RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1843 and 1844]. CUL-DAR75.2. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Volume 1843

24 Two hybrid seedless Heath[er???] from same parents differ in Ch. 9 I must make the lead of homogeneity of Hybrids allude to Gartner having worked, as he says expressly chiefly on uncultivated plants

86 changes in Dahlia & all Florist flowers – Florists are astonished when they see an old drawing of an esteemed variety – Hence change gradual

p. 191 only few old vars of Picolets

135 var. of Picotee very uncertain

188 Large fruit produce chiefly on Strawberries (2) with sexes distinct – use of dioeciousness Ch. 8

318 Young thrush feeding young Black birds

389 Rules for selecting seed in 1660

391 Sport in Thorn

879 Sport in Ash

501 On Cork Wren's nests, unimportant

910 Important used as refuge

775 a famous Orchis sport.

806 Pois sans Parchemin măi open to attack of tom-[illeg] & Jags

877 One year all scarlet alone Dahlias were [scented] see next year for any curious facts or correlation (strange correlation) Some not constant

- In some Picotee stigma protrudes dioeciousness before flower opens

879 Doubling & sporting of Dahlia coccinea

881 Clover did not seed before Bees introduced (I am nearly sure no plants shall

Legumes Grand case. All the small Bees – Hooker life of Papillomas Plants

29. There are special varien[ts] of Bulls & that more case in their breeding that more do they transport character

68 House-fly same Canada, Britain Cape & Tasmania

87 Sport in currant Bush

337 good case in Azalea

89 Peach sport

151 Variation analogous to allied species

215 Camellias seed freely when artificially fertilised


247 diversity in Hybrids from same pod. (I suppose species)

260 Swan killing toads in numbers, but not eating them

374V on Bees from different Hives visiting different flowers some visited Pansies (2)

476 On Peas being now got earlier then formerly

500 Berkely on hybrid Ferns

577 In certain seasons many Florist Flowers do not come true, I have noticed many cases & thus shows effect of climate on variation

- Seedlings new are yet said to be "not new" /688/

702 Irish yew not hereditary

740 Chidham Wheat in Hedge – How many fruit trees thus found. There is something very strange about this.

782 Age of Robins only 4 years, owing to fighting of Cocks!

811 Capital Table of increase in weight of Gooseberries (2)

815 Dragon Fly 600 miles from Land

835 Degeneracy of Brussel sprout curious case (can be kept here in England)

872 Marie Louise variable – Refer sand Winter nelis very true Pear

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File last updated 25 September, 2022