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F1592.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
Organisation and Intelligence XIX. 501, 581 1879 Grant Allen's Colour Sense XIX. 582 1879 Did Flowers Exist during the Carboniferous Epoch? XX. 141 1879 Butler's Evolution, Old and New XX. 501 1879 McCook's Agricultural Ants of Texas XX. 625 1879 Reyly to Reviewers of Wallace's Australasia XXI. 562 1880 Reply to Everett on Wallace's Australasia XXII. 141 1880 Two Darwinian Essays XXIII. 124, 217, 266 1880 Geological Climates XXIII. 152, 175 1880 New Guinea XXIII. 169 1880 Climates of Vancouver
F1592.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
. White's Ants and their Ways XXXI. 552 1885 Colours of Arctic Animals XXXII. 218 1885 H. O. Forbes's A Naturalist's Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago XXXIII. 170 1886 Victor Helm's Wanderings of Plants and Animals XXXIV. 333 1886 H. S. Gorham's Central American Entomology XXXIV. 467 1886 Physiological Selection and the Origin of Species XXXV. 366 1887 Mr. Romanes on Physiological Selection XXXVI. 530 1887 The British Museum and the American Museums XXXIX. 611 1889 Which are the Highest
F1592.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
, Wallace's review of, ii. 65; his interest in, 231 et seq. Antiseptic treatment, medical opposition to, ii. 241 Ants, instincts of, i. 279 Apis testacea, i. 146 Archeblosis, i. 274 6 Argus pheasant, i. 230, 289, 292 Argyll, Duke of, i. 189, 313, 315, ii. 23, his theory of flight, 25 7 Arnold, Matthew, on Darwin's theory, ii. 228 Aru Islands, distribution of animals in, i. 132; productions of, 161 pig, i. 160, 161, 162 Astronomy, Wallace's works on, ii. 167 et seq. lectures at Davos on, 168
F1592.2    Book:     Marchant, James ed. 1916. Alfred Russel Wallace letters and reminiscences. London: Cassell. Volume 2.   Text   Image   PDF
paper, 253; on his Descent of Man and St. G. Mivart, 257; on Wallace's review of Descent of Man, 260; on Chauncey Wright's criticism of Mivart, 264; on a Quarterly review, 269, 291; on Fritz M ller's letter on mimicry, 270; on Dr. Bree, 271, 272; on Bastian's Beginnings of Life, 274, 278; on ants, 279; criticising Wallace's review of Expression of the Emotions, 280; on Spencer and politics, 283; on Utricularia, 284; on Wallace's Geographical Distribution of Animals, 286, 289, 292; on Wallace's
A179    Book:     Ward, Henshaw. 1927. Charles Darwin: The man and his warfare. London: John Murray.   Text   Image
who is certain that he has made no error in observation. Darwin gathered a wealth of knowledge about the struggle for existence among plants and animals, of which he gives a few glimpses. He tells of a swarm of ants that drove all the other insects of a region before them. When he put a stone in the path of one file of ants, he noticed that they did not go around it as they would have done if the stone had been there previously; they conceived that they had been attacked, and the lion-hearted
F1566    Book:     Barlow, Nora ed. 1933. Charles Darwin's diary of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Cambridge: University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
APPENDIX II References to the longer and more important passages, not found in the present text, added by Darwin on publication. Murray's second edition used; pagination similar to the later editions of 1860 and 1870. Preface. p. 4... Falling of fine dust. Geology. Zoology. St Jago. p. 14... Discoloured sea. p. 26... Planariae, phosphorescent insects. p. 33... Butterflies, ants, spiders. p. 49... Zoology. Maldonado. p. 81... Extinct quadrupeds. p. 89... Birds, mammals, snakes, Zoophytes. p
A540    Pamphlet:     Howarth, O. J. R. and E. K. Howarth. [1933]. A history of Darwin's parish: Downe, Kent. With a foreword by Sir Arthur Keith. Southampton: Russell & Co.   Text   Image
(prehistoric times; the origin of civilization; marriage, totemism, and religion), zoology (ants, bees, and wasps; the intelligence of animals, etc.), botany, and physical geography; and his literary activities alone would have equalled the life-work of many a man. His works on The Pleasures of'Life (1887), The Beauties of Nature (1892), The Use of Life (1894), and Peace and Happiness (1909), brought him into touch with an immense number of readers, and his wide literary interest is sufficiently
