RECORD: Darwin, C. R. [1877].12.27-1878.01.30. Avena (Oat). CUL-DAR209.8.5-16. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 7.2022. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR209.7-8 contain notes on heliotropism (phototropism) for Darwin's book Movement in plants (1880).


Dec. 27 Oat. Exposed to Paraffin Lamp at 10. 35 afterwards removed Removed — 2. 35

Good Caps (Tin Foil)

(4.) Plant 9/12 high. Cap .25 deep— absolutely vertical

Pot reversed & left for about 4 1/2 before paraffin L— Cap was taken off & now points to light as much as others, & curved down nearly to base

(5) Plant 8/12 high cap .2 deep considerably curved to light, right down to near ground

Pot reversed, (see above) with cap on & now points somewhat to light

(6) Pl 6/12 high cap .22 deep: a trace of no curvature

Pot reversed (see above) cap. removed & now point to light & curved nearly to base

(7) Pl. 6 1/2 /12 cap .2 deep: considerably curved

Pot reversed (see above) cap still on. slightly curved to light

(8) Pl. 6/12 high tip 4 1/2 /100 cut off

(9) Pl. 5/12 high tip 6 1/2 /100 cut off} quite vertical, but then cutting off no doubt injures to rather greater depth than the cut

8 & 9 Pot reversed (see above) both these are now pointed somewhat to light, so I presume shock of amputation recovered.

(Those which have not been touched are curved right down to the ground.

One plant projecting only .1 of inch curved

[1 bis]

Dec. 28' Painted Oats In all base of black rim .24 from apex (All the following 11 plants exposed from 9° 30 to 4° 30' to S W. window (cold frosty day) & every one curved to light, except 7 & that very little & rather to one side. Either Indian Ink inefficient, or tips are sensitive or my experiments with caps .25 deep were fallacious.

(29th F. painted these over again & all up to very apex, exposed at 8° 40' to Lamp & removed at 5. 15, but the tips of blades grew out during the day. In first first pot of the 6 painted plants not one curved to light— Whereas 10 plants, not painted, were slightly curved to light, but the curvature slight for they were too old & first leaf had grown far out of tips

Painted useless Indian Ink

(1) tip rather rather less than 1/20 naked        

(2) tip 1/20 naked

(3) as 1 & 2

(4) as 1 & 2

(5) naked tip 1

(6) as (5)

(7) as 5 (growing part did not hold well about 1/20 naked water

Dec 29 Second Pot with younger Plants quite upright straight but inclined to one side

Second Pot

(8) as (5)— Dec 29th slightly curved to light quite upright

(29' These few young plants, unpainted which were growing greatly curved quite different from the painted ones. 9. 10, & 11.)

(9) naked tip 1/20 of inch Dec. 29 slightly curved to light

(10) 1/20 naked Dec. 29 Slightly curved to light

[1 bis v]

(11) tip 1/20th naked 29' slightly curved to light


Oats — Caps Light

(Caps Good)

Deflection & effects of painting one side only with oil.

Jan. 3

1 to 5 exposed from 9.20' to 5° P.m— 6 to 10 exposed from 10. 50 to 5° P.M

(1) Cap .3 deep Plants about .7 high: Vertical — Plant 1.05 high

(2) cap .3 deep vertical at Plant 1.05 High

(3) cap .24 deep — a trace of bowing

(4) cap .2 deep very slightly bowed

(5) cap .26 deep— slightly bowed

(6) cap .25— basal part a trace bowed— upper part with cap vertical

Jan 4th 8° a.m. basal part straight, so bowing yesterday was true

(7) cap .25— very considerably bowed Plant 1.2 high

Jan 4th 8° a.m vertical, so bowing yesterday was true

(8) cap. 25 quite vertical — Plant now .9 high

9. cap .25 quite vertical— Plant 1.15 High

Deflection from Painting one side


(10) Cap .2 deep (I forgot to record)

Two painted vertically down to .25 from apex} Deflection in one only 7° & in the other 19° Both of these deflected slightly from light & the deflection runs far down stem.

Painted only .2 deep ought to have been painted more. Composition of forces.



The seedlings of about same height as those experimented on in the pot longest exposed are bowed down to the ground, or some of them have a space of about 1/10 of inch not bowed [sketch]

Jan 4th 8°. 35' A. B. C. D. E. painted 1/2 vertical face down for .3 in depth & exposed to S W window— Painted with Spermaceti ointment & Lamp-Black

Also one all round with do. substance to .3 depth

Painted on one side

Spermaceti & Lamp-black

Jan 4th I painted 5 young seedlings with soft spermaceti & lamp-black & all were bowed quite irrespective of light to the blackened side, the unpainted side being convex, as if this mixture had caused contraction! one painted all round was quite straight. Those plants of canary grass painted all round were not bowed to light, but were probably acted on by the same mixture. The black mixture caused in several instances drops of water to exclude.—

Jan 5' most of these plants become straight during the night, so that I suppose the black mixture lost its efficacy.


