RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Laws of Variation. CUL-DAR75.120. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Laws of Variation

America nat. September 1874 p 534; excellent summary with remarks on J. A. Allens paper on effects of conditions on Birds.

[J. A. Allen. Geographical variation in North American birds.]

Trans, N. Zealand Inst V 1872 p 242 Hutton urges great variability is compatible with longevity of a species (Bear on Jaeger) (Brachiopods in the same case) But I doubt Huttons argument. F. W. Fish must be somehow easily transported.

[James Morton. Notes on some of the New Zealand Birds. Communicated by Capt. Hutton.]

Bastian Beginning of Life Vol. 2 p LXXXII. Cohn on variability of Phytozoa under different conditions vary much; & then under its [illeg] that such occur in higher organisms

Vol. 2 p. 594 to 599 – argues well that I do not [illeg] weight enough to extreme conditions.

p. 608 opposes all I say about changes slower at earliest period of world in lowest forms.

Oscar Schmidt. Doctrine of Descent p 214 [A Law] ([3 words illeg] of greater whorls of ammonites first vary & then transmitted to an earlier age.

Leith Adams, Fields & Trail Rambles p 167 Curlew with long bills, [hard] & individuals with bills of same length; but do not trust this, as he gives many other cases of very variable beaks.

Hackel Kalkschwämme. Vol. 1 p. 381. Causes of variability

Weismann on Savior-Dimorphismus – very important evidence that climate can produce changes equal to distinct species. How odd does not changes do so. Like Birds in U. States. Effects of climate cumulation

p. 31. The winter or aboriginal form less variable than summer forms.

p. 33 distinguishable (new to 34) climate & cold vars

p. 38 How climate acts.

p 73 conclusions

p 79 Like Jaeger any species has period of variability & consistency.

p 80 abstract of his theory of isolation.

Hildebrand. Verbeitungen Mittel p 161. remarks on wonderful diversity & structure modified for dispersion & for same kind of Defensive; theory how endless have been the variability – good

Jaeger in Sachen Darwin p. 5 to 16 maintains all sp. bot variable – different sp. of genus vary differently in degrees

p. 11 period of plasticity & unchangeableness & then seized for ever. – like Weismann –

p. 49 explain how all incurring a part.

Forbes – Record 1874 p. 199 very important paper on direct effect of rearing generation of Branchiopods in less & less salt-water, causing structural modifications – direct action.

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File last updated 25 September, 2022