F1571    Book:     Barlow, Nora ed. 1945. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. London: Pilot Press.   Text   Image   PDF
. Returned by the old route to Compos Novos a tiresome ride all through a scorching and heavy sand; plain of rhododendrons, had some difficulty in making our horses swim, and in danger from a drunken man in canoe. [Ap.] 21st. Started by daylight arrived after a very long day almost without rest to Rio Comboata miserable venda passed through an interesting cultivated country: this is the interior road branching off at Paratia. Many of the fields from numbers of ants nests looked [like] Humboldts' mud
F1571    Book:     Barlow, Nora ed. 1945. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. London: Pilot Press.   Text   Image   PDF
lengthened appearance. B B bird dust itself, active in the evening; tame. Comadraga intestine full of the remains of insects, chiefly ants and some hemipterous insect. Scolapus different coloured breast. Comadraga grande weighs flask with water, without bottom and with 2/3 of bullets. Mouse (?) Gerbilla, weighs the turnscrew, has long hair and eyes brown; very large eyes: tail found injured: caught with cheese. Alecturus, in stomach large Lycosa and Coleoptera; appear very curious in flight, first
A94    Pamphlet:     Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
of ch. 27 51 A. R. Wallace; 'Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances among Animals'* 133(13) A. R. Wallace: 'The Colour of Animals and Plants i. Animals'* 133(18) See also names of classes or species Antirrhinum. Notes on its fertility 51 Ants. Notes 68 Arachnidae. Descriptions of Beagle specimens by Adam White* 133(8) Athen um, The. Index for 1847* 139(3) Atlantic Ocean, The. 'An Account of the Fine Dust which Often Falls on Vessels in the Atlantic Ocean'* 135(9) [page] 4
A94    Pamphlet:     Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
67 Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit. Notes for September 1877 to December 1882. 68 Notes on researches into bloom on leaves and fruit. Undated notes and scraps. Collected scraps on bloom. Collected late notes on leaf secretion and ants. Collections of notes on: sleep in plants; salt water; the effects of shaking stems of plants. Notes, with no indication of year, in sequences from 11 June to 21 November, and 1 August to 25 September. Letter: H. M ller to F. Darwin, 16
A94    Pamphlet:     Anon. 1960. Handlist of Darwin papers at the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
Insects Material for 2nd ed. 70 Proof sheets of 2nd ed.* 140(8) See also Ants, Arachnidae, Bees, Beetles, Chalcidoideae, Diptera, Lepidoptera Intercrossing. List of articles and pamphlets 75 Jaeger, G. Die Darwinische Theorie * 136(5) Jenyns, L. Memoir of the Rev. J. Henslow, copy of C.D.'s contribution to 91 Jones, H. F. Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: A Step Towards Reconcillation, material for* 139(11) Journals. Abstracts, chiefly botanical 72-5 Judd, C. H. Reminiscence of C.D. 112 Kemp, W
A1036a    Book:     Anon. 1961. Darwin library: list of books received in the University Library Cambridge March-May 1961. [Cambridge University Library]. [Annotated copy in the Manuscripts Reading Room in Cambridge University Library]   Text   Image   PDF
(P) Histoire naturelles des mammifires...2 vols.                                                                Paris 1854-5                                                                [BOTTOM SHELF] Gooseberry (The) growers register...for the year 1862.          (D)                                                                12o. Macclesfield. Gould (Rev. William). An account of English ants.                                                                8o. London, 1747     (D) [page 10
A1036    Book:     Anon. 1961. Darwin library: list of books received in the University Library Cambridge March-May 1961. [Cambridge University Library].   Text   Image   PDF
 Page 59. Moggridge (J .T.): Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. Supplement...with specific descriptions of the Spiders, by the Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge. 8°. London, 1873-4.  Mohl (H. von): Ueber den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und  Schlingpflanzen. 4°. Tübingen, 1827.  Mohl (H.von): Principles of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Vegetable Cell. A. Henfrey. 8°. London, 1852.  Page 60. Moquin-Tandon (A.): Élements de Tératologie végétale, c.* 8°. Paris, 1841.  Morton (S.G
