RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Laws of Variation [Various abstracts 1877-1881]. CUL-DAR75.122-124. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2

NOTE: References:

1870. A. R. Wallace. Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of essays. London & New York: Macmillan & Co.   

1875. A. S. Packard. Physiology and embryology. The Zoological Record, vol. 12.

1875. A. Weismann. Studien zur Descendenz-Theorie. I. Ueber den Saison-Dimorphismus der Schmetterlinge. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.

1875. A. Weismann. Ueber die Umwandlung des mexicanishen Axolotl in ein Amblystoma. Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftliche Zoologie. 25, suppl. 3: 297-334.

1877. J. Scott. Manual of opium husbandry, etc. Calcutta: Bengal Secretariat Press.

1877. B. N. Moseley. On the colouring matters of various animals, and especially deep-sea forms, etc. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol.17: 65: 1-32.

1877. J. D. Caton. The antelope and deer of America. New York: Hurd and Houghton, etc.

1877. G. Dickie. Note on Algae collected by Dr. I. B. Balfour at the island of Rodriguez. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London: Botany, (vol. 16:1: 6-25.

1877. J. D. Caton. The wild turkey and its domestication. The American Naturalist, vol. 11 (June): 321-330.

1870-71. B. G. Wilder. Intermembral homologies. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 14 (21 June): 309-339.

1873-74. J. A. Allen. On geographical variation on color among North American squirrels, etc. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 16 (4 February 1874): 276-294.

1877. H. Spencer. Die Herrschaft des Ceremoniells. Kosmos, vol. 2: 537-560.

1878. P. Magnus. Interfamiliäre variation. Kosmos, vol. 3: 437-438.

1879. Anon. Merkwürdige Umwandlung von Maispflanzen bei künstlicherErnährung. Kosmos, vol. 5: 215-217.

1881. Anon. Der Einfluss der Bodenwaerme auf die Zellenbildung der Planzen. Kosmos, p. 63.

Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



Laws of Variation

8vo. Pamphlets (1126) Good

H. Hoffmann "über" variation" fixed & unfixed var – very much in every corner p. 26 – position of flower on stem causes differences – on anagallis & Lychnis – Summary of all his results


Fatio, some important facts


Lawes & Gilbert – bears importantly on variability & struggle for existence

4to Pamphlet (251)

Delboef – mathematics to inheritance & Evolution


H. Hoffmann Cultivation – Lychnis dioica


Moritz Wägner – sound very important on geographical races. Variation due to condition, independently of Natural Selection.


Salvin very important paper on Birds of Galapagos. Gradation in Birds.


Lawes & Gilbert – Ichetus Results of trials with manures


Manual of Opium – inherited effects of [illeg] many causes which excites secretion not be inserted

Annales Soc. Ent. France Tome V. 1875

p. 225 Good article (Reuter) on the dimorphism of the Hemiptera

Proc. & Memoir Boston

Soc. of N. Hist.

(See for References) References for Proc. & Memoir in Journal on  Port folia – also Hyatt on Jurassic Ammonites.

Q. Journal of Microscopical Sc. Vol. LXV 1877 p. 19

Moseley very good on colouring matter of deep-sea animals.

Caton The antelope

p. 90. Antelope variation p. 156 spots on Deer

Zoolog. Record for 1875 p 228

On conversion of [Ent…] by minerals

Salt-water, but I have read essay on this subject.

Linn. Journal vol. XVI. Bot. p. 24

Very Heteromorphism  Plants on island of Rodriguez.

The American Naturalist 1877       p 322

On Variation of Wild Turkey under Domestication Caton

Proc. Boston Soc N. Hist Vol XIV 1871-71 p. 322

Coues on variability of multiple organs.

[do] vol XVL 1873-74

J. A. Allen Geographical var. of colour with American Squirrels

Kosmos I 1877 p. 550

On individual variability

Kosmos Heft 5 1878 p. 438

analogous variation, i. e. distinct species varying in same manner.

