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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.17
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Tahiti PX C294: PX C294p(f)4 and p(f)5 Conrad Martens View at Tahiti with the island of Moorea 1835; PX C294p(f)7 C. Martens Basaltic Columns and Waterfall Tahiti 1835; PX C294p(f)13 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia. Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f15 C. Martens View at Papara . Island of Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f17 C. Martens Distant view of Point Venus, Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f19 C. Martens Orohena the highest mountain in Tahiti 1835; PX C294 f.45 C. Martens Matavai Chapel. Tahiti Jan 15 (x 2); PX C294 f47 C. Martens Chappel at Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f49 C. Martens Valley of Bunaavia [sic] Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 F51 C. Martens Tara Trees. Tahiti 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f53 C. Martens Tei Trees and Cottage. Point Venus. Tahiti 1835 ( x 2 ); PX C294 f55 C. Martens Vi tree with house of Revd. W Wilson. Point Venus 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f57 C. Martens Island of Moorea bearing N.W. taken from on board the "Black Warrior" 1835 (x 2); PX C294 f59 C. Martens Branch of breadfruit tree [and] Tara 1835 (x 2); PX C294 endpaper Sketchbook of Pencil Views Native dwellings ZPXC 294
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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