toscana. By Dr. Antonio Targioni-Tozzetti. Florence 1850. Journal of the Horticultural Society of London 9: 133-81. [inscribed "Charles Darwin Esq from the Author", under which Hooker added "George Bentham JDH"][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bentham, George. 1858. Handbook of the British flora. London: Lovell Reeve. (2 copies) CCA.24.68 CUL-DAR.LIB.36 link PDF ; CCA.24.69 CUL-DAR.LIB.37 PDF
Bentham, George. 1863. [Anniversary address, 25 May 1863.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7. Preprint. [Copy not found, CCD11]
Bentham, George. 1863. [Anniversary address, 25 May 1863.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7: xi-xxix. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 75] PDF link
Bentham, George. 1868. Anniversary address. [Read 24 May 1867.] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1867-8): lvii-c. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Bentham, George. 1869. Anniversary address. [Read 24 May 1869.] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1868-9): lxv-c. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bentham, George. 1872. Presidential address. [Read 24 May 1871.] Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, pp. xxxiv-lxxviii. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bentham, George. 1873. Anniversary address. [Read 6 November 1873.] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bentham, George. 1873. Notes on the classification, history, and geographical distribution of Compositae. Journal of the Linnean Society (Botany) 13: 335-577. [CUL Unbound material] PDF link
Bentham, George. 1874. The recent progress and present state of systematic botany. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1874. Belfast. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Benza, Pasquale-Maria. 1836. Notes on the geology of the country between Madras and the Neilgherry Hills, via Bangalore and via Salem. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 4: 1-27, 1 pl., 1 map. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 14.] PDF link
Benza, Pasquale-Maria. 1837. Notes, chiefly geological, of a journey through the Northern Circars in the year 1835. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 5: 43-70, 1 map. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 15.] PDF link
Berg, C. 1877. Enumeracion de las plantas européas que se hallan como silvestres en la Provincia de Buenos Aires y en Patagonia. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 24pp. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Berg, Ernst von. 1837. Die Biologie der Zwiebelgewächse oder Versuch die merkwürdigsten Erscheinungen in dem Leben der Zwiebelpflanzen zu erklären. Neustrelitz und Neubrandendurg: Dümmler. [CUL-DAR240] pdf PDF
Berg, Ernst von. 1843. Vollständiger Bericht über einige bei verschiedenen Pflanzen beobachteten Ausartungen mit Erklärungsversuchen. Neubrandenburg: Brünslow, 1 pl. (from: Practischen Wochenblatte für Landwirthschaft, Gartenbau, Hauswirtschaft und Handel.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Berghaus, H. K. W. 1867. Chart of the world (comments on the fourth edition). Gotha: Perthes. [promotional advertisement]. CUL-DAR205.3.11 Image
Bergh, Rudolph. 1877. Malacologische Untersuchungen. In C. G. Semper. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen: Zweiter Theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate. Zweiter Band. XI. Heft. Orodoris. Plocamopherus. Trevelyana, Nembrotha. Casella, Chromodoris. [pp. 429-494, pls. 54-57.] Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel's Verlag. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Berjeau, Philibert Charles. 1863. The varieties of dogs as they are found in old sculptures, pictures, engravings, and books. With the names of the artists by whom they are represented, showing how long many of the numerous breeds now existing have been known. London: Dulau & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link / link
Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 1840. Notice of some Fungi collected by C. Darwin, Esq., during the expedition of H. M. Ship Beagle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4: 291-93. Text Image PDF
Berke, Luke. 1860. [another critical article discussing Origin]. The Future: Journal of Research and Criticism in the Physical and Historical Sciences 1 (May). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] [CCD]
[Berke, Luke.] 1860. [Review of Origin]. Darwin on the origin of species. The Future: Journal of Research and Criticism in the Physical and Historical Sciences 1 (April): 10-15; 27-30. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 44] PDF
Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 1862. [Review of Orchids]. London Review (14 June): 553-554. CUL-DAR226.1.87 Image PDF
Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 1868. Opening address as president of the Biological section of the British Association. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews] & CUL-DAR226.1.27 Image PDF
Berkenhout, John. 1764. Clavis Anglica linguae botanicae: or, a botanical lexicon in which the terms of botany, particularly those occurring in the works of Linnaeus, and other writers, areapplied, derived, explained, contrasted, and exemplified. London: Becket, de Houdt, Hawes, Clark & and Collins. [signed by Robert Waring Darwin, Erasmus Alvey Darwin and Charles Darwin] [CUL Rare Books] link PDF
Berliner, Theodor. 1876. Beiträge zur Frage von der Fortpflanzung und Entwickelung der Organismen. Inaugural-Dissertation. Breslau. 44pp. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bernard, Claude. 1866. Leçons sur les propriétés des tissus vivants. Recueillies, rédigées et publiées par émile Alglave. Paris: Germer Baillière. CUL-DAR.LIB.40 PDF
Bernard, Claude. 1873. Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 5: 291-297; 337-346. CUL-DAR139.14.1 Image
Bernard, Claude. 1877. L'unité des animaux et des plantes. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 13: 162-165. CUL-DAR139.14.2 Image
Bernard, Claude. 1879. Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux. Paris: T. B. Baillière et fils. (vol. 2 only) CUL-DAR.LIB.39 PDF
Bernard. 1861. Guinea-fowl hatched in partridges nest. The Field (13 July): 32. CUL-DAR205.11.5 Image
Bernhardi, Johann Jacob. 1834. Über den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung. Erfurt: Friedrich Wilhelm Otto. CUL-DAR.LIB.41 link PDF
Bertillon, Louis. 1870. Valeur de l'hypothèse du transformisme. [Read 2 June.] Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris 2d ser. 5 (June): 488-528. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 168] PDF link
Bertillon, Louis. 1872. Marriage and celibacy. Nature 5 (11 January): 211. CUL-DAR87.154 Image
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob. 1822. The use of the blowpipe in chemical analysis and in the examination of minerals. Translated from the French of M. Fresnel, by J. G. Children. London: Baldwin, Cradock, Joy and J. Mawe. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bessey, C. E. 1880. The supposed dimorphism of Lithospermum longiflorum. Americam Naturalist 14, no. 6 (June): 417-421. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Beswick-Perrin, J. 1871. On an additional true rib in the human subject. Nature 4 (6 July): 188-189. CUL-DAR87.152-153 Image
Bettelheim, K. 1868. Über bewegliche Körperchen im Blute. Wiener medizinische Presse (29 March): cols. 297-299 (extract). CUL-DAR193.31 Image
Betz, H. J. 1874. Een nieuw boek tegen het Darwinisme [A new book against Darwinism]. De Levensbode 7: 286-428. PDF link
Beudant, François Sulpice. 1830. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie. 2d ed. vol. 1. Paris: Verdière. [Darwin Library-Down, on Beagle] PDF
Bevan, Edward. 1827. The honey bee; its natural history, physiology, and management. London: Baldwin, Cradock and Joy. [signed E. Catherine Darwin] CUL-DAR.LIB.42 PDF
Beverley, Robert Mackenzie. 1867. The Darwinian theory of the transmutation of species, examined by a graduate of the University of Cambridge. 2d ed. London: James Nisbet & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bevington, Louisa Sarah. 1879. Key-notes. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] link
Bewick, Thomas. 1820. A general history of quadrupeds. 7th ed. 2 vols. Newcastle: Edw. Walker for T. Bewick. [signed both vols. 'Charles Darwin 1840'; signed Gwen Raverat] [Sotheby's 2017] [1824 ed. link]
Bewick, Thomas. 1821. A history of British birds. The figures engraved on wood. 2 vols. Newcastle: printed by Edward Walker, Pilgrim Street, for T. Bewick: sold by him, and E. Charnley, Newcastle; and Longman and Co. London. [or: A supplement to the History of British birds ? also 1821] [CUL-DAR240][ed.? 1882 inventory]
Bewick, Thomas. 1826. A history of British birds. 2 vols. Newcastle: Printed by Edw. Walker for T. Bewick. [ed.? 1882 inventory][Christie's 2021, both vols. signed "Charles Darwin 1840" on title page with occassional marginal scorings. Signed the same as: Bewick 1820 and Hallam 1839-1840] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 link
Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1841. Di alcuni movimenti che si osservano nelle piante per la diffusione de' semi. Bologna: Jacopo Marsigli. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1855. Alcune ricerche sui capreoli delle cucurbitacee. Bologna: S. Tommaso d'Aquino. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bianconi, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1874. La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante: lettre á M. Ch. Darwin. Bologna: Nicola Zanichelli. CUL-DAR.LIB.43 link PDF
Bienen-Zeitung. Organ des Vereins deutscher Bienenwirthe. 1856. vol. 12. Nördlingen: Bed'schen Buchhandlung. CUL-DAR.LIB.731 PDF
Bill, B. B. 1880. Something concerning the false philosophies that spread themselves abroad in our land. [source unknown] (December) Tenby. CUL-DAR226.1.23 Image PDF
Billing, Sidney. 1879. Scientific materialism and ultimate conceptions. London: Bickers and Son. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Billings, E. 1870. On the occurrence of Gasteropoda (univalve shells) in the primordial zone. Scientific Opinion (2 January): 232. CUL-DAR205.9.32 Image
Binney, Edward William. 1847. On the origin of coal. Manchester: Privately printed. (Reprinted in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 2d ser. 8 (1848): 148-194.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Binney, Edward William. 1847. Sketch of the drift deposits of Manchester and its neighbourhood. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 2, 8: 195-234. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection 3] PDF link
Binney, William Greene. 1878. The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States and the adjacent territories of North America. vol. 5. Cambridge, Mass.: Welch, Bigelow & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Birchall, E. 1862. Food causing variability of the currant moth. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. [?][Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Birmingham Philosophical Society. 1880. [Address to Darwin in commemoration of his 71st birthday and Honorary membership.] [presentation copy of the address not found, CCD28:108] Text PDF
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm von and Tiedemann, H. 1879. Beobachtungen an zwei lebenden Chimpanse', masc. et fem. Bonn: P. Neusser. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm von. 1866. Die Grosshirnwindungen des Menschen mit Berücksichtigung ihrer Entwicklung bei dem Fötus und ihrer Anordnung bei den Affen. Neu untersucht und beschrieben. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften - Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 10 (1): 388-498. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm von. 1882. Bemerkung über die Geschlechtsverhältnisse der Feuerländer. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften München, (1882): 243-246. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bischoff, Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm von. 1882. Die Feuerländer in Europa. Bonn. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Black, William. 1872. The strange adventures of a phaeton. 2 vols. [ed.? 1882 inventory] link
Blackley, Charles Harrison. 1873. Experimental researches on the causes and Nature of Catarrhus aestivus. London, Paris & Madrid. Baillière, Tindall & Cox. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.44 PDF
Blackley, Charles Harrison. 1877. New observations on hay-fever, with new experiments on the quantity of ozone in the atmosphere. British Homoeopathic Society, Annals and Transactions : 118-134. [inscribed] CUL-DAR136.9 Image PDF
Blackley, Charles Harrison. 1880. Hay fever: its causes, treatment, and effective prevention experimental researches. 2d ed. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Blackwall, John. 1834. Researches in zoology, illustrative of the manners and economy of animals. London: Simpkin & Marshall. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.45 link PDF
Blackwall, John. 1861-1864. A history of the spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 parts. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. 1869. Studies in general science. New York: G. P. Putnam & Son. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1827. Manuel de Malacologie et Conchyliologie. Planches. In: Dictionnaire des sciences Naturelles. Paris: G. Levrault. [on Beagle][Darwin Library-CUL] Text
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1834. Manuel d'actiniologie ou de zoophytologie. Avec un Atlas. 2 vols. Paris: F. G. Levrault. [on Beagle][Darwin Library-Down, signed] Text vol. 1. PDF Plates PDF
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de. 1863. Principes de zooclassie ou classification des animaux. Paris: Roret. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blair, John. 1814. The chronology and history of the world, from the creation to the year of Christ 1814; illustrated in LVII. Tables, of which IV are introductory & include the centuries prior to the Ist Olympiad and of the remaining LIII. contain in one exopanded view, 50 years or half a century. London. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Blake, Charles Carter. 1861. On the discovery of Macrauchenia in Bolivia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7: 441-443 [1]. [inscribed] CUL-DAR205.9.16 Image
Blake, Charles Carter. 1862. Past life in South America. The Geologist (September): 323-330. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blake, Charles Carter. 1871. [Review of Descent and Mivart, Genesis of species]. The evolution of species. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 48 (October): 285-309. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 171]. PDF
Bland, T. 1871. On the geology and physical geography of the West Indies with reference to the distribution of Mollusca. Nature 3 (20 April): 499-500. CUL-DAR205.3.19 Image
Blandford, G. F. 1867. Laughter. Land and Water : 55. CUL-DAR195.4.62 Image
Blanford, H. F. 1860. [Review of Origin] Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 29: 4 (November): 433-38. PDF
Blanford, H. F. 1860. Bronn's work on the laws of development of organised beings. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 29: 428-438. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 71] PDF link
Blanford, H. F. 1860. On the rocks of the Damuda group, and their associates in eastern and central India as illustrated by the re-examination of the Raniganj field. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 29: 352-358. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bleeker, Pieter. 1877. Mémoire sur les chromides marines ou pomacentroides de l'Inde Archipelagique. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem 3d ser. 2: 1-166. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich. 1865. The anthropological treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, with memoirs of him by Marx and Flourens, and an account of his anthropological museum by Professor R. Wagner, and the inaugural dissertation of John Hunter, M. D., on the varieties of man. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green. CUL-DAR.LIB.46 link PDF
Blyth, Edward. 1853. Notices and descriptions of various reptiles, new or little known. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 22: 639-655. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1853. Remarks on the different species of Orang-utan. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 22: 369-383. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1854. Notices and descriptions of various reptiles, new or little known, continued. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 23: 287-302. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1855. Asiatic lions. Calcutta Sporting Review. [CCD5]
Blyth, Edward. 1855. Further remarks on the different species of Orang-utan. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 24: 518-528. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1855. May meeting. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 24: 359-363. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Blyth, Edward. 1855. Report of Curator, Zoological Department, for April meeting, 1855. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 24: 252-281. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1855. Report of Curator, Zoological Department, for July, 1855. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 24: 469-81. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1855. Report on a zoological collection from the Somali country. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 24: 291-306. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1857. Description of a new Indian pigeon, akin to the 'stock dove' of Europe; with notices of other Columbinæ. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 26: 217-226. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1857. Report of Curator, Zoological Department. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 26: 238-241. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1859. Contents and report of Curator. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 28: 157-183. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1859. On the different animals known as wild asses. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 28: 229-253. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1859. On the great Rorqual of the Indian Ocean. Offprint. (from: Journal of the Asiatic Society [28: 481-498, repaginated]: 15-16. CUL-DAR205.11.49 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Darwin on the origin of species. Calcutta Review 35 (September): 64-88. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 61] PDF
Blyth, Edward. 1860. Note on the races of Rein Deer. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 29: 376-392. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1860. Report of Curator, Zoological Department. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 29: 87-115. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1862. A memoir on living Asiatic species of rhinoceros. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 31: 151-175. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Blyth, Edward. 1867. [On cattle]. Land and Water (27 April): 346. CUL-DAR83.123 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. [Review of] Lloyd, The game birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway. Land and Water : 388. CUL-DAR45.157 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. "The deer are now shedding the 'velvet' of their new horns". Land and Water (21 September): 137. CUL-DAR83.125 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Amadavats. Land and Water : 212. CUL-DAR84.1.185 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. American birds straying to Europe. Land and Water (3 August): 27. CUL-DAR205.2.21 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Animals of Assam. Land and Water (2 March): 135. CUL-DAR83.122 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Answer to Ornithologicus: Sexual diversity of plumage. Land and Water (26 June): 15. CUL-DAR84.1.186 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Tortoiseshell male cat. Land and Water (28 September): 155. CUL-DAR193.26 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Wild types and sources of domestic animals. Part XXXIII.—The banteng. Land and Water (26 June): 476. CUL-DAR83.126 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Wild types and sources of domestic animals. Part XXIII.—The goat. Land and Water (2 February): 37-38. CUL-DAR83.124 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1867. Wild types and sources of domestic animals. Part XXV.—The sheep. Land and Water (2 March): 134. CUL-DAR193.24 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1869. Reply to Philophasis [on pheasant species]. Land and Water (13 March): 472. CUL-DAR205.7.9 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1869. The paddy-field deer of Ceylon (Comment on 'Indicus'). Land and Water : 42. CUL-DAR83.127 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1871. A plea for the wild elephant. The Field (4 March): 165. CUL-DAR87.118 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1871. A suggested new division of the Earth into zoological regions. Nature 3 (30 March): 427-429. CUL-DAR205.3.17-18 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1875. Catalogue of mammals and birds of Burma: with a memoir [by A. Grote] , and a portrait of the author. Hertford: Printed by S. Austin & Sons. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (2, extra number) [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Blyth, Edward. 1881. [true deer seasonal coat colours vs. saiga. "In nearly all of the true deer, there is a summer and a winter vesture"]. Land and Water. [see letter from Blyth 24 Feb. 1867] CUL-DAR83.118 Image
