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Identifier: LINSOC-LL.4
Date: 1857--1882
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Description: Darwin, Charles; packet of 18 letters: 23 Feb [1857], 8 Feb 1865, 16 Oct [1865], 31 Mar 1866, 7 December [1866?], 1 June [18]68, [?] Jan [1871], [?] Sep 1872, 12 Sep [18]72, 23 Jan [1875], 19 Mar 1877, 30 Oct 1880, 14 Dec [1880], 27 May 1881, 16 Jan [?], 18 Mar [?], 18 Mar [?], 12 Aug [?] [?]. Packet includes additional 12 photocopies of letters and 1 handcopied letter dated: [?] Mar [?1859], 29 Dec 1860, 22 Feb [?] [acknowledged 23 Feb 1867], [n.d.] [acknowledged 30 Jul 1870], 9 Dec [?1870], 4 Mar [?1871], 11 Mar 1871, 23 Jun 1875, 16 Aug 1878 [handcopied], 16 Aug [?], [n.d.], [n.d.], [n.d.] N.B. In the fifth letter Darwin requests a paper by F. Müller [Müller, Fritz: 1821-1897]; in the thirteenth letter Darwin requests the address of Prof Allmans [Allmans, George: 1812-1898, president of the Linnean Society from 1874 to 1881]; in the fourteenth letter Darwin writes to Romanes [Romanes, George John: 1848-1894] regarding the painting of a portrait of Darwin commissioned by the Linnean Society. Darwin is reluctant but requests that the portrait is done by Mr [John] Collier; in the nineteenth letter Darwin refers to a paper by Huxley [Huxley, Thomas Henry: 1825-1895] on the reproduction and entymology of aphids; in the twenty-first letter (photocopy) Darwin refers a draft paper he has received from 'a gentleman at the Cape of Good Hope' [Weale, James Philip Mansel: 1838-?] on the fertilisation of orchids to the Linnean Society for further consideration; in the twenty-fourth letter (photocopy) Darwin recommends for publication a number of papers by Mr Mansel Weale [Weale, James Philip Mansel: 1838-?] on the fertilisation of orchids and refers to Prof Hildebrand's [Hildebrand, Frederich: 1835-1915] work on the reproductive strutures of orchids; in the postscript to the twenty-sixth letter (hand copied) Darwin mentions he has written to Asa Gray [Gray, Asa: 1810-1888], but does not disclose the subject matter of their correspondence; in the twenty-fifth letter Darwin makes a recommendation against publishing a paper by a Mr Powell [Powell, Thomas: 1809-1887] on the formation of atolls.
Document type: Correspondence


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