4to Pamphlets (277)

[Luidstrom] – On corals varying in exactly same manner in distant seas - good

4to Pamphlets (290

[Peysitral.] – on causes midway [Pelmin] – good on causes of Variation – External conditions.




Laws of Variation

8vo Pamph (944)

Nägeli on variation of Hieredzma


Weismann reversion, with sterility, explain case of Axolot


Siebold, changes in means of respiration of fresh water mollusc [cobite] breathing partly by intestinal canal – very curious.

various changes by animals in means of respiration


Blyth shows that many plants in Scandinavia seem indifferent to considerable difference of climate


Edwards abstract of Weismann on Saison Dimorphism especially in relation to the Marcellus Papilio

(982 983)

Rougemont on animals which live in darkness

[Ribb] Heredity p 39

Effect of Habit in causing short-sight.


Planzen-welt. Scandinavia p. 381. colour of flowers plainly influenced by latitude in which seeds sown.

Buckton on aphides

Roy. Soc. Dimorphism – early spring forms differ from all others.


Studien Descendenz– Theil II p. 68 period in caterpillar of which

variation arises -p. 72-79 all must be studied if I ever write on variation. p. 80 (good) to p. 92 – p. 142 on inward tendency to vary – 149 to 225 – p. 273, 274-277

Zoologische Garten (C)

v. Fischer – great variability of camel eats like case of cattle in Pampas p. 374 criterion of Species & Vars. colours being like those of father – or intermedial in species. -


Species – frage. – Important – Causes of Variability – Reversion Nature of Differences & Range of certain closely allied forms as of anagallis.


Paludina-Schichten – most important, as showing effects of conditions in causing variability - & on the general question of origin of species.

Birthige on Propagation

p. 95 quotes Decaine & Wichura on culture causing variability

8vo Pamphlet (1110)

Camber on Variability in relation to size of genera.


H. Hoffmann acclimatization in Plants


Nollmities – Leperides found fertilized


Neumayr- on ammonite very important – shows the changes Effected independently of natural selection.


Duprey inherited effects of lesion of the Eyes like Brown-Sequard 




Laws of Variation

8vo Pamphlet [Schmankewitsch] (1197)

most important – on changes in Crustaceans for changes in making them live in Salt & Fresh Water

8vo Pamphlet (1200)

J. Jenner Weir – on dark & light Lepidoptera

8vo Pamphlet (1219)

Coues finds that climate modifies in some way mice & shrews in different regions of U. States.


(N.B Mr Wallaces last Book good summary on direct action of external condition)

8vo Pamphlet (1244)

Morries' address p. 11 to [end] much on variability – good - & on Habit p 17 cave animals – [illeg] form in the Lakes

8vo Pamphlet (1250)

Dareste remarks importance of fact that all monstrosities due to conditions unchecked (bear on variability- [forms] would have been said innate causes

8vo Pamphlet (1282)

Analogous variation in Fragaria


Hoffmann Culture researches

8vo Pamph (1309)

De Candolle – on acclimatization of plants – behaviour of seeds for different distribution.

Bull. Journ. Comp. Z.

[illeg] Vol. VI. o 3. p. 87 Dell – on variability of [illeg] forms – though condition uniform – also direct action of such conditions.


Fauna des Westlichen Lias p. 45 parallelism of form of ammonites yet generally distinct

Kosmos III Jahr 1879 p. 215.

Extraordinary change in maize from absorption of salt.


8vo Pamphlet 1331

Lawer experiment – adaptation in grapes & Laws of change


Werner causes of variability

1369 & 1399

Sturtevant, good causes of var. in Marriage.

Kosmos Aug. 1878

Analogous variation

1881 p. 63

Effects of Heat on form of cells

8vo Pamphlet 1408

Analogous var. due to common descent in [Vangfia]


p. 80 bears on Laws of Hildebrand


Some species fixed some variable

4to Pamphl 319

Hoffmann experiments on variation of Plants by anther.


[repeat of image 3]

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