Jan 3d (see M.S) Oat

Careful tracing of position of seedlings after exposion to light— Base of card level of ground— Draw their black line thick.—


Jan. 3. Oat

Bottom of card level of ground Traced (1)

[sketch] near (2)

(2) see (1) one near 3


3. see (1) [sketch]

4. see (1) [sketch]


Oats Quill Caps painted & unpainted

Jan 9th. 1788

Exposed to Paraffin Lamp at 9° 20 removed 8° 15 P.m Four in blackened quill caps, with blackened silver-paper caps & black paper on ground beneath— extending down for .3 of inch beneath tips. Three upright; one slightly inclined but not directly towards the light. As the black paper glitters there may be some reflection. Probably some light entered from bases of my card tubes.

Five in similar quill-caps, not blackened with black paper beneath. Three curved nearly as much as the free ones, two very slightly curved.


No 4, 5. & 6 bis (ie nos for 2 plants) well oiled with olive oil from tip to ground

(4) as much curved as any (5) & (6) almost vertical

Jan 10' 8° a.m.— (4) not much acted on by geotropisms during night, but 5. & the two 6 as much acted on as any



Caps — quills painted & unpainted good

Jan 10. 1878

Pipes made of small ducks' quills stopped up at one end with a drop of black sealing wax. 4 pipes painted black with lampblack & oil the rest transparent; all .3 inch long — The plants were in the pot those used yesterday & were heliotroping therefore thus mark was reversed— Exposed 9.50 AM Removed 8. 15. pm

(1) Transparent; much bent close down to ground

(2) Transparent Fairly bent, not so much as some

(3) Black Not bent; has become upright, except that it bends slightly across the light

(4) Transparent — Well bent

(5) Black Vertical when looked at in proper plane, but bends slightly across the light

(6) Black Bends away from & across the light

(7) Transparent — Bends fairly well, tho not so much as some

(8) Black Distinctly upright, but is slightly bent to the light.

Lengths of stalk below cap— measured at night after exposure to Lamp.

no. (3) = .8 [+] .3 [=] 1.1

no. (5) = .7 [+] .3 [=] 1.0

no. (8) = 1.0 [+] .3 [=] 1.3

no. (6) = .95 [+] .3 [=] 1.25} Total length of Plant


Oats — Quill-Pipes I believe all only .25 deep ?? by mistake for .3 of inch

Jan. 10 exposed to Lamp at 9° .25'. Removed 8· 15 pm

(3) Blackened pipe too large. Slightly bowed, lower part upright

(4) Pipe too large I suppose not bent. As much bowed as any.

(5) Pipe Very slightly bowed, in back part of middle of pot so that light much diminished by other plants.

(6) Blackened pipe Not at all bowed

(7) Plain pipe As much bowed as any

(8) Painted As much bowed as any

(9) Plain As much bowed as any

(10) Painted (Nearly) As much bowed as any.—

(11) Not painted As much bowed as any st/—

It is clear that protection from light must be more than .25 to make any marked change.

Caps of quills doubtfully good


Oats Caps of quill

Jan 15. 1878

Quills .3 long blackened with lampblack & oil & tipped with sealing wax [illeg] All the black have diaphragms below & 5 of the white.

8 black 8 transparent} exposed to window in tin box at 10. 30 to 10 .40 AM removed 4. 50 Pm

One black is bent away from light, another bent somewhat a rt angles to it— the rest quite as much bent as the white caps; but none are much bent — (dark day)— & not good specimens being rather old—


goodish case, but opposed to any effect from



Jan. 15

Tips to depth of .3 of inch surrounded with single fold of gold-beaters skin — 5 left unpainted all of which as much curved as those to which nothing had been done —5 painted with oil & Lamp black, 3 of them which were 1 inch or 1.2 high were as much curved as any— 2 were upright & these were only rather shorter viz .9 & .9 & .85 high — Two of the tall ones which were bent had become open at upper ends, but I doubt whether this can be cause of bending

goldish Gold-Beater skin Painted & unpainted



Jan. 16th 8° A.M. /78/

Painted with oil & Lampblack one whole face side, either the broader or narrower side of 8 seedlings of all heights some quite short, some tall & nearly ready for protrusion of first leaf & placed in dark cupboard. N.B The seedlings were somewhat inclined & had been bowed to light, & in every case they were painted on slightly convex side, so that if they become even perfectly straight it will show greater growth on unpainted side; except in so far, as apogeotropism will tend to make them straight.

