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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Mr. G. Sowerby, who has been good enough to examine the shells which were found with the remains of the quadrupeds, has given me the following list. 1. Voluta angulata. 2. —— colocynthis. 3. Oliva Brasiliensis. 4. —— Nearly related to O. patula, but specimen imperfect. 5. —— Nearly related to O. oryza; less nearly to small species now living at Bahia Blanca. 6. —— Nov. spec. 7. Buccinum cochlidium. 8. ———— globulosum. 9. ———— One or two minute species, perhaps young specimens, — unknown. 10
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
, conclude, that the earthy matter, forming the surface of this lower one, together with its embedded skeleton, was deposited long after the existence of the present species, still inhabitants of the sea. According, therefore, to the chronology, taken from the duration of species among the molluscs, the fossil quadruped of Port St. Julian must have been coeval, or nearly so, with those from Bahia Blanca. Having now briefly described the principal circumstances in the geology of the three
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Among the collection of fossils from Punta Alta, in Bahia Blanca, there is an interesting fragment of the head of a gigantic animal of the Edentate order, including the glenoid cavity, and part of the zygomatic process of the left side. The articular surface for the lower jaw, exhibits, in its flatness, extent, and the absence of a posterior ridge, the well-marked characteristics of this part of the Edental structure. It measures two inches four lines in the transverse, and two inches two
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
With respect to the geological contemporaneity of the fossils collected by him, Mr. Darwin subjoins the following observations:— The remains of the following animals were embedded together at Punta Alta in Bahia Blanca:—The Megatherium Cuvierii, Megalonyx Jeffersonii, Mylodon Darwinii, Scelidotherium leptocephalum, Toxodon Platensis (?) a Horse and a small Dasypodoid quadruped, mentioned p. 107; at St. Fé in Entre Rios, a Horse, a Mastodon, Toxodon Platensis, and some large animal with a
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
the Plata; Bahia Blanca situated near the confines of Northern Patagonia; and Southern Patagonia. The first division includes an enormous area, abounding with the remains of large animals. To the eastward and southward of the great streams, which unite to form the estuary of the Plata, those almost boundless plains extend, which are known by the name of the Pampas. Their physical constitution does not vary over a wide extent;—the traveller may pass for many hundred miles on a level surface
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Periodical contribution:
Waterhouse, G. R. 1840. Descriptions of some new species of Carabideous insects, from the collection made by C. Darwin, Esq., in the southern parts of S. America. Magazine of Natural History 4: 354-362.
moreover of a smaller size, being only 7 lines in length. Mr. Darwin found this species on a sandy plain at Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia. Sp. 7. Odon. substriatus. Odon. ater, corpore breviusculo, convexo; elytris substriatis, striis indistinctis, interspatiis levit r convexis. Thorax rather narrower than the elytra, convex; the sides rounded, posterior angles also rounded, but very slightly prominent; dorsal channel indistinct; scarcely any trace of posterior transverse impression; elytra convex, their
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 no. 4 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
, as well as the jaws and teeth of the Ctenomys, were discovered at Monte Hermoso in Bahia Blanca. In the same reddish earthy stratum of that locality, Mr. Darwin discovered the decomposed molar of a Rodent, equalling in size, and closely resembling in the disposition of its oblique component laminæ, the hinder molar of the Capybara (Hydrochærus.) The fossil differs, however, in the greater relative breadth of the component laminæ. I have, lastly, to notice the head of a femur, and some fragments
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
nearly all, its present inhabitants. Bahia Blanca, situated in latitude 39°, and about 250 miles south of the Plata, constitutes the second district, in which I found the remains of quadrupeds. This large bay is nearly surrounded by very low land, on which successive lines of sand dunes mark in many parts the retreat of the water. At some distance inland a formation of highly indurated marl, passing into limestone, forms an escarpment. Beyond this, rocks of the same character extend over a wide
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
great formation. Nevertheless, the gravel bed of Bahia Blanca, although subsequent to the calcareous formation, may be of the same age with those parts of the Pampas, which stand at a low level near the Plata. For on this whole line of coast, I believe, as the land has continued rising, fresh littoral deposits have been formed; and each of these would often owe part of its materials to the degradation of the one last elevated. With respect to the relative age of the Monte Hermoso and Punta Alta