Blyth, Edward. 1881. The natural history of the cranes. Greatly enlarged, and reprinted, with numerous illustrations by W. B. Tegetmeier. London: Horace Cox and R. H. Porter. CUL-DAR.LIB.47 link PDF
Blytt, Axel. 1882. Die Theorie der wechselnden kontinentalen und insularen Klimate. Botanische Jahrbücher 2: 1-50, pl. I, 177-184. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bock, Carl Ernst. 1873. Von der Abstammungslehre. Gartenlaube 21 (43): 698-699, 710-[711] (Die vier Hauptvertreter des Darwinismus. Lamarck, Darwin, Haeckel und Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. Druck nach Holzstich von Adolf Neumann). CUL-DAR226.2.1-4 Image PDF
Boéchat, P. 1877. Anomalie symétrique héréditaire des deux mains. Geneva: Ramboz & Schuchardt. (Congrès périodique international des sciences médicales, 5e session, Genève (9-15 septembre 1877)) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Boehm, Joseph. 1877. Ueber die Aufnahme von Kalksalzen und Wasser durch die Blätter der Feuerbohne. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsstationen 20: 51‐59. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Boehm, Joseph. 1877. Ueber die Ursache der Wasserbewegung und der geringen Lufttension in transspirirenden Pflanzen. Botanische Zeitung 39: 801-813, 817-827. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Boehm, Joseph. 1877. Ueber die Verfärbung grüner Blätter im intensiven Sonnenlicht. Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsstationen 20: 463-468. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Boehm, Joseph. 1878. Ueber Stärkebildung in verdunkelten Blatttheilen der Feuerbohne. Berichte der Deutschen ehemaligen Gesellschaft. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Boehm, Joseph. 1878. Warum steigt der Saft in den Bäumen? Vortrag gehalten in der Wiener k. k. Gartenbau-Gesellschaft am 22. February 1878. Vienna: Faesy & Frick. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Boehm, R. 1871. Action of heart poisons. Academy 2 (1 August): 378. CUL-DAR58.2.13 Image
Böhner, A. N. 1877. Die brennenden Fragen der Gegenwart: Darwinismus, Radikalismus und Pessimismus. Hannover: Rümpler. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 307] PDF link
Boilly, Jules and Sanson, de. 1836. Voyage pittoresque dans les deux Amériques. Paris. (vol. of plates). CUL-Add8904.3.960 PDF link
Boitard, Pierre. 1828. Manuel d'entomologie. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. [on Beagle, inscribed in vol. 2: 'Charles Darwin Rio Plata Aug 7 th. 1832'] CUL-DAR.LIB.49[.2] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text
Boitard, Pierre. 1828. Manuel d'entomologie. 2 vols. Paris: Roret. CUL-DAR.LIB.49 vol. 1. Text vol. 2. Text
Boitard, Pierre and Corbié. 1824. Les Pigeons de volière et de colombier, ou histoire naturelle des pigeons domestiques. Paris: Audot & Corbié. CUL-DAR.LIB.48 PDF link
Bolau, H. 1876. Die menschenähnlichen Affen des Hamburger Museums (A. Pansch, Ueber die Furchen und Windungen am Gehirn eines Gorilla). Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften 6: 65-90. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1739. A dissertation upon parties: in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers. London: printed for R. Francklin. [CUL-1899] (CUL: 7700.d.142) CUL-DAR.LIB.51 PDF
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1748. A collection of political tracts . 2d ed. London: Printed for R. Francklin. [CUL-1899] 7700.d.140. CUL-DAR.LIB.50 PDF
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1749. Letters on the spirit of patriotism. London. [CUL-1899] 7700.d.138. CUL-DAR.LIB.52 PDF
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1752. Letters on the study and use of history. London: A. Millar. [Newnham College] PDF vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1754. The philosophical works of the late Right Honorable Henry St. John: Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. vols. 1-4. London: David Mallet. [CUL-1899] (CUL: [7180.d.3])[Darwin Library-CUL] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link vol. 3 link vol. 4 link
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1771. A dissertation upon parties: in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers. 9th ed. London: Davies. [CUL-1899] (CUL: 7700.d.141) PDF link
Bollaert, William. 1838. Description of the insulated masses of silver found in the mines of Huantaxaya, in the province of Tarapaca, Peru. Communicated by Mr. Darwin. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 598-599. PDF link
Bollettino del Reale comitato geologico d'Italia. n.d. Florence. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bollettino meteorologico ed astronomico del r. Osservatorio dell' Università di Torino. 1872. vol. 7. (Rutherford 1908) link ; 1873. vol. 8. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bon, Gustave Le. 1881. De Moscou aux monts Tatras: étude sur la formation actuelle d'une race. Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1831. Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati. Rome: Boulzaler. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1838. A geographical and comparative list of the birds of Europe and North America. London: John Van Voorst. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.54 link PDF
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1845. Observations on the state of zoology in Europe, as regards the vertebrata. Translated by H. E. Strickland. London: Ray Society. (Rutherford 1908) PDF link
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1854. Notes ornithologiques sur les collections rapportées en 1853 par M.A. Delattre: et classification parallélique des passereaux chanteurs. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1855. [Review of] Gray, Catalogue des genres etsous-genres d'oiseaux contenus dans le Muséum britannique. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences 41: 649-661. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien. 1855. Coup d'oeil sur l'ordre des pigeons. Paris: Mallet-Bacheler. CUL-DAR.LIB.53 link PDF
Bondi, Augusto. 1873 . L'Uomo. Ipotesi sulla origine dell'uomo. Teoria Darwiniana. Considerazioni. Forlì: Tip. Soc. Democratica. 150pp. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.55
Boner, Charles. 1860. Chamois hunting in the mountains of Bavaria and in the Tyrol. With illustrations by Theodore Horschelt. 2d ed. London: Chapman & Hall. [F1950, CCD18 not found.] PDF
Boner, Charles. 1861. Forest creatures. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts. [F1950, CCD18 not found.] PDF
Boner, Charles. 1865. Transylvania: its products and its people. With maps and numerous illustrations after photographs. London: Longman, Green, Reader and Dyer. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bonizzi, Paolo. 1871. [Review of] Ercolani, Sull'Ermafroditismo Perfetto delle Anguille. Bolletino, Accademia delle Scienze dell'Instituto di Bologna, pp. 252-253. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bonizzi, Paolo. 1875. Intorno all'ibridismo del colombo domestico colla tortora domestica. Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bonnal, Marcel de. 1877. Une agonie. Angoulême: impr. de Lugeol. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF
Bonnet, Charles. 1754. Recherches sur l'usage des feuilles dans les plantes. Göttingen & Leiden. Elie Luzac. (unannotated copy) [ESC Library] [Francis Darwin] CUL-DAR.LIB.56 link PDF
Bonnet, Charles. 1754. Recherches sur l'usage des feuilles dans les plantes. Göttingen & Leiden. Elie Luzac. [Francis Darwin] CUL-DAR.LIB.57 link
Bonnet, Charles. 1780. Oeuvres d'histoire naturelle et de philosophie. Traité d'insectologie. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Marc-Michel Rey. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link
Bonnington, Melvin. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. North British Agriculturalist (2 November): 700. CUL-DAR226.1.115[.1] Image PDF
Books for young reading. 1854. [Emma Darwin's diary]
Boot, F. 1844. [Report of] 19, October 1842. Regular meeting…F. Boot on carices, et al. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 1: 87-90. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Booth, Lionel, et al. 1855. Reports of the Council and auditors of the Zoological Society of London. London: Richard and John E. Taylor. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Boott, Francis. 1858-1862. Illustrations of the genus Carex. 3 parts. London: William Pomplin. ( Rutherford 1908 lists 3 parts)[Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Borggreve, Bernhard Robert. 1872. Ueber die Haide. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Born, Gustav Jakob. 1876. Die sechste Zehe der Anuren. Morphologisches Jahrbuch 1: 435-451. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Born, Gustav Jakob. 1881. Ueber die Entstehung der Geschlechtsunterschiede nach experimentellen Untersuchungen. Jahres-Bericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur 59: 2-22. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Börner, P. 1873. Charles Darwin und die Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris. Spenersche Zeitung (14 August). CUL-DAR226.2.28-29 Image PDF
Bornet, E. and Thuret, Gustave Adolphe. 1867. Recherches sur la fécondation des floridées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique 5th ser. 7: 137-166, 3 pls. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Borodin, Ivan Porfirevic. 1881. Untersuchungen über die Pflanzenathmung. Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg 7. ser., 28, 2 pls. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Borrelli, Diodato. 1879. Vita e natura. Studii sui temi più importanti del moderno naturalismo. 2d ed. Naples: Enrico Dethen. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bory de Saint-Vincent, Jean Baptiste Georges Marie , et al. eds. 1822-1831. Dictionnaire classique d'histoire Naturelle. 17 vols. Paris: Rey & Gravier. [on Beagle, inscribed in vol. 1][Darwin Library-CUL] vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text vol. 4 Text vol. 5 Text vol. 6 Text vol. 7 Text vol. 8 Text vol. 9 Text vol. 10 Text vol. 11 Text vol. 12 Text vol. 13 Text vol. 14 Text vol. 15 Text vol. 16 Text vol. 17 Text
Boscowitz, A. 1864. [Review of Origin]Variétés: la théorie de Darwin. Le Temps 11 (July) 1864; 17 (July). CUL-DAR226.1.274-279 Image PDF
Bosquet, Joseph Augustin Hubert. 1852. Description des entomostracés fossiles des terraines tertiaires de la France et de la Belgique. Brussels: Académie Royale de Belgique. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bosquet, Joseph Augustin Hubert. 1854. Monographie des crustacés fossiles du terrain crétacé du duché de Limbourg. Haarlem: A. C. Kruseman. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bosquet, Joseph Augustin Hubert. 1857. Notice sur quelques cirripèdes récemment découverts dans le terrain crétacé du Duché de Limbourg. Haarlem: Les Héritiers Loosjes. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bosquet, Joseph Augustin Hubert. 1859. Monographie des brachiopodes fossiles du terrain crétacé supérieur du Duché de Limbourg. part 1. Haarlem: A. C. Kruseman. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Bostock, John. 1824. An elementary system of physiology. vol. 1. London: Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Boston Society of Natural History.
Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History.
1869-1879. vols. 2 (1), 2 (2), 2 (3), 2 (4), 3 (1).
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U35] vol. 2.1 no. 1 1871: 1-28;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U36] vol. 1.1 no. 2 1871: 29-39;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U37] vol. 2.1 no. 1872: 41-154;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U38] vol. 2.2 no. 1 1872: 155-202;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U39] vol. 2.2 no. 2 1872: 203-230;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U40] vol. 2.2 no. 3 1873: 231-239;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U41] vol. 2.2 no. 4 1873: 241-247;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U42] vol. 2.3 no. 1 1873: 248-264;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U43] vol. 2.3 no. 2 1874: 265-319;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U44] vol. 2.3 no. 3 1874: 321-340;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U45] vol. 2.3 no. 4 1874.12: 341-353;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U46] vol. 2.3 no. 4 1874.12: 341-353 (2d copy);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U47] vol. 2.3 no. 5 1875.02: 355-363;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U48] vol. 2.4 no. 1 1875.04: 365-397;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U49] vol. 2.4 no. 2 1875.06: 399-408;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U50] vol. 2.4 no. 3 1875.09: 409-419;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U51] vol. 2.4 no. 4 1876.04: 421-479;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U52] vol. 2.4 no. 5 1877.05: 481-553;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U53] vol. 2.4 no. 6 1878.03: 555-567;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U54] vol. 3.1 no. 1 1878.06: 1-12;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U55] vol. 3.1 no. 2 1879.03: 13-21;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U56] vol. 3.1 no. 2 1879.03: 13-21 (2d copy);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U57] vol. 3.1 no. 3 1879.11: 134pp.;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U58] vol. 3.1 no. 3 1879.11: 134pp. (2d copy).
Boston Society of Natural History. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History. 1875-1880. nos. 2, 3. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 1874. 17 no. 2 1874.10-1874.12: 129-256. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U59]
Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 1869-1880. vols. 13-19, 20 (2, 3). [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Boswell, James. 1859. The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D: comprehending an account of his studies and numerous works in chronological order. London: Routledge, Warnes and Routledge. [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1. link
Botanical Gazette. n.d. Arthur Henfrey ed. [ CUL-DAR262.8 & CUL-DAR73.114-115 ] link
Botanical Magazine; or, Flower-Garden Displayed: in which the most ornamental foreign plants...are accurately represented in their natural colours. 1793. vols. 1 and 2 (in 1 vol.) William Curtis ed. London: Stephen Couchman. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 1857-1860. Transactions of the Botanical Society. 6 no. 3: i-x+305-445. CUL: P370.C.105.3. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U99] link
Botanical Society of Edinburgh. 1860. Transactions of the Botanical Society. Third annual report. vol. 6. [CUL-1899] [formerly P370.c.105.3] CUL-DAR.LIB.780 PDF
Botanical Society. Transactions of the Botanical Society. n.d. London. [CUL-DAR240] link
Botanische Zeitung. 1863. (2 and 9 January). [Copies ordered, CCD11] link
Botanische Zeitung. n.d. (Darwin was still subscribed in 1881.) [CUL-DAR240] link
Botanischer Jahresbericht. n.d. [CUL-DAR240] link
Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg. Sitzungsberichte der Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg. 1877. vol. 19: 84-86 (whole issue). CUL-DAR136.7 Image
Botanisches Zentralblatt; referierendes Organ für das Gesamtgebiet der Botanik. 1880-1902. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bouché, Carl David. 1874. Verspätete und beschleunigte Entwickelung von Blüthen während der späten Herbst- und ersten Wintermonate. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (May): 45-49. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Boucher de Perthes, J. 1860. De l'homme antédiluvien et de ses oeuvres. Paris: Jung-Treuttel. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Boudin, Jean Christian. 1857. Traité de geógraphie et de statistique médicales et des maladies endeḿiques: comprenant la méteórologie et la geólogie médicales, les lois statistiques de la population et de la mortalité, la distribution geógraphique des maladies, et la pathologie compareé des races humaines. Paris: J. B. Baillière et Fils. 2 vols. CUL-DAR.LIB.58 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF
Boué, Ami. 1830. [Formations secondaires autour du monde]. Journal de Géologie 2 (6): 205-207. Text
Boué, Ami. 1879. Autobiographie du Docteur médécin Ami Boué. Vienna: F. Ulrich und Sohn. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bouilly, Jean Nicolas. 1819. Causeries et nouvelles causeries. Paris: Mme. Ve. Louis Janet. [CUL-1899] (CUL: 8700.d.150)[Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Bourbon Del Monte, Jean-Baptiste François. 1877. L'homme et les animaux. Paris: Germer Baillière. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Bourne, Vincent. 1735. Poematia, Latinè partim reddita, partim scripta. London: J. Bettenham. (CUL: [7700.d.186]) [CUL-1899] [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Bouton, Louis Sulpice. 1860. Sur le mode de répartition de certains plantes à Maurice. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Mauritius n.s. 2: 113-114. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bouton, Louis Sulpice. 1864. Plantes médicinales de Maurice. Port-Louis, Mauritius. [?][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bouton, Louis Sulpice. n.d. [Climat et croissance des plantes]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Mauritius. [?][Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bouton, Louis Sulpice. n.d. [Diffusion de plantes introduites]. Transactions of the Royal Society of Mauritius. [?][Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bouverie-Pusey, Sydney Edward Bouverie. 1882. Permanence and Evolution: an inquiry into the supposed mutability of animal types. London: K. Paul, Trench. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down][Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link / link
Bowditch, Henry Pickering. 1877. The growth of children. (from the eighth annual report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts.) Boston: Albert J. Wright. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bowditch, Henry Pickering. 1881. A comparison of sight and touch. (from: Journal of Physiology, vol. 3, no. 3.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Bowdler, Jane. 1819. Poems and essays. Bath: printed by Richard Cruttwell. [CUL-1899] (CUL 8700.d.148) CUL-DAR.LIB.59 PDF
Bowen, Francis. 1860. [Review of Origin]. North American Review 90 (April): 474-506. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 49] Text Image PDF
Bowen, Francis. 1861. [Review of Origin]. Remarks on the latest form of the development theory. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences n.s. 8: 97-122. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 31] PDF
Bowen, Francis. 1861. General observations on the supposed hereditability of peculiar traits of bodily and mental organisation, and especially of mental disease. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 5: 102-110. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bowen, Francis. 1861. [Review of Origin]. Remarks on the latest form of the development theory. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences n.s. 8: 97-122. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 31, 49] PDF link
Bowerbank, James Scott. 1864-1872. A monograph of the British Spongiadae. 4 vols. [vol. 4, ed. by Rev. A. M. Norman] London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link vol. 3 PDF link vol. 4 PDF link
Bowman, William. 1866. The address in surgery. [Read 9 August.] British Medical Journal pt. 2: 186-197. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Boyd, Thomas. 1859. [Review of Darwin and Wallace] On the tendency of species to form varieties. Zoologist. 17: 6357-6359. Text Image
Boyer, Abel. 1816. Le dictionnaire royal, François-Anglois, et Anglois-François. 2 vols. (in 1 vol.). London: F. C. et J. Rivington [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] link
Boyer, Abel. 1819. Royer's Royal dictionary: abridged. 23d ed. London: F. C. & J. Rivington. [signed "C. Darwin October 29th, 1825"] CCA.24.72. CUL-DAR.LIB.60 PDF
Brace, Charles Loring. 1863. The races of the Old World: A manual of ethnology. London: John Murray. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Brace, Charles Loring. 1870. Darwinism in Germany. North American Review, 110 (April): 284-99. [inscribed][Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 127] PDF
