RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstract of Philosophical Transactions. CUL-DAR75.51a. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN1

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.


Philosophical Transactions

Phil Journ

Vol 1788 p 226 Jenner on young Cuckoos turning out eggs

[Observation on the natural history of the cuckoo. By Mr. Edward Jenner. In a letter to John Hunter, Esq. F. R. S.]

1828 p 320 Believes number of males in Bees to facilitate a cross (Why?) Knight?

[Thomas A. Knight. 1828. On some circumstances relating to the economy of bees.

1835 p 302 Lottia & Patella very like animals very unlike

306 On species of same genus inhabiting fresh & salt water.—

310 same species inhabiting fresh & salt water.

[John A. Gray. 1835. Remarks on the difficulty of distinguishing certain Genera Testaceous

Mollusca by their Shells alone, and on the Anomalies in regard Habitation

observed in certain Species.]

1849 468 Structure of Ganoid & Placoid pikes graduate together

[W. C. Williamson. 1849. On the Microscopic Structure of the Scales and Dermal Teeth of some Ganoid and, Placoid Fish.]

1850 p. 495 Owen on typical teeth – old Tertiary mammals (Placental) more typical Mastodon [illeg] typical teeth & older than Elephant.

[Richard Owen. 1850. On the development and homologies of the molar teeth of the wart-hogs (phacochærus), with Illustrations of a system of notation for the teeth in the class mammalia.]

754 Carpenter Paper on life – Expresses opinion that cave animals are blind from want of light – quote this & ass profound Paper in Ch. 7.

[William B. Carpenter. 1850. On the mutual relations of the vital and physical forces.]

1854 p 259 Listera ovata contrivance for self-fertilisation important as bearing on [Ophrydeæ] (Ch 3) & as I refer to Listera – throws doubt on my observation

[Joseph D. Hooker. 1854. On the functions and structure of the rostellum of listera ovata.]

1858 p. 182 Owen certain Muschelkalk Bayreuth precursor & near allies of succeeding long-necked Plesiosauraus

[Richard Owen. 1858. Description of the skull and teeth of the placodus laticeps, owen, with indications of other new species of placodus, and evidence of the saurian nature of that genus.]

1859 p. 47 Owen. Law of succession in fossil Lizard in Australia

[Richard Owen. 1859. Description of some remains of a gigantic land-lizard (Megalama Prisca, Owen) from Australia]

311 Lion-like Dasyurus

[Richard Owen. 1859. On the fossil mammals of Australia. — Part I. Description of a mutilated skull of a large marsupial carnivore (Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen), from a calcareous conglomerate stratum, eighty miles S. W. of Melbourne, Victoria.

489 Henfry on Victoria connecting monocot & dicots (Water-plant)

[Arthur Henfry. 1859. On the anatomy of Victoria regia.―Part II]

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File last updated 25 September, 2022