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
wide and level plains; and the shoals of the ancient Bahia Blanca now form low headlands on the present coast. The third locality, which I have to specify, is Port St. Julian, in latitude 49° 15' on the coast of Southern Patagonia. The tertiary plains of that country are modelled into a succession of broad and level terraces, which abut one above the other; and where they approach the coast, are generally cut off by a line of precipitous cliff. The whole surface is thickly covered by a bed of
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DESCRIPTION OF FRAGMENTS OF A LOWER JAW AND TEETH OF A TOXODON. Found at Bahia Blanca, in latitude 39° on the East coast of South America. IN looking over some fragments of jaws and teeth, forming part of Mr. Darwin's collection of South American mammiferous remains, and which had been set aside with mutilated specimens referrible to species belonging to the family of Edentata, my attention was caught by the appearance of roots of teeth projecting, in a different direction
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
, as well as the jaws and teeth of the Ctenomys, were discovered at Monte Hermoso in Bahia Blanca. In the same reddish earthy stratum of that locality, Mr. Darwin discovered the decomposed molar of a Rodent, equalling in size, and closely resembling in the disposition of its oblique component laminæ, the hinder molar of the Capybara (Hydrochærus.) The fossil differs, however, in the greater relative breadth of the component laminæ. I have, lastly, to notice the head of a femur, and some fragments
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Periodical contribution:
Waterhouse, G. R. 1840. Descriptions of some new species of Carabideous insects, from the collection made by C. Darwin, Esq., in the southern parts of S. America. Magazine of Natural History 4: 354-362.
of the basal joint of the tarsus, whilst in the female, where it is larger, it terminates opposite (or nearly so) to the base of the fourth joint of the tarsus: a row of punctures is observable on the under side of all the femora. Length of thorax in the female very nearly 3 lines; width of ditto 4 1/3 lines: length of elytra 6 lines; width of ditto 4 lines in the female. This species was obtained by Mr. Darwin at Bahia Blanca, North Patagonia. Sp. 5. Odon. Curtisii. Odon. latissimus, supr l vis
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 no. 4 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
portions of the tesselated bony dermal covering of a Dasypodoid quadruped, figured in Pl. XXXII. figs. 5 and 4, of the natural size, were discovered folded round the middle and ungueal phalanges, figs. 2 and 3, at Punta Alta, in Bahia Blanca, in an earthy bed interstratified with the conglomerate containing the remains of the fossil Edentals. In one of these fragments, measuring six inches long by five broad, the tesseræ are arranged in rosettes, and so closely correspond in size and pattern with
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fish Part 4 no. 2 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
lines. In all other respects similar to the specimen first described. Habitat, Bahia Blanca, and Maldonado. [page] 45 FISH
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fish Part 4 no. 2 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
As Cuvier and Valenciennes have mentioned individuals of this species, which varied in the number of rays in the soft dorsal from twenty-two to twenty-four, I cannot but consider the two above described as specifically the same, though in the first these rays amount to as many as twenty-five. This, which is the larger specimen, was taken by Mr. Darwin at Bahia Blanca, where it is said to have been common. The other was obtained at Maldonado. 2. UMBRINA OPHICEPHALA. Jen. U. elongata; rostro
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
This fossil was discovered in a bed of partly consolidated gravel at the base of the cliff called Punta Alta, at Bahia Blanca in Northern Patagonia: it consists of the lower jaw with the series of teeth entire on both sides: but the extremity of the symphysis, the coronoid and condyloid processes, and the angular process of the left ramus, are wanting. The teeth are composed, as in Bradypus, Megatherium and Megalonyx, of a central pillar of coarse ivory, immediately invested with a thin layer
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1840. Fossil Mammalia Part 1 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
portions of the tesselated bony dermal covering of a Dasypodoid quadruped, figured in Pl. XXXII. figs. 5 and 4, of the natural size, were discovered folded round the middle and ungueal phalanges, figs. 2 and 3, at Punta Alta, in Bahia Blanca, in an earthy bed interstratified with the conglomerate containing the remains of the fossil Edentals. In one of these fragments, measuring six inches long by five broad, the tesseræ are arranged in rosettes, and so closely correspond in size and pattern with
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Periodical contribution:
Newman, E. 1840. Entomological notes. The Entomologist. 1: 7-13.