Brace, Charles Loring. 1871. [Review of Descent]. New York Express (1 June): 2. CUL-DAR226.2.96-97 Image PDF
Brace, Charles Loring. 1872. The dangerous classes of New York. New York: Wynkoop & Hallenbeck. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] [See F2086 ] PDF link
Brace, Charles Loring. 1875. Mill's natural theology and Darwinism. Christian Union (23 June): 525. CUL-DAR226.2.179 Image PDF
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. n.d. [unnamed collection of novels]. [Vignoles 1893]
Braden, Clark. 1877. The problem of problems, and its various solutions; or, atheism, Darwinism, and theism. Cincinnati: Chase & Hall. [CUL-1899] [formerly 1905.7.653]. CUL-DAR.LIB.798 PDF
Bradley, Richard. 1724. A general treatise of husbandry and gardening. 3 vols. London: T. Woodward. [Each signed R. W. Darwin.] CUL-DAR.LIB.61 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 link vol. 3 link
Bradshaw, George. 1854. Bradshaw's shareholders' guide, railway manual and directory for 1854: a handbook for companies and shareholders. London: Adams. [CUL-DAR240] link
Brady, G. L. 1863. On the zoology of Hylton Dene. The Reader (12 September): 292. CUL-DAR47.102 Image
Brady, George Stewardson. 1865. Report on the pelagic Entomostraca [dredged off the coast of Northumberland and Durham 1862-1864]. Natural History Transactions of Northumberland and Durham, 1: 29-40. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection][Copy not found, CCD13] PDF link
Brady, George Stewardson. 1878-1880. A monograph of the free and semi-parasitic Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link vol. 3 PDF link
Brady, Henry B. 1874. On a true carboniferous nummulite. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4th ser. 13: 222-230, pl. XII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link pl. XII
Brakenridge, David J. 1869. A contribution to the theory of diathesis. Medical Times , (19 June and 17 July). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / pdf
Braubach, Wilhelm. 1869. Religion, Moral & Philosophie der Darwin'schen Artlehre nach ihrer Natur und ihrem Charakter als kleine Parallele menschlich geistiger Entwicklung, etc. Leipzig: J. H. Heuser'sche Buchhandlung. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 148] PDF link
Brauer, Friedrich Moritz. 1869. Betrachtungen über die Verwandlung der Insecten im Sinne der Descendenz-Theorie. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 2: 151-166. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Braun, A. 1872. Ueber die Bedeutung der Entwicklung in der Naturgeschichte: Rede zur Feier des Stiftungstages des medicinisch-chirugischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Instituts am 2 August 1872 gehalten. Berlin: Hirschwald. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 222] PDF link
Braun, A. 1873. Neue Beobachtungen über Rückschlaege an Cytisus adami. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (June): 63-73. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bravard, Auguste. 1857. Observaciones geológicas sobre diferentes terrenos de transporte, en la hoya del Plata. Buenos Aires: J. A. Bernheim. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Bravard, Auguste. 1858. Monografia de los terrenos marinos terciarios de las cercanias del Paraná . Paraná: Imprenta del Registro Oficial. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Bray, Charles. 1871. A manual of anthropology, or, science of man, based on modern research. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Bree, Charles Robert. 1860. Species not transmutable nor the result of secondary causes: Being a critical examination of Mr. Darwin's work entitled "Origin and variation of species". London: Groombridge & Sons. CUL-DAR.LIB.62 link PDF
Bree, Charles Robert. 1863. A fact for Mr Darwin — zebra-striped ass. The Field (19 September): 298. CUL-DAR178.59e Text Image
Bree, Charles Robert. 1872. Darwinism. Nature 6 (1 August): 260. CUL-DAR69.A24 Image
Brefeld, O. 1875. Neue Kulturmethoden für die Untersuchung der Pilze. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (November): 125-137. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Bréhaut, Thomas Collings. 1877. Mildew on grapes. Gardeners' Chronicle (22 September): 374. CUL-DAR67.28 Image
Brehm, Alfred Edmund. 1864-1867. Illustriertes Thierleben: eine allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. 4 vols. Hildburghausen: Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts. [Darwin Library-Down][annotated] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link vol. 3 link vol. 4 link
Brehm, Alfred Edmund. 1876-1879. Brehms Thierleben, allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. Grosse Ausgabe 9 vols. Leipzig: Verlag der Bibliographischen Instituts. [Darwin Library-Down] link Abt.1 Bd.1 PDF link Abt.1 Bd.2 PDF link Abt.1 Bd.3 PDF link Abt.2 Bd.1 PDF link Abt.2 Bd.2 PDF link Abt.2 Bd.3 PDF link Abt.3 Bd.1 PDF link Abt.3 Bd.2 PDF link Abt.4 Bd.1 PDF link Abt.4 Bd.2 PDF link
Brehm, Christian Ludwig. 1831. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte aller Vögel Deutschlands. Ilmenau. [?][CUL-DAR71.1-5 & CUL-DAR91.66] PDF link
Brehmer, Hermann. 1876. Beiträge zur Lehre von der chronischen Lungenschwindsucht. In Form einer Antwort auf die Attentate des Dr. L. Rohden (in Lippspringe) gegen den Verfasser und dessen Arbeiten. Breslau: Maruschke & Berendt. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Breitenbach, Wilhelm. 1877. Vorläufige Mitteilung über einige neue Untersuchungen an Schmetterlingsrüsseln. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie 14: 308-317. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Breitenbach, Wilhelm. 1878. The flowers of Asparagus officinalis. Gardeners' Chronicle (25 May): 662-663. CUL-DAR133.19.21-22 Image
Breitenbach, Wilhelm. 1878. Untersuchungen an Schmetterlingsrüsseln. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie 15: 8-29. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Breitenbach, Wilhelm. 1880. Ueber Variabilitäts-Erscheinungen an den Blüthen von Primula elatior und eine Anwendung des 'biogenetischen Grundgesetzes'. Botanische Zeitung (20 August): 577-580. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Breitenbach, Wilhelm. 1881. Die Entstehung der geschlechtlichen Fortpflanzung. Eine phylogenetische Studie. Kosmos 8: 248-257. [CUL Unbound material] PDF link
Brent, Bernard P. 1860. The Canary and the British finches. The wild Canary of Madeira. Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman (17 April): 43. Text PDF
Brent, Bernard P. [1864]. The canary, British finches, and some other birds: including directions for their management and breeding in the cage and aviary; as well as the treatment of their diseases. London: Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener Office. CUL-DAR.LIB.63
Brent, Bernard P. 1861. Period of incubation of call-duck [query on behalf of Darwin]. The Field (16 March): 17. Text Image
Brent, Bernard P. 1871. The pigeon book: containing the description and classification of all the known varieties of the domestic pigeon: together with an explanation of their requisite points of excellence, their management, and the treatment of their diseases. London: Cottage Gardener Office. CUL-DAR.LIB.64 link
Brewer, William Henry, Ross, James and Monrol, C. J. 1873. Anticipations of natural philosophy. Maupertuis, Empedocles, Aristotle. Nature 7: 402. CUL-DAR69.A30[.1] Image
Brewer, William Henry. 1873. Anticipations of natural philosophy: Maupertuis. Nature 7 (27 March): 402. CUL-DAR69.A30[.2] Image
Brewster, David. 1861. Sir David Brewster on the pursuit of science [tribute to Darwin]. Daily News (7 November): 5d. CUL-DAR226.1.40[.1] Image PDF
Brewster, David. 1862. [Review of Origin]. The facts and fancies of Mr. Darwin. Good Words (January): 3-9. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 51] PDF
Brewster, David. 1870. The pursuit of science. Daily News (20 June): 2c-d. CUL-DAR226.1.40[.2] Image PDF
Bridgman, William Kencely. 1861. On the influence of the venation in the reproduction of monstrosities among ferns. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 8: 490-492. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Briggs, Thomas Richard Archer. 1880. Flora of Plymouth: an account of the flowering plants and ferns found within twelve miles of the town: with brief sketches of the topography, geology, and climate of the area, and history of local botanical investigation. London: John Van Voorst. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Brigham, William Tufts. 1869. Notes on Hesperomania, a new genus of Hawaiian Compositae. Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brigham, William Tufts. 1869. The eruption of the Hawaiian volcanoes, 1868. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 1: 564-587. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brigham, William Tufts. 1870. Brooks Island. Scientific Opinion 3: 394. CUL-DAR205.4.1 Image
Briosi, Giovanni. 1882. Sopra un organo finora non avvertito di alcuni embrioni vegetali. Rome: Tipografia Artero e Comp. [Darwin Library-Down] [review link]
British and Foreign Medico - chirurgical Review. 1861 &c. [CUL-DAR240] link
British Association. 1833. Lithographed signatures of the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, who met at Cambridge, June M.DCCC.XXXIII, with a report of the proceedings at the public meetings during the week: and an alphabetical list of the members. Cambridge: John Smith. [Philosophical Tracts, ii.] Text link PDF
British Association. 1833. Report of the first and second meetings, at York in 1831 and at Oxford in 1832, including its proceedings, recommendations, and transactions. London: John Murray. Text
British Association. 1834. Report of the third meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science held at Cambridge in 1833. London: John Murray. [on Beagle, signed, Philosophical Tracts ii] CUL-DAR.LIB.65 PDF
British Association. 1834. Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. '1834, &c.' London. [CUL-DAR240] link
British Association. 1842. Report of the eleventh meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Plymouth in July 1841. London: John Murray. CUL-DAR.LIB.66 PDF Text
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1864. On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus Homo. Ed. by C. Carter Blake. London: Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts. CUL-DAR.LIB.71 link PDF
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1870. Sur le transformisme. Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 2d ser. 5: 168-242. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 121] PDF link
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1871. Sur la constitution des vertèbres caudales chez les primates sans queue. Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, 2d ser. 6: 225-23. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1872. [Review of Descent]. Les sélections. (from: Mémoires d'anthropologie de Paul Broca ; from Les Selections. Revue d'Anthropologie 1: 683-710.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 220] PDF
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1877. Sur le Cerveau du gorille. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris, 12: 432-439. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1877. Sur la circonvolution limbique et la scissure limbique. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris Année 1877 12: 646-657. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Broca, Pierre Paul. 1879. Recherches sur les centres olfactifs. Revue d'Anthropologie 2d ser. 2: 385-455. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brochant de Villers, Alexandre Brongniart. 1816-1830. Dictionnaire des sciences Naturelles. Planches. Paris: F. G. Levrault. 1re partie: règne inorganisé. "Cristallographie par M. Brochant de Villers; Minéralogie par M. Alexandre Brongniart". CUL-DAR.LIB.705 PDF
Brodie, Benjamin Collins. 1854. Psychological inquiries: in a series of essays, intended to illustrate the mutual relations of the physical organization and the mental faculties. London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans. CUL-DAR.LIB.715 link PDF
Broeck, Ernest van den. 1872. Considérations sur les déviations scalariformes présentées par les Planorbis complanatus de la mare de Magnée. Annales de la Société Royale Malacologique de Belgique 7: X-XI. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bromley Record. n.d. (see Emma Darwin 1863.)
Brongniart, Alexandre. 1831. Observations sur le mode de fécondation des Orchidées et des Cistinées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 24 (October): 113-130. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brongniart, Alexandre. 1833. Rapport fait à l'Académie Royale des Sciences, sur les travaux de M. Gay. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 28: 26-35. [Philosophical tracts, on Beagle. ] Text
Brongniart, Alexandre. 1834. Note sur le Colocasia odora, et sur l'élevation de température de ses fleurs. Extrait des Nouvelles annales du Muséum d'histoire naturelle, t. III, p. 145 et suiv., 1834, p. 1. Paris: Muséum d'histoire naturelle. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1841. Handbuch einer Geschichte der Natur. 2 vols. and atlas. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). CUL-DAR.LIB.72 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF atlas PDF
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1858. Morphologische Studien über die Gestaltungs-Gesetze der Naturkörper. Leipzig: Heidelberg, C. Winter. [inscribed][Darwin Library-CUL] CUL-DAR.LIB.74 PDF
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1858. Untersuchungen uber die Entwickelungs-Gesetze der organischen Welt wahrend der Bildungs-Zeit unserer Erd-Oberflache: eine von der Franzosischen Akademie im Jahre 1857 gekronte Preisschrift, mit ihrer Erlaubniss Deutsch herausgegeben. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). CUL-DAR.LIB.75 link PDF
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1860. [Review of Origin]. Ch. Darwin: on the origin of species. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde: 112-116. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 41] PDF Text
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1860. Über den Stüfengang des organischen Lebens von den Insel-Felsen des Ozeans bis auf die Festländer. Eine Fest-Rede, mit Erläuternden Beilagen. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bronn, Heinrich Georg. 1861. Essai d'une réponse à la question de prix proposée en 1850 par l'Académie des Sciences pour le concours de 1853, savoir: étudier les lois de la distribution des corps organisés fossiles, &c. (Suppl. aux Comptes rendus, Tome 2.). Paris: Maller-Bachelier. (Bound with CUL-DAR.LIB.729: Beneden, Mémoire sur les vers intestinaux.) CUL-DAR.LIB.73 link PDF
Brontë, Charlotte. 1853. Villette. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Brookes, Keith Brooks. 1875. Embryology of Salpa. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 18: 193-198. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brookes, Keith Brooks. 1876. The affinity of Mollusca and Molluscoida. Monthly Microscopical Journal 16: 135-144. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Brookes, Richard. 1763. The natural history of insects. London: J. Newbery. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.77 PDF link
Brookes, Richard. 1763. The natural history of waters, earths, stones, fossils and minerals; to which is added, the method in which Linnæus has treated these subjects. London: J. Newbery. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.76 PDF
Brooks, Charles Wolcott. 1876. Japanese wrecks stranded and picked up adrift in the north Pacific Ocean, ethnologically considered. San Francisco. (from: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences .) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brosig, Max. 1876. Die Lehre von der Wurzelkraft. Inaugural-Dissertation der philosophische Facult. der Univ. Breslau. 38pp. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] [review link]
Brougham, Henry. 1839. Dissertations on subjects of science connected with natural theology, being the concluding volumes of the new edition of Paley's work. 2 vols. London: C. Knight & Co. CUL-DAR.LIB.78 vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link
Broun, Thomas. 1880. Manual of the New Zealand Coleoptera. Wellington: James Hughes. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Brown, Edwin. 1862. On the mutability of species. Proceedings of the Northern Entomological Society (22 December): 4-26. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Brown, Edwin. 1862. On the mutability of specific or race forms. Proceedings of the Northern Entomological Society 20 (28 July): 7-18. (printed lithographically in handwritten script) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] [reprint: link ]
Brown, Edwin. 1863. On the genus Acentropus. Appendix to: Oswald Mosely, The natural history of Tutbury. By Sir O. M. Together with the fauna and flora of the district surrounding Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent, by E. Brown. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brown, John. 1864. Pet Marjorie: a story of child-life fifty years ago. (from: North British Review) Edinburgh: Nimmo. [CUL-DAR240] link
Brown, Robert. 1831. Observations on the organs and mode of fecundation in Orchideae and Asclepiadeae. London: Richard Taylor. (slightly modified preprint of: Brown, 1833. On the organs and mode of fecundation in Orchides and Asclepiadeie. [Read 1 and 15 November.] Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 16: 685-745.) [signed "Given to me by Mr. Brown on Friday December 9th. 1831"][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brown, Robert. 1866-1868. The miscellaneous botanical works of Robert Brown. 2 vols. London: Ray Society. vol. 1 link [?] vol. 2 link [?] [CUL-DAR240: only atlas 1868] vol. 3 "Atlas of plates". outsize. CUL-DAR.LIB.734 PDF
Brown, Robert. 1868. On the vegetable products used by the North-west American Indians as food and medicine, in the arts, and in superstitious rites. Transactions of the Botanical Society 9: 378-396. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Brown, Thomas. 1828. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind, with a memoir of the author by the Rev. David Welsh, Minister of St. David's, Glasgow. Edinburgh: William Tait. [CUL-1899] (CUL: 8180.c.2) PDF link
Brown, Willy and Anon. 1867. 'Terriers' and 'The British Bull-dog' Land and Water (14 September): 121-122. CUL-DAR195.1.22 Image
Brown. 1874. The bearings of modern science on the Bible. [Daily] Free Press (17 March): 4. CUL-DAR226.2.67-68 Image PDF
Browne, James Crichton. 1871-1875. The West Riding Lunatic Asylum medical reports. London: J. & A. Churchill. vols. 1, 2 and 5. CUL-DAR.LIB.79 vol. 1 link PDF
Browne, N. E. 1881. A locomotive dicotyledon. Gardeners' Chronicle (9 July): 42. [CCD29:307] Image PDF link
Brown-Séquard, Charles Édouard. 1870. Epileptic guinea-pigs. Academy 1 (22 October): 15 (extract). CUL-DAR193.44 Image
Brück, Anton. 1881. Erasmus Darwin der Arzt. Reimer: 2 sheets 1 folded, (from: Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift 1881: 605-608.) CUL-DAR133.5.5 Image
Bruggemann, Friedrich. 1876. [Review of] Ueber die sogenannten Leporiden von Nathusius. Jena. (Jenaische Literatur-Zeitung) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Bruggemann, Friedrich. 1876. Beiträge zur Ornithologie von Celebes und Sangir. (from: Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 5: 35-102.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bruggemann, Friedrich. 1878. On the young of Pityriasis gymnocephala. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5th ser. 1: 37-38. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bruguières, Jean Guillaume. 1789-1792. Encyclopédie Méthodique - histoire Naturelle des vers. Paris: Panckoucke. vol. 1 in 2 parts. CUL-DAR.LIB.80 PDF
Brunton, Thomas Lauder and Fayrer, Joseph. 1873-1874. On the nature and physiological action of the poison of Naja tripudians and other Indian venomous snakes. (Parts I & II). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF pt. 1 link pt. 2 link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder and Fayrer, Joseph. 1875. On the nature and physiological action of Crotalus -poison as compared with that of Naja tripudians and other Indian venomous snakes. Nature 11 (11 March): 377. CUL-DAR58.2.46 Image
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1868. On digitalis, with some observations on the urine. London: John Churchill & Sons. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1873 Action of mercury on the liver. (January). [?] ['a whole collection of your writings', included some or all of those papers listed in Brunton's 1886 book, On disorders of digestion. Copies not found or identified, CCD29:451,549]
[Brunton, Thomas Lauder.] 1873. Catching cold. British Medical Journal (28 June): 735. [CCD27:188] PDF
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1873. Physiological researches on the nature of cholera. Indian Medical Gazette 9(6)(September): 166-167. [?]
