RECORD: Darwin, C. R. n.d. Abstracts of 8vo Pamphlets. CUL-DAR75.75. Edited by John van Wyhe (Darwin Online,

REVISION HISTORY: Transcribed by Christine Chua and edited by John van Wyhe 5.2021. RN2

NOTE: See record in the Darwin Online manuscript catalogue, enter its Identifier here. Reproduced with permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library and William Huxley Darwin. The volumes CUL-DAR 72-75 contain Darwin's abstracts of scientific books and journals.



8vo Pamphlets Abstract

427. Wallace Philosophy of Birds nest. – good as showing in [illeg] that instinct governed by structures.

428 Müller p. 41-58 very few insects feed on Cryptogenic plants, excepting Fungi

 p. 43 –400 insects depend on the Oak

 p. 69 Caterpillars feeding on certain parts a kind of plant became coloured like them.

430 Packard p. 287 Bombus moult 10 times during metamorphosis

 293 Neuroptera differ greatly – a Broken order; geology ages of orders

 Hymenoptera appeared later viz monozoic

433 Hennefrig on Portuguese Plants in Ireland having been introduced by man?? & in  climate being similar

435 Goodman on Birds of Azores – Wanderers – good

437 Lathem, on order in which plants occupied newly disturbed Land Struggle for existence

438 Sclater on Distrib of Barbets

 p. 242 All Birds that nest in holes lay white Eggs – good

440 Rolleston History of the Cats quotes Benedin, the ways of a Fauna in [illeg] like the organ of one body

442 Baily on fossil Silurian & Devonian plants in Iceland

450 Saunders difficulties in structure of male cricket according to nat. selection

456 Hilgendorf on [Plumbis multiservis] – ought to be translated

457 Rolleston on complex modifications of old muscles for special purposes

459 Buist young male salmon breeding

464 Crolls pamphlets bearing on Glacial period & age of world

465 Barrande on concentration, & intelligence of Silurian Pteropods

466 do p. 23 gradation in [illeg] of species in nautilus

 p. 26 Definition of species, most vague. according to pleasure

 p. 27, 30 on extreme richness of life in very ancient periods

 p 31, 35 on relation of N & S Fauna of Europe

 p 34 Law of horizontal & vertical effusion

467 Saporta p. 11 Greenland crustaceous forms

 p 19 [climate] of [illeg] Polar Regions, seen whole, & whatever between Europe & America

469 Marsh, on metamorphoses of Sizedon – showing manner of Transition from air to water  Breather - & showing how species vary less abruptly change – Here allude to Cope!  Pamphlet 8 (513)

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File last updated 25 September, 2022