4° 30' P.m. one is vertical, all the other 7 greatly bowed to dark side, so that looking vertically down on plants, the naked or



unpainted side alone is seen.— It is the same appearance as from Heliotropism, with this remarkable distinction that there is no angular bend at about .1 or .2 above ground.

Jan 17' 8° a.m.— somewhat more bowed — 1 Killed & 1 I think accidentally injured.─ Pot put into greenhouse to see if will recover.—)

Jan. 25' are growing well & not 1 Killed— some days ago the blackened side became convex, & on examining one under microscope, the paint, though still soft has contracted & whole sheath has expanded so small clear spaces & cracks left, & therefore I imagine plant could respire, but as this side was blackened it has not grown more rapidly in accordance with the ordinary rule of the shaded side growing quicker & thus has become convex.

I painted again some of the painted sheath this day, & the halves of some leaves. Out of the 8 painted on one side of the cotyledon, 3 are much distorted & dwarfed with the true leaves short, broad & dark green & the others are somewhat dwarfed, (showing how potent an influence the painting has).—

This day (25th) painted some leaves in various ways & stem of Cytisus canariensis

Effects of Oil

These notes have been used, but may come into use again possibly



Jan. 27th

(seeds raised in green House & then placed for 1 night in Vinery)

4 Seedlings enrolled in gold-beaters skin for .3 of inch & painted for.3 .25 of inch from ground with ol oil & Lamp-black. Of these 4, 2 vertical, 1 very slightly & doubtfully inclined to light, & 1 as much inclined or nearly so as others

Two of these were painted for .2 to 25 to high from ground, & the other 2 fr .25 to .3 & the latter were most bent; The upper parts of these 4 were only very slightly bent to light.)

(3. seedlings with gold-beaters no not painted for .3 from bottom or ground— These 3 seedlings were as much bent as others; but all cases the covers were lifted from ground showing that chief zone of growth was close to ground. These 3 presented great contrast with the 4 previous ones; keeping light off lower parts certainly produce great effect.

(3 seedlings with gold-beaters skin for about .3 & painted for .25 from top: two of them quite vertical, 1 considerably bent, but this may have been caused by pressure of adjoining plant.

(Placed at 9 A.m in S.W. window within box open only on one side & removed at 4° 30' P.m.)

Conclusion: it seems if movement of upper part prevented by darkness, lower part through illuminated & though chief bed of movements does not bend; but also if lower part kept dark this part does not bend.

Jan 28th 8° a.m. almost upright — reversed Pot & exposed again & removed at 4° 45'— Day cloudy & none of plants greatly bowed to light; but both those with blackened caps on summits & those with caps at bases more upright than others.

Gold-Beaters skin painted rather good



Jan. 28th. Exposed to S.W. window at 9° 45' a.m & removed at & removed at 4° 50'

Painted as in last page 4 seedlings in another pot to height of .3 of inch above ground. These 4 nearly as much bowed to light as any, but day very dark & none very greatly bowed

Put on caps of gold-beaters-skin on 3 & left unpainted

These 3 as much bowed as any, exactly the same.

Put on do. caps & painted to depth of .3 of inch on 3 seedlings. One of them quite vertical— one bowed at right angle to light & I think paint thin on this side— & the third fairly well bowed to light.

Impossible to draw any safe conclusion; except that upper part more sensitive & affects lower part to certain limited & variable extent degree.


Oats Light

Jan. 30' Exposed to light 8° 30' S.W. window removed at 4° 30

3 seedlings painted from tips to depth of .3 of inch. with oil & Lamp-black

all 3 vertical. 1 bent to light, mostly as much as free plant

3 do. painted do to height from ground of .3 with do.

all 3 vertical in lower part, upper part of 1 slightly bent to light


3 do painted with Indian ink to depth of .3 from tip.

2 vertical, & 1 bent to light nearly as much as free plant

Painted useless

Indian ink

3 do painted with Indian ink to height from ground of .3 all 3 vertical

Jan. 31st F. painted with oil & Lamp black. 3 seedlings. (exposed from 9° to 4° 45' to S.W. window) to depth to depth of .3 of inch from tip; & other 3 seedlings to height of 1.3 above ground, & all 6 were vertical, whereas other plants fairly well bowed to light, but plants rather too old.

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Citation: John van Wyhe, ed. 2002-. The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online. (

File last updated 25 September, 2022