RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. [Abstract of 8vo Pamphlets]. CUL-DAR75.74. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN3

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



8vo Pamphlets – Abstract

398.    Turner W. on males fishes hatching over in marshes

400     O. Heer – on recent extinction of 3 water-plants in Switzerland

          on mica having inhabited Lake – Habitation

401.    Walsh on images similar whilst larva differ

403     Richardson on the Brain, good for extensions of Pangenesis & Instinct

406     Hooker, Insular Floras – great on Distribution & means of.

408     Ducherte Effects of Light on climbing of Plants

412     Müller Aug. Good on gradation, nerves, Eye, - Heart beats before nerves visible

414     Hilgendorf On F. W. shells varying & differing in successive layers like E. F…)

416     Walsh p. 237 – Gradation from gall-suckers to [illeg] species (analogous case to parasites Humble-bees?) Instinct

          p. 249 On Classification, Larger genera are continually merged & small genera united, "the rich, made richer the poor poorer".

          p. 288 On the gall-insects of same genera, owing to descent, affecting same genera   Plants

417     Sclater On Representative spread of Bell-Birds

418     Wyman on the Heat which animals & Plants can stand in Hot Springs

419     Newton on Land Birds of Seychelles, affinity to Madagascar

421.    Igelström on organic m. in Primitive rocks, Sweden

423     Wallace on Mimicry (W. Review) p. 4 on Desert Protection

          p 5 nocturnal animals. White Owl? – Only in Tropic quite queer birds, Tiger, (but Zebra)

          p 6 Relates arboreal Lizards & Tree snakes green

          p. 7 Fish, (Like coral reefs?)

          p. 8 moth coloured on Hind-wings which are concealed – Butterflies larva surface dull

          p 10 moths according to seasons –

          11 Phasmidæ, Dyak said moss green from [foliation]

          p. 12 no white mammal or birds in Europe, except Arctic & Alpine; false theory how    arose

          15 Stumpy Hymenoptera, brightly coloured & no mimicry. Bugs emit odour

          16 size of wings a protection, from Breaking, like ruffled feathers.

          17 In previous cases the most brilliant colours may be developed without prejudicial use.

          19 Helicondiæ coloured equally on lower as on upper surface

          28 Longicorn like a Bee

          29 a Cricket like a Cicindela so that Westwood was deceived!!!

          31 Coral snake, innocuous musk very good

          33 Mocking Birds

          34 Mammal like a squirrel to catch prey.

          37 Female insects require most protection – Does he admit that is to 2 sexes that Bright colours are due to sexual selection.


[Wallace, Alfred Russel. 1867. [Review of Origin 4th edn] Mimicry, and other protective resemblances among animals. Westminster and foreign quarterly review Vol. 88, No. 173, n.s. 32 No.1 (1 July): 1-43.]

[in margin:] see. Pamph (428) p. 69 middle

          425. Lubbock address, On Crustacea pulling grains of sand into their ears. Instincts.


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File last updated 25 September, 2022