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F1975    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1841. Queries respecting the human race, to be addressed to travellers and others. Drawn up by a Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, appointed in 1839. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Glasgow meeting, August 1840. 10: 447-458.   Text   Image   PDF
F8.16    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1841. Fish Part 4 no. 3 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F3395    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1960. [Letters to Louis Agassiz, 1841-1866]. In Edward Lurie, Louis Agassiz: a life in science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 100, 150-1, 253-4, 270, 354, 372, 381-3.   Text
A184    Periodical contribution:     [Subscribers to the Strangers' Friend Society]. 1841. The Times (16 January): 4.   Text   Image
A132    Periodical contribution:     White, A. 1841. Descriptions of new or little known Arachnida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 7 (July): 471-477.   Text   Image   PDF
F2011    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1841. [Notes on South American spiders]. In A. White, Descriptions of new or little known Arachnida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7 (July): 474, 476.   Text
A231    Periodical contribution:     Ruricola. 1841. Humble-Bees. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 30 (24 July): 485.   Text   Image
F1658    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1841. Humble-bees. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette no. 34 (21 August): 550.   Text   Image   PDF
F266    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1841. On a remarkable bar of sandstone off Pernambuco, on the coast of Brazil. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine (Ser. 3) 19 (October): 257-260, 1 text figure.   Text   Image   PDF
A131    Periodical contribution:     Waterhouse, G. R. 1841. Carabideous insects collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., during the voyage of Her Majesty's ship Beagle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 6 (December): 254-257.   Text   Image   PDF
F2012    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1841. [Note on a ground-beetle found off the Straits of Magellan]. In G. R. Waterhouse, Carabideous insects collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., during the voyage of Her Majesty's ship Beagle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6 (December): 254.   Text
A38    Periodical contribution:     Babington, C. C. [1842]. Dytiscidae Darwinianae; or, Descriptions of the Species of Dytiscidae collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., M.A. Sec. G. S. &c., in South America and Australia during his Voyage in H.M.S. Beagle. [Read 4 June 1838] Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 3: 1-17.   Text   Image   PDF
A121    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1842. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered by C. Darwin, Esq., near Valparaiso. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 10: 113-117.   Text   Image   PDF
F9.4    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1842. Fish Part 4 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F8.18    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1842. Reptiles Part 5 no. 1 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Thomas Bell. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F1555    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1909. The foundations of The origin of species, a sketch written in 1842. Cambridge: University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
F1976    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1842. Varieties of human race: Queries respecting the human race, to be addressed to travellers and others. Drawn up by a Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, appointed in 1839. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the Plymouth meeting, 1841. 11: 332-339.   Text   Image   PDF
F271    Book:     Darwin, C. R. 1842. The structure and distribution of coral reefs. Being the first part of the geology of the voyage of the Beagle, under the command of Capt. FitzRoy, R.N. during the years 1832 to 1836. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
A2289    Review:     Anon. 1842. [Notice of Coral reefs]. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, 20: 534.   Text
F3466    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al. 1842. Library. Report of Museum Committee, 1842. Annual general meeting, 18 February. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London no. 86, 3: 616-17.   Text   Image
A13    Review:     Jackson, 1842. [Review of] The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs: Being the First Part of the Geology of the Voyage of the 'Beagle,' under the Command of Capt. FitzRoy, R. N., during the Years 1832 to 1836. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. 12: 115-120.   Text
A115    Periodical contribution:     Walker. F. 1842. Descriptions of Chalcidites Discovered in Valdivia by C. Darwin, Esq., Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 10: 271-274.   Text   Image   PDF
F1556    Book:     Darwin, Francis ed. 1909. The foundations of The origin of species. Two essays written in 1842 and 1844. Cambridge: University Press.   Text   Image   PDF
F1661    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1842. On the distribution of the erratic boulders and on the contemporaneous unstratified deposits of South America. [Read 14 April 1841] Transactions of the Geological Society Part 2, 3 (78): 415-431, pl. 11, figs. 1-3.   Text   Image   PDF
F1661a    Pamphlet:     Darwin, C. R. et al 1842. Report of a Committee appointed "to consider the rules by which the nomenclature of Zoology may be established on a uniform and permanent basis." London: John Murray for the British Association for the Advancement of Science.   Text   Image   PDF
