RECORD: Darwin, C. R. and Emma Darwin n.d. Abstract of Laws of Variation. CUL-DAR75.118. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Laws of Variation

4to Pamphlet (220) Caspary [illeg] p. 78 Nägeli on Hieracium

  (226) Heer p 23 argues against slow modification.

  (227) Kovalesvky, modification slow – character present in common individuals & absent in others & others change effected Parallel or analogous changes in distinct groups.

  (228) Saporta – process of slow modification, fossil plants, 2 places.

  (230) Eimer. important study whole pamphlet. – as any change of condition causes sterility – so any change causes variability & the variation depend on innate    organisation. Mem. Hooker's view that to final result is action & reaction of culture & organism.

Journal of Geolog. Soc. (no 116) parallel development in ammonites.

Proc. Zoolog Soc. 1874. Part 4 p. 581 Analogous variation.

Journal of Anthropology Institute 1874 (no 10) p. 108-115 Howorth – direct effects of conditions

 of Linn Soc. Zoolog. Vol. XI. no 56 Gulick p. 498 land-shells of Sandwich [Island]  wonderful var. not been to different conditions (?)

 Isolation, without any difference of conditions, suffices to cause new form, like  Weismann views – so with Pigeons & cattle separate causes difference with condition  necessary to cause. If my view of Pangenesis is right how wonderfully complex is the  greater of each part.

American Nat. 1873 Jan. p. 35-38 Laws of variation of Birds in U. States. Allen.

 June p. 359 – On variation of beetles in sculpture in higher & colder places; & so it is  with distinct species from analogous sites.

American Nat. 1873 July p. 498. Var in Woodpecker analogous to character found in an allied  species.

 Sept. p 550- laws of var. in Birds in U. States (like those before)

8vo Pamphelts (830) Nägeli – very important – on closely related forms, some fixed & some variable, growing mingled or near together. Thinks this a law: supported Jordan; see 4to pamphlets Caspary who criticises this paper.

P. 335 similarity of alpine & arctic plants shows how little effect different conditions have

(933)  autschold 165 on var where many individuals; see also p 176

American Nat. 1873 Oct. Ridgway p. 610 – On races of Birds in the U. States

p 614 action of conditions

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