RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Linnean Journal. CUL-DAR75.41. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



Linnean Journal

[Zoology, 1858] vol. 2. continued p. 52, 59 Ants

[F. Smith. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. (Read 16 June 1857): 42-130]

- p. 136 Sclater on Distribution of Birds, important

Vol. 2 continued

p. 137 Sclater (see Back)

[P. L. Sclater. On the general geographical distribution of the members of Aves. (Read 16 June 1857): 130-170]

p 181. Monstrous vegetation in Niger

[1858. G. Barter. On the botany of the Niger expedition. (Read 4 February 1858): 180-183]

Vol 3.

p 45 Darwin & Wallace

[1859. On the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the perpetuation of varieties and species by natural selection. (Read 1 July 1858): 45-62]

p. 153 Bot on Flora of Mountains of W. Africa

[1859. F. Welwitsch. Letters on the vegetation of West Equinoctial Africa. (Read 1 July 1858): 150-157]

Vol IV

p. 2 Zoolog Huxley. Crocodiles at first a genus by Cuvier & then as Order

[1860. T. H. Huxley. On the dermal armour of Jacare and Caiman, with notes on the specific and generic characters of recent crocodilian. (Read 17 February 1859): 1-28]

p. 172-183 Zoolog. Wallace on Distrib in Malay Arch. (very good)

[1860. A. R. Wallace. On the zoological geography of the Malay Archipelago. (Read 3 November 1859): 172-184]

Supplement vol. IV Bentham p. 10 & p. 13 2 forms of anthers, with very or exclusively confined to two sexes of sub-dioicous Leguminous plant.

p. 22 case of var (I think) analogous to differences in section of genus

[1859. G. Bentham. Synopsis of Dalbergieæ, a tribe of Leguminosæ. (Read 2 June 1859): 1-128]

Vol. V. Zoology no. 18 p. 169. Geograph. Distrib of Shells; Lowe not favouring former union of Madeira & continent.

[1861. R. T. Lowe. A list of shells observed or collected at Mogador and in its immediate environs, etc. (Read 16 February 1860): 169-203]

Z. (no 19) p. 223 on affinities of Lepidopsiren (fauna) on connections of 2 large groups by a few forms.

[1861. J. R. Greene. On mutual relations of the cold-blooded vertebrata. (Read 21 June 1860): 218-228]

Vol. V. Supple. Bot p. IX Flora of Aden: species very scanty in comparison with genera &c – disputes due to struggle for existence – This whole subject been discussed.

[1861. T. Anderson. Florula Adenensis, etc. (read 1 November 1860): iii-xii]

Vol. V. p. 184 no 20 p. 184 On range on W. Africa in which European & Tropical forms can be cultivated together. p. 186 - Plants of 6000 ft some Northern forms

[1864. J. D. Hooker. On the plants of the temperate regions of the Cameroons Mountains and Islands in the Bight of Benin, etc. (Read 5 November 1863): 171-243]

Vol. V. 2d Supple Bot. p. 45. Bentham in Menispermaceæ - male flowers indistinguishable even in genera which female fl & fruit very difference

[1861. G. Bentham. Notes on Menispermaceæ. (Read 7 March 1861): 45-52]

do      do p. 75 Bentham on blending of Orders

[1861. G. Bentham. Notes on Bixaceæ and Samydaceæ. (Read 7 March 1861): 75-94]


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