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CUL-DAR258.1495    Correspondence:   Farrer Frances 'Fanny' to [unidentified] 'Aunt Molly'  [ny].07.16   Farrer Frances 'Fanny' to [unidentified] 'Aunt Molly'
CUL-DAR227.5.54    Miscellaneous:    1820.09.04   annuity receipt
CUL-DAR227.6.346    Correspondence:   Beck J to Darwin Robert Waring  1820.10.07   Beck J to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.347    Correspondence:   Lawrence J to Darwin Robert Waring  1820.10.11   Lawrence J to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.348    Correspondence:   Hayward W to Darwin Robert Waring  1820.10.28   Hayward W to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.349    Correspondence:   Darwin Edward to Darwin Robert Waring  1820.11.08   Darwin Edward to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.350    Correspondence:   Burd J to Darwin Robert Waring  1820.11.28   Burd J to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.333    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Catherine 'Kitty' to [Darwin Robert Waring?]  [1820?]   Wedgwood Catherine 'Kitty' to [Darwin Robert Waring?]
CUL-DAR227.6.334    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Catherine 'Kitty' to [Darwin Robert Waring?]  [1820?]   Wedgwood Catherine 'Kitty' to [Darwin Robert Waring?]
CUL-DAR227.6.335    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Josiah to Darwin Robert Waring  [1820?]   Wedgwood Josiah to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.336    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]  [1820?]   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]
CUL-DAR227.6.337    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]  [1820?]   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]
CUL-DAR29.3.74-75    Figure:    [1820s--1830s?]   Table for Linds Wind Gage for Capt FitzRoy H.M.S Beagle   Text   Image
CUL-DAR44.14    Printed:    [1820s--1830s.mid?]   Plano de Buenos Aires   Image
CUL-DAR44.5    Figure:    [1820s--1830s.mid?]   Valparaiso-Santiago region, small hand-drawn ink map   Image
CUL-DAR44.6    Printed:    [1820s?]   Mapa del Rio de la Plata   Image
CUL-DAR227.6.338    Correspondence:   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]  [1820?].12.26   Wedgwood Sarah (Elizabeth) to [Darwin Robert Waring?]
CC-Oldlibrary0.12.14-9    Draft:    1821--1822   Geological description of Anglesea : from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. [Corrected proof with original hand drawings and map. ]   Image   PDF
A704    Beagle Library:     Syme, Patrick. 1821. Werner's nomenclature of colours with additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the arts and sciences particularly zoology, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, and morbid anatomy. Annexed to which are examples selected from well-known objects in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. 2d ed. Edinburgh: William Blackwood.   Text   Image   PDF
CUL-DAR205.2.213    Abstract:    [Undated]   Sabine E `Supplement to Parry's Voyage of 1819-1820': cxc   Text   Image
CUL-DAR227.5.57    Note:    1821--1822   [financial] (accounts)
CUL-DAR250.2    Note:    1821   diary
A794.01    Beagle Library:     Kotzebue, Otto von. 1821. A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of his highness the chancellor of the empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurick, under the command of the lieutenant in the Russian imperial navy. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 1.   Text
A800    Beagle Library:     Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Félix. 1821. Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des Polypiers. Paris: Veuve Agasse.   Text
A755    Beagle Library:     DeCandolle, Augustin Pyramus and Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim. 1821. Elements of the philosophy of plants: containing the principles of scientific botany, nomenclature, theory of classification, phytography; anatomy, chemistry, physiology, geography, and diseases of plants: with a history of the science and practical illustrations. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and London: T. Cadell.   Text
A842    Beagle Library:     Buckland, William. 1821. Considerations of the evidences of a recent deluge. Transactions of the Geological Society of London 5: 516-44.   Text
A794.02    Beagle Library:     Kotzebue, Otto von. 1821. A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of his highness the chancellor of the empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurick, under the command of the lieutenant in the Russian imperial navy. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 2.   Text
