RECORD: Darwin, C. R. and Emma Darwin n.d. [Abstract of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, 1842.] CUL-DAR75.155. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Transact. Entomolo. Soc.

p 1

First loose numbers each marked with a cross.

My No. 1. p 195 & 199 on Hybrid insects Vol. 3. 1842

[J. O. Westwood. 1838.Description of a hybrid Smerinthus, with remarks on hybridism in general.]

p 185-190 On Hornet's nest.

[George Newport. 1839. On the habits, and on the structure of the nests of gregarious Hymenoptera, particularly those of the hive bee and hornet.

My No 2. p 238 Westwood on aberrant groups

[J. O. Westwood. 1841. On Evania and some allied genera of Hymenopterous insects.]

p. 327 Waterhouse on local vars. of curuleos in Philippines

[G. R. Waterhouse. 1841 Descriptions of the species of the Curculionideous genus Pachyrhynchus, etc.]

My No 3. p 271 Westwood on pertinacious retention of trivial characters throughout a whole group

[J. O. Westwood. 1841. On Evania and some allied genera of Hymenopterous insects.]

My No 4 p 60 On butterflies not pairing in confinement.

[W. W. Saunders. 1839. Descriptions of four new Dipterous insects from Central and Northern India.]

My No 5 p 298. Westwood says it is a rule that female insects offer the best characters i.e. have been less modified

New Series

Vol 1.

p. 135 On blind cave-insects

p. 17 of Proceedings on each of Channel I's having rather different fauna.

p 37 of Proc. on the manner in which different vars open the flowers of the Snap-dragon

p 147 On cave insects.

p 87-89 of Proc. On the relation of bees, mice & cats.

p 253 on some anomalous genera found all over the world

p 120 of Proc. remarks on classification by Dr Conte

p 130 of Proc – of British insects selecting & feeding on a introduced plants

p 140 Do – Facts against Agassiz' classification

p 152 Do – Duther's on the sting of Hymenoptera

p 164 Do reference to respiration of spiders

Vol. 2

p 27 of Proc On insects coming to light-houses

p 156 On drones of the hive bee being killed

p 125 of Proc. On the jaws of the Strepsiptera are rudimentary in the male & entirely wanting in female

Vol. 3

p 97 F. Smith on certain ants which do & do not Spin a coccoon, variable; & on variation in pubenscence

p 157 An ant wh. always builds in the nests of Termite and might thus become parasitic.

p. 204 Westwood on some anomalous in S. America allied to those of Australia.

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File last updated 25 September, 2022