. Mega. parrula. Antenn corpore dupl longiores: prothorax capite angustior: puncta, elytrorum punctis profundis vix in ordine dispositis: testaceo-fusca, vittis 6 luteis capite prothorax elytrisque communibus. (Corp. long. 3 unc. lat. 04 unc.) Inhabits South America. A specimen in the cabinet of the Entomological Society of London, was taken by Mr. Darwin at Bahia. It differs but slightly from Megacera macrocera of Serville, except in size, being scarcely more than a seventh part as large; the
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Periodical contribution:
Darwin, C. R. 1841. [Notes on South American insects]. In Waterhouse, G. R., [Descriptions of Some New Coleopterous Insects from the Southern Parts of S. America, Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. and T. Bridges, Esq.] [Read 14 December 1841]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 110, 128.
Darwin, C. R. 1841. [Notes on South American beetles.] In Waterhouse, G. R., [Descriptions of Some New Coleopterous Insects from the Southern Parts of S. America, Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. and T. Bridges, Esq.] [Read 14 December 1841.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 110, 128. [page] 110 [Nyctelia puncticollis] Several specimens of this species were collected at Bahia Blanca by Mr. Darwin, who says they are 'tolerably abundant on sand-hillocks.' [page] 12
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
biseriale, sub-9-phyllum foliolis cuneato-rotundatis. Styli disci rami cono brevi carnoso glabriusculo apiculato superati. Achenium tetragonum, basi longe attenuatum, glabriusculum. Pappi pale 8 10, cuneato-obovat , quilong latitudine, in quales, apice obtus , vel truncat et eroso-dentat , corneo-membranace . Perhaps the genus Bahia ought to be restricted to this plant. B. artemisi folia, and probably all the other species from California and Mexico have truncated styles, as Lessing indeed
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
linearifolia, Pers. DC. Prodr.v.p. 663. Kleinia linearifolia, Juss. in Ann. Mus. ii. p. 424. tab. 61. f. 1. (non Linn.) In salt marshes of St Lucia and Monte Video, also at Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia; Tweedie. De Candolle, who does not appear to have seen the plant, describes the pappus of 8 10 squamell but Jussieu correctly figures and describes the squamell as numerous. 1173. (1.) Cercostylis scabiosoides, (Arn.); foliis oblongolanceolatis acutis vel semel bisve pinnatifidis, Arn. in DC
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
-Belgrave, entrance to Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia; Tweedie. . macrantha; ramis elongatis erectis, foliis longioribus siccitate nigrescentibus omnibus indivisis, cpitulis majoribus. Bahia Blanca, coast of Patagonia; C. Darwin, Esq., (n. 351.) A very variable plant assuredly; and we think we are correct in bringing the above several varieties under this species. Leaves 2 3 inches long, tipped with a soft mucro, fleshy and as it were compressed, when recent. [page] 33
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Periodical contribution:
Waterhouse, G. R. 1841. [Descriptions of Some New Coleopterous Insects from the Southern Parts of S. America, Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. and T. Bridges, Esq.]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 105-28.
, on the sandy plains of Bahia Blanca. NYCTELIA RUGOSA, Nyct. nigra, opaca, ovata; thorace distinct punctato; elytris vald rugosis, sulcis duobus, suturam prope, longitudinalibus et interruptis, impressis. Long. corp. 7 ; lat. 4 2/3. Hab. San Blas (near Rio Negro) and Bahia Blanca. This, which is a small species compared with N. l vis, approaches that species in general form, but the thorax and elytra are less convex. The head is coarsely punctured in front. The thorax is coarsely punctured, and
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
2. CONURUS PATACHONICUS. Psittacus Patagonus, Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. Psittacara Patagonica, Less. Voy. de la Coquille Zool. pl. 35 bis. Psittacara Patachonica, Lear's Ill. Psitt. Le Patagon, Azara, No. 277. Pattagonian maccaw, Lath. Hist. 11, 105. I obtained specimens of this bird at Bahia Blanca in Northern Patagonia, where there is not a single tree, and the country is dry and very sterile. I did not meet with this species in the southern parts of Patagonia, but it is common near Concepcion
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
2. CONURUS PATACHONICUS. Psittacus Patagonus, Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. Psittacara Patagonica, Less. Voy. de la Coquille Zool. pl. 35 bis. Psittacara Patachonica, Lear's Ill. Psitt. Le Patagon, Azara, No. 277. Pattagonian maccaw, Lath. Hist. 11, 105. I obtained specimens of this bird at Bahia Blanca in Northern Patagonia, where there is not a single tree, and the country is dry and very sterile. I did not meet with this species in the southern parts of Patagonia, but it is common near Concepcion
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
sea-shore: egg dirty white, freckled with pale reddish-brown; its circumference over longer axis is seven inches. The legs are carmine and scarlet-red: iris scarlet-red. IBIS (FALCINELLUS) ORDI. Bonap. Tantalus Mexicanus, Ord. Journ. Acad. Phil. Tantalus chalcopterus ? Temm. Ibis Falcinellus, Bonap. Am. Orn. iii. My specimen was obtained at the Rio Negro: it is very numerous in large flocks on the vast swampy plains between Bahia Blanca and Buenos Ayres. Its flight when soaring is singularly
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
sea-shore: egg dirty white, freckled with pale reddish-brown; its circumference over longer axis is seven inches. The legs are carmine and scarlet-red: iris scarlet-red. IBIS (FALCINELLUS) ORDI. Bonap. Tantalus Mexicanus, Ord. Journ. Acad. Phil. Tantalus chalcopterus ? Temm. Ibis Falcinellus, Bonap. Am. Orn. iii. My specimen was obtained at the Rio Negro: it is very numerous in large flocks on the vast swampy plains between Bahia Blanca and Buenos Ayres. Its flight when soaring is singularly
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Periodical contribution:
Waterhouse, G. R. 1841. [Descriptions of Some New Coleopterous Insects from the Southern Parts of S. America, Collected by C. Darwin, Esq. and T. Bridges, Esq.]. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 9: 105-28.
