RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Bulletin Geolog. CUL-DAR75.13-14. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



Bulletin Geolog.

No 1

p. 667 Several cases of forms [illeg] proper to one formation found in another. D'orbigny

No 2 p 213 Pomel on mammals of upper series of [ausreger] so close to recent. This in fact is law of succession under [sticky] phase (842-3)

No 3 p 159 Adelsburgh cavern crustacea without eyes – see Vienna memoir

No 4 p 408 Desor is clear that erratic period not same in N. America & Europe = may have been more intense at one time than other. Read the Paper

No 5 p 492 Ancient descent of Glaciers in New Grenada XX

6 p. 173 On Erratic Boulders in Pyrenees. West end

7 p 386 Chiton from Great Oolite. Known [illeg] only in Silurian & Transition (good) [(illeg)]

p 397 Splendid evidence of Glacier of S. Martha at 1900 metres above sea. Glacier formerly descended 6000 ft lower than now

8 p 441 On plant living under high temperature in hot spring

9 p 357 Keyserling's [illeg] Tom XIII p. 60 2d series; but not important.

Flamingo genera [illeg] little from certain sites is there [illeg] bears on [illeg]

p 415 Barrande gives up cataclysm as causing [illeg] of species & attribute it to unknown laws of life

p 420 do Excellent graphical laws of succession of Trilobite with good remarks M. S.

p 423 Reference to all archaic views on subject

10 p 529 – on Azoic formations of Scandinavia having graphite & Dunker thinks [illeg] to consider that life did not exist in world.

11 p 160 Marcon on [illeg] striated pebble extend 35°S.

12 p 165 Unger on wonderful intermediate character of Devonian plants?? No

13 p 451 Martins on former descent of Glacier in E. Pyrenees

14 p 150 Barrande shows how all genera of Nautilus may be ideally derived from Orthoceras

175 but Asioceras, the most simple of nautilus appears subsequently in 3d stage

15 p 282 S. Gras on the [illeg] beds of Alps, when the local plants & [Orthoculite] &c lived with Liassic forms – the great anomaly.

p 889 A Dauphin or Seal, in Cretacean rocks (Leidy)

897 List of Quaternary mammals & man in N. America, good Bison in relation to [2 words illeg] of N. America

911 [illeg] mud 600 ft thick, have required 100,000 yrs to form, at the rate 40 [illeg] feet of Silurian Rock could have required 6,600,000 years to deposit.

1019 [mucula] [illeg] Silurian & represented then by several species. Barrande & Vornint

115 after giving instances in ammonites Mr. Ebray remarks, ["Les especes les plus semblances sorl fresque tougoin celle qui géologiquement sorl les plus răpproches"]

p 373 Barrande good to quote on Nautilus, [illeg] &c says that study of ancient Fauna & every dog teaches him that the species of same class or order not so nicely divided as at present or subsequently



Bulletin Geolog

No. 20 p. 461 Barrande – most important – as close general parallelism of Bohemian & Scandinavian palæozoic fossil; yet species most distinct; far more I think that lat. (= S. England & N of Scotland) will account for, especially Scandinavia richest – not like C. Cod case – urges organic changes no selection to physical – Barrande attributes difference to geograph distribution.

21 p. 241 Two glacial periods in Alps & in England according to Turner

22 p. 431 Barrande on several forms appearing first in America

439 do in 1846 he established his primordial zone, admitted by Forbes as grand step in Geology

449 list of all the Primordial species known (March 1857)

452 admits traces of life in Long Mynd, lower down.

23 p. 617 Proofs of Sahara recently elevated.

24 p. 344 S Gras says Elephas primigenius occurs between 2 glacial deposits

25 p. 838 case of ammonite which carries in upper stages of same formation

26 p. 382 Tchihatchef on Alpine plants of [2 words illeg] in Bull. Soc. Bot. de le Trance. Tome IV

p 667 & a following paper in Nov. 1857 for Glacial.

27 p. 565 Elephas primigenius have passed into Slaty

28 p. 792 Thiollier shows that to Malacoph Fishes of Jurassic age in their enamel on scales &c show true of connection with ganoids.

29. p. 261 Seals have rarely been observed in Post-Tertiary, yet commonest being over Europe & probably they swarmed during glacial Epoch

30. 487 D'achiac Review of Murchison's Siluria – numerical of species – proportion of recurrent

468 creation & extinction of form gradual

499 Lartet. Elephants appeared earlier in Asia then Europe – co appeared with mastodons

505 two new Pliocene Elephants in America & Pliocene Rhinoceros – two [illeg] were known in lower Miocene before. How say America & Europe show clear relation

522 [Potsdem] shown to be Barrande's primordial

525 Then Primordial [contains] 2 Gastropods & Orthoceras. not known in Europe to belong to this earliest stage

31. p. 602. Hebert very good on number of lakes over all Europe at close of Jurassic & before Cretaceous age – showing long existence of land.

32. p. 825 Lory believes doubling of strata account for the Belemnite & Coal-plant case.

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