A794.03    Beagle Library:     Kotzebue, Otto von. 1821. A voyage of discovery, into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a north-east passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, at the expense of his highness the chancellor of the empire, Count Romanzoff, in the ship Rurick, under the command of the lieutenant in the Russian imperial navy. Translated by H. E. Lloyd. 3 vols. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown. vol. 3.   Text
A921    Beagle Library:     Smith, James Edward. 1821. A grammar of botany, illustrative of artificial, as well as natural, classification, with an explanation of Jussieu's system. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown.   Text
A926    Beagle Library:     Desquiron de Saint-Agnan ed. 1821. Historia del proceso de la reine de Inglaterra escrita en francés con presencia de documentos fidedignos recogidos en Londres por A.T. Desquiron de St. Agnan y traducida al castellano por el ciudadano don Juan Valle y Codés. Barcelona: Imprenta nacional de la Viuda Roca   PDF
UCL-GaltonPapers1.1.3.6    Printed:    1821   A History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. A New Edition, continued to the End of the Reign of George the Third, to which are added Two Letters on the Study and Biography of the Ancient and Modern British Historians</i>, Volume I, printed by Weed and Rider, (London: 1821). Charles Darwin's copy of Oliver Goldsmith, Darwin's signature is found on f. 1r; enclosed note suggests the book may have been awarded as a school prize.
CUL-DAR.LIB.2.2    Printed:    1821   An enquiry into the probability and rationality of Mr Hunter's theory of life; being the subject of the first two anatomical lectures delivered before the Royal College of Surgeons of London in the year 1814. London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. New   PDF
CUL-DAR.LIB.323    Printed:    1821   Manual of mineralogy. Edinburgh. Archibald Constable & Co.   PDF
CUL-DAR.LIB.350    Printed:    1821   Exposition méthodique des genres de l'ordre des polypiers. Paris. Veuve Agasse. OUTSIZE
CUL-DAR.LIB.368    Printed:    1821   Die Urwelt und das Alterthum, erläutert durch die Naturkunde. Berlin. Ferdinand Dümmler.   PDF
CUL-DAR.LIB.401    Printed:    1821   A geological classification of rocks, with descriptive synopses of the species and varieties comprising the elements of practical geology. London. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown.   PDF
CUL-DAR.LIB.620    Printed:    1821   Werner's nomenclature of colours : with additions, arranged so as to render it highly useful to the arts and sciences, particularly zoology, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, and morbid anatomy. Annexed to which are examples selected from well-known objects in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. Edinburgh. William Blackwood . 2d ed.
CUL-DAR.LIB.621    Printed:    1821   Gerusalemme liberata. Londra. Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, E. Lepard. 2 vols in 1. Order in Rare Books: 8700. d. 223.
CUL-DAR227.6.351    Correspondence:   Owen Harriet Elizabeth to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.01.21   Owen Harriet Elizabeth to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.5.56    Note:    1821.02.11   List of plate 1821
CUL-DAR227.6.352    Correspondence:   Hayward W to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.05.04   Hayward W to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.353    Correspondence:   Darwin Edward to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.05.13   Darwin Edward to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.354    Correspondence:   Rowland W.G to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.05.23   Rowland W.G to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.355    Correspondence:   (Dukes solicitors to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.06.00   (Dukes solicitors to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.5.83    Note:    1821.06.30   [financial]
CUL-DAR227.6.356    Correspondence:   (Dukes solicitors to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.07.03   (Dukes solicitors to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.9.51    Legal:    1831.08.13   Record of hearing `Fox v Darwin; Darwin v Darwin'
CUL-DAR227.6.357    Correspondence:   Forbes W to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.08.17   Forbes W to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR227.6.358    Correspondence:   Morris W to Darwin Robert Waring  1821.09.03   Morris W to Darwin Robert Waring
CUL-DAR204.186    Correspondence:   Congreve Mary to Darwin Charles Robert  [1821].10.27   Congreve Mary to Darwin Charles Robert
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