RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Linnean Journal notes. CUL-DAR75.45. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Kees Rookmaaker, edited by John van Wyhe 7.2014. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



Linnean Journal

Vol. XI. Zool. no 55. Kirby on Lepidoptera of California & Chile are palaearctic regions

[Vol. XI. Zool.] 56. Gombrick on evolution of Land-shells, Sandwich Isd

[Vol. XI. Zool.] 58 p.100 to 108. G. Jeffreys on relation of Shells & Fishes between Japan & N. Atlantic

[Vol. XI. Zool.] p.129 Bees recognise colours . Sir J. Lubbock.—

Vol XIII. Bot. (no 70—72) Bentham p. 348 summer & autumn flowers of compositae differing in sexes & rays. p 456 certain forms spread as weeds far easier than others.

p. 486 difference between growing & dying groups of plants in their affinities & numbers.

p. 573 papers aid very little in transport. An enormous mass of information on Geographical Distribution

Vol XIV. Bot (no 75) Hooker on Flora of High Mountain S. of Egypt

Journal Linn. Soc. Vol XIV no 75 p 187 a curious case (Hooker) of 2 anomalous genera found in America & Africa, tells against evolution.

[Vol XIV. Bot (no 75)] p. 205 Alterations of Veg at the Cape from introduction of Sheep.

[Vol XIV. Bot] (no 77) On Algae living in Hot Springs. Azores

[Vol XIV. Bot] (no 78) Hooker Phylica arborea on Tristan d'Acunha & Amsterdam, 5000 miles apart. p. 479 also a Lycopodium near Hot spring, a tropical species; analogous cases.

Vol. XII. Zoolog. p. 227. Lubbock on senses & intellect of Bees & Ants

Vol. XIII. [Zoolog.] p. 152. Day, Distribution of F. Water Fishes in India &c

[Vol] XVI Bot. p. 24. Heteromorphic Plants of Rodriguez.

[Vol XVI] p. 302. Geograph. Distrib. Atlas Mts— European Plants

Vol XIII. Zoolog. p.208 on Homologies of Swim-Bladder of Fishes

p 217 Sir J. Lubbock— Habits of Ants

[Vol XIII. Zoolog.] (No 69) p. 331— When Lemmus abounds, so do other Rodents — causes of Increase & Migration of Lemmings.

[Vol XIII. Zoolog.] No 70 p. 338. Eyes becomng rudimentary with age

Vol. XVII. Bot. No. 100. 1878 p. 247, 248, 250, 266 Geograph. Distrib. general consideration.

[Vol] XIV. Zoolog. No 78. 1879. p. 571—72. Day. Geograph. Distrib.

do do p. 674. Hymenopt. of Sandwich Isd.

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