with and near the lateral margin; the narrow ridge between the two grooves, as well as the marginal ridge, is crenulated. NYCTELIA PUNCTICOLLIS. Nyct, ovata, atra, nitida; thorace distinct et crebr punctato; elytris tuberculis minutis, et ad latera rugis transversis irregularit r impressis, his non forte distinctis. Long. corp. 9 lin.; lat. 6 lin. Hab. Bahia Blanca. This species is rather smaller than the N. l vis, and has the thorax and elytra less convex. The head is rather thickly and
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
I have seen it within the first range of mountains on the Uspallata plain, elevated between six and seven thousand feet. The ordinary habits of the ostrich are well known. They feed on vegetable matter, such as roots and grass; but at Bahia Blanca, I have repeatedly seen three or four come down at low water to the extensive mud-banks which are then dry, for the sake, as the Gauchos say, of catching small fish. Although the ostrich in its habits is so shy, wary, and solitary, and although so
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Fish Part 4 no. 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
. Habitat, Bahia Blanca and Monte Video. This species, which has the general characters of the M. Cephalus of the European seas, is probably the M. liza of Cuvier and Valenciennes; but the specimens are in a bad state of preservation, and some of the characters cannot be accurately ascertained. The depth of the body appears to have been rather greater than what is mentioned in the Histoire des Poissons: there is also some appearance of small scales on the second dorsal and anal, which, according to
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
I have seen it within the first range of mountains on the Uspallata plain, elevated between six and seven thousand feet. The ordinary habits of the ostrich are well known. They feed on vegetable matter, such as roots and grass; but at Bahia Blanca, I have repeatedly seen three or four come down at low water to the extensive mud-banks which are then dry, for the sake, as the Gauchos say, of catching small fish. Although the ostrich in its habits is so shy, wary, and solitary, and although so
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 19-47.
involucri squamis margine erosis. . Buenos Ayres (Herb. Baldwin). Boggy places, Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia. Tweedie (n. 400). Wet spots, near the mouth of Rio de Uspallata, Andes of Mendoza. Dr Gillies (n. 190). S. Patagonia, Lat. 47 . C. Darwin, Esq. Evidently an annual plant, varying in height from six inches to two feet, the stems and branches singularly rounded and even, thickish and junciform, spongy within. Leaves always remote, one to nearly two inches long, erect and frequently appressed
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 19-47.
mucronato-acutis uninerviis subtus albo-tomentosis marginibus revolutis, capitulis racemoso-spicatis foliosis, involucri campanulati ( subhemisph rici) squamis dense pubescenti-incanis, ext. ovatis, int. oblongis obtusis, omnibus apicibus scariosis. Between Rio de los Ehovillos and el Rio Quinto, province of San Luis. Dr Gillies (n. 185.) Salt Plains of Bahia Blanca, lat. 40 . in N. Patagonia, and in high and dry places of Cordova. Tweedi (n. 1126.) Leaves 4 6 lines long, very slender, almost
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 19-47.