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1873. Voit on the nutritive value of gelatin. Medical Record 1 (22 January): 936-937. CUL-DAR58.2.19[.1] Image
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1874. Atropia as an antidote to poisonous mushrooms. British Medical Journal 2, no. 724 (November): 617-618. [?] PDF
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. [1874]. On the action of purgative medicines. (May and June). London: R. Clay, Sons, and Taylor. [?] PDF
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1874. On the physiology of vomiting and the action of anti-emetics and emetics. Practitioner 13 (December): 409-429. [?] PDF link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1876. On the action of alteratives. Practitioner 15 (August). [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1876. Symptoms, pathology, and treatment of albuminuria. Practitioner 15 (November and December). [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1876. The physiological action of alcohol. Practitioner 16 (January and February). [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1877. Arsenic in albuminuria. Practitioner (June). [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1877. On dyspepsia. Practitioner 19 (December). [?] PDF link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1878. On the action of tonics. Practitioner 21 (August). [?] PDF link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1878. On the use and administration of fat. Practitioner 20 (March). [?] PDF link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1879. On the pathology of night-sweating in phthisis: and the mode of action of strychnia and other remedies in it. St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports 15: 119-128. [Copy not found, CCD29:549] PDF
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1880. On headache, and neuralgia, and other diseases connected with the teeth. Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1880. Indigestion as a cause of nervous depression. Practitioner 25 (Oct. and Nov.) [Copy not found, CCD29:549. Identified in F3701 ] Text
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1880. Pharmacology and therapeutics; or, Medicine past and present. The Goulstonian lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in 1877. London: Macmillan. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link / link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1881. Introductory remarks on the structure and function of the kidney Practitioner 27 (August). [?] link
Brunton, Thomas Lauder. 1881. The Bible and science. London: Macmillan. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Brusina, Spiridio. 1874. Fossile Binnen-Mollusken aus Dalmatien, Kroatien und Slavonien: nebest Einem Anhange. Agram: Druck der Actienbuchdruckerei. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bryant, Charles. 1871. On the habits of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus Gray), with a description of the Pribyloff Group of islands. With notes by J. A. Allen. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 2: 89-108. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Bryce, J. P. 1879. An essay on spiritual evolution: considered in its bearing upon modern spiritualism, science, and religion. London: Trübner & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Buch, Leopold von. 1813. Travels through Norway and Lapland during the years 1806, 1807 and 1808. J. Black, trans. With Notes by R. Jameson. London: Henry Colburn. on Beagle CUL-DAR.LIB.82 [inscribed 'Chas Darwin M. Video Novr 1832'] Text
Buch, Leopold von. 1836. Description physique des Îles Canaries, suivie d'une indication des principaux volcans du globe. Translated by C. Boulanger. Paris: F. G. Levrault. CUL-DAR.LIB.81 link PDF
Buchholz, R. 1874. Bemerkungen über die im Cameroongebiet vorkommenden Arten von Chamaeleonen. (from: Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1874): 77-89.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Büchner, Hans. 1880. Ueber die experimentelle Erzeugung des Milzbrandcontagiums aus den Heupilzen nebst Versuchen über die Entstehung des Milzbrandes durch Einathmung. Deutsche Medicinische Wochenschrift 6: 575-576. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Büchner, Ludwig. 1862. Aus Natur und Wissenschaft. Leipzig: Theodor Thomas. CUL-DAR.LIB.83 PDF
Büchner, Ludwig. 1868. Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie der Verwandlung der Arten. Leipzig: Theodor Thomas. CUL-DAR.LIB.88 link PDF
Büchner, Ludwig. 1869. Conférences sur la théorie darwinienne de la transmutation des espèces. Translated by A. Jacquot. Paris: C. Reinwald. CUL-DAR.LIB.84 link PDF
Büchner, Ludwig. 1869. Die Stellung des Menschen in der Natur in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft, oder, Woher kommen wir? Wer sind wir? Wohin gehen wir? Allgemein verständlicher Text mit zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen Erläuterungen und Anmerkungen. Leipzig: CUL-DAR.LIB.90 PDF link / link
Büchner, Ludwig. 1872. Man in the past, present and future. Trans. by W. S. Dallas. London: Asher & Co. CUL-DAR.LIB.87 PDF
Büchner, Ludwig. 1872. Sechs Vorlesungen über die Darwin'sche Theorie der Verwandlung der Arten. 2d ed. Leipzig: Theodor Thomas. CUL-DAR.LIB.89 PDF link
Büchner, Ludwig. 1876. Die Darwinsche Theorie von der Entstehung und Umwandlung der Lebe-Welt. Leipzig: Theodor Thomas. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.85 PDF
Büchner, Ludwig. 1879. Liebe und Liebes-Leben in der Thierwelt. Berlin: Hofmann & Comp. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Büchner, Ludwig. 1880. Mind in animals. 3d ed. Translated by Annie Besant. London: Freethought Publishing Co. [Darwin Library-Down] link / link
Büchner, Ludwig. 1880. The influence of heredity on free will. Translated by Annie Besant. London: Freethought Publishing Company. [Copy not found, CCD28:250]
Büchner, Ludwig. 1882. Die Macht der Vererbung und ihr Einfluss auf den moralischen und geistigen Fortschritt der Menschheit. (Darwinistische Schriften 12). Leipzig: Ernst Günther. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.86 PDF
Bucke, Richard Maurice. 1879. Man's moral Nature: an essay. London: Trübner. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1863. Fish-hatching and pisci-culture. The Reader (20 June): 598. CUL-DAR46.1.57 Image
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1868. Arctic Chimaera. Land and Water (4 July): 377. CUL-DAR82.B69 Image
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1868. Number of eggs in one cod roe. Land and Water : 62. CUL-DAR193.29 Image
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. 1868. Trout egg collecting. Land and Water : 41-42. CUL-DAR85.B142-B143 Image
Buckland, William. 1820. Vindiciae geologicae: the connexion of geology with religion, explained in an inaugural lecture delivered before University of Oxford, May 15, 1819, on the endowment of readership in geology. Oxford: University Press. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buckland, William. 1821. Considerations of the evidences of a recent deluge. Transactions of the Geological Society of London 5: 516-44. Text
Buckland, William. 1841. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of London, on the 19th of February, 1841. London: Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buckle, George. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Natural selection insufficient to the development of man. Popular Science Review 10 (January): 14-24. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 157] PDF
Buckle, Henry Thomas. 1857-1861. History of civilization in England . 2 vols. London: J. W. Parker and son. [ed.? 1882 inventory] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
Buckley, Arabella Buckley. 1871. [Review of Descent]. Darwinism and religion. Macmillan's Magazine 24 (May): 45-51. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 163] PDF link
Buckley, Arabella Buckley. 1876. A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day: for the use of schools and young persons. London: John Murray. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Buckley, Arabella Burton. 1880. Life and her children: Glimpses of animal life, from the amœba to the insects. London: Edward Stanford. [CUL-DAR240] link
Buckman, James and Hall, Robert W. 1873. Notes on the Roman villa at Chedworth, Gloucestershire. 2d ed. Cirencester: C. H. Savory. CUL-DAR64.2.77 Image
Buckman, James. 1856. Notes on experiments in the botanical garden of the Royal Agricultural College. Athenaeum (16 August): 1031 (-1032). CUL-DAR205.10.1[.2 ] Image
Buckman, James. 1857. Report on the experimental plots in the Botanical Garden of the Royal Agricultural College at Cirencester. Report of the 27th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Dublin, pp. 200-215. [inscribed "With the authors compliments"][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Buckton, George Bowdler. 1876-1883. Monograph of the British Aphides. 4 vols. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link vol. 3 PDF link vol. 4 [1883] link
Buist, George. 1852. Index to books and papers on the physical geography, antiquities, and statistics of India. Bombay: Bombay Education Society's Press. [CUL-DAR240] link
Buist, Robert 'Peter of the Pools'. 1867. The improvement in salmon fisheries. Offprint from: The Field (28 December). CUL-DAR85.B146 Image
Buist, Robert 'Peter of the Pools'. 1867. The Stormontfield experiments. Offprint from: The Field (29 June). CUL-DAR85.B145 Image
Buist, Robert. 1866. The Stormontfield piscicultural experiments, 1853-1866. Edinburgh: Edmonston (Odds and Ends, 14). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buitenzorg Gardens Arbeiten III, i. [CUL-DAR240]
Bunyan, John. 1845. The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come. Delivered under the similitude of a dream. 2 pts. 270 engravings. London: Samuel Bagster and sons. [Signed 'Darwin' by Emma Darwin][Simon Keynes]
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1870. A list of the lizards inhabiting New Zealand, with descriptions. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 3: 4-11, pl. II. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1870. Further notes on the ornithology of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 3: 37-55, pl. XII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1870. On the New Zealand rat. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 3: 1-4, pl. I. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1870. On the structure and habits of the Huia (Heterolocha Gouldi). Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 3: 24-29, pl. IV. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1870. On Zosterops lateralis in New Zealand, with an account of its migrations. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 3: 15-16. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Buller, Walter Lawry. 1872-1873. A history of the birds of New Zealand. London: John Van Voorst. [CUL-DAR240: 5 parts] outsize CUL-DAR.LIB.91 link PDF
Bulletin de la Société belge de géologie, de paléontologie et d'hydrologie. n.d. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France. 1876. vol. 23. [CUL-DAR240/A copy ordered: CCD25:380] link
Bulletinde la Société des Sciences Naturelles. Neuchâtel. vol. 6 no. 3 1864: 417-682; and Rapport: 19pp. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1508] link
Bulletinde la Société des Sciences Naturelle s. Neuchâtel. vol. 8 no. 3 1870: 361-504; and Catalogue des champignons: 63pp; Rapport: 20pp; Commission géodisique: 26pp. [CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U1509] link
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France. n.d. Paris. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. n.d. Moscow. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bulletin de la Société impériale zoologique d'acclimatation. n.d. Paris. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bulletin de la Société neuchâteloise des sciences Naturelles. 1863-1881. vols. 6 (1, 3), 7 (2), 8 (1-3), 9 (1), 10 (3), 11 (1-3), 12 (1, 2). [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation. n.d. Paris. [CUL-DAR240] link
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College. Cambridge, Mass. 1876-1882. vols. 2 (3), 3 (11-16), 5 (2-16), 6 (1-10, 12), 8 (1, 2, 4-14), 9 (6). [Darwin Library-CUL]
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. New York. 1881. vol. 8: 97-108 (whole issue). CUL-DAR205.8.66 Image
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Burmeister, Hermann. 1846. The organization of trilobites. Trans. from the German by Th. Bell and Edw. Forbes. London: Ray Society. outsize. CUL-DAR.LIB.97 link PDF
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Burmeister, Hermann. 1870. Histoire de la création. Trad. de l'allemand d'après la 8ème éd. par E. Maupas. Revue par le professeur Giebel. Paris: F. Sary. CUL-DAR.LIB.96 PDF
Burnet, Thomas. 1684. The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things. The two first books, concerning the deluge and concerning paradise. London: Printed by R. Norton, for Walter Kettilby. [CUL-DAR240] link PDF
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Busch, Otto Arthur. 1877. Arthur Schopenhauer: Beitrag zu einer Dogmatik der Religionslosen. Heidelberg: Fr. Bassermann. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
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Busk, George and Gray, John Edward. 1852-1854. Catalogue of marine Polyzoa in the collection of the British Museum. London: By order of the Trustees. 2 vols. in 1 binding. CUL-DAR.LIB.67 Part I. link PDF , Text Image PDF Part II. link , Text Image PDF Part III. link , Text Image PDF
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Butler, Joseph. 1736. The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of Nature. To which are added, two brief dissertations. Dublin: Printed by J. Jones. For George Ewing. [CUL-DAR240, n.d.] PDF
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Butler, Samuel A. 1822. An atlas of ancient geography. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown. [Shrewsbury School Library] [1827 ed. with Darwin's annotated end pages added: PDF ]
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Camerano, Lorenzo. 1878. Note intorno ai caratteri sessuali secondari di alcuni Coleotteri. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (27 May): 751-764. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1879. Osservazioni intorno ai caratteri sessuali secondari dell'Anguis fragilis Linn. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 14: 1141-1147. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1879. Ricerche intorno alla struttura dei peli-ventose dei tarsi dei Coleotteri. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 14: 1148-1164. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1880. Dell'equilibrio dei viventi mercè la reciproca distruzione. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 15: 393-444. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1880. Della scelte sessuale negli Anfibi anuri. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 15: 683-702. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1880. La scelta sessuale e i caratteri sessuali secondari nei coleotteri. Turin: Ermanno Loescher. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Camerano, Lorenzo. 1880. Ricerche intorno alle solcature delle elitre de' ditiscidi come carattere sessuale secondario. Atti Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 15: 534-539. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Cameron, Charles Hay. 1853. Address to Parliament on the duties of Great Britain to India, in respect of the education of the natives, and their official employment. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Campana, Joseph César. 1875. Recherches d'anatomie de physiologie et d'organogénie pour la détermination des lois de la genèse et de l'evolution des espèces animales. Paris: Masson. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Campbell, Andrew. 1869. Notes on the capture of elephants in Assam. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (25 February): 137-140. CUL-DAR85.B148 Image
Campbell, John Francis. 1877. The parallel roads of Lochaber. London: Privately Printed for the author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Canby, William Marriott. 1868. Notes on Dionaea muscipula,—Ellis. Gardener's Monthly & Horticultural Advertiser 10: 229-232. CUL-DAR59.1.20 Image
Canby, William Marriott. 1870. Natural selections and the nest-building power of birds. Scientific Opinion (1 June): 489. CUL-DAR205 Image
Canby, William Marriott. 1874. Darlingtonia Californica, an insectivorous plant. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 23: 64-72. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de and Candolle, Casimir de. 1878-1881. Monographiae Phanerogamarum. Prodromi nunc continuatio, nunc revisio. 3 vols. Paris: G. Masson. [vol. 3 inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link vol. 3 PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1855. Géographie botanique raisonnée; ou, Exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l'epoque actuelle. 2 vols. Paris: J. Kessmann. CUL-DAR.LIB.103 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1862. Etude sur l'espèce à l'occasion d'une révision de la famille des cupulifères. Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles n.s. 15: 211-237, 326-365. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1862. Mémoires et souvenirs de Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle: écrits par lui-même et publiés par son fils. Geneva and Paris: Maison. [inscribed to Francis Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1862. Note sur un nouveau caractère observé dans le fruit des chênes et sur la meilleure division à adopter pour le genre Quercus. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles n.s. 15: 89-101. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1864. Sur une particularité de la nervation des feuilles du genre Fagus. Actes de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1865. De la germination sous des degrés divers de température constante. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 24: 243-282. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1867. Lois de la nomenclature Botanique. Paris: P. Masson. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1868. Laws of botanical nomenclature adopted by the International Botanical Congress held at Paris in August, 1867; together with an historical introduction and a commentary. Translated by [Henry Algernon Weddell]. London: L. Reeve & Co. [Copy not found, CCD16] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1872. Tentative d'expériences sur la question des modifications dans les espèces végétales à la suite d'un effet prolongé du climat. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 44: 105-116. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1873. Histoire des sciences et des savants, suivie d'autres études sur des sujets scientifiques et particuliers sur la sélection dans l'espèce humaine. Geneva: Bâle; Lyon: H. Georg. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.104 link PDF
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1873. Prodromi systematis naturalis vegetabilium historia, numeri, conclusio. Paris: G. Masson. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1874. Constitution dans le règne végétal de groupes physiologiques applicables à la géographie botanique ancienne et moderne. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 50: 5-42. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1875. Des effets différents d'une même température sur une même espèce au nord et au midi. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences 80: 1369-1611. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1875. Sur la méthode des sommes de température appliquée aux phénomènes de végétation. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 53: 257-280. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1875. Sur les causes de l'inégale distribution des plantes rares dans la chaîne des alpes. Florence: Ricci. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1876. Sur la désignation de la direction des spires dans les plantes. Bulletin de la Société botanique de France 23: 192-195. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1878. Feuillaison, défeuillaison, effeuillaison. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 62: 143-162 [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1878. Rapport sur le jardin expérimentale de M. Jordan. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 61 (February): 260-264. CUL-DAR45.197-198 Image
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1878. Sur l'existence de races physiologiques dans les espèces végétales à l'état spontané. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles. Geneva: Georg. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Alphonse de. 1880. La phytographie; ou, L'art de décrire les végétaux considérés sous différents points de vue. Paris: G. Masson. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.105 link PDF
Candolle, Augustine Pyramus de. 1819. Théorie élémentaire de la botanique: ou, Exposition des principes de la classification Naturelle et de l'art de décrire et d'étudier les végétaux. 2d ed. Paris: Déterville. [Erasmus Alvey Darwin][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Candolle, Augustine Pyramus de. 1824-1825. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive, Enumeratio contracta ordinum generum specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarium, juxta methodi naturalis, normas digesta. vols. 1-2. Paris: Treuttel & Würtz. [Darwin Library-Down] vol. 1 PDF link vol. 2 PDF link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1865. Théorie de l'angle unique en phyllotaxie. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 23: 199-212. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1868. Théorie de la feuille. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 32: 32-64. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1876. [Notice of work on the structure and movements of the leaves of Dionaea muscipula]. Gardeners' Chronicle (27 May): 696. CUL-DAR226.2.160[.1] Image PDF
