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Identifier: CC-OldLibrary-STAN4.18
Date: Undated
Name: Stanbury David
Attributed title: Tahiti Various: Tahiti Papeete Nov 1835?; DG 160 Conrad Martens Papeete Tahiti (x 3); From the front of w. Wilson's House Matavai (x 2 ); DG 215 Conrad Martens Island of Moorea (Eimeo) near Tahiti 1840 (x 2); DL 27 Conrad Martens The Harbour of Papeete Island of Tahiti [a view with two sailing ships, 1835] 1841; PXC 294 f11 Conrad Martens Part of Papeete Harbour. Island of Tahiti. 1835; Papeete Harbour Tahiti Collection of Mrs T.H. Odillo Maher. Sydney.; Papeete Queen Polman House ?; View of one of the Society Islands Eimo near Tahiti 1835 (Moorea) Ken Webster Purchase 3.4.71 Dunbar Sloane Wellington
Description: Christ's College, Cambridge
Document type: Photo


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