RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.12.11-1878.01.16. Beta vulgaris. [application of olive oil]. CUL-DAR209.8.29-32. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,
REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1
NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).
Jan 6' 78/ Beet Painted oil Useless
(1) (2) (3) Cotyledons not yet open; painted thickly with olive oil & Lamp-black, for .2 of inch beneath cl bases of petioles (& petioles themselves) on stems. Exposed to paraffin Lamp at 9° 10'. am removed at 4° 45'.— All 3 quite vertical or inclined slightly in different directions, whereas the free plants were all greatly inclined down to their basal part ground to Light — Plants from tips of cots to ground from .5 to .7 high — from base of petioles of Cots to ground .45, so that about .2 left unpainted which might have bent if so capable
(Jan 7th Pot reversed & exposed to S.W. window from 9° a.m to 4° 30 & they still remain vertical. It is clear entirely destroys power of movement
Two Two fresh fresh seedlings whilst still curved to light were painted all round with the oil & lamp-black by Frank & next morning were still curved in same position!!! They were today Jan 7' exposed to S.W. window from 9° Am to 4°. 30 & several never altered their inclined flexure.
Jan 7th scraped black off one face of (1) which shall be faced to light.
(4. & 5) syrup & Lamp-black; exposed Jan 7' from 9° to 4° 30 to S.W. window— slightly curved to light & none of the free plants nearly so greatly curved as yesterday (5) not at all curved to light. The mixture has dried into hard Crust, very brittle. I am inclined to think exclusion of light may have caused want of bending— No exosome from the syrup—
(Jan 7' I fastened 1 stiff bristle out of cloth-brush & 1 thin bristle into nicks & put them in front of 2 Plants before the window & both were decidedly bowed, when I removed with needle the thicker bristle, stem of Beet started a little forward — I loaded this bristle with thrice or 4 times as much black sludge as ever put on plant, but it caused no flexure to thicker Bristle.)
Jan 7' 5° P.m. oiled stems of 2 plant (7) & (8) which were curved curved in degree shown by sticks with olive oil & placed in dark cupboard:
Jan 8th 8° 15' a.m. These 2 are straight & as vertical as any other of free plants! so oil no effect in preventing geotropism.
((9) (10) & (11) Vertical plants with stem so oiled & with pot laid on one side
Jan 7. 5° Pm horizontally to see if bent by apo-geotropism.—
Jan 8th 8° a.m. All 3
seedlings lying quite flat on ground so that oil does not in the least prevent apo-geotropism. — Reoiled (9) & (10) exposed to light Paraffin from 9° 8° 10 to 4° 45' & not (# 11) for I could not distinguish between 2 plants, (both prostrate from geotropism) which of two had been oiled; Reversed Pot & placed before SW window & at 3° before lamp so that all these & following seedlings were already directed from light.— (9) curved to light: 10 vertical: 11 I believe vertical next morning 9th still curved to light
(12) Oiled seedling of which upper part horizontal: vertical
Conclusion (It follows from these observations that oiling with olive oil whole plant, apparently sometime stops heliotropism; but in not one of 3 cases did oiling for .2 beneath Cots)
(13) oiled seedling for .2 beneath cots. upper part of which was strictly horizontal & curved down to ground: curved to light: 9th still curved to light
(14) treated like (13)— curved to light : curved to light 9' still curved to light
Pot exposed to Paraffin Lamp S.W. wind about 10° 30' to 4° 45' (but from 3° to 4. 45 to Lamp)
Jan 8° 8° 30 reoiled (7) & (8) from beneath Cots to ground & exposed pot to S.W window These 2 plants quite vertical
—(3) oiled for .2 beneath Cots: vertical but hardly enough standard Plants for comparison
—(4) & (5) grouse Duck & Crow quill (latter less transparent) tips of Cots. cut off extending down for .2
— (4) blackened with oil & Lamp-black, was quite vertical
The one with transparent quill failed, because top of Cots stuck to gum of lid.
Two seedlings (9) & (10) Indian Ink & olive Oil — one down .2 beneath joint of petiole — the other lower: Both quite Vertical
Beet To try effects of olive Oil & lamp-Black on growth
Jan 10'
(10° 8° 35 P.m placed in dark cupboard One side painted
(1) Painted on one side from top to bottom — Dec. 11th 9°. 15 a.m vertical
(2) do: 11th 9° 15 bowed over as if black surface had faced light
(4) do 11' 9° 15 like (2)
(5) do do— bowed over in opposed direction to last, but then a very narrow long zone had been left unpainted & in part paint had gone all round
(6) Painted bowed slightly like 2 & 4
(7) painted on one side upper 1/2 of stem, opposite side other opposite half: Bowed like (2) & (4) the painting lower part no effect, because does not grow near bases
(8) — painted like last — 11' 9°. 15 vertical
Beet Jan 10' 1878
Young plants. Cots. hardly open. Before Lamp 11° removed 8° 30— Do free plants bend down to ground? Only the very young free plants bend down to ground so not good for experiment
(A) Thin tin-foil blackened inside wound round for .25 beneath base of petioles Completely upright—
(Dec. 11th 9° am: the pot was placed on one side for geotropism in cupboard during night & the 2 with cape or collars did not bend at all, showing that caps collars are rigid enough to stop bending, for lower part does not bend on through geotropism.
(B) injured beneath ground & half dead
(C) Quite upright
Painted Useless
Jan 10' Geotropism
8° 45' P.m.
A B & C thickly painted with Indian Ink now pointing to light: two of these bent up through geotropism, the third did not, but it oddly formed one of little [illeg] none of which bent up through geotropism.
Beet useless for light experiments as they do not bend low down to g near ground
Jan 16' 1878
Stems of Beet, with Cots— painted with oil & Lamp back— soon died
Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (
File last updated 25 September, 2022