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Identifier: PC-USA-OriginMS324
Date: [1858.11.00]
Name: Darwin Charles Robert
Attributed title: Draft of Origin, Sect. 8, folio 324
Description: From the auction description: "Autograph manuscript leaf from the Origin of Species. The conclusion to Darwin's chapter on hybridism, including corrections and two inserted passages, 104 words in 13 lines, headed "Sect 8. Hybrids", 4to (224 x 209mm), 1858-59, with a pencil note in the hand of Henrietta Darwin giving an incorrect reference to the printed text, erased pencil mathematical notes on the verso, by G.H. Darwin. ... Provenance: Charles Darwin; his daughter Henrietta ("Etty") Litchfield (1843-1927); her niece Margaret Keynes, née Darwin (1890-1974); thence by descent...Sold by order of the executors of the late Mrs A.P. Keynes". Sotheby's, 9 July 2018, lot 357. The manuscript has been classed CUL-DAR185.142.
Document type: Draft

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