angulatis, foliis alternis remotis lineari-subulatis integerrimis acutis rigidiusculis obscure uninerviis, capitulis terminalibus solitariis majusculis, involucri lato-campanulati squamis ovatis acutis imbricatis apicibus nudis coloratis . gracilior. N. Patagonia, at Bahia Blanca and Arroya de Napoota. Tweedie. . magis robusta. St Julian (S. Patagonia?) C. Darwin, Esq. (n. 379.) Our plants are all males. 5. Caulopter , nempe foliis oblongis linearibus aut subnullis, ramis alas foliaceas e
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
is inclined to refer to his H. tenuilobum, a Mexican plant. Lessing's genus Hymenaherum, it will be observed, is very different from this of Cassini, and is Cassini's Losithenia. Subtrib. V. HELENIE . Less. 1168. (1.) Bahia ambrosioides, Less. DC. Prodr, v. p. 657. Valparaiso, Cuming, (n. 769.) Bridges, (n. 60.) Mathews, (n. 168.) Fruticulus dense pubescens. Folia opposita biternatim secta; segmmentis cuneoto-oblongis, acutis. Capitula coymbosa, heterogama, radio 5 9-flavo. Involucrum sub [page
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
integerrimis. Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia; Tweedie, (n. 40) C. Darwin, Esq., (n. 368). . nana; ramis brevissimis dense foliatis, foliis omnibus tridentatis carnosis. S. Chili; Captain Reynolds. The capitula are alike in both these varieties; our may, perhaps, form a distinct species. Our . is closely allied to S. Chilensis, and may possibly be a state of it with trifid leaves. 2013. (7.) S. Donianus, (H. et A.); suffruticosus? dense albo-lanatus lana demum decidua, foliis remotiusculis subcarnosis lato
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
branches; but the capitula have a great resemblance to those of the following, and the leaves are so variable on others of this genus, that we know not where to draw the, limits of the species. 2024. (18.) S. pinnatus, Poir. DC. Prodr. vi. p. 411. S. Megapotamicus, Spr. ? Pampas of Buenos Ayres, and lower margin of the Jarillal above Mendoza; Dr Dillies. Banda Orientals; Tweedie. St Julian and Bahia Blanca, N. Patagonia; C. Darwin, Esq., (n. 392. and n. 396.) N. Patagonia; Tweedie. We have copious
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 310-348.
margine revolutis, corymbis compactis capitatis, involucri cylindracei fusci calyculati foliolis 10 12 anguste linearibus nitidis exphacelatis. Bahia Blanca, coast of Patagonia; C. Darwin, Esq., (n. 366). Leaves crowded, less so towards the flowers. lnvolucres about the size of those of Senecio vulgaris. 2055. (49.) S. Candolleanum, (H. et A.); fruticosus totus albo-tomentosus velutinus, foliis petiolatis (petiolo piano) circumscriptione latissime ovatis profunde pinnatifidis laciniis 6 7 lato
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
described one. HIMANTOPUS NIGRICOLLIS. Vieill. Himantopus nigricollis, Vieill. Ency. Meth. 340. Recurvirostra himantopus, Wils. Am. Orn. pl. 58. f. 2. My specimens were obtained from the provinces bordering the Plata. On the great swampy plains and fens which lie between Buenos Ayres and Bahia Blanca, it is very numerous in small, and occasionally, in large flocks. This plover, which appears as if mounted on stilts, has been wrongfully accused of inelegance; when wading about in shallow water
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Galapagos Archipelago (October.) It was a male; bill, lead colour; base of superior mandible purple, with a black mark in the upper part. DAFILA UROPHASIANUS. Eyton. Dafila urophasianus, Eyton, Monog. Anatidæ. p. 112. Anas urophasianus, King, Zool. Journ. iv. 351. Bahia Blanca, Northern Patagonia. RHYNCHASPIS MACULATUS. Gould. Rhynchaspis maculatus, Gould, in Jard. Selby Illust. Orn. p. 147. pl. 147. Mr. Gould observes that, A good figure of this beautiful shoveller may be found in the 3rd vol
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Archipelago, where the nature of the country is very similar to that of Tierra del Fuego, and, on opening its stomach, he found it filled with the remains of large-sized crabs: I conclude, therefore, that these birds here likewise subsist chiefly on marine productions. SUB.-FAM.—STRIGINÆ. 1. STRIX FLAMMEA. Linn. I obtained a specimen of a white owl from Bahia Blanca in Northern Patagonia, and Mr. Gould remarks concerning it, that he only retains the name of S. flammea provisionally, until all the white
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