Candolle, Casimir de. 1876. Sur la structure et les mouvements des feuilles du Dionaea muscipula. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles n.s. 55: 400-431. [inscribed][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1877. Observations sur l'enroulement des vrilles. Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 58: 5-17. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1879. Anatomie comparée des feuilles chez quelques familles de Dicotylédones. Geneva: Georg. (from: Mémoires de la Société de physique et d'histoire Naturelle de Genève 26: 427-480.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Candolle, Casimir de. 1881. Considérations sur l'étude de la phyllotaxie. Geneva: Georg. (from: Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles 3d ser. 5: 260-287; 358-396.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni and Berlese A. 1880. La stregghia degli Imenotteri. Memoria presentata nella seduta della Società Veneto-Tridentina di Scienze Naturali del 31 Maggio 1880. Padua: R. Stab. di Pietro Prosperini. PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1870. Origine dell'uomo. 2d ed. Milan: Gaetano Brigola. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1871. Note Zoologiche. Sul proboscistoma del Saccardo. Intorno ai lofobranchi adriatici. Atti del Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti 3d ser. 16: 1045-1067. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1872. Caratteri sessuali secondarii degli Aracnidi. Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali in Padova 1 (3): 184-188. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1877. La teoria dell'evoluzione esposta ne' suoi fondamenti come introduzione alla lettura delle opere del Darwin e de' suoi seguaci. 2d ed. Turin: Unione Tipografico-Editrice. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1879. Sulla produzione dei sessi. Gazzetta medica italiana 4: 201, 274-291. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Canestrini, Giovanni. 1880. La teoria di Darwin criticamente esposta. Milan: Fratelli Dumolard. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Canfield, Colbert A. 1866. On the habits of the prongbuck (Antilocapra americana), and the periodical shedding of its horns. [Read 27 February.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1866): 105-110. [CUL Unbound material] PDF link
Carbonnier, P. 1869. Rapport et observations sur l'accouplement d'une espèce de poisson de Chine. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation 2d ser. 6: 408-414. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carbonnier, P. 1870. Nouvelle note sur un poisson de Chine appartenant au genre Macropode. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique d'Acclimatation 2d ser. 7: 26-32. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Carret, Jules. 1877. Le déplacement polaire: preuves des variations de l'axe terrestre. Paris: F. Savy. [inscribed to Darwin by author "A notre illustre maitre Ch. Darwin, Hommage de profond respect"] [Forum Auctions, 30 March 2023: "to half-title, small pencil notes to margin, rear endpaper and pastedown, three neat single-line markings to margins, folded colour map at rear (torn, most of page loose)"] PDF link
Carey, John. 1816. Ainsworth's Latin dictionary. New ed. Carefully revised, and enriched with many new explanations of words and phrases and many additional authorities from the classic authors. London: printed for F. C. and J. Rivington. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Carey, Peter Stafford. 1839. An introductory lecture on the study of English law, delivered in University College, London, on Monday, December 17, 1838. London: printed for Taylor and Walton. [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Carl, L. 1878. Untersuchungen über den Schädelbau domesticirter Tauben. Osterprogramm 1878 der Realschule zu Pirna. Meist auf das grösster Liberalität zur Verfügung gestellte Material im Dresdener Museum begrundet. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Carlier, Antoine G. 1872. Darwinism refuted by researches in psychology. London: Jarrold & Sons. [inscribed][Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Carlyle, Mary. 1881. (letter to). The Times (5 May): 8f. CUL-DAR210.9.19d
Carlyle, Mary. 1881. (letter to). The Times (7 May): 12e. CUL-DAR210.9.19f
Carlyle, Thomas. 1831. Sartor resartus: the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. London: Chapman & Hall. [ CUL-DAR240 n.d./1882 inventory] link
Carlyle, Thomas. 1837. The French revolution: a history. 3 vols. London: Champan and Hall. [The Book Collector, 1965, inscribed to Erasmus Darwin] vol. 1 link vol. 2 link vol. 3 link
Carlyle, Thomas. 1877. Carlyle on the gospel of dirt. Daily News : [(17 January): 5.] CUL-DAR210.9.19b
Carlyle, Thomas. 1877. The gospel of dirt. Glasgow Herald (15 January). CUL-DAR105.B100
Carmichael, Dugald. 1818. Some account of the island of Tristan da Cunha and of its natural productions. Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London 12: 483-513. (CCD2: "Bound with CD's copy are lists of Tristan da Cunha plants from the 1850s by CD and Hooker"][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carne, Joseph. 1822. On the relative age of the veins of Cornwall. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall 2: 49-128. Text
Carneri, Bartholomaeus. 1871. Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus: Drei Bücher Ethik. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Carneri, Bartholomaeus. 1876. Gefühl, Bewußtsein, Wille: eine psychologische Studie. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Carpenter, P. Herbert. 1881. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, and in the Caribbean sea, 1877-79, and along the Atlantic coast of the United States during the summer of 1880, by the United States coast survey steamer ''Blake", etc. XVI. Preliminary report on the Comatulae. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 9: 151-170. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carpenter, Philip Pearsall. 1856. Report on the present state of our knowledge of the Mollusca of California. Athenaeum (23 August): 1061-1062. CUL-DAR205.3.2 Image
Carpenter, Philip Pearsall. 1863. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge of the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Reader (24 October): 480-481. CUL-DAR205.3.7[.1] Image
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1854. Principles of comparative physiology. 4th ed. London: John Churchill. CUL-DAR.LIB.106 link PDF
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1859. Researches on the Foraminifera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 149: 1-41. [Darwin Library-Down] link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1860. [Review of Origin and On the tendency to form varieties]. Darwin on the Origin of species. National Review 10: 188-214. Text PDF
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1860. [Review of Origin]. The theory of development in nature. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 25 (April): 367-404. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 42]. Text Image PDF
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1862. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. London: Ray Society. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1863. Dr. Carpenter and his reviewer. Athenaeum (4 April): 461. Text
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1865. On the structure, affinities, and geological position of Eozoon canadense. Intellectual Observer 7: 278-302. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1868. The microscope and its revelations. 4th ed. London: John Churchill & Sons. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1869. Preliminary report of dredging operations in the seas to the north of the British islands carried on in HM steam-vessel 'Lightning'. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 17: 168-200 [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1874. Principles of mental physiology. London: H. S. King & Co. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1880. Land and sea considered in relation to geological time. London. (Report of Royal Institution of Great Britain, Meeting of 23 Jan. 1880) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carr, Ralph Edward?. 1868. Peewits: their great usefulness to turnip culture. Land and Water (8 August): 46. CUL-DAR84.1.193 Image
Carrey, P. S. 1839. An introductory lecture on the study of English law. London. [CUL-1899] (CUL: Bbb.26.18 (7)). [Darwin Library-CUL] link
Carrière, élie-Abel. 1865. Production et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux. Paris: Libraire agricole de la Maison Rustiane. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.107 link PDF
Carrière, élie-Abel. 1867. Description et classification des variétés de pêchers et de brugnoniers. Paris: the author. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Carrière, élie-Abel. 1869. Origine des plantes domestiques démontrée par la culture du radis sauvage. Paris: Carrière. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Carroll, Lewis. 1865. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Carroll, Lewis. 1871. Through the looking glass. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
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Carus, Julius Victor and Engelmann, Wilhelm. 1861. Bibliotheca zoologica. Verzeichniss der Schriften über Zoologie 1846-60. 2 vols. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. CUL-DAR.LIB.108 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 PDF
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Caspari, Otto. 1873. Die Urgeschichte der Menschheit mit Rücksicht auf die natürliche Entwickelung des frühesten Geisteslebens. 2 vols. Leipzig: Brodhaus. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF (both vols.) vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
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Caton, John Dean. 1877. The antelope and deer of America: a comprehensive scientific treatise upon the natural history, including the characteristics, habits, affinities, and capacity for domestication of the Antilocapra and Cervidae of North America. New York: Hurd & Houghton. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link / link
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Cattell, John. 1855. Catalogue, no. 1, descriptive of the select collection of kitchen garden seeds, roots and plants, for culinary purposes, saved from stocks of very superior quality, and cultivated for sale by John Cattell, Seed and Nursery Establishment, Westerham, Kent. London: Nichols and Son. CUL-DAR46.2.A1b Image
Celsus, A. Cornelis. 1826. Medicinae Libri octo ex recensione Leonardi Targae concinnavit E. Milligan. Edinburgh: MacLachlan & Stewart. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF
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Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick. 1877. Fertilisation of glossostigma. Nature (27 December): 163-164. PDF
Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick. 1880. Description of a new species of Loranthus. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 13: 296-297. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick. 1880. On the fertilization of Thelymitra. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 13: 291-296. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
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Chun, Carl. 1880. Die des Golfes von Neapel und der Angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. vol. 1. Monographie: Ctenophorea. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. [ESC Library] outsize CUL-DAR.LIB.112 link PDF
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Cienkowski, L. 1877. Zur Morphologie der Bacterien. Saint Petersburg: l'Académie Impériale, St-Pétersbourg. (from: Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg 25 (2) 1-147, pls.I-XV.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
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Claparède, Édouard and Mecznikow, Elias. 1869. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chaetopoden. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 19: 163-205. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claparède, Edouard. 1861. [Review of Origin]. M. Darwin et sa théorie de la formation des espèces. Revue Germanique Française & étrangère 16: 523-559; 17: 232-263. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 60] PDF
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Claparède, Édouard. 1862. Recherches sur l'évolution des Araignées. Utrecht: C. van der Post jr. (from: Natuurkundige Verhandelingen uitgegeven door het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claparède, Édouard. 1868. Studien an Acariden. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 18: 445-546. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claparède, Édouard. 1869. Recherches sur des annélides présentant deux formes sexuées distinctes. Geneva: Ramboz et Schuchhardt. (from: Archives des sciences de la Bibliothèque universelle et revue Suisse. Archives des sciences physiques et Naturelles .) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claparède, Édouard. 1870. La sélection naturelle et l'origine de l'homme. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 7 (6 August): 561-571. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 120] PDF
Claparède, Édouard. 1870. Remarques à propos de l'ouvrage de M. Alfred Russel Wallace sur la théorie de la sélection naturelle. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles 2d ser. 38 (June): 160-189. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 152] PDF link
Clark, Henry James. 1865. Mind in nature; or the origin of life, and the mode of development of animals. New York: D. Appleton & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Clark, Henry James. 1878. Lucernariae and their allies: a memoir on the anatomy and physiology of Haliclystus Auricula, and other Lucernarians, with a discussion of their relations to other Acalephae, to Beroids, and Polypi. Washington: Smithsonian Institute. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
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Clarke, Benjamin. 1866. A new arrangement of phanerogamous plants: with especial references to relative position, including their relations with the cryptogamous. London: Sold by the author. Printed by J. Bale. [Copy not found, CCD14] PDF link
Clarke, Benjamin. 1870. On systematic botany and zoology including a new arrangement of Phanerogamous plants, with especial reference to relative position, and their relations with the cryptogamous; and a new arrangement of the classes of zoology. London: Sold by the author, printed by J. Bale & Sons. [Darwin Library-Down]
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Clarke, William Branwhite. 1870. Remarks on sedimentary formations of New South Wales, illustrated by references to other provinces of Australasia. (from: American Journal of Science and Art). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Claus, Carl Friedrich. 1862. Ueber die morphologischen Beziehungen der Copepoden zu den verwandten Crustaceen-gruppen der Malacostraken, Phyllopoden, Cirripedien und Ostracoden. Würzburger naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 3: 159-167. [Copy not found, CCD17:69] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1866. Die Copepoden-Fauna von Nizza. Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik der Formen und deren Abänderungen 'im Sinne Darwin's'. Marburg and Leipzig: N. G. Elwert'sche Universitäts-Buchhandlung. (from: Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Befoerderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1868. Beobachtungen über die Organisation und Fortpflanzung von Leptodera appendiculata. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg 1: 1-34. Supplement-Heft III. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1868. Die Cypris-ähnliche Larve (Puppe) der Cirripedien und ihre Verwandlung in das festsitzende Thier. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der Rankenfüssler. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Supplement-Heft V. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1871. Metamorphose der Squilliden. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 16: 111-163, pls. I-VIII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1871. Untersuchungen über den Bau und die Verwandtschaft der Hyperiden. Nachrichten von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 1: 24-44. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1871-1873. Grundzüge der Zoologie. Zum Gebrauche an Universitäten und höheren Lehreanstalten sowie zum selbststudium. 2d enlarged ed. 2 vols. Marburg and Leipzig: N. G. Eltwert'sche Universitäts Buchhandlung. [signed][Darwin Library-Down] vol. 2 PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1872. Ueber den Körperbau einer australischen Limnadia und über das Männchen derselben. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 22: 355-364, pls. XXIX-XXX. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1872. Ueber den Bau und die systematische Stellung von Nebalia nebst Bemerkungen über das seither unbekannte Männchen dieser Gattung. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 22: 323-330, pl. XXV. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1872. Zur Naturgeschichte der Phronima sedentaria Forsk. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 22: 331-338, pls. XXVI-XXVII. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Claus, Carl. 1875. Über die Entwickelung, Organisation und systematische Stellung der Arguliden. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann. (Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie 25: 217-284, pls. XIV-XVIII) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Claus, Carl. 1876. Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage des Crustaceen-Systems: ein Beitrag zur Descendenzlehre . Vienna: Carl Gerhold's Sohn. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Cleland, John. 1875. Address to the Anatomical and Physiological Section of the British Association. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 134-156. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cleland, John. 1881. Evolution, expression, and sensation, cell life and pathology. Glasgow: James Maclehose. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link / link
Clement XIV, Pope (Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli). 1823. Lettere ed altre opere. 2 vols. Florence: G. Molini. [CUL-1899] (CUL: [S740.e.82.20]) [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF (both vols.) vol. 1 link vol. 2 link
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Cline, Henry. 1829. Observations on the breeding and form of domestic animals. Wright's catalogues. London: H. & W. Wright. (from: Quarterly Journal of Agriculture .) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link ]
Coan, Titus Munson. 1876. Darwin [with portrait]. The Library Table (New York) (November): 143-144. CUL-DAR140.1.9 Image
Coan, Titus Munson. 1879. The decay of the Polynesian. The Nation (New York)29 (July): 54-55. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Coan, Titus Munson. 1880. Adventures in Patagonia: a missionary's exploring trip. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. [note at front: 'not yet entered in Catalogue of Books'][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Coates, George. 1822. The general short-horned herd-book: containing the pedigrees of short-horned bulls, cows, &c. of the improved Durham breed, from the earliest account, to the year 1822. Otley: W. Walker. vol. 1. (CUL: P443.c.1.1) [CUL-1899] CUL-DAR.LIB.739 link PDF
Cobbe, Frances Power and Shaftesbury, Earl of, Anthony. 1881. Mr Darwin on vivisection. The Times (19 April): 8b CUL-DAR139.17.11 Text Image
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1867. Hours of work and play. London: Trübner & Co. [CUL-1899] (CUL: Sm.10.62) [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1871. Darwinism in morals. Theological Review 8 (March-April): 167-192. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 164]. PDF
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1881. A few remarks in reply to a lecture on vivisection. Hull: Literary and Philosophical Society. 21pp. CUL-DAR139.17.1 Image
Cobbe, Frances Power. 1881. Mr. Darwin on vivisection. The Times (23 April): 8d. CUL-DAR139.17.9 Image
Cobbold, T. Spencer. 1873. Notes on Entozoa-Part I. [Read 10 October.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 47: 736-742. Text Image PDF
Cobbold, T. Spencer. 1874. Notes on Entozoa. Part II. [Read 2 January.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 48: 124-128. Text Image PDF
Cobelli, Giovanni de. 1877. Teratologie del fiore della Crassula lactea, Ait. Diciottesimo Programma dell' i. r. Scuola Reale Elisabettina in Rovereto. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Cognetti de Martis, Salvatore. 1881. Le forme primitive della evoluzione economica. Turin: Ermanno Loescher. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Cohen, H. M. 1875. Das Gesetz der Befruchtung und Vererbung begründet auf die physiologische Bedeutung der Ovula und Spermatozoën für Aerzte und naturwissenschaftlich gebildete Thierzüchter. Nördlingen: Beck'schen. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1861. Contractile Gewebe im Pflanzenreich. Breslau. (from: Abhandlungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für vaterländische Cultur. Abtheilung für Naturwissenschaften und Medicin 1 (1861): 1-48.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1874. Botanische Probleme. Deutsche Rundschau 1: 80-93. [Copy not found, CCD23] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1875. Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Gattung Volvox: Festschrift dem geheimen Medicinalrath Prof. Dr. Göppert zu seinem fünfzigjährigen Doctorjubiläum am 11. Januar 1875 gewidmet von der philosophischen Fakultät der Königl. Universität zu Breslau. Breslau: Grass & Barth. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1875. Ueber die Function der Blasen von Aldrovanda und Utricularia. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 1 (1870-5) 3d pt: 71-92. (Proof copy, not including illustrations) CUL-DAR58.2.35-43 Image
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1876. [Review of Insectivorous plants]. Insectenfressende Pflanzen. Deutsche Rundschau 7: 441-456. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 267.21] PDF
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1876. 'Insectenfressende' Pflanzen. Jahres-Bericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur, 54: 112-113. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1876. Lathraea squamaria. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der botanischen Section der Schlesischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1876, pp. 113-115. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. ed. 1876-1877. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen. vol. 2, parts 2 & 3. [CUL-DAR240] [Copies not found, CCD24-25] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1881. Der Zellenstaat. Deutsche Rundschau 27: 62-80. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1881. Goethe als Botaniker. Deutsche Rundschau 28: 26-56. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cohn, Ferdinand Julius. 1882. Die Pflanze: Vorträge aus dem Gebiete der Botanik. Breslau: Kern. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Colenso, William. 1844. Journal of a naturalist in some little known parts of New Zealand by William Colenso, Esq., in a letter to Sir W. J. Hooker. London Journal of Botany 3: 1-62. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge . [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The poetical works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 3 vols. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Colin, Gabriel Constant. 1854-1856. Traité de physiologie comparée des animaux domestiques. 2 vols. Paris: J. B. Baillière. CUL-DAR.LIB.113 vol. 1 PDF vol. 2 link