F8.17    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1842. Fish Part 4 no. 4 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Leonard Jenyns. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F3575    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1935. [Letter to W. H. Miller, 1842]. Maggs Bros. Autograph letters: historical documents…no. 605. London, p. 28.    Text   Image
F3623    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1959. [Letter to G. R. Waterhouse [4 or 11 September 1842]]. Sotheby & Co. Catalogue of valuable printed books, medieval manuscripts, autograph letters and historical documents. 23 February. London.   Text
F2013    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1842. [Notes on South American beetles]. In G. R. Waterhouse, Carabideous insects collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., during the voyage of Her Majesty's ship Beagle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9 (April): 136-137.   Text
A135    Periodical contribution:     Waterhouse, G. R. 1842. Description of a new species of lamellicorn beetle, brought from Valdivia by C. Darwin, Esq. The Entomologist 18 (April): 281-283.   Text   Image   PDF
A136    Periodical contribution:     Waterhouse, G. R. 1842. Carabideous insects collected by Charles Darwin, Esq., during the voyage of Her Majesty's ship Beagle. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 9 (April): 134-139   Text   Image   PDF
A127    Periodical contribution:     Berkeley, M. J. 1842. Notice on some fungi collected by C. Darwin, Esq., in South America and the Islands of the Pacific. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 9 (August): 443-448.   Text   Image   PDF
F2014    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1842. [Note on a mushroom from Maldonado]. In M. J. Berkeley, Notice on some fungi collected by C. Darwin, Esq., in South America and the Islands of the Pacific. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 9 (August): 446.   Text
F1660    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1842. Notes on the effects produced by the ancient glaciers of Caernarvonshire, and on the boulders transported by floating ice. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine 21 (September): 180-188.   Text   Image   PDF
A678    Periodical contribution:     Anon. 1842. Deaths. [Mary Eleanor Darwin]. The Times (19 October): 7.   Text
A185    Periodical contribution:     [Obituary notice of Mary Eleanor Darwin]. 1842. The Times (19 October): 7.   Text   Image
A124    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites found near Lima by C. Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 11: 115-117.   Text   Image   PDF
F1661b    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. et al 1843. Report of a Committee appointed "to consider the rules by which the nomenclature of Zoology may be established on a uniform and permanent basis." Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Manchester 1842, 12: 105-21.   Text   Image   PDF
F1662    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1843. Remarks on the preceding paper in a letter from Charles Darwin, Esq. to Mr. Maclaren. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 34 (January): 47-50.   Text   Image   PDF
F3390    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1916-18. [Letters to J. D. Hooker and recollections of Darwin, 1843-1881]. In Leonard Huxley ed., Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. 2 vols. London: John Murray.   Text
F3593    Book contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1924. [Letters to Owen, 1846, A. Hancock, 1850, E. W. H. Holdsworth, 1861, H. G. Bronn, 1860, J. J. Weir, 1869, W. E. Darwin, 1874, Henslow, 1860 and unrecorded letter to Henslow, 1843 et al]. American Art Association. The collection of the late William F. Gable of Altoona, Pennsylvania part four.   Text   Image
A126    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in Coquimbo by C. Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 11: 185-188.   Text   Image   PDF
A133    Periodical contribution:     Waterhouse, G. R. 1843. Description of a new genus of Carabideous insects brought from the Falkland Islands by Charles Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 11: 281-283.   Text   Image   PDF
A122    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered by C. Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 12: 45-46.   Text   Image   PDF
A123    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered near Conception, in South America, by C. Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 11: 30-32.   Text   Image   PDF
A125    Periodical contribution:     Walker, F. 1843. Descriptions of Chalcidites discovered in the Isle of Chonos by C. Darwin, Esq. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology 11: 184-185.   Text   Image   PDF
A220    Periodical contribution:     Maclaren, Charles. 1843. On Coral Islands and Reefs, as Described by Mr. Darwin. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 34: 33-47.   Text   Image   PDF
F9.5    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1843. Reptiles Part 5 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. by Thomas Bell. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F8.19    Book:     Darwin, C. R. ed. 1843. Reptiles Part 5 no. 2 of The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. By Thomas Bell. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.   Text   Image   PDF
F1661c    Periodical contribution:     Darwin, C. R. 1843. Association Brittannique pour l'Avancement des Sciences, XIIe session tenue à Manchester en 1842, Suite: [Rapport du Commission pour établir la nomenclature zoologique sur des bases uniformes et permanentes]. l'Institut, Journal universel des Sciences et des Sociétés savantes en France et à l'étranger 11 no. 500 (27 July): 248-251.   Text   Image   PDF
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