3. HlRUNDO CYANOLEUCA. Vieill. It is nearly allied to the two latter species, but is readily distinguished from them by the absence of the white rump. I procured specimens in September, both from Valparaiso, and from Bahia Blanca (North Patagonia). At the latter place it built in holes in the same bank of earth with P. purpurea. CYPSELUS UNICOLOR. Jard. C. unicolor. Jard. et Selby, Illust. Ornith. pl. 83. I obtained a specimen of this bird from St. Jago, Cape de Verd Islands. (September). It
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
that of the rest of the genus. I opened the stomachs of some specimens killed at Maldonado, and found in them seeds and ants. At Bahia Blanca I saw these birds catching on the wing large stercovorous Coleoptera; in this respect it follows the habits, although in most others it differs from those of the rest of its tribe. Iris rich brown. 4. XOLMIS PYROPE. G. R. Gray. Muscicapa pyrope, Kitlitz. Mem. l'Acad. Imp. des Sci. St. Peters. 1831. p. 191. pl. 10. Vögel von Chili, pl. 10. p. 19. Pepoaza
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
described one. HIMANTOPUS NIGRICOLLIS. Vieill. Himantopus nigricollis, Vieill. Ency. Meth. 340. Recurvirostra himantopus, Wils. Am. Orn. pl. 58. f. 2. My specimens were obtained from the provinces bordering the Plata. On the great swampy plains and fens which lie between Buenos Ayres and Bahia Blanca, it is very numerous in small, and occasionally, in large flocks. This plover, which appears as if mounted on stilts, has been wrongfully accused of inelegance; when wading about in shallow water
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Galapagos Archipelago (October). It was a male; bill, lead colour; base of superior mandible purple, with a black mark in the upper part. DAFILA UROPHASIANUS. Eyton. Dafila urophasianus, Eyton, Monog. Anatidæ. p. 112. Anas urophasianus, King, Zool. Journ. iv. 351. Bahia Blanca, Northern Patagonia. RHYNCHASPIS MACULATUS. Gould. Rhynchaspis maculatus, Gould, in Jard. Selby Illust. Orn. p. 147. pl. 147. Mr. Gould observes that, A good figure of this beautiful shoveller may be found in the 3rd vol
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Periodical contribution:
Hooker, W. J. & Arnott, G. A. W. 1841. Contributions towards a Flora of South America and the islands of the Pacific. Journal of Botany, London, 3: 19-47.
uninerviis aut ima basi subtrinerviis integerrimis out dente 1 2 utrinque notatis,capitulis ad axillas superiores subsessilibus et ideo in spicas breves digestis, involucri squamis lanceolatis acutis margine membranaceis, floribus in invol circ. 10, ach niis striatis glabris. . capitulis paucioribus. Rio Grande (De Candolle). Los Loamos of Bahia blanca, N. Patagonia. ( . and .). Tweedie. El Rio quarto, province of Cordova, and . Buenos Ayres. Dr Gillies. The leaves of our plant are too narrow to be
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
feather, fastened to the end of a long stick.* A boy on a quiet old horse will frequently thus catch thirty or forty in a day. The flesh of this bird, when cooked, is most delicately white, but rather tasteless. The egg of this species, I believe, closely resembles that of the two following. 2. NOTHURA MINOR. Wagl. Nothura minor, Wagl. Syst. Av. p. sp. 4. Tinamus minor, Spix, Av. Br. pl. 82. I procured a specimen of this bird at Bahia Blanca, in northern Patagonia, where it frequented the sand
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
shade paler, and rather smaller; its length being 1.815, and its transverse diameter 1.3 of an inch. RHYNCHOTUS RUFESCENS. Wagl. Rhynchotus rufescens, Wagl. Av. Syst. Tinamus rufescens. Temm. Gall. iii. p. 552. Rhynchotus fasciatus. Spix. Av. Br. pl. 76. Cryptura Guaza. Vieill. Crypturus rufescens. Licht. Vög. Verz. s. 67. My specimens were procured at Maldonado, where it is a much rarer bird than the Nothura major; I met with it also in the sterile country near Bahia Blanca. At Maldonado it
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Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Birds Part 3 no. 5 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. by John Gould. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
both being orange, as is the case with those killed on the shores of the Plata. I have not, however, thought it desirable to make two species of these birds, not having a larger series of specimens for comparison. 2. HIATICULA TRIFASCIATUS. G. R. Gray. Charadrius bifasciatus, Licht. Vog. Verz. p. 71. ———— trifasciatus, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 31. I procured two specimens of this bird at Bahia Blanca, in Northern Patagonia. [page] 128 ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF THE BEAGLE