Collegno, H. de. 1843. Sur les terrains diluviens des Pyrénées. (from: Annales des sciences géologiques.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Collett, Robert. 1880. The Norwegian North-Atlantic expedition 1876-1878. Zoology. Fishes. Zoologi. Fiske. Christiania: Grøndall & Søn. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Collier, William Frederick. 1872. Punishments in education. London: Longmans, Green, and Co. [Copy not found, CCD21:114] link
Collin de Plancy, Victor. 1877. Note sur les insectes diptères parasites des batraciens. Société Zoologique de France: Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 2: 249-257. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1859. The fauna of Blackheath and its Vicinity. Part I. Vertebrate animals, being the first report of the Zoological Committee of the Natural History Club. London: Clowes. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1860. On Agassiz's views of Darwin's theory of species. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool 15: 81-99. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1860. On homomorphism or organic representative form. Proceedings of the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society 14: 181-216. [inscribed "Charles Darwin Esq with the Author's Compts."][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1860. On recurrent animal form and its significance in systematic zoology. Athenaeum (14 July): (63-)64. CUL-DAR205.9.15 Image
Collingwood, Cuthbert. 1868. Rambles of a naturalist on the shores and waters of the China Sea. London: John Murray. CUL-DAR.LIB.114 link PDF
Collot, M. L. 1876. études morphologiques sur les feuilles des très-jeunes végétaux. Revue des Sciences Naturelles 5: 49-56. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Collyer, Robert. 1871. The cleft in the rock, a sermon preached at the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association, 31 May 1871. London: Unitarian Association. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 188]
Columbus, Christopher. 1847. Select letters of Christopher Columbus: With other original documents, relating to his four voyages to the New World. Translated and ed. by R. H. Major. London: Hakluyt Society. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Comber, Thomas. 1874. The dispersion of British plants. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire 26: 47-74. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Comber, Thomas. 1875. Geographical statistics of the extra-British European flora. Transactions of the Horticultural Society of Lancashire. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Comstock, John Henry. 1879. Report upon cotton insects. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. CUL-DAR.LIB.116 link PDF
Comstock, John Henry. 1880. Report of the entomologist of the United States Department of Agriculture for the year 1879. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. CUL-DAR.LIB.117 [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Comte, Auguste. 1875. System of positive polity: General view of positivism and introductory principles. vol. 1 London: Longmans, Green and Co. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Congrès d'archéologie et d'anthropologie préhistoriques: session de Bologne. Bologne: Fava et Garagnani. link / link
Conrad, T. A. 1870. Descriptions of new fossil shells of the upper Amazon. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 26: 82-83. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Conta, Vasile. 1877. Théorie du fatalisme. Brussels: G. Mayolez. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Contejean, C. 1881. Zoologie: De l'origine des especes. Revue scientifique de la France et de l'étranger 3d ser. 1 (April): 554-562. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 340] PDF link
Contemporary Review. n.d. [CUL-DAR240] link
Conway, Moncure Daniel. 1881. [Review of Earthworms]. Our fellow-worms. Index (Boston, Mass.), (22 December): 290-291. CUL-DAR226.1.65-66 Image PDF
Conybeare, William Daniel and Phillips, William. 1822. Outlines of the geology of England and Wales, with an introductory compendium of the general principles of that science, and comparative views of the structure of foreign countries. London: William Phillips. [Darwin Library-Down] Text
Cook, James and King, James. 1784. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the northern hemisphere. 3 vols. London: Strachan. [on Beagle][note at front of vol. 1: 'This Work was given on its first publication by Josiah Wedgwood Esq of Etruria to Erasmus Darwin M.D. of Derby and is given to their Grandson Charles Robt. Darwin by his Father in 1840'] CCA.24.73-75. CUL-DAR.LIB.118 vol. 1 Text vol. 2 Text vol. 3 Text
Cook, James and King, James. 1784. A voyage to the Pacific Ocean performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships the Resolutions and Discovery...1776-1780. London: Strachan. Plate volume only. Robert Waring Darwin's bookplate. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF CUL-DAR270.4.19 link
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 1865. Darwin's observations on the physiology of the process of fertilization in plants. Popular Science Review 4 (July): 424-436. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 102] PDF
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 1870. Kashmir morels. Nature 3 (1 December): 99b, first 26 lines. CUL-DAR45.173 Image
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 1879. Meal on Auricula leaves. Gardeners' Chronicle [31 May]: 700. CUL-DAR68.5 Image
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. 1879. Mycographia, seu Icones fungorum. Figures of fungi from all parts of the world. Drawn and illustrated by M. C. Cooke, M.A., A.L.S., etc. vol. I. Discomycetes, Part I. London: Williams and Norgate. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Cooper, Dr. 1871. The horned toad of Oregon (Tapaya Douglassii). Nature 3 (27 April): 512b. CUL-DAR189.101 Image / link
Cooper, J. H. 1843. On fossil bones found in digging the New Brunswick Canal in Georgia. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 4: 33-34. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cooper, T. ed., 1878. Men of mark: a gallery of contemporary portraits...photographed from life by Lock and Whitfield with brief biographical notices ... London: Sampson, Low, Marsden, Searle, and Rivington, 3d ser, p. 36 with photograph. [?] Text Image PDF
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1868. On the origin of genera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia 20: 242-300. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1870. On the hypothesis of evolution, physical and metaphysical. Lippincott's Magazine of Literature, Science and Education (July): 29-41; (August): 173-180; (September): 310-319. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 130] PDF
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1871. The method of creation of organic forms. [Read 15 December.] Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12: 229-263. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1872. On the homologies of some of the cranial bones of the Reptilia, and on the systematic arrangement of the class. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 19: 194-247. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link / link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1872. The laws of organic development. Nature 5 (25 January): 252-254. CUL-DAR47.117-118 Image
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1874. Report on the vertebrate paleontology of Colorado. Report of the U.S. Geological Survey. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1875. Check-list of North American Batrachia and Reptilia; with a systematic list of the higher groups, and an essay on geographical distribution. Based on the specimens contained in the U. S. National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1875. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico: collected in 1874. Washington: Government Printing Office. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1875. The vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of the West. Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories 2. Washington: Government Printing Office. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1879. Observations on the faunae of the Miocene tertiaries of Oregon. Bulletin of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 5: 55-69. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1879. On the genera of Felidae and Canidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 31: 168-184. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1879. The origin of the specialized teeth of the Carnivora. American Naturalist. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cope, Edward Drinker. 1879. I.—The relations of the horizons of extinct vertebrata of Europe and North America. II.—Observations on the faunae of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon. Washington. (from: Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographic Survey 5 (1)) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Copley, [Esther. 1857.] The young servant; or, Aunt Susan and her nieces. new ed. London: Religious Tract Society.[Signed 'Elizabeth Chapman Downe 1857'(a maid at Down House) and 'G Raverat' and 'Margaret Keynes 1957' Simon Keynes]
Cordemoy, Jacob de. 1872. [extract of a letter mentioning] Jussiaea grandiflora. Transactions of the Royal Society of Mauritius 6: 63. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Corneille, Thomas. 1860. Chefs-d'œuvre de P. Corneille: avec une histoire abrégée du théâtre français, une biographie de l'auteur et un choix de notes de divers commentateurs / par D. Saucié. Nouvelle édition. Tours: Ad. Mame et cie. [Newnham College] link
Cornu, Maxime and Mer, émile. 1878. Recherches sur l'absorption des matières colorantes par les racines. In Comptes rendus sténographiques du Congrès international de botanique et d'horticulture tenu à Paris du 16 au 24 août 1878. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. 15pp. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cornu, Maxime. 1879. Note sur un type nouveau de tiges anomales. [Read 17 March.] Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences 88: 548-550. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cotta, Bernhard von. 1838. Die Lagerungsverhältnisse an der Grenze zwischen Granit und Quader-Sandstein. Dresden and Leipzig: Arnoldschen Buchhandlung. [Darwin Library-Down, fragment] PDF link / link
Cotta, Bernhard von. 1865. Geology and history: a popular exposition of all that is known of the Earth and its inhabitants in pre-historic times. London: Trübner & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] link
Cotta, Bernhard von. 1866. Die Geologie der Gegenwart. Leipzig: J. J. Weber. CUL-DAR.LIB.119 link PDF
Cottage Gardener, Country Gentleman's Companion, and Poultry Chronicle.
London. 1855-1861. vols. 15-25.
(In 1861 changed to
Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U389] vol. 15 no. 85 1855.10: 1-22, v-viii, 23-82;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U390] vol. 15 no. 86 1855.11: 83-156;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U391] vol. 15 no. 87 1855.12: 157-232;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U392] vol. 15 no. 88 1856.01: 233-326; Thompson's seed
catalogue: 14pp;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U393] vol. 15 no. 89 1856.02: 327-404;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U394] vol. 15 no. 90 1856.03.04: 405-420;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U395] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.04.15: 43-58;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U396] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.04.22: 59-75;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U397] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.05.06: 91-108;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U398] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.05.13: 109-126;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U399] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.05.20: 127-144;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U400] vol. 16 no. 91 1856.05.27: 145-162;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U401] vol. 23 no. 136 1860.01: 203-280 (in cover of no.
148, 1861.01.);
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U402] vol. 23 no. 138 1860.03: 343-406;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U403] vol. 24 no. 139 1860.04: 1-42, v-viii, 43-64;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U404] vol. 24 no. 140 1860.05: 65-144;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U405] vol. 14 no. 141 1860.06: 145-206;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U406] vol. 24 no. 141 1860.07: 207-280;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U407] vol. 24 no. 143 1860.08: 281-336;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U408] vol. 24 no. 144 1860.09: 337-394;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U409] vol. 25 no. 145 1860.10: 1-36, i-viii, 37-70;
[CUL-DAR.LIB.PER-U410] vol. 25 no. 146 1860.11: 71-126.
Couch, Jonathan. 1847. Illustrations of instinct, deduced from the habits of British animals. London: John van Voorst. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Coues, Elliott. 1869. On variation in the genus Aegiothus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 21: 180-189. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Coues, Elliott. 1869. The anatomy of a four-legged chicken. Scientific Opinion (10 November): 488-489. CUL-DAR51.C3-C4 Image
Coues, Elliott. 1877. Precursory notes on American insectivorous mammals, with descriptions of new species. Washington: Department of the Interior. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Coues, Elliott. 1878. Birds of the Colorado valley: a repository of scientific and popular information concerning North American ornithology. Washington: Geological Survey of the Territories. 11. Miscellaneous publications. Washington D.C., Government Printing Office. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Couthouy, Joseph Pitty. 1844. Remarks upon coral formations in the Pacific; with suggestions as to the causes of their absence in the same parallels of latitude on the coast of South America. Boston Journal of Natural History 4: 66-105, 137-162. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Cowper, William. 1815. Poems. Weybridge, Surrey: S. Hamilton. vol. 2. [Goldberg auctions. signed "Charles Darwin" and "G. Raverat 1926 from E. Darwin"] link [inscribed page: link ]
Cowper, William. 1837. The works of William Cowper. Robert Southey ed. London: Baldwin & Cradock. 15 vols. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Cox, E. T. , et al. 1869. Geology (First annual report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1869). Indianapolis, Indiana: Alexander Conner, State Printer. [CUL-DAR240] PDF
Cox, Edward William. 1873. What am I? A popular introduction to the study of psychology. vol. 1. The mechanism of man. London: Longman. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Crabbe, George. 1813. Tales. 2 vols. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Crabbe, George. Poems. [ed.? 1882 inventory]
Cramer, Carl. 1857. Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchungen. Heft IV. Zurich: F. Schulthess. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cramer, Carl. 1876. Ueber die insectenfressenden Pflanzen: Vortrag, gehalten in Zürich am 14. (December) 1876 und mit Zusätzen versehen. Zurich: Schmidt. 2 copies. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cramer, Carl. 1877. Verbreitungsmittel der Pflanzen. Vortrag gehalten in der Naturforsch. Gesellschaft Zürich, 12. November 1877. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 22: 405-413. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cramer, Carl. 1878. Ueber hochdifferenzirte ein- und wenigzellige Pflanzen. Vortrag gehalten in der Naturforsch. Gesellschaft Zürich. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 23 (4): 400-407. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cramer, Carl. 1879. Über das stereoskopische Ocular von Prazmonski. (Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 20 January) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Cramer, Carl. 1880. Ueber die geschlechtslose Vermehrung des Farn- Prothallium namentlich durch Gemmen resp. Conidien. (Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, vol. 28.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Crawfurd, John. 1852. A grammar and dictionary of the Malay language. vol. 1. London: Smith, Elder & Co. CUL-DAR.LIB.120 PDF
Crawfurd, John. 1856. A descriptive dictionary of the Indian islands & adjacent countries. London: Bradbury & Evans. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Crawfurd, John. 1859. [Review of Origin]. Examiner (3 December): 772-773. CUL-DAR226.1.50 Text Image PDF
Crawfurd, John. 1860. On the relation of the domesticated animals to civilisation. London: Reynell. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Crawfurd, John. 1863. A few notes on Sir Charles Lyell's "Antiquity of Man" and on Prof. Huxley's "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature". London: Spottiswoode. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Crawfurd, John. 1868. On the theory of the origin of species by natural selection in the struggle for life. London: Spottiswoode. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 88] PDF
Crelle, August Leopold. 1857. Rechentafeln welche alles Multipliciren und Dividiren mit Zahlen unter Tausend ganz ersparen. 4th ed. Berlin: n.p. [Darwin Library-CUL] [1820: link ]
Crichton-Browne, James. 1874. Acute dementia. West Riding Lunatic Asylum Medical Reports 4: 265-290. [Copy not found, CCD22:487] PDF link
Crocker, Charles William. 1862. The lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria. Gardener's Weekly Magazine, and Floricultural Cabinet 4: 68-70. (whole issue) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Croll, James. 1866. On the reason why the change of climate in Canada since the glacial epoch has been less complete than in Scotland. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow 2: 138-141. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1867. On the change in the obliquity of the ecliptic, its influence on the climate of the polar regions and the level of the sea. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 33: 426-445. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1867. On the reason why the change of climate in Canada since the glacial epoch has been less complete than in Scotland. Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow 2: 138-141. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1868. On geological time, and the probable date of the Glacial and the Upper Miocene Period. Philosophical Magazine 4th ser. 35: 363-384; 36: 141-154, 362-386. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1869. On the influence of the Gulf-stream. Geological Magazine 6: 157-162. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1869. On the physical cause of the motion of glaciers. Philosophical Magazine 37: 201-206. [CCD17] PDF link
Croll, James. 1870. On ocean-currents in relation to the distribution of heat over the globe. Philosophical Magazine 39: 81-106. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1870. On the cause of the motion of glaciers. Philosophical Magazine 40: 153-170. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1871. On a method of determining the mean thickness of the sedimentary rocks of the globe. Geological Magazine 8: 97-102. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1871. On the transport of the Wastdale Crag Blocks. Geological Magazine 8: 15-20. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1874. Mr. J. Croll on the physical cause of ocean-currents. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 47: 187-188. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] Text
Croll, James. 1874. On ocean-currents.—Part III. On the physical cause of ocean-currents. Philosophical Magazine 47: 94-122. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1874. On the physical cause of the submergence and emergence of the land during the glacial epoch. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 1: 346-353. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Croll, James. 1875. Climate and time in their geological relations: a theory of secular changes in the Earth's climate. London: Daldry, Isbister & Co. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Croll, James. 1877. On the probable origin and age of the sun. Quarterly Journal of Science n.s. 7: 307-326. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Crompton, Joseph. 1869. Address delivered by the president…to the members of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, at their first meeting, on April 27th, 1869. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society 1: 13-18). [?][CCD17] link
Crompton, Joseph. 1870. Pesidential address to the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, delivered on 27 April 1869. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, 1: 13-18. [Copy not found, CCD18] link
Crompton, Joseph]. 1871. President's address, second annual meeting, 31 March. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, 1: 7-9. Text PDF
[Crookes, William.] 1866. Darwin and his teachings. Quarterly Journal of Science 3 (April): 151-176. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 37] PDF
Crookes, William. 1872. Psychic force and modern spiritualism. London: Longmans, Green & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Crotch, George Robert. 1867. On the Coleoptera of the Azores. [Read 28 March.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1867): 359-391. [CUL Unbound material] PDF link
Crotch, George Robert. 1871. The geographical distribution of insects. Nature 4 (25 May): 65-66. CUL-DAR205.3.20 Image
Crowhurst, G. 1877. Cedars of Lebanon. Gardeners' Chronicle (27 January): 117-118. CUL-DAR109.A96[.1] Image
Crüger, Hermann. 1864. A few notes on the fecundation of orchids and their morphology. Communicated by Charles Darwin, Esq., F.R.S. (Read March 3, 1864). Journal of the Proceedings of The Linnean Society 7: 127-35 CUL-DAR70.144 Image PDF
Crüger, Hermann. 1865. A few notes on the fecundation of orchids and their morphology. Journal of Linnean Society (Botany) 8: 127-135 plus plates. CUL-DAR70.145 Image ; CUL-DAR136.3 Image
Cruikshank, George. 1871?. Comparative anatomy à la Darwin. (caricature) [source unknown] CUL-DAR251.1833 and CUL-DAR251.1834
Cudworth, Ralph. 1731 A treatise concerning eternal and immutable morality; with a preface by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Durham . [1 vol.] London: printed for James and John Knapton. [Newnham College]
Cudworth, Ralph. 1820. The true intellectual system of the universe. [4 vols.] [inscribed "Eras. Darwin, 1832"] [Newnham College]
Cunningham, Allan. 1827. A few general remarks on the vegetation of certain coasts of Terra Australis, &c. [An appendix to Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia ... by Phillip P. King. Issued separately.] London: John Murray. [Philosophical Tracts, i. 1.]
