RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1877.12.17-1878.01.05. Red Cabbage. CUL-DAR209.8.44-46. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).


Dec. 17' 1877

Red Cabbage

about 10°. 45' Cotyledons hardly yet apart Exposed in S.W. window from about 10° 45 to dark at 4°. 30'

2 with tin-foil caps, blackened within— well curved to light

Tin—foil caps

2 with Cots: blackened with gum & lamp black on both sides well curved to light

2 with both Cots cut off & petioles left in greater part (white Thread) Both curved to light, the younger & shorter one most.

Cut off

Dec. 18' 8° a.m. These had all partly recovered vertically by apogeotropism except one weighted down by tin cap. Cut off 3 seedlings .15 of inch beneath bases of petioles of Cots. (black thread) & turned pot completely round to S.W. window. At 4° 40' examined, one with cap (the other 1 injured) the 2 painted ones & the 2 of which cotyledons cut off are now all bowed greatly to light but still one with the Cots. cut off only slightly bowed though previously they were slightly bowed in opposite direction.

But it is very remarkable that the 3 of which .15 was cut off beneath petioles, are vertical & present great contrast with the other unmutilated ones of the same height, which are greatly bowed low down far beneath the part cut off.

Dec. 19' 8 a.m Kept in dark all night & now nearly recovered their

(It is clear that geotropism does not reside in Cotyledons alone.)



vertical direction including those 2 with white Threads. Two with black threads show a trace of curvature to the light side. Reversed course the pots & exposed (8° a.m) to S.W. window — to see if slight curvature of the 2 black threads is permanent


Red Cabbages seedlings Etiolated

Dec. 22

Germinated in dark cupboard— Cotyledons bright yellow with narrow defined edge, bright red; stem very pale violet; plant 1 7/8 inch high observed under microscope with bichromate — nutated very quickly passing over 10/500 of an inch in 6' 40", as it moved really obliquely from light cd not have been thus caused.

Exposed to S.W. window full day at 10° 45'

Dec. 22' Blackened with very thick Indian ink 5 of above seedlings for specs to be measured beneath petiole of cotyledons— which are pressed together as in sleep

Painted see back Red Cabbage Etiolated specs

Dec. 23' 8° 15' a.m. Reversed Pot & exposed again to light─

Repainted some of worst seedlings

Also painted one half of the face of 2 seedlings in the proper part on side facing light— (Long Pin & near long pin.)


Also cut off stems, measured from beneath joint of petioles of cots. (on glass. micrometer)

(1) 6/100 of inch.

(2) 10/100

(3) 6/100

(4) 12/100


Reversed & examined at 4° 40' P.m. all 4 vertical whilst many other plants of the same height greatly bowed

Dec. 23d Reversed pot & exposed at 8° 30' to S.W. window again & examined at 4° 30' P.m. not the least flexure towards light— No (1) was indeed bowed a little from light. Day bright with sun shining part of time.

(Dec. 23 at 8° 30' I painted one side alone of sensitive zone which faced light & exposed as others till 4° 30'— not so much bowed as others & turned obliquely to one side as if light had come from one side, the deflection of the upper bowed part of one seedlings being 31°, & that of the other 52°.—

Dec. 24' 8° A.m. These 2 have recovered perpendicularity those which saw window from one side alone & bent towards it.—


B. (Painted Circle) Painted

4° 40' P.m

(5) black band (  wide) cotyledons vertical, but stem bowed to light Dec 23 pot moved (see below) quite vertical Band 12/100 deep

(6) do (  ) Cots pointing away from light Dec. 23 pot reversed exposed from 8° 30 to 4.30 day bright cot. pointing to light & upper part of stem bowed as much to light as any—

Dec 24 This seedling has got a permanent bend for it remains this morning much bent to light— Band 15/100 deep

(7) young plant about 1/2 width tallness of the other taller ones (band      wide) vertical & Cots pointing from light. Dec 23 pot reversed quite vertical Band 15/100

(8) young plant like 7. (band wide   ) vertical cots pointing from light. Dec 23 pot reversed (see other cases) stem quite vertical. Cots. pointing in same direction as yesterday — I think 15/100 deep, but crust broken off

(9) as much bowed as other plants (See to this)

Dec. 23 I found this morning that a streak had escaped being colour blackened on side facing light— Re blackened it. Dec. 23 pot reversed, exposed from 8° 30 to 4° 30 upper part of stem slightly bowed to light. Next morning Dec 24' vertical Band 12/100 deep, with streak not coloured, but whether this faced light I know not.

[sketch] Tracing of unmutilated Plant

(10) Cots. vertical, but stem slightly bowed to light.

Dec. 23 I cannot explain this case, except, perhaps that plant accidentally bent in direction of light, for has not recovered so well as other plants its upright position this morning through geotropism.

Re blackened the band — Band about 12/100

[sketch] same plant pressed, but Cots left no impression



Jan 4'

Red Cabbages with Cots cut off & Caps on

 most of Plants already slightly curved at right angle to light

 Lamp lighted 11°. 10' a.m— removed at P.m

(1) Fold like cap. .25 deep from base of petioles — slightly bent

Jan 5th— 8'° a.m. as much bowed as last night— whereas most of free plants almost straight

fold of tin-foil round upper part of Hypocotyl failed to act

(2) Cap. .25 from base of Petioles — considerably bent

Jan 5th. 8°. same remark as under (1)

(3) Cap .25 from base of P (already a little curved towards light moderately bent

Jan 5th 8° a.m. vertical

(4) Cap .17 deep. from base of P. Slightly bent

Jan 5' 8° a. m nearly vertical

(5) Cap .19 deep from base of P. — largely bent

Jan 5 ' 8° a. m. slightly bowed

(6) Cap .3 deep from bas of P. Slightly bent? —I am not sure because were rectangularly bent before

Jan 5 8° a.m still bowed, but obliquely towards light source of light

(7) Cap 3 deep fr base of P. slightly bent, but I am not sure because were rectangularly bent

Jan 5 ' 8' a.m— slightly bowed, obliquely towards source of light

(Useless) Heliotropism

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022