A1036a    Book:     Anon. 1961. Darwin library: list of books received in the University Library Cambridge March-May 1961. [Cambridge University Library]. [Annotated copy in the Manuscripts Reading Room in Cambridge University Library]   Text   Image   PDF
Page 59. Moggridge (J.T.): Harvesting Ants and Trap-door Spiders. Supplement...with specific descriptions of the Spiders, by the Rev. O. Pickard-Cambridge.                                                                8o. London, 1873-4. Page 59. Mohl (H. von): Ueber den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen.                                                                4o. Tübingen, 1827. Page 59. Mohl (H. von): Principles of the Anatomy and Psysiology of the Vegetable Cell
A533    Periodical contribution:     Linsley, E. G. & Usinger, R. L. 1966. Insects of the Galápagos Islands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 33 (7): 113-196.   Text   Image   PDF
), 1924, Zoologica, vol. 5, p. 91 (Ornithoponus). Genovesa, Fernandina, Santiago, Santa Cruz, Seymour Genus Microlynchia galapagoensis Bequaert, 1955, Entom. Americana, vol. 35, p. 384. Santa Cruz, Espa ola pusilla Speiser, 1902, Zeitschr. Syst. Hym. Dipt., vol. 2, p. 157 (Lynchia). Espa ola Order HYMENOPTERA The leading references on Hymenoptera other than ants are by Rohwer (1924) and Williams (1926). Formicidae were treated by Wheeler (1919 and 1924) and by Stitz (1932). Dr. William L. Brown
A1    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 1977. The works of Charles Darwin: an annotated bibliographical handlist. Dawson: Folkestone. 2d ed.   Text   Image   PDF
1758. 1873 Natural selection. Spectator, Vol. 46, p. 76. 1759. 1873 Perception in the lower animals. Nature, Lond., Vol. 7, p. 360. Mar. 13. Undated letter supporting one from A. R. Wallace entitled 'Inherited feeling', ibid., p. 303. Darwin's letter not indexed. Zoologist, Vol. 8, pp. 3488-3489. 1760. 1873 Origin of certain instincts. Nature, Lond., Vol. 7, pp. 417-418. Apr. 3. 1761. 1873 Habits of ants. Nature, Lond., Vol. 8, p. 244. Jul. 24. Undated letter introducing one from James D
A1    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 1977. The works of Charles Darwin: an annotated bibliographical handlist. Dawson: Folkestone. 2d ed.   Text   Image   PDF
Henslow, George 1737, 1780 Guillaumin 655-657 Henslow, John Stevens 115, 1, 2, 371, Gul'bich 736 372, 830-832, 1598, 1641 Gyldendal 643-645, 1050, 1051, 1512 Heras, Eusabion 1214 Haarlem 648, 1054 Heritage Press 147, 599, 1044 Habits of ants 1761 Heron Books 160 Hadač, Emil 642 Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, Hadacŏva, Alena 642 Bart. 64, 325, 326, 328, 329, 331, Haeckel, Ernst 1005 333, 334 Haek, David 682, 1071 Hiertas 793 Hafner Publishing 144, 362 Hildebrand, Dr. 1737 Hague, The 1182 Hill
A533    Periodical contribution:     Linsley, E. G. & Usinger, R. L. 1966. Insects of the Galápagos Islands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 33 (7): 113-196.   Text   Image   PDF
brasiliensis (Santa Cruz Island).] WHEELER, W. M. 1919. The ants of the Galapagos Islands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, ser. 4, vol. 2, pp. 259 310. 1924. The Formicidae of the Harrison Williams Galapagos Expedition. Zoologica, vol. 5, pp. 101 122, figs. 19 27, 1 tab. [Records of 18 forms, 2 species and 1 variety described as new; Monomorium floricola, a tropicopolitan species, reported for the first time; also, a termite, Calotermes pacificus, recorded from South Seymour Island
A27    Book:     Freeman, R. B. 1978. Charles Darwin: A companion. Folkstone: Dawson.   Text   Image   PDF
throughout (F1416). First foreign editions: USA 1883 (F1419); French 1887 (F1429). see also Stauffer 1975. Anne Domestic servant at Down House ?1865 1879. Ansted, David Thomas 1814 1880. Geologist. FRS 1844. Prof. Geology King's College London. 1860 CD to about Origin and about Geological gossip, 1860, by A. MLi 175. Anthropologische Gesellschafte Vienna. 1872 CD Honorary Member. Ants 1873 [letter] Habits of ants, Nature, Lond. 8:244 (Bii 177, F1761); introducing a letter from James D. Hague. Ape
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