Cunningham, Robert Oliver. 1871. Notes on the natural history of the Strait of Magellan and West coast of Patagonia made during the voyage of HMS "Nassau" in the years 1866, 67, 68, & 69. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas. [inscribed][Darwin Library-CUL] PDF
Currey, Frederick. 1865. Report on sexuality in the lower Cryptogamia. Natural History Review n.s. 5 (January): 64-79. [CUL Unbound material] link
Cuvier, Georges. 1799-1805. Leçons d'anatomie comparée. Receillies et publiées par C. Dumeril et G.L. Duvernoy. vols. 1-5. Paris: Baudouin. CUL-DAR.LIB.122 vol. 1 link PDF vol. 2 link PDF vol. 3 link PDF vol. 4 link PDF vol. 5 link PDF
Cuvier, Georges. 1827. Essay on the theory of the earth, with geological illustrations by Professor Jameson. 5th ed. Translated by Robert Jameson. London: Edinburgh: William Blackwood, T. Cadell. [signed] CUL-DAR.LIB.121 link PDF
Cuvier, Georges. 1829-1830. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation pour servir de base ä l'histoire Naturelle des animaux, 2d ed., 5 vols. Paris: Déterville and Crochard. [see Latreille] on Beagle CUL-DAR.LIB.123 vol. 1 Text link vol. 2 Text link vol. 3 Text link vol. 4 Text link vol. 5 Text link
Cuvier, Georges. 1834-1837. The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals: and an introduction to comparative anatomy, with figures designed after Nature: the Crustacea, Arachnides & Insecta by M. Latreille. London: Henderson. [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1 Mammalia. Birds PDF link vol. 1 plates PDF link vol. 2 Reptiles. Fishes PDF link vol. 2 plates PDF link vol. 3 Mollusca. Annelides. Crustacea. Arachnides and Insecta PDF link vol. 3 plates PDF link vol. 4 Insecta. Zoophytes PDF link vol. 4 plates PDF link
Cuvier, Georges. 1840. Aves, from Orr's Animal kingdom, pp. 158-159. CUL-DAR84.1.179-180 Image
Czerny, Vinzenz. 1870. Zoology: researches on the Amoebae. Nature 3 (15 December): 136. CUL-DAR45.174 Image
Czerny, Vinzenz. 1872. Ueber die Beziehungen der Chirurgie zu den Naturwissenschaften. (Inaugural lecture delivered 14 June 1872.) Freiburg: Fr. Wagner'sche Buchhandlung. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
d'Aulnoy, Catherine. Fairy tales. [from Emma's childhood: Keynes, Annie's box]
Dall, William Healey. 1871. Report on the Brachiopoda obtained by the United States Coast survey expedition, in charge of L. F. de Pourtalès, with a revision of the Craniidae and Discinidae. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dall, William Healey. 1877. On a provisional hypothesis of saltatory evolution. American Naturalist 11: 135-137 [1-2, unpaginated]. CUL-DAR45.196 Image
Dall, William Healy. 1880. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, 1877-78, by the United States Coast Survey Steamer "Blake" Lieut.-Commander C. D. Sigbee, U. S. N. commanding. V: General conclusions from a preliminary examination of the Mollusca. Cambridge, Mass.: University Press. Bulletin of the Museum Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, in Cambridge 6, no. 3: 85-93. CUL-DAR.LIB.736 link PDF
Dallas, William Sweetland. 1856. A natural history of the animal kingdom: being a systematic and popular description of the habits, structure, and classification of animals, from the lowest to the highest forms. London: Charles Griffin and Co. [Darwin Library-CUL] PDF link
Dallas, William Sweetland. 1869. [Review of Variation]. Westminster Review n.s. 35 (January): 207-227. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection reviews 107]. Text
Dallinger, William Henry and Drysdale, John. 1873. Researches on the life history of a cercomonad: a lesson in biogenesis. Monthly Microscopical Journal 3d ser. 10: 53-58. [Copy sent to Ernst Haeckel in 1873][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dallinger, William Henry and Drysdale, John. 1874. Continued researches into the life history of the monads. [Read 4 November.] Monthly Microscopical Journal 3d ser. 12: 261-269, pls. LXXXIII-LXXXV. [inscribed][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dallinger, William Henry and Drysdale, John. 1875. Further researches into the life history of the monads. [Read 7 April.] Monthly Microscopical Journal 3d ser. 13: 185-197, pls. CII-CIV. [inscribed][Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dallinger, William Henry. 1876. Professor Tyndall's experiments on spontaneous generation, and Dr. Bastian's position. The American Naturalist, 10: 415-422. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dallinger, William Henry. 1878. On the life-history of a minute septic organism: with an account of experiments made to determine its thermal death point. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 27: 332-350. [Copy not found, CCD26] PDF link
Dally, M. E. 1868. L'Ordre des primates et le transformisme. Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris Année 3: 673-712. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dalmer, M. 1880. Über die Leitung der Pollenschläuche bei den Angiospermen. Jenaische Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaft 7: 530-566. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dalziel, Hugh. 1878. [on dew-claws in dogs.] Country: a Journal of Rural Pursuits (19 January). [Copy not found, CCD26:20]
Dana, James Dwight. 1846. On the volcanoes of the moon. American Journal of Science and Arts 2: 335-355. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1847. Geological results of the Earth's contraction in consequence of cooling. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 3. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1847. On the origin of continents. American Journal of Science and Arts 3: 94-100. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1847. Origin of the grand outline features of the Earth. American Journal of Science and Arts. 3: 381-398. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1853. On the classification and geographical distribution of Crustacea. Philadelphia: C. Sherman. [inscribed] outsize CUL-DAR.LIB.124 link PDF
Dana, James Dwight. 1856. On American geological history. (With "Plan of development in the geological history of North America. with a Map. by J. D. Dana."). (from: American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 22: 335-349). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1856-1857. Science and the Bible. Bibliotheca Sacra, 13 (1856): 80-129, 631-656; 14 (1857): 388-413, 461-524. PDF link , link
Dana, James Dwight. 1857. Thoughts on species. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 24: 305-316. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. Higher subdivisions in the classification of mammals. American Journal of Science and Arts 35: 65-71. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. Manual of geology, treating of the principles of the science, with special reference to American geological history, for the use of colleges, academies, and schools of science. Philadelphia: Theodore Bliss & Co. [Darwin Library-Down] link / PDF
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. Manual of mineralogy, including observations on mines, rocks, reduction of ores, and the applications of the science to the arts, with 260 illustrations. designed for the use of schools and colleges. New ed. London: Trübner & Co. [CUL-DAR240] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. On certain parallel relations of the classes of vertebrates, and on some characteristics of the reptilian birds. (from: American Journal of Science and Arts vol. 36 (November).) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. The classification of animals based on the principle of cephalization. (from: American Journal of Science and Arts vol. 36 (November).) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1863. On the higher subdivisions in the classification of mammals. Annals and magazine of natural history 11: 207-214. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1864. On the Appalachians and Rocky Mountains as time-boundaries in geological history. Reader (2 January): 17-18. CUL-DAR205.2.16. Image
Dana, James Dwight. 1864. The classification of animals based on the principle of cephalization: Classification of insects. On fossil insects from the carboniferous formation in Illinois (From the American Journal of Science and Arts vol. XXXVII, Jan. 1864). [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dana, James Dwight. 1872. Corals and coral islands. New York: Dodd & Mead. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.125 link PDF
Dana, James Dwight. 1874. Notes on the new edition of Mr Darwins work on the structure and distribution of coral reefs. Nature 10 (17 September): 408-410. CUL-DAR69.A100-A101 Image link PDF
Dancer, John Benjamin. 1877. On the transfer of subsoil to the surface by the agency of worms, insects, larvae, moles, etc. Proceedings of the Manchester Philosophical Society : 247-248. CUL-DAR64.2.34 Image
Dandolo, Vincenzo. 1825. The art of rearing silk-worms. Transl. from the work of Count Dandolo. London: John Murray. CUL-DAR.LIB.126 link PDF
Danielssen, Daniel Cornelius and Johan Koren. 1881. Zoologi. Gephyrea. Den Norske Nordhavs-Expedition 1876-1878. / The Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition 1876-1878. Zoology. Gephyrea Christiania: Grødahl & Søhn. [Darwin Library-Down] PDF link
Dapsy, László and Somssich, Pál. 1873. [Articles arguing over Darwin's theory.] Reform (Hungary). [Copies not found CCD21]
Darapsky, Ludwig. 1880. Zur Geschichte der Zellentheorie. Dissertation Facultät Würzburg. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection]
Dareste, Camille. 1862. Mémoire sur la production artificielle des monstruosités. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie) 4th ser. 18: 243-276. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Dareste, Camille. 1863. Recherches sur les conditions de la vie et de la mort chez les monstres ectroméliens, célosomiens et exencéphaliens, produits artificiellement dans l'espèce de la poule. Lille: Danel. (from: Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Sciences de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille 10: 39-82.) [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] link
Dareste, Camille. 1867. Rapport sur un veau monstrueux. (from: the Archives du Comice Agricole de l'Arrondisement Lille.) Lille: Blocquel-Castiaux. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF
Dareste, Camille. 1877. Recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités, ou, Essais de tératogénie expérimentale. Paris: C. Reinwald & Cie. [inscribed][Darwin Library-Down]. [Darwin Pamphlet Collection] PDF link
Darwin, C. R. 1835. [Extracts from letters addressed to Professor Henslow]. Cambridge: [privately printed]. [Philosophical Tracts, ii. 4.][CUL-DAR135.6 PDF ] Text Image PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1836. Geological notes made during a survey of the east and west coasts of S. America, in the years 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1835, with an account of a transverse section of the Cordilleras of the Andes between Valparaiso and Mendoza. [Read 18 November 1835.] Proceedings of the Geological Society 2: 210-212. Text Image PDF F1642
Darwin, C. R. 1837. [Note on an Australian insect]. In Waterhouse, G. R., Descriptions of some new species of exotic insects. [Read 5 December 1836]. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: 194. Text Image PDF F2015
Darwin, C. R. 1837. [Notes on Rhea americana and Rhea darwinii ]. [Read 14 March.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 5 (51): 35-36. Text Image PDF F1643
Darwin, C. R. 1837. [Remarks upon the habits of the genera Geospiza, Camarhynchus , Cactornis and Certhidea of Gould]. [Read 10 May.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 5 (53): 49. Text Image F1644
Darwin, C. R. 1837. [Specimens of Chiasognathus Grantii]. [Read 3 April.] Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: xli. Text Image PDF F1913
Darwin, C. R. 1837. [Specimens of the genus Carabus from South America]. [Read 3 April.] Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 2: xli. Text Image PDF F1643a
Darwin, C. R. 1837. A sketch of the deposits containing extinct Mammalia in the neighbourhood of the Plata. [Read 3 May.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 542-544. Text Image PDF F1646
Darwin, C. R. 1837. Observations of proofs of recent elevation on the coast of Chili, made during the survey of His Majesty's Ship Beagle commanded by Capt. FitzRoy R.N. [Read 4 January.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 446-449. Text Image PDF F1645
Darwin, C. R. 1837. On certain areas of elevation and of subsidence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as deduced from the study of coral formations. Athenaeum no. 503 (17 June): 443. Text PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1837. On certain areas of elevation and subsidence in the Pacific and Indian oceans, as deduced from the study of coral formations. [Read 31 May.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 552-554. Text Image PDF F1647
Darwin, C. R. 1838. On the connexion of certain volcanic phænomena, and on the formation of mountain-chains and volcanos, as the effects of continental elevations. [Read 7 March.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 654-660. CUL-DAR139.8.1 Image Text Image PDF F1649
Darwin, C. R. 1838. On the formation of mould. [Read 1 November 1837.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2: 574-576. CUL-DAR139.7.1 Image Text Image PDF F1648
Darwin, C. R. 1838-1843. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., during the years 1832 to 1836. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 5 vols. [CUL-DAR240: 2 copies]
Part 1 Fossil Mammalia by Richard Owen. By Darwin: Preface & Geological introduction. CUL-DAR.LIB.132.1 Text Image PDF F9.1
Part 2 Mammalia by George Robert Waterhouse. By Darwin: Geographical introduction & A notice of their habits and ranges. CUL-DAR.LIB.132.2 Text Image PDF F9.2
Part 3 Birds by John Gould [& G. R. Gray]. CUL-DAR.LIB.132.3 Text Image PDF F9.3
Part 4 Fish by Leonard Jenyns. CUL-DAR.LIB.132.4 Text Image PDF F9.4
Part 5 Reptiles by Thomas Bell. CUL-DAR.LIB.132.5 Text Image PDF F9.5
Darwin, C. R. 1839. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle. London: Henry Colburn. CUL-CCA.24.6; CUL-CCA.24.1-4 (Manuscript notes by Francis Darwin) CUL-CCA.24.5. [inscribed "Erasmus Darwin from the author"] CUL-DAR.LIB.189; CCA.24.1-5; Christ's College, Francis Darwin copy. Image PDF PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1839. Journal of researches, Geology, pp. 267-298 (Tierra del Fuego visit June 1834) with corrections. CUL-DAR5.B41-B65 Image
Darwin, C. R. 1839. Note on a rock seen on an iceberg in 61° south latitude. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 9 (March): 528-529. Text Image PDF F1652
Darwin, C. R. 1839. Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society : 39-81 plus plates. CUL-DAR139.9.1 Image Text Image PDF F1653
Darwin, C. R. 1839. Questions about the breeding of animals. [London: Stewart & Murray printed]. Text Image PDF F262
Darwin, C. R. 1840. [Notes on Chilean beetles.] In G. R. Waterhouse, Description of a new species of the genus Lophotus, from the collection of Charles Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (July): 330, 332. Text F2010
Darwin, C. R. 1840. On the connexion of certain volcanic phenomena in South America; and on the formation of mountain chains and volcanos, as the effect of the same powers by which continents are elevated. [Read 7 March.] Transactions of the Geological Society of London (Ser. 2) 5 (3): 601-631, pl. 49, 3 figs. Text Image PDF F1656
Darwin, C. R. 1840. On the formation of mould. [Read 1 November 1837.] Transactions of the Geological Society (Ser. 2) 5 (2): 505-509. Text Image PDF F1655
Darwin, C. R. 1841. [Notes on South American beetles]. In Waterhouse, G. R., [Descriptions of Some New Coleopterous Insects from the Southern Parts of S. America, Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. and T. Bridges, Esq.]. [Read 14 December.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 110, 128. Text Image F2016
Darwin, C. R. 1841. Humble-bees. Gardeners' Chronicle no. 34 (21 August): 550. CUL-DAR205.11.56 Image Text Image PDF F1658
Darwin, C. R. 1841. On a remarkable bar of sandstone off Pernambuco, on the coast of Brazil. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 3d ser. 19 (October): 257-260, 1 text figure. Text Image PDF F266
Darwin, C. R. 1841. On the distribution of erratic boulders and on the contemporaneous unstratified deposits of South America. [Read 5 May.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London Part 2, 3: 425-430. CUL-DAR139.10.1 Image Text Image F1657 PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1842. Notes on the effects produced by the ancient glaciers of Caernarvonshire, and on the boulders transported by floating ice. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 21 (September): 180-188. CUL-DAR135.7 Image Text Image CUL-DAR135.7 PDF PDF F1660
Darwin, C. R. 1842. On the distribution of the erratic boulders and on the contemporaneous unstratified deposits of South America. [Read 14 April 1841.] Transactions of the Geological Society Part 2, 3 (78): 415-431. Text Image PDF F1661
Darwin, C. R. 1842. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. London: Smith Elder and Co. CUL-CCA.24.10. (Manuscript notes by Darwin.) Text Image PDF F271
Plate I. CUL-DAR69.A104-A105 Image
Plate 3. CUL-DAR69.A106 Image
Darwin, C. R. 1843. Double flowers-their origin. Gardeners' Chronicle no. 36 (9 September): 628. Text Image PDF F1663
Darwin, C. R. 1843. Remarks on the preceding paper in a letter from Charles Darwin, Esq. to Mr Maclaren. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 34 (January): 47-50. Text Image PDF F1662
Darwin, C. R. 1844. [End of German translation of Journal of researches ?] (pp. 289-301). CUL-DAR.LIB.133 [ Image ]
Darwin, C. R. 1844. [Quotation from lost letter to Lindley agreeing that transmutation in plants is well worth investigation]. In [John Lindley]. [Editorial] TRANSMUTATION OF CORN…one kind of plant changing to another. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette (23 November): 779. Text Image PDF F3455
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Brief descriptions of several terrestrial Planariae, and of some remarkable marine species, with an account of their habits. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 14: 241-251, pl. V. CUL-DAR135.8 Image PDF Text Image PDF F1669
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Geological observations on the volcanic islands visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, together with some brief notices of the geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope. Being the second part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. Fitzroy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. London: Smith Elder and Co. CUL-CCA.24.12. Text Image PDF F272
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Manures and steeping seed. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 23 (8 June): 380. Text Image PDF F1666
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Mr. Darwin's memorandum. In J. S. Henslow, Rust in wheat. Gardeners' Chronicle (28 September): 659. Text Image PDF F1668a
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Naturwissenschaftliche Reise nach den den Inseln des grünen Vorgebirges, Südamerika, dem Feuerlande, den Falklandinseln, Chiloe-Inseln, Galapagos-Inseln, Otaheiti, Neuholland, Neuseeland, Van Diemen's-Land, Keeling-Inseln, Mauritius, St. Helena, den Azoren, etc. Translated by Ernst Dieffenbach. Brunswick: Friedrich Vierweg und Sohn. Image vol. 1
PDF vol. 2 PDF PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Observations on the structure and propagation of the genus Sagitta. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including zoology, botany, and geology 13 (81) (January): 1-6, 1 plate. Text Image PDF F1664
Darwin, C. R. 1844. On the origin of mould. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 14 (6 April): 218. Text Image PDF F1665
Darwin, C. R. 1844. Variegated leaves. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 37 (14 September): 621. Text Image PDF F1667
Darwin, C. R. 1844. What is the action of common salt on carbonate of lime? Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 37 (14 September): 628-629. Text Image PDF F1668
Darwin, C. R. 1845. Extracts from letters to the General Secretary, on the analogy of the structure of some volcanic rocks with that of glaciers. By C. Darwin, Esq., F.R.S. Specimens were exhibited. With observations on the same subject by Prof. Forbes. [Communicated by J. D. Forbes. 3 February.] Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 2: 17-18. Text Image PDF F1670
Darwin, C. R. 1845. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world. London: John Murray. 2d ed. CUL-CCA.24.7. Manuscript notes by Darwin Text . Richard Keynes copy: Image PDF PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1845-1846. Geological observations on South America, proofs of geological section diagrams. CUL-DAR39.198-199 Image ; Section of the plains of Patagonia, on the banks of the S. Cruz. CUL-DAR39.215 Text Image PDF F273
Darwin, C. R. 1846. An account of the fine dust which often falls on vessels in the Atlantic ocean. Abstract. [Read 4 June 1845.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 2: 26-30. CUL-DAR185.74a ; CUL-DAR135.9 [inscribed] Image PDF Text Image PDF F1672
Darwin, C. R. 1846. Geological observations on South America. Being the third part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. FitzRoy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. London: Smith Elder and Co. CUL-CCA.24.13. Text Image PDF F273
Darwin, C. R. 1846. On the geology of the Falkland Islands. [Read 25 March.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 2: 267-279. CUL-DAR135.10 Image PDF Text Image PDF F1674
Darwin, C. R. 1846. Origin of saliferous deposits. Salt lakes of Patagonia and La Plata. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (Part 2) 2 Miscellaneous: 127-128. Text Image PDF F1673
Darwin, C. R. 1847. [Review of] A natural history of the Mammalia. [vol. 1, Marsupialia] By G. R. Waterhouse, Esq., of the British Museum. Illustrated with engravings on wood and coloured plates. London, H. Baillière. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 19 (January): 53-56. Text Image PDF F1675
Darwin, C. R. 1847. Salt. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 10 (6 March): 157-158. Text Image PDF F1676
Darwin, C. R. 1848. Kent [Letter on the potato disease]. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 30 (22 July): 491. Text PDF F1901
Darwin, C. R. 1848. On the transportal of erratic boulders from a lower to a higher level. [Read 19 April.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 4: 315-323. Text Image PDF F1677
Darwin, C. R. 1848. On the transportal of erratic boulders from a lower to a higher level. [Read 19 April.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 4: 315-323. CUL-DAR196.1.1 (extract) Image PDF F1677
Darwin, C. R. 1849. [Letter on floating ice]. In R. I. Murchison, On the distribution of the superficial detritus of the Alps, as compared with that of Northern Europe. [Read 30 May.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London (Part 1) 4: 65-69. Text Image PDF F1816
Darwin, C. R. 1849. Section VI: Geology. In J. F. W. Herschel ed., A manual of scientific enquiry; prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy: and adapted for travellers in general. London: John Murray, pp. 156-195. Text Image PDF F325
Darwin, C. R. 1850. On British fossil Lepadidæ. [Read 5 June.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 6: 439-440. Text Image PDF F1679
Darwin, C. R. 1851. [Note on a Galapagos lichen]. In J. D. Hooker, An enumeration of the plants of the Galapagos Archipelago; with descriptions of those which are new. [Read 4 March, 6 May, and 16 December 1845.] Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 20: 164. Text F2017
Darwin, C. R. 1851. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidae; or, pedunculated cirripedes. London: Ray Society. CUL-CCA.24.15. Text Image PDF F339.1
Darwin, C. R. 1851. A monograph on the fossil Lepadidæ, or pedunculated cirripedes of Great Britain. London: Palæontographical Society. Text Image PDF F342.1
Darwin, C. R. 1851. Geological observations on coral reefs, volcanic islands, and on South America etc. London: Smith Elder and Co. Christ's College, Francis Darwin copy. PDF F274
Darwin, C. R. 1852. Bucket ropes for wells. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 2 (10 January): 22. Text Image PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1853. [Description of Patagonian fossil beds]. In R. Owen, Description of some species of the extinct genus Nesodon, with remarks on the Primary Group (Toxodontia) of hoofed quadrupeds, to which that genus is referable. [Read 25 November 1852 and 13 January 1853.] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 143: 309. Text Image PDF F1820
Darwin, C. R. 1853. Tanks and hose. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 19 (7 May): 302. Text Image PDF F1807
Darwin, C. R. 1854. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Balanidae, (or sessile cirripedes); the Verrucidae . London: Ray Society. CUL-CCA.24.16 Text Image PDF F339.2
Darwin, C. R. 1854. A monograph on the fossil Balanidæ and Verrucidæ of Great Britain. London: Palæontographical Society. Text Image PDF F342.2
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Does sea-water kill seeds? Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 15 (14 April): 242. Text Image PDF F1682
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Does sea-water kill seeds? Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 21 (26 May): 356-357. CUL-DAR27.1.F24-F25 Image Text Image PDF F1683
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Effect of salt-water on the germination of seeds. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 47 (24 November): 773. Text Image PDF F1687
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Effect of salt-water on the germination of seeds. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 48 (1 December): 789. Text Image PDF F1688
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Lizard's eggs. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 21 (26 May): 360. Text Image PDF F1808
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Longevity of seeds. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 52 (29 December): 854. Text Image PDF F1689
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Nectar-secreting organs of plants. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 29 (21 July): 487. Text Image PDF F1684
Darwin, C. R. 1855. On the power of icebergs to make rectilinear uniformly-directed grooves across a submarine undulatory surface. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 10 (August): 96-98. CUL-DAR135.11 Image PDF Text Image PDF F1681
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Seedling fruit trees. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 52 (29 December): 854. Text Image PDF F1690
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Shell rain in the Isle of Wight. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 44 (3 November): 726-727. Text Image PDF F1685
Darwin, C. R. 1855. Vitality of seeds. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 46 (17 November): 758. Text Image PDF F1686
Darwin, C. R. 1856. [Announcement of the award of a Royal Medal to Sir John Richardson.] Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 8: 257-258. Text Image PDF F1936
Darwin, C. R. 1856. Cross breeding. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 49 (6 December): 808. Text PDF F3456
Darwin, C. R. 1856. Cross breeding. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 49 (6 December): 806. Text Image PDF F1691
Darwin, C. R. 1856. Cross breeding. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 49 (6 December): 812. Text Image PDF F1692
Darwin, C. R. 1857. Bees and the fertilisation of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 43 (24 October): 725. Text Image PDF
Darwin, C. R. 1857. Hybrid Dianths. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 10 (7 March): 155. Text Image PDF F1693
Darwin, C. R. 1857. Mouse-coloured breed of ponies. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 24 (13 June): 427. Text Image PDF F1695
Darwin, C. R. 1857. On the action of sea-water on the germination of seeds. [Read 6 May 1856.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 1: 130-140. CUL-DAR135.12[.1] Image PDF Text Image PDF F1694
Darwin, C. R. 1857. Productiveness of foreign seed. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 46 (14 November): 779. Text Image PDF F1698
Darwin, C. R. 1857. The subject of deep wells. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 30 (25 July): 518. Text Image PDF F1696
Darwin, C. R. 1858. On the agency of bees in the fertilisation of papilionaceous flowers, and on the crossing of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 46 (13 November): 828-829. [proof sheets]. CUL-DAR27.1.G1a-G1b Image
Darwin, C. R. 1858. On the agency of bees in the fertilisation of papilionaceous flowers, and on the crossing of kidney beans. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 46 (13 November): 828-829. Text Image PDF F1701
Darwin, C. R. 1859. Coleoptera at Down. Entomologist's weekly Intelligencer (25 June) 6: 99. Text Image PDF F1703
Darwin, C. R. 1859. Manual of geology. Extracted from the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry, Third Edition, 1859. [Superintended by R. Main.] London: John Murray. Separately paginated offprint. CUL-DAR132.7 Image Text PDF F330
Darwin, C. R. 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.17. (Manuscript notes by Darwin) Text Image PDF F373
Darwin, C. R. 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. [Charles Darwin and then Francis Darwin's copy:] [Private Collection Virginia] [Intro by J. van Wyhe] Text Image PDF F373
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Charles Darwin, über die Entstehung der Arten in Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). CUL-DAR.LIB.131 link , Text Image PDF F672
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Cross-bred plants. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 3 (21 January): 49. Text Image PDF F1704
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Do the Tineina or other small moths suck flowers, and if so what flowers?. Entomologist's weekly Intelligencer 8 (30 June): 103. Text Image PDF F1708
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Fertilisation of British orchids by insect agency. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 23 (9 June): 528. Text Image PDF F1706
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Het ontstaan der soorten van dieren en planten door middel van de natuurkeus, of het bewaard blijven van bevoorregte rassen in de strijd des levens. Tiberius Cornelius Winkler trans. [With a preface and an epilogue by the translator.] Haarlem. A. C. Kruseman. [inscribed] CUL-DAR.LIB.129 vol. 1 Text Image PDF[corrected text in PDF] F2056.1 vol. 2 Text Image PDF[corrected text in PDF] F2056.2
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Intercourse between common and Ligurian bees. Cottage Gardener and Country Gentleman 24 (29 May): 143. Text Image PDF F1814
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Irritability of Drosera. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 38 (22 September): 853. Text Image PDF F1813
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy. 10th thousand. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.8. Manuscript notes by Francis Darwin. Text Image PDF F20
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Natural selection. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 16 (21 April): 362-363. Text Image PDF F1705
Darwin, C. R. 1860. On the fertilisation of British orchids by insect agency (from: "Gardeners' Chronicle" of 9 June 1860); and a letter with Editors response. Entomologist's Weekly Intelligencer : 102-104. CUL-DAR76.B74-B77[.1] Image [Partial reprint of F1706 Text ]
Darwin, C. R. 1860. On the origin of species by means of natural selection: or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. new ed. New York: D. Appleton. CUL-CCA.24.19. [4th USA printing] Text Image PDF F380
Darwin, C. R. 1860. On the origin of species by means of natural selection: or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 2d ed. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.18. (Manuscript notes by Darwin.) Text Image PDF F376
Darwin, C. R. 1860. Über die Entstehung der Arten in Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Translated by H. G. Bronn. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). (pages of 2d and 3d parts uncut, last 56 pages missing) CUL-DAR.LIB.131 Text Image PDF F672
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Cause of the variation of flowers. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 1 (18 June): 211. Text Image PDF F1715
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Cross-breeding in plants. Fertilisation of Leschenaultia formosa. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 1 (28 May): 151. Text Image PDF F1714
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Do cross-bred rabbits tend to a grey colour? Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener, vol. 1 (28 May): 170. Text Image PDF F3356
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Dun horses. The Field 17 (15 June): 521. Text Image PDF F1963
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Dun horses. The Field 17 (27 April): 358. Text Image PDF F1960
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Effects of different kinds of pollen. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (9 July): 280-281. Text Image PDF F1823
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Fertilisation of British orchids by insect agency. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 6 (9 February): 122. Text Image PDF F1710
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Fertilisation of Vincas. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 24 (15 June): 552. Text Image PDF F1836
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Influence of the form of the brain on the character of fowls. The Field 17 (4 May): 383. Text Image PDF F1961
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Is the female bombus fertilised in the air? Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (22 October): 76. Text Image PDF F1818
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Note on the achenia of Pumilio argyrolepis. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 1 (5 January): 4-5. Text Image PDF F1709
Darwin, C. R. 1861. On dun horses, and on the effect of crossing differently coloured breeds. The Field 17 (25 May): 451. Text Image PDF F1962
Darwin, C. R. 1861. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 3d ed. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.20. (Manuscript notes by Darwin.) Text Image PDF F381
Darwin, C. R. 1861. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 3d ed. London: John Murray. Corrected sheets sent to Bronn for Origin 2d German ed. (F673) Christies-14301Lot201 Image
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Orchids, Fertilization of. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 37 (14 September): 831. Text Image PDF F1712
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Parents of some gladioli. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (10 September): 453. Text Image PDF F1819
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Phenomena in the cross-breeding of plants [letter to D. Beaton.] Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 1 (14 May): 112-113. Text Image PDF F1713
Darwin, C. R. 1861. Vincas. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 37 (14 September): 831-832. Text Image PDF F1716
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Bee-cells in Jamaica not larger than in England. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (22 July): 323. Text Image PDF F1824
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Bees in Jamaica increase the size and substance of their cells. Journal of Horticulture. Text Image PDF F1826
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Bees in Jamaica increase the size and substance of their cells. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (15 July): 305. Text Image PDF F1720
Darwin, C. R. 1862. De l'origine des espèces ou des lois du progrès chez les êtres organisés. Translated and with preface and notes by Mlle Clémence-Auguste Royer. Paris: Guillaumin et Cie. [CUL-DAR240] Text Image PDF F655
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Do bees vary in different parts of Great Britain. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (10 June): 207. Text Image PDF F1716a
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Notice on the Habits of the "Agricultural Ant" of Texas ["Stinging Ant" or "Mound-making Ant," Myrmica (Atta) malefaciens, Buckley]. By Gideon Lincecum, Esq., M.D. Communicated by Charles Darwin, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. [Read 18 April 1861.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology) 6: 29-31. Text Image PDF F1938
Darwin, C. R. 1862. On the three remarkable sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, an orchid in the possession of the Linnean Society. [Read 3 April.] Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Botany 6: 151-157, 2 text figures. Text Image PDF F1718
Darwin, C. R. 1862. On the two forms, or dimorphic condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable sexual relations. [Read 21 November 1861.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 6: 93-96 only. CUL-DAR109.A100-A101 Image ; CUL-DAR110.A35 Image ; Proofs: CUL-DAR111.B63-B75 . F1717
Darwin, C. R. 1862. On the two forms, or dimorphic condition, in the species of Primula, and on their remarkable sexual relations. [Read 21 November 1861.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 6: 77-96. CUL-DAR111.B63-B75 Image Text Image PDF F1717
Darwin, C. R. 1862. On the various contrivances by which British and foreign orchids are fertilised by insects. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.25. (Manuscript notes by Darwin.) Text Image PDF F800
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Peas. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 45 (8 November): 1052. Text Image PDF F1719
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Penguin ducks. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 3 (30 December): 797. Text Image PDF F1825
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Über die Einrichtungen zur Befruchtung Britischer und ausländischer Orchideen durch Insekten und über die günstigen Erfolge der Wechselbefruchtung. Translated by H. G. Bronn. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch)'sche. [CUL-DAR240: (2 copies)] CUL-DAR.LIB.787 PDF F820
Darwin, C. R. 1862. Variations effected by cultivation. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener 3 (2 December): 696. Text Image PDF F1721
Darwin, C. R. 1863. [Letter on yellow rain]. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 28 (18 July): 675. Text Image PDF F1727
Darwin, C. R. 1863. [Letter] Origin of species. Athenæum no. 1854 (9 May): 617. Text Image PDF F1730
Darwin, C. R. 1863. [Review of] Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. By Henry Walter Bates, Esq. Transact. Linnean Soc. vol. XXIII. 1862, p. 495. Natural History Review 3 (April): 219-224. Text Image PDF F1725
Darwin, C. R. 1863. An appeal [against steel vermin traps]. [Bromley, Kent]: [privately printed.] Text Image PDF F1931
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Appearance of a plant in a singular place. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 33 (15 August): 773. Text Image PDF F1727b
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Fertilisation of orchids. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (31 March): 237. Text Image PDF F1724a
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Influence of pollen on the appearance of seed. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (27 January): 70. Text Image PDF F1828
Darwin, C. R. 1863. On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum. [Read 5 February.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society (Botany) 7: 69-83. 1 text figure. Text Image PDF F1723 Proofs pp. 81-82. CUL-DAR110.A31-A33 Image
Darwin, C. R. 1863. On the so-called "auditory-sac" of Cirripedes. Natural History Review 3 (January): 115-116. Text Image PDF F1722
Darwin, C. R. 1863. On the thickness of the Pampean formation, near Buenos Ayres. [Read 3 December 1862.] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 19 (1 February): 68-71, 2 text figures. Text Image PDF F1724
Darwin, C. R. 1863. The doctrine of heterogeny and modification of species. Athenæum no. 1852 (25 April): 554-555. Text Image PDF F1729
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung, oder, Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Translated by H. G. Bronn and J. V. Carus. 2d ed. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). [CUL record states 1862 which is presumbly an error for 1863] CUL-DAR.LIB.799 Image PDF F673
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Vermin and traps. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 35 (29 August): 821-822. Text Image PDF F1728
Darwin, C. R. 1863. Vindication of Gärtner—effect of crossing peas. Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener (3 February): 93. Text Image PDF F1727a
Darwin, C. R. 1864. Ancient gardening. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 41 (8 October): 965. Text Image PDF F1732
Darwin, C. R. 1864. On the sexual relations of the three forms of Lythrum salicaria. [Read 16 June.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 8: 169-196, 1 text figure. Text Image PDF F1731 Proofs p. 192. CUL-DAR111.A94-A95 Image
Darwin, C. R. 1864. Sulla origine delle specie per elezione naturale ovvero conservazione delle razze perfezionate nella lotte per l'esistenza. Prima traduzione italiana col consenso dell'autore. Per cura di Gio. Canestrini e L. Salimbeni. Modena: Nicola Zanichelli e Soci. [CUL-DAR240] Image PDF F706
Darwin, C. R. 1865. On the movements and habits of climbing plants. [Read 2 February.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9, nos. 33 & 34: 1-118. Text Image PDF F1733
Darwin, C. R. 1865. On the movements and habits of climbing plants. [Read 2 February.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9: 1-118, 13 text figures [offprint]. Text Image PDF F834a
Darwin, C. R. 1865. Self-fertilization. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip 1 (5) (1 May): 114. Text Image PDF F1734
Darwin, C. R. 1866. [Note on the common broom, Cytisus scoparius]. In George Henslow, Note on the structure of Indigofera, as apparently offering facilities for the intercrossing of distinct flowers. [Read 19 April.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9: 355-8, p. 358. Text Image PDF F1737
Darwin, C. R. 1866. Cross-fertilising papilionaceous flowers. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 32 (11 August): 756. Text Image PDF F1737a
Darwin, C. R. 1866. Feet of otter hounds. Land and Water (6 October): 244. Text Image PDF F1930
Darwin, C. R. 1866. L'origine des espèces par sélection Naturelle ou des lois de transformation des êtres organisés. Traduit en Français avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Clémence Royer avec une préface et des notes du traducteur. Deuxième édition augmentée d'après des notes de l'auteur. Paris: Victor Masson et fils; Guillaumin et Cie. [CUL-DAR240] Text Image PDF F656
Darwin, C. R. 1866. On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or, The preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 4th ed. London: John Murray. CUL-CCA.24.21. Text Image PDF F385
Darwin, C. R. 1866. Oxalis bowei. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 32 (11 August): 756. Text Image PDF F1736
Darwin, C. R. 1866. Partial change of sex in unisexual flowers. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 6 (10 February): 127. Text Image PDF F1735
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Cut or uncut. Athenæum. Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts no. 2045 (5 January): 18-19. Text Image PDF F1815
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Zuchtwahl, oder Erhaltung der vervollkommneten Rassen im Kampfe um's Daseyn. Translated by H. G. Bronn and J. V. Carus. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). 3d ed. Text Image PDF F674
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Fertilisation of Cypripediums. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 14 (6 April): 350. Text Image PDF F1738
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Hedgehogs. Hardwicke's Science-Gossip 3 (1 December): 280. Text Image PDF F1740
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Note on Medicago lupulina. In George Henslow, Note on the structure of Medicago sativa, as apparently affording facilities for the intercrossing of distinct flowers. [Read 16 November 1865.] Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Botany) 9: 328. Text Image PDF F1809
Darwin, C. R. 1867. Queries about expression. [n.p.: publisher or printer]. CUL-DAR53.1.B2 Image Text Image F873; APS-B-D25.335 Text Image
Darwin, C. R. 1867. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. 1st ed. Proofs. CUL-DAR213.11[.1] Image (1,103 images)
Darwin, C. R. 1867-1868. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. (in Russian.) Saint Petersburg: F. S. Sushchinskii. [CUL-DAR240] F925
Darwin, C. R. 1868. [Enquiry on horns in male and female sheep]. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette (21 November): 1218. Text Image PDF F1895
Darwin, C. R. 1868. [Inquiry about sex ratios in domestic animals]. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 7 (15 February): 160. Text Image PDF F1743
Darwin, C. R. 1868. [Printed acknowledgement of correspondence]. CUL-DAR133.1.1 Image Text PDF F1958
Darwin, C. R. 1868. Das Variiren der Thiere und Pflanzen im Zustande der Domestication. 2 vols. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagshandlung (E. Koch). [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1 Text Image PDF F914.1 vol. 2 Text Image PDF F914.2
Darwin, C. R. 1868. De la variation des animaux et des plantes sous l'action de la domestication. Translated by J. J. Moulinié. Preface by Carl Vogt. 2 vols. Paris: C. Reinwald. [CUL-DAR240] vol. 1 Text Image PDF F912.1 vol. 2 Text Image PDF F912.2
Darwin, C. R. 1868. On the